Some More News - Improvising on the Showdy, Future Episodes, and Even More Q's

Episode Date: May 13, 2022

Hi. We're taking the week off of Even More News, so here's an episode of Even More Q's with Katy and Cody that we shared recently on our Patreon. We recorded this back in March, s...o a few of the news references might be a tad out of date. We'll be back next week with even more Even More News. Enjoy! Please fill out our SURVEY: HTTP:// We now have a MERCH STORE! Check it out here: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Stitcher: the show!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi hi welcome to even more cues the first and only question podcast that's sweet and wonderful and cute even more cute coming at you with answers to your questions. Here we are. We are the morning crew. It's time for the Honka Honka Q's and A's. Oh, boy. Yeah, baby. Smoking.
Starting point is 00:00:37 All right. Hi. Jonathan's here. He's going to ask some Q's. He's going to throw them our way. I am. Hi. Sure. Hi. How are you guys? That's how you doing oh good we just recorded a great episode with parker malloy it'll already be out by the time you hear this one
Starting point is 00:00:54 but that was fun that was nice yeah that was fun it was fun and nice jonathan and i were commiserating about it's interesting when you're working from home and you spend all day not talking and then you talk for an hour and it's tiring. It really takes it out of me seeing myself on camera and talking after sitting in complete silence for nine, ten hours, sometimes more. Let's get the questions going. Yeah, I'll start off the cues uh brandon holsebush on patreon asks how much of cody's shoddy is improvised and do you have any examples from past shows that were off script oh um that's a fine question uh and here's a fine a the mostly not you know the the shoddy is uh pretty thoroughly scripted and researched ahead
Starting point is 00:01:46 of time um we obviously we talk a lot about what is going to go into it and the angles we want to discuss and changes we want to go on i will improvise lines during the shooting um like i'll add little bits here and there sometimes it's about a like a point I want to make sure to include like, oh, yeah, this this thing or something like that. Sometimes it's just a silly sentence I'm adding or a funnier way to like say a thing or something like that. But it is largely like 99 percent scripted. So the the improvisations are just like a fun little goof every now and then um and as far as examples go no i can't think of any off the top of my head this is what i mean by that i wonder if you'll be on set and like you'll have done a take or two and then something will come up and you'll be like oh this is really funny i should say this or find a way to add it in but then you got to do the whole segment again
Starting point is 00:02:47 do that do you like oh yeah that's never really been a problem because it's usually something that like i usually like come up with it in quotes like in the middle of the take like i'll just do it. And sometimes I will, because I added the line, I will fuck up the rest of it. Right. Because the thing is prepared. And then I add that. And then I sort of like get off the tracks. So I have to do it again.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I don't think there's really ever been much of it. Many times where like, we've done a few takes, we have it. And then I'm like, Ooh, what if we did this? Cause if so,
Starting point is 00:03:23 I'd be like, Nope, not doing it again. Not worth it. But yeah. So it's have it. And then I'm like, ooh, what if we did this? Because if so, I'd be like, nope, not doing it again. Not worth it. But yeah, so it's kind of a mixed bag. But we do try to have a little bit of fun and not just stick to the- We do have fun, don't we? We do have a little bit of fun.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Pat Mobley on Patreon asks, who owns the show? That's a great question, Pat Mobley. We do. Cody and I do. We do. We own the company. I think there's some confusion because we recently started working with Cast, but they're advertisers. And a big thing that was really important to us is that we maintain ownership and own the IP. They don't control anything other than they do our deals and placing ads um and we have a contract with them that we know we need to honor but other than that we own it and the show is ours to do with what we will um you know yeah that was a big it was a big deal um and you know
Starting point is 00:04:20 jonathan included in our doc here that there are some other questions related to it, you know, like how is the Patreon affected and like how much do we rely on it and whatnot with all of this? And we very much rely on the Patreon is the answer. You know, we've been growing in order to do the output weekly, hour long shows. We've we now employ about 15 people. weekly hour long shows. We've, we now employ about 15 people. Um, and in order to do that, we needed to accept advertisers, but it's not, it's been very helpful, but you know, the Patreon is a big piece of that puzzle. Um, we also have exciting things that we're working on. Like this has been a great opportunity for us to expand so that we can start to develop other
Starting point is 00:05:01 projects. Uh, I might as well say that I'm working on a show that I will be hosting. It's not ready anywhere near, but we've got plans. It'll be a little while, but yeah, there's plans. You know, we're scripting it. We're in the development phase, but very excited about that sooner than later. And, you know, a couple other exciting new projects that are very much in the pipeline.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And we wouldn't be able to do that without you and also advertisers. Well, I mean, yeah, like that's the, cause we, you know, we used to do an episode every two weeks or so. And now it's every week and it is a lot. And that, you know, that, yeah, like Katie was saying, like that requires hiring a lot of people
