Son of a Boy Dad - Sluggin' Gulls | Son of a Boy Dad: Episode #114

Episode Date: May 16, 2023

-- Lil Sas & Rone catch up on their weeks in Colorado & Iceland -- Ad: Gametime Download the Gametime app or go to, enter your email, and redeem code BOYDAD for $20 your first purchase (terms apply). -- Follow us on our socials: -- Merch: -- SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE #SonOfABoyDad #BarstoolSportsYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Son of a Boy Dad listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. Alrighty, welcome back to Son of a Boy Dad Podcast. Today it is Monday, May 15th. May 15 15th i know that because my accountancy off of vacation today flex so we should be doing my taxes your accountant is off of vacation he apparently he takes a long vacation after tax day and that doesn't really do well for the people that got an extension who don't know any details about the extension but it's probably so relaxing for him to just be like
Starting point is 00:00:46 fuck all these people yeah i mean like it's a nightmare they're the only people who probably deserve vacations is people who do paperwork people that are like in an excel spreadsheet or like filling out forms yeah they deserve vacations guys like you going to iceland guys like me going to fucking Brazil, we do not deserve our vacation. I sent him my filings and he just, I said, let me know if you need anything else. He said, okay, we'll do. And it's been a month and he hasn't said anything.
Starting point is 00:01:12 It's like, well, I'm assuming I have to like pay money at some point. No, you're good. I mean, if you're, if it's in his hands right now, it's in your accountant's hands. I don't think I can go to the IRS and be like, my accountant's not doing it. Well, why would you even go to them? They're like, when they come to me. They're not going to audit you at your door though. Dude, I'm go to the IRS and be like, my accountant's not doing it. Well, why would you even go to them? They're like- When they come to me. They're not going to audit you at your door though. Dude, I'm going to get audited.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I know you're making a lot of money in standup, but I don't think it's enough for an audit. It is when you pay $0. I always think about this whenever you're like, dude, you're fucking like, you probably make so much money. And then I think about what my life was like at your age versus what your life is like at your age. And it's vastly different. Should have been grinding when you were 13, bro. I was a pizza delivery man when I was your age. I had never spoken to an accountant in my life, even in passing. Yeah. Well, I haven't actually spoken to an accountant either, just email. Still, you're doing great brother no
Starting point is 00:02:05 all right so the trip to iceland sucked or what no iceland was great iceland was really fun um from the text messages i got from you during the trip i did not get that impression why you were texting me non-stop and i wasn't replying because i was in iceland no you were replying to everything that i said oh because, because you, well. Let me go back to your text messages and let me see exactly what was said. How is it? Pretty fun. The scenery is crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:38 We fished all day, but we didn't catch dick. Well, we didn't. And then I said something about how was it? Oh, you sent me some pictures and you said, this trip has been way more stressful than intended. Losing my mind today. Oh, I said that? Hope it picks up tomorrow. That must have been on the bad day.
Starting point is 00:02:57 We had a bad day. I told Owen about it. We had a nasty day. What happened? That was a nasty one. It was a really a really bad day. It was just like one of those days on vacation where every single thing goes wrong.
Starting point is 00:03:11 What kind of stuff was going wrong? We slept in. We got a hotel the night before and we were supposed to wake up early. I thought you guys were staying in the wilderness the whole time. That ended fast. That was me. My doing. You were just like, I'm the swinging dick i got the money i was like i'm not sleeping outside i was like it's fucking zero degrees outside i was like we'll
Starting point is 00:03:29 get a hotel and we'll all sleep in like a tiny ass room which we did and uh dude it was that day we we slept in like a in a hotel the hotel was not a hotel we set a reservation for the hotel we walked in checked in lady brings us up to upstairs where the hotel is we walk in there's just a dude sitting on the couch watching tv it was not a hotel it was a home old ass dude just mounted on like a leather chair watching tv it was a home and then another dude uh sitting in the kitchen eating pasta and they just bring us over to like a bedroom in there and they're like this is your guy's room. Nice room. Three beds. You booked it online, obviously.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah. And what was it listed as? It was listed as a hotel. This was in a town called, I think it was called Bargans. Bargans? Something like that. Nice town. Super fun.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Actually, that night we went to a bar. And the bartender was like an asshole. A lot of people there, they're very weird. You walk into a restaurant and they're all sitting in silence. Everyone. Silent. Not like a single conversation happening. And they all turn and they stare at you as you walk in.
Starting point is 00:04:34 And we're like, what the fuck? But I don't know. It's very odd. But we went to this bar in that town because they were open till like midnight. And we just were like, hey, we'll get three beers. And the guy was like, shook his head and was like furious about it was like all right i'll bring you the beers and it was like okay it was like okay this is fucking weird what was he what did he expect i don't know like he maybe maybe they like were intending on closing earlier and they probably knew that we were gonna stay there all night that you guys were gonna get shit-faced in there yeah
Starting point is 00:05:03 and then he left and then another bartender came and that guy was awesome and he comes up to us like around like 10 30 and he's like uh are any of you guys uh vegetarian and we were like no and he was like and he's like all right i'll be right back and he comes back with like these big ass bowls of like italian wedding soup damn it's awesome what the hell yeah that sounds extremely hospitable that was great that that was like that that made the night what was their accent like uh like european i don't really know how to do it um like lots of weird yeah yeah a lot of that but a lot of them are from it's a lot of people that are from like poland and like ireland huh yeah that's weird yeah and uh so what was bad
Starting point is 00:05:43 about the bad day so then that night we got like hammered. Stayed up till like three in the hotel room and woke up the next day at like noon, which was not planned. We were supposed to wake up at like eight. And it's like raining out. We go get coffee. We're like, all right, we got to go to the grocery store, get a bunch of shit. We do all that. We get more beer because you got to get beer anytime that you're near a liquor store you have to get beer because they're because there's none in general yeah well no yeah in iceland because there's none there are no liquor stores there's like 10 it's a finite commodity
Starting point is 00:06:17 it's like when there was a gas shortage and every time you drove by a gas pump you have to fill up exactly like there was there this and it's all run by the government so they're open like a lot of them are open and only until like 6 p.m so you got to get it in the morning so you got to get in the morning and you're gonna wake up in the morning dude any day of the week and it's packed the whole the whole country is getting alcohol that day and is it light all night there no it but it gets light it like it's dark at like 11 11 30 okay which was kind of i liked that that is sweet yeah just like more day yeah yeah and um so that the the process of getting out of this town took us a lot longer than intended because we were kind of just like being tired and and like worn down and we're supposed to go do this hike and the hike is up to a water of waterfall and i was kind
Starting point is 00:07:09 of anti-hike i was like i'm really hung over i don't really want to hike and then i'm looking at reviews on all trails of the hike and everyone's like beautiful hike only thing is there's a log that you have to use to cross this river at the top way and they're like the log is gone no way so you have to go up to like in like waste deep water to cross the river so i was like dude it's freezing outside i don't want to walk through waste deep water in my fucking pants and like take my shoes off and stuff so we scratched the hike after like driving there you got there we like got there sat there ate to ate lunch and then we scratched it we're like let's just go to this so that we're like we're gonna go to this other town like arkans and that town had a bar that was open till 3
Starting point is 00:07:58 a.m and they knew you were gonna whoop it up there yeah and they had these like hot spring like met like baths. They were man-made hot springs with a view, which means it was just a hot tub. We're like, let's go to this town, let's get a beer, just have a relaxing day and do whatever. So we get to the town. It's like a 45-minute drive. I will say the drives, everywhere we would go, it'd be like, oh, it's a two-hour drive, drive i will say the drives they were all everywhere we go be like oh it's a two hour drive one hour drive they fly by because you're seeing the most beautiful shit you've ever yeah and there's also no traffic so it's like an hour of it's like literally like
Starting point is 00:08:34 it's going to be an hour of straight driving from here to there it's not going to be like stoplights or anything it's just like a straight shot everywhere two lane roads and is it is it pretty on both sides or where they're like boring stretches is there like no it's all it's all awesome yeah the scenery is crazy and we get to arkans we're trying to find the bar we can't find the bar because the maps are all fucked up we find a bar we're like this bar looks fucking terrible we don't go we're like let's go let's figure out something to do we're driving we like pull over turn around there's just like a a wall graffitied with like the most racist shit i've ever seen in my entire life like the n-word like 10 000 times god damn like bart simpson went off yeah and like drawings like cartoons what the fuck shit and that was like that was like pretty
Starting point is 00:09:26 unsettling it like wasn't even really funny are you sure you weren't in arkansas yeah dude it was like because we were like dude like i know there's like racist parts of america like super racist parts but like they still don't they don't they would cover that shit up they would paint like it was like a mural like they all agreed on it yeah like they were like that's just there like and dude we were like in the center of the town like this was not like a hidden thing like this was just like for the whole town to see god damn like the n-word a million times they don't say they don't tell you that about iceland no and then most hateful country for neo-nazi yeah and then i was like thinking about it i'm like dude there's literally only white people here uh that we were like let's get the fuck out of here let's get out of this town let's go to the
Starting point is 00:10:07 campsite and let's set up and let's just get hammered and go to bed and we go how many beers did you have like a 24 pack or something like that or what oh on us yeah 700 beers i'm not joking when we would stop at every single liquor store and get like two more 24 packs you were loading up yeah and we finished most of them yeah we had to throw out a couple like ipas that my buddy bell got we were like no one wants that shit but uh what kind of beer what was there like go and beer goal go and they're damn good it's just a light beer it's like a bud light but it was good and uh gluten-free too which i liked ah yeah is it uh it didn't give me as bad of a stomach ache corona is gluten-free too which i liked oh yeah isn't uh it didn't give me as bad of a stomach ache corona
