Snapped: Women Who Murder - Barbara Cameron

Episode Date: September 25, 2022

Death hits close to home when a Mississippi father of four is brutally killed on his own front porch; soon, a mother and son turn against one another as detectives work to untangle a murky ta...le of he said she said to close in on a killer.Season 28, Episode 02Originally aired: September 13, 2020Watch full episodes of Snapped for FREE on the Oxygen app: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Lindsey Graham, the host of Wondries Podcast American Scandal. Our newest series looks at the story of OxyContin, a popular painkiller that helps spur an epidemic of addiction and drug abuse, in which prompted a broad campaign to hold the pharmaceutical industry accountable. Listen to American Scandal on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. After failed marriages and false starts, they found love on a thousand acres of Mississippi farmland. He was just a wealthy country boy. She kind of worked alongside them at the farm, and I think that is what bonded them.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I always said how much they loved each other. It was all happy times and happy memories. But one cold, a January night, brings a horrific tragedy right to the front door. He went out to smoke, and she heard a loud bang. He had a pretty good puddle of blood underneath himself. As detectives dive into a whirlwind investigation, twisted motives surfaced from those closest to home.
Starting point is 00:01:14 There were $8,000 cash under the mattress. Don't leave no bones about it. And my father did not get along. She had in her head that we were getting married. He had actually told her that if she got appreciate that he was going to make her leave. You wouldn't know the trailer was there unless you had been there. There would have been a plan to bend to go up there. And an unbreakable bond is stretched to its limits.
Starting point is 00:01:39 That was the worst thing she'd ever had to tell anybody in her life. I cannot go to prison for nothing that I know for 100 percent. In my heart, I did my best. I did not do anything wrong. It's a rural area. Pretty fast look. A lot of farms out that way, as we say here, it's out in the country, but it's a beautiful area. It's half past midnight when a 911 call breaks the silence of this quiet community.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Our dispatcher, the police, is here. We're here. It's a beautiful area. It's half past midnight when a 911 call breaks the silence of this quiet community. Our dispatch center received an emergency call from a female. The woman identifies herself as 46-year-old Barbara Cameron. She claims she has just discovered her boyfriend, 61-year-old Clyde Daniels, unconscious outside their trailer. She was very frantic, make comment about hearing noise,
Starting point is 00:02:53 and then she bound Clyde, the victim. Clyde Daniels had a gunshot going through his head on the front porch of his presidents. She had hidden herself in a back room, the fish she was speared. So we dispatched deputies to the scene. They arrived and noticed that at that location there was a gate blocking the driveway. So they walked from the gate to the residence. When deputies carefully approached the trailer, they immediately detect a body lying at the top of the front porch steps.
Starting point is 00:03:39 A couple of deputies arrived on scene, went up bound on white male, here to be deceased, laying on the porch of this trailer. He was wearing slippers, pajamas, pants, and a bathroom. Miss Cameron, she was in the house and would not come out until she saw a flashlight from officers. She said that Clyde, what she referred to as her husband, even though they weren't married, had been shot.
Starting point is 00:04:07 What happened? Who shot, fly? Born in 1947 in Piccayune, Mississippi, Clyde Daniel's dreams were always bigger than his humble upbringing. My dad was kind of an adventurous fellow and an entrepreneur from a very young age. And as soon as he could get away from there,
Starting point is 00:04:34 he did. That's why he's doing a navy. And that's where he met my mother. Over the years, Clyde and his wife Linda had two children, Chip and Sheila. Following his stint in the Navy, Clyde and Linda settled back in Pearl River County, where he was always on the lookout for an opportunity. We had a backhoe business.
