Sloss and Humphries On The Road - It’s Not the Venom. It’s the Betrayal
Episode Date: May 4, 2022Your favourite supply teacher Mark Nelson joins Muggins on the podcast and they get talking about some of the fights they got involved in on nights out, Kai comes to terms with the fact he's probably ...still on the run because of some of his actions. They also talk about a pair of little snakes.
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hello podcast listeners thank you for being here for what is an excellent podcast with me
kai humphries mr muggins and mark nelson daniel is off doing the european tour with gareth and
because i was otherwise predisposed and um if you're listening on period i'm sorry the early
access is a little bit late it's still early access you're still getting another day before
everybody else um but it was a bank holiday on monday and i would rather have mark here in
person than do one with someone over zoom hi peggy are you just pottering around looking for something
to do me dog's just walked in she's looking very cute back to the podcast i'm really bad at these
intros but here it is you're about to listen to me and mark nelson talk about all things from the
comedy industry and how it's a lot harder as a working club comic to make ends meet with the rise in prices and stuff like that.
We talk about interrupting fights, breaking up fights and also escalating fights.
And I end up talking about a few crimes I committed.
So hopefully there's no repercussion for those.
This should probably be appearing on an episode and probably stories you've heard before.
But you know what?
They're always nice to hear them again.
We'll also talk about fucking snakes. Enjoy the podcast.
Sloss and Humphreys on the road.
Muggins and cream, cream and muggins, straight thuggin', livin' the dream.
That's our intro.
Fucking muggles.
Tickling the clit inside your head that makes you laugh.
They said it can't be done.
Are we in the same seats?
That's hack. Oh, muggles. Accidental rim we in the same seats that's hack
oh moguls
accidental rem job
in the park
kiss kiss kiss
or am I just being cynical
just muggled it up
on fucking
where have you been
since 9-11
thank you for tuning in
Wednesday's episode
of Sloss and Humphreys
on the road
or Tuesdays
if you're on early access
I've got Mark Nelson
with us
because Daniel is off in Scandinavia
I take it
are these
with Gareth
what are these
are these rescheduled gigs
that have just never happened
because of the pandemic
yeah so
there was
you know when we're
done that
that was too much
it was actually meant
to have more dates in it
they have been rescheduled
they're scattered
between like
now and
the fringe right okay like now and the fringe.
Like now in the summer.
So I catch them back up on like Vienna and Germany and Budapest,
But what happened is they weren't scheduled in at first and Danny had his
baby and I started looking after like me club gigs again.
And I put in some club gigs and they rearranged these dates on top of the
club gigs.
And really, gigs and uh they rearranged these dates on top of the club gigs and really like really what i should have done is like us like pulled club gigs yeah went off with danny because they're big like
thousand seaters yeah exactly and uh they're better paid and all that right but i just had
this like crisis of conscience where i was like you know if i didn't tour with danny like the
club gigs on me bread and butter aye I don't want to just
be the flaky guy
that puts stuff in
and then cuts a better thing
when it comes off
aye totally aye
so even though like
it was
it felt like I was
what I was doing
and class gigs
I feel like bad
saying downgrading
so Peter Vincent's ones
you know
Stuck Knock
and Hartlepool
great gigs
and also even though
it's near enough
like Middlesbrough
and Sunderland
still my people
when it comes to
working class
so you know
when I'm doing stuff
with people
and it's not like
you can pull them
and then hide the fact
that you've done
the gigs with Danny
because they're fucking
and I wouldn't want
to do that anyway
so I was just like
right I'm going to
honour these bookings
because like
don't burn your bridges
that's me
that's me bread and butter
like I'm not touring with Danny I'm going to be doing bookings because like, don't burn your bridges. That's me, that's me bread and butter. Like, I'm not touring with Danny,
I'm going to be doing these gigs.
And so,
and also it was nice
because it meant
Gareth could go on with Danny.
Whereas if I pulled them gigs
and went with Danny,
it's not like I could have
just swapped myself for Gareth.
because he's no big,
he's no big big for them,
so there's no,
And like,
Peter Vincent's probably got a queue
as long as his arm
for people he wants to go on.
so I,
it just gives us like,
serious FOMO and you know,
I'm taking them fucking long miles on my own petrol tank to,
to get to the gigs.
And I actually saw you put a Facebook status about this that day.
And I wanted to bring that up on the podcast.
It's getting less affordable to live on club gigs.
but I basically like the, what I was saying was what what happened was because i you do like i've tried to put in more kind of doubles and stuff like that yeah because it
made sense and it was something i'd never really done because i didn't like i didn't really like
the stress of it the jeopardy of it yeah because all it does take is for one thing to fuck up.
One person's late, one venue queues massive,
so that runs 15 minutes over,
and then you're struggling to get to the other one.
And in London, it kind of works.
They've kind of got it like clockwork.
In the public transport, as much as with Slag London,
the tube's pretty fucking reliable.
If you miss one, there's one two minutes time.
That's the thing.
That's the thing.
But if you're doing one like the middle of the middle of the country yeah you've got like something
they got like a 50 minute drive between it yeah and it's not like but and it has to be a drive
that's the thing because like uh like even like even a couple of weeks ago when we had a
the we were at the matty the Pinsir's engagement party yeah so I
so I came
I was in Blackpool
and that was in Manchester
and I was coming over
just have drinks
before that
and even
like Liverpool
sorry Manchester and Blackpool
aren't that fucking far away
but the train takes
like an hour and 40 minutes
and if you miss it
you're fucked
because the train system in this country is so shit that so you have to drive and then all it
takes is like to start a bit late the mc overrun exactly all these things happen nine times out of
ten yeah so the so the idea was i'd put on more doubles and stuff like that and then they get a
car now uh i prefer to leave the car at home so wife and kids yeah they're
not stranded me too right because they've got fuckers they've got they've got my wee boys get
football on a saturday morning so it's a nightmare to get him to football again because public
transport in glasgow is utter shite i love that i'm going me too like we're kind of getting
we're kind of getting piggy to lynn park. She loves it there. She has to go to Greenbank.
So I was doing a thing where I'd never considered getting a hire car before.
And I started getting hire cars.
And I was like, fucking hell, these are all right.
These are pretty cheap.
So £26 a day.
And then I went to get one yesterday for a trip I've got this week.
And it had gone up to like £150 a day.