Starting point is 00:10:45 is gluten-free i think uh it might be yeah it's good for your tummy yeah i think the mexicans maybe they do it right for their tummies but gull gull was the shit we gotta get a fucking six-year-old gull yeah gull was good gull was good and uh i found that like right away and i was like yeah this is gonna be my beer for the trip but you see gull you flock to but dude they have gull everywhere they sell it everywhere you'd be watching you'd be driving by a bookstore would have a big ass gull sign outside of it and it'd be like we sell gull and books it was like that like most of their money must be made off of gull and so like we're coming off of this like racist fucking city whatever it was also a lot of the cities are not nice like they're like that
Starting point is 00:11:25 borgans one or whatever it was called borgans i forget what it was that one was cool that one was nice that was like what you would pick that's what you picture in your head when you're like oh this is an icelandic town i'm picturing like um like wooden houses that are like painted a bright color or some shit like and like all in the mountains like on the water it was cool arcans was like if you pulled over on like on a factory in the middle of fucking upstate New York, like it was like a shitty, shitty town. Run downtown.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Racist. Really racist. Were there people walking around? People were like taking pictures in front of the murals. Like in Los Angeles when they have the angel wings. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:02 They're like the eye and the inward standing there. No, no, there was, it wasn't like that, but it was weird yeah yeah they're like the eye and the inward standing there no there was it wasn't like that but it was weird so we're like let's get the fuck out of here let's go to this campsite we get to the campsite legitimately the most beautiful place i've ever seen in my entire life like we're in the center it's like it's so bare like everything's so bare but then there's like these massive lakes and mountains and like cool architecture like everything and that sounds awesome we pull over we're like getting our shit ready i'm going up to the bathroom and a dude comes out of the bathroom and i'm like oh is the bathroom open he's like oh no we're closed he's like i'm doing work on the place so we're like okay campsite's off go up to like the base lodge base lodge is closed so then we find this other place to go camping and it's in the center of a town and what would you have to camp with just tents
Starting point is 00:12:52 and uh like fucking sleeping bags or what we had everything we had we rented a bunch of shit okay and then we end up driving another hour to this other town that town sucked but we stayed there and we just got obliterated at a hotel room or at a you went to a bar you went to a camp or where'd you stay that night though we we went to the campsite campsite sucked i was like i'll get us a hotel room the thing that's nice about a lot of the hotels there is that they have uh self check-in you just enter a code in so it's like an airbnb yeah you just like it would get a room but it's expensive dude how much like like that was like 300 bucks really yeah for the three of you yeah and did they all have mou 100
Starting point is 00:13:30 definitely not damn but you took the bed yeah no we like all shared beds what yeah dude oh man it was like you and two of your boys shared the beds in the hotel rooms it was like a queen bed and we would sleep what the fuck what else were we gonna do i'm not gonna buy us all our own hotel room people would sleep on the floor i think or two people we did that we did that the next night three dudes in a bed is a little it's just a little bit not i'm not even saying gay i'm saying that's uncomfortable yeah dude it was uncomfortable you guys definitely laid your arms on each other you guys send me money and one of my friends looked at me he was like i literally have zero dollars
Starting point is 00:14:08 and i'm like then why are you on fucking vacation in the most expensive country in europe it's literally the most expensive country in europe dude but you've got like it's it's past switzerland by a lot you got the bread though i guess it was still i mean every night was a fucking awesome like it was always super fun yeah i mean you could have 700 beers anywhere yeah but it was still like it was fine it was cool like the like the like the black sand beach was insane that we went to the hot springs the hot springs were crazy it's it's hot dude dude's getting out of there literally like bright red they're getting out of there like they're like someone just spray painted them red what did you what did you wear in there i wore a bathing suit no shirt what i was running with the fat guys dude the fat guy move in the hot
Starting point is 00:14:56 springs as you lay on your stomach and then you just like chill with like your head up by your arms and you're like dude this is so cool what's the other alternative where other guys are sitting on their ass yeah but it's not deep enough to the point that like you know when you go like when you go swimming once you're in you just go just keep it at the neck so you can see your body it's not deep enough for that oh really so you sit down and they're seeing every they're seeing the rolls in full action and your boys are slim oh yeah your boys are like they like jesus abs yeah that sucks yeah with their poor asses bro no wonder they can't afford to fuck i would start twisting that on them they'd be like you're a fat ass and i'd be like well i make more money than both of you will
Starting point is 00:15:35 ever make yeah i'm eating good no you didn't you said that no I would say shit like that just to piss them off. Bro, they should have slit your fucking throat in our pants. Oh, it's the white supremacists. Damn. Dude, they're coming after me. I'm going to come after them. I'm fucking paying
Starting point is 00:15:56 for the entire trip. Yeah. You got your wallet's fat. It actually wasn't me paying for the entire trip. My other buddy helped pay for almost everything. It was just one of them didn't pay for a single thing.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Who, Matt or Bo? Bo. Bo didn't pay for anything? No. And Matt paid for a lot? Yeah, we would split it. Because Matt's a hard worker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Bo, on the other hand. Well, Bo's a really hard worker. Bo just chooses to work at places where they pay him $2 an hour. And he's like, dude, I don't know how I'm ever going to make enough money. I'm like, get a fucking real job, dude stop working at like summer camps where they pay you zero dollars get a real job work at barstool no but it's like there's difference between like being like oh dude minimum wage is tough it's like no dude you're choosing to make less than 50 percent of minimum yeah you're panhandling yeah you're napoleon dynamite at the chicken farm bro you're
Starting point is 00:16:42 making fucking less than a dollar an hour i I don't want to put him on blast. I feel like that was mean. I shouldn't be saying that. You put him on blast face to face and then you fucking double down to our audience face to face. Face to face on your massive platform.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I'm going to sound like such a scumbag saying that. Yeah, you are. That's a fucking thing you should never say to your... No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:17:01 No, we're not. No, we're not. If you want... It's in a joking way. Yes, of course. I'm not looking at him in the eyes and being like, no, we're not. No, we're not. If you want, it was a, but we're, it's in a joking way. I'm not looking at him in like the eyes and being like, you'll never be me. I'm saying it because he's calling me fat. What does he say back to that?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Then they're like, yeah, you got to pay for everything for the rest of the trip. That was where they were twisted on me. Yeah. And then, so what do you say back to that? I'd say I'm not doing that. And then I would do it. Oh yeah and then so what do you say back to that i'd say i'm not doing that and then i would do it oh dude that's such a fun you're you're literally having the time of your life on that trip yeah it was fun dude we went to a hostel one night yeah and uh what was
Starting point is 00:17:37 the setup in the hostel everybody in one room or you guys got your own bunk bedrooms everybody in one room and one of us slept on uh the floor yikes and who slept on the floor definitely not you matt oh really yeah with his affluent ass yeah rich ass and that was uh that day was awesome but that night was rough that day we did you sleep outside once yeah the first night just one night yeah and it was too cold it wasn't even too cold it was more just like we were doing shit like we were like up and moving the whole day and then you'd get and then you'd like you you wouldn't we wouldn't really eat a lot at all the whole day and then it'd be like nine o'clock and we'd be rolling into the campsite and be like dude i don't want
Starting point is 00:18:15 to fucking like set up a tent right now that was my like first thing that would have sucked about going on vacation camping is setting up the tent all the time every night yeah that's terrible yeah that's why it's not really a vacation if you're doing that you're just making work for yourself yeah so we stayed in a hostel and it was it was nice it was a nice hostel um there must have been some sort of some sort of kids like icelandic field trip happening because they we went into the yodeling competition dude the loudest people on the planet really like dude they're so fucking loud singing bjork songs do their language and their language is so unattractive to the ear like it's like it's just like sounds dude it's not even like it's not even words it's just sounds
Starting point is 00:19:06 they speak in taser dude it's insane the noises that they make and then and then i know where they just they laugh they all they all start laughing they're playing a game these kids and that must have pissed you off it didn't piss me off at first it pissed me off and then they're coming out like where we like we like left the kitchen area when it's like the like the uh the common area we're like playing this game that we're playing the whole time and they keep on coming out and like and like pulling your hat up off your head and then like scurrying away they were like they were fucking with us dude yeah they'd be like you winning and then they'd scurry away and they'd all...
Starting point is 00:19:45 Take the hat off the American. Yeah, yeah. And then we went out to get more beer from the car and I came back in and they all had their jackets on and they were like tiptoeing out, sneaking away. They were sneaking out. Really? Yeah. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:19:58 I don't know where the hell... We were like off of a highway. I don't know where they were going. How old were they? They were probably all like 15 to 18. I heard that uh like in iceland you like mischievous like no one locks their doors you can like literally just like sneak into people's houses and they'll be like hey get out of my house yeah like what the heck are you
Starting point is 00:20:14 doing up there like you're like a stray cat or something like that i heard that too actually yeah maybe from you um maybe but yeah dude they were i mean loud like the loudest like this conversation would be like the room would be shaking and that's just like their base level all of them are just the kids just the kids kids on the field trip you should have brought them beers and dude they would have they are you winning the game they could not drink beer they would have it would have been a nightmare they were like slamming coffee at midnight probably because it's light out yeah probably because they're in the song meet virginia yeah you ever hear that song she only drinks coffee at midnight oh damn good
Starting point is 00:20:56 reference bro a crazy reference bro i've been dropping fucking reference gems bro i've been really populated in this fucking conversation with subtle references i know i've been paying attention have you yeah see goal and flock to it was underrated i'm with you bro i'm just trying to i'm at it i'm the color commentator of the story yeah that's pretty much it i mean it was fun it was a great time what was the best and worst things you ate while you were there oh dude you know i mean i'm not a food guy well i want to know the best and worst things you ate that's interesting interesting to me. I had trout, which was cool. Trout? Steamed trout?
