Soder - Knicks New Mascot with Sam Morril | Soder Podcast | EP 15

Episode Date: February 21, 2024

This episode Dan is joined by  @sammorril  from  @WeMightBeDrunkPod  and they talk about being a Knicks fan. PLEASE Drop us a rating on iTunes and subscribe to the show to help us grow. Dan is on the road all 2024! Get tickets @ FEB 22 & 23rd, 2024 - Cleveland,OH Thu, FEB 29, 2024 - San Antonio,TX Feb 22-24 Cleveland,OH Feb 29 San Antonio,TX MAR 1 & 2nd, 2024 - Comedy Mothership - Austin,TX March 8-9 Cincinnati,OH March 10 Lexington,KY March 28-30 Nashville,TN April 12-13 Omaha,NE April 19-21 Washington,DC May 31st - June 1 Columbus,OH Follow Connect with me! Twitter: Instagram: Tiktok: Facebook: Youtube: #dansoder #standup #comedy #entertainment #podcast Produced by  @homelesspimp

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Starting point is 00:00:00 NBA you can talk shit you can talk do you have you ever talk shit to an NBA have you ever yelled something out at a Knicks game and gotten a look from a player yeah that scared you yeah yeah well okay this is many years ago I made a mistake I uh I shouldn't have done this all right now I like I had a few in me yeah and it was i think it was a pre-season game great they gave me the seats that were up close and they were playing the wizards and john wall had been out for a while and he just come back and i you know i was like fuck fuck the wizards i was like john wall you've gained a lot of weight i'm yelling at this great and he hears it and he just looks at me like and then i read later he has like all these problems with depression i was like oh fuck i'm a piece of shit what did i do yeah you don't want
Starting point is 00:00:49 to read that scouting report you don't want the mental health i contributed to do you also know he's bulimic and you're like oh god damn it oh god you're like louis are you fat so i came up during a different type a type of fandom where like in the 90s you could be ruthless and now you know uh you read about mental health and they're like applauded and i'm like but it's killing our insults yeah you know there was a moment my uh at my high school our basketball team was really good yeah and jv would play before varsity and you would have to go to the jv game if you wanted a seat in the gym because it would it would just sell out and so you would have to go to the JV game if you wanted a seat in the gym because it would, it would just sell out. And so you would have to like go early to the JV game. And when I was a sophomore,
Starting point is 00:01:28 that was how I started making friends with older classmen was I would go and talk shit to the players and be funny. And then like older, like older guys on the football team would be like, oh, that's really funny. And then you'd like sit with them and talk shit because you could get reactions out of people and jv is satisfying dude jv i remember especially it's like comics that's all we can contribute yeah that's it there was a point i wasn't good at football well there was a point i was good at making my teammates laugh exactly and there's a point when you've been playing video
Starting point is 00:01:58 games for me like i there was a point where i stopped caring about the game and i started focusing on the front office yeah like i'll like rebuild the nix and gmo because i'm not like i'm like yeah i can't play that's so funny and then you're like and then i'll put the game on and watch i'll watch how they do look at all my men running around you know what the worst thing i ever did in association with the garden ever was they asked me to do a benefit once and it was like it was like a something for the New York Rangers. Okay. And I'm a, I'm a hockey fan, not the way I am basketball,
Starting point is 00:02:28 but I like the Rangers for sure. And well, you're a true New Yorker. So you love the Knicks, the Rangers, Yankees. Yeah. And then,
Starting point is 00:02:37 and then that's a giant, giant, but that's a solid with Aaron Rogers. Like when he came, I was obviously rooting for them to be good. Well, you want New York, I think wants a good football team.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Yeah, for sure. And the Jets are a torture. So you've got to kind of get behind just for the sake of the city. But I get in the car. I don't know where I'm going. You know, when you're at that point in your career where you don't even look at the deal, you're just like, yeah, whatever. I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:02:57 It's a gig. Yeah, it's a gig. So I just got, they sent me a car. I just get in the car. I get there. At that point, you're just pumped to get in your car. Oh, yeah. I was like, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:04 This is, what is this lincoln and then i uh i get there and it's uh we're a trump golf course in like connecticut or something i'm like all right and then i get out and uh it's the new york rangers all the legends are there i'm talking like al troutwig remember him no he did the olympics and stuff too it was like an anchorman character he came over to me he reached to scotch and I was like oh man Al Troutwig I love you man like I grew up on you and he goes well I haven't seen your work so my opinion remains to be seen I was like Jesus all right a little harsh burned by Troutwig yeah he goes I don't even know who you are kid but I'll sign whatever you got it was it was a weird energy and then uh Kenny Albert is hosting okay great guy yeah one of the nicest dudes and he's
Starting point is 00:03:47 like i think at the time at least was the only four sport guy he did like every sport yeah you know and uh he's hosting the benefit what's the benefit for i don't even know i don't remember because that's big because sometimes you don't know what benefit you're going into yeah like i did a gala one time this is maybe like 2019 they showed me the money yeah what i was gonna make and i was like absolutely i know like how is this a benefit yeah and you're like how are they making money this is only benefiting me and it would ended up being a gala it ended up being a gala i wore a nugget shirt and i literally before i would do the show say i went like this well I'll bring a button down in case it's like a nice thing everyone was in tuxes and gowns and
Starting point is 00:04:28 it was for brain cancer it was a gala for brain cancer and before I went up and had to do an hour three of the leading brain cancer doctors in the world shredded on guitar like they played like they were like awesome and then they're like Dan Soder
Starting point is 00:04:44 and they just up there in the 55 going, you guys ever noticed pussy gets dry when you talk about wrestling? And they're like, what the fuck? That is crazy. So you go to this thing. You don't know what it's for. I don't know what it's for,
Starting point is 00:04:58 but whatever. I, it was not, I'm bombing. I'm sorry. I know Coca-Cola was involved sometime. You have to, here's my question.
