Some More News - SCOTUS' Negative Action, Jesse Watters Believes Horrible Things, And EVEN MORE Trump Magazines

Episode Date: June 30, 2023

Hi. On today's episode, Katy and Cody discuss the Supreme Court's rejection of race-based admissions and independent state legislature theory, the awful opinions Jesse Watters is likely to share Tucker's old spot, and the leaked audio of Donald Trump waving around documents. (Or magazines, or building plans?) Check out our MERCH STORE:  SUBSCRIBE to SOME MORE NEWS:    Subscribe to the Even More News and SMN audio podcasts here: Apple Podcasts:  Spotify:  Stitcher:   Follow us on social media: Twitter:  Instagram:  Facebook:  TikTok: 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hello hello welcome back to even more news the first and only news podcast my name is katie stole look in the sky it's radio waves and wi-fi taking the audio of the show to you hi i'm cody johnston in the sky is that wi-fi also giving us brain cancer i don't know maybe i don't know that's not what people say we'll look it up everything gives us brain we'll look we'll look it up at news.realnews slash the world backslash news dot patriot backslash america dot news okay keep going let's see that's the that's the website i can't keep going if that's the full URL. Let's put that on some merch, the full URL, please. Yeah. For everybody. That's like good advertisement right there.
Starting point is 00:01:09 There's no guest here this week. Just us, friends, and talking about things. Some things are news related. Yeah. Jonathan, how are you? Cody, how are you? I'm doing wonderful. How are you? I'm right i'm i never leave i'm always here inside the show it'll never let you inside the show
Starting point is 00:01:32 yeah this box is there enough room for your baby in there a baby oh right yeah the unsevered me has a baby yeah was that severance reference that show when is that show coming back not for a while a while all right we gotta talk about holidays june 29th hug holiday it's just called hug holiday hug holiday yeah because there is also a national hugging day that's january 21st okay this is really funny because like it's like the note that you see on like a list of ideas like a hug holiday you know uh a food holiday and but they didn't revisit it and try to be like well national hug day or like hug your friend day just not just a hug no but it well apparently it's um about hugging seniors specifically which they should
Starting point is 00:02:31 specify that they should make sorry i don't mean that hung your seniors yeah it should be hug a seniors it is we don't we don't treat our seniors uh very well in this right that was the joke that i was making when i went ew gross but i. But I don't mean it. I love seniors. Senior citizens, senior dogs, seniors at school are usually pretty fun. Not that I hang out with a bunch of high school seniors. Okay. Hugging is good for your health. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:01 It's good for everybody. Releases endorphins. Hugging is good. Hugging, saying hi every day to a stranger on the like outside like if you if you this isn't high holiday this i know i'm just trying to relate to the stupid holiday it's called hug holiday um but yeah hugging is important physical contact uh emotional uh verbal communication with people you may or may not know is uh helps your uh mental health as well go say hi to somebody just as you walk and hug them you don't have to know them just hug them
Starting point is 00:03:31 say hi especially if they're old if they're old just bring them in tight and just say hug holiday yeah that's it hug them tight and say hug holiday say oh god June 30th international asteroid day yes finally it's kind of cool wait for this created in 2014 by Stephen Hawking good for him and Brian May from Queen who'll be an astrophysicist indeed no i'll be i mean that doesn't seem likely in my in this lifetime why not you can or timeline go for it well i'm not i've absolutely no interest in it it's oh well then there's your problem it's like what are you talking about go ahead go for it space is really cool uh but yeah if you have no interest that that's an obstacle brian may was studying astrophysics and then in the 70s queen blew up so he put his studies on hold and then when there was a break in the action he went back and finished it up and now he's both
Starting point is 00:04:41 brian may from queen and an astrophysicist who's starting holidays. International holidays. International holidays. Can we get him on the show, Jonathan? To ask him about Queen or astrophysics or the news? All of it. All of it. Or the news.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I mean, I can reach out. I don't know what his politics are, but I'm sure it will be an interesting conversation. Space-wise, at least. It doesn't matter. I just want an interesting conversation. So you guys are good. What did you do today? I'm excellent.
