Son of a Boy Dad - Argue Lords | Son of a Boy Dad #276

Episode Date: February 18, 2025

Argue Lords | Son of a Boy Dad #276 -- Harry, Adam and Francis banter and bicker for a while -- #Ad: For 30% off your order, head to and use code BOYDAD. -- #Ad: Build fast and get your first month for just a dollar at today. Thanks to Kikoff for sponsoring us! -- Follow us on our socials: -- Merch: -- SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE #SonOfABoyDad #BarstoolSportsYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, son of a boy, dad listeners, you can find every episode on Apple podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad free on Amazon Music. Yeah, I'm curious, though, like, is there a reason we don't try to give ourselves long weekends? No, not really. I think usually we're just here. It's like an hour so usually it's like a few hours. Yeah I mean I came home a day early from a ski trip. I mean yeah and it's like in the future if it's something like that then yeah we can definitely plan for that. What up? What up? Let's have some fun. Let's do it. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Good? Yeah. Shall we? Let's do it. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. You good on everything? Wow. Well done.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Alrighty, welcome back to the Son of a Boy Dad podcast. Today is February 17th. We are here live from HQ3. Today we'll all be exposing our work wives. Work wives are coming out today. What's that? You never heard of someone having a work wife? I don't know. I've seen Drus that's, I've seen Drusky, I think do a sketch about that.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I've only ever seen Drusky do it. I feel like I've seen people on social media being like, this is my work, like my work wife, when your work husband acts up, it's actually almost always Puerto Ricans. Oh. Oh yeah. Yeah, I was gonna say the office too, yeah. Panamanian gym.
Starting point is 00:02:04 But they wind up actually stooping. I think the premise of a work husband or work wife is just somebody that you flirt with, no strings attached at your office. Yeah, I don't have any of those. No, me neither. Everyone I ever flirt with at the office, I end up fucking.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I end up in long-term relationships with relationships. I didn't know. I didn't know we weren't supposed to do that. There's not really HR. HR is more an opt in opt out thing now. There's no there's I genuinely don't think there's a single other person in the office right now. It's bad Joey here. Oh really? They're work wives. They're our work wives? Yeah. We need some work husbands for real. There was no one to open the door for me either. And I started knocking. Yeah, I was knocking too.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Joey's little dog came, saw me and started barking, which alerted Joey to come and open the door for me. And if not for that dog, I would have had to go through the glass. Yeah. Yeah. You know? But secret agent style.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Yeah. Where you cut the circle. I would have covered my eyes and got elbow. Tyrese in one of the Fast and Furious movies wrapped his hand in a shirt and did it. But I still think that you risk, you know, breaking some of the smaller bones in your hand. Or the drawback through the glass, you can rip up your.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Well, that's why he had a sweater covering it all. True, sweaters will do it. I think you could still break stuff. I think it's more to prevent cuts. Yeah, he just said that. That's what he said. Well, I think it's like more like to prevent cuts. What about cuts though?
Starting point is 00:03:48 Pat and Joey have been both killing me on like tweets that get like, like 35 to like 70 likes. And they're like the funniest things I've ever read. They're just fucking destroying me. Joey said this weekend that like adults who are obsessed with Bravo are basically the same level as Disney adults, which I thought was pretty spot on. And I showed it to some people in my life
Starting point is 00:04:12 and it made them very defensive. Oh, I bet. Well, aren't you super into Bravo? I know, he read the fuck out of me. It was great. I mean, I thought it was a great roast. But then you show that to other people who really are obsessed with Bravo
Starting point is 00:04:24 and they're like, no, we're're not it's completely different from Disney adults. It must be nice to be obsessed with just channel though Right because then you just throw the channel on and it's like well Anything is gonna be good Right Well, that was true it's kids with Nick yeah, you know, yeah channel yeah Yeah, I never really was a Disney Channel kid. Oh, was true as kids with Nickelodeon, you know? Yeah. Disney Channel. Yeah. I never really was a Disney Channel kid.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Oh, I was more Disney than Nickelodeon. It's also possible that whatever basic cable shit we had did not have the Disney Channel. I don't think we got that. That was like the one premium channel we had, which is gay. Yeah, we had Disney, Channel 47. Yeah, it was sick.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I guess like dudes in the 90s with ESPN would make it their whole person. 35. Like they just turn on 35 and just watch Sports Center five times. I would do that, yeah, I would watch Sports Center. And just hits home with a boo-yah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Boo-yah! Yeah. Yeah. A non-ironic boo-yah was probably a pre-word. Or a whoop. Oh, speaking of boo-yah was probably pretty worth it. Speaking of boo-yah, hoorah, I just started watching the Black Hawk Down documentary on Netflix yesterday.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Oh yeah, I saw that. Looks good. There's a documentary about it? They just put it out on Netflix. Yeah, it's a three-part. So it's based on a true story? Well yeah, it's Mogadishu, 1993? I thought that was a made-up place,
Starting point is 00:05:42 like Narnia or Genovia. Common misconception. Really? Mogadishu, yeah. It's, well, they made Black Hawk Down with Josh Hartnett many years ago. Classic. Which was a good movie. Long movie.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Yeah. But I remember it being good and at least from what I can remember against this documentary, it seems like it was pretty true to form. It's good. I rewatched it recently. But what I don't remember is that it was all Army Rangers mixed in with Delta Force guys. Oh, I didn't know that either. And the Delta Force guys, the Rangers who thought that they were the king shit and walked around super cocky and said, we're the most elite force, they would see the Delta Force
Starting point is 00:06:24 guys and be like, oh, fuck. Yeah. You know, those guys are way more badass than we are. Like, what are the activities that were the differentiators? Was it like they trained harder and did more push-ups or was it the viciousness with which they took life? Delta Force, I think, is a pretty secretive force whose primary objectives are hostage rescue
Starting point is 00:06:45 and basically assassination. And they are selected from other special forces groups as having been vetted to be, I think the tops of their, you know, SEAL teams and their green berets and things like that. And the tryout for Delta Force, you only get to do it once. You can only try out once.
Starting point is 00:07:08 If you fail, you never get to do it. It's like the voice. Yeah, is that right? I don't know. It's basically the same level of strenuousness as the voice. Yes, yes. You think you could have been a Delta Force?
Starting point is 00:07:20 No, I don't. What about a Delta medallion? Very funny. Very funny. You don't think What about a Delta Medallion? Very funny. Very funny. You don't think you could have been one? I know that I could not have. Why? Because I've spoken to someone who tried out,
Starting point is 00:07:33 who explained the actual, the final test, which was a cross-country movement, as he put it, where basically they drop you in the wilderness, you have a compass, and you have to, I think over the course of like, I don't know, 36 hours or something like that, you have to traverse tens and tens and tens of miles of wilderness
Starting point is 00:07:57 and hit checkpoints along the route. And if you miss a single checkpoint, they alert you, you're done. Damn. And I don't really want to say too much more because I really don't want to fuck that guy over, but basically this dude. They'll find him too.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Yeah. And they'll kill him. He was, he is a military, US military, born and bred. That's all he's ever going to do. It's all he's ever gonna do. It's all he's ever dreamt of doing and was tapped from a young age too. How young? I don't know, he's like military royalty.
Starting point is 00:08:34 So like 12? I think he grew up knowing that, yeah, that he would, cause he's like a King Kade or a fucking... Yeah, a Kennedy or some shit. Like generals, you know, like they've come through the ages where their kids carried on the name. I tried to act like I could add something
Starting point is 00:08:56 to that conversation. I don't know shit about generals. So there's generals who have, it's in their family, like coaching, like Kyle Shanahan and Mike Shanahan? Yeah. Yeah, but they don't, I don't think, I don't think your kid can rise to the rank of general
Starting point is 00:09:12 if he doesn't hit the fucking marks. I think there's a pretty strong meritocracy at stake. Maybe you get preferred admission to West Point or Annapolis or something like that. I don't really know. So did your boy pass? No. He didn't?