Starting point is 00:05:06 What were the language restrictions? There was nothing. I can say anything can go. I'm sorry. I know Coca-Cola was involved sometime. You have to, here's my question. What were the language restrictions? There was nothing. I can say anything can go. I mean, they didn't, they didn't say that, but when you're not told there's language restrictions, you just do it. Don't ask.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yeah. And were you doing an hour? No, it was like 10, 15 minutes, but it was a long 10, 15 minutes. And I remember Kenny Albert brings me up and he doesn't know I am or
Starting point is 00:05:23 whatever. And I eat shit, but he's in the corner. He know I am or whatever. And I eat shit, but he's in the corner. He's the only one laughing. And it's like, it's a bag. At one point I was like, give it up for Coca-Cola.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And I'm like, Oh, I'm bombing. So funny when you're thanking the sponsors and then having fun guys, how good was Coke vanilla? Guys, you're just pandering. I find out you're a pandering. Coke Zero.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I find out you're a Pepsi person, I'll kill you. I'll fucking end your life. I get off, and it's like a fancy thing. Man, I was talking to some other Rangers legends. Oh, the low point of the benefit was Adam Graves, who I love. I grew up loving Adam Graves. That was my team. Yeah, fixture on the 94 was he on the 94 team yeah yeah i think it was an all-star that year him and leech and messier and richter i think
Starting point is 00:06:11 all four were all-stars yeah so he comes up to me just struggling to find something nice to say and he can't what he what comes out is i love humor yeah i was like oh man adam adam graves thinks i suck oh so that was rough and then uh kenny albert was like come here come here and we get a table and there's like it's like an you know a buffet style thing of like lobster tail and crap so we're like i'm like all right it's a it's at least a yummy bomb yeah and uh we're eating and he was like that was insane i don't know how the hell you did that like which sucks when not i don't know how you did that you were so funny like how did you just stand up there and bomb like that just take that beat but
Starting point is 00:06:48 then he was kenny albert ended up being like so cool that he was like take my number like let's let's stay in touch and then i remember when i had that show someone dropped out last minute and i was like can you come do the show and he was like i'll be there he came immediately so shout out kenny albert great guy and unbelievable yeah worth the bomb to have a friendship with a guy that you've listened, call so many important guys. And his dad is a legend too. I mean, Marv.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yeah. What are you? Marv Albert's the guy. I mean, that was the NBA voice. The voice of the NBA to me is Marv Albert. He was a man. Cause that's when I grew up watching a lot of NBA.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Yeah. When you, when you bomb like that and you make eye contact with like Messier. And he's just like. Thank God he wasn't there. That would have been too much. Although he was at the cellar the other night and was apparently very cool. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:07:33 Yeah, Liz, the manager of the comedy cellar. The Liz. This is hilarious because they think that you're going to get special treatment if you're a big name sometimes. But it's like 150 seats in the room. So what are they going to do? Kick out someone who already made a reservation? Yeah, yeah, yeah. special treatment if you're a big name sometimes but it's like 150 seats in the room so they what are they gonna do kick out someone who already made a reservation yeah she kind of said to him like i'm sorry these are fully sold out there's not even a standby so i can get you into like the next shows at midnight he goes that's fine he shows up to the midnight show mark fucking messier
Starting point is 00:07:58 and uh she said it's gotta be funny if you're doing the midnight show and there's like a bunch of drunk people and you're like trying to get through your bits and you look over and you go like yeah anyways did that work messier that's happened to you before though who are like weird ones you've seen in the crowd well you didn't know and then you're the worst one i had the worst one i had was i've told this story before but it sucked this is why i never smoke weed right before i go on stage i'll smoke weed but you gotta give me like a 15 minute window to feel weed right before i go on stage i'll smoke weed but you got to give me like a 15 minute window to feel the weed before i go do jokes so i'm maybe maybe three months past at the cellar for those of you don't know when you get past the comedy cellar it is you i think the
Starting point is 00:08:40 first of our friend group to work there i think it was like yeah out of our friends i think i got in the earliest i think so it was like you and nicky and then and then well it was like schultz thomas dale nicky me and then everyone and then i think i was next after that you then nor list norman and all of us it was always norman was terrified he was i remember doing a hell gig in somerville south carolina and mark's like i'm fucking nervous and i was like you're gonna fucking crush and of course he did but uh he didn't even want to ask marcus so yeah he's so cool like that where he didn't even um i think amy was his wreck yeah my it was funny because those i think you were half my wreck i was i think gary goldman brought my name up and you were kind of like the slide in like he should work here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I remember my rec was Bobby Kelly and Colin Quinn. I think that's who got me in. That's a powerful rec. And I remember after I got into the cellar, I did a gig in Connecticut and we took the train, me, Norman and Matt Ruby. And me. And you. And I remember sitting around telling you guys what it was like to work the cellar. And I think Matt recorded it. Really? Don't you think? I think he recorded it you guys what it was like to work the cello i know and i think matt recorded it really don't you think i think yeah that might have been
Starting point is 00:09:48 on like a we did joker's wild which i think was a front with finoya yeah with that biker gang yeah and i just remember the pizza was great in new haven oh it's the best pizza in the country and then i remember we got really drunk on the train ride back yeah we drank didn't i bring something jameson you brought a bottle of jameson yeah that was my move whenever i did a gig on a train ride back i'm like i'm getting fucking hammered oh we got real drunk and then it was like one of those things where we got back and we were like where should we go because we're drunk and we're back at penn station so a couple months into me working at the cellar i had just started doing new stuff on stage because you do your act that kills when you're in there because you want to be cemented as like you want everyone to think that
Starting point is 00:10:31 you believe like everyone to be like oh no he's good working here and you want everyone to see you kill so yeah yeah yeah and you know when you get like two good new jokes and you lead with them because you're like oh i love these you're like excited to show people and it's just to keep you from going on autopilot yeah so i like i have these and they ended up i think being in my like comedy central half hour or whatever or it might have been but it was it was my tattoos joke i just wrote my time oh yeah it was like the old people yeah like tattoos on old people are scary on young people and it was like what are the soybeans it was a koi fish yeah and like uh and it was murdering when i was opening with it so i was like what are the soybeans it was a koi fish yeah and like uh and it was murdering when i was opening with it so i was like excited to show people dude i'm doing that joke and this
Starting point is 00:11:12 lady gets up and i go just offhand i go i you got tattoos is that why you're walking and she has a cigarette in her hand and she goes i'm going to smoke. I was here on Tuesday and you did the exact same set. And I was like, oh, and I'm new at the club. I'm, you know, I'm still a young comic. So I'm like, um, well, what do you expect me to? I'm like, I'm, I'm, I'm dude. I am. You're drowning.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I'm drowning. Yeah. At that exact moment. I swear to God at that exact moment, Esty and Bill Maher walk into the room and go to the jumper. Bill Maher goes, Oh really? You're doing the same act. Oh, opening with the same stuff. And I had just smoked a joint with big J like big J and I were outside.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I like smoked a joint with him, walked on Big J and I were outside. I like smoked a joint with him, walked on stage and this happens. So I'm like spinning. I'm spinning because it's happening. I'm spinning because I'm also in the process of getting high. Like I'm going up. I'm like getting higher and higher
Starting point is 00:12:16 as this is happening. I reach back for like old jokes and I'm just like stumbling through them and I end up having like a D set. There's nothing you can really say because you can't once you explain it you're from a point of defense if you say like well this is how you build an act you're doing the same set yeah for a while until you take imagine doing that going down on a woman and she's like what are you doing you're like
Starting point is 00:12:40 oh i'm trying to make you wet and i'm trying this to do this by fingering. You told your tongue the same way on Tuesday. Yeah. She goes, you always do this. But it was, it was one of those moments where I was like, I'm failing in front of the Booker.
