Son of a Boy Dad - Basic Training | Son of a Boy Dad #194

Episode Date: April 25, 2024

Basic Training | Son of a Boy Dad #194 -- Follow us on our socials: -- Merch: -- SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE #...SonOfABoyDad #BarstoolSportsYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Son of a Boy Dad listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. That's hilarious. All right, should we start? Yes. All righty, welcome back to Son of a Boy Dad Podcast. Today it is April 24th.
Starting point is 00:00:26 The draft is upon us. I know. We are here live. It does feel a little cold in here. I know. I do feel like a beer on tap. Oh, yeah. I feel like one of us could get selected.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Totally. No, Taz already got picked. I meant for the military, not sports. And it's too close. So my continued... No, they're never bringing back the drafts. I can't believe that that comes up every couple years. They're like, are they going to bring back the draft?
Starting point is 00:00:53 Fuck no. It happens any time that there's any sort of war happening in Latin America. Which is every year because of the military-industrial complex. But let's not get into that. But we're here, live from HQ3. You don't think they would just send a boston dynamics robot into the draft there's also a lot of people in the military yeah what like a shit ton of people they like they couldn't just grab the rotc guys from alabama
Starting point is 00:01:19 if we had to have a draft again it would probably mean we were getting blown to smithereens. If we have a draft, they might as well just wave the white flag. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It would probably mean that China blew up one of our military bases or some shit. If we had a draft, you and I would almost in all certainty not be eligible because we're too old. He would go. You'd have to go. We would not have – it would have to be us doing son of a
Starting point is 00:01:47 boy dad because you're all this podcast would hit the fucking shitter think about the second i went to the military think about you going from your pace of life right now to training to be a soldier and fighting in the military i pretty much already live that way anyway. Yeah, right. You live like a military hospital ward. What time do you think they wake up in the military? Zero dark three? Yeah, I mean, it's early, pal. Eight? They're up.
Starting point is 00:02:17 No, it's earlier than that. Imagine how pissed off the military guys are getting right now. I woke up at eight this morning yeah at the gym in the military some gym just blew out my quads your neighbor played taps and you fucking oh yeah got up that is my alarm my alarm is the military no it reminds the uh what is it it's like i don't even remember what it is it's the guy yelling standing at attention next to a guy being like i am exhausted that's probably what that's probably what the military is playing call of duty no they would be they would hold you down in your bed and beat you with bars of soap and socks because you complain so fucking
Starting point is 00:03:03 much i would go full metal jacket the second i got to base that's what i'm talking about full metal jacket yeah but yeah but he got the shit out of him yeah that's who i'm comparing you to that's who got the shit beat out of him yeah and then he had the last laugh killed like all the important people and then blew his head off he blew his brains out yeah that's the last laugh by far not the last laugh he killed all those other guys had to go to the war that is's the last laugh by far not the last laugh he killed all those other guys had to go to the war that is not the last laugh you think killing american soldiers before they even get a crack at charlie is a fucking no i don't think that's i don't think
Starting point is 00:03:34 it's funny what he did but i think it is like yeah he got the last laugh for sure i mean dude if he got the shit beaten out of him every day, and then he killed all the guys that kicked his ass, and then he killed himself. Didn't he? I know he killed the- I'm not trying to justify mass shootings, but I'm saying- You're basically saying Dylan Klebold at Columbine got the last laugh. He who laughs last laughs best.
Starting point is 00:03:55 In a way. I mean, what if they weren't laughing? I don't know. That guy in full metal jacket did laugh. He was laughing his ass fucked up look at his face anytime you're like smiling like looking up over your eyes in all seriousness that scene was fucking horrifying and awesome yeah yeah great yeah it's kubrick that scene was creepy as hell yeah but he was like he was like in the bathroom yes
Starting point is 00:04:19 in the shower yeah oh i remember being so creeped out watching that the big ass gun yeah he'd like extend his arms to pull the trigger yeah we watched that on a bus on a I remember being so creeped out watching that. The big ass gun. He'd extend his arms to pull the trigger. We watched that on a bus, on a lacrosse. It was a game. We were driving to Cornell. And it was like a seven and a half hour drive, maybe longer. And we had to leave at like five in the morning.
Starting point is 00:04:40 And it was right in the middle of exams. Yeah. And we got on the bus and all of us were like exhausted trying to sleep it's 5 a.m and our assistant coach is like we're watching a movie full metal jacket and he turned it on it's you know it's like seven tvs along the bus yeah and so we all tried to sleep as we were hearing yeah and it's like two people are watching this movie and we ended up getting smoked it's also not like nobody can sleep was he just putting it on
Starting point is 00:05:12 because he likes that movie or was he trying to motivate you guys he likes that movie it's not really for war movies I feel like there's a lot better choices to show a team before a game I mean like the training is like I don't know, maybe someone was snitching
Starting point is 00:05:26 on the team that he wanted to beat it out of. Isn't Full Metal Jacket supposed to be one of the, like, those realistic war movies where it's like, it's actually awful? Probably.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Yeah. Is that where they go? Isn't that where the line is sucky, sucky, five dollar comes from? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Me love you long time. Me love you long time.
Starting point is 00:05:44 It's from that Yeah Yes Which gave racists A lot of material For a long time It's a great line Incredible line Yeah
Starting point is 00:05:51 Whoever wrote that Is a fucking genius You think they did Market research And got sucked off In NOM Probably They must have
Starting point is 00:06:00 It's a weird movie To show a team Before a good game Like hey guys We're heading out Time to throw on Jarhead. Yeah. Well, and also, we weren't even playing that day.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I don't think. Or maybe we were. I don't know. Anyway. They made you drive like that? We were not good. We were just a bad team. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Damn, and you were up three hours before the military, too. Bad coaches. 5 a.m. Yeah. That's fucking crazy. You do wonder. If you got drafted, I would probably enlist as an officer bro that's a good idea yeah i would not get drafted i'm a semi-essential worker it'd be fun to make him drop and do push-ups
Starting point is 00:06:38 as an officer doesn't we get to punish you even worse i i could probably do not right now but if i was in shape i could i'm pretty good it's not a question of how many push-ups can you do it's a question of will you tolerate being told to do them by one of us because we why would you guys oh if you were my we're officers we definitely are we both graduated from college that means we're going to go into the officer training program i would full metal jacket the shit out of you guys instantly there's no way as soon as we got across you you think i wouldn't see that coming i would have my eye on you i would know and the thing that would happen the second that you think you have your eye on me you're already dead uh yeah but if you've picked me out i'm going to your gun and I'm taking the bullets out.
Starting point is 00:07:25 No, we give him a wooden gun. Yeah. Yeah. He's he'd try and like pull the trigger. It's crazy of you to assume that I'm not bringing my own arms over there. This isn't over there. This is training.
