Some More News - High-Quality Dudes i.e. Not Tim Pool and EVEN MORE Vivek Fantasies

Episode Date: September 1, 2023

Hi. Some More News director Will Gordh joins Katy and Cody to discuss the gerontocracy, Tim Pool's new strategy for getting women to date him, and Vivek Ramaswamy's odd ideas about how the Senate and ...elections work. Support us on Patreon: Check out our MERCH STORE: SUBSCRIBE to SOME MORE NEWS: Subscribe to the Some More News and Even More News audio podcasts: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Follow us on social media: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello and welcome back to even more news the first stand only news podcast so excited to be here and talk about the news and the only place that you can talk about the news this show hi katie say my name say it i did just now thank you it's cody hi i'm cody johnston hi cody johnston katie stole here and joining us today our very own uh director writer longtime friend very long time i recently realized thanks to facebook will gourd hello thanks for having me yeah katie you sent me that picture and we're we literally look like babies babies and i i guess that was from 12 years ago but i'd already known you a long time at that point right you know it's been like 20 years or something i don't even know i don't want to do the math it's gonna make me feel old like 18 years something like that
Starting point is 00:01:11 so that's fun we are old not as old as we're gonna get though not as old as uh certain uh people that we may or may not talk about later. Ooh! A little foreshadow. A little tease. Wow, folks, stay tuned for storytelling skills. Stay tuned for that. That's what you bring me in for. Sad old's in charge of the country. 55-year-old Tim Pool.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Exactly. Yeah, 55-year-old Tim Pool telling other men to shame women for him. He's not 55. No. He's 37's 37 37 yuck we hate 37 year olds on this podcast poor timpool i'm sorry this is a brief tangent but it has the age of other people that people also search for jack posobiec 38 years old ben shapiro 39 years old matt walsh 37 but it has the photo of the matt walsh who is much older than that but also poor good matt walsh who's getting associated with yeah honestly the growth i have nothing against 37 year olds they're all that's
Starting point is 00:02:19 good of my our age range and that's what i was like well they're all like a little bit younger than me too which is what's like weirding me too like i'm not 37 anymore anyway whatever fuck tim pool we'll talk about that later holidays don't actually fuck tim pool please please don't fuck tim pool i don't think a lot of people are. That's a problem. Unfortunately for him. Yeah. Well, we'll get into that. But first, we have holidays. Boy, do we have some holidays.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Oh, shit. August 31st. Love Litigating Lawyers Day. What? What? Lawyer jokes abound. But when push comes to shove, these are the folks who can end up
Starting point is 00:03:08 saving the day. I guess they could. Depends on what type of lawyer you are. A little behind the scenes, Jonathan told me not to look at the first page of the document he sent because he wanted me to be surprised when I heard
Starting point is 00:03:23 the holiday. I am surprised. You are? good uh what i will say is that um i'm actually with this holiday because you know for example tort uh lawyers can make some very significant changes in you know, safety policy in America. So, and my mom is a lawyer. So there we go. I'm not out here saying all lawyers are bad. I know that's not true. Lots of lawyers doing good stuff. There's some scummy lawyers out there. So maybe we don't have to love every litigating lawyer today, but the good ones. Uh, in the way way maybe that we love everybody you know we love everybody in a way we're all just i mean we love you very much actually don't know if quirks are can touch each other but our nation was built on the rule of law folks you're right i'm sorry i'm sorry law and order uh you know what we need is tart reform tart tart reform need to be need to be a little more sugary a little more sweet
Starting point is 00:04:33 that's a good point i'm so sorry would probably be a good um i was trying to keep that bit going by being like changing out the vowel and realized turt is not a thing No, I like I was like I like it's hard the only things turt reform You got a you know the more ooze less you were more ninjas. I don't know your work tight reform you're like tyt Sort of a tight right reform just like you it's not necessary. I think tart is the best one. You could do like a turd. Good. We got the best one out.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Well, it's part of this segment where you grade all the bits that we do. Yeah. Yeah. Like, dude, like we like really analyze all the low level bits that I thought we would be done with by now. I guess. Unfortunately. I can say tart reform and then we'll move on to the next holiday right all right well we've wasted a lot of time on this bit but
Starting point is 00:05:31 because september 1st is bring your manners to work day so i shouldn't be so rude that's right fuck you this is about well this is good this is to promote treating people in the workplace uh with courtesy and respect um i think if i worked in an office and management was like heads up everybody tomorrow's bring your manners to work day i'd be like the fuck like i think everybody being told to i don't know but yeah everybody be nice i think please and thank you those are good things don't eat someone else's yogurt yeah stuff like that absolutely there's like common like yeah manners and like respect for folks but i would say we should all be bringing our manners to work every day don't best of our ability don't hit people also like don't take shit you know you
Starting point is 00:06:22 know don't don't take a shit don't no don't take shit. Don't be a bully. You know, don't. Don't take a shit. Don't. No, don't take shit. Don't be too polite because then you'll be a doormat and then your managers are going to walk all over you. I'm like, well, I got to be polite. It's the manners day. Don't poop at work day. No, I think the dark side of this.
Starting point is 00:06:36 The dark side of this holiday day is that you just let people take advantage of you. You don't stand up for yourself. I think it's an insidious insidious holiday it's fucking liberals trying to brainwash us like there are manners i guess the pmc class is right there in the acronym anyway we're done with holiday talk thank god i mean oh welcome i don't know it's been a minute since you've been on the podcast. Yeah. How's it going? It's good. It's good.