Starting point is 00:12:54 That same thing happened to me in front of John Favreau, where I did the same set two straight times. And he saw me do mad two straight times in a week. And I know where was this? Caroline's was the first one. It was me and michael che opening for kevin neal and at carolines i think he's friends with kevin neal okay and it's like i fucking love john favreau yeah swingers are you kidding me that was like iconic to me and then
Starting point is 00:13:14 and all the stuff he's done he's directed so much good stuff yeah he's and and dude his episode of the sopranos is one of the funniest yeah ever but yeah i see him and i was like did you see him in the crowd or did you know he was there before the show i saw him i see him and i was like did you see him in the crowd or did you know he was there before the show i saw him after the show and she didn't know pulled a really awkward move because he was younger at the time and he was like we should all get a picture together like all of us and you could tell he was like oh he did it so somewhere there's a picture of all of us and he was you know what he was like nice enough but uh neither che or i did well so it was one of those things where he was like it was a it was a charity event he was like i'll take a picture
Starting point is 00:13:50 yeah but he wasn't like oh these guys are cool young comics i don't think and then and it sucks just like i didn't i'm a fan but i'm like i didn't say any of that because i was like what does he care unless you kill when if you have a if you have a good set yeah you have the right because then the footing changes yeah you can go like pretty good at this huh you know what else is pretty good swingers yeah you know who else's money me um no but he we uh we did all weekend and they were all hot shows and that was like the one dud that he came to on the sunday but then i that week you know when you're a young comic you get a lot of fill in spots, like maybe Norton or Colin Quinn can't make it. So you get that text from Esty.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Can you do 835 tonight? And you're like, fuck yes, I can. I see his face in the front row. And again, I don't know he's there. I'm midway through the set. I'm the young seller guy. So I'm just trying to. Trying to kill.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And I did fine. I'm sure he was like this fucking goon again. He goes, I know these jokes. Yeah. Cause that's like, you never think about that. If you saw a band again if a band randomly came on and you had already seen them and you're like i don't like these songs that you'd be like right but if they love the songs you'll like play the hits all right let's go if you don't like it yeah um on the road i can't sing or i would say imagine if i thought i could sing i'd be obnoxious shit um
Starting point is 00:15:08 cleveland ohio i'm coming to hilarities it's a very fun comedy club and i have a fucking blast every time i'm in cleveland might stop by the candy store work on this pre-diabetes february 22nd through february 24th couple of shows are already sold out, but there are some tickets available for Hilarities in Cleveland. Then San Antonio. I'm doing a make-up date at LOL on February 29th. Leap Day. I will be in San Antonio at LOL. Tickets available there. for those tickets. Cincinnati, Ohio. I'm coming to Go Bananas. First time I've been there in nine years. I love that club. Dan St. Germain's going to be with me. I'm there March 8th and 9th. Nailed it. I'm coming to go bananas. First time I've been there in nine years. I love that club. Dan St. Germain's going to be with me. I'm there March 8th and 9th. Nailed it.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I'm there March 8th and 9th. And then Louisville. Louisville, Kentucky. Comedy Off-Broadway in Louisville. The birthplace of Hunter S. Thompson. Possibly the greatest American writer of all time. I will be there on Sunday, March 10th. Sundays in March don't mean shit
Starting point is 00:16:05 because football's done. So come out and see me at Comedy Off-Broadway in Louisville on March 10th. So there you go. Cleveland, San Antonio, Cincinnati, and Louisville. All at, plus all my other dates. All my dates are up there. Anything booked is at
Starting point is 00:16:22 Go check if I'm coming to your city. Good luck with the rest of your day. And you you know what don't take anything that people do to you personal i'm just talking to myself at this point because when i moved to new york i was hacky as fuck no you weren't happy you're coming from tucson so you're doing like but you were young i mean that joke is like a point of view joke from a young comic but i wrote that walmart joke here and i was like that was one of the first i didn't know you when you first moved a young comic but i wrote that walmart joke here and i was like that was one of the first i didn't know you when you first moved here but that when i wrote that i was like because when i moved here i was doing like lifestyles of the rich and famous jokes i was
Starting point is 00:16:52 doing jokes that you're like we were young i know but you look back at it yeah i have friends who knew me then and they they will say yell out punch lines of old bits of mine i'm like all right we get it dude i didn't come out of the gate fucking killer what do you want you were a great writer earlier my question is are there because you know we talk about me and you will talk about comedy for hours are there other professions where they feel this way where like is a lawyer like do you remember when i argued that joyer case and it was wrong and i like argued like do they do do like our real estate agents like oh remember when i said it was a two bedroom two bathroom do they do they bomb no because real estate agents just lie anyway so it gives a shit oh my god they go this place is great
Starting point is 00:17:35 the haunted houses have been in on the market the whole time they'll be like it's great but no i yeah i think if you're like a trial lawyer or you're like maybe a doctor i i think there's a lot of if doctors bomb people die yeah but i think they you know i'm sure they make mistakes well did you know my mom used to work for an insurance company that did malpractice so she would like her company would insure doctors in case there was a malpractice case did you know what doctors and and and i read this somewhere so it's real it had to be real it was printed can we get in real time or we do do we fact check no we don't fact check people in the comments do okay click the link subscribe check if my work is wrong but there was this article about doctors with good bedside manner get sued for malpractice
Starting point is 00:18:25 more? Less than doctors with bad bedside manner. Yeah. But it's been proven that doctors with good bedside manners have more mistakes
Starting point is 00:18:36 than doctors with bad. Because they're making up for something. To make it up. It's almost like comics that are overselling a joke. Yeah. Right? I mean,
Starting point is 00:18:42 that makes sense. But I will say, I like when a doctor has a good bedside manner. I love it. It puts me at ease. I love it. And I have had doctors-
Starting point is 00:18:50 I've always said they should teach a class in medical school. Make it one credit, bedside manner. Just how to come in and go like, I know you got a lot of worry,
Starting point is 00:18:59 but here you go. Or like, don't come in and just go, are you ready for the results? Zhoosh it up. Oh, dude. They should hire us to teach them how to write jokes to go in for bedside. Man.
Starting point is 00:19:08 I have a question. Actually, this made me think of something kind of joke idea. And I was like, does anyone have this joke? And it might, it was like, maybe it's soda.
Starting point is 00:19:14 If anyone has this, do you have a bit about how veterinarians have to deliver horrible news about animals? And that must be hard. Cause some of them have hilarious names. No, that's a great, that was my angle.
Starting point is 00:19:23 It's like you come in and you're like, unfortunately waffles has a malignant tumor or you say uh captain peanut butter only has three weeks left i love that does anyone have that because for some reason i thought like if anyone does this you ever just write a joke and you're like if anyone's done this this guy admiral snugs has brain cancer and you go like what yeah zuzu you're like zuzu only has three weeks to live and you go like oh my god that's so brutal but it's like a fucking also like i think vets probably have one of the hardest jobs because they you know it's hilarious i said that on stage and people applauded and i was like i meant veterinarians oh yeah but i like but you guys
Starting point is 00:20:04 are better but you guys are but we do mean i mean vets are braver but it's funny to say vets it's also funny that that those are the two groups that get confused i know you go either a guy that uh liberated felucia or someone that knows how to treat cat cancer it's like how are you guys you guys are the same thing you're like a vet or a vet. You're like, I'm a vet. What kind? You go, I killed some civilians. Or you go, I'm a vet. And you go, I declaw cats.
Starting point is 00:20:30 And you go, oh, that's all right. But with vets, they can't talk to their patients. Like, doctors can be like, does that hurt? They just have to wait for a thing to try to bite them. You just feel a lump, and you squeeze it. and if they get angry you're like might be a tumor yeah you know or could just be a fat deposit have you ever petted a dog now you uh you have an old dog right now my girlfriend's dog but she's a 17 year old street pug with one eye i love the dog but sometimes those old dogs you'll pet them and they'll be a bump oh she's got bumps and you're
Starting point is 00:21:05 like this you go is this is this bad and they go it's water they just like say something the dog's like the other thing the dog permanently has the tongue hanging out oh do you ever try to put it back in no it's fine i like that the tongue's out just constantly she's a mess but i love her it just proves when you get old you have no control of what's gonna happen no i think she's always headed out but she yeah she's just like 17 year old she's gray yeah she's awesome she's got a little chihuahua on her so she's a real bitch chihuahuas are just awful dude meanest but she's the pugs are like the warmest dogs they're like the chinese emperor dogs they are they are like uh shane's got an incredible bit on his special about dogs or down syndrome cats or autism i would say out of all the dogs pugs are the most down syndrome i love them the the
Starting point is 00:21:52 smushed face and it's the constant loving about the smushed face i love you do the breathing doesn't well look it's it's sad that they have the breathing if you just hung out with a guy that the whole time was like you'd be like you alright and he's like I'm fine I'm fucking fine yeah whenever I'm around
Starting point is 00:22:11 I think David Tell is my favorite comic that is that's hilarious I never thought of a Tell as a punk where he's like okay
Starting point is 00:22:18 Norman and I describe a Tell as a cat cause he just shows up he's an outdoor cat he's an outdoor cat you're excited he shows up and then you an outdoor cat. He's an outdoor cat. You're excited.
