Something You Should Know - Digital Communication Done Right & Buy What You Love Without Going Broke
Episode Date: March 3, 2025Beer should be served ice cold. Bottled beer is better than canned beer. These are just 2 incorrect assumptions people have about beer. This episode begins with a look at common beliefs about beer tha...t just aren’t true – and what the real story is. You have a lot of options when it comes to communicating with others. You can text, video chat, email, phone or speak face-to-face. What you may not realize or think about is that the method of communication you choose itself sends a message. Choose the wrong method and you send the wrong message. Here to discuss the fascinating research behind all this is Andrew Brodsky. He is a management professor at McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin and author of the book PING: The Secrets of Successful Virtual Communication ( Have you ever really examined what you spend your money on in say, the last 90 days? When you do, you just may learn some fascinating things about yourself. That is why it is one of several recommendations you will hear from my guest Jen Smith. She reveals how once you are clear on what is truly important to you, you can stop wasting money on things that don't matter and buy what you really love. Jen Smith is a personal finance expert and co-host of the Frugal Friends podcast ( who has written for and been featured in Forbes, Money Magazine and Business Insider. She is co-author of the book, Buy What You Love Without Going Broke ( What is the best way to deal with a hostile boss? Perhaps using a little hostility in return. Listen as I reveal how a little passive-aggressive hostility may be the perfect way to manage that belligerent boss. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Today, on Something You Should Know, some things you probably believe about beer that
just aren't true.
Then, how electronic communication can help or hurt your message.
For example, if you're engaged in a potential conflict with a friend or an acquaintance
and you're doing it over text or email, it would sometimes be really beneficial to say,
hey, it seems like we're beneficial to say, hey, it seems
like we're not reading each other correctly, can we have a quick phone call?
But people tend not to do that.
Also a great way to handle a hostile boss and an insightful glimpse into how we spend
our money.
So there's a disconnect on what we love and what we spend money on.
I think when we ask people, what is most important to you,
they usually have these answers of like family and friends. Then when we talk about like what do you
love to spend money on, we jump straight to things. All this today on Something You Should Know.
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Something you should know. Fascinating intel, the world's top experts and practical advice
you can use in your life today.
Something you should know with Mike Carruthers.
And we're going to start today with some practical advice you can use in your life if you're
a beer drinker.
Hi, and welcome to another episode of Something You Should Know.
We drink a lot of beer in this country, yet there are some misconceptions about beer and
how to drink it.
For example, people believe that beer should be served ice cold.
Actually, it should be served at 44 degrees.
The reason is that taste buds become dead to the taste of the drink when it's served
any colder than 44 degrees, which means you're really not getting the most enjoyment out of the
beer. Drinking from a bottle is best. Well, not really. Much of the taste of beer or
anything else is smell. When you drink out of a bottle, the aroma doesn't make
it to your nose because the bottle opening is too small. Many people believe that canned beer is cheap beer.
But cans are actually a great way to protect beer.
In the old days, beer in a can could sometimes take on an aluminum taste.
But today, most cans have a water-based liner so the beer isn't actually touching the aluminum.
You might think that all beer bottles are the same, but they're not.
Clear bottles or green bottles might be pretty, but they don't do much to protect your beer
from light.
Light interacts with the hops in beer and can make it go bad.
Dark beer bottles work best to help retain its flavor.
You might think beer causes a beer belly, and maybe it does, but beer is not the worst
offender in the alcoholic beverage category.
Many cocktails are much more fattening than beer.
Margaritas are probably the worst.
And that is something you should know. When you choose to communicate with someone miles away or just in the other room, you
have a lot of options.
You didn't used to, but now you can telephone or text, email, FaceTime, there's all kinds
of apps or you could just walk over and talk to the person.
What's interesting is that which mode of communication you choose to use
sends its own message, which I don't think most of us think about.
Some means of communication are much more effective than others
depending on the circumstance.
Here to dig a bit deeper into this and explain why it's important to understand
is Andrew Brodsky.
Andrew is a management professor at McCombs School of Business deeper into this and explain why it's important to understand is Andrew Brodsky.
Andrew is a management professor at McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas
at Austin and CEO of Ping Group.
Andrew is author of a book called Ping, The Secrets of Successful Virtual Communication.
Hi, Andrew, welcome.
Thanks for having me on, Mike.