Starting point is 00:07:09 You know, I've been in the very early stages of a video series, documentary series about my parents. Yes. Yeah. I grew up in Inglewood, which is majority black, and I've been curious about like, how did we end up in the city? Why did you choose the city and sort of examining my own relationship with race. And so I started interviewing them about, you know, their whole lives and how their ideas about race have changed. And it's been really really fascinating i've learned a lot of interesting things about my parents that i never knew about well first off this is so cool that you're doing this project i mean as an act of self-reflection uh as you know not social service but like you know research in general and and i'm working through an important topic, but also as a way to spend time with your family.
Starting point is 00:08:08 It's really quite lovely. So what are some of the things that you. Yeah. What are some of the surprising or if you want to share? Sure. Yeah. our head writer Dave sometimes talked about, which is that it seems like a lot of people experience shifts in their thinking through like personal experience with other folks. And I realized that both of my parents have these very formative moments in their lives where like
Starting point is 00:08:41 a lot of their thinking changed, like they're both in their mid-70s right so um i found out that my dad right after undergraduate was uh became a teacher that the first year that the school this like all-black school had integrated its teaching staff oh so he was one of the very few white people at this all black school the very first year that they integrated and he says that like you know it was like the first time he grew up in the segregated south where he saw like black people in positions of authority and you know um so he i think that changed him a lot and then my mom i learned speaking of lawyers um her like one of the first things that she did in her law career was she worked for the welfare office and she met all these families and realized that like our system was completely letting them down.
Starting point is 00:09:49 She told a story about like meeting a family where the head of the household had had a workplace injury and there was no support for this person. And, you know, like in that episode we did about the, you know, how expensive it is to be poor just kept spiraling down and was now like unable to get back into the system, you know. So that clearly affected her and their life trajectories like changed from those early formative experiences. So that's pretty cool. That's really cool. That's interesting. early formative experiences. So that's pretty cool. That's really cool.
Starting point is 00:10:23 That's interesting. Cause I know also like, like your parents also have like a big influence on like your writing and like for the show and stuff and, and being able to sort of peel back and see where their influences came from and like how that sort of has trickled to borrow a phrase trickled down to where you are now. Yeah. So it's been really rewarding.
Starting point is 00:10:44 I don't know where it's going to go or where it's going to end up, so I can't tell anyone where to see anything. But it's in the early stages, and I'm excited about it. I'm so glad you're doing this project, and I'm excited to see whatever it is you come up with or however it evolves. I guess that's such an interesting part that I don't understand about documentary style
Starting point is 00:11:08 filmmaking which is you have to just start and see where it goes and let the narrative reveal itself which is terrifying and exhilarating and i mean we could spend a lot of time just talking about that we've got news to talk about though but yeah i'm thrilled to see where this winds up thank you winds up ends up either or we're freewheeling and we're bringing our manners to work today so we're yeah so even if you were even if it was wrong i wouldn't be like yeah thank you for sharing yes okay time for an ad break. Then the news. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Please. You're welcome. News, news, news coming at Jews. Ooh. Did I just come up with something? Did you? Did you say news, news, news coming at Jews? Nope.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Did not. Although maybe that's something we should consider. I don't know what our demographics making this uh at least a jew at you yeah that's why i'm very sensitive i'm very sensitive to when people say that news are coming at jews i perk my ears up like oh i definitely forgot that you were jewish so it's easy to forget but i did not say Jews. I said you use. Yeah. News, news, news coming at you. Coming at you is news. You can use.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Put it on the merch. The people will love it. OK, we teased it. You didn't have to wait too long. Let's talk to him. Pool. Oh, God. That's fun.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I do. I just like the disclaimer. We don't do I do. I just like the disclaimer. We don't do this often. I feel like we try to keep it to news centric until like maybe the end. We might pop in with like this freak. But this there's a lot to unpack here. And it is interesting. And it's a treat sometimes to just like, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Like, look at these clowns. Clowning is a treat. Are we going to start by playing the clip? so tim pool's a podcaster uh yeah he's a he's a guy uh we have our opinions on him i'm sure all of our listeners have similar opinions on him and um he often has on guests that uh have various opinions um he had on uh these guys fresh and fit they're like red pill podcasters basically you've probably seen clips of them um i would categorize them as sort of in that same that same sort of vein like and like politically ideologically is like you've seen that um the podcast clips of it's like one or two men and then they have like only fans girls on and
Starting point is 00:13:47 they're just like what how can we make you look stupid like what if like you will you like uh clip this to like prove that women fucking suck um and it's sort of that like realm uh where they don't respect women um no even high value women um and uh they let it seep out of them in various ways and temple here just to briefly enter uh add something temple has an interesting theory about he's got a lot of you you know, affect the dating marketplace. Oh. The men are saying, we want something different. We don't want the Instagram hoe that I can fly in overnight just to have a quick, you know.
