Son of a Boy Dad - Son of a Boy Dad: Ep. 41 - BUZZZZ

Episode Date: February 1, 2022

-- Sas & Rone discuss their weekend blizzards, the Spotify misinformation fiasco, Hunter S. Thompson, a poop bandit, vaping in bathrooms, NFL playoffs, plans for LA & much more -- Full episodes also a...vailable on YouTube -- Thanks for listening/watching!You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, son of a boy dad listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. And I always find, and I always find something wrong. You've been putting up with my shit for way too long. All right, ready? Yeah. Throw my shit on.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Do not fucking talk to me. Dude, that 12 was $7.99. Well, it looks like the fucking runs on you 100, 30 bucks. So apparently we're not allowed to talk about Euphoria anymore. Why? Because we got like a strike on my channel. Why? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Olivia, the girl who does the YouTube, I emailed her and asked her what it was. And she said she listened back to the episode and she assumed it was about us talking about like the underage like promoting underage drinking and drugs we didn't do that well I think we sarcastically did but apparently we have to be very clear that we're joking what? they have to be very clear that
Starting point is 00:01:18 what the fuck? because they don't know on YouTube bro they're on HBO if you want to get the podcast on HBO it's a different story I had fucking takes on Euphoria this week well you don't on YouTube bro they're on HBO if you want to get the podcast on HBO it's a different story I had fucking takes on Euphoria this week well you don't have to talk about them
Starting point is 00:01:28 I thought the most unrealistic thing about the most recent episode was how nice the bathroom was I hadn't seen it bro this guy's bathroom is like fucking
Starting point is 00:01:36 black tile shiny fucking beautiful walk-in shower it doesn't make any sense that his parents would even fucking orchestrate such a
Starting point is 00:01:44 fucking sex dungeon bathroom for an 18 year old. Bro, what did I say about talking about euphoria? I'm just getting it out of my system. Keep this in. Wait, can you just send me the email? Just keep this in. We're just keeping this in, alright?
Starting point is 00:02:00 You're not going to want it in when my channel gets a strike and we stop getting views. Hold on to that bonus money because that's going to want it in when we're on my channel gets a strike and we stop getting views. I mean. Hold on to that bonus money because that's going to be the last you're seeing of it. Yeah, right. Like you're not rolling in it too. Like you don't have a fresh Viva card.
Starting point is 00:02:15 They gave me an Amazon gift card. 50 bucks? For $15. Oh, 15? They were like, get it? Like the video? Yeah. They were like, you got that Kindle, right?
Starting point is 00:02:22 You could buy a book with this. Damn, they fucking dubbed you badly well dub would consist of them giving you at least a 20 they didn't even give you shit now my bonus has made me decide that i'm gonna stay here for a little longer oh really in a good way that sounds like it's a good thing yeah no it was good i was very happy with it that sounds like they like felt like they fucked up and they're trying to make it better for you no i doubt it do you see erica's tweet today well no what was it she was like i'm looking for a new person on her team to like edit i don't know like a new producer i think and she was like and it's not gonna be a little sass so don't ask oh really yeah she also somebody like responded to it and was like uh i watched fucking part of my take every fucking day i thought that was funny i know i think that that
Starting point is 00:03:12 might have been you that might have been you on the low low low i only listened to the part of my take episodes with jimmy tatra my knuckles are bleeding now jesus christ dude now we're actually gonna get demonetized i got in a fucking fight bro Don't look at it You can't show blood on YouTube Don't look at it It's like the one rule Don't look at it
Starting point is 00:03:31 Why do you have blood Are you gonna be gay This whole episode Bro I'm just trying to make the money Jesus Why do you need Why do you have
Starting point is 00:03:39 Bloody knuckles I'm a fucking dangerous person Who'd you fight? a wall brick wall oh don't admit that you were punching walls?
Starting point is 00:03:51 no you think I just punched a wall right now? no NFL on Saturday trouble at home? I fucking punched through the wall you know I don't have fucking exposed brick in my apartment brother trouble away from home
Starting point is 00:04:04 I would assume you did cause we do don't have fucking exposed brick in my apartment, brother. Trouble away from home. I would assume you did, because we do. Don't you have fake brick? No, we have real brick. Just like for some reason the people that were there before us painted it white. What fucking idiot, bro? I know. That reminds me of the Euphoria bathroom. Yeah, we got like nice ass.
Starting point is 00:04:19 We have like a nice ass exposed brick right when you walk in. And then the exposed brick in our rooms is white. Am I the only one with exposed brick in my room walk in and then the exposed brick in our rooms is white. Am I the only one with exposed brick in my room? No, I do as well. It was definitely some girls that lived there. Dukes has cardboard walls?
Starting point is 00:04:32 Yeah, no, it was girls that lived there. You could just reach through Duke's wall to get something from it? Yeah. A little bit of rain and his wall starts to collapse. Duke's closet is in the hallway, not in his room.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And I went out into the, I went out to like go to the bathroom the other morning and he was just ass naked changing in the hallway Not in his room And I went out to go to the bathroom The other morning and he was just ass naked Changing in the kitchen Really? I mean you have dude roommates But at the same time though I've had dude roommates For different parts of my life And we never saw each other's penises
Starting point is 00:04:59 You never should But you do, that's how you guys live your life Well Dukes grew up in a nudist family Dukes is a little bit unhinged he wanted the paper walls yeah he did said the paper walls were a little bit much for him but he'll live civilized for a minute give us a what is up everybody so uh oh yeah started off weird what is up everybody Welcome back to Son of a Boy Dad podcast. Today is Monday, January 31st. It's 6.30 p.m. It is episode 41. Big milestone. Who is the 41st president?
Starting point is 00:05:33 42nd episode will be dedicated to Jackie Robinson. Facts, bro. We're doing a history episode. I love that dude. Fucking swift-ass, swift-ass player. He changed the game. Pee-wee Reese, too. I'm like the Pee-wee reese too i'm like the peewee reese of uh of this podcast not the same peewee reese was his his shortstop uh buddy who like put his arm around him and made it cool to like him that's like me with this ageist ass company
Starting point is 00:05:56 towards you yeah it is i'm the peewee reese and i'm like you know what leave the boy alone you have anything to say to the boy you say to it to me and my bloody knuckles. Yeah. Why are your knuckles bleeding? It was the actual story on that. What do you mean? Without riddled with lies. I didn't. I just, it was a little bit.
Starting point is 00:06:15 No, because I saw you posted because I saw Francis posted that picture of you guys. And I remember seeing your knuckles all red. Why'd you zoom in on my knucky? My knucky Thompson, bro. Who'd you get in a fight with? Bro, I just. How long did you look at that picture? Not long. You're seething with jealousy. I was like, who'd you get in a fight with? Bro, I just like that. How long did you look at that picture? Not long.
Starting point is 00:06:27 You're seething with jealousy. I was like, I should fucking be there. I mean, we talked about you. Yeah, I'm sure you did. You want to know what we said? Bad things, probably. No, it was just like, well, you know Francis. I do.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Good friend of mine. Yeah, you put him on. Friend of the program. He actually said that you let him go last at shows that you throw. Well, that was once. And that was because he was late. But he was supposed to go last either way. He was late though. Fucked up the whole show.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Really? No. We just all had to do like longer. That's how fucked up. Well, like obviously we let the rookies do their five minutes and then. Do a little dog and pony show. Yeah. And then O'Malley dog and pony show. Yeah, and then the OGs. And then O'Malley did 40.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Yeah. Yeah. O'Malley just did an hour of just improv. Yeah, it was incredible. Yeah. I saw she kept on bringing a watermelon out on stage and smashing it and the crowd would go fucking crazy. She was just wrapping rubber bands around a watermelon until it exploded.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And just people cheered with everyone getting louder and louder until it was like a fucking 110 decibel we should do that on the yak yeah because it is hilarious oh it truly is that dude who does that on tiktok of course yeah of course why can't we do it in here nah why can't we do it on son of a boy dad how would you differentiate son of a boy dad from the yak there's five less people on son of a boy so it's just about the number of people yeah it's more personal yeah that's what i mean so if it's just about the number of people why couldn't we wrap rubber bands around a fucking watermelon you don't want to wrap around a watermelon because i don't want to buy a watermelon for starters
Starting point is 00:08:00 second of all i don't have to keep clean up watermelon all over the office. That's why we got your nemesis Jake from for the listeners who don't know, Little Sasquatch fucking hates our producer Jake. I don't. You're just like Jake. You just give him a hard time. You do low man him a little bit. You make him a low man on the
Starting point is 00:08:20 table. Tyler's great. Tyler's great too, yeah. Jake walks in and he's like, what the fuck are you looking at And I'm like dude I don't have the energy for this today But you were already going back and forth With him on the fucking text chat Oh yeah I was You said we're gonna get some nice new
Starting point is 00:08:37 It's funny to pretend that he's not full time That he's still an intern It is funny He went from internship to full timetime very fast, didn't he? Yeah. Like only a couple months. He was the same as me because we started in September instead of June. And then just became full-time with all the people from June.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He wasn't here for that long before he was full-time. I know. It's because this company is run by women. And so whenever dudes who are like a little bit attractive come through, they're like, oh my God, he's got upper management written all over him. It's like when Joe Burrow wins a playoff game and the whole timeline is
Starting point is 00:09:10 flicking their beans or whatever. It's like fucking. Joe Burrow's the goat. I DM'd him asking him to come on the podcast. He didn't answer. He's probably just going through a bunch of DMs right now. He's got more important shit. I'll hit him back later this week.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Was it from a verified account? No. Oh, bro. I don't think that matters this week. Was it from a verified account? No. Oh, bro. I don't think that matters on Instagram. Well, I mean, he'll see it more, though. It'll kind of pop off the page a little bit more. God damn it, bro. I'm bleeding and I got it on my fucking pants now.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Will you tell us why you're bleeding? I didn't do anything. I was just sitting here. I'm probably a hypochondriac. Dude, where did the scab come from that you were picking at? because they don't just appear like that unless you have herpes on your hands i got the hand hurt bro this shit is devastating i was there was a it was during the snowstorm and i was fucking shoveling for this old lady bro she was so fucking sweet and then she got you no she was she was coming out to pay me never work for free i wasn't going
Starting point is 00:10:03 to she was coming out to pay me and she had a fucking crisp ass 20 bill in her hand she was coming out to pay me. Never work for free. I wasn't going to. She was coming out to pay me, and she had a fucking crisp-ass $20 bill in her hand. She was holding it up, like fucking her ticket to get onto the train. And as she was fucking walking down the steps of her brownstone, some fucking dude on a bike, some delivery driver fucking plucked it out of her hand and fucking sprinted. That did not happen.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I fucking started sprinting after this, dude. I fucking duffed him in the back of his fucking bike helmet. That did not happen. I fucking started sprinting after this, dude. I fucking duffed him in the back of his fucking bike helmet. There's no way that that happened. I'm telling you the fucking gospel truth of exactly what happened. I duffed him in the back of his fucking bicycle helmet. And as he fucking went to the ground and I fucking wrestled the $20 from him. That's hilarious. I fucking got a little scrapey on my fucking nucky.