Starting point is 00:07:34 We're still in training. You don't think training is overseas? You don't think they train overseas? No, we're at Pendleton. They keep the training going, but most of it starts here. That's where we would be.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Cause we don't want to be too far away. If there would be because we don't want if there was a draft probably not if there was a draft we're probably not even training what are you talking about that's not true dude it we're just send people like you over to fucking with how established dude with how established our military is right now if we were having a draft that would mean that we need help so they would just you'd be like they'd come and get me and owen right now and be like you're going to afghanistan today no that's not it they send our guys that are currently enlisted over and they train you to be a reserve like a replacement guy i'm telling you you need to be able to run up a hill like i understand what you're saying but i'm telling you if in today's military there was a draft it would mean it's like
Starting point is 00:08:31 everything we like you just go you just got to go no but even in the pacific they're not gonna have time we're gonna have time to fucking train everybody giving you like a pot and a pan and being like grab anything you can by the way if they come this far kill your family then kill yourself it's not that it's not that but that's what it would be if we had a draft again no they'd send you to north carolina and they'd make you eat spaghetti and meatballs and run the hill a few times take a few shots at a bale of hay and then they'd send you over when that happened in in what's it called in a Band of Brothers. In Band of Brothers. I don't think when they were training,
Starting point is 00:09:11 I don't think the U.S. was that involved in the war yet. In the Pacific, definitely. Good thing we're not talking about the Pacific, dumbass. Hold on a second. You think you're dunking on people and you're getting swatted at the rim literally every time. You haven't been right about a single fucking thing. time you haven't been right about a single you literally haven't been right about a single thing this is this is the american military it's not it's not like any able let's put guns in the hands of children i'm telling you that it's not that but i'm saying i know that's what i'm saying i'm saying that that's why if there was a draft
Starting point is 00:09:40 it would mean that everything has failed because the military the u.s military is so established that if we had to do a draft it would mean we were in but let's look at the drafts and throughout the history of america we had a draft for vietnam do you think those guys were just going straight over there no no sense no but i don't think the u.s military was as established during vietnam as they are now it was new it brand new. You think we didn't have as many guys who were just, you know, ready to rock? No, but I don't think we had like drones and all this like high tech shit we have now.
Starting point is 00:10:11 If anything, drones lower the need for people. Exactly. So if there was a draft while we have drones and we have all of these different branches of the military that are filled with people and they were like, all of that's failed. We need more we need more people we're going straight up a poll in the comments i get what you're saying that that uh a draft to you means alarm bells are ringing but even if flying overhead of fucking detroit and new york and everybody man your battle stations anybody
Starting point is 00:10:44 who knows what they're doing. Yeah. Women and children go down to the subway tunnels. Yes. Men, like little Sasquatch. Yes. Go gather a pair of scissors and we're going to go fight the bad guys. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Now I feel like we're on the same page. Finally. He's still wrong. They can't afford. There's rage building inside of me. There's no other military force that could even put us into this situation. You can't be trusted with a gun until you've at least been trained for, I don't know, a week? Brother, I know my way around firearms.
Starting point is 00:11:14 You're going to be a liability to our squadrons. If there's a draft right now, there's not even going to be squadrons. They're going to be sending us out in air buses, being like just jump i don't know where but anywhere how is that a good military tactic sending untrained soldiers out what i'm saying again is that if that that tactics will go out the window if we lose by a lot yes why would they go out the window i think we would probably surrender a war before there was before we had a you're a fucking communist you're stomping on the flag why don't you just go piss on the flag why don't you self-immolate bro if that's how you really feel about the country bro bro you're a full-on communist let's get this guy while we have while we have we have nukes
Starting point is 00:11:59 honestly i feel like we could get some yeah we pull the nukes out before there was a draft no i don't think so that would mean that would mean we drop the nukes out before there was a draft no i don't think so that would mean that would mean we drop the nukes and maybe they were duds and then they're like fuck we're drafting we got a draft i i don't even know where to begin because i don't know how you get so certain of this weird knowledge that you have this is all crazy i think i just think a little outside the box i I don't know that a draft, it's not just everybody.
Starting point is 00:12:30 They say anyone born from this period to this period whose last name starts with this, you're coming. Who can we call in the military? Should I call chaps? Yes. No. Why? Because I don't think it actually matters.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I thought we were having fun. you want to schrodinger's cat this and live in a world where you're fucking correct about this because like if we don't check what's in the box you'll always be right bro i'm just we're just doing a podcast i don't really pay attention to what i'm saying or when i'm saying it. I'm just saying shit. I have no idea about anything. Okay. Damn. Well, there goes the game we were playing. Except for breastfeeding.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I know a lot about that. People were pissed. At us. About our breastfeeding comments. My sister was mad, and then we were getting a lot of comments on YouTube. I was trying to tell you to walk that one back. Yeah. That's a hot button issue.
Starting point is 00:13:29 But people won't be pissed this week, or this episode at least. No, no, no. We're a rage bait podcast, basically. That's why I wore blue jeans today. Just to spit in the face of the establishment. No, no, just to piss people off. Why? Because you're not a working man? No, people say that you that nobody wears blue jeans anymore that men are allowed to wear jordan woodruff yeah who said that jordan woodruff
Starting point is 00:13:51 and or their podcast they said that uh they're like do men even wear blue jeans and they're like i'm trying to think like have i ever seen a guy wearing jeans before they kept on calling them blue jeans too that's why why I specifically wore blue jeans. Most jeans are blue by a significant margin. Also, you guys really have me out on an island right here. Both of you guys in your slacks.
Starting point is 00:14:15 I would say I wear blue jeans I don't know, 70% of the time. Yeah, I wear blue jeans most days. Yeah. I also have some black jeans that I like. Most of my pants are jeans of different shades, even if, I wear blue jeans most days. Yeah. I also have some black jeans that I like. Most of my pants are jeans of different shades, even if they're not blue jeans. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Black jeans, green jeans. Hmm. Green jeans. Mean Joe greens. Who do you think the Patriots are going to draft for real? I don't know. I was thinking about that Push-Up Strike song. When you said black jeans, blue jeans,
Starting point is 00:14:45 when he says that, when he talks about the line where he's calling the girls, or he looks up the number, the name. And he's like, blue jeans, darling. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My young is richer than you crackers in the all stream. I know Drake. Sit this one out. Why don't you go sit out the fucking war?
Starting point is 00:15:02 You little cherubic child. We'll give you a water pistol. I'm an an essential worker I'm not even going to get drafted regardless that's not how essential workers work who's going to bomb upstairs at the stand every night that's why you're going to get called in like this guy has four years of experience bombing get him on the fucking drone stations if I'm gone someone's going to have to fill in
Starting point is 00:15:23 at the 715 spot upstairs at the stand. What health problems would you cite to get out of the war? ADD. Yeah, you would? You along with everybody. ADD is like the last way of like white guys being able to otherize themselves.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Zoloft. I take Zoloft. I don't think you're, I think there's something where it's like 16 months before you join the military, you're i think there's something where it's like 16 months before you join the military you're not supposed to take any medication what that can't be yeah i think that's true any medication again why like where did this come from bo told me because he has to wait now he has to wait an extra six months before he joins the military because
Starting point is 00:16:00 he took antidepressants bo's joining the military i could see it being antidepressants. Bo's joining the military? Yeah, but I could see it being antidepressants, but I don't think that if you're taking like a heart medication or maybe like a, I don't know, a blood thing or... Yeah, I don't know. It's not all medicine. Yeah, probably. Wait, what's Bo doing? He's joining the military?
