Son of a Boy Dad - Pissin Powder | Son of a Boy Dad #275

Episode Date: February 13, 2025

Pissin Powder | Son of a Boy Dad #275 -- Harry, Adam & Francis talk skiing & debate careers outside of podcasting -- #Ad:Son of a Boy Dad is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit to get 10% off your first month. -- #Ad: Shake Shack is serving up a SmokeShack BOGO* they don’t want you to miss this Valentine’s Day week from 2/11 - 2/17. Visit your local Shake Shack or order online and use code BEMINE at -- Follow us on our socials: -- Merch: -- SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE #SonOfABoyDad #BarstoolSportsYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey son of a boy dad listeners, you can find every episode on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad free on Amazon Music. We gotta play some laffers in here. Mm hmm. Alright, ready? Owen only ever laughs at Sass and it makes me sad. I notice it every fucking episode. Don't uh, let's not talk about anything
Starting point is 00:00:26 fighting for Owen's laughs Don't give it to him for free Don't talk about but when I do get a laugh from them, I know it's I've heard all that stuff is awful. Yeah, obviously Why? Bro, you've crossed every of my lines. I haven't what ever I told you don't say anything about that lady at the casino No, you didn't We've been ready this is where the podcast starts right here Alrighty welcome back to the son of a boy dad podcast today it is
Starting point is 00:01:03 February 12th Which is Canadian Valentine's Day I'm pretty sure. It's Canadian Valentine's Day? Yeah they celebrated two days early. Really? Historically. Interesting. Good for them. Happy Canadian Valentine's Day. Secretary's Day. It's all of our Canadian lovers out there. Always falls on a Tuesday. Better, easier for dinner reservations though. It's all of our Canadian lovers out there. Always falls on a Tuesday. Better, easier for dinner reservations though. It's a Wednesday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Oh fuck. Dumb ass. I think that, I mean, it's not a, it's a lukewarm take, but I think Valentine's Day is, is one we could do away with. Yeah. We could remove it, and I don't think anyone would be particularly remorseful.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Well fucking, the corporations would. Hallmark. Yeah. True. 1-800-Flowers would. True. Yeah. A lot of flower companies would go out of business.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Do you mind if I ask how big do you go? What do you do? How do you marshal yourself? What are the expectations? Whatever. Just say what you like to do, if you could. Do you buy a gift? There's usually one gift in a dinner.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yeah, nice. What do you get? A toy? Are you going jewelry or like? Like, nothing crazy. I don't think, but yeah, jewelry. Rone's definitely dropping like 50k per Valentine's day. That's not the disc that you think it is.
Starting point is 00:02:23 No, I don't think it is a diss. You just fucking bodied me. No I wasn't saying it as a diss I was saying it as I was with you this week and I saw how many times you bought flowers. Twice. I think it was closer to 10. Wait for what? Because I was away the week. I actually saw it. Oh you sent them home? I sent them home. That's so sweet. So I landed like 30 times. No, twice. But I mean, it was a... Just can't even imagine romance. It was so funny. Just so beyond the pale.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Why was it funny? It just was. Wives at home with twins. I know. Presumably verging on the third trimester. Probably deeply uncomfortable. True. And he is away for a week to go to the Super Bowl
Starting point is 00:03:05 Yeah, and he's sending flowers home. Yeah, it was beloved. I'm just trying to engender some goodwill cackling I'm just thought it was fun of it I said it at the airport as soon as I landed and I told it to Dana. Yeah, his mind was blown Dana immediately. Yeah, he smashed it right away. I was like, you should do it. He's like, I'm only going for a couple of days. I was like, even better. Smart, smart. Even better, even better.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I'm just going in and he was like, he texted me two days later, the flowers were a massive hit. I was like, bro, just pass it along to someone else. That's free game. You wanna hear something really, really gooey? When I was courting my wife, I would go on the road for standup
Starting point is 00:03:46 and I would write her a postcard from the cities that I was in. Oh, very nice. I'm talking Rochester, Cleveland, Buffalo. It's not easy to find postcard sales places in some of those cities. It's just a postcard of like a 7-Eleven. Yeah, there are places where you go,
Starting point is 00:04:03 cities where you go where you're like, I need a stamp, and they're like, we haven't sold one of those. There's no outgoing mail from this town. You're gonna want the next town over? Yeah. Pony Express doesn't stop through these parts. The Wells Fargo wagon stopped coming to Buffalo.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Sad to say. Sash, what was your biggest Valentine's Day swing that you ever made in your life? Maybe in like grade school, school you get the cards. Yeah, I would do the lollipop with the card attached to it. That's fire. Did your mom would make a bunch for the girls in the class type thing?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yeah, we'd have to bring them in and give everyone one. Everyone in the whole grade? No, just the class. Because if you do it yourself for the girls, you don't even like girls. No, you're a freak. Dude, I went to a school that was sort of like a communism breeding ground.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah. And it was everybody plays, everybody wins. There's one hot start and Tyler, okay, here we go. He's probably just laughing at what you said, but I'm gonna take some credit for it. We had homerooms in my grade, right? So that was sort of your home unit. And there were, I think, four.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And if you were going to bring in Valentine's cards, you had to bring in one for everybody in your homeroom. But you could do individual ones outside of your homeroom. So if you received one from a girl or a guy outside of your homeroom, you knew that that was, there was something, they'd gone out of their way. Cause that was not everybody, that was not the communist manifesto.
Starting point is 00:05:38 But crushes were forbidden? No, but see that was implied though. If you got one from an outside homeroom, they came across party lines. So you just don't shit where you you got one from an outside homeroom, they came across party lines. So you just don't shit where you eat, you can't fucking homeroom? Well, you could, but it would be, it would be veiled by the fact that everybody got one.
Starting point is 00:05:54 You couldn't necessarily, the girl that you had a crush on who was in your homeroom wouldn't necessarily know how special she was to you because everybody got one unless you somehow got her something special. No wonder the birth rate's declining. They're just like stifling love. I know.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Was this in middle school or high school? No, that was probably second, first through fourth grade, something like that. And it was always, man, I loved it. I loved the colors. I'd get cards that had like Power Ranger cards or X-Men cards, and you'd have to tear them out of a sheet, maybe fold them somehow and put a little,
Starting point is 00:06:32 now, there was one girl who was really rich who got cards for everybody in all the homerooms. Yeah, yeah, slut. We knew, we knew. And then in fifth grade, Bob Only was, I was in her homeroom, I'm not gonna say her name, because I don't know if she still has the money. But Bob only, he was our homeroom teacher.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And at Christmas, I guess people got gifts for Bob as a teacher, you know? Yeah. Apparently this is a thing by the way, you get your teacher a gift. And I don't know what we got Bob, maybe a new tool belt, probably not even, that's expensive. It wasn't, I don't know, it was a 20 to $40 gift.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Probably like a Starbucks gift card. I bet it was a restaurant gift card. Yeah, to Clayton's in Yarmouth. They have good turkey wraps. And we knew he liked that because it was on the way to the school for him. But I'm not, I almost said her name again. with turkey wraps. And we knew he liked that because it was on the way to the school for him. But I almost said her name again. I almost said her name again.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And I think I have said her name before. Well, anyway, she got Bob, our homeroom teacher, an entire picnic set, a basket that was huge with plates and silverware and cups. And I mean, it was high end. They were held in place by little leather straps. That's entrapment by her. That's definitely something my dad's got my mom for Valentine's Day,
Starting point is 00:07:56 like eight different times. We definitely have like nine picnic sets at home. Never used any of them. Bob had the class to only, he opened it briefly. I'll never forget, he opened it briefly and was like, wow, thank you so much, said the girl's name and then shut it, because he didn't want to leave that open for display to make the rest of the kids feel bad
Starting point is 00:08:15 for how inadequate their gifts would seem comparatively. Yeah, but he's the teacher, like, why does he have to have the same gifts as the students? I think again, it was sort of that communist ethos we adhered to Or maybe he's just trying to keep their relationship private Probably Oh I don't know I never saw anything like that
Starting point is 00:08:33 I think he was fucking the mom That could be And he was like she was having the kid do the dirty work It was probably like some like worn underwear in there that he'd like close it up really quick from the mom Yeah From the mom. Yeah, yeah. From the mom. A pair of red panties. The parents had emigrated.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I don't even like to say the word. They had emigrated but from a very wealthy country. Yeah, Dubai. So I don't know what, not quite. Close. You think people from the UAE are getting picnic baskets for Bob Olney? No. God no.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Come now. Hush, hush. It's definitely a much gaudier dish. By the way, or present, but by the way, did you guys see that Brianna Chicken Fry is like in Dubai right now speaking at like the World Future Leaders Conference or something like that? I saw that she was in Dubai. I thought it was a joke. She's walking on stage in like a power suit and a headset, like with her fingers tented giving future advice. She's walking on stage in like a power suit and a headset, like with her fingers tented, giving future advice. She's probably getting paid like a billion dollars to do that. Dude, that is my dream.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I have had this. What was Zach Brian offering with double A? I thought she was fully kidding. She posted a story that was like heading to Dubai. And from the. I mean, look at the pictures. Have you? Did you look at the pictures? I thought she was fully kidding. She posted a story that was like heading to Dubai. From Noah. I mean, look at the pictures. Did you look at the pictures? Shaping Future Governments.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Was it? Shaping Future Governments. Shaping Future Governments Conference. Damn. And she's standing, it looks like the UN. She has someone behind her like translating what the Japanese embassy is talking about. Holy smokes.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It's insane. Good for her, smokes. It's for her, man. That's a pretty big gig. She is having a year. Imagine your agent hitting you up and being like, we got a gig for you. Dude, my agent- He's gonna pay $10 million. My agent hit me up.