Starting point is 00:22:27 He shows up and then you get a couple, you get a couple moments with him and then it just gone. Yeah. He'll rub under your hand and you go like, Oh, he likes me. And then he leaves big J a tell Ari Shafir. I'm trying to think of all my friends that are outdoor cats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:39 A lot of them. Like big J. He looks like that cat. Oh, it's crazy. Big J though. If you can't find him just go outside and go like jay he's out there by the way you said friends who can't breathe you
Starting point is 00:22:51 just mentioned three of them yeah well they're all smokers yeah except ari i think ari already smokes a lot yeah he just smokes weed but with with like um with the nicks when you're getting i'm always fascinated by this because you drink at a game and you're friends with the guy that owns madison square garden no i'm i'm not you know dolan but i yeah i mean i'm friends with uh david yeah the guy that yeah everyone's that works there yeah he's a big deal there he's getting drunk and going to your friend's work yeah he doesn't drink it's it's work for him yeah but when you're there like this morning when you woke up did you have the hangover of like did i get too drunk and yell shit out no i wasn't bad i i'm encouraging
Starting point is 00:23:31 i definitely knew i was drunk because i hung it for a second and jalen brunson walked by and i was like jalen and i put my hand out and he high-fived i was like damn i'm like a fucking make-a-wish kid sometimes yeah but that is cool yeah have you met brunson i met him at a rangers game once and uh he was you he was so nice were you giddy it was i'm pretty cool around like there's not a famous dude that i'd be like oh fuck except nicks really because i love the nicks so we've you know we've been doing comedy a while i've been able to do some cool stuff there's not one person that would throw you off your game there's people i respect that i would be like oh this is cool but like no one would make you giddy i i think you get excited to meet certain people but even like classic nicks you've met him yeah the only one i
Starting point is 00:24:16 haven't met is uh ewing would that make you weird i loved him he was a big part of my but if you just like if you were just like let's say you go to a next game and all of a sudden you're like hanging somewhere and they go oh sam have you met patrick and you turned around and there's patrick ewing well that would be huge i one of the playoff games that i went to last year i was seated next to the jonas brothers were to my left great which i i don't know that's me getting giddy really no that would be great if you were a closet jonas brothers man open the closet dude just one of them's in there yeah i go i fucking honestly a court had to get involved because joe said i was around too much no but then they get up and starks was on the other end so
Starting point is 00:24:57 starks came over and sat next to me for a part of the game why did he come over to sit next to you because it was open and he's friends with the guy david great so there was there was one big play where we were like yeah and then he just went to this and i fucking high-fived him and i was like this my childhood dream is yeah this is insane but uh if i met joe montana you lose it or ronnie lott yeah you're such a niners guy i would think if ronnie lott was like hey nice to meet you. I'd be like, can I talk about like 40 things with you right now? I have a list of, I have a large list of people that would make me giddy.
Starting point is 00:25:32 That's why I'm asking. Who, give me another. Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age. Yeah, you love him. You love Queens of the Stone Age. My favorite band of all time. I don't think I'd want to meet them because I love them so much. That's how I felt about Adam Sandler
Starting point is 00:25:43 and then he turned out to be- Oh yeah, but then you went on the road with him. He turned out to be the coolest dude ever. Chappelle, I was obsessed with. I got to meet him. I don't think I'm giddy about Chappelle anymore. I don't think there's anyone in comedy that I'm giddy about. Well, you get comfortable.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I mean, like, when a person's nice, they put you at ease. Of course, when I was first hanging out on the road with Adam Sandler, I was like, this is like a dude that gave me so much happiness as a kid. Did you ever bring up? Cause I, I mean our generation, Adam Sandler, the albums,
Starting point is 00:26:10 like people talk about, yeah, those were happy Gilmore and Billy Madison. They're all going to laugh at you. I mean, dude, they're all going to laugh at you. And I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:20 um, what the hell happened to me, I think is the reason, part of the reason I do comedy. Yeah. It's like, I listened to what the hell happened to me i think is the reason part of the reason i do comedy yeah it's like i listened to what the hell happened to me so much the goat louis katz and i were like going bit for bit oh dude the new ghost song was so good i didn't even i didn't even hear it it's amazing but yeah he uh so you're the only time i got nervous with sandler is like when we would be playing ball and i'm like just if i'm falling with yeah yeah and I'm like, just if I'm all in with, yeah, yeah. And I'm like, just don't miss an open shot.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I'm more nervous about that than I am. Like the set, like the set's going to be fine. It's fine. I put in the hours, but like if I'm on his team, so Joe Vessi, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:55 Joe, Joe is on the team too. And Joe's really good. Joe can really hoop. And what's the team. It was me, Adam and Joe. We played,
Starting point is 00:27:02 I've gone out with him a few times and every time was joe on the road with you guys too yeah so every time i'm i'm usually on adam's team but then the worst time was i showed up in vegas and he was i was playing the win and he was doing the arena so i said i'm in town uh and he goes come come play ball so you hoop every day he plays a lot of basketball um and yeah and this time i was on his team the first game and i was just like a little slow it's vegas you know i'm a little off and i i played like shit we all played like shit and then the teams were switched up and i was on fire and that's the worst feeling when you're like you're burying him yeah but but he's good still he's dude i've
Starting point is 00:27:40 watched i've watched clips of him showing up first First off, he's my fashion icon. He looks good. I just want to dress that way all the time. Just giant sweatpants, unlaced Timberland boots, and like a Space Jam t-shirt that's too big. I love that he dresses like a heroin addict. I love how he plays, too, because he's fun to be on the team with because he's unselfish, but he hits his shots.
Starting point is 00:28:01 So he'll do weird Rondo passes sometimes. I mean, it's crazy if you miss a shot and have to apologize to Adam Sam. Well, I know he did. Well, he, he's also just such a feel good guy. So I remember we were leaving one day,
Starting point is 00:28:12 we were just playing dudes in the, uh, in the gym. I want to say it was like Seattle or Portland or something. We found a really nice gym and he's just so cool. I think it was just like, whoever's around who can play, come by.
Starting point is 00:28:23 So we're doing like best three on threes we were six and oh against pretty good decent dudes because you know like i played like shit that day but when i'm when i'm off i'm like i'm gonna get every loose ball i'm gonna rebound hustle i'm gonna hustle and uh and i hit one fucking nice ass step back at the end and as we're leaving i was like i fucking suck today and he goes but you hit him when they mattered. He's just so, he's so positive. How'd you not jizz in your pants at that moment?
Starting point is 00:28:51 Thanks. Sandman. Can I call you Sandman? It's funny when you think about like nicknames that you've heard other people call. Yeah. I had a really douchey. He'll say it about himself on stage. Dude,
Starting point is 00:29:02 the show is so funny. His live show is so fucking good. Oh my God. He's on his special that he put out. It's so good. It's the show is so funny. His live show is so fucking good. Oh, my God. His special that he put out. It's so good. It's great. It's all new now.
