Son of a Boy Dad - E-A-G-L-E-Son of a Boy Dad #274 | Super Bowl Recap

Episode Date: February 11, 2025

E-A-G-L-E-Son of a Boy Dad #274 | Super Bowl Recap -- #Ad: Get started at and use code son50off to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping. -- #Ad: Cancel your ...unwanted subscriptions and reach your financial goals faster at -- Follow us on our socials: -- Merch: -- SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE #SonOfABoyDad #BarstoolSportsYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, son of a boy, dad listeners, you can find every episode on Apple podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad free on Amazon Music. Second half flew by. Save all this. Yeah, let's just talk Alrighty welcome back to the son of a boy dad podcast today it is February 11th noon welcome back you have anything to admit? admit? no
Starting point is 00:00:44 that you just have been wrong for like oh you know I actually got a DM from some dude he was like dude I made 500 bucks because you told you said that you thought the Eagles had a chance of winning the Super Bowl and he said he put a future on it when I said it you know I guess you must have cut that out of your little montage that you made I didn't make a montage yeah you did I've never touched editing software in my life I don't know the fuck you're talking about. I hope that some of our Son of a Boy Dad listeners
Starting point is 00:01:08 can find some of Sass's old clips about how the Eagles are ass. Nick Sirianni's gonna get fired this season. The Eagles are probably worse than the Patriots. I could be the quarterback for the Eagles. It is very funny seeing Gilly this year still be like as diehard of an Eagles fantasy is, but the Eagles just suck this year.
Starting point is 00:01:25 The Eagles suck. The Eagles are trash. We're gonna win a Super Bowl before the Eagles win a Super Bowl. Nick Sirianni is gonna come to your house and fucking beat you with a newspaper. Yeah exactly, cause he's gonna be a paperboy by then. He's trash. People will lose this weekend to the commanders and if they don't they'll lose to the Chiefs. You're gonna need Saquon to have the greatest NFL game of all time. I don't expect the Eagles to win, I expect the Chiefs to win.
Starting point is 00:01:45 If the Chiefs go to the Super Bowl, they're winning the Super Bowl. Why don't you just go hand up and say, I was wrong about the Eagles. I'll never do that. You just have to. You lose all your credibility. You have to build this as a ball-knower. I think I was wrong about Jalen Hurts. Here you go.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I still think Nick Sirianni sucks. It's my personal friend. Yeah. I don't like your personal friend. What is the deal with Jalen Hurts? Why was he so nonplussed in winning the Super Bowl? It almost seemed as if he was unhappy. Uh, I know. You guys probably didn't see it
Starting point is 00:02:22 because you were not watching the post-game interviews. Yeah. His serenity throughout bordered on indifference. Like it was disrespectful how- No, I was like, what's eating at him? What's the matter? Why is he so not moved? I mean, he was truly stone-faced, a slight smile, like neutral, right of neutral on the
Starting point is 00:02:47 happiness meter. He's never even there though, so I think that says a lot, because usually he's just straight-faced all the time. That's overjoyed for him. Or maybe he just has tax season in the back of his mind. Yeah. Or maybe he's like thinking like, what, next Super Bowl? He's already locked in. Dude, his post-game showing, his speeches, his commentary, all of that, I was like, golly,
Starting point is 00:03:11 dude. Yeah. Like, let yourself enjoy this for a minute. He has a bubble of aura around him that I've never seen before. Sass and I went to the Eagles after party after the fact, which was fucking sick Do you remember seeing Jalen Hurts there or did you leave before he dude? I think I missed everything that was cool How did you go? I literally think I missed everything. How did you go to the Eagles postgame party? It's pretty funny. We got big Dom got us got Max. Who's big Dom the Eagles security had his security cool
Starting point is 00:03:44 So Max is good friends with him And it was so funny we to like we went so we went back to the Airbnb after the game like everybody we all met up because they had to do part of my take and That's so insane. They had to do part of my take after the yeah And I wasn't even gonna go to the I was just I was just gonna go to bed right I was pretty tired and I ended up going out But like max was like big Dom's gonna get us in and Rome was like Let's go like big Dom hadn't even said like come yet
Starting point is 00:04:14 Rome's like let's go now and get in the area so that we're ready. Let's go to a bar next door Yeah, something like that so we could just pop over when he says so he doesn't forget about us And we didn't end up going to a bar We end up just standing outside of the hotel for an hour and a half waiting to get in. We literally found a patch of grass and just stood there. And Big Don wasn't replying when we got there. And I was, I felt bad. I was just ripping into Max just being like, dude, he's asleep.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Like there's no way we're getting in. What a surprise. Max was getting like so flustered. This is never gonna happen. I could see like his eyes starting to like water up because he could just sense like it wasn't happening. And he was like writing and deleting text messages at one point. It was so funny. He just handed me his phone and I just like fucking texted Big Dom in one second just to be like, hey we're outside. I was having a blast because I didn't give a fuck if we got into the Eagles
Starting point is 00:05:04 party or not. You would have preferred not to. Yeah 100%. He wasn't gonna go. He was like, hey, we're outside. I was having a blast. Cause I didn't give a fuck if we got into the Eagles party or not. You would have preferred not to. Yeah. He wasn't going to go. I was like, I think I'm just going to stay home. I was like, dude, this is literally once in a lifetime. Like you're going to be in a VIP section with all the Eagles. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:17 And we know that Harry chooses his favorite team based on whether he meets them or not. So now his favorite team is the Eagles. God, no, I didn't even meet any of the players. Well there you go that's the reason. But even if I did, even if I did, I met one of the players at the casino. Who? Whoever that dude was that came up to us or came up to me. Bryce Hough? Yeah. Backup? Yeah he was a big free agency signing but he didn't get any minutes in there. Big free agency signing. He came up to me and said you were for Barstool right? And I said yeah he said He said, you're funny as shit. And then he kept walking. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:05:48 That's true. Great. Can we get back to telling this in chronological order? Because I'm sure that that comes up at some point. That actually... I don't know how you got into the casino. Technically, that is chronological order. No, no. You haven't told me how you got into the hotel. We were in the hotel waiting to go in. There's a bunch of security. Wait, wait, wait, wait. So Big Dom finally checks back. No, we can't get in. So we're like, let's just go to the casino. It's right across the street. Let's go bunch of security. Wait, wait, wait, wait. So Big Dom finally checks back. No, we can't get in. So we're like, let's just go to the casino.
Starting point is 00:06:06 It's right across the street. Like, let's go to the casino, wait for Big Dom to apply. Which casino? River? No, excuse me. What am I saying? That's right in the middle of downtown. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And their hotel is like literally like directly across the street. The where the Eagles were staying. Yeah. Which hotel was it? They were staying at like the Hilton. And they can't leave during Super Bowl week.
Starting point is 00:06:24 And they can't even get outside food during Super Bowl week. It's part of the contract So they're just prisoners in the middle of New Orleans as this party unfurls They can't even like go walkabouts in the city They have to just stay in the hotel and eat hotel food Hilton food for an entire week No, I think they get I think someone said that they can get food, but it has to get cleared. That's what I was saying. It's $8 per pizza charge if they want to bring in pizzas. OK, well hold on.
Starting point is 00:06:52 So then they just get in the middle of the day or whatever in the morning, they take a bus to the Superdome facility where they use the Saints practice facility and trade off with the Chiefs? Or maybe one team probably used the Saints practice facility and trade off with the Chiefs? Or maybe one team probably uses the Saints and one team probably uses the local college or something like that. Oh yeah, okay. That would be my guess.
Starting point is 00:07:15 LSU. Yeah, or LSU is like an hour and a half away though. I don't know. But eventually we did get into the party and I think Sass had a good time because Big Dom finally texted back? I guess Big Dom was like, I thought you guys had wristbands or something But he didn't reply for like, I mean it was close to two hours It was an hour
Starting point is 00:07:36 We were outside for 45 minutes It was well over an hour since the 15 minute text? But we eventually got in and Sass all his favorite player Shane Gillis. I really picked up a Bud Light. Oh, shit. Hey, what's up? It was we were there pretty early. Like it was it was like there was like when we were up in that little area. We felt like it was after the game. It was not like one in the morning. It was like when we were up in that little area we felt like it was after the game it's not it was not really like one in the morning it was like 132 but it was like there was like some players Sirianni was up there here's hurts walking through 213 I think I was gone whoa he looks so look at
Starting point is 00:08:17 that aura the amount of aura that he has is fucking nuts yeah yeah beautiful man wow that's crazy. But yes, I saw Shane and I immediately saw him like, snag a light beer and start pouring a Dasani into it. So it looked like he was drinking. I'd never seen anything like it. He was like, Chubsky? He bumps into Shane with like the shotgun finished. Oh, oh shit. What's up, man? Just foam. He like split an Alka seltzer and.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Look, it was so cold. His mouth. Yeah, I was on the aquafina's hard. I felt like a bitch, though. Just standing there with just an aquafina in hand. Oh, it was even worse at the game. I was telling them that because of the, you know, like when you go to a stadium, they make you take the cap off. So I got to I got to propel at the game. I was telling them that because of the, you know, like when you go to a stadium, they make you take the cap off. So I got to,
Starting point is 00:09:06 I got to propel at the game, like a flavored water. And they made me take the cap off. And I just had to walk around the stadium, just holding a propel, like a fucking lunatic. Well, I'll tell you what that does sound terrible. You would have been much happier with a body armor. Probably. Yes. A hundred percent 100 which is a far superior product yeah yeah i got one at the airport yesterday it was fucking so i got a body armor so delicious good so nice good yeah yeah you would have loved it but yeah it was it was a magical night all in all sass sat alone the entire time. Sat alone at the game. Which gave him enough time to cook up a banger of a tweet.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Did you see his big tweet? Uh, no. Interesting. It's odd. I don't know what. I mean, I missed a lot. I don't know anything. That's why I want you guys to not leave details out.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Like 150,000 likes. Actually? Yeah. Wow. It was during the halftime show. I actually have no idea. It's over 100, though. It definitely was. Something about little Kendrick Lamar? Yeah, I just took was during the halftime show. I have no idea. It's over 100 though. It definitely was. Something about little Kendrick Lamar? Yeah, I just took a photo of me wearing
Starting point is 00:10:09 headphones while watching it. Oh yeah. So listening to God's plan. 20 memes to have you hooting and hollering through this week. Actually, other people were going viral off the strength of it. People were posting just like a picture of your tweet, a picture of or like the music of God's plan playing and then the two individual pictures. Really like swipe through on it. 25,000 likes. Yeah. How insane is that? That's bonkers. I felt pretty good. I knew it was going to go viral when I when I when I was making it, but it was like it felt good. I was like, I'm dusting off the, you know, letting people know I still got it. Why didn't you, why wouldn't. I was like, I'm dusting off the, you know, letting people know I still got it. Why didn't you? Why wouldn't you have tweeted that from your original account?
Starting point is 00:10:48 Wouldn't have done nearly as well. Oh, really? Yeah. That one's just too quiet now. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. But I thought just all in all, it was incredible. Even walking into the game, it's just pouring rain. Now that sucked. That was that was like I was walking in. I was like, fuck, I was going to be sitting wet.