So let's start here because I remember years ago
when I first saw this happen and it just bothered me.
And that is how people will use electronic communication,
meaning text or FaceTime or even just the phone function
on their phone to communicate with someone
who is 10 feet away.
For example, my son might text me from his bedroom,
what's for dinner?
And he could easily get up and talk to me, but he doesn't.
And I see this a lot.
So when your son texts you from the other room, for instance,
that's showing low effort.
And when people purposely choose less rich technology
that's easier for them in many ways
it's it sends a signal like I can't be bothered to walk the five feet away to ask you that question and
So understanding what we're telling the other person by which mode mode we choose is really important
But I'm not sure he sees it that way. He I doubt he would say yes
I'm using low effort to ask what's for dinner. I think he
sees it as the most convenient, efficient, and yeah, takes less effort, but he doesn't see it
as low effort. He sees it more as an efficient way to get the message to me. And that's a great
point. I actually did some research and what I was looking at this set of studies is how do we evaluate effort or authenticity based on the mode of
communication that others choose. There's two kinds of authenticity. There's the
true authenticity that I really feel what I'm saying and then there's a
second type of authenticity that I also talk about, which is you're you want to seem like you're authentic and you care, but you don't necessarily actually care.
And there's a lot of reasons for this. So maybe you had a really bad day.
Then you're going out to lunch with one of your friends and they're telling you some really exciting news and you're not excited because you're so upset about what happened earlier in the day But it wouldn't be good for you to tell them about that when they just announced that they're engaged or something like that
So that's what we call surface acting where you engage in this in business
They call it service with a smile
But it's this idea that you're putting on a good face for somebody else even if you might not be feeling that underlying emotion
So first what my studies found is when you are being truly authentic,
you actually are feeling what you want to express,
choosing the richest mode of interaction,
whether that's in person or whether that's a video call,
that's best because that is seen as the highest effort
and it lets your authenticity shine through.
But when you're engaging in the surface acting,
so you're faking your emotions potentially
for the other person's benefit,
it's a little bit tricky because when you choose
the richest mode of communication in person or via video,
yes, it's seen as the highest effort,
but the downside is that your cues of underlying emotion can sneak through
and other people can tell.
And I found that when people were not being truly authentic, you know, they were trying
to fake it, that they tended to be more likely to end up using text or email.
But that also backfires because text-based communication is just seen as so low effort
that it doesn't seem like they care.
What I did find though is that audio serves
as this interesting sweet spot
where it is much higher effort
than email, text messaging, instant messaging,
but you don't have to worry
about all your nonverbal behaviors
that happen in face-to-face interactions
that happen in video. So all you have to worry about is your wordsverbal behaviors that happen in face-to-face interactions that happen in video.
So all you have to worry about is your words
and your tone of voice, so you don't end up
having that inauthenticity leak through.
So in that way, audio can be this kind of sweet spot.
And so when you say audio, you mean a phone call.
Yeah, phone call, voice note, or video call with cameras off. There's more ways.
But yeah, the most common one is still phone call for audio.
Well, to me, that's the big aha here,
because I don't think people think about what message am I
sending by the method I choose to send it,
that the means of communication in itself is sending a message.
Yeah, and this is this default bias
that we just tend to default to whatever we normally use.
So if we're in the middle of an email conversation,
we don't think to switch modes.
Or if we always do something in person,
we don't think to switch it otherwise.
There's some downsides to this.
So if you're engaged in a potential conflict
with a friend or an acquaintance
and you're doing it over text or email,
it will sometimes be really beneficial to say,
hey, it seems like we're not reading each other correctly.
Can we have a quick phone call?
But people tend not to do that.
So there's a lot of these times
where it would be really beneficial to switch
or to change what we normally do,
but we don't put in the effort or the time to think about, is this actually the best approach to this
And I find it interesting that this is so not on people's radar.
Like, I know people who will have very important, potentially minefield kind of conversations
that I can't imagine doing any other way than in person
and they'll do it on text.
And I think, wow, I mean, that,
there are so many things that could go wrong here
and this is way too important to be texting about it,
but they do, they do.
That's, and that And that just floors me.
When I teach my students, one of the classes
I teach is negotiations.
What students will often tell me is,
I prefer to negotiate via email.
It gives me time to think about it.
It feels safer.
And one of the first things I point out
is engaging in these kind of conversations,
whether it's high conflict, but just between friends, whether it's a negotiation.