Starting point is 00:05:45 and getting the you know the machine going we want to it's really exciting that we get to to pay people that we love to work with you know it's great it's a privilege yeah you know it can be uh between you know it's usually like 50 to 70 minutes or so every week, which most comedy news shows don't do. They certainly don't. So all aspects are important, and we appreciate- We love you very much. The ability to continue. All right, what's another question for us?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Bill Culbertson on Patreon asks, Katie and Cody, do you get pissed off when you make a joke on Twitter and people take it seriously? Honest answer, Bill, is it really depends on where I'm at emotionally in my personal life or like how hormonal I am. Sometimes I do, sometimes I get angry.
Starting point is 00:06:42 But the trick is to try not to let it get under your skin. Yeah, I would say it can vary. You know, I will often tweet things that are I think are very clearly sarcastic or, you know, a little a little much for some some folks. This tweet I have in my head that I'm thinking of that is the example of this. You know, when you send stuff like that out, you know that some people will take it too seriously or not realize it as a joke. And I think it can be effective to, you know, drench something with irony to make a point about what you're trying to make the point about.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Sometimes that can be lost and muddy things up a bit, which I think is not necessarily helpful. So, you know, sometimes I think like if I tweet this, like I know it's sarcastic and ironic, but like that's putting something out there that might be misconstrued. But, you know, I don't know, like everyone's going to get mad at something. I apparently I haven't tweeted enough about how Russia invading Ukraine is bad, which for the record, I think it is. So, you know, people will sort of always find a thing to be mad about or take something out of context or create its own context. I think the last like six years ruined people's perception of a lot of things. You know, in my experience, at least, I think if you if you publicly were like I was pretty publicly for Bernard Sanders both times and to a certain corner of the Internet, that means that you are like a crypto fascist or like supportive of Putin
Starting point is 00:08:18 and like all this other stuff. And I think people bring those expectations to a lot of sarcastic tweets as well. So I don't know. To answer your question, it doesn't piss me off. It's expected, but it is like an issue. It's annoying. Sean Mitchell on Patreon asks, have any of these right wing pundits you call out ever responded to the videos? No.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Ben Shapiro responded to one of my tweets once because he thought not videos about him yeah so like you know no one about a video no i don't think um there was uh somebody from the babylon b actually reached out at one point during the we did that conservative comedy video it's like nine hours long um and someone from there reached out actually to sort of say that you know they were expecting to be like really mad about the video and found themselves agreeing with a lot of the points which was uh pretty cool and refreshing to hear not everything i don't think um but there were some i think critiques in there that hit home in a way that wasn't like you know i think a lot of those guys there were very mad and like upset.
Starting point is 00:09:26 And, you know, I understand why. And but I was it was a pleasant surprise to see somebody saw the video and didn't take the critiques as like this sort of like personal attack that they need to be offensive, defensive about. But rather just was like, yeah, it's not a bad point. I think that's a problem in comedy these days and so on so that was neat but i would but none of like the pundits or anything like that i've ever reached out about a video mountain sharpie on discord asks how much of cody the shoddy newsman is similar to cody's irl personality i don't know if i'm the one to answer that question look cody's not like cody's very nice that's the thing until you get an argument thank god um no i'm kidding you are very nice i thought it was funny cody is is and is not like as i mean it's's true. That's how you are. If you're heated, maybe you would make some have elements of the Cody show demon in you. But for the most part, you're you're very
Starting point is 00:10:31 people are surprised, I think, at how easy you are to talk to that you're very pleasant and calm and laid back in your life. And so that is all a character. But you know, everything, you believe everything you're saying, you know, I mean, jokes like that. But it's like a heightened version of you. You know, that's the best way I can describe it. I mean, I I don't think I act like that at all in real life. I am pretty chill. But, you know, if I were like, you you know talking about some of these topics you would
Starting point is 00:11:06 get animated i like you're saying like i would get like a very animated yeah but i'm not like i see you when a topic comes up at a party that's similar to something that we talk about that cody is amped up it's like you get much more energy and how you talk about it and you're very animated and you know but you're not a grumpy mean sarcastic person well that's the thing there's like it's the energy the energy i think is there but like i don't think i'm mean no at all well you're not mean on this show i'm again i'm also that yeah well you know it was uh it was like i don't know, watch every video I was in before we did this news show in 2017. You've also had this character. I mean, look at a lot of the characters we used to have.
