Son of a Boy Dad - Shiboky | Son of a Boy Dad #192

Episode Date: April 18, 2024

Shiboky | Son of a Boy Dad #192 -- Follow us on our socials: -- Merch: -- SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE #SonOfAB...oyDad #BarstoolSportsYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Son of a Boy Dad listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. I don't know if I want to sit over here. It looks good. It's becoming a view. It's actually iconic. All right, ready?
Starting point is 00:00:20 Yep. All righty, welcome back to the Son of a Boy Dad podcast. Today it is April 16th. Taxes are due tomorrow. You guys file? They were due yesterday. No, not in New York. What?
Starting point is 00:00:35 17th. Or Massachusetts. 17th? You're filing in Massachusetts? No. Bro, get the IRS in here right now. No, me and my accountant had a long talk this morning, and he said, well, the first problem is you don't live in Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:00:50 And I was like, fuck. I thought they were going to let it slide again. Wait, because you did try to file in Massachusetts. Yes. And it turns out that you're a dirty liar. It turns out that's not allowed. Well, for some people it is. I was like, well, my parents live in massachusetts and he was like
Starting point is 00:01:05 do you live with your parents and i was like no and he's like have you lived in massachusetts at all this year and i was like i haven't lived in massachusetts in five years so filing in new york so i guess i'm late to taxes that's the answer yes you brought this up trying to be like we have two extra days and then it turns out you're late i'm late and i owe so much money i found out i looked up what it would take for me to change my residence my primary residence to somewhere that's not in the city so that i don't have to pay city tax yeah which is four percent or something yeah and it was the list of things that you have to do
Starting point is 00:01:45 is kind of absurd really they said you need to change on your driver's license what your thing is i was like what the fuck does that matter my driver's license right now doesn't is not my current address my driver's license right now is massachusetts and it's not even the address that my parents live exactly nobody cares about that why would that matter why would it why would the irs be like come on it says something you need to have that up to speed that doesn't matter yeah so could you just do that and it'd be done or do you have to no there's a bunch of other things you got to do that you got to do that that's the most important thing you got to wake up in that place a hundred it's crazy they can track that
Starting point is 00:02:27 that's some skynet shit there's just a drone hovering outside it's your cell phone you gotta give you gotta have a burner phone what do they do if people have two cell phones you give true leave just leave one at the house leave one and have my some gardener sending texts yeah hola i mean hello boy it is a beautiful day up here not in new york city i think you can get away with it dude there has to be ways that you can get around it i had an old uh accountant that would always say whenever i'd be like fuck i owe so much in taxes he'd be like so you're telling me the problem is you made too much money good catholic guy irish catholic my accountant kind of roasted me in a way he was like uh he was like so you're a
Starting point is 00:03:15 comedian right and i was like yeah and he was like uh he's like it says you for costumes you only have 57 dollars in expenses. And I was like, yeah, I kind of just wear the same thing every day. And he was like, you don't have like, uh, like puppets or anything like,
Starting point is 00:03:32 like, like Jeff Dunham. And I was like, no. And he's like, yeah, he's a little bit more of a unique stage presence than you. I have to imagine.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And I was like, God damn, dude. You don't bring watermelons on stage and a massive hammer like that? I got a Jeff Dunham it up for this. Yeah. What? Fuck him.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Must be a huge Jeff Dunham fan. Yeah. That's amazing. So you're a comedian. What's your best puppet? Yeah. Dude, we took an Uber in Detroit to the airport, and it's a long drive from Royal Oak. And so I'm with Brandon Barrera
Starting point is 00:04:05 my opener and Brandon uh speak of the devil this is bad this is tax stuff oh yeah I gotta take it hello whoa hey can I call you back in an hour I I'm sorry. Okay, I'll call you back. I'm sorry. Thanks. Bye. You know you got a real tax guy when he answers and he's already talking? He was talking to someone else. Yeah, he was mid-conference.
Starting point is 00:04:32 He was. You knew his first name. Yeah, I did. That's crazy. But I kept it out. We were in an Uber and we're in Detroit. That was pretty badass. That whole interaction.
Starting point is 00:04:44 By the way, way yesterday did you notice that he started telling that story and i started trying to do to him what he does to me but he didn't catch on and i just gave up because it got weird i did i noticed that i didn't notice that that's what you were doing that's hilarious i noticed it you were sassing sass that thing where when you notice the whole story i just powered through i because i took my foot off the gas no i was gonna i knew it's the second you said the first thing i was like oh i see what you're doing and then i just powered through but i wasn't doing it as i hadn't cranked i'm smart i wonder if you had kept your foot on the gas it's like in that movie ferrari where only one car can occupy the space
Starting point is 00:05:19 so it's like you have to keep on pushing it one of you would have had to relent at some point i seeded okay so in that regard you did win maybe i did i always win but i also just i'm always gonna come out i realized i'm not enough of an asshole as you are to keep that thing going yeah where someone starts where you someone starts telling a story and then you ask clarifying questions or make your own points throughout yes to completely derail the train of the thought yeah but i'm better at it than you are i don't think you can help yourself no i i can easily choose not to it's just it's your style yes it's how i podcast that's my podcast style it's just podcasting i'm still working on finding my voice yeah no that's your voice we were in an uber
Starting point is 00:06:06 okay you and braxton barrios yeah braxton and alex earl brandon barrera and uh the guy finds out because brandon tells him he asked what we do and brandon says we're comedians and the guy tell it says tell me joke. And we wouldn't have, but he was black. So we felt like we had to. Because they're cooler. They're cooler. And I want their approval. So luckily, Brandon actually decided to start telling the joke. And he told like a new bit that he's working on.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Oh, no. And it's a long bit. And it's very sort of embryonic right now. And afterwards afterwards the guy laughed at one part and then didn't really laugh the rest of the way and he was like hmm okay i see what you're i see what you're going for there he's like but if i'm honest like i think that that the the last half isn't there yet and and like kind of started giving him notes yeah and and and then like gave him real notes were they good no and then he was like i've always thought maybe i could
Starting point is 00:07:15 do comedy everyone because uh i just tell it like it is and i this and then he started telling us a story about this time that he banged a bunch of hookers with his buddies. Yeah. Because they had them for a certain amount of time. And then the women were reminded them with half an hour to go. They were like, hey, you guys still have 30 minutes left. And he goes, when I said that I had my draws off so fast that I got up in there. And he's telling us this really graphic story as
Starting point is 00:07:47 we were pulling up to the airport he like wouldn't let you out he circled around again um but to be fair his story was kind of funny no i was gonna say it sounds like he's already better than all of us easily yeah well what was his name we need to get him on i could find it but there's room in the yeah you gotta find this guy's name. I don't think I will. Next time you're in Detroit, go see Carl the cab driver. He's fucking incredible. Anytime someone hits me with that,
Starting point is 00:08:15 they're like, tell me a joke then. I always hit them with this one. What city has the best back doctors? Cairo. Oh, very fun. That's pretty good fun i always hit him with that one bro fucking kill super drivers you gotta have one of those lined up you got someone says do you have a joke you need a one people want to joke like it's on a bubble gum wrapper yeah they want it like uh they read it in mad magazine or a playboy or some shit like that yeah they
Starting point is 00:08:42 don't want a bit i have one and i never would do it but uh then all my other stuff it's like what am i going to say what am i going to do i'm going to run through my five minute u-haul joke what's what's the one what's the one that you got oh it was uh it was going to be uh wire priests super anti-school shooting because they're running out of kids to fuck. Yeah. That's a quick one. You would do that in Uber?
Starting point is 00:09:11 No, it's a quick one. It's a quick one, right? It's a quick jab. I used to do that on stage. It was longer than that, but I was thinking, because I always saw, I was seeing those TikTokers going around and being like,
Starting point is 00:09:20 what do you do for work? And I was like, if I said I was a comedian, they'd be like, tell us a joke. And then that would be the joke I would tell. That's pretty good. It's almost as bad as someone like telling a rapper like oh bust out of freestyle right i saw danny jackal do that to
Starting point is 00:09:32 sean paul yesterday like freestyle for me yeah what do you do do you freestyle i think he might have i don't know i just felt so bad for him i feel like that's such a a nasty move and especially to demand it just to say it so glibly just like yeah you you can and will do this for me right now yeah pissed me off same with telling a joke though it's just uh i don't know the only time i've ever been in an uber where i've told i usually just say i'm visiting friends and uh and i told one dude that i was in in alabama i think and i said i was there for comedy and then he went on to like a 20 minute rant basically being like white people aren't even allowed to say the n-word anymore
Starting point is 00:10:10 and i was like is he white yeah and i was like yeah man i know and he's like but good for you because you're up there and i'm sure you're really letting like everything fly and i was like absolutely i was like you gotta come see my. A lot of N-words in there. Yeah. It's like that fucking Problem song. Yeah. Yeah, that's, yeah, I don't know what people expect comedy to be, but I'm pretty sure everybody thinks, if you ask any man, they think they're funny.
Starting point is 00:10:41 There's no dude that doesn't think that they're funny. Not a single one that fucking walks the face of the earth like i could do this especially they do when they meet you a comedian because they think they meet you and they think there's nothing special about this person right he hasn't made me laugh yet it's like well he doesn't even have a costume i'm in an uber on the way to the airport and i'm exhausted from doing the work. Yeah. I'm off right now. I'm chilling. But I'm also not in the belief that people, I think anyone could do comedy.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I don't think it's like- No, yeah, I agree with that. I think any of my friends, if they tried to do comedy and actually worked at it, they would be great at comedy. I have a friend who I actually think if he did it, it wouldn't take long for him to be better than I am. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Fundamentally. Yeah. It always pissed me off that he's doing stuff that makes real money i was talking about that with someone yesterday and i was saying i was like when i was growing up i was not even close to the funniest person in my friend group right my friends were always way funnier than me they just didn't care enough to try at it yeah it's just a craft the uh well yeah when anybody you just can't tell people the truth otherwise they're going to just have way more questions roan's always dropping that he's going to go try it someday it's like text me yesterday ask him where uh where where a good open mic spot yeah i mean
Starting point is 00:11:54 we it's only a matter of time yeah until you and i was asking for my uh my my boy's uh brother-in-law yeah my boy my boy chris's brother-in-law i sent him My boy Chris's brother-in-law. I sent him that website. That fun fact, Francis actually sent me that website before I ever even started comedy. Brad Slava? Yeah. Is that still operating? Yeah. That's the way?