Starting point is 00:04:56 We had a motor cross race track, which was a lot of fun. I mean, he was kind of in a little bit of everything. Clyde moved from one venture to another, and after 17 years, he was also ready to move on from Linda to a new woman named Maureen Daspett. He met Maureen while she was playing pool. They were playing pool together,
Starting point is 00:05:23 and he left my mom for Maureen. In 1981, Clyde married Maureen and went on to have two more children, Cassie and Dustin. Together, Clyde and Maureen embarked on yet another business endeavor. My parents started an AMWA business in 1985 and they were actually became very successful. They sell a lot of like health and wellness and home supplies and things like that. You learn from country boy to student time and then as the amway picked up, it got more lucrative. You got more and more and more until he was just a wealthy man.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Through amway, Clyde and Maureen made new friends, including fellow saleswoman Barbara Cameron. Barbara and her husband Clifton were friends of the family. They were actually on our team in the Amway business. When Barbara and her husband divorced, Clyde offered her a new opportunity. We hired Barbara to clean the house and such as that, help us surround the place and all.
Starting point is 00:06:44 clean the house and such as that. Helping surround the place and all. By October 2001, Clyde was once again looking for a new challenge. He handed Amway over to his wife, Maureen, and took a new job as a caretaker of a sprawling, idyllic thousand acre farm. The farm is owned by a couple of gentlemen out of New Orleans businessmen, and they actually hire people to, as caretakers for the farm. All of his bills were paid.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Everything was paid, he had company drugs, and they paid him a lot of money to do what he did. With his new lifestyle came the realization that his marriage to Maureen was over. My dad started working on the augment farm probably around the time that things really were getting rough between my mom and my dad, so I think that that was kind of maybe even one of the reasons he took that job was it was kind of an escape. In 2002, Clyde and Maureen separated and he moved into a trailer nestled in a patch of woods on the beautiful farm.
Starting point is 00:08:02 patch of woods on the beautiful farm. Barbara was not like a farm hand, and she was helping with the horses, and it just became flirtatious. They started dating. There's a lot of work to do, and we had actually been discussing trying to find some decent help, and she was actually kind of a perfect candidate. Barbara really was a hard worker, so she kind of worked alongside my dad, especially at the farm.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And I think that working alongside each other is what bonded them. We had the whole, this is why it makes sense for us to, for her to move in with us type conversation. You know, they're doing what couples do, boyfriend and girlfriend. Soon, Barbara, Clyde and his son Dustin were all living and working on the farm. Three of us in just absolutely beautiful place. And we had a lot of fun out, a lot of fun out there. And, you know, it's all happy times and happy memories. After a few years, Dustin moved on
Starting point is 00:09:20 and Barbara's son Max took his place. After my brother moved out, there was a time where Max actually was the laborer, basically the farmhand. By 2009, after seven years together, 61-year-old Clyde and 46-year-old Barbara were leading a simple but satisfying life on the farm. But the events of the night of January 20, 2009, were leading a simple but satisfying life on the farm. But the events of the night of January 20th, 2009
Starting point is 00:09:50 would tear them apart forever. After receiving a frantic call from Barbara, deputies find Clyde dead on the front porch of his trailer. His feet were closest to the door. Clyde dead on the front porch of his trailer. His feet were closest to the door. There was blood spatter on the roof line and on the wall. He had a pretty good photo of blood underneath himself. It was a silver foot five, 14.