Starting point is 00:11:51 You'd play Eprat, that guy. Well, I care about these issues, but the character is a newsman who is frustrated with the news. A newsman. I don't know. I'm chill. He is pretty chill I don't know. I'm chill. He is pretty chill. I get high. I'm nice.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I feel like Podcast Cody is just you talking. From time to time, I don't think you're playing a character as Podcast Cody. Yes, Podcast Cody. There you go. Yes. Podcast Cody is Cody. Or EMQ's Cody. Yes, EMQ's Cody. There you go. Yeah. Podcast Cody is Cody. Or EMQ's Cody. Yeah, EMQ's Cody.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Exactly. But it's still a perform. It's still more animated than if you're just talking, if we're just chilling at your house. It's still, we're all performing here. I mean, I can rant about how Ted Cruz can eat his own shit, but that's Ted Cruz. I don't know. Another question for me, good sir. For us.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Dylan Troyer on Discord asks, how do I justify voting for Democrats given how they got a majority and didn't do anything with it? These last two years have really cemented the idea that the Democratic Party is just controlled opposition in this political theater. Dylan, I don't know how to answer you.
Starting point is 00:13:03 It's hard right now. Yeah, I don't either. It's a personal thing and who knows uh and oh well part of it is also you know there are people i think they're going to there are and can be people who are worth voting for not just because the other guy is bad um and most of those are like on a local level and maybe it turns out they're actually monsters who are lying about what they believe in. But I definitely sympathize and empathize with this with where this is coming from. And I don't know how to answer it because I don't feel like I don't you know, we did a video back in the day like, yeah, Joe Biden sucks over Joe Biden. And I would say I stand by that because he does. But I'm glad that Trump's not the president anymore. I'm very glad Trump's not the president during this situation right now. They had like way larger majority than they would get more done. But also maybe they'll find a mansion or a group of mansions with a different name. That's the opposite of the squad who tries to stop everything. And Democrats secretly love them because they don't actually want to do what they say they want to do and that they give them an excuse to not do it.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So I I don't know, man. i think it's got to be a case by case situation you got to see what we're up against and what we're dealing with yeah i just don't like i don't feel i i don't think vote shaming really is effective and i don't think being like you got to do it like i don't think that's going to be effective um necessarily and i don't want to dismiss the idea that like, yeah, the Democrats don't really do a whole lot because you're accurate. And we've done you know, we did a video about Biden, what he's done, what he hasn't done, what he could do. And there are some things that happen that are good. And then some things that should be happening that aren't. And he's undeniably better than the last
Starting point is 00:15:00 guy. Everything you're you're saying as an expressing is valid and democrats do use uh the fact that republicans are bad and worse uh as a reason that you like the main reason to vote for them uh they're always they always seem to be on the defensive and using that defensive position to make it seem like they're the offensive party when they're not actually um so i don't know um i don't you know if you have a personal issue with you know voting in a way that you don't believe in i can't tell you that you're wrong because that's your belief right so who knows what a hard question that everyone has to answer for themselves I just want to point out that back in the day is now well into the pandemic
Starting point is 00:15:49 because you said you made a video back in the day about Joe Biden sucks vote for Joe Biden and then the pandemic happened and then Biden became the president and he nailed it pandemic's over he did everything right so we're smooth sailing from then on.
