Son of a Boy Dad - Son of a Boy Dad Ep. 59 - Flu Game 2.0

Episode Date: May 10, 2022

-- Sas got sick moments before we recorded the episode but powered through to talk about all sorts of hilarious stuff with Rone -- The boys recap their time in Texas, Sas talks about his favorite rapp...ers, rent issues, upcoming summer content, and much more -- Episode is also available on YouTubeYou can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, son of a boy dad listeners, you can find every episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. Prime members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. Four days. That would be awesome. Isn't it? Like my skin hurts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:21 You don't look great. My skin's touching my clothes and it hurts. You don't look great my skin's touching my clothes and it hurts you don't look that great you got these ads let's just do 10 minutes today alright ready yeah those things are powerful I thought the boys were capping no
Starting point is 00:00:52 is that what other people do only if it's a presenting sponsor oh yeah okay ready what's up everybody welcome back to Son of a Boy Dad podcast. Today is Monday, May 9th. It's 2.30 p.m. We're back in the stew. Let's get ahead of it right now. Sass feels terrible. And he is like a body decomposing on a fast motion time lapse in front of our eyes.
Starting point is 00:01:20 By the end of this episode, he's going to be just a gaunt fucking skin and bones. That's why I brought the smelling salts in, so I could keep my energy up. And boy, did those shits hit hard. Yeah. I think I'm just really run down. Just been moving too much. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Denver? Yeah, I mean, I wasn't really in Denver for that long, but Texas. I haven't been home since we were in Texas. And now you're home. I haven't been back to my apartment. You haven't been back yet? Well, who's been sleeping in Owen's bed then?
Starting point is 00:01:45 I don't know I know it hasn't been Owen I'm probably gonna have to throw up at some point throughout this episode I'll throw up out of empathy I'll pull the trigger just because I'm that empathetic of a beast you are such an empath yeah dude people yawn to prove their not even to prove their empathy because they're inherently empathetic
Starting point is 00:02:01 I puke with people you start puking I'll start puking bro that happens to me too exactly cause we're bros we're fucking synced up dude our cycles are fuck yeah like periods yeah we got our menstrual throat periods exactly that's what a throw-up is but uh yeah you've been on the road bro give us a fucking recap bro i don't really have much to say i mean i was in texas fun. That video should be really good. Oh, yeah, that shit should be fucking sick. We went out, we ate kolaches.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Kolaches. How would you describe what a kolache is, my good man? Pastry with a hot dog inside of it. No, that's a kielbasa. Oh, that's a kielbasa. A pastry? Yeah, with like fruit in the middle of it. Oh, I can't even think about it.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Why? Because it's so yummy? No, because I'm just like, I feel so shitty. You look green right now. You look like a ninja turtle right now. You just have a light green tint to you. I can't even think about it. Why? Because it's so yummy? No, because I'm just like, I feel so shitty. You look green right now. You look like a ninja turtle right now. You just have a light green tint to you. I don't know what happened, dude. Did you get gacked or some shit like that?