Starting point is 00:10:21 He was like, all right, I got something for you. I'm not even making this up. A week ago, he was like, I got something for you. I'm not even making this up. A week ago, he was like, I got something for you. It's a little off the beaten path. It's a one night crypto event and you're gonna have to write materials specific for crypto, but the money is crazy. It was like $1,000.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Oh really? For seven minutes. You did a- I did one a couple years ago. This is, you did a- I did one a couple of years ago. You did a crypto one a while ago, right? Yeah. Yeah. Made five grand for that one.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah, you had to pay a ton for that. Which is indicative. Well, maybe not, honestly. It depends which crypto it's indicative of. True, crypto's going down. Yeah. Well, it depends on which one. Some of them are going up.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Did you get paid in a thousand dollars of Ascoin or was it cash? No, they paid me with a check. I did not have the option to opt through. They definitely aren't liquid. That's definitely why they had to pay me a thousand bucks. I know. We are technically billionaires. The only stipulation for the one that I did a couple years ago was that they said, do not mention the fact that crypto is down like 40% today. Damn. Because everyone would be sad. And I was like, well that,
Starting point is 00:11:25 that's quite literally going to be the thing to make fun of. You said it was only dudes, right? Pretty much, but they were- Only make fun of our best qualities and how good they are. I bet you everybody that was at that thing is now worth crazy money. Yeah, but like- There's definitely one dude who sold,
Starting point is 00:11:42 they probably saw your set and then just immediately sold everything Wait I Need to finish this dream really quick. I used to be obsessed with the country of Saudi Arabia I don't know why everyone's gone through that phase Yeah, I went through a Saudi Arabia phase who hasn't I want I've you know that to go to Mecca to go to Who hasn't? I want, I, you know that to go to Mecca, to go to, to do the Hajj, if you're not, even to be led into the city or near the grand mosque or whatever, you need to convert to
Starting point is 00:12:13 Islam and then you can unconvert once you're done. So they have, they allow you to do that, I think. Interesting. Like an annulment in Vegas? Yeah. And I would have been willing to do that. You convert for like the time that you're there? That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:27 The videos there are awesome. It's just going up to guys and like, assalamu alaikum and like, where are you from, brother? And it's just TikTokers who just document people from like Turkey and from Sri Lanka, just people coming from all over the world. Not many guys that look like you though. No, no.
Starting point is 00:12:44 It's got all the trappings of Burning Man without the infrastructure of the RVs. But with the breathable clothing. And the LEDs. Right. Equally breathable clothing. Yes, and it has slightly, yeah. So you're dreaming of Saudi Arabia.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Well, I read a couple books about Saudi Arabia and the royal family there, and sort of just the top heavy wealth that everyone knows about. And I had this dream that one of the princes, the guy now who's the crown prince, and I don't know if he's succeeded to the throne, but would just see one of my videos on Instagram. Maybe he's a big Game of Thrones fan, love the song. And would summon me to the palace to do a private version of it for a million dollars.
Starting point is 00:13:37 And then like it so much that he's like, stay, stay awhile, we want this every Thursday. Cause that's when it airs. The whole Game of Thrones. They need four days to edit it out of the nudity. And I just had that dream. I really had that. I was like, all it's going to take.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Yeah. How do I? I wouldn't say it's. How do I target my material towards Riyadh? Yeah. I don't think it's out of the picture. Well, any Saudi princes that are fans of the show, reach out to Francis and just let him know if or that you have been watching.
Starting point is 00:14:08 It seems like everything you talk about on the podcast, you immediately are hit up the next day. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow you just get a DM from Saudi Arabia as a whole. Like, just their country's Instagram. Saudi Arabia, Blue Check Mark. Yeah. And like, Francis, we listen to Son of a Boy out every day. We loved what you were saying. Like, we'd love you to come do some work out in Saudi Arabia, Blue Jack Mark. Yeah, and like Francis, we listen to Son of a Boy Out every day. We loved what you were saying, like we'd love you to come do some workout in Saudi Arabia.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Do you still know Game of Thrones? Please send us a snap screenshots of your followers and your growth and your engagement to determine what we will pay you for private. One million dollars per follower. To eat a camel shank Your office I'd love that because that's what you know, that's like that's a gig That's like a week and then you're set for life. I am camel at my office Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:55 Really be too self-conscious to eat this but how do you do a video where you're eating like a traditional? Saudi Arabian dish at the office. Yep. I like that. What else do they have? I'm just thinking of you popping a hump of camel as like water squirts out of it. Yeah, you wet your mouth right over it. Yeah, like a full waterfall. Yeah, your head starts expanding as you fill with liquid from the camel.
Starting point is 00:15:21 You blow up like an airhead. Like one of those Capri Sun commercials. The Saudis would definitely appreciate if that happened in the video. If you turned into the Kool-Aid man. Yeah. Very good. Very good. That has been my dream.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I'm looking up their biggest Saudi Arabia dishes. You know, everybody has that get rich quick scheme, right? I had a belief for a long time. Mine was Devonte Smith anytime touched on. That I'd be walking along the beach in the Hamptons and some dog of some estate owner would leap the fence and take a chunk out of my calf. There you go. Have you ever seen a-
Starting point is 00:15:59 Let's settle this quietly. Have you ever seen- I see that you have quite a reach on Twitter. Have you ever seen seven psychopaths a reach on Twitter? Have you ever seen us sorry for Linguini's misbehavior? You're not the first person. Usually it's a postal worker. And you're already filming yourself and they have to tell you to stop filming. Just go do that. Just go to my house. My dog bites everybody. Is your family liquid enough to change his life with a lawsuit?
Starting point is 00:16:25 That's the issue. Your dad would be like, fine, tweet about it. What do we care? Yeah, go ahead. MBS is the prince, by the way. That was his name, Muhammad Bin Salman. Is a rice dish with meat and vegetables, you could have that.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I'm down for that. I think they eat with their hands, but maybe they don't. Oh, if you traditionally ate. Oh, that's not a bad idea, Rone. If you ate with your hands, or like an Ethiopian dish. Yeah. I mean, Ethiopians definitely eat with their hands. Yeah, they do.
Starting point is 00:16:57 It was fucking, at the wedding, just, the utensils were there, and they still opted for hands. Yeah, be disrespectful at that point to use a utensil. Yeah, eating some Saudi food, but I mean, I don't know how badly you want to get invited to Ethiopia. It was beautiful. I don't, that's not on the list for me. Yeah, I think traditional Saudi food with your hands,
Starting point is 00:17:18 but I don't know if they, did they definitely eat with their hands in Saudi? I'm not 100% sure, and so I don't mean to be culturally insensitive if they do not do that. Right. But I know there are cultures, I think it may be the Bedouin tribes. I remember hearing where the women prepare the food
Starting point is 00:17:34 in the tents or whatever, and then they serve a big platter to the men, all of whom are sitting around it in a circle. They eat with their hands and then whatever is left over on the bones, that is what the women eat. Eating rice with your hands and then whatever is left over on the bones That is what the women eat Eating rice with your hands is crazy. It's not that crazy though It's kind of like inconvenient to eat it with a fork. Yes, boon to the go
Starting point is 00:17:55 dude, what I I had one of those Nutella cups with little sticks yesterday and I got to the bottom of it. Yeah, you've done this. And I was out of sticks. Yeah. So I used my finger as the dipper to leave it nice and clean. That's definitely not the first time you've done that. No, it isn't. It's almost built for that, honestly. I was a little bit ashamed.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Yeah. I was doing, I lowered my head. Yeah. Did you use your pinky for like the end of it? No, it was, the aperture was wide enough that I could go pointer the whole time. Yogurt cups, the old Yo plays. Sometimes when I would eat them with a spoon,
Starting point is 00:18:33 the bottom wasn't flush enough, so I would flip the spoon over and use the stem of the spoon to get that last part of the buffalo. Interesting. You were that, it was that hungry. I just, it's more like I just it's those yogurt were good yogurt though Native American eat every part of the buffalo
Starting point is 00:18:50 Thing yeah, I mean what was the those things must have been what 20% yogurt? 80% sugar pie you know why I was crazy with the red top. Oh my god get the fuck You're out the Chobani key lime pie flip? I haven't had the flip. That was too fancy for me. What flips into it? Like little crumbs of Oh so it's like pie crust.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Yeah chunks of pie crust. The Chobanis, they were really doing some interesting stuff. They still are. They were the EDM of yogurt. They still are. Yeah. Every time I go to the grocery store, I spend a while at the Chobani's.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Do you buy them though? Yeah, just look. Slam them constantly. That's a good dessert. Good probiotics. That's a good dessert. There used to be a Chobani store in Soho. Really?
Starting point is 00:19:35 You could get funky kind of mixed up stuff. Yeah, a Tando store. It was always yogurt based. But like, were they serving it up or was it just already pre-packaged? Rare? No, it wasn't pre-packaged. They'd make it for you. Top to bottom. I love a good store of a specific product that usually you would only find in like a big store, a Walmart or a grocery store.
Starting point is 00:19:58 A Lego store. I was going to say Yankee Candle. Lego store. Like Yankee Candle, you're typically used to seeing it at like a Target. Legos. Legos. Lego store is fine, candle. You're typically used to seeing it at like a target Legos Legos Mm-hmm Lego store is fine, but it's like They were been Been into a Lego store. No, I don't think I'm allowed you have to have a child accompany you. No, you don't know It's like Hershey Park. Yeah, it's those little water fountain parks in Brooklyn It is a little it is like
Starting point is 00:20:24 You can get some pretty cool sets, but you get a pretty good, you definitely like a millennial Falcon or something like that. Millennial Falcon. Yeah. And what is it, how is it pronounced? That was the Falcon that was released in 2000.