Starting point is 00:10:43 But it's good. I just, it should bey on my fucking nucky. But it's good. I just, it should be, it should have fucking cinched up right now. I should fucking seal it over with a hot soldering iron, like in fucking yellow jackets. Dude, we got dumped on in Massachusetts and I was home for it. And my mom made us go out and shovel like mid storm. Really? That's what you have to do though. She's right though.
Starting point is 00:11:03 She is right. We were shoveling, and every time I would shovel, I'd look back, and there'd be so much snow on it. We got like two feet of snow. No way. That was the worst of it, right? Yeah, I think Massachusetts got some of the worst of it.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Did your back hurt? No. Really? I engaged my core. Are your hamstrings loose enough to do that? Oh, yeah. You've been stretching your hammies. Yeah. Interesting. Do you really?
Starting point is 00:11:31 I stretch my hammies when I play video games because I have no back support. And they are linked. Your hips, your hammies, your back, your fucking core. My legs stick out straight on my bed or crisscross applesauce. And then I have to like lean up straight. Do you have to say applesauce? Could you just say crisscross? No or crisscross applesauce and then i have to like lean up straight do you have to say applesauce could you just say crisscross no crisscross applesauce um so what hamstring stretch do you do that but which one or just put your leg straight out pretty much yeah do what mouth thing just sit there for hours oh and it just kind of passively gives a nice pressure
Starting point is 00:12:00 yeah that's that probably is nice as fuck honestly now it starts to hurt after a while because they're stretching it so much yeah dude i'm obsessed with how fucking bitch ass tight my hamstrings are and i can't do anything to fix it it's because you're old but they've been tight since i was young because i don't play video games i think i had loose ones when i was younger and then they got tighter and then i tore one when i was lifting one time doing rdls and it fucking hurt tore your hamstring yeah or you like pulled it pulled it probably not tore yeah yeah tours tearing it would probably be a little bigger of a deal yeah that would have been devastating but i mean i'm trying to get my rdl game i'm trying to get my loose hamstring rdls are like the only like leg exercise that i like feel hard what uh which one of those what's the difference between
Starting point is 00:12:45 an rdl and a bss what's a bss bulgarian split squat oh there's a huge difference it's a completely different exercise well show it to me brother a bulgarian split squat is like just like you're just squatting with one leg right i can't picture it can you i don't i've done it on the yak can i see what it looks like now and then rdl is basically you basically just like stretch your hamstrings but like with weight so are you just saving all the visual bits for the yak yeah pretty much i feel like you're kind of selling our show short right now it feels like it no i'm not you just don't want to show off that that fucking but i feel like it's just tough to shovel without being really sore
Starting point is 00:13:25 i feel like that's like the worst thing about shoveling a lot but it was also light snow okay it was very cold so the snow was very fluffy so maybe your mummy saved you from getting too sore by making you go out and do it while it was really light and fluffy but it it was it's still light and fluffy because it's still freezing outside yeah but i feel like some of it froze over i don't know we didn't get dumped on how you got dumped on, but fucking two feet is a fuck ton. Yeah, we lost power for a bit. That sucks too.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Yeah. Did your Kindle have power? Oh, yeah. So you charged up to 100 the night before. In anticipation? I'm flying through it. I'm going to read 36 books this year. 36?
Starting point is 00:14:01 Yeah, that's my goal. What type of nerd shit are you on? You're a bookworm. I'm about to are you on? You're a bookworm. I'm about to finish the third. You're a bookworm. I know. I am right now. Wait, you're about to finish your third? Yeah. Does that math add up? That math doesn't add up. Yeah, it does. It will
Starting point is 00:14:16 because I want to throw it into... Three a month? Three a month, you're saying? Three a month, yeah. Okay, that's realistic. Yeah. Which one are you on? Three. What book are you on? On the Road. Oh, yeah, with Kerouacack what's that about just living yeah yeah living in the free is it good what yeah it's good yeah yeah rank the three you've read this year including on the road uh i would say fear and loathing las vegas was my favorite on the road second hollywood third hollywood's no good hollywood's
Starting point is 00:14:46 good but it's like i it's like not one of bukowski's most well-known books and i've read all of his good his all of his best ones but you started reading that last year hollywood i think so no i started reading hollywood like january like mid-january okay i'll allow it i'll definitely allow it we're just basically starting a book club though it's just like you talking about i know you're like oprah and what are they saying you should start a book club right they no they're just like asking me what books i'm reading how's the kindle i say it's amazing and i tell them the books i'm reading you don't miss the pages no not at all the smell because i didn't read when i had the pages i hated the smell of
Starting point is 00:15:25 library books in the fucking library it made me sick to my stomach like like do you hate the smell of vinyls no i like the smell of vinyls i think library books it's the same smell i don't think so i think there's vinyls and old books i think library books are fucking receptacles for dead skin of everybody that just like leans over their book and fucking like their generations of fucking stranger hair and fucking skin particles get in there you know you can you can rent books from from libraries on the kindle so that's so weird but you have to return them what it's like well they're digital why do you have to return them that doesn't make any sense at all yeah you can buy nfts of books on the kindle what i spent like my well i spent my entire bonus on the on the road nft at the
Starting point is 00:16:13 risk of getting lynched nfts are fucking out of hand dude they fucking they're just i just don't get it crack another one brother me neither man i just don't get it i don't even feel like talking about it you know what i do want to talk about, though, is the Joe Rogan stuff. Let's talk about the Joe Rogan stuff. I want to hear more about your shoveling experience. I want to know what you ate and drank after you shoveled. I want to know how all that was. I want to know about the Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I want to know about how your trip home was. I want to tell you things. The Joe Rogan stuff is like the most enraged I've been online in a while. Really? Because, dude, it's just all people being like they're just they're just putting on a character. So you're talking about the people who are mad that the people being like, I can't believe my dad had to find out who Joe Rogan was. So, first of all, your dad knew who Joe Rogan was because they're the same age. Yeah. And second of all, it's like, you don't care.
