Sloss and Humphries On The Road - Quarantine 13. How Was Your Sleep?
Episode Date: May 7, 2020Taking the podcast unannounced down to once per week Muggins and Cream will be landing an episode on your lap on Thursdays only now, replacing the Monday pod with a USA version of Day Drinking with D...anny instagram stream on Sunday night 8pm UK, work out your time zone from there. In this ep Cream is half way through Kai's book and raises some points about his findings.
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Sloss and Humphreys on the road
Muggins and cream, cream and muggins
Straight thuggin', livin' the dream
That's our intro
Fuckin' muggles
Ticklin' the clit inside your head that makes you laugh
Ha ha ha!
They said it can't be done
Are we in the same seats?
That's hack
Ah, muggles
Accidental rim job in the park
Kiss, kiss, kiss
Or am I just being cynical?
Muggled it up on fuckin' Mugglepedia
Where have you been since 9-11?
And we are recorded.
And we wasted all the gold before we pressed record, didn't we?
We did.
We had a little bit of banter.
But please, that's it.
That's it.
That's all we need to say about the pre-banter.
We can move on now.
We don't need to relive it.
We don't need you to do a play-by-play.
We don't need the minutes read from the back.
It can just be a bit of banter that you and me
had between ourselves. Nobody else
needs to experience it. Nobody else needs
to watch the shitty, shitty
camcorder in the back
of a cinema version of our
banter that we just had.
Wow. Basically,
so what just happened there for me was
I had a really nice bit of
candid banter when we made
not for the cameras
just a bit of banter
and as soon as the
fucking audio was recorded
you just turned into a snake
because I knew
what you were about to do
we could have just
started on a nice note
being like
hey how are you
got in there
I wasn't about to do shit
you know
no you weren't
you went
we just had a bit
off air
and I knew
you were about to just re-bring up the bit
that we just fucking did.
I was not.
We've put fresh life into a well-dead body
for the sake of no one.
I mean, yeah, you are pattern forming
and that is the kind of thing I would do,
but I wasn't going to do that.
I was just going to banter on the fact
that we're just having a swell old time.
We're having a swell old time.
Well, it does require an explanation because we didn't do the Sunday podcast.
Well, sorry, the Monday podcast.
Yes, because we'll record the Monday one on a Sunday,
and you had a Day Drinking with Dan American version,
which was recorded Sunday night,
which meant you would have had to do two hours work
instead of one,
and that is a double shift.
Double shift.
Isn't it?
Double shift.
Well, to be fair,
I was about to be like,
no, no, it's not that.
It is a bit of that.
It is.
I've now become accustomed to a certain lifestyle,
and it involves fuck all.
And also,
sorry, not sorry,
because people are getting the same amount of content.
You're doing an extra hour
of Insta Live
instead of the hour
of the podcast.
It's a,
if anything,
I'm the one that's being lazy
because I'm getting the free hour.
Well, no, I mean,
because I could have,
in theory,
I could have done the podcast
and the day drinking
of just deciding
to limit it to one.
But it's not because of the amount of time it's taken up.
It is genuinely for the fucking fact that
I'm not doing much, you're not doing much,
and we're not one of those podcasts
that has regular fucking features.
Like Muggle Corner we occasionally do.
Occasionally if we're feeling a bit lethargic,
we'll bring in the hypotheticals and whatnot.
But normally, it's just based on our battery.
But, like, when we're on tour, it's fine to do two a week
because one day we're in Belgium
and the next day we're in Switzerland
and the next day we're off to Japan.
Different things happen.
I want to know what happened in Moscow.
Yeah, like, fucking...
Little update, little update.
At the start of this, it was fine because it was all new
it was like oh
this is the new normal
but it still feels so weird
what can we talk about
what do
now it's just
it's actually worse
than doing the
like we would stop
doing the podcast
when we were no longer
on tour
because that was the
whole point
it's lost
on the road
but because we were like fuck it nobody's got anything was the whole point of Slots and Up on the Road. But because we were like, fuck it,
nobody's got anything to talk about,
let's try and entertain the fans,
we decided to go back to two a week while not on tour.
And I'll be honest with you...
Our work there is done, I believe.
We went in, we propped people up with mild entertainment
for six weeks.
Aye, and they're just going to have to.
We're still going to do one a week, but they can find
the rest of the entertainment because I've just
got so little to say. Just checking in on you.
It's nice to keep one a week because I
get to keep up with you, mate.
Get to have another. I would have rang you once a week
anyway, even
if we didn't have a podcast.
To be honest
I did not before the podcast
I might not have picked up
you know
I was saying on the
when I was knitting on Instagram
the other day someone mentioned about it
I was like that was what was good about the podcast
we had scheduled times when we talked
the first two tours
I lost
touch with you over the course of three months
while being constantly in your company.