Starting point is 00:21:27 Trout. Trout was good. How did they prepare it? Did they cook it up or was it like raw fish? It was like grilled. That sounds good. What else did we get? We got something really good one day.
Starting point is 00:21:37 We got a... Was it like clam chowder? We got like a chowder, clam chowder. And then we got some sort of what they sound soup heavy a lot it's a lot of soup bread bowls yeah fish yeah it was good do you ever watch zach efron's travel show no is it the one where he like does acid oh i think he does like water he goes like a water sommelier it's like the best water in the world but uh first episode they go go to the best restaurant in Iceland. It still didn't look good.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah, the food wasn't anything special. It looked like it was just the regular food, but they served it on a square plate to act like it was fucking fancy. Yeah. Reykjavik was pretty cool. Yeah? Cool city. Were you flying to Keflavik? Yeah, he's flying to Kev.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And then you... Kev is about 45 minutes away from Reykflavik? Yeah, you fly into Kev. And then you... Kev is about 45 minutes away from Reykjavik. And those are the two biggest cities, right? Reykjavik's the biggest and Keflavik's the second biggest? Keflavik, if that's what they would call it, a city. I mean, that was like an old person's community, like one of those towns in the suburbs. Really?
Starting point is 00:22:42 Yeah. But Reykjavik is sick. Reykjavik's a real city what kind of shit are they doing there racist graffiti nazi rallies no not not not much there in reykjavik did you see a black person the whole time you were there no how about like a um 10 person yeah it's definitely a brown person yeah yeah indian. Indian bros? Maybe like one. Okay. That's dope.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I'm just curious as to the- The general vibe there is not happy. They're not happy people in Iceland. Oh, there's- I think the suicide rate is crazy there. Yeah, they're miserable people. I think like that's why they keep their own population low by just killing themselves. They're really not happy.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Yeah. Like they're genuinely unhappy. Like we went- We checked into the hotel the last night and we were like just like you know hey how's it going
Starting point is 00:23:28 checking in ah it's been better like oh not what I was looking for yeah like don't tell me that not at all what I was looking for
Starting point is 00:23:37 in America we lie and then she's like you know it's been raining for the last five months she's like it'll get better hopefully and then like a 10 minute pause like one day You know, it's been raining for the last five months. It'll get better. Hopefully.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And then like a 10 minute pause, like one day. It's like, Jesus. I think it's good. I think all the sunlight that they're getting, like, I think it fucks with their glands. I think they're getting like a tiny gland in their brain that's not getting enough fucking darkness. So they can't sleep. No, but they do. It's only light out for like four hours a day in the winter. i mean i feel like that fucks with it the other way i just feel like they're like milking their glands out the wrong way got these fucked up milked out glands
Starting point is 00:24:14 yeah it did rain the whole time really yeah there was like one hour a day where it would be sunny and it was usually in the morning and it's like that for five months that's what they said damn why would people go there i think in the spring in the summer it's super nice out it's beautiful yeah i can't believe that greenland is like way way way worse than that and way way way bigger but greece greenland's all ice yeah but still how or how much ice was there in iceland none crazy thing when you find out i mean there's like there's like mountains with snow on them snow and there's glaciers in the up like up north did you go to the glaciers did you go to like the continental divide or whatever no we couldn't go i think it was too
Starting point is 00:24:54 early efron went there bro yeah we went too early in the year which sucked because i can't imagine i'll go back anytime soon but i think if i go back i think if i go on vacation again i'll go somewhere i'd still want to go to switzerland really bad or i'll go somewhere in like southeast asia somewhere cheap somewhere where like the whole vacation costs like 40 bucks somewhere where you can bang a dude for four dollars yeah a dude dressed as a woman yeah exactly that's the dream but somewhere where you can kill a local and get away with it exactly yeah um can i can i can i get in on one of these room sure let's just do it for content yeah or just be like well we'll talk we'll tell stories of it yeah exactly we'll tell stories of our journey
Starting point is 00:25:36 yeah i'm trying to think of what else happened that was what was the worst that you just said the worst thing you ate i feel like they probably have like a gray paste or something like that that's just like a stupid like sauce like a fish sauce or some shit yeah i didn't haggis or like i didn't eat anything bad noticeably there was they do have dried fish in like the in like beef jerky bags and they sell it everywhere and it looks so fucking gross. That does sound gross. Let me show you a picture of what it looks like. They gotta be fucking snacking on that shit. Like it's biltong or something. It's just crackers. But that sounds nasty as fuck.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Let me see. Dry fish. Iceland snack. Let's talk about game time. The exclusive ticketing partner of Barstool Sports. Bro, how are we going to talk about them when the Sixers just got out? Dude, this is super messed up of you. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:37 It looks like you'll have to go see something else, like a concert perhaps. Oh, no. Or a must-see spring event. I'm going to the Mets Phillies coming up, and I got my tickets on. Game time. That's right. I did. Created by fans for fans. Game time is a ticketing app that makes it easier than ever to score last minute deals tickets. Here's what I did. I said, I want to get behind the Phillies dugout. And I looked at the ticket prices and bam, you could just click on the section that you want right behind the Phillies dugout. Best prices. I mean, it's all lined up. You can see what the hot deals are. There's some deals
Starting point is 00:27:06 where you're like, oh, I want to jump on that right now. Got the tickets, two clicks. As soon as I had the idea, the tickets were in my wallet and the same thing could happen to you. You can skip the hassle. You can enjoy the moment because it's that simple. Two taps, 10 seconds, download the Game Time app or go to the website enter your email and redeem code boy dad for twenty dollars off your first purchase terms apply terms apply the reachy let's talk about the reachy of all the things in life one of the best has to be getting high i knew it wherever you want whenever you want without the paranoia of consuming some sketchy black market bump i knew it what's the best way whenever you want, without the paranoia of consuming some sketchy black
Starting point is 00:27:45 market bunk. I knew it. What's the best way to do that? With 3C, of course. 3C has the highest quality cannabis products from their delicious Delta 9 edibles. True story right here. The 3C sponsors Ruff and Rowdy. And the last time, the sound crew from Ruff and Rowdy were like, can we get some of those
Starting point is 00:28:04 3C vape pens? can we get some of those three cheat vape pens? Can we get some of those edibles? And I gave them some, and the guy came back to me this past time and was like, those were awesome. More of the crew wants some, like if there's any leftover three cheat, can you let, can you lead us back there? And I didn't lead him back there because I wanted it all for myself. Damn. That's how good the 3C is. That is how good it is. It goes fast. It's literally just that good. They have the highest quality cannabis products from the delicious Delta 9 edibles and their
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Starting point is 00:28:51 Thank you, boys. Yeah, this is what it looks like. Shut the fuck up. It kind of is nice packaging what is it called black fish tour yeah it's disgusting dude that's what it looks like let me see
Starting point is 00:29:13 and they have it in just like big ass like beef jerky bags gross fuck that fish gets bad so fast when it's good it's so good but when it's bad it's so much worse than like any other but they eat it like it's
Starting point is 00:29:34 everywhere it's like it's more common than you would see like a bag of beef jerky it's probably because the country's expensive and everybody's poor no they're not poor they're not no actually I think that everyone I think actually there's very low poverty rates there because everyone is within like the comfortable cost of living so what's their excuse for being racist they got nothing else to worry about
Starting point is 00:29:55 they just have never seen i guess i mean just having never seen a black person gotta be fucking crazy yeah dude there the first night we were there we we like went we got in we like went there's like a bait all the campsites have like base camps where there's like it's like you can sit down charge your phone drink there's a hot tub we went there we take a shower party with a bunch of ic Icelandic dudes. Oh, yeah? They had a staff party. And we went. It was terrible. Were you guys talking to them?
Starting point is 00:30:30 Yeah. Who was the conversation leader? Like, who breaches the conversation first with them? I don't remember. We went there late. We were already fucked up. Oh, so it was you. No.
Starting point is 00:30:39 So what did you guys do? No, it wasn't me. It wasn't me. You guys have a pool table? They did have a pool table, and we played on it. And this dude that's working there he's like like one of like the handyman around there and he comes in and he's talking to us and he's like yeah i live i've lived in iceland for like two years i live iceland two year and i and he's like asking us all these questions about america he's like let me ask you he's like would you guys ever these questions about America. He's like, let me ask you.
Starting point is 00:31:05 He's like, would you guys ever, would you date a bisexual girl? And I'm like, I guess. I was like, I've never really thought about it, probably. And he's like, see me, my girlfriend, she bisexual. And now it's just, I have more to worry about. She goes out, she hangs out with her girlfriends. And I don't know, maybe they're eating her pussy and he's like and he's like and i know i know deep down i'll never be able to satisfy her the
Starting point is 00:31:32 way that her girlfriends satisfy her what and this was like 30 seconds after we met him what the fuck and then he's like do you guys like andrew tate no swear to god swear to god this is the first person i talked to in iceland and i was like oh oh, I don't know who Andrew Tate is. What the fuck? I was like, I think I've heard of him. And he was like, he has lots of good ideas. Lots of good ideas. I thought that Andrew Tate would be down with you having a bisexual girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Andrew Tate's against that? And why would this guy be like, I could never... He just kept talking about how he's never going to eat his girlfriend's pussy the way that girls can eat his her pussy but he's got the the fucking trump card dude he's got a penis that's what he said but he's got a man but then he was like girls don't like penis i was like he's dating a lesbian bro yeah he's dating a lesbian who's like being pressured by her mom to continue the Icelandic bloodline. Yeah. So she has to fuck a dude.
