Some More News - Kanye. Elon. Trump. And EVEN MORE Freaky Weirdos

Episode Date: December 2, 2022

Hi. On today's episode, Some More News director Will Gordh (@will_gordh) joins Katy and Cody to talk about the right's disgusting reaction to the Club Q shooting, Ye's budding fri...endship with a white supremacist, the pair's dinner with Donald Trump, the Biden administration's efforts to force rail workers to accept a contract they had rejected, and, of course, Elon Musk's brief feud with Apple. Please fill out our SURVEY: Support us on our PATREON: Check out our MERCH STORE: SUBSCRIBE to SOME MORE NEWS:   Subscribe to the Even More News and SMN audio podcasts here: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Stitcher:  Follow us on social media: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok:  Athletic Greens is going to give you an immune supporting FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase if you visit today. Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Thanks to for sponsoring the show!Support the show!: for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to even more news, the first and only news podcast. My name is Katie Stoll. Hello, Katie Stoll. I'm Cody Johnston on the First and Only News podcast as well. We are really experimenting with cadence and tone. I don't know what you're talking about. All right. Joining us today is our friend, our Some More News director. He's so much more than that, though. He's William Gord.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Editor, writer of many episodes that you probably have enjoyed. Do I have to experiment with Cadence as well? Yes. If you want to. Oh, boy. I think I'm going to stop.
Starting point is 00:00:58 This is the thing. You start off like that with a really strong choice and you risk repelling people. We're not going to do it the whole show. Relax. That's good. I think.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here. Today is the holidays. We've got holidays. Today is the holidays. Today's is the holidays. Happy holidays is bifocals at the monitor liberation day. What is this?
Starting point is 00:01:26 What the fuck are you talking about? What the fuck is this, Jonathan? Wait, what? It's bifocals at the monitor liberation day. So no more bifocals. Bifocals, exclamation point, at the monitor. It should be called go get an eye exam day, but the optometrists are cute. Yeah, these optometrists do not understand concise titles. Wait.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Well, they're not English majors. I mean, they needed someone in the marketing department to work on that for sure. They need to just say what they mean. Like eye exam day? Eye exam day. I'm not actually sure that's what bifocals at the monitor that mean to me that means like wear your glasses when you're using your computer day yes that's exactly what i thought it was why no to me you're forgetting the liberation bifocals at the monitor
Starting point is 00:02:17 liberation means fuck these bifocals oh just stare at the screen this is like uh liberation so like don't wear bifocals like be free of your bifocals i'm very confused be free of your bifocals again and yeah no this is very unclear you know what it's as unclear as if i wasn't wearing my glasses there is a national eye exam month which is august maybe this is a like glasses. There is a national eye exam month, which is August. Maybe this is a marketing campaign for LASIK. Like, get rid of your glasses and get your LASIK surgery. Maybe, because it does say free yourself from blurry images. Anyway, December 2nd is National Mutt Day. Now, that's pretty straightforward.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I just need to acknowledge that there are a lot of dog holidays dog a days like it does feel that there's this national puppy day national dog day national mutt day national canine companion day i don't know that's got to be a day right i'm okay with that like i think every day could be some sort of dog a day. Honestly, I think that I've made this. I've died on this hill before. You think dogs don't deserve a day or they only deserve one day? I think that dogs get every day is a dog day.
Starting point is 00:03:36 If you've got a dog. Well, that's true. But is it dying on the hill if like none of us disagree with you? You all disagree with me. I'm saying that there's too many dog holidays so you think you think the dog day should be over is what you're saying a little bit don't you dare i'm sorry well what so i guess my question i need to ask you what what how many days do dogs deserve per year i mean like i said every day is a dog day. If you're a pet owner, I love dogs.
Starting point is 00:04:06 But from the perspective, OK, what is the goal of all these holidays? Awareness and celebration. It's a social media stuff, right? So oftentimes you get on your Instagram feed. It's National Puppy Day. Post a picture of your pup and you do it. And then a month later and it's National Dog Day. If you love your dog, you'll post a picture of your pup and you do it. And then a month later and it's National Dog Day. If you love your dog, you'll post a picture.