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yes. Which branch? The army. wait what's Bo doing he's joining the military yes which branch uh the army well I don't understand what's so funny about that because I just can't tell anymore
Starting point is 00:16:35 when you're just making stuff up no I swear to god it's all he talks about I can't believe you didn't bring this up earlier that your buddy Bo maybe the like pretty much
Starting point is 00:16:43 the fourth member of the show one of my close friends. One of French's Well, I think I'm kind of just hoping that he doesn't. Yeah, because he's going to get blown to smithereens. Yeah, because I don't want him
Starting point is 00:16:51 to go to the military. No, imagine the fucking fishing trips you would get to go on when he's in fucking East Africa. Yeah, salmon fishing in the Yemen.
Starting point is 00:17:02 They've got really good salmon in the Yemen. When he goes to the Sudan. Yeah, I'm really hoping he doesn They've got really good salmon in the Yemen. When he goes to Sudan. Yeah, I'm really hoping he doesn't do it, but it seems like he really is. He's got his heart set? Yeah, he met with a recruiter on Saturday. Or not a recruiter, he met with some ex-Navy SEAL guy. I walked into a recruiting office once.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Yeah? Did I tell you this? I don't think so. I can't even remember where I was but i was just in a kind of a crossroads in my life and i had so much admiration unlike you for the military and uh i walked into a recruiting office and it was just a bunch of kind of like latino young men yeah sitting around a table and they looked at me and they were not excited to see me fucking gringle they were like what can we help you and i was like i just wanted to learn a little
Starting point is 00:17:51 bit more about the marine corps it was the marine corps recruiting office they go did you go to college and i said yeah they were like you're gonna want to go to the officer's office which is like four doors down yeah they they like, what the fuck are you doing? They're looking for fuck ups, basically. Yeah. They're looking for someone to get like dragged in and be like, this guy either can go to 30 days in jail or join up. I talked to the Navy guys when they came to my high school.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Because I was like, this is probably all I'm going to be able to do. Did I tell you about my mom sending me my report card from freshman year? No. The other day? Uh-uh. And she was like, this is why I used to get mad at you. And it was like, I thought it was like a joke. Yeah, I had like all D's and F's.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Jesus Christ. Yeah, freshman year. Of high school? Yeah. But can we see your tweets though? From freshman year? Yeah. Oh yeah, they're there.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Well, you're the tweets must have been crazy yeah i don't get that i just didn't do why didn't do my homework how did you get away with that i had to get really good grades for the rest of my high school career and it barely made my gpa go up how's my question is when you would come to a class having not done your homework oh the teacher collected the homework it's so embarrassing but but it must have happened every day right yeah so why don't your parents make you they did they tried no they didn't yes they did was it how how i was probably grounded for like one fourth of high school but why don't they just like sit there while you did your homework and be like
Starting point is 00:19:21 fucking write the answers down they would and then i would forget that i had another assignment that i had to do uh you just lie makes sense yeah okay yes and that is add well no it was laziness well not writing down that you had an assignment is a lack of organizational skills yeah i don't know i don't think add is a real thing yeah i'm tired of people claiming add like me too because we all have it yeah when i hear you guys start talking about drake and little pusha t sugar bitch yeah i sit here and start thinking about you know tanks and war planes and yeah how much i love my country so but there's still guys who are getting like valor i saw a tiktok two days ago that had like 1.8 million likes, not even views of a guy being like, I just took Adderall for the first time. I didn't realize that I've been neurodivergent my whole life. I was able to do all the tests. I called and got a doctor's appointment right away because I took Adderall. And it's because i've had this mental deficiency my entire existence that no one addressed everyone just let me live this life you this guy's shocked that he fucking
Starting point is 00:20:30 cleaned the bathroom with a toothbrush on fucking amphetamines dude of course that's what's happening you're taking fucking speed yeah you're taking meth what are you fucking talking about dude it's infuriating you know what's funny too is that there's like a weird uh like people think that if you have if you actually have add or adhd and you take adderall it makes you just become normal and it's like no you still feel exactly how everyone else feels when they take adderall you just mow down your fucking homework. Is that true? I felt awful. My question would be
Starting point is 00:21:09 is that true immediately or do you get tolerant to it and then it becomes that way? I never got tolerant to it. I got off of it as soon as I got to college. I started it probably my junior years of high school and then as soon as I got to college. I started it probably in my junior years of high school, and then as soon as I got to freshman year of college,
Starting point is 00:21:29 I was just like, I do not want to take this shit anymore. No, it sucks. I'm not into it. I think it should be prescribed for how people use it illegally. Not the partying aspect, but I think it should be prescribed for college kids. Like, oh, I got finals this week. I'm going to take adderall or like that's how it should be used it should be used when you need it in high school like all of high school like you want to do your homework in high school you start taking adderall when you're 14 years old fucking take it for four years until
Starting point is 00:21:55 you get into college and then you stop taking adderall yeah i mean i took it when i was in fifth grade you'll be skinny and the part of your life when it really matters the most if you're skinny yeah i didn't even get skinny i just got like starving child you just got a massive belly and no body and no body fat distended belly with flies flying around your ears that's literally what i looked like i had my arms were this big and i had a massive belly because i was starving and you're on go bad i was literally starving why wouldn't you eat because adderall makes you not want to eat but doesn't it doesn't make you i thought it made you just not have an appetite makes you not have an appetite and then you i would go to have lunch in high school which is at like 9 a.m and then like slamming lunch at
Starting point is 00:22:41 9 30 getting first getting like second period lunch is hilarious yeah so i would go to sit down to have lunch at 9 30 in the morning and i would be disgusted by my food and i would not eat any of it also that was like the time of the world when like your parents would give you like wheat bread oh yeah and be like this is this is going to be healthier for you have some wheat bread yeah most disgusting like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on wheat bread that's been refrigerated for hours is the most disgusting
Starting point is 00:23:12 fucking lunch that you can get. Bo's calling me. Should we ask him about the medication? What are you talking about? Yeah. Ask him about his whole military journey. Clear up this military thing that you've been lying about. Yeah. We got Bo. journey clear up this military thing that you've been lying about yeah we got bow oh we might have bow you should start with me because he'll be happy to see me hello yo we're uh recording our podcast right now it's just looking to talk waters talk leader sizes well you're live you're on the
Starting point is 00:23:49 podcast but uh hey bro hey bro we had a question about you can't see him it's just my phone oh we had a question about uh the military and the medication thing is does that is that rule for all medication or just for antidepressants um i don't know i mean i i wouldn't go as far as to say it's for every medication because there's so many different medications but thank you but um a lot my dad yeah interesting oh another another question is that it's it's a lot harder than you might think wait what the moral of the story is that it's a lot harder than you might think to join because the administration process ah thank you francis has a question for you now. Hi, Bo. How are you? I'm good, Francis. How are you?
