Sloss and Humphries On The Road - Quarantine 8. Muggins with a Sore Paw
Episode Date: April 15, 2020Muggins is cranky because of an IT error and forgetting to defrost pastry, it's concluded that by being made to experience his full range of emotions from the stimulus of day to day life in isolation ...he is slowly becoming Cream. With a slow news week the get back to whining about Game of Thrones. Oh Nostalgia!
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Sloss and Humphrey's on the road!
Muggins and cream, creaming muggins, straight thuggin', living the dream
That's our intro
Fucking muggles!
Tickling the clit inside your head that makes you laugh
They said it can't be done!
Are we in the same seats?
That's hack!
Awww, muggles!
Accidental rim job in the park
Kiss kiss kiss
Or am I just being cynical?
Just muggled it up on fucking Mugglepedia
Where have you been since 9-11?
And we're recording.
I am Daniel Sloss.
And I am Kai Huff.
I'm a celebrity, man of wonder and comedy.
That's enough about you.
No, I've got my CV to go off here.
All right, Helen.
Love maker, cheesecake maker
not at the same time
not anymore
talk more about the cheesecakes
I make cheesecake
no you don't
I absolutely do make cheesecake
I'm calling you a bluff here
how dare you
I've made cheesecake
that's been some times where I've seen you
where you look like someone that makes cheesecake
not in the time that I've known you have you pulled that out your repertoire
cullen makes a cheesecake as well i bet that catches you by surprise too
uh cullen's always full of lies oh well mind you maybe he just eats my cheesecake and then
regurgitates it and passes it off as his own do you think so just spews it all right because i
do come downstairs every morning and it's just,
he looks normal
except for just in his neck.
You can just see like
the perfect outline
of a cheesecake slice.
I'm like that.
Have you not given
Colm a sock yet?
No, no.
I was just confused there.
I was like,
why don't we put a snake in a sock?
And I was like,
I see. Don't be the host. No, no. I was confused about there I was like why on earth would you put a snake in a sock and I was like oh Dobby I see
Dobby the house
nah nah
I was confused
about what branch of insult
we were going off of
Big Monster Zink
contaminate him
put him in
one of them
and explode him
is that your next
now that you've watched
all the Marvel movies
in order
is that your next thing
is to watch all the
Pixar movies in order
yeah we've been
watching them. We watched
Inside Out. Did you cry? And we watched
Nah, I didn't because
I'm not a child.
Oh. I
saw whatever I watched
Inside Out. But I watched
Endgame on a comedown. Aye.
And there was moments where I felt like if I spoke,
I would cry.
How were you on a comedown in your own house?
It wasn't a drug comedown.
It was just a gin comedown.
Oh, you mean a hangover?
Ah, you can't.
No, I'm sorry.
You can't just change the words of things.
You used to make yourself sound fucking cooler.
But now you and me and Ali, we're on a fucking comedown.
Oh, my God, Kyle's a legend in the isolation.
He's still getting pills.
He's got some empty name.
I smoke weed.
Oh, me and my wife would do much gin on a Tuesday.
I had a little spliff.
With no tobacco.
Oh, yeah, we spliffed.
Fucking amateur. but I was just
I think
because I watched
it with you
at the cinema
but I hadn't
really invested
myself in the
full journey
of everybody
and I didn't
even know who
some of the
characters were
like Bucky
and Falcon
and that
I'd seen them
as bit parts
and now that I've
seen everyone's
full narrative
and everyone had
that little bit
of closure
I was just like
say goodbye
take the last day of school
imagine that over 10 years
like them building up
that story
and I
that's big
that's why I do think
it was good
I like
I think it was the
Marvel really
really did
what everyone
wishes Game of Thrones
had done
it ended properly it ended it ended bigger than ever hey Marvel really, really did what everyone wishes Game of Thrones had done.
Ended properly.
Ended bigger than ever. Hey, I've not wasted any of your years.
Here you go.
A good ending.
They didn't pit her out.
Everything got covered.
It got done.
It's there.
You can stay on the journey if you want to.
We know there's going to be more.
Here's your option there.
But here's a nice tie-off point. Should you never want to we know there's going to be more here's your option there but here's a nice
tie-off point
should you never
want to consume
anything again
this is a nice
little final chapter
for you all
and it's
going to keep
going but it's
weird now
it was phase
I didn't notice
this the first
time I watched
it as well
but on the
credits on
it does all
the regular
credits and
then it signs
people off so it does obviously the regular credits and then it signs people off
so it does
obviously Captain America
and Tony Stark
it puts with a signature and Natasha
Black Widow but also
people that you didn't know were signing off
in there as well like the Hulk
and what do you call
the fucking Clint
so there was people that you didn't know
if the narrative was over,
but they were put in with the signature
as well as the credit.
And I'm like, oh, I think so.
That's what I read into it.
The common denominator seemed to be
that that was their last appearance in the Avengers.
That makes sense, because in Game of Thrones,
at the end of the credits,
it was just all of the actors were eating giant piles of shit,
but while on bigger giant piles
of money
you know what's weird? what?
I think I would enjoy watching Game of Thrones again
but I would just know that the last
two episodes were coming
my opinion now with Game of Thrones is
you know how the internet
is filled with bullies and scum
and like we've got this cancel culture
but on the other side of things you've got this hate mob that just on the slightest think
going around sending death threats to celebrities for no fucking reason.
You know that really really aggressive side of the internet?
I don't think they are going hard enough on George R.R. Martin.
I think there is no reason to threaten anyone online without the threat of death or anything
and then George R.R. Martin has
had 8 years off and just
not only not done his
one fucking job but
actively written and
done other things
instead of the thing he's meant to be doing
and normally you can't
rush art if you're the artist it's your fucking thing
it's your decision
you create what you want
to create
and it's not up to your fans
to decide
I'm not even that big a fan
of George RR Martin
I'm like
I'm not saying do it
but I'm just saying
every death threat
that you get
is 100% deserved
and I have no sympathy
for you
worst practical joke ever
I just do it
get everybody invested in
something then
go and
not finishing it
I know
I can't
but it's
it's right
in other
it would be
moving around
oh yeah
that's really
loud on the
recording by the
that's why I
what George R.