Starting point is 00:14:35 That is biology. That's never happening. That's biology. With all due respect, that's never happening. No, no, no. Hold on. Hold on. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I agree a lot with what he's saying. Imagine if women are only looking at the top eight nine ten Of men yeah if these guys if guys like you just started shaming women Do they you know you know who's paying for only fans right? It's low quality. It's lower guys Yeah, so if high quality dudes who got really nice watches and pull up in a Bugatti and this woman is like yeah I want to come hang with you. So what's your body count and it goes how dare you ask me that I don't want to hold my car and he takes off yeah now she's embarrassed she got shut down and more women are gonna say if I want a
Starting point is 00:15:13 high-value man because only the guys are gonna come after me maybe let's flip the grill here maybe we're gonna trade to turn this into the dreamcast yeah okay okay first off I mean there's so much i know you guys are raring to go but you have no fucking clue what a woman wants or how she'll react to that i'd be like okay bye you show up in your thing in your bugatti bye fuck you guys fuck you so bad but not really don't fuck them don't ever fuck them are Are you saying these 12-year-old boys don't understand what women want? Unfortunately, one of them's 37. Well, his definition of a high-value man, that's the terminology, right?
Starting point is 00:15:56 High-value man is all completely connected. Million-dollar car and a watch. Yeah, exactly. That's what constitutes a high constitutes a hive not just a rich person but a person who's willing to flaunt their wealth right exactly yeah unreal uh there's a little bit in here that i think is just uh funny i haven't seen anybody point this out um although like the premise of this is tim pool being like you guys should do this for me right like he's like guys like you know high value guys
Starting point is 00:16:25 like guys like you should go around like slut shame women so like maybe i'll get some of that um but there's a phrase here he uses because he's talking about it's like you know who's paying for only fans right low quality guys but what if high quality guys like you oh that's interesting so like he's implicitly a low quality guys like me uh maybe he's a medium quality guy medium you're right maybe medium why are you saying that he just admitted out of himself as being an only fan oh yeah which is fine like whatever but like that's kind of what he's saying because he's not including himself in these high value men uh conversations the theory of the case here is that if high value men you know bugatti driving watch wearers shame sluts i mean slut shaming right quote unquote sluts i'm not you know yeah
Starting point is 00:17:18 that they will then realize oh okay in order for me to be able to get with these high value men i need to not sleep around and not be a slut and so that's how he's going to control the but it's like the first question you ask this woman is um what's your body count what's your body not like are you um nice uh what are you interested in what shared interests uh do you have a good sense of humor by fucking them right well because these also these guys are uh you know they're not celibate you know they're not like these high quality high value guys they're not like they don't have a low body count which by the way i fucking hate that phrase um it's the worst uh but it's so cringe it's so like freshman in college well it's showing off for your boys it's violent language um and uh i one could argue uh there's something to unpack there but like
Starting point is 00:18:21 the guy these guys tim that you're talking to they've got really high body counts like they like they like to have sex with these women and so like it's all very performative it's this weird friction of like well we want like virgins but also like i want to fuck all the virgins so like wait what um yeah it's absurd it's so that whole thing that purity culture thing something i've heard up here and my mouth not in this conversation not as crassly presented as what we just witnessed but the whole idea of it blows my mind it's like because i don't want to sleep with someone that's never been fucked before so i just stopped saying the phrase been fucked like in general i like that's fine
Starting point is 00:19:11 that's for find your partner or whatever but like it's sex is so much more beautiful and fun and spiritual and all the things that can be once you're really comfortable with yourself and you you've learned what you like and what you don't like and actually your perfect partner is going to be somebody that's had time to learn themselves and you know obviously you practice safe sex and you you keep yourself healthy and you do all that that's being but there's it's it horrifies me that so many people are still stuck in this idea that virtue equals that the best of us are the ones that haven't been tainted somehow. speaking with certainty and pretending as though like biology and like evolution has made it so that these men are ambitious and and men because of biology want purity in their women to spread their seed and and it's and the the most insidious thing about it is they're talking to like their audience is filled with young men who are probably struggling to socialize and are looking to them for advice on how to like meet women. And they are getting the worst possible advice from these idiots.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Right. From these stunted. There are there like it's this weird again this trickle down thing and this sort of like like multiplicity where like a copy of a copy of a copy and like then you get this it's like yeah if you have like these stunted boys like these adult boys uh who are in this state of arrest development advising boys on how to socialize and uh and integrate into society then they're gonna be worse off and then they're gonna start their podcast and then they're gonna do it well yeah like tim pool is
Starting point is 00:21:11 sitting there and it's hilarious because he's like hey guys i just thought of this like strategy what if we shamed women for their sexuality which has never been tried before yeah that's gonna get us what we want like even if you thought this was like what do you oh you think that's going to work with the idea for the first time no one's ever thought of this concept yeah it's the same i mean like whenever bill maher uh decides like well it's been a few months since i've said we need to bring back fat shaming so let's do another segment on that it's the same thing it's like well we like we've talked about this we know um and also like tim is also the kind of guys like uh you know we're talking about the sexual marketplace but if you were to shame
Starting point is 00:21:53 somebody for in the regular marketplace like he would probably be against that right because this whole discussion starts off with them talking about like, quote unquote, data. It's not in the clip, but like data from like Tinder. And they're lamenting the fact that women turn down more men and they rate, you know, average, like they only go for eight, nine tens, like the most attractive guys. And so the most attractive. But it's like like first of all it's not a data set that's like a self-selecting group of people who are on tinder tinder so whoever's on tinder but yeah they're like more women there are more men on way more men on tinder
Starting point is 00:22:35 and so that's the reason this is the case yeah but it's also like don't aren't you like a free market guy yeah yeah exactly okay i have a couple things to say. First off, I don't understand. Granted, we're coming into the clip in the middle of a point, but this whole conversation starts off at a weird point because that one guy is making the point that Instagram hoes, and you meet, and then they're going to fly you out. What the fuck do you think is happening?