Starting point is 00:05:09 What did I do today? Yeah. I got up. I took my dog for a walk and ate food, had some coffee, prepared for this. I played a little bit of Tears of the Kingdom. prepared for this i played a little bit of tears of the kingdom just a little bit to get my get the blood flowing you know get the get the old brain box juiced and ready to go the reason i the listeners don't know why i went uh and that's because i really can't wait to play the game and i'm just not doing it until i know i have some time to like sit down and dig in.
Starting point is 00:05:46 So Cody has been gloating. Cody has been like holding up his switch to the camera and gloating about the verandas he's on. And I was merely demonstrating the beautiful landscapes and delightful puzzles. Spoiling shrines for me. I didn't spoil anything. I merely said the shrines are good. I can't believe you spoiled. I'm sorry. The shrines are good i can't believe you spoiled i'm sorry shrines are good spoilers the game is very very good shrines are fun well that's cute and fun for you guys thank you okay you might enjoy you might enjoy zelda game you
Starting point is 00:06:17 might have a little fun how are you doing what do you do today i'm fine what am? What did you do today? I'm fine. What have I? A lot. You did yard work? I have been doing yard work. I took Benny for a good walk, went to the coffee shop. Yeah, I watered everything, which is no small feat. It's about to get pretty warm here. And I've been raking and clearing debris. I had so much to do. I thought I'd done a lot of it, but I hadn't done enough. And it's a lot of work.
Starting point is 00:06:48 So I did that. I'm filthy. That's exciting. Prepped for this. Did some laundry. Made sun tea. Danced around the house. That's right.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Before we started recording. That's the ritual. I checked out my peppers. They're doing amazingly. I can't wait to eat them. Oh, that's great. Got some banana peppers and shishito peppers really coming in. They're doing amazingly. I can't wait to eat them. Oh, that's great. Got some banana peppers and shishito peppers really coming in. They're looking good.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Coming in hot. They are coming in hot. The Johnston house. Boy, I guess we should talk about asteroids. After these ads. Oh. Hi, chuckleheads. Are you ready to laugh?
Starting point is 00:07:24 This is the Ha Ha House, after all. But if you're not ready to laugh, especially at ads with detailed setups and brilliant specifics, you may want to go to the internet's very own website, slash some more news. If you support us through that website, you can get every episode of this podcast ad-free and every episode of Some More News early ad-free and uncensored to hear us say things like, fuck, anus, jackfruit, things of that nature. Fuck fruit. get occasional episodes of our Patreon exclusive podcast, even more cues, the scripts
Starting point is 00:08:06 from every Some More News episode, and even virtual hangouts with us, Katie and Cody, and the writers and the crew of the show. That's right, we don't just make all this stuff ourselves, though we do record everything in the basement of Temecula,
Starting point is 00:08:22 California's world-famous Ha Ha House, until the landlords find us, which they won't. No matter how loud we are. slash some more news. slash some more news. And we're back from no ads or an ad for Patreon. We don't know. It's up to our editor, Quincy, to decide what you just listened to.