Starting point is 00:29:09 It's all new songs. So when you go on the road with Sandler, how did that get proposed to you? Was it like he saw you and then he's like, hey, you want to come on the road? I met him years ago through my agency. I think he just saw a late night set or something. And he was like, oh, this guy's good. If he ever wants to bounce ideas or help me work on a new set. new set when you get that caller you're like are you fucking with me yeah i remember um i i talked to him on the phone i was kind of like that was enough i was like first off he's a dude i was scared to meet because i just
Starting point is 00:29:36 have such a high opinion of him sure um but then he's a legend but then um but then yeah he was so cool and then you know what happened? I sent him some stuff that I guess just was like, meh, or just wasn't right for him. But he was like, I'll try some of these, you know? Oh, you sent him some jokes. Yeah, yeah. And then, but I think he normally just does his own shit.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I think it's just like he likes to kick stuff around. He's a comic. He's a comic. He just likes to talk jokes and shit. Yeah, but then, so then what happened was, we were always cool. We'd like message back and forth here and there. And, you know all his shit so i would just send him an email like oh just watch uncut gems loved it you know and then do you ever here's my question do you ever when you're ever typing those emails yeah are you ever like what am i doing i mean
Starting point is 00:30:19 who's gonna be mad at me saying you like their work i don't know but i always just feel like um i don't want to bother them like even people that i'm friends with one sentence is a bother i don't know i don't know just like i've always felt like uh anybody like that yeah of course you have imposter syndrome sure but i mean also but he was nice to me and he said he liked my jokes so it's like what are you gonna do and then uh so you send them that yeah and then and he was always like very friendly back like sammy or something like that that's awesome and uh you know i told him a story when i was in camp we were uh i went to like a summer camp one year and we got to see one movie per summer and everyone was like i want to see u571 the the submarine movie and i was like fuck that we got to see mr
Starting point is 00:31:00 deeds that was i went on like i got like a real high horse about it i was like we're not going to see mr we get one movie we're not gonna went on like, I got like a real high horse about it. I was like, we're not going to see Mr. We get one movie. We're not going to see the new Sandler. So I was pissed about it. And I convinced the counselor to lie to everyone and say he saw Mr. Deeds and it's the best movie ever. So he lied to everyone. So you,
Starting point is 00:31:15 you're like a politician. Yeah. You like got him in on your side. It's your little house of cards moment. Yeah. And I was like, well, I guess I need you to do an important thing for me.
Starting point is 00:31:23 And then this camp is going to be a great summer. If it's like, well, I guess I need you to do an important thing for me. And then this camp is going to be a great summer. If it's not, the head counselor is going to think that I had to suck your dick in a cabin. And the guy goes, what do you want? I want you to tell him that Mr. Deeds is the greatest thing ever. Or else these guys are going to think that you molested him. He did it. And we saw it. And everyone loved it.
Starting point is 00:31:41 So it worked out. A lot of great jokes in that. So I love Mr. Deeds. Mr. Deeds, Buscemi with the fake eye. and everyone loved it so it worked out it worked a lot of great jokes in that so i loved mr deed so mr deeds buscemi with the with the fake and fine al sharpton weird cameo it's like there's weird funny all of them so yeah mackinrow mackinrow's great in the mackinrow cameo alone i bombed his benefit once you ever do his benefit i bombed it there was it was such a bad crowd and and i told a lady to shut the hell up and mackinrow was like i was like i gotta laugh at him that's all that matters that's all that matters but in any of those situations that what
Starting point is 00:32:09 matters is if mackinrow laughed it's just about the small but it was a bomb and then so then i uh yeah so we were always like friendly but it was never like you know it's adam sandler i'm not gonna i'm not gonna bother and pass it every like seven months like this you did you know nothing crazy but then so the day my Netflix special came out I was on the uh I was on the road I was going from Texas it's my opening bit on the road right now it's about missing a flight and it's and it's a it was a hell day of travel I missed like I had to take three flights to get to Vermont I missed the show whatever and it was just like one of those things you're like ah I finally got the special on there and now it's like the worst day and you're just the world was like oh you want a great day yeah fuck off so i was i was pretty uh bummed and i was like i was getting pretty shit face on the
Starting point is 00:32:54 third flight because i was like i missed it i missed the gig veder's texting me like we're not gonna you know he's in vermont he's oh it's okay buddy we'll get here we'll get dinner or something and uh and you're just getting airplane drunk we're in a tiny little little bottles of scotch and i bought the wi-fi just to you know text gary and stuff and and just you know you also want to check on how the special is doing exactly so i was i was checking that as well and then i'm just getting emails from adam like one after another like watching a special love it like one after another like emailing the way people text do you did you ever get did you ever get too many emails to the point where you're going like by the third or fourth email from adam sandler you go like chill dude no no everyone was
Starting point is 00:33:36 awesome boy keep it in your pants no every time i was like this is fucking awesome yourself and you're like so it's like you get something pulled and then you get back in i was like oh and then he's like can i call and i was like yes so back in. I was like, Oh, and then he's like, can I call? And I was like, yes. So when I landed there, so he was just like,
Starting point is 00:33:48 Oh, so then it got to a point where he would like, he was just like bouncing bits off me, you know? So I'd be on the, I'd be in like Louisville, you know? And,
Starting point is 00:33:58 and I get a voicemail like, Ooh, I got a joke idea, you know? And you'd be like, Oh shit. All right. So I, I like listen to it and then be like, you know what like or what but like yeah his his premises are so weird and hilarious
Starting point is 00:34:10 like have you hung out with him enough to the point where the fandom is completely gone no you're like where he's like adam or something or like sandman is he now just sandman to you like are you just like yeah it's my buddy adam like or i'm always oh like colin quinn i still geek out i love colin so much he loves colin yeah when colin we all love colin every comic every comic looks at david tell and colin quinn yes as legend which brings me to my favorite thing that i saw because i don't know sandler but one night i was at the cellar and he came in and i remember he was wearing this like marty mcfly vest because it was like kind of cold out and it was back before they did the remodeling of the bar so that you know the table was out there and they had to
Starting point is 00:34:54 get by the bar yeah remember how it used to be so he comes over and he sits where the chair is where you like at the head of the table it's like layer of layer of comics around him because adam sandler's at the cellar so everyone's like you know looking or whatever and i was sitting off to the side and i see a tell walk up into the olive tree go to the bar to get coffee he's got his leather gloves on and his hat so he's gonna go sit outside with his hot coffee and smoke i see sandler see a tell walk to the bar everyone's like leaned in listening to what sandler's saying and he just goes dave and he's like dave and i watched he loves it excitedly get up and like like excuse me excuse me like goes over and it tells like they're getting his coffee at the bar he's like hey adam you know and sandler's like oh what's up
Starting point is 00:35:44 it made me love adam sandler more like oh what's up it made me love adam sandler more how much he loves comedy the way we love comedy you don't know you don't know what these people are really like and you see him get excited about david tell and you go like they came up together you know yeah oh i mean colin started with sandler and chris rock like in 1984 yeah and that's what's always funny is like i had to really keep it in my pants when i would open for colin a couple times i opened for colin yeah because i just want to tell him about all the stuff that i know about his life and and he at one point we're driving back we're doing like suny binghamton and we're like driving back and he goes that's the problem with you young comics
Starting point is 00:36:19 you guys fucking know everything that already happened and i was like i know but i just want to talk and then you're like okay guy who has a show about history yeah but he understands it where he's like i know he's like you guys are all so well researched that we can't really get away with anything anymore i feel like maybe but they were nerds too like you tell me quinn didn't get like excited for like you know well that's what i didn't know attell was a nerd until he did his unmasked with bennington at skank fest. And I sat to the side of the stage and listened.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And I didn't know a tell was like a huge Richard Jenny guy. Yeah. He was open for him. That's what I mean. And he, yeah. Do you hear him nerd out about Richard? Jenny was great.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I mean, Joe story, man, you know, uh, yeah, Dave loved him. And,