Starting point is 00:20:35 How is it pronounced? Millennium. Millennium Falcon. I like Millennial Falcon better, it sounds better. But you get that, but then also it's a lot of like, they just have like individual pieces. Like dudes show up there to be like, I need a two by six red.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And then they just go buy that. Oh, they ask for single. Like you can get, a lot of people go and get like single pieces. Single chunks. Like they have baskets. So they have these big buckets of just like single. Loose.
Starting point is 00:21:02 I haven't been in a very long time. It might be different now. They might not be still, but they probably aren't still selling Legos by the individual piece. I can't imagine that's that profitable. No, that's the penny candy of Legos. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I'm trying to think of the Chiquita Banana Store is a great specialized one that they have in Walmart. It's just rotting bananas. Lego stores, they have fun. I feel like you guys are really brushing over the Yankee Candle store I've been to the Yankee Candle outlet before why is that very nice? I counted in video the number of flavors variants of pumpkin candles. Yeah, and it's fucking insane It's a very fun or pumpkin and pumpkin pie You could get lost in the Yankee Candle. I'm for hours. It's not like Lego where there's like fucking
Starting point is 00:21:45 Exhibits and toys and rides and shit You know like you guys are thinking of like a specific Lego store rather than just Lego stores because Lego stores are I think Are a lot more common than you guys think maybe Yankee candles are on the side of every highway in Montana The Native Americans so then I just have a very hard time believing There's one in my hometown of Freeport, Maine, an outlet. That's much less surprising than every highway in Montana. I just think of it. In Montana, it's like there's like. Yankee Candle, Fireworks Store, Trading Post, Yankee Candle.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I don't agree. Start the pattern over. I don't know when the last time I saw Yankee Candle Store was. They definitely don't have them in New York. I don't know the regular stores I don't know where the regular stores are but I know I always see an outlet There's always an outlet like I get over your Yankee Candle facts because there are far better candles Have you ever had little abo? No. Oh, yeah, I will die on Yankee the feeg
Starting point is 00:22:38 feeg FIGUE Yankee Candle is a candle for the common man. No see that's what I'm saying Like you're gonna eat a cookie. you're gonna get a cookies and cream candle for your apartment. Get the fuck out of here, dude. Did you get, the worst are like the really masculine scents. They just smell like ash. Yeah, boy scent.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Yeah, it's just like blue. Try Sandal number 22 from Lil Labo. They have, what are the other ones, the other really fancy candle makers, Ron? Some good ones. Why are you bringing Ron into this? I should know, I should know. He doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:23:11 No, I should know this. He doesn't know big candles like you. I'm getting exposed as an actually low culture that I only know. We're Yankee candle men. He's not eating, he doesn't own, he's not getting a fucking apple strudel candle. I think you're going a little too deep into the fruit and the food flavors.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Like they have good like, like you could get like a nice, uh, like a pine, lavender, lavender, all extended olive branch. Pine is a crossover between where I'm talking and you're talking. But that's what I, I never was like, I never went into the Yankee candle store being like, I got to get the blue raspberry. What do you guys, where's you guys blue raspberry at? I want my apartment to smell like Sour Patch Kids. I need the green Gatorade. Yeah, like obviously I was talking about like the traditional candle scents.
Starting point is 00:23:56 I need to know what some of these other great candle stores are. I want to see my wife make her own candles. Does she? Yeah. That's becoming a big thing. We're about to have to get rid of the candle. We don't have enough space for all the candle making stuff. It's about to be a sad day.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I'm trying, I'm like, make a bunch of, like, make a last batch before you. But candle making stuff is so, there's like 400 pounds of it at my house. There can't be, there can't be. You need all the wax that goes into the candle. It's gotta be. To make candles, it must, it has to cost less than $1.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Okay, I got, I got. There's no way. You're making your own sense. It's gotta be. To make candles, it has to cost less than $1. OK, I got it. There's no way. You're making your own sense. You're mixing sense. You guys have $400 worth of candle stuff. $4,000. Diptyque. Diptyque is a really nice candle maker, as is Aesop.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Aesop makes great candles, as well as hand soap. And they have this one that's got some granularity to it, some texture. Sass. I know, hold on. This is for you. He knows about this stuff. Are you going through something personal?
Starting point is 00:24:56 No, I was texting. Why would you pick up your phone? I'm telling this directly to you. Because I got like nine different people that are asking me shit. About candles? Yes. Tell them you're fucking working. I did.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Tell them it's your hour. I did. They don't care. Tell them, well then you don't have to answer if you're working. Alright, I'll put my phone away. I don't care about that. No, I do need to put it away. I'm schooling you on candles. It was distracting me.
Starting point is 00:25:17 You know the big difference between... I was fucking up the flow. Use mine, use mine. Between like a $76 candle from Diptyque and whatever the- No, I've explained multiple times. I don't know. I don't know what those are. I don't know what these candle brands are.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Ty, I'm missing a pine cone candle from my collection. Oh, go check the bargain bin. All I'll say is when you go to Target and you go to the candle aisle, there's usually like, they've got like one or two Yankee candles lying around because they're hot. They go quick. No. They go quick. No. They go quick.
Starting point is 00:25:45 That's because they produce them and nobody buys them. No, no, it's because they go fast. When you go to the target aisle, the first thing you're looking for is you want, and you know what it is. It has nothing to do with the scent. It's the jar. The Yankee candle has a superior jar.
Starting point is 00:25:59 It recycles the candle. Like the candle will all melt down and then the wax will come up like the head of a beer. Yes, the candle never dies. The candle will never die.. Oh, yeah wax will come up like the head of a beard Yes, the candles never dies the candle never ever dies like the eternal flame. It's it's very similar to the eternal flame. I think I Think that the Yankee candle burns Not like it lopsided and I'm not and I'm not talking about the flat, you know The one that has the flat lid I'm talking about the one that has the big
Starting point is 00:26:27 Round glass knob lid. Yes. That's you rip it off, you rip it off. It's airtight. It's now you got pine, pine radiating through your house or as Francis would assume, maybe like a, maybe like a, like train, a watermelon, apres ski, cocoa. Like that's fun. That's a fun scent. Like I love one. That's like cozy. You're not cozy log cabin fire Yeah, yeah fine, and then you're in your apartment, and you're just standing with your face right over it mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:26:57 Actually the candles my wife does bring home are fucking Monsters they're like punch bowls those big ones are great in it Yeah, those are great, but if you get one from the nice places, they're about 500 bucks. She must be. See, like that's something that is just dumb. I don't disagree. Spending $500 on wax?
Starting point is 00:27:17 Do you know where I buy my expensive candles? Get some cheese and make your own candles. Do you know where I buy my expensive candles? Where? eBay. You buy used. No. You buy used candles. You buy knock own candles. Do you know where I buy my expensive candles? Where? Ebay. You're buying used. Swear, no. You're buying used candles.
Starting point is 00:27:27 You're buying knockoff candles. Only used once. Well, I can see the wick is black. And it's all the way burnt out. You're buying your candles on Depop. The thing about buying a better expensive candle is that they burn more slowly and more evenly. Do you trim your wicks?
Starting point is 00:27:42 There's literally nothing you could tell me that could convince me to buy a better expensive candle. I'm gonna get you one. You better not. That shit's going straight in the trash. Why would you do that? If I bought you an expensive candle, you'd throw it away? I would say return this.
Starting point is 00:27:55 I would never do that. I would go sell it. I would go bring it the wrong way. I go bring it to the back of the store and get my money back. Get my money to you. I would give you like half the money. Yeah, you're big on that, aren't you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Returning your friend's money and keeping all peace for yourself? I got so many DMs of people asking me to send them the PlayStation controller. I'm not, it's not for sale. Speaking of PlayStation, I had some troubling stuff happen last night. What happened? I finally had to do it. I had to buy a new PlayStation you did Yeah, yeah, it was cooked when I got home I couldn't get it to work because they were jostling it around in TSA
Starting point is 00:28:32 Probably you buy a new PlayStation every month and you're not willing to spend more than five bucks on a candle. Yes Exactly, you're spending 500 on a PlayStation when you should be getting a three-wick punch. Yeah. Yeah, you know who sells Playstations eBay It really yeah, you had two things to your cart new playstation free And a can and you probably you could probably throw on a third for free discounted sure Yeah, bundle it. We got to get a candle sponsorship I'd love to do our podcast with just like a hundred candles customers who purchased a gently used PlayStation Also purchased la labo fig but uh What I was gonna say rome was that now I have another controller
Starting point is 00:29:14 You have another control and now have another one you have a fifth controller yes, oh yeah, this is the Spotify candle Let me see that let me get my paws on that. Because I can't imagine Spotify is putting out a cheap candle. And that's actually a hot one. Because we get that on eBay for like a thousand bucks. Do you see this wick? It's too long. If you leave it that long, the flame will be high
Starting point is 00:29:36 and that's gonna cause it to burn unevenly. Even this, you see how it's burned a hole in the middle? Yeah. Not good. But I think that could be due to the pour. The pour of the wax has to be even as well. One time when I was in high school, I was in my room and I had a candle lit and I wanted to, and I blew it out
Starting point is 00:29:53 and then I wanted to relight it and I picked it up to relight it. And I forgot that I had just blown it out and all of the hot wax spilled all over my bed and it was impossible to remove. Yeah. You think that's bad. Try, uh, having a nevermind. Why did I can't believe you had candles in your room. That doesn't strike me as a very you thing to do.