Starting point is 00:08:51 But the important thing is the courts, folks, they're not just for hooping. Some courts are for legal ease and making widespread decisions that affect the nation all across this great nation. I did not prepare to introduce this part, but we are, as listeners have discovered from this sentence, talking about the Supreme Court. That was so well done. Anybody else want to join in? Not really. Oh, boy. I can tell you guys what happened at the Supreme Court today.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yeah, walk us through it. The Supreme Court this morning struck down race-based admissions at universities, six to three, pretty much ensuring that elite universities will have more white and Asian people and fewer black and Latino students. Chief Justice John Roberts, in writing about this case, kind of wanted to have it both ways or seem like he was not shutting down things as much as he was. So on the one hand, he said affirmative action, quote, unavoidably employs race in a negative manner and involves racial stereotyping in a way that violates the Constitution. But he also wrote that applicants can still talk about their race in application essays, for example, things like how their race influenced their identity, how they overcame racial
Starting point is 00:10:20 discrimination, anything like that, and that these stories could be considered for admissions so conservatives are still upset about the ruling even though they got what they wanted because they see this as a loophole like how how dare they can write about race allow it yeah in their essays that harvard could consider that when you know could consider that this story helped them grow or this experience shaped them in some way that's such an absurd thing to uh be pissed off about in this situation you won you won the fucking terrible terrible destructive argument or whatever technically speaking according to the supreme court about affirmative action and you would you want to not allow people to talk about their life experiences in their essays uh please that they don't shove it up your butthole whoa that's how i feel about it
Starting point is 00:11:19 but then clean your butthole with tushy hello Hello, Tushy. Yeah, this is interesting. Roberts does this not infrequently, where he tries to sort of have it a little both ways and be like, yeah, I'm siding with the crew, but also I understand. That's how he sleeps at night. Yeah. I do think it's just such a uh
Starting point is 00:11:45 when people talk about i mean maybe this is just online i don't know but when people talk about this it's so it's such a weird like they're always like well this is like reverse racism it's just racism but like you're racism and it's just any conversation like this seems to just be completely devoid of like of the historical context of like why it exists in the first place and like what it is trying to adjust for and take into account it's as if people wanted like uh like oh like post-civil rights movement basically just like okay well it's done we've done it there's nothing there's nothing that we can do in society to like write these wrongs or uh or even the playing field or make up for for this historical right context i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:12:35 read a quote from katanji brown jackson from her descent she wrote the takeaway is that those who demand that no one think about race a a classic pink elephant paradox, refuse to see, much less solve for, the elephant in the room, the race-linked disparities that continue to impede achievement of our great nation's full potential. Worse still, by insisting that obvious truths be ignored, they prevent our problem-solving institutions from directly addressing the real import and impact of social racism and government imposed racism thereby deterring our collective progression toward becoming a society where race no longer matters and i think that really succinctly makes the point that you know race-linked disparities
Starting point is 00:13:18 are a incontrovertible fact they can't be ignored but you you're making a ruling based on what you think should be true that we're all race blind that no one needs to think about it but until you make that the case in the country you can't make the ruling based on that yeah it's this weird like sort of jumping ahead that i like so many at least in the discourse, people seem to do where it's like, well, yeah, like I'm I'm racism matter. I'm colorblind. It doesn't like it's fine. We're all like, you know, this like MLK said, you know, but it's like, well, you can't skip to that part. It's fine that you individually feel like you have.
Starting point is 00:14:02 But if we're not going to address them them then there's no way like you can't get to that point if you don't address it but i guess i guess it's done i guess we took care of it back in i think it was 2003 there was this affirmative action case and i don't know all the ins and outs of the case but part of it was that they were going to let affirmative action continue the justices but they decided look at some point in the future it won't be necessary anymore right once we fix racism and they settled on 25 years as like a decent benchmark and so brett kavanaugh wrote about this and he's like well this decision that we're making today is consistent with that because by the time next year's freshmen graduate it'll be 2028 and thus that the 25 years is up and we can still it's very confusing assume
Starting point is 00:14:55 that we will have solved racism in the united states in less than five years from now yeah that's such a well because like it's like calling your shot and then like not really assessing if like it actually went there like you call your call your shot and then you hit the ball and then you like look away like we did it all right i obviously agree with you both completely i feel very frustrated by this wasn't a surprise i guess people have been talking about it but it does feel so obvious why it's affirmative action is so important it feels frustrating to have to sit here and talk about it and try to explain it or have conversations with people i'm not looking forward to uh conversations with people about affirmative action but i'm fired up
Starting point is 00:15:42 for it up here that's fun because i'm sure that people are going to want to talk about this and i'm just thinking there's so many people out there right now who are like oh if this ruling was in place when i applied to harvard i would have gotten in you know some some white person who's like oh my spot was given to someone else well also like the thing is like so many of those people who do get in or like it's all like just legacy folks it's not even like you're like you're like some person like oh i didn't get into harvard because uh some person of color got instead i mean no no you didn't get into harvard because you're some like son of some legacy graduate like donated some fucking wing or whatever you know yeah 25 to 35 percent of admitted students at ivy league schools
Starting point is 00:16:26 come from a family with legacy status it's ridiculous but supreme supreme court's not taking up that yeah well that's not racism or sexism or reverse racism or sexism or like i guess like moneyism it's just the things get framed become and start to feel like a competition that because someone else is given something that means that you are losing something and that's not how it works and that's not what it is it just isn't and of course you know clarence thomas benefit of affirmative action is that correct that's what people have been saying. I mean, Sotomayor talked about how she was a beneficiary of affirmative action. Yeah. In 1971, Justice Thomas was admitted to Yale's law school as part of the affirmative action practice, according to PBS, which reported that the school wanted 10% of its incoming class
Starting point is 00:17:21 that year to be students of color. How about that? He should be removed from the Supreme Court then. He's there unfairly. Yeah, it seems that that was racist. You know, it would honestly be racist as hell to remove Clarence Thomas for that and not all the other corrupt shit he's done. Like, yeah. If Clarence Thomas gets thrown off the Supreme Court
Starting point is 00:17:48 for just some, like, dumb racist bullshit instead of being a corrupt asshole. As, like, a gotcha, where it's like, ah, we got him. It's like, by your logic, I'll be racist. Like, all right. I'm not actually suggesting we do that, but other reasons for sure.