I've been re-reading
your book because obviously I read it when it came
out but I decided to in the
Sunday. I finished the book I was reading
10,000 Doors of January which I highly
recommend to anyone. It's just a very
good novel. So I've
got yours on the Kindle so i thought i'd
give it a wee uh go through and it's obviously very funny but i'm just reading how and it's
the very bad part i don't i don't speak in the mornings i don't speak in the mornings and it's
something that you've always brought up with me and it's something that cara's always brought up
with me and i was always not necessarily self-conscious about it but you know when you've
got a behavioral pattern or a certain thing that you thought was normal about yourself and then you find out it's not you go oh
okay and it wasn't until you started mentioning the fact that whenever you talk to natalie during
the day that she gives you the same level of enthusiasm i do for talking and i realized the
problem it's not a problem with you and cara but there are some people like you and cara who can
be unconscious for eight hours and nothing
and still have something to say in the morning whereas I I go horizontal and then nothing
happens for eight hours and I wake up and people are like what have you been up to and I'm like
not nothing I have nothing to say there's's nothing to say. What are you doing?
My day hasn't started yet.
Would you think I'd just wake up with opinions?
Talk forward.
No, man, I can't.
Talk forward.
You don't have to be fucking reminiscent all the time. But it's just nothing.
It's like...
You're just there, guy,
and I'm not going to tell you what we dream.
Nothing's that bad that I'm going to think my dream's dream. Well, I mean, man... Nothing's that bad
that I'm going to think
my dream's interesting.
Well, she does.
Cara tells me about her dreams
and I'll laugh about them
because they're, you know,
they're silly.
Like, they're the days
you had a dream
where John Cena
instigated a foursome
with me, Cara,
John Cena
and Julia Roberts
and Cara was annoyed
that I got a blowjob
from Julia Roberts
and I'm like,
I'm annoyed I got a blowjob
from Julia Roberts.
John Cena's the more
attractive person
in that situation
I don't think
I'm going out on a limb
to say this right
it might not be true
but I'm pretty confident
in saying
I don't think
anyone in the history
of the world
has ever had a wank
to Julia Roberts
ah that might be
that I
not even an ex nobody has ever put Julia Roberts
on their list of celebrities,
I'd fuck.
Not even an ex who's actually slept with her
has the vivid memory in their head.
No, it's just...
It's straight out of the fucking back.
Yeah, she is seen as attractive.
She is.
I'm not denying that she's attractive.
I just...
But, yeah, it's like...
She's platonically attractive. You know... But, yeah, it's like, she's platonically attractive.
Right, like, you know, in the same way that, like,
Fanta's a drink, but nobody on a desert island goes,
oh, I'd love a Fanta.
Aye, like, I've...
I've friend-zoned Julia Roberts in my spank bank.
I think about...
And another one for the t-shirts
the Muggins and Cream
t-shirt chain
has got another entry
but no Jed
the thing about the morning
there's no right
or wrong way to be
but there are people
who wake up
and just their brains
are on
and that's you
and that's Cara
and I love those people
because you know it's a different type's cara and i love those people because
you know it's a it's a different type of person and and they do they engage me and they they
basically make my brain warm up faster but i swear to fucking god you know people that work in retail
right and they're you know they the store opens at 8 a.m right and they're just they have to engage
what they have to engage with people from the break of dawn the fucking shelves right they're just and they have to engage what? they have to engage with people from
the break of dawn
they're stacking
the fucking shelves
they're stacking
the fucking shelves
and somebody's outside
waiting for the
9am opening
of the doors
and they're just
looking at that person
just fucking come
when it's open
just come
at 9.30
don't be there
like a cat
being waiting to let in
or a dog
being waiting
when I worked in leisure
they used to come
for the early bird swim
and they
they already
mowed the lawn
and washed the car
and walked the dog
like the fucking psychopaths
aye but that's
that's you to me
like you get down
to breakfast
hey man how you doing
shut up
I'm not on
like I'm
one person is running the whole shit right now.
Also, Muggle Corner is asking someone
how they slept as well.
Like, showing them resting in someone else's sleep
is creepy.
Are you including that to partners?
Because in that case, I'm in the corner every day
oh well you're sharing a bed isn't it so like it's kind of just like a shared interest
with partners but i think i think it'll be weird if i come to it and eat breakfast and that's how
you slept i don't want i don't want to start there i don't want to i don't want to start the
day with that conversation i just get, it's just information that,
and I know you're not always meant to do stuff with information.
The point of conversation isn't necessarily always to impart knowledge.
You know, it's to conversate.
We're human beings, we're fucking social creatures.
But that's one thing I just couldn't give a shit about.
I asked Cara how she slept because I i'm a i'm apparently a cover
stealer like that's right so i'm just like what did my me asking how she slept is actually my
way of asking what did i do during the night did i yell out did i punch in the fucking face or did
i do something did you spend the night in a headlock? Every time you woke up, I choked you back out again.
My question isn't how did you sleep?
It's like, what do I have to apologise for this morning?
I think, like I said, if you talk about, like,
you may present someone with that information.
You might, like, go,
oh, I had a fucking shitty sleep last night, man.
I just fucking couldn't turn over.
Like, this was on my mind.
Like, it's something to present but like
I'm not going to put myself through that conversation
at will
I'm not going to ask someone
like someone can tell us how to sleep
I didn't find that to be muggly that is just them letting you know
I might be in a shitty mood today
I might not be firing off all the cylinders
you can present
someone with that but anyway I'm fishing
for boring conversation
it's hairdresser chat that's not taking place in a hairdresser's it's like how dare you let
this type of conversation exist in a real friendship maybe that's the problem
you're bringing a child or strangers into a chat between friends and it's slightly insulting
it'd be like if i just one day was like hey guy, where you going on holiday?