Martin's doing
is essentially
like right
when the Harry Potter
books were coming out, right, if just after the Half-Blood Prince, the sixth Harry Potter
book, J.K. Rowling took 13 years off, right, but by the way, to allow them to fully make
the Harry Potter series and then also write a bunch of Harry Potter books
about Draco Malfoy's daughter
and fucking Dumbledore's great aunt.
A.K.A. the Hedge Knight.
Like, fuck the Hedge Knight.
Like, if anyone bought and read the Hedge Knight,
fuck off for encouraging them.
Like, that should have flopped like nothing else.
We're like, right, all right, we'll buy it,
we'll read it when you're done. Man, the amount of times he's got his head on my face and yelling at me,. We're like, right, all right, we'll buy it, we'll read it when you're done.
But the amount of times he's got to say,
oh, my fans keep yelling at me,
and I'm like, man, no sympathy.
What are you talking about?
Do your one and only fucking job.
We've invested a lot of hours in it.
And it's not just if, like,
not just if the Harry Potter books,
what J.K. Rowling was stalling the books
to write spin-off books,
but just feeding the half-arsed remainder of the story
to somebody that didn't know what they were doing
to finish it.
Yeah, if she just fucking crashed in
and they were like, what do we do at the end?
And she's like, oh, then Harry kills Voldemort.
And they're like, how?
And she's like, I don't know.
In a way, you do it.
I don't give a shit
but I still think
one of the best episodes
was in season 8
the big battle
of the
the battle of ice and fire
the one between
the White Walkers
I think that was still
one of the best
I think
I mean
it's just
it's one of those things
I don't know
I've got sympathy
for some of the people
like David Benioff
and Weiss got like a lot
like the two directors of it got like a really really fucking
hard time
and then you're like
I feel really bad for you
that's your art you put your heart and soul into it
to create something and then have people
fucking hate it
must be awful and then you read all the interviews they did and they were like
yeah, we have no idea what we're doing. We're like, oh, well then
fuck it then.
Speaking of
books that have been promised and
not finished, I
went to publish your book today
I had to close it.
I'm not going to clarify your book about me.
Yeah, my book about you. I'm not your publisher. It's not my book to clarify your book about me. Yeah, you're my book about you.
I'm not your publisher.
I'll do you no fire.
Fuck, I checked you in for flights and that.
I'm not going to publish your book.
No, my book about you, the tour journal.
So I had to download this, like, Kindle editor thing to upload it.
And I wasn't able to find the file.
And I was like, oh, I haven't saved the file.
So I've copied it from the original PDF
it was on, I wrote an epilogue
sent it to you, proofread it
and then I made a bunch of
grammar and spelling corrections
that Natalie had found, she went through it with a fine tooth comb
and done that and I edited it all
down because when you copy and paste it from a PDF
the formatting is all over the place
So what you're saying is Natalie's had the time
to read through a book, is that what you're saying is Natalie's had the time to read through a book, is what you're saying?
Ah, yep.
Aye, spell check.
Yes, sir.
She's had enough time to go through it with a fine tooth comb.
All right, well, just interesting that way.
And, yeah, she's got loads of time, actually.
Well, it sounds like it, yeah.
I mean, she's watched all of the Marvel movies.
She watched True Detective Season two in one day.
Pooh, read my book.
And then, so I was like, right, I couldn't find the file.
And I realized, oh, I haven't saved it.
Since I've put it into this document, I haven't saved it.
So I closed it.
And I saved it as Inside Daniel Sloss.
Because it's about your bum.
And then I still couldn't find it on the Kindle edition.
I was like, eh, I've just saved it.
So I went back into fucking Word.
I closed what was a different
file that I thought was the same file.
And it was a little bit
of writing that I'd done about Pee Doe Terry.
It was a paragraph. A literal
paragraph of writing that I'd done for a new materiale Terry. It was a paragraph, a literal paragraph of writing that I'd done for a new
Closed that, saved it as
Inside Daniel Sloss. It was like, this has already been
saved. There's already something saved. Do you want to
replace it? And I was like, yes.
And then I replaced the entire file
with one paragraph
about Pee Doe Terry.
And you can
laugh. What are you laughing for? What? about Peter Terry, right? And you can... You can...
What are you laughing for?
And you can go into the file
and look at other versions of that file
that have pre-been saved.
Now, every other version was just a different
rewrite or version of
before, like, a joke
about Peter Terry.
So where it was supposed to be a book was in fact a joke about Peter O'Terry. So where it was supposed to be a book
was in fact a joke about Peter O'Terry.
So I may publish that on a Kindle.
Just one paragraph.
Just no author to turn the page.
Just a bit of the author section at the end.
And it's not even fully formed.
Have you lost the book?
No, but what I have got
is the PDF version that I sent you
to say, all right, if I publish this before I fully edit it.
All right.
And I have to copy that again.
And I copied it over, and the fucking formatting is all over the place.
I have to go through every sentence and line them up
and every paragraph and line them up.
It just... Oh, they're still there. It just spaffs it. I don't go through every sentence and line them up and every paragraph and line them up. It just...
It just spats it. I don't know
why, but even though
I changed that from the document
it's changed back
as if it's just chewed up the words and spat them
out. So I'm just
left with this fucking scatter of words that I've
got to turn into a book.