Starting point is 00:30:21 We really only picking up flame. We once took a party bus to Mohegan Sun. That's the only scent I'm getting is fire. And we paid our buddy on the way. Someone had gotten strippers for the party bus to Mohegan Sun, and we paid our buddy like $200 to have her drip hot wax all over his bare back. Which I guess is nice.
Starting point is 00:30:41 That was what I was going to say. Is that a... I guess people find that sexual. I don't know, I'm not into it. Have you tried it? No. You might be, you might fucking, like it might change your life. I think that's just one of those things
Starting point is 00:30:53 where assumptions can sometimes. You might go homeless if you like it. Yeah, yeah. That could be one that like really impacts your life in a negative way. How, like you get hot wax on your back once and then you find out that you, literally you've never loved anything as much as you love you have been orgasming right you've been like you just get a limitless no for how you come it fully ruins your life
Starting point is 00:31:23 of your cum and there's 90% more cum inside of you. And all you need to get it out is hot wax on your back. Like we're gonna be doing our pod, we're gonna be waiting in here and we're like where the fuck is Francis? He's late again. Comes, he shows up, his back is covered in wax. What? He's like the blue man group.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I was busy! Francis, Francis is getting out of control, man. His shirt's sticking to his back. He's just coated. You smell like pine all the time. I wonder if people pick the scent when they get it drizzled all over them. Or they'll just take whatever. I think they just go candlestick, which I believe are typically scentless.
Starting point is 00:32:00 How are you hoarse today, but you weren't yesterday? I'm very hoarse today. I don't know. I just I think I just been yapping I've been fucking yapping. Oh, yeah, you had your show. Yeah. Yeah. Just yapping yesterday I'm not really liking how much success your show is having We fall back to every other week. Oh with that. Yeah, it's not that much success. He's got like 30,000 subscribers I saw that I had a little I'm not gonna lie It was a little trouble. Yeah, you're hearing foot It's not awesome. There's some fucking lumbering footsteps. It's time to shut it down. There's no different. That's that's slap shot at comedy
Starting point is 00:32:36 That's three Stooges comedy. It's all physical comedy I'm basically like getting a hit in the back of the head with a two by four We're gonna make an offer and we're gonna see if we can buy you out Tell you what turn that into a son of a boy dad clips channel and this guy we're leaving you in the dust No till you start deciding to post again. Yeah, you're saying you're Francis. What the hell I posted this weekend You don't post shit. I don't when you do it goes, but yeah, it was actually great this weekend that you did one tweet Yeah, no I think big weekend for you. What it is is you gotta get out into the world
Starting point is 00:33:06 and just like go to events. You gotta go live a little. He's right. You're gonna go, you just have to go to like the NCAA tournament and shit and just like do one banger of a tweet and it will pay for itself. It won't.
Starting point is 00:33:18 That's my understanding of the internet, it will. It won't. Why? The whole reason I stopped tweeting was because it did not pay for anything. I could see Elon catching some of your tweets and inviting you to come be part of. Oh yeah. His Saudi. The department of government efficiency. That was huge.
Starting point is 00:33:32 And be like, Hey, listen, we'd like you to be our next speaker at the Dubai world leader event. I could see cash Patel seeing some of your tweets and then joining you, inviting you to join the FBI. That would be sick. Oh, I think you could definitely like counterterrorism or what's a what's a position that you could get offered that with zero hesitation You'd be like I'm quitting comedy. I'm quitting the podcast. I'm going to do this It would be sick to be a spy Someone just like was like you you if we need a spy but in an English-speaking Francis can never be a spy because you look too much like a spy
Starting point is 00:34:07 Saudi Arabia they'd be like, this dude's clearly the feds. Yeah, but that's not because I look like a spy. It's because I'm white and have red hair. I could never be a spy because my features are too overt. No, I think it's cause you look like a spy. I can't blend in. Exactly. Because you're a spy.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Spies blend in. I could be a spy. Spies blend in. I could be a spy. I can't blend in. Exactly. What he's like, because you're a spy. Spies blend in. I could be a spy. Spies blend in. I could be a spy. It's Bond, James Bond. And they're like, yeah, no, we know. We know you. We spotted you as soon as you walked in. You could be a spy more readily than I could. Yeah. But that's because your features are less noticeable. Distinctive. You're saying he has a worse jawline? If you're saying my jawline, my jawline is... If you ask a sketch artist to draw, if someone saw me, you know, passing in one second and they asked a sketch artist to draw me and you saw the the rendering, you'd say, oh that's Francis. Yeah. If someone said,
Starting point is 00:35:00 yeah, this kid, I don't know, he's wearing Patriots pajamas and It would be outfit determinative. Yeah. Brown hair. They're not pajamas. It would be my point being we wouldn't be able to pick you out from your sketch. I don't know about that, but I do think I would have a better time. I think I would have a better chance being a spy than you do.
Starting point is 00:35:23 But what? Why? Go back to the original question What would? Because I think people wouldn't expect me to be a spy Yeah, but you'd be the kind of spy that just fucked their way into information. Yeah, you just be I'd be fucking everybody Think that's what Obama's cook was the one that died you think he was a spy that was fucking him for information No, I think he was just fucking for the love of the game and then it got to it got too real He just accidentally became a spy. Yeah, he wasn't spying to fuck. He was fucking to spy. Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:58 But just for love of the game. Yeah, my answer is spy though spy. What's yours? Oh that would not have been my answer Are you two is have to be like a government job? No, it could be anything. Like someone messages you today, you get an email on your personal email and they're like, Francis, I have a big opportunity for you. GM of the Celtics? That would be amazing. Are you saying, is it something that in a perfect world, I would actually be well suited for that job?
Starting point is 00:36:26 I could do it? No. So it has to be something that I think- You're taking a risk. You're taking a risk. That I think I could succeed in? Yes. Well, that's obviously not GM of the Celtics then.
Starting point is 00:36:36 No, are you kidding? I think that job is a lot easier than people think. I don't think it is at all. I think it's hard to get the job. I don't think that job is easy. You kind of just fuck around. Once you're in, you just collect chips. I think once you get the job, you just go and chat GBT
Starting point is 00:36:46 and you're like, should Jason stay, should Jason Tatum just stay? Or you're just like, should Statham stay? Jason Statham stay. Jalen Brown pass me the ball. Yeah. What should we do with Jalen Brown in the off season? Keep him.
Starting point is 00:37:01 All right, that's what we're gonna do. What was I going to say? Okay. Well, you guys talk, cause I'll have to think about this. A job that I would leave what we do for without a moment's hesitation. Would you go ask, would you do astronaut if they offered you it?
Starting point is 00:37:17 No, see that's cause I wouldn't succeed at that. I don't- Okay, say you would succeed. Say you would succeed. Well, that's a big difference. You're going to succeed no matter which one you do. Veterinarian. Really?
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah, you're just getting so much trouble killing dogs if you don't have that degree. It is the carte blanche of killing. It's like being a cop. We are the only people legally allowed to actually kill people. So you have to take advantage of it. Killing a horse?
Starting point is 00:37:44 Holy shit. And having it be humane. I was about to say that- Being patted on the back because you put a horse down, that's a big mammal. It's huge. To take the life from. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Watch it fade slowly out of its eyes. It's like three, it's like six humans. Yeah. I mean, I think a mortician, if you're going in that vein, I think you could be great at it. But they're already dead is the only problem. I think whitewater rafting guide. Being outside all the time.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I really admire this. That's the gig that you'd put everything behind you for. Now you're living whitewater rafting guide salary. You're probably only working two months out of the year. Let's reconsider. Yeah, but they all become, they all work in like, they all become. You're dealing with an overweight Midwestern lady
Starting point is 00:38:31 who just like decides halfway. Doesn't know how to swim. He wants to go back. He has no idea how to swim either. They stay, no, I would do it on the middle fork of the salmon. What about an Olympic whitewater rafter? Is that a thing? That's cool, but that seems dangerous.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Anyone who's actually a kayaker, you know, that's what we're talking about. The training for that is dangerous. But yeah, I guess mine would probably be something like that too though. I'd probably do like fly fishing guide. Yeah, there you go. I think I would enjoy that a lot.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Just be outside all the time. Maybe open my own fly shop, that'd be cool. You don't make a ton of money, but you don't need money. No, you're just out there. Your house, your 15 bedroom mansion in Wyoming costs 300 grand. And there's like six people living in it that are all paying $10,000 a week to live there.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah, exactly. And then you ski in the winter. I mean, that'd be sick. I think any job that would get me out of New York City and allow me to be outside all the time would be pretty nice. All right, dummy, both of you and that spy is way sicker. You guys both were like, decided to be middle school
Starting point is 00:39:33 teachers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I was going to go because, well, Francis's point of changing it to something that you could actually do changed my opinion. Because I was going to say, like, NFL or something, like, NFL, something like
Starting point is 00:39:45 wide receiver or something like that, but obviously I can't do that. You'd have to be like an offensive guard. Yeah. You could do it, but you'd have to be like 315 pounds. Yeah, we also know how uncomfortable you get impersonating NFL players. Do I?
