Simple Swedish Podcast - #260 - God jul och gott nytt år!

Episode Date: December 21, 2024

Nivå: A2-B1 I det här avsnittet berättar jag lite om julen, hur vi firar den i Sverige och även om nyår. Jag tipsar också om flera andra avsnitt som kan vara intressanta att lyssna på just nu! ...Men först och främst det bästa erbjudandet någonsin för att gå med i Language Gym: 100 live-lektioner varje månad där du får prata mycket med riktiga människor. Ett unikt program som fortsätter att bli bättre och bättre. Normalt pris för en månad 1199 SEK - nu bara 399 SEK (~35€), och efteråt kan du fortsätta eller sluta, bestäm själv! Klicka här för att ta del av erbjudandet - sista dagen 25/12! Gör 2025 till året du lär dig flytande svenska! Transkript Nämen tjena tjena! Välkommen till Simple Swedish Podcast. Och nu är det ju väldigt, väldigt snart jul. Du kanske lyssnar på det här på julafton eller på juldagen eller efter jul. Så jag tänkte att jag ska prata lite om jul. Och först av allt vill jag bara påminna om vårt väldigt, väldigt trevliga erbjudande på Language Gym. Alltså det bästa erbjudandet någonsin för Language Gym. Och det är till dig som har studerat svenska ett tag. Du har resurser för att läsa, för att lyssna. Du kan prata, kanske inte på en jättehög nivå. Men du kan prata svenska. Men du bara får inte tillräckligt mycket träning på att prata för att lära dig flytande svenska. Så om det är du, då är det här absolut för dig. Och en månad i Language Gym är vanligtvis 1199 SEK. Men nu får du den månaden för 399 kronor. Ungefär 35 euro. Och efter den månaden kan du välja själv om du vill fortsätta eller om du vill sluta. Men första månaden, obegränsat med lektioner bara 399. Det är 67% rabatt. Och det gäller fram till den 25 (tjugofemte). Så om du hör det här innan den 25 (tjugofemte) så är det bråttom. Så se till att nästa år det är året du tar nästa steg och lär dig flytande svenska. Och det är perfekt att starta med Language Gym så du får mycket träning i att prata och med verkliga människor. Okej, det var sista gången jag pratar om det här erbjudandet i podden. Så följ länken i beskrivningen om du är intresserad av det här. Så nu tänkte jag prata lite om jul och nyår. Jag har gjort avsnitt om det här förut, till exempel avsnitt 17 (sjutton). Det var länge sedan så därför tänkte jag att jag gör ett nytt avsnitt om jul. Jag tänkte prata lite om nyår också. ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to the Simple Swedish Podcast. It's almost Christmas time. You might be listening to this on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or after Christmas. So I thought I would talk a little bit about Christmas. First of all I just want to remind you about our very very nice offer on Language Gym the best offer ever for Language Gym and it is to you who have studied Swedish for a while you have resources to read, to listen
Starting point is 00:01:02 you can speak maybe not at a very high level, but you can speak Swedish, but you just don't get enough training to speak to learn fluent Swedish. So if it's you, then this is absolutely for you. And one month in Language Gym is usually 1199. But now you get that month for 399 SEK. About 35 euros and after that month you can choose yourself if you want to continue or if you want to stop but the first month unlimited with lessons
Starting point is 00:01:55 only 399 it is 67% discount and it applies until the 25th so if you hear this before the 25th it's soon so make sure that next year is the year you take the next step and learn fluent Swedish and it's perfect to start with language gym so you get a lot of practice in speaking And with real people Okay, that was my last time talking about this offer in the podcast So follow the link in the description if you are interested in this
Starting point is 00:02:50 So now I was going to talk a little about Christmas and New Year I have made an episode about this before For example episode 17 was a long time ago so that's why I thought I would make a new episode about Christmas. I was going to talk a little about New Year too. So the word Christmas, you think it comes from an Asa god that was celebrated especially during this time called Jålner one of the many names of the word so that was the word we talked about, the Asa-god from Nordic mythology. Because Christmas has roots that are longer back in time than Christianity.
Starting point is 00:03:56 They celebrated Midwinter, that is the shortest day of the year And that was celebrated before Sweden became the Christian While people were still vikings and believed in the Asa gods The words Thor and Loki and these So then they also celebrated this midwinter Which we call Christmas now and the We have Advent for example, we have First Advent, Second Advent, Third and Fourth Advent, so the Sundays in December. We also have Lucia, the celebration will hear more about the Lucia tradition. So Christmas decorations So you decorate, you decorate So Christmas decorations
Starting point is 00:05:34 You have a lot of different decorations For example, that you are decorating a wreath So the wreath is this tree that you have on Christmas. And you wear the wreath. A wreath, it's a kind of tree. So you wear the wreath and you decorate Christmas. And in Sweden we celebrate the 24th, so Christmas Eve. So we don't celebrate the evening.
Starting point is 00:06:25 The evening is actually the same as the evening, but we don't just celebrate the evening, we celebrate the whole day. So Christmas Eve, the 24th, is a family holiday. So it doesn't mean that we party and drink, well, you can drink, but it's with the family. Very familiar. In my family we have always gathered. Mother and father, and grandparents and so on. And then the most important activity is to eat. Of course, to eat Christmas food
Starting point is 00:07:06 Christmas table Christmas table is a nice tradition that people do all of December I think So you do that with the job as well You go to the Christmas table with the job, it's pretty common then you eat a lot of Christmas food simply sometimes it can be other events and so but to go to a Christmas table