Starting point is 00:11:09 No, I thought it was nice. All the Eagles fans were fired up about it. Yeah, it was pretty sick. It was pretty cool. How did we sort out the ticket situation? What happened there? Rhone got a free ticket and I was like, dude, don't spend money to sit with me who I'm not even an Eagles fan. I was like, go sit with Max, like that'll be fun. And I was like, I'm totally fine sitting by myself. And I was. Did you buy your ticket? Yeah. So you didn't end up buying it for him, right?
Starting point is 00:11:30 No. I sent you my money back. He sent all the money back, except for $100. I kept $100. I figured, you know. He was taxing me. It was a rug pull fee. Yeah, he taxed my ass. I feel like, I don't know. I was like, you owe me a hundred dollars from something. I don't know what it is, but it's like against the cost of the ticket.
Starting point is 00:11:50 It's a nominal fee, but you are behaving like you are like ticket master. You're not getting the full handling fee. It's like when you cash out of a bet, you lose like 15% of it or whatever. or something like that. You're not getting the full refunds. No, yeah, this was a handling fee. It's like when you cash out of a bet. Yeah. You have to lose like 15% of it or whatever, 8% or something like that. Just a vig on the gesture, which is insane.
Starting point is 00:12:16 So funny. But I got your ass back. Actually, you would have loved the little weekend that I had with SAS because every night I was like, yo, Friday night, let's go out. Let's go see New Orleans. You want to just walk around? Let's go to Frenchman Street and just get a lay of the land, see the city. Nah, I don't feel like it. Saturday night, let's go out. Let's just go see the city. Let's just go to a restaurant or something like that. It's like, okay, we'll get dinner, but he just went home right away.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I spent the entire weekend playing video games with SASass. It was insane and as just a as someone who I know you want to connect with Sass the same way I want to, it was it was working. That wasn't it. If anything it actually made me like Ron Les. It was working so well. It was because I was dumbing him in video games like back to back to back to back to back. He was beating me in Madden. Yeah, but I don't, I never play Madden. We played Call of Duty. I beat him 30 to one. Well, I've never played.
Starting point is 00:13:09 We won on one to 30 kills and I beat him 30 to one and his one kill was cause I was trying to kill him with my fists. I've never played a first play. I don't even know the buttons, but I, but I think him beating you in Madden. I mean, you're that's still meaningful because you're, you're like Edward controller hands. But I'm not good at it. I don't know. Like he knows Madden. He knows. No, I don't. I don't play. I haven't played Madden in 10 years. You played Madden, like someone who's has spent a, like a majority of their
Starting point is 00:13:36 lifetime playing Madden. But I don't even have like, something to play Madden on. He's like, Oh, this is a PlayStation controller. I've never even seen. And then he, he knows that double tapping the center is a timeout. Never in a million. I just accidentally called a timeout, because I picked it up by the middle of the controller. Every single play, he calls the play. Yeah, for me to call a timeout, I have to hit Start,
Starting point is 00:13:56 and then scroll down. 100%, yes. Call timeout. But let me ask you this. You play a lot of NCAA. We know that. I played. You said you played it relentlessly.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I played it when it first came out for the first two weeks. And that is an absolute first cousin to Madden. Yeah, 100%. It's the same buttons. Same buttons. It's a little different. Oh, come on now. No, because when Rome went out, I played some NCAA
Starting point is 00:14:16 because the PlayStation servers were down, so I had to play the games that were downloaded. I would venture to guess that you have played more NCAA than he has played Madden in the last five years. In other words, you- Easily, I haven't touched the fucking video game in five years. I think something's going on here that we're not even aware of.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I think he's got a console at home when he's playing Madden. That's how good I was? I swear to God. That's how good I was? No, you weren't that good because I did beat you multiple times. No, you beat me one time. The random shit that you knew was like shit that, either that or you watched like. No, it was just one time. The random shit that you knew was like shit that
Starting point is 00:14:46 either that or you watched like a big, a long YouTube tutorial before. Why would I watch a long tutorial? Because you were doing shit. You were doing shit that we've never, I've never seen. That we've never seen. That we as a collective have never seen. He knew everything. Like, you know, when you call a play in Madden and then for like me and you that's just your play That's the play that you're running. You can call audibles. He's calling set his audibles. He would do audibles He's doing like he's changing specific routes for specific players Wow I was like, I don't know how to do any of that. Mm-hmm But that's like madden stuff that I learned maybe when I was like
Starting point is 00:15:22 like 17, yeah Yeah, yeah, it's just like we're saying it is crazy. How bad the graphics are in Madden learned maybe when I was like 17. Yeah. Yeah. It's just like Madden. We were saying it's crazy how bad the graphics are in Madden. Yeah, it hasn't progressed at all. Oh really? Yeah. Fucking cactus.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Like everyone that... Everyone that... It's just been getting me the whole show. It is pointing right at you. Was that an aloe plant? Cracked out open. I know. It is pointing right at you. Is that an aloe plant? Cracked it open. I know.
Starting point is 00:15:47 It looks like it. That's fucking bizarre. But yeah, we SAS ordered an extra controller just so we could ball out on that. Is that what you spent the $100 on? Yeah, that was what I. No, I didn't even take the controller. Did you take it?
Starting point is 00:16:01 I brought it, yeah, just to recoup my $100. Honestly, I actually have a controller for sale if anyone needs it because I have nothing to play it on I don't have a place. It's a nice controller. You got a purple one. Oh cool. I didn't even know they made those Yeah, Matt purple. Yeah, that's sort of new. That's New Orleans themed. Yeah a little bit. Yeah I like that. We had a nice dinner too. I Found a nice place. I fully associate the color purple with the city of New Orleans I can see that not just from an LSU standpoint. A fleur de lis.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Well, it's the beads. The Mardi Gras. Isn't it? It's the beads and the Mardi Gras and all that. Anyway, sorry. Keep going. Purple, green, and like gold. Gold, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Are their colors. They're their best colors. Yeah. But yeah, me and Taz had a nice little dinner. Long dinner. Where'd you guys go? Long, we were there for what, three hours? We were were there for maybe 40 minutes it's just not true at all and you know that's not how could there be a discrepancy there you saying it was
Starting point is 00:16:53 long and that makes me think you were kidding no he's saying you didn't actually disagree with it for over two hours no 100 percent there's no chance dude your key lime pie took over an hour to come out. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I said it as soon as we left, I was like, that was like going to a restaurant where like the theme was experience the level of stress of working at a restaurant while you're eating at the restaurant. You know, you don't- Full fights between the staff, just right in front of us.
Starting point is 00:17:34 You don't have much success at dining establishments. The last time we all three ate together was in Philly and they never even brought your food. Yeah, that's what I was fully prepared for this time. Forgot about that. And you know, okay, so the dining staff was fighting. The bar, so we sat at the bar and there was this one dude with like long hair,
Starting point is 00:17:55 a little bit older, he was clearly like the top dog. And then there was these like this younger guy who was like, you ever see that episode of Always Sunny where they go to the, did you watch a lot of Always Sunny? You know the episode where they go to the bar? The happy bar. The happy bar. Yeah, and they're serving all, and they ring the bells
Starting point is 00:18:10 and stuff, yeah. It was like they were trying to do that, but then like behind the scenes it was like, they all fucking hate each other. Yeah, fair enough, yeah. So like we would be, we were, like they would be facing us, and then these two dudes, every time they would both turn around, it would be like like pick up the fucking slack like they would like like they would like go at it like not
Starting point is 00:18:30 like the whole we were there for at least two hours the entire time but then they turn around and they'd be like all right now baby come on now baby that's a couple more shrimp and grits baby it was crazy and then just like they drop the accents completely just start bickering like one of the waitress We come back and we need a spicy margarita and he'd be like we're all out of margarita glasses I told you that 30 fucking minutes ago. I'm gonna get you a refill right now Your career is over It really was exactly that Yeah, yeah, it was literally like that
Starting point is 00:19:02 It was insane and the young the younger dude had nothing to say. Like he was like shocked. He would turn around and he'd be like, he'd just have his jaw to the floor. He'd be like, I don't know what to say. And the older guy was like, he couldn't even do anything. He was just making everybody's drinks like an overrun Starbucks barista. He was playing a little bit of hero ball though.
Starting point is 00:19:23 He was. Like it got to a point where they'd be like, you need any help? And he'd be like, no, I'll just do it all myself. I want to do everything myself. I think, oh no, that's not Pick Me. I'm trying to get- It is. Pick Me energy. I say, I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:19:34 It was a little- Pick Me is tough to- I don't really get it. To nail down. I would describe what he was doing 100% as Pick Me. He was fishing for tips. He didn't charge us for our drinks because we were there for so long. That's tip fishing. And then Ron gave him a big tip. Well, I think that's fine. Yeah. I went out after, quick interlude. I'm not trying to
Starting point is 00:19:54 say this. Totally fine. I went out after my shows on Saturday in DC. I went to this bar called Exiles, which was a cool bar. And it was jammed. And I had come in with, you know, oh, Nick was there. Nick came and did time. Tarantino? No, no, I'm embarrassed. Nick Martin? Fuck, I'm embarrassed to say that I can't remember his last name. From our show. From our show.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Nick Murphy? Nick Murphy. Oh, really? Yeah, he was in town. So he featured on all the shows. Oh, that? Yeah, he was in town. So he featured on all the shows. Oh, that's awesome. He did just get guest spots. And he came out with me after. And so did Brandon Barrera, and he had some friends.
Starting point is 00:20:31 So we had a big crew and then had come with some people from the show. And so I just opened up a tab and they were busy and I was putting a lot of drinks on there. I was like, man, this is going to be hefty. Yeah. At the end of the night, the guy rang me up my bill, eight bucks. Damn. It was probably like a $200 bar tip.
Starting point is 00:20:48 So I gave him a $50 tip. Maybe, yeah, 50 bucks. Yeah, they liked that because you probably brought a bunch of people from the show over. Yeah, I don't know why he did it. I mean, they didn't need more people. What do you think is the appropriate tip? 50. 50?