Oh god
with you, what is this
it's like the holiday
conversation and conversation about the
weather outside has got to be covered
already and expired and then
there's got to be an awkward silence hanging in the air
before I go, how did you sleep last night i'm absolutely fine with i mean as you well know i'm absolutely fine
with silence like and i just i think some people aren't you're like uh in the morning you're like
a old computer that hasn't been turned on in a while this is every morning and you turn it on
and it's just a spinning
disc on your screen for about three hours
and then eventually
it can open a file
and the more things you try
to get it to do within those first
three hours, the slower it'll run for the rest
of the day, like you're
clogging up the printer queue, just let
it do its first fucking thing, I know
it's slow, it's just
not fucking on yet
you're a nightmare before your coffee
that's another Muggle thing
has that been Muggle Corner yet?
oh I'm a nightmare before me coffee
you don't want to talk to me before me coffee
I don't think it has been Muggle Corner
but I think it's one of those
I think it's one of those ones where
when we've just said it now like listeners will go
well yeah obviously we assumed that that was one that listeners could have called easily themselves
yeah oh yeah man this is another funny thing with you as well um when i reread every book i was like
because you never you never have breakfast right but just to couple it with what we've just been
talking about you wake up in the morning slash afternoon right and go oh i'm exhausted i don't want to talk to anybody and the
last thing i want is fuel i just want to stay on an empty gas tank for as long as humanly possible
right if there's a car with a full tank of gas in there, people are going to be like, let's go for a fucking drive.
I'm empty.
I'm going to make myself a chore so I'm unused.
I've got no...
Oh, aye.
The other one, the gripe that I've got...
No, you go and then I'll bring up my other gripes.
I was going to say, Natalie springs out of bed
when I was saying about the look that she gives me
is the look I give you,
not for talking to her
in the morning. Talking to her when she's busy at work,
she's at her laptop and she'll be, like, fucking
trying to crush numbers on an Excel
spreadsheet or something like that, and I'll just fucking
say something dumb, and she'll just look at us
with, like, this better be fucking important
if you're going to take me train a fort here, and it's
taking a look that you give me all the time
onto her. Every time I move to here,
like, this better be the time on tour. Every time I moved here, like,
this better be fucking good, mate.
Why are you interrupting the movie that I was playing in my head?
I'm sorry you're not comfortable
in your own silence,
but I was having a fucking brilliant time over here
before I was told something.
It's always good.
Everything I've got to sit is interesting.
I mean,
Speaking of which,
I woke up the other day,
all right,
you know,
and you're just opening your eyes
and you look up.
I just laid down.
was stood
hugging her wedding dress.
Hugging it?
You know,
I told her mannequin
in the corner of the room.
She was just stood in front of me giving me a cuddle
Having her first dance again, but from my point of view
What was her justification for this?
She just walked past it and felt like it
She just, she just she just
she hugged the future
ghost of herself
like that's the dress
that she'll haunt us in
should she die
before her time
she just hugged
just smelled her
I mean
I just
I just
the beheaded mannequin
of a four muscle
smelled the pits
to find out
just to reminisce
about how hard she danced
Just remembering how thin she was
Just saying if you just
What it used to be like
To be able to get your hands around
A horrible horrible voice
It's funny because she's still thin Right awful horrible horrible boys my other
my other
now that
my first
bad review
who'd have
thought it
would be
from you
there was
well I mean
I'll say it
on the podcast
because it's
the podcast
and this
story is
exactly the
reason why I'll never promote this podcast on anything else.
The thing that you've clarified, the very stone statement, I cannot read my own handwriting while looking at your phone.
We've clarified multiple times.
That was you.
We've spoken about it on the podcast.
I'm fine with that.
That's just a funny twisting of history.
I'm not going to be bitter about it.
Yeah, because I had to commit to that
because I was in the middle of the lie at the time
and I couldn't put out that publication
while throwing you under the bus.
It was part and parcel timestamped
of me throwing you under the bus.
I've got zero, zero fucking problem with it.
My actual fucking problem with it, right?
You bring up the argument,
which is absolutely true about me,
which is I will 100 times out of 100
take sleep over sex.
No matter what.
Like, it's basically,
back when,
especially the early tours
when it was me being fucking single,
living my life,
women had until two o'clock in the morning
to confirm whether they were going to have sex with me or not.
And after that, it was never going to happen.
I need my fucking sleep.
Like, I just...
Sex is...
I mean, I'm not going to say it's never been better than sleeping,
but when it's with randoms, very rarely is it better than fucking sleeping.
You want to do both.
You don't want to substitute it.
You want to substitute sex for sleep. You want to have sex and then go to sleep
yes exactly like i don't see why it has to be like this yeah this thing that always people
go let's stay out late let's stay drinking i'm like no no look we know now whether we're gonna
fuck or not so let's do if not now fine let's not do it i'm fine with not being shagged right
but let me if you're gonna make us choose to sleep if you're the one giving me the ultimatum between sex and sleep i'm not being bullied
i don't think you know how much i love sleep i'm better at i can almost guarantee
i'm better at sleeping than you are at sucking my dick
right and i'm better at sucking my dick than you are at sleeping
just because i make so much noise while I suck my own dick.