Starting point is 00:09:29 He got to the final checkpoint. Oh my God. I think two of the 30 passed for that year or something like that. Oh my God. I mean, it's insane. It's truly the most, they say it makes the Navy SEAL shit look like, you know, child's play.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah, they're in like a fucking sensory deprivation pool, Lincoln Arms singing songs. It's fucking summer camp over at Navy SEAL school. Yeah, they do, they do torture resistance. They do stuff like that. That sucks. It sucks to get to make it through like 35 hours and then find out that you didn't get it. Especially if it was your life's ambition to become a member of Delta Force
Starting point is 00:10:10 and then you only get that one crack at it. And then you have to, you know. What does he go back to? Like accounting? Or do they like pop them into green berets? They'll put them back into whatever elite special forces unit he came from, I'm sure. It's not the end of your military.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I don't even think it's a dark mark on your resume in the military because it's so selective. He probably killed the fuck out of someone. Definitely. And like revenge, he was probably so furious that the next mission he went on, he was mowing civilians down. Well, that was what was interesting in this doc was that initially they're driving through Mogadishu
Starting point is 00:10:49 and seeing in crowds of people that are firing on their Humvees, because they're coming in to rescue the downed Black Hawk crews and people are shooting the hell out of their Humvees and stuff. And they're trying to be selective because these bad guys are firing from crowds that have women and children. And initially they are trying not to, they're holding their fire when they see that, but they're seeing women point out their positions
Starting point is 00:11:18 and basically comply with, you know, they're all against them. And then a few of their guys get killed and they go back out and he's, the guy's like, at this point I was just, it's all, they're all against them. And then a few of their guys get killed and they go back out and he's, the guy's like, at this point, I was just, he was like, I didn't give a fuck, I was shooting everybody. They say stuff, they say stuff in this documentary
Starting point is 00:11:34 where you're like, wow, that is an absolute admission to not adhering to the rules of engagement. That's like most war documentaries though. One of the dudes ends up revealing something that you're like, you probably weren't supposed to say that. Yeah. And he's like, sometimes 85. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:49 And then we raped him. Yeah. Jesus Christ, dude. Oh my God. It's like that scene in Spotlight where they go to the priest's house and they're like, did you molest a kid? And he's like, well, yeah. molest a kid and he's like, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Remember that scene where they go to this super old priest's house? Kind of. And they're like, did you molest all these boys? And he's like, well, yeah, but it was only because I was molested. Oh, right. And they're like, oh, all right. You know, I'll be honest with you,
Starting point is 00:12:23 that wasn't really a movie whose quotes stuck with me. That scene is pretty crazy. It sure is. It's funny when you put it like that. But it wasn't funny. I just remember a darkness over it. Yeah, and I remember being like, I'm never going to watch this again.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Really? I get the message. I've seen that movie like five times. I know. See, that's what I figured. And I find that a little strange. Fights told me he watches that movie like once a week Seriously, he said that movie he said spotlight Chernobyl and dopesick are like his comfort
Starting point is 00:12:54 Why would you go back to those all those are the most depressing things I've ever seen all of those are one-time Watches for me. Yeah, and not because they weren't spectacular. I sure nobles pretty good It is that would be the only I could definitely watch I could rewatch runtime watches for me. And not because they weren't spectacular. Sure Noble's pretty good. It is. That would be the only one of the three that I could re-watch. I don't think I would re-watch Dope Sick, even though Dope Sick's super good.
Starting point is 00:13:12 It was the opioid crisis. It was like the painkiller's Netflix show, but it was better. It came out first. And it was really good. It had the guy who played Michael Keaton. Michael Keaton's in it? What the fuck? You're selling Poison Billy. the My son it's a pretty like remember in Schindler's List when they just turned the showers on It's a pretty my favorite part of Manchester by the sea when he's picking him up at school. He's like you're not my dad
Starting point is 00:13:54 He's a great movie it is but these aren't move I watch like fucking Manchester by the sea is a rewatch for sure I've seen that movie like three times four times Strange maybe I just like it cuz it's in because it's I feel like it's so realistic to Massachusetts Chester by the Sea is a rewatch for sure. I've seen that movie like three times, four times. Strange. Maybe I just like it because I feel like it's so realistic to Massachusetts. True. Like it's the only Massachusetts movie that feels like it's actually in Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Yeah, I only watched that once. All the stuff that, what was the one where the, the kid that you know a little bit. He's in that. Is he? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. He got nominated for that. know a little bit? He's in that. Is he in that? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He got nominated for that. He's the kid. Lucas Hedges. Lucas Hedges. And he had another movie
Starting point is 00:14:31 where he was like an addict or something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was so dark. I think Julia Roberts was his mom. It was his mom, yeah. And then he's like running away at the end or something. Wow, that's like, I'll never rewatch that. I can't remember that movie, but then also,
Starting point is 00:14:44 Mid 90s I thought he was really good in yeah he's awesome and mid-90s is rewatchable uh bro we need I wonder what mid-90s is trash you don't have that movie below yours you're you're like sort of takes on rewatchable movies are so bad that you made 90s I barely made it through the first watch that's a good movie let alone a rewatch Jonah Hill's directorial with a deal I remember being pumped to a time that he can't access yeah I think DD have you watched DD that's like a same type of movie that's this down you guys can definitely
Starting point is 00:15:17 relate to that movie what growing up in LA in the 90s being a skateboarder with like an abusive older brother I think it's more like the VCRs and like the style. Do you need to be, do movies need to be relatable in order to watch them multiple times? Because if that's true, then who molested you? You guys just said that I couldn't get into mid 90s because I didn't, because I can't relate to that time. Did you say that? Yes, I just said that. I was saying that there's like a nostalgia, I think one of the most attractive parts of that movie is the nostalgia part of it
Starting point is 00:15:47 And so it's like if you're not which part of it was nostalgic for you I think just like the style and like the types of cars and like them going to like the malls that they went to like How people dress and like the music that they're listening to true. Yeah, I forgot about the famous mall scene The they're skateboarding outside of a mall is not where they try to do the first jump where he like lands flat on his back No, the famous mall scene, of course Yeah, here we go There was someone called you like a argue Lord But saying that mid 90s is more rewatchable than Manchester by the Sea or...
Starting point is 00:16:26 Or I just don't like dark movies to rewatch. I think it absolutely is. But that's like, mid-90s isn't even in the same realm. I'm not saying it's a better movie. We're talking about rewatchability, which to me is, you know, old school, wedding crashers, Garden State I've seen a dozen times, movies like that that are pleasant where the second, the third, the fourth watch is background.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yeah, but I just like do a move, like I've seen Oppenheimer like five times. Yes, as have I. But that's a dark movie. It's not as dark as Spotlight. Yeah, I kind of agree. I think it's more like epic. And I'm not just talking about- It's about like one of the worst things that's ever
Starting point is 00:17:07 happened in history. But there's no fallout of like their side of it. Like- Like we're talking about like 80 kids in Boston versus like 600,000 people in Japan. Wait a minute. Okay, I see what you mean. I got it now. The argue Lord strikes again. First, I'm just saying. First I thought you were talking about Manchester by the sea and I was like, dude, I don't think 80 kids died in that movie.
Starting point is 00:17:34 It was just his three, right? When the log rolled out from the screen. I mean, the- And he's like, and I wanted more Coke. So I went to the store and I must have left the screen open, and a log probably rolled out. I don't understand what you're referencing. It's when he's telling the story
Starting point is 00:17:51 of how his fucking whole family burnt. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And he's telling it, and he has this unbelievable resignation, and then he walks out, and he grabs the guy's gun, tries to kill himself, but doesn't switch the safety off and they tackle him.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Yeah, that's a good scene. And it's like, dude, if you felt that then, why don't you just try when you left the fucking police station? Didn't have a gun. Not hard to get. Massachusetts, not easy. Man of his means, janitor, plumber.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Sure, he could probably find one. Yeah, he could find one. Everyone he knows has a gun. Yeah, exactly. He was literally Everyone he knows has a gun. Yeah, exactly. But they've all probably killed only friends with like fishermen. Yeah, right, right. I enjoy rewatching like a crime movie.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Those are, I think, are my most fun movies to rewatch. Town's great to rewatch. Or like Godfather, something like that. Some kind of. Spotlight. I guess that was a crime. like that. I mean some kind of spotlight That was a crime. I guess most movies involve some kind of investigative drama Yeah, I love spotlight dark waters and Erin Brock Dark waters is fun. I just read just rewatched our nothing like that intrepid lawyer that takes on the chemical I just rewatched that movie. It's phenomenal. Testing the waters as he hops through over the fence.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Yeah. Finding retribution for all the families whose children grew up with horns. I get what you guys are saying. You don't want to rewatch dark movies. I just think I got, I don't, I kind of get what you're saying, but I think I have different, like I would never rewatch like, I would never rewatch, like I said, I'd never rewatch Dope Sick. I'd never rewatch like, what's that rewatch, like I said, I'd never rewatch Dope Sick. I'd never rewatch like, what's that movie
Starting point is 00:19:27 with Timothee Chalamet and Steve Carell? Yeah, I mean, I never watched that. Beautiful Boy. I just avoided that because I knew I didn't want to see that. Yeah, it's pretty good. I'm sure it's excellent. But why do I need to ruin my day? Oh, it doesn't necessarily ruin the day.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Have I ever told you, have I ever told you that there was a period, that's not even worth arguing about. What ruins a day? I mean, that movie. What is a day ruined? It's a dark movie, but it's not like one of those, it's not like I close my laptop after watching it
Starting point is 00:20:01 and I'm like, well, I guess I'll just go to bed now. Right, okay, I'll let you have that point. That's usually when I throw in some NFL highlights. A little palette cleanser? Yeah. I used to watch Wallace and Gromit as a child after a scary movie to help me. That's a good, good flicks.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Soothe the nerves. There's a darkness about Wallace and Gromit that... Yeah, it's a little tough for you guys to handle. Not a re-watch. Definitely not. Not a re-watch for Wallace and Gromit. There's something morbid about Wallace and Gromit. Well, the one with the wrong trousers
Starting point is 00:20:28 where the chicken is the thief, the jewel thief, that one was pretty spooky at times. Right, dark. You watch the new one? Oh, the Weir Rabbits? I don't know, it's on Netflix. It's pretty good, actually. You watched it?
Starting point is 00:20:40 Well, I'll say this, the claymation has come a long way. Oh yeah. Are they even doing it with clay anymore? They are, and whoever say this the claymation has come a long way. Oh, yeah Are they even doing it with clay they are and whoever is doing the clay now is way better than the og claymaster Well, they probably got like 40 guys running the clay. Could be or clay has come a long way. Clay might have material. Yeah, they take still frames of it. I believe so yeah, I just saw the Louie joke where he's, I had clay in my bag and the TSA agent took it and said, have a nice flight.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Look lady, either that's a bomb or it's not. And if it is, ask me a lot of questions. Okay, so I was gonna say that there was a moment in my life, you know, as any, I think probably when I was in college, where, you know, you start to rebel against your parents, your dad or whatever, just a little angsty, a little fazy. And my dad, I don't know if he did it intentionally, but there was subliminal messaging around the house about how he longed to mend. So for example, I came home and I logged in, I was on the TV and Netflix,
Starting point is 00:21:58 and it was like, back then, the categories of movies that would be recommended for you were so specific. Yeah. And I remember the top category was like, father-son reconciliation stories. Yeah. Turns out there's a lot of movies for that to be the case. Damn. I wonder who they're for.