Starting point is 00:04:29 And I'm like, I just posted one. I feel like I've. And then a few weeks later, it's like, oh, is your dog a terrier? Well, if you love terriers. So you know what I mean? It's from my perspective, which one am I supposed to celebrate, boys? Whichever ones you want to celebrate. I think Katie's convinced me.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I do. I've changed my mind, actually. I mean, I do enjoy Mutt Day. I think that's valuable because mutts are the best, in my opinion. A good distinction here because this is celebrating, you know, breed dog just a dog there's so many dogs that you need homes and loved and and it's better to get a dog like that for sure well i'm moralizing here but i agree anyway we've done a lot i will celebrate every single one of these days in spite of this negativity about dogs it just sounds like
Starting point is 00:05:26 you don't like cody dying on the hill of celebrating all dog that's right there's a strong split now in the some more news uh community feel so attacked i just paraded my little dog and his little dog jacket for you all bundled up like a sleeping bag because it's cold out and you have the audacity i'm sorry the podacity first of all but also i briefly talked about having a podcast but you know then we did this instead yeah it's a much healthier thing i am just being contrarian and difficult i support all opinions all opinions matter but i'm sure that won't come back to bite me in the ass today in this specific episode about what we're going to talk about let's talk about some awful opinions before we do that
Starting point is 00:06:20 though let's well how are you doing oh oh i haven't been asked that question in a while i'm doing really well i just had a wonderful thanksgiving holiday in northern california and uh i'm looking forward to a little bit more relaxed of a schedule coming up in december second half of december so i'm doing great. I like the weather. Things are good. Is it raining there yet? It wants to. It wants to. It wants to, exactly. It's like
Starting point is 00:06:53 it's ready. It's poised. Yeah, it could happen at any moment. I'm hoping it happens very soon, decorating the tree tonight. Oh, nice and cozy. It's maximum cozy, exactly. It is pouring at my place now um but i slept through the wants to rain stage and just woke up to everything drenched and like i didn't bring my i didn't quite finish weatherproofing things outside so unfortunately i i at some point
Starting point is 00:07:19 today i need to just go out in the pouring rain and bring these wicker chairs inside and i haven't yet do you want to pause and do that now pause and go do that right let's take a quick break so katie can uh bring in everything that's about to get drenched hey you with the face do you have trouble eating right perhaps you're some kind of blue furred freak monster who eats nothing but cookies and now your teeth are falling out. Or maybe you're a giant bird forced to find pounds of worms to sustain yourself. Pretty disgusting stuff. But you should try AG1 by Athletic Greens. They are the category-leading superfood product designed to take all the vitamins you need and stick them all into a single drink. We don't always have time to eat right if we're busy singing songs about letters and shapes or wandering the same street for decades
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Starting point is 00:08:38 Athletic Greens is going to give you an immune-supporting, free, one-year supply of vitamin D and five free travel packs with your first purchase if you visit slash more news today. Again, simply visit slash more news to take control of your health and give AG1 a try. AG1. AG2. There's just one. It's just AG1. And we are back to talk about the news. So much of it. So much fun news. We had last week off for the holiday. So, you know, there were some things we missed,
Starting point is 00:09:18 but unfortunately they are still in the news cycle. So we are going to start off by talking about the Club q shooting and the different reactions to it will you pitch this as an idea that you wanted to talk about this is your fault we're talking about this i'm sorry i apologize i i mean the reaction to the club q shooting from the right wing has been infuriating for so many reasons. One, just the inhumanity of it all, but also just how stupid the arguments are. So, I mean, I think the main person that I was looking at was Tim Pool's whole reaction.
Starting point is 00:09:59 He had a bunch of tweets. Basically, one of them was saying that club q had a grooming event you know the next day or something the implication of all these tweets is sort of like i mean they're grooming our children they're pedophiles so what do you and we can't fix it with legislation is what he says so what it's sort of like what do you expect to happen right but of course they didn't i mean did they have a grooming event they had a drag story hour thing planned and the idea the argument that just because a man is dressed as a woman reading the children that that somehow makes it
Starting point is 00:10:40 sexual or that it's grooming children is just so it's just such bullshit and such bad faith and he knows that it is yeah he knows so how it is what did you guys see i tried to find it this morning again twitter's a mess guys but uh some response i'm sure you saw his sister responding to him saying, like, what are you doing? This isn't how we were raised. And it is just very disgusting. It's disgusting. It's disgusting to watch. It's disgusting to see the blatant grift of what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:11:28 grift of what he's doing and that not blatant suggestion that violence is acceptable you know using kids also we're going to be all over the place today talking about things but just him talking about groomers and whatnot and then a couple weeks later he's got milo on his show somebody who actually you know has a history of kids in adult exploitation sexual you know i i just feel very frustrated yeah it's very frustrating because you like you're saying he knows and he's doing it um it's it's the and we'll get into this i'm sure a little later with like the kanye stuff and everything going on like you're saying with Milo, where it's like saying the quiet part. It's not saying the quiet part loud. It's saying the quiet part loud enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And then when somebody says it very loudly, he's like, whoa, wait, whoa, where did this come from? And it's just sort of like leading people to the edge. oh, where did this come from? And it's just sort of like leading people to the edge. And then once they go off the edge being like surprised and like, oh, you know, what is this happening? And yeah, it's really gross. And just the framing of it as though like they asked for it, right?
Starting point is 00:12:37 It's like a look what you made me do kind of thing. And it's really, uh upsetting and dangerous and um it's you know it'll probably happen again yeah and there's there's all sorts of hidden implications in their argument that they don't say either so for example there's an implication that the very just because someone is gay, being around children, that that automatically makes them a groomer. They're sort of redefining the word because groomer typically means that you're, you know, preparing a child to be accepting of like sexual contact right but they're sort of doing a twist and sort of saying they're grooming children to be to think it's okay to be gay or trans and it's like but the implication is and that's bad and it's like but no, if I would agree, actually, that going to drag time story hour or drag story hour, it is, you know, teach children that it is OK to be gay. And the thing is, that's good, though.
Starting point is 00:13:57 So they don't have an argument for why it's bad to be, you know, exposed to the idea that it's okay to be gay or trans. So it's sort of a begging the question argument, you know? Yeah. Yeah. It's also not like exclusively like a gay thing. Like there's straight men who do drag. It's not like, it's just like muddying so many aspects of it to just be this thing that it's not.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Well, right. And we've talked about this in meetings. So I'm repeating myself to you guys. But there is a long history of drag as entertainment. And it never has been seen as something that is problematic until now. This is because it's being, you know, used as a cudgel, like as a political tactic, whatever. It's it's now all of a sudden becoming sexualized and associated with with this because they need more things to go after.
