Simple Swedish Podcast - #261 - Tillbakablick på 2024

Episode Date: December 28, 2024

Nivå: A2-B1 I det här avsnittet tar vi och blickar tillbaka på det gångna året, både i världen och mitt eget liv. Jag pratar också om vår gratis community på Skool som är ett måste för som lär sig svenska. Klicka här för att komma dit, och glöm inte att joina januariutmaningen! -------------------- Stöd podden och få transkript till avsnitten - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! -------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Swedish Immersion Boot Camp Träna svenska varje dag på Language Gym ------------------- Transkript Hallå, hallå! Det här är Simple Swedish Podcast. Jag heter Fredrik och jag hälsar dig välkommen till den här podden. Så ja, nu har du kanske redan firat jul och det är snart nyår. Så i alla fall när det här avsnittet kommer ut, då är det snart nyår. Nu när jag spelar in det så är det dock bara mitten av december. Jag måste jobba lite extra och lite i förväg just nu eftersom jag snart ska resa till Sverige. Jag ska fira jul och jag ska på vårt Language Lock-in Boot Camp. Vinterbootcampet som vi kör över nyår. Så jag kommer inte hinna jobba jättemycket de närmsta veckorna, så därför jobbar jag upp mig lite nu. Så att jag jobbar lite extra för att ligga lite före med arbetsuppgifterna och så. Ja, och idag tänkte jag att det passar att ha en liten tillbakablick på året som har gått. En tillbakablick är alltså att man ser tillbaka. En blick tillbaka helt enkelt på 2024. Men innan det så ska jag såklart tacka några patrons. Det är Ed, Rachel, Will, Yuqing och Tetiana. Tack till er för att ni stödjer den här podden. Och någonting som också kan vara användbart och hjälpsamt är ju att inför nästa år att kanske sätta några intentioner för det kommande året. Så många människor avlägger nyårslöften. Ett nyårslöfte är ju någonting som man lovar att göra det kommande året. Men jag tror att det är kanske inte så ofta man faktiskt gör det man har lovat. Och kanske är det också så att man kanske inte lovar för att man faktiskt kommer göra det utan för att det känns bättre i stunden att lova att allting kommer bli mycket bättre och så. Så jag tror att ibland kan det göra att man känner sig stressad och pressad, och kanske om man inte uppfyller sitt löfte så kanske man känner sig besviken på sig själv och så. Inte så konstruktivt. ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello hello, this is Simple Swedish Podcast. My name is Fredrik and I welcome you to this podcast. So now you may have already celebrated Christmas And it's soon New Year So anyway, when this episode comes out Then it's soon New Year Now when I play it, it's only the middle of December But in December I have to work extra and in advance Because I will soon travel to Sweden, celebrate Christmas and I will be at our language lock-in bootcamp The winter bootcamp that we do Over New Year
Starting point is 00:01:09 So I won't be able to work that much The next few weeks So I'm working up a bit now So I'm working extra to To be a little ahead with my work tasks and stuff. Yes, and today I thought it would be appropriate to have a little look back on the year that has gone. A look back is to see back. A look back, simply. On 2024.
Starting point is 00:01:55 But before that, I should thank some Patrons. It's Ed, Rachel, Will, Yuqing, Tetjana. Thank you for supporting this podcast and Something that can also be Useful and helpful is that Next year to maybe set some intentions for the coming year. So many people put off the New Year's promise.
Starting point is 00:02:31 A New Year's promise is something that you promise to do the coming year. But I think that it's maybe not so often that you actually do what you have promised And maybe it's also the case that you maybe don't promise because you will actually do it But because it feels better in the moment to promise that everything will get better So I think that sometimes it can make you feel stressed and pressured and maybe if you don't fulfill your promise, you might feel disappointed in yourself and so on. Not so constructive. So, yes, maybe, or I have long thought that it is better with intentions, so I have talked about that before in the podcast. So around every New Year I usually do a video about intentions for the new year.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I don't know if I will do that now, but I have actually created a challenge that you can be a part of. So intentions can be very powerful. I have set myself intentions all the last years part of. There we will find something, a daily action, something you can do every day. that is not so difficult, but that takes you in that direction that is in line with your intention and I have not published that challenge yet because right now we are doing another challenge December challenge, this will be the January challenge The December challenge I have published on our free community
Starting point is 00:05:38 Which is on the platform Skol So we have skol. Okej? Så vi har slash Swedish. Och skol stavar du med SKOOL. SKOOL.COM slash Swedish. Så där har Swedish, you simply have to be a part of the school. I will publish this challenge. When you listen to this, I hope that I have already published this challenge. That is the plan. I will publish it at school. Everyone can be part of it.