Oftentimes, text-based communication
is absolutely the worst way you could go for a few reasons.
One, it's really hard to read the other person
over text-based communication,
especially when you don't know them well.
And secondarily, let's just say
you think the conversation is going well,
and suddenly they indicate that it's not for some reason. And let's say you manage to figure
it out over text-based communication. The problem is, if it's texting, minutes have
probably already passed. If it's email, potentially hours have already passed, and you've lost
that opportunity to immediately correct it. So if you're talking over a video call or in person,
and you see them suddenly frown, you realize,
uh-oh, something I said didn't come across as I meant.
And you have that immediate opportunity to fix it,
and that's lost when you use less rich communication.
There does seem to be like a timeline
where these things become acceptable over time time it seems. There was a time
when you can't have that kind of conversation in a text but it gets normalized because I guess so
many people do it that then it becomes the standard and for better or for worse.
There's some research to indicate that it's not necessarily always for
worse either. There's this theory called channel expansion theory, which is simply
what it says is that when you're more familiar with a communication technology,
the topic of the conversation, or the person you're interacting with, the
differences between modes matter less. So for an example, if I get an instant message
or text message or email from a stranger,
or someone I barely know,
there's a good chance I'm gonna misinterpret
their underlying meaning.
But alternatively, if I were to just get a text message
from my wife, I know exactly what she's saying.
I can fill in the gaps in between the lines with all the information I know exactly what she's saying. I can fill in the gaps in between the lines
with all the information I know about her.
So the idea being that when you have
a really strong relationship, you know about the person,
and you're just really, really good at the technology,
those differences between them start to shrink.
They definitely don't disappear,
and there's definitely strengths and weaknesses for each,
but there are certain situations where that choice
is much more meaningful than others.
We're talking about the different methods
of communication we use and what message it sends.
My guest is Andrew Brodsky, author of the book,
Ping, the Secrets of Successful Virtual Communication.
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So Andrew, is there a hierarchy of,
for me, an in-person conversation beats every other kind,
and text is probably at the very bottom of that list,
but is that an objective list or is that a subjective list?
It really depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
So for instance, this conversation you and I
are having now, I'm someone who's fairly talkative,
so each of my answers to you are multiple paragraphs long,
and you've got a bunch of questions for me.
If you had emailed me these questions,
and each of my responses were five paragraphs long,
this would have taken me a long time to write.
And so here's the time when having this conversation
is much quicker than text.
But let's push it in the other direction.
When is text better than having the face-to-face
or the synchronous interaction that we're having?
Well, an example is, let's just say we're trying to brainstorm something. There's a
lot of limitations for group brainstorming, whether it's you're in a business team or
whether you're a bridal party trying to come up with ideas for the party. And what happens
when you're in a group is a few things with brainstorming.
Only one person can talk at a time when you're engaging synchronously.
We tend to be more concerned that other people are going to judge your ideas negatively.
And we tend to anchor on to other people's ideas.
So someone says an idea and then all of a sudden all of our ideas are kind of sticking close to their ideas.
But research shows that when you engage in brainstorming the initial stages separately and virtually, you tend to come up with more
novel ideas because a everyone can do it all at once and B you're not anchoring each other
on your ideas here. So there are a lot of situations where less rich modes of communication
can be really useful. Yeah, like if I'm at the store and my wife wants me to pick up eggs, a text is
probably fine, but only if I have the ringer on to hear the notifications
because it's happened plenty of times where she's texted me to get something
and I didn't think to check my phone, I didn't hear the text come in, and I
forgot. And maybe if she had called,
there would have been a better chance for me to feel the phone ring or hear the phone ring
and get the eggs. And that gets to one of the core pieces of advice about making the implicit more
explicit when it comes to communication. The research on this started in email. And what these researchers found is that there's this email urgency bias.
In that, when we receive an email,
we think the other person wants a response much sooner than it turns out they actually do.
So, Mike, if you sent me an email, I'd be like,
okay, Mike's a really important guy.
I got to respond real quickly. I bet he was expecting know, is expecting me response. But in reality, you're like, I don't care if Andrew
doesn't respond for a couple of days. And the problem with this misunderstanding is that can
create a lot of stress because everyone's potentially checking their phone all the time.
And what these research researchers found is that when you're explicit about response expectations,
it ends up taking away that stress.