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yeah. I think that you tip on what you would have gotten. That's baseline. You know what I mean? Tip on how much you would have paid. You kind of do the mental math and I think you give them a little bit more than that. Yeah. You know what I mean? I just kind of do it as like a multiple. I say to myself, alright, well, if this is an eight dollar bill, then this is a 600%. Yeah. And the guy comped to both my Chablis. He comped two Chablis and both your Diet Cokes. Yeah. Cans. Diet Cokes were tough. Oh, yeah. 30 minute wait in between DCs. Uh okay. Wait, wait. So, yeah. So, so back to you guys, New Orleans. So, uh. That night,
Starting point is 00:21:44 we also We made the mistake of sharing the hot fish dip. Oh my god Did we went to the casino? We went to the dip was phenomenal, but we went to the casino and I was walking home from the casino and halfway through I was like, I'm not gonna make it back. I have to shit so bad. Mm-hmm And then a second I got home explosive diarrhea like five times. And then Ron said that the whole night every 30 minutes he was waking up. Oh, wake up to just have lava coming out of me at the casino. I like pretended to go do
Starting point is 00:22:13 coke in the bathroom so I could shit. I was just like pretending to snort really loud. Really? I was just dropping the worst heat of all time. That the shits that I had after that fish dip was like, I was sitting on the toilet being like, I wanna go home so bad. Nothing more than I just wanna be home. Yeah. The hot fish dip.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And my prep H wipes. I honestly, I was trying to find something that would be less offensive on the stomach. Cause it was a seafood restaurant. And it was like a lot of like crudos. Yeah, everyone had been saying that there's the oysters had been giving everyone food poison. There was a recall on oysters, like they were Goodyear tires.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Oh yeah. You never heard of an oyster recall during Superbowl week. Like all the busting with the boys guys got super sick. A bunch of the guys on the Eagles got sick. Oh Jesus. Didn't end up mattering though. It was nasty. But it was it was just a fantastic or just a fantastic couple couple days after everybody left. It was just like nice just me
Starting point is 00:23:12 and Sass smashing video games listening to Franco. We had a big setback. You say you say everyone from Barstow was there until Wednesday or Thursday or until Friday and then you guys stayed through to go to the game. And that's when you started playing video games and- Well, I was playing video games before that. It was actually kind of, I forgot, we were there for so long. The first three nights I was there,
Starting point is 00:23:33 I just played video games. And then the fourth night, I went out with Che to the casino. And like, but like prior to that, I was like, man, this is kind of like, I was like, this isn't really that fun, like the Super Bowl, like it's not as- He was saying the week is dead.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I was like, it's like, I'm not seeing anybody, like, like it's, this is really uneventful. And then I went to the casino and I was like, oh no, everyone's here. I just haven't left my room once. Yeah. Did you, did you ever read The Blind Side and not watch the movie?
Starting point is 00:24:00 Did you ever read The Blind Side by Michael Lewis? Did you? No. So when Michael Orr is being recruited by the colleges, he goes on official visits to numerous SEC schools and his two sort of adoptive parents who are both major Ole Miss alums, benefactors, whatever,
Starting point is 00:24:19 which obviously sort of led to that scandal that's come out since. But I think he went to like Alabama on an official visit and the players took him out to a big party and then to a strip club, I think, and he came home and he was just this like young, nervous, sweet guy, and he didn't like any of that at all.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And he hated it. And so before his visit to Ole Miss, I think his parents or his adoptive parents told the coach, like, whatever you do, make sure that his night is quiet. Don't have him go out and do the big party thing, all this, and they like set him up to do, you know, just like watch a movie in his room and like go to bed on a comfortable bed and he woke up and he was like,
Starting point is 00:25:12 yeah, I'm going to Ole Miss. You are Michael Orr. You are that. You're going to New Orleans the week of the Super Bowl and you stayed in your hotel room and played video games every single night. Pretty much, yeah. It was insane. I had to pry him off the couch to go to the party. We went, I mean, I went out three times and it was all like, it was a lot.
Starting point is 00:25:33 And he was trying to end up at the casino every time. I've been to that casino. Well, because the first night I went to the casino with Che and we both made a killing. Oh yeah? Yeah. How much did you make? I made like 400 bucks and he made like, I mean, he made like two grand playing roulette. Whoa. Dude, the funny thing about that Michael Orr story is that that means that right after the Alabama visit that he like told
Starting point is 00:25:53 his parents. Yeah. Yeah, he definitely did. Like, they took me to the strip club. Yeah. And they snitched on the boys. There's a great story. I don't know if it was Alabama or LSU. But at that time, I think Nick know if it was Alabama or LSU, but at that time, I think Nick Saban
Starting point is 00:26:07 was the LSU head coach, right? I have no idea. Where did Saban coach? He coached at LSU, right? Yes, he was LSU coach. So he was the LSU coach, and he came to visit their house, their home, the Tewies home or whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:21 And the first thing he did when he walked in was comment on the drapes that Mrs. Toohey had used to decorate the home and said he knew like, Oh, I love your retractable French drapes. And they were absolutely smitten with him. They loved him. And at the last, and so they really wanted, they liked Sabin and they liked his bedside manner. And he ended up going to Ole Miss, but they were very happy because they were split between I think LSU and Ole Miss. And the next season Saban went to coach in the NFL.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Wow. Oh, with the Dolphins. Yeah, that's exactly right. And so he wouldn't have played for them anyway. Yeah. That was great. Kind of like you with Harvard. Yep.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Yeah. But that's why I was glad to have chosen a school where even if the coach left, I was so happy to be there. Yeah. Yeah. That is nice. Yeah. Then you just add Harvard. Yeah. Then you just go to Harvard. Yeah. It's always so funny to me when like kids go to school for sports and they go to like a super good school and then they quit the sport and then they're just like, Oh, you just go to Cornell now? Yeah. Yeah. There were kids that did that. Yeah. And they were always, it was frowned upon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:29 But they were Trojan horsing into the school. Yeah. Yeah. Totally. Yeah, one of my friend's brothers went to Cornell for lacrosse and then like two years in, it was just like, he just goes to Cornell now. Yeah, you realize, first of all,
Starting point is 00:27:39 the only people that care are a handful of guys on the team and the coaches, that's it. Yeah. The school doesn't give a fuck. There's no fan base. They don't even know that you're guys on the team and the coaches. That's it. The school doesn't give a fuck. They don't even know that you're not on the team anymore. There's no boosters. But it's like on 90 Day Fiance, where someone gets a green card because their wife is American.
Starting point is 00:27:56 And then they get to America and disappear. That's a great time. Just like in the country, like running roughshod. It's probably incredible. But then, what is it or Saturday? Saturday night? We get went to the casino again. We're like, OK, let's we'll hit the table again. This is after we got food after we went to the dinner.
Starting point is 00:28:14 When I pretended to do cocaine and fire. We went to the casino and it was the night that I went with Che. It was twenty five dollar minimums. And so it was like good. Like it was like we were playing like just with fives on the inside. And and then we went when we went that night, it was $100 minimums. Well, we didn't really know that until we got to the table. Yeah, it's pretty and we both had 200 bucks.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Like I was like, I have 200 bucks for the night. That's all I'm really comfortable spending right now. Two spins gone. Not no hyperbole on literally two spins. Well, yeah, there you go. Two spins, gone. No hyperbole on this one. Literally two spins for both of us. There you go. We're both done. So hold on.
Starting point is 00:28:50 So when you're playing on the inside, what are you putting, how do you spread it out? You just spread it out. Let's say you had $25 minimum. Yeah. You have fives, you get five things you can put your money on. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:29:02 Well, $25 minimums, like in the beginning, we were playing $25. By the end, we were playing like... like $150 a hand, probably. Or spin? Yeah, because we were stacking. Like, we all hit on $26. On my first spin.
Starting point is 00:29:16 For Saquon. And we all had like four chips on it. Wow. So you got a huge amount there. Yeah, we got a huge payout for that. Because if you had five bucks on that, that's 36 to one, right? Yeah. So you got a huge amount. Yeah. We got a huge payout for that. If you, if you had five bucks on that, yeah. 36 to one. Yeah. Jay had like, I mean, Jay had like, Jay's a very good, Jay had like $50 on it. That doesn't surprise me. Yeah. He's Asian. Yeah. Jay was hilarious. That's what someone said. So I think big cat said the only Asian thing about Jay
Starting point is 00:29:41 is how much he loves the casino. But it was like- Wasn't he hitting you up like before the- Friday, we went on Thursday, on Friday, he's hitting me up being like right after the YAK end. And he's like, I got a couple hours so I gotta leave for my flight. And I was like, dude, we were at the casino nine hours ago. I'm like, I'm not going back to the casino right now. Yeah, that's actually, by the way,
Starting point is 00:30:03 that's actually not the only Asian thing about Che. One time I was at a urinal peeing next to him and I looked over and his penis was pixelated. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Trust me, go look for that sometime. Yeah, I've never seen that in real life.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I will, I'll definitely check for it. It's insane. I'll definitely check for it. I don't know how he does it. Is there a correlation with being Asian and the alcohol tolerance thing? I know there's a Native American thing There's the Asian glow. Yeah, which is that some some Asians don't have the enzyme that like breaks down alcohol So it almost as if they react with an allergic reaction. Yeah, but it's not it's not all
Starting point is 00:30:38 Asians. Yeah, I think he has that though. Does he yeah, did he turn quite red? No, he or I thought that he- He wasn't drinking. Got sick after the, cause at the case race he got like- Well the case race- He called the hospital on himself. I think he got super drunk and I think he fell asleep on the basketball court, right?
Starting point is 00:30:55 Yeah. And then he woke up and he had heart palpitations and he went to the hospital cause he thought he was having a heart attack and they were like, dude, you're hungover. They're like, you drank 30 beers last night? Yeah, yeah. Dude, you have the Asian glow.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So he wasn't drinking all week. I see. But that was kind of nice, because I was, when I went to the casino, he was coming from a party. And we didn't meet up until like 1130. And I was like, Che's going to be fucking hammered. And it's just going to be me and Che at the casino. Well, he's shitfaced, and I'm dead sober.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Right. And then he was not drinking. So it was a. OK, so you guys didn't have a good run at the casino on Saturday night. Well, no, we were there for, like it was like we both lost all of our money within, literally it was two spins.
Starting point is 00:31:33 It was what, 30 seconds? We were at the table for a minute. Yeah, and then I was like, I think I'm gonna go home. My two boys showed up and immediately Sash was like, I'm leaving. Yeah, of course. No, I said I was gonna leave before they showed up. you said I wish I could leave but my friends are coming. I didn't say I wish I could leave. You literally your exact words were I really want to go home.
Starting point is 00:31:53 No way. You probably don't remember because you were so fucking drunk. How was I drunk? I had two Chablis we just established this. Two Chablis you had two Chablis hours prior to this. Right exactly. He ran has a drinking problem and it's serious. You were drinking Heineken Zero Zero, licking the bottom of the bottle just for the taste. I've never seen anything like it. No, they did have Core's Edge, which is a... Core's Edge, that's what it was. Core's Edge is a treat. You were crushing Core's Edge. He had a 12-pack of Core's Edge. I never saw anything like it. Core's Edge is such a treat. You remember when we had Core's Edge in Denver Comedy Works?
Starting point is 00:32:26 That's the non-alcoholic Core's? That's the non-alcoholic Core's. They don't have it anywhere. That was the last time I had it was in Denver. Wow. And then they had it at the casino. He was walking to the game. Like there's a 15 minute walk to the game and he had a case of Core's Edge. I bought Core's Edge. He had a, he was just like carrying it like a British hooligan.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah. All right, let's have it. Who wants something? Yeah. Yeah, it was pretty fun. No one likes us, we don't care. The game was sick. I sat next to like a 65 year old dude who was there by himself too.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Were you near them? God, no. They were all listing off like where they were sitting. Cause I know Rome was, I knew Rome was going with Max and Jack McCarthy and then someone from DraftKings and So I knew they were gonna be sitting up close but then like Connor Griffin and pug the dude from PMT both got tickets like last minute like big cat and PMT PFT bought them tickets and
Starting point is 00:33:20 So I was like, oh where you guys sit in like I'm sure we're near each other. They were all, they were also all in the 100s. I was 635. Oh, you were up in the nosebleeds. I was four rows away from the wall of the stadium. In the tallest section. Like some sections kind of dip down, they're a little bit shorter, so being close to the wall doesn't mean as much.