Starting point is 00:40:03 Certainly if you're at a casino. He brought that shit around freshly on your ass. I didn't even remember it at first. How does a Shake Shack look to you fellas? It's so good. I had that burger earlier. Looks good. The burger has a little bit of spice to it. Shake Shack really likes to,
Starting point is 00:40:22 you ever walk by a Shake Shack? The smell that they pump into the air pumping it right? They're definitely pumping. No, there's no way that's that's just coming straight from the kitchen. They're pumping. It's so attractive They have to be pumping it. I think certain stories pump smell I do like I catch a Shake Shack from four blocks away You're just like I literally like a cartoon. Yeah, I have a final air. Yeah That's genuinely what you you you, you're walking through the city and you're like, there's a Shake Shack somewhere around here. Yeah, it's the best.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Smells so good. It's amazing. I wonder who was the first one to do that, to pump smell, Starbucks? What the fuck would Starbucks be pumping? Beans? Stale croissants? No, I think they do that.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I think they do perfume their stores with coffee smell. They're not pumping the food. They're not pumping the egg bite smell. Just smells like eggs. Like, oh, I need a fucking coffee. I'm still thinking about this. I think this is a really good question that you asked. It's really not that crazy of a question. I think very much just asking what your dream job is. I think caveats are not that crazy of a question. I think Graham is just asking what your dream job is. I think caveats are it has to be something that is within your body type, but you would be successful at it.
Starting point is 00:41:32 And I don't think you have to be restricted to the salary of it. Yeah. I don't know. Part of me thinks, you know, being like selling really, really highly coveted woodworking on Etsy. I was thinking some kind of wood, or just like, what if you had like a wood shop in like Florence or something, like on the side of Cobblestone Road
Starting point is 00:41:54 and you're just like sawing, making a different chair every time or something like that. Yeah, a crafts worker. A true craftsman. There's some people that do, there's some people that run like guiding fly fishing guides in like the Bahamas and they literally just live on like a shack in the Bahamas and people just come but there's also they also do get like wiped out by
Starting point is 00:42:12 hurricanes like once every five years, they have to like start their entire business from the ground up. You think they're trying to like a meet a girl on a on the tour or something like that? You think that's what they do? I'm asking or like, how do they because obviously, if they had a woman in their life, they'd have a nicer home. So do you think that they're looking for love out there? Or do you think they're just looking for lust?
Starting point is 00:42:34 I have no idea. I never have considered any of those things. The protagonist in Hemingway's posthumous novel, Islands in the Stream, lived on an island in the Caribbean and painted. He was a painter. And- Would he just paint blue? No, yeah, landscapes mostly,
Starting point is 00:42:49 but I think everyone really liked his work. And he seemed to live a very good life. His sons would come to visit him and he would fish with them. Hemingway? Well, all of his protagonists were always some version of himself. Oh, a broadcat, like a NFL broadcaster would be a sick job.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Like a play by play commentator. But you're British. Yeah, you see that. You see those British guys with the Coup de Jean's touchdown. Yeah, they were unreal. And why is it always in every other peep? Anyone that's not American is better at that job. You know, I say that we have some pretty good.
Starting point is 00:43:23 We have some pretty good announcers. Do we? Kevin Harland's the best. Yeah, but who's the guy? I can never remember his name, the college football. No, not him. He's too over the top for me. The guy who does the national championship college football. I don't know. Kurt Herbstreet might be him. It might be him. Yeah. Kevin Harlan is the best. He's the one that does the, he's like the, you know, the Lamar clip where he runs the touchdown back for like 60 yards and he does the spin move. And then he goes, and now he's got an entourage.
Starting point is 00:43:55 He is Houdini. That guy's great. Kevin Harlan's the best. He is really good. But at the same time, you say that Gus Johnson is too over the top, but then when we listen to a Spanish announcer where we can't understand anything we're saying, we're enjoying how over the top they are. True.
Starting point is 00:44:13 True. True. And they're like, go, go, go, go, go, go. Like that shit is awesome. That rules. That's basically what Gus Johnson does. Yeah, Gus Johnson's more like, ah! Yeah, he just goes guttural.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yeah. Al Michaels, maybe 40 years ago. Summer off, Madden. Yeah. Yeah. You know Madden stopped coaching when he was like 36? Really? Yeah, I think he was just a broadcaster.
Starting point is 00:44:39 If you look at a picture of John Madden coaching, he looks like he's 65. Yeah. Different time. They carried him off the field. There's like that iconic clip. at a picture of John Madden coaching he looks like he's 65 yeah different time they carried him off the field there's like that iconic clip oh yeah you have my phone we traded phones I don't want it just give me the protein bar I don't want to pull up the Kevin Harlan clips I gotta hear it just give me the protein bar bro I'll pull up my guy because I really like my guy and you guys are gonna know who I'm talking about let Let's compare guys. Everyone give a clip from their guy. Herro Sasquatchino.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Goal, goal, goal. Inormi. Golazo. He is Houdini. I'm going with mine. Down the middle of the field. This is second down and three checks and checks of himself.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Look at him turn back and forth. Oh, he broke his ankles. Now he's got an entourage! And he's got a touchdown! Yeah, very good. He's Houdini! What a play! 47 yard touchdown run by the magical quarterback Lamar Jackson. Just watch his skits. I mean, it doesn't get much better than that. His voice is like transplanting.
Starting point is 00:45:31 It doesn't get much better than that. He is Houdini! My favorite guy is... Now he's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown!
Starting point is 00:45:39 He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! He's got a touchdown! I mean it doesn't get much better than that. His voice is like Transylvania. It doesn't get much better than that. He is Houdini! My favorite guy is...
Starting point is 00:45:49 Now he's got an entourage! Chris Fowler. Chris Fowler. Chris Fowler is my guy. Let's hear Chris Fowler's one of his best calls. In my... it's actually funny, in my that is that he is a nice voice and he he's excitable as hell not bad not bad not Kevin Arlen but not bad Not bad, not bad, not Kevin Arlen, but not bad.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Yeah, he is nuts. He's really good, he's really good. The first one didn't do it justice. He's amazing. I love Chris Fowler. He's just got that timber, you know, that timber of voice some people can call a game and it's what you envision and want When you really think it's something nostalgic. That's like this like 50 style voice that they all have. Yeah, that's definitely what it is
Starting point is 00:46:55 I'm trying to find that he is electrifying. Jalen hurts dropping back the fucking Philly guy's sick Son of a boy that is sponsored by better help We often hear about the red flags that we should avoid, but what if we focus more on looking for the green flags in friends and partners? If you're not sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify green flags, actively practice them in your relationships, and embody the green flag energy yourself. Whether you're dating, married, building a friendship, or working on yourself, it's time to form relationships that love you back. Of course therapy has been helpful for me in my life and I really encourage
Starting point is 00:47:28 everybody to try it. BetterHelp is fully online, making therapy affordable, convenient, and it serves over 5 million people nationwide. Access to a diverse network of more than 30,000 credential therapists of a wide range of specialties. Discover your relationship green flags with BetterHelp. Visit slash Sun today to get 10% off your first month. That's better h e l slash sun. And remember, therapy can change everything you feel about yourself and everybody else. So why not give it a try? It really
Starting point is 00:47:56 is not that hard. It's actually doing yourself a favor. And you better help yourself to some better help. There is a great deal this week through February 17th where Shake Shack is getting into the Valentine's Day spirit and we'll be running a will you be my BOGO Promotion featuring their smoke shack burger with code be mine and I'm trying to decide who will be my BOGO Oh, yeah, I already decided it's gonna be Francis because you didn't even wait until we're all eating to start eating the Shake Shack, which is insane.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I know who I'm bringing. Who's your BOGO? Bo. BOGO is your BOGO. Bo go with me to Shake Shack. Be my BOGO. Okay, I changed my mind. Actually, mine is going to be my wife
Starting point is 00:48:40 because we're going to go and go right to the corner. And I'm going to go ahead and do that one instead. Are you going to do it yourself? You're going to just enjoy it yourself? Sass, what's your plan? Yeah. I'm going to enjoy it myself. Do you think you can have two burgers yourself?
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yeah. Really? Absolutely. That's pretty good. The Smokeshack burger is actually delicious. It's their Angus beef topped with applewood bacon, the chopped cherry peppers which give it an incredible spice. There's a nice kick and of course the ShakeSauce on a toasted potato bun. Shake Shack is serving up the Shake Shack Bogo and they don't want you
Starting point is 00:49:20 to miss Valentine's Day a week from the 11th through the 17th of February. Visit your local Shake Shack or order online with code, be mine. It's Shaken. Shaken with Shake Shack. Harry Kallis was an old Phillies guy. He was incredible. Even the in-stadium announcers, that's a specific type of voice you need to have. Yup.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Phillies center fielder Marlon Bird. Oh nice. Nice. Smooth ass voice. Yeah. Yeah, okay the play-by-play Oh, yeah, when he's in the police. Yeah Yeah Let's let's move on cuz I don't you know, I don't think that's evading the police. Yeah. Yeah. Let's move on, because I don't think that's a very good topic. I thought it was a great topic. I just think you're playing fucking voiceless,
Starting point is 00:50:34 imageless clips into a microphone. People know it. Yeah. I did it, too, to humor you. But as I was doing it, I thought this is not good. You did it, and then you realized how much worse your pick was than mine. That's not it. And then you immediately were like, we've got to move topics. No, I think I thought this is not good. You did it, and then you realized how much worse your pick was than mine. That's not it.
Starting point is 00:50:45 And then you immediately were like, we gotta move topics. No, I think I thought, let that be the end of it. And then you pulled up another one, and I realized this air is dead. Now I really think you tried to compare to Kevin Harlan, and you just were like, there's nothing to compare to. I'm not gonna bicker with you.
