Sloss and Humphries On The Road - Ep.3 Get in the corner, Muggles
Episode Date: October 10, 2016Muggins (straight up gangster) and Cream (owns a trolley token) have laid down another badass hardcore podcast for your audio delights. Insert this into your head via your ears right this very minute....
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Sloss and Humphreys on the road!
Muggins and cream, cream and muggins, straight thuggin', livin' the dream.
That's our intro.
Fuckin' muggles!
Ticklin' the clit inside your head that makes you laugh.
Ha ha ha!
They said it can't be done!
We're in the same seats.
That's hack.
Aww, muggles.
Accidental ripjob in the park.
Kiss, kiss, kiss.
Or a magic bean cynical.
Just muggled it up on fuckin' Mugglepedia.
Where have you been since 9-11?
We are back.
It is...
They've just hit our first jingle.
Oh, yeah.
Thank you.
We didn't hear it just then, but...
We've added it in, probably.
Thank you to Richard Massara,
our lovely friend,
who made us that little jingle at the start.
Dick Massager. Dick Massager.
Dick Massager making us a lovely jingle so we can seem more like a professional podcast.
The one thing that does not make us seem like a professional podcast yet,
despite the fact that we did manage to get it on iTunes,
is the fact that we're still coming out of one ear if you're listening on headphones.
I've not worked out how to change it.
Oh, no, I've done it.
Have you?
I've fixed it, yeah.
Podcast two was in both
years was it yeah because podcast one to our average listeners uh you would have me in one
year and daniel in the other i mean i still believe that it might be on the case because
in which case like it's it's it's shit if you're in the gym and you're just doing one
one year in because then you've just got me chatting shit in one year or you with a ridiculous
accent you just say cuddled up with a bird. She's got one ear piece in,
you've got the other ear piece in.
You're laughing at separate bits.
She's enjoying,
you switch over,
it's like,
halfway through,
you're like,
you want a bit of Kai?
Daniel's been too funny
to like a rest,
but Kai.
Kai's giving my dad some grief.
So we're back for episode three
of Sloths and Humphreys
On the road
Muggins and Cream
Hitting the airwaves
Yes mate
Back in your ears
Both of them
Both of them's to
This time
Muggins sorted out the ear
Am I coming out your
Muggins ear right now
Your cream ear
Am I coming in your
Cream ear
Cream in your
That sounds like it would
Be an actual fetish
What cream in your ear
Just none in the ear
No just I guarantee if you type in To fucking Pornhub or LobsterTube Or anything like that If you type in like it would be an actual fetish what creaming in your ear just none in the ear no just
I guarantee
if you type into
Pornhub or LobsterTube
or anything like that
if you type in
a porn comes up
why don't you guys
go and check that
and let us know
how it goes
and there's another
hybrid version
there's a musical one
Creamier River
stuff like that
little jokes like that
little zingers
little zingers
we are bringing these
fucking zingers
live from
Drewie's Inn
hotel room
in Nottingham
oh yeah
there's one more thing
to say
but yeah
we're in Nottingham
we just done
Watercart Centre
in Coventry
so first of all
thank you
to everyone who came out
to our shows this week
we're fucking great
yeah it's been good
fucking shows
yeah very good shows good venues good audiences great crowds and also thank you to everyone who came out to our shows this week. We're fucking great. Yeah, it's been good fucking shows.
very good shows.
Good venues,
good audience.
great crowds.
And also,
thank you very much to everyone who's listened.
We got far more people
listening than we fucking
expected for the first
two episodes.
I just thought it would
be like my girlfriend
and I.
Just your girlfriend
and my mum.
Same person.
don't know less.
It's just going to be awkward when I call you daddy during sex now, if that's true.
It's getting incestuous.
That's where we're not going.
We'll be doing a gig here tomorrow.
And then we have three days off where we go back up to Scotland
where we are going to spend all of Tuesday and Wednesday playing Gears of War.
Oh, yeah, Gears of War 4 is out. Oh, mate. Split screen. Can you say Gears of War again in and Wednesday playing Gears of War. Oh yeah, Gears of War 4 is out.
Oh mate.
Split screen.
Can you say Gears of War
again in your accent?
Gears of War 4?
Gears of War 4 is out.
Oh mate,
I'm kind of excited
for Gears of War 4.
So we're going to go
split screen.
I'll run in with a shotgun
while you stay back
with a sniper rifle.
I'm picking him off.
Cream in the background.
Muggin's running in.
Muggin's chugging in.
Muggin's getting right in the mix. Muggin's in in. Muggin's chugging in. Muggin's getting right in the mix.
Muggin's in the mix.
Chainsaw on his gun.
I don't know if...
We've been quieter in the hotel room
than we were in the living room
on the last two podcasts
because we've been in trouble before
when we were on the phone
and we had a complaint for a neighbour.
We weren't recording anything.
Hold on, hold on.
No, no, hold on.
As the neutral in this story
allow me to tell
a new
fuck you
and then
stand up for the
boys you made
so we're in a hotel
can't remember where it was
you, me and Ali
we'd just been at
Joel Darmitt's parents house
and they'd given us
a fucking petrol can
of homemade cider
because I'm from
Bristol aren't they
I get some scrumpy
while you're in Bristol
Joel Darmitt's mum I know she's not listening but if anyone knows her whenever we stay's a part of, get some scrumpy while you're in Bristol. Oh, Joel Domet's mum,
I know she's not listening,
but if anyone knows her,
whenever we stay with Joel Domet's parents
and tour when we're in Bristol,
she hooks us up.
She washes our clothes.
She makes us delicious homemade food.
His dad makes us go and chop wood.
Yeah, I chop a lot of wood up.
I stockpile them for the winter.
There's some warm Domet right now, because of me.
So they could make some boiling hot, piping hot cider.
So we're drinking away in the room,
and we are being a bit loud, a given.
Yeah, there's just a lot of me talking and Danny laughing.
And then there's a...
And someone just here through the wall goes,
you fucking can't...
Now, this is the first point of interaction.
So I'm like, oh, clearly we've been too loud.
But we're going to keep being loud.
So what we should do is we should just go down to the reception,
the lobby, and just drink in this sort of bar place.
And just as we're about to leave, the phone rings.
And it's reception.
And they're like, Mr. Sloss, we've had a noise complaint.
And I was just like, that's absolutely fine.
We were being a bit loud.
We're on our way down to the bar anyway.