Starting point is 00:24:48 Did you hear that? Jesus Christ. He's so happy. I'm so happy to speak to you. No, because now he's doing, this is the voice that he does when he's talking to someone he hates. Oh, shut the fuck up, Hairball. All right, so, Bo, the question is this, right? Let's say that we got involved in a pretty serious war tomorrow tomorrow and a draft was initiated in America. Or is a draft at this point so dire that it's just us marshalling even our dumbest, feeblest, laziest 22-year-olds who have never held a gun and saying, like, go, go, go over there.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Just do your best. I'm certainly not qualified to provide a educated answer on this, but I would assume that for getting to the front lines, everyone would have to go through at least basic training. Yeah. Thank you both. That's all. No further questions, your honor. No further questions. Thank you. give me my further questions thank you i'll talk to you later all right that's our phone a friend and we went two for two two for two debunking well he doesn't know dick anyway so oh my god what a legend. Should I go get some cigars? I feel like we're really cooking.
Starting point is 00:26:29 It's the last thing I want right now. Hey, did you see Coops got married? Alex Cooper? It was in Vogue. I did not. To the hottest man alive. Really? This dude.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And he's rich, isn't he? Must be. He has to be rich. She's not just marrying your garden variety Montana boy hottie. No. But if she, dude, the amount of money that she has, she probably would. But I'm saying she wouldn't like that power dynamic. You think that she would like being a 60 millionaire and marrying a guy that's making $250,000 a year? Forget it.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I mean, dude, I think, isn't that her whole thing? She's like an alpha. Power cup, though. You need the power cup though you need to power cup even if even if he has 17 million dollars in net worth and her net worth is 60 million she is still the alpha of that relationship but he can buy his own gucci bags yeah okay yeah i see what you're saying it has to be at least that like she doesn't want to be breaking the bank and and he has to like take her out to dinner to like keep up appearances he has to like buy her things so it seems like he she can't be giving him the credit
Starting point is 00:27:25 card so he can buy her a birthday present right understood don't you think yeah i agree i agree but there's a picture with everything you guys after seeing how mad we get at the slightest disagree about how he thinks the financial breakdown is in the cooper marriage yeah we gotta get his input on this. The joy in Bo's voice when he talked to you, Francis, was astounding. No, that's not his joy. That's like he's talking to one of our parents. Francis, my man!
Starting point is 00:27:53 No. Hello! Don't take this from me. You see how he was talking when he thought it was just me, and then he switched his tone up completely? He had to go back into military mode? Yeah, because I think that talking to you for him is sort of, he's checking in to make sure you're okay. I talked to him an hour ago. I don't know
Starting point is 00:28:08 why he was calling me again. That's how often he has to do it. Probably to talk waters and leader sizes. What's leader sizes? Like the size line that you use. I got a big shipment coming in today. 75 new flies. Whoa. I didn't realize that you could just buy them in bulk online and
Starting point is 00:28:26 it's so much cheaper and easier and they're better tied wow you're still not tying your own flies though no it's too much work why don't you make that your uh you just turned 23 right yeah you should make that your 23 year old uh resolution to tie my own flies just learn over this calendar year i could i think i could learn but it's a lot of work like tying 75 flies would take me uh probably 75 hours to be honest it's going to be so satisfying once you do learn though i feel like just the process of learning something new is the spice of life you'll feel closer to the water and they do say it feels way cooler when you catch a fish on a top on a fly that you tied yourself i mean that's as that's as close to the water. They do say it feels way cooler when you catch a fish on a fly that you tied yourself.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I mean, that's as close to how the natives did it. That's like cooking a pig that you shot. Yes. Right. That's exactly what that's like. As a pig shooter who cooks pigs, that's what that's like to me. A feral hog.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I feel like shooting a pig probably isn't that tough, though. A feral hog? Like a feral hog, maybe, but I thought you meant just like a standard pig pig. Oh, in a pig pen? Yeah. What do they run, one mile per hour? And they're fat as fuck. It's like literally the broad side of a barn.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I don't even know if I've ever even seen a pig in person before. Oh, I've seen a pig. Like a pig? You've never been to a farm that had pigs i probably have it probably this has been all like pigs are a fun man pigs are fun they're intelligent they're great yeah no they're not they're really good i'm so sick of people saying that animals are intelligent pigs have if a pig was intelligent it wouldn't roll around in the mud and live in a in a barn what do you mean that's what that's literally what you do a pig would have a podcast it's like everyone always like i have these mice problems that i'm dealing with and people are
Starting point is 00:30:11 always like well you know mice are really smart no that's rats and it's like yeah and why do they live in my fucking walls because it's better than living outside if they were smart they would have a house they would pay rent it's the thumbs. It's opposable thumbs and the access to mushrooms. If you gave three generations of mice mushrooms, they would remap the genome. Yeah, you think? A hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:30:32 That's all. The only way we have evolved was just eating mushrooms. They're blind too. No, there's just three. Only three of them. Only three. Only three of them are.
Starting point is 00:30:40 You know they are blind and that's why they run on the walls because they just walk around the borders of the walls. Don't believe you? Can't be true. It is. Look it up.
Starting point is 00:30:48 That's just not true. Not all mice are blind. They're not fully blind, but they're- They have a different spectrum of vision. Their vision is very bad. I bet dogs do, too. Have you ever seen videos of a representation of what dogs see? No.
Starting point is 00:31:00 They see in black and white, though. Yeah, they're basically seeing like a silhouette like puppet show. That's so strange. Fools. Dogs are dumb as hell. Not my dog. What animals do you respect? Dogs are dumb as rocks.
Starting point is 00:31:14 No, no, no. I've seen your mice are smarter than your dogs. Don't you fucking talk about this. And they're blind. You better watch yourself. I'm going to start giving you like titty twisters or something, which will be a taste of how it's going to go for you at basic training. What animals do you think are smart? blind you better watch yourself i'm gonna start giving you like titty twisters or something which would be a taste of how it's gonna go for you at basic training what animals do you think are
Starting point is 00:31:29 smart your ass uh none dolphins no chimpanzees chimpanzees are pretty smart well there you go yeah but they're not that smart people say that octopuses are super smart yeah and they're not have you seen any animal that you can catch with a with a like a piece of food and a hook not smart bro i could any animal that you catch smash burger in front of you right now and have you in a fucking zoo in two hours any animal you can catch on a glue trap is not a smart animal like i would never get caught on a glue trap i would never see a big puddle of glue and be like i'm gonna step in this i don't think it's it's like advertised as glue i think what is the equivalent of you getting caught in
Starting point is 00:32:10 a glue trap because i can see that happening no or if or if there was a big if you had a smash burger and i noticed a giant metal pole right above it that was being that was being held up by like a spring i wouldn't be like i'm gonna take that cheeseburger no it'd be more like it'd be more like there's a a path that's got a bunch of brush covering it and you're walking along and you step and you tumble into a pit it'd be like how the vietnamese were trapping people yeah that's true they did do the kind of mousetraps they mousetrap folk but that was because there was a draft and they didn't get proper training. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Because it was just guys going over there to do heroin. Yeah, exactly. This is going to be the episode where I fucking snap on him. You'd spear him? Just get over there and I just start fucking shoving my dick in your mouth. Yeah, that'll be nice. What's that? What do you got?