And I was like, no, it's nothing to do with that i was like how the fuck has this happened so i put a thing out
and said does anyone know why this is going on and then uh tons of people get back to me and then i
started reading up on it and it's like there's like no cars in the world at all just now there's
just no fucking cars so to get through the pandemic a lot of car hire firms
sold their entire fleet to keep afloat right and since then because no one because no like if you
order this happened to my sister as well she ordered a second-hand car there's no higher
cars available it took eight months no there's no cars there's no fucking cars and it took eight
months for her new car to
come secondhand car to come and nobody it's because they're taking their i don't know whether it's a
i don't know what covid have got to do with it but there's something about there's a every car now
has got a chip in it right there's some chip that gets made i don't know where the fuck it gets made
russia probably right they make this chip and it goes into every... They realise the problem.
Yeah, it goes into every car.
Now, because no one was needing cars
when the pandemic was happening,
no one was ordering a new car
because everyone was ordering from home,
these companies that made the chips
stopped making them for cars
and started making them for laptops instead
because the demand for laptops
exceeded everything because people were
all from home now there's no fucking car chips so there's no new cars so nowhere has a car let's
just request man let's start knocking up cars with a choke remember that we're on a cold day
when you had to pull the choke and it like give it a bit more throttle at a base level
see i don't think that about because i remember i remember I was getting a lift for a guy one night and his car broke down
and it was the fucking
it was the
the key system
that had broken down
but if you can't
because everything's
electronic on it
if you can't get it
to start up
you can't do anything
with it
like the doors
wouldn't open
the boot wouldn't open
the hood wouldn't open
because it's all
in this one central computer
did you hear about
Danny's Tesla
where it started like moving his seat?
Mate, he was fucking driving around.
His seat would just run.
He was just climbing back.
Fucking lane assist would start pushing him in there.
Like Knight Rider.
It's just a hire got a mind of its own.
It turned, dude, long story short,
because we've covered it on the podcast,
but you'll not know about it.
They started building houses
next to his
next to his house
in the plot of land
chopping down trees
to make room
they like
sent him a letter
13 trees
they're going to get chopped down
well isn't that the habitat
for our fucking families
of squirrels
and the squirrels
looking for somewhere else
to live in the winter
fund a way into his Tesla
and he took these squirrels he took these squirrels to london and back and they started
operating he's calling fucking ratatouille
oh that's class isn't it oh man i wonder what happened to tesla now that
elon musk's got a new hobby like jenny'll just fuck it off and just go I've done the car thing
surely he has
nothing to do
with any of it
he's just
this face of it
that just fucking
whacks into the factory
from time to time
and does press shots
and all that right
I don't know
like surely
like the way
Jamie Oliver
used to do
his restaurant
exactly like that
he had no fucking
idea it was going on
in the Glasgow branch
he's looking around
going this is
outgrown me
I've got to
fuck out of the
day with this
didn't that happen
at one of his
he got like
there was a coup
to get him out
of like
was it PayPal
or something
oh really
some old company
that he had
or like
there was some
I read
I read his book
that was like
written by a
journalist that
he'd hired
hired to write
his book for him
you know what I mean
like it was the Elon Musk's eye view of musk from someone else's point of view yeah yeah yeah
so i've read that and like he got like cooed out of his own company right because i'm guessing that
he's like when it becomes a company and people's jobs are there and people are like fucking
functioning without them they're just like come on Artie it was at this moment aye aye aye
so I'm imagining
all of his operations
act like that
could run themselves
yeah aye aye
like he's gonna get
into Tesla
and probably just
shout at a few CEOs
to do it a specific way
and then just fucking
whack off into the sunset
with absolute chaos
chaos from people
on the shop floor
that happens
that happens in pretty much
every Batman film
there'll always be a scene
where Bruce Wayne
has to meet up with the fucking board of Wayne Enterprises
and Alfred has to talk him into going into it
and he's going, listen, I get it.
I get you're doing the Batman thing.
You still got a fucking company here.
And then they're all sitting around going,
we don't need this fucking Batman cunt at all.
Especially the fucking latest one where he's just an emo.
At least he made an F out
with his fucking suit and tie
on the previous one.
He looked like he could run a business.
You know what I mean?
The cunt looked like,
he definitely looked like
he inherited the business
from his dad on this one,
which is, I guess,
more true to the plot.
Aye, aye, aye.
That's class.
Squirrelss operating your car
that's amazing
I mean I fucking
rejigged the story that damaged the car
to the point it was day and night
I quite like
the spin of the story
where they pull and leave us and shit
like when they hotwire a car
and they're just clicking the wires to get
what does this do
so I took them to London
and when he got back
and got the mechanics in
and all that right
the Tesla engineers
like took it away
I think they had to
because they couldn't move it
they had to fucking airlift it
like with a crane
over his fence and shit
there was no squirrels in there
but all their shit was there
so the squirrels had got to London and...
It was squirrel graffiti.
I know what.
Fuck you, sloths.
Just etchings of acorns and that
scratched into the wall.
Bringing down a cat with spears.
But they moved to London like Dick Whittington
there's a bunch of
Scottish squirrels
just cutting about
Victoria Park
getting wide with
oh that's fucking class
so let's try and
cover what we've just done
Twitter getting bought by Elon Musk,
is that going to change anything?
Is there any reason to be bothered by it?
I don't think it will make any difference at all
because it's not like Twitter's a...
Twitter's a fucking shitfire anyway,
so how can any one man make that god-awful site worse?
Have you not seen the Doug Stanhope routine
about the King of thailand
no so you're like he's banned from thailand for saying something about the king right like when
he was on his tour and he got like they had to pull the gig and cancel it because he said something
about the king of thailand he just went off on a fucking tirade about the laws and the fucking like
human trafficking and fucking shit that's going on in thailand right and he's like oh great you're king of the shit heap yeah yeah oh god i'm king of the dumpster yeah yeah that's
all elon musk will be if he buys twitter and you're like you're king of the cesspit hi you're
just king you're king of a message board where just people call each other pedophiles all day
long he's like well this is for me yeah exactly yeah finally a place
I can get away with it
my colon
Twitter found him
and I find it funny
you know when people
are going like
he could give everybody
in America like
so many million
with the amount
that he's buying
Twitter from
and you're like
aye but so good
the people that are
selling Twitter
yeah exactly
like that money's
still getting passed
from one person to another that person could also be a philanthropist with their money
and like oh shock horror billionaires are fucking like out of touch with with the needs of people
below them but also that also doesn't work that that idea where people go or you could solve world
hunger or you could solve you could solve poverty in amer if you gave everyone $800,000
right? Very very
few fucking people are going to go
right that's me set up now
$800,000 I'm going to
invest, I'm going to put a deposit down
they're fucking it off the first weekend
let's not. Ali Adain's making dealers
for the first while. Vegas is going to
be mental that weekend because
everyone's got 800
grand in their pockets and also like if you're asking jeff bezos to give everybody a fucking if
you give everybody like 250 000 per day of money right that means all of your workers will have
like quite a million yeah like do you think they're turning up to work on monday he's literally
laying off he's laying off his entire infrastructure It's in his best interest for people that need money.