Starting point is 00:33:38 No, he was in the tallest section in the farthest back. Everyone around you had binoculars, like you were at the opera. No, they really, there was actually people around me had binoculars like you were at the opera. No, they really, there was actually people around me with binoculars. Yeah, I bet. So, wow, that's too bad. How much did you pay for that ticket? A lot. Tell me. No.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Come on, we were always... Well, it wasn't the $5,000 that I sent him. It was much less than that. Not really. You paid in the fours? Four figures left. It was close to that, yeah. It was a lot. It was a lot of money. It was was close to that, yeah. It was a lot. It was a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:34:06 High threes. Yeah, it was a lot. He doesn't want his business manager to know. No, no, he knows. His business manager's listening. He's like, that's money I'm not gonna get now. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:18 You son of a bitch. Yeah. All the cash goes through me now. I mean, I listened to the episode. You're playing roulette for 200 bucks a hand. you're buying three eight three thousand eight hundred tickets. I understand what this does I did him you understand how irresponsible this is I'm gonna eat How am I gonna feed my family if you keep playing roulette? I tell it I hate to do it But you know I'm gonna have to freeze you for two months
Starting point is 00:34:41 Two month freeze so you can learn to spend responsibly again. I did text him and I was like, this is gonna be a pricey week, just a heads up. But. Yeah, he immediately changed his order at his restaurant. Sorry, I'm not gonna get the steak. No, I'll just do a salad. Yeah, and he just throws something together.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Just give me whatever mix of leftovers you have. Do you have a children's menu actually? You have the hot fish dip. I just found out that my finances are not what I thought. I'm gonna need to get sick for the week so I don't have to eat. Yeah it was pretty uh the game was sick the like when they when they run out of the tunnels I was like that was when I was like this is fucking awesome because at first when I sat down at first I was like the people I was the dude, I was sitting next to this old dude. Well, he wore Patriot sweatpants.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Yeah, I did wear Patriot sweatpants. So the whole section. Those ones? Yeah, these ones. It was like the dude next to me, we're talking about the Eagles, and I eventually broke the news. I was like, I'm actually not really an Eagles fan. I'm a Patriots fan, but my friends are here
Starting point is 00:35:44 and I don't want the Chiefs to win. I hate the Chiefs. And then immediately he's turning around to everyone around. He's like, he's not even a Patriot. He's not even an Eagles fan. He's got Patriots sweatpants on. You're in the blue collar section. I mean, those are the Eagles fans
Starting point is 00:35:59 that have sold their fucking farming equipment. They took out a new mortgage on their house. To buy that ticket. Yeah, the worst thing was that I was gonna wear an Eagles sweatshirt and a Chiefs hat and Patriots pants just to buy that ticket. Yeah. I was the worst thing was that I was going to wear an Eagle sweatshirt and a chief's hat and Patriots pants just to throw people off. And I'm so happy. I didn't do that. That's the pride parade equivalent of an NFL. Yeah. I was so happy. I didn't do that.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Pins and fucking peacock feathers. But it was, I will say, so they, they come, they run out of the tunnels and I'm sure you saw it on TV, the big run out. I know you guys were like when the Eagles came out to DMX, you got super fired up. I thought the Chiefs ran out of the tunnel and they had the song, how does it go? What is it? Oh, is that it? Yeah, but it had they were playing it like low. They were playing it like an octave lower, like a deep like, oh, yeah. And when they ran out with that, I was like, the chiefs are going to win
Starting point is 00:36:56 this game by a fucking mile. Why did you think that everyone, the whole stadium's booing and they're coming out to like fucking Darth Vader music. And I was like, this game's already over. And then I was wrong. I was very wrong. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:12 It was an ass whipping. Yeah. Wow. It was beautiful. It was pretty sick though. It was, it was really cool. You know, okay. I'm so happy you guys had a great time and you to be there to witness your team winning
Starting point is 00:37:23 a Superbowl is once in a lifetime incredible, all of that. Yep. As a neutral observer who didn't care really for either team, watching it at home was one of the worst Super Bowls I've ever seen. Yeah, I can see that. Not only that, but like the halftime show, every aspect of it was like a true disappointment. Yeah, I can see that.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I was like falling asleep during the game. So you're a bigot. Uh, sure can see that. I was falling asleep during the game. So you're a bigot. Sure, well, we knew that. I don't know. That's long established. We didn't need the game to reveal that about me. Black quarterback wins. Two black quarterbacks playing against each other
Starting point is 00:37:57 for the first or second time ever. Yeah. No, but no, I just, it was a blowout from the jump. Yeah, it couldn't have been enjoyable unless you were an Eagles fan. There's a very small. I don't know. I feel like there were so many people that were rooting against the Chiefs. Yeah, I'm happier that the Eagles won. Yeah, for sure. I'm happier that the Eagles won.
Starting point is 00:38:20 But I just, you know, I didn't really care that much. And I just wanted a good game and it was not. Now, everybody who has criticized the Kendrick Lamar halftime show via like X or tweets or whatever, I've seen a billion quote replies being like, the racist soul was revealed themselves. Oh, God. Well, that's not true and I loved the one
Starting point is 00:38:40 with Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg because Eminem was there. Yeah. I wonder, so what was your, how did it pop up on screen? the one with Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg because Eminem was there. Yeah. So what was your, how did it pop up on screen? How did the Kendrick? It looked way better on TV than it did in person. You know, I always tend to think that rap mixed with dancers is a little bit of an odd combination for some reason. But it's what everyone has said. It's just that, you know, I think Kendrick Lamar's music
Starting point is 00:39:12 is to me is like most enjoyable when you can actually have a sense of what the fuck his lyrics are and what they're about. It's like almost reading along or going to Genius and figuring out the meaning of his incredibly deep words. It's like Bob Dylan. You know, it wasn't, it's not particularly catchy. It's more like, uh, poetic.
Starting point is 00:39:32 He has kinds of songs too, but it was, he was just like spitting long rap verses. Yeah. Like, uh. And also, I don't know. I tend to find, I'm pretty tired of the, of the Drake diss track at this point. Um, I don't care about that anymore. Agreed. And I don't know. I just thought it was like, not that great.
Starting point is 00:39:51 And did he only play Not Like Us or did he play the first one? Did he play Euphoria? No. No? He just played Not Like Us. He should have played Euphoria. I was listening to that one last night and I was like, this song is a fucking bang. How was it live?
Starting point is 00:40:06 Awful. Not even joking, like I literally forgot what was happening at one point. Like no one, everyone around me like the dude, the old dude next to me was gone, the second Kendrick Lamar. He kept on being like, they got Lamar Jackson doing the halftime show. Like nine times he said it and I was like, no, it's Kendrick Lamar. And he's like, my kids like that guy. I don't know anything about him. He should be a receiver. He really is more of a running back, but I'll see what he does out there. How's he going
Starting point is 00:40:37 to get his pads back on in time? How'd the coaches let him go out for this? He's supposed to be studying game day. The old dude next to me, it started out so good. Like when I sat down and he was next to me, it was like he was very normal. And we were just talking about the Eagles. And I was like, this is actually like this is like a pretty ideal person. If I'm sitting next to a random person, this is pretty ideal. And then progressively, as the game went on, he got.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I mean, he must have drank 40 beers. By the end, he could barely speak. And at the end, I was like, I'm very ready for him to leave. And then he left as soon as the game ended. Nice. That's so legendary. So what were the highlights? I mean, if any of the game?
Starting point is 00:41:18 Cooper DeGene Interception was insane. Yeah. It was insane for you? Oh, dude, people were going, we were going nuts. I was going nuts. Yeah. I was letting out sounds that I've never left my body before. I mean, you could argue that that moment ended the game.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Oh, yeah. 100%. The game was over after that. Yeah, it was the end of the game. Yeah. First quarter, right? Yeah. When Devontae Smith scored, because I had all my money
Starting point is 00:41:40 on Devontae Smith to score, that was my biggest bet. And I bet it multiple times. When he scored, he was in the second half that he scored. When he scored, like me and the dude next to each other were just straight up fist fighting. Like we were just punching each other. We were literally just standing, just punching as hard as we could at each other.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I'm happy to hear about this. I'm happy to hear this. Good. That was that, when he scored, I was, cause we were, when he scored, I was like a little bit to the right, but it was like, so we were right above, it was actually like the angle that I had,
Starting point is 00:42:15 cause the way that that stadium's built, it got like Gillette, the last time I sat in the nosebleeds was when I went to Gillette over Thanksgiving break. And it was like, we were, we were like similar. I was sitting pretty, in a pretty similar area, but we were like further back from the field. This is like, you're right over the field.
Starting point is 00:42:31 So it's like, like that play, like you could see, like you're just watching the ball go in like a direct straight line to Devontae Smith. And then you're just like seeing it land in his hands. It was pretty sick. I also was sitting next to an old guy and he was in an Eagles jersey and an Alabama hat. And when I got there, I was like, oh, this is awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Like we're completely surrounded by Eagles fans. And I said to him, I was like, I'm like pretty happy. It's all Eagles fans around us. The last time we played against the Chiefs, there were Chiefs fans right behind us. And he gave me absolutely nothing. And I was like, damn, like this guy's like kind of being a dick to me.
Starting point is 00:43:05 I don't understand why. And then I found out through the early course of the game that he just didn't speak a word of English. I eventually started talking to him in broken Spanish and he was like, I am on the front page of my newspaper at home for being at the Super Bowl. He was on the front page of it and he was showing me page of my newspaper at home for being at the Super Bowl. He was on the front page of it and he was showing me like pictures of the newspaper
Starting point is 00:43:28 at home just because he had made it to the Super Bowl that he was even in the stands. Was he the dude that was like the alternate angle of the Coupe de Gilles? Yes, and by the end he was just like filming us. Yeah, that's awesome. Like he was just filming us. On my poor ears, on my head.
Starting point is 00:43:40 He's like, I follow him on Instagram now. Like we made him our buddies immediately. That's hilarious. Halfway through the game, Ice came to drag him out like Dave. By his arms and legs. I was like, go dead, go dead. Muerte, muerte. They're holding up the local newspaper and cross-checking his face.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Yep, that's our guy right there. We sheltered him like he was a streaker getting back in. I was like, go this way, go this way. He's in heavy disguise wearing Alabama gear. Underlay, underlay. No, I am American. Me say me. I know me say me.