Starting point is 00:12:13 There's way more options now than there was when I started. There's a place right around the corner, but you said not to go at 4.30. I said don't do 5 p.m. spots because there will be no one there. 4.30 is a crazy time. Yeah. I've done those and you get there thinking it's going to, you forget that everyone else that's doing it has an actual job, like a real job. So you get there and you're like, oh man, this is going to be great.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I'm going to be home by six. And then you get there and it's just you and a host. Yeah, but you want to be the first person to sign up so that you get to go early. Because then if you go later in the show, everyone's gone. Yeah, but at like a 5 p.m. show, everyone's just getting off work. no one's doing that a lot of when i was doing open mics nobody had jobs oh really they were all just fucking yeah they were able to get there at four sign up go first and then they would watch the next comedian and then they would walk out to go to the 7 p.m mics yeah and by the time you went no one was left yeah that's brutal yeah i wonder what would
Starting point is 00:13:06 have happened if i had like the first two times i did it i like opened for some dude at like the hard rock cafe in philly the only two times i ever did it he was just like hey come open for me and uh obviously i suck dick but it was like 2014 and so i wonder like damn what if i had just continued to do it for the last 10 years i mean you'd be you're so much more poised for it than either he or i or when sass was like i'm gonna try it him or me you got it pronouns are tough i know fucking you got you've got dana wrapped around your finger though yeah but i don't mind getting it wrong as long as i correct myself yeah i think you could have got away with it even probably could have but that's not the mark of a proper uh sensei
Starting point is 00:13:56 yeah you could have done yeah does you think dana's actually uh like memorizing what do you think he's doing with those fucking basketball lists? I don't know. I was going through it the other night. I was trying to figure out if I could name a player on every single NFL team. And it was very easy. And then the only team that I couldn't was the Saints. You're going to name a player?
Starting point is 00:14:19 No. Damn. And I still don't think I can. Who's their quarterback? Derek Carr. Yeah. He's still don't think I can. Who's their quarterback? Derek Carr. Yeah. He's kind of nuts, right? He loves Jesus, if that's what you mean.
Starting point is 00:14:32 No, he yells at the team all the time. No, not really. He's God-fearing. People like him. People like playing with him. He's likable, God-fearing. He does not miss church. You said last year that the the saints were gonna be really good
Starting point is 00:14:45 i never said that we could pull we could pull the tapes i would never say that the eagles have their draft pick no last year going into the 2023 season you said i think the saints are gonna be really good this year no way i i remember it then i remember it whoever the dude is that's uh like making up the best yes find, we need that guy. Who is that guy? He's from Maine. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Did you reach out to him? No, I just liked one of his posts or maybe I followed him because I actually thought he worked here. And then he messaged me and was excited about it. Have you clicked on his YouTube? No. It's funny. His YouTube is... Is it Lakers account? It's like Lakers clips?
Starting point is 00:15:23 No, there's three or four posts three of them are for us and then one of them is for matt and shane ours have combined probably 2 000 views the man chain one has 700 000 views you should probably have done more of those what are you doing absolutely why did he come over to ours maybe it's like an investment maybe it's like this is a penny stock yeah this is gonna be big so eventually these will but then maybe people will go look it up and he'll be the only one that's ever made them highlight reels yeah the belief his belief in us it means the fucking world to me it does i'm about to fucking i'm about to take that boy out to a nice dinner
Starting point is 00:16:05 i was thinking i was thinking uh yesterday that me and you sass we should take francis out to a nice a nice dinner definitely why we got to sit you down and talk about some stuff then we'll bring hr we're not rearranging we are not putting your name on the sign i know we've been hinting at that that's not happening and you're just smacking, like shooing us away as the Fort Charles guy comes to saw your burger. Shut up. I'm filming this. I'm filming this. Francis, how hard is it to get a reservation at Fort Charles?
Starting point is 00:16:35 I was looking at it out of curiosity the other day and it was booked for months. Yeah. I don't know, to be honest with you. That's not how I do it. Yeah. I don't, i've never tried to use from what i hear that's impossible that if i were to mention away you gotta know someone yeah i have a friend a very dear friend my buddy with whom i won the member guests at my golf club
Starting point is 00:16:57 oh so and he was my guest so he we he has a standing every week wednesday 7 45 reservation for four people and he doesn't use it most of the time because you can't you don't go to four trails every week yeah going there every week but that's like having box tickets to the rangers or some shit it's like you give them out as a business thing yeah yeah and Yeah. And so he gives them away. And if I just hit him up and say, hey, you got any open slots in the next month? There's usually like a week or two that I could choose from. What about tomorrow? No, I'm going to Chicago, bro. Don't fuck with me.
Starting point is 00:17:39 How about next Tuesday? Me and Francis will go then. How about next Tuesday? Next Tuesday? It's wednesday it's next wednesday i said me and francis are gonna be in chicago that week no we're not i'm not we're going next wednesday what's going on here it's the day before my birthday what we should do that then next wednesday here's the question slammed that day you're such a bastard it's gonna have to be this week i'd love to have a nice steak with my boys that would be fun to go what did we go for his birthday last year yeah that was fun it was very fun with kb and nick
Starting point is 00:18:14 so we had six people or five people it was you me nick kb and ron yeah five yeah yeah yeah if we ask ahead we can get that big table. The only other time I've gone has been on someone else's standing reservation. And it makes me wonder, is the whole restaurant occupied with standing reservations? It's close. It's close to that. So it's like a club? It's close to that. Is that just a guarantee that they stay open because there's such a small space?
Starting point is 00:18:44 There's so few seatings In it because it's so small And then I think that That's what sort of guarantees That it's going to be fully occupied every week I would guess We could also go to Sema Oh
Starting point is 00:18:59 I would really like to go there I would love to go to Sema It's the best Indian place ever in the history of India. I would definitely do that. Get some chicken tiki masala. No, they don't have that. It's more innovative. It's like...
Starting point is 00:19:12 You got to think outside the box. No, no. You're going to fucking love it. Do they have naan? I'm sure they have naan, but it's probably made with some funky flour. They probably have some nice sag paneer or a fucking rogan josh or some shit like that yeah buriani um do you have a way to get in there because that place is impossible to get a reservation for i can make some calls yeah right dude i got a lot of indian bros you're gonna call
Starting point is 00:19:36 maresh yeah yo maresh you might be the most American bro I know. No, I got a couple Indian friends. Do you? I think. Ravi? Gunit? I don't know if they're actually Indian, though. Yeah, they could be Bangladeshi. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:54 They could be... Oh, you wouldn't confuse a Pakistani, probably. I have good feelings about visiting India. There's a part of me that wants to do it. Yeah? Because I know that even if you stay at a three-star hotel, it's the best accommodations you've ever had. Why? Really.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Oh, because the cash system. I don't know. That has to have something to do with it. Well, it's cheap. I mean, it's cheap over there. Things are cheap. But cheap doesn't always mean good accommodations. There has to be another reason. Right. I guess it's known that for Western business people who are traveling through that
Starting point is 00:20:27 they have to uphold a certain standard and that you're told if you are traveling you should eat at your hotel really and it has to be of a certain tier otherwise you're going to get sick interesting i wonder why that is so you just stay in the hotel the whole time don't eat street food don't drink tap water i just watched this new travel channel this dude named china mac he's this fucking sick rapper china mac exactly that guy yeah uh he uh he used to be on no jumper he's like a fucking-ass rapper. But he does a travel channel, and he just films himself going to all these, just goes to the hood in every single country.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And he went to the hood in India, and it looked so much fun. It was like some festival where they all slapped the shit out of each other with paint and stuff like that. And I think that India is getting a lot of bad press right now because of a couple Facebook, Twitter-y posts of like, I went through India and they fucking groped my wife type of shit. They're trying to make it seem like that is –
Starting point is 00:21:32 They are horny as hell out there. They're trying to make it seem like that's the universal – like there's two billion people. There's going to be some horny apples in the bunch. I think it's most. Yeah. Why do you think that? Because you're eating the propaganda up. Just because of instagram comments alone yeah well they look at us and they think i brought my wife to new york
Starting point is 00:21:49 and she got punched in the face yeah true they do is that guy still out punching i think so i heard that he was punching just because women are are walking around with their nipples out and he's just like hey i'm fucking married get these nipples out of my face traditionalist i'm a faithful i'm a faithful man to my wife that's reasonable you cut that shit out now he's the hero we need yeah not the one we deserve this shit is not cool fucking straighten up and fly right if you were walking down the street and out of nowhere you just got clocked in the side of the face and like went down and then you turned around and no one was there would you not be like that was the probably the funniest thing that's ever happened to me i don't think i would say i think i would be like that was fucking insane what do you mean no one was there like you turn around you're like who where what just happened and
Starting point is 00:22:38 everyone's like i have no idea why would what are you talking like the guy i'm assuming the guy i'm assuming the guy just i'm assuming the guy just takes off after, right? No, they know where he is. He doesn't like stand over them, like put his fucking foot on their chest. There's video of it. Oh, there is? I think he just like storms or he just like stomps around like an asshole. Yeah. I thought he was kind of like a geek in the night.
Starting point is 00:22:56 He's hitting women so they don't go fight him back. I thought he would just run up behind someone, clock them, and then disappear. He's just a phantom of the opera. You're thinking of the knockout game. Yeah, but i thought that's what the guy was doing just with women instead no he's something more sinister he's more dangerous what's his name again interesting shabuki oh wait this was the guy that had the what was the hat that he had yeah he had his own merch yeah he had merch with his name on it. It's like Shabuki something. What the fuck is his last name? Shabuki Young White?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Yeah. I don't think it's that, but it's Shabuki something. Do you know what it is? I'm looking it up right now. Shabuki? He has merch. About punching women? No, just with his name.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Huh. I gotta some. Shabuki Stora. Shabuki Stora. punching women no just with his name huh i gotta some shibuki stora shibuki arrested for sucker punching tiktoker yeah arrested for sucker punching tiktoker why is that so funny to you because it's hilarious that's what they read in court this next case Shibuki arrested for sucker punching TikToker. I don't think women would find that very funny, Seth. Why are you guys siding with it? It is hilarious. It's undeniably funny.
