Snapped: Women Who Murder - BONUS: Mystery Millionaire (Buried in the Backyard)

Episode Date: February 16, 2023

We are bringing you a special bonus episode featuring a case from Oxygen's hit series, “Buried in the Backyard.”  Police believe the discovery of a body in a Florida backyard en...ds the desperate search for a missing woman. But it only makes the mystery deeper … and darker. Season 4, Episode 16 Originally aired: April 21, 2022 Watch full episodes of Buried in the Backyard live or OnDemand for FREE on the Oxygen app: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Lindsey Graham, the host of Wonder East Podcast American Scandal. Our newest series looks at the story of OxyContin, a popular painkiller that helps spur an epidemic of addiction and drug abuse, in which prompted a broad campaign to hold the pharmaceutical industry accountable. Listen to American Scandal on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey Snap listeners, we are bringing you a special bonus episode today for oxygen true crimes hit series buried in the backyard. You can also watch full episodes live or on demand on the free oxygen app by clicking the link in our description. Enjoy.
Starting point is 00:00:35 She's a senior citizen with a feisty streak. Mom, that had a heart as big as Florida. As long as you didn't cross her. But then she suddenly stops communicating with her friends and family. Somebody doesn't normally just shut off their life unless there's some big factor. Oh, no. Something's dead wrong here.
Starting point is 00:00:59 A twisted trail of clues. Everybody said that she run off and got married, and they're on an extended honeymoon. And then all of a sudden, she was taking out a life insurance policy. Leads to a dark discovery. There's a body in this trash can. But no one knows what's really buried in this Florida backyard. So, what's to say, there's not a second really buried in this Florida backyard. So what's to say, there's not a second-body buried in the backyard?
Starting point is 00:01:29 We found something, and he said it's not good. How much deeper does this rabbit hole go? The Tuna Beach can be a loud place. It's known for auto racing, motorcycle rallies, and beaches that draw throngs of tourists. Folks seeking a bit of peace and quiet. Head to the southern edge of town. Daytona Beach is a party central. South Daytona, it's a much more small, quiet community. It's a paradise.
Starting point is 00:02:17 It's just so relaxing. That's why people flock here from up north all the time. That's why people flock here from up north all the time. But on a sweltering August evening in 2010, things are stirring in normally sleepy South Daytona. A local woman has been missing for several weeks and police have found her car. We found this car in the Twin Elksmobel Home Park. We call it our record service to impound the car.
Starting point is 00:02:51 As the night stretches on, the humid air stands still. And for those on the scene, the faint smell of death lingers. There was an odd smell in the Mobile Home Park. They thought I was a dead animal that's in the area. But when our local record service set the car up to be towed onto his flatbed truck, he had his headlights on and they were pointing into the woodline that was right next to the mobile homes. They noticed something, which was out of the ordinary.
Starting point is 00:03:27 And when they got there, they were looking to the trash can. And realized there's a body in this trash can. Police secure the scene. And then daybreak, a forensic team gets to work. So once they start taking the contents of the trash can out and start basically putting it into a evidence bag, they don't know who it is. They just know that they do have human remains. One of the downfalls we have is our heat and the humidity. It causes bodies to decompose much faster.