So if you say, hey, could you respond within a couple of days,
that ends up really decreasing people's stress,
their need to constantly check these things.
And then taking that a level up,
what I generally recommend in people's relationships,
on their teams, is actually having conversations about,
hey, you know, what response speed
should we have
for text messages?
What about phone calls?
How should I get in touch with you
if there's something urgent?
As opposed to just leaving people wondering.
And this relates to all those stories about, you know,
you're early in a relationship and you text someone
and they don't respond for five hours
and you think they must hate you.
But the other person really just generally
doesn't respond to texts for usually a day.
And by having those conversations more openly,
you don't end up making these false assumptions
that can undermine relationships,
that can stress you out,
and really just make everything worse.
Isn't there sort of a hierarchy of methods
depending on how urgent it is.
Like if you need to talk to me right away, call me.
If you maybe need to talk to me pretty soon
and communicate pretty soon, text me.
If it can wait a little longer, email me.
If it can wait even longer, send me a letter in the mail.
But like there is this kind of,
at least that's the sense I have of those methods.
Yeah, so there definitely are these norms associated with different modes. One of the examples that I like to use is, you know, instant message or chat versus email. In theory, they're
both text-based communication, but we feel like, you know, texting and instant messaging should
get quicker responses than email because we have these associations tied to it.
That said, you can't assume that everyone
has the same hierarchy as you,
particularly for younger generations now.
They really hate phone calls and voicemails,
although they're okay with voice notes,
which is kind of funny when you consider
how it's not all that different from voicemail.
But there are these norms that are associated
with different things for different people,
depending on what they're used to, where they grow up, how old they are, what technology they're
used to. So it's not always aligned. And even if you have the same hierarchy as someone else,
they may expect quicker response times to everything. They have the same ordering,
but they expect response times in half the time that you do.
And just by having these open conversations
and getting on the same page, at least
for those important relationships that matter,
can really avoid those awkward situations where people
are misreading the situation.
So talk about video meetings, Zoom meetings,
which have become pretty normal since COVID, where people, six, eight people will be on a Zoom call
and everybody can see each other.
And there's something about that that makes it more stressful
than say just a phone call.
And yeah, I suppose you can turn your camera off
or not turn it on in the first place,
but I think that sends a message.
I think it sends a message of either that you don't care as much,
or maybe you had a bad night and you look like hell, or something.
So you can't turn your camera off if everybody else's is on.
What do you think?
When it comes to video, I always get this question,
should we have video on video off calls or meetings and
This gets to the idea of the best mode or the best choice depends on your goal in the situation
So as you noted having videos on
Can be useful for showing you're engaged. So in the conversation.
So imagine you're interacting with someone
who maybe you don't think is that good a friend
or that hard worker.
If you don't see them in an interaction,
you may assume that they're doing something else.
Maybe they're looking up recipes on their phone
or doing emails to somebody else.
But when you see them, it creates the illusion
that they're more engaged.
And I say illusion because it doesn't necessarily mean
that they are because they could still have their emails up
instead of your face on the screen.
But we interpret it as, okay,
they're looking at us a little bit more.
But less somewhat irrationally, let's say,
seeing the other person is also useful for building trust.
We trust those that we feel familiar with.
So if we understand what someone looks like,
if we understand their mannerisms,
then we tend to trust them more.
If we've never met someone
or we've only barely seen them,
having that opportunity to gather more information
about them so we feel more familiar with them
can help build that trust.
But now let's go to the other side of things.
Video off.
There's a lot of good research on what's called Zoom fatigue
or video conferencing fatigue.
And the idea behind this is that having your camera on
can be really fatiguing. It can be really exhausting.
There is some research that shows
that we spend a good chunk of the video calls
just staring at ourselves during the call.
And that's correlated with our negative emotions
during the call.
So if your goal is to conserve energy, then video off.
If your goal is to show that you're engaged,
to try and build trust, then video on and and there's just always the
The issue of you know, you got to make sure you got to look at look at what your camera sees before the call
Make sure nobody sees your socks on the floor or you know
Whatever it is and you know, how's your hair look and all that and what are you wearing?
And it just seems like a lot of I would just rather not
and what are you wearing? And it just seems like a lot of,
I would just rather not.
Yeah, and I feel the same way too.