Starting point is 00:02:52 I don't know. I went to bed. I mean, I had to wake up at 4 a.m. Were you just at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards? I know. Does it really look that bad? You look a little green, pale. I could see all your veins.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Oh, Jesus Christ. I could see your blood rushing through your body, leaving your face. Particle by particle. I flew out this morning at like 5am From where? Denver Oh really? Yeah And this dude on the plane in front of me Was being like the biggest pussy Alive
Starting point is 00:03:17 He had his seat all the way back So my knees were just digging into his back What a pussy dude I hate pussy shit like that It gets worse all the way back so my knees were just digging into his back what a pussy dude no no no i hate pussy shit like that it gets worse so he keeps on like looking back at me like like thinking i'm like i'm purposely doing this and he does it like five times and then eventually he does like he like stands up and like turns around and just stares at me and i just like shook my head i was like i don't know what you want me to do and then he sits back down he leans fully forward in his chair and then just
Starting point is 00:03:48 slammed you slammed me and i was like what the fuck like he's with his wife damn what are you doing dude he probably felt insecure he probably thought that you were about to mr steal your girl him and uh fucking jack his wife because you were showing a sign of dominance in the wild this is at like six in the morning did you say anything to him fucking insane no i just like gave him the death stare you did i didn't move my legs i think i gave him a little more of a i inserted you dug him in and was uh was your were your hips back against the back of the seat because like if you slouched down a little bit your i could see how your knees could go into somebody else's seat like that but who cares like that's just what happens when you're on a plane he should have sat in first class if he wanted no one to be touching his seat
Starting point is 00:04:30 yeah he should have been fucking he should have worked a little bit harder yeah he should have afforded first class well i mean it's like it's not my fault that my legs are bigger than his was he a little guy yeah oh that's probably why he's a little angry man he's a little angry guy i said you're an angry elf, aren't you? Aren't you? You tickled him under his chin. Is somebody angry today? You should have just put on Coco for him to get excited about.
Starting point is 00:04:55 He didn't have TVs. Oh, that's fucking bullshit. I know, it really was. That's probably why he's so pissed off. Dude, they shouldn't be legal to have a four-hour flight with no TVs. Yeah, I think- You just got to sit there and just stare at the fucking seat or just yeah some shitty ass wi-fi that doesn't work there are people though who think that your seat shouldn't be able to go back i disagree with them i think your seat should
Starting point is 00:05:16 be able to go back i don't think it's inherently a bitch move to fucking lean back on somebody i don't think it's that fucked up no i do it yeah exactly but i think that there's people who are like if you put your seat back like seats on airplanes shouldn't even go back it's like what they should just always be back yeah that's why i don't understand either i can't imagine like in a crash situation like the the 90 degree angle versus like the 80 or the the 85 whatever i can't imagine that's going to be like what makes or breaks if people live people are just going to decapitate a mess i mean they used to tell you that you have to just put your head between your knees or whatever and fucking they still do that that's the brace position but do you do you think that that saves somebody if there's like a fucking airplane getting ripped in half like all the metal
Starting point is 00:05:56 is getting ripped in half and you're just going to crash test dummy through it and fucking walk away no if it's like a real crash i'm'm assuming there's nothing you can really do. It's all luck if you live or not. Seatbelts, everything. Yeah, the seatbelts are funny. I mean, it's just for turbulence. But even so, like, is someone flying out of their seat from turbulence? I mean, Tyler, you had, or no, well, we had that flight on
Starting point is 00:06:17 the other day where we were all jump, we were all flying around. We weren't really flying around, but we just fucking landed hard. Yeah then tyler had an even worse landing well yeah the whole point give us into a mic tyler give it to us into a mic well the plane yeah the plane like the thing is just opened up when they landed the overheads yeah that shit was that shit would be spooky though i knew it was gonna happen i was i was sitting in the plane i was like we are coming in way too fast. Oh, and we landed hard?
Starting point is 00:06:46 Yeah, I've never even really thought about it. I guess you want like a light feathery landing. You're supposed to just like sort of like float above the... Yeah. And you're supposed to like, it's supposed to like pull up. We just landed like nosedive going like a thousand miles per hour. I thought we were going to go off the runway. When that happens, you think the pilot's just an idiot?