Starting point is 00:17:06 No one actually gives a fuck about what Joe Rogan's saying on his podcast. Also, people don't know who is on and not on Spotify. A very small amount of the population knows what artists made it and what artists aren't on there. I wish they listened to, like, any other. Because, first of all, they never listen to Joe Rogan. And second of all, it's like, there's thousands of podcasts that are saying 100 times worse shit than joe rogan is saying and it's not even like there's like genuinely racist people that are making podcasts like bad people that have patreons that are thriving yeah people who are raising from the
Starting point is 00:17:40 fucking lower to middle to upper class off the back of racism alone. Isn't Alex Jones on Spotify? Probably. What is his podcast called? I think it's just called I'm Racist. And it's like it's just insane. And it's like the amount of people who are just pretending to be someone who they aren't for
Starting point is 00:17:59 likes on Twitter is ridiculous. I can't believe that there's a subsect of people who are just giving back the likes. Much less those people but thousands of people who are liking the shit along with it yeah and like uh or i just the the fact that they think it's on uh like spotify to like govern whether like information is like misinformation or like what's misinformation like figure it out for your fucking self dude i know figure out what what's fucking right and wrong for your fucking self listen to everything and fucking make up your own mind on it don't be like people are so fucking stupid that you can't even tell them this
Starting point is 00:18:34 because that's all that they're voting for is like people are too fucking dumb to understand anything for themselves yeah and it's like the misinformation thing it's like all the mainstream media does is put out misinformation constantly because they have corporate backers that they're beholden to and they want to pick the misinformation. Yeah, because they just have narratives to push and he has a narrative
Starting point is 00:18:56 to push the fucking exactly the same. But also wasn't Neil Young like a hippie who like wanted less involvement from the government? He wanted no censorship, yeah. I mean, he's just doing it for like relevancy and i love neil young i'm a huge neil young fan yeah i have no problems with neil young and i have no problems with joe rogan i think taking a stand like that i mean there's like the one video that's going around where it's like neil young is like backed his music's owned by like black rock now
Starting point is 00:19:20 or like some black person group or some kind of fucking but then there's also the people who are like tweeting out like why like maybe the media should fucking blame themselves that everybody wants to fucking listen to Joe Rogan like there's a reason people want to listen to Joe Rogan I dude I barely listen to Joe Rogan I only listen to Joe Rogan when like comedians are on that I like yeah and like but it's just still it's like dude who gives a fuck what someone's saying on their podcast that you have to like, people are like delete, like deleting Spotify. First they came for Joe Rogan and we said nothing. Yeah. Dude, this, this guy tweeted Jack Cacciarella, Dartmouth, Dartmouth alum, or no, he's not
Starting point is 00:20:00 even alum. He's still in school. He tweeted Spotify chose Joe Rogan over Neil Young. I'll choose Apple music over Spotify. It's like, dude, fucking, I hate you. alum or no he's not even alum he's still in school he tweeted spotify chose joe rogan over neil young i'll choose apple music over spotify it's like dude fucking i hate you yeah what a legend but that's that probably got so much pussy off of that tweet yeah dude his roommate was probably sucking him all fucking hard they're probably high five until the fucking till the fucking sun came up the next also because that's a lie there's no way he just went and canceled his spotify membership and signed up for he's still using spotify actively
Starting point is 00:20:29 it's a better interface the interface is fucking easily superior yeah like what the fuck are we even talking about he's gonna be pissed when spotify wrapped comes around next year and he's gotta use that third party app to figure out what he's been listening to on apple music no we're gonna out that Bill Clinton holding up his vinyl. I bet that kid actually posts a Spotify rap. We need one of the son of a boy dad listeners to fucking follow his account and just fucking sit in the cut. Sit in the cut all fucking year.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Also, people are being like, I'm seeing tweets from people being like, they're like, okay, so I just found out that Spotify paid Joe Rogan $100 million for the rights to his show. So not only are they supporting misinformation, they're sponsoring it. It's like, dude, Joe Rogan gets a million views an episode. They paid to have that on their platform only.
Starting point is 00:21:16 So 11 million people would sign up for Spotify. And wait till they find out about all the rappers that get paid off of fucking Spotify for saying that they fucking sell sell drugs and kill people yeah yeah like what the fuck are we bro it's just so performative it's like it makes me sick it's also just nuts that like uh people are now like holding up like neil young is the one who has to like kick in doors at podcasts being like are you fucking telling the truth is this the fucking truth because i'll walk the fuck out yeah i'll make significantly less money if you're not telling the truth you must have left a bag on the table and like not and there's no way enough people are like flocking to follow him yeah to make him up make the money up for him no it's no major art i mean it is like is. Like, Joni Mitchell and Neil Young are very, like, famous.
Starting point is 00:22:05 But it's like, I mean, their yearly views combined is like two Joe Rogan episodes. Yeah. Joni Mitchell's fire. Joni Mitchell is fire. So is Neil Young. In a big yellow taxi, took my man away. And also the people who are, like, diehard, like, freaking out supporting Joe Rogan are annoying, too. It's like they're like. they're like, like us.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Oh, we're annoying. No, they're like, I didn't even fucking know who Neil Young was. Like, yes, you did. Yeah. I knew who Neil Young and Joni Mitchell were. People just lie. They're just or just people try to downplay the person who has the opposite. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Opinion. Dude, it's it's a crazy world we live in. One of the things that's been bothering me on Twitter is whenever someone owns someone with a point, someone else in the comments being like, all right, well now do fucking deaths from 1945 to 1968. It's like, now do a fucking suicide to yourself. Fucking stop saying that
Starting point is 00:23:05 and it's like dude it's just like a game it's like it's like a i don't even know how to describe it's just like people just want to see other people like brought down so bad like like joe rogan like that spotify chooses joe rogan over neil young and then like people are being people are like posting or like joni mitchell people are posting pictures of joni mitchell doing blackface in like 1934 and uh and and neil young uh like say it's like saying like homophobic stuff in rolling stone in like 1985 like it's really just it's a fucking wild west and people are just trying to fucking bring down a bull bro wait until they hear what else she was doing in 1934. No, it wasn't actually 1934.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I don't know when it was. But it's like, dude, it's just like no one's going to win. Joe Rogan's going to consistently get millions of views. And Neil Young and Joni Mitchell are going to die soon. And people are just probably from COVID. Yeah, they're still fucking dying. People are still dying out here. You think people are just good to not die?
Starting point is 00:24:09 It's probably why they're pissed. If they were like 30 right now, they wouldn't give a fuck. People are just getting madder and sadder. Like, I think this probably made Joe Rogan sadder and just made Neil Young and Joni Mitchell madder, bro. The people are just getting pissed off and fucking weepy. Yeah. And it's also like, dude, no one gives nearly as much of a fuck about the pandemic right now as they did when it started like you can't tell me that like like these are the people who are like claiming they're still like that they
Starting point is 00:24:33 still haven't left their fucking house like they're still just quarantining and people don't even realize that there's like continuity for to their own stories like people will be on their instagram stories being like fucking like stay the fuck inside like don't fucking go anywhere and then their next story is going to be like hubby just went out to the store and fucking got me it's like bitch no no like we know we we so we could see both stories we know you're being hypocritical for points especially on tiktok the top comments are like wait you guys are outside yeah it's like yes we have been for over two years everyone has been dude they're all just lying yeah it's so yes we have been for over two years everyone has been dude they're all just lying yeah it's so crazy or just using it as moral high ground people who are
Starting point is 00:25:09 going on their own vacations and trips are the same people who are fucking so judgmental yeah of someone like going to a restaurant or like i don't want you hanging out with him or like i don't want to see him because he was just with fucking him and like what the fuck what are you even talking about dude just fucking go through it like everybody else and stop making yourself the center of attention for everything it is really dude it's like narcissistic and it's like like because it's like they don't actually give a fuck about anything that they're saying they just want to seem like they're the better person yeah they want to be the hero yeah they're trying to be the hero for a day on the internet and just get their fucking disgusting get a kill disgusting yeah i
Starting point is 00:25:45 hate it you're an anti-hero i hate the internet right now yeah i really do but it's it's often not better than when you hate it the most yeah it's like the most you could like when i'm really hating something i'll fucking dive so fucking deep into it yeah like before like the pandemic i used to fucking like hate dive into like sean king's twitter i would just be like i just i just know that i could fucking read his twitter for a fucking long ass time and it would make me feel something yeah and sometimes it's just nice to fucking like i hate i hate dived hard and i just googled i just searched joe rogan on twitter and i was really a deep hate just random people what were the numbers just going newest yeah you have a death wish hundreds of thousands of tweets
Starting point is 00:26:30 yeah and likes they all had yeah what were the like numbers like it's just like dudes being like i feel so bad for my mom like she's gonna have to find out who joe rogan is because she loves joni mitchell and neil young it's like your mom's not special dude it's like everyone loves neil young and joni mitchell everyone yeah even the people who are like claiming that they never liked neil young and joni mitchell it's like yes you did everyone knows all their biggest songs they're like like harvest moon is like one of the most famous songs ever yeah and whatever the fucking big taxi song is that what it's called yeah uh big yellow taxi yeah it's like one of the most famous songs but women of the camp bro joni mitchell's been putting out fucking classic albums yeah 50s every fucking decade bro so it's like you don't have to still like you still can catch an
Starting point is 00:27:13 l if you're fucking doing stuff like that like you're you're an incredible musician but like taking a stand like this and like like i don't think that joe rogan thinks that he is like the voice of the fucking world and so for you to tryan thinks that he's like the voice of the fucking world. And so for you to try to answer that by also being the voice of the world, it's like you're just pushing against something that's going to wind up pushing back instead of trying to like, like move with something like fucking try to do something together. Like this shit is. Yeah, it's just like the extremeness of like my opinions, right? And your opinion is wrong. And it's like it's been going on like that like i think it's probably been the worst it has the dawn of time i think it's since the pandemic started on social media
Starting point is 00:27:53 at least it's been it's really i don't feel that because i've i just don't see it i see it all the time and i think that that's the point like i think that if you see it a lot if you're just like looking at it and looking forward it feels heavy and then if you go talk to someone in real life and they don't give a fuck about anything going on the internet yeah i guess if i but if you talk to those people in real life they wouldn't care no no that's why yeah yeah they'd just be like yeah we're somewhere in the middle actually dude i remember there was this dude on twitter who was like so like leftist like oh like if you do this you're a horrible person blah blah blah and then it turned out he was like
Starting point is 00:28:27 a serial rapist and he like deleted Twitter and no one like has ever heard of him since I mean I guess that's the good thing about a crowd mob but like it's insane it's bad news but the other people who can kind of like escape that are people who
Starting point is 00:28:43 really like sports I know I was getting super into the sports and that's like i guess i have i've been on like social media but like all i'm catching is like takes like i'm just catching fucking like takes about like jimmy garoppolo and shit like that and it's like it's kind of sweet it's a sweet way to avoid all that because like i just fucking flip past it but you could it was also a shortcut to numbies like i saw the numbies that everybody was doing by just putting yeah i was joe rogan or fucking neil young in a tweet sports oh yeah sports but but if you just put either one of those in a tweet yeah it was a shortcut to fucking numbies and interaction and it could fucking like scratch that itch for a little bit
Starting point is 00:29:19 like that you're just like sitting there fucking just sucking down fucking comments from people arguing with people. And it definitely was an easy way for that. But sports does not be stew. Are you actually going to be a sports guy? Did you watch the game? I watched the both the games. The Rams versus the 49ers was boring as fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Was it? I just didn't care. Yeah. But we watched. I think we turned it off at one point and then we turned it back on when they were like tied at the end. Which was a little bit of drama. Yeah. the the chiefs and the bangles game was awesome yeah it was incredible it was exciting as fuck i wanted the chiefs to win but now i'm a bangles fan why did you want the chiefs to win because they were winning at the beginning when you started
Starting point is 00:29:57 watching and you've got like a little bit of interaction from it also i'm just like a huge mahomes fan jackson yeah Yeah. Jackson, it is... And I love Brittany Mahomes. Or no, they're not married yet, are they? No, they're fiancéd. Why is he dragging his feet? Because he doesn't want to fucking marry her, dude. They suck.