But that was the first warning. But we fully agree apologies, we walk down
and then this man comes fucking storming past us
as we're walking down the corridor
and I'm like, I bet that's the guy
and just as we go by I'm like, hey buddy
it was us and the noise and I'm really sorry
because you fucking bunch of noisy cunts
I've got a pregnant wife
and he's like, no, fuck, you're too fucking loud and storms away and I'm like we were just bludgers and he's like no fuck
you're too fucking loud
and storms away
and I'm like
well he was a lovely man
get down to the lobby
drink in there
he then storms back
and starts being like
I want a move room
I want a move room
I want a move room
I've got a pregnant wife
we'd already dealt with that problem
we would have sat down
I fully believe
his level of anger
was just heightened
by the fact that
he'd probably been more
woken up
but he's got a fucking
pregnant wife
it's a stressful point in his life she's probably only just got to sleep for the first time I fully believe his level of anger was just heightened by the fact that he'd probably been more woken up. But he's got a fucking pregnant wife.
It's a stressful point in his life.
She's probably only just got to sleep for the first time.
We were fully in the wrong, but we were making amends.
And I'm like, buddy, you don't need to move rooms.
We're going to stay in.
And he's like, no, you'll go back and be noisy.
I'm like, look, tell you what.
You don't move rooms.
You have a pregnant wife.
You stay there.
We'll move rooms.
And we won't even go back into it.
We'll change rooms.
They can go get our luggage and move us into a separate room upstairs there won't be any noise
and at this point he calms down and I'm like
is that right? He's like yeah no I'm really
sorry man. I'm like no no no I fully understand
but you've got to understand that you didn't
talk to us
you didn't ask us to give you down your first point of contact
which is you're a fucking cunt
which where you come from is fighting talk
which is why the next part of the story happened.
Which is, I'm just literally finished defusing this bomb.
Like, the guy's apologising, he's now apologising for swaying,
and we're having a bit of a laugh.
And then you come in, and go, hey mate,
and I'm like, this is the other guys,
and you went, fair play.
You went, I'm really sorry, man, we were being too loud.
And he went, went yeah don't worry
about it and then you went because i'll be honest with you last time someone called me a fucking
cunt they got knocked the fuck out i'm just confused and he's like what he goes are you
being defensive but like somebody really like no no no like not a bad one but just
like be less of a dick otherwise i'll knock you the fuck out well it's like that road rage thing
isn't it
like people will toot their horn
and shout when they're in the car
but they'll not talk
you're like that to your face
and he was like
through the protection
of banging on a wall
like in Cold War
cunt through a wall
I just thought I'd like
just put it into reality
that you're a person
I'm a person
you just called me a cunt
so I'll just let you know
that that's not acceptable
to open a gambit
like opening a gambit with someone.
I imagine that we should open it on Tinder.
You fucking cunt.
You fucking cunt.
Your first interaction with someone should never be that.
You should always, like, assess the situation first.
Yeah, but it would be weird if he just started banging on the wall.
He's like, hello.
I'm your next door neighbour.
Just to let you know.
Like a nice Canadian guy.
Keep the noise down, eh? That wasn't Canadian. Or just to, you know like a nice Canadian guy like keep the noise down eh that wasn't Canadian
or just
or just
the fact that you said eh
at the end
you were just like
this saves it
whatever you do
your Jamaican accent
it's just your one
but you say man
after everything
I am off to the shops
Jamaican and Geordie
is quite similar anyway
who had
to say bacon
no hold on
is this right
I don't know if I'm
this could be
so wrong
if you say
beer can
in a Geordie accent
you say bacon
in a Jamaican accent
oh beer can
yeah beer can
but it doesn't have to be
in a Geordie accent
does it
beer can
no beer can
is just anything
it was like that one
that really fucked me up
was the
if you say
space ghetto
like an American
like an American Like an American
it sounds like Spice Girls
in a Scottish accent
Space Ghetto
Space Ghetto
Space Ghetto
Space Ghetto
It totally did that
It fucked me up for days
So say
Who's your favourite Space Ghetto?
Who's your favourite Space Ghetto?
Who's your
What the fuck are you doing?
Did this malfunction?
That did
I'm going to have to turn you off
then back on again
Just turn you on
Turn you on this
Hotel room
We're going to be
Banging against their wall
Come and join us
I was calling him a cunt
This is what I say to him
I'm degrading him
She's like
We should have banged
An apology back through
Shut the fuck up
Sorry dude We'll try and keep it down Apologies Ten minutes later bangs an apology back through. Shut the fuck up! Sorry!
We'll try and keep it down!
Apologies! Ten minutes later,
you guys are asleep!
I've cleared the bar bill for you. I went down and
cleared your tab at reception.
So this
guy then gets on the fucking defensive after
you've thrown him. He's like, well, no, no. You're like, no, no, no. And then he gets angry again, and I'm just there after you've thrown him, he's like well no no
you're like no no no, and then he gets angry again
and I'm just there like you motherfucker
and he's like well why don't we take this outside then
and you went okay
and you walked straight outside
stood outside the doors, he walked there
got to like the
where the automatic doors were on the inside
reassessed the situation
your watch was coming off
his let's take this outside then was so hollow automatic doors were on the inside, reassessed the situation. You were like, your watch was coming off.
Yeah, his let's take this outside then was so hollow.
It's such a hollow, like, let's take this outside.
Oh, no, I don't want it to go like that.
Oh, this is not how I want to go.
Oh, you out-alfied me, you win.
You've got this one.
So what you do is you just go, all right then.
And there's no way he's ever going to go ahead with that fight. So he then gets to gets to there reassesses the situation then comes back in and says that he wants to phone the police
because he's being threatened which he no you got called on your shit yeah he invited me outside
and then uh well because if that's not a threat for violence if he thinks this stuff from his
outside was just like come on talk with us some fresh air all right let's take a breather my
name's darren my wife's pregnant how are you oh congratulations take yourself it just takes
you to look at the stars oh it doesn't really put into context how pointless how pointless this
this little tiff between us is yeah how about you leave your pregnant wife and run away with me
i'm gonna name that one after you The Big Dipper So you think
That star remains me
It's fucking massive
It's going to explode soon
It actually died a long time ago
But we can still see the light
The Red Dwarf
In a couple of years
Or in a couple of days
She's going to be a massive black hole
That's awful
But funny
So yeah
He starts coming in
Complaining that
He's been threatening stuff
And then I've got to go
To full bomb defuse
And what to get
And be like
Hey man
Just go
Yeah no no no
Come on go on
I've got to go get you
And eventually
He did He did kiss and make up Didn man just go yeah no no come on go on I can go get you and eventually he did
he did kiss
and make up
didn't he
I done the
head tilt
I did
but you both
did the head tilt
and put every
lips for that
bottle too
yeah you
balled out
I couldn't
close the last
you know
I just hovered
my lips in the
he cheeked
he had the
back of his
neck as well
like really romantically.