Starting point is 00:10:19 It's a style of pistol made by Taurus. The proximity of the gun to Clyde's body has investigators questioning whether Clyde took his own life. But a closer look quickly reveals the answer. It appeared to have two gunshot wounds. One looked like it was to his chin, and another was behind his right ear. It was the darkness was back, not a suicide, but a homicide.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Coming up, investigators uncover a hidden modus. Clive didn't trust banks. He kept his money in hidden. There was $30,000 in cash buried in a PVC pipe in the backyard. And a suspect with strong ties to the victim emerges. He came and asked his father for money and Clyde told him hell knows. Every job I think about it, it's almost like it just happened. Hardworking couple, Barbara Cameron and Clyde Daniels, found a peaceful life as the caretakers
Starting point is 00:11:38 of a thousand acre farm in Pearl River County, Mississippi. It was already a beautiful property. I mean, just hundreds and hundreds of huge live-outs and red-outs. They definitely seemed happy together. They kind of, you know, spent all their time together. We spent all the time together. But now, investigators are standing over Clyde's dead body, wondering who could have wanted the happy farmhand dead. We realized what we were looking at, that this was indeed a murder. But there's no reason that it could be explained why Clyde was killed. As investigators process the scene, it's
Starting point is 00:12:29 clear the gun resting next to Clyde is curiously not the murder weapon. I started looking at the barber and I could tell that all the rounds in the cylinder as well as the one that was in a barrel were not shot. Investigators need to determine if the gun is clad and why he would carry it so late at night. You wouldn't know the trailer was there unless you'd been there. This isn't something that someone would stumble to crawl,
Starting point is 00:12:56 so it's not something we consider to be just a one ran and we walked up there with the intention of committing robbery or anything like that. It would have been a plan to go up there. Detectives Hope, Clyde's girlfriend Barbara, can shed more light on what happened. She would break down a cry. She'd been tears for a short time. And she would compose herself and we would go on. They had been together for about seven
Starting point is 00:13:25 years at that time and they were talking about getting married. So, you know, it appeared that her emotions were, you know, what I would expect for someone to just lost their significant other. Barbara tells detectives that they'd spent the evening watching TV
Starting point is 00:13:44 together as usual. It was a little afternoon night, maybe 12, 12, 30. They decided to go to bed, so he went out to smoke his last cigarette of the day. Barbara says when Clyde stepped outside, he took two things with him, his cigarettes and his gun. She made comment to the effect that Mr. Daniels doesn't go anywhere without a fire. He'd get up every night about the same time and step outside, smoke to his last cigarette.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Every time he did that, he'd carry a sidearm with him. He enjoyed having guns. So I'm not going to say it would be out of character for him to have a gun on the porch. They had recently had some issues with some hunting dogs. If you saw her, the hunting dogs around had fired some shots in the air just to try to scare them all. So he went out to smoke and she was going to take a shower. And she said she went in and entered the shower. And no sooner got her hair wet and she heard a loud bang. She got out of the shower immediately and put her bath
Starting point is 00:15:00 rope on this walk to the door to check on Clyde. When she opened the door, she could see that Clyde was laying on the porch right in front of the door. And that's when she said that she looked down and looked down the driveway. It's all too white now walking down the driveway. That's when she panicked, ran, grabbed a phone, and she says that she died number one.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Barbara says she remained in the back bedroom until law enforcement arrived. I asked her if she had gone out to check on Claudette, or she saw that he had been shot, or she's expected that he had been shot. She said, well, I was scared, so I closed and locked the door and went back in the bedroom and called 911. I was too scared to go out. Detectives ask Barbara what the two mystery men might have been after.
Starting point is 00:16:00 She said that I have to tell you that there's quite a bit of money here. She said, come here and tell you that there's quite a bit of money here. She said, to me, or we walk back to the bedroom, walk back there, and she lifted the corner of the mattress, and there was, I think, what turned out to be $8,000 in cash under the mattress. She also said that there was $30,000 in cash buried in a PVC pipe in the backyard. I asked her what was with all the cash. Clyde didn't trust banks, he kept his money,
Starting point is 00:16:32 he didn't kept things hidden. She said that they had been saving money because Clyde was diagnosed with infosima and he didn't think he had that long left. So he wanted to make sure that he had saved up $100,000 between the two of them to leave to her. As for who might have been after the cash, Barbara tells detectives that a couple of people come to mind. She told me that the disemployee, Dion,
Starting point is 00:17:06 worked with Clyde and that they had caught him stealing diesel fuel from the farm. The other person, Barbara Names, is Clyde's own son, 38-year-old chip Daniels. November of a way, he came and asked his father for money. And he didn't give it to him. And he came back again and asked him again a second time. She said Clyde Hilton held it.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Though Barbara's story is compelling, why had Clyde's attackers left so much money behind? When speaking of Miss Cameron, she couldn't show any evidence of any money stolen, no real attempt at robbery. Things seemed forced. It was very inconsistent, her demeanor toward her emotions.