Starting point is 00:23:02 I mean, I'm sure there are some people that have some sort of a thing, and maybe it's part of the... I'm sure that's a thing, but, like, the vast majority of women aren't... That's not a thing that happens. This is still all about control, obviously. The reason they want that pure girl who is presumably, they want that pure girl who is presumably, presumably in her early 20s, oldest before, before they've lost their virginity. That's not a blanket statement. But you know, on average,
Starting point is 00:23:37 sure, as a woman gets older and more self actualized, the more men she slept with, the more she knows herself. You know, as a person does, I don't even need to make it about a woman, but they are speaking about women. And so that's a person in their power. That's a person that has had other experiences that other men in their life. That's the other thing is that they don't like the yes, we've already established that. Yeah, the idea of someone else. Anyway, but that's to me is what all of it feels like. Well, right, because they want they it is about a lot of it is about control. And like, if I find like this pure, like untainted virgin, then she doesn't know any better about the world and stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And then, so you have this ability to control their, their perception and perspective and the world around them. Because yeah, they haven't had that experience. Also to your point about the instagram model stuff it's interesting because they're like yeah all these instagram models no you love you like that you love instagram models that like it's that same sort of self-selecting group thing we're talking about earlier we're like well you are a part of that you do that too just in your own the man way and you're attracted to all of these women and so but then once you find
Starting point is 00:24:47 out that it's it's similar to that uh thing we're like okay i'm uh slid into the dms of this instagram model because i like like your post and then we started dating and then i was like you got to stop posting pictures of yourself you got to stop that you got to stop doing the thing that attracted me to you about the jonah hill? It's a little bit about that. But like just generally that sort of thing. Yeah. And also I just have to point out at one point Tim tweeted like, yeah, all the sluts are mad about what I said is if I care about what sluts think. The premise of your theory is that you care.
Starting point is 00:25:20 You want their behavior to change. So you want to treat them differently so that they think differently so that they change their behavior definitionally you care what they think because you want to change how they think you literally talked about it so it seems like air these guys and the and the fresh and fit guys that they had on are part of this i guess it's like a new wave of whatever the like pickup artist manipulation movement of like 10 15 years ago was it's like here's how you can get into the psychology of these women you know you're trying to sell them success they're trying to sell you purity and it's like this whole batch of nonsense that's obviously not backed up i have never tried to sell purity
Starting point is 00:26:02 as my thing if anything i've tried to work against it and it's hard because I look like a bumbling little like cartoon person that's like, no, what's sex? And so I try to be like, I've definitely had sex before, by the way. I'm one of those famous sex havers. Yeah, when we did our first Zoom interview when i wanted to get this job that was very awkward to hear but like now that i know you it like makes a lot more and you were you did a great job celebrating bring your manners to work day you did not react poorly to that well yeah but it's it is interesting because they're creating this universe that just bears no resemblance to reality, where the whole world are filled with Instagram models, who are finding high value men who fly them out to places, and we need to shame them to lower their body count. is about success versus purity and it's like there's no space for just like you know women are also uh people it's so multi-dimensional people with dreams and hopes and fears and uh
Starting point is 00:27:17 maybe like you should start there no i mean i've seen i've seen some i've seen some of these guys talk about how like they don't even want to like live with the women they date or like are like they i'd rather like live in a house the boys and then see see her every once in a while like so you don't like women but that's like a like no girls allowed in the tree house that's why i really feel like it's the 12 year old boy thing it's like arrested development with these arrested development or maybe they don't like women and they won't actually admit that to themselves you know that's it's always something i think is interesting are you just so wound up tight that you can't that you're denying yourself you're you're denying your true self i
Starting point is 00:27:58 don't know um also the uh on the instagram flying out thing a lot of these guys i'm not i don't know i don't know fresh and fit i don't know what they do i know that a lot of these guys i'm not i don't know i don't know fresh and fit i don't know what they do i know that a lot of these guys who uh are like perform or that performative success where it's like look at i got this bugatti i got the yacht i got this i got it look at all look at how good i am at collecting things and that includes women because that's how i view them um they do fly out instagram models to pretend that they're there partying because they want to um like that it it's all performative it's an it's an illusion why that seems like to them that's why it seems like that's
Starting point is 00:28:37 a thing that happens because they do it you know exactly like yeah they're trying to position themselves as like the kings and leaders of like the middle school boy fantasy universe like they know that's not how the world is but they're like all of our our audience believes this is what the world is so we have to project this to them we're characters in a fantasy but like they don't know the hero characters because all these all these kids look up to us yeah if any of our listeners are instagram models that get flown out places please don't take any of this as more power to you honestly more power to you get that money honey uh whatever it is yeah you know what's up i so under no under no circumstances just because i've said that this doesn't happen that often i know it does and i respect it but i think the vast majority of women
Starting point is 00:29:34 aren't out here you know it's just yeah it's just like they yeah and then these these guys use it to weaponize against women it's like well what like you just yeah it's not in the real world and to the young men out there your uh value is not uh dependent on the car you drive or the watch you wear just want you to know super not like incredibly not in fact there's better ways to live your value the world you look way more valuable you'll be happier by this being a happy person also it's like this weird like unattainable sort of like vision of the world where it's like oh you gotta get you gotta get this but god you got this this this this and if you don't you're a failure like is that like a a plan for for how to live i do i am attracted to the sense of safety that i feel uh it with a romantic partner uh and i'll tell you what doesn't make me feel safe it's a bugatti i don't want to drive around in