Starting point is 00:06:31 So we cheer each other up, help each other, we get motivation from each other to do these daily actions that are in line with our intention for the new year. It can be in Swedish, it will probably be mostly in Swedish, but it can also be other things. So go to school and look at that. There are a lot of resources at school. It's a community, so perfect for you who are learning Swedish. You just have to be there if you want to learn Swedish.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Okay, enough said about that. Now we're going to... I'm going to have a look back at 2024. Both in the world and in my own life. I think it might be useful to look back at that past year. So in the world we have... I don't know, I tried to google and find a good list of everything that has happened. The main things that have happened. But I couldn't find anything.
Starting point is 00:08:03 So I have come to think a little myself. I have to think myself sometimes too. I found a list, a few lists, but they were very specific for the US, specific for conflicts and such. There have been many conflicts. For example, we have Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which has now occurred for over 1000 days. I know that it has actually occurred for 10 years,
Starting point is 00:08:44 but this big invasion has been going on for 1000 days. We have a lot of shit going on around Israel. The Gaza war, Israel and Hezbollah war Which has also been paused We hope it has been ended Israel and Iran have had the first open conflict ever. It doesn't seem to get much bigger, as luck would have it. We have in Sudan, it's still very bad, and it continues in Myanmar And then we have Syria that happened very recently that the rebels Yes, took over
Starting point is 00:09:52 whole Syria and and threw out Al-Assad, Bashar al-Assad President who seems to hate. So it's hard to say what will happen in Syria. But I hope that there is, there seems to be a lot of hope. So we hope that it will be good. I actually have a pretty good feeling. I understand that there is a lot that is still happening there and a lot of things that are not so good, but there is some kind of hope in Syria, I feel. Then Trump won the election in the US.
Starting point is 00:10:56 We will see how it goes with that. I always try to be both realistic and optimistic at the same time. One thing that feels good about that is that it seems like he absolutely does not want the US to be in war so that is of course quite positive and then Julian Assange has been released so Julian Assange, the guy from WikiLeaks who sat seven years at Ecuador's embassy and then five years in British prison
Starting point is 00:11:52 because he had like revealed things about the American war crime. It was crazy that he was put in prison for so long. That kind of people need to be able to... You need to protect that kind of people. It's a crazy double morality to say that you stand for free journalism and press press and such things, while at the same time you freedom-claim someone like Julian Assange. So freedom-claiming is that you claim someone
Starting point is 00:12:56 freedom, that person's freedom. To claim, that is, to take from someone, to claim someone of their freedom. So to deprive of freedom. For example, to put them in prison. So that was very positive, that Julian Assange was freed and could go home to Australia. So to free someone is to release that person free from for example the prison. Probably the prison.