Starting point is 00:22:20 More the father or the more the son? Probably son coming back to father, yeah. I say this because that's Steve Carell timothy chalamet movie I'm sure would have fit right under that Yeah, probably Maybe That's probably like the darkest movie I've ever seen Next to like basketball diaries basketball diaries was so dark that it wasn't even like it no part of it was enjoyable You're like this is just a tragedy Yeah yeah it was pretty fun the fact that it was
Starting point is 00:22:47 DiCaprio though yeah yeah the scene where he's in the bed and Samuel L. Jackson won't let him go it's just forcing him to kick it that's some good act I watched that movie when I was like yeah 13 way too young the two words together make it seem like a really nice movie I might have been it might have been closer to like 12 when I watched it. Yeah. You think it's going to be a mashup of Love and Basketball and Princess Diaries. Neither. You really do.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah. It sounds like the same kind of thing. Barely any basketball in that movie. Yeah. Second Princess Diaries reference. Barely. Maybe like one minute of basketball. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:22 And it's the scene where he's like, he takes the downers instead of the uppers. Yeah, there's a whole different kind of shooting going on. Yeah. Yeah. It's more like a matchup between Requiem for a Dream and 25th Hour. I think I was so intrigued by the movie because you couldn't, I couldn't find it anywhere. It was the first movie I'd ever seen that wasn't on like Amazon Prime. It wasn't on any streaming platform. So I had to watch it on an illegal streaming website. The first movie you'd ever seen that wasn't on Amazon Prime. Dude, it's pretty tough to find a movie that's not on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I know, I just think that to me again, is just the generational divide showing itself. Well, it used to be, remember when it was just on demand? Yes. But I remember movie rentals. Well, yeah, we did movie rentals too. I was just really young. Only DVDs I bet.
Starting point is 00:24:13 No, we had a VCR machine. Really? Yeah. VCR machine sounds funny. I mean, I'm not from, I wasn't born in 2013. Did you, so do you remember going to a movie store? Yeah, we had one in, right in our like little town hall area. Was there like a porno section of it behind like beaded, like hanging beads?
Starting point is 00:24:35 I was way too young to remember that. Do you remember, do you remember occasionally having to rewind the movie when you brought it home because some of the previous person had not? Nope. I'm assuming my parents probably did that because I was probably two.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Yeah. Yeah. But I do remember, there was a blockbuster in the town over. Was there a porno section in your video store? Yeah, there was. Did you, when you were like 17, 18, did you ever wander in? By that point, you know, I had graduated to the internet.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Desktop porn? Yeah. Internet porn? Yeah, I guess so. I guess right around then. I never felt the need to rent porn. But I know I wandered in there once or twice. I probably wasn't 17, 18.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I was probably a little bit younger. But I never knew how it would go, like bringing the title to the front and being like, hey, can I get a copy of Busty Babes 12 or whatever? Yeah, you think they would be disgusted by it or do you think they'd be like nice choice? on the guy Or girl. Yeah, I don't know. I mean there's always a long-haired like flannel wearing I think that there's probably a part of the training program for movie rental stores just as there is For I think bodegas when you have to get to the front of the line and point out which condoms you'd like
Starting point is 00:25:53 where the person the cashier is specifically taught in those moments to remain as Poker-faced and resolute as possible. Yeah, yeah, makes sense. Don't make it weird. The bodega onboarding. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. I mean, I don't know. It would be funny if the dude at the bodega
Starting point is 00:26:12 was just like, pfft. Yeah, I know. Laughing at your condom usage. They say that members of immigration control are the most likely people to practice safe sex. Really? Yeah. Why?
Starting point is 00:26:25 That's just the way they live their lives. They're feds. Interesting. are the most likely people to practice safe sex. Really? Yeah. Why? That's just the way they live their lives. They're feds. Interesting. They play it by the book, which means that if you are a bodega owner and you start to laugh at the face of them, you see where I'm going here.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Or would you think they're like, hey, nice man, getting some pussy, huh? Fuck yeah, bro. That would be another way to play it. And you're hoping for an immigration officer with a sense of humor. Or who's like proud of their exploits. That's true, that's true.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Who just takes it at face value that they're being complimented. Yeah. Where are those big ass boots from? I just bought them this weekend because I had to. They're fucking monsters. Yeah, they look super nice. What are those? Slam them on this weekend because I had to. They're fucking monsters. Yeah, they look super nice.
Starting point is 00:27:05 What are those? Slam them on the table. I wanted to hear the weight of them. I know that brand. No, no, slam it. I want to hear the weight. Oh yeah. Let me see that brand.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Oh yeah. These are Danners? Danners. Definitely have seen those before. Yeah, yeah, these are good. Great ankle support. I had to buy them. I was in Vail this weekend, or Beaver Creek, actually.
Starting point is 00:27:26 You were in Vail yesterday. Yeah. Flew out of Vail, yeah. Is that your phone? That's my phone, it's Bo. He's pissed. Have a one. Because he's being removed from our Call of Duty team.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Wait, you have to take this call. No, he's just gonna call to say what's up. I love that he calls you every day. Yeah, he's in, I mean, he's in Spain, so it's probably like, what, eight there, nine? What do I have to do to be part of the group that when I call you, you pick up? Because I call you a lot.
Starting point is 00:27:57 I pick up pretty much every single time you call me. I do. And I know not to call you before noon because you're still asleep. That's not true, I was up in 9 this morning Wow, what happened went to bed early? So I went to bed at 6 the night before Mmm, am right. I figured devastating. Why would you do that? I was so dumb Stayed up all night playing video games played video games. It's like three. I wasn't six was probably like five thirty
Starting point is 00:28:23 But I fell asleep. Oh, that's nothing. It was really bad. I felt awful. That's like Coke night. Yeah, it's kind of like you're in bed and you're like, well, I've ruined my next day already. Which is Coke. So I may as well just stay up. You switch time zones. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:39 You traveled across the Atlantic. Dude, I... In your own bed. Honestly, at this point, I need to get into bed two to three hours before when I want to fall asleep. Why? Because you're on your phone the whole time? Yeah. And what are you looking at exactly?
Starting point is 00:28:55 Dude, I just watch YouTube videos for hours. Is it YouTube? Yeah. Are you watching the whole video? Are you putting the video up in the corner while you scroll? Or are you just like? No, I really don't do much scrolling it's really just YouTube you're zoned in on like I'll watch a full video and then I'll be like
Starting point is 00:29:10 what's next what did you like what are some types of videos well the NFL films is putting out like top 100 catches of the year top 100 throws yeah top 100 runs of the year videos are like 45 minutes. Yeah, it's tough. And then I was doing mock drafts for fantasy. For fantasy? Not even the Patriots? I started one at like 4 30 in the morning and it didn't end until like five something. Bro, hit me up if you're trying to mock draft fantasy. Yeah, I would have been, I would have got up right away. Well, because I was thinking about it because I was watching the top 100 plays and you're like,
Starting point is 00:29:43 there's a lot of good rookies out there that I'm like forgetting about that could be key players next season That's why you have to scout the actual draft Dude, like there's gonna be rookies this year who nobody's ever heard of but you have the edge because you were watching the Boise State footage It's just tough because there's a lot of there's a lot of talent in running backs right now. There's a lot of good running backs Like an overwhelming amount of good running backs right now. There's a lot of good running backs. Like an overwhelming amount of good running backs right now. Tough to choose. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:09 You are basically addicted. Like if the Giants get a good O-line, Tracy, that might be my one-one. I think that, I think that it's unlikely for Saquon Barkley to have another season on the heels of the one he just had, of the same caliber. I just think that running back is a position that, you know, you get beat up.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I think he's got at least one more. I think it might not be next season. I don't think it'll be next season. But I think he'll still, I mean, he's obviously gonna have over, like, I'd say he's definitely gonna have over like 1,500 yards. You think over 1,500? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Do you know how many carries he takes? Yeah, what is it like? It's like 20 something a game. It's insane. Was it like 25 a game? He had like 360 carries or something like that I think in the regular season. I think Derrick Henry had like 320 or something. But Derrick Henry's a couple years older than him, and he had an equally good year last year.
Starting point is 00:31:06 That's true, but he didn't have a year before, like that was a breakout year. He hasn't had that every year, right? Derrick Henry? He's had a lot of good years. Yeah, he's been in the league for what, 10 years? Some shit like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:21 I guess some people are- Like a stocking ball in the off season. Some people are just built a little differently, where they can bounce off hits and absorb it better Yeah, I mean take one didn't really take any like he doesn't really take like nasty hit He gets thrown to the ground sometimes awkwardly. Yeah, you know Guys are landing on top of you twisting Landing on your legs. I think it's different though when you got a guy like when you got guys like Derek Henry and sake one who? are like not only are they running backs like they're running backs so like yeah
Starting point is 00:31:48 they're gonna get it's like a shorter span career but they're also like the biggest guys on the field like Derek Henry it's like there's not really anyone that's hitting him that's gonna be like whoa yes but Saquon's not one of the biggest Sa Saquon's pretty big. Muscular, but he's not tall at all. Yeah, but he's wide as fuck. Well, he probably takes a hit a lot better than like. I think he's like 230. To that point, there's something about Josh Allen running that is different from any other quarterback.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Yeah, I did have Josh Allen as my one-one in my mom. Why don't you start a dynasty league so you can actually care about the off season and then have a draft after the NFL draft? It's not a bad idea. Dude, I was flying home from Vail yesterday. First, one. What?
