Simple Swedish Podcast - #264 - Hyra och köpa lägenhet i Sverige

Episode Date: January 20, 2025

Nivå: A2-B1 Här kommer ett avsnitt om information och vokabulär som kan vara bra att veta på ämnet att köpa och hyra lägenhet i Sverige! -------------------- Stöd podden och få transkript til...l avsnitten - bli patron för bara 5€ per månad – klicka här! Gå med i vår GRATIS community på Skool. Där hittar du live-lektioner, kurser, läromaterial och en community av studenter och lärare som hjälper varandra! Har du svårt att hitta tillfällen att prata svenska? Är det för svårt att prata med svenskar? Letar du efter en plats dit du alltid kan gå för att träna din svenska varje dag? Då är Language Gym för dig! Klicka här för att läsa mer. ------------------- Instagram: swedish.linguist YouTube: Swedish Linguist Swedish Immersion Boot Camp Träna svenska varje dag på Language Gym ------------------- Transkript Hallå, hallå! Välkommen till Simple Swedish Podcast. Idag ska jag prata om att hyra lägenhet i Sverige. Och kanske också lite om skillnaderna mellan till exempel Sverige och Spanien. Och Sverige och, ja, jag har ju bott i några olika länder. Så, ja, jag tänker att jag kan jämföra lite mellan Sverige och andra länder. Se vad som kanske är lite unikt för Sverige, vad som kanske är lite speciellt för Sverige, och så. Men såklart, innan vi börjar så ska jag tacka några patrons. Det är Francesco, Tomasz, Ambika, Chris och まゆ. Tack till er för att ni stödjer den här podden. För alla som vill stödja podden och få transkript till avsnitten, gå till Och ett väldigt bra sätt att använda de här transkripten på är att ladda ner ett Chrome-tillägg som heter Readlang.   Då kan man klicka på ord i texten och en översättning kommer upp direkt i texten. Så det kan vara väldigt användbart.   Personligen tycker jag mycket om LingQ, men det kostar pengar. Men Readlang är helt gratis. Så det är ett litet tips. Så, hur fungerar det då att hyra lägenhet i Sverige? Så först och främst så behöver man såklart då hitta en lägenhet. Så, hur hittar man en lägenhet? Ja, det beror lite på.   ....för att läsa hela transkriptet till detta och alla andra avsnitt, klicka här!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Simple Swedish Podcast. Today I will talk about renting an apartment in Sweden. And maybe also a little about the differences between Sweden and Spain and Sweden and... I have lived in some different countries so I think I can compare between Sweden and other countries see what is maybe a bit unique for Sweden what is maybe a bit unique for Sweden What is special for Sweden But before we start
Starting point is 00:00:52 I want to thank some Patrons It's Francesco, Tomas, Ambika, Chris and Mayu Thank you for supporting this podcast For everyone who wants to support the podcast and get a transcript for the episode Go to slash Swedish Linguist And a very good way to use these transcripts is to download a Chrome add-on called Readlang Then you can click on words in the text and a translation comes up directly in the text. So that can be very useful.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Personally, I like a lot about Link. L-i-n-g-q, but it costs money. But Readlang is completely free. So that's a little tip So, how does it work to rent an apartment in Sweden? So first and foremost, you need to find an apartment So how do you find a flat? It depends a little bit Because there are two forms to rent a flat
Starting point is 00:02:38 There is one form to rent an apartment And then there are two forms to own an apartment So, an apartment that you rent is called the right to rent So, if you want to rent an apartment, that is, so you don't own the apartment, but someone else owns it And that person rents out the apartment to me So I pay every month, I rent the apartment, I pay rent So yes, pay every month, you pay your rent every month. And it's called a rent. The other common form of this is called a housing right.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And housing right, then you buy your apartment. So most of the apartments you buy are housing rights. And that is a special system in Sweden, because you own the inside of the apartment. So you don't own the whole apartment, you don't own the door for example. You own the inside of the apartment if you have a housing right. And the rest, all the other parts, you own collectively. So all people who own a housing right in a building, then you own everything else together, collectively and there is an association
Starting point is 00:04:46 an association, so everyone who owns a housing right in this building are members of the association long word, an association for housing rights an association for these housing rights association. Long word. A housing rights association. Yes, an association for these housing rights. And then there is a board. And the board is a small group that decides what should be done, simply, in this housing rights association.
Starting point is 00:05:24 For example, how high should the monthly expenses be? What investments should we make? Generally, what should be done in this building? You organize such things and decide things. That is what the management does in the housing rights association. So all owners are members in the association. And every year you have a meeting and there you choose the board. You choose which members are in the board and decide.
Starting point is 00:06:11 It's very democratic. And that is if you have a right to live. But if you have a right to rent, if you rent your apartment, if you don't own it, then you have a right to rent and then you are not in any association, you just pay every month and rents his apartment. So that's the main forms of living in an apartment in Sweden. And, yes, so if you want to find an apartment, you can search online most often. And then there is first hand contract and
Starting point is 00:07:08 second hand contract so if I have a first hand contract then then it's me who is in charge of the apartment so if it's a rent
Starting point is 00:07:24 then then So if it is a rental right, then I have a contract with the rental value. The rental value is the owner of the rental right, the owner of this apartment I rent. And it can be a private person, it can be a company. So it's the rental value. So the rental value rents out the apartment to me. And we have a contract. But then, can I rent out the apartment on the other hand?
Starting point is 00:08:00 And that of course must be approved by the rental value. So the hiring world has to say ok You can hire in the other hand, and then I can sign a contract with someone And hire this apartment in the other hand and that can also be popular especially if you only need the apartment for a short period then it can be practical
Starting point is 00:08:34 to rent on the other hand so I for example I had a housing right in Gothenburg for 10 years ago I owned that apartment
Starting point is 00:08:55 for 2-3 years So I moved into that apartment and rented it. First I rented that apartment, but then after two years, the rentals wanted to sell the apartment I already lived in. So that became my apartment, my housing right. I lived there for two years and then I rented the apartment in the other hand So I owned the apartment and then I rented it after I lived there for two years When I owned it myself and rented it out for two years So I signed a contract And since I was in this housing rights association