Starting point is 00:32:29 But they're not even... He was from Poland as well. And his girlfriend was. And he just moved there a year ago. Damn. He's got to talk to Stephen Jay. Take some notes on eating pussy. Yeah. Some pussy eating notes. Did you gas him up? He's like, no to Stephen Jay. Take some notes on eating pussy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Pussy eating notes. Did you gas him up? No, no, no. You probably got a great cock. We were just laughing. I was just dying laughing. You probably fucked your girlfriend good as fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:55 And then we told him to come drink with us and he left. Yeah. I said, I have to go see my girl. Make sure she's not eating pussy. My girl, I leave her at home alone for too long she eats all the pussy in iceland she eats every pussy in iceland she's the best at it she is so good at eating pussy she'll never like me because i don't have pussy i'm considering reassignment just so i could know her pussy eating and then we'd laugh and he'd be like no but seriously
Starting point is 00:33:26 seriously would you be okay with your girlfriend getting her pussy eaten by one of her friends like dude what the fuck why yeah know me know me a little bit first i know we're like yeah we just got here man super pumped to be in iceland and we're like how do you like living here and he was like ah it's uh it's lonely he's like he's basically you guys are the only people i'm gonna see today i need to get this off my chest yeah that's why he's probably thinking about that for a while and he had to tell someone anyone finally some more travelers yeah i can talk to yeah damn i should have gone to iceland yeah you should i should have gone to Iceland. Yeah, you should. I should have gone.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Now you've kind of spoiled it for me. No way. You told me everything there is to see. We didn't see half the country. What didn't you see? Everything east and north of Vic. You went to Vic? You went to Vic. Yeah? Vic is cool. Vic's where the
Starting point is 00:34:24 it's right it's right near where the plane wreck is and the black sand beach what was that plane wreck that you were sending pictures of or uh posting pictures of it's just a plane wreck damn did everyone die or what no everyone lived actually really it was a u.s navy plane that crashed in the 1970s because they ran out of fuel doesn't seem like a crash seems Seems like they fucking nailed that. Seems like they got exploded out of the air. There's like bullet holes in the side. I guess the Icelandic people are just going out there and just lighting that thing up.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Your military is not all white. Do they have a military over there? I don't think so. Do they have 700 police officers in the whole country? We should take it. I know. There's not much there to take, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:10 What are you going to take? Perfect. Everything is imported. Yeah. Like all their cattle just shipped over from other countries. Do they make gold? Yeah. Where do you get the gold from?
Starting point is 00:35:20 The gold is natural. We can take the gold. You know what's funny too, dude? This just killed me the all the water like the heated water and like they're using like showers and stuff it's like naturally heated from like underground because of like the lava and shit i guess and it's all like sulfur that heats it and you like first time so it stinks throw on the hot shower you're like yo what the fuck is that smell and the whole fucking place reeks of like diarrhea dude it just smells like dude my my stomach hurt i was like sore for days from how that how hard it is laughing because it was like dude it was like two in the morning and we like got to our first hotel and my buddy turns the shower on to shower and it was like he we were like dude did you just like die in the shower
Starting point is 00:36:08 yeah we're like what the hell is that smell the three of you are showering together like okay who farted dude it was that was hilarious it smells so bad unless you go to like and we the last night we stayed at like a nice hotel and that one had like fresh fresh water no no stinky water no poop no poopoo water no poop water but even like the hot springs the hot springs smell like shit really yeah ew yeah that's fucking gross like straight shit that's not cool no that's actually but you get used to it well that's disgusting man but it's not it's like clean water Do you smell after showering? No, which was weird because I expected to. So where is it coming from?
Starting point is 00:36:49 Is it just like coming from the pipes or does the water actually stink? I don't think they have like, like they have some weird system of heating the water there. I forget what it is. But that's why everyone, like the water gets super hot because it's like naturally heated and they're like, yo, like be careful when you're turning the shower on because it's going to get hot as fuck fast. Did you watch any TV while you were there? No. You didn't see any Dylan Mulvaney gull campaigns?
Starting point is 00:37:12 No, no, no. I don't even know if I like saw it when we were there. You said the guy was watching TV on the second floor. The guy sitting in the big chair. Oh, yes. He was watching TV. Yeah. The bad hotel.
Starting point is 00:37:24 That was like the best hotel. They were awesome. Oh, watching TV, yeah. The bad hotel? Mm-hmm. Oh, that was like the best hotel. They were awesome. Oh, really? Vivian, shout out to Vivian. Shout out Vivian. She was this old ass lady. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Let me show you me to your, let me show you to your room. It seems like the kind of place where Bane. Yeah. Let me show you. This is my husband, Carl. He was born in the darkness. Get me another girl, woman. Like, they're probably like country people or what? I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:52 We got the fuck out of there in the morning. I'll tell you that. Yeah. Tipped Toad out. Yeah. You didn't even say bye? No. You didn't want like some fish sausage or something in the morning?
Starting point is 00:38:02 Yeah, I knew it would have been a long conversation. Just like fish on toast? Yeah. That sounds gross. Damn. What an adventure though. Yeah, it was fun. It was a good time.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Are you going to take your boys on your Southeast Asian vacation? Yeah, definitely. Same guys? Yeah. Are you going to bring any... I thought you had four boys. I do. Where was the fourth?
Starting point is 00:38:21 Number four was graduating. Oh. Yes. You bailed on four? Well, he couldn't come. And this is the only number four was graduating oh yes you bailed on four well he couldn't come and this is the only week we could do we could do it why because my buddy bo goes to alaska what the fuck yeah those are clear too no originally it was supposed to be me and bo we're gonna go because bo flies for free and then matt's three yeah Yeah, Matt's three.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Even though Matt has money. No, no, no. And then Matt was like, I will also go. He's like, I'm going to be out of school by then. And we're like, oh, cool. And then we're like, Nate, what about you? Are you going to come? And he's like, no, I can't. Sounds like Bo is the leader of the group. No, I'm the leader.
Starting point is 00:39:01 No, you're the cash cow. No. Bo knows to let you think you're the yeah you're the bag there definitely were some fights there were some big arguments how did bo get the bed if matt paid for the hotel that it did i was asking i was asking the same question i was asking the same question i was furious about that and i already had a bed but i was like why the fuck is matt sleeping on the floor and matt's like dude i really don't mind yeah because no man you stay out of this this is between me and bo now the bed boys are fighting yeah get back to the floor bitch i'm fighting for your rights you fucking idiot don't you know the day after that i think we
Starting point is 00:39:42 started the morning off with just like two hours of silence and just rage. How did it break? I think we listened to Matt and Shane's. Really? Yeah. Somebody's smart. Yeah. It's not even that funny, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:57 You're just waiting for them to talk about you. I actually know these guys. Fuck up. I actually know these guys fuck up I was playing just the I just looked up Matt and Shane's funniest moments and put it on because the
Starting point is 00:40:12 vibes were low we needed a morale boost you tapped to the bullpen yeah we really needed a morale boost that day that was last day too that was the last day any roughhousing
Starting point is 00:40:21 no god damn you don't roughhouse in Iceland bro that's the land of peace unless you're black in which case there's a lot of roughhousing we need yeah we need civil rights in iceland fast you should have fucking spoke for it i wanted to dude it was like it was like one of those things that like i thought would be funny. Like, holy shit, that's crazy. Then like laugh about it. But we were all like, yo, that is fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:40:48 That's like dark. Yeah. That was real. Racism's dark. Yeah. I thought racism was going to be funny as fuck. Yeah. But it's actually dark.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Lighthearted. Yeah. Yeah. Real racism. Being faced with real racism. Yeah. You should have taken. Did you take pictures?
Starting point is 00:41:03 Yeah, I took a lot of pictures. Oh, of them. No. God, no. You should have. No. take pictures yeah i took a lot of oh of them no god no you should have no you should put iceland on blast i might have to isn't that what they say about like ukraine that the ukraine is all nazis oh yeah they're like full-on nazis like they're all their soldiers have like swastika patches on their uniforms okay like the public art in iceland is the n-word you said i mean sounds like russia could do some fucking some of the lord's work up in iceland too yeah there's not there's nothing
Starting point is 00:41:31 to take mr putin we have one last task before you pass yeah blow up iceland get the racism out of iceland we'll give you all the goal you you can drink. They really just fucking stole Shania and gull. Gulls were good, dude. I could go for a gull right now. You think we could drizzly some gulls? Definitely not. I wonder if they sell them in America. Look it up. G-U-L-L? What is it? A green can?
Starting point is 00:41:57 No, white. What the fuck? It's a good logo. Is it? Looks like damn good beer, brother. Oh, gold cans yeah you know what's annoying though is so miller like kind of so i'm not even exaggerating me i'm not even i'll be not talking about iceland that much more but i love talking about iceland the i've never been the uh you go to the grocery store and we're like all right let's get let's get some
Starting point is 00:42:23 beers while we're here. Go over to the beer aisle. They have a bunch of beer. They have all the beers, every beer that you could want. And you start looking closer and you're like, whoa, wait, this is 0.5% alcohol.
Starting point is 00:42:35 And then you realize that all of them are non-alcoholic beers. Damn. You can literally only buy alcohol. And every, but everywhere sells beer.