Starting point is 00:18:00 As investigators work to track down ship and Dion, news of Clyde's death reaches his family. I found out that it was homicide. I had no, you know, my new ideal of who might want to have done that to. I mean, everybody loved my dad. I mean, it's a great guy. I get a phone call, and I just drop from home.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I was at my mom's. It just, it feels like it just happened. Every job I think about it feels like it just happened. I mean, that's not a phone call you expect to get. That's not a phone call you expect to get. While the family grieves, investigators track down former farmhand, Dion Inman, and bring him in for questioning. We interviewed Dion. We just didn't get any kind of indication from him that he was a viable suspect.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Dion also has an alibi. He lived with his parents still, and that they were able to support the fact that he was home with them during that time. He could not have been at the scene during the time that this occurred, so he alibi'd out. With Deon ruled out, investigators turn to their other suspect, Clyde's own son, Chip Daniels.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Chip had so much animosity against my father. My first thought was, Chip finally just looked out and did it. Coming up, detectives attempt to recreate the night of the murder. In the event that even the story we suspected initially was not the truth. And as police retrace their steps, they notice signs of suspicion. She was so nervous. Her knees were'll reach you with having trouble walking. Ah, the Bahamas. What if you could hang out with celebrities living a penthouse above the crystal clear ocean
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Starting point is 00:21:09 ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. In January 2009, detectives in Pearl River County, Mississippi are looking into the shooting death of 61-year-old Clyde Daniels. Following an interview with Clyde's girlfriend, Barbara, police are eager to talk to his son, 38-year-old Chip Daniels. Chip was presented to us as a suspect by Barbara. Detectives work quickly to bring Chip in for an interview. If I told him, you tell me what you need.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And I would definitely make sure you get it, because I had nothing to do with it. Though Chip is quick to maintain his innocence, detectives want to know more about the argument Barbara witnessed between him and his father a few months earlier. I said, don't make no bones about it. Me and my father did not get along. But as far as killing him goes, nothing.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I don't have that in me. I mean, I couldn't kill anybody. Chip tells detectives he wasn't even in Pearl River County on the night his father was killed. I was at a motel in Picking you when the night is murder. And you know, I had, there was many witnesses that seeing me even at the time that my father was killed. They had surveillance. I was all over Cameroon.
Starting point is 00:22:49 We followed up. We checked out a box. And we were able to identify him. We were able to rule him out. With Chip and Dion cleared, detectives circle back to the woman who dialed 911 that fateful night. 46-year-old Barbara Cameron. It really did at some point.
Starting point is 00:23:12 It kind of seemed like Barbara was trying to get us looking in different directions. It just didn't seem right, you know. It just didn't make sense to me. Her statement that she saw the two alleged suspects that she suspected of just shot her fiancee had just walked off and she didn't go to check on me. Even initially she was scared. It just seems odd that she would stay back in that bedroom all that time just not knowing, you know, what's happened to my soon-to-be husband.
Starting point is 00:23:47 There was no other attempt to steal anything or nothing missing. All those things were unusual and certainly left us scratching our heads. Detectives ask Barbara to come in for another interview. Though this time, they take a different approach. We'd asked her if she would consent to a polygraph. So she came here, she was in a lobby. The examiner came in, he got all his equipment set up. We went out to the lobby to get her to bring her back in to the
Starting point is 00:24:22 the room where the test was going to be conducted. And I mean, she was so nervous, just kind of flush. You know, pale color, her knees were weak. She was having trouble walking. She was at such a point we weren't able to do the polygraph on her. With Barbara incapable of answering their questions, detectives returned to the trailer
Starting point is 00:24:47 where Clyde was murdered. We decided that we would take Barbara's statement and her description of the scene, where she was, what she heard, what happened. We decided to try and re-enact. We actually had an investigator get into the shower, turn the water on, so forth. As we had other investigators, one playing the deceit and Clyde, you know, on the porch and, you know, other investigators as the bad guy if you will We set that up and
Starting point is 00:25:28 Then we gave the cue of these loud bangs The two bad guys if you will they were just walking there was no running I mean we tried to make this a factor it is we could just to see if it was even possible She gets out exactly as she says, got her rowbone walks to the front of the trailer where Barbara Session looked down the road and officers had already walked out of sight. We knew then that even the story we suspected initially was not the truth. You know, it just confirmed our belief through those reenactments.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Detectives are certain that there's more to Barbara's story than what she's sharing with police. Hoping to gather intel on Clyde and Barbara's relationship, investigators reach out to Clyde's kids. in Barbara's relationship, investigators reach out to Clyde's kids. He had told us that Barbara was pushing him really hard to get married, and he had told her, no, many times. And he had actually told her that if she kept pushing,
Starting point is 00:26:42 he was going to make her leave. That they could live as boyfriend and girlfriend, or she could leave. According to Clyde's children, no matter how firm he stood, Barbara continued to push. He was angry, but he was not marrying that woman. When he made up his mind, I was in the back. And she had in her head that we're getting married.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Clides' kids tell detectives that there was another bone of contention between Clyde and Barbara. Barbara's son, Max Weldon. He used to work for my father in the farm, and he thought, because, you know, my father and his mother was together that he could just bump around. They were kind of at odds a little bit over Max. I think she wanted him close to her and he didn't want him around.