And there's research that shows that,
at least in work context,
being able to wear more casual clothes
can make you feel more authentic during these interactions.
And it's just, it's stressful to have to engage
in this kind of impression management.
And it's even worse on video,
because at least in person,
you're not staring at least in person you're not
staring at yourself in the mirror as you're engaging in a high importance
conversation. Whereas on video you see every little thing you're doing and that
can be really stressful in conversations where you're trying to make a good
impression on somebody. So I know you say that things like typos actually send a
message, send a motion. Talk about typos. We found that typos actually send a message, send emotion. Talk about typos.
We found that typos can relay emotion. So it's kind of like putting your fist up in the air,
where it's not clear what emotion you're showing by doing that, but it can amplify emotions. So if
your fist is up in the air, it can make you seem more proud or more angry or more
Typos act the same way.
So in an angry email, they make you seem angrier.
In a happy email, they make you seem happier.
Because the idea here is that by showing that, hey, I wasn't overly proofing this message,
I was just so excited or so angry that I wrote it, people interpret that as your emotions being stronger.
But there was an interesting finding in this set of studies as well. So first, there was the obvious
finding that typos generally make you look less intelligent. But we found that in the context of
emotional emails, the centers were penalized less for typos. They weren't seen as as less intelligent as much and the idea here is that
when we're receiving messages
We're looking for reasons why something happened. So there's a typo. We say, oh the person's often not as intelligent
But there's some alternative explanation. Oh, they're emotional or are there in a rush
Then then we intend to lean that interpretation
on something more favorable.
And there's other research that shows that
when you have sent from my iPhone in your signature,
typos are penalized less.
So a key thing to take away from this,
aside from we're sending more motion cues
than we realize is that sometimes giving the other people
a little more information like,
hey, I just want to get back to you ASAP. I just heard I'm really excited, as opposed to being overly professional or overly scripted in your communication can be really
useful for helping to make sure that any mistakes you do make are attributed to something that makes
you look good as opposed to something that makes you look bad. Well, this is great because we all use some
or all of these modes of communication you're talking about.
And I don't think most of us think about,
wait a minute, this would be better on a phone call.
This would be better in a text.
And it really does make a difference.
Andrew Brodsky's been my guest.
The name of his book is Ping,
The Secrets of Successful Virtual Communication.
And there's a link to his book at Amazon in the show notes.
Thanks, Andrew. Really enjoyed having you on.
Of course. It was a great conversation.
A while back we had Ramit Sethi on as a guest.
He's one of the smartest people you'll ever know when it comes to everyday money matters.
And he was here talking about money and couples.
As it turns out, he has his own podcast called Money for Couples.
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All of the episodes are helpful, but if I had to pick one or two, there's one called
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You understand enough about money to know that you can't buy everything you want.
That would be crazy.
But maybe you could buy everything you love, really love.
It's a unique way to look at how you spend your money and opens up a conversation you
have probably never heard before. way to look at how you spend your money and opens up a conversation you have
probably never heard before. But you're about to hear it now as I discuss this
with Jen Smith. Jen is a personal finance expert and co-host of the Frugal
Friends podcast. She has written for or been featured in Forbes, Money Magazine,
Business Insider, and others. And she is co-author of a book called
Buy What You Love Without Going Broke.
Hi Jen, welcome to something you should know.
Hey Mike, thanks so much for having me.
So start by explaining the philosophy here
because you're not saying buy what you want,
but buy what you love.
Well, the title, Buy what you love without going broke,
was very intentional.
We say love because so often we think about what we buy between
want versus need.
And really, the lines are so blurred.
So often we will buy things
and we will justify them as a need.
Even so, a house, for example, is a need on the surface, but for plenty of decades,
families of four and five lived in a two-bedroom, one-bath house, and they considered that to be
enough, to be a need. Whereas, I live in a 2,000-square-foot house, and there's just four of us and I love that, but I don't need all of it.
I want the other thousand square feet.
And so there's no shame in that.
But then also there are needs that we have as humans
that we don't always think about.
They're the things money can't buy,
yet money is still required to pursue them,
like deeper relationships with family and friends,
spiritual practices, fulfilling work.
And so we're really trying to get away
from what common practice in society
and just like a long time of referring to want and need
and kind of rebranding it starting fresh with figuring
out what you individually love, what you love aside from what everybody is trying to tell
you to love.
But if you were to ask a bunch of people, what do you need?