Starting point is 00:51:00 That's you and Ron territory. We don't have to bicker. I'm not trying to bicker. You two are taking the bicker torch? I'm just saying. He doesn't wanna bicker as long as you say he won the argument. Yeah. He's like, we don't have to argue about this. Just tell me that I'm right. I'm not holding the one anymore. You two are passing the bigger baton. But you know that you know that Kevin, I like my picks.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Who was your pick? I don't even remember you having a pick. Just like saying the Spanish words. Yeah. Yeah. see now you want to see some growth your guy was better Yeah, he was good Are you satisfied he is who teeny How did he get out of that one How did sass get out of that one? I haven't been able to smell this candle the whole time. No, it's not very sentless Spotify clearly better at music Yeah, stick to music. All right
Starting point is 00:51:48 Leave the candles to my wife podcasts leave the candles to the fucking pros God Joe Rogan got a nice smelly candle. Oh, he probably got like a Like a totem pole of a candle. You probably got a three-story candle They probably got him one of those smokeless fireplaces. I have one of those. I like those. You like it? Yeah, it's great. Solo stove. How much are those? Like $300?
Starting point is 00:52:14 Maybe. They're like this big? I have a big one and it's pretty big. You can fit a couple logs in there and they burn hot. They create a lot of heat and they burn clean. And then I also have, as a, what's called a, I think it's called a tea gift. When you play in a member guest golf tournament or something, they'll often give you a bag of swag and something on the first tea.
Starting point is 00:52:36 And the tea gift for one of these tournaments I played in was the small space heater sized solo stove. First pellets. A low T gift. And it's cool, you can put that on a dining table outside or something and it creates heat for the table. Thomas Sucks said you gotta play 18 holes with it though. Just lugging around a fucking fireplace.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Yeah, it's a Lynx course. Who does that put in drag? Yeah, I guess I'll just carry this stove for 18 holes. And the clubs. Oh man. I guess I'll just take two clubs. Over your back and you're just lugging a fucking 400 pound stove. They were small. They were. Does anyone have any
Starting point is 00:53:14 wood? You want the three or the five? There we go. There we go. Get some good ass golf shit. What are you three or five men? I never I never even carried a five. Nor did I. I don't carry a five What are you, a three or five man? I never even carried a five. Nor did I. I don't carry a five wood.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I have a three wood and a hybrid. What is your hybrid? It's probably a three hybrid. Yeah. Because if you're gonna hit your five, you might as well hit your nine iron. No, not even close. Or your three iron.
Starting point is 00:53:39 I haven't played golf in maybe 12 years. If you're gonna hit a five wood, you're definitely not hitting a nine iron. Well, I guess my nines are way different than yours. Dumb, dumb. The way I hit it, I hit a nine probably about 275. Yeah, that would be the world record for sure. What happened to you?
Starting point is 00:53:58 Why are you in this mood? What mood? You're in a mood. No, I'm not. Dumb, dumb, dumb, stupid. I just like piling on. There's no pile. You are the pile. I was waiting for you to hop on with me. I don't ever do that. You never did. As I said, I'm, I'm the new year to me. I thought we were kind of ragdolling him about his laugh, about his lack of golf knowledge. Golf knowledge. That's the two golf guys.
Starting point is 00:54:25 But that's very un-golf-ly. You know who you should call? It's literally like being like, well, why would I hit my five iron? I know, I know. Why would I hit my five iron when I was gonna hit my putter? Who would be a funny person for you to call?
Starting point is 00:54:34 Maybe hit a beef and we could all laugh about it. Somebody who will really pile on. No. Did you see the video? I could call my old golf coach. Yeah, yeah, call him. That would be fun. And just say, he'd be like, this fucking dumbass that I'm working with Did you see the video? I called my old golf coach. Yeah, yeah. Call him. That'll be fun one.
Starting point is 00:54:45 And just say, he'd be like, this fucking dumb ass that I'm working with just compared to five wood to a nine iron. You got mischief coming out your ears right now. Being a coach for a sport would be cool. It's just oozing mischief. Going back to the jobs. You couldn't be mischievous as a coach. There's no mischievous coaches.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Managers in baseball maybe. Yeah. There's definitely mischievous coaches. Bill Belichick. You're itching for a fight No, I'm not just like when when grant crossed the the Rappanton river to take on Lee. Yeah, which began the campaign This is the Rappanton right here Richmond and you keep on fucking the Rappanton. What's what was the keep on dancing on the Rappanton? I'll find the river. Hold on nothing. I'm not used to
Starting point is 00:55:25 One v two is a voice The Rupanton, what's the? We keep on dancing on the Rupanton. I'll find the river, hold on. Nothing I'm not used to. Yeah. One V two. It's always not one V two at all. Two V one. Yeah. Just gonna do a little historical fact check here. How's the new station? The Rapidan River.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Hey Francis, I think we're gonna move topics. That's all it is though. I think we're gonna move on from the history topic. I'm not gonna play a 30 second telling of that story. And be like, see? Hey Francis, it moved on. I'm gonna play the name of my favorite rivers. We're on to the next.
Starting point is 00:55:53 I'm about to play the pronunciation of some of my favorite rivers. What are your top three rivers? Give them to me. Schuylkill, the Delaware, and the mighty Monongahela. Oh, very good choices. Thank you. Google, the Delaware and the mighty Monong Gila. Oh, very good choices. Thank you. Delaware is definitely top three for me.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I have a home base. Mississippi and Missouri are, I mean, those are Baydancers. Chattahooch. Chattahooch is nice. Wait, Sass, which ones are your top three? Definitely Delaware, because I fish off of the branches of the Delaware when I'm in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:56:24 And I really want to fish the Madison River in Montana. That sounds very fun. I like the Chattahoochee. You know the song? Have you ever set foot in it or have you seen it? I fell into it. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:56:42 Up to my neck. The actual Chattahoochee? The actual Chattahoochee The actual Chattahooch. And it was right after they had an E. coli breakout. What I love most about River's is you can't step in the same river twice. Cause it's always moving. That's Pocahontas.
Starting point is 00:56:54 That's good. I got you singing a musical song now and you didn't even know it. This entrapment. You fall right into my trap. No one knows Pocahontas better than me. What I love most about River's is you can't step in the same river twice. You can. That's Pocahontas. Actually me. What I love most about rivers is you can't step in the same river twice.
Starting point is 00:57:06 You can. That's Pocahontas. Actually, that's like one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Roast her ass. South Branch of Arden, been in that shit fucking a hundred times. What's your top three, Francis?
Starting point is 00:57:18 As you list 15. Middle fork of the salmon. Great. I guess more broadly we could just say the salmon, but the middle fork specifically. Where's that? Upstate. Idaho.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Oh, wow. Oh, really? You've been there? We've talked about this. I always assumed you were talking about the Salmon River in upstate New York. No. You've been to the Salmon River in Idaho?
Starting point is 00:57:37 Down the middle fork of the Salmon River in Idaho. Really? Yeah. That's like one of my dream places to go. It's amazing. It's amazing. It's amazing. You wanna hear a funny story? I might've told you this.
Starting point is 00:57:47 So when we were trying to plan a fishing trip like a couple of years ago, and we were all extending like spots, and I was like, my friends were all sending spots out west cause they all live out there. And I was like, guys, I feel like we're really like, we're really like brushing away from the East coast, like upstate New York, Vermont, Maine,
Starting point is 00:58:03 like there's really good fishing spots. Like we could try to go to one of these places. And I sent the Salmon River and I was sending photos of this. There's the Salmon River in upstate New York is like one of the best rivers for steelhead in probably all of the East Coast. So I was sending the Salmon River
Starting point is 00:58:19 and I'm like, guys, we got to check out like, and I was sending photos with like the mountains. And I was like, this is incredible. Like this is, I was like, this is three hours away from New York city. Like, why don't we go here? And then Beau looks it up and he was like, dude, that's the Salmon River in Idaho. And I was sending screenshots of the Salmon River
Starting point is 00:58:34 in Idaho being like, this is four hours away from my apartment. This is where I live, bro. And you never visit me. Yeah, exactly. In my defense, if you look up the Salmon River on Apple Maps, it comes up with the Salmon River But it comes up with photos of the Salmon River. It wasn't amazing Yeah, I was incredible
Starting point is 00:58:54 Show me a picture of it's probably 10 or 11 and it was just one of those big big groups And it was my whole family. We went is your parent. Are your parents pretty good at whitewater rafting? I mean, you know, there's whatever, 12 people on a boat with a guide. Mostly the big ones are just kind of bouncing down the river. There's not a lot of issues or need to, you know, be particularly skilled. However, on the second day, I think it was like a week long trip, and the guides and some whatever, the people who were curating the trip
Starting point is 00:59:33 would go ahead and set up the tents at the end of the day, way down the river for where you would stay. And then we'd have, at night we'd have group dinners, and I don't know, there were probably like 40 people on this thing. Would they be spoke dinners? Were you sitting on the ground or were you cross-legged? They'd have little folding tables and set up
Starting point is 00:59:51 and you know, it was family style. It was cool. But everything was outside, you camped every night. Yeah. But on the second day, they brought out these things called duckies, which were the inflatable kayaks. And there were about six or seven of them. And I always wanted to be in the duckies, which were the inflatable kayaks. And there were about six or seven of them.
Starting point is 01:00:05 And I always wanted to be in the duckies. So first day I was in a ducky. And the middle fork of the salmon has, I think class three rapids. Yeah, probably. Do you know how the highest classification? What is it? Four or five?
Starting point is 01:00:20 I think it's five. It's nine, dumb ass. But five is like full blown waterfalls. Well, it's a waterfall, yeah. Wrong, wrong. No, it wasn't. It's nine, dumbass. Five is like full blown waterfalls. It's a waterfall, yeah. Wrong, wrong. No, it wasn't. Yeah. You were gonna say 10.
Starting point is 01:00:29 I don't care if you were wrong. You were gonna say 10. Guys. Sorry. So. Apologize. You apologize. I already did apologize.