Yeah, yeah.
You're asking the right guy for help.
That's a good point.
Nothing would get done if everyone had a shitload of money.
If everyone had a shitload of money,
then they'd fucking forget your bins getting collected.
If Danny gave me a quarter of a million,
I'd stop opening for him.
I think the main worry that a lot of proper left
wing people have got is that it'll bring back
Trump and suddenly
every evil person in the world
will be allowed on Twitter. And you'll be able to
say whatever you want. Aye. And you'll be able to say whatever you want.
And there'll be no stopping anyone from fucking just... It'll just be make Twitter great again.
It's just like the Wild West.
Yeah, exactly, yeah.
Because that's what we've talked about on the podcast before,
is when we look back from a future generation,
like when we're old and our grandkids are in charge and all that right
and you you're ashamed of the things that were let's that were let slide in your in your era
like you know when you look back and you used to hit children in school with a stick yeah and you
can say that to people who are still alive yeah yeah you used to hit kids with a stick in school
if you got a bit further back you've got like fucking slavery and all that right yeah
like sending kids down the main yeah right And you look back and you're going,
that's going to be our,
you let everybody just have free reign of their opinion on the internet.
Was there millions of suicides?
I didn't even think about that.
that's going to be our,
about that.
That was that that was
that was more than
good control
were you on it as well
oh god yeah
tell the few people
to kill themselves
well it was a different
time back then
don't know if you remember
Love Island
as soon as they released
the contestants
I fucking put them
on me Deadpool
not even the contestants, I fucking put them on my Deadpool.
Not even the contestants, the staff.
But we did a hashtag.
We did a hashtag.
That hitting kids thing,
that came up like a week ago because they've banned it in Scotland
and then they banned it in Wales.
Well, recently.
They banned hitting kids. I thought that had been banned since I was a kid oh god no it was
only two years ago it was banned in Scotland and there was a proper uproar like there was when
Wales tried to ban it and then England brought it up last week and you get a genuine massive group
of people that go argue for being able to hit kids wow because it's like how do you even like in good conscience like
back yourself in that argument well the the argument i always give is you know you're on
the wrong side of history yeah they go i was hit as a kid and it's never done me any harm
and you go but clearly it has because you know but our kids like that's not
it's like the evidence is right there Over what a
Piece of shit you are
It's a
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy
It doesn't mean no harm
I've just got a
Bloodlust for children
But hey that's
Yeah only two years ago
It was banned in Scotland
And then Wales
Were shortly after
So they
Wales were shortly after
And then
I don't know
I was wondering why you went
To fucking Wales centre parks for
getting in that
last weekend
that was more
holiday for me
and Amy
than the kids
they had a holiday
from their freedoms
that's so funny
that you could you could travel to hit your kids legally just the concept of that you could get them That's so funny That you can
You can travel
To hit your kids legally
Just the concept of that
You can get them
Get them in the car
Well you know how people
Go over to get free
Like cheap drink in France
You can just take a van
Full of kids down
Do a backy run
Get to Carlisle
And kick fuck out
What a world we live in We're not really like and kick fuck out of London.
What a world we're living.
We're not really like,
we're not in the future yet.
We're still ironing out a lot of the kinks
for the kids to look back
and go,
that's grand.
Did you not stand up for that?
I had a podcast
where we talked about it.
Raising awareness. Podcasts, yeah, stand up for that well I had a podcast where we talked about you know raising awareness
you can probably
ah yeah
everyone used to do them
you're trying to explain
podcasts to a kid
everybody had one
and you allowed
opinions on them
have you ever tried
to split up a fight
on a night out
with strangers
I've knocked people
clean out
for being in the wrong.
Right, right.
That's a hell of a leap from what I just asked.
Have you ever tried to stop violence?
I've escalated violence.
Absolutely escalated it.
There was one where I just saw this fucking lad
getting ragdolled off two people in front of his lass.
And they were like, they were fucking,
they were on track, isn't he?
He was on a night out.
Oh, shit.
And he was on a night out with his lass he was on a night out With his last up
Polished up and that
And the lad put up a good fight
With these two
These two fucking
Like hooligans
And then
His last leg dusted him off
And whacked away
And I whacked
Like I got there
As it was like
I saw it like happening
And I got there
Like I about to split it up
And I kind of split myself up
And then
I just followed these two lads on
Just as a joke Just went You know how you got the better followed these two lads on and just as a joke
just went
you know how you
got the better
of these two
daft cunts
and he just went
do you want some
and fucking
KO'd him
KO'd him on the
spot and Brozzy
just dived in
got his mate
in his headlock
and just went
stop mate
and Gav put the
kid in the recovery
position and we
whacked on
he probably
like knocked him
right out man
Gav stopped him
choking on his
tongue and fucking
checked his pulse
and that and we left and that, and we're left.
And then there was one in Melbourne
where there was a fucking lassie
arguing with a Scottish chanel,
arguing with each other in the McDonald's,
and I was there having some fucking chicken strips.