Hollywood, full Hollywood, like had his ear cupped in my hand.
You text him five minutes afterwards and it said like red at 2.06 in the morning,
but it was like 4am in the morning and he was online.
So he's like read it, but he's just not replying.
He's just sitting there nervous.
Why has he not replied? He says he's been online.
And he must be busy.
With his wife so yeah
so hopefully
no one will be
banging on the
walls today
how long is that
is that enough
yeah well I mean
we can go into
chats between games
but I feel like
they've been working
for us
we've had a lot
of positive feedback
let's chuck a game
in so three little
shall we do
muggle corner
yeah that's more
conversational isn't it
it's a good
conversational game
I'm going to have a
good little chat
with my buddy
if you're some
weirdo who's just
joined in on the
third episode and
just been like
I can't possibly
catch up on the
previous tour
Muggle is
obviously a
derogatory term
in me and
Kai's lexicon
we know it means
non-magical person
in the Harry Potter
season series even it basically is just a term for a in me and Kai's lexicon, we know it means non-magical person in the Harry Potter season
series even, it basically
is just a term for a low functioning
socially low functioning
human I would say
yeah, like where the creativity
is turned down to one
but we all have a muggle moment, you can be a full muggle
and you can also be, nobody's ever not had
muggle moments like, an example
of a muggle conversation is that type of thing being like i'll tell you what the other day i'll get this
right went to this restaurant new one down the street just the loveliest steak i've ever had
i swear like melted on like you know when it's a good steak it's like a really it just melts tender
i was just it was like it fell off it fell off of the book even though it wasn't a tea bun it fell
off of the book the only complaint i've got about that place is you have to pay extra for the sides.
You're not just going to buy a steak on its own.
You have to pay extra for it, and it all adds up.
It's just horseradish and stuff, and then you've got to get a pint.
It was a Sunday.
It was like, I thought I'd treat yourself.
I have a fixed menu.
Well, because if you don't treat yourself, who will?
He certainly won't treat me.
Not the mood he's been in recently.
But he's been decorating at the minute.
Oh, he's got a lot on his hands.
He's going to do the porch.
We've had to go and buy a dado rail from B&Q.
Fucking muggles.
Just fucking walk into the sea.
Have a little swim.
Just have a little swim in the sea.
And then come back in traffic.
Don't go about too far.
It's choppy.
Just go and get your ankles wet.
So Muggle Corner is essentially a thing where we Nominate and potentially
Debate something we think belongs in the Muggle Corner
Which is just something we think is just
A very
We've got stuff that we've been guilty of as well
Like I suggested last week that being a Muggle
Is going to the DJ booth to make a request
For a song
And we'll both admit that we've done it before
We've both been muggles
but you've just got to admit you're a muggle
in that situation
okay my first one
and a perfect example is something I'm also guilty of
this is embarrassing
queuing and dressing up for movies
like you know when the new Star Wars is coming out
people like queue outside
for the day of the fucking premiere
and like they dress up as the day of the fucking premiere.
And, like, they dress up as the things, like, Harry Potter.
I just feel like overnight camp.
Like, Ticketmaster exists. You join the festival feeling of a movie rather than just watching a film.
But, like, you can book tickets.
Like, anyone that's, like, queued outside to get into Star Wars, you can book online.
Like, what are you doing?
Like, ages ago, before the internet, totally acceptable. But now, when you can book online, what are you doing? Ages ago before the internet Totally acceptable
But now
When you can book up
What are you doing?
Fucking mug
Just refresh your screen
Just to take it to the boat
And come out
It's not even like a midnight one
It probably opens at 8
And if you want the experience
Just set a tent up in your house
And just bring your laptop in the tent
It's got 9 cinemas in there
There's going to be
You're not going to miss it
When was the last time
A fucking movie sold out?
And you've also queued
For computer games Oh queued for computer
oh queuing
for computer
wait no
I'm just saying
like is that
the same thing
I mean probably
to people that
don't game
maybe again
this proves the
hypocrisy of it
because people who
love the movies
obviously queue
I've queued for
every Halo game
you know what's
funny there's people
that aren't into
the computer games
that don't like
Grand Theft Auto
or whatever
and they'll like
pull up to the
supermarket at night just to buy groceries right and then Auto or whatever, and they'll pull up to the supermarket at night just
to buy groceries, right, and then
see the queue form and they'll go, oh, they're so sad.
But then if you get really into it,
they're not sad, they're very happy.
They're really happy, they're excited, they've got this sense of
anticipation, and you're like, oh, they're
sad, as if their life's miserable.
I genuinely, Halo 3
came out during my exams
in like
fourth year
of high school
dick move by
whoever made that
me and Ali
went to the
midnight launch
didn't get home
till half past one
bought like a
fucking crate
of Lidl's
Red Bull
and stayed up
I thought you were
going to be like
I've got loads of booze
no no
we had school
we had school
next day
so I was fucking
drinking drinking
all these fucking
red filters
until eight in the morning
then got our bus to school
and just slept
in every fucking class
failed my exams
failed your exams
and now look here
but the thing I am
guilty of
was not that
which is
I don't know if you know this about me
and this is horrific
When the first Harry Potter movie came out
I was a big Harry Potter fan
and I was reading all the reviews
for what was happening in America
and in America they had the big screenings
and people went and they were dressed up as the characters
and I naively assumed that
Dunfermline in Scotland
would have
the same attitude.
So do I.
You fucking teeing up
dressed as Dumbledore.
Harry, obviously, first of all,
dyed my hair black
and drew a fucking scar.
You drew a scar on your head.
Man, how did my dad
make me a broom out of a tree?
Well, if it helps, I inadvertently went as Ron Weasley.
Everyone asking for the photo with us,
and I'm just like, I'm just dressed normal.
This is how I roll around.
I've genuinely never told this.
This is one of the most embarrassing things.
You know when you just wish you could go back in time
and kick your own fucking head?
Man, you turned up with a fancy dress
when the party wasn't fancy dressed, didn't you?
I wasn't even 12.
I was 15.
Which one was it?
Which movie?
I think it was the...
Was it one?
The first one?
It was the first one.
So people hadn't even...
Because the majority of people in Dermaline
probably hadn't read the books.
Or learned to read.
So it was just there.
They were just there for the moving images.
Oh, it's all brand new.
There's no hype train.