Starting point is 00:44:13 I know me want a sweet, a giant horse. Was Devontae Smith, is he the first Alabama guy to score a touchdown? Alabama skid to score a touchdown in the Super Bowl. That can't be true though, because Jalen Hurts scored one two Super Bowls ago. I don't know what the fuck, why everyone's saying that. I guess maybe because. Receiving touchdown? Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:44:31 To catch a touchdown in the Super Bowl, I guess. But literally, Jalen Hurts scored two Super Bowls ago. First Super Bowl in like 25 years without anyone from LSU in it. Wow, all great facts. All great facts. I learned that from our waiter when I went out to get lunch with KB and Nick and their girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Doxed. They're not gay together. And we sat at the balcony outside and it was pretty empty, the spot that we went to, and our waiter was like extremely autistic But like super friendly and it was uh it was pretty he was pretty funny This clip has a million views on tik-tok you talking about this. Oh really? Yeah Did I already talk about this? On the Yak. Oh, it has a million views on tik-tok. Interesting. Oh yes
Starting point is 00:45:20 Yeah, it was like he would just come back and you didn't say it was autistic in that clip It was like a very heartwarming clip. Oh, yeah I didn't say he was autistic when I talked about on the act because it was kind of like a fresh experience He was freshly autistic But I felt I feel more comfortable saying that he was autistic on our podcast There's a nice it's home for that. This is a safe home for that safe place. Yeah. All right Let's take a minute to talk about a rocket Yeah Yeah. All right. Let's take a minute to talk about rocket money.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Yeah. All right. Rocket money. You sign up for something, forget about it after the trial period ends, and then you're charged month after month after month into perpetuity. I lose sleep at night thinking about all this stuff that I don't even realize I'm paying for. Just constant renewal subscriptions when you get that email that says, we've renewed you for the next year. And you're that email that says, we've renewed you for the next year. And you're like, I didn't even have the opportunity to cancel. And then you set the reminder for like a year from now to try and cancel, but you want to maximize that thing for that year that you've actually paid for it.
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Starting point is 00:48:25 Yeah, I guess. We'll have to be. We got to be. You're a, you had a nice little week though. Yeah. I just focused on my career, you know, really moved the needle for myself and decided that, you know, in the absence of my, my friends and podcaster co-hosts and sort of the normal structure of my life, I would just, you know, really focus on getting ahead. You went viral with the fucking Seafood Tower. You went, did you, was that a, did you tweet out the green room?
Starting point is 00:48:58 No. No, I sent it to Harry. I was literally not even joking. That was like a top five highlight of my week Yeah, I was I was I listen I don't know if I I think I take you I said I've watched it with no audio the first time So in my head, I was like, oh, it's a shitty hotel room I was like I was gonna reply and be like that's kind of like what my room when I split up late when I did
Starting point is 00:49:19 The port looked like yeah, and then I watched you with audio and you were like, this is the green room I was like, oh my God. The green room for the DC comedy loft, the comedy loft, I don't really understand it. It's a hotel that has a bar in the basement and then in the middle tier, a comedy club with a bar. But then there's a sort of this like hotel around it that feels like a more like a boarding house.
Starting point is 00:49:46 And the green room is just one of the hotel rooms on the level of the club itself. So you walk in and there's just two made beds. That's what you're supposed to sit on. And you're like, do we have to take our shoes off? And then one of the beds is completely broken. So it fully sags in the middle. So H Foley's been there.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I think, I think, yeah, a few people of that, of that girth have, and, you know, fights and Brandon, who were there with me, like they're like, you're the headliner, was like, you take the non-broken broken bed we'll make it do one of them sat in the computer chair yeah ask and the other was just like wrapped up by the bed so what do you do you sit long ways in the bed or do you sit off the side like knee-to-knee with one another and talk no we sat I took my
Starting point is 00:50:38 shoes off and sat on the bed as if I were reading what was the book before nighttime what was the temperature in that room? In that room? Well, they had a space, you know, an in-window unit, and it was pumping out heat and it was way too hot. Oh, okay. In front of it, but the rest of the room was cold. I was gonna say, when I saw that video,
Starting point is 00:51:00 the first thing I thought was, I bet that room is freezing. Well, then I turned it off, and then it got cold pretty quick. So I would have to turn it on and then off. But yeah, dude, there was that. And then there was a woman. I don't really understand Washington DC's weed laws at all.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Two years ago when I was last there, I asked about it and this is now I think they have fully operational dispensaries. But back then people said, oh no, you gotta call a number and then someone will bring you a birthday cake. Because it was legal to gift up to two ounces, but you can't buy it. So my friend had a company there called Juice and Cookies. And like you pay $50 for a Capri Sun basically
Starting point is 00:51:41 and get your eighth of wheat. And then they'd give it to you as a gift. Yeah, so it's this insanely stupid workaround. And now they've shifted it, but there was just a woman that kind of showed up and you walk up the stairs and then you check your ticket or whatever, and then you go to the club.
Starting point is 00:51:57 And in between where they checked the tickets and the club, there was a woman who had set out a full display table of weed and mushrooms and edibles. And I'm talking real mushrooms, not chocolate bars. Yeah, yeah. And she was saying, get your merch, get your merch right here. Which I was like, can we clarify that that's not my merch?
Starting point is 00:52:19 That I'm not just- Francis Ellis branded psilocybin. Yeah, I'm not bringing a drug dealer to the moon. to my shows as my like merch person. It's not a bad idea though. No, well then I was- Probably sells better than t-shirts.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Yeah. Then I was like, well yeah, you know, she showed me like photos of her family and she was like, I've made a killing this weekend. So I was happy- Yeah, probably someone died off the mushrooms. Yeah, that she, you know, you think about it, selling weed and mushrooms before a comedy show
Starting point is 00:52:45 is like selling hot dogs outside of a ballpark. Like it makes perfect sense. And she was really nice and she ended up gifting us a whole bunch of stuff because of how much stuff she'd sold. But it was kind of just, I don't know, a little odd. Yeah, it is a little odd. The shows were great, insane in fact.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I sold out five, we added a sixth on the late show on Thursday and that almost sold out. So it was probably my best weekend I've ever had in terms of ticket sales. And the crowds were awesome, frankly, really, really awesome. How did Fights do? Fights did great. That's sick. Fights did really, really well. He was shifting material around trying new things
Starting point is 00:53:26 I had him threw him up first to take the bullet see if he could handle that and open the show cold Brandon obviously total pro and then Nick Murphy, you know is a killer so We had we were just kind of moving people around and trying different things and it was good to have Everybody it's a to have everybody. It's a pretty fun lineup. It was fun. It's a stacked lineup. Yeah. Yeah. It's probably, how long were the shows?
Starting point is 00:53:50 Um, hour and a half. How long did everybody do? Okay. So I think they would all do 10-ish, and then I would do like 50. Nice. Yeah. New hour? Mostly, like 80% new. It's a little, you know, I needed to do some some crowd work.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I don't quite have the time yet, but people were up for it and some really fun moments. There were some interesting people in the crowd. There was a guy in the front row, front row, which is, you know, there's like a banister on the stage and they're all so that they're illuminated and then everyone else is kind of dark behind them. And he was sitting with his girlfriend and he was wearing the most preposterous sweater I've ever seen. I mean, full Wimbledon outfit.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Yeah. Just a character. Yeah. And- Sounds like you're fans, honestly. I guess. And I did, I did some kind of like, I did a joke about Delta and my status,
Starting point is 00:54:51 and he like booed. And I was like, what, you don't like that? And he was like, you should be flying private. And I was like, oh yeah, do you fly private? And he goes, only way to fly. And then the whole crowd started booing him. Yeah. And that's kind of disconcerting.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Like there's so much, no, there's all this negative energy in the room. It's not at me, it's at him. And we all collectively don't like this guy. But then I was like, wait, do you really fly private? And he was like, yeah. And I was like, do you own your own plane or do you lease? Cause that's a different order of magnitude of wealth.
Starting point is 00:55:26 And that's how you bring someone who flies private back to earth. Like, oh, you don't own your own jet? You were like, look me in the fucking eye. You're doing a timeshare, signing up for NetJets, you're going the minimum entry there. You don't have your own two pilots, you don't have a hanger.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Right, exactly. No extra storage space for your antique cars? No, that's too bad. minimum entry there. Yeah. You don't have your own two pilots. Yeah. You don't have a hanger. Yeah. Right, exactly. No extra storage space for your antique car. No, that's too bad. And I was like, oh, you use a share service or whatever, or like, do you have your own jets? He's like, yeah, I use a share service. And I was like, which one?
Starting point is 00:55:58 He goes, probably the same one your dad uses. And I was like, do you know my dad? Yeah. And he was like, no, I'm fucking with you. And I was like do you know my dad and he's like no I'm fucking with you and I was like well don't talk anymore yeah then I hated it yeah then I hated him why's that club in hecklers well it wasn't I mean it was really just him he was the only oh yeah did you know that the I think I texted you that that the Natalie Cuomo thing yes well I had seen that clip yeah and then had seen her at the stand.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Yeah, yeah. But that was at the DC Comedy Loft. It was the weekend before I was there. Yeah. I don't know much about what happened there. No, neither do I, but I thought it was just funny that you were there. Yeah, it would have been funny to go after to get in that guy's face and be like, look me in the fucking eyes! Keep my dad's name out of your mouth. Yeah, you should have he showed up. You should have lit his ass up From the same club that would have been hilarious That's pretty meta you got to be a pretty
Starting point is 00:56:57 Fan to get that. Yeah, that's true. I don't know that clip made it everywhere. Yeah I went to the Museum of Natural History in DC. Oh, that's fun That was kind of cool. I went there too. What did you like there? I Don't love Natural History Museums in general. It wasn't it wasn't as cool as I oriented towards children It's like a woolly mammoth statue or something. Yeah fossils Last up the grizzly bear was cool. The one thing I was excited to see was the butterfly exhibit. Yeah. Where you can walk through and there are the live butterflies that are all flitting and fleeting around and landing on your nose. Yeah. Was it open? No, it was closed. Because there's too much traffic on the weekends.
Starting point is 00:57:36 It becomes a bottleneck. Yeah. So I was very disappointed in that. And there's just like sticky-fingered children eating the butterflies. Oh yeah. Crushing them. Flucking them fresh out of the air Squeezing the fuck out of them. Yeah juice mouth little boys But yeah, so I you know Monarchs are Considered now to be on the protected species. Really? Yeah. Well once that once you get on the protected list though, that's like It's like the PPP loans. Like, you fucking skyrocket in net worth.
Starting point is 00:58:11 You get on the protected list, and suddenly you're back at the top of the food chain. Monarchs are just out here taking their protected species' benefits and planting their entire own milkweed fields. Which, by the way, is what they eat. See, this is good discourse. And then they hang their chrysalis from the leaves of the milkweed to turn themselves into the butterflies. Because initially they are... Caterpillars.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Caterpillars. See, we know our natural history in here. I would, I prefer... I went last year. I prefer art in the museum. Same. I feel like that's a little bit more enjoyable to look at. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:44 I wanted to go to the... Air and Space, that's a good one. Yeah, that's what I bit more enjoyable to look at. Yeah. I wanted to go to the- Air and Space, that's a good one. Yeah, that's what I wanted to go to. It was packed. I have the same complaint about that, that I do with the museum of natural history, which is that it's pretty kid... As a nine-year-old, I would have been absolutely in awe.