Starting point is 00:10:19 Because I owned a housing right And that's why I'm a member of this housing rights association and they have different rules So if I want to rent out this apartment on the other hand, there are certain rules. So for example I could only rent out my apartment for one year first and then the contract could be extended with half a year in total but a maximum of one year more. So a total of a maximum of two years. So they had a rule that I could only rent the apartment for a maximum of two years. And there are different rules. Different housing rights associations have different rules. And it's the organization itself that sets these rules.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Or the board sets these rules. So the members choose the board and the members in the board, so it's like five or six people maybe, they decide the rules. Another rule was that we only had students there. But I think we removed that rule after a while. I was actually in the board for a year because I thought it was an interesting experience. So I was actually in the board for a while. And then, often, if you have found an apartment you might go to Blocket. Blocket is a website where you can find used things. old things people sell their stuff there, and there are also
Starting point is 00:12:46 apartments on the other hand, I think if you are looking for a first-hand contract on a rental house then it usually is pretty difficult in Sweden because we have housing difficult in Sweden Because we have a lack of housing in Sweden Lack of housing A housing is somewhere where you live
Starting point is 00:13:14 A house, an apartment, a housing Lack of housing means that we have too little housing So there's not enough housing, there's lack of housing means that we have too little housing So there is not enough housing, there is lack of housing So it can be difficult to find a first-hand contract But you can go to Hemnet for example And you can also stand in a residence permit So a residence permit is a permit that you stand in So you don't stand physically
Starting point is 00:13:54 You register on a website And there are different permits that you can stand in And then you have to wait It can take several years But eventually, hopefully, you get a proposal Okay, here is a residence A flat A contract for rent that can be yours
Starting point is 00:14:28 And then you need to take it Because otherwise you can lose your place in the queue So that is also a way that many people find their home. I know my brother lived in a house in the village for a long time. And he found a very nice apartment there. And now he has just moved into another apartment and you can actually change the apartment with each other it's actually pretty common
Starting point is 00:15:11 that people change the apartment because it's pretty hard to just find a good apartment but if you find a person who lives in an apartment that you like and that person says that you want a bigger flat and you find a person who wants a smaller flat Then it's easier for you to change the flat instead of just going out on the market again and then you can just go out on the market again And then there are some words that you can think of The world of rent
Starting point is 00:15:54 It's like the person who rents out to someone A person or a company can be the world of rent And I, as a rent, am a rental guest. So the rental value rents the apartment to the rental guest. So the rental guest pays rent to the rental value, simply.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And there are also rules for how much you can pay How high the rent can be So when I rented out my apartment There were rules for how high rent I could take It's called for a fee rent The rent must be fee rent That means that it should be fair or normal
Starting point is 00:16:59 Not too high So there are rules for that I don't know the rules exactly, but... Another thing to think about is if you want a furnished or un furnished apartment. So here in Spain for example, it's pretty common for apartments to be furnished But in Sweden it's pretty unusual, I would say. It's probably common in student apartments But generally, you rent apartments without furniture. So there is no furniture in the apartment. So that is a little difference. Often people have their own furniture.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Especially if it is a residential right. Of course, if you buy it, you never buy an apartment with furniture. You don't do that here in Spain either. So, yes, there are some different things that can be good to know about renting an apartment and about buying an apartment. So if you buy your apartment, it is often a so-called housing right, which means that you own the inside of the apartment, you don't own everything, for example the door. You don't own it. There is a new form of owning.
Starting point is 00:18:55 And it's called the ownership right. I don't really know. It's a new form that's not so common. But it means that you own the whole apartment. And that there is no right to live together and stuff like that. But it's not so common. So the most common thing is that you buy the apartment and it's a right to live together. Or that you rent the apartment and it's a right to rent an apartment and it's a rent right. You pay your rent to the rent world and you yourself are a guest of rent.
Starting point is 00:19:32 You also pay money every month when you live in a rental right. The money goes to, for example, maintenance of the property, payment of the loan and other things. So those money goes to the important thing for the property, the building. It's not called a rent, it's just a month's rent Even when you live in a housing right You can also live in a housing right If you want to find a good rental right
Starting point is 00:20:22 You can also find a rentals in other ways. If you want a second-hand contract, you can find it on Facebook or on the blog. I personally started with the apartment I lived in. I started with a second-hand contract contract then I got a firsthand contract on the same apartment and then I bought that apartment as well when the rental agency sold it So that was a few things
Starting point is 00:20:56 about about buying and renting an apartment in Sweden I hope it has been useful and that you have learned some new words and maybe a little more about the system how it works in Sweden and before we end
Starting point is 00:21:21 I would like to recommend our free community on It's a free community for everyone who learns Swedish. There are a lot of resources, there are discussions, courses, and even free lessons So go to slash Swedish and check it out We have a challenge that is going on right now in January in January and we have many who have participated in this
Starting point is 00:22:08 January challenge so check it out as well and I am a little bit sick today so if I sound a little different that's why but now it was finished for today
Starting point is 00:22:24 so thanks for listening and see you soon.

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