Like, imagine just some generic movie
that like
has just come out
you go dressed
like what did we go
to watch today
that really shit thing
the two cops
war on everyone
war on everyone
I didn't think it was
I didn't think it was
put me headphones in
started listening to
an audio book
in the cinema
and what audio book
were you listening to
Harry Potter I had to come full circle motherfucker in started listening to an audio book in the cinema and what audio book were you listening to Harry Potter
I had to come full circle
I was listening to
the Order of the Phoenix
Stephen Fry
tickling my ears
for those of you
that don't know
Kai has never read
the Harry Potter books
or seen the movies
and I am a
I'm a big old
Hazzapazza fan
and the
Cursed Child
is now a theatre show
down in London
which I fucking
desperately want
more than anything
I fucking love the theatre
by the way
you do love the theatre
I put road tickets
every time
I'm just there
so I'm making them
read the books
for the first time
and then watch the movies
and then we're going to go
together at Christmas
and treat ourselves
to part one and part two
of Cursed Child
are you enjoying
the Hazzapazza series so far?
I'm fucking loving it man
it's a magical universe.
It's really good.
I like it.
I'm on board.
I love that muggle in my lexicon
because we've been using it to talk about muggles
who we all know on this podcast.
But I hadn't heard it used for non-wizard.
Yeah, you'd never heard it in content.
When they said Hermione's parents are both muggles,
I'm like, that's fucking harsh.
Jesus, being a dick.
Fucking hell, it's a children's book.
But on that note,
I really wish that I'd been using the word wand for cock.
Because, man, she means it.
There was one of them where it was like,
he had a sleek black wand. Let's just say cock, because that's what she means. he had a sleek black wand let's just say a cock because that's what you mean
he had a sleek black cock just like his father's cock if harry could remember
what was the other one he shoved his wand in the the troll's nostril he stuck his wand up the
troll's nostril now i haven't been calling it a wand but I also haven't been calling a fanny a troll's nostril
but I am now
if we play newphemisms
we've got a game today but if we do newphemisms for
vagina troll's nostril would be straight
in at number one
put your wand in the troll's nostril
if you know what I mean
he shoved his cock back in his robes
shoved his wand back in his robes
shoved his cock back in the robes and shoved his wand back in his robes, shoved his cock back in the robes
and tried to act innocent.
And I'm like, she means it.
These can't be coincidence.
Use your wand, Harry.
Use your cock, Harry.
The white steps didn't exit into Harry's wand.
Oh, they expect no patronum.
He shook it vigorously.
I mean, this is two people I don't think
you'd ever expect
to be big
Hazzapazza fans
but here you go
and we honour everyone
with Muggle Corner
speaking of which
queuing for cinema
and stuff
are we agreeing
this belongs in Muggle Corner
yeah rocking up
in fancy dress
when nobody else is
proper Muggle Corner
from like a series
that hasn't kicked off yet
like there's no hype train
on Harry Potter 1
like I was saying
it's like going
dressed as a cop
to see that film
that we saw yesterday
just a nothing film
so what you're saying
is I dress up as a character
for a film that no one's seen yet
that makes me hipster
and then the fact that
hipsters only came out
in the past five years
that makes
I was being a hipster
before even being a hipster
was cool
ultra hipster
ultra hipster
I am king hipster
I'm definitely not
I fucking hate hipsters
Can you turn your phone on
Fucking silent
You dumb cunt
I'm not
I ain't going
Don't read it
It's Chris Martin
We're doing a fucking podcast cunt
Alright I'm done
I'm trying to turn on
It's your fucking
Muggle corner thing
Yeah so you're
Okay you're a muggler
If you're cute
That shit Mine is Keeping the new fiver Keeping my back fucking muggle corner thing yeah so you're okay you're a muggler if you're cute for that shit
mine is
keeping the new fiver
keeping one back
I've not even got one yet
but yeah
keeping it back
like thinking
I'm not going to
spend that one
I'm going to keep that
in my wallet
and then you're like
you have to break
you're like
oh have you got any coins
you got any coins
I don't want to use
my new fiver
stop being a muggle
you'll be a little bit
disappointed when you
get a second one
because you've lost
the novelty
well no
because even then
because we
it's the money
Australia's got
so it's the new
Britain finally has
this five pound
which is like
the indestructible ones
where you're like
you can't tear it
it's machine washable
and they roll up
real neat
great for coat
roll up real tight
and they spring back out
so you don't look like
a drugger
the next time you're at the shop nothing worse than unrolling a ten pound note at the kiosk Great for court Roll up real tight And then spring back out So you don't look like a druggy
Next time you're at the shop
Nothing worse than
Unrolling a ten pound note
At the kiosk
To buy scratch cards
I hope I can afford some more after this
Then again
I will agree with you
That it's very marketing
I'll probably do that
The thing I'm most excited about
I've got some of your own
Do you have one on you?
Yeah, I sell you one.
You're a business man.
I had...
The thing I really enjoy is...
Obviously, we're now going through this change with money
where ours is becoming sort of plastic like Australia's.
The one thing, and this might sound harsh,
I'm genuinely excited for when the Queen dies.
Oh, there you go.
Oh, old Churchill's on it.
There you go.
Sorry to cut you off there. There's a fucking... You excited for the the queen dies? Oh, there you go. Oh, old Churchill's on it. There you go. Sorry to cut you
off there.
There's a fucking
You excited for the
queen to die?
Well, excited for the
queen to die because
we belong to a
generation where we
get to see the money
And when we get a
new king or queen,
whoever the fuck it
is, the next one,
if it's Harry or
So do they just
spit out the, like,
now you're gone,
do they let it go
Day off. Do you and the funeral? Would you reckon they just do out the, like, now you're gone, do they let her go cold? Day of.
Due in the funeral.
Would you reckon they just do one last minting,
but of her actual face?
They just, like...
Just do it in a photocopier.
Just take her body over to the photocopier.
Put the cord in.
Put it sideways.
Put it sideways.
Like a fucking prison snapshot.
Just wedge her head underneath the little lid.
Even though the lid's probably doing nothing at this point with her head in. But she's dead, who cares? Put the just wedge her head underneath the little lid even though the lid's
probably doing nothing
at this point
with her head in
but she's dead
who cares
put the lid on her head
press down on the lid
the queen's just
and then when it comes through
it's all mushed up
like you know
and you press your face
against a glass patio window
and um
yeah so she'll just be
on the money like that
if that's the final minute
then that's fine
but no
like when we get
a new king
like it's gonna be the money
because it's every year it's the new it's the new monarch so that's fine. Little dead queen. Like when we get a new king, like it's going to be the money because every year it's the new monarch.
So we get to live for a generation
where fucking new money.
So what was the,
was there not a money change
when old Betty got in like?
When did old Betty get in?
I don't know,
like 1500s?
see I wasn't around when she wasn't.
She's been queen
longer than I've been queen
she's been queen
enough for a long time
do you know she opened
the leisure centre
where I worked
Concordia Leisure Centre
the queen opened it
in 1977
did she
I feel like there's a
shit punchline coming
come along
come to Cromlin
and be like
I've got a busy
schedule ahead
just to see how the other half live.