Starting point is 00:42:43 But they all sell 0.5 beer it's probably because everyone's on suey watch up there dude maybe they should free the fucking beers and people won't want to kill themselves as much no i don't think that's it i think that they need to stay off the beers so people don't get any good ideas there's people out there's like really depressed people out there but i mean it was it was a decent amount of tourists yeah they make that american depression look fucking yeah cut you stepped on better help promo yeah yeah yeah the dude the thing is the a lot of the tourists though there was a it's like
Starting point is 00:43:18 it's a lot of tourists but most of them are not american where they a lot of people travel from europe and go to i know visit iceland so why do people think it's cheap though like you guys obviously got hoodwinked the flights are cheap flights are cheap because they're short because it's close to everywhere yeah and the actual being there is expensive as fuck damn yeah i mean if it's in europe they've been settling everything in europe for fucking you know thousands of years and if it's relatively unsettled that means that europeans got there and they were like yeah no we don't want this shit this is gross yeah i mean it was it was really fun it was cool damn bro so who's there what's your fourth boy's name nate nate damn okay uh so it's nate so n Nate's in for ladyboys in Thailand?
Starting point is 00:44:08 Yeah, I think so. I don't know if we're actually ever going to do that. Yeah, you will. But tell everybody to stack some cash. Start putting it in the money market right now. Well, they're all graduating, so they'll all get jobs. They'll all have income. Yeah, when your boys start first getting money,
Starting point is 00:44:23 it is a pretty sweet time of life. Everybody starts spending cash. You go out to the bar. You don't give a fuck. Yeah. You're not poor anymore. Yeah. It was fun.
Starting point is 00:44:32 You haven't been poor for a while, though. No. You've been clearing checks. You're going to suck when you're rich, to be honest. Why? Because you're like, what are you going to spend the money on? Probably stupid shit. You're probably just going to have like model train sets. I want to travel more. Maybe you want to spend the money on probably stupid shit you're probably just going to have like i want to travel more maybe you want to travel more that going
Starting point is 00:44:49 there did you got the wanderlust now you got the itch yeah fuck yes dude i mean i think it was also more just the drinking it felt very guilt-free because we would move we would work we would like exercise all day we like hike move around you didn't feel like a gross, fat piece of shit? And then you'd just go put down fucking 15 gulls. Eat some fucking dried fish chips. Yeah. Not fish and chips. It's just fish chips. It's fucking gross.
Starting point is 00:45:15 But maybe it's sweet. No, I don't think so. Dude, I'm close to booking a trip to Africa. Yeah? I'm about to pull the trigger. How much does that cost? Dude, luckily, no. Yeah. I'm, I'm about to pull the trigger. How much does that cost? Dude? Luckily. No,
Starting point is 00:45:26 I'm saving. I think I'm saving $40,000 on flights by having Delta by having these, you know, like are you platinum? Yeah. So you get like four free upgrades and it's like, I'm going from like a 2000 ticket to a $24,000 ticket for free. Yeah. It's like,
Starting point is 00:45:44 I'm saving like, wait, the ticket there's $2,000 ticket. For free? Yeah. I'm saving like... Wait, the ticket there is $2,000? For just like an economy seat? Yeah, yeah. And I'm getting bumped up to better seats than that just using these upgrades. It's been the most worth it that having this extra Delta shit. So you're going to sit first class on like an Emirates air
Starting point is 00:46:00 type flight? I think on Delta. Damn. I'm fucking loyal to Delta, dude. I'm in like the delta subreddit like thumbs enough pictures of baggage handlers like looking good man all positive i i'm getting an amex i'm gonna be able to sit in the lounge now are you dude uh apparently the iceland airport has one of the nicest lounges of all airports you'll never know are you would you ever go back to iceland yeah definitely you would yeah i would go back to Iceland? Yeah, definitely. You would? Yeah, I would go back when it's nice out.
Starting point is 00:46:27 I would want to go back in June or May. Or not May. June or July. Probably June. This year? Oh, no. Did I just unplug? Yeah. Oh, wait. Let's pop that back in. Sass, let's take a second to talk about shady rays okay let's talk about shady rays take on the sun with gear built to last our friends at shady rays have you covered for the warm weather ahead with premium polarized shades at an affordable price did you wear shades in iceland i did yes and i
Starting point is 00:47:00 wore shady rays you did yes that's good shady rays is an independent sunglasses company that offers a world-class product that's just as good as any expensive pair we've worn. Durable frames and extremely clear optics for all of your outdoor adventures. And that's not all. Shady Rays offers the most protection in all of eyewear. Every pair of sunglasses is backed
Starting point is 00:47:19 by a lost and broken replacement. By lost and broken replacements. And it doesn't stop at quality. Shady rays is the most insane protection program in, in all of eyewear, to be honest with you guys, each pair of sunglasses is backed by their lost and broken program. So that means if you lose or break a pair,
Starting point is 00:47:36 even on day one or year two, it will send you a brand new pair. Go to shady Use code sun and they will give you 50% off two or more pairs of polarized sunglasses. What a deal. That's a smoking hot deal. use GoatSun.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Be back in this bitch. Hell yeah. Bro, I missed you uh the most dangerous game show this past week yeah dude i talked to francis about it francis is i mean it was a little he was being a little dramatic about it he like explained to me because he was like dude it was terrible all this shit and then he explained it to me i'm like that's so it was like you just explained every single thing that happened last year it It was mentally trying for. That's what he did. The cast.
Starting point is 00:48:28 But was it not for our cast? I think this was a little bit worse. Weather played a huge. Yeah, it was cold. It was cold. The way he described the weather. I was crying, laughing. So cold.
Starting point is 00:48:41 So cold. Yeah. And he said that I guess I shouldn't give anything away. But I landed and tyler was like buy me a hat buy me a winter hat like i had no idea it was going to be this cold and so i bought a round of hats for the boys around a winter hats for the boys was there a lot of tears a lot of tears on the trip a lot of waterworks yeah yeah that's the worst i think i was telling at least three people cried yeah he. He told me about crying and I,
Starting point is 00:49:05 and that actually infuriates me when people start crying like that. Cause people were crying on our trip and it's like, dude, pull it together. Why the fuck are you crying right now? Yo, really? If you're the,
Starting point is 00:49:15 if I was getting to the point where I was going to cry, I'd be like, Hey guys, I'm done. I'm going back to my home. It's not like they were not on foot. We're not on a fucking like military school right now. I think that's how I get into a point where you're crying there were there were people that worked for barstool that were like restricting bathroom access for them yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:49:34 said that if you were treating people were treating it like you were on like naked and afraid and someone like asked for like a twix bar or something like that. Francis said that he tried to go to the bathroom and someone was like, sorry, man. No. And Francis is like, are you fucking insane? He's like,
Starting point is 00:49:50 I'm going to the bathroom. Yeah. They, they like lassoed him when he tried to go to the bathroom. They hog tied him. Yeah. Set him to the bears. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Ellis was on a ranch though. I mean, it was beautiful. There's just like elk roaming. Really? There's just incredible scenery. That's awesome. It sounded, he told me, I mean, I was like, how was the trip?
Starting point is 00:50:14 And I mean, you know, Francis from the sea explained to me from the second that he got to the airport to go to Denver to the second that me and him met in DC to go to this show, every single detail yeah and then i brushed my teeth and then it was an up and down motion which i find a little bit more but you need an angle if you really want to get between the incisors he definitely uh he he's very well spoken but yeah gets it. He gets the most out of it. I mean, I know everything that happened now. Yeah, it was fun.
Starting point is 00:50:49 It was a lot of fun. I don't know if he liked, like we were eating like camp food the entire week. He didn't like that. And he was like, dude, it sucked. Like we just had to have like chicken fingers and stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:00 And I was like, that sounds fucking awesome, dude. Really wasn't that bad. It wasn't that bad at all. But the first day he was like, this food is going to be a problem yeah teriyaki meatballs on day one yeah that's i mean that's what we had last year it's just camp it was camp food yeah it's like but i mean he did say it was a lot of meatballs he's a well no it's one day of meatballs he's a
Starting point is 00:51:19 well oil machine though yeah so he needs to put in high-end fuel in there he needs like a sirloin and greens yeah and like not not even he won't like a regular salad won't do no no no like a salad out of a communal bowl that everybody's eating out of no you need to have like hand pick the rugel it needs to be picked just for him it's fucking sweet though it was um extremely fun though good week yeah great week Tyler was out there how long is that gonna be till that comes out
Starting point is 00:51:48 August damn well they're gonna they're taking their time with this shit well that makes sense yeah there is gonna be
Starting point is 00:51:56 a slog it sounds good it sounds great the way he described it and he kept on being like the product is gonna be insane it is I personally liked all the challenges way better yeah he explained me the challenges and they sound
Starting point is 00:52:08 awesome yeah the people who work on it are like the dudes who make like survivor yeah even like new challenge guys like these guys who just have stories of going to asia and going to like muslim villages to like build challenges out of like local leaves that they found that they turn into boats and shit like that it's just like the most detailed it's fucking sick that's awesome it was fire that's gonna be sick we uh me and francis did this show it yeah what'd you it was for it was at like the casino you guys went to the casino and how was that hollywood casino and that's it that that room's a barn, isn't it? Stage in the back, kind of walk through crowd.
Starting point is 00:52:46 There's like tables in front of you, right? Yeah. I mean, what is it? What does it fit? 20,000 people in there. I think so.
Starting point is 00:52:52 We had a, we had a whopping 70. You did? Yeah. You did 70. I mean, dude, there's no one there.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah. It's everyone. The only people that are there were like, yeah, we drove four hours for this. Damn. No one. I mean,
Starting point is 00:53:03 dude, Charlestown, West Virginia, the population must be a thousand people. Yeah, probably. It was like when we got off the highway, we passed like three houses in 20 minutes. You were tasked with selling out the town. Selling more than the town. Yeah, the state.