What do you want?
And what do you love that people are pretty clear about what's in those individual buckets?
I think when we ask people what is most important to you,
they usually have these answers of family and friends.
But then when we talk about spending money,
what do you love to spend money on, we jump straight to things.
Like I love to spend money on coffee. I love to spend money on, we jump straight to things. Like, I love to spend money on coffee.
I love to spend money on eating out.
So there's a disconnect on what we love
and what we spend money on.
So we're trying to create systems and kind of a framework
so that when we think about spending money,
we have, at least in the back of our head,
this motivation to spend it in most alignment with what
we truly value.
Like when I buy coffee, am I just
going through the drive-through because it's a habit?
Or am I getting coffee with a friend?
Is it connected to something that
is one of those higher needs?
Well, where in the equation, though, is, like,
how much do you have?
You've got to afford all this.
And so that's where the not going broke part comes in.
And so we prioritize.
We can't, we can want anything, but we can't usually
want everything.
We don't want everything.
So it comes first to honoring what season you're in.
There are gonna be times in your life
where you may not be able to make as much as other times.
And hopefully those are just seasons.
Hopefully we can reframe and believe
that it's not a permanent thing, it's a season,
and we're always working to
to be content without being complacent. And then we prioritize like what is most important in our lives and just work on those biggest, highest values, most important values there.
So I get the philosophy, but maybe you could give like an example of some of the plug some things into those
holes of what you're talking about. So for like example this instead of that or this and
to get a better sense of like how somebody would go through this process.
Right. So before I had kids something that was really important to my husband and I was traveling. We
something that was really important to my husband and I was traveling. We paid off $78,000 of debt in two years and we decided to celebrate. We wanted to take a trip to Bali and we did
it. We saved and that was super important. We were at the time living in a house we had just bought and we had moved from a 1-1 to a 3-2 and had bought
no extra furnishings for it.
So two of the bedrooms, most of the living room, one of the bathrooms, completely empty.
But we decided it was more important to us at that time.
We wanted to take the trip.
We wanted to travel.
And we knew it wouldn't be forever,
that it was a unique season in our lives.
Now that we have kids, putting systems into place
that make life easier is much more important.
All the way down to like buying the pre-cut veggies
at the grocery store.
So I spend a little bit more money there on those things.
So it makes my life easier.
I could, for somebody else,
it could be house cleaning every week or every other week.
So it's honoring the season I'm in in my life
and knowing that it's not forever
and choosing the things that I wanna spend my money on
versus feeling like almost a societal pressure
to be doing and spending on everything.
When you like when you just gave that example, so maybe you buy the cut vegetables, but is
there a goal there?
Like, I mean, how much are you going to save doing that?
And how do you know that's worth it?
I mean, it would there must be some sort of barometer or something.
It's checking in with my financial goals.
So everyone is going to have different financial goals.
Looking at your financial goals and figuring out,
what is the thing that I can do now?
Instead of doing everything, there
are so many good things you can do financially.
What's the one thing that I can do
that makes future financial goals
and future things easier or unnecessary.
We all know people who seem to lead a simpler life.
They're not driven by getting all the latest gadgets
and the newest car and all that.
And they seem quite content that way.
And maybe it's a personality driven thing,
but then there are people who really want to have everything
and are very, you know, almost call them materialistic.
How do you decide whatever personality you are,
how do you decide what it is right now
with all the things that I would love to have?
What should I have right now?
I don't always think it's a personality thing.
Marketing has been so carefully crafted
to make it so easy to buy,
and they've crafted these problems
that never existed before
just so they can sell their product or service
as a solution to these created problems. So the way that we're
consuming isn't always a needs versus wants versus personality like issue. So I think part of it
comes down to knowing how you're being marketed to and knowing that so you can take a pause
before you buy something.
So if you want a good baseline to start out at,
we call them the four Fs,
family, faith, friends, fulfilling work.
And so you can start there
and you can usually tie a lot of your purchases
back to something like that.
But really taking the time to ask yourselves to get
curious with yourself and doing starting with like a 90-day transaction inventory
and looking at your transactions and asking what was I trying to get at
when I made that transaction? Not why because if you ask yourself why
questions it kind of puts you on the defense. So getting really neutral, taking out the judgment,
and just looking at your transactions with curiosity,
and looking at what was I trying to get at
by making this purchase?