Starting point is 00:04:14 There's no way of knowing if this is the missing woman whose vehicle was discovered nearby. Investigators send the remains to the Medical Examiner's office, hoping they'll find something that can identify the victim. From a law enforcement's perspective, this is a bigger crime scene. How much deeper does this rabbit hole go? The Rattaires come to this part of Florida because it's warm. It's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:04:56 It's safe. Rattaires, you like this is the perfect place that they can just set up and live the rest of their lives. In the summer of 2010, 78-year-old Goldie Robinson is one of the many retirees enjoying the good life in South Daytona. But unlike most of her newly-arrived neighbors, Goldie has called Florida home since 1973.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Goldie Robinson moved down from Maryland to Florida because her son had asthma. She come here for my brother's health. My mom was a very giving person. She absolutely loved their kids. She was always a strong woman. She very rarely needed any help doing anything, both physically and mentally. She didn't have a whole lot of money, you
Starting point is 00:05:50 know, but she still wanted her own place. That was pretty important to her. With two grown kids out on their own, Goldie saves up enough money to buy a place at the twin oak's mobile home park. She had a really good circle around her. There was no need to be concerned about where she was going or what she was doing or who she was talking to. To help sustain that peace of mind, Goldie's son Fred, who lives in Baltimore, buys his mom a cell phone so she can make regular check-ins with family. But in early June of 2010, this small gift leads to a big falling out. I got her a little phone and what happened to her is, well, she lost it. She couldn't find it.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I said, well, I'm going to turn it off, because I don't want somebody else getting it and making calls on it. They did, she found it, and it was turned off. And that made her furious, because she couldn't make no calls with it now. I don't know if she think I did it maliciously to her, which I would never do anything, but that was kind of her
Starting point is 00:07:09 mindset at times. So she actually could talk into McPierre. Mom had a heart as big as Florida, as long as you didn't cross her. Though phone service is restored, Goldie continues to give Fred the cold shoulder. He's relieved to learn that a friendly neighbor is keeping an eye on his mom. Her name was Kimberly Smith, and she was a registered nurse. I'm a thousand miles away, and she was helping mom out do things.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Make it sure that she got plenty of groceries, which made me feel good at heart because there's somebody kind of looking after her. But a few months later, Fred receives a strange package in the mail. It was addressed from a mom. Opened a box up, and it's still cell phone. And it had in there a little note. And it said, don't call me Goldie.
Starting point is 00:08:22 We hadn't spoken about six months. After the cell phone was sent home, I would call on the landline. She won't pick up the phone. I call. They rang, rang, rang, rang. It was later reported in August. I call my buddy, which is, he lives a couple miles down the street there from mom. I said, hey, look, John, I said, can you run down and check on mom?
Starting point is 00:08:52 It wasn't 30 minutes later, I got a phone call from him. He said, I can just see the outside of the trailer is in disarray. Something's wrong. I didn't know more hang up the phone than I got my suitcase packed. Told my wife I was going to Daytona in the left. Fred drives through the night, arriving at Goldie's mobile home early on the morning of August 22nd.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Well, I got there. The Fowler Bidge was at disarray. Weed's growing up everywhere, and mom would not allow a weed anywhere in her Fowler Bidge. I had to get in the trailer. I had to key. Key wouldn't work. The locks were changed. My mom was driving a Ford Taurus, and it was gone. Knowing that something is very wrong,
Starting point is 00:09:58 Fred phones the police for hell. When an officer arrives, he tells me that he's not going, Fred phones the police for help. When an officer arrives, he tells Fred to wait outside while he forces his way into the trailer. He went in, looked all around, he come out to front door, so I go in and there's nothing, absolutely nothing, that I could put my finger on, that belonged to my mother. The closet in my mother's room, I opened it up, and all was in there with stuffed animals.
Starting point is 00:10:39 All of her knick knacks and stuff on the shelves was going. What and heck is going on? So that's when I started really getting concerned. Yeah, something's up. None of the articles that were in the residence smashed up to what he had told us about his mother. Clearly, someone else has been living there for a while. At this point, the officers actually went and started talking to the neighbors
Starting point is 00:11:06 and find out what they knew. Everybody said that Goldie had met a multi-millionaire, and she'd run off with him and got married. And they were on an extended honeymoon. According to the interviews, when Goldie left, she signed her trailer over to a neighbor and packed up just her essentials. I was so confused. I didn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:11:31 My mom was down to earth. Homegrown West Virginia girl. A life of a millionaire had no appeal to her whatsoever. Oh, no. Something's dead wrong here. He went into the trailer, and he come out, and his face was white. Or are we going to find another set of human remains to somebody else who's missing?
Starting point is 00:12:02 This was the biggest holy moment I ever had in my life. 78-year-old Goldie Robinson has vanished, and her neighbors in South Daytona, Florida, tell police she's aloved with a rich new boyfriend. But her son, Fred, isn't buying it. She's with this multi-millionaire down in Aruba, a drink and margaritas on the beach, now I'm in cheer for her.