Starting point is 00:27:37 It did cause some conflict between the two. Clyde's kids say this isn't the first time Max has been caught up in a deadly investigation. Max had been involved in some kind of a shooting where a person was killed up in Yazoo County. It was ruled self-defense and charges were dismissed against him. That was unusual. We didn't really know anything about that case, but certainly you got a wonder. So we speculated that Max may be a player in the clouds, murder, and Barbara. We suspected, and that she was very involved in what went on there.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Hoping for answers, Detective Sapina phone records from both Barbara and her 26-year-old son, Max Weldon. If there's multiple people involved in a homicide oftentimes, a trying to communicate, obviously, in modern age, we all use cell phones. While they wait for the records to come in, detectives make another attempt at getting the truth out of Barbara. On January 28th, we had scheduled Barbara to come in for a second attempt at the Pograff test. Coming up, Barbara holds her ground. It was never gonna marry you.
Starting point is 00:29:04 You know it was never gonna marry Barbara. It was never going to marry you. You know, it was never going to marry Barbara. It's a show. And royalties are put to the test. You close enough to a little back. You go to the present rescue lot. Lot of them, yeah. days after her 61-year-old boyfriend was found murdered in Mississippi. 46-year-old Barbara Cameron has just arrived at the Pearl River County Sheriff's Office for her rescheduled polygraph exam.
Starting point is 00:29:42 In fact, took the polygraph. There were four questions. I understand that we're asked by the public for those questions were did you plan with anyone to shoot Clyde? Number two was did you shoot Clyde? Number three was do you know for a fact who shot Clyde? And number four, did you tamper with anything at the scene of Clot's death? I spoke with the examiner following the tests and he had indicated that she had failed the test. She had a very strong reaction to, did you plan with anyone? Shoot plot.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Obviously that raised some hit flags. When detectives confront Barbara about the results, she stands by her innocence. When she failed the polygraph, she still stuck to it. It's not me, it's the machine. When detectives ask Barbara about Max, she says the only contact she had with him on the night of the murder was a single brief phone call.
Starting point is 00:30:53 She said that she had talked to her son, Max. I believe she said that with around maybe 630 or so that evening. Though detectives suspect Barbara isn't telling the truth, they will need more than a failed polygraph to arrest her. We believe in them. We use them and it's a great tool, but it's not admissible in court. It's not until January 30th, 10 days after Clyde's murder, that detectives finally catch the break they need. Arbor's cell phone records had come in. And at the time of the murder, or near that time, around the murder, she had made many phone calls
Starting point is 00:31:36 to her son, Max. Which went directly against what she had told us the day before that she had only talked to her son one time. I mean, they're talking right up until, you know, the 911 calls made. What reason did she have to try and hide those conversations? But something going on in those conversations she didn't want us to know about.