Starting point is 00:30:35 that so actually that's not attractive in any capacity give me a nice solid ford well that right well no that's the thing because like if you if you're like trying to attain like oh god i've got you gotta watch and get this it's it's not for the women it's for the men in your life it's for the men in your life it's to impress the men in your life because women aren't going like some women are that's fine you're gonna want a partner that's there with you through thick and thin whether you have money or not yeah but it's just sort of presenting this sort of like you gotta attain this and do this to get the woman but like even then the the the thing that you're you're saying you need to do to attain a high value woman it doesn't attract the women that you want right it attract like it's it's it's there's all this tension and contradiction uh wrapped up in it and it's very
Starting point is 00:31:21 gross and weird and like tim pool you're just sad why are you agreeing with these guys just because they're there in the room with you well there's that one clip of him that i don't know if we can play uh after the fact but it's him talking about dating it's like yeah it's you know wild like my wife when my dad was my age he had kids and this and this and this and like i can't even date anybody there's a reason there's a there's a well there's a then he says and it's not even it's not me it's um oh everybody else is what he says and it's like well work on yourself and then maybe it'll be okay um also just before we uh there's an element sorry there's an element we've talked about this before uh will you were talking earlier about the sort of like the biological like way that they think about like well women of this and ben do this and like even if like let's say let's
Starting point is 00:32:09 say that i we you're granted you know what whatever you believe about biology and like evolution it's all true you're right that doesn't mean it's good right it doesn't mean it at all it doesn't mean anything other than and here we are um so it's like a weird like value judgment that they're pinning on this thing that is neutral we have spent too much time talking about tim pool in my opinion although it was fun and i think we need to take an ad break. So insert those here. Ad break over. We're back, baby.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Get out of here. Ad break. Okay. Let's check in on our elders, shall we? Hmm. Yeah. So yesterday, with respect, I don't know if we are because it's bring your manners to work day exactly respectfully glitch mcconnell had a day a mitch huh respectfully glitch mcconnell had had a mitch yeah that's it okay uh he's mitching again and it's not good yesterday um uh where was he was he was doing some sort of
Starting point is 00:33:29 press conference press briefing and he was asked if he was going to run again and he seemed he he answered not in the way he intended but he did give an answer play a clip but there's not much to play audio wise i can play it and we can just sit in the silence yeah that's good well that's good for podcasts right to sit inside for an audio medium insert the modem sound if you want yeah yeah well i'm sure uh listeners uh have seen the first instance of this that well the first public instance of this where he was speaking at a podium and he paused in like the middle of a sentence for a very long time not in like a collecting his thoughts sort of way but in like i've lost all of my thoughts sort of way uh it's very upsetting to see uh if you aren't familiar with american politics it would be sadder because like this shouldn't be on display um and it happened again and i would one has to assume it happens pretty frequently
Starting point is 00:34:34 just not on camera right like we didn't we didn't capture the only two on camera that's not the case it's pretty tough to see it's hard sorry go ahead well you got something oh i was gonna say basically what you're saying like mitch mcconnell is one of the most pernicious forces in politics over the last many decades like i think it's inarguable that that's a fact but just i can't take away the fact that like when i watch this clip it just is it's sad it's sad and it's it's not the way i want to see anybody treated whether or not i agree with their politics or not it does feel abusive now we are also the section we've gathered up stuff to talk about with diane feinstein and joe biden and we can go over those as well up here something that i've heard a lot is with the democrats it's like elder
Starting point is 00:35:30 abuse and i say all of them all of them it's weird we're propping these up these old people diane feinstein yeah but mitch mcconnell too he did he had to follow he was hospitalized for what a month for a long time with no information and we're in the middle of a strike so i can't talk about promote work but i am watching a show on a streamer about the los angeles lakers and their head coach has a nasty fall and uh you know is out for a while and he tries to come back but he can't he's too soon and he's spacing out and he's not remembering people so i didn't promote any work from any streamers but i made the point because like that's based it's based on like events so you could have just said this thing that happened
Starting point is 00:36:18 in real life you didn't have to mention that there's a show about it no it's just that i've been texting will every night about this show i'm a lakers fan now yes i'm very happy about this sorry marco if you're listening yeah it's just upsetting and like i don't know i've i've i've you know uh had uh grandparents who've been in that situation not publicly on the podium i would hate that if it was public but it's it's really tough to see happen i don't have a whole lot to say about this other than it's just a very stark reminder at how old the leaders in this country are along those lines like it i mean older and older uh and even like a lot of the like i mean obviously like a lot of the like the younger politicians they're all old they're all it's all they're all boomer brained anyway but like
Starting point is 00:37:08 exactly um well vivek is like a boomer uh with like in a millennial but he's also like gen x coded in a way yeah but he's a millennial anyway it's especially like we're seeing all this happen with like our elected officials while like nikki haley's also like we should seeing all this happen with like our elected officials while like Nikki Haley's also like we should raise the retirement age what she said was we should tie the retirement age to life expectancy which is going down in the
Starting point is 00:37:36 United States wait a second so secretly based Nikki Haley secretly based unintentionally based Nikki Haley I want to point out because like obviously when this comes up there's a lot of discussion about ageism um online and I do think that if you have your faculties about you clearly no one's no one calls for
Starting point is 00:38:04 Chuck Grassley's immediate resignation and he turns 90 in a few weeks and he's got to run again yeah and he's got he's got some questionable tweets but you know he's got some odd tweets but like he has not had moments where his mental acuity or cognitive ability is being questioned and no one's asking him to step down it's when diane feinstein shows like a severe inability to know what's going on know if she's supposed to say i in a vote uh has to reintroduce herself several times or people have to reintroduce themselves to them repeating herself right and so forgetting that she was gone yeah and with m with Mitch McConnell, the doctors have said that, oh, this is related to the concussion. He had a few months back.