Starting point is 00:14:54 They need aspects of the LGBT community to attack. And Jonathan, you included this in our notes, this Matt Walsh, you know, saying that this is the left is going to use the attack as blackmail, you know, to make it to make it, you know, now that we'll have to accept the abuse of children. It's so disgusting with the the hoops that they can jump through to justify and use this to not allow people to reflect, but to be further incited into fear. This, you know what I mean? A tragedy could be a moment for people to stop and step back and say, wow, words have a meaning. Nope, that's not what's going to happen. Right. And it's also interesting because they equate like drag, man dresses woman equals sexualization. Right. But there's no reason that that equivalency needs to be drawn.
Starting point is 00:15:52 There's nothing inherently sexual, quote unquote, about a man dressed up as a woman. Like you can have there. Sure, there are adult themed drag shows, of course, but there are adult themed cis straight heteronormative shows too. So there's nothing innately sexual, but they are counting on that slip to just assert that it's sexual in nature. And so if you accept that drag is sexual by definition than a kid listening to a story read by someone dressed in drag is sexualization and that's grooming and they're pedophiles and all these downstream arguments that are all based on bs at the front end of their premises yeah it's this sort of uh we've talked about this before too like it's like if you're watching to them, if you're watching like Snow White and the prince kisses Snow White, she wakes up.
Starting point is 00:16:50 That's like wholesome, normal stuff. But if the prince kissed a man who was asleep, that's like hyper sexualization and like doing this thing that you're talking about. It's just the presence and existence of of like sexuality that equals sexualization which aren't it's not the same thing and it's not just a it's not just a story that's showing like a reflection of life it's shoving something down their throats right that's right yeah for decades now like just the depiction of life is like shoving something down their throat that they need to be they need their safe spaces yeah really it's it's the um the bus the light year movie where uh like it was framed as like it's part of the plot and they're like forcing this down kids throats and stuff and
Starting point is 00:17:38 they're like they're trying they got this agenda it's literally three seconds in the background kind of yeah so that it could be cut out in china exactly and so it's yeah it's just very um it's disingenuous partly but also i think it just speaks to kind of their fucked up minds and like how they view stuff yeah but it's not good one thing about pool and this might switch us to something else but like it's all like he's got this troll mentality where it's all a big joke to him like with him and the kanye stuff today like right before kanye went on alex jones and said he liked hitler and that the holocaust didn't happen or whatever not whatever that's what happened right he tweeted i think yay could
Starting point is 00:18:23 actually win the presidency and then a few hours later was like, well, shit, with the quote. And then he tweeted, I'm gonna let y'all finish. But holy fuck, was I wrong? I tweeted this before he did that interview. And well, fuck me, I was very wrong. And by him using the I'm gonna let y'all finish from the when he when he took the microphone out of Taylor Swift's hands, like, I'm to leave it up because I have to own that L. Like, he's, this is, this shit's not a joke.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Yeah, no. I know we're going to joke about it and make fun of it, but like, he's screwed up here. Extremely serious. And also, Tim Pool knows exactly who Kanye, who Ye is and what he's about right now. He just, we're going to talk about all of that. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:19:07 What the fuck, dude? It's not that much different from the shit he was saying a few days ago, a few weeks ago. You on your show, on your show. And it's obvious he's so fucking full of shit. Well, he knows who Nick Fuentes is and what he believes. And so why else would Kanye have this guy hanging out with him? and what he believes and so why else would kind of have this guy hang out with him why else would we have milo a liar who believes in literally nothing uh be doing this stuff with them uh so the idea that this morning saying like oh yeah i could win the presidency was a fine statement to
Starting point is 00:19:38 make and this is the one interview that was like oh it's what i was talking about earlier where it's like going uh up to the edge and then oh he said he liked hitler that's so surprising to me when the idea that that's surprising is absurd uh it's just like this mix of like liars and dopes yeah the the aspect what you said jonathan about him just making a big joke out of it when none of this is a joke is is exactly right I mean he's just making a big joke out of it and it's clearly just for financial gain right I mean what else is it yeah he needs to keep the compound going right yeah for him it's purely financial gain there are other people you can very much argue like oh no they're just like a nazi
Starting point is 00:20:26 but like he's in this weird position where someone has finally said something on his show and then afterwards where he's like oh this might cross the line for me you know yeah damage control for damage that you've been slowly doing yeah but it's
Starting point is 00:20:42 like it's not it's not like no one has seen the stuff that that yay has been saying for the last few weeks like you said tim pool knows exactly who milo is tim pool knows exactly who nick fuentes is and by bringing those people on you're making like the idea of talking about essentially you're making the Jewish question a legitimate debate. Yeah, because even in that Tim's conversation
Starting point is 00:21:11 with Kanye and you know, Tim's doing his best to not say, you know, Jews, he's trying to talk around and he's like, I'm not going to say that. And even there, right there, another person on the show, I don whoever the other that guy is he's like why not why not just say it and it's not just that kanye was there saying it there's other people there so
Starting point is 00:21:35 they're almost like frothing at the mouth wanting the conversation to go there you know what i mean and it is normalizing it there's like what and there's there's people at home that have these ugly thoughts watching this and they're like yeah say it yeah they love it and there's no like there's no reason there was no reason for him to have kanye and milo and nick fuentes on his show other than for this sort of exploitative guy in there i don't know probably uh one of his producers were like yeah one of those producers you have long hair yeah i think so i think one of those producers do we want to talk about the non-binary aspect of quote unquote aspect because that is something that i've seen from like a lot of the the matt w Walsh's and like the Carrie lakes or like all those freaks who are
Starting point is 00:22:27 now showing up in my timeline on Twitter because they changed it and made it worse, which we'll talk about later. I'm not talking to the latest tweets. I want top tweets from people I follow. It's absurd. Anyway, we're getting, we'll get to that. Like the angriest I am today. But I've seen a lot from be like uh remember when the few club shooter uh came out as non-binary and then the story disappeared um no it didn't disappear um that's they say they just all the time where they're like and it disappeared and you can find like nine articles that day about the topic that they're saying the media forgot about it um but also and uh it's one of