Just sat on my own,
and he fucking got the tray,
and he mushed it into his lass's face,
drink full of fucking works right
and she like
steps back
and she's like
covering drink
and food
and she's fucking
she's just in shock
and as soon as this happened
these young Australian lads
stood up
and he just
instantly went towards
the Australian lads
to sit them back down
just fucking shoulders
fucking what he's gonna do
and all that shit
and they bottled it
a little bit like they were just like oh like passive they were like trying to stop him all that shit and they bottled it a little bit
like they were just like
oh like passive
so they were trying
to stop him
they weren't even
on night
the kids like
they weren't fucking
short and best
they were like
19 years old
and this lad
was like
knocking on 30
and I just looked
at his lass
I was like
don't make him
knock him out
and she just went
I fucking went up
and just hit him twice
the first one
didn't knock him out
he's a big lad now
and I was like
if he clinches with me
I'm fucked here
you know like
if he ends up
just grabbing us
and like
I kind of get into that
I kind of get into
a street fight with him
and I just give him
another one
I just took this one
from me boots
and fucking
that's what I'm doing
and my hand was
fucking swollen
like I'd
you see
I don't know
I've got it on the camera
oh Jesus Christ little finger is that from that aye where did you hit him chin or like was fucking swollen like i'd you seem i don't know i've gone on the camera oh jesus christ
little finger just not from that i where did you hit him chin or like a fucking cheekbone i think
and um you know it's like it's all mushed in there but my hand was like like it was right out
and i shot myself because i didn't know what the repercussions were with that i didn't have you
know when you hear these things about like the bangla Heed or like you're fucking I see
like I walk away from these things
this could be terrible
I could be done for fucking
like it just
spur of the moment
fucking decision to be like this
social justice warrior
out of the fucking
true sense of the word
where I'm fucking
taking it to the battlefield
I walk away again
oh my god
my life could be fucking ruined
and you just get this
big sinking fear
where like
I've had to really
fucking mentally
coach me
Saluda getting involved
with this kind of shit
because you can't even
argue self-defence
with that
because you
I don't even know
I don't even know
if you would have
an argument in court
so I had
this is how
this is how it went
I fucking
I went back to
me hostel
I was staying at
this hostel
you might even know
the place
I don't know
I can't remember
the name of it
because you've been
to Melbourne before
haven't you
it was like
Melbourne International
there was gigs there
as well
classing in
that's well good
it's not what I was
expecting when I went in
I was expecting
one of them egg chairs
can you can you we them egg chairs yeah can you
can you
we alien guys
can you
can you just sign in on this
and I was fucking
I'm okay
I tried to
try to put all my details in
so I went there right
and I was like
alright I'll
I'll pay me 4.50
for me one hour of wifi
whatever the fuck
they get you on right
And I got in
And I ended up
Fucking facetiming
With Danny
I ended up fucking
Like just messaging
Whoever I was on Facebook
At the time
To chat about it right
And then I got added
By this open mic
Last call
Is that
You know her
So she messaged
She'd been drinking
At the ex-fad
With me and Chris Franklin
That's who I was out with
And she'd added this And then I just Fucking messaged her And she'd been drinking at the Ex-Fad with me and Chris Franklin, that's who I was out with, and she'd added this,
and then I just fucking messaged her,
and she'd escalated
when I fucking left
and told her what happened at McDonald's,
and she was like,
oh, fuck, I saw some flashing lights,
do you want us to go in
and see what come of it, right?
I saw a hair spool open.
She went in, right?
And asked the guy at the counter what happened.
And the guy at the counter, Gans, I don't know,
like they were arguing and then this lad just come up
and smashed the girls' food over her, tree on her,
and then knocked the lad out.
And knocked the lad out.
So I was like, I didn't.
That's not what happened.
Even though we just met last night, that's not who I am.
As if you were furious that they were interrupting your meal.
Oh, I've had enough of this.
I was fucking beside myself.
I was like, wait, this is getting worse For me this night
But apparently
The ambulance come for him
And she got in with him
And I was like
I kind of got into hospital
With my hand
My hand was fucking
Broken right
But I was like
I kind of got into hospital
Because this lad's in hospital
And it's a fucking
Two piece jigsaw puzzle
If he sat there
With a fucking
Broken orbital
And I'm sat here like Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah there's not gonna be fucking two-piece jigsaw puzzle if he sat there with a fucking broken up broken orbital yeah
yeah there's not gonna be a there's not gonna be my usual suspects penny drops moment where
a policeman just goes
drops a coffee cup so i fucking i'm like oh i'm in I'm in the fucking trouble of my life
I still may be new
because who knows
if that lad
listens to the podcast
it's a small world
he's a patreon though
cancel on it
he's there going
something similar
happened to me
well he's not
going to want round two is he
let's be fucking honest like
so I fucking just spent
me whole time with his fucking swollen hand
right and anybody that asked
right because I was just so shit myself
that I was going to be in trouble it was we're fucking 10 years again
right I'm so shit myself that I'm going to be in trouble
that even like Dan Willis who's running
the gig I'm spinning me lie to him
that I got out the car
and me mate
slammed the taxi door
thinking I'd get
into the other side
and me hand was still
on the frame
right I just fucking
I was like
I was like
I'm not going to be part
of this story
I'm just going to
fucking head doing it
and then
it was like a couple of days
in Dave Haddingham
just went
go on then son
tell us about your hand
I'm on to you all right christ almighty see that's
that you like that you're taking a sometimes i've never really done i've seen people step in
with an argument where it's between a guy and his girlfriend the last hour was ends up saying
that's the problem yeah i've never done it again I done it I done it in
two north down
when I was at
King's Cross
I was watching Tom Horton
do his preview there
and I went to Zin
and I was
this is what happened right
I'm fucking
I got hit by a
separate in a fight
and I got
here are me nine stories
of where I fucking
nearly got done
for manslaughter
I'm outside
two north down having a smoke right em Natalie just gans done for manslaughter em I'm outside two and a half
down having a
smoke right
just gans
Kai don't
and grabbed us
and turned us
the other way
and I didn't
really know
what she was
doing right
and what she
had spotted
was these
fucking two
out of the
way right
a lad
had his
against the
and he was
screaming at
against the
bins right and then eh I looked around and gans his lad lass rammed against the bins and he was fucking screaming at her against the bins jesus
and then uh i looked around again so natalie had fucking telegraphed that this was gonna happen
i was just saying oh mate man what the fuck you doing let ganava like just like like i didn't
approach them i know i just said that and then he lets go of her starts storming towards his
pointing his finger and he's just fucking mecking his way towards us, and I just opened with a front kick
right to the chest,
just teeped him right in the chest,
put him back,
and followed up with a punch,
and fucking left him on the ground again,
went back in,
finished me painting,
fucking left,
and there was a couple of cyclists
dealing with him on the floor,
when I fucking come out,
I was like,
that fucking fear,
where you're like,
what are you doing?
How is that your fate?
But you're now in somebody's
fucking fountain towards you.
Right, right,
at that stage in London
like fucking
knife crime
and shit like that
you just don't even
you're just
I'm gonna
see that
that's the thing
like when they always
whenever you see stuff
because there's always
YouTube videos
or like
the daily mirror
or something
will pick up on it
and where it's
someone getting
be it
being sexually harassed or being racially harassed on the tube or on a night
bus and there's always a massive amount of comments that go look at the rest of the passengers doing
nothing and you go but what the fuck do you like look at some of the passengers for crazy like half
of them are kids half of them are like people coming in from fucking night shift all of them are kids. Half of them are people coming in from fucking night shift. All of them don't want to get stabbed.
No, exactly.