Starting point is 00:58:56 What was in it? Because when we went, we had to get made to make a reservation, but it was packed. Oh no, they just waved me right in. Well, it was the summer when we went. He's VIP, bro. Yeah, I don't know what I Yeah, I don't know what the Harvard bags. They're like, oh, do you want to give a tour? Guest tour sure there. No, it's cool. I mean there's cool stuff. They have they have one of the Wright brothers planes It might be a reenactment or whatever. They also have like the that night sky thing. Yep lay down
Starting point is 00:59:27 a model sure It might be a reenactment of the plane. I'm not I'm not you can reenact a plane. Yeah, you could now I don't see any reason why that doesn't work war. Yeah, but you're you're thinking too narrowly about the application I think you don't know what reenactment means look it up a about the application. I think you don't know what reenactment means. I'm gonna look it up. A plane reenactment would mean that they were flying the plane, how the Wright brothers flew it. Which would be cool.
Starting point is 00:59:51 And there would be two dudes on the plane that were playing the Wright brothers. Both pedophiles by the way. No they weren't. Really? Members of NABLA. You know what? NABLA?
Starting point is 01:00:02 Yeah, I'm NABLA. What was it, Namboy Love? Yeah. I didn't realize they were Namboi. I'm going to give you the W on this one. No, I'm kidding. They're not pedophiles. I don't know anything about them. That was weird to bring up then. It's smart on their name. It's they what chances are one of them was. Oh, this is like 110 years ago. They probably have living family members. True.
Starting point is 01:00:28 And there's, but they probably have listeners who are never gonna listen again. True. We lost the rights to the rights. How long were you stuck at the airport yesterday? Oh, a while. Did you miss your original flight? I did.
Starting point is 01:00:42 It's a nice airport though, right? Terrible. Did you see what I meant? No. About how it's airport though, right? Terrible. Did you see what I meant? No. About how it's super open, lots of glass, nice escalators that bring you right down? No, I didn't get to explore a lot of that
Starting point is 01:00:53 because it was so crowded. Oh, well. I flew American on the way back because of necessity. And- Delta, first class. Well, I tried to go to the Delta Lounge with just my- You can't. Yeah, they're're like we don't service other airlines Mm-hmm. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:01:10 Service Other airlines that doesn't even really make sense You should be like I'm a medallion member. I did I was in the diamond medallion line You have to have a ticket that day to fly there within three hours. Not just that day Yeah, and I think you also can't go into a lounge once you've landed somewhere. I think that's true. That's not true.
Starting point is 01:01:30 I do that all the time, all the time. I don't understand, why would you ever do that? He goes in like gets food when he lands. It's weird. A quick bite, take a dump. It's insane. Fuel up, get a coffee, get a joe. Like say I land in Chicago,
Starting point is 01:01:44 I know it's gonna be an hour plus ride from the airport. I want to go in, especially if it was an early flight. Maybe I catch the breakfast in there. A Chicago one's shot. I was really nice. They don't play games in there. They don't mess around. So it's like I'll go. I'll dip into the Chicago lounge real quick.
Starting point is 01:02:02 But you can go. Where did you land? Uh, JFK. Did you? What was your date? Chicago Lounge real quick, but you can go where did you land? JFK did you what was your gate? I don't know it's American so I've never been to the American terminal. Okay, so it wasn't like a long walk No, the last time I was there though was I was be 55. I was the last gate. Yeah in the airport Which must be easy. It's bad. It's good for the pilots, I guess. I got to, I hopped on a bus. As soon as I got off the plane, they're like, do you want to take the bus? And I was like, yes. They're like, it's going to be a 25 minute walk if you don't. Damn. So I hopped on a shuttle that drives us to baggage claim. Hmm. You probably had to wait for your bags.
Starting point is 01:02:40 It's not like they're dry. I guess they drive the bags there. I didn't check any bags, bro. Oh yeah, I forgot. I checked the biggest bag alive. I guess they dry the bags there. I didn't check any bags, bro. Yeah, I forgot. I checked the biggest bag alive. I know. But it was helpful when I brought back a ton of Super Bowl merch. True. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Tons of merch. All right, wait. So I feel like you guys have left a lot of meat on the bone here. You went to the Eagles party. You saw Shane Gillis. I met the coach. Nick Sirianni.
Starting point is 01:03:05 So we went to the party. We went to the party and we finally got in and we walked in and it was like, I mean it was like, it was in like the hotel ballroom. It was like four ballrooms all connected. But it was like four ballrooms combined. So it was like, it wasn't as exclusive as I expected it to be.
Starting point is 01:03:23 It was like there were hundreds if not thousands of people there. Like it was like a fucking music festival. And then there was this little VIP area that we got to go up to. We were at Brandon Graham and Jalen Hurts. And that was where all the cool people were. And you could go in there, you got access to that.
Starting point is 01:03:43 We got access, like Max brought me in. That's cool. No, all of our wristbands, those white wristbands. I didn't know that, yeah. That's pretty elite. Cause I was waiting, so I'm standing at this table by myself and Rome was like, I gotta go to the bathroom, can you watch my beer?
Starting point is 01:03:58 And I was like, yeah. And then Rome was gone for 30 minutes and I was sitting with his beer and I was like, the second he gets back, I'm leaving. I was like, this is ridiculous. And then when he got back, Max was like, come up to the VIP area. And I was like, all right, I'll go up.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Max and Jack McCarthy, who were also there, they were shocked at how loyally Sass was watching my beer. Like a Doberman who was like put on task and he just stared at the beer the entire time. They're like, Ron can figure it out. Like, he'll be all right. Like, let's go to the VIP. He'll be all right. Well, yeah. Let's go to the VIP.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Rohn comes back with a beer. Yeah, I mean, let's be honest. The fact that you stayed there that whole time is pathetic. How could you possibly do that for half an hour at the Eagles post-Super Bowl party? I felt like a fool. I was just standing there watching his beer. It's like you're dating him or something.
Starting point is 01:04:44 He was like, could you watch my beer? I'm just gonna run to the bathroom. I was like, yeah, but it's a beer. It's not a handbag, you know? And first of all, like, don't you think- Well, cause I picked, cause I was like, at one point I was like, how much is even in this beer? And I picked up completely full.
Starting point is 01:04:55 So I was like, well, I'm not gonna throw away his full beer. Commemorative bottle. Yeah. Fucking hell, dude. Yeah. You just sat there and watched it. They were struck like- Rhone did a, Rhone had a insanely scummy move
Starting point is 01:05:07 that I will bring up. It was very funny. And I think I was the only one that caught it. We were, so when we were in between not getting led into the party, when we went to the casino, Rhone lost his ID, but he had a backup ID that was expired.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And we had to wait in line to go into the casino to show all of our IDs. And like Max and Jack went first and then Rome was third. And of course they scan Rome's ID, invalid ID, Rome's lying being like, they told me to come back here to pick up my IDs. Then this lady's on the phone with like her supervisor being like, this guy's here.
Starting point is 01:05:39 He said he needs to pick up his, he needs to pick up his ID. And then while that's happening, Max is getting like swarmed by a bunch of people at the casino. And then that dude comes in behind us. And then this lady's on the phone being like, they're saying we can't let you in. And then when she sees Max gets swarmed and then she sees this dude that's actually that was on the team behind us, she's like, oh shit, are you guys players? And then while this is happening,
Starting point is 01:06:07 Max gets the text back from Big Dom saying, come in, we're ready. So we're leaving and the lady's like, they're players. She's on the phone with her supervisor and they're like, they're players. And she's like, no, you guys can come in and Ron turns around and he goes, we're good. Bro, I like every single detail of that story.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Dude, she told the lady. And I'm fully on his? Bro, I like every single detail of that story and I'm fully on his side. No, no, you didn't see. What should I have done once you didn't see it? Oh, no, no, no, wait. I forgot that she asked if we were players and
Starting point is 01:06:35 Ron goes, yes, we're players and then she turns to me and she goes, you guys are players and then Ron's looking at me and I just didn't reply. I'm just like for the life for the life of me, I can't look at this lady in the eyes who's
Starting point is 01:06:43 doing her job and say, yes, I'm on the Eagles. We just won the Super Bowl. Let us in. Let us in the casino. I mean, you're wearing Patriots pants. But she couldn't see his lower half. All she saw was his Eagles sweatshirt. So he looked like he could have been like a holder or something like that. I guess to me, I read that as him trying to be resourceful.
Starting point is 01:06:59 He's in a pinch. You know? The way that I read it is this lady was doing her job. He gave her an expired ID. She's asking her supervisor if we can get it let in. And now she just finds out that she just turned down the Eagles who just won the Super Bowl and then we all leave. She probably got fired.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Well, so so in your ideal world, they probably fired her on. They were like, you didn't let in the Eagles in your ideal world. She probably got fired immediately. I don't think so. Yes. I don't think so. So we should have gone to the, you just, wait a second.
Starting point is 01:07:30 No, they probably commended her for being true to the ID thing. No, they were probably like, regardless of who you are. What do they look like? And they were like, it was a white dude. And they were like, you just turned down Cooper Dejean. Cooper Dejean just tried to get into Caesar's,
Starting point is 01:07:43 cause you know. So you think, wait, just hold on, hold on. Hang on just for a second. You think that we should have, once Big Dom said we can go to the party, we should have gone into the casino and spent some time just to satisfy this lady? No, no, I think we should have definitely left, but I think you should say, by the way, we're not pulling on the team. That's crazy, dude. That's crazy. What, you've come this far. Dude, we were, we were not far at all. And also him being like, entrance, him being like, at the front entrance also him being like, we were at the entrance. Him being like,
Starting point is 01:08:06 At the front entrance. Him being like, we're good. I don't read that as like, no, you had your chance. It wasn't disrespectful at all. I read it as like, we're actually leaving. Our plans have changed. You didn't see it. The way that he said it.
Starting point is 01:08:15 We all left. The way that he turned back. Like I was the only one that caught it. The way that he turned back and said, we're good, was like, you've made a mistake. You made a mistake. That wasn't one of us like at all we all left he's trying to play it well now he when i i confronted him about it immediately after he was
Starting point is 01:08:31 dying laughing it's funny yeah it was funny the way you put it she got fought she's gone you could call the casino right now i guess she's still working there and like we don't even know who you're talking about she just got dragged underneath the Yeah, you're so dramatic. It was in I do watching I was because I was right behind Ron. So I'm watching this lady in her head. She's like, Holy shit. These are the Eagles. I've just told them well, dude, if we had had to get into the Super Bowl, if we had to get into the casino, she's scram. If we wanted to get into the casino, and we hadn't got the call back from Big Dom, you
Starting point is 01:09:03 not playing along with it would have fucked me. Yeah, exactly. I was fully ready to leave. Yeah, you were just gonna leave. Yeah, but I'm saying like you could have just easily played along just like yeah and we would have been able to get in and killed some time but you refusing to be like yet to just go with it for a second. I did not go with it. Almost got me like, drag going during kill. I did not go with it. I just didn't play along. Yeah, that's the same. No, no, no, no it. She was, no, no, no, no, no. No, I never, I never, I never, I never like said Rome was lying.