Yeah, just going to step into
that place where the mains are about to get shut down.
Did she go for a swim?
At the pool?
At the fucking bowling creek?
She didn't bring her goggles.
She didn't want to get chlorine in her eyes.
Aye, that's fair.
I will agree with you.
Keeping the £5 note back is a muggly thing to do.
I know you're excited, but it's just money grow up.
My second nomination from Muggle Corner is
Have tattoos of quotes.
Oh, yeah.
And I don't care what it is, even if it's a funny one.
Love, laugh, live.
Love, laugh, live. Where a funny one Love, Laugh, Live Love, Laugh, Live
where like a bible quote
pisses me off
but like
that's my favourite author's quote
just remember it
that's fucking
Marilyn Monroe
if you can't handle me
at my worst
you don't deserve me
at my best
just stop being a psychopath
you didn't give us that shit
if you can't handle me at my worst
go and tell me
because I don't want to lose you
if I can't handle you at your worst, I don't want you at your best.
It's a front.
You're faking.
You're a big liar.
You're at your best just covering up like you're a psychopath.
Can I get a tattoo of your skin, you muggle?
We've both got tattoos.
Three each.
So I've got a naughty boy's tattoo because I'm a naughty boy.
so I've got a naughty boys tattoo
because I'm naughty boys
me and Carl Donnelly
got fucking
hammered in Melbourne
every single night
in the
in the
in the Adina Hotel
where all the comedians
the rest of the comics
were getting up
for breakfast
and having like
early mornings
talking about the shows
being very professional
and me and Carl Donnelly
and Jimmy McGee
were all coming in
hammered like at the end
of the night
sometimes when they
got in from breakfast and having shots with him
and having a shot at breakfast.
So they started calling us the Naughty Boys.
And on the last day we were like,
oh, shall we get Naughty Boys tattoos?
And they were impressed with the brunch club.
And we got NB tattooed on my shoulders,
which I'm showing you there.
And it wasn't until I got home,
my girlfriend reminded me that my ex-girlfriend's name
is Nicola Beatty.
So I got my ex-girlfriend's initials
tattooed on my shoulder.
Also, all of that story
is if you don't know,
if you didn't see you and Carl Donnelly
going out and acting the way you did,
that is such a muggle thing to do as well.
Oh, we got marching tattoos
of our nicknames.
You fucking muggles.
You muggles. Just. You fucking muggles.
Just be properly muggles.
Boys on tour. Lads, lads, lads.
No carbs before Benadarbs.
Muggle corner for
tattoos of quotes.
I'm going to go with
there's a word that's been bothering me that's
been getting used a lot lately and that is cockwomble right okay and what the reason i'm
bringing that up is because somebody once said cockwomble and it was funny right and then somebody
heard that and was like oh i'm gonna use it but now it's getting to the point where people are
saying it hoping that their their audience is hearing it for the first time
so they can get credit
for creating this
like beautifully
concise insult
nobody's tagging their sources
nobody's giving credit
to the artist
it's like a hard
such a cockwomble
and you're there
in your head going
yeah I've kind of seen that
a dozen times
off different people now
don't throw it out there
like it's fucking brand new
you didn't create that
you haven't got the you have a lot of
it is a good
by that logic though
it is a good marker
of finding out
if someone's a muggle
like if someone says
in conversation
oh he's just
David Cameron
is such a cockwombo
in my head I go
like oh you're an idiot
like you're just
new to this thing
that I knew two years ago
again hipster
a new cockwombo
I'm better at that
I also think it's just
bunch of swear words like my favorite one me my dad loves swearing uh my mom
fuck off god um he fucking trolls nostril
i love my mom um me my dad loves swearing've got a conversation like our favourite swear words but we love
my mum's favourite thing is combining swear words
but I think we've found the worst one
which is bass fucking tard
you're such a bass fucking tard
but it just works as
either it's like two swear words
or it's you fish fucking moron
yep I like it, you fish fucking moron.
Yeah, I like it.
You're making a scotch egg.
It's like you've got the one in the middle that's the swear word
and then the outside ones
which is the swear word.
You know what a scotch egg is.
Oh no, describe it further please.
You're an egg.
Scotch and egg.
Hit the road.
Muckets of cream, scotch and egg. the road Muggins and cream scotch and egg
Who's inside who
And one of them's crummy
One of them smells of egg
Oh that's definitely you
Yeah no I'll give you cockwomble
My third and final one
From Muggle Corner is
people who change
their fucking profile pics with
whatever that fucking Facebook thing of the week is.
Whether it's the Star Wars one.
Rainbow, Tricolour.
I know the Tricolour one. No, I will admit, I've done the Tricolour
one. The Australian
for, because they're doing the plebiscite about
whether gay marriage should be legal.
I do them
I did that one
but just because
it's an image of you
me and Nick Cody
and I thought
it was just a clever joke
of being like
I support gay marriage
here's me and two men
I would marry
we're all to flex
and stuff
we're all to flex
and stuff
we're all to flex
and stuff
we're all to flex
and stuff
and then I got fake tattoos
on like a lot of muggles
oh total
and then
because like all of my gay friends
in Australia
they were doing it and they were putting up with them and their partner and i saw
like seven of like this like lesbian couples and gay couples doing it and making this statement i
was like i'll be funny if i join in and just ruin it like a dick and it was but i mean like after
the fucking horrible parachute when people change their thing like what do you what do you do that
you're not making any difference you're just for me it's
it's like
look at me
I care
I care so much
I'm hard to
yeah I know
I know there's a lot
of victims
but me me me
look I care
I care guys
I care
I care
I care so much
oh thank god
I got that off my chest
it's the same thing
everyone would have
been thinking
oh well
Kai doesn't care
he didn't change
hey did you notice Kai didn't change his status to the tricolour oh man it's the same thing everyone would have been thinking oh well Kai doesn't care he didn't change hey did you notice
Kai didn't change
his status
to the tricolour
oh mate
that's all I think
he's fucking Nazi
because it's like
it also doesn't
there's just been
that fucking earthquake
in Haiti
I've not noticed
a fucking
I think it was a
hurricane was it
it was an earthquake
it was a hurricane
it's got like
500 people already
and you just go
yeah because was
there someone the poster coming out about four killed in Florida It was a hurricane knife It's got like 500 people already And you just go Yeah because was there Someone
Like the poster coming out
Four killed in Florida
800 killed in Haiti
Guess who they're reporting about
On the news
Like making it about the
Well you go
Yeah yeah yeah
But you're also not showing
Much compassion to the people
In Haiti by like
Using their plight
To fuck with the media
Like just to give the media
A fuck you
You're weighing tragedies
Yeah you're You're using the tragedies Fucking the media a fuck you you're weighing tragedies yeah you're
you're using the tragedies
as fucking leverage
to like show
what you're knocked at
you know
yeah for me
just why don't you
just fucking put on
about the
about the 880
I'll say something about that
you care about them
I'll post a news report
or just take a shot
at the media
why don't you do
what I do
which is just
what I do
is whenever a tragedy happens
is fucking feel sad
discuss it with friends
and stuff to work
you know
hear other fucking
opinions and stuff
and then just donate
to the charity
fucking privately
and then brag about it
on a podcast
yeah it's
it's so bad as well
my level of narcissism
your level
yeah talk about
how you do it
see these people
these people online
being sad online
I'm actually helping
the people directly
and I say that
I don't give to the charities
I just want it to sound good
this is the thing
Josh Salmon died
the UFC fighter
that name might not mean
a lot to a lot of people
but I followed this guy's journey
I enjoyed him
on the ultimate fight
he actually
won me over
quite a bit
because I didn't like him
at first
and then he had this
great tragedy
and disappeared out of the sport
for a little while
and come back in
stronger than ever
by great tragedy
you mean like
like it was a
fucking good one
fantastic tragedy
great PR move
he's just one of
the top tens
so he come back
like reinvented
that tragedy
I would have
changed my
Facebook thing
for that tragedy
I would have
changed my
Facebook colours
so when he died
I was like
mourning him like mourning my loss when he died, I was like mauling him, like mauling my loss.