Starting point is 00:32:37 First. No. Comfort. No, I had a Delta flight and I was flying to Atlanta and then connecting from Atlanta to LaGuardia. And I didn't want to pay up because I thought I might get upgraded. Then that flight got delayed enough that I wasn't going to make my connection.
Starting point is 00:32:56 So I bailed on it and bought an American flight and the only seats available were in the last row. From Atlanta? No, that was a direct from Vale. So I bailed on the whole Delta flight and got on the American flight, hour delayed. We're flying and we get to about, I don't know, 45 minutes from New York and the pilot says,
Starting point is 00:33:22 or it must have been a little more than that. And the pilot goes, all right everybody, I've got some bad news, the weather in New York is terrible, so we are going to divert to Chicago. Oh, Chicago? Yeah. What? Why is that?
Starting point is 00:33:39 First of all, that's not that bad. I thought you were gonna say some like Philly or DC. Where you could get on a train, you mean? Yeah, like, because last time. I would much rather land in Chicago than Rochester. Why? Because first of all, I can jump to the Chicago office for work if I need to.
Starting point is 00:33:55 If I have to spend the night, I could go do stuff there. Or two, there's a lot more flights from Chicago to New York the next day. But why not like Cleveland? You know, why so far west? The only time I've ever been diverted was I landed in Rochester and I had to drive home. Cause our flight got canceled when we landed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:15 So you went to Chicago. But I got home that night. Right. But I'm assuming you did as well. Well, we landed in Chicago, no information. People are, people get on the phone when we land and everyone's saying, yeah, it's a disaster. No, they diverted us to Chicago. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I have no idea when I'm gonna get home. We taxi into the gate. They don't open the doors. And then the pilot comes on and says, all right, everybody, we're actually just gonna add a a bunch of fuel and hopefully they're going to let us go to back to New York and everyone's, oh, oh, oh, back on the phone. No, no. I mean, I'm not going to, I'm not going to count my chickens yet, but they're saying that we're gonna go. We're gonna be back in tonight.
Starting point is 00:35:08 And they fill us up. Everyone's standing up, everyone's happy, moving around the plane. I'm trying to think to myself, it took me a few minutes to realize that that was the best outcome. Because I had gotten my head around the idea of, going into Chicago, staying at a decent hotel,
Starting point is 00:35:29 having room service and chilling for a night. What time was it? At that point, it was probably 7.30. Oh, you could have got dinner. Yes, exactly. And I love Chicago. So I thought, okay, I guess this is the best option, but by now what was supposed to have been a four hour flight
Starting point is 00:35:54 is turning into a seven hour flight. With a landing, stop, can't get off the plane. So everyone's, the gigantic line for the bathroom. The whole plane is in line for the bathroom. I'm in the last row. I only decided after two or three people had gone to the bathroom that I wanted to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Am I allowed to cut the line? To cut that line? Or do I have to walk to the front of the plane against traffic and wait from that point forward? I think you gotta walk to the front of the line. That's kinda, I didn forward. I think you got to walk to the front of the line. That's kind of- No. I didn't walk. I waited till everyone had gone and then I went. Smart move.
Starting point is 00:36:30 But I didn't know what the proper protocol was because the only advantage to being in the back of the plane is that in an event like that, you do have- You got to act. Primary access to, you got to be the first one up. Yeah. Or you run the ship and you're like one in one out clear the aisle Yeah, you grass, right? What's the bucks ahead people were just milling in the galley? They were milling. Yeah stretching the legs a lot of mill workers yeah, yeah and
Starting point is 00:36:56 Anyway, so then then we taxi back out we take off we head to New York By the way, they did the fucking safety briefing again, which pissed me off Yeah, that we know look at me. It's like it's the whole cast. Yeah, we were all here Yeah, that must be law that must be there. They have to do it That's what the air marshals are doing now that there's no terrorist attack. Yes auditing to make sure that the seatbelts. Yeah Yeah, I'm sure it's law the no meal service, no drinks on the second leg. That's fine. Were you reading something? I was watching the Black Hawk Down documentary.
Starting point is 00:37:30 On an iPad? My phone. Tough one to watch on the plane. You blow around, you must have been pissed. Why didn't I have headphones on? I know, I mean just like from the visuals. He was playing a video of helicopters falling out of the sky. He had a boombox on his shoulder in row 34.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Yeah, it's all dramatic reenactments. They don't have that much footage of- The actual. They have a little footage of the first crash. Really? Yeah, from a far away. It's pretty insane. I don't think I've ever seen that.
Starting point is 00:37:59 I'll have to look it up when I get home. I mean the thing explodes. And I'll watch it multiple times. I'm a sicko. It doesn't have flame, but it up when I get home. I mean, the thing explodes. And I watch it multiple times, because I'm a sicko. It doesn't have flame, but it's just giant pile of dust and pieces of metal and stuff. All right, guys. Let's take a second and talk about our good friends
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Starting point is 00:41:43 Can have an impact on your credit. Individual results may vary. So did you guys end up getting home? We get to New York and we are about to land. I would say that the last 20 minutes of the flight was the scariest experience I've ever had on a plane. Really? Yeah. You guys were getting tossed around?
Starting point is 00:42:03 Dude, it was as if we were a kite. It felt like we were a kite made of tin foil. Just an absolute fucking humbling universe moment of God will play with our plane as if he's a four year old. Yeah, yeah. You know, and again, I'm trying to watch Black Hawk Down, watch the 50 Cal. Still just an awful choice to be watching that. Your taste in what to watch is done.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I will not hear a word. In the middle of a plane crash and you're watching a documentary about a helicopter crashing. You're right, we would have been comforting to throw on fucking Moonlight or whatever. What's the one? Spotlight. Spotlight for the 40th time. I'd rather be watching Spotlight in that scenario. That classic hilarious scene where the priest admits to diddling kids.
Starting point is 00:42:52 No, there are some really funny scenes in that movie though. Hold that thought. Okay. I am coming into land and we're getting tossed around and to the point where, you know, you see, you come over the runway and you see how we're supposed to be lined up and we're not even close.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Yeah. And I'm like, oh, this is gonna be one of those times where we're gonna have to go back up. Yeah. And circle around. Which has never happened to me. Really? I've never had that before. That would happen to me twice. Wow. It's horrifying. Yeah, I know. Because they don't tell you. Right. And then never had that before. It happened to me twice. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:25 It's horrifying. Yeah, I know. Because they don't tell you. Right. And then all of a sudden you're just going back up. Yeah. So, I'm thinking we're not close. There's just no way. And not only that, but then I'm like,
Starting point is 00:43:38 I don't think this is going to get any easier. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. I don't think we have this. And I don't know how cocky this pilot is. He had an accent.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Yeah. Like, I wanna say Eastern Europe. Don't worry. Yeah, it's an American Airlines flight, and the guy is coming on with an unplaceable accent. Yeah. And I'm like, what the fuck? How did we get here?
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah. So. Like Tony Saragusa in Rounders. Yeah. and I'm like, what the fuck? How did we get here? So- Like Tony Saragusa in rounders. Yeah. It's like kind of Russian, but like, is that an American guy pretending to be Russian? Yeah. But then I remembered he had flown into Vale,
Starting point is 00:44:19 which I think you have to have special training to land in Vale as well as Aspen, tell you right. All those mountain airports. So he may have some sort of higher credential and we are still getting tossed around, right? What's the noise on the plane like? Like the same way that everyone was like, oh, oh. There's a little gaspiness.
Starting point is 00:44:42 There's a little gasping. I mean, we're hitting the turbulence drops. Yeah, there's the worst. The stomach drop turbulence. Yeah. Where it's like. You grab the guy's leg. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:52 The plane just goes, drops like whatever. Feels like 40 feet in the air. Except realistically, it's probably like one foot. No, it's probably like. It's probably like. It's a lot. Could be more like 300 feet. It could be.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I'm glad you just completely changed your mind in the middle of that thought. Cause now you can't argue it. Yeah. Cause you said both sides of the argument. Yeah. Well, that's what I said. And the truth is probably in the middle somewhere.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Sure, probably. I'll be the closest. 140 feet. I'm the closest regardless. So, no, I guess it'd be 160, 155 feet. Anyway, we, the wheels touch down hard and then we're swerving around the runway. And I'm like, I do this thing
Starting point is 00:45:36 when I'm in a really tough landing situation like that, where I want the last thoughts in my life to be positive. So I'm just thinking about my family and I'm picturing them and kind of- So this was really bad. Praying to say, yeah, I mean, the flight got diverted three hours before. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:58 No flights were allowed to come in. Imagine what it would have been like if you landed on time. Dude, it didn't seem like anything had changed. Yeah. I don't know why they said, oh no, we landed on time. Dude, it didn't seem like anything had changed. Yeah. I don't know why they said, oh no, we're good now. Yeah. We weren't. He's just like, fuck the FAA.