Starting point is 00:32:02 When detectives' pole maxes phone records, suspicions continue to mount. It seems Max had traveled from Yazoo County to Pearl River County on the night of the murder, arriving within an hour of Barbara's 911 call. This absolutely track him beautifully. From Yazoo County, that absolutely showed a beautiful line. We know he's in the area by the peeing from the farm, but they do not peeing him at that location. Despite the fact that he can't be tracked
Starting point is 00:32:37 to the exact location of the murder, it's enough evidence to secure and arrest warrant. On February 17, based on say or location evidence, we received arrest warrant for both Barbara and Max for the charge of murder. We went and found Max and Barbara were both actually a Barbara's home. and found Max and Barbara were both actually
Starting point is 00:33:04 of Barbara's home. With Max in police custody, detectives are finally able to get his version of events. What about the night that Clyde was killed? Where were you that was? Where's my wife? He said he was in Yazoo County. The night the cloud was killed. He had spent the night with his ex-wife or a strange wife
Starting point is 00:33:33 that night, and he was there all night. Then they hit him with the civil records. And so we've got you in that area. And he absolutely, vehemently denied that he was in the area, did not understand that. So you're there, so I'm sure that there's no other explanation other than your phone, your juice,
Starting point is 00:33:55 and get on that tower and that little fish. So, will you all do that any phone? I'll have my phone in there.. I've had my phone in there. Hey, Joe. I keep my phone in. We were very astute to ask him that anybody have your phone that day, that you longed your phone out. He said, no, I had my phone with me all day.
Starting point is 00:34:16 You have it that night? Yeah, I mean, nobody used my phone. It was me. Detectives turn up the heat. You go snuff to the max, you know the President rescue line, to the bathroom, I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:34:31 wait a minute something, it's where your head is, you know, it's the truth about you. Why, but I know the President, because we got your phone, the impolite, the time files,
Starting point is 00:34:40 the police, you're telling us something? You said nobody used to use your phone to use. When Max refuses to budge, detectives turn to Barbara. 12.26. Two minutes before you dial 911, you talk to Max for 40 seconds. About 15 minutes before you dial 911, you talk to Max for 74 seconds. I don't know how to do that. But this 13 conversations here, I'm when you talked to Max for 74 seconds. Oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:35:07 But this 13 conversations here, you didn't, you never mentioned these conversations in any of our previous interviews. So I forgot. You forgot them all, thank you. Yeah. You know what you did. You know what I did. You know what I did.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I went in there to take a shower and I went to the big bank. When their interview with Barbara Stahls, investigators take a different approach, calling Barbara and Clyde's relationship into question. He was never going to marry you. You know he was never going to marry Barbara. He said, you. Him and I talked about it. You never gonna marry you. You know he was never gonna marry Barbara. It's you. She was.
Starting point is 00:35:45 She was. She was. She was. She was. She was. She was. She was. She was.
Starting point is 00:35:53 She was. And I'm talked about. Barbara refuses to waver. You're gonna live with this for the rest of your life. Are you gonna live? I did not do anything wrong. Without a confession from Max or Barbara, investigators need to bolster their case. They decide to pay a visit to Max's estranged wife Mandy in Yazoo County.
Starting point is 00:36:13 She said he'd been working on her water heater and was there with her. They had been somewhat estranged and were trying to get back together. But when pressed, her story changes. She was told by Max to lie to us, to lie to police, to give him an alibi that night, that he was with her the whole night. And when pressed about it, she said, now he asked me to lie. He was not here. He left.
Starting point is 00:36:43 me to lie, he was not here, he left. Armed with this information, detectives head back to the station. But before they can question Max once again, he has a change of heart. He said, look, I need to talk to all sorts of people. Coming up, Max doesn't about face. I cannot go present for nothing that I know 100% in my heart. I did not do. And a hidden motive becomes crystal clear. I love my mother, but she does like mine.
Starting point is 00:37:21 The first time she's been in the hospital. The first time she's been in the hospital. The first time
Starting point is 00:37:29 she's been in the hospital. The first time she's been in the hospital. The first time she's been in the hospital. The
Starting point is 00:37:37 first time she's been in the hospital. The first time she's been in the hospital. The first time she's been in the hospital. The first time she's been in the hospital. The But less than 24 hours after their arrests, Max has decided he is ready to talk.
Starting point is 00:37:47 I cannot go to prison for nothing that I know for 100 percent. My heart, I did not do it. Max tells detectives that on the night of the murder, his mother asked him to come pick her up because she and Clyde had been fighting. She said, we'll just come get me. I said, OK, mom, I won't come down there and get you.