Starting point is 00:23:06 those like his lawyer said it that's it that's it listen to everything that anyone who knows the shooter said about them or what his father said father and the grandfather like every single person in this person's life um but then the lawyer's like oh non-binary it's like it's this sort of obvious like troll thing that's going on uh which is like doubly frustrating or they are non-binary it doesn't matter because it's still related to all the rhetoric at this because someone is non-binary does not mean that they don't carry some sort of, you know, anger or something. It doesn't mean anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:52 It's still, this hatred is still a byproduct of the rhetoric. And if they're buying into this narrative that like, oh, there's like grooming and this and this and this and this, it doesn't matter. Yeah. I doubt. I also reject the premise. But but still it's like right they don't think it's they think it's the like having a friend who's a person of color they don't think it can be a hate crime if that person is part of the group the way they say like oh well his last name is fuentes so he can't possibly be a white supremacist.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Like, you know, don't you understand that that's incorrect? Yeah, it's like it's not even it's not like historically accurate. It's not like there's no reality where like that argument really stands. It's the same thing when like, you know, when Candace Owens says something about how like Hitler was fine, it was the fact that he wanted to make other nations nations great too. If he kept it into Germany, it'd be fine. Like whatever years ago, but the defense is like, well, she's black. She can't like believe in this kind of stuff. Where, where are we talking about today? Who are we talking about right now? Like it doesn't have to have this sort of like separation and, and like internal consistency or logic to it because it's not a
Starting point is 00:25:06 logical ideology to begin with so yeah the whole thing is very frustrating i would be highly skeptical first of all of the claim that the shooter is non-binary i think it's likely a trolling move we shall see but as you said it wouldn't necessarily would not negate any hatred this individual may have had towards that community and it doesn't make what the tucker carlson's and tim pools of the world have been saying not less dangerous for it in any way, shape or form. One other last thing about some of the implications that they're making with their rhetoric that they don't say outright is with the grooming stuff and Tim Pool, there was some tweet that someone posted saying like, this is also ignoring the victims of pedophilia that are you know lgbtq
Starting point is 00:26:08 and his response was to say something along the lines of see they're admitting it and the implication of that is gay people trans people are created through acts of, you know, sexual violence as children. That's the only implication that you can make. He doesn't say that, but that's what he's applying, which is also not what the person was pointing out and is also not true. Right. It's not. Right. It's not true.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And yeah, exactly. not true right it's not right it's not true and yeah exactly and just like yeah like conflating like this uh what their framing is grooming with like the actual act and exploitation of children and like a lot of these you know grooming scenarios are like people that you know in your life there's one story recently about a fucking cop grooming uh some young girl and killing her family like yeah it's not that's what's so frustrating i mean there's lots of things that are so frustrating extremely frustrating and upsetting horrifying but one of them is that there are people that going through grooming experiences this is a thing that happens just not what they say is happening it's it's a very
Starting point is 00:27:23 different thing and it's important. Right, exactly. And this takes up all the oxygen in the air. And those people keep doing it. That is not a focus. Well, yeah, they don't care about the cop who went from Virginia to California to kill members of the family of the girl he was grooming and catfishing. Like, that's not what the
Starting point is 00:27:46 groomer discourse is about to them it's irrelevant to them uh it's about targeting lgbtq people yes period yeah that's all that's all it's about for them and some people are finally comfortable saying it out loud which i guess is technically good because then it's out in the open and people can really see what they're doing. Well, they also gaslight you too, because if you say, hey, you're equating LGBTQ people to groomers, it's like, we never said there are plenty of gay people that are against grooming. But it's like, so just by pointing out that they're creating this equivalency they they like plead ignorance and it's all just bad faith gaslighting or they're making an assumption that they're not stating about the nature of gay people and how they should or should not be allowed to relate to children yeah sucks it does suck i mean
Starting point is 00:28:48 you know yeah like it's they don't care they're they want this stuff to happen there's a reason that after this happened tucker carlson carl carlson uh did an entire segment about gender affirming care like that is he knows what he's doing he's always done what he's doing well he has uh you know tucker carlson has chris rufo on his program saying things like people need to arm themselves with their research right about this stuff and then tucker in that same segment like repeats it as if like hey in case you didn't hear like him saying arm yourself uh let me just reiterate that oh yeah the uh the uh i think the exact it was like right after it it was the exact exchange was like chris ruffer was like yeah you need to arm yourself
Starting point is 00:29:37 with the research and information and then tucker was like well certainly need to arm ourselves that like he just said it and then this and then it's. Well, it's like, yeah. Talking about this is all sexual, sexual mutilation and double mastectomies on little children for no medical reason. And it's pointing this out and attack on gay people. Of course, it's not an attack on gay people. It's nothing to do with gay people. It has to do with sexually mutilating children which is wrong period and so this is just the the hoops to jump through the justification to say like no
Starting point is 00:30:10 we're not about gay people we love gay people but also there are other segments that where they he doesn't right you know i'm sorry god i'm not saying he said i love gay people oh no i know that's what they're trying to frame it as when they talk about like that and then but then if you look at the other things he's done he talks about like he was talking about like whenever he talks about Pete Buttigieg, he's fucking asshole shit like it's. Yeah. Sorry, Will. Oh, I was just say a lot of these people that are obsessed with this issue of grooming. I've noticed one thing that they've been doing, which is when they about this community they just they leave out the t and the q they say lgb people and they're they're that's what tucker's doing there he's he's defending gay people but then when you're
Starting point is 00:30:59 talking about a gender affirming surgery like a a mastectomy for a you know a trans uh man that's mutilating children like that language is so hard it's meant to do what it's meant to do but there is a distinct effort that it's almost like okay we sort of mostly lost the battle on gay people. We still want them to do it in the privacy of their homes. But if we can create a rift with the LGB and the T, that's part of the new strategy. Yep. Okay. We need to take a quick break. Just a quick one.
