Sloss and Humphries On The Road - Ep. 2.16 (Re-Release) Thick Cast I
Episode Date: November 26, 2018We've had to drive from Edinburgh to Manchester, tomorrow we've got to drive from Manchester to London, we're currently on the sesh. There'll be an original podcast up once we get back to London so fo...r now here is an old pod where we quiz Elliot Steel to see if he is as thick as he seems (spoiler alert: he is) it's homework for you because we will be doing a brand thick-cast with him in a couple of weeks.
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What's up you fucking muggles, it's me, Cream.
We fucked up. We didn't record a podcast yesterday, we fully forgot we had a drive to Salford today,
which was a long drive, and I'll be honest with you, now we're out partying, and we don't want to do a podcast now.
So here's an old episode, which is the thick cast, with the young, beautiful Elliot Steele,
where we call him a fucking moron.
Just consider this homework, because we're going to get him back on in December
and do another thick cast with him,
so you fully understand how stupid this piece of shit is.
And we'll also have a new episode out later today or tomorrow.
Fuck you, it'll be out.
Just grow up.
Sloss and Humphreys on the road.
Muggins and cream, cream and muggins.
Straight thuggin', livin' the dream.
That's our intro. Fuckin' muggles. Tickling muggins straight thuggin living the dream that's our intro
fucking muggles
tickling the clit
inside your head
that makes you laugh
they said it can't be done
are we in the same seats
that's hack
oh muggles
rip job in the park
kiss kiss kiss
or a majestute cynical
just muggled it up
on fucking
where have you been
since 9-11
does Marcellus Mugginsopedia. Where have you been since 9-11?
Does Marcellus Muggins look like a cream?
Say what again?
That wasn't the deal.
I said,
does Marcellus Muggins
look like a cream?
That wasn't the deal.
The deal was
you would stop doing them
and then we'd see
if there was any backlash
to you stop doing them.
You said get me five.
We've got it on record.
You said get me five tweets. We it on record you said get me five tweets
we didn't get five
we've had more than five mate
you haven't shown me
any of them
I got one
I could tag you through them
I've got more than five
I've got inboxes
on Facebook
I want to see them
after the podcast
I've got letters
because look
I've got given coordinates
went and those are little notes
this is why we don't
get any new fucking listeners
because what happens is right we get a load of new listeners no we don't get any new fucking listeners right because what happens is
we get a lot of new listeners
no we don't
because they listen to the podcast
and they're like
the fuck is this opening bit
I'm going to get my point across
about eyebrows
that I tried to make last time
because Milo
got too caught up
on his own eyebrows
because he manicures his
and I don't have
doesn't need a new name
it's the same fucking kettle of fish
so right so he pedicures his eyebrows so he's like i was trying to make a point about my eyebrows but
milo was like i do my eyebrows and no one notices you don't have eyebrows you can't make a comment
i'm like yeah i don't have eyebrows but i still know what the fucking are i can still comment on
them right so my comment about eyebrows is that eyebrows is something that you only notice when
they're terrible like you don't notice that someone spent a lot of time on their eyebrows
because they're spending time on them to like blend in, to look normal, right?
If someone doesn't touch their eyebrows, it looks shit, right?
So what I was saying is people will notice it if...
If it disappears.
But we were just saying people notice the start of the podcast because it's shit.
And what you're saying is they won't notice the start of the podcast if you don't
do that bit because it'll be good
that's literally the argument you just made
you just turned my metaphor around
I've literally used your argument
I'm saying I spend a lot of time and attention on my
intros so that
no one notices
we have a special guest on
a special in more ways than one on the podcast today we have a special guest on the special in more ways than one.
On the podcast today, we have our good friend Elliot Steele.
Now Elliot, obviously the reason we have you on the podcast is because you're a good friend of ours.
That's not the reason.
No, maybe it's not your reason, but our reason for having you on the podcast is you're a very good friend of ours, one of our best friends.
You make us laugh to no end.
Yep, you're a very good young comedian. I'll change that.
You're a very good comedian
who happens to be young.
Because I always hated that stipulation
when I was there.
Yeah, but you needed the stipulation for you.
Why do you feel you're on the podcast?
Oh, this is already like
when I've been called into the head teacher's office.
No, you requested to be on the podcast
for several months.
I feel there has been a lot of
from Goebbels over here.
Is that me or him?
Both of you
have collected
Form 1 Goebbels
about my level
of intelligence.
That's why he's trying...
I think he meant Goebbels.
he could have said Hitler,
but he wanted to show
that he had knowledge
of the world.
Didn't he?
He's like,
he's like,
year 10 GCSE
in the Weimar Republic
coming through, smartness
so we occasionally
at least once an episode
reference the fact that you're thick
that's because you're thick
ok but my defence is
because you said in one of them, right?
I've made notes, by the way,
about all of the things
that have been said about me in a podcast
that I'm about to bring up.
Because you can't remember them
because you're thick.
That's not how thickness works.
That's how thickness works, right?
I managed to write them down
because that's smart.
That's at the time,
I'm going to bring this up and rebuttal them.
That's smart.
Forward planning.
See, the thing is, thick people don't know they're thick.
Because smart people ask so many questions that they don't know that many answers.
If you think you know all the answers, you're not asking enough questions.
I'm not saying, come on, let's not lie now.
I'm not going to be working for NASA anytime soon.
But this is my point.
You said the thing about
that I'll drop some knowledge
about the USSR
and I will
but again the thing is
I probably will struggle
spelling USSR
that's my point
no you just did it
that's why I had to
write it down
that was a joke
alright well I feel like
there's a bunch of reasons
we call you thick
one your accent
does you no favours no it doesn't I mean I'm not really going you think one your accent does you no favors no it
doesn't i mean i'm not really gonna jump on that part i'm glad you said it yeah well so everyone
could understand it and uh second of all is um i can't remember my second point is your accent is
stupid oh no i think it's fine like because in the the group that we have the way bullying works
right with amongst friends is that you lump some to someone, no matter how true or not it is.
There'll be a shred of truth to it, but then that just becomes the ongoing joke.
Like I'm the sexy one.
Yeah, I mean, that is literally the ongoing joke.
We all call Barry fat.
Barry's not fat.
One of us called him fat once.
Barry's fat.
That's the joke.
Oh my God. I fully consider myself Scottish. Barry's not fat. One of us called him fat once. Barry's fat. That's the joke. Oh my God.
I fully consider myself Scottish.
It's border England.
There's the whole debate
about whether I'm Scottish or English.
So in the group,
the joke says,
that you're English.
There's six English people there.
You're the English one.
Tom lives in the Tower of London.
I'm the English one.
But I've got about
eight different things
that you don't.
I've got big nose.
You've got the same.
We've both got big noses.
Like if we were to Eskimo kiss,
it would be like the Hadronka.
Oh, no.
That would be a pro.
Man, if we ever 69,
for whatever reason,
lost a bet or won a bet,
both of our noses would be in each other's arseholes.
As much as I'd love to say it as an experiment,
I'm not going to third wheel while you two Eskimo kiss.
So I've already got I've got big nose
I could fight
I could deal with that
I could deal with stuff
about my appearance
I've got
I've got
the thing about
needing a haircut
you do need
that's a personal decision
to grow my hair
being a lightweight
no I
this is where I'll stand
I was antagonising him
Elliot ain't lightweight
he can bang with the best of them
he's choosing not to right now though you've made 50 days sober you've made the very adult decision This is where I'll stand. I was antagonising him. Elliot ain't lightweight. He can bang with the best of them.
He's choosing not to right now, though.
You've made 50 days sober.
You've made the very adult decision to cut back on your drinking.
Hold on, the very alcoholic decision.
It's an alcoholic decision.
Yeah, but it's very hard to get an alcoholic teenager.
It's been 50 days now.
I'm going to go for 100,
then I'm going to have a drink.
Oh, wait, I might have a 50p on me
to give you for your 50 days sobriety thing.