None of Natalie's grammar and spelling corrections are done and there was a couple of words that I've got to turn into a book and none of Natalie's grammar and
spelling corrections are done and there was a couple of
bits that were a little bit
contradictory that I changed around
like if the full edit was done and now
I'm back to fucking first draft again
basically. I'm sorry I'm just keeping it
every time with your accent
the way you say grammar
grammar is the exact same as like
a southern american says grandma
oh really just every single thing it's like you know that thing but if you say space ghetto in a
scottish accent i was talking about that yesterday the day before if you say space ghetto in a
scottish accent it sounds like a spice girl an american saying spice girls but this is the
difference right if an american was saying to me... Oh, no, it's not.
An American accent saying Space Ghetto sounds like a Scottish person saying Spice Girl.
Space Ghetto.
Space Ghetto.
Spice Girl.
Space Ghetto.
I mean, I can't...
Space Ghetto.
So, if you said to an American, right,
if an American said to me, spelling, punctuation, and grandma, even if they said spelling, punctuation, and grandmother, in that context, I'd know they meant grandma.
But if you say spelling, punctuation, grandma to a Southern American, they'd go, what?
Did he mean grandma?
And you're like no
there was an accent variation
on a word
that is similar
that you can work out
for yourself
but nah
Americans don't meet you
halfway with that accent
I mean obviously
look I love
you know
always have
but I'm not
I don't know about you
but I'm not getting
insentious with
everything that's going on
with their country when I'm just like lads I'm losing sympathy to the stage just with everything that's going on with their country
where I'm just like,
I'm losing sympathy
for you now.
just fucking get it
together at this point.
anyone like...
Tiger King didn't help.
Tiger King didn't help.
And then also,
the fact that Trump
is still going to win.
If Trump wins
the next election,
I'm like,
that's it.
Americans don't get
to be sensitive
about anything ever again. It's like, you's it. Americans don't get to be sensitive about anything ever again.
It's like,
you are just,
you don't get to,
because they really don't like
getting insulted.
I mean,
I know the Americans
that listen to this podcast
won't give a shit,
but I'm obviously talking about
the standard fucking American
that just can't handle the criticism.
if it happens again,
you just,
I've got no more sympathy for you.
It's madness.
I've got a feeling
the Americans that listen to this,
like, us talking about Americans,
like, that will be cathartic
rather than insulting.
Because they're like,
yes, you see what we're living amongst.
You see it.
Aye, but get it sorted.
Like, genuinely,
like, start a civil war at this point.
Like, if... Like, shut point. Because this isn't a problem
that gets fixed during the election.
I do think America actually needs
a civil war at this point.
They're too far apart at both ends.
You've got Republicans who hate the fucking Democrats
who don't even like Trump,
but they'll still vote for Trump
because the gap between the Democrats and the Republicans is so big now. Republicans who hate the fucking Democrats who don't even like Trump but they'll still vote for Trump because
the gap between the Democrats and the
Republicans is so big now
It usually boils down to
they think they're going to get their guns taken away
Yeah, well they just think the Democrats are going to go
fully hard the other way, which to be fair they probably
fucking will, so even
Republicans, smart Republicans
that fucking despise Trump
will still vote for him.
So I'm just like,
just Civil War it out.
Civil War it out
with the new guns.
That'd be fun.
It'd be like,
you know when they revamped
like Call of Duty?
They bring back the old one
or like Halo
when they revamped those games.
It was like better graphics.
Just like Civil War 2.
Just revamp
the North versus the South.
No, no,
but like we'll do it
differently this time you know
I mean it's pretty much
it is pretty much those ones
it's going to be real weird because the one thing the Republicans
really really coast on a lot of the time
is the fact that they claim that they're
the ones that
released the slaves because
Abraham Lincoln was a Republican
and then you just point out the fact that
most of the South went over to them.
But was that how you would have done whatever helped the Union?
Whether it was, I don't know enough to even comment on American politics.
Well, here you go.
All of my very, very limited knowledge on the American Civil War
comes from a very, very good Civil War documentary.
It's a 10-part series and it's on Netflix.
Oh, I'll watch Netflix. Ooh. Aye.
I'll watch that.
That interests me.
Man, it's like one of those
proper old...
You know those documentaries
that you'd watch,
like you'd walk in
on your dad watching
and you'd be like,
oh, fucking being old
must be shite.
It's one of those.
But we're there now.
We just want to expand
our knowledge.
It's one of those...
Remember when I did that
with World War I where I just studied World War I just so that I could, like, there's just that just want to expand expand my knowledge i i just it's one of those remember when i did that with
world war one where i just studied world war one just so that i could like just there's just that
that dark cloud over a bit of knowledge that if the conversation ever goes there i've got nothing
all right what was and i'm just like all right i'm just gonna i'm gonna clear the clouds from
that area of my knowledge we'll just have it yeah like trying to have a little rudimentary
bit of knowledge in something is always good i'll always like if if
i ever have something especially when i'm stoned right if i if i think about something i'm like
fuck i don't know what the answer to that question is i've got a little thing in notes uh in my phone
for me to then youtube the next day or like the next time uh i'm less high for example yeah always
curious and just little things that you just go you know what I've taken that for granted
how the fuck
are they actually made
curly fries
explain that
I wouldn't know
how the fuck
do they make curly fries
is it from one
fucking potato
and they cut it
in a thing
or is it like
a mousse
you know when you're
doing a ribbon
how's that done
you know when you get one side of the scissors and you put the ribbon against your thumb like when you're doing a ribbon? How's that done?
You know when you get one side of the scissors and you put the ribbon against your thumb, like when you're making a ribbon
on a parcel, and you pull
the side of the scissors down the side
of the ribbon? You do that with a chip.
And then it just automatically coils and goes
like boing. It doesn't say
boing. No, you don't know that.
Let's not.
This is science.
You don't know anything now.
You just take notes.
It doesn't say boing.
We don't know that.
It makes the noise boing.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, after the book thing, after fucking it, I thought, right,
I'm going to do all my editing within the Kindle app now.
Like, I'll just copy it from the PDF into the Kindle app, and I'll edit from there.
And I try to do that, but you can't.
You know how I've got a Mac, and I'm starting to hate Macs more and more with every fucking
interaction I have with it.