Starting point is 00:24:16 It doesn't matter if it's women or men. It's funny to get punched in the face out of nowhere. Didn't that happen to Nick? No. Are you positive? Yes. Nick got mugged. He got mugged. He didn't get punched in the face out of nowhere. Didn't that happen to Nick? No. Are you positive? Yes. Nick got mugged. He got mugged.
Starting point is 00:24:28 He didn't get punched. I thought that he got a couple. I thought that he got the whole... He hit for the cycle. It's hilarious to be walking down the street and just get clocked. Have you ever been punched in the face? No, but I imagine if I did, I would probably... It's not funny.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I would probably cry, and then I would probably get up and laugh and be like, that was nuts. What a rush that was. I cannot believe you think that it's funny. I would call my friends instantly and be like, you'll never guess what just happened to me. And they'll guess right away. It depends on how it happens.
Starting point is 00:24:59 If you get your nose broken or a tooth knocked out or you're bleeding. I saw Shibuki. i don't think he's capable of no shibuki's walking around like dionte wilder dude he's like six four and lean he's jacked but he's frail no he's old no he's not he's old and frail no he's in his prime right now he's gonna look back on these days and say i used to have it yeah this is the height of my he was probably having so much fun. He probably spent more time in throwing the punch than he did in jail.
Starting point is 00:25:30 He was just like touching base in jail and getting out right away. Someday the TikToker women are going to gain the upper hand. On Shibuki? He sees that coming. So he's trying to get it all in right now. It's just so funny to be like a serial sucker puncher and then just going back to his apartment or wherever his fucking dude this guy is awesome he tried to run for governor everybody that tries to run for politics
Starting point is 00:25:58 is awesome to you have they not found him no they found him no he's i think i think he's out i think he got out right away yeah i think that he like just ran in had a cup of coffee got his fucking salami sandwich and bailed probably sucker punched a couple guys in there he doesn't discriminate it's not all women i think it is but you know once you get in women need to fucking we need to put our heads together and fucking take down shibuki this man's a menace to society they're never gonna get shibuki he sneaks up on you out of nowhere you're you're immortalizing him you're doing what he wants what the government does not want you to do exactly they don't because shibuki probably really is the best option for governor for us
Starting point is 00:26:42 and they're trying to silence him you're turning into like a robin hood type figure kathy hokal versus shibuki honestly shibuki probably has a better approval rating than mayor adams yeah definitely everybody hates the mayor and everyone loves shibuki oh man ever since i found out that the mayor goes to zero bond all the time i actually started liking him more i don't know anything about the mayor he finishes his night a lot of the time on the upper east side at this italian restaurant where he has a special table reserved just for him and he sits with these two like guys who are in the restaurant business yeah and it's dark and this is at like 12 30 he thinks he's in a batman movie i mean that is pretty cool we have to clean up the city
Starting point is 00:27:25 i i want my mayor having his ear to the ground and working with some restaurant tours yeah they're like we're gonna try the dover soul instead of the bronzino this week yeah i don't believe or i mean maybe he's maybe he's actually getting to the bottom of it well doesn't that sound more plugged in than some guy who sits in an ivory tower in the governor's mansion or whatever, the mayor's office? Dude, I heard about the mayor of Atlantic City. I saw in a news report yesterday, him and his wife were just like punching their daughter in the forehead. They're like 17-year-old daughter in the forehead. Shabuki style.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Shabuki. Yeah, there's Shabuki in there. Their daughter. You've seen shibuki's numbers yeah we want to get re-elected and so i know monterey is running for he's already claimed fucking atlantic city yeah and now he wants to move over to the big city place to start oh mr bucke right this way we have a room for you at the borgata may i give you these chips as a token of our appreciation for your work we're so happy to have you yeah can i interest you in tickets to cirque de soleil blue man groups in town actually you can have your pick yeah i think that i'd rather mayor the mayor be uh just eating with the the restauranteurs in the
Starting point is 00:28:42 corner yeah he does he eat is it like a crowded restaurant when he's eating or does he shut it down like Rogan style? Oh, he shuts it down. Yeah. No, it's the same thing as eating in his fucking castle. He goes to a restaurant and then he goes to Zero Bond? He goes to one or the other, I think. Really?
Starting point is 00:28:57 Yeah, but I don't know that it's empty. Why is that the same as eating in his castle? Well, if he shuts down the restaurant to eat at it with like two other people. There's still people there who can see him. He's sitting in a booth in the back having hushed conversations. Is he having a cocktail every night? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:29:15 So it sounds like he has a drinking problem. It's not a problem unless, you know, you admit to it. True. Speaking of rough and rowdy on Friday, it's going to be Mayor Adams versus Shibuki. That would be a matchup that I'd like to it. True. Speaking of rough and rowdy on Friday, it's going to be Mayor Adams versus Shibuki. That would be a matchup that I'd like to see. That would be so good.
Starting point is 00:29:30 We definitely need to throw the fucking bag at Shibuki and Mayor Adams. We honestly should. That would be so good. And he's like, listen, I don't do this for pay.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Yeah. This is a passion project. This is a love of the game thing. Shibuki would be like that. He needs to catch Mayor Adams when he's real drunk. Yeah. And just put like Mayor Adams. Like, do you guys remember that guy like 15 years ago who would walk around Portland dressed
Starting point is 00:29:54 up like a superhero trying to like stop crime on his own? We need to convince Mayor Adams that he needs to do that and vigilante hunt down Shibuki. That's honestly a great idea. If we got mayor adams in like a tight ass one piece with like two boat like yeah like sticks sticking out the back of his fucking shirt and then you just saw shibuki like swinging from building to building shibuki versus mayor adams will be the showdown of the fucking shibuki on top of the empire state building and then mayor ad Adams just starts scaling it
Starting point is 00:30:25 at a rapid pace. Dude, living in Gotham would have been so sick. Like, if you weren't getting killed. If you're not a henchman, it'd be awesome. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:30:38 if you weren't like a crook. Or like an old lady victim. Yeah. But imagine living in Gotham and all of a sudden you see Batman fucking flying through and all of a sudden you see batman fucking flying through the sky and then you see the joker i mean we pretty much i saw the dude i used to live there the joker used to camp out right outside my apartment east village
Starting point is 00:30:55 it's an old dude and he would have different wigs every day and he was a crackhead and he would go he would get up in your face and you'd be like oh my god some of those guys are fucking horrifying he pushes bangs behind his ear and you're like shibuki shibuki is that you i knew it was you kiss me kiss me you bastard in uh isn't spider-man from new york yeah it does it take place in actual new york yeah that's right i think actual Isn't Spider-Man from New York? Yeah. Does it take place in actual New York? Yeah, that's right. I think actual New York.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I think that if Spider-Man, if there was an actual Spider-Man in New York, the city would turn on him so fucking fast. Easily, yeah. People would be like shooting him down. Yeah. I know that. There's no guns in New York.
Starting point is 00:31:42 But they'd be sucker punching him. They'd be sucker punching Spider-Man. If I was standing near my window and a piece of web caught outside of my window i would cut it oh yeah and he that'd be the end of it yeah because it only has to happen one time and you spend fucking three hours scrubbing a web on the window god just web jism sticky residue it's not like it's gotta be so sticky yeah it's not like a tiny amount of web it's fucking sticky strong spawn web think of the window cleaners that come once a year who repel down the side of your building yeah he's undoing all that work certainly he's not so accurate with his web shots that he's not hitting windows at some point.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Yeah. He's probably dusted a couple of these window guys too. He's probably accidentally killed a window washer or two, which the collateral is not fucking fair. Yeah. He was getting the shit beat out of him. That should be the next Spider-Man. It's like, he's like just going for a casual cruise and he,
Starting point is 00:32:39 and he latches onto like a window guy's head and if he falls off, the skyscraper dies. The rest of it, it's just like they're in court suing by spider-man spider-man versus new york city yeah that would be fucking good people versus parker that's fucking good trial bureau 30 it's a great fan fiction we should work on that yeah sell it to dc spider-man just goes off the fucking rails yeah he's just walking into a bar, fucking like stealing someone else's beer and handing it over to himself. That would be awesome.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Long day at work. And he's still, he's like 16. Like Peter Parker never becomes like of age, does he? I think they have some where he's older. How old? In some of the comics. I don't know. Does he ever get too old for this shit
Starting point is 00:33:26 you'd think but the best batman uh sort of graphic novel story was one where he was old that frank miller one where he came back out of retirement or something was like much more futuristic i think that is what spawned the batman versus superman movie was based more on that oh i've never seen that affleck i never saw ben affleck as spider-man or as batman it wasn't as bad as everyone said but there's a scene where they fight each other in the end it's unbelievable superman and batman yeah that's crazy well he develops a suit made out of kryptonite well who's the good guy? Everyone who ever had to fight Superman did.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Yeah. You'd think that kryptonite was like corn. Like it just grew everywhere. But the idea was that I think Superman had given Batman kryptonite in the event that he ever became too powerful. He trusted him to be the one or person who knew how to check his power responsibly. Why did they fight each other? Was it over a girl?