You also own 50p for the past you just bought it you could just say i'm gonna pay for me dinner right here's here's 60 right now the pressure's on for this next 10 days
but you made the very adult slash alcoholic decision to uh but but i'm not gonna i'm not
gonna you know go on about that about how because you said something to me early on about you know
don't be the guy that bangs on about it.
And I think that's a fair point.
Because when people make that decision,
I've not done any Facebook or Twitter post
or anything like that.
You're doing it for you.
I'm doing it for...
It's like people waving their veganism.
Except I will come onto a podcast
and talk about it to the people.
I mean, I brought it up.
And he did antagonise you into it,
so you're fully able to defend yourself.
So that's three things I've got already.
So I've been called a lightweight, been called big nose, haircut, right?
This is the first ten minutes on the podcast, and now stupid.
It's because you're the cunt of the litter.
No, obviously, we'll continue with the podcast,
but we thought we would give you...
We've written a little a little test for you
I can see one of them's already
no chemistry's not how smart
you are man
no no we've got a bit of everything
can you swap here so I can
chemistry's like
but it's all
it's look
it's not just chemistry
it's all forms of knowledge
right so
but can I make my point
why I might not seem
the smartest of people right
and this is
this is sort of a long point
but there'll be people out there
who listen to podcasts
who feel the same
oh no they're all idiots
I don't reach out to them
your mam listens to this
she's a scientist
oh yeah
fuck that's a good point
she's not listening to it
because she's a scientist
she's listening to it
because it's Daniel
and Kai as well
oh you left it hanging there but She's not listening to it because she's a scientist. She's listening to it because it's Daniel. Yeah. And Kai as well.
Oh, you left a tongue in there.
But I'm not like, I'm never, when I was at school,
I never paid attention because I knew I was never going to do anything academic.
Like I knew, like school to me was like,
I just turned up, saw my mates and fucked about.
That's what it was.
And I could coast my GCSEs. Like I was in bottom set for most things until the last year because I could do well
in the test I was just like I'm not going to sit in class and do work so I just moved to bottom
set to me it just sounds like you went to a thick school I've proper thick there's not much credit
for being a smart kid in my school okay um, okay. So, I just never paid attention there.
So, that bit of life, like, I lost out on learning, like, basic stuff.
General knowledge.
Short passes.
We were all right at football, actually.
Yeah, to be fair, we have rumbled you here because I often think intelligence isn't necessarily
or, you know, to me, intelligence is defined by, like like what information can you learn and can you apply that knowledge therefore like
academically i'll agree that i'm not that smart but the reason i would defend my intelligence
because if you explain something to me i'll be able to understand it explain it back and then
use that whatever i've learned for future which brings me to something that you said on the
podcast about me you said stills intelligence is that it's when still
says something smart it's like seeing a rose in the arctic right somebody's dropped it there's not
what do you think intelligence is it's just people telling me other things and then like i'm meant to
go do all the studies myself and stuff yeah but that's that means like any facts that you have
you've just been told it doesn't mean like yeah yeah but you could have just you could have
surveyed you know you could have learned how to plant roses in the arctic and if you have you've just been told it doesn't mean like yeah but you could have just you could have you know you could have
learned how to plant roses
in the Arctic
and if you did
you're a fucking idiot
you would stand by it
like why would you read
the book when you
could watch TV
but that's because
I am that level of thick
because you can't
you can't like read
a book while texting
you can have TV
in the background
while texting
the problem with me
with reading a book
is right so the last
book I read was
we need to talk about Kevin
and I didn't finish it like I've got 50 pages to go this is oh you did better than me i got
two pages and i was like it's proper good too too many oh too many words she got proper wordy
i was like all right fuck it we've all got thesaurus like a little bit oh i very no no
no shanter ram was just unnecessarily descriptive like i don't i get what you mean like it is it
is a little bit like someone's writing by the way writing like a gcse sort of thing and then like
oh i better show off i know how to do descriptions yeah but i i got like 50 pages from the end and
then something happened in the book and it made me a bit sad so i was like oh i don't want to
finish it and then my sister just told me what happened in the end and i was like oh well there's
no point continuing and then i also saw the film was on Netflix.
And I'm like, it's like me with Harry Potter.
I always said it's about Harry Potter.
The films caught up to me.
So I thought I'll just save everyone a bit of time.
You can save all the time just by reading the synopsis on IMDb.
I still got to read it though.
A story, like any story could be like a thousand pages or like three sentences.
But then I'll read something like I'm interested in.
Like I read a book
called Inside Scientology
where I read up all about Scientology.
I mean, yeah,
but thick people are in Scientology.
Yeah, but I wasn't a pamphlet
I got handed.
It was a book like
The Bunk in Scientology.
Oh, right, okay, right.
I've not found sobriety
through Scientology.
Because others are like,
look, I'm not thick.
I found religion, right?
the smartest of all of them.
You know what's brilliant?
I think we first started calling you thick
as your spelling errors on the WhatsApp.
They're exceptional.
They're not even spelling.
No, no, no.
I'm going to get to it.
Do you want me to put in?
They're exceptional.
I wish I could remember some of them,
but it came to die of beaties instead of diabetes.
It's not what you think it is.
It's not what you think that word is.
So it's not a spelling error.
It's like an actual misinterpretation of the word or words.
I used to think...
You think something that's one word is three words.
That ain't dyslexic.
And then I spoke to your dad,
he was like, he's not dyslexic,
he's just thick as fuck.
I was like, dad?
You've defended your spelling,
but you've been dyslexic.
I've asked your dad,
he's like, he's not dyslexic.
But can I say the thing with dyslexic?
I got diagnosed dyslexic when I... So i went to a decent sixth form i didn't
last that long because i'm thick but that's the admission we got you in for right that was
elliot steel we've cancelled the guest now i mean i i was doing psychology history and
media studies right and they let me finish media studies And I still got an E
And that's just not what films are
Can you get an E? I thought it was
A, B, C, D and
Just F, I don't think you can get an E
Are you so dyslexic
That you got an F and you read it as an E
You can get a G can't you
Oh in Scotland you can only get
A, B, C, D or F
There's no E
U, ungradable I got that in a week can't you? Oh, in Scotland you can only get A, B, C, D or F, there's no E. Then U is the
I got that in a week
and I looked it around.
Oh, I did that.
Okay, that's a free GCSE.
I just wanted
funny answers
hoping it would end up
in next year's newspaper.
That's one note you put in
when you go for a job interview
and they're like
how many GCSEs you got?
You're like,
oh, he got me into double digits.
I totally agree with you
that this test
probably isn't inaccurate
look the thing is
it's up to the audience
to decide whether
you're intelligent or not
I've kind of stumped you here
because we've got
chemistry, geography
general knowledge
math, history, spelling
and then a bonus round
of Elliot questions
what is at the centre
of the nucleus?
right that's in
I'm going to pass on this one, Chris.
The answer is
protons and neutrons.
Which is more dangerous, carbon monoxide
or carbon dioxide? Carbon monoxide.
Correct. You know, I've got questions
about that one, because carbon dioxide
would be very dangerous to you if there's no
oxygen in the air.
Carbon monoxide in general is just very dangerous. The if there's no oxygen in there yeah but carbon dioxide in general
is just very dangerous
like it's what's the
question is what
it's like what's
the most dangerous
oxygen or carbon
monoxide and like
if there was an
open flame
oxygen's gonna be
fucking way more
dangerous to you
because you're gonna
sit on fire because
it needs the oxygen
it's not two points
for showing you're
working out
oh yeah
it's got a point
I've got it right
you know your chemistry I'll defend Kai as well Kai's not fit I'll say you're working out Oh yeah, he's got a point You know your chemistry
I'll defend Kai as well, Kai's not fit
I'd say Kai's on the same level of intelligence as Daniel
Which is fucking a shame for you
Because I grew up in Blythe, mate
I should know more
My mum and dad are just like
Okay, what should you never eat for breakfast?