Starting point is 00:31:46 But then we'll be back for even more news. Thank goodness. Thank goodness. We love small businesses. In fact, I have a side hustle where I find celebrities' addresses and then mail them Polaroid pictures of their own car. I haven't figured out how to make money on it yet, but it's a legal business registered with the IRS.
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Starting point is 00:33:16 page and enter a code more news and we are back as promised for even more news. How about that? How about that? How about it? The promise. Okay. There's lots of other stuff to get to, but we're not quite done exploring this because real quick, we're going to have to touch on the Fuentes Trump Milo dinner.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Jonathan, you want to set us up for that? Yeah. I mean, I don't think we need much of a recap. I'm just surprised that this story has gone on for two weeks because it was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving that Donald Trump had dinner at Mar-a-Lago with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes. And was Milo there as well? I believe Milo was there.
Starting point is 00:34:00 He like showed up. milo is there he like showed up but uh the media made a really big deal about this like oh trump's associating himself with white supremacists which he has openly been doing for seven years but they decided suddenly that this is bad and my theory is because this is like other republicans are seeing that this might be their chance to like get rid of trump they're always looking for that chance yeah right and so they're like now we're gonna pretend to care about who he's hanging out with and you know pence is gonna have a statement and mcconnell's gonna have a statement and it's just very unfortunate that these like group of guys is just like they're like household names now like nick fuentes should not be
Starting point is 00:34:41 a household name yeah that's the thing it's not like they're not particularly like interesting or charismatic and also the nazi thing obviously but like it's such a it's so surreal like even the the photo of like after the tim pool appearance of like yay and nick fuentes it like it's like some like it looked like a mall food court or something just like miserable people and uh i you know i think we all thought we were kind of done with like milo after his comments and then he like pretended to be uh straight now and like uh catholic i guess x x gay x gay yeah um yeah and then yeah like nick fuentes is like just show like a single clip of him it's 30 30 seconds of this little nazi twerp being a little
Starting point is 00:35:33 nazi twerp why do we have to talk about him or listen to him pretty pathetic yeah i thought i thought he was gone and i think he probably still But this does feel, all of this has felt a little bit like stuff crawling out of the sewer. I don't know. Yeah. I think it's interesting. One of the most interesting things about this was I think Ben Shapiro's response to all this. Because he's gotten into this little mini feud with Ye. feud with yay and it's it's just so it's so funny to that ben would be like think that this is incredulous because i think in so many ways he's helped foster you know this type of ideology but
Starting point is 00:36:17 i also think it's interesting that he would come at yay for being anti-Semitic and meeting with Nick Fuentes and all this, but not say a single thing about Trump literally doing the exact same thing. So I think what you're saying, Jonathan, about some conservatives thinking maybe they have a window to get rid of Trump, there's still clearly at least a lot of fear on the pundit class because they know where their bread is buttered when it comes to their audience that they're trump supporters so he can't say anything about trump doing it yeah well he can't say he can't say him by name right because i think there's that one tweet where he's like uh one way to not have dinner with like a anti-semite is to not invite a known anti-semite or whatever whereas like saying like one way to not have dinner with nick fuentes is to not invite kanye who at that point we knew was being very anti-semitic but he didn't say trump he still can't quite do that and again it's a
Starting point is 00:37:21 similar like that simple thing of like you're saying this and saying this and saying this encouraging this and allowing this and then oh now they're suddenly saying nazi stuff but they're not suddenly saying it it's just now they're suddenly explicitly saying it and trump's trump released two statements defending himself um for this dinner and the first one's just like well he didn't say anything anti-semitic to me and he's always been nice why would i say no but the second one kind of thing is that to say why would he say anything like you're not you're okay whatever but the second statement really is revealing about like how little trump cares about these ideological arguments because he said well well first he says so i help a seriously troubled man who just happens to be black little Trump cares about these ideological arguments because he said, well, well,
Starting point is 00:38:05 first he says, so I help a seriously troubled man who just happens to be black. Yay. I don't know why he said that, but then his reasoning, who has been, who has been decimated in his business and virtually everything else. And who has always been good to me by allowing his request for a meeting at
Starting point is 00:38:24 Mar-a-Lago so I can give him very much needed advice. Any of the stuff that Kanye's been saying doesn't really matter. The fact that he has been decimated in his business and the left is canceling him and costing him money
Starting point is 00:38:40 is clearly the most important aspect of this to Trump. He just can't help but reveal himself yeah the wokes are unfairly attacking yay whom i love who happens to be black god it's just i don't know i've never actually heard him say the things that i've seen him say and i believe trump refers to milo here he goes he shows up with three people yay shows up with three people two shows up with three people two of which i don't know the other a political person who i haven't seen in years
Starting point is 00:39:09 is that milo that's milo i didn't oh my god all of a sudden i got in my head like oh was he not there no he was that's very interesting i can't remember but that is a political person i haven't seen in years that's a really funny way to describe milo that's really funny talking about what a weird funny insult like that's like it's also just a funny reminder of just how solipsistic trump is like it only like uh you know if uh kanye says a anti-semitic thing in the woods, did it really happen? It only happened and no one hears it. You know, it's only if Trump hears it directly from him that it even exists.