Starting point is 00:12:33 That'd be the greatest thing possible. But I told the police, okay, look, do the way. You got to find her. Until you talk to her face to face, I'm going to stand right here in the street and scream. The Fred being the concerned family member and actually caring about his mother, got the ball rolling for us to investigate this case. We had his canvas, the neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Get as many statements as we could from the witnesses. Neighbors were still saying that Goldie was on a honeymoon that she had went to Tennessee with her new love of her life. And so they didn't really think she was missing. Goldie's neighbors say all they know about the groom is that his name is Rusty. No one seems to know the man, but they provide the police with evidence of the wedding.
Starting point is 00:13:33 The officer's being showed photographs of Goldie that she is now married and moved on. And that was their proof of this marriage. The date on the wedding announcement is July 29th, a few weeks after neighbors last remember seeing Goldie. But I didn't believe it. I knew Mamba's missing.
Starting point is 00:13:57 When we were initially listening to the story of Goldie's life, it didn't sound like she needed that big change. She wanted a simple life, but it's quite possible that, sure, she would want a companion. But all the neighbors seemed to have the same story that she was out of the area and she had moved on. So it wasn't so far fetched that she could potentially be on her honeymoon?
Starting point is 00:14:22 If she didn't marry this individual, Rusty obviously there would be some type of documentation to prove that they're getting married, so we had to research that through the court documents. As investigators pour through court records across Florida, hoping to identify Goldie's mysterious new husband, Fred seeks the help of the local media. He hopes the story will prompt someone to come forward
Starting point is 00:14:49 with information on his mother, who he still fears is missing. I was happy to do interviews with anybody that would put me on the news. My mom was even on a big bill to board up in Norman. Right on Route 40. I always thought it's either one way or the other. It's going to be a huge misunderstanding,
Starting point is 00:15:15 and she's going to show up, and she's going to be pissed at everybody because we've made such a big stink about it. Or it's going to be traumatic, and we're going to find her dead somewhere. As the investigation moves into the second day with no sign of gold, the concerns mount for a senior who could be at risk. We did exhaust all of our avenues
Starting point is 00:15:41 when I came to the marriage documentation. And there was nothing. There was no documentation whatsoever anywhere our advantage when it came to the marriage documentation. And there was nothing. There was no documentation whatsoever anywhere that proved that she had been married. At this point, are we going to find Goldie? Where's the next clue at? Somebody doesn't normally just shut off their life unless, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:00 there's some big factor. Police are eager to speak with Kimberly Smith, the helpful neighbor Fred mentioned was keeping an eye on Goldie. We needed to contact Mrs. Smith, because she seemed to take care of Goldie on a regular basis. She's the one with the most information. But she was not at home. It's not long before detectives learn why it's been difficult to track her down. She was at New Orleans County Branch jail.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Investigators learned that Kimberly is being held on a parole violation on an old fraud charge for bouncing checks. She was being held in Orlando, and our detectives and investigators went to speak with her. See what she could tell us? Detectives are alarmed to find goalies dependable caretaker behind bars. But Kimberly has an explanation. Her lawyer had misfiled some paperwork
Starting point is 00:17:00 with her parole officer. She didn't even know there was a problem until she tried to renew her driver's license and was told there was a warrant out for her arrest. She had violated her probation, unrelated to this, this incident. Kimberly Smith confirms that Goldie and this rusty guy, they got married, they were on their honeymoon.
Starting point is 00:17:24 But she can't tell them anymore about Rusty. Kimberly says that Goldie told her she was in love and wanted a new life. But when asked why Goldie might have wanted to get away, she remembers something that might be concerning. While Goldie was living in her home, she did have a roommate for many years, Elaine. Elaine, moved with my mom and 73, maybe?