Starting point is 00:38:48 This kind of thing can happen when you're dehydrated. You get momentarily lightheaded. So this very well could be entirely related to that and has absolutely nothing to do with Mitch McConnell's age. But I would still argue that it's reasonable to ask the question. When you have people that are in their 80s, I don't think it's ages to see something with your own eyes and then question. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's important. There's plenty of people that really are capable of working very long into their life and all of that. But we have to be honest
Starting point is 00:39:27 about when somebody needs to take a step down, to take a break. Part of this is connected to the conversation of term limits. Both Dianne Feinstein and Mitch McConnell have been in office for forever. And that the reason they're still in office is they don't want to let go of that power. And so they've stayed in long past when they should have. I just think that that's really what this is tied into. It's not necessarily that someone can be too old to work, but perhaps they shouldn't be spending 60 years in our senate or whatever you know it's perhaps it's yeah anyway yeah i mean i think there is value there i mean i have a couple different sort of contradictory idea thoughts on this subject
Starting point is 00:40:20 because you know having done these interviews that i talked about earlier um it's like there is value there is value in like elder wisdom right i think that's like a very real thing but being older doesn't necessarily make you an elder um yeah that's one thing but also i do think they're i don't know about you know if there needs to be some age that, you know, senators can't be, but I do think that it's valuable to have more young diversity of age in our representatives. And there should be ways to make it easier for younger folks to be able to attain power as well. So because ultimately, like the whole point of this democracy is that these people are representing our interests. And it isn't ridiculous to suggest that maybe some people who are in their 80s or early 90s might not grasp some of the modern issues that affect the nation you know in in
Starting point is 00:41:28 some ways so i don't know that's what i absolutely about that um i mean yeah when you have people so entrenched in in the government um i don't think not to be a founders guy i don't think that's what the founders intended um i mean jefferson thought the constitution should be rewritten every like 19 years at one point right um and if you have these people are like well i'm gonna be here and i'm gonna be here for 50 years and i'm actually going to not only like stop younger people from like being able to have these positions but also kind of work against what those young people think is best for the country yeah and uh and best for the world um because these people who are in their 80s and 90s they're not going to be around for much longer and then the planet they left is here
Starting point is 00:42:10 and they're like well good luck we we held on until the very very end and um it's yeah i don't know it's the term limits part that i bring up is only in we're seeing this is it affects the fact specifically diane and and Mitch have been in office for so long and they're obviously ailing but ultimately the reason that they're still literally in office it's definitely Diane and I'm assuming Mitch too by the way his aides are you know helping him out regardless they won't let them just resign right now because politically they want their strategically they need things to be lined up in this sort of a way and if so and so if she resigns then he's she's going to be replaced by this person and then that makes them the better candidate for filling her
Starting point is 00:42:59 office when she vacates it and you're like, so this is, you're literally keeping her in place so that you don't, so that Adam Schiff can replace her in the next election because Gavin Newsom promised to replace the next Senator with a black woman. So, you know, it's just so that's the part that's, and I'm assuming that there's a similar calculation going on with Mitch McConnell. You know. Anyway. Shall we move on to another topic?
Starting point is 00:43:30 You're not a Schiff head? No, I'm not. No? All right. Not a Schiffophile. All right, that's fine. Okay, we've got time for one more topic. Let's talk about Vivek rhymes with cake, shall we?
Starting point is 00:43:42 Hmm. What's going on? He's got a bunch of things he said this week he says a lot of stuff it's interesting we should set some of them up we should set some oh yeah uh but as a preface it's just interesting how many quotes uh he has that he said out loud on camera to people to communicate and then has had to many many times be like that's not what i said even though it is like verbatim what he said and then correct what he said or like change it slightly it just seems like he's not a very good communicator and maybe communication is like a big part of
Starting point is 00:44:16 leadership i kind of think he's playing a bad faith game here because like well you know this is a little side note when he says like climate change policy is a hoax i think he's very specifically baiting people to accuse him of being a climate denier so that he can say no i'm not a climate denier you didn't listen to what i said the agenda you're misrepresenting like i think he's playing a twisted semantic like like he's playing around up out there so yeah i don't disagree i think because also part of it is and you see it in his correction interviews basically where he is always able to be like this is what the mainstream media does they take what you say they twist it around like he's playing up that position yes are we gonna play clip yeah let's play this clip this is um vivek on meet the press uh i think chuck
Starting point is 00:45:14 todd sets it up here for us or chad as he calls him let me bring up a couple questions you didn't get a chance to answer at the debate most Most of the candidates on stage Wednesday night said Mike Pence did the right thing on January 6th. Do you agree? I would have done it very differently. I think that there was a historic opportunity that he missed to reunite this country in that window. What I would have said is this is a moment for a true national consensus where there's two elements of what's required for a functioning democracy in America. One is secure elections, and the second is a peaceful transfer of power.