Something that I think happens a lot
is that people convince themselves that
if I buy this thing, this car, this house,
this computer, whatever it is, that that's what's going to make me happy.
And they convince themselves of that.
So they justify buying it.
But in a short time, it's just a house, it's just a car, it's just a computer, it does
what it does. We get used to it.
Now you need something else,
because now something else is going to make you happy
because that thing that you bought
didn't make you happy for the rest of your life.
And that that's what drives a lot of what people buy.
The way I see it happen most
is when we're trying to buy our self-esteem. So I see so often people
will go out and buy new cars because their car, they do, they need another car because the other
car is breaking down. That's a good decision to go buy another car and will justify buying a brand new car because they need it,
or the safety features, or I deserve it.
And in reality, of course, yes, you want to be safe.
And yes, of course, you deserve it.
But does it financially make sense to you to get a brand new car,
which has its $200 more a month, or get a three-year-old car, which saves you
that maybe a little bit more in interest, but it still saves you overall in the long
We go out and we buy these new cars or these shiny new cars because we think I deserve
it when people see it.
They're going to have more respect for me because they're gonna think that I have a job
and I'm a functioning person in society
versus driving a beater.
And we're trying to buy our own self-confidence,
feeling good driving in a shiny new car
and by other people's respect.
And then we quickly find it doesn't work like that.
And so then we're off to the next thing.
And so if we truly knew what we were trying
to get at in the first place, then we
could much more easily justify saving the money on the car
and investing our time and maybe even our money
into things that truly increase respect of others
and self-confidence in ourselves.
But we don't, we just so easily fall into the cycle
that has been given to us by automobile marketing,
makeup marketing, skincare marketing,
fitness marketing, what have you. And it just doesn't take,
we don't think critically about that downfall that,
oh, it didn't work.
So maybe I should think deeper about myself
and what I'm really trying to buy.
No, instead we'll just think,
okay, what's the next thing I can buy?
This didn't solve my problem.
What's the next thing I can buy?
And maybe that'll solve my problem.
So how do you monitor your spending?
How do you keep track of this
so you can make those right decisions?
So it starts with that 90 day transaction inventory.
When you're finding patterns,
you're going to see transactions on there
that just did not get you what you wanted at all.
For me, the first time I did it, I realized it was beer, like breweries.
That was a thing that my friends were doing very frequently.
And I realized I don't like beer enough to keep doing that.
I would much rather meet with my friends somewhere else
and even spend my money elsewhere than keep going to breweries
and drinking a beverage that I don't really like.
And so for me, beer and breweries became the first thing on my easy no list.
If people are going there, then I can easily say no. Or if I really do want to meet the
need of connection, then I can go there and just not buy anything. Nobody looks at you weird.
It's totally fine. Nobody's going to criticize you for sitting there not buying anything because
everybody else is buying something. So that's kind of how you can come to this easy no list.
And there should be at least, looking through that inventory,
you could pick three to four things right off the bat
that you can put on your easy no list.
And then you can also pick three to four things
you can put on your easy yes list.
It's just as important to have both of those lists.
And the more you do it and the more
you get acquainted with what you value and what you don't,
your no list becomes longer.
Well, I love that idea.
I mean, whoever stops to think like you did,
I don't really like beer.
Why am I doing this?
And you just go along with the crowd,
or you go along because that's just something to do.
And so why?
Why do that?
Why not do something you want or just stay home and read a book?
But it makes so much sense.
And yet, I don't think people really stop and think, yeah,
let's rethink this whole thing.
Yeah, because it's not an inherently bad thing
to go to a brewery with your friends, especially
since connection is one of those big, higher needs.
But when you can think about these higher needs
and prioritize getting them first.
And then you don't become like at somebody else's whim and how you achieve your higher needs.
But like you say, it's, it is always a moving target.
I mean, it's, it's, it's never like you do this once and now your life is fine.
It's, it's always a shifting and changing and you just, you gotta kinda stay on top of it.
And your needs change, your desires change.
I mean, what I wanted in my 20s
is not what I wanted in my 40s.
You know, it's, everything changes.
You're always living in a season,
and sometimes it's a short season,
sometimes it's a longer season.
But, so it's just a great idea to do an annual check-in.
What happens when you throw into the equation the fact
that you have debt to pay off?
You have credit card debt.
And you also have to live your life.