Starting point is 00:17:47 They got along great. She would come and have dinner with mom, and it was a good relationship. But at some point, Kimberly explains, the close friendship was torn apart. And then, she was like, I don't know, I don't know. I don't know, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. It was a good relationship. But at some point, Kimberly explains,
Starting point is 00:18:06 the close friendship was torn apart. All of a sudden, Elaine was taking out a life insurance policy on Goldie. It was just very odd, and obviously didn't set well with Goldie. And Goldie became upset when she found out that she had a life insurance policy taken out by her friend on her.
Starting point is 00:18:30 She didn't know anything about this. It created a divide and at the end of it, Elaine, she ended up moving out. Now investigators must ask, if Elaine took out an insurance policy behind Goldie's back, could it be the motive behind Goldie's disappearance? Elaine was definitely an avenue for law enforcement. That was just an immediate red flag.
Starting point is 00:19:06 The hardest true crime story to report on is your own. I'm Tiffany Reese, host of the podcast Something was Wrong. For 15 seasons, I've always aimed to validate and amplify the voices of those who have survived abuse and crime. But for season 16, I'm opening up for the first time about my own experiences as an abuse survivor and a murder co-victim. With the help of trusted friends, we'll unpack my journey to becoming a victim advocate by examining my past.
Starting point is 00:19:34 From the emotional and physical abuse I endured at the hands of my parents, and the bullying I received from my classmates, to the murder of my brother, and the securities fraud my father was convicted of, I'm covering it all, and even learning more about myself through this process. This is obviously a very personal journey for me, but I believe that this will play a part in my healing, helping me to process the trauma that I endured. Follow something was wrong wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen early and add free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. Investigators looking for Goldie Robinson have discovered that her former roommate Elaine
Starting point is 00:20:12 may have had a motive for wanting Goldie to disappear. Elaine was one of her best friends, and Elaine allegedly took out this life insurance policy on Goldie. And Elaine allegedly took out this life insurance policy on Goldie. Now, I was upsetting to Goldie because she felt she had crossed that line. It was shortly after Elaine moved out of Goldie's house that Goldie vanished. So, please obviously want to speak with Elaine. Days into the investigation, detectives locate Goldie's former roommate, Elaine, in nearby Ormond Beach.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Elaine explained that the two got upset because she supposedly had taken out a life insurance policy on Goldie. Elaine denies taking out the life insurance policy. But she does confirm that she and Goldie had a fight and that she moved out. She claimed she hasn't seen Goldie since. While investigators still have their suspicions, there's no direct evidence connecting Elaine to Goldie's disappearance. The problem is that nobody knows the exact day
Starting point is 00:21:25 that Goldie went missing. And so it was hard for police to talk to Elaine about her alibi. We're trying to get that timeline. So when we talked to the neighbors, it's seen Goldie a couple of weeks earlier, which was around July 4. So it kind of made it difficult to narrow that down. So when we talk to the neighbors, it's seen Goldie a couple weeks earlier, which was around July 4.
Starting point is 00:21:49 So it kind of made it difficult to narrow that down. Detectives will keep an eye on Elaine. As they consider their next move, there's a strange development in Goldie Robinson's neighborhood. One of the neighbors recognizes Goldie's car then trolling through the neighborhood rather slowly. So they call on enforcement. We get there and the officers immediately pull the vehicle over and sign our two gentlemen. They said that they had acquired the car
Starting point is 00:22:19 by purchasing it from a mail individual several days earlier. And the men were upset because they couldn't register. So they had come back to that area, looking for the gentleman who sold them the car to get their money back. Oh, you're clear. And they find out Adam Smith, Kimberly Smith's son, sold them Goldie's car.