Starting point is 00:18:05 There was some not-so-bad news from the Supreme Court, though, as well this week. That's true. The court rejected independent state legislature theory six to three. John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett joined the liberals to say that state legislatures don't get to set whatever election laws they want state legislatures can be checked by state courts the same as in every other respect uh this is very good conservatives were going to use that ruling to gerrymander states so that democrats could never win and potentially argue that state legislatures can throw out election results that they don't like which
Starting point is 00:18:46 they frequently don't they frequently don't like it and they frequently say that and they frequently try to throw them out so uh yeah that's uh that's pretty good news i don't know if we have to be like you gotta hand it to amy and brett but like that's good yeah no this is good this feels like bare minimum stuff though like you know uh yeah it's every once in a while they get one um and they get it right and it's sort of uh clear maybe they do have some small light bubbling reservations about the way some people more vocal people in their party are acting and things they're doing. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Or maybe. Maybe that was like, this is one we can give them. Maybe they had an off day. Maybe they just all had headaches and weren't sure what they were doing. But they also recently upheld the Native American adoption law. Yeah, they sure did. Which was also good. So yeah, they sneak in every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:19:45 A little thumbs up to the rest of the nation. I read that they strategically do this. They release some of the good news ones for the libs to get some positive press before hitting hammer comes down. We're getting rid of affirmative action. And oh, by the way, next
Starting point is 00:20:01 week, that $10,000 or $20,000 you thought you were getting knocked off your student loan that's not happening that'll be interesting you hope that the messaging turns into like look at what the republicans are making you do yeah for a bunch of people who are unelected politicians essentially it doesn't seem like they're making a great case for 2024 like once a month they do something that's like this is the case you want to make joe biden wanted to give you ten thousand dollars and these guys want to take it away they're making you yeah exactly um i mean we've been saying for so long it's like the like with the student loan thing especially where it's like
Starting point is 00:20:39 no one it's been they've been paused for so long nobody wants to be the person to say you gotta start doing it again and maybe a little extra um and it's gonna be a big blame game i'm sure trump will like lie about biden made you he made you made you get paid back i would i don't want you to but he's making you do it he'll twist it around for sure but that does make sense that they would uh the supreme court would be doing that just sort of like slip in a couple no like all right they're gonna like this they're gonna like this this we can handle and then the yeah the nasty stuff come down the pipeline shall we move on to something else i think we shall let's have a little fun with some Jesse Waters.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Yeah, I don't want to give this guy too much attention because he's going to get it anyway. And so much of the Tuckerverse is popular, partly because obviously the things he says resonate with a certain group of people, but also because everyone is constantly writing articles and complaining about, look what Tucker said. Look, we got to get Tucker off the air, we got to get Tucker off the air. We got to get Tucker off the air.