Starting point is 00:07:37 and the Christmas table is always on Christmas Eve and the most important thing on the Christmas table is of course the Christmas ham. Christmas ham is always on the Christmas table. There are other things as well, such as seal and meatballs. Jansson's Christmas present. Jansson's Christmas present is like a kind of potato gratin with anchovies A bit strange, but very good when it's well done We have of course herring, there's often red cabbage and salmon And a lot of different traditional food on the Christmas table Another important tradition is to look at Calle Anka It's a bit strange to look at Calle Anka
Starting point is 00:08:34 Calle Anka is Donald Duck in Sweden And I think that's possible at 4 o'clock If I'm not mistaken And It's a very strong tradition And it's been around since The 50's I think So my parents also watch Kalle Anka
Starting point is 00:08:56 On Christmas Eve So that's what you have to do If you celebrate a Swedish Christmas Watch Kalle Anka And of course We have the Christmas Santa What do you have to do if you celebrate a Swedish Christmas? Check out Kalle Anka And of course we have the Christmas Santa So the Christmas Santa is this guy in red clothes Who comes with Christmas presents
Starting point is 00:09:18 And he comes on Christmas Eve And he knocks on the door and says Oh ho ho, are there any nice kids here? So the kids must of course have been nice According to tradition But yeah, so he comes with Christmas presents We also have Christmas presents under the tree. So, Christmas presents are these gifts that you give to each other on Christmas Eve.
Starting point is 00:09:55 A Christmas present. I have an episode about Christmas presents. Episode 164 so listen to episode 164 if you want to know more about Christmas presents I also have an episode about the Christmas Santa and that is episode 64 so that is actually quite interesting because the Christmas Santa we have now is a mix of different characters from the story. To let people know how this character has been developed through history
Starting point is 00:10:48 Because we had a completely different concept before the Christmas-tomte There were tomte's that didn't have to do with with Christmas It's a completely different thing But in some way this Santa Claus mythology has been mixed with Christmas and different things So that's interesting, listen to episode 64 to hear more about the Christmas Santa yes, so we We eat and drink and look at Calianka and open Christmas presents and get a visit from the Christmas Santa Yes, that's what you do on Christmas and then the Christmas day So the day after Christmas Christmas Day Christmas day, so the day after Christmas, Christmas day Then we do nothing special, but maybe take it easy
Starting point is 00:11:51 Eat more Christmas food because there is always a lot of Christmas food that you need to eat Sometimes people go out and party on Christmas or another day of Christmas So Christmas or another day of Christmas, it's common to go out on the Christmas tree and celebrate. So another day of Christmas is two days after Christmas Eve And then the next thing is New Year We call it New Year So the days between Christmas and New Year We call them the days between the days The days between Christmas and New Year
Starting point is 00:12:44 And it's pretty common that The days between Christmas and New Year. It's pretty common that shops have a discount during the days. A discount means that things cost a little less. So you have good prices, basically. Just like we have on Language Gym right now. You could say we have a reunion. But it's not an in-between reunion. Because in the in-between days the offer is already over. So, yes.
Starting point is 00:13:17 We have the in-between days. And then comes the New Year. The New Year's Eve. The New Year's Eve, yes. So we celebrate the New Year's Eve. And then of course it's more with friends than with family. It's a little more party. So you eat and drink, often maybe dress up nicely to dress up means to dress up more nicely
Starting point is 00:13:49 so that you take nice clothes on then you dress up it's not like in english to dress up can be different things in english in swedish to dress up specifically to dress up can be different things in English In Swedish it's to dress up Specifically to dress up more nicely And of course it's fireworks So fireworks are these that fly up in the air and explode in different colors
Starting point is 00:14:22 Fireworks Fireworks sounds almost like in English Fireworks. Fireworks. But we add Err-ier. I don't know why. So, that's done on New Year's. You put off sometimes your New Year's promises. And then the day after New Year's is the New Year's Day. And that is the day when all the pizzerias in Sweden work hard
Starting point is 00:14:50 because there is no other day in the year that the Swedes eat as much pizza as on New Year's Day Yes, and what do you say to people? New Year's Day Yes and What do you say to people? You say God jul and God nyt år. God jul and God nyt år God jul and God nyt år. You say maybe God jul. Maybe you say before Christmas
Starting point is 00:15:21 Or you may say God Christmas and Happy New Year as you wish after Christmas you say God Fortsättning so if you meet someone and you say goodbye you can say God Fortsättning
Starting point is 00:15:40 so you can say after Christmas before Christmas you say God Jul or God Jul och Gott nyt år after Christmas you say God jul or god jul and got nyt år After Christmas you can say god fortsättning You can also say god fortsättning after new year And got nyt år you say it on the New Years Eve I think, maybe not on the average Happy New Year, maybe you say
Starting point is 00:16:11 on New Years Eve, and especially at 12 o'clock So 12 o'clock is when the clock strikes 12 and we have a new year at the 12th. Yes, that was what I was going to talk about in this episode. The episode number 17 about Christmas, number 64 about Santa Claus, number 164 about Christmas presents And make sure to go to Language Gym to participate in the gift with 399 for the first month Yes, that was the last time I talked about the offer.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! See you soon again! Bye bye!

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