Shredded wheat
No, dinner
There are some trick questions in here the main use of salt
in the diet is to a make food taste better b produce small amounts of hydrochloric acid
required for the digestion of food c is the process of cooking or d increase the solubility
of food particles in water okay so i actually know a little bit about this at the moment okay
do you know the answer no but i can bore you on
knowledge with salt right because it's actually called sodium yep right yeah i keep going well
when you look laugh like that it gets it's just it's that was the most base level fact about salt,
other than it's white.
Like it was, I'm going to pour you.
It goes with pepper.
It's the second key ingredient
of ready salty crisps next to potato.
So sodium, when it's in your body,
it's what keeps a lot of water in your body.
So when you have to for
fighters when they have to cut weight and stuff they have to cut all salt out of their diet yeah
what what were the choices again make food taste better it definitely does that but that's but
there's another reason produce small amounts of hydrochloric acid required for the digestion of
food ease the process of cooking or increase solubility of food particles and water i'm
gonna go with increased solubility of pork particles in water I'm going to go with
Increase solubility of
No it's produce small amounts of hydrochloric acid
No you're wrong
I'm absolutely not wrong
Oh okay sorry
Final question in chemistry
Coal is composed of which element?
If you crush coal it becomes a diamond
That's also not an element
It's made of charcoal so If you crush coal, it becomes a diamond. Right, that's also not an element. Right.
It's made of charcoal, so... What was the question, Nick?
Which element?
Coal is composed of which element?
What element makes coal?
This is a fucking cut and play.
Point me fair. Yeah, fire This is a fucking Cup of blood Potentially fail Carbon
Like the element
That's the best
I couldn't have expected
A more earlier answer
How are you expecting me to know the whole periodic table?
Well, it should be.
It would mark all the other ones.
Every time there's a periodic table.
It's not a league table.
Find me one thing on the periodic table.
You've got potassium, which is periodic table like you've got potassium
which is K
then you've got that one
that you drop in the water
and they act like
no no
the one in science
that they make you drop in the water
and they're like
oh this is really dangerous
there's seven of those
they're alkaline metals
right yeah
and they're on that far side
which is the like
yo don't go near this side
yeah no he's right
I'm saying
find me one of them
one of them
that will win a fight
with fire
fire's in it's own league
can I put
water's not in it
water would beat it
yeah but by your
by your argument
of elements
water is on the table
and that does beat fire
no I'd say
that's like a sort of you know no if fire's an element water's an the table and that does beat fire no i'd say that's like a sort
of you know if fire is an element water is an element water and fire is like united city like
you're not going to be able to call who's going to win it but someone's going to get it that season
do you know what i mean well that's definitely a component we're definitely coming across thick
as well i'm not no i was if he's saying fire is an element what is it yeah weather okay geography
oh no no this isn't going to be good no one of them i reckon you'll do quite well on What is an element? Oh, yeah. What is an element? Elements of weather. Okay. Geography.
Oh, no, no.
This isn't going to be good.
No, one of them I reckon you'll do quite well on.
Boop Day is the Spanish equivalent of what day in Britain?
Steak and blowjob day.
Good answer, but no, it's April Fool's Day.
Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
Mount Fiji?
No, Mount Everest. Just because it wasn't discovered doesn't make it any less tall.
No, that's not...
But like,
that might not be true, because what if there's a mountain
we haven't discovered that's taller than Mount Everest?
What do you mean if there's a mountain we haven't discovered?
What if it's an underwater mountain?
That means it's below sea level. That means it's not very tall.
Yeah, yeah.
But you get taller mountains underwater.
But it's not.
Yeah, but it is.
It's still way lower than Everest.
But if we're talking on sea level, he did make a good point, there are bigger mountains technically...
But on sea level Everest is taller.
Because it's out of the sea, it's so tall.
No, no, no, but it's like if you...
Ridge is down to the base.
Because Daniel sat on the sofa and I'm sat down, Daniel's taller than me.
Is that how it works?
Ridge is down to the...
No, because that fucking...
Everest ain't going to just stand up.
No, no, if something's bigger, it's bigger.
You're talking about, like, the peak to the sky,
but, like, if you were to measure from the top to the base...
No, from the centre of the sun, from the centre of the Earth,
to the peak.
It doesn't matter if it's underwater or not.
Everest is way taller
if Everest was shorter
it would be underwater
allow me to explain
what you're not getting
I'm getting it
you're not
from peak to base
from base to peak
the base is the
fucking bottom of the sea
no it's not
because it doesn't
start at the bottom of the sea
drain the earth
go as low as you can go
drain the earth
and I'm on trial here
for being
right like it's hypothetical you could go right but the fact that Drain your And I'm on trial here For being Drain Right
Like it's a hypothetical
A hypothetical
You could make all right
But the fact that
We're having to speak
In hypotheticals
Is like
Oh my god
This is like when I'm
Filling the cup again
For you
When I fill the cup
Under the podcast
So just to clarify
You think that
If something's underwater
It could be taller
Than Everest
I'm saying
A whale bigger than a snail...
What's this?
Because it's under water,
is it not as big as a snail?
That's the worst!
This is wonderful.
This is just wonderful.
But that's your logic.
I mean, no, he's completely negated my logic.
Everyone is screaming at the peri right now.
Not me.
No, no, because if it's under water,
get where you're coming from.
Like, because you're from the base,
but where is the base of Everest really
the base
the base
eventually you'll
keep going lower
and lower
yes of course
of course
then you can go
underwater and
underwater until
you reach the
depth of the
yeah but what
I'm saying is
there will be
in like whether
it's geology or
like what I'm
saying is
that would just
be a foothill
to the beach
oh yeah
some of them
would be fully
fucking submerged
it's total bullshit
so the highest mountain is that one.
He's still got the question wrong.
Next one.
I'm still fake.
But also, we are just all coming across as really retarded right now.
I'm not.
I'm bringing myself down with Elliot.
You definitely failed on that one.
I didn't.
Anzac trips come from which two countries?
Anzac trips come from which two countries?
Clues in the name, kind of. It sounds a little bit like South
American. No. Oh, okay. Then I'm going to go... They have an Anzac Day, the country
is in question. All right. And they have Anzac cookies. Oh, man. You might as well have asked
me where the Anzac cookies come from and then be like, oh, they have an Anzac army. And
I'll be like, I don't know yeah the answer is
okay wait wait wait
I'm just gonna take a
the Congo
just um you know
they've got an army
that I haven't really
heard of
New Zealand and
oh yeah what is the capital of Australia New Zealand and Australia. Oh, yeah.
What is the capital of Australia?
It's not...
It's that place that no one really knows of.
It's that other one.
I don't know the name.
It's like Darwin.
So if you get eight of these, I'll give you the point.
What 14 countries were in the Soviet Union?
This is your category, by the way.
Okay, 14 countries in the Soviet Union.
So you had Russia, Kazakhstan, Poland.
Poland was invaded by...
It wasn't invaded, but what was in the Soviet Union?
What was it? Pardon?
Poland wasn't part of the Soviet Union.
Was it not? No. Okay. What was it? Pardon? Poland wasn't part of the Soviet Union. Was it not?
The thing is,
I don't know many countries, right?
But this is the good thing about the Soviet Union
and why I liked it.
It got rid of a lot of other countries.
You just had to know one place
instead of 14 others, didn't it?
So you liked the Soviet Union
because it made geography easier?
Fuck yeah.
where are you going?
Soviet Union.
all right,
which part?
you know,
The left.
so one second.
You've gone,
you've gone Russia,
And you said Kazakhstan.
Wait, I'm going to have a pop with a few to help you out.
One second, I think I can get this.
You've got 11 more to go.
Yeah, no, I'm not going to make all 14.
We've worked that out.
If you get five.
If I get five, that'd be good.
Five more.
Oh, what?
Yeah, it was up to eight.
Okay. Oh, man. Lith, it was up to eight. Okay.
Lithuanians in the regional.
Yeah, I'm trying to think of all those other eastern countries.
I'm going to have to buzz you out.
What's it called?
That's the game.
I want to hear what this is.
It begins with an M.
It does.
That place. Moldova an M. It does. That place.
Malta as well.
No, Moldova.