But then my instant reaction was like, put something on Twitter about it.
And I had to check myself.
I was like, fucking no.
And be like, oh, I like Josh Salmon.
That was a fun, I repaid all that shit.
Yeah, just making it about you, making tragedies about you.
Like when a tragedy, you just, yeah, I fully agree.
It's any sort of form of that thing is just
it's narcissism
yeah but I had that
that narcissism
ignited in me
where I felt the urge
to do that
I didn't go ahead with it
you know I do it
with good things
like if I'm enjoying
like whenever we're
at the fucking
UFC events
I'm always fucking
like hey look at this
thing I'm being involved in
or like if I'm watching
the UFC
I feel cool being like
hey I'm part of this
I'm bragging about my involvement in this somehow.
And also, I guess, let's lend it some credit.
You're adding your voice.
Like Bowie dies.
Imagine nobody commented about it.
It would be fucking weird if everyone's just like,
oh, I'm going to mourn that personally, but I'll put it on.
But if there's a voice of people saying that,
then if you relate to that artist or that athlete or someone that you
cared for when you see other
people doing it it comforts you a little bit
yeah I do think my
one that I do more about publicly
online is Harambe
Harambe? The gorilla
were you probably shook up by that?
I wasn't shook up by it
but it's now become an internet
Harambe's become a proper internet meme
and the jokes online
about it are fucking exceptional
I'm a big fan
of the old memes
and I call him
because he's my bae
he's the one that was shot in the Sinai Zoo
because he molested that child.
That's what he did.
I mean, people will say it was because he was going to kill the child.
Yeah, he sucked his dick for a good 50 minutes.
He was fiddling it up.
Look, had we seen Jimmy Savile doing it live,
we would have done the same thing.
I shot him too.
We shot him.
We shot Jimmy.
Right, so do you agree with changing profile colours?
Yeah, I think it's very...
Yeah, it's ingrained in you to be muggly with that sort of thing.
I think that hits a lot of people.
Stop doing it, Kant.
You can keep doing this.
As we've said, we're guilty of most of these things as well.
This is my next muggle one.
It's when somebody says,
we've talked about this before as well,
when somebody says,
I don't know how my brain works sometimes.
They'll say something creative for the first time
and they're like, don't ask me how my mind works.
Was it gonna?
They just instantly put their own brain on a pedestal
from other people.
It's like, I've got this unique mind
that concocts the shit
that I'm saying
even I don't understand
how I do it
what am I like
it's like a gift
oh what am I like
oh it is that
oh what am I like
oh see me
I'm mental me sometimes
stop doing your own PR
I'm mad
I'm mad
I'm mad
I'm mad at me
I don't know how
my brain works sometimes
it's just off off the loop I am it's off the top of my head that's part of it right now part of it said it I'm mad. I'm mad, couldn't be. I'm mad, couldn't be. I don't know how my brain works sometimes. Oh,
it's just off the loop I am.
It's off the top of your head,
It's the thought of it right now.
The thought of it said it.
I'm awesome.
I didn't spend time in the lab
creating this banter.
just dropping in the booth.
when I was 17 years old,
I was bitten by a radioactive banter.
And just ever since then,
I've been slinging banter at my wrists.
Swinging from buildings off my banter and just ever since then I've been slinging banter at my wrists swinging from buildings off my banter
swinging and not missing
don't know how my banter
works sometimes
I think I will
I absolutely fucking agree
with that one
and that
I think that was actually
that's the first time
we've been three episodes in
but that's the first time
everything's gone through we're getting better
at muggle spots
so yeah
if any of them applied
so there's been six
if any of them applied to you
stand in the corner
for 30 seconds
so that could be a total
of three minutes
that you're in the corner
oh yeah
that is a good point
for every
and we will know
don't ask us how we know
but we will know
if you do this
that is a good rule
if you are guilty
of any of these muggle things
you have to go stand
in the corner
face the corner too.
Don't be looking out from the corner.
So maximum three minutes, minimum zero.
I mean, to be fair, after this,
you and I are going to have to stand in,
I think, the corner for a minute and a half.
Keeping a fiver, no.
Cock womble, never used it.
I don't know how my brain works.
I say it ironically.
All right.
Also, what about cued tattoos
or change your profile
change your profile
you've done
that's 30 seconds
I've done that
tattoos and quotes
and cues for a minute
so I'm in the corner
for a minute
you're in the corner
for half a minute
we'll do it after this
it's not going to be good
the microphone's long enough
we could do it now
but I reckon
well I think we should
have a spliff now anyway
have a little pause but let's apply this rule if we stop for a spliff break you stop for a
spliff break so we're going to hit pause now and we'll be here as soon as you press play
that's when we'll come back and when we editing works and when we go for a wank you go for a
wank we'll do it all in sync all right so everyone go for a joint three two one and back and danny's
just being childish and swapped
so we're in the hotel and coming back through the
corridor, everybody that's got
do not disturb on the door, he turns around
to say please tidy up.
He giggles like a child.
It's the cattiest thing I do
and I just find it so
funny and I'm sorry if it's, I'm not even
not, I'm fully aware
of how dicky it is to just
get ready for a lion
You've got a pregnant wife day?