Starting point is 00:39:53 You know, he says it on Tim Pool's podcast, but I don't listen to Tim Pool's podcast. And did it really happen to anybody? Right. That's absurd. I do. I have to mention that it's uh on the temple show when there are timcast whatever the name of his band and his podcast uh when kanye left early on he like tim came back and like was complaining about how kanye was doing like woke bs
Starting point is 00:40:18 which is just an incredible thing to say in response to that they're a mess a chaotic mess yeah they're well it's just that that whole confusion about identity politics or something you know what i mean i think that we should pivot to something else to talk about i agree with you completely precious time and brain life let's talk about uh the rail strike and the illegal rail strike the illegal rail strike that's ruined gonna ruin our economy yeah you mean like the point of strikes to like use the ruining of the economy as leveraged to get more power negotiations also jonathan give us some stuff give us some facts here I'll give you the basic details. So the Senate voted 80 to 15 today to force the rail workers to accept a previous deal
Starting point is 00:41:12 that a bunch of the rail unions agreed to, but Ford did not because it did not include seven days of paid sick leave. There was also an amendment that was voted on that failed to like force them to do a deal that would have included the sick leave. That one didn't have the 60 votes to pass the filibuster. So they're basically, yeah, voting to make a strike a week from now illegal and saying that the unions have to accept this previous deal. You know who made strikes illegal? Hitler. Oh, OK. All right, we can go on. previous deal you know who made it's pretty fucked up illegal hitler oh okay all right yeah no it's it's uh it's upset and this is all being framed as like ah biden and congress helped
Starting point is 00:41:55 they averted the strike success i've seen so many like occupied democrats and like like what are you talking about bipartisan agreement that the strike is illegal like what the fuck are you celebrating biden was like well i still want to work on this paid leave thing but we'll work on it later and it's like well once you've taken away the only leverage they have to like it's not gonna happen yeah why would oh suddenly the rail companies are gonna be like well now we'll give it to you i don't get it it's like protecting the economy doing that what we just surprised everybody in the midterms and a big part of that was you know going hard and showing people well i mean a lot of it was abortion but like you can stand strong and we had a surprising win and we're fresh in off of that.
Starting point is 00:42:45 This would be a time where you could say, yeah, we we've got some goodwill. We could throw our support behind this, you know, or or we don't actually want to do this because of who they are and what they're trying to protect and what the parties want. And they know that, well, we won the midterms, so we don't have to pretend right now. We can do this. And when there's another election, it'll be long enough away that people probably forget. Maybe we'll do a quick good thing right before that election,
Starting point is 00:43:19 or maybe our opponents will do a quick bad thing before the election. But because they won three weeks ago they don't have to care right now um they can do what they're in place to do which is to protect the bosses and the economy in place of uh workers uh needs and rights yeah one of the the thing about the framing of that whole this whole discussion has been one of the most frustrating things because the way the media and sort of biden too have been framing it is that like the rail workers are holding the you know could ruin the economy um by holding you know this host this situation hostage in order to get what they want but you could also frame it as these bosses who are making
Starting point is 00:44:07 bazillions of dollars aren't willing to just give paid sick leave to their workers, who are the people that make this whole thing run and are holding the economy hostage so that they can eke out just as a little bit more profit. And it's also just so it's like covid never existed like the idea of paid sick leave is that like you don't want people coming to work sick and the idea that they have to use their vacation time to use it it's gross we just had this like don't we understand the importance of this by now after what we just went through as a world well we didn't learn that health care shouldn't be tied to employment so not gonna learn anything else but that's what i mean by this being the right time to make a stand
Starting point is 00:44:57 and make that case to be reiterating that to be hammering at home but of course cody you are correct as to what is happening you have to want to stand for that and be hammering it home but of course cody you are correct as to what is happening you have to want to stand for that and actually stand for it in order to do it you know um and it's just very much like a well you're telling us who you are right now when people should tell you who they are believe them not stating advice for you and And life advice. Political and dating advice. But it's also, this is like very much squarely on Biden because it's his administration that negotiated this deal back in September. You know what I mean? They were the people leading this charge.