Starting point is 00:30:16 But it's also, that's like the easiest thing right now to dunk on on the internet. Oh, yeah. But that's funny. Yeah. Because they suck. And they also just don't stop. I think we've come all the way around. I think we've become pro. I think we could too because I think there's just a void in the market. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:31 I think that there's like a little bit of a fucking a little bit of a gap for us to get our food. You do have to respect that he's just not stopping. Oh, he doesn't give a fuck. Yeah. I think he does give a fuck and he still doesn't stop. He's getting called out by like restaurants. You see that one? Yeah. Like in his city. He showed up to like a restaurant with like a hundred people and was being like He's getting called out by like restaurants. You see that one? Yeah. Like in his city. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:45 He showed up to like a restaurant with like a hundred people and was being like, I'm fucking Jackson Mahomes. Like find the space to bring us in. And then they were like, they say put up posted something on Twitter being like, I hope you, your ego gets fixed. I don't even know what they said, but it's, it's, he's fucking like, it's fucking hilarious. That's definitely one of the most dangerous things about tiktok is it like put into hyperdrive like a whole generation of people thinking they were famous oh yeah and people just walk around like fucking like my
Starting point is 00:31:16 wife was watching a tiktok live last night of someone she went to high school with and like there was two just two like fucking batshit crazy conspiracy theorists just sitting on a bar stool at like a pizzeria Uno being like, we're TikTok famous to the bartender. And then fucking running into the bathroom and crying when the comment section was mean to them. It's like you don't have to film yourself. It should be like TikTok should be removed from the Internet. Every algorithm is just so damn good that it's just like it's going to rewire us fast. It's going to rewire our brains really quick. The best decision i ever made was deleting tiktok i'm private now you can't even like i'm gone oh really i'm off tiktok shut the fuck up yeah
Starting point is 00:31:52 are you really deleting my account completely today but i don't want to because i want to save all my videos yeah definitely save your videos also if you're private like why would you need to double delete it just i want to be gone dude i hate it that's like the people who like call casinos and like ban themselves and shit it's like you can't they blacklist themselves do people actually do that oh yeah that's hilarious it's definitely a thing that people can and should do if they ever have a gambling problem but uh where you can call 1-800 gambler yeah 1-800 gambler exactlyBLER yeah 1-800-GAMBLER exactly shit's not fucking funny bro shit's dead fucking serious that's not funny
Starting point is 00:32:27 shit's dead fucking serious that's not funny just fucking brew away from me bro it is nice though in gambling however much you're down you can always just
Starting point is 00:32:34 place that much until you win it's a fact it's a fact you just keep doing that is that a thing no that's a
Starting point is 00:32:44 that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a
Starting point is 00:32:44 that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a
Starting point is 00:32:44 that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's a that's no that's a Dukes worthy you're about to get suspended for longer than
Starting point is 00:32:47 Rico Bosco I mean getting getting suspended right after the bonus hit is best case scenario what would you do just go to Europe
Starting point is 00:32:55 yeah just free vacation yeah bro what you just got I'm not I'm not gonna get suspended but you just got boned up though right
Starting point is 00:33:03 oh I got a little a little bit of blood rushed to my penis. Yeah? A little chunk of change from the fucking boss man? Yeah. Owen's just the $5 foot long. Sass didn't tell him to stop. You got a little bonus? Is that the fastest
Starting point is 00:33:17 cash you ever got in your life? Yeah. How's it feel? Good. You get addicted to the fast cash. I know. Makes you want more. What do you think about a smash? I'm women. How's it feel? Good. You get addicted to the fast cash. I know. Makes you want more. Can't wait to get out to LA. What do you think about a smash? I'm going to smash it all on women. Women of the night.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Hell yes. Women and booze. On the sunset strip. I'm going to hit a low point. We'll take you there real fast, brother. My buddy went to a work dinner the other night, and they had two women of the night at the bar with them just ready to if anyone wanted to take them home where was it
Starting point is 00:33:51 like they rented hookers yeah and they just had them at the end of the bar wait the other their office it was for work where do they work the bunny ranch ranch? Oh, wait, wait. Like the work provided them? Yeah. Damn. What? That seems not allowed. I mean, it's up to the work. It's the boss. Do you think Dave's going to do that for us when we're out in LA? For you, probably.
Starting point is 00:34:13 No, I'm good. Nah, I might. You're all right? Last thing I need is fucking... To be in debt to the boss man. Yeah, exactly. That would be the only drawback. What movie was that where that happened then?
Starting point is 00:34:27 Oh, the fucking Cable Guy? You ever watch the Cable Guy? No. You should, Jim Carrey. I'm not a huge Jim Carrey guy. Probably because of his Twitter presence. Sorry, I just hit the camera. Yeah, you did.
Starting point is 00:34:37 It just wiggled a little bit. You're good. I don't mind his Twitter presence, actually. I like it. So why don't you like Carrey? You think he's an over-actor? A little bit. I mean, I like some of his movies.
Starting point is 00:34:47 But some of them you don't like. Yeah. Interesting. I'll make sure Mr. Carey hears that. I'll get that to Mr. Carey's desk post-haste. Are you in touch with him since you're in the Writers Guild? Yeah. You guys hit each other up. No, he's in the Actors Guild. Is that a thing? Film Actors Guild?
Starting point is 00:35:04 No. Yeah, he's in the Actors Guild. Is that a thing? Film Actors Guild? No. Yeah, he's a fag. No, Screen Actors Guild's a real thing. Sag? Yeah, that's a real thing, but he's not in the WGA, Writers Guild of America. How would you know that? You liar. Because he's an actor, not a writer. You don't think he writes? I don't think he writes.
Starting point is 00:35:29 I think he does. I think he improvs. I think he goes off the cuff. He does. What was that one movie? Oh, Dumb and Dumber. Yeah, he's in the IOA. Is that Dumb and Dumber where he's...
Starting point is 00:35:40 Is he in Dumb and Dumber? Yes. Jim Carrey? Yeah. He's the dumb one. I'm not pulling a ruse on you yeah he played both right that's see when he looked at he just looked at me like a little bit like i was about to pull a funny one and i think that that's you of all i don't want this shit getting fucking fucking clipped and then everyone be like oh sass is such a fucking idiot oh he's
Starting point is 00:36:03 so fucking stupid i hope you know that that book from Hitler in fucking 1930. Ultimate Sass head up his ass moment today on Boyd Add. Is that the one where he walks outside with the big gulp? Yes. And it's like improv? Yes. Legendary scene. Legendary.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Props to Kerry for that. Honestly, I don't know why you don't like him. Props to JC. Because he's Canadian? Yeah, he's the real JC. That has something to do with it. Honestly, I don't know why you don't like him. Props to JC. Because he's Canadian? Yeah, he's the real JC. That has something to do with it. He's my JC. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I walk with JC. I love his impressions. Oh, he's such a great impressionist. Yeah, he's goofy. I actually tried to put on some of his stand-up from the 80s. Really bad. It's like him just falling over and getting back up. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:36:43 We didn't try to watch that together, did we? No. He was being real goofy. Definitely not. It's like him just like falling over and getting back up Oh wait we didn't try to watch that together did we No He was being real goofy Definitely not And I thought we'd watch Penn State or some shit like that No we watched Chan Gillis when we were in Penn State I thought there was another one on top of that Maybe not though
Starting point is 00:36:55 Maybe I'm fucking bugging bro We watched Chan Gillis and we watched Comptown Bits That only I laughed at Everyone else was like yo what the fuck What the fuck is up with your with your boy roan yeah the mics were like should we do we have to beat the fuck out of him bro should we fucking jump his fucking pussy ass right now bro you see the mics got an instagram account yeah they've had that but did you see they got posted on that or you got posted on that big ass account puberty
Starting point is 00:37:21 yeah i can't believe that's that account's name puberty puberty yeah i should got like a 700 000 likes didn't it yeah i think so damn i found it i just found uh they they all of my friends are named mike the johns tried to the johns tried to start their own group and then everybody in the comments is like what about the gregs where the charlie's at that is a funny ass video though yeah i was super pumped for you bro thank you bro it's a fucking rush you get man when you see the fucking when you see that puberty has gotten you on their fucking fucking timeline it's uh puberty is the kind of count that will change your life i know one of the one of my buddies mike he hit me up he's like dude have you been getting a ton of new followers i was like no dude i actually have not gotten any well i got posted on uh
Starting point is 00:38:18 daquan a while ago i got like a couple hundred daquan yeah. Yeah, I got posted on Daquan back in the day. That's low. And they cropped my username out, but they tagged me. Damn. Well, that's cool. You get posted on like young, like black, like influencer accounts. I get posted on like the like, like mom groups from like 40 year old mom groups. You got posted on betches. Yeah, I dead ass did.