Starting point is 00:46:11 I'll land the bitch. So we finally, and then you straighten it out and the brakes come on and it's okay. And people started clapping. And I joined. I've never done it before. I've never clapped upon the landing of a plane. What was it like?
Starting point is 00:46:33 It was so deserved. The amount of skill that this pilot, I think he did one of those landings where you come in sideways. I think that's what it was. I think he drifted in and handled it and landed and everybody clapped. I've been on flights where people clapped.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Usually it's from some country home where a lot of those people, I don't think have ever been on a plane before. And so, but this was Vale to New York. So I presume a lot of these people, I mean, a lot of them were wearing, you know, $800 cowboy hats. That's like the week before.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Ralph Lauren shit. Yeah, they'd come from Aspen because that Aspen airport usually people end up flying out of Vale. A lot of wealthy people and everyone, everyone clapped. And I joined and I fully thought it was the right thing to do. And we taxied in and we got out and sure enough the pilot came out for his curtain call. Oh yeah. Standing there and I gave him his props. What'd you say?
Starting point is 00:47:37 I was like, that was a hell of a landing. And he goes, thank you. He knew, he knew what he did. He was there. That's so sick. He was there to That's so sick. He was there to clap his hands. Are you supposed to look around to everybody else when you clap or you just kind of keep your eyes forward?
Starting point is 00:47:53 I think that's the cheesiest part about clapping after something is when you're all sharing the moment and looking at each other. We've been through this together and by the the grace of God. Pointing at each other. And that Estonian daredevil who had his hand on the wheel. What do you realistically think it's like, though, for the pilot? Do you think he's actually adrenaline junkie? Do you think he's actually like, so in your head,
Starting point is 00:48:20 you're like, this is the worst turbulence I've ever experienced. It wasn't the worst turbulence necessarily that I've ever experienced. It was the most that the plane had ever been affected by weather in my life. Here's something crazy. When we were parked at the gate and I stood up, the plane was moving like a boat under my feet by the wind. This is a parked, you know, big plane. Whatever, six seats across. What time was this? We landed at 10.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Was it that windy? Dude, it was nuts. Everyone's been talking about how windy it was. I haven't, I guess I haven't been on sideways. Do you see what I'm saying? The plane was shifting around on its wheels parked at the gate by the, that's why the wind. I almost got knocked off of my bike today, like broadside.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Like the wind was just like pushing me sideways. I can't believe you biked in today. It's fucking insane. I would not have done today. 30 30 degrees and feels like it's like 10. Yeah, nasty with the wind. But that's fucking that's exciting as hell. And it's it's fun probably if you've had like a drink or two, you're like, whoa, if you're just sober or after a long weekend of drinking,
Starting point is 00:49:29 the natural flight anxiety that comes with that has to just have people, that must've been the most scared a collective of people has ever been. Yeah, it was tough. The worst one I ever had, it's hard to tell. It's hard to tell which one's the worst one
Starting point is 00:49:42 you've actually had because I used to be way more scared of flying, so the worst one I might have ever had probably wasn't actually that bad. I probably just thought it was a lot worse. But I remember it was when I was taking Ativan to fly, and it was at a point where it was like, turbulence was so bad, and I was on Ativan,
Starting point is 00:50:02 and I was literally, people were screaming, and I was looking around being like we're good I was like these things don't go down I was like I was so calm on the one flight I was like shit face like my one dog was like we were about to have to put her down I could didn't give a fuck about like the world and everyone was throwing up. I was like, it's fine I'm like that's the one you're going to Austin. No, that was the one we were that wasn't that wasn't a private Plane that was just a regular plane that got struck by lightning. Yeah right next to me. Well, I didn't assume private plane
Starting point is 00:50:31 No, the the one that I was laughing at was was a private one Oh was that when you were with big cat and Jerry and they were all thrown And I was just like cackling laughing. Usually I'm so fucking scared. But there's been a couple other ones, one from West Virginia, one from Georgia, where I was like, this is it, where we were dropping literally 400 feet at a time on a small plane.
Starting point is 00:50:54 The drop is the one that I have a hard time, hard time brushing that one off. I watched everybody on the plane stand up with the drop. Yeah. I was just watching everybody like counter gravity. Completely lose their gravitational pull to the. The thing that you said earlier about when you get diverted and people start calling.
Starting point is 00:51:15 When I got diverted when we landed in Rochester I was in first class and I mean, like you were in your last row of the plane. If people are calling and having those calls in the last row, imagine what the people in first class are saying. People in on my flight were like going up to the flight attendants being like, this is the worst fucking flight I've ever been on in my entire life. I'm supposed to be at the White House in 20 minutes. Figure this out. I need you to figure this out. Do you have any idea what happens when I don't show up at work?
Starting point is 00:51:47 Your net worth goes down. Yeah. You see that? You see that name tag you got right there? Might as well take it off right now. Give it to me. Give me your name tag. I control the economy.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yeah. Do you have any idea how powerful I am? Yeah. No, we literally, the dude next to me on the flight, the guy to the row over, I remember he he called like as we landed he was front row So he had his feet up against the wall and he calls like his wife or whatever He's literally like out loud in front of like everything to everyone just talking normally. It's like he's like yeah No, this is the worst fucking flight. I've ever been on he's like we're never flying Delta again
Starting point is 00:52:20 This is a fucking nightmare and like the pilot flight attendants are like we're so sorry Yeah, dude. How funny is it that we blame the airline? flying Delta again, this is a fucking nightmare. And like the flight attendants were like, we're so sorry. Yeah. Dude, how funny is it that we blame the airline? Yeah, for saving your life. Yeah. Being like, you will die if we fly through this. Or just that, you know, somehow United
Starting point is 00:52:36 would have handled it differently. Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, I know United's fleet of planes, they're actually impervious to adverse weather. United's got these new bowings, they just cut right through. They cut right through. Yeah, they're covered in Gore-Tex.
Starting point is 00:52:52 It's the Gore-Tex Pro. When that happened to me, we landed in Rochester, and then same thing, they were like, we're gonna fill up with fuel and then we're gonna go back to New York. And we filled up with fuel, waited for like 45 minutes. And then they're like, all right, we're going, we're taxiing off.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I fall asleep for probably an hour. And then I wake up and we're back at the gate. And then they were like flights off completely. We canceled the flight. And then I had to drive back eight hours. The one time going back from a rough and rowdy, we were trying to beat the weather to the airport to get on a plane to come back to New York. And the weather was like terrible coming in. They're like, it
Starting point is 00:53:28 has to be now. It was like a five minute window. And as we were getting on the plane, like, just like chairs are like in luggage just tumbling across the runway. And I asked the dude, I was like, are we going to be okay? Like the flight attendant was just chipper as hell. And he was like, Oh, you're not going to die. It's going to be really uncomfortable. Yeah, the plane's not going to crash. It's like that boat pilot in Wolf of Wall Street. Oh, yeah. It's a little light chop.
Starting point is 00:53:53 My job. My job. That scene, the scene of Wolf of Wall Street, where he looks out the window and the planes hit each other. Fucking as the voiceover? Shit really happened. That's like one of the funniest movie scenes. That's great. I love a good bad flight story. They always get me for some reason.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I know when he said his flight was bad I've never seen you light up like that. It's so funny. Like it's like, it's obviously scary but it is funny because it's like you're not gonna die. Well. Realistically. I don't know, there's been some plane crashes in the United States recently that. Okay, the plane crashes in the United States, this is what happens. One plane crash. There was one actual plane crash and it was a collision midair,
Starting point is 00:54:41 which is how like 90% of plane crashes happen nowadays. The Philly one too. And then there's a bunch of small ones. People don't realize those happen all the time. They're just never, they're never a big deal because small like Cessna's like size planes crash. That happens. Wait, but what about the Philly one? What was that? How big was that plane? It was a tiny plane. Seven people died on it or something?
Starting point is 00:55:02 That happens like all the time in the world. The reason that it was such a big deal was because the one in DC happened like the day before. So now it's on everyone on Twitter who has to be like a fucking conspiracy theorist. They're like, something's going on. A budding FAA enthusiast. Yeah. No, one plane crashed and then the tiny planes that do crash, crashed as a coincidence. Yeah. Well, I'm just saying I fly these tiny planes
Starting point is 00:55:26 all the fucking time, bro. It's not like they're shooting down planes from the sky. I stay on a tiny plane. Haven't you heard these anecdotes that I'm telling you? Yeah, I guess. No, thank god I don't fly it. Because it wasn't worth it to me. I'd rather go through the airport experience
Starting point is 00:55:41 and drive somewhere. I'm sure you've been on private planes. Yeah, I have. Also, don't private pilots require significantly less experience? No, I don't think so. I don't think that's right. I think it's the other way around. Really? Yeah. They're flying...
Starting point is 00:55:56 I think a lot of jets fly to higher out, like 45,000 feet of cruising, which is why they... that and the more powerful engines is why they cut that and the more powerful engines is why they cut flight times down significantly. But it is, I do think the instances of private jets crashing are higher than commercial. Yeah, 100%.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Soon enough, they're just gonna have like a rocket that just goes straight up and then just parabolas down to where you're trying to go. Well, they had the, what was the? Concord? The Concord. I almost, by the way, when you asked me, you've probably flown private,
Starting point is 00:56:32 I almost had the same response that girls do when you ask them how much Coke they do. Well, I've never paid for it. I know I'd get addicted if I bought it myself one time. And then it's like, well, you know what? That just makes you a fucking asshole. You're just getting it for free. The rest of us have to pay for cocaine.