Starting point is 00:45:47 It's also a good, I don't know what the final vote on the paid sick leave was in the Senate, but it is also just a reminder of how ridiculous it is that you need 60 votes to do this kind of thing it was 52 43 right six republicans voted for it not enough to get to 60 and then uh several democrats voted against the one that ended up passing including elizabeth warren bernie sanders john Bernie Sanders, John Hickenlooper, Hickenlooper, and Kirsten Gillibrand. That's an interesting bunch. It would have passed if they would have gotten this hit. If the filibuster didn't exist, they could have forced
Starting point is 00:46:16 that through with a majority. Joe Manchin, the only Democrat to vote against extra sick leave. Classic. When people tell you who they are believe them um yeah it's really frustrating um and just like a lot of the performative sort of like guys we support our workers and strikes but uh there's always a but think of also think about this industry it's a it's an industry that is has can only really exist based on the, I would say, probably centuries or at least over a century of public investment in the infrastructure industry for like the contributions the people have made for this type of industry to
Starting point is 00:47:05 even exist let alone the fact that by acknowledging that the whole thing would shut down if the workers go on strike you're acknowledging that the only reason that this that this works is because it's the workers who are doing it you know what i mean and there just needs to be more value given to that. And Biden had a chance to to fight for that. And yeah. And to like really prove that, like what he says, which is like I'm not not only my union guy, but I'm also a trained guy. Yeah. Those are the two things about it that he loves to talk about. And this is a home run, possibly, but he bunted and struck out. So yeah, it's very, I mean, it's not, I'll say disappointing, but that implies that I'm also surprised,
Starting point is 00:47:52 which I'm not, but it is disappointing. All right, what's next? We got time for Jonathan. So let's talk real quick at the end here about the very short lived feud between Elon Musk and Apple. here uh about the very short-lived feud between elon musk and apple um the basics are that earlier this week elon musk uh accused apple of threatening to remove twitter from the app store which it would probably be legitimate for them to do because of all the hate speech uh he then claimed that apple had almost entirely stopped advertising on twitter, which was not true. Apple's one of the brands that increased its ad spend since Elon took over. And then he started criticizing the 30% cut. The secret 30% cut.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Yes. Well, he called it a secret 30% tax. Yeah. Not a tax, not a secret. Real quick, Apple charges, like they take a 30% cut if you have an app and you your app makes over a million in revenue a year and you sell stuff through that app there have been many lawsuits about this epic game spotify's upset about this facebook's upset
Starting point is 00:48:56 about this this has been going on for years elon pretended publicly announced uh in like 2008 on stage at the big the big fucking thing they do all that like do you think that he is a liar a liar or was lazy or just really forgot like i'm so i think i think he'd heard about it like when it was going on forgot about it and then he was calculating you know in his calculator how much he would be making from the eight dollar twitter subscriptions and then someone was like well after we give apple 30 and he was like wait what like i think maybe it's not maybe andy no said him uh dm like yeah our emails john about it you know that god it's so so embarrassing he's real good although he's clearly really good at business
Starting point is 00:49:47 but he's uh he's he's also it's so genius he's a genius um it's really frustrating what an obvious liar he is and how often he does it and um it doesn't even like try to like pretend like
Starting point is 00:50:03 he's not like the uh's like, yeah, they're they threatened to put to pull Twitter. And the next day is like, no, they didn't. Yeah. So yesterday he tweeted a photo from like Apple HQ and then tweeted good conversation, apparently with Tim Apple, a.k.a. Tim Cook conversation, a.k.a. Tim Cook. Good conversation. Among other things, we resolved the misunderstanding about Twitter potentially being removed from the App Store.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Tim was clear that Apple never considered doing so. Then why did you say they threatened to do it? Like, there's no misunderstanding there unless there's a statement from Tim Apple saying it, and then he went back on it. But if that were true elon would publish it or say that because that's what he likes to do uh he's making it such a huge hassle to be an advertiser on twitter where you're like i mean other people must be like do i like am i
Starting point is 00:51:00 gonna have like elon musk just talking shit on me on Twitter? If I, you know, like why? Also personally calling them now, apparently he'll like call and yell at, at advertisers for not advertising enough. And some, some advertisers are like, we'll do the bare minimum. So Elon doesn't call us. He's just a weird line bully. He's just always a liar. And like,
Starting point is 00:51:28 lying bully bully it's he's just always a liar and like he has this group of fans who like believe every word he says no matter what and then when it comes out that he is a liar they have all these little things they do in their brains to make it to make it okay same thing that we see with uh maga people you know it is but yeah loops jump loops and hoops jumping through but it's even more it's like even more obvious with elon in a way and like also the his fans are supposed to be like smart right right like they're like there's this like we're tech guys and we know like objective truth and all this stuff and it's like well no you just fucking believe whatever he says do you think they're just in too deep at this point that they can't cut themselves loose like they they're fan
Starting point is 00:52:16 like a cold feeling yeah they're just so into it that they like it must be some three four dimensional chess that he's playing here or something i have seen some people like start to fade in terms of that like i every once in a while i'll just see like elon i'm a fan of you but this is this and this and this and like some people i think are realizing this because like it's his fault for wanting to talk every day right uh like jack was like i'm gonna tweet like once a month about uh like my chakras or whatever whereas elon needs the attention and he needs to be liked and he needs to be a fucking liar every day apparently and so all these actions because they're so public because he's a pr guy he's good that that's that's what his skill is that's what he's smart at um i'm pretty sure he doesn't even have a physics
Starting point is 00:53:09 degree it's been discussed he's lied a lot about that too um but he's good at pr and marketing himself as what all these freaks seem to think he is but i have seen because he is so front-facing now people sort of start to see, like, I don't know about this guy. It's going to be his downfall here, what do you say, Will? Yeah, I mean, it's also, you know, beyond his super fans,
Starting point is 00:53:35 it's also the general public. Like, he had sort of, like, there was just an understanding among people who didn't really pay that close attention that like oh yeah elon musk he's like tony stark he invented electric cars he's a brilliant guy and now just the sort of lay person is like oh i didn't know that elon musk was a total loser and exactly you know he's ruining i think people are like looking at their teslas and being like, now my Tesla like represents his Elon-ness.