Starting point is 00:22:44 When investigators confront Adam, he explains that the car had been a gift from Goldie, who left it behind when she went on her honeymoon. Unable to confirm his claims, officers call in a tow truck to haul the car away so it can be processed for evidence. The detectives are there, they're uniformed officers there, and the police are there, there are uniformed officers there.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And the tow truck driver is there, getting ready to hook up my mom's car. And he notices something in that nearby yard. And it is a garbage pale. It's just not normal to see a trash can in the woods that looks like it's been recently placed there. So the officers out there on the seat walked into the area and shined their flashlight into the trash can. And they see something so gruesome,
Starting point is 00:23:41 a limb sticking out of that trash pail. There's a body in this trash can. While I got there the next morning, I'm standing there facing the trailer across the street. And I look coming out of this grown up area over there is a detective. I walked over toward him, and he met me halfway. He said, Fred, we found something. And he said, it's not good.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Phew. I just knew what was mom. We're, we're, we're our own just yet. I, that's her. We felt so bad for the family thinking this has to be Goldie. This has to be her. But of course, the medical examiner was going to be a little bit more patient. We felt so bad for the family thinking this has to be gold, this has to be her. But of course, the medical examiner was going to have to identify the body.
Starting point is 00:24:52 The contents of the trash can were transported out to the medical examiner's office to be processed because of the link of time and the cease had been in that garbage can. Identification process was much more difficult. because of the length of time a deceased had been in that garbage can. Identification process was much more difficult. When the autopsy report is delivered, the findings are unexpected. They had called us in to the police station to let us know. They'd say to us, They'd say to us, the body we found wasn't goldy. Wasn't her?
Starting point is 00:25:35 To our surprise, there was a male body inside this trash can. It was a bombshell. This was the biggest holy f*** moment I ever had in my life. You can't help but think who is it? Who's looking for them? And where's Goldie? After a three-day search, police looking for missing 78-year-old Goldie Robinson have discovered a body near her home in South Daytona, Florida. But the gruesome find cannot answer any questions about what's happened to Goldie.
Starting point is 00:26:21 The human remains are of a male. So now we've got to take this information and see where it leads us down into the detail and identify who this person actually is and how they connect the Kigolding. I was glad that it wasn't my mom but I was sad for this gentleman. But if I wouldn't have had my daughter with me, I would have been a puddle in the street. It was hard to process that this was the body of a man because there wasn't a man missing.
Starting point is 00:26:58 So who could this be? Investigators soon get an answer. When the news prompts a woman to come forward, wondering whether the John Doe could be her father. DNA sample she provides confirms it. His name was Arthur Sheldon. He was a southe tunnel resident. He was 68 years of age. Arthur's daughter tells detectives the story of Goldie Robinson disappearing after supposedly getting married is eerily familiar. Arthur had also recently tied the knot.
Starting point is 00:27:38 But it's clear from his photo that Arthur is not Goldie's mysterious groom, Rusty. No one had seen him since 2009, roughly a year earlier. Arthur's daughter explains that she received a strange email from her father, saying he'd left the state to marry his nurse. He never returned, and her attempts to find him and his new bride were unsuccessful. We're just thinking, who is Arthur Sheldon? We mentioned the name to Goldie's family. They had no idea.
Starting point is 00:28:10 They'd never heard of him. Neighbors nearby had never heard of them, so it was just a mystery. Why is the body in this twin oak's mobile home park? More urgently, police now want to know whether the discovery of his body is connected to Goldie Robinson's disappearance. Or just a bizarre coincidence. Now we have a whole different individual we've got to do, a research on. So detectives start to look into Arthur Scheldon's case.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And what happened there? Any hopes that an autopsy will tell detectives how Arthur died? Are quickly dashed. Because Arthur had been deceased for such a long period of time, it's hard to determine if he didn't die of natural causes or if somebody killed him. The haphazard disposal of Arthur's body seems like a clear indication of foul play. But with no scientific evidence available,
Starting point is 00:29:14 investigators must rely on old school police work. They begin at Arthur's last known residence, a mobile home park just a few miles away. Now, officers spoke with some of the neighbors there. They said Arthur had a heart condition and that he needed some living assistance. So he had a live nurse by the name of Dawn. No one can tell the detectives Dawn's last name or how to get in touch with her. But it becomes clear to the investigators that finding Don could be the key to learning what happened to Arthur, and possibly to Goldie too.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Through the investigation, police find that Arthur had cast in a CD from $90,000 before he went missing. The live-in care taker had told him that she needed access to his bank accounts. And Arthur, being a trusting, willing individual, gave her that access. She was taking advantage of him. Everything kept pointing back at Don.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Police started following the money they found that Don was withdrawing hundreds of dollars out of his bank accounts. Although Arthur has been dead for months, his bank accounts are very much in use. And when investigators review bank surveillance images, they see a familiar face. It was Kimberly Smith, Golly Robinson's neighbor.