They're not great.
It's Pages, but I need a.doc.
Now, I don't have Microsoft Office on this one.
I've got a mule one, which is fucked.
So I think I need to buy it again
to get it on here.
I don't need Microsoft Office.
I don't need it. But to get
a.doc file, I need it.
So I
can't work out how to convert
pages into a.doc. So much
shit like that, that's just bugging us the day.
And I just, you know what?
I constantly feel like I need a cigarette. You know that feeling where you're just like, much shit like that that's just bugging us the day and i just you know what i like i constantly
feel like i need a cigarette you know that feeling where you're just like is everything
bothering us or do i just need a smoke you know when you're in your first two weeks after not
smoking i've just been like that all day since i've done the fuck this file like i went to make
a chicken pie earlier and realized i hadn't took the pastry out the freezer oh man while we're
talking about old people problems as we're all getting fucking older and just shiter,
that's a proper
bollock in the world.
When it gets to about
two in the afternoon,
you go,
I've not defrosted
any of the meat in the freezer.
I'm having a sandwich
for dinner now.
I've fucked myself.
Well, this is what's
happening to me now
and I think this is
a byproduct of the isolation
and I've noticed it in my mum in the past right is she goes through a whole range of emotions based
on whatever happens in a day so she still gets all of the like highs and lows we might get on tour
from actual actual jeopardy on tour she'll get from living in the house now i've found that i'm
starting to get them moments where like like, I'm fucking absolutely frustrated over something
when it's actually trivial as fuck.
It's super trivial,
but because I've got nothing to compare it to,
because my fucking,
my life is so fucking basic right now,
I'm getting worked up about little things like that
and I've just got to check myself.
I've just got to go,
all right, Dean.
All right, so what you're saying is
you finally understand what it's like
to be a member
of the general public
think so
I'm normally
casual as fuck
about everything
today I've been
like stood there
literally stood there
taking big deep breaths
because I got the chicken
the leeks
and the mushroom
and that
out of the fridge
and found a frozen
block of pastry
and I stood there
and doing 10 deep breaths,
put them back in
and got some salmon out
and just had salmon.
But mate,
I had to have fucking 10 deep breaths
and it probably boils down
to me just fucking deleting my book.
It's probably that as well.
And the other thing is that.doc file.
Think about it, right?
Soon as Natalie finishes work,
send her the pages.
She can open it in Word. Send it back to me as a.doc and I can fucking put it right soon as Natalie finishes work send her the pages she can open it
in word
send it back to me
as a dot doc
and I can fucking
put it on
off her laptop
proper simple
and there I am
ready to hide
my fucking laptop
off the balcony
I think maybe
you're just becoming
I don't think you're
becoming a member
of the general
I think you're
slowly becoming
I don't even like it
just while I becoming me. I don't even like it.
Just while I diagnose to see how far into becoming me
you've become,
off the top of your head
if you could kill five people,
could you name them?
Could I name the five people I would kill?
Let's say you rub a lamp,
you've gone and turned the lamp off
and you've rubbed it just in a special way.
Genie pops out. He's like, fucking
buddy, this was meant to be out.
I'm going to do it quickly. You've got one minute,
right? You can kill five people.
You've got one minute. Go.
Wait. Joe Exotic,
Carol Baskin, Jeff Lowe,
that's our out of three. Rory Lowe. Carabaskin, Jeff Law, Dabba Rowdy 3,
Rory Law.
Just panic buy the next two
with mergers of the other people's names.
Sorry, guys.
You did nothing to hurt me,
but your name sounded kind of like a word association game.
I used your suspects' murder, Jay.
I just looked around.
No, I'm not ready to kill anybody just yet.
But I'm ready to break stuff.
We've not...
I'm not losing my mind too much here.
The only thing I'm not losing my mind too much here the only thing
I'm struggling with is
just how
fucking I'm slowly coming to terms
with how fucking lazy I am as a human being
of just going man
if I had
all of the time in the world
I wouldn't do anything
with it
I definitely need to die right i like life i think
it's brilliant i'm a big fan of his experiences but i could not live forever because i'd be
boring me fucking scott of the things i want to do and i've done most of them there's no
boredom here for me but i've got no ambition zero ambition i don't want to achieve
anything right i just like it doesn't even come with guilt when i put spend seven hours on the
computer i'll finish seven hours on the playstation again that was class that right like i don't go
oh i've got nothing done like sometimes i'm like oh i've got to get this thing done but i'd rather
be doing it sat on the computer that's when I start feeling shitty I find myself
getting fucking
not wound up
about things
but just going
oh fuck
there's an obligation
for example
I've got therapy
once a fucking week
which I go to
and it's great
and I'm still
going to keep doing it
but just
it'll be Monday
and I'll have therapy
at 5.30
on a Thursday
but because it's the only thing in my
schedule I'm being like it's
weighing over my mind
I've got that on Thursday
I've got to do therapy to get
over it. Meanwhile there are other people
losing their actual fucking
minds during this. Like Natalie
is fucking in there at the minute
I'm having this fucking hissy fit that I've
have to re-edit a document let's just get it clear i didn't lose the words the words
still exist they're there right that would have been stressful i lost the edit right i've got to
sort that out natalie's busy trying to work out like something to do with people have been over
paying their pensions and they've got like to sort out the pension contributions across four continents.
The company across four continents while
furloughing people
and keeping this company. She's dealing
with that and I'm just like, oh,
I've got to put that into a paragraph again.
You are becoming me.
I do think maybe that's
some of what it comes from
there's a real
guilt to this now because
other people are struggling
not necessarily just struggling
but you know, Carla's fucking working every day
and I've got this guilt
should I be doing more than absolutely
fucking nothing
I've been walking around with a wet floor cone just looking busy.
I tell you, yesterday, this annoyed us as well.