Starting point is 00:56:51 No, I don't do it so much that I've ever had to pay for it. No, me? I'm just a hot girl. Oh, a free line? The Conquer Blades flew at, I think, 60,000 feet. I'll take a picture on the runway as if this is my lifestyle all the time. They flew at 60,000 and they break the sound barrier too,
Starting point is 00:57:09 right? That's why they stopped flying them. 60,000 sounds really high. That's pretty sure what they flew at. They flew super high and then they were, they would have, there was too many sonic, sonic booms. So it was starting to become like a problem. I thought it was because they couldn't because they couldn't make them profitable.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I thought that there was no seat price you could charge, basically, to offset the cost of that flight. Well, they're supposed to be revamping it with United's coming out with one. Concord? Yeah, I think it's called the Boom. So they're marketing the sound of how loud it's going to be. Let me look it up.
Starting point is 00:57:52 So Concord. Or maybe it's just like a Boom Supersonic. It was supposed to come out in 2025, I thought. But Concord was, so it would be like three hours to fly from like New York to London. To London, yeah. And- My parents did it. Yeah, really?
Starting point is 00:58:10 Yeah. That's pretty sick. They were gifted it as a wedding present. That's pretty sick. What did they say? They said it was pretty sick. It's very small though. It's tiny. The plane was very narrow.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I think it was like one seat on either side. What? Yeah, it's very small. It only seats like 20 on either side. What? Yeah, it's very small. It only seats like 20 people or something. What? But there was, well there was a bad crash where everyone died. Really? On Concord, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:35 And then also the sonic booms were like, cause they would be flying over like Europe and then there would just be a sonic boom at like 4 a.m. and it would wake up the entire continent. Yeah. Herds of cows tipping over dead. Yeah. It was happening on a daily basis. Entire wineries, all their bottles shattered. Yeah. A ton of people started complaining and then the crash happened and then they
Starting point is 00:58:58 just called it quits. But they're at United's coming out with, or they've been coming out with one. Isn't there only one Sonic Boom though, and it's when they pass the speed of sound? I think there can be multiple. Cause I've seen it, like, have you ever seen videos of Sonic Booms? And there's like two. Yeah, Sonic Boom's probably one of my favorite things.
Starting point is 00:59:20 It's pretty sick. As a kid, I would, I used to just say it all the time. Yeah. I don't even know, I would like throw a snowball and mean and say it. Yeah. Which didn't really make sense. No, it doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:59:30 But I liked it. Isn't that like Street Fighter or some shit? Yeah, I think so. See that dude that jumped out of the spaceship for Red Bull, remember that, remember when that happened? Yeah. Did he break the sound barrier? I think he did.
Starting point is 00:59:41 No. No? No. He was moving. I don't think a human body falling at terminal velocity is faster than spew sound. I don't think a human body can fall that fast. I think it depends on how high you are.
Starting point is 00:59:54 He was in space. Right? I think he might have broke the sound barrier. Check it out. 10 meters per second per second. You know the formula. I could be wrong. I'm willing to be wrong.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Sonic boom. You're right, it's possible that before he kind of entered more of the Earth's atmosphere, I guess maybe he could have. I'd prefer if you guys argued this as if it was fact. I don't do that. Neither do I. I don't want to do some,
Starting point is 01:00:24 I don't want to die on a hill and be wrong. Yeah he broke the sound barrier. He did? Yeah. Really? Yeah. First person to break the sound barrier without being in a vehicle. That's cool. He jumped 24 miles above earth. Wow. He reached top speed of 843 miles per hour. What is the speed of sound? He was in freefall for four minutes and 19. So he did 800 miles in four minutes. That's nuts. I mean, is that the fastest that anything has ever moved?
Starting point is 01:00:59 Like including planes and rocket ships. He made himself a meteor. Yeah. He just turned himself into a- 800 miles in four minutes. Wouldn't, wouldn't... No wait, is that what it is? 800 miles? That's how high up he was? Or I guess he was free falling so... For four minutes. So he's 800 miles an hour, but how high up did you say he was? He was 24 miles above the earth. So he couldn't have gone 800 miles? Oh yeah. What are you talking about? Would it make any sense? But that's what, that's the top speed that he reached was 800 miles per hour. 800 miles you talking about? What? That wouldn't make any sense. But that's the top speed that he reached was 800 miles per hour.
Starting point is 01:01:27 800 miles per hour for four minutes. Yeah. That's still very fast. It's very fast. If he did it for an hour, he'd probably like, if he just got bored and he's just pulling out a sleeve of Pringles because he's been going 800 miles an hour for 45 minutes. What do you think happens as a human when you break the sound barrier?
Starting point is 01:01:46 I'd imagine it's like. Didn't we see that in Top Gun? Top Gun Maverick? Mm-hmm. What happens? I don't remember. Well, a lot of people think that he died at the very beginning of the movie.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Yeah, right. That is worth a re-watch. That is a good movie, yes. What's the most amount of Gs you've ever hit? We should do that for the podcast. We should get it. We should go to one of those places where we can hit eight like eight G's.
Starting point is 01:02:06 That's not a bad idea. I would, you guys would see a side of me that you've never seen scream crying. I thought you were gonna say that you can do it really well. Oh no, I would be such a pussy to that. I can barely handle the takeoff. I think you hit like one G when you're taking off
Starting point is 01:02:22 on like a commercial airline. Harry, Harry. It's funny if you've ever heard. Stay with us buddy. I think you hit like one G when you're taking off on her Like you start to airline It's funny if you've ever If you've ever heard the audio of the guy who's talking to the guy in the chair He's talking to him as if he's having birth. Yes. He's like and breathe. Yeah and breathe Yeah, as your face is being like peeled back You turn like a regular take off of a flight. Oh my God. How many G's does it go?
Starting point is 01:02:54 He went to 20. He went to Mach what? 10? What did he go to? Mach 8? I think 8 is like insane. And I think anything above that is like I don't even know yeah I don't I don't know how possible what he did in the movie I don't think that
Starting point is 01:03:10 was realistic and certainly slow it down and if you get parachuted out you die yeah you can't eject from a plane at that speed that's what can't eject from a plane no you can pre-jack we should do that start doing shit like that for the pod. Two Sonic Boons are. What? Like that's like some like, uh, like we should start doing like cool shit. Cool. Just put out like a 30 second video of us going Max G's. You- See who can get to the Max G's. I think we have always wanted to do this type of stuff. I'm, I'm, to hear you being on
Starting point is 01:03:39 board for any extracurricular- Yeah, that sounds so awesome. Off and off. I would definitely be down to hit Max G. See what it feels like. I do worry that it would fuck me up long term. It probably does. That night I wouldn't be able to sleep. It's probably like people who do like
Starting point is 01:03:52 too much ketamine or something like that. Like once you experience eight G's, like the regular world might not do it for you. Yeah, probably wouldn't even be able to get to bed till like six a.m. or something. Like what if you just lost the appeal for life? You were like I just need to live at 8 G's. I need to feel that rush constantly. I mean I watched the video of Travis Pastrana jumping out of the plane no parachute this weekend.
Starting point is 01:04:18 That's a guy who probably has lived at 8 G's and is trying to get back to 8 G's all the time. Like he's actually addicted. Yeah, didn't he pretend that he was like sleeping or something and wakes up Yeah dives out takes a sip of the Red Bull has the guy going next to him And then there's another guy hovering in case that guy messes up to swipe down That's got to be crazy Yeah, probably I always thought it was cold because he's only wearing shorts. No shirt He probably has so much adrenaline that he's like hard. We jumped out of that plane for Most Dangerous Game Show.
Starting point is 01:04:50 I totally forgot that you've been skydiving. I've been twice, same place. Is it sick? I don't know why. I wish I hadn't done it again. Why? Because I think once is enough of a finger wag to God. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:04 I had no interest in finger wagging to God. I don't think I have no interest in doing that ever. Getting away with it once is all you need. I don't, you know, it's like watching Spotlight. Yeah. Have you ever seen that SNL sketch that they did? You don't want to relive it. No.
Starting point is 01:05:20 I think it was from this year, the Please Don't Destroy guys did it where they're like going skydiving. And they're like, they over and the the pilots got like he's got like a like the you know I got uber drivers have their phone like mounted up top and it just he's watching a tick-tock it says how to fly a plane and he has air pods in that's funny yeah yeah that place is also like a notoriously dangerous skydiving.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Is it? I think that there's been a lot of I didn't learn this till afterwards, but I think that there's been significant loss of life at that one. Dude, when I was in Phoenix, the my openers, one of them's dude Andrew lives in New York, but he's from Phoenix came out and he was like he was staying until like Monday because he was like at he was back in Arizona and uh, him and the host were going skydiving the next day on Sunday. And then Saturday they come in, they've been talking
Starting point is 01:06:13 about going skydiving all week and then Saturday they come in and they're like someone died yesterday at the place that we were going to. And then I guess they like shut down. But would that have been one of the tandem ones? I don't know. Because when you express to the guy who is, you know, strapped to your back and it's topping you, you say, I'm scared. And he goes, oh, this is nothing.
Starting point is 01:06:39 He goes, it's like riding a Ferris wheel. That's the level of safety we're at. Which I'm scared of Ferris wheels. I don't really think Ferris wheels are that safe. There's like a 14 year old kid running them. Well, I don't know. So my guess would be that the person who died there was probably someone trying to get their license.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Yeah, I don't know. It's my 18th jump. Yeah. That's a bit scary. But then there's always, there's like a couple stories of people who like their parachute didn't pull and then they live. Yeah, so I had a new driver in Dallas.