Starting point is 00:33:04 Amon Ross, St. Brown, new'll be nice. What's that? What do you got? Amon Ross, Santa Brown, new deal with Lions includes $77 million guarantee. I like him. I like that guy a lot. What did Devontae Smith get? 70.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Or maybe even, it might have been closer to 80 actually. Yeah, I think he got, he could have got a very similar deal. Amon Ross is an all pro. I was pretty shocked.
Starting point is 00:33:24 He's awesome. He's awesome. He's unbelievable. I love watching him play. Did you see in Hard Knocks when they did the Hard Knocks with them that his dad was this professional bodybuilder? I always go back to this. No. And his –
Starting point is 00:33:34 I didn't know they did Alliance Hard Knocks. Yeah, it was the first season with Dan – Dan Campbell. Dan Campbell as the head coach. And it was the first season that they were decent after a long time. But there was a scene where they were showing that Amon Ra and his brother, their dad was this professional bodybuilder, like Mr. Olympia. His brother, Equinemius. Is that his name?
Starting point is 00:33:56 Yes. I knew it was something. Insane. That's an awesome name. Amon Ra and Equinemius. And they show them working out, and they don't listen to music. They're working out on these, like on like a weight set that's outside,
Starting point is 00:34:12 I think. And they are going through their progressions as though they are like racing through it. Yeah. They don't rest 12 lap, pull down, stand up, move on to the next thing it is the most
Starting point is 00:34:26 sort of uh just intentional training like this is work and i'm not even going to think about it but i know it's so well i'm going to get through it and it was all because they had learned how to lift weights from their dad dude the craziest thing about their dad to me was his name is like john brown and then he changed his kids last name to saint brown he added saint to his kids and named them amon ra and equanimous saint brown he thought my name is so fucking boring and stale john brown or whatever that he added five syllable names for his kids for the first name and called them saints in their last name. That's awesome. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Strive to be great. I don't see a lot of continuity between Amon Ra and Equanimus. Right. This guy just knew a couple of big words. Those are just totally different books of scripture, I feel like. Yeah. Equanimus is, that's like a saintly quality. And Amon Ra is an Egyptian god.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Is that right? Yeah, something like... It sounds Arabic almost. It's crazy that you know that. What? You know the meaning of those names. Equanimous and Amon Ra? I think we're taking shots here.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I don't know that we know for sure. Let's look it up. Did you actually know that? Is that true? I think it's right. I think he knows it. I. I don't know that we know for sure. Let's look it up. Did you actually know that? Is that true? I think it's right. I think he knows it. I'd be surprised if that's true. He should have gotten into Harvard.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Amon, the sun god. The Egyptian sun god. What about the Ra part, though? Ra was just for the fuck of it. Amon came to be identified with the solar god Ra. There we go. So Amon Ra had the main characteristics
Starting point is 00:36:14 of the solar god, creator god, and fertility god. Interesting. What about Equanimous? That sounds like it's got something to do with... Calm and composed. That's just what it means? Yeah, that's what it means.
Starting point is 00:36:29 It's got to be Latin or US. I might name my first child equanimous. Yeah? Are you close to having children? Nope. If you fucking cranked a child out, that'd be hilarious. That'd be insane.
Starting point is 00:36:44 You're going to have kids? I have no idea. If you had a child before child out, that'd be hilarious. That'd be insane. You're going to have kids? I have no idea. If you had a child before me and you, Francis, that'd be so funny. It would be crazy. Dude, I'm fucking pregnant. Equanimous. Got a little equanimous junior running around. I had to tell Patrick I needed to cut back on my spots.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Yeah. Not going to be able to make that 7.15. Got Equinemius at home. He's teething right now. Couldn't get a sitter for Equinemius today. Cool if I bring him. Just let him sit in the green room. Cool if wifey breastfeeds Equinemius in the front row.
Starting point is 00:37:22 That would change everything. I actually want to walk back that take a little bit i'm actually cool if equinomius gets breastfed that's how louis got big what he didn't get big until he had kids and then he did all of his dad you know it's funny dude i mean i've seen that thing he did where he talked about where he talked about what? The eulogy that he gave at the George Carlin kind of honor night. Louis? Yeah. I don't think I've ever seen that.
Starting point is 00:37:53 George Carlin was a comedian. Oh, okay. That's worth watching. Yeah. He tells the story of his career. Oh, I've never seen this. Sounds like something I definitely would have seen. I don't know how I didn't see it. he talks about how for a long time he was failing he wasn't going anywhere he hated his jokes i thought that they were a trap and the stories that louis like
Starting point is 00:38:14 was failing until he told the joke of like my daughter's a bitch yeah and exploded and then you go back and you actually look at his early career and it's like he was doing conan and fucking you know touring he was writing on snl writing on snl he did the dana carvey show which was iconic and like those are probably the best jobs for comedians at the time yeah yeah you really you were failing during that well i think his see his stand-up wasn't succeeding like how it did. No, certainly there was a leap from that until this. But there's a set you can go watch. You can go watch, I think, a Conan or maybe
Starting point is 00:38:52 a Letterman set. Yeah, he has really old ones. And it's funny as hell. It's different. It's different in tone. It's not even close to how he acts in his more modern stuff. But it's still like, you know, this is a guy who's getting legitimate credits and good work.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Oh, yeah. That's like when politicians are like, my dad was a humble oil farmer. Or like he worked... I came from nothing. I picked myself up by my bootstraps. It's like, wait, oil farmer? He's fucking a baron.
Starting point is 00:39:22 He's rich as fuck. Works for OPEC. Yeah. Or when they said that paul potts on britain's got talent which made that show viral yeah came on and he was working at car phone warehouse do you remember this paul pot paul pot not the cambodian i was like wait paul pot was on america's got talent pa Potts. I think it was Potts, plural. I didn't know a teacher with that last name. Did you know?
Starting point is 00:39:48 Yeah. Let's talk about that instead. Let's go that direction. That sounds more compelling. Wait, that's close to Harry Potter. Let's dive into that. All right, what were you saying? He came out the story was that he had
Starting point is 00:40:06 been working at like a basically a verizon store car phone warehouse and then he comes out and he has this incredible operatic voice as though he's never known if he's ever been good and he ended up winning britain's got down and everyone loved the story then come to find that you know he'd been like quietly singing semi-professional opera for like decades, having lots of vocal training. It's like, you know, this is bullshit. Like he just yelled at someone in traffic and was like, hey. Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:40:36 What the fuck? That's like TikToks that you see people singing. They're like, I didn't know I could hit that high note. Yeah, you did. You obviously knew that. You tried it. You filmed it. Hey, I'm going to try singing for the first time ever.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I guess I'll record it. They always do that stuff. They always set it up. Did you ever see Sam Morrill's America's Got Talent thing? No. If you go back and watch some of those ones, they always try it. When they find someone they like
Starting point is 00:41:02 that they're going to push through from the first audition or the live show, rather, to the next thing, they have to give you a story. Yeah. So that two-minute bit with the sad music leading up, and I think Sam Morrill, like, they were, you know, they were like, please, give us something. Kill your parents for us.