Starting point is 00:21:47 And who knew that all it took was somebody at Fox News getting Tucker off the air. But it seems as though the replacement for Tucker Carlson, who is no longer at Fox News, but rather simply a poster on I believe his shows are still widescreen for some reason his 10 minute episodes of tucker twitter but he has been replaced by drumroll jesse waters so i'll give a little background on jesse waters if you forgot he started or he got his start uh on tv doing on Bill O'Reilly's old show in the mid 2010s. His most famous slash controversial segment was this racist segment he did from Chinatown, New York City's Chinatown in 2016, where he just trotted out a bunch of Chinese stereotypes, made fun of people for not speaking English, made Karate Kid references, stuff like that. And then when he was called out on this, this was back in 2016, he said,
Starting point is 00:22:52 My man on the street interviews are meant to be taken as tongue-in-cheek, and I regret if anyone found offense. And then, as a political humorist, the Chinatown segment was intended to be a light piece as all waters world segments are he has made a bunch of you know he's on fox bunch of false statements bunch of lies bunch of uh uh racist sexist stuff and i have put together a little super cut of some recent clips oh have you i would love to watch this jon Jonathan, you go above and beyond. I find, obviously, Tucker Carlson is very effective and obnoxious fascist propagandist, and
Starting point is 00:23:32 Jesse Waters is definitely the guy who's trying to do that. But I find him weirdly more distasteful. I think he's like... Than Tucker? A little bit. I think he's more obnoxious generally, but also I think he's he's less of like he believes it less, but he knows he needs to go harder in a way. And he's kind of like he just seems very kind of like a dumb guy in a way.
Starting point is 00:23:58 But like he says things. I don't know. I can't even articulate why. But yeah, more of a, you know, a puppet. More of a. Yeah, he's playing the you know, a puppet. More of a. Yeah, he's playing the game even more than Tucker's playing the game, it seems. And some of the stuff he says. Which is better for Fox News because Tucker can have his own agenda versus they want someone who's just going to, you know.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Yeah, and some of the stuff, I'm sure we'll see it in this clip, but like some of the stuff about homelessness, I don't even think Tucker's gone that far. And it really, really, really gross. Yeah. homelessness i don't even think tucker's gone that far and it really is really really gross and yeah i i if he is successful in this time slot um because i also think he's like he's talented at this weird fucking stupid awful thing he does but i don't think he's like necessarily like a talented like charismatic guy so it's hard to tell if it'll be successful but uh i don't look forward to it if he is because some of the stuff he says, particularly about the homeless, is pretty awful. And I don't
Starting point is 00:24:48 want that to go forward. You'll hear in this audio that he will say abhorrent things, but do it with a little smirk as if he's joking so that he can say the horrible thing. Dana, we had a million Americans die from COVID-19
Starting point is 00:25:03 and Joe Biden just brought in a million illegal aliens to take their place. Homelessness isn't about lack of affordable housing. It's about drug addicts that want to wander around and live in tents on the sidewalk. You can't celebrate people with purple hair, with nose rings, four kids with four different men who are dressed like trash. These are people that have failed in life, and they're on their deathbed. And if we're not honest about it, we're never going to fix this problem. What you do is you get a guy.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Everybody has a guy. You get a guy. You meet a tough guy? First, you get a guy, and you pay the guy some cash. The guy walks up in the middle of the night. He lights the house on fire. Hold on a second. Let me finish. We're not letting you finish. This is the analogy that will not apply.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Arson is the move because then you collect the insurance from the fire and then the woman the squatter gets blamed for the fire. Do not listen to this at home. She's dead. You killed her in the fire. If I had children I would want to take care of the paddling myself. Can you paddle female students yeah yeah there's no distinction on the butt right not the hand on the butt it's on the butt and how many smacks do you get so that's wow that's like a tiny little taste um yeah some of that stuff uh he goes on and on i find it weird it's like again it's that thing where like like i'm gonna say the
Starting point is 00:26:25 words that people like so when he's talking about like how homeless people have failed at life or whatever he's like combining all this stuff it's like yeah like they're dressed like trash and they have blue hair and nose rings and also four kids and it's like are you who are you talking about are you talking about like uh like single mothers on like welfare? Are you trying to do that game? Are you talking about like blue haired libs? Because that's another category of person that you're supposed to think is the enemy. They're lumping them all together, lumping them all together.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And it's just so bizarre. And also, again, it's kind of stupid. And it's just really gross. kind of stupid and it's just really gross his contempt for people who like don't look like him and don't aren't like in the same class as him is really really i disgusting um i just have to agree with all of that and it's similar to the conversation we just had about or points that i made with affirmative action this reminds me of lots of conversations i've had around here and it's frustrating um extremely frustrating because yes you're not seeing the humanity or the like we're not going to solve any of these problems