Starting point is 00:37:02 uh, I remember being on the road, Dave once. And he was like, uh, I was like, who are your favorite comics from New York? yeah dave loved him and uh i remember being on the road i remember on the road with dave once and he was like uh i was like who your favorite comics from new young and he said uh he said bill hicks and alan havey alan havey yeah i love alan havey dude john stewart to this day talks about an alan havey set from new year's yeah like in the 80s or like the late 80s oh man like it's the best set i've ever seen anybody do john stewart was a great stand-up so when he did when he did like our like that old hour unleavened yes is a
Starting point is 00:37:31 great hour he he was the person john stewart was the person that i said out of all your heroes if john stewart's one of them meet him because he came to the cellar and i've never seen anybody as relaxed cool nice and funny legend he sat at the table and i was doing like and he loves the cellar yeah the cellars i love that when it means because it means something to us so when it means something to the to the legends and i was doing uh tom dustin's room in key west this is years ago and i was doing like a one-nighter in key west or whatever and it was me john stewart michelle wolf at the table and i was like oh i gotta go to key west tomorrow or whatever and he goes you're doing the rascals and i was like oh i don't know if that's there anymore i'm doing uh i'm doing my friend's room and he was like oh but the fact that he just
Starting point is 00:38:17 wanted to go into like he's one of us it's cool it's cool when one of us is that is that type of like because he was i mean the john stewart daily show was incredible i mean it's the best he was uh i i did a i did a fallout spot on night of too many stars the beacon i remember i remember when they were doing that so i i did a set and he was hosting he was very cool and i i remember i was like i'm not gonna bother john stewart we talked a little bit and he was like you ever play mark ridley's comedy castles like of course but i'm like i love that he knows that i go i go i'm not gonna lie seeing headshots like yours on the wall fucking helped when you're a young comic but yeah i love mark ridley's yeah he john stewart did the thing
Starting point is 00:38:53 that i i never he was um like i like bringing off when when someone is famous at the cellar i don't want to like ask them about work at work yeah so i try to find something like when when schumer would bring bill hater around during train wreck i always used to love to ask him about writing on south park i didn't oh yeah just left snl god what a career did yeah so i didn't want to talk to him about that i wanted to talk to him because i'm a huge south park fan that way it's kind of like not as like uh dick sucky you know you're not like oh you're unintelligible it's kind of like hey you did this that's yeah so stewart john stewart did a spot at summer slam with john cena because john stewart's son is a huge wrestling fan was a huge wrestling fan so i was at summer slam
Starting point is 00:39:38 because i'm a adult wrestling fan yeah peep it but uh he um cena did his his finishing move he did the attitude adjustment yeah to uh john stewart and so i was like dude what was that like what was that like taking a bump and it was so funny to hear john stewart be like it hurts you know in a very john stewart way where he goes it hurts but then the thing that he said about me is and i would never think this and this was such a funny detail that he said he goes i'm i'm an older man he said when he did that move to me you knew i was okay because the first thing i did was pull my shirt over my gut he was like i landed and i could feel my belly was exposed. That's hilarious. So he goes, I landed and immediately pulled my shirt down. And I was like, that's the most human reaction I've heard to like a wrestling move being done to you.
Starting point is 00:40:31 He had a joke, Stuart, back in the day about how black people and Jews are similar. Because, you know, black people, they have the blues. Jews, we complain. We just never thought to put it to music. That's fun. You know, it's like, I think he goes, my grandmother had a great jazz album. It's called It's Too Hot In Here. That's great.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Perhaps you've heard the B side. Now it's too cold. Yeah. I mean, just like a perfect, he had so many jokes like that where I was like, wow, I love how he wrote. He's a guy wherever he pops up,
Starting point is 00:40:57 like during the COVID thing where he went on Colbert and he's like, it's in the Wuhan lab. And you see Colbert being like, please stop, John. And you see colbert being like please stop john and you just see him being a comic man like nah i'm going for it i'm going for it he's so good and he uh oh man so i did fights for vets benefits like the 9-11 thing that he did that was
Starting point is 00:41:17 incredible i mean all the stuff he does you're just like man you he's beyond like when people try to label him as partisan you're like how can you do that when this is something that's clearly for for everybody yeah yeah he's like any human would would see you know he was my favorite celebrity interaction at the cellar i don't i so i barely talked to him i had a little interaction with him i probably didn't pick the best set list for uh night of too many stars does that not go well like clothes on a dead baby joke which i thought was pretty damn funny but i get off stage and uh i see harvey kytel and he looks at me like and then i see steve bruce shemmy and he's like and i'm like all right well this is rough and i turn to my left and paul rudd is there and he's like and i'm like thank god brud i got to that's the guy you want coming up to you hey man i
Starting point is 00:42:02 fucking love kytel and bruce shemmy yeah but Keitel, I could see taking a joke too soon. Do you know Colin Quinn's Copland story about Harvey Keitel? Is Colin Quinn in Copland? No. That's a good movie. It's a great movie. Yeah. Stallone fucking rules.
Starting point is 00:42:14 When Colin does his podcast, I will have him tell the story accurately. I'll give you a reader's digest version. Colin was at SNL, and him and someone else were writing for stallone and they while stallone was filming copland here in new york stallone was like come to set and then colin tells the story of a scene that kytel is in and colin was in his eyeline and kytel blew up at colin because he was like who is this guy who is this guy in store and i had to be like oh hold on a second and it's i'm not gonna tell this i i did that very much because i know for a fact that colin's favorite movie is mean streets yeah so that's gonna suck well call it
Starting point is 00:43:00 and i want like i want colin on the podcast to tell the story exactly because he said like Keitel's doing the scene and, you know, Colin. I mean, I love Harvey Keitel. But Colin's going like this. I don't know. I think this guy's yelling at me. He's like sitting there watching. He's going like, I think this guy's really mad at me. But that's like the best actors sometimes,
Starting point is 00:43:16 the ones who are just lunatics like that. Remember that Christian Bale thing? Good for you. I quote that all the time. That guy is clearly a little unhinged but like come on i mean he's fucking great he's unbelievable but dude but kytel getting mad at colin quinn for being in his eyeline is one of my favorite stories yeah so i'll make sure that when he's on it he tells it because he is like the nero bomb story is also the most epic well that's like the homeless
Starting point is 00:43:40 was just telling me that they he just saw deniro for the first time since the bombing or whatever, since he bombed. I love that Homeless Pimp and Quinn are doing stuff together. Oh, it's the best. I think also Colin Quinn cop show is like the most underrated. Makes me laugh so hard. I think I've watched them all multiple times. The Jim Norton episode specifically makes me laugh. The rat.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah. Dude, Norton's new material is so fucking good. Unbelievable. I love following him because I get to see him every time it's new shit. He's always been a guy, Jim Norton's always been a guy where his standup to me has been criminally underrated.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Obviously he made a lot of noise on ONA and he was like great on ONA, but you go watch his standup and you're like, it is so well thought out and funny. It's like poignant this new hour without trying to be like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:44:23 some of the bits I'm like, that's like a beautiful bit. Like I love it. He's a guy that I really, really see him on the road. I really look up to cause I'll go see him at the cellar and he treats the cellar for what it was. I think we glorify it because of his generation because of Colin and Jim and, and Patrice and bird and all those guys that we like idolize that were at the
Starting point is 00:44:44 cellar. We kind of put it up on a pedestal. What I like about Jim is it's the cellar from the nineties. He's working out, but that's going to work out. But that's why I think Quinn and Norton or a teller are the most fun guys to follow there because they're doing so much new shit. I,
Starting point is 00:45:00 I do most of my new shit on the road because I, I like to have the buffer of you know all the old shit killing around it but they don't I mean they don't really care yeah I think we I'm gonna be better about it this next day because I'm burning this shit in March so like I'll be I'm gonna have to be well I'm at the point right now where I'm writing a
Starting point is 00:45:18 brand new hour yeah you just taped in Portland right yeah and it's just fun to be like what is this nothing fun but it's just so painful every time well you know what i did is i went and i did the port in baltimore which is great it's like a awesome room ran by a comic it's like 100 seats and i did four shows and i was just like i let the audience know i was like hey this is all i just had my I just had my note cards out and I was like, some of the shows were unbelievable. One or two of the shows, you're like,