Starting point is 00:53:22 You need to go like far and wide. Yeah. But I mean, the show was fun. Like the crowd was good. the room was so fucking big and every time you would talk it would echo that sucks it was like remind you how many tickets you didn't sell when your voice is just smacking the back wall and then exploding through the air well what is it what's your and francis's like a way of um like how do you guys address that between each other? Are you both like this sucks or is like one of you making fun of it?
Starting point is 00:53:50 Or are you like, are you like, this isn't that bad because of X, Y, Z or? No, we were like, this is going to be terrible. But it was like, I mean, it's just not a market for us to sell in. But you still tried to do it anyway, because. I think we were like, this is going to be good. Like, this is a good look for Barstool and for Penn. Yeah. Do you think it was?
Starting point is 00:54:11 I don't know if anyone at Barstool or Penn knows that we did that show. I don't think they do. I don't think that they had any idea. Yeah. I was with Dave Friday night. Or I think it like came up and he was like confused about it or something. Yeah, I'm sure. Yeah, because he didn't know.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Oh, well. I think Dave would have a better chance selling out MSG before selling out that room. That argument was crazy last week. Yeah, I was just getting updates in the mouth.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Yeah. I think you were brave. I think you're brave as fuck. I really don't think I was. Right, you didn't. Maybe I just don't, I wasn't here when Dave would like scream at people and stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:46 But like. You're not scared. People were like, dude. You're fucked. I was like walking back and Smitty is like. Good luck, man. Good luck. But you're not scared of Dave.
Starting point is 00:55:01 No, I was nervous as fuck. But you weren't scared. No, I was. You didn't back down. Extrem scared no i was you didn't back down really scared but you didn't back down i wasn't going to change my opinion yeah that's what i think most people would do most people that would be scared yeah no i wasn't going to do that even like everybody in the room was against you pretty much yeah i i just don't think it was it it was like a i mean i said i still do think it's a very 50, 50 chance with if he sell it, if he would sell it out or not. But I don't think like he said he would just invite three people who have already sold it out. Yeah, exactly. Which I said, that's not. And the roast was not in the question either. fucking respect dave don't you see the fucking groundwork that he's built yeah see that's what i didn't understand people a lot of that like clearly this is a guy who doesn't respect his boss and doesn't want this job it was like dude that there's a difference between that and me
Starting point is 00:55:51 saying something that i don't think he can like that's not being like hey you can't sell msg doesn't mean it's not that's not like that is like not like a you also randomly threw me under the bus in that conversation no i don't didn't. Like, Roan told me to ask for $200,000. Because you did. I never told you a dollar amount. You told me the exact dollar amount. There was like cents at the end. You were like this point,.99.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Like at a gas station. Yeah. Maybe I did then. Maybe I did. I don't remember, to be honest. But I was going to kind of just try and bank on you not remembering that much you said i said i told you exactly 200 no you told me over you were like 230 well then you got to start you got to start negotiating from somewhere that i was i went in asking for a lot less than that and now dave is trying to say i
Starting point is 00:56:40 asked for like fucking he was like well it was definitely in the twos oh it wasn't wasn't in the twos the way that you were like i remember that day yeah i remember the exact day it meant so much to me i know it meant a lot to you though also it's like it's could be worse i mean if that's the one thing he has against me me asking for a raise two years ago yeah exactly could be worse and now you're going head to head with him now you're in the fucking dojo with him fucking sparring two sparring partners sharpening their sword iron sharpens iron the two best arguers in the company definitely not we should have a debate show i know we should like crossfire have that beer debate or whatever what is it called uh barguments arguments no yeah i guess so i guess we've tried multiple debate shows yeah they never seem to work sponsors pay money for them though yeah
Starting point is 00:57:31 big money sponsors fucking love that shit bro they love a good debate they fucking go crazy for it dude the rap party of this uh show yeah he told me about that too. It was at the... He said it was like 45 minutes long. The wrap party? Yeah. He left hours early. Oh, he said he had to leave to go back to Denver. Yeah, everybody else stayed.
Starting point is 00:57:53 But it was at the hotel where The Shining is based off of. Yeah, yeah. And Dumb and Dumber was filmed there. That's so cool. Have you ever read The Shining? Or have you seen it? I've seen the movie.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Have you? Yeah, multiple times. Really? Yeah. It's a pretty sweet movie. It's so sick. Have you ever read The Shining? Or have you seen it? I've seen the movie. Have you? Yeah, multiple times. Really? Yeah. It's a pretty sweet movie. It's a classic. I heard in the book, though, that it's like a Stephen King book, correct? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Is it? I think so. Have you read it? No, but I saw the movie. Yeah. I've never read it either. What makes me want to read it, though, it was just a hotel that Spider was telling us the backstory on the way
Starting point is 00:58:25 back um he was like it's a hotel and someone was just like this dude named jj i think was that the the guy's name that built he like built he built a hotel because their son was sick or some shit like someone had tuberculosis and they're like, uh, Stanley. Oh yeah. Something. It was the Stanley hotel. The Stanley hotel. There's someone was just super sick. So they just built them a massive hotel.
Starting point is 00:58:55 And I'm pretty sure that the Vanderbilt's did the same thing with like the Vanderbilt mansion. Like someone was sick. Someone had tuberculosis. Why? I don't understand this. The good mountain air. What used to be like the best thing. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:02 If you had tuberculosis that like you just build someone a house and it cures whatever they have like you just gotta get a house like the house is the remedy to all your fucking problems dude maybe that's what you need too dude as soon as i got to iceland i got unsick really like i was so sick the day we got there like achy that good mountain air and then i slept outside and i woke up the next day good as new really yeah it was crazy you might have asbestos yeah maybe or you might have like black mold or something i know i did i actually did think about that and i got worried i was like why am i one i was sick for three weeks and then one day getting out of my apartment i'm
Starting point is 00:59:41 like brand new there was carbon monoxide guys in my building this morning. And they were the same guys that like a couple years ago when we moved in, they like checked it and they were all like, a little bit is good. A little bit is fine.
Starting point is 00:59:54 You don't worry about a little bit, a little bit. One to nothing. It's like, what bro? Is it carbon monoxide? And it was like the same guys.
Starting point is 01:00:04 And as they're walking through the hallway, they're fucking little like it was like the same guys and as they're walking through the hallway they're fucking little like it's like going off a little bit it doesn't matter that's nuts
Starting point is 01:00:11 you taste it it makes your food better yeah you're seizing your drink that's crazy it was fucking nuts and these same guys I completely forgot about it
Starting point is 01:00:21 I was like laying on my back on my floor of my apartment the other day and I like looked up at the ceiling behind like a beam and there was like laying on my back On my floor Of my apartment The other day And I like Looked up at the ceiling Behind like
Starting point is 01:00:27 A beam And there was like Some kind of like Black spots or something I don't know if I Black Oh man Lucky the ceilings are so high
Starting point is 01:00:35 That it would take hours For the True For the shit to get down But we should do You want to do A boy A boy dad
Starting point is 01:00:44 For my apartment Sure We should They told us that we should do that you want to do a boy dad for my apartment? Sure. We should. They told us that we should do that. Yeah. Do it next week. Sure.
Starting point is 01:00:51 You can do it at my apartment too. I don't think so, bro. I don't think so. Do you have seating? Considering my apartment's like five minutes away and yours is what, about two hours? Two hours? Buck 30. It's not a good day.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Buck 30 without traffic. It's a 23-minute bike ride, bro. We ride bikes out there. Brooklyn is just... I'd love to bike there. Yeah, we all get city bikes. Brooklyn's a process. We can all zoom in from my apartment. You guys can zoom in from yours.
Starting point is 01:01:16 You definitely don't have internet. Bro, you got the fastest internet package at Spectrum. Yeah. I got the startup level internet. Oh, like a small business yeah dude they're like you could get 34 devices could be streaming fucking lord of the rings here and you'll be good it said that i could download gta in 30 minutes damn yeah what the fuck does not none of that is true that's the worst thing about video games just normal wi-fi downloading that shit is terrible so games. It's just normal Wi-Fi. Downloading that shit is terrible. It's so fucking annoying.
Starting point is 01:01:45 It's just so boring. Especially now because every video game has like a 70 gigabyte update every week. And you hop on to play with your boys and you're like, oh shit. Can you not just buy discs anymore? No. You buy a disc and then you go on and they go, okay, time to download. Yeah, it's crazy. I'm dead serious.
Starting point is 01:01:59 It's insane. It's just like going and buying the disc is saving you the process of pressing buy. You're like, well, no. Now, instead of having to press buy, you already have it. So it'll just automatically download. The disc is just empty. The disc is just a link to the download. Literally, that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:02:14 There's nothing on the disc. Yeah. Maybe unless like for certain games, but I know for Call of Duty. I think you're right. No, I think you're right. On Christmas, my buddy got the discs. It was like Black Ops 2 came out years ago. You asked for it from your parents?
Starting point is 01:02:29 He got the discs and he put them in. He was like, dude, I got a fucking 15-hour download. Dude, I think my dad got me a DVD for my last birthday. Really? What the hell? DVD is not bad. It's pointless. Yeah, it's pointless.
Starting point is 01:02:45 You know what really got fucked is DVD players. They got, because now just everything can play a DVD. You put a DVD into a PlayStation, it'll play the DVD. Yeah, that is significantly easier. And they also sell for like $10 now. Yeah. A DVD player. You can get them at like $711.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Home phones got fucked. When did you guys stop using home phones? When did your family get rid of yours? I still have mine. It's just spam and my grandparents. Yeah. Do you? No, we definitely don't. We had ours up until like two years ago.