Because for all the have-a-go heroes that it's worked out that they've gone,
you know what, you've done good there.
You've stopped a thing happening.
You've stood up for another person.
That's a good thing to do for society.
For all of them, there'll be another 10 that have stepped in
and ended up worse off
than the person
that was getting harassed
in the first place
I ended up in jail
for the assault
that you've done on them
on this occasion
I fucked off
I was just like
I'm out of here
I'm away
the fucking lassie
came back with a golf club
and started looking for us
with a golf club
in the venue
I mean
unless you wanted to take us for a round of golf cheers mate the venue I mean wait unless you wanted
to take us for a
round of golf
cheers mate
do you want to
go and knock
nine holes
that is Houghton's
and a psycho
woman comes in
with a golf club
just a
person pissed
off at the
Tower of London
where is he
where is he? Where is he?
Oh, man.
He's like, do you ski?
I play golf, you cunt.
Oh, God.
So I've been clean from
interrupting shit like that
for a while now for good.
I mean, there has been a lockdown.
Aye, aye, aye.
There's been two years where I haven't really seen anything.
But I'm just at that stage where it's other people's problems.
I mean, I probably wouldn't be able to help myself
if I fucking, again, if I see a fucking lass getting mushed
against the bins or if I see a tree get smashed in a lad's face.
Aye, there's an instinct.
And now I'm capable of, like, being the bully, you know?
Like, they're being a bully and I can't...
Oh, I can give him instant karma
for what he's just done to somebody that's weaker than him.
And so it'll be hard not to do that.
And what is the right thing?
Am I meant to just...
Am I meant to just, like...
Turn the other cheek and just...
Hang on.
What about if I just power down a little bit
and give him a chance to hit us back?
It's not like he can go,
I'll use reasonable force.
I'm not that strong.
So I can't just restrain him.
But I've just got a decent hook on us.
Aye, aye, aye, aye.
I did it... I've done it a couple of times on us aye aye aye aye I did it the only
like I've
I've done it a couple of times
we're fighting
splitting up fights
between lads
never really
it's almost
it's like tussles
it's like guys that
you know
you maybe see two guys
going at each other
but you know
neither of them
really wants to fight
but they can't back down
like it's happening
on a football pitch
yeah yeah yeah
exactly that
like they're thinking
about the red
yeah yeah there's that yeah yeah yeah yeah
there's a hell of a lot of putting us putting their heads together and like staring at each
other they didn't want to be suspended for the derby yeah yeah yeah yeah uh there's there is a
lot of that like i've seen a lot of them that i always just witness them like i never really
there was a there was once i remember one was um me and me and Ray Bradshaw in another Scottish comic
we'd been down doing
Jonglers when it was
in Camden
and it was a night
where we'd
so they used to give you
they used to give you
like a bar tab
because this was
one of our first
it was one of my first
times down
was another Scottish act
for the weekend
so we were like
so it was an actual tab
they didn't just give you
the tokens
no no no normally they would but this night it was an actual tab they didn't just give you the tokens no no no
normally they would
but this night
well it was an absolute
if you're like
gigging with Jim Smallman
or someone too tall
you're just like
fucking yes
that'd be night
we'd sorted
but this night
they were basically
just saying
I don't know if it was
a new manager
or whatever
that's probably why
they went under
which junglers was it
and they just said
listen if you want
a drink at the bar
just say
you're one of the acts
so we'd been doing this and we'd had a bit and bit and then we'd said to but we'd started to say
to other people that we'd been speaking to so Ray had a couple of pals down there so we'd said to
them just say you're one of the acts and then we'd started to get talking to folks this is when folks
still hung about after the gig so it was like a nightclub and shit so we're just going how can
you stay in one of the acts so suddenly this bar tab's getting run up and run up.
And then there was a fight that night
and I don't really remember it.
And then Bradshaw told me the next day,
it was like it properly got Wild West kind of shit.
And we were both kind of trying to just keep people,
weren't a part of it,
we're just kind of trying to keep people apart.
And is that how it becomes Wild West?
Because you're trying to keep people apart,
but then you now have somebody just like knocks into you
and spills something out of you.
Now you're going to batter him
for a completely
separate reason
to what started
with him
that's how it happens
it starts off
with two guys
and then one
thing escalates
and everyone's
fucking in for it
because you're not
going to in that
situation be like
oh no Bob
I made that guy
there's a lot
of stuff going on
how were you
meant to see me
and all of a sudden you get hit with a fucking chair from somebody else but he says mate, the guy, there's a lot of stuff going on. How were you meant to see me here?
Yeah, yeah.
And all of a sudden
you get hit with
a fucking chair
from somebody else.
But he says he just,
he saw a guy
pick up a chair
and then he says
he just saw me
grab the leg of the chair
and just pull it down
and just go,
And then he was like,
it was like,
it was one of the coolest
things I've ever seen.
Not me looking chair.
He brought it with you from home Your best carpentry
Get a change
Before the podcast
You were telling us about your young'un
Deleting some shit off your phone
Oh yeah well
yeah he's done it before like because I give him
my phone to he downloads
like football games on it now
and then every now and again he will be
like just fucking tapping away with
greasy fingers and then
ends up and I didn't know you could do this because I
so I store a load of stuff
on Safari on my phone
so if I'm reading a website
you actually bookmark stuff
I don't even bookmark it
that's the problem
I just leave it as a tab open
oh shit you've got open tabs
I've got open tabs
I've got like 160 open tabs
does that not make it
that kind of slow as fuck
like when you're browsing
probably I
I mean it's stupid
because it'll be the most
like every now and again
I'll be sitting on a bus or on a
train and i'll go right i'm gonna go through this and i'll scroll through it and it's just
fucking shit that yeah the time and i don't even know why i've saved it yeah somebody sent it as a
link you didn't have time to read it but you were like if i pop that open exactly it'll be there
when i'm sat in a mega bus now here i am exactly it wasn't worth clicking. I need better friends. But when you lose it, you then
start to make a scenario in your own head
that that stuff was utterly
crucial. Like there was shit there you'll
never find again. Yeah. And there was
genuine important
documents that you had saved. But really you were just
hoarding. I was just hoarding. You were just hoarding.
You were just hoarding information. It's like
someone deleting your loft. Yeah.