Starting point is 00:34:30 Lois had something to do with it. I can't remember exactly what it was. He was kind of... Something had happened to him. He was getting a little power hungry. You have to be the most powerful slut in the city if you're fucking both Superman and Batman. Yeah. High powered. You guys ever watched the green
Starting point is 00:34:45 lantern no now people hated that movie who is it paul rudd right that's ant-man right paul rudd yeah it's ryan reynolds ryan reynolds yeah people did not like the green lantern wasn't he also deadpool yep how are you playing multiple superheroes that shit's confusing because green lantern failed so badly that people dissociated him from it and they were never going to make a sequel yeah was it not funny or was it because he i think that's his best quality is just having like wry one-liners that's probably why he succeeded more in deadpool deadpool is supposed to be like a comedy right right it is a comedy it's very funny you've seen it you've never seen deadpool no do you
Starting point is 00:35:24 not watch superhero movies uh not a ton i watched i mean You've seen it? You've never seen Deadpool? No. Do you not watch superhero movies? Not a ton. I watched, I mean, I've seen Green Lantern. I've seen all the Batman movies. I've seen some of the Avengers movies. What's it called? Infinity War is one of my favorite movies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I saw, what's the third one? Endgame. Endgame. I saw Endgame in theaters. That was sick. But it wasn't as good as Infinity War. Infinity War is fucking awesome. Both of those were unbelievable yeah yeah infinity war if i was in like a theater with everybody going crazy like that the the shibuki deep inside of me would come out yeah
Starting point is 00:35:56 and start clocking people yeah i feel like but at the same time anytime i've watched like a royal rumble with a bunch of people i'm fucking super into it so maybe it'd be fun yeah did you go crazy at the movie theater no not for endgame i mean endgame's not really like that though it's more it's more like sad yeah but uh infinity war i did infinity war when when thor comes back and he goes to wakanda and he does that thing where he goes bring me Thanos i got the fucking chills i got the goosebumps that's in Infinity War in that big brawl Infinity War is the last one
Starting point is 00:36:28 Infinity War is before Endgame Infinity War is the sad one no that's Endgame it might end Infinity War I think is the one where they all disappear yeah that shit is sad is that the one where like the two armies are like running at each other yes in wakanda good fight scene but
Starting point is 00:36:51 end game when thor comes back with the axe i got chills yeah yeah chills see i got i used to literally take c4 pre-workout before going to the gym and watch the battle scene in Infinity War and then drive to the gym. What the fuck is wrong with you? The summer before going to college, that would be like my morning routine. No one would be at my house and I would go sit in the kitchen, drink a blue C4 and watch Infinity War.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Oh my God. Dude, that scene is so badass. Yeah, that scene is so badass. But my thing about that scene is like uh it's too many different characters fighting with too many different like fighting styles it's like a sandwich with every type of meat on it yeah i would prefer a sandwich with just one type of meat done well where it's just like two armies you know what they're all about and they fight each other instead of like the smorgasbord
Starting point is 00:37:45 buffet plate of everything thrown on simultaneously people who like infinity war love buffets but isn't it amazing what a testament to robert downey jr and the strength of iron man that even when they brought all of those characters together he was still the star that the whole movie ran through iron man well that's why people didn't like end game because end game was kind of like all the dudes got their asses kicked and then like wonder woman and all them showed up and they were like sit down boys we got this one and they just like beat the fuck out of thanos in like two seconds because thanos probably couldn't hit them yeah like yeah he didn't have that. She didn't have that Shibuki in him. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:26 He's like, I'm going to get my ass canceled if I fucking punch Wonder Woman. What am I supposed to do? She punches Wonder Woman's boyfriend. Yeah. I got to rewatch that movie. The movie is so good. We got to get some C4 and rewatch it and then go to Fort Charles. That's the ideal way to view Infinity War.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Just ripped off of 400 milligrams of caffeine. Would that wear off by the time you got to the gym? No. What were you doing in the gym? Well, that was back when I was really working out. In high school? Before going to college. You talk about this period of your life a lot.
Starting point is 00:39:03 When you were really working out. Do you have any pictures of yourself from that time? Yeah. Shirtless? Yeah. Can I see those? No. Why not?
Starting point is 00:39:11 Because you're going to make fun of me. No, I won't. I used to be able to bench 185. I promise I won't make fun of you. I couldn't even bench 100 right now. I just kind of want to see. I told that to Billy McCusker and he said, you're not off the table for rape.
Starting point is 00:39:26 He said, he said, rape're not off the table for rape. He said, he said, rape's not off the table for you. Oh my God. You better start hearing a whistle. You're in whistle territory of weightlifting. I have Billy's entire workout plan on my phone. He shares it to me, and he'll be like, you got to start doing this.
Starting point is 00:39:51 They said they come on in June. Yeah? Yeah. Yeah, we got to have them back on. Oh, good. I can't wait for that. Have you met them? Only briefly.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Yeah. But I really enjoy them. Yeah, they're hilarious. They almost couldn't get funnier. No. Brian Six hosted for me at Philly Hel them. Yeah, they're hilarious. They almost couldn't get funnier now. Brian Six hosted for me at Philly Helium. Yeah. And I was catching up with him about that whole world and all of them.
Starting point is 00:40:12 It's very funny. Yeah, they're hilarious. Brian Six is very funny too. What's up, dude? What the fuck is up, Francis? Hey, birds. Yeah, I'll just do seven up with vodka. That's what he drinks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:29 That's how he only drinks that. I'll just do a vodka seven. That's when you know that you're like, you know who you are as a human being. You just settle into your like clear liquid. You're stolly orange and sprite. People just fall into who they are as a man.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I got to a point now where I actually have started to enjoy whiskey. And I don't think that's a good thing. Why? Well. Neat? No, I mean, I don't really drink it neat. I like drinking Manhattans. And I drank enough of them where i actually got to a
Starting point is 00:41:05 point where like i'd rather have a manhattan than a beer or a glass of wine or even like a margarita that's interesting is it because you only can you only have to have like one or two i just like the taste of it that's crazy and that is a problem i think to me because whiskey always stood as this thing of it's so hard for me to enjoy it i grimace it's it's i'm doing it a little bit to make other men think yeah i'm manly or putting on air other men around me are having whiskey maybe i should and so you know all of us you beat your taste buds into submission enough i guess you just trick your mind all of a sudden. And like a flip is switched or switch is flipped. Flip is switched.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I actually don't know. I think both work. Is that right? Switch? It's a switch is flipped. It's not a flip is switched. It's tough. It is.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Flip can be switched though. No. Anyway, but the point is now, like if someone's like, do you want a drink? I'm ordering a rye manhattan and i don't think that's i don't think that's a good thing i don't think it's bad i think it's like an acquired taste that's what you enjoy i think that and i you'll just cycle through the bottle you'll drink it and then you'll get tired of it you'll start drinking something else yeah fair point i'm hoping that's the case it will it might take a couple years but i used to be...
Starting point is 00:42:25 It might bring you to some really low places. Yeah, you might lose everything. You might lose your family, but it'll be worth it. That house upstate, gone. But I'll know how to make a good Manhattan. But eventually you'll probably switch to just vodka on the rocks. You'll be like Tom Cruise in Cocktail.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Dude, vodka on the rocks is so bad. If you're ordered... I was the guytail. Dude, vodka on the rocks is so bad. If you're ordered, I was with a guy who ordered a double vodka on the rocks. I was like, oh my God, dude. That's like you need to taste vodka to know you're getting drunk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Yeah. That's one step away from having only enough money to buy a small vodka in a plastic bottle at like 12 in the morning when the liquor store opens. Yeah. It's the cousin of that. Even vodka vodka like soda on an airplane is like fucking gross yeah that shit is always crazy to me and i always wonder if those people that do that are like they drink like that all the time or it's just like i'm on an airplane and i don't fly a lot so i'm gonna get a drink i told you that on my way out to salt lake city i was sitting next to a guy who had eight screwed double screw drivers right i told you that yeah you did
Starting point is 00:43:28 he had eight double screw drivers yeah eight doubles yeah and he kept he kept justifying it to me by saying that we get we get them for free in comfort plus yeah and i was like dude just because you know like has the cost been holding you back no some people that is what i was sitting next to a guy flying from salt lake city to or i was flying to louisville and we both you know, like has the cost been holding you back? No, some people that is what I got. I was sitting next to a guy flying from Salt Lake city to, or I was flying to Louisville and we both got upgraded to comfort plus. And he shows up and he, I was already sitting there. Cause I got upgraded before the flight. He got upgraded when he was already sitting and he comes up to me, he goes, what's up Hollywood. He's like, you know, we get know we get you know we get beers for free up here right
Starting point is 00:44:06 and i was like yeah and he's like we're gonna get fucking hammered and i was like i'm not gonna drink right now i got i got stuff to do after and he was like fine he's like order yours don't give it to me and then we literally drank yeah he drank like multiple beers and it was like it was like a 45 minute flight yeah beers is uh okay you okay, you can only get so fucked up on beers. Having double whiskeys? Double screwdrivers. Double screwdrivers. Think of how much orange juice that is.
Starting point is 00:44:35 It's a lot of OJ. It's so much sugar. It's so much sugar. It's so much citric acid. It's also 16 shots of vodka. i can't believe they kept on serving him he was fine as far as i could tell honestly if we had asked can someone land this plane he might have been top of the list here's the guy he was so composed well he's in the same cocktail that denzel was in flight true yes you might be that's one of the tricky things that
Starting point is 00:45:06 the fa probably does not want you to know you might be a better pilot if you're just it's like golf it's like driving in golf in golf different kind of driving denzel was off a cocktail of god knows what in that movie that's such a great movie watching him drink and do drugs in that movie makes me want to do drugs you really you like that movie i love that it's one of the best movies to put on as you're going to sleep because the ending of the movie doesn't fucking matter and you watch the first 30 minutes it's so exciting as you're going to sleep and then you fucking pass out and then doesn've missed nothing. I never liked that movie. Dude, the John Goodman character when he comes in with the coke at the end
Starting point is 00:45:48 and he's just... and administers it because the FBI agents or whatever have said we need to clean him up for this testimony. Yeah. I mean, that scene's so great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I don't know. I watched that movie when I was really young. When I was in fifth grade. You probably didn't get it. I didn't get it. and then i re-watched it recently and i never finished it yeah you don't finish that that's one of the ones you don't finish anymore no i watched that movie when i was in fifth grade with one of my friend's dads and there's full frontal nudity in the first two seconds of that movie it's the opening scene who is him? It's him laying in bed. With that? With that girl. Denzel is naked? No, the girl is.
Starting point is 00:46:26 The hottest Latina that you've ever seen in your life. The flight attendant. Yeah. And then I went home the next morning. I was at a sleepover and my parents were like, what'd you guys do? And I was like, well, we watched a movie. And they were like, what'd you watch? And I said, we watched Flight.