That company that
asked us to do them clean jokes
for their show,
I stood with a clear
wall like they wanted with this
film editing software that they
wanted us to do it on so it would be the same frame rate and uh i recorded my four jokes that they wanted that
they accepted and then um that's just to re-record them because i said i looked nervous in them you
looked nervous and i watched them back and i was like i don't remember being nervous
right i wasn't nervous about that i'm not there with my knees looking at me like, oh, this is my big break.
And I looked back,
and I was like,
oh, no, that's not nerves.
That's just massively uncomfortable.
That's because I'm so uncomfortable.
You want to see as natural?
Fucking tune in to me knitting,
listen to me podcast,
watch me stand up,
you'll see as natural.
You want to see as uncomfortable?
Make us dead eye into the camera and tell jokes that you sanitize down to the point they're not even funny anymore and and and deliver
them to no audience it's like it's like going hey i want to hire usain bolt to do this run for
something but you've got to wear your jeans and your dress shoes and you can't cross your right
foot over your left foot so you've got to run with your left foot forward all the time in little mini steps.
And then video I'm running.
And then, Gann, you look a bit nervous when you're running.
You're saying, no, I'm not nervous.
I'm just absolutely in combat with your fucking parameters.
You're absolutely wasting this resource.
So when is it streaming?
I think it might have already went on last night.
I recorded it again.
I look just as uncomfortable the second time.
Oh, shit, back on.
Wait, I'm always going to look uncomfortable.
I do.
Yeah, because you've said, walk on, walk onto the camera,
deliver the joke, and then pause for laughter.
That isn't there.
Then deliver the next one.
Pause for laughter.
Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.
And I'm there again.
My hands are just going, what do we do? Jesus fucking Christ and I'm there again my hands my hands
are just going
what do we do
in my facial expression scan
what the fuck am I doing
do you know what you should do
you should have
you should have put
sock on each hand
put googly eyes on them
and then put them
out in front of you
and have them
be audience members
you know what?
That would have been funny.
I might,
because the laughter lounge
I've asked us today,
they're a very similar thing.
They've asked us
if I'd do a three-minute clip,
like what The Stand are doing,
and I love the laughter lounge.
I'd love to give them a clip.
What I would say,
what you do is
you put the sock puppets
on your hands, right,
and you make them laugh
at all the jokes that you say,
and then,
if the gig goes well, which it will,
because you're in control of the audience, right,
then get one of them to suck you off and just have a wank, clean up straight away.
Sock's already on your hand.
All right.
Fish by fish.
Well, that'll be three and a half minutes, I think.
Five seconds to swing yourself, I say.
Yeah, so I don't know whether to just break the fourth wall and go I used to tell jokes this is what I used to say when I was on stage and like set it up with like oh I used to say that then and then
people would laugh then and then when they laughed I would write off that laughter and I'd say this
and I might just tell the story of me telling the joke rather than actually just telling the joke
and fucking stood there with a big shit- shit eating grin on my face like I'm waiting
for laughter. As much as I do
I really respect anyone who's trying to
or at least I understand
why people are trying to keep
busy during this time
especially if they're trying to keep the fucking business afloat
but a lot of the time I'm like
can we just admit
that as entertainers
we're not crucial workers?
We don't have to.
We're an extra.
We're a bonus thing when people have time off and money.
We're who they come to.
They don't need us just now.
Can we stop?
We're a bolt on.
We're literally a bolt on.
We're a bolt on, right,
and the belt's tight this fucking month.
So just, can we stop, lads? on, literally a bolt on and the belt's tight this fucking month so just
stop lads
I just got out of play
a playstation
you do whatever fucking makes you happy
but can other places
we need to keep producing content
I assure you we don't
the world has put
a pin in us and they've just gone
not now.
Just graciously bow outwards.
I cannot be chewed with that.
And every time I get asked to date,
whether I'd be the BBC there or the Left at Lounge now,
I want to provide these things.
I really do, but I feel deeply uncomfortable.
This isn't what I do. These podcasts, I feel deeply uncomfortable this isn't what I do nah
these podcasts I feel so
fucking authentic
the knitting I feel
so authentic I'm just chatting
to people it's like I'm opening a window
on my social life is what I'm doing
and I'm like look this is me socialising
hope you enjoy it I hope you feel like you're socialising
too if you're on your own
even though it's like it's one dimensional and you can socialising too if you're on your own. Even though it's
one dimensional and you can't talk back unless
you tag into one of the videos.
I hope it's entertaining
for you in that respect.
When I'm forcing myself on
people with recorded content like that.
It's just a bit.
And I think we've spoke about it already. We're repeating old ground but it's just a bit and I think we've spoke about it already
we're repeating old ground but it's still very much
the same to me
well the reason we're repeating old ground is because nothing is happening
there's lots happening
there's actually loads happening
we're just not allowed to witness it
or participate
me and Piggy were talking
at the end of
well talking about the end of well
talking about
the end of all this
the fuck it is
what it comes in
what are you
looking forward
to go back to
we're doing
what am I looking
forward to going back
to right
I'm looking forward
to watching the match
in the pub
having a pint
and watching the match but then again how Aye. Having a pint and watching the match.
But then again, how far away do you think that is?
Because I think we'll be able to eat in restaurants
before we're able to hang out at the pub again.
I reckon there's much difference between those two.
It's going to be so incremental as well.
It's not like all of a sudden we'll be able to go to a rave and all hug.
You know what I mean? Not that well,
hugging at raves, but there will be this
thing where you want to just
fucking just wrap your arms around each other
and jump around.
You want that last day.
Yes, you want it to be a last day, but there's
going to be such a soft launch
on socialising. There's going to be
multiple soft launches. There's going to be
like, restaurants are open, but the tables have got to be spaced this far apart, and the gyms are open, but they's going to be multiple soft launches. There's going to be like restaurants are open but the tables
have got to be spaced this far apart and the gyms
are open but they've got to be cleaned
at 15 minute intervals.