Starting point is 01:07:11 I think I told you the story who both of his legs were prosthetics. Yeah, yeah. From the knee down. And we were talking enough that I felt like I could ask him what happened. And he said, I'm an avid skydiver. And his chute got tangled.
Starting point is 01:07:32 And he knew that in that event, you have to put your legs out and break your legs to survive. Cause they're gonna act as like a spring or a hydraulic against your vital organs and your spine. So huge compound fractures in both legs. They tried initially to save the legs, and then just said,
Starting point is 01:08:05 fuck it and took them away. Yeah. And now to deal with it, he said the only thing that works is eating 250 milligrams of edibles a night. Damn. That's how much he eats. Is this Clemmer? We've never seen Clemmer's legs.
Starting point is 01:08:24 That's true. But, that's true. But, uh, because we were, we were talking about, oh, maybe it was actually in Austin because he picked me up from the airport. Anyway, um. Is every Uber driver in Austin like fucked up? Remember when we were there and every single Uber driver we had was deaf? Yeah. Like every single one. Three out of four. We had three in a row. They were deaf.
Starting point is 01:08:44 No way. Yeah, like every single one three out of four three in a row or death Oh way, and they'd play the directions at the loudest volume you could even it like cuz they don't even know they don't hear it So like we were we were in an uber we were going from cap city back to like downtown Oh, yeah, wait, how do you know that they don't hear it? Because they're deaf. It's nice. It says why are they playing the directions at all? Then they probably don't even know it's playing out loud. I didn't know it was volume. I don't think, I think you're making an assumption. If they have the volume and the directions up that loud, my guess is it's because they want to hear it. Or they could be like funk.
Starting point is 01:09:14 It's like people who are legally blind, but they have thick enough glasses. Maybe these people are legally deaf. Legally deaf. The volume that it was made me think that you could be right. Maybe he's trying to hear it. I don't know at that point why he wouldn't just go headphones and put it up to max volume.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Well, you're not technically allowed to drive with headphones on. Is that an Austin thing? I think in general, you're not. I think that's a federal law. I don't know if I've been in an Uber where they don't have headphones on. Do they have both ears? No. Just one, right?
Starting point is 01:09:48 Usually just one. Yeah. The Bluetooth. But it would be like, we would be just sitting in silence. Like we were coming home, we did a live podcast and we were going back and like we'd be sitting in silence and all of a sudden it would just be like, turn right! Like the loudest volume you've ever heard. And you'd be like, oh! It was insane.
Starting point is 01:10:06 But it was the real Uber drivers, back to back. Yeah, it was three. That's not hyperbole. And you know what they said? They said that it was all of them said it was because they were skydiving and their eardrums bursted while they were skydiving. Well, because they had lost their legs, so they were going faster. They didn't have legs to slow them down
Starting point is 01:10:21 as they were getting through the sky. They said they hoped to lose their arms. I asked the guy, my driver, I said, have you ever gone skydiving since? He goes, yeah, absolutely. Oh, of course. He said that was an important part of kind of coming to terms with what had happened to him. But he does he wear his prosthetics
Starting point is 01:10:39 while he's skydiving so he has something to break his fall? I think so. And he's got a special pair that are actually just springs. Springs. Straps on the springs. Yeah. The durin. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Every, that's like every single like Shark Week. You ever used to watch Shark Week? Yeah, I didn't really get into it. Really? I used to love Shark Week, but it would be like they would have like the episodes that it would be like, it would just be like people fishing and you'd see big great whites and then you'd have the then you also and you'd have the episode where it was about someone that got attacked by like a bull shark or a great white and Every single one of them would be like, oh, yeah, I go surfing every day, right?
Starting point is 01:11:16 I feel like that's how I've never felt more connected to the ocean face your fears and it's like yeah You could just not go swimming in a pool. Well, then they win though the sharks win I'd be cool like if that was me. I'd be like yeah, you want I have no I mean the sharks are The sharks are gonna wind up winning over humans, but we're gonna nuke each other or something the sharks will just be down there Chillin yeah, probably Well, how was the guy on the gas and the break except when you do the nuclear testing in water? Yeah, 400 sharks get blown. Yeah fucking sky-high and that's probably why they attack us back That's one of the best like nuclear testing videos is and 400 sharks get blown fucking sky high. And that's probably why they attack us back. That's one of the best nuclear testing videos
Starting point is 01:11:48 is the one in the ocean. Yeah, yeah. That's like a tsunami comes out of nowhere. What was your question? How was the guy on the brakes with the prosthetic leg? He was a good driver. He said that I asked him about the phantom pain, which I'd heard about, which is this thing where you imagine that you still
Starting point is 01:12:08 have your limb. People who have had amputations, that happens to them. And they'll get pain in a part of their foot or whatever that they think is still there. And he goes, that happened a lot in the beginning. Now what his issue is, is he has imaginary itches. And that drives him fucking crazy. And he described it, I can't remember exactly what he said, but it sounded terrible. Sounds awful. And he said the only thing he could find that helped with that was marijuana. Because the doctors were prescribing all different types of medications to help him deal with
Starting point is 01:12:41 that. And each one had a crazy side effect that he didn't like. Huge weight gain, made him sick, all that. And that's when he found. 250 milligrams of edibles. Well, I think he worked his way up. Yeah, probably. Because he's got such a tolerance now. Do you think that he's at the peak or do you think he's gotten to the peak and backed it off a little bit? You think 500 were too much for him?
Starting point is 01:13:02 500, his legs came back. But you think 500 were too much for him 500 his legs came back Just so he could it's them like 500 he was just scratching just God came to him. It was like I'll give you five more minutes with your legs I was like, I'll take it just to get this fucking itch out 500 go out of control fast to 50 I woke up, I was midair. Jesus. That's going to be scary. Why did he say something? Oh, I said to him, I said,
Starting point is 01:13:39 isn't that an expense? He said he eats that much a night. I said, doesn't that an expense? He said he eats that much a night. Yeah. I said, doesn't that expensive? Say, why do you think I'm driving an Uber? Yeah, something like that. He said, I'm a CEO. He had a friend who made it and, you know, was giving him a deal. If you get something like that, though,
Starting point is 01:13:59 where you're genuinely using weed for medical purposes, is there any insurance that covers that or no? Well, I would think when you actually have your medical marijuana card in the state that does the proper thing. Well, I know that usually those dispensaries will have a different price for the medical patients versus recreational.
Starting point is 01:14:22 It's cheaper for them. And they can buy a lot more. The limit for if you have a proper medical card is way more. You can just grab, get like a pound. Yeah, I mean, I think I remember in Maine, I think for recreational, it's like, you can only buy two and a half ounces a day.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Maybe it's a week, but it's like, yeah, that's plenty. Yeah. Two and a half ounces. Yeah, they're always like, like every city I go to, they're always talking about how it's like, if you get caught with like two ounce, like they're like, well, the max you can have on you at a time is like this certain amount. And it's like, or else you get or else you get charged with
Starting point is 01:15:04 criminal possession. And what is it? It's like a intent to sell. Yeah. And it's like, well, yeah, yeah. Like if you have four ounces on you, you probably are selling weed. This is all for me.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Yeah. Yeah. This is for tonight, this other two's for tomorrow. You're also probably tired from firemen carrying bushels of weed on your back. Yeah. Just a Joe Rogan kettlebell of weed. Which, where the fuck is Joe?
Starting point is 01:15:32 Yeah, where is Joe? Where is Rogan? He's down there. I'll get him since Harry can't. Someone moved him. It's probably Wallow and Gilly when they come in here to interview Big Axe the Plug. Do their cool ass interviews. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 01:15:47 All right, Luke went to the parade. He did. Yeah. Oh, yeah, the video was sick. Yeah, he went to the parade He got it. He dislocated his shoulder doing a Oklahoma drill he was canal. That's what I thought it was gonna be. He was climbing a tree He said and he said that he that he was like the amount of shame that he felt after dislocating it. He was like, why am I climbing trees when I'm 28 years old? And then he said that he got, like they found some like nurse just in the crowd
Starting point is 01:16:15 who like kinda popped it back in, but he said it was still fucked up. And he was like, I can't go to the ER because if I go to the ER with a dislocated shoulder, I'm going to be there for fucking 24 hours. Like he's going to be the last person they treat. If someone, going into the ER being like, my arm hurts when I move it like this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:36 They're going to be like, that guy's brain is hanging out of his head. The trick to that, I think, is you just go in screaming. Yeah, true. Also- Just covered in fake blood. If I had to rank the people I know in my life whose shoulders would dislocate the easiest, I think Mook would be right at the top of the list. I bet you he can pop it out like that finger trick you do
Starting point is 01:16:56 where you're like, oh, I just pulled my thumb off. You know? Yeah. Oh no, I bet that's how easily his shoulder pops out. If he like Harlem Shakes and his shoulder's going. We were playing video games Saturday night. It's held together with spicy nuggets, fucking honey mustard sauce.
Starting point is 01:17:12 We were playing really late on Saturday night and in between every game, Moog would go like completely silent. And I was kind of being like, all right, we should probably wrap it up. Like it seems like everyone's pretty gassed. And then I would be like, should we get off? And then I got a nowhere mook would come back
Starting point is 01:17:28 and you'd hear him like chewing and he'd be like, no, no. I'm like, let's go, let's keep playing. And then I found out that he was just eating like donuts the entire time in between games. That's an insane thing to eat a lot. He got like food earlier and he got like a dessert with it. And he said that it just in between games, he was just munching on that.