Starting point is 00:46:41 And they said, we watched that movie last night as well. We turned it off because it was so horrible. And they were furious that I watched that movie. I was probably like 11. I like that redheaded actress, though, too. The one he meets as he's trying to recover. I don't know who. Jessica Chastain?
Starting point is 00:46:59 No. Because I'm a big Chastain fan. It's the girl from the show about the West, Yellowstone. Oh, never watched Yellowstone. She's real trashy in flight, though. Yeah. She's maybe a literal crack whore. I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Or heroin whore. She's doing heroin in that movie. Yeah. I remember that very vividly. I told you I saw a guy doing heroin. Yes. I forget what I've shared on this podcast. It's quite fun.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Dude, I've been getting banged with ancillary charges from Iceland. I got a call from PNC. One of the bars I went to just double charged me. They just charged me and then charged me again. There's no way. They're like, I tried to file something through the bank, and they're like, you have to call the establishment. Yeah, we talked about this too. They're in fucking iceland and then i just got a fucking speeding ticket
Starting point is 00:47:47 a 500 speeding what holy shit how fast were you going i have no idea in iceland i didn't even know there was a speed limit i didn't see any speed limit signs and i it was it was in the morning it was a i left the hotel at 5 40 in the morning i was literally the only person on the road for three hours and they smut they hit me with a fucking 500 speeding ticket was it like they have like the scanners they had a picture of me yeah dude that they're doing that places now they're doing that in la in la this is iceland yeah i don't like that shit at all if there's not a cop there you shouldn't be getting charged right do you uh did you buy the windshield insurance? They tried to push that on me when I rented a car there. Oh, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:48:27 They said that volcanic ash often erupts and then will hail down upon your car, and your windshield damage is not covered. It's an extra $13 a day. And I said, okay, it sounds like I should do that. Often hails down. Sure enough, my windshield was fine yeah i think i would be fine rolling the dice say all right well if a volcano erupts i don't think i'm gonna be worrying about the windshield insurance yeah you're driving as i'm the teeth of the
Starting point is 00:48:55 volcano i'm suing your country it's a volcano fair point i'm coming back for everything. Look at my tab. I'm coming for your entire GDP. If a volcano erupts and the ashes are hailing down onto my windshield, I'm not going to be like, and I don't even have the windshield insured. This is a goddamn nightmare. Or a big nugget of ash breaks through and you're like, thank God. Thank God I bought the insurance.
Starting point is 00:49:26 That's covered. my wife is dead but at least i'm insured there's lava seeping into the live engine right now but thank god do we have the engine insurance oh sorry you only got the windshield insurance dude i don't understand the insurance for that shit at all i was recently i rented a car it must have been when i was out in california and they were like you know what the package you have it covers the car but it doesn't cover you and they're like do you want it and i was like what does that even mean and i was like no i'm fine don't cover me that must be how they're making their nut they do make their nut that way do you what kind of credit card do you have brother you know i have the exact same credit cards that you have. Then you do not need to get supplemental insurance.
Starting point is 00:50:07 But I don't use Hertz. I don't think it matters. You need to read the fine print of your credit card. It's really interesting, actually. I hate to say that. There's clauses about how much you can be covered, like what kind of insurance you're covered for based on just having the credit card.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Interesting. That's for the Platinum or the credit card interesting for that that's for the platinum or the delta certainly the platinum probably the delta i think there's a lot of crossover between those two we went we rented a car in milwaukee and he had the platinum dude they literally they just they're just like take any car you don't even go to the counter there's like take any car You remember by having the, I think it's the Platinum. You remember of Hertz's Gold Circle and President's Club. And so you just walk into the garage and the car, you don't talk to anyone. Just get in a car. There's a row of cars.
Starting point is 00:50:58 You just choose which one you want and you drive out. What did you guys pick? We were asking the guy, Francis was asking the guy, he's like, what's a really cool car? And he's like, any of these cars and any of these cars. And we ended up taking a Jeep Cherokee.
Starting point is 00:51:10 We took a Jeep Cherokee. That's cool. Even though I object to its lack of sensitivity to the First Peoples. Yeah. I think at this point it should be called
Starting point is 00:51:19 the Jeep... The Jeep Commanders. Commanders. Yeah. That's exactly it. It's a Jeep Commander. jeep um the jeep commanders commanders yeah it's exactly a jeep commander that would be damn good the jeep guardian damn that's fucking hilarious uh do it they usually they always have muscle cars there yeah that's like uh that's like the cool option is you get like a mustang or some shit yeah i i've recently just i just realized 99% of the time when you set a reservation for
Starting point is 00:51:49 a certain car, that car is not there and has never been there. And they just give you whatever. Yeah. So I used to try and rent like cool cars. You can't. It doesn't exist. They don't have cool cars. They have minivans.
Starting point is 00:52:00 I can't even rent a car in New York City because I show up and they say, we don't have a car for people that are under 25. I'm like, and they say we don't have a car for people that are under 25 i'm like well you guys don't have a toyota corolla what is that car for me there's like a certain like class of cars that they're like these are the cars that under 25 scion yeah and they claim they never have them yeah they don't want to fucking help you out so i have to use zip car and zip car is outrageously expensive. You got to go to Brooklyn. The guys at the rental cars places in Brooklyn not only will help you out
Starting point is 00:52:29 with that, they'll be like, and if you ever need some weed sometime, give them my fucking number. Need Coke, need Molly. I got Molly, I got XTC. You also need to buy a car.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I'm not going to buy a car and live in Manhattan. That's crazy. I think you leave it somewhere else. We could leave it on our roof over our roof over over in dumbo yeah true you can put it in our loft yeah you know i share someone across from my apartment like the apartments next to me they have a basketball hoop in their apartment like a full-sized like basketball way i swear
Starting point is 00:53:03 to god i was walking last night i went to the deli to get jps and i was walking back jewel pods i was walking back and i was looking into the windows and their their window was lit up and they had they had a full-sized basketball hoop come on i was like dude that must be there they must live in like a they must own that entire building is there do they have a 10 foot ceiling at least yes if not it would have to be what 15 yeah no way i swear you know who we need to sick on them is uh the guy who goes around and is like how much do you pay for rent it's probably him honestly no we need to put his ass in there yeah because he's always finding people he did one recently where they were like so he said how much do you pay for rent and they said how much do you pay for rent? And they said, how much do you pay for rent? And he said, twist my arm.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Let's go tour my sick-ass apartment. Was it sick? Awesome. What? Yeah. He's rich as fuck. Yeah, of course. So stupid.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Off of TikTok? Off of, like, yeah, dude. That shit is so stupid. What the fuck is he fucking doing? I got down a deep rabbit hole the other day of this one dude who, he does the ones like, what do you do for a living? And then he just, his whole thing, he's's like i ask hot girls what they do for a living like dude i hate you why would you go down that rabbit hole though what is it so angry watching
Starting point is 00:54:14 because they're not giving good answers because he's a creep dude oh he goes up and he's like what do you do for a living and they're like oh i'm in college and he's like college for what like uh who's your favorite part of your job yeah nursing what's your dream job i always dream of him coming up and being like what's your dream job and being like i don't dream of labor yeah that's badass and then you'd be like a hero yeah that would smoke him so fucking hard i want it so bad i know hit me with the fucking what's your dream job i've never had anyone come up to me and i'm always looking you're always there i mean there's one intersection in the east village where it always happens i walked dude i was walking through fucking washington square park on friday looking for
Starting point is 00:54:53 anybody bro no you obviously didn't stay for long enough someone gonna ask me what my favorite song is visions of johanna bob dylan i've got all of these answers lined up joke why do priests not like anti do i appreciate i've got these answers ready i've got these answers lined up joke why do priests not like anti do i have these answers ready i've got these answers ready for them and no one will ask me anything about me you're just unapproachable because they washington square has more of them than there's more question askers than civilians yeah that shit is crazy when is that gonna die down and not be a thing anymore i got bad news for you it's never dying down yeah isn't it crazy though how man on the street used to be like funny and like and like unique and now it's just people walking up with their phone and then like if you don't answer
Starting point is 00:55:34 all the comments are like that guy did not pass the vibe check at all i don't know that you're remembering what what is the era where man on the street was good billy billy on the street but he's just the one guy kyle mooney used to do hilarious man on the street stuff i think if you had somebody of that caliber come back and to do it again then it would be good yeah but it's the people that are doing it now are bigger than any of those people i mean billy eichner is still probably bigger than them but these people they're not they just ask the same question every day but now billy eichner can't even do it because for like a tv show you need a billion waivers signed yeah you couldn't you can't just he used to just literally run up to someone yeah film their answer and then
Starting point is 00:56:14 put it on tv yeah he also has a stud finder for gay people the sassiest gays oh yeah and also everyone knows him now yeah i guess not in new york though yeah it's crazy how many like i bet like 12 of new york doesn't know who the president is oh yeah people just walking around with their head down minding their own fucking business yeah people in new york there's the people in new york that you see on the street and you go that guy is stupid you go that guy does not know a single thing of what's going on around him how can you tell how do you know who uh someone walking around with their mouth wide open just i like these i like these tourists from you know germany and sweden yeah these dads
Starting point is 00:56:56 with their kids get the fanny pack on they don't know where anything is yesterday yesterday a woman was on one of those motorized bikes, and I was at a stoplight on a city bike. And she was trying to find the place to where she needed to deliver her Grubhub or order. And she pulled out her phone and comes up to me, and she goes, she spoke, I mean, no English. She said something like, where is, is or help i don't know and her phone map
Starting point is 00:57:30 whatever navigation thing she was using for the order had her going because it tells her to adhere to the one-way street yeah that's what yeah that. And it was really throwing her off. Yeah, I'm sure. And I had to zoom out of her map and orient it based on Manhattan. And then I went, it's that way. Yeah. And she goes, that? Yeah. And I go, yeah, that way. It's that way.