It's going to go like the way the lockdown
closed down gradually so you couldn't have one
last blowout. It's going to reopen
gradually like that.
Travelling has got to be
last. I think there's talk about
there's got to be some, like,
corona passport or something,
where, like, you have to have a passport
saying that you've had it and you're immune,
or, like, if you've had...
If they make a vaccine and you've been vaccinated,
you've got a passport,
like, you're going to have to get passported back into the world.
Fucking hell.
I think it's going to be a long time mate
and erm
I have
I'll tell you about this
as well
last night
I was playing Call of Duty
I found the only time
I can play Call of Duty
is when Natalie's in bed
when she's working
even if she's not on
a conference call
it's not fair to be shouting
on like that
in the same room
because you have to shout on so I've been not on a conference call, it's not fair to be shouting on like that in the same room. Right.
Because you have to shout on.
So I've been playing it without comms
and it's shite, right?
So I play it shouting on
around about midnight every night
for a couple hours
until two in the morning.
And last night I was so loud
that Natalie just come through,
not in a bad mood, right?
Just come through
and shut the living room door.
Now, even in Maine,
the living room door is wedged shut because behind it against the wall
is the clothes horse,
two clothes horses,
an ironed board
and two foldy-up chairs
are wedged behind that door.
And she slammed it shut
and not only did all of them things fall,
but I had my pull-up bar railing on as well.
So that comes like pinging off as well
so all at once in the space of three seconds iron board two clotheslosses two chairs and a
pull-up bar just hit the deck and i fucking shat myself it was it was like she went ah you think
that's noise you reckon that's noise do you you fucking
haven't got a clue
son this is noise
and I just went
to bed
I just went to bed
proper howling
I put her down
for breakfast
this morning
because it looked
like she was
in a proper
she was totally
just started
smashing windows
in that fucking
you know I've been properly enjoying that game
I know you haven't been on there much
until you get your wifi sorted
we're hopefully getting new internet in two weeks
and allow me to just take this moment to say
on the podcast
absolutely fuck the fucking fuck out of talk talk
i just like it's a talk talk i think oh my god like look look i'm not gonna be unreasonable here
and be like uh not not understand the fact that all the internet's gonna be slow at the moment
everyone's in their fucking house like the bandwidth it's just gonna be fucking
tight for everyone you've been to my house and time of let you my internet has always been chained in this place and it's always
been specifically fucking through talk to their inability to do anything like I want to ask them
James I as I if you have any plans like upgrade the internet in my area and they were like nope
it's like like even as your company gets bigger and expands they're like no there's no money in it
So why would we
It's what they said on the phone
So what companies do your neighbours have the same trouble
I spoke to your neighbours
How dare you do I speak to my neighbours
How fucking dare you
In what
Why what do they have that I need
Maybe internet
You can find out what internet providers have.
Maybe take some cheesecake
No, I haven't
asked them. Well, no, I can't go over.
I could shout over, I guess.
Like, I'm going,
because of the fucking area I live in,
going from Tok Tok to Vodafone,
that's not,
I mean, it's an upgrade,
but it's not a straight-up upgrade.
It's like a lateral upgrade.
Everything you hate Australia for has happened in your house.
The fucking...
That third-world Wi-Fi
that you slagged the waffle for
for three months.
I know, but at least mine is because
I live in a...
You could have brought the weather home.
Aye, but...
And burned Scotland
to the ground
I like the fact that when
I like the fact that
I can order booze
in this country
and not be treated
like an absolute
fucking animal
I'll take that
as a trade off
I like the fact that
wait a minute
you can order
you can drink
you can get booze
from a shop
after 10
oh yeah
you can go out
to a bottle shop
in Australia
at 1 in the morning
but I'd rather not be
spoken down to
by a bar staff
for having
for requesting a shot
at 11pm
on a Saturday
you expect
security guards
to act like
failed policemen
you don't expect it
from your bar staff
there's people
I expect to be cunts
and it shouldn't be people who normally
work for tips.
Wi-Fi has been fucking pretty basic,
but when you finally get on call
of duty, we've found the best way to date is if
somebody takes charge
on a mission, and whether you rotate that or whether
someone's just decent at it,
but moving as a unit, picking specifically where you're going to go as a team
and where you're going to go next and where you're going to loot
and lead a team through because you find all the other squads,
they drop and then scatter to go and collect their guns.
So if you move along as a four, no one's going to get you,
and if they get you down, you pick each other back up, if you've only got your pistols
you've got four pistols aimed on them
and it's fucking brilliant, you just mop the place up
Oh well I'll need to get on
in two fucking weeks time
when Vodafone, a company not famous for its
internet, but famous for its
I might as well have gone
to fucking Asda for their internet
I know there's a thing with Vodafone, right?
Because the guy on the phone was fucking lovely.
He was dead honest about it.
He's like, mate, you're not in a good area for it.
We guarantee this.
But in all honesty, you're going to get this.
It's still going to be more than the other one.
But I'm going to tell you right off the bat,
you're not getting these speeds until we do this and this and this.
Very honest.
And I'm like like immediately already bare.
Even though Vodafone's
a telecommunications company, you
saying that you're getting them for your Wi-Fi
still resonates the same as if you went,
I'm getting my Wi-Fi through Beechams.
iCleanX are going to do me
do me.
They've diversified their portfolio.
They're like finding out that
heads and shoulders
have a car
you're like
they're just
like okay
I mean I'll give it
a go
like maybe
there's a bunch
of car enthusiasts
are they
are they
Duracell gloves
oh fucking hell
Crocs have come
out with suits
this will be interesting
quotes on it
no no no
but it's still the designers of
Croc like it's still
it's the same family you don't trust it
alright well that's
I'm going to brush my teeth
to the black and deck
shall we move
we're keeping these at 45
yeah can I
can I complain about
our listeners
always please
finally apart from
apart from hypotheticals it's my favourite section of the show.
They're not as
hardcore as I thought they were.