Starting point is 00:38:43 I dead ass have gotten posted on all like the fucking Rose accounts where they're fucking getting loose. It's funny. We have different demographics. Definitely. And I think that's why we bond so well together. That's why the podcast is so successful. The oil and the vinegar, the yin and the yang. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:59 We need to do something when we're in L.A. We're going to be in L.A. next week, right? Yeah. Like we're recording from L.A. on Monday, right? Yeah. Like we're recording from LA on Monday, right? Yeah. We got to figure that out. Are we going to do anything? Are we going to do anything special? Like what?
Starting point is 00:39:14 We should do a walking episode. A walking episode. Guess. Putting out an episode every day. Like our take on Super Bowl week. Mini episodes. I'm not going to put out an episode every day. 20 minute episodes. We have the yak every day bro it's gonna be a lot of recording that's just not until
Starting point is 00:39:26 fucking 7 at night 7 to 10 eastern no it's not 4 to 7 west coast 4 to 7 west coast yeah
Starting point is 00:39:34 but we're gonna nothing till 4 what are you gonna reset your body clock but we're gonna be recording shit for the yak every day before the
Starting point is 00:39:40 yeah very small things I'm just trying to do stuff for the fucking listener I hate the listeners I know no I'm just trying to do stuff for the fucking listener. I hate the listeners. I know. No, I'm kidding. And that's how we're different. We should do something.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Like a 20-minute thing every day. Do you want to have guests on? Yes, that'd be incredible. Just to have anybody random on and just record for a fucking couple a little bit every day and just get the fucking shit going. We have one, I told you.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Who? Fibula. He's coming on? Yeah. Okay. I think we should do something every day. I think that you're being a pussy
Starting point is 00:40:10 and I think that the fans should tell you that you're being a pussy if we don't do something Sunday. We record Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:40:17 Thursday. And have something come out every day of the week. Why not, dude? I'm with it. Why not, Sass? Just something light for the fans, bro. You're doubting yourself. Let me sleep on it.
Starting point is 00:40:28 I'll sleep on it. Yo, bro, you're fucking being whack as fuck right now, bro. I fucking see through this fucking transparency, bro. No, I would do it. I mean, I don't know. I just feel like doing the 20-minute episode is gonna take us on the charts, which I don't like. Take us down on the charts? Yeah. But it's just for
Starting point is 00:40:43 one week, and it might help us on the charts. For one week. It's one week. Who gives a fuck? What's the alternative? That we sit on our fucking thumb? We get a thumb up our ass? That shit doesn't sound sweet. Sounds awesome. Not in Hollywood, bro. What are you going to do when you're an outlay? Is your wife
Starting point is 00:40:59 going out? No. No? I'm going to fucking... A little bachelor party? I don't fucking think so, bro. Fuck yeah. Bachelor party 2.0. That's not how i fucking roll bro maybe we get some nice dinners though that's my kind of bachelor party yeah i would like to do that some fucking steak and a fucking nice potato oh big ass fucking potatoes or fucking boa bro let's go to boa yeah i want to go surfing should we should we go surfing you guys can get surf lessons now fuck that i want to go straight out there i promise you can't
Starting point is 00:41:31 i grew up on the water i think i know how to surf i don't know no we should do something like we should work on some we should do some shit when we're out there i'm trying to think though all i'm trying to say is that i want to do stuff and you're like, no, you know what? No, but I might get tie tie. I got like a different idea. Like we should do something when we're out there. Sassy might get tie tie. I like just spitball ideas.
Starting point is 00:41:51 You're like, well, I don't know if that one part of that one idea is actually exactly perfect. I'm probably just going to be posted up at the beach for a while just reading.
Starting point is 00:41:59 I'm with that. I'll fucking. No, no. Why don't I? This is a solo thing. Why don't I? We should do a hike.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I'll bring my boots. Yes. I'll bring you a pair too. Oh, actually, I do need boots. I need hiking boots. I don't have an extra pair. I need winter boots too, bro. Why would you need winter boots? I'm boot poor. Just in general, there was a snowstorm and I felt like I was lacking a little bit. I want ones with red laces or blue laces.
Starting point is 00:42:22 I might go to Colorado after LA. Yes, bro. Why not? You want to come? laces? I might go to Colorado after LA. Yes, bro. Why not? You want to come? Ski? I would. I think I'm going to go to Colorado for a day. You never invite me to anything, bro.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I'm about to cry. I just invited you. Did I not? I know. That's what I'm saying. It's emotional. I might just not come back to New York. After that fucking bonus hit?
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah, I'm going to move in with Caleb. How much was the bonus? A lot of money. They fucking- They paid me in Bitcoin, too, which was nice. Yeah, but what's to move in with Caleb. How much was the bonus? A lot of money. They fucking... They paid me in Bitcoin too, which was nice. Yeah, but what's the state of the fucking
Starting point is 00:42:49 bit though? Well, it doesn't matter what it is. They paid me X amount of money in Bitcoin. But I'm saying if Bitcoin's going down, that's going to be a
Starting point is 00:42:56 depreciating asset like how it was for Odell Beckham, a football player who you know. No, you always have at least what you put into Bitcoin. Oh, that's it.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I forgot. Should we get Elon Musk on the podcast while we're out there? We should get Bryce Hall back on. No. Why, bro? Why? He's going to come to Saddle Ranch and beat my ass. He's going to breakdance fight you.
Starting point is 00:43:15 I'm probably just going to be posted up at Saddle Ranch like 24-7. In your bird dogs? Yeah. Oh, fuck. I forgot we have to do that. Yep. That's what I was just talking about. I forgot that was a part of the show.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Because we're just fucking flowing, bro. Every rose has its bird dogs. These bird dogs are next level. I wear them about four out of the seven days of the week. Yep. Sass, I know you wear them an equal amount. In fact, I haven't seen you not wearing them since you got your latest batch of the bird dogs.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I've been wearing them a lot. They're just perfect. Everybody around the office wears them. It's like the pant. I want more pairs of them. And it's hard to find anything that's even close to the bird dog. They make me look fit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:59 You even said they make me look athletic. The most athletic I've ever looked. That was a direct quote. I did say that. Not even making that up. I did say that. Not even making that up. I did say that. And you're like, wow, that's what I was going for. That's exactly what I want.
Starting point is 00:44:08 And that's something you're deeply insecure about. So that's not good for you. It is. It is. I said you look like you could surf. I said you look like you could hang tent. I know. And that's where I got the idea of surfing when we go to LA.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Wow, I should surf. I would go surfing, but I just don't want to get attacked by a shark. That's your concern? I thought I was taking your shirt off. Oh, that too, but we're going to wear wetsuits. Yeah, we're going to wear bird dogs on the top. I'm not taking my shirt off in LA. I've been thinking about just running every day this week.
Starting point is 00:44:33 That's not going to do it, though. You don't think so? Nah. That won't tighten me up a little bit? Oh, a little bit. Oh, a little bit goes a long way, but I'm at right now. Well, I mean, I think you know could play into it too what are we gonna you're gonna be out in la you're not gonna crack a beer you're gonna be drinking
Starting point is 00:44:49 beers the entire time you're gonna be running while drinking them you're not you're gonna get to a track or some shit but i could take you to my fucking park i used to do my plyometric workouts when i worked out there oh yeah oh fuck it a psycho. How long were you there? A couple months, right? Yeah, probably about nine months. Oh, damn. Almost a year. Yeah. It was a decent amount of time.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I used to go to La Cienega Park with a medicine ball. You got a lot of connections out there? Oh, bro. I'll fucking introduce you to fucking everyone, man. Put me on. There's this guy named fucking Seth out there, bro. You're going to fucking love him, bro. Is Seth going? No, this guy's... No, this is actual Seth? Yeah, this guy named fucking seth out there bro you're gonna fucking love him bro is seth going no this guy's no this is actual so yeah this guy's actual seth dude are the mics going uh no they're gonna go to we're gonna go to cincinnati actually though on uh the sunday of
Starting point is 00:45:36 the super bowl in hopes of catching a celebration you're welcome to come i might have to you're welcome to come i would go yeah so you're going straight from LA to Cincinnati? I'm going from LA to New York, and then I'm flying to Cincinnati on the day of the Super Bowl. You can fly straight to Cincinnati, though. But Cincinnati is on the way. But the Super Bowl is the day after we go home. Yeah. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:46:03 Nah, I'm out. Come to Cincinnati. You've never been to I'm out. Come to Cincinnati. You've never been to Cincinnati. I would go to Cincinnati. But you want to go to Colorado? Nah, I probably won't go to Colorado. Come to Cincinnati. Then I might go to Colorado the next week.
Starting point is 00:46:12 If you catch a celebration, if you catch a true Sally, we're going out there with Caleb. We'll be laughing. The mics are coming out. Caleb's going to be out there? Please, I'm in. Yeah? Should we make it a couple?