Starting point is 00:58:01 And she goes, that? Oh. And I thought it was almost at a point where i was like is she hoping that i'm gonna take her there or do it for her because here give me the food there's no way that even if she follows the way i'm telling her to go that she can still get all the way there yeah and then you think well how many of these people that are delivering food have any idea how to get around none i mean well luckily i mean if it was the cab driver days they'd all be fucked but luckily just the apps will just take you there i know but
Starting point is 00:58:41 dude it was confusing it had her going like turning back and going down and then around and then up. And she was on the sidewalk. I mean, she had no idea. It did not speak a word of English. And someone was grumbling at home. Someone at home was like, geez, they haven't moved in 30 fucking seconds. Yeah. There goes your tip yeah it's gonna
Starting point is 00:59:06 be cold yeah edit the tip i hate microwaving calling uber support and uber's like do you want me to call them yeah what can i do about this i'm gonna bring it upstairs i was at laquardia and i my uber driver kept doing loops yeah around and not and I don't know why I was like why I was like I'm here yeah and I called him and I you know when you call an uber driver oh it's chaos it's as if like all the windows are open is it traveling through every satellite in the fucking world to get to this guy and finally he couldn't understand. He was like, I'm coming. And I couldn't really hear him. And I go, cuánto tiempo? Like, how long? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Sure enough, he shows up, and he's the most Arab dude alive. I'd thrown Spanish out. Oh, no. I felt like an asshole. That's hilarious. That's much funnier, though. But sometimes they'll dick you. Sometimes they'll like take your thing, not come, make you cancel,
Starting point is 01:00:10 and then you'll rebook and then there's a spike in the fare. Yes, right. I'm trying to get off of the Uber Eats. I'm trying to get off the delivery because I feel bad. It feels like unethical. Like how angry it makes me at a guy who's getting paid like one dollar to bring my food you could dip him i do more no he's also shipping 80 cents of that back to the dominican republic yeah or fucking venezuela yeah you could assuage your guilt see i'm not going to become a
Starting point is 01:00:39 better person i'm going to become a better person by just not using the platform and then they're out of a job yes or. Or they have fewer customers. Yeah, but it just feels bad. The whole thing, everything about the transaction feels wrong. I got into one the other day. I don't know if I told you guys about this. This was last week. I get into one.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Guy messages me. Of course, none of it's in English. So I'm pulling it into, it's in French. I'm pulling it into different translators because the Uber Eats translator is just not doing any, any justice. And he says, uh, he goes, I went to the restaurant and I didn't pick up your order. What is the address of the restaurant? And I go, that's not what he means, obviously. So I sent him my address. I'm like, he's looking for my address. Something is not right here. And then he goes, no, I have your address. What's the address of the restaurant? And then I'm like like what happened at the restaurant that you walked in and then just left without the
Starting point is 01:01:27 food like how did that where did that go wrong and then you can't find the restaurant now yeah was it like the the room of necessity and fucking harry potter whatever the what's that i don't know yeah yeah yeah that's it i think the room of uh requirement the room requirement just like pops up when you need it and then disappears once you walk out? So I'm like, I don't know if you, like, did you go and you ran into a friend there and you guys got to chatting
Starting point is 01:01:53 and then you just got on your bike and rode, like, how do you go to the restaurant and not get the food? And then not know where the restaurant is. And then not know where the restaurant is. And then he, so then I send him the address of the restaurant and then eventually he sends me, he the food like 40 minutes later i took a photo because i got a refund this is how it showed up oh yeah food spilling out of the side they love to carry
Starting point is 01:02:20 that shit sideways and it's all there's no food on this side of the bowl. It's empty. This side of the bowl is completely empty. You showed a picture to the Uber Eats folks? I sent a picture to Uber Eats and they said, we'll refund you.
Starting point is 01:02:31 I wonder how that shit works. I said, you're fucking better. It's a slop. Is that AI that's like looking at every picture and being like, is this slop enough?
Starting point is 01:02:38 It cannot be someone sifting through at a support center being like, this one looks good enough. This one doesn't get a refund this one does get a refund there's no way that that's a human doing it yeah i don't know but after that i kind of just felt like a piece of shit because i was like i'm getting too angry
Starting point is 01:02:53 at this guy who is just genuinely confused it's not his fault he somehow walked into the restaurant and forgot to get the food right and that guy doesn't dream of labor that guy definitely does not dream of flavor he dreams of not ever having to walk into a restaurant and turn around to forget the food again yeah and so that i felt bad because i'm like i shouldn't be getting this mad at this guy this is too stressful for this guy and uh so then i made taco soup the next day yeah well it does make you think you know if you put yourself in their shoes and you went to China and you got a job on a bicycle delivering meals to people in apartments, you'd be totally out of your element too, right? I would be better at it than any Uber or Eats driver in all of America. No way.
Starting point is 01:03:40 I don't think you would. I would be the top Uber Eats delivery. You would get assaulted by a chinese woman by elderly chinese woman i'll tell you what i wouldn't do i'll tell you what i wouldn't do is i wouldn't they say someone orders some general sows i don't know what they actually eat in china but i'd assume probably not general sows they probably aren't eating fucking gooey general sows in china definitely but say someone orders some chicken i would say okay time for me to go pick up the chicken i'll tell you what i wouldn't do i wouldn't walk into the
Starting point is 01:04:10 restaurant and then go what the hell was i doing here in the first place and then and then leave and start heading towards the house that i'm delivering it to and then halfway through go holy shit i don't even have the food with me i definitely wouldn't do that was are you sure it wasn't guy pierce that was your delivery man and you were just in the movie memento maybe he was messaging you so he could write it down on his arm yeah oh there's that bag of general sows i was i knew i was forgetting well but the point is if you did go to that other country it would be tough i think i would have the wherewithal not to go into that field and i would instead go teach english at a kindergarten and work my way up through a see that you could do a land that i'm more comfortable yes but that
Starting point is 01:05:01 you got to realize you could only do that because other countries are trying to learn english no other countries are like there's not a need for a sudanese school yeah there's not a need for that here and if you did get that job you'd probably get to be getting paid the same amount of money that you'd be getting paid doing uber eats so you're saying that um what we really need is for china to overtake america as the sort of global standard language and at which point we can go to China and make our living driving food. Yes. I don't understand what people think is going to happen with China as far as them being a threatening global power to us.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Like, do they think that the Chinese are going to come here on boats and like take over and we'll all just be speaking Chinese? I think that's exactly what they think is going to happen. Like Red Dawn, like we're going to look outside one day and there's going to be 80,000 Chinese soldiers parachuting down into New York City. I think it's not even that. I think they're already here. Oh.
Starting point is 01:06:04 I look around and I say to myself... I like this take. That guy. That guy. Government. The guy who's delivering my General Saus. One day they'll just like
Starting point is 01:06:13 rip off their Uber Eats uniforms and it'll be military uniforms and they'll just be... That would be scary. That would be horrifying because you know those guys hate every single American person who's just sitting
Starting point is 01:06:23 in their fucking castle being like i think i'm gonna do ramen today bring it they're coming for you first for getting a refund on that non-symmetrical absolutely at least i have the gratitude to never ask for a refund i just feel bad i i feel like it's bad i feel like it's bad for life in general. You're describing guilt, and yet you continue to make the problem worse. But I do tip.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I tip them well. Like, I had a guy the other day when I was sick, and he brought me my Sudafed, and he said, hope you feel better, Harry. It's a $10 tip right there. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:03 But then I felt bad, too, because I was like, why am I not just walking outside and getting the Sudafed? That would probably cure your illness immediately. Yeah, probably. A single ray of sunshine would rip through your body like penicillin. There's mold in my apartment that's making me sick. Yeah, you're fucked. I just don't have the fear that China is going to get us like that. They might shift the balance of world power, but i don't think they're fucking coming here and we're going to be like having to bow
Starting point is 01:07:29 to the fucking emperor or some shit like that i don't know i think uh i don't know anything about it so i can't say anything but i think there are people that do know about it and they're going to be roasting you in the comments they're going to be yeah i'm sure the son of a boy dad how ignorant of rome how ignorant of rome the foreign policy geniuses take over but how are they going to take over but i mean dude that's the same that's the same defense to like the second amendment for people being like well when the u.s government starts rounding us up and killing us i'm gonna have my ar-15 to protect myself but the u.s government is here already yeah but it's like that's also probably never going to happen but i agree but that's way more likely than like China coming here and taking over.
Starting point is 01:08:08 They're not going to come here. It would be, you know, cyber war. They would take over our infrastructure, power grid, food production. And do what? Have you not heard these words before? Public transportation. And do what? And do what with them?
Starting point is 01:08:24 I mean, i have no idea i don't know this is what i think i assumed i i've assumed in everything i've ever read or watched that the only legitimate threat is cyber attacks yeah cyber but what would they do with our power grid they would shut that shit down they would but our economies are intertwined with one another right so that's, well then, then, I mean, if, if you're talking about a cyber attack on that scale,
Starting point is 01:08:48 one has to assume that the, at that point, our, our mutual beneficial trade agreement has long gone. Right. And I think that that's an impossibility. We need our fucking fentanyl from China. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:02 We're literally addicted to it. Like we're not going to dissolve this no and trump is going to be tough on china and he's not going to fucking take any bad deals well he he backed off the tiktok promise did you see that yeah because then he said that he said he had said a big part of his time was when he was like unless bite dance disavows their chinese ownership we are going to ban TikTok in America. And all of the Congress people got behind that. It was like a very cool bipartisan thing.