Starting point is 00:30:55 So, please start digging, and they also find out that Kimberly Smith was also going by Don at some point in her life. Kimberly's middle name is Don. Kimberly Smith and Don are the same people. Kimberly Don Smith. When we found out that Arthur Sheldon knew Don, it was also a caregiver for Goldie Robinson.
Starting point is 00:31:23 It just was mind-blowing. Investigators immediately head back to Kimberly's property at the Twin Oak's mobile home park. Goldie's son Fred watches as a detective enters Kimberly's home. He went into the trailer, and he come out and his face was white. And he looked at me, right in the eyes, got right in my face and said, Rusty, the man your mom was supposed to marry,
Starting point is 00:31:53 the multi-millionaire, just setting in there on the couch. The the the the the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:32:11 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the They go to Kimberly Smith's home, and while they're there, they find a man inside her home, and it is the man in the honeymoon photograph next to Goldie. Investigators quickly determine the man's name is Russell Ryback, Rusty to his friends. They invite him outside to talk further. They started asking Rusty, hey, who are you? You know, what are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:32:55 Do you know Goldie? He said he didn't know Goldie that well, but he knew she was the lady across the street. He said he was living there in Kim's residence and she was taking care of him. He said that Kimberly hadn't taken some photographs of him, but as far as being in that photograph with Goldie, he was unaware of it. It's clear that Goldie's marriage was a ruse, one that Rusty had no idea his caretaker Kimberly Smith had made him part of. She is now a potential suspect in both a murder and a disappearance.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Detectives begin a deep dive into her background. We discovered Kim had ayl of all over the state. She spent some time in prison. She has charges for writing bad checks, stealing ideas. One of the other things we discovered was that Kimberly had no nursing credentials. As the pieces of the puzzle start coming together, investigators next step is to confront Kimberly.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Finding her is easy. Kim was a backpack. The Orange County Branch Jill. She had violated her probation on a case that she had, which was cashing some fraudulent checks. She stands by her story that Goldie and this rusty guy, they got married, and that's what happened. As detectives work to build a case connecting
Starting point is 00:34:34 Kim to Goldie's disappearance, another troubling detail emerges. The family now living in Goldie's house is not just any family. Kimberly Smith's son and his girlfriend, they are now living in Goldie Robinson's home and Kimberly Smith tells people the reason that they're living there is that Goldie gave it to him as a gift.
Starting point is 00:35:00 They love their withered children. Adam Smith is the same man who sold goldies for tourists. Though investigators still hope to find goldie alive, they realize the odds of that are growing slimmer. Kim lived in a small home that's close to the wood line where we found Arthur's body. What's to say, there's not a second body buried in the backyard. On the morning of September 3rd, 2010, authorities returned to the area
Starting point is 00:35:44 where Arthur's shield and spot body was discovered nine days earlier. The dogs hit on the initial spot where Arthur was, but then a short distance away from that, the dogs then hit on a new area, which gave a clear indication that there was another body buried there, very close to Kim's trailer. Is it gonna be Goldie or are we gonna find another set of human remains somebody else who's missing? They started rushing away the debris
Starting point is 00:36:21 lining that area out so that they could start the dig and lining that area out so that they could start the dig. And it's hot and muggy, and we're just waiting and waiting and waiting to see what they found. After hours of painstaking digging, the technicians make the dreaded discovery. I've sat in there in the middle of the road again. I've seen several men back there.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I heard these dogs barking, the barking barking, and his detective approached me. And they told me that they had found a body. Four feet under the surface in a shallow grave. They didn't know if it was male or female. We removed more human remains and more garbage bags. Then another detective come out and said, Fred, we need a DNA sample.