One girl thought I was snoring.
Do you get sleep in your eyes?
I've got something in my eyes.
particularly on the fucking Prague day,
you mentioned,
and I don't remember the girls
that were flirting with me
or the, you know, the narrative there, but I do remember.
The fact that you're like, girls were flirting with you
and you chose going home with me, smoking,
so we didn't go to bed over girls.
I'm like, I believe that 100%
because that's also what I would do now.
I mean, now for more pure reasons.
So I think, what's your complaint?
At the minute it sounds like I documented the truth
and you're just complaining that it happened.
Well, no, no, right.
The next day...
The next day was the...
Fucking, it was the Lithuanian one, right?
And I was just...
I told Peggy this story afterwards.
I'm like, he's fucking mugged me off, right?
As if I didn't get laid on that tour at all, right?
It's not that I couldn't get laid.
It's that I didn't, you know, I didn't want, it was a choice.
It was a personal fucking thing.
And I said that this is how comfortable in my relationship I am
and how absolutely stupid I am at some points to my girlfriend.
And both of them were like, he failed to even mention that the next day
I got a handjob off of a woman who had my name written on her fingernails.
Oh, well, this is true. But at the time when I was putting the blog out, job off of a woman who had my name written on her fingernails Oh well
this is true but
at the time when I was putting the blog out
you told me to respect the privacy of you
and the girls involved
so I didn't
document the times you did Paul
but I 100% documented
the times you didn't
I'm not an idiot
So mainly
So I think what my problem is at the times you didn't. Oh, that's fair. I'm not an idiot. So mainly...
So I think what my problem is,
is much like you were complaining about in the book
that you can't live vicariously through me,
I can no longer live vicariously through me.
Because it wasn't...
Because I would have documented their moments,
like the girl with the fingernails,
had you not vetoed it
it was the one bit of censorship
you put on
and I think it was probably because
there was potential girls that you were like
dating that were reading the blog
no I don't
I think mine's just more
I'm glad I made that decision
just because I'm comfortable with telling stories
doesn't mean the other person is okay with telling stories.
It's the standard rule I've always had for my fucking routines.
If I'm willing to tell a story,
except for one very obvious exception,
everyone else involved in the story
has to be okay with me telling it,
even if we're not mates anymore.
What I do with natalie is i'll
tell the story first on stage and then if it's funny i'll i'll break it do i and ask then ask
her if i could do it because it's easier to ask forgiveness than it is for permission
well no i think it's easier to ask if i could do it if i now people are gonna laugh
like i i do the pilot and then ask for a commission.
I think that's a fair way of doing it.
I've done a couple like that
where, like,
as soon as it worked,
I'm just left with another problem.
I'm like, oh, no,
I've got to now go and clear this.
What was one?
One of them
was actually mentioned in the book, you know,
the bit about the girl that offered to sleep with us,
but I turned it down and I was like, that's a hollow victory.
You can't go home and brag about that.
I've not gone to that, but yeah.
But I do remember the incident, yeah.
So I did it about getting off at a blowjob
and then saying, like, why have a burger when there's steak at home?
Comforting myself with that, why have a burger with a steak at home? And then going a burger when there's steak at home comforting myself with that
why have a burger
with a steak at home
and then going
because there's steaks at home
and I'm hungry now
and I'm not going to get home
after three months or two
and going
oh I had a blowjob
when I was out
how'd it go again
oh fuck
I can't even remember
how my old joke went
that's how long it's been
since I've done stand up
Because I actually had this as a stand up routine
Oh it's like don't compare it to food
Can you remember how my joke went?
No that would require watching your set more than once
So it was
Oh my eyes are bigger than me willy
Like acting as if I've got a suppressible appetite
Oh I can't get a blowjob off here
When I get home.
I had one when I was out.
You've got to have to give it to the dog.
That's how I did it.
As if I'd come home and I was full of blowjobs
and she had a blowjob ready for us
and I had to turn it down.
That's how the joke went.
Just to correct your phrasing,
if you came home full of blowjobs,
that's a very different thing.
That is a very different thing. That is a very
different turn. And Natalie
is upset in a different
way, but for much more.
you can't suck me off. I'm already
filled with so much gum.
I just can't promise
that the load you swallow will be
I wonder how upset she would be if she found that out.
She'd just be confused.
If she found out that I'd just been sucking loads of dick on the road.
I think it's still absolutely.
It's called doing a Schofield.
From prison break.
I was going to get my own sentence. from prison break get further statements well I think if you
she would definitely be allowed to be
if you came home and you're like hey I cheated on you
but it was with a guy
I think she would be more upset
because even though you're like
oh but you know
I'm heterosexual
it's more of a betrayal because that's also something
you didn't tell me on top
if you get what I mean
see I think it would be different
in our specific situation
it would be different
for each of us if it was the other way around
if she come back and went can I cheat on you
but it was with a girl there would be part of me
where my brain moves to, all right,
can we just invite them into the marriage?
But there would be no way Natalie's brain would go on.
Oh, sweet.
I make a double teamed here.
She wouldn't be looking for the silver lining like you were.