Starting point is 00:16:05 So I don't even know what you're talking about, sir. All right. Another question for me, please, for us. Josh Berman on Patreon asks, what's the episode you haven't done yet but want to do the most? Well, we know what this is. It's happening.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Well, so there are two. One's on water, actually. I've been wanting to do an episode about water for a long time and the importance of water and how maybe like just as things progress and it's, you know, they're trading on water now. It's disgusting. Every human being needs water. It's like the one thing we look for when we look for alien life. That's number one water. What's the thing for life?
Starting point is 00:16:46 It's like that phrase water is life so i've been wanting to do something just about water and how we treat water and uh nestle and sort of all these things um and in writing a recent episode on about thanksgiving which isn't that recent a few months ago back in the day back in the day uh had a similar thought just in in writing about various Native American issues. It was like, oh, yeah, I want to do an episode about water. And I was like, yes, finally. So we're doing that, which I'm excited about. And that'll be, I don't know, a few months.
Starting point is 00:17:15 And then another one, I would say, which I think, Katie, you were referring to. Sure was. Is an episode on Professor Jordan B. Peterson. I've wanted to do one about him for a long time i've got an endless document of just links and articles and quotes and clips of him and all this stuff that i think is important to say about him um in a reasonable way but also in a very clear, in a clear way that is laid out. And I've been wanting to do that for a while.
Starting point is 00:17:53 And it's been kind of hectic and hard to get together because he talks so fucking much all the time about everything. And then he went into a self-induced coma and we felt maybe it's not the time to, you know, do an episode about him and why he sucks while he's in this self-induced coma, trying to get his life back together. So we put it on pause, and then time went by,
Starting point is 00:18:13 and then he was on Joe Rogan again recently and had some very, very funny and silly and wrong ideas about climate change, which I'm sure you heard if you were on the internet that day. I'm sure you guys have listened to our shows, are alive, breathe. Yeah, climate change is everything apparently,
Starting point is 00:18:32 which is why it doesn't exist. I don't know. It's very silly. So that is in the works now. I'm pretty excited about it. It's going to be another long, like, you know, the Ben Shapiro-esque
Starting point is 00:18:42 type of episode that sort of like gives an overview of a figure like that. And I'm hoping to make it long like you know the Ben Shapiro esque type of episode that sort of like gives an overview of a figure like that and I'm hoping to make it a little fun by introducing Jungian archetypes
Starting point is 00:18:54 and exploring Peterson the man through these archetypes and taking him on his own little hero's journey so that will be in a month-ish or so. Sounds fun. Don't hold us to the exact date.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Officially saying ish on that. Robert Launder on Patreon asks, how do you stay focused on the news when there are hard things in your personal life? Hi, Robert. That's a tough question to answer. And I think my answer is that you, it's, you have to find a balance. You have to watch out for yourself. You have to take care of yourself.
Starting point is 00:19:29 You know, you, you are your number one priority moving through the world. So if in your family and, and you can't take on the world's problems when you're not feeling stable yourself. That said, I, I, you know, I've struggled with this, you know, a lot of stuff has gone on. I think we all have, our personal lives have been tumultuous over the last few years for a variety of reasons. And, you know, I think that creating parameters of when you're allowed to being really mindful with your emotions and your physical reactions when you're reading news, if you're feeling yourself, not to use a phrase that's overused, but, you know, triggered by something, activated, knowing to step away.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I think it can be hard to recognize the signals that your body is giving you because there's so much noise everywhere. Listening to podcasts, personally, I listen to podcasts that aren't just news, but sometimes if I'm like, I'm going to consume some news, I'll do it in an all-in-one session and then try to create some distance between me and the internet, which is easier said than done. We live on the internet, but I think that mindfulness is a big part of it, a meditation practice, which I am not so great at myself,
Starting point is 00:20:49 but I know that when I do it, I feel better. And we recently, you might want to check out an episode we just recorded of Worst Year Ever with Eve Ettinger. And we talk about burnout and CPTSD and how those symptoms are correlated. And, you know, just we're all under an unbearable amount of pressure and have been for a very sustained period of time. And having compassion for that is really important.