Moldova, Moldova.
Oh, my God.
Right, so I'm going to go Estonia, Latvia, Uzbekistan.
Did that get said?
No, you said it.
No, you said Kazakhstan, didn't you?
So we've got Lithuania.
We've got...
The big one. We're got... The big one.
We're almost in the big one.
No, no.
You said Russia.
Okay, the second big one.
There you go.
Shit, so that, yeah.
In Moldova, Georgia.
Georgia, correct.
And these are the tough ones.
It gets hard.
You've got Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan.
Okay, we're on to general knowledge Elliot
because it's going so well
a caravan is a group
of which animals
I can't say that
a caravan
I'm gonna say cows
it's a herd of cows.
But my logic there was, on Fallout 3...
Brilliant start.
When they have the two-headed cow thing, it's called the caravan.
They call it the caravan.
No, they don't call it the caravan.
They are the caravan.
I know.
When I first did it, I thought you could get caravans in the game, but it turns out it
was just two-headed cows.
What two words, when combined, hold the most letters?
The answer is actually post office.
Which two words, when combined, hold the most letters?
Post office.
I thought it was like, what has the most letters?
No, it was a trick question. What holds the most letters? Post office. I thought it was like what has the most letters. No, it was a trick question.
What holds the most letters?
An ampersand is the sign for which word?
Clues in the name.
A what?
The ampersand is a symbol.
Do you know exclamation mark?
That's a symbol.
There's a symbol called an ampersand.
And so it's a symbol for...
Are we really going to have to dumb this down here?
Right, so an exclamation mark is the upside down I.
Question mark is the...
Yeah, question mark. The mark is the upside down I. Question mark's the... Yeah, question mark.
The hook was the Dutch sign.
Yeah, so the name of this symbol is called the ampersand.
What is the symbol of?
Man, I've never heard of that.
It's the word and, you know, the little...
Oh, that's what it's called.
Yeah, it's called an ampersand.
If we're not laughing, we're learning on this podcast, aren't we?
Oh, we're definitely laughing.
You'll get this one.
In rhyming slang
What are mince pies?
Right again
I'm from South London
So the cockney thing doesn't work
I don't know
You are cockney
I'm not
I'm from South London
It doesn't
Potato potato
Natalie's more cockney than me
From Glasgow
But she lives in East London
The definition of
a cockney is you
live within the
bow bells the
ring of the bow
bells so I don't
know is it
Vince Fies
no eyes
what are the
fuck are Vince
I don't know
I don't know
cockney rhymes
why would Vince
Fies be a
because you
might as well
have asked me
what it was in
Japanese it's a
different language
Vince Fies is in English.
No, because if you just need to rhyme something,
you would go, right, so probably ice.
What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night?
Constantly checking her WhatsApp.
No, a widow.
Oh, that's brought the mood down.
Come on.
These were meant to be light and jolly
ok math
what is your topic
it was Soviet Union
yeah but you didn't really ask me any
questions about it
well maybe they'll come and play it
Vietnam War I'm good on
who won
it depends what you define by winning
We got the good films
And they got bombed
Well yeah
I think the North Vietnamese won
After 7
Which is the next prime number?
I've never understood prime numbers.
Right, I'll explain it.
You can still get it.
It's a number that can only be divided by one and itself.
So it can't be split into other things.
I'll give you a clue.
The next one isn't nine because you can divide that by three.
I was going to be my guest.
But you can divide that by three. was gonna be my guest maybe you can divide that by
three right okay 11 correct yeah thank you 7-11 for advertising on the u.s
it's subliminally making me go for that how many colors are in the rainbow Richard of York oh what's the rhyme again Richard of York
oh I'm going to go 7
I've never
I've never heard that one
because here's how
I was hoping you did the same stupid thing
I did once right
which is I got asked
alright so
the batteries ran out
on the podcast device,
so it saved Elliot's blushes a little bit, actually.
I got everything right.
All the questions after.
And then what happened, right, is I got so much right,
and then you guys were like,
oh, now we're going to have a little experimentation round.
You're allowed to do something.
And I made like a, I drew on the wall
and proved why there isn't a God.
Goodwill hunting style with the equations
and shit a load of aliens came down and were like yo bro do you want to be like king of the universe
but i was like i've got to finish the podcast and then and then we um we were like oh our face is
red now so actually pretending to run out of batteries yeah so we did there was two more
rounds uh fortunately uh you know i think you got some of them right no i've got none of them
i'm just trying to save your blushes there.
My favourite one was,
your bit at the end there,
you tried to basically be like,
I'll ask you a bunch of questions,
then we're like,
go ahead.
What are the two main elements in the sun? You couldn't think of any questions,
and then you went,
what are the two main elements in the sun?
And Kai guessed hydrogen and oxygen,
and then you lost confidence
because Kai said it was such confidence.
But you were right,
it was hydrogen and helium.
What was your logic for why it was helium?
It's why the sun floats isn't it
it's got bare
bare helium
bare helium
it's not
it's not
it's not my logic
if you said that to me
in a pub
I'd believe it
but that's what that's what knowledge is sometimes the road but sometimes If you said that to me in a pub, I'd believe it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But that's what knowledge is.
No, it's not.
But sometimes the rose dropped into the Arctic is not meant to be the rose, is not the right rose.
Maybe it's not a rose.
Maybe it's a daffodil, but you think it's a rose
because you've never seen a rose before.
Just to cut your bullshit right there, I want to say...
We just want to apologise.
So you only missed about five minutes of it.
We'll definitely have another quiz.
This can easily become a regular game.
A featured podcast.
Because you can go studying things.
I'm not going to do that.
I didn't do that for fucking A-levels
and that would have got me somewhere.
If you did study, it wouldn't be as funny.
When it cut off, we were like,
oh shit, we might have lost loads.
But we'd only lost like five minutes or so, right?
But the reason we're back in the game,
even though the batteries ran out,
Where did you get
the batteries from,
Thanks, Natalie.
We're in Natalie's
house right now
and we're trying to
get out the lightbox,
the little muggle
lightbox that's there.
And those batteries
ran out because
she's always using
Yep, and then...
Tried the remotes.
Found a filter.
Found a vibrildo.
Found a vibrator, to be specific.
So we hooked it up to the car generator.
So today I have a podcast on Natalie's dildo's petrol generator.
To be fair, when you were like,
I'll get them out of Natalie's dildo,
I'm like, those will be more dead. Can I just say say for someone who's on a podcast
being accused
of being thick
I'd have charged
the batteries
of the thingy
they were brand new batteries
oh really
oh but then I found out
in further development
you were so stupid
Kai said
maybe it's when
I dropped it
the other day
oh I fell out my bag
oh right
I wasn't your bag
because I didn't
unzip it
like to put something in but I hadn't zipped it up fully
so when i was dragging my suitcase along it popped out it's a it's a human error i didn't know who
the amseccas or something were called you were fucking so stupid you drained all the power from
the device you fucking struggled to really anyway so um i natalie's dildo come to save the day
genuinely and uh she's not gonna thank me for saying that but, you know, I bought
her this as a gift a while back
she asked us to park a car
in a specific place, this is when she lived in Glasgow
and I parked her car
and you said go fuck yourself
I parked her car in a place that I found
but not the specific place she said, but the
place where I parked it was this like really
fucking derelict bit of wasteland right
in the middle of
Glasgow like this
old building site
that they'd stopped
building on
and when she went
to get it
I told her where it
was when she went
to get it
the car window
had been put in
someone stole the
who fucking
steals stereos
this day and age
let's get a fucking
so someone
bricked the window
and stole the stereo
and she phoned me
up crying
but I was asleep
because I'd been
on a session
the night before
so she rang us like I didn't wake up,
and then when she finally got through to it, she calmed down a bit,
but she still totally blamed it on me that I can't get broken into.
So I tried to cheer her up by playing out a dildo.
Apparently an inappropriate gift.