Turn it round to please make up
my room
Just call the maid a cunt when she comes in
I just think
it'll fill people with doubt, they'll be like oh maybe I put it
on the wrong way, no, no it's just me being
a prick. Right, something happened during
the interval which you want to bring up, which you said
is going to upset me.
You're probably going to call us a muggle.
But Natalie,
my girlfriend, texted us
saying, I love you, everything about you.
Here is a list of things
I love about you.
A little massage for my ego.
Let's see what they are.
The way you look like an autistic
but happy child listening to Harry Potter.
I look like the boy off there
something about Mary with the headphones on.
I flip out when you touch my headphones
and start screaming.
Just listen to Harry Potter.
The way you agonize over one centimetre of body fat
when you know I love you with or without it. over one centimetre of body fat When you know I love you with or without it
That one centimetre of body fat being your dick
Body muscle
It's all muscle
It's all one centimetre
Tense that centimetre of muscle
And curl in it
Made of granite
The way you like to engage
Everyone you meet in conversation
even if it's evident that we are
urgently trying to catch a timetabled form of public
I love the way you engage everyone else but you still
won't get engaged to me
why did you put that in capitals
I love the way you
marry together a situation
oh man four years now I feel like I can't like there's no way I can together a situation. Yeah. Oh, man, four years now, I feel like I can't...
Like, there's no way I could take a hot air balloon ride
just for the thrill of it.
It would actually be like, oh, this is it.
This is the moment.
What you're saying is actually an excuse for the fact
that you don't do anything romantic,
is you can't just...
I'd love to go to Paris.
I want to go to Paris.
I can't even do my shoelaces.
It's a lot of hard skipping a beach. It's like, oh, you still don't want me. Go out and run with wet laces. to Paris I can't even do my shoelaces it's hard
skipping a beach
she's like
oh you still
don't want me
just go out
and run with wet
because I'm
afraid of
shut the fuck
was that an
intentional awful
I don't think
so no
what was the
oh god
not guilty
so yeah that's so I talk to people on the way to the I'm not guilty.
So I talk to people on the way to the... The way you get excited about the weigh-ins
when essentially it's just a testosterone-fueled
Slim As A World meeting.
She's essentially talking about the weigh-ins at UFC.
The UFC.
It's just two men in boxers
Stepping on the scales
Oh, forget to use my sins
Oh, well played
The way that you cheer me up
When I'm stressed or annoyed
By saying
I'll be your punchbag, baby
You know when like
You know I've been
In too deep a relationship
But when your girlfriend
Can take a day out on you a little bit.
I just fucking fuck you through the headboard.
Yeah, so I just say that.
I go for it, take off on us.
Well, you mean just, like, shout at you for about how shit the day's been?
Yeah, take it out on me.
But I'm also letting her know that I know that's what it is.
Oh, yeah.
I use that as a punch bag.
She uses me as a punch bag she uses me as a
grappling bag
the way that you let me cuddle
into you soaking wet
and sleep into you
when you are wide awake because it's the middle of the day
so that's like we're on different
sleep cycles because
I'm fucking obviously late night
gigs and stuff
early start in the morning.
So sometimes if we go to bed at a similar time, it's the middle of my day or her night,
but she thinks that's why I'm awake.
I'm awake because you're cuddling up, it's soaking wet, I've got a raging hot on and
you're going to sleep.
I mean, that's the middle of my day.
No, I'm fucking, what am I going to do with this?
I can't even have a wank to be all here.
Aye, it's hard to picture other people
With you breathing down my neck
So yep
It turns out
The things that Natalie loves about me
Are the same things you love about me
You do let me take my day out in you
Cuddling to us when you're wet
Shall we go for a game of
So the game Newphemisms is It's like Trolls and Astralis In Newphemisms Yeah For vagina We're of newphemisms? Newphemisms. So the game newphemisms is...
It's like Troll's Nostril is a newphemism for...
Yeah, for vagina.
We're just coming up with new newphemisms for things we think need new newphemisms.
So today's topics are new newphemisms for eating pussy and newphemisms for sucking dick.
Blow jizzles and licking no wizzle.
Blow jizzles and licking clizzles.
Yes, that was better.
Shall we start off with eating pussy?
I'll go first
Brushing your teeth with sin
Especially premarital
Tasting the baby
Chomping at the clit
An unprofessional autopsy It would be very unprofessional
She's dead
She stays dead
Well she's not reacting to this
And everyone else does
She must be dead
I mean I know different girls have different moves
That you need to do on them
But this one's not responding to any of the known moves
Tasting the baby maker I know different girls have different moves that you need to do on them, but this one's not responding to any of the known moves.
Tasting the baby maker.
Tasting the baby maker?
That'd be a cock.
It's licking your own dick.
No, you just... You're licking your own dick in this bit.
No, you're being chauvinist.
Your dick's just the ingredients.
The fucking...
What was the...
Where it's made, you just threw the bits in there.
The fucking woman makes the baby.
Oh, so this is
the ingredient maker
that's a newphemism
for this
what I call my dick
the ingredient maker
so the baby maker
is the womb
tasting the baby maker
that was very close
to tasting the baby
wasn't it
oh so it was
oh well in that case
fine that is fair
I didn't realise
I'll just do
I actually had sex
so drowning in feminism.
Getting the crumbs from the bottom of the Pringles tin.
No hands.
Sideways kissing the stroke victim.
Drinking upstream from the sewage.
And my final one, honourouring the suffragettes
Showing the ostrich how it's done
This is how you bury your head son
Newfamisms for
Sucking a dick
Paying for a taxi ride
Sucking the joy into a relationship.
Wetting the baby's arm.
Choking on the patriarchy.
Eating Smarties with a wrapper on.
Gagging for affection.
Making a huge mistake.
Taking his life in your mouth
doing what it takes
to stay alive in prison
trying to get your nose
inside his belly button
so that's it
use them as freely as muggles use cockwomble
they are the ethos now
let's just go straight
onto your dad jokes
unless you've got
anything to
shall we
to discus
to discus
so your dad jokes
are just
it's our favourite game
where we
come up with
tales about
what each other's dad do
yeah if you've been
following us on twitter
we've actually got
our own facebook page
for your dad jokes now.
We screen cap the messages we send each other for your delights.
And now we're about to take off on Kevin Martin.
All right.
Okay, so I'll go first.
What have you got for Kev?
Your dad shazams the music at strip clubs.
So he can practice dancing to it at home.
So he can have a bit of memory wank.