Starting point is 00:27:36 like homelessness you were not going to solve this problem without an honest conversation about what the fuck is happening and it's not just people being drug addicts it's so disingenuous said in that clip yeah well it's disingenuous in like nine different ways because he doesn't actually want this problem to be solved right except if he does his solution is literally just like he wants to like round them up right that is his solution because he is uh the new fascist propagandist in town and when he's talking about it he's talking about these people also like he would use the phrase like they're just people who want to wander the streets and live in tents they want to they want this i'm you know uh some people are fine like living in these like tent cities in these communities like
Starting point is 00:28:25 they're like they're getting by but it's not like they like they love it they want they want this life they want to have in his words failed at life or be addicted to drugs and have these problems that uh either led to their situation or exacerbated their situation um and he doesn't care about them he just wants them to be out of his sight uh via rounding them up and putting them somewhere else preferably somewhere out of his line of sight and he doesn't he and where his party and he and his entire little group are headed which is claiming that the left their libs are like authoritarian because of affirmative action or because of universal health care or whatever but also we
Starting point is 00:29:21 need to use the power of the state to round up these people and put them away uh he is he has no problem with uh an authoritarian government if it involves uh harming marginalized groups or rounding people up or even like he's like suggesting tongue-in-cheek it's just a joke suggesting we like burn down places to get rid of these people he's not really joking um and what he's suggesting is illegal uh and fucked up uh but he has no problem with that yes it's murder um but he has no problem with that uh he has no problem with laws being broken if it is in service of getting rid of people he finds undesirable or unappealing in any way and it's
Starting point is 00:30:07 really fucked up and it seems like that is kind of his bread and butter now like there are a lot of clips of him talking like that and again like even Tucker I don't feel like even he would couch it in. Sorry go ahead. I would like to think that that's a lot of big talk for what he theoretically
Starting point is 00:30:24 thinks you know and making jokes however however it isn't to a lot of people that watch and so while people might think like yeah that's what they should get but most people don't uh actually follow through with behavior such as that we know for a fact that there are people who actually will follow through on something like that so that's the danger just you know like i don't think that i'm not going to assume that he would actually want to kill somebody maybe but he's certainly saying things that will inspire other people who do yeah and he knows that too um there's no way he doesn't know that, like, well, you know, I'm saying all this stuff. I'm not going to do it, but somebody might. And he's okay with that. He wouldn't necessarily do it himself, because obviously he doesn't want to. But he would be fine with other people doing it because he talks about it all the time. And he would be fine with, again again the rounding up of them we know what the consequences are when you say the deranged and dangerous homeless as he did right when you say the homeless have become
Starting point is 00:31:32 an invasive species as he did when that kind of language is used it's very similar to the language used against plenty of other communities that have then seen violence as a result exactly um and it's uh it's all this it's this mix um of all of that like that you know uh the degenerates or these people who failed at life or uh uh to borrow a phrase from the nazis uh useless eaters um people with disabilities uh all all kinds of groups of marginalized people. They're all just sort of lumped in as this, again, like this one enemy, right? It's their blue hair and they're like, they've got four kids and they're homeless, too. And all these sort of just general feelings of undesirable people that they would like
Starting point is 00:32:20 to have removed. And that is at the core of all of this is removing people um even like trump and this is not the same thing but it's slightly related he was like doing some speech and he was like yeah we're gonna ban uh all communists from entering the country and we gotta do a law to get rid of them here i don't know what we're gonna do with the communists that are here but we gotta start a law to get rid of them too um and like like socialists and communists and all this like he uh he's all he's just sort of absorbed all these things from over the years uh from like people fox news and newsmax and his base and he's sort of leading the charge on that and then i don't know