Starting point is 00:41:18 And he was like, well, I have a girlfriend. Yeah. And I think, I think, I remember that he just talks about, he's like, my girlfriend really inspired me yeah yeah and he's like but it wasn't he wasn't always this way like you know before i had my girlfriend i don't know times were tough and i got my girlfriend yeah then i found my then i found my voice yeah um that's hilarious they always want something to be uh i remember after i like put out my first like music project or something i was like we're ready to put out like a second project and i was talking
Starting point is 00:41:51 i don't even know if it was a record label or executive or something like that and they're like well did like anything happen to you that we can like sell did you like have like a breakup or something like that i was like yeah i guess i had a breakup and now my music's way better because of it like they just want there to be at this fucking watershed moment when it's probably not like that it's probably just like linear progress in anything you just have to well i worked really hard and got better at it no one gives a fuck about that story some people do have that watershed moment and i always envied those children from the the hood whose fathers left and all of a sudden they started practicing their left-handed dribble that much more but even
Starting point is 00:42:32 that's bullshit i think because like kanye for example uh when he got in the car accident and he got his jaw wired shut or whatever and then he puts out through the wire and everything but he was already making fucking songs with Jay-Z before that. It's the same thing as Louis C.K. It's like he was successful and fucking making, he was in high-profile rooms already. It's not like it was like he got in a car accident and stepped out and was like, thank God I ain't too cool for this.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yeah, he got shot. 50 Cent, they got shot and they were like, you can hear the pain in his voice. No, he had already made How to Rob. He already had nine projects before that. Nine shots, nine projects. I agree. The rap world is full of bullshit sort of stories.
Starting point is 00:43:12 You know who actually was truly deserving and discovered from nothing? Eminem. Why? Because he's white? Oh, is he? Yeah. No, I wasn't thinking of that at all. You thinking about the Rap Olympics?
Starting point is 00:43:27 I'm thinking about how Eminem was. I'm thinking Caitlin Clark. I'm thinking. Eminem's girlfriend got fucked by a guy from a rival crew, and his mom was banging this other dude and all that stuff, and he kept going to those battles. At the shelter. At the shelter. Yes. And one night, to those battles. At the shelter. At the shelter.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Yes. And one night, you know, he got cold feet. Yeah. Got a little spooked. Couldn't get it out. Yeah. Rock bottom. But then he came back.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Then he came back with courage. Stronger than ever. And had been through so much. He almost got in that fight when his boy was rapping on top of the car. And he was like, 10 freaky girls. 10, 10, 10 freaky girls. And then they came up and said, free world runs you pussies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:15 And the guy got pulled on the hood of the car and he hit his butt real hard. And now he's still sitting here screaming, fuck the free world. Yeah. It's all dudes in here, except for these bitches. I always thought he went a little too far with that self-diss track. I don't think he needed to include all of that. He really roasted himself.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Yeah. It was revolutionary at the time, though. It was probably like when Carlin started making jokes about atheism. You know what I mean? No one had done it yet. Now Bill Maher has his whole fucking show based off of it.
Starting point is 00:44:45 But when Carlin did it, that shit was revolutionary. That shit was special. Now it's fucking hack. Now it's hack to not believe in God. The real comics are deeply believing of Christ our Savior. The comedy scene is deeply religious these days. There's a lot. Here's deeply religious these days. Praise Allah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Isn't that Mike Tyson interview? Yeah. I'll eat his children. Praise Allah. Praise Allah. I'll fuck you till you love me. Praise Allah. Mike Tyson's the best.
Starting point is 00:45:18 You could say some nasty shit and then... Dude, the clips of Mike Tyson just like sprinting now though. Oh, it's pretty tough to watch. Sad. Yeah. Why? dude the the clips of mike tyson just like sprinting now though it's pretty tough to watch sad yeah why he's like getting ready for this fight against like a steroided up fucking 26 year old dude that clip of him running was like you could tell as soon as the camera stopped he probably his bones were probably like breaking down they had to explain to him where he was yeah it was like he was like look how fast i am and then he just ran from like there to here it looked like cat williams running the 40 kind of yeah it's exactly what it looks like
Starting point is 00:45:50 did one of you see him in an airport or was that a different friend of mine no it was tom segura that's true but some a friend of mine saw him oh i know it is a very good friend of mine saw him the last couple weeks and sat behind him on a plane. Really? Why is he a Tyson Fly coach? Ready for this? Ready for the last part of my fact? Yeah. He said he had a cane. He's walking with a cane.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Cocaine? I pray to God you mean cocaine. What are the odds that he dies in this fight? I don't know. That has to be a check the sports books. It very much speaks to the point you just made that they are just shooting him up filled with numbing pain for him to do a quick viral sprint and then using that to promote the fight. And he's going to go out there and potentially get killed. What do you think would happen with Jake Paul's career if he killed Mike Tyson in the ring? It would be huge for him. You think?
Starting point is 00:46:47 I hate to say it, he's the perfect person to kill Mike Tyson. But do you think that's something that he would be able to recover from? Like mentally, personally? I think that would be, he would swing it somehow. I don't think he, I don't even think it would register. I think he'd be like, yo bro, did you see I
Starting point is 00:47:03 just killed homie? Yeah, I killed the greatest ever. I killed bro in the ring. I'm ready to die for this shit. Yeah. Like Floyd Mayweather, Logan Paul. That was a fight, right? Yeah. That was more reasonable than this.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah, because Floyd Mayweather has been, he like never really stopped boxing. Yeah. And Logan Paul is much bigger than floyd mayweather yes correct and so it was like you know he's like a defensive fighter yeah mike tyson was like a knockout fighter in the 90s he's old as shit this is a bad idea do you think it's gonna actually happen or no yeah i do you think it really will well i think they i think that it's just one of those things where you either what do you think mike tyson stands to make from this 30 million dollars no way bro you don't 30 million why no way i think it's like five million no it's probably
Starting point is 00:47:56 it's definitely over 10 i think i think this is a the biggest marquee thing that they've put together for Jake Paul. 30 million people. I don't know, dude. I feel like not getting, not having a fist fight, a prize fight in your 60s is worth 30 million. Just not doing it. He's the biggest name in boxing. Mike Tyson.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Still. Yeah, I agree with that. To this day, I would argue. Mike Tyson. Still. Yeah, I agree with that. To this day, I would argue. Muhammad Ali. Yeah. How'd you feel about him getting out of that draft? I didn't know he dodged a draft. Cassius Clay?
Starting point is 00:48:39 Oh, because he had Parkinson's? No. He conscientiously objected or whatever? I didn't know it was that easy. You can just say no. Well he went to prison. Oh shit yes. I do remember that.