Starting point is 01:09:29 You're like a guy who he's buying beer in front of you with a fake ID and you're like, you might wanna look that. No, not at all. Yes, 100%. They're like, hey, is your body 21? You're like, I cannot tell a lie. Dude, there's this young girl, it's like the biggest night of her entire life.
Starting point is 01:09:43 She's working the front desk at the casino. Are you in love with this fucking ID checker? No. Why do you care so much about her? She turns around, she sees people taking photos with Max, she goes, Oh my god, are you guys players? Rone goes, yeah, we're on the team. And then she looks at me and she goes, you're players?
Starting point is 01:09:57 I didn't even say, yeah, we're on the team. She said, oh, you guys are on the team? I was like, yeah. And then she looks at me. And she was like, you're on the team? And then you just sort of like, boo! And I just looked around, I just looked around. I just didn't say it. He like stared at me. I was like, yeah. And then she was like, you're on the team. And then you just sort of and I just looked around. I just looked around. Yeah, he like, I just did. Yeah. The way look, I was just all I'm imagining is they're sending I
Starting point is 01:10:13 just imagine them sending like the owner of the casino down to come greet the Eagles standing there. That's so dramatic. I don't think they don't have done that. Eagles have been in and out the entire week like not, not after Jason Kelsey. Not 45 minutes after they won the Super Bowl. But that's not how it went down. And any eagle could have gotten in. Yes, it was.
Starting point is 01:10:31 There's a fucking hundred players on the Eagles. Also, look, let's break this down. All right, in the most simplest terms, you guys had a plan, which was to go into the casino. That was your plan. His ID situation is a speed bump, but he is being resourceful so as to not fuck the group over.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Everyone, we're all going, I'm gonna do whatever I can so that we as a group don't have to go somewhere else because of me. And I didn't say to anybody beforehand to put anxiety on them, like, oh, I don't know if I'll be able to get in. I got to the front and I did what I had to do.
Starting point is 01:11:06 And I was like, Taz, back me up on this one. And he just like, froze up. And then, and then, I cannot tell a lie. And then like, yeah, well, and then, and then your plans change in the middle of it. And, and you know, now it's like, okay, well, whatever. We don't have to lie anymore.
Starting point is 01:11:21 And then, but you wanted me to be like, you wanted me to have like a bed, bedside confessional a deathbed confessional to this lady I wanted you when we were leaving I wanted you to turn around and go we're not on the team why though what is that so she did so that she so it didn't ruin her night why do you think she's gonna get fired because she just turned in her head and in the in the bosses head in her bosses head she just turned down like five star players on the Eagles. I can't believe how much you have run this up the flagpole.
Starting point is 01:11:50 I haven't, I really, I didn't even remember it until just now. No, but I'm saying in your mind. You're thinking it went to the pit boss. That it went to like. The eye in the sky is like checking the fucking quadricep muscles and comparing those. Who's bigger than, in that situation,
Starting point is 01:12:03 who's bigger that could have walked into that casino? But you really think that she thought that me, you, and Jack McCarthy were Eagles players? She did for some reason, yeah. If she suggested it, if she said, oh, are you guys players? That's on her. Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Look at your body, no offense. Look at our bodies, me, you, and Jack McCarthy. Yeah, Max would need to be 400 pounds heavier to actually be an offensive lineman. Yeah, I don't know. I don't see any issue with what he did. I don't. I think it's very funny how I bet if we were there and you were there, I bet you would have turned around and said we're not on the team. No way.
Starting point is 01:12:40 I know because I would throw him under the bus like that. You would have. No, I wouldn't. It's crazy how you side. I like that. You would have. No, I wouldn't have. It's crazy how you sided with this lady. I should go back and tell her. It's crazy how you sided with her over us. She probably hasn't slept since it happened. She probably got slept.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Yeah. No, it's just like you should be on my side in this situation. I was on your side in the beginning and I was on your side the night you did it before, the first night. Did you do this a couple times? He didn't say we were on the team, but he lied I never said we were on the team No until they asked if you were on the team and you said yes, what did you do the first night?
Starting point is 01:13:11 How'd you get in the first thing? You said he said he said I'm not gonna gamble. I just have to go pick up my ID and the lady was like, yeah, that's fine Yeah, so he's and then we were just here with these two dudes who brought us in. These two, they're. NOLA locals. NOLA locals. They were like, where's the seat? Cause there's a big line to get in on Friday night
Starting point is 01:13:31 or Saturday night. And they're like, we have a, like we know about a secret entrance underground. And we followed them. And then we were like, it ended up being real. And then we got in, like me and the two dudes got in and we were waiting for Roan. And we were like standing like right next to the desk. then the second that rome was like I'm not gonna gamble
Starting point is 01:13:48 I'm just gonna go pick up my ID and he like walks by and then one of the dudes just turns to run He's like he's like how on earth did you just get did you just finagle or like did you just scheme through that? I don't know and it was like the lady was like Literally one foot away. It's like she very clearly heard what they said. And then we just went in. I think that this is a product of, you know, you've never had to like fight to buy a beer. What are you talking about? You missed that 18 to 21 window where, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:25 you had to do whatever you could to convince a bar to let you in, even if you were underage. It's worse than that. It's not true at all. I've been with him twice when he had fake IDs taken away and I did everything I could to get him into those bars. And I did my, I did myself. And when he got his IDs taken away, I would leave the bar with him.
Starting point is 01:14:41 This feels like we're, we've just gone down a completely different topic here. What do you mean? How does that how does you go into a different bar with me six years ago? Because that shows that I was in with you. That shows that I was in the shit. Anything else to do with us? I didn't like I wasn't like oh no check his shit like he's probably like fake. I didn't do that either. You basically did. No I didn't. If you if you said in front of those bouncers in Philly like hey like like aren't I 21? I'd be like yeah he's 21. Also two things happened here. The first time that I got my ID taken with you, you did not come back with me. Me and Owen went to a bar by ourselves. In Nashville? No, in Philly. No, I went with
Starting point is 01:15:21 you guys. No, you did not. Oh and how long were we at that bar together? Before I showed up? Hours. Hours. Before I showed up? Yeah, we were smoking cigs inside. It was a cigs inside bar. It was the All sunny bar. It was just me and him. And this was, I was drinking. No, I can't believe it was Trent. It was just, I was just shit faced and we were just ripping cigs inside. No, we all came. How did you even know to go to that bar? Because you guys never remember? We had to go, we had to walk to another bar. We had to walk to another bar to meet him. You, he told you about that bar. Do you think that you just went to that random bar? Me and Owen were the last ones in line. I'm sitting there. They're chopping my ID in half
Starting point is 01:15:52 and Rone's inside being like, sorry, bro. I don't know what to tell you. But that's literally the opposite of what happened. Go birds though. That's what you would have done. I guess I'll just go home. I don't know why I'm even in Philly right now. No, we went to the other bar. And we were with Trent. No.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Yes. The Chicks in the Office show. And we all came to that bar. I brought everybody to that shitty ass dive bar that I told you about. After that bar, because your bar closed. No, it didn't. They were like, last call.
Starting point is 01:16:20 And you were like, oh, I think I know another spot. But you know what you're doing right now? You're doing what you always do, which is that you realize he's right So now you're just changing the fucking no He's a hero over here making up these details I was in every time you got an ID taken I'll be right there by your side, but I believe that I know I know I'm true of him, but it's not it's not true. I was there. That's exactly what it's literally not true
Starting point is 01:16:42 You're insane. That's exactly what happened when It's literally not true. You're insane. That's exactly what happened. When we got when I told this story, we were in Nashville. We couldn't run it back. Nashville and my ID got I was I was I was almost sent to prison in Nashville. The level of hoops that I was jumping through. We all got in Rome was standing outside like laughing with his wife being like, this is insane. I was laughing. He was like, he's like, the fact that we have to deal with this is ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:17:03 No, you had X, I remember, I your hands and you wouldn't put a beer down. Every second you had, you were like grabbing up other people's beers with like two fat X's on your hands. I remember sitting there being like humiliated that I'm holding up this line as they're like they're like running my ID through like nine different scanners. Clearly in Nashville or in Philly. In Nashville. No, you got into the bar in Nashville. And I remember I remember going back outside to like talk to Rhone
Starting point is 01:17:25 and be like, I'm so sorry. And he looks at me and he goes, he goes, dude, we're past an age where like, this is not even like, okay, that we have to deal with this kind of bullshit. It's never happened. He goes, he goes, me and my wife bought tickets to go to this show and you've ruined our life.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Such horseshit. And I was like, dude, I'm so, I'm so sorry. No, cause you were in the bar and you had X's on your hand and they just kept up, they came up to you twice and they were like, just don't hold the beer. And you wouldn't put down the beer. Like they were PlayStation controllers. You were white knuckling two beers
Starting point is 01:17:54 and then you eventually got kicked out. This is actually- And then I left with you. The story that this is from, I actually got a ton of, people were mad at me for this because I said that the bouncer was an asshole and all the Barstool fans were like, oh, cause he's doing his job. Makes him that fucking bitch sass,
Starting point is 01:18:10 makes he an asshole cause he has to do his job. So that's why you're taking the security guards side, the security lady side in NOLA cause you want the approval of the Barstool fans out. And what you just said totally undoes your like adherence to respecting the people who check IDs. That is not a consistent policy. If you'd gotten that bar stool bouncer fired, you would have.
Starting point is 01:18:32 If you would have, you could have. If you could have, you would have. Not in a million years. Oh, I'm not about having people lose their jobs. But you went on, what did you go on, the Yak and say it? Or tweet it? Did you tweet it? He told a story on Boy Dad.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Definitely didn't tweet it. I'm not a fucking lunatic. He clipped it on Boy Dad though and put it on his TikTok. No, I did not. I don't even remember where I talked about it. On Boy Dad. I talked about it like it was a funny story, because it was, and then people took it the wrong way. You were like, we need to get that bouncer fired.
Starting point is 01:19:02 A hundred tweets. That guy was a lunatic though. Do you remember him? Oh yeah, he was a lunatic though do you remember him yeah he was like sneaking around like up on the cat walk he like changed outfits he was like wearing a chain to his hat yeah yeah he changed his hat he was wearing like a pink hat or something like that he changed his ass he was working the front door of this like it was like a show slash bar and he was working the front door was this thing is parcel bar this was no no this was just a random bar. This was years ago.
Starting point is 01:19:28 It was like a showcase or something that like... Like local bands or something. This was when you were drinking. So it was the 90s. This was... I was like 19 when this happened. It was the 1990s. And I remember... 1919s. I remember like me... it was me and my buddy Matt.
Starting point is 01:19:44 And we got... they let us, they eventually they let us go in, but they were like, you can't drink. Peters? What? Yeah. And they were like, you can't go in, or you can go in, but you can't drink. And we were like, all right, we'll go in.
