Simple Swedish Podcast - #259 - Hitta det perfekta hemmet

Episode Date: December 15, 2024

Nivå: A2-B1 Jag har nyligen flyttat in i ett nytt hem och jag ville dela processen med er och också lära er några bra ord relaterade till att leta lägenhet. --- Vårt bästa erbjudande någonsin ...för Language Gym! Bara fram till 25/12! Första månaden 399 SEK (~35€) utan bindningstid. Efter första månaden bestäm själv om du vill fortsätta eller inte. Gör 2025 till året du lär dig flytande svenska! Klicka här för att ta del av erbjudandet! --- Transkript --- Hallå, hallå. Välkommen till Simple Swedish Podcast. Jag heter Fredrik och idag ska jag prata om att hitta ett perfekt hem. För jag flyttade ganska nyligen till en ny lägenhet tillsammans med min flickvän. Och jag tänkte prata lite om hur det är att leta lägenhet, att flytta, hur det är att göra det i Spanien, ja, och lite ord, lite vokabulär relaterat till det också. Först och främst så ska jag tacka några nya patrons. Det är Özge, Jack, Iolanda, Arun och Albee. Tack till er för att ni stödjer podden och får transkript till alla avsnitt. Och, ja, så, jag och min flickvän, vi flyttade in i den här lägenheten som vi bor i nu för kanske en månad sedan. Så vi har bott här i en månad. Det här är ett tidsuttryck som ofta är lite knepigt. Vi har bott här i en månad. Vi flyttade in för en månad sedan. Så för en månad sedan flyttade vi in. Så det har gått en månad sedan vi flyttade in. Så vi har bott här i en månad. Så fungerar det med tidsuttryck för det här. Jag kan till exempel säga “jag har bott i Valencia i snart fyra år”. Så vi använder liksom “har”, “bott” och “i”. Vi säger inte “för” utan vi säger “i”. Och vi säger “har bott”. Ett väldigt vanligt fel, till exempel, folk säger “jag bor i Sverige för tre år” eller något sådant. Nej, “jag har bott i Sverige i tre år” till exempel. Så vi har bott i den här lägenheten i en månad, tror jag, nu. Och det var ganska svårt att hitta en bra lägenhet. Dels för att jag hade ganska många krav. Jag hade en ganska tydlig bild av vad jag vill ha. Hur jag vill att lägenheten ska se ut. Och dessutom så är situationen här i Valencia och på många ställen i Spanien..i alla större städer i Spanien och speciellt längs Medelhavskusten. Så här är situationen lite svår, kan man säga.   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Simple Swedish Podcast. My name is Fredrik and today I will talk recently to a new apartment together with my girlfriend and I was going to talk a little about how it is to look for an apartment to move, how it is to do it in Spain Yes, and yes a little word, a little vocabulary related to that too First of all, I should thank some new Patrons. It is Özge, Jack,
Starting point is 00:01:03 Jolanda, Arun and Albi Thank you for supporting the podcast and getting transcripts for all episodes. We moved in to this apartment we live in now for maybe a month ago So we have lived here for a month This is a time expression that is often a bit tricky We have lived here for a month. We moved in a month ago. So, a month ago we moved in. So it has been a month since we moved in.
Starting point is 00:02:01 So we have lived here for a month. Okay, that's how it works with the time expression for this. I can for example say I have lived in Valencia for almost four years. So we use like har, bott and i Okay, we don't say för, but we say i And we say har bott A very very common mistake, for example people say I live in Sweden for three years or something like that No, I have lived in Sweden for three years for example. So we have lived in this apartment for a month I think now.