Starting point is 00:46:22 He's so cool. Next day's Valentine's Day, though. I gotta get back the next day, though. I can't be fucking out in Cincinnati gallivanting for four days with you and Caleb having a fucking cool off. Bro, Caleb's way cooler than me. No, bro, don't say that about yourself, dude. Go to, enter code SUN, and they'll throw in a free dirt... Oh, wow, a free Bird a free bird dog's beanie.
Starting point is 00:46:45 The beanie is fire. That's, promo code SUN, and boom, a free bird dog's beanie with your pair of bird dogs. Stay warm and comfortable this winter in your bird dogs. I saw a gang of kids getting sturdy in bird dog beanies. Yeah? They were fucking out at the projects. Sounded like a freestyle. Sounded like you were about to spit.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Bro, I got it in me at all times, bro. Buddha Ben is commissioning me to do a song for his new NFT album that he wants me to record out there. He's doing an NFT album to go with the release of all his paintings. Fuck yeah. I was about to say something I probably can't say yet. Maybe I'll say it next week. Hold it, hold it, hold it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:24 I got a DM from someone this weekend And they were like bro whatever you do Don't battle rap Rone Like I think he was trying to clue me in that you were like a battle rapper Seriously bro I wasn't planning on it I just found these lost videos of Rone Dude I'm telling you now text me when
Starting point is 00:47:46 you get this so i know you're safe he knows how to rap dude i'll literally read it to you sometimes it breaks out between friends and like i just don't want you guys to get caught in a rap battle he goes whatever you do don't ever battle rap r. Big mistake with a straight face emoji. Wait, did he battle rap Roan? Did he make the mistake of his life? No, he's just got a random username. Oh, he's only got 600 followers. He's basically trash.
Starting point is 00:48:15 He's basically human trash in my eyes. Damn, bro. No, I'm kidding. Sound like you're about to battle rap him though. Nah, he's basically human trash. Like Splash in the ocean of LA while I'm surfing.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Oh. Ah. Sass. The butcher. I think you have all that it takes, dude. I think you have all the intangibles are there. We should have had one of the challenges for the act be someone had to do a battle rap.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Oh, yeah. That would have been good. Against me? Or just like in general? I guess you would know. You probably can't. They don't have like open mics for battle rapping. Actually, in LA, they kind of, they do. Oh, really? In LA, I think there's like old ass things. What do you do? You just walk up to a group of people and you start spitting? Yeah, they just say, if you ever
Starting point is 00:49:01 see a cluster of people on a corner standing by a bunch of tents or something like that, make sure you walk up to them and start spitting look at your shoes they're growing roots not even boots but shoes not the word that rhymes with the roots well you wouldn't get it it's from eight mile which clearly you've never seen facts but he didn't rhyme boots and roots though bro i know he rhymed shoes and roots really yes? Yes. Damn, bro. I think, at least. You're right. I hope he didn't just catch me off guard. The listener's not going to like that.
Starting point is 00:49:30 No. The YouTube viewer's not going to be happy with that. This just shows how fucking stupid Sass is. He literally thought that he said shoes when he said boots. Sass thinks that he reads books but doesn't know the name of every book of all time. What a fucking idiot you've been sniping motherfuckers in apex though i haven't played all weekend i'm going home to play tonight where do you find the time to read and play apex i play apex until around 11
Starting point is 00:49:56 start reading at 11 then you give yourself a hard out at 11 yeah because i mean the fellas got school i would play all night if they didn't have school the fellas give themselves a hard out yeah they do what about the boys playing till the fucking like till like four in the morning they all have school at 11 i'm trying to think of what they have grade school i think on thursday we played from like four till 11 and that was like when you get to that deep into video games your brain starts to feel like not good From like 4 to 11. And that was like... When you get to that deep into video games, your brain starts to feel like not good. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Like the wires are all tangled. Yeah, it's like a gray mush. You just turn into oatmeal. Like we were just going through the motions and it just becomes not fun. So I'm glad I had the weekend off. Because now I'm going to go home and just... I don't know what's going to go down. Did you do anything sweet while you were home other than fucking move snow move some water uh no i mean home was fun my older sister flew in from school and it was just we just uh we
Starting point is 00:50:55 celebrated my dad's birthday fantastic yeah it was fun it was a good time watched uh they watched some weird ass movie a simple Plan Have you ever seen that? Isn't a simple plan like a band? Yeah but it's called A Simple Plan It's really weird What's it about? Did the whole family watch together and who sat where? Did you lay on the floor?
Starting point is 00:51:15 No I sat in a chair My sister's boyfriend laid on the floor Oh really? Someone has to lay on the floor It's really a hierarchy thing in the family Sometimes I'll take being the floor layer Because I feel like it kind of gets my digestion right. Oh, I love snagging the chair last second. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Yeah. Imagine his cocky ass thinking he was going to get the chair. Oh, yeah. He never gets the chair, unfortunately. Yeah, unfortunately. But I'm never home. So I come home and it's like I'm royalty. I'll take the throne.
Starting point is 00:51:42 They dust off the chair for you? Please, Mr. Sasquatch. No one's allowed to sit in the chair when I off the chair for you? Please, Mr. Sasquatch. No one's allowed to sit in the chair when I'm not there. Some cheese cubes, Mr. Sasquatch? A stick of pepperoni, Mr. Sasquatch? Yeah. Yeah. You definitely have them call you sass at home?
Starting point is 00:51:56 No. My mom said that once, and I was on the verge of throwing up. Oh, yeah. Didn't you? I was like, never say that again. Catch her, like, fucking the Undertaker. Like, don't fuck mom.'s what's the simple plan about that's like about like a plane crashing and then like that oh a simple plane no you're thinking of the word plane bro simple plan it was like a
Starting point is 00:52:17 simple it's all about a simple plan to keep the money that they find in the plane but the plan goes wrong and like half the fucking movie dies. It's a really shitty movie. Is it cheaper by the dozen? Is that what you're talking about? I actually watched it. I actually watched it because I used Jeff D. Lowe's movie generator and they all gave it like 75s.
Starting point is 00:52:35 But I should have known 75 for that. We need to bomb that. 75 is a 20. Yeah, yeah. It wasn't good. I know, but usually their low scores are the good movies, dude. They got too many movies that I
Starting point is 00:52:45 look at and they're like 100. He said, what was the new one with Chalamet, Not Dune? French Dispatch? Yeah, he said it was offensively bad and he gave it a 91. Really? Yeah. I didn't like that movie at all. There's no, I mean, I don't like the movies
Starting point is 00:53:01 like, I know it's like some people do like the movies and I don't blame them if they do but like i don't like the like the artsy movies with like no plot and just like shit happening like i need like fucking people getting shot at and dying yeah yeah or dudes doing somersaults out of windows and shit like that i need marky mark in a police uniform shooting bad guys. Or fucking. Or fucking. A ton of fucking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:27 I watched Red Rocket this past weekend. How was that? It was good. I've never seen it. It's in theaters. It's the dude Simon Rex. Oh, you got it from the Writers Guild? No, I went to the movie theater.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Oh, wow. Yeah. That's big of you. I love to patronize the local theater. I had the movie, but I just needed to get out of the house a little bit. Did you really have the movie? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:44 I don't believe you. Send me a picture of it when you get home. And I'll believe you. No problem. Do it. You think it'll be a problem? No. I'll fucking do it. I hope it's not. Absolutely no problem. Because then everything that I've been told is a lie. You already think that anyway. If you don't have the movie, I will be so... Like, the podcast is over. Alright,
Starting point is 00:53:57 that's fine. Do you believe him? Nick was great. Yeah. He was incredible. What's up? What was Nick? What did Nick do? When he came on. He was incredible. Seamless, almost. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Oh, because if I'm leaving?
Starting point is 00:54:13 Do you believe, Roan? That he has a copy of the movie? Yeah. That he's in the Writers Guild? Yes. Why would I lie about that? I don't know. You lie about a lot of things i don't think i do i think he lies about way less things than you think how do you think i got these bucky i thought it was from the uber driver right no he was hanging out the window when he grabbed the 20 bill no it was a fucking delivery guy on a bike. His door dash.
Starting point is 00:54:47 And then you chased him down and beat the fuck out of him? No, I duffed him in the back of his fucking helmet. And then when we went to the ground scuffling for the 20, I fucking scraped my nose. Dude, I just don't know anymore. I said it verbatim from earlier. You think that I'm just remembering exactly what I said? It's pretty easy to remember what you said 20 minutes ago. Not for me. I got the memory of a goldfish.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And Chaps just gave me one of his weed pills. A weed pill. Bro, that was Vicodin. Military strength weed pills. That was Oxycontin, bro. That wasn't weed. They don't make weed pills. This is the Oxycontin, brother.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Let me see it. Come on, throw me one. I gave them to everybody on the yak early. Every other one's a snacky. Every other one's a perk 10, brother. Choose wisely. Goddamn, bro. The cartel hooked you up.