Starting point is 00:45:52 When those things come into conflict, that's an opportunity for heroism. Here's what I would have said. We need single day voting on Election Day. We need paper ballots and we need government issued ID matching the voter file. And if we achieve that, then we have achieved victory and we should not have any further complaint about election integrity. So what would you have done through the Senate? So what would you have done with Mike Pence?
Starting point is 00:46:13 You would have not certified the election. In my capacity as president of the Senate, I would have led through that level of reform, then on that condition, certified the election results, served it up to the president, President Trump then to sign that into law, and on January 7th, declared the re-election campaign pursuant to a free and fair election. I think that was a missed opportunity. Do that all.
Starting point is 00:46:36 So on that day, you would have passed through all of that and then redone the election so that we could- Famously fast-acting American Senate. What are you talking about no that's pretty bad but he says it so confidently yeah there's no one of this where it's not a butt and he says it so confidently he just says it um he says everything very confidently as if he knows what he's talking about or like knows how how things work but but like i mean there's something so weird about him because he's talking and he knows to talk about it like this like yeah heroism
Starting point is 00:47:10 uniting the country doing this and like moving forward you're suggesting things that not everybody agrees with like if you did like voter id and uh same day voting and no paper about or like no mail-in voting whatever half the country's gonna be like what the fuck no yeah like that is not how you unite the country by doing something that the republican party wants because trump lost the fucking election like yeah you unite the country by holding it hostage until they pass the bill that in a couple days that you want them to pass also you have to get someone else to introduce that legislation for you because you can't do it right because you're like you're not in the senate yeah exactly yeah he wouldn't pass his civics test yeah a couple things here one is he's bringing up like you know these two pillars of democracy peaceful transfer of we had secure elections in 2020. The reason there was distrust about whether
Starting point is 00:48:09 they were secure is because people like Donald Trump were going around lying and saying that it wasn't secure. The thing about the 2020 election is it had the highest turnout in 100 years. It should have been... Also, there was a pandemic going around. So maybe it was like a good public health measure to have a lot of mail-in ballots. But the thing that you're trying to fix is a problem that was created through a lie. And it's something that, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:38 like you said, uniting the country. Like half of the people voted either early or by mail in that election how would that have united us including you right yeah it's not yeah it's not including you exactly the election should have united us we did this what you're describing is an election that yes we should maybe not all be happy about it but agree that we're going to honor the results we're saying the same thing, baby. Also, like he's not going to all these all these like reforms that will unite the country, aside from, again, the fact that like, well, how is something that like 35 percent of the country believes in going to unite the country?
Starting point is 00:49:15 You want same day voting on Election Day. Are you going to make Election Day a national holiday? Are you going to ensure that every single person who works on that day is going to be able to go and vote in time on the same day? Can you ensure that? Are you going to put in the infrastructure and put it in the money to make sure that that happens? I don't think you're going to.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Government issued IDs. Are you going to go door to door and make sure every single person has that ID? Or are you just going to mail them out and hope that it works out? There are all these obstacles. No, one person, one vote, end of story. Make it easy.
Starting point is 00:49:46 But yeah, like pretend pretending that like this debate hasn't been raging between Republicans and Democrats for decades. reason believe that the government issued ID is a Republican strategy to disenfranchise voters of colors and people who tend to vote more, you know, along with the Democrats. So like, he's pretending like that, by holding the country hostage, he's saying we're not going to have a peaceful transfer of power unless you pass this thing that's this very contentious thing and do what i want you to do is somehow unifying well also right because also like and like we're not going to have a peaceful transfer of power unless this so you're okay with not having a peaceful transfer of power right so you're okay with the thing that you said was fundamental to our nation and our democracy you're fine actually if yeah and i get
Starting point is 00:50:45 what i wanted so we're not going to do that um it is absurd um this is an absurd person uh and it's even like and also like couple that like what he's saying about this and the elections with the fact that he does want fewer people to vote he's trying to raise the voting age and make it harder to vote he is the disenfranchisement candidate it's so bizarre um plus the fact that like yeah i don't know it's just it's a mess like he the plan requires donald trump the president to sign that legislation that would ensure that he loses the election which i don't know if you guys know this he doesn't think he did he doesn't want to do right that's a very good point kind of a big deal right like yeah like this scenario that they're asking vivek about is like by the way you know that at this time you're the vice president and donald trump is the president do we know how he's polling now post debate uh not great
Starting point is 00:51:41 the last time i checked he didn't get a huge bomb last time i checked he was he didn't get a huge bomb last time i checked he was curious of below uh d santus and uh nicky haley he's definitely going to get a surge just because now he's on tv all the time it is kind of the trump strategy in just the same thing say it as confidently as possible get on tv yeah he's just doing a version of trump i i mean i thought he was very effective in that debate in a way that i mean like i hate everything he says but i thought he was very good at that debate uh saying the message and because it doesn't almost matter what how you explain yourself because there's so many people yelling at each other you maintain a sense of like like i've got
Starting point is 00:52:21 an attitude of i've got this yeah if you're confident you get the attention then that's all you did get the attention and and he's going to continue getting attention so he is very effective at it so that i had started to say earlier like he is a good communicator and i stopped because he's obviously not but he is effective at uh doing the show which is just taken out of donald trump's book i, we can all see it plain as day. So can people on the right, I think. He's getting everything he wants out of this. Like, I don't think he thinks he's going to be president.