I really thought that
they backed away and got
involved and we're all operating as a big community.
I thought we were a community.
But I
haven't had a single TikTok with
my intro.
Well, hey, now, you know know me I'm never ever ever one to
stick up for any of my fans
under any circumstance whatsoever
do you think it's just that way
is this actually showing what age that none of what audience
are young enough for TikTok
aye I think that's exactly it
I don't think it's the fact
and again I hate to stand up for these cunts but I do think
the fact you asked a bunch of people
very much like us to download an app
that they do not give a fucking shit about
and do something they don't care about.
I actually...
This might be the most I've ever respected our listeners,
the fact that none of them do it.
I'm going to retract the complaint,
but I would like somebody to do it.
I still want to see what's Nicky Gibson's
aye and aye
what's she doing
sort the TikTok
out man
we only got sent
one muggle as well
but we'll bring that
oh no no no
let's go for the muggle
somebody sent someone in
let's do that one
someone sent a muggle
and it was Lauren said,
hold on,
I've just fucking lost it.
She said,
neighbours who engage in parking wars
who get passive aggressive
over where they park their car and that.
I guess like that's it.
Like if someone parks in your drive,
you've got every right
to fucking
smear a shite aloe on a windscreen.
But like if you haven't got a designated
part of the street and you
just like assume by parking there all the
time it's yours and then you turn up and one of your neighbour's
friends is parked there do you put a little
note? Oh god
yes okay I'm with you
now. Because I would park three
streets away before I fucking got
arsy about where someone was parking unless they were
on me property
unless they were on me property.
Unless they were on me property and that's where I park, and I'm like, yeah, I can't
put my car on me property.
See, even if, like, where
me mum and dad used to live, right, on the street
in front of them where me dad parks, right,
if one of the neighbours had a friend around and parked
their car there,
would I be that bothered about that? I would have just parked somewhere
else on the street. I guarantee, I'm on this, I agree that bothered about that I would have just parked somewhere else on the street I guarantee
I'm on this
I agree that it's
in Muggle Corner
but I guarantee
I'd be in that
fucking thing
I get really
would you
man I get pissy
about parking in general
like for me
if a car park
is fucking empty
and you fail to get
your car
even if there's
no one in that car park
if you don't get it
inside the box
I'll fucking leave
a note on your car
just fucking try no you won't maybe it inside the box, I'll fucking leave a note in your car. Just fucking try.
No, you won't.
Oh, maybe not.
Maybe not a note.
But no, man, I would know.
Like, if it's a busy car park
and you don't keep your thing on the fucking lines,
oh, man, I will do things to your car then.
Ah, no, no.
Someone put a knife in my tyres one time
because I kept
I just kept parking
in the space
nearest the house
because it was never used
like it was never
ever used
it was nearest the flat
so if I ever just
ditched my car there
I'd put it in
and I come
one time
and it had
clearly been knifed
like my tyres
had been
put holes in them
so even though
he wasn't using
his parking space
the fact that I
occasionally used it
bothered him to the
point that he damaged
me car
and it did have
to be fair
it was his
it had his number
on it
and it wasn't my
my number was just
a couple back
and it was left
unavailable when I
was using his
or his
but for me
if I had that
one nearest the
I think I would
have just parked
anywhere else but that one.
I don't think I would give a fuck it's a car park.
I see.
There was one time at the old fucking house,
somebody came back from the gym
and somebody had basically parked their car in...
Devon Blocker Drive.
...the driveway.
Devon Blocker Drive.
Devon Blocker Drive.
Man, I was fucking sitting there in the middle
and I stood there for like two minutes and I Blocker Drive man I was I was fucking sitting there in the middle and I stood there
for like two minutes
and I was just like
being like
I'm gonna fucking
I don't need my car
just now
and they're fucking
lucky for that
but this is
fucking shit
so like
talked myself out
of just
I was angry
I hate working out
I've just
put a brick
through the fucking window
I'll do that
and I'll get caught
I can't do that,
I'm going to go in and write a fucking,
really horrible,
and I'm slowly calming,
calming down a little bit,
I'm definitely going to leave a fucking note,
and if it happens again,
I'm going to be full blown white boy,
and be like,
I'm going to,
I'll phone the police,
go in,
it was Ali's dad,
he was visiting.
You were ready for war,
and then when you, when it was diffused like that, visiting you were ready for war oh man and then when
it was diffused like that
you still had all this anger
and nowhere to put it
I walked in there
I put blue face paint on
I was ready
for actual bloodshed
and then
I walked in
and the first thing
he said
oh sorry
I parked in front of the driveway
Ali said it'd be fine
because the car's in the driveway I can move it if you need to and I'm like in front of the driveway Ali said it'd be fine because the car's in the driveway
and I can move it
if you need to
and I'm like
all of the confrontation
that I'd mentally prepared for
is gone
but you know
I'm still
I remember
when I was
you were going to be
I'm just
choking yourself
no no
not my wank
stopping someone else.
Me auntie Linda told us a story a while back
about in a multi-storey car park,
two cars coming at the same space.
This woman indicating in,
and this fucking bloke just like
quickly took it before she did.
Got out of the car with a big smug grin on his face
as he looked like this guy in my car's better than yours.
As if that was his excuse for taking it.
I've got a better car
or something like that.
She just drove into his car and went,
aye, but I've got more money.
Absolute belt.
I'm all about that.
I'm absolutely all fucking about that.
The car you had
at the time as well
if somebody parked
on your drive
I didn't doubt that
you would have just
used your car
to push their car out
because you didn't care
that much if it was
like dented
or scratched
or anything
for me
I'm going to agree
that it's in Muggle Corner
because of like
especially if it's unmarked
like if it's just
out front of your house
and somebody parks there, you get pissy about that.
I do think you're a muggle for it.
I am a muggle for it.
I'd get pissy.
Like if people park out in front of my gate just now,
I'm like, fucking go away.