Starting point is 00:13:34 One thing that has happened here in Valencia is Spain's biggest natural disaster in modern times. Which is pretty sick that it has happened in the city where I live And that was this big, big flood. Here in Spain they call it La Dana. Because Dana is the weather phenomenon that happens. But it has never happened on such a large scale. With such catastrophic consequences and now it's, I don't know, one and a half months or soon two months
Starting point is 00:14:30 and it's still like many, many places that aren't particularly good yet We have also had a lot of development within AI, artificial intelligence, and I saw recently that Google had released some kind of quantum chip that can do calculations, that is, 100 million, billion times faster than a normal chip. I don't know exactly what that means, what the consequences will be of this, but in any case it is quite clear that this digital development, AI development, all this happens very very quickly. It's hard to imagine what kind of technology we will have in just 5 or 10 years. The 20th, 30th century will probably have pretty crazy technological innovations. We might... Sam Altman has said that we will have AGI already next year,
Starting point is 00:16:11 which is completely insane. So if you don't know what AGI is, it's artificial general intelligence. So not that you can it's artificial general intelligence. Not that you can have a computer that can do one task better than the human. ask Chachibutti to generate stories in Moroccan Arabic We are very good at that, it can generate a lot of good things better than me
Starting point is 00:16:54 But I can't ask Chachibutti to do everything better than me. But AGI is when a computer can do everything better than a human being. Which means that we are not the smartest entities the beings longer. Which means that no one knows what the consequences are. It feels crazy if it would be already next year. Experts have said that it can be in two years, it can be in 100 years, nobody knows. But between 200 years, it's reasonable that it's more than two years. But if it's next year, it's pretty sick. Okay, so that was a little bit about how it has been in the world And in my life, of course, a big thing that has happened the last year is of course Language Gym This program that I have developed together with my business partners in Language Lock-in
Starting point is 00:18:30 We started it in January and we have almost 200 members there now So it has grown quite a lot We have nine teachers, I think. 9-10 teachers. And I have also seen that it actually works. So I feel that it is a very good product that I can be proud of, which I feel is also unique. So that is something that is very cool to be a part of. And we are planning to start the German version and the Spanish version. So that will be for next year. I have also... Well...
Starting point is 00:19:26 Some personal stuff Which... I have had to deal with Some parts of myself Which have been a bit difficult To deal with I won't go into details. I've also moved out of the apartment I used to live in.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And moved into a new home. And moved in with my girlfriend. And I've started playing in a band that's pretty cool and we actually had our first gig a week ago when you heard it, it's three weeks ago. And I've had this as an intention for many years. That I want to continue with music and this opportunity
Starting point is 00:20:46 was presented to me in my life and I just needed to take that chance so now I play the guitar in a small band and yes, our first recording was really fun of course yes, our first recording was of course really fun. Yes, I have travelled, travelled, on some travels.
Starting point is 00:21:16 To Sardinia, to Morocco, to Sardinia again, to Sweden. In Morocco I was very, very grateful that I could speak French. I don't know exactly how I still can speak pretty good French even though I almost never use it. But I have maintained the French by sometimes watching a series or reading a book or doing something in French
Starting point is 00:21:44 so that I can maintain it. And it's also a language I learned when I was quite young. It was the first language, except English, that I started learning myself. It was the first language that I decided on my own to start learning. It was French. It was 2010 in Australia. And I have maintained that, and this is... I've never had as much use for this French as on that trip to Morocco. And I was very, very happy that I could speak French, because I was there with my girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I was there with my girlfriend and her friends. Everyone speaks French very well and her parents too. So French is a language that most people in Morocco can speak if they are well educated. In any case. It's a bit like English in Sweden. You can handle it very well in English, most people speak English, everyone is not completely comfortable maybe, but most people can handle it pretty well. And some people even prefer English, I have continued with Russian, but I have lost interest and motivation, unfortunately. But I have read quite a lot in Russian, which is nice. And I have started with Moroccan-Arab Arabic, also called Darija and it's really fun because it's a language that is not so common to learn what makes it difficult is that there are not so many resources
Starting point is 00:24:01 but luckily there are now ChatGPT ChatGPT helps me a lot with Drea I can generate short stories on easy Drea I use Link to study with the stories and I can ask Chachiputi about grammar and all the different words and it gives me examples with easy examples as well. So Chachipiti is actually pretty pedagogical I must say so it's good now in the beginning
Starting point is 00:24:51 before I can consume something a little more sophisticated content and before I can talk to people unfortunately there is no language gym for Darija. Maybe someday in the future. So yes, that was a look back at my life, a look back at the world and also about this challenge to run in January with all our New Year's intentions. And yes, when you listen to this I'm probably at the bootcamp in Mora. Because I will celebrate New Year there with the participants.
Starting point is 00:25:39 If you who are listening now are a bootcamp participant, we will see you there. If you are a earlier bootcamp participant, it's fun to listen to the podcast. To all of you, Happy New Year!

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