Starting point is 00:48:52 I think he was pardoned or something like that. Yeah I totally forgot that that happened. I don't know why. You weren't alive at school? That was a pretty big moment.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Your dad might not have even been alive. Yeah probably not. Yeah, probably not. Yeah, you're good. Yeah. You don't remember something that happened to your grandfather? You're straight on that. Yeah, that was a tough imprisonment for my boy.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Yeah. For Cassius. I'm not sure. I don't know if he actually went to prison. I think he did. Did he? I think he did. I don't know. This also didn't happen Did he? I think he did. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:25 This also didn't... This just didn't happen anywhere close to any of our lifetimes. You can excuse us if we're wrong. No, I know. But I did read the biography, the good one. I think it's by David Halberstam, King of the World. Book on tape? Nope.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Two and a half speed? Should we wrap this up? It's like we've been going for a while. Have we? Yeah. We haven't been going for... We haven't even been going for an hour. Oh, okay. You bored, bro?
Starting point is 00:49:49 No, I'm not bored at all. I don't know why. I just thought we were going for a while. Do you have a medicine we can give you for days like today? Like podcasting days? Yeah. I took L-theanine this morning. L-theanine?
Starting point is 00:50:02 That's a supplement they have in teas and stuff, right? L-lysine is what made me shit myself, dude. Be wary of the L's. I didn't take L-lysine. I took L-theanine. What about ashwagandha? Can we give you that? I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:50:15 That's good for your brain. I was looking into, I'm looking into some nootropics, trying to really get onto that. And I was looking at alpha brain because I always hear Joe Rogan talking about it. I didn't know Joe Rogan at alpha brain because i always hear joe rogan talking about it i didn't know joe rogan owns alpha brain yeah skip i think he's the nootropics reddit was
Starting point is 00:50:31 flaming alpha brain dude man what do you know what i saw today what do you know these guys that do the lawn care what just happened instagram yeah i had like six thoughts that i had to connect to to see where i was gonna okay okay the the great videos on instagram yeah talk of guys edging lawns yeah stuff like that for free there's a guy named the lawn dude yes of course he called uh the guy the rapper from Miami. Pitbull? No. Khaled?
Starting point is 00:51:09 Fat Joe? Lil Pump? Rick Ross. Rick Ross. Oh, I saw this. Good. I saw this this morning. So did I.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Yeah. I'm glad. Terrible cut. Why? I don't like the pattern. I didn't see the cut. I just saw the call. Okay. And what struck me is that Rick Ross is DMing with this guy, gets him to call him.
Starting point is 00:51:29 They're FaceTiming. And Rick Ross is saying, come through. I'm going to get you a lot more business. I will post about your thing. It's going to blow your account up. I like the way you cut lawns, yada, yada. Yeah. That is Rickoss's equivalent of
Starting point is 00:51:46 saying i'm an influencer will you cut my lawn for free yeah it's true broke ass rick ross that's what he was doing there drizzy was right and drop him give me 50 yeah now he may have paid him or tipped him but i don't know it certainly seemed to me as though he was really like he was having the same conversations with this lawn care guy that i try to have with ice bath purveyors yeah yeah which i am still striking out on it is driving me fucking crazy yeah give up no don't ever give up are you guys still doing this ice bath shit i did one yesterday i haven't done it because you don't have because i don't have one i did it yesterday it was great for my inflammation and mood where are you finding them shit is so dumb i don't i use his plastic bags filled with water buy ice and bring it home no i i fill up ziploc bags
Starting point is 00:52:42 with ice and freeze them and then drop them in like massive ice cubes in a cocktail in my tub at home. You don't run out of freezer space doing that? Have you been in his apartment, bro? Yeah, we have. I'm pretty sure we have the same freezer. Would be my guess. Maybe not. Got a walk-in freezer.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Those are good for blurring bodies. It only takes up one shelf. I have a his and hers freezer yeah i got a jack and jill freezer there's two sides of it no it doesn't take up like i can have like three ziploc bags in there and it doesn't it doesn't make a dent in it gotcha still have all the frozen dog food in there and i don't really have much else in the freezer so a couple bean burritos and some popsicles for the summer months i've been back on the popsicle game i'm not gonna lie you know who's really on popsicles i'm loving the popsicle game right now dude fights fights eats like 10 popsicles a day yeah like as he's falling asleep doesn't he he say he eats them while he's falling asleep?
Starting point is 00:53:46 He's like going to bed in a trash heap of plastic popsicle wrappers. He said that every night before he goes to bed, he gets super high, eats as much food as he can, and then does the mouth tape. So he like shoves pizza in his mouth and then sits it in and then falls asleep which there's better ways to kill yourself yeah but he was like he was like yes oh wait didn't he say that on this show he might have he said it on this show oh yeah i wasn't here that but he says dude he says that he says that he does pops like he'll eat like five popsicles before we're in a bed i don't think popsicles are a filling food. No, they're like a... He's not eating it for caloric value.
Starting point is 00:54:28 He's eating it because he can't stop. I thought it was to help him fall asleep. He has a problem. No, definitely not to help him fall asleep. They're not melatonin popsicles. Yeah, but eating a lot of food makes you sleepy. Nobody's actually really doing it that way. I pretty much do.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I'm not tired at all. all here let me hammer this hamburger i love eating before bed how close within an hour usually that's as bad as it gets for you as a slam dinner as a sort of decompressing kind of what what's the term i don't like being hungry in bed sedative you're eating as a sedative no i just don't like being hungry in bed and then i fall asleep just have some water or some shit you're really hungry in bed like that surely wouldn't make me less hungry would it have you ever had water yeah it definitely is filling i got this big ass iced coffee so what happened today was i went to the gym this morning. Take a milk to me, bro.
Starting point is 00:55:26 I went to the gym this morning. Absolutely obliterated my legs and my shoulders. And then I had a meeting with my manager. And then I was like, I got to go do our podcast. So I was kind of in a rush. So I Uber Eats to myself some Starbucks. Got a bacon, egg, and cheese and an iced coffee. And it arrives.