This is my, I own all of it.
And I'm acting like I'm above it, right?
But I get muggly about the ownership
of an armrest on a flight. I was about to say of an armrest on a flight.
I was about to say the armrest of a flight,
or even on a fucking empty train,
if you sit in a fucking chair that says reserved and I have to ask you to move,
I'm fucking, I'm so angry.
I'll not do it angrily, but I will,
like if I've got a
ticket and somebody
sat on the train
oh you mean if someone
asks you to move
and there's plenty of
no no no no no
like even if it's a
fucking empty train
and if it's an empty
train right
and 31C
is reserved for me
and you're sat in
even though I could
sit fucking anywhere else
so could you
and my chair has a
reserve sign above it
you fuck off see I'm more casual with that. So could you and my chair has a reserve sign above it. You fuck off.
See, I'm more casual with that.
I'll go up and just like
conversationally just go
and just let you know
that that's the ticket I've got reserved
but I'm going to sit over here.
If somebody comes for that seat
I'm going to need that one
and I'll just lay it down
and then I'll go and sit down
and I'll not even make a conversation.
I'm just like
here's a fucking bit of information
that you're going to need
and then I'll go and sit down.
All right.
Second somebody comes over and sits in my chair,
you better start running.
Just put your knuckle dust on it.
Just sit looking at them.
Just breathing and polishing your...
Just say they'll be like,
I fucking hope somebody comes for this seat.
The one that bothers me is if I'm in a reserved seat, right,
or just any seat at the window, right,
and somebody, whether it's reserved or not,
sits on the seat next to mine,
but there's doubles available, right,
and I'll be looking at them and I'll just be like,
looking at all of the fucking empty seating,
and you chose that one, even if it's on your ticket
you chose to sit on this one
like fucking
your whole body language
is going
you're honestly
going to fucking sit
in my personal space
when you don't have to
you're going to put me
in your personal space
I'll just fucking come
you're claiming to be
bed as well
you daft cunt
that's how you know
that are we
do you want a drink do you want a drink
do you want a drink
of me pop
yeah I'm reading
this book
lean in
lean in
keep up
do you want us
to restart me movie
you fucking dickhead
I am turning into you
oh yeah
you're getting angry
here it is
getting angry
at stuff
that fucking hasn't happened
for months.
I do,
I will put that
in my go-to corner
and then I'll also
stand in the corner myself
because I'm...
Engaging in parking was.
I definitely would.
Me and Gareth got excited
because somebody was parking
in his,
one of his neighbours
was parking in his spot
where he lives because he's got generally reserved space and somebody and one of his neighbours was parking in his spot
where he lives, because he's got generally reserved space,
and somebody was parked in his,
and we got all excited about the war he was gonna have,
and then Laura just made him write a nice note,
and the person never parked there again.
And we were like, oh.
So I do live for it, I get it, I understand it,
and for that, and that alone, I'm in the corner.
Aye, there we are
nothing to plug
just my butt
just to
just to
plug your butt
go on
it's ready
and it's raring to go
people know
they can buy my show
but in case you don't know
the discount code
is COVID19
and you can get
all of my solo shows for a tenner from my website,
Remember when someone got annoyed that I said that?
Oh, yeah, I mean, it is wrong.
See, that's something that I found funny the other day.
Someone listened to this podcast on YouTube, right?
And we were on about
Piggy's identity
and protecting our identity.
It was before we'd given away
our name.
And they went,
mate, I don't think
you really need to worry
about people finding out your facts.
There's only like 60 people
who watch this
and you've only got to put
400 subscribers, right?
But it auto-pushed to YouTube
so that bloke
thought that we were getting that fucking follower
sell our fucking 60 viewers
I was like oh no
oh no
that's so funny
go for it That's so funny Right
Go for it
Your dad refuses to pull the plug on the bath
Because he thinks it just opens up into the kitchen downstairs
So after each bath
He meticulously empties it with a straw
Your dad's teeth chat out when he's hot
Your dad puts his sandals on to go jumping in puddles
Your dad didn't realise he'd stumbled into a graveyard
with his metal detector and now he's in trouble for
unthinkable crimes when he was just trying to be a dog
Your dad is convinced that this time
the sale of Newcastle United will actually go through
I am
Oh my god
It's the worst
David Canham, every week since I've
known him, has told me
that next week Newcastle's getting
bought by someone
It's not going to make a
fucking scrap of difference because there's no football on anywhere, it's not going to make a fucking scrap of difference because there's
no football on anyway there's probably going
to be like a big transfer embargo
it's like something's about
to happen that has absolutely no effect on
my life at all I mean like
just yet but I'm still
excited about it
even though it's not going to happen anyway your dad
uses dandruff your dad uses
his own dandruff to talk his balls.
Your dad stands outside every night
banging pots and pans, cheering and clapping
and shouting, God bless the NHS,
and he's still going to vote Tory in the next election.
And Boris is brave.
Your dad was so persistent when he met your mum
that they're now married
they've had four kids
and your mum's got no idea
how it all happened
she didn't want any of it
oh okay
that's a bit too true
that's a bit too close to home
take that one back
end of that one out
if he listens to this
he'll have a cry
he may as well
may as well just
send his name on that one
she's going to be like
your dad like an abstract person.
You weren't meant to read my mum's diary.
Your dad ties ropes to his socks
and the ropes to his wrists
so that there's no chance that they go missing
the next time they're in the wash.
Your dad can get both of his feet in his mouth at once
and that's how he rolls down hills.
Once again, stop reading my mother's diary.
Well, let's cheer us up mate
thanks for cheering us up
I really needed a miss today
just phoning
just phoning to check in
I'll phone you same time next week
alright mate
thanks for being a shoulder there buddy
I know what he's doing
that was really nice
aye aye
we should have recorded that
it would have made a good podcast
alright catch you later see you later bitch bye that would have made a good podcast.
Alright, catch you later. That's it, bye bitch.