Starting point is 01:19:54 We're still gonna drink, but we'll say we're not going to. And then we would like, Rome bought us beers and we'd like take the beer and you'd like, you'd take like a sip. And then like, as you're taking a sip, you'd like look at the corner of your eye and you'd see the dude that was working the front door must've been like, someone swap with me,
Starting point is 01:20:11 I wanna be inside for this one. I'm gonna catch these mother, I'm gonna call it these bugs. Dude, like you'd see him like lurking behind a wall, like eyes right on you and you're like, dude what the fuck? You like look around, there's nobody in sight, you take a sip and he like jump scares,
Starting point is 01:20:24 he's like one second away from you. That's what happened. Remember we had the beers and all of a sudden we just feel a hand on our shoulder and it's him and he's like, you're getting out of here. So I think- So me and my wife just hung out with Peter's the rest of the night. No, we all got kicked out. We went to a karaoke bar.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Yeah. Exactly. And we left with you. I think that you doing what you did shows the resourcefulness that you have where you went into the bar and said okay I did what I had to get in and now I'm gonna drink yeah yeah that's all he was trying to do at the casino yeah yeah 100% but I didn't go up to the bouncer and be like you don't know who you're fucking who you're denying right now I didn't either I'm she said are you football players that's
Starting point is 01:21:01 me like I didn't do that I wasn't doing, I didn't do that. I wasn't doing that. I didn't do that either. Allen Iverson. Yeah, I wasn't trying to make the guy feel bad about himself for not letting us in. I didn't try to make her feel bad either. Ron, that I'll never forget when you turned around and you went. Yeah, but we're good. I read that as it was no, it was like it was like it was like a you fucked up. No, you fucked up.
Starting point is 01:21:23 You will deal with it. I think you're imprint with your own context over that I know the look he gave to that lady. That was 100% It was the most in the look Biggest mountain and right before we went into the casino. He said he's not taking an L tonight Those were he like he was on one. No, I said we're not taking L as far as getting into that. No, no, you said it was like we're not we're worried about like getting into the party. I was like, dude, we're going to get it. We're not taking L. We just want in general. Rome was stating he's not taking an L tonight. And when he turned, I mean, I'll
Starting point is 01:21:55 never I'll never forget the look he gave. It was I was I screamed laughing when he did it. And I went I literally as soon as he he did I went wrong you are such an asshole As the ladies the lady dude like we're walking out and she's like no no come you guys are good You can come back and rolling turns around he goes Will be alright we got better plans I Mean you you should have stayed at the casino then if it was so important to you to make this lady feel good Why don't you just stay at the casino the fuck about making the lady feel good? I just didn't want her to I never I didn't want to walk into the casino and be like you're getting like I we may as well have walked up and been like you're gonna lose your job tonight. You are the only person that's ascribing this like weight to the situation. Because no one else saw it happen.
Starting point is 01:22:36 But she was never. Speaking of which you said like you're saying all this shit about like me not being like riding with you everyone else was gone I was standing there waiting with you no I'm max was behind us max was behind us at the bar he was gone he had already gone through you were the last one in line and I was waiting for you I was that's why I'm waiting because I knew your ID was fucked I'm not gonna make your last I'm not gonna try to make Bryce Hoff believe that like you were still a funny guy when you came up to you you were like fucking you all been I didn't even know who he was. Big shot.
Starting point is 01:23:06 He knew who I was. Right. Did you get new sneakers? I did when I was down there, yeah. Did you throw away your black Sambas? No, I still got them. But it was so hot when we were down there and I was wearing shorts and the Sambas and shorts is a-
Starting point is 01:23:21 It's not a good- Just a terrible look. Yeah, it's not great. I'd catch a glimpse of myself in like a reflection of a store and I'd be like, dude, I look like I'm about to go play indoor soccer right now. Right, yeah, right. Wow, that's very funny.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Well, awesome. So, you know, pretty cool. How late did you guys stay out the night of the Superbowl? Not late. I stayed out until like 2.30. Ron stayed out until like five. He was a fucking mess when he got home. I had to hold his hair back.
Starting point is 01:23:50 No, I got home and I thought Sass. I got I got home in like 345. You got home at like 415. I'll show you the text. You texted me at 348 saying, I was like, you want to get McDonald's? Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:24:04 I was still awake and I was so hungry and I was like, I might order get McDonald's? Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I was still awake and I was so hungry. And I was like, I might order McDonald's. Would you want anything? And he was like, they already got Wendy's. And then I was like, fuck, yes. And then I had diarrhea in the airport. All of you were staying at the Airbnb together. There was like three because it was the same. They rent out the the big space to do like the the yak and the rundown and all that shit.
Starting point is 01:24:26 And then they had it through through Monday. And it was like three different apartments because they had like the security guys were staying there. Cool. Okay. And then yeah, like the next day is Monday. You guys were too banged up to get home at a decent time, right?
Starting point is 01:24:44 No, it wasn't even that. I was ready to go, but there was no flights. Yeah, we were very fucked on flight. Did you not have flight, return flights? I didn't have a return flight until Wednesday. And then when I booked it on Wednesday, so Wednesday, I'm in my hotel room. I'm texting Megan to try to get, like,
Starting point is 01:25:00 we're trying to figure out flights. I text Rona, I'm like, what flight are you on? And he's like, oh, I don't have a flight back. And I was like, oh, I was like, dude, these things are selling out like by the second. Like I would be like, I'd send Megan a flight and she'd be like, it just sold out. So I'm looking through the flights and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:25:15 I'm looking at like shit that's going to like, it's going to like Vancouver and then to New York, like the worst layovers you could possibly imagine. And I finally, I find an American Airlines flight, direct flight, and I send it to Rhone. I'm like, I'm about to grab this, get on this flight. It's like the last direct flight available. And then Rhone got the last ticket,
Starting point is 01:25:32 and then I didn't get a ticket on that flight. And so I had a layover in Charlotte, which wasn't bad, but I ended up missing that flight altogether because the traffic was so bad. So I ended up having to use all of my miles and rebook a flight on Delta. You are impossible. Well, I will say it wasn't a hundred percent my fault.
Starting point is 01:25:52 We were, I was in an Uber with someone who barely spoke any English and then she just holds up Google translate and she goes, I have to get gas on the way to the airport. And I was like, well, I'm not gonna type back into my phone and be like, no. Well, that's, I mean, no is the same in every leg. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:10 You could've just said no. But it was bad traffic on the way back. It was part of the joke. I love that you two spent one week together and now the typical bickering that happens between us has absolutely set in between you two. It's because you guys get to spend time together all the time. I know. Well, he and I, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:26:29 The more time you spend with Sass, the more you bicker with him. Yeah. And you guys are now bickering and I'm just sitting here. We didn't really bicker much. It was really I honestly like felt bad half the time because it was just be like, I'd just be laying in bed and I'd just be texting Ronan being like, what's the move? What are you what are you doing? No, you'd be texting me was like I have lava coming out of me right now No, I texted I detect side like that. I mean look actual lava. I'm screaming on the toilet I might have to shower in the Delta lounge. That was bad
Starting point is 01:26:59 This is I One of those every single day those Wendy's spicy nuggets fuck me up every single time So you went out and got the Wendy's when they all ordered it Yeah, I texted Jack and I said you guys get food and he said just got here I walked over and like grabbed two things and then went back to my room It's such anti-social now. I talked to them. I talked to them for a minute It was fun though. It was very fun. It was a good time Awesome fuck yeah fun episode Oh man, it was fun though. It was very fun. It was a good time. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Fuck yeah, fun episode. I'm gonna be in Boston this weekend. Nice, I'm doing New Brunswick on March 9th. No, it's gotta be the 9th. March 9th, New Brunswick, New Jersey. No, excuse me, March 8th, New Brunswick, New Jersey, the Stress Factory. You're coming along for that?
Starting point is 01:27:48 I am. Cool. And then I've got Providence, April 10th to the 12th. And that's like selling out. So tickets at, slash Francis Ellis. Yeah. More dates coming. So keep your head on a swivel.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Yeah, I got Boston next week. Those are like almost sold out. So don't wait until the last minute because they will sell out and I can't get people extra tickets. So don't DM me and ask for extra tickets because I don't have that power. And then I'm going to Atlanta the week after that
Starting point is 01:28:27 helium and then I'm like in fucking Canada for like three months and then I'm in Philly and Philly helium in May nice how you set a website calm or a little Sasquatch website calm and I think I have a punch-up live as well now you do I think so. Yeah good Cool. All right. Thanks everyone. Thanks guys You know be careful what the fuck you ask for. We not a pretty city, we a gritty city. Hup one, hup two, Kansas City fuck you.
Starting point is 01:29:12 The type of shit we run through, Saquon might jump you. Tell your quarterback, go catch a backhand slap. Because Philly's got the motion and we can't stand past. Oh yeah, I think we have their number. Jason better grab your brother. CJ didn't play for the Bucks But he's a Travis Hunter Shoving up daisies, have em pushing his alias Got a suit for your funeral, Travis perfectly tailored Chris Jones, how you stopping this?
Starting point is 01:29:37 What's the hypothesis? Can't fuck with that, our running back is a right not for us Yeah, you'll catch a donkey kick We got the bottle stress, he's King Kong We got big domes, who will be popping crits Yeah, we're playing Whack-A-Mole with Pat Mahomes He's dead man, bread man, turn him to a bag of bones It's got me laughing every time I see a flag was thrown Cause I know that shit's more made up than chaperone
Starting point is 01:30:02 I make them pack for home, throw em in a catacomb You see Zach Nicole, Ben Olin taking back the throne Yeah, we're telling Pat Mahone that daddy's home And we're not talking bout his drunk driving chaperone Kermit's feeling froggy, he can knuckle up You, Raj, Gadel and the reps tryna throuple up Talking to officials all game Catch him suckin' up Flop flop flop flop flop
Starting point is 01:30:27 Pat, fuck him up Smoke him like a Newport Lookin' like the food court So official blow the whistle Cause they're comin' up too short Rice could get cooked Kareem's catchin' hooks On game day I'm AJ
Starting point is 01:30:40 I just play by the book Yeah, like a match, you see Get the gasoline We reach the bowl, grease the poles Go and get the Vaseline, they're on a limb like what it has to be Andy Reid, a limb is just a bridge to me, I cut him off the family tree Reign's at an end, we're about to see a steep decline The dynasty is over, Andy, read between the lines Wanted one more shot, but now we won't get it
Starting point is 01:31:04 If you want it, one more shot But now we won't get it, if you want it one more shot Better make it an Ozempic, half your white outs Hollywood The other half's boo boo, all these TikTok dances Man that's just bad juju, plus Harrison Bucker Is such an arrogant fucker, he just rubs me the wrong way Like he's there Justin Tucker, yeah D-back's bout to hit him up O-line's like a semi truck. Everybody screaming NFL Red But we don't give a fuck. The bane of their existence like I'm played by Tom Hardy and we're not quitting till we got that Lombardi We're a city that fucking leaves and fucking country in homicides every year
Starting point is 01:31:48 We're not a pretty city, we're a gritty city

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