Starting point is 00:32:59 it's all lumped together it's all it all is it's just bad because the kind of thing you we saw like in 2016 you know there's that element of trump where it's like oh i guess people are saying stuff like this now i guess it's okay for people to say stuff like this and that sort of opened the door in a way but then that group of people went even farther and then that bolstered him and then he sort of absorbed some of the things he they were saying and now he's saying those things that open the door even more it's this weird oh yeah feedback loop it's a feedback loop i have a this is more from the being an anchor at fox news business angle question but this is now a cycle where whoever their hot shot guy is sticks around for a while until they're suitably accused of harassment or they have a hostile work environment
Starting point is 00:33:54 right bill o'reilly and it happened tucker carlson does jesse waters think well i'll just do this gig for six seven years make as much money as possible until it happens to me or is he like no i'm different fox news needs me i'm gonna be the guy i'm here for 30 years i'm sure they let people think that they probably let people think that but i i don't even i don't even know if this thing that far ahead right he's just like i got the gig i got the spot because also like he's done and said like creepy things before uh what he like faked like uh he like didn't he slash his like current wife's tires to like get her to date him or something like that there's some something he did to her car to as like some weird creepy move to to get her attention well let's look this up yeah. Jesse Waters jokes about flattening his future wife's tires so he could drive her home.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Yeah. See, it's not a joke, though, is the thing, right? He says these things. No, like it's one of those things where he's like, no, I'm the provocateur. You know, I thought Gutfeld was the provocateur. They got two of them now. Yeah, no, it's it's it's's absurd on his face it's like very obvious what's going on he says these things and then the reaction sort of dictates whether how hard he'll
Starting point is 00:35:12 go in on it was a joke i was joking is i'm just uh having a goof and i do think that they're like yeah he's gonna be there for however many years and then i i also don't know i i want to clarify because earlier i was like even tucker didn't say this tucker's scum um and he'll say he's awful he says a lot and i i was just sort of and maybe i'm wrong i haven't seen even seen all the clips uh i don't watch tucker religiously but from what i've gathered even when he talks about like the homeless population he will couch it in this sort of like and i'm concerned about like the drug use and stuff we got to do something but then he'll also like add this other language like oh you want them to fucking die like it's clear his what he wants as well but he does
Starting point is 00:35:56 have this sort of like soft offer uh amidst those things where he's like but also i'm concerned about them and uh i'm not even saying that that's worse or or better than what jesse does because i think there is something to say about how it is it's almost like more effective if you can say these awful things and then have like a little soft like oh but i care about them to make people seem like you're actually reasonable right people are watching like oh but he cares about them so it's okay that i want them to be rounded up and put somewhere so there is i think a a damage and a danger to the way that tucker did that but at the same time the way jesse talks about it seems like he's like all in he doesn't even try or care about having like and we care about them
Starting point is 00:36:40 he's not pretending at all and so i wonder wonder if that is either going to accelerate that sort of rhetoric to an even more dangerous point or be so obvious that it'll turn people off. Because I do think there is like there is a less talent like Jesse Waters, a little less talented and smart at this kind of thing. So I wonder if by putting him in the spotlight and having him like, this is the Jesse Waters show. It's the Tucker, the new Tucker. Everybody's watching and it's him for an hour. I wonder if he's just not going to be as good at the quote unquote game.
Starting point is 00:37:16 So people will sort of see it, all this for what it really is more obviously, but I don't know. We'll find out. He's also a super nepo baby of course he is his grandfather published better homes and gardens magazine and his great grandfather was the publisher of the saturday evening post bro so like unfathomable money not normal fucking that is like a requirement for these freaks jesus christ jesse from swanson to yeah better home and garden i guess god of course and that again that and that's like yeah of course he fucking hates the homeless his great great grandfather was a colorado supreme court justice okay jesse
Starting point is 00:38:07 like i keep clicking on wikipedia to see when the lineage stops having it won't new wikipedia page hey guys don't discriminate against him just because of his family that's a good point you're so judgmental yeah that was fun yeah let's do one more thing before we wrap this up. Did you want to? Did we want to listen to some Trump stuff? Do we want to? Donald Trump? Donald Trump?