Starting point is 01:03:20 What was your home phone number? Careful. I'm trying to think if I remember. Oh no, I know it. What's the home phone number? Careful. I'm trying to think if I remember. Oh, no, I know it. What's the last four digits? I'm not going to tell you. First three of your social? Just let people start to guess.
Starting point is 01:03:35 You don't? Not your social? No, I know my last four. What are they? Don't worry about it. Why? What am I going to do? Put it backwards.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Put it backwards. Yeah, jumble them up. Yeah, encrypt it. what am i gonna do backwards put it back yeah jumble them up encrypted i uh when i was signing my lease i had to pull up my phone to figure out what my social was and the dude was like you should really know what your social security number is dude you're about to get fucking fucked is what you're gonna get about to fuck you you should have fucked him i told you about how he was he was like did i tell you guys about that i talked about that on this when he was like do you want to get past at the comedy cellar yeah
Starting point is 01:04:08 that's so bad he's like not even if they owe me a favor he's like dude what especially if they owe that's worse i don't know what the fucking favor is that's terrible i don't know what you could have possibly done that this comedy seller now owes you a favor. Yeah. Sort of. He like swept the story about Louis C.K. under the rug. He's like, you know, Louis C.K.
Starting point is 01:04:35 face fucked me, right? Everyone thinks he just jizzed in plants. No, no. He face fucked realtors in New York. Who's fucking my face for apartment fees. That doesn't even make sense. Louis C.K. was fucking a dude's face so he wouldn't have to pay apartment fees. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Non-consensual. The realtor wanted to get his face fucked. Yeah, exactly. You know what the fuck I'm saying, brother. Totally. Louis C.K. is a pretty. I'm on this show, exactly. You know what the fuck I'm saying, brother. Totally. Louis C.K. is a pretty. I'm on this show, dude. Take that shit somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Take that shit to the Pat Bev. Here we respect the greats. Here we respect all the fucking legends. How is the moving going? Are you completely moved in or are you still like on a half? I'm moved in, but it's not, I'm not like done. You got your 50 inch, it's on the ground? 50 inch is coming in tomorrow. Dude, I, so yesterday I'm like, I want to get a TV now.
Starting point is 01:05:35 I'm like, I want one right now. When I like, when I like get the idea to get something, I'm like, I want this today and I never can get it. And then I get angry that I can't get it. But I'm like, why, why would I be able to just get a TV today and I was like I was looking on Best Buy and they have the
Starting point is 01:05:48 I wanted the like insignia fire TV because that's what I have now my small one why because I just know how to use it and it's like
Starting point is 01:05:55 it has everything that I want it has all the apps you know how to use a TV yeah isn't it I'm familiar with the interface are they all used the exact same way
Starting point is 01:06:03 no you look at the screen as a way? I don't know. You look at the screen as a projection image. You don't have a smart TV, do you? I have a genius TV. I have four of them. What do you have? You have the Roku.
Starting point is 01:06:16 This thing comes with the Roku installed, brother. No, my TVs talk to each other. AI. And I'm on the Best Buy website. And they're like that i was looking at a tv and it was like you can come pick it up today in an hour and i was like okay maybe i'll do that and i'm like about to hit checkout and it was a 65 inch tv and i'm like i wonder how big a 65 inch tv is and then i looked it up and i'm like i am so fucking happy that i didn't show up to best buy by myself to fucking carry that thing out of there that's impossible to pick up what i would have done dude you need a team you need to go up there waiting for like a toyota corolla to pick me up in an uber yeah we got to try and squeeze this thing in they'd have to have both doors open
Starting point is 01:07:02 there's no world where they can even close one door. I was so happy I looked it up, dude. The driver would have to sit straight up with the fucking doors open on either side. I don't even think it would fit in my apartment, dude. 65 inches is so fucking big. I thought the couch was the problem. Yeah. They saw the TV in half.
Starting point is 01:07:20 TV doctor to come in. A TV doctor. You roll it up. So I went with the Fitty. I think Fitty is a good size. Amazon should be able to single day drone drop you a television. Right. They should have something. I think that's the future of the city.
Starting point is 01:07:36 What size TV do you have? You definitely have like a fucking 85 inch. I think it's 75 or 70. You got like a theater setup. You probably got a projector. You don't even have a TV. I really don't even like projectors because the pixelization goes down so much. It goes down and it's also not even that clear unless the lights are off.
Starting point is 01:07:51 That's what I mean. I don't like that. Anybody who has a projectors, you know, trying too much. Do you know a lot of people with projectors? I know a handful. Projecting. Name off your top five projector buddies. Christos. Christos Christos
Starting point is 01:08:07 see bro you got one projector buddy and you're talking about projectors like you know projectors no I know other projectors I definitely know other projector buddies Pat's got a projector Pat Beth in his movie room in a movie theater
Starting point is 01:08:20 is he going to get signed by the Bulls again? I hope so. Everyone's been talking about it. I fucking hope so, dude. You think he will? Where do you hope he goes? Selfishly, I hope he goes to Boston, man.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I was telling him selfishly I want him to go to Philly. Sixers need a dog. They do. I don't know what happened last night, but not a lot of dog in that fight.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Fuck you, dude. You're supposed to be a Sixers fan. I watched the whole stream. It was very entertaining. The stream was? Yeah. I had the game and the stream up next to each other. Yeah, it's fun to watch the stream.
Starting point is 01:08:53 It's so shitty to watch your team lose, though. Dude, Smitty walking out right at the end of the stream and yelling was one of the funniest things. Fire Doc Rivers! Now! Or no, yesterday! Did he even know you guys were still live? Oh, hell yeah. Smitty is, off camera, a very soft-spoken, kind guy. Turns it the fuck up for the
Starting point is 01:09:21 Hulk. You weren't as upset about that one as you were about the Eagles or the Phillies. I mean, I had. I think that's honest. Everybody's got. No, I think the Sixers are my second or my two. It goes Eagles, Sixers, Phillies. But I was going to win $40,000 if the Phillies won.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And I was going to win like probably like seven or eight thousand. Yeah. If the Sixers won. I kept on trying to get a screenshot of it because it was like you sitting between Max and Smitty and Max was having like a psychotic breakdown and Smitty was like raging and you were just like grinning in between
Starting point is 01:09:54 them. I wasn't grinning. I was just sucking my teeth. You had a smile on your face. It was just like you fucking believe this bullshit. That's the guy who put on the Celtics tonight. That's the guy who put everything on the Celtics. I would never do that, brother. That's not me. That's a different guy.
Starting point is 01:10:10 That's not up my... He said the dude didn't even do it. Why would you be smirched to Koo Jean's name, bro? I know. Huh? Luke, can we get a quote card of Sass's power rankings of his buddies? No. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:25 No one's going to care about that. I can think of three people that'll care a lot about that. They'll never see that shit. I think they pay attention to anything I do. They definitely do. They're like, we want to make sure you're making enough money for the next vacation to take us on. We're cutting that part for sure. No, we're not.
Starting point is 01:10:45 In a conflict, the biggest scumbag of all time. Here's something we can It was obviously a joke, though, right? Like, I'm joking when I said that.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Yeah, you're funny. Hey, I want to take a second to talk to you guys about Bare Bottom Clothing. Bare Bottom is back and Bare Bottom was just with us for the entire week
Starting point is 01:11:03 of the Most Dangerous Game Show. Really? Yes yes did you get more uh the contestants all did because i need more they had like bags and like these fucking or i just that it's so wearable it's like not a crazy design some of these other companies that are in the similar space just try and jump out the window these are minimalist designs yeah bare bottoms listening i. I need more joggers because I lost one of my pairs of joggers and I need more. I was literally wearing mine yesterday, but those are the ones from the last batch. Not even the ones. They're just so wearable. We love bare bottoms over here. Our bare bottom clothing over here at Son of a Boy Dad. They got the stretch shorts. They got the joggers, but they're built for adventure with innovative features like stretch fabric they
Starting point is 01:11:45 wick moisture antimicrobial tech tech everything is good about bare bottom their shorts and swimsuits come in 5.5 and 7 inch inseam with tons of colors and designs so you can customize the style that's best for you and the best part each item that you purchase bare bottom donates a meal to a child in need what other clothing company is doing that? Get free shipping on your first purchase at slash sun. We just had to cut some stuff because Roan decided
Starting point is 01:12:15 to say some nasty, nasty things. Not about me. Not even about one person individually. Cut this too. Cut this too cut this too i went on a jet ski the other day bro i went on a jet ski in the hudson no really on saturday dude that's like that's worse than that ice slim water by a lot oh for sure and it
Starting point is 01:12:46 was like splashing up it was violent as fuck i didn't know they did that yeah yeah i can fish in the hudson i think i might go get a lime wet there's brothers whales and dolphins in the hudson i've been jones into wet align i mean ever since iceland dude it's like you go there you don't catch shit i'm like i think I could just go to... What about Central Park? The thing is, I don't want to fly fish because fly fishing, you're occupying space when you're fly fishing. Yeah, you got to pitch that bitch. You got to have fucking 30 yards behind you clear.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Yeah, that sucks. You go to Coney Island. Yeah, I could do that. What was the 30 years? I'm not going out to Jersey. Yeah, you won't even go to Brooklyn, bro. You silly now? I stay in Manhattan.
Starting point is 01:13:27 I don't leave the island. I don't leave the island. I go to Central Park. Me and Tucker can get a line in. Get a new show together. Tight! That's what you say when you get a fish. What do you say?