Starting point is 00:02:54 And it was quite difficult to find a good apartment. a good apartment. Partly because I had quite a lot of requirements. I had a pretty clear picture of what I want the apartment to look like and also the situation here in Valencia and in many places in Spain in all the bigger cities in Spain and especially along the Mediterranean coast so here the situation is a little difficult along the Mediterranean coast So here the situation is a bit difficult you could say
Starting point is 00:03:54 The housing market The market for all the housing A housing market is for example a house, an apartment somewhere where you live. A home town. So the home town market is not so... It's not feeling so good, you could say. It's very, very high pressure.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And there are many who want to find a home Many who want to find somewhere to live and there are not enough many housing and that makes the prices go up very much So the prices rise they go up And it's very expensive to rent an apartment here Because I can't buy an apartment right now So we have to rent an apartment
Starting point is 00:05:02 And often you have to hire through a tenant. A tenant is a person or a the apartment and that person contacts the landlord and the landlord transmits the apartment to the client, to the guest. Okay, so we have been looking for an apartment for a month I think month before we found this one. We are searching online. There is a website called Idealista. It's there that most of the apartments end up. So you can search there, after the apartments. And you can save a search. So as soon as there's a new ad with an apartment that meets your needs
Starting point is 00:06:30 I had some requirements from the beginning We want two bedrooms and a living room a bedroom and a living room so so you click in it you check boxes, two bedrooms and another requirement from my side was that I wanted a terrace
Starting point is 00:07:01 a terrace or a big balcony. Because that is something that I have wanted to have for a long time. I have dreamed of having a terrace where you can sit and eat food. You have a nice view You can invite friends over And sit on the terrace and have a nice and cozy time So I've long wanted to have a terrace And I thought that now it's time for the next apartment I live in to have a terrace.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Okay, that's like... I know it's hard to find, especially without paying a lot. But I thought that I I want to have that. Because I know that it is possible. I have friends who have terraces and I know that it is possible. So if it is possible, it means that if I want it, I will have it. And we want an extra bedroom to have as a guest room and, or I work only from home So I need a space A room where I can have my home office So those were two important points And then you get a notification when people looking for an apartment and there are not that many apartments
Starting point is 00:09:32 so every time a new apartment comes out on the market, there are many people who write, call and contact each other to get that apartment So you have to be a little quick And I think we were pretty quick And we started to go and see the apartments and in Spain it works a little different from in Sweden because in Sweden there are usually one or two or three specific dates and times that you have a so called show so you have a show
Starting point is 00:10:30 a specific time, a specific date and everyone who is interested in the apartment will come and check on the apartment when it's show and here it's a little bit And here it's more like, okay, you're calling and
Starting point is 00:10:48 this is either the agent or the accountant, you could say. The accountant or the agent or the accountant, yeah. Or if it's the owner of the apartment They often say, you can come today or tomorrow And look, and it's often that it's just you They take the meetings personally So you meet the landlord or the buyer directly in the apartment and it's only us who are there at the same time and it's quite high pressure because they want you to say yes or no directly, but it's a little difficult to just decide directly.