I'd be like, so are you just going to keep both of them on the go
and then occasionally just let it cross over
I'm going to be like a Venn diagram
I'm not dealt with here on this thing
unless you want me
here's the difference
did you put a word in for it
if you came home
after sucking off a guy
there's no way
Natalie would just
kiss you on the mouth
for two minutes
to get the taste of it
but she came home
and she was like
I licked a girl out
last night
you were like
don't brush your teeth
I'd pin her mouth open
like an autopsy
and get her
rummaging around
using your clean toothbrush
just so you could get it for later.
Put one of them dentist shields in.
Oh, man.
I'm sorry, I farted.
I farted very stupidly
just because obviously,
I don't know how you use phones,
but my mouth said the mouthpiece
and my asshole is where it always is.
So I farted as if it was far enough away uh from the speaker bit for you not to hear
forgetting that i'm not i'm not recording on this my phone's over there and now i've definitely just
farted my podcast yep yep yep um i had the best intrusive thought the other day i was walking
past them there was a woman waiting for a kid and the kid was like right further back and I had a fart brewing
and everything in me being
was denying
the intrusive thought
making us
fart in the kid's face
perfect like
perfect head hide
for a fart right
and the woman's like
hurry up
come on
what have I called right
and all I wanted to do
I could tell it was going to be
a proper guff and rasp
in one as well
it's just like
slightly bend over
and just push it out right out the kid's face.
And the intrusive thought was dominant.
And then it was like I made myself laugh afterwards
because I wanted to just shout afterwards,
that's not social distancing, is it?
And I just couldn't stop laughing.
I was laughing like that laughing and Natalie's like
what are you laughing at
and I'm like
I'm just in a war
in my head
I don't want you to know
what I've won
the worst side one
I should
I should let the
intrusive thought
win on that one
because intrusive thoughts
right like
like yeah
sometimes you'll just
be chatting to someone
and they'll go
why don't you just
punch them in the face and like you're like well go why don't you just punch them in the face
you're like well I'm not going to punch them
in the face am I and you just end up having that
you miss what they've said because you're trying to
target them and you're punching them
you're never going to answer that intrusive thought
because it's ridiculous
this was one of the first times where I nearly went
alright I'm listening
I get that
I get that with
I would have done it if I'd known
if the parent doesn't see me do it
I think that's fine
nah you would have
thought of the kid's face if you could have
got away with it
only if the kid had been like
the more I think about this I think this might be like a Joe Brand
routine where she
I've got it in my head
I think it is a Joe Brand joke
where she bent over
and farted in the
kid's face
but just that
I get those interesting thoughts
all the time of
if there's a kid running
if there's a particularly
shitty fucking kid
where the parents
are doing nothing
and I go
you obviously don't care
about the consequences
of your children's actions
so I'm also not
going to
I'll make your job
fucking harder
since you've made my day
so if a kid's been
particularly shit
like I remember this
when Matthew and Jack
were younger
and we used to have to go to
like the
you know the indoor play centres
and stuff
the big soft plays
those things
yeah yeah yeah
jungle gym
for the Americans
sorry what's it called?
Is that the jungle gym?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you're, man,
me being 10 years older than Matthew
and 12 years older than Jack,
when I wasn't beating the living shit
out of them, I mean, in a age, some of the best
memories we have is, like, going to those things,
me being like the older brother, taking my brothers around
these fucking things. Just, you know, good
fun. And obviously there are fucking shitty kids everywhere.
And man, I was judged red in those fucking jungle gyms.
Like, because I'm very good at pretending to be nice.
You know me.
I can put up that, you know, that front affable.
If one kid was being particularly shitty,
I've got, I had no problem pushing children fully down slides,
knowing full well
that being a responsible
I would get away with it
and there's no proof
that I did anything
like a particularly
shaky kid
I've got no problem
tripping them up
grazing their fucking knee
and then just
and then lying to the parents
being like
oh well it was an accident
or I'm sorry
or your kid's a fucking liar
you fell
I fell
like not my fucking problem
that's it
that's just right
when I was a kid
so I used to knock around the street
On my bikes
We used to cause a bit of trouble
And all that
But usually just having a bit of fun
Playing football
Playing Kirby
We call it
You've made us start calling it Kirby
I think we did
Oh no
We definitely called it Kirby
It was Kirby in Scotland
Just kicking around the street
And this woman
She would have probably been
In her late teens,
maybe her early 20s, but, you know, as, like, a seven-year-old.
Because I remember who it was as well.
Fuck, never forget.
And she lived with her parents.
She wasn't, like, a moved-out grown-up,
but to a seven-year-old, she was a grown-up, you know?
I mean, she was one of the big ones.
I just remember her coming up,
and was just leaning at me face and going,
I fucking hate you.
Just as a kid
just like
normally just
everyone's just
nice to you
and sweet to you
and all that
because you're just a kid
just the first time
I've had that
I won't be you
I must have been
about seven or eight
I'm going to say like 19 20 you know what you might have been about 7 or 8.
I'm going to say like 19, 20.
You know what?
She might have been 16, fucking ass,
but in my head she was a fucking bigot.
She was an adult, you know what I mean?
Just like a fucking police officer randomly pulling you over to call you a cunt.