Starting point is 00:07:03 Yeah. They're just fucking stupid? Well, it's probably like maybe he's not, maybe he doesn't fly a lot, you think the pilot's just an idiot? Yeah. They're just fucking stupid? Well, it's probably like, maybe he's not, maybe he doesn't fly a lot. He's a little junior of an officer? Yeah. How many other people do you,
Starting point is 00:07:11 on a plane, on an average plane, do you think could land a plane if something happened to the pilot? Not a lot. Do you think that there's one on every flight? No. I'm assuming,
Starting point is 00:07:20 not like an air marshal, but just randomly somebody who could just land the plane if they needed to. If I had to guess, I would assume that landing is probably a lot easier than taking off. You think? No. No, probably not.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Dude, I actually. I'm sure they're probably equally difficult. Actually, I think landing is probably harder. Especially if it's like windy and shit. I have beef with something you said last week. You said in a, like a doomsday nuclear situation that you would go to the store and get a bunch of frozen food. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Oh, what? We couldn't be able to keep it frozen? Yeah, like what? That's the most perishable food. It's the opposite of what you said. Yeah, you gotta get the that's why I missed Owen in here. Owen would have set you straight on that. I didn't say anything about it. Yeah, because I was you got to get the nump you got to get that that's why i missed owen in here dude no one would have set you straight on that and say anything about it yeah because i was just trying to keep the conversation going and then i went back and fucking i i talked to some
Starting point is 00:08:11 of my friends about our a or our weekly show review and we were just laughing at you idiot i guess i wasn't thinking i guess i forgot about like electricity wouldn't wouldn't be thing yeah you don't have a fucking ice box you don't have access to some some fresh ass ice no fucking idiot dude you'd never fucking doomsday prep dude you wouldn't be welcome don't you say though isn't your worst doomsday you said they could just shut off all power yeah service yeah it's like and he said in that case he's gonna get lean please if that shit happens he's gonna get some hungry man dinners and just wait it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Just watch some Netflix until it all fucking blows over. Yeah, I don't know what I would do. I don't even have books. I'll just turn on my electric fan. Yeah. My Kindle would die and then I would be hopeless. You just would need a ton of batteries. You'd need fucking batteries galore.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Have you ever seen the episode of the twilight zone where the guy no i'll just stop you right there now he like the world ends and he's the only one that lives and like the whole thing is like he just wants to be able to read and spin peace and he finally gets it but then he breaks his glasses no yeah so what happens he has to just read from far now he can't read at all damn dude that's a good episode it is he could just go to the eyeglasses store then. How would he find it? He can't see. Raid in old
Starting point is 00:09:29 LensCrafters. Is he nearsighted or farsighted? I don't think they got into that. Fucking Twilight Zone, dude. What his prescription was? Twilight Zone is just a rip off of Black Mirror. Everybody fucking knows that, dude. That's the true fucking...
Starting point is 00:09:45 I never got into Black Mirror. Because you're probably, you're not woke enough for it. Your little brain couldn't handle fucking Black Mirror. The scenarios that they're throwing out there. The what ifs that they fucking dangle. I know, it is such a deep show
Starting point is 00:09:57 on so many levels. It's like, what if a teddy bear was president? Like, what the fuck? It doesn't even fucking make sense. I saw that one of the dog where they have like the electric dogs. That one was fucked. It sucked for like a couple years. People said that for everything.
Starting point is 00:10:13 This is like Black Mirror, dude. Like a bee would land on you. Yeah, that was. This is fucking Black Mirror. Dude, speaking of, I was going to bed last night and just as I was dozing off a fucking mosquito just started to torture me and just kept me up for like three hours. It would just land on my face, bite me, and then like fly away. God damn, you had a long day yesterday, huh?
Starting point is 00:10:34 I know, dude. But you don't hear me bitching about it. At least the Sixers won. Dude, I wasn't bitching about it. I was excited to get into work and then all of a sudden shit started heading the wrong direction. What do you mean? Physically. At work?
Starting point is 00:10:45 Oh, physically. Are we going to talk? Are we going to speak on it or what, bro? Oh, what? The Hank and the... Ria stuff? If we're not taking advantage of this for clicks, then we're fucking up massively. Yeah, I don't really... Everybody's getting clicks off of it. I don't give a
Starting point is 00:11:01 fuck. And we're going to sit here with our thumbs up? No, dude. I don't give a fuck. We've got to break some here with our thumbs up. No, dude. I don't give a fuck. We got to like break some information or something like that. ZoVibes has to be involved. Yeah. We got to do a space. She's pregnant. Can we do a space?
Starting point is 00:11:13 It's Marty's. No. