Some More News - Texas' Reproductive Cruelty, Ben's Complaints, And EVEN MORE Economic Vibes

Episode Date: December 15, 2023

Hi. Tom Reimann (@startthemachine) joins Katy and Cody to discuss the case of Kate Cox in Texas, the House Republicans' vote to open an official impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, Ben Dreyfuss's dema...nds that the LEFT be nicer to him when informing him about genocide, and why the economic vibes (still) feel off. Go to to stay fully informed. Subscribe through our link for as little as $1 a month or get 40% off unlimited access this month only. Knock out your holiday shopping today and get 20% off your first order, plus free shipping, at MeUndies — comfort from the outside in. This December, get Factor and enjoy eating well without the hassle. Head to and use code morenews50 to get 50% off. Shopify POS is your command center for your retail store. Sign up for a $1/month trial period at, all lowercase, to take you r retail business to the next level today. Check out our MERCH STORE: SUBSCRIBE to SOME MORE NEWS: Subscribe to the Even More News and SMN audio podcasts here: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Follow us on social media:Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to even more news the first and only news podcast my name is katie stole welcome back katie stole thank you i'm cody hi you're my last name is johnson i am also the news show person you are that is a fact also a fact we've got a great guest today where are they they're right where did they go where did they cancel is that why i'm here where did they cancel is that why i'm here get out of here it's tom ryman comedian podcaster some more news writer friend tom ryman thanks thanks friends it's it's really great to be here thank you it's great to have you here you're welcome and also thank youra Klein canceled, so what are you going to do? Yeah. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:01:07 We'll get him someday. It's tough out there. Yeah, it's the holidays. Busy schedule. Busy schedule. Everyone's getting their holiday pods in. Speaking of holiday pods, ooh, seamless transition. We've got holidays.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yes, we do. December 14th, National Biscuits and Gravy Day. Okay. Oh, hell yeah. I celebrate that accidentally just several times a month. Do you? Did you celebrate it today? I didn't today, but biscuits and gravy is my go-to brunch item.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Wow. Okay. That's good to know about you. I never knew that about you. I wouldn't have guessed that about you. I'm not shocked. It's not weird, but I just didn't know. It would be weird It's not weird, but it'd be weird if you had to guess. It would be weird if I had to guess.
Starting point is 00:01:49 But if I had to guess, I would always go with a standard eggs of some sort. They're usually in the orbit somewhere. Sure. Yeah. You got to have some protein. Get some eggs up in there. Get some eggs up in there. I don't like to think too closely about what eggs are.
Starting point is 00:02:04 That's all I'll say. It really falls apart where you're like mixing up your scrambled eggs and they're smothered and covered and stuff. You're like, this looks nice. And you're like, this is membrane. This is membrane. Is this a period? I think it is.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I'm just eating it. I'm eating it like a starving coyote. I don't want to think about it anymore because that is a bedrock of my diet. Sorry. No, no. I brought it up. I just like Jonathan's note here. I love a simple food holiday.
Starting point is 00:02:35 This one is about eating biscuits and gravy. Simple. Sometimes I dig into the 10,000 year history of National Fruit Loops Day, but this one. You don't gotta. It's perfect. No, straightforward. Yeah. Simple kind of man.
Starting point is 00:02:53 This is the kind of breakfast that really ruins your day, though. Potentially. Biscuits and gravy? Doesn't it like sit like a brick in your tummy? Well, if you do it wrong, it i think you can't have more than two biscuits like it's got to be two biscuits and then if you have like three or more then you're really rolling the dice you're eating too much you're eating too much breakfast at that point yeah right dial it back a bit yeah that's just a food problem that's not a biscuit and gravy
Starting point is 00:03:20 crop problem yeah that's a portion control okay all right i take your word for it what else we got december 15th national wear your pearls day uh okay i read that as where you're i don't know they certainly clutch them a lot does she loves wearing them okay so this one was created by motivational speaker deanna bookert who struggled with depression and says she wears pearls, quote, as a reminder that I have purpose and value. So wear your pearls day is about reminding yourself that you have value regardless of what you may be going on in your life. Okay. Okay. I get like, I've heard that a version of that advice before where it's like,
Starting point is 00:04:05 just wear nice clothes. One, just no reason, just dress nicely. And it like improves your, and it's like a, it's a weird little life hack that actually does improve your mood slightly for just like,
Starting point is 00:04:14 I'm just going to like iron my shirt today or something like, so I get like the, the vibe of it. I get, yeah, I guess the vibe. Yeah. I love talking about the intent of it i guess the intent
Starting point is 00:04:27 yeah i get the intent you're you have value without your pearls it's okay yes but i yeah i'm a big advocate of you put in a little effort when you're feeling low or whatever you put in the amount of effort that you have energy for and you to feel your best when you go out but especially if you're feeling low all of that i really leaned into that in pandemic lockdown era i'm not going anywhere but i'm just gonna dress up for the hell of it and remind myself of what this feels like and like take care of myself and i felt that was very helpful i don't love wear your pearls, though. That's just the title, but it's a little bit like,
Starting point is 00:05:08 as you mentioned, do people own pearls? This is certainly not a thing that people own pearls, but I'm not out shopping for pearls, but wear whatever, but interpret it
Starting point is 00:05:16 as a pearl however you want. Sorry, go ahead. As I said, pearls feel like a generational thing, right? Like fine china? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:23 A little bit, where it's just like, it's not like a status symbol really anymore. To honest if i was to wear my pearls i'd feel like a grandma so i'll wear a gold chain thank you some but you're right that is hoops that is kind of that's like the uh that's like the joke right i don't know i guess that's like i feel like that's almost more of the association now it's like pearls are a thing old ladies wear. I don't know. Well, because they are.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Yeah, right. And then you clutch them. They gotta clutch something. It's like my mom has pearls. Not that my mom's an old lady, but she is 78. Yeah, I'm sorry. I maybe shouldn't have said that. No, I'm offended.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I'm offended about the reality of the passage of time. It marches on. Tom, how the heck are you? What's going on? You got holiday plans other than wearing your pearls and eating biscuits and gravy? You want me to answer that honestly? I'm fine. Yeah, we support honest answers.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I like the fine. It's been a difficult year. It's been a difficult year, but it's, we're coming to the end of it and we're doing okay. We're doing okay. You know? Okay. Not planning any major trips. I think our big thing is we're going to go down south to my mother's house. My mother passed away at the beginning of this year.
Starting point is 00:06:40 So we're going to spend like one last kind of Christmas in that house with all the family around there before like we're going to sell it after that. it oh that's nice because it's it's down yeah it's yeah it's gonna be nice it's gonna be nice it's gonna be nice it's gonna be hard it's gonna be cathartic it's gonna be lots of things all at once and it'll be beautiful but painful yeah it's it's she she would do guest she was a pastor and would do guest sermons at the church down there and because it's a small town in florida where a lot of my family has lived my whole life i was actually baptized in this church so they're doing a special and her funeral was in this church so they're doing like a special christmas eve thing where they're gonna to play partially in remembrance of her.
Starting point is 00:07:26 So we're going to get to be there for that in the church that I was baptized in. So it's going to be like. That's really beautiful. Yeah, it's going to be all the things you said. It's going to hurt like hell, but I think it'll be nice. So anyway, there's my honest answer to that question. I really appreciate your honest answer i am also somebody that i i also don't see the point in pretending not that's a problem in our society where we have to pretend like we're not going through all the things that
Starting point is 00:07:52 we're going through yeah and i get it we're all trained to like i don't want to burden people with what i'm going through so yeah but i personally when I when someone is honest, then I feel safe to be honest as well. And this is the whole point of life. Yeah. Well, sorry. Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry. I was just literally what you saw was me was like, do I let this go?
Starting point is 00:08:18 I have more things to say, but this is a news podcast. No, no no no it's just i always when you look back on this in a couple years the beauty will be more powerful than the pain exactly exactly that is what i want to say but it's going to take a that's so nice take a bit to get there. Yeah, I agree. I have found that to be true myself as well. Okay, well, we're going to... Sorry to be the John Candy in planes, trains, and automobiles. Oh, never, ever apologize for that. Ever.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Okay, so we're going to... Well, you know what? We're going to hear a couple ads real quick, and then we'll be back to talk about the news. Yeah. Not even more news because we didn't talk about the news yet. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 00:09:12 And then the second ad break, it'll be for even more news. Exactly. Exactly. Right. So we're on the same page. We're on a journey to even more news. I like ads. Ads.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Now. Advertisements. Hello, dear. Cody here to talk about Ground News. It's a website with the three W's and everything. But you got to type in those HTTPs as well, I bet. Oh, the letters we must type during our days. And what it does is aggregate all the news stories about a particular topic,
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Starting point is 00:10:18 If I search his name on ground news, I get the full gamut of headlines labeling him as everything from a controversial figure to a war criminal. Also nothing about the actual boat accident, which is weird, but you know, nobody's perfect. But you, my lover, can see what a great tool Ground News can be, and you can check them out at You can subscribe for as little as $1 a month or get 30% off unlimited access through our link this month only. What they're doing is more important today than ever, my love, and I encourage you to check them out, my love.
Starting point is 00:10:49 The link, my love, is in the description, my sweet love. That window! It's Worldwide Window. Whew, that was bothering me, my love. Hey there! Shush! Shush up and stay put! I want to talk to you about MeUndies and how they are the perfect holiday gift for everyone on your list, including yourself. As in, myself. Me. I deserve them! I've been great this year! I won that race against that kid and dug a bunch of neat holes in my yard. Listen, just shush, okay?
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Starting point is 00:12:16 plus free shipping at slash more news. That's slash more news for 20% off plus free shipping. Meundies, comfort from the outside in. And we are back as promised from those advertisements. As foretold. As foretold by us moments ago. As the ancient texts proclaimed.
Starting point is 00:12:50 as the ancient texts proclaimed so we're gonna kick things off by uh talking about abortion in texas you know a nice statistically the best place to talk about it statistically um jonathan why don't you set this up for us yeah the uh texas supreme court said that a pregnant woman named kate cox could not legally get an abortion in the state, even though doctors said her fetus at about 20 weeks had a condition called trisomy 18 that almost always results in miscarriage and could potentially impact her health as well. A lower court had ruled that she could get an abortion, but the justices reversed it and said that Cox's doctor did not adequately show that her health would have been in danger in a way required by the abortion ban in Texas. By the time this ruling came out, Cox's lawyer said she had already left the state to get an abortion. Yeah, I will hop in here.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I listened to the Daily episode speaking with her, and it is so horrifying. I don't mean to laugh. I just want to lay out how just brutal this process is. to laugh. I just want to lay out how just brutal this process is. This is a woman that has two young children that wants more children, that wants this baby. This baby will not live. If she was to carry this child, there would be severe risk that she would not be able to get pregnant in the future, that she would not be able to conceive, that she would have something dramatic happen to her that would impede her ability to take care of her children or work to be able to provide for her current children. And again, while just unpacking
Starting point is 00:14:40 for herself the immense pain of the fact that this baby she desperately wants isn't going to live, is not viable. And then have it become this national story as well, the stress of that. She wasn't speaking to that, but this is something that I couldn't begin to wrap my mind around how this feels to need to be, in addition to your body is physically being very pregnant, people stopping her on the street to say, when are you due? As she's wrangling her young children and unpacking her own grief, needing to go repeatedly into a court to different doctors to try to convince them that she's in a dire situation. It makes me physically sick to think about she's
Starting point is 00:15:27 lucky enough quote-unquote lucky enough to be able to leave the state to get treatment elsewhere most people don't you know I she said this one thing, you know, she loves her state. She loves Texas. And she's obviously been aware of the changes around these laws. But, you know, she has a full life. She has her own children. She always thought that it wouldn't possibly mean situations like this. And she was left without recourse. There's a couple of things i just i had
Starting point is 00:16:06 read this on npr and the article was 23 hours ago as of as of this recording so this may not be correct or it may have been uh since uh updated but it said that ken paxton himself immediately appealed the case to the texas supreme court which that's like a huge overstep isn't it because it's like the attorney general intervening on some, a lower court made a decision. He immediately appeals it because he personally feels that it's wrong and then sends it to the state Supreme Court to overturn it. And she also had to get, it wasn't just that, like, they had to seek a legal exception for her, her husband and the doctors as if what I read was correct. So it wasn't just that she had to seek a legal exception for her her husband and the doctors as as if what i read was
Starting point is 00:16:47 correct so it wasn't just that she had to get it was everybody in the orbit they have to like convince the state of texas that this is like medically necessary and none of their goddamn business well and that's what's in true interesting, but so fucking ridiculous about all of this is that they don't seem to have a set standard of what medically necessary is. So that's up to the discretion of the individual provider. And now I guess the courts was open ended by design and like, yeah, so it could be free. I mean, that's my conspiracy brain, but that's probably true, right? So it can be interpreted however they want it to. But then it also leads to these situations.
Starting point is 00:17:35 And like last year with the infamous case of the young girl, I think was 10 years old that had to leave the state to get an abortion after she was raped. The law was written open-ended on purpose in all these states and then it leads to these situations because it's so vague so it's like this law helps no one and nothing like it doesn't help anyone like no that this woman who's like who has two kids and is i don't want to say that because that's like... But if anyone was the image of the conservative traditional family,
Starting point is 00:18:11 it's this woman who already has two kids and is married and they're trying to have their third and it's a legitimate medical emergency. We have that on one end of the spectrum. And the other end of the extreme spectrum was that little girl last year where it's like this is an extreme case where a young child was impregnated by sexual assault and this stupid ass law won't help either of those
Starting point is 00:18:31 people so it's like who does this help apart from ken paxton coming in and being like i don't like this personally let's send it to the supreme court it's so nakedly punitive and that's all it does truth is i mean well obviously this has been a winning issue for democrats uh the main reason why we have had gains lately and i guess not trump i guess as well but abortion is not something that people want to give up. Even people that are conservative and are pro-life, I think it's becoming more and more clear, do not mean in this situation. They do not mean that this is—I think that generally speaking, most people are somewhere in the middle. The vast majority of people do not believe in strict, in this kind of punitive approach. Totality, like allow for some exceptions in their mind. But it speaks to how little control we have over, you know, individually in these states. It's just so mind blowing to me. I was reading some reactions from some of the prominent republican candidates or actually the not prominent republican candidates the non-trump ones
Starting point is 00:19:51 and so i read reactions from nikki haley ron de santis and uh vivek ramaswamy and de santis's none of them would say that this is bad what's's happening. They all tried to be like, well, I'm a more compassionate conservative. And Ron DeSantis said, we have to approach these issues with compassion. These are very difficult issues and nobody would wish this to happen on anybody. If you're in that situation as a mother, that's an incredibly difficult thing to have to deal with. how his six-week abortion ban makes it clear that it's not just for one of the exceptions is not just the health of the mother, but fatal fetal abnormalities. So he's trying to be like, you could get an abortion for this in the great state of Florida in my six-week abortion ban.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Hang on. You know what's the earliest they recommend you get an ultrasound to confirm that you're pregnant? It's six weeks. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, before that, how would you even know you're pregnant, to be honest? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Because. They don't care. No. They nakedly don't care. Men don't understand, or men that don't pay attention to the women in their lives uh don't there's no way he hasn't been told this information at this point of course not they don't recommend you know doing anything at that point so very much possible people don't and probable a lot of people don't know that they're pregnant but in this situation yeah she was so far well past that time zone when you find out that your
Starting point is 00:21:29 baby isn't gonna live that your baby's brain and heart aren't developing properly i'd like to also read this the fake quote real quick okay play it if you want oh or that um i feel like actually reading it like a person reading it will make it more clear how unclear it is okay um if that's all right oh it's totally fine it's because so first of all good for vivek for sticking around and i guess pissing on that X face the other day with his mic still on. If anybody caught that. But anyway, also, and nobody I just need to point this out. Nobody pronounces his name correctly. Even people who like him, who love him, like have him on to talk and like, oh, Vivek, I love your campaign.
Starting point is 00:22:21 It's Vivek. He says it rhymes with cake. He's like he makes it crystal clear it's the vague i know so weird nobody it's so weird every time i see a clip or like nikki haley anybody nobody's doing it correctly like it blows my mind he said and he's just like he just lets it go but i'm not gonna die on that hill because I don't like the guy. But it is it's got some Ron DeSantis, DeSantis vibes. DeSantis, exactly. Anyway, here's this quote about this situation from Vivek. What I have what I have said is that this is an issue reserved to the states. And as a U.S. presidential candidate, I have been crystal clear on that. I think a
Starting point is 00:23:02 winning approach for the Republican Party is to say that we need policies at the state level, which I favor. And I believe I'm alone in the Republican Party in publicly favoring need policies that stand for our pro-life view by saying that men bear sexual responsibility for their decisions that give the woman's sole option to make the man responsible for raising a child as the principal financial caretaker so that's what i believe is the republican party's path forward on this issue and i'd love to see the other candidates embrace it you're crystal clear on what the fake what excuse me what's your opinion on what's happening this is purposefully this way i kind of think what he's doing i'm not positive but i think he is dancing around this line of thinking that so many foul men in the mountains have brought up
Starting point is 00:23:59 not so many but a few it's the name of my band it's like a it's like a chapter in fellowship of the ring which is essentially when abortion has come up this idea of well what if that woman wants a woman wants a an abortion but the man doesn't he doesn't have any say he doesn't have any he doesn't get to say no you have to have the baby and i'll take the baby that's not a right that men have i think that he's dancing around that idea here a little bit it seems like that yeah but without saying it because it's so upsetting yeah he's got foul mountain man vibes we're like wannabe foul mountain man vibes you know like um yeah that's definitely like what he's dancing definitely like what he's dancing around like what he's trying to signal but this is gibberish he also was caught off guard because
Starting point is 00:24:51 he probably doesn't know about the kate cox issue specifically and he's like i this isn't a paraphrase but i did cut out a bit in the middle of this where he says i'm at a this is a crypto event and i want to get back to the crypto questions or something um yeah here's the thing for fake when you're the president every event is an event for everything um you can't avoid topics because you're in an event for something else sorry man you want to be the president of the united states yeah yeah um he knows that but like he wants to be on fox i'm at a crypto event is not an excuse to not and like no thing. Yeah, while he says this... He's like, what are you doing at a crypto?
Starting point is 00:25:29 If anything, it's like, well, that's a problem. He's standing in front of a big backdrop that says stand with crypto and the symbol is just like a blue shield. God. What? I don't know. That's the perfect visual component for what he said. All my blue shield's gone. Rich men should be able to claim babies from pregnant women is basically what he said.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Yeah, it's all, exactly. This is all just like, it's all just gobbledygook to not have to say the thing that you know that the votes you're chasing want you to say. I have properly attributed this line of reasoning to some foul people but i i would like to note that i'm sure that that is a really difficult thing for men that maybe that does want to be a father and their partner doesn't like i i can see that that being a difficult thing it doesn't mean that i think that you get the right to you should have worn a condom you could could do all sorts of, you know, like maybe it broke. Discuss with your partner if you want children and so on.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Be clear, like a better approach to sexual health and awareness and sexuality in general. Don't make people terrified of having these conversations. We could probably avoid some of that but i i will acknowledge and there's a good i'm sure that there are some listeners who have been in that it's a sympathetic position but that natural conclusion is not therefore my will supersedes yours supersedes yours and now your body has to go through this for nine months. And then the year afterwards of or year or more of trying to regain your own balance and hormonal balance and your physical well-being and all of that. So not to mention the price.
Starting point is 00:27:20 So I anyway. Yeah, there's so many. Point made. And possible health complications, everything. Yeah, there's so many point made and possible health complications, everything. Yeah. I mean, everybody that I know, that's how children just stresses how this is not something to be done lightly. Their lives are completely turned upside down. You have to want that child.
Starting point is 00:27:35 You have to want to, you know, put your body through it. You have to want you have to be able to. Anyway, I got preaching to the choir here any last thoughts on this topic oh no yeah it's crap i mean just i think two weeks ago there was that case of that woman who was being prosecuted for abuse of a corpse because she had a miscarriage and flushed the stillborn fetus down the toilet it's again it's another thing to add to that list of who is this helping it's not helping anyone it's purely punitive it's another thing to add to that list of who is this helping? It's not helping anyone. It's purely punitive.
Starting point is 00:28:07 It's purely punitive. And it's also it's one of those things. This is it just happens all the time of like, oh, yeah, exactly what people said would happen. Exactly the situations that would arise every single thing I had read. And again, this is in the NPR piece that I referenced earlier that Texas and maybe not Texas, but I know states are looking into being able to prosecute people for leaving the state to get an abortion. Yes. Even though it's unclear how that would work, because as all these goons are content to crow,
Starting point is 00:28:38 it's, it's a state issue. So, okay. If it's a state to state issue, then how are you going to pass a federal law that makes it anyway? Yeah, exactly. But they will, they'll find a way. They will find, they will try to's a state-to-state issue, then how are you going to pass a federal law that makes it? Anyway. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:45 But they will. They'll find a way. They will find. They will try to find a way. Okay, here we go. Time for even more ads. But don't worry. Afterwards, we'll be back for even more news.
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Starting point is 00:31:45 Cha-ching. And we are back as promised for even more news. I explained it before. I don't know if you guys remember, but I explained this so few minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Perfectly. I don't know why people are confused now that we're back no you guys know what they talk about even more come on it's like the name of the the show it's right there um oh we got an impeachment inquiry what oh again What? Oh, again? Oh, Jonathan, walk us through it. Tell us what's going on, Jonathan. We're going to get him out of here. I will. Yeah, Republicans voted in the House to officially, even though they've been doing an impeachment
Starting point is 00:32:39 inquiry for months, they've officially opened the impeachment inquiry. Oh, I see. All the Republicans voted for it. All the Democrats voted against it. for months they've officially opened the impeachment inquiry oh i see uh all the republicans voted for it all the democrats voted against it they think this will be able to uh enable them to enforce some subpoenas as they continue to look for evidence that joe biden himself did anything wrong i mean look there's plenty of evidence that jo Biden is doing wrong stuff currently. But this is all about Hunter Biden. That's all they care about.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Not the genocide. It's the Hunter Biden stuff that they want to connect to him. A lot of this has to do with wanting to interview Hunter Biden under oath, which he says he will do in a public hearing, but the Republicans want to do behind closed doors, probably so they can, you know, chop up his answers and play them in a January 6th commission style thing. It is interesting that he said he would like to speak publicly about this
Starting point is 00:33:38 and answer questions under oath, but they do not want him to do that. They don't want him to do that. And to be clear, they don't have evidence to do that and to be clear they don't have evidence uh no it's very funny because they interesting really want to have evidence and if you watch yeah they do of course of course they want there are so many instances of like you watch like the morning shows or like any like any like news hour, when they have a Republican on, um, to talk about this people on, on these committees.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And they just, they just can't, they can't say anything. They they're like, it's so clear. They're always confronted with like, but like, what is there?
Starting point is 00:34:16 Like, what is the, what is the evidence? And they don't have anything. Um, and it all seems to stem from this, uh, this firing that everybody else in the world wanted
Starting point is 00:34:28 yeah literally nothing has changed since our hunter biden video well over a year ago oh that's not true he was uh wasn't he charged with the gun uh right yes there's no said he would be yes but in terms of this stuff oh yeah no i know yeah no deep things have happened in the world but in terms of evidence of more wrongdoing from hunter nothing has changed whatsoever it's interesting that their playbook hasn't changed in in light of everything that's going on in the world they're still sticking to no we need to get this hearing so we can have those sound bites for our presidential campaign next year it's clear that's the again my conspiracy brain so when i say it's clear it means it's clear to me um but like it seems as though this is entirely just to get sound bites for the election
Starting point is 00:35:18 cycle and to obfuscate the fact that donald trump is under four fucking trials right now one of which for seditious conspiracy that sounds like a serious charge for a president um yeah uh it's all i mean it's all very clear what they're trying to do they don't believe this any more than they believe half the other stuff they say they want it's that whole it's just like that like well if you do it then we then we will and can for the same reason like it's that that weird projection or like um you see it a lot with just like oh there i hear them using this word we're gonna use the word at them actually it reminds me of when ben shapiro came on and excoriated obama a lot of them did this a lot of the right-wing pundit shits did this when he gave the tearful press conference
Starting point is 00:36:11 after sandy hook because none of these ghouls shapiro and his ilk could not conceive of a human being having a genuine emotional response to the murder of i don't know over a dozen children i remember how many children was too many yeah to be honest uh so it's like they i think some of these people are such bad faith actors that they truly cannot conceive of doing anything genuinely or with actual purpose yeah it's very odd and upsetting it reminds me we don't need to pivot necessarily to this entire topic but it reminds me a lot of a lot of the like sort of center left or like centrist kind of Libby, um, attitude about what's going on in Gaza.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I see a lot of people sort of frame like, ah, these young people and they, their virtue signaling or like, oh, they just want to have like the internet points and all this sort of like dismissal of the position uh that a lot of people do have uh very passionately i might add um and when whenever there's an
Starting point is 00:37:14 expression of that uh opinion whether it be a protest or a post or like whatever it is it's always dismissed as like ah they don't know what we're talking about or like they just want a virtue signal or this kind of thing it's like do you really not understand how somebody could have this position like it it tells on them yeah uh and like in their worldview that like somebody couldn't possibly have this opinion unless they're faking it for like internet points or whatever and it's such an odd sort of position to have and to publicly like say to everybody because what they're saying is like i don't get it i couldn't possibly care about these people dying um as much as they these people say they do they're lying or like they've tricked themselves
Starting point is 00:37:55 into having this position because of their far left like whatever it's like you know they go these you know these people don't care about this conflict or that it's just this no you're just saying that you don't care but you're saying that you don't care this feels like a good transition to talking about oh let's go for it israel palestine updates and specifically this ben dreyfus bullshit oh good doesn't it feel like what a goofy little what a man what a little that feels like a biting insult but he's a real gumbyie he is a real gumbie he is a total gumbie um so we don't need it's ridiculous yeah we can talk about tweets i got some stuff about other about economic remember when he hunted a homeless man i do yeah exactly it was a drug addict at a party he went to.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Yeah. I think it's normal and good still. Yeah. So let's read this. So I'm going to read this. This tweet is going to piss everyone off. But as someone who has found Biden's recent criticisms of Israel's overreach compelling, I genuinely think that if the left had simply not been quite so deranged from the start,
Starting point is 00:39:03 they could have convinced people like me to agree with them then you know the thread goes on but anyway i don't want to cede too much ground here it's not like i think israel needs to apologize and fall on its knees and suck anyone's cock i still think they should take hamas down but i do now worry that they are killing too many innocent people. Too many? Okay. Now. So 18,000, 20,000 was the number. We were asking.
Starting point is 00:39:33 We've been asking for months. What's the number? Exactly. 20,000 dead people. He tweeted this out before we found out that they're executing a bunch of people, including women, children, newborn babies in a school. But OK, so right before that is when it's too much for Ben Dreyfuss. Too much because of a speech from the president.
Starting point is 00:39:54 But he's basically saying because he's been very staunchly in his position online or whatever, from what I've seen. What he's saying is that the left wasn't so you know left like maybe people would have listened to them sooner or understood that this is you motherfucker yeah it's like you're too rude so i won't recognize the genocide you're seeing what's happening you're seeing this there was a big protest you you know, the other day, yesterday here in Los Angeles, where it was, you know, Jews against what's happening, you know, protesting for a resolution. That's such a funny name for an organization. I know that's not the name of the organization. Jews against what's happening is such a good name. Foul Mountain Men and Jews against what's happening it is headlining kajala this year
Starting point is 00:40:46 uh but they and there's a woman in the building our office studio where we shoot our show who was complaining about it in the lobby and she was like what do these people think that they are going to solve palestine like no i understand that you find it unpleasant that it changed your commute. But what else are people supposed to do? We're supposed to access the means that we have available to us to express our displeasure. Obviously, calling your senator isn't working. So I don't know. Yeah, like that sucks. But you we are all adults here we understand what's happening and why people are upset and if you pretend like you don't well you're pretending yeah and it just illustrates the um sort of unprincipled nature of uh how people operate in the world and you know like
Starting point is 00:41:40 i could see you know i also i drove to the studio that day and i it made my commute longer um i'm i didn't change my position because of the inconvenience that i experienced um if if i was you know out in the world and you know an environmentalist uh or like a climate change activist uh ruined my day because of a commute or even like oh like got paint on on my clothes or something i wouldn't stop believing in like climate action um because like you said like we're adults and we we can parse these things to let the behavior of of a group or a person dictate how you feel about an issue in such an intense manner is really, really kind of pathetic and cowardly and does illustrate just sort of like the flimsy nature of your positions. of your positions um good you know i'll say good for ben dreyfus for like slowly maybe kind of i guess potentially coming around on this issue a little bit uh finally and also being wildly offensive in the way he does right just like a really poorly like laid out thread and like pretty crass and gross and right it's a fucking genocide he's like i don't think israel needs to suck anyone's cock what are you talking about it right it and even that like the language
Starting point is 00:43:09 he's choosing does again also speak to like how he doesn't really care dismiss it he doesn't care it's it's so dismissive um and there's this sort of cohort on uh online uh that is just nothing but that it is this sort of like just really dismissive attitude about these things. And it, again, speaks to this like kind of bloodthirsty callousness at the heart of a lot of this. It's really it's really it's really gross to see. Blaming the left. He's like, well, it's the left. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:43:39 If you had been nicer to us at first, we would have come around and maybe things would have been different now. I guess you wish you would have changed your, yeah. It's such a little baby. I hate that argument because it's this idea of like, yeah, you're just like, well, you were so rude and over the top that I can't. Like, well, if somebody being intensely rude or extreme over the top or inconveniences, inconveniencing you makes you decide that genocide is no longer bad then you never cared about it in the first place like so he makes it clear he still doesn't like right and he's coming at it from like well you should fucking crucify yourself for my support like who the fuck are you why should we care whether or not you're on our side with this like most people
Starting point is 00:44:23 can look at what's happening and see and understand that it's bad. And a lot of people have said a lot of wild shit in support of it. Like Susan Sarandon, don't believe I'd have said what she said. However, it's like, you don't have to, they at least, she at least was recognizing that what she was looking at was wrong.
Starting point is 00:44:42 So it's like this idea that like you need to prove to me with etiquette and and politeness and by following the rules of of polite discussion that genocide is in fact bad for me to believe you it's like well you never cared about this in the first place and not just you need to be polite everybody who has your position needs to be polite this is something also that is a huge like again with him and a lot of again people in that sort of circle who will focus so hard on um the the negative people or like the mean people or like the rude people fucking chris cuomo is doing this a lot too we're like oh I'm tweeting this thing that like is inflammatory
Starting point is 00:45:25 or expressing this disgusting position or whatever it is. And you get a lot of replies and some of them are rude and some of them actually explain these things in a more civilized way. And so they choose to quote tweet the rude one. Look at all these rude people.
Starting point is 00:45:44 If you're going to act like this, I'm not going to do that. There's no way that what Joe Biden said was the only time Ben Dreyfuss has heard these arguments. There's literally no way unless he is choosing to completely ignore people online. People have made these arguments for weeks and weeks and weeks and years about this issue specifically. He has read polite, civil versions of this argument, probably articulated better than Joe Biden did. But he's focusing on like a journalist. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Was. But like Joe, you know, like, oh, this one person was rude to me online. So I'm going to dismiss everything you said. Oh, Joe Biden said this for the first time ever. I'm finally hearing this argument. That's it's unbelievable. It's not believable. Yeah, I agree with you completely.
Starting point is 00:46:35 I mean, just the idea that Joe Biden convinced you. Yeah, it's like, well, then you weren't then you weren't listening. Then you were not listening. Have you seen joe biden speak you weren't listening and you were only paying attention to some rude people online which again is like that's pathetic and it speaks to the flimsiness of your uh yeah yeah that's the thing is that well ben dreyfus is lying because if everyone presented it to him very nicely maybe if it was even in the new york times in a way that of course it has not been i don't think he would have been convinced i think he
Starting point is 00:47:11 would have been i think he would have said that's anti-semitic right or uh doesn't israel have a right to defend itself even if the argument was given to him not in a snotty way by people on twitter yes just full of shit it's full of shit um and it also like this is uh only a slight pivot because these issues are like very very different and i don't want to like weigh them equally but i see you see this a lot as well with um with like it's so it's just like this pathetic like any issue kind of thing like we've talked before about like it like something as simple as like medicare for all is something uh that you see everybody like ah this is stupid how you can pay for like all those things like this is bad idea bad idea bad idea
Starting point is 00:47:54 if joe biden came out and said it was a good idea ben dreyfus would think it's an amazing idea yeah there are people who just do not believe in stuff until like the guy says it's OK. If if he if he got a green light from the current president, Joe Biden, to think this idea is good, that he would be on board. And I think this is a good example because I think it's so it's so much more clear of uh of an issue i don't know it's very frustrating to see it's why it's important for the president to fucking say things and take firm positions like because the people hear the president's words and it matters around the party gets behind them and then if the party is if the whole party is saying it then i guess i i need to be a good party member i need to agree with it too that's just how it happens it does speak to and
Starting point is 00:48:48 we've talked about this a lot too like one of the top five jobs of the president is a communicator good leadership is good communication and uh messaging and talking about the good things you've done and the good things you want to be done even if you think they're hard to accomplish um and people fucking little freaks like ben trifus will hop on board literally just if the guy says that he should i've said this a lot this episode but it is pretty pathetic to see well we got a couple more minutes here shall we pivot uh yeah two vibes i briefly didn't want to talk about vibes uh and i we don't need to talk about this too much i've i'm sure people who are on the line uh have seen a lot of talk i've been on the lines vibe sessions um we've had people on to talk about this.
Starting point is 00:49:47 You got your will stencils. You got all your econ guys talking about the vibes and the wages and Nate Silver's involved. And it is very frustrating to see for a lot of reasons. And I just wanted to dip in because I've like so many times had like a tweet like ready to like respond, but it just like it expands and expands. I'm like, what's the point of
Starting point is 00:50:05 this cody do you mind if i briefly like in case people don't know what you're talking about please do so amazing idea so the very very basics of this is if you look at the data and the charts the economy you know i'm banking i'm making big quotes here the economy is good unemployment is down wages are up we came out of the pandemic super strong. So why is consumer sentiment so low? Why are people saying the economy is not good? And then there's a group of other people online saying, well, prices are way up. Rent is super high. It hasn't, you know, real wages haven't really kept up and people are still widely struggling, especially compared to countries with strong
Starting point is 00:50:45 social safety nets is that i mean did i summarize it in a way that's basically what's going on right now and it's this just this like big back and forth with like economists and and data folks online uh to to like figure out like what's on? Why do people still think like the economy isn't doing so great? Because we're all poor! When there are these indicators. Right, but despite like, well, you know, and I think like the bottom 10%, like wages have gone up for people recently.
Starting point is 00:51:17 And, you know, recovering from, you know, in the beginning of the pandemic, there was this huge spike in wages because a lot of like people on the lower end were laid off because the pandemic. And so those numbers are going to skew up because all the lower wage people got fired and they're not getting paid anymore. And there's some leveling off and so on. There are all these sort of things going back and forth, but there's still this confusion of like, why? Because in the past, public sentiment has been relatively accurate in regards to like, well, there are these economic indicators.
Starting point is 00:51:48 And people generally agree like, yeah, the economy is going pretty well for me and people I know. And those indicators line up with that. And now people are saying like, yeah, economy is not so great or not doing so hot. Yet these indicators that historically have have lined up with that sentiment are showing that it's positive. And it's just an interesting conversation to wade into because, yes, wages are slightly up for some people. Inflation is noticeable for everybody. frame it like oh people in the middle class uh their their treats are more expensive when the way the people getting the the higher wages are the ones making that food and stuff and like it's all this sort of like it's this mess of conversation and first of all do you think the people who have
Starting point is 00:52:37 the slightly higher wages are not paying for those prices also they are also paying for those those higher prices but the thing that's so odd to me is this confusion of like it's 2023 things aren't perfect but things weren't perfect in 2013 either so why do people not have this connection to like the data and i think there's an issue because you're dismissing what's happened since 2013. So many things aside from like the rise of social media and even just people like being more conscious of issues with the economy and being aware of the problems that we have and like medical debt. And like it's as if like, well, remember in 2016 and 2020, and there was a very popular candidate
Starting point is 00:53:26 that was a self-described democratic socialist, like that happened. And people started to realize like, oh, maybe this, maybe this, maybe this. Ferguson was in 2014. People like to point to like, oh, all these people complaining about DoorDash deliveries being expensive. DoorDash was founded in 2013. The pandemic happened. There are these events that made people sort of start to rethink what the economy could be, what the government is capable of providing people in certain scenarios. It's this long decade of things that happened where the economy is also different
Starting point is 00:54:09 the uh you can call it vibes that's fine but one thing about vibes is that vibes are short for vibrations and vibrations are real i i understand like the dismissal of like well the things are right people just like don't have like the media does create negative perceptions. Social media does create negative perceptions. But also there is this shift in perspective of what the economy could be, it seems. And so when people are saying like, I'm unhappy with the way the economy is going or with the economy, it's not just it's not the same as talking about it in 2013 it's a discontent with our economy how the economy works um like we're
Starting point is 00:54:53 saying like all the medical debt and uh and the high the high rent all the all these things that people are more aware of and not just more aware of but more aware that that it doesn't have to be that way necessarily. And it's just an odd sort of dismissal of of the past 10 years, because I'm sympathetic to also pointing out like actually like wages, you know, in this percentile are up slightly more. And you but also I saw this. Sorry, I'm just I'm going to keep going a little bit. I saw this tweet from one of these economist folk who there's big back and forth about these charts. Look at the line is going up and pointing out actually, you know, wages have like kind of recovered from pre pandemic.
Starting point is 00:55:38 And there's this this tweet. The graph does not show wages have struggled to keep up with inflation. It arguably shows that wages have struggled to grow at a rate consistent with the pre-pandemic trend line. And I guess my response to that is like, OK, so like people aren't thrilled with how the economy is going. And you're saying, but wages have struggled, but they've grown at a rate consistent with the pre-pandemic trend line and so i guess things are just as shitty as they were before the pandemic why are you mad yeah right like it's like okay so like there's some recovery there um to pre-pandemic trend lines but and then they'll get into like yeah and like wages were growing in 2019 but then like it's
Starting point is 00:56:25 like you're undermining your whole goal because then you're saying look the economy is recovering to the point of the great trump economy that we had so like what are you saying there that you want to go back to the trump days when like the economy was like starting up it's such this muddled weird conversation and everyone's so mad and i do have a thought about the trump economy though because i saw something i wish i could remember who made this point so i apologized for butchering the argument of the person who made it but someone was like yeah like the economy is kind of the same as it was during the trump years but during the trump years at least a uber ride was cheap and you could get a burger for $10. Now it feels like it's the same as then, but all that stuff is more expensive.
Starting point is 00:57:09 And so inflation is way down now, but that doesn't mean the prices have been brought down. And it takes a long time for our brains to catch up to what the price, the new prices are. Sentiment lags. Exactly. Yeah. The lunch is $20 crowd is not wrong. It's just like, we're not used to lunch being $20 yet. And maybe in 10 years we will. And catching up to,
Starting point is 00:57:35 and like the sentiment catching up to those, those indicators. And also like, it's again, just like the point, like you mentioned the Uber rides and stuff. It's this expansion of being unhappy with not the way the economy is going, but with the economy. Ubers are going to get more and more expensive, and that sucks.
Starting point is 00:57:56 DoorDash is like a service that's convenient, but all these, like, the economy is different. The gig economy, people don't like it. like the economy is different the gig economy people don't like it and uh it's stretching out to the point that those the problems with that are are more clear and starker now with yes inflation these sort of things well it's also just the timing of the venture capitalists saying oh we need to start making a profit on this stuff the self-driving cars didn't happen to deliver the thing for free so now we need to like jack up the prices and that just happened at this time i also really resent and i've seen this again with this crowd and uh they're not listening so it's fine but like they always frame whenever
Starting point is 00:58:35 someone's talking about like this chart or this element and being like yeah your chart says this but like my experience is this or like yeah yes it's vibes um but like it's not the same as climate change or climate denial i i keep seeing this this idea that like this is like saying that gravity doesn't exist this is like saying that like the climate change isn't happening because because it's snowing outside the economy is not the same as physics i need you to fucking get that shit out of your mouth it's not an immutable law and i understand like their economic realities and their things and then like it's not like completely fake but it's way more fake than physics please stop comparing economics to
Starting point is 00:59:20 physics it is so frustrating to see but you know vibes vibes are off man well thank you for tolerating me talking about this i just like i don't want to tweet about it i don't want to wait in but it's just like there's all this stuff floating around you got it all pent up i'm glad that we offered a safe space thank you so much thank you so much you know exercise those emotions um tom thank you so much for joining us today. For sure, yeah. You're great. You're fun. We like you.
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