I fucking hate you.
You're not in trouble.
You've not done anything wrong.
I don't have a particular example
to tell you why this next sentence
is leaving my mouth,
but here it is.
I fucking hate you.
You know what it is, though?
She'll fucking cut us to the core.
And when I look back,
you'd thought it was me, right?
Fucking ginger, big glasses and all that, right?
Frickles out of my face, right?
Fucking most mutant-looking kid, right?
I still haven't quite owned it yet.
But she might have been a bit fucking, like,
depressed and all that, right?
And just looking at me going,
how is he happy?
Might as well be fucking humiliating.
And she just went,
how the fuck's that going to happen?
I'm going to fucking tell them
I fucking hate you
you cunt
why are you smiling
look at the lot you've got
how can you be happy with that
when I've got all of this
and I've had no man
I've just got
your fucking jealous cow
but I think
that sparked off
a bit of a war
between my mum
and her mum
because they used to
always be arguing
out the foot grass
just yelling
just on their own
real bloods
yelling at each other
but I used to
I think I ran in
and tell Donna
and I think my mum
stormed out
to the fucking
lassie's mother
who's what's house.
What's a grown-up daughter doing?
And the mum was like,
who does this?
Oh, she got me messaging,
I sent her.
I sent her to tell her.
Sorry, sorry,
that was actually,
your kid was meant to pass that on to you.
I was using our children's car in the pigeons at this point.
To be honest with you, I expected you to say something to your mutant son, that on to you I was using our children's car at this point I can't
to be honest with you
I expected you
to say something
to your mutant son
him to pass it
on to my adult daughter
then her to tell me
but I'm glad
we've cut out
the fucking middle man
can't tell that kid
that I hate his mother
to just fucking
Chinese whispers
it straight
I don't think I've
ever, I remember
walking home from school, so from
high school, I'd
walk up to the fucking bus stop at like
7 in the morning to get the 7.30 bus
it took an hour to get to fucking
school, already as I tell you this story
I can already feel myself
in 50 years time telling this
to my grandchildren, oh I used to have
to get on a bus
for an hour to get
to school
and sometimes
I can already feel that
in my fucking blood
so I wouldn't get home
until about
after school
until about 5
when my bus got into
East Wames
I remember walking home
and then you walk home
from the bus
walk home from bus
but man
it's a happier walk
from the bus
than it is to the bus.
Because you have a nightmare before your coffee.
It's a walk to the bus.
It's a run from it.
Just a grumpy little 10-year-old
looking like a divorced dad,
his shirt tail hanging out.
No, no, sorry, sorry.
This is high school at this point.
Just like a deadbeat cop.
I've just seen too much so young
a couple of days away
from retirement
I walk at home
I think I must be
14 or 15
there is
this kid
who must be about
I'm 15 then
there must be this fucking 9 year old
kid over Matthew
over 5 year old Matthew
so I'm just walking from school, Matthew's
school finished like fucking an hour and a half ago
he's clearly just playing out in the streets like he always
does, and there's this kid that's got
Matthew up against the wall, sort of pushing him
smashing him to the wall, and as much as
there was times when I was a kid that I hated
my brother, he's still my fucking brother, right?
It's my job to kick the living shit out of him.
That's no one else's right.
And I think I've had, like,
a particularly fucking bad day at school.
I was also a small kid,
so I've been picked on.
So it's just, like,
all the starts coming back to me.
And I see the fact that I'm 15 years old
and this kid is nine,
and I'm like,
if there's anyone in the world I can take
it's this fucking
9 year old. Is this a story
that ends up with you in hospital?
No, Josie
had to come to my defence.
Just run
a rover like off Call of Duty, fucking
team wife.
So I go I grab this kid by his fucking school bag
and I fucking yank him back.
Boy or girl?
Him, him, him.
Hey, how dare you try and change this heroic story
into one of minor abuse.
So I fucking grab his butt
and I fucking wrench him
halfway across the road, right?
And I stand over it
and I give it,
I can't remember what I said,
but I give him
the full fucking spiel.
You touch a fucking single hair
on his head again,
I'll fuck.
I'm giving it.
I'm above his kid.
I'm going, right?
I'm like, fuck you.
I know he's fucking annoying.
I know he's a piece of shit.
I know he's this, right?
But that's not, you're right.
It's my job to kick the shit out of him, okay?
Not fucking you.
If you touch him fucking again,
I'll fucking kill you.
It's my job to beat him up, right?
I turn around.
What, Matthew?
Wasn't Matthew.
It's my job to beat him up.
The poor kids can't.
Oh, fuck, I didn't think this could get any worse.
This random teenage boy,
while he was getting the shit kicked out of him,
has just come over and claimed him.
Just, no, no.
It's mine and mine alone to do it.
And then you start beating him up
and then this fucking 25-year-old bloke comes and pulls you off
and goes, no, No, he's mine.
And then John Cena comes along.
John Cena with Julia Roberts.
And I'm like, Julia, you can sue me after John Cena sucks me off.
Well, that come full circle, didn't it?
It did.
I mean, I've been balls deep in Star Wars.
Oh, aye.
I have started watching the Clone Wars cartoons.
Well, animations.
I've heard they're decent.