So if you're at home wondering why is the lovely Natalie marrying Kyle Humphries,
I have another story for you that is going to turn this,
why is she very
Yeah, so
I've been on this podcast, I've been accused
of being stupid and thick
and I've not done myself any favours
and I will say
I'm not the brightest whatever one
in the thing it's meant to be
braised tool in the shed
I'm not the brightest star in the sky
because I haven't got much helium in me.
Kai, what happened the other day?
I'm not very well.
While you were having a gentleman's play.
Look, I know where you're going with this.
I'm a step ahead of you.
You're trying to throw me under the bus for being unwell.
That's not why you're here.
I would never make fun of you for being sick.
I wouldn't make fun of you
if you, let's say,
shat yourself while wanking.
You had a shank?
You had a shank?
Because I'm not very well.
You had a shank?
You shat wank?
How does it, like...
This is what I was saying
in the group
and then it got smudged over
because I probably made
a spelling mistake.
How do you, like, be be mid-wang and then go,
how do you not realise you're about to shit yourself?
There's two feelings your body gives that you know is happening.
One, you're about to cum.
The other one, you're about to shit.
And you're not going to mix them two up.
They come from two different places.
Have you ever had diarrhoea?
No, but I've had a wank and not shat myself you're still young yet boy
i'm 12 years on you you can blame our diarrhea but the way you told me the story was you were
having one i'll tell you the story right go on then right so this is the thing with diarrhea
right yeah you know that you can't trust a fart but the first one the first one you don't know
you've got diarrhea so you just fart willy-nilly right sometimes sometimes i can creep up on the strangest tape so i didn't feel very
well i woke up in the morning this is how i know i didn't feel very well i didn't go to breakfast
and it was a free continental breakfast on the hotel so i knew i was i was sick right and it's
approaching 12 o'clock which is checkout time and we're in wolverhampton and i feel like fucking
death but i've got to get showered.
I've got to get out of there.
And when I was getting changed for my shower,
I thought, you know what?
I'll give myself a little rub,
cheer myself up.
Because you know what?
Sometimes you can't be bothered with a wank,
but sometimes once you have one,
you're like,
oh, glad I did that.
But sometimes a wank can be bothered with you.
Treat myself.
So I was treating myself to a wristie,
and then,
you know,
I wasn't just going to let me fucking gas build up
like there's no one else
in the room
whom I try to
hide my shame from
I let out a little fart
and when I farted
mid wank
I was like
oh no
did you continue
with the wank
no no I postponed it
as much as you can say
it got rained off
I rain checked it I was like I'll finish this once I've had this wipe put a pin in it or a cork I postponed it. As much as you can say it got rained off.
I rain checked it and I was like
I'll finish this
once I've had this wipe.
Put a pin in it
or a cork.
So I sat down
to finish my poo
which I'd started mid-wank.
Oh my god,
this is horrible.
Still with a boner?
This is the worst
because like
That's the worst bit?
This is the worst bit because like i went to finish like to have a
poo right i didn't know i had the shits until like i thought it was like oh and then you sit down
well you piss when you when you poo when you've got a bone and it's like hard to get it like
pointing at the porcelain it's like pointing upwards so here i am trying to fucking manipulate
me pissed in me diarrhea i'm sorry everyone listening I'm so sorry but when I was
trying to do that
and I looked down
on the floor
and I saw a little
brown smudge
on the floor
like a wet smudge
a solid smudge
a wet patch of
like wet fart
the wet fart had landed
on the floor
I'm actually really sorry
I brought this up
I'm not
because I've got
someone else
to bring up after me
and I
so I cancelled the wank
like it went from
being postponed
to cancelled
I still haven't picked it up
much public expired
by now
if you finish now
you'll get sick again
well I'm still very sick
I think it's something
very unsympathetic
how was your
was your fiancée sympathetic
when you shat the bed
I mean I don't think she knows
does she not know
well because I didn't
shit the bed
what I heard is you shat the bed I mean I was in think she knows does she not know well because I didn't shit the bed what I heard is
you shat the bed
I mean I was in bed
when I shat
I mean I don't want to get to
what it landed in your boxers
so I just like
I walk up and
go to bed
with my ass
wake up with wet fingers
wake up with wet fingers so Wake up with wet fingers.
So I woke up and I clearly, like, I was at the point now where I didn't trust a single fart.
You should be like that all the time.
Like, I don't know how that's not.
But sleeping Kai didn't get the memo.
Sleeping Kai didn't get the memo.
And sleeping Kai clearly just farting away in his sleep.
And I woke up with a wet bum
and a confused girlfriend and it's meant to be a confused girlfriend a wet bum
I'm recycling banter I hadn't text
getting it wrong so yeah I woke up to the wetness the dampness and I like John Wayne
into the bathroom and I
threw my boxes away and I had a wash in the shower and then I discreetly checked
the bedding and saw that the bedding was still pristine and clean the way my
fiance made it for me getting home nice and clean all nice and clean and I
climbed back into bed and then she found out on the podcast Honestly She's also going to find out
What's happened to her dildo
She's going to be sitting there
With the podcast in
Lying in bed
She's going to get her dildo out
And be like
Right old habits right
She always
Listen to the podcast
And dance herself off
She's going to shove up there
And be like
Why is this
Oh you bastards
I reckon that's why
The parties were dead on the fucking podcast
because we're probably just passing them back and forth.
We'll probably just keep swapping batteries
until they're on my podcast device.
Tickle on the clit inside your head, that makes you come.
That makes you laugh.
Do you feel better?
No, I feel like death.
But why do you still trust Farts?
I trust Farts because 99.9999% of them have gone ahead and just been shits.
Aye, 99.9999% of mine are just normal farts, but I fart way more.
Nah, yours is...
Like, there's more farts that are shits, but there's a higher percentage.
I just don't understand, like, okay, I was having this conversation.
When we found this information out, we had to leave a game of Call of Duty.
Like, it was like...
Oh, you're telling me dad.
No, your dad wasn't online.
Yeah, but he's also found out about the podcast.
He found out about the podcast.
He's just happy we didn't take the batteries out of his dildo.
I don't understand how, as an adult male...
So I can count four stories of you shitting yourself,
and I know there's more
I know there's like
from the
and let's
let's go from
the age of 18
from being
a society
deems you
you're a grown man
do you
you're 34
I know how to live
actually it's not
your poos size
I don't understand how people you're fucking age Not your pooh size I don't understand
How people
Shit themselves
You fucking lectured me
For I would shit myself
Because I just got
Lectured on the podcast
They didn't hear it
Because I couldn't
Spell Mississippi
But how can you do that
And then like
Claim you're smarter than me
And then shit yourself
Wait one
I didn't know
I was going to shit myself
I was just trying to have a wank
But that's That's even worse You haven't even made The conscious decision To shit yourself I one I didn't know I was going to shit myself I was just trying to have a wank but that's even worse
you haven't even
made the conscious
decision to shit yourself
I'm very ill
if anyone wants to know
you hasn't shit themselves
you lie to yourselves
really for ages
you've never been ill
it's like a baby
no but when I'm ill
I just be like
oh I'm probably
going to shit myself
I'll go to the toilet
I don't just decide
oh I might shit myself
what I'll do
is I'll crack open
the laptop
light a candle i don't
think you understand the extent of how i am the whole house goes off i was spewing all over as
well when i yeah i think i've been very brave actually i mean put up with this nonsense uh
if anyone wants to know why we don't do much for podcasts most podcasts what they do is they get
like a quote there's all shirts and they'll put the quotes on the shirt and that's what they do is they get like a quote, there's all shirts, and they put the quotes on the shirt, and that's what they sort of sell.
I don't think we can sell,
I shot myself a wanking shirt.
A podcast powered by Natalie's dildo.
Yeah, speaking of her sponsor.
Natalie's sexual ungratification.
Noise reducing QC35 dildo.
What's noise reducing when you put it up there?
What I'm,
I've got a there the car got broke
into in
still battery
I don't
I found
it in
a dusty
you can't
call it
a dusty
that's very racist at minimum You can't call a vagina a dusty box.
That's very racist,
Oh, Natalie, still Marius, please.