Starting point is 01:09:31 It was like, we are not going to allow our kids to have fucking TikTok unless we separate the Chinese ownership from it and their data mining and stuff. Then their kids were like, mom. But then these congress people who were huge pro-trump disciples carried forward with that agreement right when they came out and said it trump was like uh actually i don't think we can take tic-tac away from kids and isn't that because truth social got bought by some dude and then trump also gained the liquidity so he could
Starting point is 01:10:02 cover all of his like the the court costs and all the everything that he could cover all of his court costs and everything that he was owed. So it was like all these dominoes fell. I don't know. I don't know about that, but it was surprising to me because I actually thought that was a pretty cool policy. I think they should take that. Your TikTok's
Starting point is 01:10:20 pretty good, dude. You don't want to rip down. I hate TikTok. I logged on took the other day for the first time in like a year because i keep on getting emails from tiktok now because i don't have tiktok on my phone deleted it haven't been on it in forever and the man dude yeah i know i am and they and now they're sending me emails being like suggested tiktoks and i'm like what the fuck so i'm going on tiktok to disconnect my email and as soon as i log on they're like do you want tiktok to allow access to all of your other apps do you want to sync with your contacts facebook and i'm like no i don't want any of this shit on my phone so i deleted it instantly again i just think that people think that we have to
Starting point is 01:10:59 have like this inherent fear of china that is like profitable for them to sell us fear. Brother, if you're a communist, just go out and say it. I'm not scared of China. If you hate America and you're like a Chinese spy, just go out and say it. Because it sounds like you're trying to sway me. Me and Francis kind of have the right idea and you're trying to sway us over to your side.
Starting point is 01:11:17 What idea do you have? That China is the enemy. Yeah, but you want to, you benefit from their being- And we will get revenge on them. You benefit from being an enemy, but you're fucking buying you you benefit and we will get we will get revenge on there you benefit there from being an enemy but you're fucking buying shit from china every day not me all ll bean champion you sure that ll bean those ll bean pants aren't made in china adidas nike socks the nike socks 100 we are definitely wearing stuff right now that was made in china what
Starting point is 01:11:43 about this is llb what about your phone steve jobs made this in a in a fucking garage would you guys i like doing this exercise of all the countries that manufacture clothing very cheaply when you look at the tag what's your order like if you're tiering a system where you're like wow this is a piece of shit this is okay etc made in usa obviously number one i i uh surprise that's surprising answer from you i wouldn't i expected it to be china or russia i only buy russian t-shirts no you dare put that snot on my name you put fucking mustard on my jacket made from potato skins you're putting borscht on my jacket right now you think that's funny comrade i never checked the tags ever japan number two well okay cool yeah i feel like japan is making good shit germany number three
Starting point is 01:12:38 i feel like germany is i don't know if i've ever bought a piece of clothing from germany or i thought you meant just anything i'm thinking thinking clothing. And I'm not even saying that you're checking the tag to see. I'm talking about like appliances or like... Yeah, for sure. I do wear a lot of Japan because I wear a lot of Uniqlo, which I think is actually made in China. So you got fucking President Xi's fucking dick down your throat. I think you go...
Starting point is 01:13:02 You fucking can't breathe without a couple of Xi pubes in your fucking nose i think there's like yes there's like a to me stuff is made in america is fucking awesome i just trust that it's never gonna break stuff it's like jeans and work jackets that are made out in oregon or some shit or books like you're paying a lot more for it but that shit's fucking awesome i bought a new fly fishing bag yesterday yeah off amazon no fish pond i like that but then you've got then you've got getting shipped from where does fish pond manufacture then you get into countries like vietnam turkey uh somehow portugal's on there singapore yeah philippines the delta kits are always made in mexico yeah it's like handcrafted in mexico yeah i don't have a problem with those china to me is always the worst in my
Starting point is 01:13:53 mind when i see made in china and is that racist i don't think it's racist did you see the friday beer sketch where it's like the two nike employees getting back from china after visiting the warehouses no you didn't see it? No. And they're like, those kids were really young. And then they're like, but crime is down. Crime's down for sure. It's real.
Starting point is 01:14:16 You got to watch it. It's really funny. Fishpond made in Colorado. Yeah. Rare win for Sass. I've been right next to the warehouse. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:26 I wonder what they're paying their workers over there i actually dollars an hour no it's probably migrants they're probably leaning heavily on the spanish-speaking population of colorado brother fish pond bags are made with love everyone knows that love and care for the sport yeah yeah i believe it designed to fit every angler's needs i i don't trust anybody that's buying clothes off amazon and a lot of the women a lot of our our sisters are out here doing that like top from amazon pants from amazon no girls are buying clothes from amazon that's not true they are they all are and they they tell you about it. They call that fast fashion. Because it's their bargain shopping. Yeah, they're like, it's got pockets. It's from Amazon. Six bucks.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Yeah. This fucking jumpsuit. Yeah, I agree. I'm going to buy my clothes from the finest. That shit's definitely made in China. Where's L.L. Bean made? China? That was made in Vermont.
Starting point is 01:15:22 It's definitely not made in America. You can't buy jeans for $40 that are made in vermont it's definitely not made in america you can't buy jeans for 40 dollars that are made in america period yeah you gotta buy that what are they like 400 dollars i don't know 200 bucks something like that bean boots lewinston main lewinston main yeah are they are they assembled there or are they manufactured there oh scored six out of 100 on is it an ethical brand bean what are we doing i'm a bean boy i know oh good see where these new balances are made so new balances has a line that's made in america yeah that's true it's not these ones 993 i know that because me and my friend Bo got in a crazy argument in high school about that
Starting point is 01:16:09 because he said that New Balances were the most American shoe. These are made in Indonesia. But they're like $300. Yeah. The American made ones. These ones were only $90. $225. Or 993s.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Did you guys watch the WNBA draft last night? No, but I saw Kaitlyn Clark, and then I saw that you're using my good name and smearing it online. I found it kind of weird that dudes were so pumped that she was making so little money. Yeah. It's like, see, we still don't care.
Starting point is 01:16:38 It's like, well... And then other people were like, fuck that. She's actually going to make a ton in endorsements. Yeah, she will. Of course. And I was not smearing your name dude i was you smeared my good name i was uplifting both of you you smeared my good name online for likes you don't tweet anymore for instant gratification you get that you get that good serotonin i did bro quick rush of dopamine incredible interaction on that i had doing your most liked tweet in years you think so all for smearing my good name maybe i'll have to smear your good name some more yeah it's very smearable better not people really like to chew on the smearing of your name i know people really
Starting point is 01:17:15 seem to enjoy your name being smeared i wonder what that is i know it's funny people think that i uh there seems to be a common misconception with my contract. And people think I'm like not going to get renewed. I just got renewed. For how long? They offered you a long run. How long? For an amount of time.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Oh, you don't want to get into the specifics? Well, they offered me a couple of years and I said I'll do a year and renegotiate. Because you believe in yourself. Because I believe in myself so goddamn much. Was that a good idea in the long run? No. Have things changed as much as I wanted them to?
Starting point is 01:17:55 No, not at all. Are we on pace? No. Are we tracking for a better conversation next year? Not at all. I do remember Francis being like, take the longer offer. No, I'm fine with it. It's like Kelly Oubre going to the Sixers and being like, yeah, I'll play on the veteran minimum on a one-year contract,
Starting point is 01:18:16 and next year I'm going to fucking renegotiate because I'll be in the starting lineup, and I'll be fucking wrecking shit, winning many golf tournaments, flying out and doing the fucking video competition, doing all the shows, going everywhere, being a big part of the company. Yeah. I mean, it's pretty much just the podcast.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Yeah. That's what I'm getting paid to do. Weren't you just trying to give him more things? And he's like, no, I'm not doing any of that. He's trying to say that you, he's not, Kelly Oubre's not winning the mini golf competition Ah Now I see
Starting point is 01:18:47 He was talking about you Now I see I think that we're fucking creating Incredible leverage for you I think we are I think you gotta let me go in and talk to the fucking Talk to Erica Who do people negotiate with now that Erica's out of the picture?
Starting point is 01:19:04 Dave Really? Prez. I prefer to talk to a woman. I don't like that there's no representation. When is your contract up? Same as yours. Really?
Starting point is 01:19:15 Next year? Yeah. Interesting. What are you asking for? Mine's up September, so I would not add my name yet. That's coming up quick. Oh, man. You're going to really fuck up to get fired here.
Starting point is 01:19:33 To get fired, yeah. Or to not get renewed. No, I don't think it's as hard as you think. If you're one of the main killers. You just have to disparage gene wearers, and you're not getting renewed. Yeah. If you're one of theers, and you're not getting renewed. Yeah. If you're one of the top 50, you're staying.
Starting point is 01:19:52 So who's in the top 50? Biz, Wit. Big Cat's got to be up there. Ronell. Yeah. Yeah, I would say Big Cat's probably in the top 50 employees at Barstool yeah i guess no no yeah he is yeah there's obviously some factors you'd have to add in there but for how much he's getting paid is there bang for the buck i would imagine there's plenty bang for the buck i saw that like i saw a clip going around on TikTok of this dude Adam Brenneman talking to Will Compton, and he broke down every dollar of his contract.
Starting point is 01:20:30 And all the comments are like, damn, if Taylor and Will are getting paid this much, imagine what Big Cat and PFT are getting paid. How much were Will and Taylor getting paid? They're splitting $3 million a year. Interesting. Will and Taylor are? Yes. And Will makes more of it. they're splitting three million dollars a year interesting will and taylor are yes and will makes more of it and and well will also has a side contract with barstool to do like the gambling stuff oh and they get a revenue share after barstool covers their nut interesting jesus christ that's madness so now we know what we're asking for. Yeah. 20 million up front.
Starting point is 01:21:07 If those poor bastards can pull that off. Is their podcast that big? It's pretty huge. They're doing it on a bus. How big could it be? I know, right? We have a studio. Maybe if we trimmed down our studio expenses,
Starting point is 01:21:21 we could get that 3 million a year contract. We have a studio that also has the ghost of the pat bev pod yeah shibuki's living behind there fuck that's where he runs at whenever he punches someone if i got a million dollar a year contract i don't know what i would do what would you do well what do you i guess i would just do what you do right now yeah a million dollars a year it's so fucking sick making a million dollars a year here it's fucking incredible i know you make you make so much money like an ungodly amount of money so uncomfortable why do you do this why do we do this why is it uncomfortable i don't know people get weird about money it It's gauche. Yeah, fuck that. Gauche. I'm very open.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Patrick Swayze and gauche. This is a funny thing that the audience doesn't know. One time I told Sass and Roan what I made, and then Sass texted me and Roan going, can you believe that Francis makes this? No, no, no. I did not say that. I said, is what Francis is making what a lot of
Starting point is 01:22:26 people are making or is that a lot or is that a crazy amount of money? And I did not text Francis and Ron, I texted just you. Oh, you just texted me. Is everyone making a million? And then I unsent it instantly and you replied immediately and said, I saw that. Of course I did. And then you said, it's a lot of money. No, it's not. I don't think it is. It is.