It's a bunch of shit that you put up there because you're never going to use exactly it had been under the bed for too
long you needed space exactly exactly put in the love but i would be exactly the same like if my
garage burnt down at home logically there's nothing in there that i actually need but you
have attachments in my own brain in my own brain i'd go oh my god i've just lost half my life
because we're fucking fucking do you know
I lost an entire
suitcase once
I left it on the train
I ended up
getting off the train
like getting on a tube
finding Natalie
in the park
someone's day in London
they do next to her
which went
where's your suitcase
I had a fucking
where I had my belongings
literally everything
I owned
in terms of like
Clothes, toiletries
Like the fucking
Just so much shit
And I just
Couldn't find it
In the world
I never got it
I never got it again
And you know what
Because if your garage
Burns to you
That's a bunch of shit
That you're hoarding
But if you've got
Your suitcase
This to you
You actually need that stuff
This is what I need
When I'm out the house
I need this shit
And you know what It wasn't that bad no it wasn't as bad as like that is one of your biggest worries in the
world is like losing your suitcase yeah you're never finding it again yeah it's always like
your worries are worse than the actual reality of it al i try and i try and reason that with myself
whenever i'm whenever i go away at weekends before before I go out the house, I'm like,
I've got this weird OCD thing,
it's the only kind of OCD thing I've got,
where I need to lock the door three times,
before I go out. Oh really,
you've got one of them ones?
that one.
The legit one?
because if I don't,
I'll then have to travel back,
to check I've locked the door.
Oh shit.
So that's what,
so in your head,
locking it isn't enough, but if you lock it three
times you remember locking it three times you're like i've just done that ritual so yeah i've done
it so yeah but if i've run out the door and i've only done it once i'll then i'll be like the train
station is like a 10 minute walk from my house i've been in where i'll get to the train station
go fuck did I lock that door
and then I'll miss the train
and come back
down to the house
and it's always
I mean there's never
been a time
where I've walked back
and it's been open
Christmas just gone
we went to stay
with my mum and dad
and like see all my family
like from like
the 28th or something
until the new year
I fucking got back
and I just
door handled worked hoose back and I just door handled
hoose up and
I left my house open
all the way over
the fucking Christmas week
and nobody
did a thing
I tell you what though
I was like
creeping around
looking behind doors
looking fucking in every like
it put the shits up as
that I'd done that
that like
there could have just been
people living in me,
who's fucking this whole thing.
I got away with it.
That's not one of them guys,
I've done the worst thing,
it's not as bad as you think.
Because if it had been burgled,
it would have been as bad as I thought.
It would have been a horrible thing.
Because then you'd have needed to kick in the door,
so you could go to the insurance,
and go,
it's broken in,
you can't just say.
I imagine.
But, I mean, it would take a hell of a, because if you're a burglar, go broken in you can't just imagine imagine but eh
but I mean
it would take a hell of a
because if you're a burglar
the chances
of you just going up
and randomly checking doors
are going to be slim anyway
and also
if you're randomly checking doors
and one's up
and you're like
there's people in here
why the fuck
would you take the chance
of walking into a
a full house
I wonder if anyone did that
up in the dorm
and went
fuck fuck
move on
aye aye
but aye
so you never found
this like
the train company
couldn't have told you
where it was
because I mean
it must be somewhere
they kept telling us
that there was
like everything
ends up in Leeds
so like
it'll end up in Leeds
Leeds right
and I tried ringing
this fucking thingy
in Leeds
and I just couldn't get through.
There was just no way
to get through on a phone line.
And I remember the comic,
I checked the listings
and all that
and I think Dan Nightingale
was on.
I was like,
oh, could you check there?
And he was like,
oh, I've already,
I've not even checked the hotel,
I've left through the night
and all that.
So there was a number of times
where I tried to get comics
to just check if my luggage was there
and then eventually
I ended up in Leeds
and I went and they just didn't
have it. They were just down there.
I was like well what do I do now? And they're like
I'm just in Natalie's clothes.
I'm just there with a leopard print
skirt on and a nice blouse.
But that's what I do. As i'm going out as long as i've
done the three doors the three log thing i check to see if i've got everything i need for the
weekend and before i go i go right i've got my phone and i've got my wallet because and i've
got a phone charger because that's in the modern world realistically that's all you need because
with a phone you can then
get anywhere you need and if you've got your
wallet you can buy anything
that you need anyway like
if you've forgotten shoes you go
well this is shite
but I'll just need to buy a new pair of shoes
passport would be a fucker
passport would be a fucker
especially if you're out of your day in country hopping
like what would we do the passport being gone would just be like especially if you're out your day in the country hopping like what would the passport be gone would just be like way it looks like i'm gonna be trying to get home
fire an embassy yeah that's my life now um but what's funny is there after losing my luggage
is um because i just like i quickly just fucking accepted my new reality all right those i had my
b-list clothes that i'll only ever wear
at the gym in the house right i'm downgrading back to them as i try and build up my wardrobe
over over the course of a few months yeah um so not to have a splurge and um and i just see old
photos of me with nice clothes on that i liked that had like psychological attachments too yeah
and i look at them and just just bloodstains are lads
that you've broken up fights
remember that one
did I ever tell you about
when I was in Greece in Zante
so I'm
fucking I was so
fucked I would decide to walk home
right I was like
you know when you you
diagnose yourself
too pissed
to still be out
you walked home
from the rest of the lads
not to Britain
no no
homes where Liam
you hat more
I put my hat
in a two star hotel
in Zante
my house now
and I walked back
and there was a lad lying on the floor right and his
head was pissing the blood it was and it was like raining right and it was on marble in the pool of
claret it was growing like that right it was like a murder scene and these fucking lads were like
what had happened what i figured out right is these lads had, had an argument
between friends,
push come to shove,
he slipped on the wet marble
and fucking banged his head
on the floor.
He tried to put his hands
doing or whatever
and it fucking hit him here,
on his forehead.
it so bad made the fuck up,
at the time I worked
at the sports centre
and I was like,
first day of training,
we'd done training,
on a semi-daily basis we'd done like training so it was just like kind of second nature of what to do in this situation yeah and um i instantly fucking uh take me um take my t-shirt
off it was a henley's was you know when henley's t-shirts were the sequins and all that like
overpriced sequin yes it was one Yes. It was one of them, right?
And I fucking folded up
and like fucking stemmed the bleeding
with that, right?
And I started doing like
a kind of top-to-toe search
and check his fucking spine,
put him in the recovery position
when I think he's all right to move.
And I just start like asking people,
like, did somebody phone the ambulance?
And does he have travel insurance?
If yeah, he's friends.