Starting point is 00:52:55 No, I don't think. And so I don't think he's going to have some. Yeah, he's not going to have some moral dilemma about like, should I really start attacking Trump because I want to actually be the president? He's getting what he wants, which is lots and lots of time on television. We're going to be stuck. I predict that we're going to be stuck with this guy, unfortunately, for, you know, at least the next, you know, half a decade, you know, just on TV or on people's podcasts or his own daily wire show or something yeah until the next grift comes along well so this is actually interesting because uh aside from aside from the fact that he actually does uh he said that thing in the debates like i'm the only one not bought and paid for which he is actually he is he gets a lot of money from fossil fuel companies so maybe his whole climate agenda is a coax.
Starting point is 00:53:45 It comes from the money that he's receiving. Yeah, I'm going to read this little tidbit Jonathan gave us. He has more than $50 million in holdings in Strive, an anti-ESG investment fund, which basically exists to invest in energy and specifically fossil fuels. Exactly. His whole fortune is a scam the company that created roivant sciences and the roi stands for return on investment like they would they were like a smaller company that used like venture capital funding to buy drugs that bigger companies had given up on kind of fudge the studies to make it look like they had worked better than they did and then like ipo and have the stock price go way up and then
Starting point is 00:54:32 they'd already made all their money by the time everyone realizes oh this drug doesn't work and then it craters it's just a grift yeah but they got but they got paid exactly he's a fraud he's complete fraud the worst things about capitalism giving no value to anyone it's a dogecoin it's nft shit it's all this it's all just sort of like it's a scam it's but this this whole audience that he's trying to get are the people that are anti pharmaceutical companies oh yeah that are anti and it's like look not only i mean he made a killing off of a drug that he knew already knew wasn't going to work so that feels like a crime but he successfully introduced several other lower drugs that he'd snapped at the patents on that's not what he made all of his money on but
Starting point is 00:55:19 i do believe i don't have in front of me there's other anyway he's just in he's all the things he's pretends he's not yeah this is why like i do think there's an element of like oh you got a grift that you're gonna do um and you'll have your audience but i don't think it's gonna be a big sort of national acceptance of him um because obviously the left is not in into this guy um but like even like okay you're saying like the right like they see this stuff they like it's not like standard politician fraud stuff it's like no you like did all this shit that we fucking hate um and we can see how dishonest you are about it we can see your your direct lies i don't think i mean this is probably like too hopeful or optimistic but i just don't think that that has lasting power uh in this hyper-partisan sort of
Starting point is 00:56:06 world we're in um i also do think it's uh necessary to point out that before he decided to run for president the vague was planning on launching a podcast at the daily wire they were making a deal like it was literally like he was going to be a just a daily wire guy who i used to be a vc guy now i'm a daily wire guy and then he's like actually i'm gonna run for president probably because he wants to have a more popular daily wire show when it actually launches the contract exactly you boost it probably you get paid more you get more popular and that's it they probably talked about it in their meetings with the daily 100 percent uh like what if what if i run for president for a while and then we revisit this deal?
Starting point is 00:56:48 Yeah, because it's going to be so much better. Favake rhymes with fake. For him. Favake rhymes with fake. All right. Favake rhymes with take a hike. Rama Swampy. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:57:02 There's one for Trump. Rama Swampy. That's pretty good. It's a pretty good Trump one. Favake Ramay that's pretty good it's a fake rama swampy get it out there let the kids know we did it guys we made it through several topics and a good time was had by all will yes plug stuff yourself tell people where they can find you if there's something you want to share well you know i none of the thing you know obviously watch the show some more news listen to this show even more news slash more but so i think i'll take this opportunity to plug
Starting point is 00:57:37 some of my dad's writings he's done some writings on racism and he has a page on medium so if you want to go to b and give his some of his essays a read and give him some likes uh and comments i think he would love that would you spell b gourd for folks oh yes that's right b gourd b g o r d h i have a silent h in my last silent yes b gourd at dot you know it has a loud h the hot shapes a band i would like everybody to check out on bandcamp and soundcloud thank you very much nicely done feel weird that i don't have something to promote of either of myself or my parents um you can follow me on instagram and fly me out to your yeah yeah follow me instagram hit me up fly me out to your parties and i'll be like oh i'm a sex haver or not
Starting point is 00:58:41 i don't know i'll try to fight I'll try to let everybody know my body count God that's gotta be a patreon exclusive don't just don't just give that information away for free don't slut shame me top tier top tier information
Starting point is 00:58:58 I'm kidding all right that's it we did it and we love you very much. Much.

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