Starting point is 01:13:39 Tight! Tight line, bro. How would you know? You didn't catch any fucking fish out there. I was practicing a lot yeah you practice for what you would say when you took onto a log at the bottom of the lake what do you say tight and then you're like oh never mind it got loose it was a log devastating just soul crushing those were the nights where the gulls would really be flowing
Starting point is 01:14:00 what the fuck did we do we were walking up to customs in iceland those fishing rods yeah a little a little early in the season huh we were like no come on man we googled it it says that this is the perfect time we googled it we googled it and what do they say you know what's insane about iceland this is enraging you show up you ever got on a long flight like you really like a like a six hour five hour plus flight and you get to the airport like i gotta get a water or something at the store you know what i mean uh-huh go it's it's six in the morning there i'm like i gotta get a i gotta get a sugar-free red bull i gotta get a snack you can't buy anything there at the airport they're like no
Starting point is 01:14:46 this is only for the people that are departing they make you show them your boarding pass and they're like no sorry man you can't get anything it's like this is just for people leaving why because there's like it's like a duty-free thing like the tax is low or something i don't know what the fuck you can't bring food into their country no you can't you can't like you get in you land in iceland you're in but you still have to go through like customs and stuff and they won't let you buy anything until you get out of customs and you get to baggage claim and then there's like a grocery store in the airport that only sells alcohol damn so you had to wait 10 more minutes before you could eat
Starting point is 01:15:17 customs bro shit took like an hour it did yeah they had like two dudes working it there's like a thousand people trying to get in did they harass you no there was a there was a there was a little bit of a scuffle in the in the customs line these two old ass american ladies walk in and there's a long line and they just like they're doing like the whole like oh is this the line i don't know and then they just go to the front of the line and the ladies behind me other american American ladies, furious. And they go, they just cut the line blatantly. And the lady behind me, she goes up to the other lady in front of me. And she goes, I don't know if you know this, but there's a line. And she goes, civilized people like me wait in the line.
Starting point is 01:15:59 We don't cut the line. Was your skin fucking leaping off your body? Yeah. It was mortifying to watch but also i was kind of like fuck yeah fuck those people yeah i wanted to get in the mix and what did they say nothing they were like oh and did they get to the back of the line hell no we're old but they weren't even that old they were they were at the same age as the other people behind me and they're just like we're not civilized it all it does feel good to cut the whole line off too though i dude i
Starting point is 01:16:29 hate when people do that i hate when people when you're merging onto an exit when you're merging into a highway and people go all the way to the front and just work their way in yeah but at the same time like you save you could save like 20 minutes doing that and other people are doing it yeah it's either you're a a predator or you're prey. I follow the rules of the road, man. But if I am in that situation and I have waited, I am not letting anyone in. I'm hooked to the bumper in front of me. No, that's what we tried to do.
Starting point is 01:16:57 And that shit happened right through. Because then it gets to the point where you're like, well, what am I going to do? Their car is in front of mine. Never let them get in front of you. Make them hit you. Yeah. I am done respecting people at the airport that are in wheelchairs. Every single one of them.
Starting point is 01:17:14 A lot of them are just fat. Fat people are just going around on wheelchairs like they have a disability. Yeah. It's been ruined for the actual disabled people by the people crying wolf. Like someone I uh shouldered up and wouldn't let a wheelchair person pass me at the airport like as like they were trying to be like you go to the front of the line and then you drop your bags off in front of everybody you know what i mean like as everybody's unloading their bags you go to the front i just like i just
Starting point is 01:17:39 shouldered up and wouldn't wouldn't look at them yeah i bodied the person so yeah i'm i've gone full i'm just disrespectful at the airport because they walk into the airport willy-nilly yeah like they walk in like there's nothing wrong like five minutes before their flight because they know they're about to get a fucking go-kart to their wheelchair please yeah and they just groan and moan on the way there yeah can we stop at the mc? Yeah, bro, you're hungry. Anybody that doesn't love walking is just in a wheelchair. I've been getting fucked on planes, dude. Fucked.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Yeah, Mile High Club? No, like, dude, two babies back to back. Bam. Next to me. And then when you sit down next to a baby, you are their parent now for the rest of the flight. Because the actual parent just tunes out. They're like, I got the baby on the plane turn it's your turn to take care of it and the baby's just like smacking you grab like like i was watching a movie dude this kid just x's out of the movie on my tv dead serious and the mom's like i'm so sorry i have no idea
Starting point is 01:18:40 why he did that i'm just like yeah and then i get and then i get a fucking what movie was it uh i think casino i still haven't finished damn um and then i got sat next to a really really large lady middle seat wheelchair lady wheelchair lady and she sat in the middle bang and it's like she's taking up half of my seat well it could be glandular maybe it was glandular maybe it's not her fault maybe she's doing all she can to slim down did you think about that what did she eat during the flight what didn't she would be an easier question nah bro we can't fat shame our big sisters. She was gross though or what? No, she was old.
Starting point is 01:19:28 You know? There's a certain age where it's acceptable to get fat. And not be annoying about it. Yeah, I mean. Look, dude. Speaking from the truth. I'm speaking from the heart here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:42 If we're this deep into the episode, you know what I mean? We can really let it fly. Ten people are going to heart here. Yeah. If we were this deep into the episode, you know what I mean? We would really let it fly. Ten people are going to hear this. And there's a good chance that four of them are big. Yeah. They just can't get up to change. Their phone's like two feet away from them. They need their like stick.
Starting point is 01:19:57 They need their clamp stick. Yeah. Have you watched The Whale? No. It's so good. Is that the meme of the guy's yeah is it what's the meme it's like photoshop though it's not actually in the movie but he is uh he's like staring at the camera he's like and he's holding a blunt in his hand like the first scene in the movie that they catch him they catch him like
Starting point is 01:20:25 watching gay like gay porn but he's like too big to get up to like shut the fuck like someone burst in the door and like he like fumbles his phone he like makes him get his phone oh shit it's actually about like a fat dude and it's called the whale yes that's mean it's the meanest movie that like ever anything i just said it's a hundred percent more i was basically just quoting what you said in that rap battle those horrible things that you said about that man the guy said he was gonna kill me and i'm mean for saying that he's fat he said he was going to kill me and fuck my family and i was reciting lyrics is all i was doing um but but like hollywood celebrating that they just made a movie about it
Starting point is 01:21:08 like a movie about people being mean to a fat guy like there's like a writer like there's like multiple characters in the movie who are mean to him about being fat what does that mean that there's like a writer being like like the massiest shit that you could come up with have you seen that clip of the dude who's like, he's like on, he's on like a talk show or something. And the, the kids like listing off name. He's like,
Starting point is 01:21:29 yeah, people make people made fun of me for being fat. And he's listing off names. And then like the host lists off like 10 more names. You guys know what I'm talking about? Fuck. I gotta, I want to find this cause it is so fucking funny.
Starting point is 01:21:41 Is there any way to find your light, what you liked on Instagram? Yeah. You go to settings. Settings. Or go to your activity. Activity. Likes.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Oh, here we go. Ew, dude. Gross. More. From, dude. Gross. More. From your intestine. Dude, I was... I think I was just dying. Sounded like a fucking tar pit bubbling inside of me.
Starting point is 01:22:16 I'm not gonna do the thumbs. Maybe I didn't like them. God damn it. Sass. Find that shit, bro. When are we doing another live show bro that was fun we got an offer to do it at New York Comedy Festival
Starting point is 01:22:29 oh yeah that's not until like October or November yeah someone did I saw that someone like tagged us in Instagram or tagged me in Instagram but I didn't get to see what it was I saw it after the fact so I didn't know whatever the fuck it was. I saw it after the fact. So I didn't know whatever the fuck
Starting point is 01:22:46 it was. I think it was like New York Comedy Festival. Yeah, it must have been. Plug some dates, bro. How'd your audition go? Oh, it went well. I think. Never really know, though. What was it for? JFL.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Just for laughs, of course. It went good. The thing with those is it's all industry people. All agents and managers. And then it's all people that got the tickets for free.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Which was pretty much... Oh, here it is. Oh, here it is. He's being that serious? porky hog fat ass double y double y that those sort of things fat gross disgusting piece of shit stuff like that porky hog fat ass double y those sorts of things doesn't have no friends no woman will ever love him. Them sort of things. Was that his dad? No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Was that the reporter? I would hope it wasn't his dad. Maybe his dad was refreshing the atrocities that that boy had heard. Probably. All right. Plug some dates, Sass. I'm going to be in Cleveland, Ohio this weekend, but I think that's sold out. And then I think I'm going to be in Detroit Friday.
Starting point is 01:24:29 So I'm going to be in Cleveland Thursday, Detroit Friday, Saturday. And then I'm going to be in Ontario, California. No, I have to move to Tacoma. Ontario, California. The improv. The Improv. The rest of them are on Little Sasquatch website. Got a lot coming up. Philly's
Starting point is 01:24:51 coming up in August. Five shows in Philly. God damn. Philly's hot rock, fellas. Yeah. Philly will be fun. Oh yeah, I can't wait. Ontario, California, not Canada. Yes. Not to be confused with ontario canada it'll be ontario california and there's a london that room is massive and i think we have sold nine tickets
Starting point is 01:25:14 and there are about 1800 tickets to be sold oh take your time why don't you take us left but they they're going fast. They're going quick. They're going hot. Okay. No, that's not for like two months. I think. Um,
Starting point is 01:25:31 all right. Well, thank you guys for listening and we'll see you guys next week.

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