Starting point is 00:55:35 There's just one perk in here. All the others are Altoids. The perky roulette. You gotta guess which one it is. I guess I'll take that because I touched it. I got gross fingers it's called a Kensington Christmas curiously strong
Starting point is 00:55:50 ew bro wintergreen gross what do you like spearmint or the red one I like the red one but I actually don't really love any of them cinnamon's good you've heard those now um
Starting point is 00:56:07 i think i've had one of yours but those aren't altoid brand are they no they are wow i can't have like another one that wasn't altoid brand no i give you a cinnamon like oh like a dip yeah oh that shit was fire yeah oh that shit had me buzzing buzz have a funny ass story what happened that reminded me of a hilarious story um my buddy bo legend legend of the podcast was in we were in high school when like the jewel took off and like everyone was buying the jewel My buddy Bo. Legend. Legend of the podcast. We were in high school when the Juul took off. And everyone was buying the Juul.
Starting point is 00:56:55 People would go to the bathroom and they'd be sneaking around looking for a Juul to hit. And there was one kid that I worked with. So I kind of started to know him. And my friends started to know him. And, like, my friends started to know him. And he was, like, one of the kids who would, like, hang out in the bathroom continuously just looking to hit a jewel. And, like, that was, like, his whole personality was, like, hitting a jewel. And. Not a bad personality.
Starting point is 00:57:18 No. I actually have two stories like this. Let's fucking go, bro. Crack another one. Crack another one. I gotta pee. I can't drink anymore and um my buddy was like sitting like he was taking a piss in the bathroom and that kid came in he was like yo you got a jewel and he was like nah and then he like hit his and like blew it in his face
Starting point is 00:57:38 and he was like he like went up to like his ear and he was just like buzz like straight up like that 100% happened the kid fucking who said he didn't have one no dude because he was like there was like a certain did this ever happen to you when kids would be like oh do you have a jewel and then they like they'd pull out one uh so I barely missed
Starting point is 00:58:02 a jewel in high school yeah it became a thing when I was like a freshman in college. Yeah. Thankfully, but it was a great day. What were you a mango guy? Oh, yeah, that was great.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Cucumber was in the mix. I don't like cucumbers. I remember just like similar the first lip I ever packed. I went to like some other town to go to my friend's house
Starting point is 00:58:23 and he gave me like a lip in the woods and then I didn't know how long you were supposed to leave it in so like a full four or five hours later um dude wasn't it was your throat just like raw yeah everything was fucked yeah but he was just swallowing it or i was like when do i take this thing out and he's like you still have that in i was like yeah and he's like good good shit god damn yeah you fucking let it soak like a tea bag it was probably rude coursing through your veins i remember my friend had a can of dip when i was probably in like 10th grade and i put it in or no i must have been in
Starting point is 00:58:55 ninth grade i put it in i had braces oh it wasn't it wasn't like pouches it was long cut yeah and it was dude i i like went into the bathroom when we like got back to my buddy's house and it's just all over my mouth and i'm like rinsing out my mouth like repeatedly trying to get it out and i remember i just felt so shitty um i can't believe that was someone's idea ever to just shove like loose ass tobacco it's like just disgusting it looks disgusting to like just be like i'm gonna shove this in my mouth and suck on it yeah i mean it's it's like in the dip community like pouches are kind of frowned upon right yeah kind of a pussy if you use those it's a good jumping off point though it's for kids yeah it is i mean it literally is it literally is yeah it really is yeah it's like a starter pack
Starting point is 00:59:37 yeah it is it's like if you want to get hooked we got these like little half ciggies yeah uh another story i think I was a junior. I might have been in sophomore or junior year of high school. And I'm like walking down to the bathroom just to go to the bathroom. And there was this kid all the way across the hall walking towards me. And he was like, there's like two bathrooms. So he was going to that one. I was going to the one closer to me.
Starting point is 01:00:06 And he was like, yo, what's up, dude? And I was like was like what's up and this kid was like a known like weird as fuck kid like just like always like doing drugs and like didn't really go to class and i like loosely knew him from gym class and i remember going to the bathroom to take a shit and i'm like mid shit and all of a sudden his head peeks over his head peeks over the stall and he's like yo you got a jewel on you and i was like dude i'm shitting and i did not have a jewel and he was like oh fuck you shouldn't have given it to him anyway he's popping over like it's home improvement i didn't have but even if you had one it's like what are you gonna be like yeah? Yeah, like, hold on. Because that was like the thing in high school.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I hold it straight up. That was like the thing in high school. Kids would go into the stall and use it so that they wouldn't get caught. And he wanted to make sure that he thought the person in the stall next to him wasn't shitting in the stall. I mean, most of the time was someone using a Juul in the stall. People didn't even shit in your high school. I was shitting.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Bro, Euphoria wished they had that plot line. I know. People don't even shit in the fucking toilets dude the jewel brings back some scary memories from high school just like i remember one time it was after lunch and after lunch was when like the the fucking the festival began oh yeah right after lunch you need that post meal yeah right after right after lunch everyone would go into the the bathroom before going back to class, and everyone would just be just ripping jewels. And I remember one time standing there waiting to go get my hit, and all of a sudden, there's a teacher behind me, and he's like, having fun, boys? And everyone's just running out of the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:01:41 And I remember going back to class, and i was like dude we're so fucked it probably took names we're getting suspended from school for that no way yeah oh yeah dude it was like left and right did teachers use teachers don't use the same bathroom as the kids do no but like there was like two who did and one of them would always come in when people were using it and he would never say anything and that one that guy was weird as fuck i remember specifically i was i remember i was in you got a jewel no i remember i was in ninth grade i was in he was like he reminded me of dennis from always sunny uh-huh he was i was in ninth grade and he like tripped in the back of the classroom and he turns around he's like whoa is that gonna get on vine
Starting point is 01:02:19 no one was filming him or anything oh dude he was such a weirdo i hope they don't put this on the internet i hope i don't see that on fine but he would just like uh try to be the cool teacher and uh be be fine with people vaping no no so there was an older one who wouldn't give a fuck because he oh i thought you're saying he was the one no no he was the one who did care he was the one who came to the bathroom was like having fun boys that's such a teacher fucking uh that must be like the most like exhilarating moment of their life walking into this just smoke everywhere and like what am i gonna say it's like the but it's like the t it's like the scene in ratatouille when they like open up the fucking closet and all the
Starting point is 01:03:01 fucking rats run all over it's probably just gratifying to see have everything just look at you and scatter. Didn't know we were having a party. Where was my invite, boys? Who's got the fucking jewel? Or if he was just puffing jewel, what if he liked to get the secondhand smoke? I don't know. I just like to be around it. Shut up, heroin.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Don't worry, boys. I'm not gonna rat. She like pulls up his sleeve he peeks over the top of the stall you got any heroin in there yeah he's got cheese some fresh face 13 year olds just shitting
Starting point is 01:03:35 poor fucking kids it was a crazy era of high school we had a poopy bandit in high school yeah we never talked about a poopy bandit in high school. Yeah? We never talked about a poopy bandit. No.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Can I take a piss real quick? Of course. Sure. Do you guys mind? You're the pissy bandit. I don't mind at all. Alright, I'll be right back. Save that story for me.
Starting point is 01:03:57 No, bro. Time's fast, bro. No, I want to hear about the poopy bandit. Give us a clap. This next segment is brought to you by EveryPlate. EveryPlate is America's best value meal kit. While most meal kits come with a premium price tag,
Starting point is 01:04:14 EveryPlate offers delicious dinners that won't break the bank. Sass, this is your chance to add in a joke so people continue to stay engaged and listening throughout this fantastic ad i love every plate work smarter not harder my boy can personally endorse let every plate plan shop and deliver everything you need to cook delicious meals at consistently low prices. Choose from 17 delicious weekly recipes and then, well, sit back. They'll deliver pre-proportioned ingredients and easy-to-follow recipe cards right to your front door. And fucking thank God, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Thank God. I'm not about to fucking spend the rest of my life ordering out with no fucking culinary skills and no way to mix it up in the kitchen. I need a way to get my foot in the door, learn how to be a cook, and I want it at an affordable price. And that's where Every Plate comes in. Look, at first I was skeptical thinking, you know, maybe meal kits might be expensive, but now I'm convinced you can get them at the same level of deliciousness at a much lower price every plate makes it easy and affordable to cook healthy delicious family pleasing meals
Starting point is 01:05:33 you want to show off to your mommy and daddy how good of a cookie you are then you fucking get the every plate and you and you and you cook for them and you make sure that they know that you are a grown-up-ass adult. Give yourself and your wallet a break. Enjoy delicious, affordable meals delivered to your door and ready to go in just six simple steps. Try EveryPlate for just $1.79 per meal by going to, entering code SUN179. That's everyplate for $1.79 per meal by going to Wait, what the fuck did you just say? $1.79 a meal?
Starting point is 01:06:16 Yeah. What the fuck? Yeah, just head on over to for just $1.79 per meal by going to That's too cheap. And then you go to for just $179 per meal by going to That's too cheap. And then you go to and you enter sun179. Damn. That's That's up to $104 in value.