Starting point is 00:37:21 It didn't sound good to me at all when they asked me for DNA. Two months in the Florida heat have taken a toll on the body. Although the remains are badly decomposed, the medical examiner is able to lift a single fingerprint. A few days later, the identity is confirmed. It gets a call. The confirmed. You got to call. The call you never would take.
Starting point is 00:37:51 It told me they had a positive ID on my mom. And... Of course I had. At that point, I couldn't even already stand up. With two bodies now recovered from this Florida neighborhood, investigators wonder whether they've discovered a serial predator's burial ground. But will police have enough evidence to prove their suspicions?
Starting point is 00:38:32 Any time you discover a body, you wanna know what the cause of death was. But with our summer heat, it acts very partially on human remains. Knowing exactly how Goldie and Arthur died, it's not an exact science. How are they gonna charge murder charges without that evidence of where they even murdered? Florida detectives believe Kimberly Smith may be involved in two homicides.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Though the bodies of Goldie Robinson and Arthur Sheldon were found on her property, investigators will still need direct evidence to prove a murder actually took place. So the investigators' hands were tied. The death on the death certificate is listed as homicide, but the cause of death is undetermined. And there's no murder charges. I was extremely angry, but they didn't know how. And quite honestly, they didn't know who.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Even if they died of natural causes, didn't know how. And quite honestly, they didn't know who. Even if they've died from natural causes, the bodies were not buried and placed there by themselves. Kimberly Smith was a caregiver for both Goldie and Arthur. While their homicide case against her is crumbling due to lack of evidence, prosecutors are determined to get justice somehow. We may not be able to get generally with the homicide, but we could definitely charge her
Starting point is 00:40:14 with fraud. So the investigators get to work building a strong fraud case. We discovered Kimberly has this bank car that she was using to acquire those funds that belonged to Arthur, and also she was using that same method to acquire funds that belonged to Goldie. Police find evidence that among the things Kimberly purchased were a trash can and a shovel. Investigators discovered that Kimberly also began siphoning social security payments. If a senior citizen is getting social security,
Starting point is 00:40:52 they have an option of having it on a credit card. And then you can then spend that money that way. So police find out after Arthur Sheldon is missing, that option was changed to the credit card option. The investigation reveals that Kimberly was netting more than $2,000 a month from Goldie and Arthur. To protect her scam, prosecutors say she began driving a wedge between Goldie and her family. They believe it was her, not Goldie, who returned Goldie's phone to her son Fred,
Starting point is 00:41:29 with a note telling him never to call her. The son, Adam, and his wife, Crystal, had a working knowledge of what Kim was doing, and it was clearly evident because they had taken possession of Goldie's residents, they had possession of her cars, and a lot of her property., they had possession of her cars, and a lot of her property.
Starting point is 00:41:47 So they had to have had knowledge that something wasn't right. They were accessories to the incident. In December of 2010, Kimberly Smith, along with Adam and Crystal Smith, are charged with multiple counts of fraud and forgery. Prosecutors believe their case is solid, but they realize the risk they take bringing it to trial.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Kimberly has two elderly people currently in her care. If she's acquitted, prosecutors fear their lives could be at risk. I would do anything in this world to get my mom back. There's nothing I can do. She's gone. I'll never get another one. But if I can save one person,
Starting point is 00:42:38 somebody's mom, somebody's dad, will do a plea bargain. In August 2012, prosecutors offer Kimberly the plea deal for the fraud she committed against Goldie Robinson and Arthur Sheldon. Kimberly Smith decides to agree to a plea agreement with prosecutors. She was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Kim Sun, Adam Smith, and his wife, Crystal, both pleaded no contest and they were sentenced to three years in prison. and they were sentenced to three years in prison. For the family members who waited so long to find justice, the final outcome is bitter sweet. I won Kimberly Smith, Adam Smith, and Crystal to all understand that I forgive them. Because that's what Goldie would want.
Starting point is 00:43:55 If I could talk to Mama, I would say this. Thank you for all you done for me. You did a great job raising me. Ah, I love you.

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