Starting point is 01:00:37 You apologize. You're derailing for no reason. You're cutting him off and being disrespectful. Please, please shut up. Okay, Rome, apologize. I'm sorry. I don't want that from you. It's him.
Starting point is 01:00:48 You're this guy. I'm fascinated by the story. I want to hear mine. I'm locked in too. Well, the duckies would come out and- What's a duckie? Is the inflatable kayak. So he hasn't been listening.
Starting point is 01:00:59 It's just me and you now. Let's just talk. Yeah, I'm 10 years old and we're going down Class 3 rapids. The first one I go down, flip. Really? Yeah. We got helmets and we got life jackets on.
Starting point is 01:01:08 But now you're floating and they've told you try to float feet first down the thing. But the rapids are pretty serious. I mean, you're bouncing around. You know why you go feet first? I do know. Yeah. So you can fend off rocks with your legs.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Oh, I thought it was because if you go head first, there's a chance your feet get caught. And then you're just head first, just getting pushed down into the water. There may be truth to that. But yeah, so whatever. Flipped, rushed down the river, get past the set of rapids, and they pick you up.
Starting point is 01:01:40 They fish you out. Fine, it was fine. It was exhilarating. It was fun. On the last fine, it was exhilarating, it was fun. On the last day, it was the final day, I got enough people had had their turn in the duckies that I got to go again. And I wanted to go again and we're going.
Starting point is 01:01:56 And it's kind of low key, it's not particularly hard rapids. And I'm just sort of floating and I go through one and then my ducky turns sideways and I go through one and then my ducky turns sideways and I go sideways over a rock, a rock rabbit. And that immediately flips me and I land in the eddy, you know, the swirl where the water comes around the rock and then comes back down.
Starting point is 01:02:19 That's how you die. And the boat, the little boat flipped on top of me. And it was upside down. So the water was pulling me down and I'm under the boat, the little boat flipped on top of me. Yeah. And it was upside down. So the water was pulling me down and I'm under the boat and I'm drowning, drowning. Yeah. Fully drowning.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Yeah. Screaming, and one of the guides, this Australian guy, they were in proper whitewater rafting kayaks and really knew what he was doing. And he was banging on the top of the ducky with his paddle saying, get out, get out. And I'm like, I can't, you know, I'm 10. So were you breathing?
Starting point is 01:02:53 Cause you were under the kayak? Yeah, but I was getting like lungfuls of water. Yeah, yeah. I'm wearing a life jacket, but the water was so powerfully pushing me down. And somehow they ended up flipping the boat back over. And You were out of the boat though, right? You weren't like strapped in. I up flipping the boat back over. And- You were out of the boat though, right?
Starting point is 01:03:06 You weren't like strapped in. I'm under the boat. No, no. Yeah, there were no, it was a bullshit kayak. It was not a, there was no skirt. I couldn't do a roll, which I've since learned how to do by the way. And it's really fun.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Yeah. So why would you not be an Olympic kayaker if you could already roll? I know. I would like to get back into kayaking. Is that a real thing? Yes. But it's like fun. Yeah. So why would you not be an Olympic kayaker if you could already roll? I know. I would like to get back into kayaking. Is that a real thing? Yes. But it's like on courses, though.
Starting point is 01:03:29 It's almost like indoor. It's like a tight-ass course. But I'll never forget that moment. That was probably the most scared I've ever been in my life. To this day, I can think about that and the feeling of being trapped under that boat. But last thought, it of the, you know, it was so well curated this whole trip.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And on the third or fourth day, my grandfather came and he's an avid fly, or he was an avid fly fisherman. And they had set up one of the whitewater rafting boats to be just this lazy drifting one with seats on it, where a lot of the older people and the guys who'd like to fly fish could fly fish off the boat as they went down the river. So there's all kinds of different things
Starting point is 01:04:10 that you could do on that whitewater rafting trip. At one point we passed under a drawbridge, like this rope bridge that connected the right bank of the river to a cattle farm on the left, and we saw mountain lions stalking across the bridge to go presumably kill a fucking livestock, a cow or whatever. Super cool wildlife, bird life. Only sad thing was that there was a lot of devastation
Starting point is 01:04:39 from forest fires, and that was like 25 years ago. Before they were alive. I can imagine it's way worse now. But it was truly a formulative experience. That's pretty sick. I want to go there so bad. It was awesome. All right, second favorite river?
Starting point is 01:04:52 Wait, wait, wait. Let me show you. Let me show you just so I can show you that I wasn't being dumbass. No, we believed you. I don't think that that was something that we were going to call it. Are you showing me a picture? Are you showing? Look, Salmon River, Hamilton County, New York.
Starting point is 01:05:02 And then these are the photos of the river. Wow, that looks fucking incredible. Those, I mean the mountains in the background are. This is not in upstate New York, and then these are the photos of the river. Wow, that looks fucking incredible. I mean, the mountains in the background are... This is not in upstate New York. It's in Idaho. There was a guy on our trip who had played five seasons in the NFL as an offensive lineman. Damn. And he did it every night, someone who would kind of give a talk if there was someone interesting
Starting point is 01:05:21 in the group about what they had done. And I remember being the most excited to hear his story. But that was the first time I learned that like NFL players, most of them do not have 15 year careers and make tons of money. Because he was like, yeah, season three, I tore my Achilles, season four, I broke my tricep. Then it was a wrap.
Starting point is 01:05:41 I made $600,000. You're like, huh? You know, I just fucked I don't want your autograph Yeah Second you kind of are fucked when that happens to you Yeah, cuz it's like you didn't get you probably got a degree in some bullshit thing I mean they want to be in 24 like everybody else that's 24 I don't think it's that I don't think you're fucked if you played three years in the NFL the connections you have are probably
Starting point is 01:06:06 Incredible if you may even if you made league minimum for three years you've made over a million dollars by the time you're like 24 There's nothing that's true. I don't think you're exactly fucked But I mean if there's some people who don't have transferable skill sets or like who just blow through the money like it's always gonna be There yeah, there's probably some people who come out broke But I mean this seems like this guy had the wherewithal to like one. If he was on the Salmon River he's probably doing good. Yeah, probably started a used car sales lot in Texas and you know Because he was this gigantic likeable guy. Yeah. What's your second two favorite rivers? The Socko River in Maine? I want to go with a local home favorite for me.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Yeah, what's your favorite? Respect, like the Socko River. And your third? The Socko River, you could do a lazy river down. It flowed nice and easy. You could get some inner tubes linked together. That's why I like to skookle. Same lazy river type of thing.
Starting point is 01:06:59 I love that. That's incredible. That's an elite activity. Yeah. End of summer. I've become a fan of, well, any real river that runs through a city or adjacent to a city that you can actually swim in because it's still clean.
Starting point is 01:07:15 I'm always very impressed. Like Travis in... That's exactly what I was thinking of. That's a nice one. Why? That's a river, right? I think so, the one that's in Austin, yeah. I think that's so cool that they do those huge flotillas
Starting point is 01:07:27 on hot days. Everyone goes out there. You rent a kayak. You're in the middle of the downtown. Are you doing it in Atlanta anytime soon? No, now, if you do go check out the Chattahooch. Can you swim in it? Yeah. That's cool. But that's not it doesn't split the downtown, does it?
Starting point is 01:07:44 No, but it's really nice Chicago River is like the idea that you can just take boats through personal boats is kind of nice. Yeah, that's cool Wait down on your own. What are what are other? Big cities that have a swimmable river in them as a body of water Milwaukee has a river through the middle of it, definitely not swimmable. Yeah. Just, I don't know, Europe, European cities. Have you seen that clip of that city? I think it's in Austria, where people will commute to work
Starting point is 01:08:12 by floating by the river. Yes, I have. That's incredible. They put their work belongings in a waterproof bag and just float down the river. No, that's awesome, though. It's the coolest thing ever. How do they get home, though?
Starting point is 01:08:23 Walk. Do they have to take the 16-mile loop with the river? It may be that they actually get home that way. That would be an awesome way to end the day. Decompress. Decompress, just floating in the water. In a suit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:35 A full business suit. Yeah. Your ass in the water in Tom Ford. Awesome. I love that. Yeah, that would be so, I don't know. I mean, do you think that that happens every day? Like there's like traffic jams on the river
Starting point is 01:08:47 because it's rush hour? No, if it's like raining, I'm sure people aren't fucking. Where are they even getting, like how are they restocking the inner tubes? Are you blowing up? Are you carrying your inner tube to work? I didn't see them having inner tubes.
Starting point is 01:09:00 I saw them just floating with their inflatable, or their bag of belongings, their waterproof bag, and then just floating down the river. I'm gonna pull up a picture of that. Do you think there's any homeless people that just live on the float? Like they're just constantly flowing in a circle? Like people who stay in the subway?
Starting point is 01:09:15 Yeah, like they're just always floating. It would be nice, but is everyone healthy to be in the water that long? Yeah, definitely. How? Two Swiss cities. You get dehydrated? Bas water that long? Yeah, definitely. How? Two Swiss cities. You get dehydrated? Basel and Bern. Yeah, I think.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Basel and Bern, workers commute in the river, not in a boat. Those are big cities, aren't they? Yeah, Bern's huge, I think. That's pretty sick. Yeah. People just, in Bern, they just fucking float? Like bikers in Amsterdam? That's cool. Swim to work, yeah. Like, yes, they just fucking float. Like bikers in Amsterdam.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Swim to work, yeah. I guess, yeah. Super cool. I've got another top three, but I'm not gonna, I don't really wanna give up my honey holes like that. That's why I've kinda gone with just like, well known. Yeah, same. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Like my top three are definitely different. I would put the Delaware in my actual top three though. Delaware's great. It's historic. Yeah. Washington. Best painting of a river, probably. What are other good river paintings? There's got to be some Rubicon-ass fucking paintings. There's some really nice rivers out in like this Pacific Northwest. What river splits the Grand Canyon?