Starting point is 00:38:13 So he drove down here that night, and he stopped at a church. Max says he waited at the nearby church for his mother to call him back. But when she finally called, what she had to say left him in shock. She said he wouldn't let me leave. I said, what did you do? She said, I shot him.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Max tells detectives he immediately high-tailed it out of Pearl River County. I went back on my car when I was on my highway. I think that was 12 something. And I said, what did you do? Why? And she just said she wouldn't let me leave. But you drove three hours ago.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Just going to your mom and dad. I don't know. I don't know. I just come get her. And once she had called me into the car. But you didn't do it. I was in the house. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I got out of there. As for why Barbara killed Clyde, I really don't know why. I mean, to be honest, if you want to be honest, I love my mother, but she does like money. Detectives aren't sure if Matt has been able to do anything with her. I'm not sure if Matt has been able to do anything with her. I'm not sure if he's going to do anything with her. I'm not sure if he's going to do anything with her. I'm not sure if he's going to do anything with her. I love my mother, but she does like one.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Detectives aren't sure if Max is telling the truth or covering for himself once again. To find out, they decide to confront Barbara with her son's confession. That's a Barbara. Are you just going to tell us the same lie you've been telling us? And she said no. And I sat back a little surprised and asked her to go ahead and tell us the truth
Starting point is 00:39:50 about what happened. Barbara says she'd grown tired of her relationship with Clyde. I could not know with him. Telling me, I couldn't go places. I couldn't see my grandmothers. He said you do his ass so. And I just got tired of it. It's like I'll max it day. And I that day and I had to be in the woods and I turned him for the gun, was that. She told me that she talked Max into killing Clyde for her.
Starting point is 00:40:36 She left one of Clyde's 357 revolvers in a shed behind their mobile home, four Max. I told my to go outside all the time to smoke with the mean you that anyway. And I'm supposed to go take me a bath. I call Max so it's not supposed to be a bath. He needs to go outside for the most time. So it seemed that that gave Max a chance to get in place and assassinate Clyde.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Harbor said that after Clyde was killed, she walked to the front door and she handed Max a thousand dollars cash, literally over Clyde's dead body and put it in Max's hand. And he left on his way back to Yazoo County. I'm sorry for lying. But I don't want you to fall in trouble. I could see it in her face, in her eyes, in her tone. That was the worst thing she's ever had to tell anybody in her life. And it was apparent.
Starting point is 00:41:51 So what she told us, fit, all of the physical evidence that we had. Based on Barbara's statement, prosecutors revised the charges against Max. When she said that there was money paid, $1,000 was paid by her to Max, that elevated the cap of murder in the state. In March 2011, Barbara agrees to testify against her son. But when prosecutor Hal Kittroll brings her in for a pretrial interview, Barbara has one final surprise in store.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Barbara recanted, changed her story to the fact that Max was not involved. Prosecutors have no choice but to release Max and drop the charges. There just was not enough to get a conviction. As for Barbara, on Tuesday, March 29, 2011, she pleads guilty to murder and is sentenced to life in prison. She didn't want to go to child because she didn't want to face the courtroom, the jury, she didn't want to tell the story.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Just as kind of only has her, there's the way I feel about it, but not at their pulp, just, you know, I mean, the way it goes. Whether Barbara's shot Clyde herself or worked with an accomplice, the bottom line is clear. Barbara robbed Clyde Daniels of his life. I really missed my dad, and I'm really sad. He was taken so suddenly. Losing a parent, whether to sickness or tragically,
Starting point is 00:43:50 is hard. It takes years to get over it. And the more time that passes, the more fond memories are of them. I tried not to think about what his last moments were like. I just hope that the shock maybe outweighed the tear. I wasn't able to spend the amount of time that I wanted to spend with him. I don't know that it'll ever be completely healed.
Starting point is 00:44:22 So it's just, I think, a process that may never end. Max Walden's ex-wife, Mandy, was never charged with any crime and connection to this case, or were Camine is currently serving her time at the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility. No further arrests have been made in the case and it remains open. been made in the case and it remains open.

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