Right, shall we get on to our muggle corners?
I can tell your one's going to,
as always, everything you do leads to a debate.
Because I'm smart, I like to discuss things.
Right, go on
it's just one muggle
corner each
one muggle corner each
yeah it's a straight one
I had a couple here
call other people's
football teams shit
when they are glory hunters
I concur
no this is
there's a lot to
I'll let you explain
this is shots fired
no no no but I think I'm technically almost in the clear,
but I'll allow you to make your argument.
This all started on a sunny day
when I was on a train to Manchester.
I had to connect it to the Wi-Fi,
paid for the Wi-Fi,
I was keeping up with the football score
because I support a team called Crystal Palace.
If you haven't heard them, we know why.
We're not doing very well in the we're we're not doing very well
in the league
like we're not doing very well
at all
and up until this point
we hadn't scored a goal
in like nine games
and we're playing Chelsea
last year's champions
so I'm like
and my team
and Daniel's team
so I'm like
I'll just check the score
every night
and I'm just on the train
and I look
and there's a text from my dad
and it's just like we've scored and then Chelsea score and we score again so of course I'm just on the train and I look and it's a text from my dad and it's just like
we've scored
and then Chelsea score
and we score again
so of course
I'm in the WhatsApp group
chatting absolute shit
because I should be able to
Daniel kicked me
from the WhatsApp group
power hungry
I will admit here
right in hindsight
now that I've had a lot of time to think
I was absolutely in the wrong
in that situation right
I got very sensitive right
we were in Jersey right I think it was an early start it was really grumpy also now that I've had a lot of time to think, I was absolutely in the wrong in that situation, right? I got very sensitive, right?
We were in Jersey, right?
I think it was an early start.
It was really grumpy.
Also, you know how to wind me up more than anyone else on this planet.
And I absolutely bit.
I absolutely bit.
I hold my hands up, right?
And admit what I did was wrong.
He totally got you back
because you slaughtered him for having a shit team.
And then Scotland got put out.
So he started doing your exact shtick to him for having a shit team. then Scotland got put out so he started doing your exact
shtick to him for having a shit team
and you spit your dummy out
Mark Nelson was in the whatsapp
Mark Nelson nearly killed himself
and Gareth, though I will stand by
like with, yeah
I gave you shit about Palace because of the shit
you'd given rightfully about Palace
beating Chelsea so I gave you that shit in return
and then you did transfer to the international one
where I understand
why you did
but I was like
could you be a bit more
good about Scotland
like it's very sensitive
in fact I'll admit this
the international thing
happened before
Palace and Chelsea
no it did
because I was chatting shit
because you said to me
Palace are playing Chelsea
this weekend
watch how much shit
I chat when we beat you
that's what happened
so then when I was
on the train
the plot thickens
I started
I started chatting loads of shit that's what happened so then when I was on the train I started
chatting loads
of shit
that's what
so we're in a
whatsapp group
with a handful
of comedians
who have been
regular guests
on this podcast
who majority
are glory seekers
you've got
Arsenal and
Chelsea fans
from Scotland
you've got
Liverpool fans
from Ireland
he's from Ireland
and he's meant
to be like
not all are up the raw
not all up the
and then he's like
to me
he was like
going to me
oh I support Arsenal
more than you support
and he's like
oh Palace are shit
and I'm like
well how many times
have you won a
Champions League
oh zero
I'm like oh well
my team's won it
loads of times
who do you support
Real Madrid
because I'm just
going to choose a
team from another country as well I will argue Mikey said the reason you support Real Madrid because I'm just going to choose a team from another country
as well
I will argue my case here
the reason I support Chelsea
is because I was
brought in kicks upon Thames
so when I was
it's funny how you like
you really deny being English
when people are saying
you're English right
but the minute your football team
comes in
which by the way
you started supporting them
on Roman Ivanovic's takeover
which is so convenient
it's so
like you didn't even know
who Ranieri was
when he fucking started
managing Leicester
and he actually took Chelsea through some fucking hard times, you didn't even know who Ranieri was when he fucking started managing Leicester.
And he actually took Chelsea through some fucking hard times.
First of all, I absolutely knew who Ranieri was because I did my research into it.
The reason was I supported East Fife and Hibs, right,
which are still my two fucking main teams, right?
So I do not, look, I've been to several East Fife games
and it's the worst thing in the world.
It's just, love the team, love the fans,
but we get gubbed so fucking regularly.
Like, we went up one season, we go back down, right? in my team supports celtic and rangers and everyone starts supporting an
english football team right english premier league is the best league in the world right i'm not just
going to sit on the outside right and just go i'll not support anyone just pick and choose what you
love about us but no one no one no one my point is no one started supporting in scotland so went
ask i'm gonna pick aston villa and Aston Villa it's like you all
happen to pick
the top four teams
that's why I love Nelson
Nelson picked Everton
it's like
you want it to struggle
yeah yeah
closest to
like my fucking
I went what is the team
no that would be
Kingston Pontins
would be Wimbledon
which is league three
I'm going to check
the postcode of that
nah it is
Kingston Pontins
your closest team
would be Wimbledon not Chelsea I'm definitely going to check the postcode on that Nah it is Kingston Point 10 Your closest team would be Wimbledon
Not Chelsea
I'm definitely going to check
The postcode on that
It's absolutely 100%
So what happens in this
WhatsApp is that
Elliot you get totally
Swarmed on by glory seekers
But it's like this
Fucking little
Ring of people
Who think they're right
But they're wrong
But they're validating each other
Because there's so many of them
And I have to keep coming in
And rescue you
Because I'm a long suffering
Newcastle fan
I have to keep coming in
And just going
Lads yous are wrong here like you can't you can't
like shit on Elliot for supporting his local club no we're not shitting him for supporting his local
club we're shitting him because his team shit yeah yeah but that's what that's what that's
my point why it's mugglery because it's like fine if I'm if I'm just gonna flat out say oh I'm just
gonna pick the best team well guess what I'm just gonna pick Real Madrid I'm gonna pick Barcelona
right but the point is I'm not I've gone and supported the team that's local to me because it's a
community thing and then when like i had it all the time at school when people when palace were
in a championship we're looking like we're going to get relegated oh your team's crap we're winning
champions league and it's like yeah because you chose the best team yeah it means nothing
you know i've never i'd never ever ever in my life shot on Crystal Palace until you shot on Chelsea
it was an utter
it's not my fault
we beat you every season
it was an utter utter rebuttal
but this is the thing
you sent a message
saying death to Palace
on one of them
oh at least seven
but like
I fully agree
you can argue
the place of fucking
glory hunt
I came in to support
Chelsea that time
I've supported Chelsea
all the way through that I tried to find a fucking local team to mine like success breeds fans right? I came in to just support Chelsea at that time. I've supported Chelsea all the way through that.
I tried to find a fucking
local team to mine.
Like, success breeds fans, right?
If you're going to say
I can't support Chelsea,
you've got to go to Africa
and take every Man United top
off of every child over there
and be like,
no, no, no,
you've got to support
your local fucking team.
You've got to go fucking Brazil
where all the leagues are shit
and you'd be like,
none of you are allowed
to support,
none of you are allowed
to support Barcelona.