Starting point is 00:21:19 And I think being honest and talking about it and acknowledging what's happening is a real big step in that. It helps. I don't know if that – I've really meandered from your question, but – I mean, you know. It's related. I don't think you meandered that much. But, yeah, it's hard. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:21:38 It's a hard balance to strike. Yeah. Sometimes it functions as a distraction. strike. Yeah. Sometimes it's functions as a distraction. Sometimes it is something you really have to work hard to focus on because you have like, you know, more personal distractions going on. We didn't read his full question. I just would like to include for context. Part of it was I find that I can't really focus on myself and what's happening in the world anymore. So kind of finding that balance between taking care of yourself and creating space for absorbing the atrocities that are all around us. And it is tricky. And sometimes you can be made to feel selfish, even by ourselves. Like if I don't have
Starting point is 00:22:20 capacity to engage with a horrible story that I'm seeing because I'm going through whatever. There is a part of me that's like, I should care. I need to care. I do care. It's not that I don't care. It's that I'm also going through something that needs to be addressed and that's in my immediate path. And I can't show up for this other situation unless I've showed up for myself first. And I can't show up for this other situation unless I've showed up for myself first.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Right. Like you can still care about something and still – and your focus can be on the things that you need personally because if you're not doing that, then you can't – how do you do anything else? How do you – and there are so many things in the world that – there are things that can be done done but there are a lot of that there aren't really that on a personal level um other than just absorb it and feel bad right so you could absorb everything and not focus on things in your personal life and like feel bad about all of that and then have it compound and like well i'm not doing this i'm doing this i'm not doing this and this is happening so like why why should i feel you know that this aspect of my life is important when this is happening somewhere else um but you know we all need to on an individual level be able to grow and work on ourselves in order to uh you know build towards a better future, which I think we all want. And so don't feel I don't
Starting point is 00:23:47 know, don't feel bad that you can't read up on what's going on. You know, there's, you know, it's not that you are excluding all the news of the world, I doubt that you are. But you but boundaries are important. And they're not always with other people. There's sometimes boundaries that we have to set for ourselves, you know, in how we move about our life. Yeah. And speaking of Jordan Balthazar Peterson, one of his big things is don't criticize the world until you've got yourself in order and you've cleaned your room and then you can go out and criticize the world. And that's bunk. You can criticize the world whenever you want.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Who gives a shit? They can't fucking stop you but the sentiment of taking care of yourself first is important the sentiment of taking care of yourself is like good it's like that's i mean that's we're going to talk about that in the episode there's a whole thing about like how he says this and like there's a kernel of truth there but he expounds it to be like everything's fine the status quo is good but it's important to focus on yourself on an individual level so that like i said you can work towards something bigger if that's what you want to do and without yeah letting sort of um what's all these external things that you can't necessarily do anything
Starting point is 00:24:58 about sort of putting a pause on you right and you take time for yourself i guess is what i'm saying i feel like i'm repeating myself a lot but i think you sound fucking smart and that maybe we should turn this into an advice podcast like you ask us your cues i've always wanted to do that maybe we should just try it out see if i'm any good at it i don't feel like i are qualified should be giving people advice that's part of the charm we'll see maybe we can't do that legally a bad advice podcast great that's got a ring to it even more cues a bad advice podcast coming at you dear diary bad advice givers yeah that's not a very good title we'll work on the title for this podcast that we're definitely going to do. But in the meantime, we're done with this one. Oh, geez.
Starting point is 00:25:48 It went so fast. Is that all the cues? That's all the cues. That's all the cues that we've got here. Gosh darn to fucking hell, guys. I just think you're all the best ones, each and every one of you. We are so grateful. Sorry for the delay in this one i believe we're very late in releasing but things have been busy and fun fun and fun so fun they
Starting point is 00:26:16 have been fun but busy also this will be a little i just signed didn't sign an nda last couple weeks this is a fun behind the curtain moment. My, my good friend Milana is the AT&T girl. And, um, she is spokesperson spokeswoman. You all know her and love her. She cast me in a bunch of our friends in a bunch of commercials. We're not like prominent you you just keep your eyes peeled for the same 10 people playing different extra parts around her but it was really fun and exciting and exhausting but we're i'm i'm playing catch up a little bit maybe my face will be in them maybe i wasn't in a bunch of commercials so i'm feeling bad no I'm fine alright that's it for us we love you so very much
Starting point is 00:27:07 much

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