You should, you know,
like fucking sobered myself up
to orchestrate
this first aid incident
it was just like
instantly this fucking
fucking hero
that had come with the blue
as this lad ends up
in the ambulance
and getting like
driven up the road
with my t-shirt
still attached to his head
and everyone was just like
fucking thanking us
and telling us
it was amazing
and all that right
and just this fanfare
around us
as I'd fucking
sorted this kid out
who was bleeding out
on the pavement
and then everybody
went back to the night route
and you've
left me with
knee top on
covered in fucking blood
trying to figure out
where the fuck
me hotel is
oh man
and this wagon
runs anti-gun.
It's not how it looks!
It's usually like this, but not this time!
I fucking love that T-shirt and all at the time.
I got bitten by a snake once on a walk home in Malia in Greece.
You must have have shut yourself.
I didn't, do you know what I did?
Because I thought, I didn't realise, I didn't, initially didn't realise, because again, it
was a kind of thing, it wasn't that far a walk, I knew where I was going, but like,
when you came off the strip, our hotel was kind of over that way, but you had, the roads
went right the way around like that, so it was it was i mean it was like a good fucking 25 minute walk whereas there was a field but it was like a dry like dry grass field
and you could just walk over like that i've seen you do this on my stag do yeah yeah yeah who needs
roads you just walk off just over there over the prairie yeah so i just i was like that it's gonna
take at most 10 minutes
for me to get right back
to that hotel
because I could see the sign
on the top of it
so I started walking back
and then
I just felt this thing
right on my ankle
and I thought
I thought it was like
because it was quite jaggy grass
I thought it was just
a particularly bad bit
that had gone in
until you felt like
a ballad tune
behind you
I saw a snake
fucking going away
and then just got back in.
It didn't poison him out like that though?
Again, I get back at like three in the morning,
so there's nowhere open.
So I just went, I looked.
I mean, it was pulsing and it was red
and I could see like a punctures.
But then I asked the guy at the bar in the hotel the next day.
He was like it's like
probably just a grass snake
I seen
I seen me make up
a biose snake
and it was
on his stag do
and I'll be fairer
and it was the
you know when the animation team
put like shit on
like the fucking
get birds flying across the bar
and all that
yeah yeah yeah
different animals
it's probably like
it's probably against the law
in most countries
yeah yeah yeah
it's probably like
seen as cruelty to animals
and I kept very well
about that right
but while we're here
and they got like
they got the stag open
they put the fucking
snake around their neck
and they're like
oh it won't bite or anything
and he was just like
holding the snake
he doesn't give a fuck
and then it just fucking
latched onto his arm
like that
and me mate just went
I thought you said
they didn't bite
and he panicked
just more upset
that he got lied to
can I believe anything
that comes out of your mouth
it's not the venom
it's the betrayal
you're the snake
it's not the venom
it's not the venom it's the betrayal so your youngin
fucking deleted
everything off your phone
because you can't even
be mad at the youngin
no no it's not his fault
entirely not his fault
because I was hating that
but so like this morning
I've been on
doctor phone
and shit like that where they, like, recovery things.
But, like, you then go, because these kind of things,
it's like with everything when you download programs
from the internet.
It goes, I will do that.
And then it does it.
And then you go, right, I've got it all here.
But to see it, it's going to cost you 80 quid
and you go is it what i mean like that's a year's membership to dr phone's recovery service and i'm
going to go that auto renews when i forget about it yeah i'm not going to need you again dr phone
this year so i i am deleted me that i'll be dad's uni work off the PC once when he got made redundant
and he was using redundancy money
to put himself through uni
and I fucking
I was trying to
like upload some fucking
flight simulator
TFX or something like that
and it needed more storage
and I just thought
I was like deleting shit
because I was like
I was just figuring out I think it was was like deleting shit because I was like I was just figuring out
like I think it was
like on DOS or something
like it was
figuring out how to like
create more memory
on the computer
and I accidentally
fucking wiped Ali's
and he couldn't get it back?
and he was fucking
livid with us
like I got grunted
and that like
I was
but I was old enough
to be punished for it
you know
like when it's a young'un, when it's your kid,
they don't know what's going on.
Like, me brother's kid dropped his last phone during the toilet.
Right, so that's just.
And it's just like, she's like, well, that's on me.
But, like, she was furious because she'd lost all her, like,
communications with, like, lost relatives and all that.
Like, she kept stored on there so she could revisit conversations and that
and she's like
that's gone
but like
I can't blame the kid
no of course not
it's not the kid's fault
you can't give a kid
a phone that's the
but when you're a teenager
it's downloading TFX
so it can do
fucking loop-de-loop
in the TIE fighter
TIE fighter
the TIE fighter
you know that
you know that government
The Thai fighter
The RF Thai fighter
I had a
I had a go
I was around
Typhoon is what I was looking for
That was the aeroplane
That's an actual plane
Because it was called the Eurofighter
At the time
But it got renamed the Typhoon
I was around at
Tom Stades
The other day
And he was showing me
The Oculus
Oh yeah
Because I've been
Humming and hawing
As to whether I get one
And then
Since I was around there
I've been searching
Is there a such and such
A game for
And it looks
It's so good
Gav's got mine at the minute
Because I Was just going to be collecting dust
while I was in America.
I'll get it back off him and lend you it.
Oh, no, I'm getting one.
I'm definitely getting one, man.
Get Vader Immortals.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Fuck me.
To be, right, there's a fucking rock over there
or whatever, right,
and you just hold your hand out.
And eventually it starts vibrating
and then you just fucking eat it.
See, that's cool. Yeet it and knock a fucking stormtrooper off his hoverbike
right but i didn't you can like get guns off a fucking stormtrooper's hip and then fucking fire
the cunts yeah you're like say i was doing then you can just reach and grab it whatever hand you
want to grab it with i because it was a boxing game he was showing me uh and because he was like
saying i just do this in the house now and then so i was like i wonder what other sports games
there are there's like a fucking there's a baseball the house now and then so I was like I wonder what other sports games there are
there's like a fucking
there's a baseball game
oh nice
where you can do
you can like
you can swing
there's bound to be golf
there's tons of golf ones
and there's a climbing one
where you climb
the golf one
you've just got to read
Tom Horton's gig
I don't think there's a football one though
everything's at my body isn't it
it's all
your hands and your head
that's the
that's the moving parts
because everything I searched
whenever I searched
is there a football game
on the Oculus Quest
it would bring up American football
and that's you basically
just being a quarterback
which is quite
yeah I've played one of them which makes sense because because as your hand and your name but how would you do
how would you do a football game because it would need to be like a who need to be an upgrade and
need to have um sensors that could be as well you're gonna need feet ones yeah and then how
good is it really gonna be because if you're running down the wing you're gonna be running
on the spot.