Starting point is 01:10:28 Santa Fe, is that, what's the river that splits the Grand Canyon? Just exposed myself. I mean, I'm embarrassed that I can't think of it either. Isn't it the Colorado? Yeah, it's gotta be. I don't think it's the Colorado. River Boy, you don't know it?
Starting point is 01:10:45 The Arkansas River in Colorado is a very nice river. The Colorado River you were right. I'm more of a fan of the Arkansas. You just had no idea. Runs through Colorado. You've never heard of the Grand Canyon have you? No. It's your first time.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Happy to learn you. It's actually beautiful. I'd love to see it. It's like three hours upstate of here. Yeah. It's actually beautiful. I'd love to see it. It's like three hours upstate of here. Yeah. It's really nice. Yeah that's like where I went fishing in Pennsylvania. What was that river called? Like Pine River or something like that? I don't know, I forget what it was called but they call that area the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania. Hmm really? It's like they call it the Grand Canyon. Pennsylvania I
Starting point is 01:11:21 think is a bunch of like tiny towns that exist in different countries or there's like a Scotland and then Aleppo which is where? Syria? Yep. Aren't you from Pennsylvania? What? Yes but what does that have to do with it? Aleppo is in like Western Pennsylvania by Pittsburgh. Got it. So what was your point about me being from Pennsylvania? That's why I knew the fact. Yeah but you said it like you were guessing. I'm saying where Aleppo is, the actual city that it's referencing. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Smart ass. It's amazing. I really had enough out of you. This is crazy to not be like up to date on like Pennsylvania knowledge. I'm about to put your ass in detention. Cause I'm starting to wonder if you're even from Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 01:12:01 I could see you being like a Jersey guy. Just one week together. And now this is exactly what it's, this is what it's been with me for him for fucking ever. And it's eerie to hear it. I feel like I'm looking through the looking glass at someone else living my life. And I'm yelling out like, no!
Starting point is 01:12:22 There are a lot of Jersey people that claim philly yeah so i'm just starting to putting it all together i've got questions because i asked if Aleppo is in syria why don't you give me your parents phone numbers i'm going to make some calls after this double check some info 610 turns out his real name is Clarence Clarence's parents have a real good marriage Clarence parents have a real good marriage Don't talk to me like this Cranbook is actually a private school too. Really. I might need to get to the airport. Where are you going? You're going to golf
Starting point is 01:12:58 No, you son of a bitch. Yeah, where are you going? I'm going to Colorado for what skiing. Mm-hmm Yeah, that's so should I go come? I got nothing this weekend. Come through. I thought you were going to a city. No. That's gonna be awesome. Yeah. Who are you staying with? Your brothers? My buddy. Yeah, his family has a house out near Beaver Creek. The idea of just randomly finding out Francis has like eight brothers. Maki Ricky Tommy, Terry, Donnie and Brian. My brothers are getting the house up. And you don't remember you dropped me off at my brother's on the way home from West Virginia. The fuck you thought?
Starting point is 01:13:36 It turns out Francis is the youngest by like 20 years. He's got like fucking 60 year old brothers. They all have lots of property in Colorado. Oh, yeah. I used to when I was a kid, when I was like six or seven, I used to tell people that I had an older brother because I wanted one badly. I think anyone that didn't have a brother has done that.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Wanted said said you had a guy, one thousand percent said I had brothers. I didn't say that. I don't have a brother. I never said that I Don't know why I did I don't know what the I did 100% did and I was like he's six eight and he skateboards I wanted a brother so bad. I Don't know. Those are just my thought. I guess what I thought was cool being like a six eight skateboard Do six eight dudes even skateboards? I don't think so
Starting point is 01:14:27 You gotta get custom trucks They can't even fit on a skateboard Custom trucks custom bearings You're either 6'8 or you skateboard Reinforced deck Or you're 5'8 and you skateboard Being a 6'8 skateboarder would be insane I bought a zoo York deck
Starting point is 01:14:40 Where are you skiing this weekend? Give us the mountain Vail, Vail and Beaver Creek. That sounds so nice. It's gonna be great. A lot of pow down there right now too. I don't know exactly. They've had a pretty big amount. I've been talking to my connect zone in Colorado and they're saying it's pissing. They're saying it's pissing powder all day. Is that even good? Yeah. Every time I talk to Peters, he's like, he's like, we just got a foot. We got a foot last night. I'm just giving you a heads up. I wanted to be like shit. You're walking in. You're walking into some rhyme. I'm going to bring out my
Starting point is 01:15:16 boats. I'm bringing my powder boats. You ever, you know, you were getting the, uh, I got these, I had these when I was really young. You ever get the, uh, the really small skis? No, I didn't. I wasn't one of those guys guys get them. They're fun. I still have I know those kids Those kids ended up not doing well in life though. I had them. I'm doing great You probably didn't have them long enough though. I used them once yeah there you go Kids who really thought that those were the things see I got them cuz I want their scrubbing dishes I want to use them in my yard one I wanted to use them in my yard. A fruit one.
Starting point is 01:15:45 I wanted to use them in my yard and I would build jumps on like a hill that we had. Yeah. And the problem was. We all built jumps. The problem was with those skis, they're so small that they don't really bend. So you would go to hit the jump
Starting point is 01:15:57 and your skis would just go straight through the base of the jump and you would just tip right over. And there's zero flex to them at all. So I had to bring out the Armandas. What they called ski skates? Something like that. They're fun though.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Yeah. I'll get them. I'll bring, I'll give them to you. Wait, what'd you get after that? The what? My Armandas. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:17 I thought you said Armandas. I did. I fully did say that. He did too. You're always adding some consonants. Why not? I love it. The little spice.
Starting point is 01:16:27 That's how the Spanish do it. A little tilde. All right, good stuff, enjoy your flight. Thank you guys, appreciate it. Enjoy your weekend. Thanks. I'll see you out there. I'm coming home a day early.
Starting point is 01:16:39 So we can record. When I say a day early, I mean, it's a long weekend, President's weekend. Oh, really stay out there. No, I'm gonna come home on Sunday. Fuck. No, that's stupid. No, no, no. Okay. Sunday's gonna be the crazy day. Well, I'm just saying, you guys, I've sacrificed my President's Day completely. You know, you guys here I am putting my President's Day on the chopping block. You
Starting point is 01:17:01 guys didn't make it home after the Super Bowl, which I get. That's what I'm saying. But I'm going to president's day on the chopping block. You guys didn't make it home after the Super Bowl, which I get. That's what I'm saying. But I am going to come home a day early on a long weekend to make sure I can do the broadcast. All right, let's do it on the day. We'll put out the episode Wednesday. No. Why? Who cares?
Starting point is 01:17:16 Because the fans care and I care about them. Or we'll just put it out late on Tuesday again. No. I've already got my flights booked. I didn't even, I wasn't even planning to tell you guys this until you guys all just were like, yeah, I don't even know if the Eagles are gonna let us come home to record the pod.
Starting point is 01:17:33 They're actually, they're saying they want us to join the team. They want us to go down for the parade. They need us driving the buses. It's also one of those things too where it's like, I get why he had a hard time getting home. You couldn't tell ya. Don't drink. I didn't have a hard time. Went to bed early. I didn't have a hard time getting home. You? Couldn't tell you. Don't drink. I didn't have a hard time.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Went to bed early. I didn't have a hard time getting home. Played video games all weekend. Had nothing to do with the Super Bowl. I had not. I didn't put out any content. Went to the games, sat with an old man. I didn't have a hard time getting home. I went home and Barstool told me it was time to go home. You flew home through another city and missed the flight. That's not true at all.
Starting point is 01:18:07 You said you were flying home through Charlotte and you missed the flight. I missed the flight to Charlotte. I never I never got to Charlotte. Oh, whoops. I guess I'm saying it wrong. And and I would have got I got I got home different from what I said. You know what? When I landed when I landed landed, when I landed, when I landed at JFK, I got an email from
Starting point is 01:18:29 American saying, welcome to New York. Cause I, my flight landed the exact same time as that other flight landed. So it didn't change anything. Just made it less inconvenient for me. I can't even follow. I don't know what we're talking about. You're not even trying to follow bro. I am. And to be honest. I don't have time for this bullshit I got a flight to tell you I got a flight to tell you ride that I have to catch right now And you're here picking my brain about fucking God knows what you don't have a flight to tell you right? I wish I did I know you should go out there. It's fucking awesome. It is awesome. All right. Thank you everybody All right, we'll see you guys next week.
Starting point is 01:19:06 You got anything coming up? Oh yeah, Boston. I'm gonna be in Boston next week. Atlanta too. And Atlanta the week after that. We'll be at New Brunswick Stress Factory March 8th and then Providence in early April. That's all I've got right now.
Starting point is 01:19:20 slash Francis Ellis. Thanks everybody. Harrysaddlewe a was over, still, still underground. So I looked over to you, came around. I was only falling one way I was only falling one way Days were drifting For was I So, so then you listen Now I come alive I was only falling one way
Starting point is 01:20:40 I was only falling one way I was only falling one way I was only falling one way Fetish drew your eye Did you realize No one can take me alive I was only falling one way See it just a distant light, feel it fast forever bright, call it just a memory, take my hand and you can see I'm falling
Starting point is 01:21:49 I'm falling I'm falling I'm falling I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, Did you realize? No one could take me alive.

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