Starting point is 00:45:50 I'll see you next time around and I promise it'll be an act. I think the problem is when you're working out and like when we were working out at those funny bones that were papered and people went there to see us, you have to prove yourself. You're terrified that people,
Starting point is 00:46:03 like you have the track record now that people know you're good. So you're like, I have to rebuild yourself you're terrified that people like you have the track record now that people know you're good so you're like i have to rebuild this is the process yeah you know uh but yeah there is still that insecurity like who the fuck am i to to do this when they came out they paid to see me but you have to get that out of your head and yeah you know and you and you cushion it you could throw something else you start to find stuff that works but man when you when you lose that rhythm especially with a story when it's like a man does it feel there's no ending where you reach back for something and there's no joke and you go like oh there's gonna be something there someday well that's why you almost i don't have it right now you need the beginning
Starting point is 00:46:37 and the end first because there's nothing worse than and sometimes you need to strengthen the ending because there's nothing worse than when you have the story and you're like, all right, let me try this new ending. So now you're waiting seven minutes every night of buildup and then you're just disappointed. Yeah, just to not come. Just to be like, and there's nothing there. There's nothing. Here's my question to you.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Yeah. As friends who have gone together through comedy and both had some success and now we get to do some cool stuff with things that we love. So we're talking about the Knicks. If there happens to be in this season next season a knicks championship yeah where they go on a run i know you'll be there i know you'll be at the home they win the title yeah are you kevin harding it are you able to get onto the court and celebrate i hope they let everybody on the court but my question is they probably
Starting point is 00:47:37 won't are you one of the people that gets on there i think okay well realistically i think it's gonna be hard to be near the floor on a game seven at the garden at the garden you're gonna have like if i'm in the 400s i'll be fucking thrilled and i don't know if i'll make the floor but i don't give a shit that's being in the building is all that matters yeah you know and i think would a knicks championship be more important to you than an emmy oh yeah i don't give a fuck about emmys i mean like for me it's like just making a living at this shit and like and having fans who come to see you on the road and having a good group of friends like i'm i have no complaints right now i like my life right now a lot but uh yeah emmy no i mean but by the way cut if i ever did that and i would just be
Starting point is 00:48:22 like i trashed this but uh no i don't i don't you ever want an emmy i hope that the second you want it you go i would trade this for a nicks championship i feel like spike basically did that when he won an oscar when he was looking at nicks score but that's if you did that i would be like all right sam if you're like take this back i want a chip for the next and by the way i never will so it's not something i have to worry about but like i know that man you're a talented dude i i'm not going to win an Emmy ever, but I appreciate that. Hold this footage. HP, hold this footage.
Starting point is 00:48:52 The Knicks winning a championship would be cool. That's the thing. I'm not a greedy fan. I am a mentally ill fan. I do expect, oh man, there was a clip of me. There was a clip of me on a barstool, big cats, a PM part of my take that they were killing me because I, I guaranteed Giannis would sign with the Knicks. And of course, two weeks after he re-upped with Milwaukee, I look, they gave him all the money in Milwaukee, but well, yeah, he, he runs the city now, but we uh i love yannis and i hodson
Starting point is 00:49:27 menage hosted his benefit so i got to do a set on it and afterwards you know uh he asked if i was a bucks fan i said fuck the bucks go nicks i said but i respect your team i like i do respect your team respectfully i mean i loved it was when they had holiday and everything i love all those guys middleton they're great players but when the fandom gets in the way of- I was like, no, Knicks for life. And he looked at me like this and I said, I'm a New Yorker, what do you want from me? And he goes, well, you never know where I end up in 2025.
Starting point is 00:49:52 And his brother gave me a look like this. And I was like, they fucking played me. Yeah, they did. They fucking played me. I was talking shit everywhere. Yeah, they did. They played you. But I got it.
Starting point is 00:50:01 That wasn't like a rumor. I got it straight from the guy. Yeah, you went like, maybe we'll have it happen.'re going around going it's gonna happen it's like when a really hot chick flirts with you and then you're like oh she flirts with everybody it's the hooters waitress yeah yannis touched your arm yeah he went like this and i came can i bring you anything maybe you go i think this guy's into me dude uh yeah so i sounded pretty stupid so i do have that mental illness but i have it i have it to where like um when the 49ers schedule comes out yeah like bill burr was smarter and he like routed his schedule so he could go to games amazing i just make sure i can be at home and watch it
Starting point is 00:50:38 because i'm such a psycho that i'm like i need to be at home to watch the niners and so when people are like where you're at this weekend i'm like well the 49ers be at home to watch the Niners. And so when people are like, where are you at this weekend? I'm like, well, the 49ers play Saturday night in the divisional game. I'm going to be right here. Because it is. It'll change my mood. Yeah, I get it. I mean, look, if the Knicks win, I'm a Giants fan. And when they beat the Patriots the first time, I was truthfully like, I'm good for life.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I don't. You can't top beating Brady. And then they did it again. Yeah. Cause the 49ers dropped the punt at the 10 yard line. That was that second time. If you really want to get into it and if it's a championship game and we basically stopped you and turned over the ball over on downs and then we
Starting point is 00:51:17 fumbled it and you guys kicked a field goal and went on to be Brady a second time. Congratulations. It was a pretty cool one. Congratulations. It was awesome. But yeah, that fucking over the shoulder catch. It was unbelievable. congratulations it was a pretty cool one congratulations it was awesome but yeah man
Starting point is 00:51:25 ham that fucking over the shoulder catch it was unbelievable i feel the way you feel about the giants about the nuggets yeah i went i've been waiting since 94 for the niners to win another super bowl in like such an anticipated way of getting close that when the nuggets won it it was such a pleasant surprise yeah we kept thinking something bad was going to happen with Phoenix or LA and then Miami we were like one of these teams is going to beat us that when when they won it I went like this now I'm cheering for the mix now I'm cheering for the Sixers for Jay where I'm like you guys you guys go have a championship have one it's very nice whereas like if the 49ers win a super bowl you mean imbeed you think imbeed yeah
Starting point is 00:52:05 but i'm just kind of like my attitude towards i like imbeed a lot my attitude's like hey you should try winning a championship i love i love uh yokich and imbeed i love their when they play against each other they're both so great they played two nights ago um nba is so good right now but the nf the point i'm making is like if the 49ers won a super bowl this year next year i would have the same passion of like well we got to get another one like i don't have the whole like and i hope i think giants do great i'm like man no no we fuck off we only have always we only have room for that much right yeah like i'll put it this way like i'm a new yorker i want to see the bills win a super bowl at some point i just
Starting point is 00:52:45 i think their fan base is so hungry and they deserve it and they're they're great fans so now this is this is weird situation where because of mcdaniel i have a whole different because you have to dolphins have to be your number two and they are yeah like with a bullet like they're like the dolphins i now that they're out can you can you be like it'd be cool if the if the bills went to the yes how and that shows and i like i like uh that shows you where my fandom is yeah because i can like let go a little bit and go like well the bills fan base kind of needs something they fucking need it but then at the same time 49ers are in it so i'm like go niners burn everyone if the niners are out and i don't know when this is coming out but if the
Starting point is 00:53:23 niners are out hopefully they're not but say they're out would you who well so the niners and the dolphins are out lions yeah that's fair lions or bills if it's a lions bills super bowl oh my god the 49ers get eliminated i'd be happy for either fan base lions bills i'm fine with i i it's the opposite of um like when it was the patriots rams where i was like fuck both these people right but that was before i started dating katie now hey go all boston sports teams because of my love never but uh i would i'm not in love with the boston person yeah but i can say fuck all boston teams i would say and i'll say it to julian edelman my friend's face i will i would say that i am in a position now where like yeah if the lions and bills were
Starting point is 00:54:06 in the super bowl i'd be like this is great one of these fan bases deserves that yeah but if the 49ers are still in it suck my dick go niners yeah no you're a diehard niners fan i respect that and and i get your fandom us talking to make sense yeah well as as my therapist says yeah it's the only thing my dad and i had and he goes that's why all your emotion from your father is rooted into a sports organization. Because I'm like. They drop a catch. Fuck you, dad. Dude, that's the energy I have.