Starting point is 01:17:50 And he said, he said something, it was like some sort of thing that you were dipping into chocolate. And he was like, I'm not gonna be crazy and dip into the chocolate. And I was thinking about you with the Nutella. Yeah, yeah. You have to dip into the chocolate.
Starting point is 01:18:02 As soon as he said that, I was like, dude, you are 100% going to dip into the chocolate Yeah, and he was like absolutely if not with the doughnut then like with your hand like yeah there to your honey out of fingers Yeah, you're gonna finger fuck it All right, all right. Well, I'm gonna be in Boston this weekend Yes, that's that shows definitely gonna sell out. Yeah, I don't really know what the tickets are at. I know that most of them are pretty much sold out. The Thursday show has some tickets left.
Starting point is 01:18:31 I'm sure the other ones have some tickets left, but don't wait, because I know I'm gonna get a ton of DMs from people that are gonna be like, "'Dude, you can't swing 15 more tickets "'for me and my boys to come through,' "'and no, you can't swing 15 more tickets for me and my boys to come through? And no, I can't.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Cause I don't control that. I'll be in New Brunswick, New Jersey at the Stress Factory on March 8th and then Providence at the Comedy Connection. I think that's April 8th to the 10th or something like that. 9th to the 11th maybe. I think we're gonna probably have to move that Thursday show to Sunday night.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Sorry about that. There's a work conflict. What's your conflict? Mini golf. Which I came in second last year. Sunday. You know, I came in third the first time we did it. Did you?
Starting point is 01:19:23 And they wrote it out in the history books. I wonder why you didn't know it. You didn't know this? So we did it the first time we did it Did you and they wrote in our history books? I wonder why you didn't know it You didn't know this so we did it the first time we did it in what Montauk? Yes, and they so they ship everyone out to Montauk on buses and And and we're there for like eight hours the whole day. It was like how many rounds was it three rounds? Yeah, probably three rounds. So like I don't know how you guys did it last time, but it was like three rounds, first round, everyone's in it, second round, they cut a couple people, third round, it's just the top dogs.
Starting point is 01:19:51 And round three, I am having, I'm birdying, if not, like, hole in wanting, like every single hole. And I was like, in the beginning of that round, I was not even like top five. And then like halfway through that round, I'm in first place. And I'm like, there's really no one. I think I had like, I think like Owen was recording me or so I was like, I had like one person recording and then I'm looking
Starting point is 01:20:17 over to everyone else and they have like 15 cameras on them. And I was like, I feel like no one's really like talking about how I'm in first place right now. And like they're carrying, spiders carrying around the sign with the rankings. I'm nowhere to be seen on the rankings. It's all people that, and I'm like, I'm, I'm, yeah. I'm like, Hey guys, I'm, I'm winning by the way, just heads up. I'm winning the game right now. I have three holes left. I'm, you know, I have a heavy lead right now. And I end up fucking up on the last hole and I finish and I'm in
Starting point is 01:20:48 first but I was like Frankie and PFT I think were right behind me and I was like they're both gonna end up beating me so I come in third place and then I they still put it on the board and they have Kirk in third place Kirk was like five strokes behind me and And the whole time I'm like, are we going to fix that? I'm talking to Hank. I'm like, are we going to fix this like in for the edit and stuff? Because it was not live. It was like they were going to make a video out of it. And he was like, yeah, yeah, we're going to figure it out. And we hand in the cards. And then they lost the cards. And then they wrote me down as ninth place. Damn. And so I placed third. It was I I mean, it was literally,
Starting point is 01:21:26 you could compare it to the Brady comeback 28 to three. Like it was, I was like, I was in like last place going into third round and I won, came in third. And they just got rid of my numbers and put me on ninth place. And then they never invited me back. I don't really know what you want me to make of that story. Oh, I'm just saying, like, if you go and win,
Starting point is 01:21:46 don't be surprised if they throw Kirk ahead of you. Well, it's all live now, so there's no fudging. Yeah, I guess. Also, everything was to the stroke last time. I won 10 grand for coming in second. That's cool, I won nothing, and then they said I came in ninth. Yeah, but did third place get a prize?
Starting point is 01:22:04 No, it kind of reminds me of like when I was on the Yak and we did, I did most dangerous game show and I came in second and like no one ever really talked about it and then Stephen Che did surviving bar stool like a year later and came in second and as a whole, the Yak gave him $15,000 for coming in second. Wow, again, you know. for coming in second. Wow. Again, you know.
Starting point is 01:22:27 We had like a slush fund from selling shit on whatnot. And we gave him the whole slush fund for coming in second. I think that you want your cake and eat it too sometimes. Where you choose as minimal of a participation as possible. Look, those are two things that I've placed top three in and I haven't been rewarded for. And then when you are sort of marginalized, you're like, wait, wait, what?
Starting point is 01:22:54 Well, I think the truth is I think I'm a very competitive person. Fair enough. And coming in third and then not being shown that you came in third is frustrating, especially as a varsity golfer. Yeah. I mean, I had my whole team watching that live.
Starting point is 01:23:07 I had the boys from Tuxbury watching that shit live, rooting for me, and then they see I'm in ninth. How do you think that makes me feel? I just, there's something- What do you think that does for my legacy? Owen, is this true? Is everything he's saying true? The golf thing is 1000% true.
Starting point is 01:23:24 I was, I finished in third. So what really screwed you was losing the cards? Because otherwise they wouldn't have. I didn't lose the cards. They lost the cards. No, I know. I'm saying that that was the only record that would have exonerated you. I think they...
Starting point is 01:23:36 Yes. I didn't think... I don't think they had enough footage of me playing well. And I don't think they cared enough. I think they thought if I came in top three, it wouldn't do as well numbers wise as if Kirk came in top three, which they're probably right. And so they bumped me down to ninth,
Starting point is 01:23:53 which it feels a little dramatic. I would have been like fourth, I would have been like, okay, that's still annoying, but like ninth is like, oh, this was just a guy who played in the tournament. Not someone who finished top three. I think the only thing that matters is if there had been a proper prize for the position that was taken from you.
Starting point is 01:24:13 When is this? I'm gonna go. You have to qualify. I will qualify. I'll, I'll, I'll. You need to sign up. I'll, I'll, I'll find a way. I know you're getting the emails.
Starting point is 01:24:22 I don't get any emails. Yes, you do. You just don't look at them. What's the date? Cause I'm gonna get in on this. I know you're getting the emails. I don't get any emails. Yes, you do. You just don't look at them. What's the date? Cause I'm gonna get in on this. I am not the coordinator. I'm not gonna even look up the answer to that question for you.
Starting point is 01:24:32 You know the date. You said it was April what? Oh yeah, I think it's, you're right. I think it's like April 7th and 8th, something like that. April 7th and 8th in Chicago. But you have to qualify. I got an automatic bid. Free as a bird.
Starting point is 01:24:45 For having finished second. I'm looking at August 8th for some reason. All right. 7th and 8th? Something like that. Maybe we fly in the 6th, play the 7th, play the 8th. I'm there. Weekend to Passover too. You need to qualify for this.
Starting point is 01:25:00 What does qualify mean? I have to try out? You're gonna have to enter through the round robin thing. I'm gonna text Hank and I'm gonna say if I'm not in this. Don't do that. There's an email that you need to respond to and you may have missed the deadline. Look, when you're top G, there is no deadline.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Rhone, did you get the email about participating in the mini golf thing? I don't think so. The play-in? You did. To qualify? I did. Jake Bass.
Starting point is 01:25:29 We all got it. Yeah, we all got it. That's what I thought. You were supposed to have responded by a certain time. The window may still be open. The window was two days ago. There you go. I did not respond to that either.
Starting point is 01:25:41 You're good. Harry wants to play. Oh, you want to play? Content Harry! No, I'm out. Bro's smoking on me. There you go. That's it. He's out. All right, everybody. That's son of a boy dad.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Please come see me on the road. I'm gonna be in Boston this weekend, and then I'm gonna be in Atlanta the weekend after that. You guys are still chatting? Oh, yeah, we've been going. Oh, nice. Harry's just been complaining about how he's boned out of third place in a fucking mini golf tournament that didn't mean anything Francis you would have wrote and you would have written a five thousand word blog Absolutely, because I like to make as much as I possibly can out of very little for the same my job same
Starting point is 01:26:19 People you don't think people are gonna cause ruckus over this. I think that day has come and gone People are gonna be saying Team Sass. Third place got $20,000 that year. No. First place got 50, second place got 30, third place got 20,000. Well I think first place got like $5,000. So you got cheated out of 20 grand.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Damn, hate to see it. Could have been you brother. All right, we'll see you guys next week. Harry said a for everything important. Oh yeah, Ellis. And congrats to Donnie. Donnie had his baby. And congrats to Donnie. And congrats to Donnie.
Starting point is 01:26:54 And congrats to Donnie. Congrats to the wanton Don. Nice. I'm sorry. So I looked older till you came around I was only falling one way I was only falling one way Days were drifting Fall was a lie So, so then you listen
Starting point is 01:28:07 Now I come alive I was only falling one way I was only falling one way I was only falling one way I was only falling one way Fetish drew your eye Did you realize No one can take me alive I was only falling one way See you just a distant light
Starting point is 01:29:03 Being fast forever bright Call it just a distant light Feel fast forever bright Call it just a memory Take my hand and you can see I'm falling I'm falling I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, You're right

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