They're really decent.
They're like short, fast fucking mini stories within the world.
So all the same characters, but on the same timeline as well.
So like the...
You go, sorry, I shouldn't have interrupted.
So the one thing I've...
The way I've been watching it,
is that you know how
there's a massive gulf in technology
between the 1977
and New Hope, and now,
the latest ones,
right? None of it matters to us, it doesn't matter whether it's animation
it doesn't matter whether it's a fucking puppet
that barely moves apart from it's mouth
that isn't even lip synced correctly, none of it matters
you're getting
you pretend the world's real and you're just getting
depictions of it
it doesn't matter how the story's getting
told to you, whether it's a cartoon, an animation
a puppet or whatever.
You're just being filled in on what happened.
Yeah, it's the world that you want to fucking be a part of.
Yeah, and I'm just fucking really into the world now.
Have you watched Mandalorian yet?
Nah, because I'm building up to it.
I've just watched...
So this is the order I've done it, right?
And this come under some criticism.
Grassy rang us up after watching the Insta knitting stream to complain about the order I've done it right this come under some criticism Grassy rang us up after watching the
Insta knitting stream to complain
about the order I watched them in
I watched them in
4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3
oh that's fair
because that's the order they were made
and he was going
watch it chronologically now that they're out
watch it through and everything
builds up and builds up and builds up.
But I'm like, no, I really like
that you watch Darth Vader as an enigmatic figure
and he's just Darth Vader.
It doesn't matter how he got there, right?
And then at the end when he comes good
and rescues Luke, right?
And you see that glimmer of light in him.
It's then good to go back and watch him become Darth Vader
and see where that light came from also i think also if you start if you start off with the fat menace
you'll never watch anything star wars again man that's it i i quite like it and i feel like it's
controversial to say it really is just because jar jar binks is absolutely categorically like
and i feel really bad for saying this, right?
Because there was a viral video that went out.
The guy that played Jar Jar Binks had depression for fucking years
because he got the most amount of death threats in the world
because, you know, humans are horrible creatures.
Anakin Skywalker kid too.
He's the Anakin Skywalker kid.
Jailbird now.
He's just fucking fell off because he got bullied for his role.
like the Star Wars now.
And he,
I thought he was class.
I thought he was a child actor.
Did he just?
And I think it's a shame,
it's a shame he didn't get the support.
but I mean,
I've not watched it.
I mean,
I will go back to it.
My only problem is,
not with the,
I'm obviously invested in marvel and harry potter
this and here's my controversial star wars day i do not think there is a single star wars man
i've seen most of them there is not a single star wars movie that rates above seven out of ten
uh you haven't seen rogue one yet then have have you? I have. Have you? Because Rogue One is just a fucking exceptional movie,
even if that was just its own movie and there wasn't a Star Wars world.
They just fucking nail the tone and everything,
and the acting's good, the graphics are great,
the characters are belted.
Like, Rogue One for me is the best.
I haven't seen Nine yet because I'm building up to watch the final one.
I missed it at the cinema when we were on tour.
And then I'm going to to watch the final one. I missed it at the cinema when we were on tour.
And then I'm going to watch Mandalorian.
But now Rogue One because I get what you're saying.
There's plot holes to fuck
for days in it.
Some of the acting is a little bit fucking
For me it's just the fact
that it was one of the reasons
when I never hugely got into
Star Wars originally I know
Star Wars absolutely that
set off the fucking genre of
that type of movie right
you can't you can't deny
what it did for cinema
what it did for fantasy what it did
science science fiction yeah but I
just think it's a brilliant world what a creation
I do but I just the whole universe
I just I just this it's a brilliant world. What a creation. I do, but I just, the whole universe is, I just,
I just,
this idea,
this idea that it lives up to everything else.
I just don't buy into it. Like I just go,
it is amazing.
I'm glad it exists because we wouldn't have all this stuff.
but to say it's,
to say it's as good as,
as the,
as the Marvel universe is to say that a Nokia 3310 is as good as an iPhone.
And I'm just, I don't believe you.
Yeah, and it's
like, aye, the Marvel world
is better.
Shoulders are giant, you know.
Of course.
It might not be where
it was if it wasn't for Star Wars.
Yeah, yeah.
Just while it's in my fucking it might not be where it was if it wasn't for Star Wars yeah yeah just while
just while it's in my fucking head
you're not going to believe it
you know our agent Marlena
had a good suggestion the other day
what comedic?
no no of course not
don't be silly
no no no
no no the surprise in my voice
but erm
and this is genuinely
just a suggestion
for you and Natalie
to do
because me
and Cullen
are doing it tomorrow
and I'm encouraging
other people to do it
so for the listeners
as well
I'll find the
I'll find the link so I can tell you what it is properly.
But basically, some fucking theatre company,
big theatre company,
they used to, before all this happened,
they would live stream a theatre production
into cinemas around the UK,
kind of in a similar way that X was,
but except this was live.
So they'd be performing in London,
but you could go to the
inverness view cinema at a specific time and watch the live performance of it didn't everyone's
talking about jamie did that huh yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah so because of all this there is um
the one of the companies which i'll find out one of the theater things
uh they're putting their back catalog on on, one a week. So this
week, online, is a two-hour
fucking production of
with Benedict Cumberbatch
and Johnny Lee Miller.