Starting point is 00:54:09 And is like jerkily stopping on the highway and the steering wheel is coming off. I saw one in my old neighborhood. There was a dog in a car and I was walking by. There's no driver. The car just starts driving. God. But I do know several people with Teslas that are, like, pretty sore about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:31 And I'm like, lay off. I know. You know? Well, yeah, he could have avoided all this. He could have either stayed Tony Stark or just been the guy who was never able to deliver on the Piper Loop or whatever. But it's still like a rich visionary and all this stuff but no he had to just become a villain and and it's not yeah it's not even just like his behavior necessarily more villainous now it's just yeah
Starting point is 00:54:55 more obvious right like uh and like his didn't doesn't have a physics degree just like all these sort of lies slowly um being revealed and he doesn't have anything physics degree just like all these sort of lies slowly um being revealed and he doesn't have anything else because he's still doing the like oh yeah in six months we're implanting a chip into the human's brain it's like your six month trick doesn't work on us anymore doesn't work away from me too with your chips also part of that trick is it's six months away pending fda approval right he says that because he knows he's not gonna get it and they're not they're not ready so if he puts in this sort of like six months away pending fda approval he can prolong that as much as he can delay it as much as he wants and to say oh the fda and all these
Starting point is 00:55:38 regulations are stalling us like no no it's because it's not ready because you are not going to put the chip in your brain because you'll throw up until you die. Like it's his version of there's an audit on my taxes and I'll release my taxes. Exactly. It's the same. Exactly. It's the same thing. It's also funny because there's all sorts of similarities that I see more and more between Trump and Elon, because Elon's this billionaire that in his heart of hearts really just wants to be an influencer. And Trump was sort of the same way. I mean, I know, Cody, you have downloaded Trump's entire vlog. Yeah, he wanted to be a vlogger.
Starting point is 00:56:15 That was his dream. He wanted to talk about Dark Knight Returns and stuff. They are very similar. How they use social media is very similar. How do they manipulate people? How they stay successful or on the mind? It's extremely similar. We've been it's. Yeah, it's very similar. It's just also Elon happens to be a terrible poster. And Trump was actually good at it. Well, well, he was bad at it in a good way.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Oh, yeah. I mean, you know, haters and losers every fucking year. I think maybe rather he was good at it, but in a bad way. Yeah. OK, that's perfect. We found it. We got that guy. Great poster about bad stuff. And we we can be done talking about this guy for now, not next week or the week after. We will have a longer video about him in the beginning of the year.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Yeah. About all this all this stuff. But I do think we need to mention just one of his main lies about the boring company. Yeah. And this this con. And it's so it's so frustrating because for years, everyone would share like a Lyle Landley monorail photo in response to him talking about this boring company project of his saying it's monorail shit. It's a lie. It's a grift. He's doing fraud stuff. He's a liar.
Starting point is 00:57:38 And it turns out that was true. He would go to these towns and like they would pitch this this magical dream of tunnels um and then it would never happen um literally named one of the uh one of the boring machines good uh good dough as in waiting for good dough who never shows up it never happened uh it's so gross he did it just to undermine the idea of like public transportation for people because he hates it he thinks it's gross he doesn't like people he thinks people are gross it's hard i feel like everybody here has been sounding this trumpet for years and uh it's hard to be right sometimes we're like yeah guys, yeah, guys, we've been saying this.
Starting point is 00:58:25 We've been saying this. That's correct. That monorail. Yeah, it's fucking obvious. It's obvious. It's been obvious. It's been obvious. Also, in relation to the boring company, I'm going to harp on this till the end of time.
Starting point is 00:58:39 In 2018, he responded to one of my tweets about affordable housing and like the importance of affordable housing and like, what? You're're a billionaire what are you going to do for affordable housing and his answer was i'm going to sell the leftover dirt from the boring company as bricks and that's going to solve this affordable housing crisis um and every every website with like tesla in the name tesla news we're like oh look he's solving affordable housing he's going to sell these bricks that never fucking happened even that even like yeah the stupidest fucking idea the bare minimum i'm gonna sell dirt to people he didn't even do that there's a whole there's so much we gotta wrap this up but there's a whole there's a whole thread from at joshua p hill collecting so many instances uh what he said versus what he did
Starting point is 00:59:30 and even that isn't comprehensive there's people chiming in with others so yeah so you can check that out but for now we're gonna wrap things up will you've been a delight as i knew you would be by the way thank you can i just say one thing about um to our to our patreon community um we put a a post a few weeks ago asking people to chime in with their
Starting point is 00:59:56 thoughts on the phenomenon of the fact that being poor is can be very expensive I'm working on a script on that topic and I just want to thank everyone who wrote in with their ideas i've read all of them and um anyway it was it's very much appreciated uh for all of you you to share that and i appreciate the community we've built yeah hey that's such a good plug so much for saying that and the people for responding but
Starting point is 01:00:26 mostly you for saying it i agree with you both so very much and um yeah my heart warmed a little as you were saying that because i was like that's a nice thing for will to say and also man we're so lucky yeah i know i sound sarcastic with such awesome uh people in community um and that was such a good idea also i think go to them to include that question okay that's it we're done we're out of here oh yeah we do i'm just gonna say that we love you very much yeah musk ended very much oh bros disgusting sorry much i meant much end of show okay Very much. Yeah. Musk. Very much. Oh, bros. Disgusting.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Sorry, much. I meant much. End of show. Okay.

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