And you want to do things that are important to you.
But you also have that nagging debt
that you need to attend to.
Yeah, we felt that, my husband and I did,
because we paid off, we were paying off $78,000 of debt
with an income of around $88,000 combined.
So we went very, very hard.
And I don't necessarily recommend that to other people.
It was a miserable time for most of it, but I learned a lot.
And it's where I started to figure out this idea
of values-based spending.
Because I had essentially cut out
all discretionary spending in order to achieve this one goal.
And because we only had one goal,
we were able to achieve it much faster
than if we had had competing goals.
But I realized on the journey that what I wanted
wasn't the coffees I gave up,
it wasn't the dinners I gave up or anything else,
but it was the reason I was going to those places.
It was the connection with friends.
And as a newlywed with no kids, that
was really the most important value to me at that time.
And it was what made me most hesitant to pay off my debt,
too, because I didn't want to give those things up.
I didn't know why.
But I was like, I don't want to live under a rock.
I want to go to happy hour.
I want to do all these things.
So when I realized what it really
was that I was missing after giving up all of that,
then I was able to pursue that instead of the happy hours
and the dinners.
And so I started inviting friends over to my house.
And we would all bring a bottle of wine,
which obviously isn't free, but far less than happy hour.
Or we would do coffee at home, we would do game nights.
We would go, we would find free events
on our city's website.
So free movies in the park, fun runs at the running store,
stuff like that.
And that, when I started doing stuff like that,
when I was engaged in that,
it made paying off debt not as miserable.
I was still sad when I would see my friends on social media
buying new cars, buying like houses, all of this stuff
that I had decided wasn't my current goal,
but I was getting what I actually wanted and that made it better. And so I would say to anybody
else that has a lot of debt, look first to your needs, your higher needs, your core values,
and see if you can get those without spending as much money as you currently are. And then
whatever you're saving is money
that you can afford to put towards debt.
And if you made that pay off your only financial goal
for the next year, what could you accomplish?
Well, I love this.
And I really liked that idea of the 90 day review
of your spending.
And you discovered, you know, you're spending all this money
on beer and you don't even like beer. so it became very easy to cut it out of
your budget but but unless you actually do that kind of review you never know
I've been talking with Jen Smith she's a personal finance expert host of the
frugal friends podcast and she's author of the book by what you love without
going broke and there's a link to her book at Amazon in the show notes.
Hey Jen, thanks for coming on and talking about this.
Yes, thank you so much Mike.
If you've ever had a hostile boss,
it can be very stressful because
you just don't know how to deal with them.
Well, there's some interesting research that says
the best way to deal with a hostile boss may just be be hostile right
back to them. Not by yelling or insulting the boss, that that's not gonna work, but
rather doing things like ignoring the boss or acting like you have no idea
what he or she is talking about or putting in a half-hearted effort. While
these are passive aggressive forms of retaliation, they do seem to work on several
In some interesting studies, they found that people who did not retaliate this way had
higher levels of distress and less job satisfaction, as well as little commitment to their work.
People who did retaliate in these passive-aggressive ways
didn't seem to have those negative consequences.
They also didn't feel that retaliating hurt their careers either.
Plus, those employees who fought back gained the admiration of their co-workers.
We tend to respect people who fight back and don't take the abuse, according to the researchers,
and having the respect helps employees feel more committed to their work We tend to respect people who fight back and don't take the abuse, according to the researchers,
and having the respect helps employees feel more committed to their work, even if the
boss is a jerk.
And that is something you should know.
Well, this is one of those episodes where I certainly learned a lot, and I hope you
did too, and if you would like to share this knowledge with some people you know, that
would really help us by helping to grow our audience.
And somewhere on the player that you're listening to this on, whether it's Apple Podcasts or
Spotify or Castbox or wherever, there's a button somewhere that you can share this episode
easily with other people and help us grow our audience.
It's probably the best thing you can do to support this podcast. I'm Mike
Carruthers, thanks for listening today to Something You Should Know.
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Hello, I am Kristin Russo.
And I am Jenny Owen Youngs.
We are the hosts of Buffering the Vampire Slayer once more with, spoilers, a rewatch
podcast covering all 144 episodes of, you guessed it, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
We are here to humbly invite you to join us for our fifth Buffy Prom, which, if you can
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That's right!
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tickets can be found at slash prom. Come join us.