And it's absolutely
free to what it's on YouTube.
So what we're doing tomorrow, and this might just be an idea
for people who are losing their minds during lockdown,
is we're having tomorrow, and this might just be an idea for people who are losing their minds during lockdown,
is we're having a theatre night tomorrow.
So we're going to have like a drink in a lobby somewhere, which is just going to be us drinking something stupid.
We're going to have some fucking nibbles
and then we're going to sit down
and genuinely watch the theatre.
At the same time as everybody else is watching the theatre.
Oh, no, no, no.
So fortunately, this is one where it's,
you can watch this at any fucking point.
This is, but the
Ah, so it's not a tune in.
It's just like a go to the theatre.
It's on there, but it's a different production every week.
Oh, great.
That's awesome. Yeah, Natalie
would be well into that because fucking she's just been
playing musical soundtracks
and that around the house.
And all the way to every Hamilton song.
It's driving us crazy.
Oh, here we go. Right, I've got it here.
It is...
So that's... We cut it there.
But that is the National Theatre on
YouTube and I'm pretty sure they're adding a new one
every week.
So just for people who
like us are
growing bored and insane during all this
if you want to try and mix up your day to day and just treat yourself to a wee fucking uh that's
gonna have natalie cream in that yeah i think you just bought me a blowjob i'm gonna be honest so
i'll think you when i'm getting it no no no marlena think of marlena I'll think of I'll think of Julia Roberts I'll meet in the middle
I forgot to mention as well
before I cut off there
because I cut off
and had to restart
I was talking about
how I've been drinking
I joined the Naked Wine Club
and then I joined the Gin Club
so it's always been
nice drinks
but I've bought
a crate of fucking
scummy beer but I've bought a crate of Carlsberg and put it joined the gin club so it's always been nice drinks but I've bought a crate of fucking scummy beer
but a crate of Carlsberg and put it in
the fridge for when I, if Newcastle
get bought
I'm going to get on the cans
Just all day
I'm just fucking, I'm going to crack
the cans, there's ten in the fridge and if I need to go out
the shop I'm going to get some more
it's an essential trip only
I'm just going to get on the. It's an essential trip only.
I'm just going to get on the... I haven't had a beer since
the second week of lockdown. When was
St Paddy's Day? I had a Guinness on St Paddy's Day.
No idea.
Since then, I've just been on the fucking
nice wines and nice spirits, just trying to
make a nice treat.
Fucking getting on the tinnies.
Got them on ice. I check the news every hour.
I'm going to... You know what as well?
If this files through and it doesn't get sold,
I'm not drinking them cans.
I'm going straight with a carrier bag,
taking them to the nearest homeless bloke
and just fucking giving me tinnies.
Hope you have a better time than I do.
I felt like I was jinxing it though,
when people got on with jinxing,
but by even buying the cans,
I was like,
I don't believe in witchcraft or voodoo,
So I'm not jinxing it.
And two,
I'd rather the deal fell through
and I've got cans
than the deal went through
and I didn't have cans.
Imagine the deal went through
and I didn't have.
It's called the journey optimist. Imagine the deal went through and I didn't have it's called the journey optimist
imagine the deal
when I didn't have
fucking cans in the
fridge and I had to
go and queue up in
Sainsbury's with
that kind of excitement
queue up
in the centre of
London as if there's
anyone else in
fucking London
just be like
woo here we go
and I just
fucking honestly
I'd be in the
fucking shop just
wanting to hug people in the fucking shop just wanting a hug
people in the shop
I'd end up holding my first tinny through
a sports direct window
shall we do some dad jokes
your dad runs a nail salon
but only uses his teeth.
He just bites people's nails.
Aye, and their toenails.
I bet this kills it with dough.
Your dad got his cock caught in the zip of my gimsuit.
Your dad undresses salad with his eyes.
his salad with his eyes?
Your dad can't wait for the hairdresser's to reopen so he can get a bob.
Your dad eats egg and cress sandwiches
on the bus to school.
When your dad went to give blood,
he didn't realise there was procedure to it all,
so he bust his own nose and started filling the cup.
Your dad licks his wounds,
especially his emotional ones.
Pro tip, insult your dad's dick and see what happens.
Your dad wears River Islands ripped jeans
with paint splashes on and artwork on the back pockets.
Aye, and he gets all the 12-year-olds.
Nellie at Steel just doesn't see the problem with it.
Your dad moonlights his avaz.
Your dad takes his inhaler anally.
I also wrote down there, your dad's got a prosthetic head.
I must have thought I needed a spare.
Aye, anything to plug?
Just your dad's arsehole.
Just the theatre.
Just my dad's arsehole in the theatre.
Do it again
what was the
YouTube channel
just type in
National Theatre
so at the moment
it's just
National Theatre
in Frankenstein
and apparently
they're adding it up
every week
you cut off there
but not on the recording
so that's fine
I'll listen back to it
and get your recommendation
I've got a book
that Daniel's currently reading
that he just recommended
earlier in the podcast
he said it's his favourite book
just go on to
go on to Amazon
from whatever country you're in
and type in
Kai Humphries
you'll find my book
there we go
see you next week