Your dad cut a hole in his pocket In case he sees anything that he likes
When he's out and about
Well if he's got a hole in his pocket
How's he going to keep the money
So he can buy what he sees
Oh it's children
He's at the park
Your dad nearly drowned
When he got stuck in a plastic six-pack ring in the local pond.
That's why I always talk to break them with your thumbs.
Snap them up because you don't want Kevin to get caught in them.
You can't go straight to the vets.
Kevin was in the vets for ages.
He's got a cone on his neck now.
Because he's not allowed to lick the wound.
Stop biting the wound.
When your dad was having a sun shower...
Six minutes every week.
When your dad was having a sun shower,
he pulled the red cord,
thinking it would turn the fan on,
and a receptionist come in
to say that he had a sock on his dick.
Long story.
Your dad thinks
prima donna means
before Madonna and
that's how he tells
dates on the calendar.
When would prima
donna be?
Well, when she
got big.
I think, what,
the 80s?
Yeah, was it?
Is Alan John
prima donna?
Alan John's
prima donna.
Justin Timberlake's post-Madonna
What about your dad
Your dad puts the bumpers up when he goes bowling
And he uses the ramp as well
And he wears a helmet
He goes bowling alone
Your dad flashes lorry drivers
So they toot their horns
he flashes his tits
I thought
I thought you meant
doing the
you know
the hand pump
the hand pump
to make the lorries go off
no he flashes his tits
it's like an Iberian slap
an Iberian slap
a call back
so your dad
your dad gets his
cut root for
your dad has terrible
eBay feedback
because none of the
fleshlights that he sold were new
was advertised.
Your dad holds his breath
whenever the character in the movie goes underwater
to see if he could have survived the situation
they were in.
Oh man, you should have seen him when he watched Little Mermaid.
He got worked in the hospital.
It's a sad day for the Humphreys family, that day.
Nearly died.
Keeps watching it, though.
Steve, Dad.
God, Dad.
He's passed out.
And it's not even the end of the movie.
Your dad tries on your mam's wedding dress
while she's at DOS
Your dad doesn't vote because he's not allowed
near the school
That's all in his pocket
Your dad gave a big Mexican dude an oily foot job
to clear some debt
Your dad's favourite sex position
Is fetal
Oh Kev
Your dad sleeps with the duvet buttons
On the pillow end
Like the duvet buttons on the pillow end like the duvet buttons on the top
brushing against his face
fucking psychopath
Your dad works in Scotland
Well your dad drinks milk
out of a saucepan on the floor
Your dad comes in his belly button
and dips toast in it
Then does he eat it?
Just trying to get
For the beds
Just dipping some soldiers in
Throw them in the beds
Your dad got sacked from AA
For talking dirty to customers
I'd like to upgrade my package.
Oh, yeah, I bet you would.
I want to upgrade my package right on your tits,
if you know what I mean.
I can take you for 100 minutes.
Stuff like that.
Classic panic.
I can give you a bolt-on.
I'm allowed International Roman
Because I can cheat overseas
My father went
Your dad pretended to be blind
So your mum would let him get a dog
Your dad caught the book here
His sister's wedding
He cried
Kevin Martin just got rinsed
Fucking wrecked
Their ears are burning
And their dicks
Because of the chlamydia
I think we're done
We're done
I think so
Those are three games
And we're about to go watch
the UFC
we're going to re-watch
the Wayans
we're going to re-watch
the Wayans
Slim and Wild
Slim and Wild
Michael Besping
is fighting
Dan Henderson tonight
and that should be
a good fight
so we're going to try
to stay up for it
what we're going to plug
let's plug the podcast
if you listen to the podcast
please share it
tell your friends
yeah the feedback's been very good
and we're narcissists
so please keep that coming
let us know you're enjoying it
let us know which bits you also really like
so we can do them more
because we're doing this for you guys
and keep tweeting Daniel about his trolley coin
never forget
tweet me how smart I am for buying one and saving myself.
Nah, you're a muggle.
It's the ultimate muggle tool.
Is it?
Fuck, mate.
Nah, haven't I?
Right, so yeah, please share the podcast, like it, subscribe.
Give us positive feedbacks on iTunes because that will get us more listeners.
Come see us live.
We are currently on tour and we are going to be in Livingston on...
No, no, I've got the dates here.
So on the 13th of October in St. Andrews,
we will be at the Byre Theatre in St. Andrews,
like I just said.
On Friday the 14th of October,
we are in Livingston at the Howden Park Centre.
If you came to the preview shows
in Livingston in July you can come see
what the better version of the show looks like when it's got
fucking punchlines in it.
And then Saturday the
15th of October we are in
Paisley Arts Centre. Same goes
for you Paisley. You saw the shit version of the show
now you can come see the good one.
And then we'll go to Poland and the European
Tour starts so that should be fun. The podcast should be plenty to report yeah so this should this should be this should be on monday
we'll have another one on thursday we're just going to do monday thursday monday thursday
monday thursday for as long as we can and i am selling a show on usb into the dvd because we're
in 2016 now and i've packed up our goodies there's a bunch of your dad jokes on there there's a tour journal there's a boxing match
against Gav
his brother
who got knocked out
he did get knocked out
he got knocked out
off my friend Scotty D
the gringo slayer
so Kai's brother Gav
was in an amateur
boxing match
with another guy
called Scotty D
and I will say
Scotty D
if you listen to this
I was a doubter
beforehand man
like I didn't think
I had it in you
yeah Scotty D
dropped the D
on Gav's face
just fucking teabagged him
put the D
right in his mouth
Gav got knocked out
well not by a lot
Scotty D
is such a funny character
because he aged
quicker than any man
has ever aged
we were like teenagers
and he was
a full blown recedo
had a dad bod
and now his age is matching
his faith. If you want to see how old Scotty
Dee ages what you do is get
a VHS of Benjamin Button
watch it until the end and then
press rewind times 32
and watch the movie backwards and that's how
fast Scotty Dee ages. That was the Scotty Dee's
first hour of his life.
So Scotty Dean is now
in his 30s
looks in his 30s
there wasn't a good
look when he was 12
he's always looked
in his 30s
and he's been
going to the gym
and he went out
and knocked out
the fitter
Humphries brother
fitter in both
fucking health
and looks
fitness fuck my gaff
ladies out there
if you're looking
reel one in
when he wakes up he could be yours
so yeah the boxing matches
on the USB you can buy that
just go on my twitter at Kai Humphries
it is the pinned tweet and you can purchase my ways
and you can follow me at Daniel
underscore Sloss
we'll be plugging the European tour
dates but yeah please enjoy
like and
share and fucking
validate us and now
just kiss the piss
next year all right
and members go stand
in your corners
remember go stand in
your corners you've
got to punish yourself
remember babies
au revoir see you
cock wambles