Starting point is 01:06:33 You understand that, right? I do. That's up to $104 in value. They're basically giving you $104 just to fuck around with EveryPlate. And plus the delicious meals. It makes it easy and affordable to cook hearty, delicious, family-pleasing meals. And that's probably cheaper than that pumpkin spice
Starting point is 01:06:49 latte or whatever it is you like. Every plate. Dang, I love it. Use code 17, or sun, 179. Sun 179. It's like 187 on the undercover cop, but 179. 187 on the undercover cop But 179 187 on the undercover son
Starting point is 01:07:06 Bro I'm gonna get son 179 Tattooed across my chest Yes You should But like Tupac so across your belly Yeah Or like Nas get Godson across the belly Please
Starting point is 01:07:21 Bro you don't know who Nas is bro No who is that No I'm not about to tell you i would just lie to you anyway i was just crafting a lie in my head all right tell us about the poopy bandit brother well we just had a poopy bandit i didn't mean to make it up to to be that that much bigger than what it is bandit do the poopy bandit was a kid who went to our high school and then came back after he graduated and he would just shit in in different places in in the high school and you'd walk in you'd walk in and it would be like uh 20 minutes before school
Starting point is 01:07:51 started and you go up a stairway and like halfway up the stairway there would just be a fucking like shining turd where this dude who recently graduated from high school was just pooping all over to wreak havoc on the school so he would shit, he would shit there or he would like take a shit in a bag or something and put it there? From my understanding he would drop trowel and just squat wherever he was and just poop wherever he was. Always
Starting point is 01:08:15 logs? No, it wasn't even logs, it was like a poop emoji? Like a pearl shape it was like a, or like a loaf, very loafy loafy more than loggy but just like weird turds and it wasn't like a bunch of them it was he like squeezed one out and then fucking obviously ran off into the night that's awesome but the way that he got caught was uh the security guard mr firth found him uh he was uh he caught him on a security camera trying
Starting point is 01:08:43 to take his shit at center court of the basketball. And he fucking sprinted after him. And there was like a cartoon like our high school was like in a square. And there was like a cartoonist chase of this kid who had like green hair getting ran after by our security guard and like a fucking crimson blazer like running him down. And he like burst into someone's classroom and they had like a fucking like stand off or one of them would go one direction the other one would go the other did he get arrested uh they tackled him i don't think that they didn't tell us what happened i imagine that actually i don't know if he would get arrested yeah you definitely would i mean you can get
Starting point is 01:09:16 arrested for public urination but this is like a private catholic high school where the oh you got owen oh i racked those things up owen's got a couple pu charges really you got Owen. Oh, I racked those things up. How many did you get? Owen's got a couple PU charges. Really? You got a PU? Yeah, but it restarts when you turn 18. Oh. So now he's clean. So I had a couple under, and then you get a new start.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Imagine the cop catching you, that fucking pervert. Yeah. Shining a fucking spotlight on your hard, underage dick. Yeah. That's fucked. That's freakish, bro. What a freak. I fucking, I love cops, but that shit's not cool, man. No, that's funny that's freakish bro freak i fucking i love cops but that shit's
Starting point is 01:09:46 not cool man no that's not right did you see the videos of how many cops were out in new york yeah that was crazy i cannot believe there's that many humans that get organized like that i've never even i've only seen like you don't really see like real cops in new york that often you only see the traffic ones yeah traffic ones yeah like where did all those guys come from? I guess New York's just a massive place and we have a relatively small footprint in the city. Are traffic, is that walk-on? Can you just become one? Yeah, I think that's what you just sign up for that.
Starting point is 01:10:15 They don't even interview you, you just have to fill out a form. But they don't get a gun or anything, so there's no need for an interview. But if those dudes were there, who was policing the streets, bro? I would have been, if I'd known they were having
Starting point is 01:10:25 that kind of thing, I would fucking, I would have had a little robbery. I would have staged a light fucking crime or some shit. Was that for the two cops that died in Harlem?
Starting point is 01:10:35 I guess. I don't know. Yeah, it must have been. Out in Chef Donnie's territory. Yeah. Where does he live in Harlem? How far, how high up does he live?
Starting point is 01:10:46 124, maybe? I don't know i think 124 and what what building yeah what's his number he's like off of harlem have that uh that uh mural that he painted and his shit is insane well he didn't paint it but i mean he got it painted that's just an insane thing to do i know dude they don't give a fuck he was like we were like well what are you gonna do like when you have to move out he's like we'll just paint over it some guys one of a kind i know priceless artwork you guys should do that for your apartment it is a dope ass mural too their apartment is insanely nice you guys would try to paint fucking Dukes' wall and it would just flop right through. Probably. Yeah, dude, their third roommate is an interior decorator or designer. Yeah. So their
Starting point is 01:11:32 place is like insane. Really? Yeah. Very nice. Super nice. You went up there? Yeah, we went up and he cooked us some chicken curry. Really? It was amazing. You like curry? Homemade naan. Really? They went on an Indian cake? Oh, yeah. How old were you when you started liking Indian food?
Starting point is 01:11:47 Last year. How old were you when you started liking Indian people? Hopefully next year. That's fucked up because Indian people are the best people. And Indian food is actually the best food. And I think that the Indian food is so fucking good. That's like a major point in people's lives when they can start liking Indian food food yeah because it's like a picky little bitch thing to not like indian food it's like such like savory sauced out food like american food doesn't even use as many sauces as indian food now indian food is insanely good but i never had i just never had
Starting point is 01:12:18 had it i never disliked it i just never had had it until i moved to new york and you get scared people get squeamish about it because it seems exotic i didn't get i mean it's just like chicken and cream yeah i mean chicken tikka masala which is my go-to fuck yeah bro what about a nice fucking rogan josh bro never had one a nice vindaloo never had one damn it looks like carrie's. He needs his video games. Dude, I've been out. It's been a long day for me. I had to wake up early. I had to take the train. There was a truck stuck
Starting point is 01:12:52 on the train tracks. I assume that was just a lie you were telling to get out. Yeah, there was a truck stuck on the train tracks. I was supposed to be here before the act. And there was a truck stuck on the train tracks and we got an hour and 20 minute delay. Damn. I'd been on the train for almost two hours and we were still in providence which is like a 20 minute train ride from my house that's where i took from where i got on a truck was just on the tracks yeah i don't
Starting point is 01:13:14 think it was on the tracks but apparently it got stuck too close to the train track for us to go and they could just stop in time the train yeah no we stopped at the Providence stop and then we just didn't continue. And could people get off? People got off at Providence and got on at Providence, but then we just stayed there for like an hour and 20 minutes. Damn, that fucking sucks. Yeah. It was really long and I slept for a good bit, but I didn't sleep much last night because
Starting point is 01:13:38 I can't put the Kindle down, bro. No way. The Kindle should put you to sleep. I know. But what is there i guess a light inside of it that kind of like fuels your brain and makes you think it's daytime so you have to keep on reading it uh not really it's like i think the light is not a blue light yeah it actually has a good like dull light yeah and you can turn it down which is nice i just keep
Starting point is 01:13:59 it at one so it's like i can see it but it's not too bright nice i keep thinking about what kind of bonus you got, bro. I'm fucking, just tell the fucking, tell the listeners what your bonus was, bro. I couldn't handle it. I can't handle that level of cash. Let's just say you're going to be moving into Chicken Fry's neighborhood real soon. Sooner than projected. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Shit. Shit. Shit, I might. I'm up. Company party this week. Yeah, you're going to go? Um,
Starting point is 01:14:30 I don't know. I was going to go to Pugsatawney, Pennsylvania for Groundhog Day. Oh. Film some content? I thought it was
Starting point is 01:14:38 two hours away. It's five hours away and unfortunately, I have to finish a shoot tomorrow that goes into the evening so I wouldn't be able to get there on time for Groundhog Day.
Starting point is 01:14:47 But my dad's birthday. It is? Yeah. What did you guys eat for his birthday dinner? We had. Fuck, what did we have? Some chicken biryani. Oh, we got like Italian food from a place.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Oh, shit. That sounds good as fuck. Some spaghetti and meatballs, a little Caesar salad, a little lasagna. Holy fuck. That sounds good as fuck. It was super good. Oh, so they have everything. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:10 A true taste of Italy. An Italian joint. Just a local Italian joint. That's fucking what Massachusetts does best. No, it didn't. Yeah, we use the- OneBite? The OneBite app.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Yeah? Well, we only order from places that he's ranked. Of course. Yeah. It would be disrespectful to do anything but you can go on one bite and uh like plant some you know uh good scores at places and make him want to go somewhere you give a place like a nine five he'll be like oh what's this place i have to go there all right let's get the fuck out of here bro what time how long have we been going hour 20 with your piss break
Starting point is 01:15:46 so like hour 10 yeah hour 15 no you weren't 10 minutes what like hour 30 or what do you mean you're 5 minutes I don't fucking know dude
Starting point is 01:15:57 I'm so tired I know you are alright let's wrap it I had fun I had fun bro I had a blast too alright we'll be putting out lots of content next week
Starting point is 01:16:03 we're gonna be vlogging. Something every day. So he's not going to cut... We're not going to do something every day, huh? I think we should. I just said we would. So we'll put out something every day? Sure.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Why don't we meet up every morning and we'll get coffee and do 20 to 30 minutes at a different setting each day? Just talking. Yeah, just talking randomly. I'm Diz, bro. We could go one camera. We could make it easy. Yeah, I'm down. I'm Diz, bro. We could go one camera. We could make it easy. Yeah, I'm down.
Starting point is 01:16:27 I'm going to bring the tiny camera. I'll film some shit this week. Yeah, fuck it. All right, bro. I feel like this is a soft commit from you. No, I'm down, bro. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Check us out. Check us out Super Bowl week. Check us out in Super Bowl week. We're going to be out in LA. We're going to do episode 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 45 46 we're gonna get the fucking joe biden episode shit shit shit all right thanks for coming out guys peace

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