Starting point is 01:22:54 No, it is. Compared to the company? Yeah. I'm certainly not making Will and Taylor money. Close. I make a good salary. I'm happy with my money. Better be.
Starting point is 01:23:07 I'm not. I don't know. I'm not making Roan money. I bet you I make less than half of what he makes. Easily. If not a third. Easily, yeah. Maybe a fourth, honestly. It would take Caitlin Clark 12 years to make what Francis makes.
Starting point is 01:23:24 It would take Caitlin Clark her clark 12 years to make what francis makes god it would take caitlin clark's whole career with the endorsements to make one month of your salary yeah right dude because you know you know he makes a lot of money because he never complains who ron you'll be like he's worth it though yeah but i know but he'll be like you'll be like damn dude you're taking your sixth flight this week and he'll be like i fucking love my job and you're like yeah i'm sure that's it my point is that this is a joke job to complain about that like uh we gotta like hurry in so we can like have the same conversation that we would have if we were just sitting on your couch with no microphones around true that's a joke or like i have to i gotta go to fucking milwaukee to
Starting point is 01:24:05 go to a fucking basketball game no it is definitely but i don't i actually don't think that there are a lot of people in entertainment who can do what you do but it's like literally the funnest thing possible true but it's just like as far as value and singularity you are a highly unique piece clip that um you're a piece of the puzzle bro you imagine me or sass talking to pat bev every week i would be brutal there'd be like three good episodes where people would be like wow what a fun contrast and then all of a sudden it would just be like i'll be like is there when you're in the arena do you feel like there's certain arenas with better acoustics where you really feel the roar of the crowd?
Starting point is 01:24:48 So how does the ceiling height of the NBA affect you? Pep, are you a fan of lacrosse? It's a growing sport. I don't know if they had that in the neighborhood you grew up in. But Jim Brown played lacrosse. A lot of people don't know that. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:25:01 that's right. The Christmas twins. People say he was the best player ever in lacrosse. How could they ever know though? That was back when you could I think that was back before they had the rule that you couldn't put your thumb on the ball and he was the biggest guy on the field by like orders of magnitude and he would just hold his
Starting point is 01:25:16 ball, the ball in his pocket and run down the field and like stiff arm people away. There's nothing you can do. That's hilarious. There's nothing you can do. That you could hold your thumb on the ball is so funny i was always so good at cradling i was always so bad at cradling i was so good at it that was my biggest that was my specialty i couldn't even get a fucking deep ass pocket in my fucking spoon i loved it i used to stir i used to string my own sticks yeah yeah would take like 12 hours to do not do i was so bad at it literally be native american
Starting point is 01:25:46 it took so fucking long and then you'd finish and you'd be like this is not gonna work at all time to take it to a shop dude we had this guy uh there was this stick stringing guru who was out in hawaii and his name was the stick doctor yeah and a guy on our team had heard about him and had gotten a stick strung and our coach somehow got wind that this dude on our team had the best pocket of any of the sticks and our coach flew the stick doctor to massachusetts from hawaii to hire him to string all of our sticks and ask her to like run us through the types of pockets he could make. And this dude came into our locker room.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Our coach was super serious. Yeah. And you know, we're all sitting there on time. 13 year old kid. No, he's, he's like this Hawaiian stoner.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Yeah. With like Aloha tattoos and he's wearing board shorts and like oakley's backwards on his head and he comes out and he's like yeah pretty much you know and he's like pounding the pocket and he's like i don't know you might want like more whip or less yeah and our coach was thinking he was going to give this like detailed yeah doctoral description of stick science. And the guy was like, anyway, what's it like going to school? Oh man. But we actually all got our sticks strung by that guy.
Starting point is 01:27:13 It was probably pretty expensive. They were incredible. And then we went 500 as usual. Utter mediocrity. Actually, we went like seven and four that year. Okay. So maybe that was the difference.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Missed the tournament by a hair 6-5 5-6 game I mean 7-4 is pretty good 7-4 is not bad yeah it was not bad something like that
Starting point is 01:27:32 what was your record for lacrosse yeah dude I played lacrosse for maybe two years and I think I was probably the worst lacrosse player ever
Starting point is 01:27:40 at least you played for two years I was the worst player on the c team like i was the worst lacrosse player in our entire town yeah great town what town again it was they were good but it was like it was all so fucking trying to hide the name of your town no i just didn't like the lacrosse like it always what was the name of your town i don't know why it matters i'm trying to figure out what lacrosse town that is you know i can't remember people
Starting point is 01:28:11 know it doesn't matter ducksbury oh that is really good yeah yeah you guys were really good yeah there's probably such athletic kids there they were so good and it was so serious and i never could take it serious because i was like it's so stupid yeah and they would be like like we would like get in a circle and the coaches would be doing all these like weird like quotes that they had and they'd be like it's tradition like that's just that's just bullshit that's that's any sport especially the ones that are contact sports yeah but it was like i never felt that way about hockey like hockey i always could take seriously and then lacrosse it was like all the like everyone was like a douche i think that's what it really was it was a lot of douches yeah like that like the coaches were douches and they were mean oh sorry to hear that
Starting point is 01:28:56 and i would say that's not nice no they would like i remember one time i had to play goalie the a team took all of our goalies and we showed up for a game and like my parents were there and the coach was like you're playing goalie today and i was like i'm not doing that that's not happening and he was like you are and then i played goalie and i uh i got out of the way of the net every time they shot on it every time they would shoot on the net i would just stand to the side or go wide open have a way and did your coach ever did he sub you out he subbed me out and put someone else in and we never talked about it i was like dude i'm what i'm bad i was like i'm bad because i don't like
Starting point is 01:29:34 getting hit by the sticks what makes you think i'm going to confidently stand in front of the balls that are coming 90 miles per hour at my face you have to be a psychopath to be a lacrosse goalie with like your naked shins, like trying to like kick a ball. It was like, I already don't care about this. What makes you think I'm going to care enough to get hit in the center of my
Starting point is 01:29:53 stomach from a fucking concrete ball. It was such a weird thing in lacrosse where we would practice on our actual goalies. Yeah. The guys who would start yeah and you're you're like none of us you know we would hurt them yeah and then you injured probably the most important player on the field like soccer goalies aren't getting fucking blasted from point-blank range they break thumbs all that it was always they were always breaking their thumbs and then they'd
Starting point is 01:30:25 be out for weeks i remember doing tryouts for lacrosse and i remember like having to go up against the kids that end up like going to like duke and shit for lacrosse and they'd be like long pole d and they'd be like smacking my fucking like zero muscle mass arms and i'll be like dude like we're i'm not taking your spot like you don't have to worry about me like why are you hitting me so hard my arms are bleeding my arm is the same dynamics as the pole that you are holding why are you trying to hurt me so bad right like they the coaches know you're the best i know you're the best i'm not a worry i'm not a problem they're probably just looking at you like food it was oh my god i would get so mad and then eventually it
Starting point is 01:31:12 was like i literally played for like a year and then i was like why am i doing i was like i don't even enjoy this one that's probably like how the dudes are at the fucking uh at the mics with you though you go off to a fucking some newbie at the stand i don't think that's the case and they're like why is this guy being such a fucking dick why is he killing so fucking hard right now no i don't think that's the case at all cross bro i would like to get to a point like that that would be the only time i'd ever be like that good at something because of sports i mean dude contact sports it was the biggest relief on earth when you get to a point where you're comfortable being like i'm not athletic this is not something i'm ever going to succeed in yeah so then you just quit all of it it is free you're free from that
Starting point is 01:31:49 free from like the long drives with your dad where you're like neither of us want to do this he doesn't want to go he doesn't want to wake up at five in the morning to drive me and i don't want to wake up at five in the morning to play yeah he can stop pretending that he has to be like this good dad who's like pouring into his son, who's abandoned his own pursuits so you can fucking thrive. Wait, I know you're not thriving. I saw it from the first time you got out. Yeah, yeah. They really should tell you at a young age.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Like they know, like you know. Put him in a fucking mock trial class. Yeah, yeah. Go on the debate team. He's flat footed. Fucking put him in fucking the ethics instead of wasting like so many of your years i mean it is fun when you're young it's fun i took a walk down the brooklyn piers the other day and everybody is out playing basketball and soccer
Starting point is 01:32:37 and fucking touch rugby and beach volleyball these team I was like, dude, I need to fucking sign up. Just because it looks so fun. The camaraderie has to like, there's got to be an unfulfilled part of my brain that's fucking itching for that. Beach volleyball is really fun. I used to go down to that very court. Dudes are shredded down there.
Starting point is 01:32:59 Yeah, they are. Beautiful bodies on these men. It's also a fun, it's really fun co-ed sport. Yes. Which I like. Women can be good at it yeah better than men a lot they're playing co-ed rugby out there too really yeah kate used to play rugby rugby and now look at her spine yeah destroyed now look at her spine it's a shape like a question mark yeah i don't i don't know why nobody's pointing to the rugby has having something
Starting point is 01:33:25 to do with that. Like her spine's deteriorating and she also would no padded fucking tackle people in college. Yeah, rugby's the real deal.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Mm-hmm. Drink it off. All right. That's been Son of a Boy Dad. Thank you guys for listening. I'll be in New Brunswick, New Jersey this weekend.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Two shows on Saturday. Tickets at Ruff and Rowdy on Friday. you guys for listening i'll be in new brunswick new jersey this weekend two shows on saturday tickets at little sasquatch rough and rowdy on friday rough and rowdy on friday by i'm pumped oh i'm gonna be able to watch all of rough and rowdy that'll be fun nice baltimore next weekend not this weekend uh the port sacramento coming up let's not fucking do this The port. Sacramento. Coming up. Let's not fucking do this. Sacramento is coming up.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Actually, I forgot how close it is. May 9th, I think. I'm there that whole weekend at the Punchline in Sacramento. Please buy tickets. Alrighty. We'll see you guys next week. Alright. next week. All right.

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