So I'll tell you what I didn't like about the boxing one,
and it would be absolutely the same if you do the football,
is like it never feels the same if you're punching the air.
If you're shadow boxing, if there's any resistance on your fist.
You're going to get that with a football if you're doing like air kicking.
Aye, aye, exactly, yeah.
It's not going to...
Yeah, because you can't put your foot through the ball.
So it's like...
Aye, yeah, yeah. Yeah, i like even getting the spin on it like the all the technique relies on a bit of
resistance i i you're right i didn't even think about that with the box so it would i would i
think with football it would be like a lot of technology for a little bit of an underwhelming
experience yeah yeah so they've probably just found unless unless we can have a bunch of other
shit like if they bring in if they bring the feet into play for a bunch of other stuff,
like snowboarding would be pretty cool, actually.
There is a snowboarding one, but I don't know how it works.
Or would snowboarding be cool, though?
Would that be a game?
Like, the way you put your hips into it and the way you move your body,
you're probably just going to end up stacking it more than you would on a snowboard.
Aye, aye, aye.
Because, again, you're not meeting resistance.
Aye, aye. Because you just overcompensate for a bunch of shit that should be coming at you surely
snowboarding the contours of the snow dictate how you move on it so like you're saying with
the resistance if you hit a bit and yeah because your toe edge and heel edge like if you're slamming
the brakes on you need to really like fucking turn the board aye and you're not going to be able to turn the board without gravity aye aye that so again there's what like what else
would you need your feet for that would actually be good in this you know what take it right down
to basics moving around your area the area that you're in aye but then again they can do that
way ahead you can do that if you walk over there it knows to move you
around the area
that you're in
because your head's moving
so that's already sorted
I mean
there are certain things
that it does
do well with
would you like
the haptic suits
on Ready Player One
that can create
pain sensations
where you get hit
would you like
to have actually
real world repercussions
for impacts that you take ah that's interesting because you're never going to break your ribs
with it no but you'll get like a little like i i mean i mean the the realism it would bring would
be absolute class it then just depends afterwards if it's it becomes too painful have you have you
watched porn yet i've not i've not i've only i've only i've only trapped the two times i've tried one three i did it i did it at states the other day with boxing
i did it at danny's when he did that fucking thing where you walk off the building richie's
plank challenge whatever that's that's one of the most terrifying things i've ever seen and i did
at slossies before that was the old one he had which was the shark cage
and that was awesome
I mean that was proper awesome
I don't know if I could do
the horror games
I think that would be
a bit too much
too much for you
I mean
I'm trying to think
you know what
I haven't really done much
in the way of the horror stuff
I had like
a shot of something
that my dad had
where there was like
fucking pig's heads
or pig's carcasses
and shit going on and it was like fucking clown music and that my dad had where there was like fucking pig's heads or pig's carcasses and shit going on
and it was like fucking clown music
and I can't imagine what it was,
but controlled environment,
it wasn't that scary.
But then when I think of like
how fucked up Resident Evil had us just on the telly,
when I'm sat in the dark with it on the telly
and there was moments.
And actually just playing it on a screen.
There's moments after the dollhouse
where like I had to fucking just go into the kitchen
and just remember,
remind myself what real life is.
And then go back into it
just because like,
I was so fucking
captivated by the whole experience.
if they got that level,
that could properly fuck with you.
You would have moments
where you just wanted to
take it off and go,
just a second mate.
because I've always
like I've always
fancied one
because the kids
have had a go at one
and they
there was like a
there's a Jurassic
Park one
where you come
across a dinosaur
and it bends down
and it comes right
up to you like that
so the kids loved that
and they loved a
there was a bizarre one
where you could just
visit different countries
and you could just
wander about
like a beach in Hawaii
there was like a
documentary one where
it takes you through
the rainforest and
all that
yeah see
so you're going
down on a canoe
doing Amazon and
so they loved that
and there's loads of
kids games on it
that look pretty
cool like there's
one where you like
run a farm and you
walk across and like
feed chickens and I
know like the kids
would fucking love
the thing that sold
me was I didn't
know you could
watch films on it
oh yeah I didn't do it that often
but there was a couple of times
where I just put it
in the yoga mat
and lay on my back
because the only problem
with it is
it's a bit heavy
on the front of your face
but lay on my back
and look up
and put the screen up there
and watch like
you know short stuff
like Explained on Netflix
and you're just like
you're just lying there
just watching it
like in this fucking
mass fast
being in the biggest cinema
in the world so aye so aye in the biggest cinema yeah in the world
so aye
but they haven't
quite got the HD
quality to it yet
so when you're
watching something
it's like
it's grained
it's like if you
know if you've got
your projector on the
wall and you go
yeah yeah yeah
and you can see
the little squares
or the pixels
I quite like that
I like because
I've got a
my wife brought me
a projector
from Boston last year
and we were watching
the old firm game
the other day on it
and I like
the wee bits
the wee contours
of the wall
and the wee dirty bits
and it feels like a proper
yeah there's something
a little bit
like it's vinyl to you
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you yeah yeah yeah you like hearing the scratches on a yeah
before the music starts
you can hear the
you can hear the thing spinning
I really do like that
it's got the same qualities
fucking hell
I'm floored for this podcast mate
it fucking
goes by quick
have we got anything
you got anything
you need to plug
do you wanna
so is this going out
it's going to go out
right now
for our patrons
so we've still got
early access
but like
I'm releasing my
special tomorrow
oh amazing
on YouTube
so you can get it
on YouTube
yeah so it's free
completely free
and it's on
so if you
basically if you
just google search
Mark Nelson comic and it's the same one it's the you basically if you just google search Mark Nelson comic
and it's the same one
the channel will come up
it's the one I saw you do
at the Fringe
last year
that's the show
it's fucking exceptional
I can't recommend it enough
to people listening
so I'll
three o'clock
that's going on YouTube
can I drop the link
do it in the Patreon
yeah man
I'll send you one
I'll drop the link
in the Patreon
also follow Mark
on social media
at Mark Nelson
on both
Twitter and Instagram
on everything
at Mark Nelson
and he'll be
posting about
his new show
so fuck yeah
you've got that
to get excited
about tomorrow
and you've got
a podcast
My Perfect
thanks for coming
as always
and we'll get
you on
with me and Danny
very soon that'd be class that'd be good right um thanks to everyone see you all on Thursday when
I'm gonna be having a catch-up with Danny I've got um I've got a um a bone to pick with him as well so
so get excited about that podcast