Even though you're Argentinian
and you love Messi,
you're not allowed
to support Barcelona because that's not your local team the leagues are
pretty good over there yeah um here's uh something that you keep throwing in as well where you and
ryan cullen and everyone uh he's always put on him that it's fucking dumb to be patriotic over
a geographical location or like i support the team nearest my house that's like going out with a girl
that lives in your street instead of casting a net and all that right
but as soon as the
fucking international stuff's on
you're singing Flower of Scotland
like nobody else
and you're like
how does patriotism
like only count
because patriotism's country not
no but it's like
patriotism's literally a country
but there's no
if you go to the area
but that local pride
there's flags
there's people
to be fair
I would argue
by the way
I don't shit on you
for support
I know why you support Palace
I will constantly say my argument is Palace't shit on you for support I know I support Palace I will constantly say
my argument is
Palace are shit
you're back a wrong argument
because there's so many of you
because you're outnumbered
and that's why it's nice
to have you outnumbered now
in public
I still stand by
everything I've said
and you can't change
who you support
I guarantee
you would never
you would never
have supported Chelsea
even though you're from Kingston and you were born in England and all that stuff you would never have supported Chelsea even though you're from Kingston
and you were born
in England
and all that stuff
you would never
have supported Chelsea
had they not had
the meteoric rise
the minute you
started waking up
to football
it's like Gareth Ward
started supporting
Arsenal in 2006
and then
and then went to me
but it's not the glory years
and that to me
was the mentality
of people who choose
their football team
was oh we were only
getting Champions League
like that was that's the mentality because I remember I got football team was oh we were only getting Champions League like that was
that's the mentality
because I remember
I got a text from someone
one day
when Arsenal got
knocked out of
Champions League
in fact I think it was
my dad got a text
from a friend
and it said
oh we've just been
knocked out of
the group stage
of the Champions League
this is what it feels
like to support Palace
and you're like
you have no idea
like if that's your level
of the struggle
your team goes through
you've just
no idea
that was quite a strange one
as well
when Gareth was getting
very passionate
about the football
and then he announced
that he'd only started
supporting them
like in 2006
and you're like
what you mean
you've just started
watching football
because 2006
he was so recent to me
I think the reason
everyone gets defensive
is because
even if you're taking
Glorihunt or whatever
we all support your team
with a lot of fucking passion right you can sit there being like you're Glorihunt or whatever we all support your team with a lot of fucking passion
you can sit there
being like you're Glorihunt
it's like
I've supported Chelsea
for 14 years now
oh it's easy to support
a team with passion
when they're winning dude
no no
I've started
and I hope I never
have the chance
to prove to you
that when Chelsea are shit
I hope
because I will
if they go down
not that they will
but if they ever do
I hope I never get the opportunity
to prove to you
that I'll still support Chelsea then
oh my god
but you'll watch less matches
I tell you that
because fuck me
Newcastle bore me sometimes
I'll sit there being bored
for an hour and a half
by my old team
I watched us lose 3-1 to Colchester
on my mate's birthday
we went as a treat for it
oh it's
it's not
it's not a treat
like it's a struggle
the struggle is real
so what's the
glory seek
as are
it's not just
okay I can
understand your
argument of
supporting the
team and stuff
but my point is
is like
when it's
mugglery to go
haha your team
shit but I'm
supporting the
local team
do you know
what I mean
and I noticed this as well in my area.
Everyone sort of suddenly started coming a Palace fan
when we got promoted
or when we got to the semi-final of the Carling Cup
and the final of the FA Cup.
Everyone suddenly became fans.
It's easier to be a fan when you're doing well though.
Like, fuck man, when Newcastle have been like...
I can't watch them on Match of the Day
when they're in the Championship.
You have to fucking actually... I had to sign up to the website I can't watch them on Match of the Day when they're in the Championship.
I had to sign up to the website to watch the highlights on the Newcastle website
and pay a monthly subscription
and I'm not getting it with decent commentary or anything.
It's actually more difficult
when you're not in the top flight to support your team.
The other argument that was said,
which is silly,
was about how,
oh, Elliot, do you like Conor McGregor?
You're glory hunting.
And it's like
it's completely different
I was losing the argument
so I needed to make something
we should all be
Bisping fans
this is how I argue
the second
the second I start
the second I start
losing an argument
I stop using
my logic
and I start twisting yours
because it stops
being about being right
it's about proving but I will admit and I'll stand in the Because it stops being about being right. It's about proving other.
But I will admit,
and I'll stand in the corner for 30 seconds.
My one.
Muggles go to the opera.
You spend,
God knows,
and it's very posh muggles, right?
It's very rich muggles.
You spend your hard-earned cash, right,
to go watch a bunch of pensioners
play Nokia 3310 ringtones.
I would, I would massively agree with you,
but I saw one of my favourite shows I've ever seen was a Mark Thomas show
about how his dad went to see the opera
and his dad was like this working class bloke.
Yeah, but that was, you saw a comedy show.
Yeah, but it was like, oh.
It made it sound good.
It was like, oh, right.
So I imagine if I learnt to understand that
I just don't understand
I don't
I don't understand opera enough
to make a comment on it
but it was funny when
Ricketts had suggested
going to see Hans Zimmer
obviously not an opera
I guess he did like
a musical performance
but he does like
suspenseful music
but what is brilliant
and I fucking love
all of his work
like I love
but that other one
with Matthew McConaughey
where he goes into space
into Stella
fucking wonderful
Blue Planet
like half the shit
that you watch
that's got suspenseful music on
you don't even realise
Hans Zimmer makes the music
Hans Zimmer makes the music
but what is good about it
is like it'll build suspense
so you're watching
like a fucking
Conga Eel's about to make
it's like
attack on something
so it'll build the suspense
and then as it attacks the music goes with it so all the sound effects are's about to make it's like attack on something so it'll build a suspense and then as it attacks
the music goes with it
so all the sound effects
are him reacting
to what he's saying
now if you take the imagery
away from it
you just get into suspense
for nothing
like oh here it comes
here what comes
just be faithful
how do you sing
in an opera
you've got to sit down
and just sit down
and listen
you're not just singing along.
And if you're always singing along, you can't.
I love the words.
They're great.
But isn't opera all in Italian or Latin?
Oh, yeah.
I think we're getting opera and orchestra confused a lot as well.
I'm putting them both in.
Orchestra and opera.
Like operas, yeah.
Yeah, I've never really understood why people
go to the pro do you know what i hate is when they do the proms or something and then they're
like and we're gonna get like a rapper to rap over someone and you're like don't try make this
like let it be either let it be cool to the people who like it and not cool to the people
who don't like it like a school teacher like a school teacher put his hat on backwards
it's like just let it die i hat on backwards. It's like,
just let it die.
I feel that exact way
about jazz.
I'm just like,
the second jazz dies,
I'm going to be so thrilled.
And it's slowly dying
and it's so fun
to watch jazz die.
Apparently there's
a wicked jazz bar in Soho
that my mate wanted
to go for on Thursday.
Of course there is.
Jazz is the improv of music,
It's the improv of music.
You learn bass,
I appreciate the talent
that goes into jazz. You've got to be able to fucking play this music and these instruments so fucking well and you make up an improv, but it's just not, like, do a song I know, I don't want to hear you go, it's loud, it's annoying, it's elevator music and I'm not in an elevator.
Why are you reminding me of the worst time in my fucking life when I'm in an elevator with some kind of... Have you gone and spoke to someone about
any of these things? No, not yet.
Are you putting music you don't like in Muggle Corner?
No, no. I'm going to stick with
Yeah, opera and orchestra. I'll agree with you.
I think if somebody was going to the
opera and didn't have any
understanding but kept going as like a
just as a class or status. I think you do have any understanding but kept going as like a just as a class or status do have
an understanding i do feel like the orchestra thing's an accompaniment to something else it's
like you watch a musical and there's an orchestra there that was wonderful amazing yeah like you say
the the movie that you're watching or the the documentary that you're watching it it's like
an accompaniment like it's so weird to go and listen to it on your own like just listen to it on its own
sorry not on your own
but you agreed
I'll put it in
I'm inclined to
but I'm a little bit
I'd like to go
to an opera
just so I can look
around and go
yeah Muggle
but I'm pretty convinced
that would be the case
I've not gone to an opera
so I haven't done
the research
but I'm just basing it
on what I imagine
it's provisionally
in the Muggle corner
provisionally right cool what's your one I haven't done the research, but I'm just basing it on what I imagine. It's provisionally in Muggle Corner, provisionally.
Right, cool. What's your one?
I don't think anybody that goes to opera has listened to this podcast.
Exactly. Normally Muggle Corner.
It's genuinely higher arts against hedonism, isn't it?
Right, so I've got a Muggle Corner, but I just didn't have it open.
Sorry for the stalling.