Starting point is 00:55:50 It is nor a bacon, egg, and cheese or an iced coffee. It is a plain bagel toasted and a Frappuccino and a pink drink. And I was like, who is starting their day? Dude, this Frappuccino had like this much whipped cream and like hot like who starts their day with that girls that shit is insane dude the biggest trick that starbucks ever pulled was that they started serving milkshakes and pretending that they were coffee dude it's literally it's a hot fudge sundae absolutely yeah those are like 1300 calories yeah yeah i looked at it and i was like someone woke up just now and was like oh man i need a frappuccino right now i need i need an ice cream sundae right you
Starting point is 00:56:39 ever have one of those they're so good no i didn't have it they are outrageously good i used to drink when i was a kid though yeah like freshmen like a culotta i went through a little period there yeah where i would say i want one of those they're like the free cocaine that they that drug dealers give out to like put the hook in you they're like okay have a frappuccino you'll be drinking like nitro cold brews within two years you'll be doing the real thing very soon i mean dude if you if you're starting your day with a root beer float you probably shouldn't uber eats it you want to at least walk and get it you're the same guy who just said you fucking eat a burger within 20 minutes of falling asleep you're ending much different with a murder what's the difference
Starting point is 00:57:23 much different between ending it and starting what's the difference starting your day with an ice cream sundae filled with hot fudge and whipped cream verse ending your day brother that's why you have dessert after dinner you don't start your day with that you end your day with that you gotta start society made these rules i didn't make these huberman is gonna fucking he's gonna throw your ass for a loop if you're on the new tropics reddit you might as well pop on some Huberman is gonna fucking, he's gonna throw your ass for a loop. If you're on the Nootropics Reddit, you might as well pop on some Huberman Labs because this dude is going to throw you in on the cyclone. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:57:52 I had a great dinner last night. Steak, peas, potatoes. You made it? Really? Yeah. How'd you do it? How'd you cook your steak? You made peas? And then did you finish it in the oven? No.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Fuck that noise. And you just seared it? Yeah, I just seared it. Three minutes each side. We're not sass. You're not going to care about this. Francis, you know where I'm going tonight to eat? Blanca.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Do you know what Blanca is? I don't know Blanca. I do. I don't actually know it. I've heard of Blanca. It was number two on that. Top 100? Yeah, yeah. New York Times Blanca. It was number two on that. Top 100? Yeah, yeah. New York Times?
Starting point is 00:58:26 Yes. It's like a tasting menu. It's in Bushwick, New American Food. It's across from Roberta's. I'm going to be in Bushwick tonight. What time is your set? Eight. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:58:38 Are you doing that one out in... What's that one? I'm doing that soon. Old Man Hustle. Oh, I'm not doing that. My dinner's at nine bro in the wick wow in kushwick i actually don't even know it might be a tasting menu dinner you're gonna be finishing your last course at midnight yeah they i went on the website it says it this
Starting point is 00:58:58 cannot be true it said that there's 32 courses it says 25 to 32 courses. It's like, what the fuck? But then I looked at the menu. I think it's closer to 12. It's a lot of little tiny scoops of sorbet. Scoops and bites and shit like that. Amuse-bouche. Amuse-bouche. How much did that cost?
Starting point is 00:59:17 I think it's $180 a plate. $180 a course? Yeah. No, probably $180 for the entire seating. It's not that bad. A little birthday dinner. Oh, your course. Yeah. No, probably 180 for the entire seating. It's not that bad. A little birthday dinner. Oh, your birthday's tomorrow. What?
Starting point is 00:59:30 Yes, brothers. Ah. I wanted to tell you guys about it. I wanted to make it about me. On draft day. That's a blessing. This is a birthday episode. Happy birthday to Roan.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Oh, yes. Happy birthday to Roan. Thank you, my brothers. The glue that holds us all together. Yes. Keeps you and me from tearing each other apart. Glue guy. I would love to get us all out to a meal together.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I would like that too, but I have to tell you, I read an article today in the New Yorker. About Blanca. Stay put. Unethical. You're not going to like this. Unethical sourcing. Our chemistry has gotten so good that i now know when you're going to interrupt me i just paused and looked at you what were you saying about what were you saying about surely he's got something to send us in
Starting point is 01:00:16 another direction yeah what were you saying about new yorker they were talking about how the reservation game in new york city has become like a scalpers game. For sure. And that bots, scalpers, and like resellers of restaurant reservations in New York are, there's a guy who made 70 grand last year scooping up reservations and then selling them on some concierge service or something like that. I believe it.
Starting point is 01:00:44 I get all my reservations at game time game time the official app for blanca yeah but you have that good app i'm not gonna tell it because i don't want to we got a gatekeep gatekeep that secret but that is that how you're getting all these amazing reservations no blanca we got the old- fashioned way calling the restaurant. Yeah. Are you someone who knows when a restaurant you want to go to is opening up their reservation portal for two weeks hence, and you can get on the website at that time and I'm not great at that, but I try to be better at it. That other one,
Starting point is 01:01:18 Atomics really like called ahead and we're like on the wait list for Atomics. Wow. For, I think maybe even for tonight, but I think i want to go to balanka damn you got two red comics is up there that's the korean one sell me atomic i'll buy it off of you right after your bushwick show you just show up solo you go solo to a tasting menu just for one please thank you eating solo is awesome i love it putting your phone down
Starting point is 01:01:43 and eating solo tickles your brain in a completely different way. I just did it in Chicago at this Croatian restaurant. It's like an 8.5 on the infatuation. Pretty good. That's solid. Very solid. That's not bad. I had some black bass.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Oh, love some bass. Black bass especially is supposed to be extremely tasty. It was so tasty. Believe it or not, those fish are actually not that big. Black bass. Black bass are right around. Yeah. The fillet was like about this long. Yeah. I caught one of those once.
Starting point is 01:02:13 We had to throw it back. Too tiny? I think it was out of season or something like that. Good to catch one though. How about Brandon? Did you see Brandon Walker's hog that he caught? Yeah, he texted me. He texted you? Yeah. Was that a he caught? Yeah, he texted me. He texted you? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Was that a rainbow trout? No, that was a bass. I know. What the fuck was it? It was shimmering, though. It was a big-ass bass. Stock pond. I mean, I don't really give him any credit.
Starting point is 01:02:37 That doesn't really count. He was probably throwing around a weighted treble. It's like shooting a pig, honestly. Just honestly. Just snagging stockies. It's exactly the same as just going into your backyard as a farmer and shooting a pig. Did Rick Ross have this guy mow
Starting point is 01:02:52 his Miami lawn? Yeah. And he was bragging about it. He kept saying it's the largest residential lawn in Florida. I have the largest pool. This is going to be good for your career. You know, it's like, dude, he sold. You're Rick Ross. you don't have to keep listing the reasons why this is going to blow up this dude's account well dude didn't drake say that he lives on a postage stamp that it's like uh he
Starting point is 01:03:14 lives in basically an influencer's house in miami like it's the one of the smallest properties on uh star island and then he showed the aerial shot of the property and how it's just like a sliver. There's a lot next to it, and he doesn't even own the lot. I did not know any of that. Drake said that all? He posted that on his Instagram story. That was Drake that said that.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Drake said all of that and made it rhyme? Yeah. No, he posted it just as prose on his Instagram story. He's like, look at how I talked to bro. Bro's always cute. Sick. Just his pros on his Instagram story. Really? He's like, look at how I talk to bro. Bros are way stute. Sick to my stomach, fam. Lawn small as hell. Hostage stamp, lawn fam.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Poutine gravy lawn. All right. Now you want to quit? I'm fine with whatever. Let's quit. poutine gravy lawn. Alright. Now you want to quit? I'm fine with whatever. Let's quit. Alright. Well, thank you guys for listening to Son of a Boy Dad. Can we quit? Owen? See you guys on Monday or Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Happy birthday, Roan. Happy birthday, Roan. Happy birthday, Francis, and happy birthday Sass as well. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Wow, I didn't even know Broke could hit that note. I wasn't sure I could.

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