Starting point is 00:38:35 President? Former president. Is there more? Is there? Did he do something? Was it good? Did he do something that was good? I mean, I've got a little cut of the
Starting point is 00:38:46 audio of him admitting to a bunch of felonies. I love listening to him admit to felonies. That does sound like a fun little treat. This is all stuff we knew, but now we have the audio. Maybe it's AI. Well, with Millie, let me see that.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I'll show you an example. He said that I wanted to attack Iran. Isn't it amazing? I have a big pile of papers. This thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this. This is off the record, but they presented me this. This was him. This was the defense department and him this totally wins my case you know except it is like highly confidential secret there's a secret information see as president i could have been less now i can't you know but this is there it is oh my sweet sweet man uh side side note i that the clip i saw ended with uh him admitting to these crimes and talking about the crimes and going uh could you bring some cokes in for us it was beautiful it's so funny and it ends with him requesting a bunch of cokes to be brought in and giuliani's like yes sir
Starting point is 00:39:59 yes sir yes sir yes sir god we didn't we've never we haven't talked about the giuliani stuff on this podcast but that is folks go check it out he is a fucked up man i have it in a previous doc here where like i wrote out all the disgusting things awful just horrific things he said to that poor woman yeah we don't need to talk about that i didn't even need to bring it up i'm sorry um the here do you think he'll uh say that it was fine for him to say these things well he's saying now that that those documents weren't the documents he's saying i was he said it was bravado i was just holding papers the stuff i had lying around i uh why would he say that in your bathroom says did i use the word plans what i'm referring to is magazines newspapers plans of buildings i
Starting point is 00:40:52 had plans of buildings you know building plans what come on i love this stupid awful guy uh no i don't that's so funny is that gonna work it's so it's it's gonna work usually does with him well yeah because like and we've talked about this sort of um to do in an episode uh in the future like sort of like the anatomy and like the evolution of like a trump claim of like a lie right we're like oh he here's here's the what the evidence shows and then he's like well no that didn't happen i didn't do that like well okay but here's like the evidence of you actually saying it's like well i was saying this actually and then a little more information comes out i was like okay well i wasn't saying that i was doing it was this actually and then he finally lands on like ah that's that's enough that's
Starting point is 00:41:45 enough of a lie and then whoever like is in his base like they gobble it up and then they just parrot it and it's just interesting to see like there will be people being like you oh you're gonna uh you're gonna arrest him for sharing magazines with people for sure like they're just gonna say that they're gonna say he was looking at plans building plans it's buildings i had documents of buildings and magazines he was holding up a better homes and gardens he swiped yeah exactly ah the waters empire better homes yeah there we go i had plans of a golf course what bro you were the president are there like because when I picture blueprints, I picture them, like, very detailed from a building. And big.
Starting point is 00:42:30 I mean, I guess golf courses have plans, but not, like, blueprints. Like, it's just a big space. Here's what it looks like. Sand trap here. One assumes. Grass. No, but it would be huge. It's not something that you confuse with other types of papers.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Blueprints are like printed big. But also, how possibly could a magazine or plans for a golf course exonerate you from the claim that you wanted to attack Iran? And this was a secret document that was classified that proves that millie was wrong is that did he explain that connection i i assumed i guess i gave trump the benefit of the doubt here because those two clips were played separately and i just mashed them together i so i just assumed like oh this must have been he must have been talking about being exonerated from something else but he's he's talking about the how he's going to go to jail for the documents and then he waves around
Starting point is 00:43:34 the documents and he's like well this totally absolves me and they're secret and classified i could have i could have unclassified them when i was a president but i'm not anymore so i can't I could have unclassified them when I was president but I'm not anymore so I can't classify golf course plans what are you talking about it's absurd oh what a guy good luck to him
Starting point is 00:43:53 yeah best wishes all the best I'm sorting out this mess he's only beating DeSantis by like 35 points oh only sometimes I forget that DeSantis by like 35 points. Oh, only. Sometimes I forget that DeSantis is even running still.
Starting point is 00:44:11 He's just like, he's not. They're not sending their best. Okay, well, I'm calling it for today. I am. I'm calling it. Call it. I call it. Call it.
Starting point is 00:44:23 A good show. Hug day. I call it. Hug day. I call it i call it call it a good show hug day i call it hug day i call it what was the other one asteroid day hug holiday holiday but you know what mostly i just want to tell you guys that we love you very much much

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