Starting point is 00:11:53 And it was always something that felt like, no, it was always something. We looked at It was always something. We looked at quite a few. We looked at one, right in the centre, a very nice neighbourhood. But on the terrace you could hear a lot of traffic. You could hear the sound of traffic. Even inside the neighbourhood it didn't feel quiet. And calm and comfortable So then I realized that I have more demands I also want it to be calm and quiet
Starting point is 00:12:39 Because I can't relax completely if I hear a lot of traffic noise And we saw more apartments And I got more demands because I realized new things that I feel like I need I feel like I need For example that I don't want to live on the bottom floor of the apartment The floor down Because it's often dark And I can't afford a dark home I need light and most of all sunlight
Starting point is 00:13:26 especially in the living room so there has to be some kind of sunlight that comes in the living room and also on the bottom floor so the terrace on the bottom floor is like everyone around you can see down directly on you. So if you sit on the terrace on the bottom floor, all the windows around you can see can see you directly, so it doesn't feel so private It feels very public And that's not so nice, so I got that requirement as well
Starting point is 00:14:17 So there were quite a few requirements But at the same time I have this conviction that I know that I can get what I want. I know that it is possible and if it is possible, then I can find it. I only need one apartment that has everything I'm looking for. And in the end we found... First of all, it was an apartment that felt very good in the beginning. But there were so many problems and quarrels with this man who rented the apartment. It was no real estate agent, it was just some kind of mediator. A mediator, you could say that it is a mediator.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And there was so much, I had to send a lot of documents And this is also a thing with renting an apartment in Spain Because since the prices are so high So many people have problems paying their rent And therefore the value of the rent must be paid The value of the rent is the person who hires out. So often the owner of the apartment is the world of hiring. So the world of hiring must know that you earn enough money to be able to pay the rent so they want to have
Starting point is 00:16:10 Contract from your employer so you have to show that you earn enough money You have to show that you have a good economy so you have to prove that that you can pay the rent That was a problem for me Because my company is not in Spain So that was a problem I had to send a lot of documents To show that I have a good economy, I can pay the rent.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And with one apartment it became too big of a problem and we started to feel that something was wrong, something that didn't feel good And when something doesn't feel good, when you feel in your body that this is not good Then it often means that you shouldn't do that You shouldn't go there. The body says no, that usually means no. The body usually is right. Also called intuition. So...
Starting point is 00:17:38 So we said no to that apartment. Which was very good, because then we got to this apartment that we live in now. And I felt it right away when I came in and when I got to see all the rooms and everything. And I was like, yes, this is perfect! It checks all boxes. I didn't think I would get all boxes checked. It's really nice to have a bath car, but not something that you have as an important requirement. But a nice detail. It has a lot of nice details, except that it checks all the boxes. And I felt like I wanted the feeling when I came in that yes, I want this one. And I actually got that feeling, so I have manifested this. So it's really a proof for me, that it really works to manifest things. I know that it's possible and I'm not going to give up until I get what I know is possible. So it felt very nice to get that as a proof.
Starting point is 00:19:39 The prizes... I have a brother who lives in Sweden who has also found an apartment and you might think that people pay more rent in Sweden than in Spain because people earn a lot more in Sweden than in Spain, but... But... But when I asked for his budget, it was much lower than my budget. We live in a flat where we pay 1. And that is a pretty good price for what we have. Because we live with two bedrooms, pretty nice and modern, with a terrace and quite central, but still calm. So... It is high prices And there have been demonstrations in Spain quite a lot lately Because of this The prices on housing have increased so much
Starting point is 00:21:01 So it's a problem here It's pretty crazy because 1400 is very high. I feel that if I can afford it and it gives me the quality of life I want, then I will pay it because I feel it's worth it. But it's absolutely a pretty high price. I wanted to talk about this, partly because you can learn some good words and stuff but also because I like to talk about this, if you really want something and you know it's possible, you should just do it. So that was it I wanted to talk about. Before we end, I want to remind you that we have, or I have Because it's only me who has this offer right now
Starting point is 00:22:28 For Language Gym So the place where you can practice speaking Swedish with real people every day So perfect if you feel that you can speak Swedish No matter how good you can speak, but you can speak But you don't get enough training And you don't get these personal connections to other people So This is absolutely for you in that case And we have this offer that you get the first month unlimited with lessons, that is, how many lessons you want.
Starting point is 00:23:16 The first month we have 100 lessons per month and you get it for 399 crowns which is about 35 euros that is 67 percent discount so a very very good offer probably our best offer ever it is only month, so until the end of December. Or until the 25th of December, if I'm being honest. So it's up to Christmas, ok? Perfect Christmas present actually If you want to give this to someone So the first month, 399 SEK or 35 Euro Then you can continue if you want
Starting point is 00:24:18 Or stop if you want No binding time. So, yes, go... I post... I include the link in the description to this episode. So, if you feel that you really need to talk to Swedish people I have seen that this works. So, yes, take part of this offer
Starting point is 00:24:48 And we'll see you soon again Take care, bye!

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