Oh yeah, this is just because Sammy, my mate Ryan applied for Jodie's show.
Muggles applied to be on Jodie's show.
It's like you're buying your lottery ticket.
You think your number's going to come up
and you're going to be famous for your 15 minutes.
Imagine having the idea that you think you're going to go on that show
and you're going to look good.
Like they're going to make you look good.
People are laughing at you.
I think the thing where
Ryan probably would be good at George Soros
is just this lovely, high energy...
Is there a big gay little Ryan?
Big gay little Ryan.
Did Flaring for you during the Fringe?
He was a great flyer.
He's charismatic as fuck.
But he'd be great on that show
but he'd probably get rejected
because he's not some fucking
he's not an asshole
and he's not fucking buff
he's not eye candy
for the
for bimbos
and he's not really
bitchy enough either
like every time I've had a
oh I think he could be like
oh yeah
he'd have it in
like he
he can crank that up
clearly he's only bitch
when I'm not there
I about it
so yeah
he's applying for that
because Ryan works for Punch Drunk a lot
and I was trying to get a fruit of him
dude you work with
so many people who are genuinely talented
why would you be drawn to something that
it promotes lack of talent
it promotes celebration
of ignorance
lack of substance is what it thrives on
yet you're working in this industry that is like
fucking talented
people everywhere
yet there's this
shortcut industry
which is
I guess
car crash television
it's what we made
the show Muff about
and I hate that
people look at that
as a little out
like oh I could
maybe escape the grind
and be seen
and have my moment
in the sun
I'm like
develop a talent dude
like he's a fucking
charismatic man
like take up acting
take up comedy
take up singing
or like learn an instrument
or just do something
of talent
but don't go into there
I don't
just don't like
look for the
because it is a fast pass
isn't it
a fame
before TV right
people would be famous
for their accolades
in war
or their like
a bard would be famous for doing aolades in war Or their A bard
Would be famous for doing a recount
Of a story in a song
People would become famous because of their accolades
Now you don't even need to have an accolade
You just need the camera to be pointing at you
Do you know what I was thinking
The new generation come through are going to do those reality shows
That the old generation never had
Like if you had 2004 Big Brother or whatever
They never had Twitter or Facebook
So they never would have gone on and said something risky and then one day
thinking like if you if you don't the thing is with our job is you always think like maybe i
shouldn't put this up because someone could get it bring it out of context i'll get brought down
yeah no chat shit get banged yeah which one great philosopher once said and uh but with the new
generation come through like that guy
just got evicted from i'm a celebrity because apparently i've not seen tweets but apparently
they're racist and homophobic or something and you're like you go on these shows now and your
whole like life yeah everything you've once all the mistakes you made all the mistakes when you
weren't in the lame lake when you're figuring yourself out yeah exactly and i just brought up
and it's like no get off the show you don't get a chance
to apologise
or a redemption
you're just outcast
I think like
if you've said something recently
you should be held accountable
something you said
10 years ago
of course
you should be able
you should be allowed
the opportunity to be like
I was an absolute
fucking moron
I said some horrible
stupid things
we've mentioned this
in the podcast
several times
about Crystal Palace
nah I stand by those
Death to Palace
you say some stupid things
I didn't say this
when I was 16
17 years old
but unfortunately
I did have a platform
to say it
now it is
I've not gone through it
but I don't imagine
I said anything to
but I'd hate for people
to be like
but you said this
you're like
yes I did
I'm not
like i've moved i've moved on from that actually i can't so i i can't say that i've grown since then
yeah people's past can't catch up on them as if it's their opinion now yeah and for some people
it is like donald trump famously said i've not changed i'm the same person i was when i was five
years old that's a direct oh my oh my god so yeah applying to be
in a
reality TV shows
as your little
fast pass
go apply to be
in Muggle Corner
yeah just fucking
do the grind
learn some shit
get a skill
so in Muggle Corner
is Glory Hunters
who shit on little teams
orchestra slash opera
people who go to that
and people who apply
to be on reality TV shows
now before we go
any further Elliot before we go into dad jokes do you have anything to plug are you on there
which shows you i i have a couple things is it all right if i plug something i'm doing in
of course yeah um cool uh so these are just a few things coming up that i don't know people from
so in february on the third i've got nothing really in London at the moment. That's just my thing.
But in February 1st to the 3rd,
I'll be at Edinburgh Stand with Gareth Waugh.
Hey, it's two of the fucking podcast listeners.
Edinburgh is blessed.
And on April 2nd to the 4th,
I'll be at Punch Drunk.
I'll be at Punch Drunk,
which I'm very much looking forward to.
With Marcus Brigstocke and Glenn Wall.
Amazing. This Sunday, I will be fighting my first inter which I'm very much looking forward to with Marcus Brigstocke and Glenn Wool amazing
and this Sunday
I will be fighting
my first
interclub Muay Thai fight
so if you want to
come to that
if you want to come
and watch me
if you want to see
him get punched
in the face
kicked in the body
I'll be more
at that one actually
we've got the
Soho Theatre
run to plug
we're both going to
be there
at overlapping times
mine is the 7th, 8th and 9th
I think yours is from the 4th till the 9th
I think it's from the 3rd to the
10th I think mine is. So you can come see both our
solo shows in London at the
Soho Theatre. Mine is 7th, 8th and 9th
of December, you can get the tickets online
and it's on at 9pm
And me and Kyle are still on tour, Thursday the 23rd
of November we're in Cardiff, Friday
Kirkcaldy, Saturday, Salford.
Sunday, Hull.
Tuesday the 28th, Barnard Castle.
Wednesday, Carlisle.
And then I'll update you all on those next week.
I have one last thing.
I'm on Twitter at ElliotStillCom and Facebook ElliotStill.
I'm putting out a new couple stand-up video soon.
It's cool.
So I haven't wrote all my dad jokes because I haven't been very well.
I've only got 9
Kai your dad
oh no sorry
Steel your dad has my name on his rider
Kai your dad keeps writing
hashtag me free on me too posts
your dad has the pockets in his jeans
Kai your dad cleans his pockets in his jeans.
your dad cleans his hairbrush with his teeth.
your dad wears his best Stone Island and writes hashtag away day
and hashtag no pyro no party on Facebook
before driving you and the rest of your
teammates to the school football match.
He's not glory hunting though.
Elliot, your dad uses tip X on his teeth instead of
brushing them. Elliot, your dad has his tip X on his teeth instead of brushing them Elliot your dad has
a disabled parking pass
for his lisp
Kai your dad is still
wearing his poppy
loves his country
Danny your dad purposefully
puts a stone in his shoe
to remind himself
that the struggle is real
and that live is to suffer
Kai your dad left your mum
because she wouldn't let him call you Sonny McSunface.
Danny, your dad has a podcast with a segment called Your Son,
but it's not the same.
Elliot, your dad makes his toast on the hub.
Elliot, your dad wipes his arse with a cotton bud.
Kai, your dad got a caution
at work because he keeps calling Islam
is lame and it's making Sajid very
Danny, your dad hired
two prostitutes and the three of them
just sat around in their pyjamas braiding their hair all day.
Kai, your dad dabs at weddings.
Danny, your dad took a poo in Ibiza
because he had heat stroke.
Are you out, Kai?
I've got one left.
Who wants it?
I'll take it.
You want your dad
to end up in a baseball practice
but accidentally brought a dildo
instead of a baseball bat
and then spent the entire training session
worrying about what he'd done with the bat.
Natalie's happy, though.
Kai, your dad has a bookmark for his Kindle.
Danny, your dad has been smoking weed for 40 years
but still can't roll a spliff.
Oh, fuck, that's me.
Shots fired.
Elliot, your dad slut drops truth bombs.
Danny, your dad doesn't support
his local football
team because he's
a huge cuck
is that it
we're all done
that's it
Romeo done
five minutes
lost to the ether
but we enjoyed it
we'll be back
next week
thank you Elliot
for coming on the
we'll definitely
have you back on to defend your intelligence
once more
yes and I better put these batteries back where they came from
Morgan's out