Starting point is 00:54:32 That's the energy I have when they lose. I'm like, so let me guess. Their birthday card's not in the mail. Yeah, you fucking blow third and 15. It's a wheel route. You're supposed to sit on it as a safety. It's one of the best offenses i've ever seen it's fun we have a very 49ers have a very fun team this talk makes me excited and
Starting point is 00:54:51 nervous football football playoffs there's something about it but i will say the most excited i get like you were talking about the cold there's something about a playoff game in the snow and i know you hate the patriots but like that patriots raiders game was unbelievable that launched the dynasty that was the tuck rule that was a pretty cool yeah like just the look i remember packers giants yeah oh my god farve's last game at lambo let me tell you something about that game last game for as the packer amani tumor who was one of my favorite giants ever yeah i remember so he did my sports show when i had him on and i asked him about that game and it's one of those like urban led, it just becomes, things just become myths, whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:28 So I say, is it true that you took red pepper flakes on your socks and it was so cold they would like melt in your, from the sweat, it would melt in your feet to warm them up. And he goes, that's completely untrue. So it's like, you hear this like cool, like weird, I don't know. I just thought it sounded cool. Yeah, that'd be like if I met Ronnie Lott and he still had had his left pinky because you know the story that he broke his finger and they were like well you can't play and he's like cut it off and he i didn't know yeah he has half of his left pinky because it's against the giants i think it was against the giants he broke his finger
Starting point is 00:55:56 and they were like you can't play and he's like what if you cut it off and they're like what's up but he's like cut it off and they're like i guess you can play if we cut it off he's like great cut it off did did you know um i'm sorry that was that's it oh well he julian edelman told me that he took uh rice's daughter to prom yes i know that story hilarious that jerry rice opens the door shirtless to fuck with them yeah can you imagine if your hero shirtless being like it's like what what are going to do to her? Well, you're also taking like a whole, you're taking his daughter. Yeah. And Julian's a good looking dude.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Yes. So if you're Jerry, I understand why Jerry Rice did that. I'm taking rice. He's a good looking dude, but he also doesn't have the ego of a good looking dude. Weirdly, even though he's ripped.
Starting point is 00:56:38 I mean, I used to change next to him for the shows. I'd be like, this isn't bad. This is humiliating. Do you want me to wash your shirt on my stomach? You're like, thanks. But he had a lot of good looking dudes on his team like you know brady and mandola how hot the patriots were can he get in here there was a lot of us through the wall like the kool-aid man there was a lot of hands you know who was fucking hot on the
Starting point is 00:56:57 patriots well brady was out was the king hot just but also by status but then you also named mandola the handsome dude what about about Wes Welker? Those eyes? Yeah, well, they were on the same team, but Edelman kind of took his spot. Yeah, I know, but I mean, like you look at all the handsome boys the Patriots have had. I think Welker's kind of like a hillbilly.
Starting point is 00:57:15 No, he's not. He's the man. He's the receiver's coach for the Dolphins. Oh, is he? All right, I made that up. Sorry, Wes. Wes, you're a handsome boy. I'm just complimenting Mccdaniel's whole staff
Starting point is 00:57:25 and another thing vic fangio what a what a welcome when he was on the broncos yeah it was the head coach is that weird for you because you're kind of part denver i broncos were my second team but now they've been erased but remember the manning broncos when they had man that team was well you got to remember vic fangio was the d coordinator for the 49ers when we went to the Super Bowl against the Ravens which might happen again the Ravens are sick yeah dude how about Stavros is like the king of Baltimore now he's like fucking Jim Carrey in Baltimore he's like he has I went I went by his house yeah when I was doing the port oh shit I stopped by Stavi's house he's the king of of Baltimore. Yeah, it's funny. He'll do phone calls with me sometimes. I'm like one of his phone call, like his walk phone calls.
Starting point is 00:58:08 And he just, it's not even fun talking to him because he's getting stopped every 30 seconds. Yeah, it's funny. And I have to hear people, you're my favorite. I'm like, how about you call me like in a, like walk down an alley or something. Shane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:21 When I'm on the phone with Shane Gillis and he'll like, we were, he like lives in the burbs in Austin now. I can't believe he moved to Texas. Yeah, we were on. But he never liked New York. We were taking a, we were called, we were just like talking about something random.
Starting point is 00:58:36 And then just out of nowhere, this guy's like, hey, hey, hey, sorry, man, I hate to bother you. Just big, and he's like, hey, hey, hey. The conversation leaves or whatever. Shane goes, sorry, that was the UPS guy stopped his truck and ran over and i was like that's hilarious that's how famous people are on delivery routes and they're like hold on i gotta fucking bother this guy i love his cast um i love you thank you for coming by yeah no this is i rarely want to do a podcast but when you text me it's like one of the only times i get uh pumped you
Starting point is 00:59:05 know and also you're in the hood so that's huge you just write down the block this is nice over and hang out seriously let's fucking hang it was great we'll go we'll find a good diner i love it let's go like halfway and we'll find a place halfway in between let's do that yeah let's i love that i love that for like post spot meals or stuff diner let's do it huge you rule you rule man samuel check out we might be drunk check out you gotta come back on soon man yeah check out all of his specials uh on netflix youtube this guy's one of the best working stand new one in march we're taping so he's unbelievable he's my one of my favorite joke right you were so fucking man we did that gig in in uh
Starting point is 00:59:40 canada you were killing so fucking that was so fun to watch that was fun man to watch and Nick Offerman who's like the coolest dude what a great gig that was a fun gig that was something that I thought might suck and ended up being fucking fantastic it was awesome and the fact that Nick Offerman has like a 5am pick up and he's like I'll drink a scotch with you guys Sam and I are both witnesses
Starting point is 01:00:00 to tell you that Nick Offerman fucking rules he's the coolest dude he's a great dude and we had a fun hang with him yeah you're the best you're the best dude

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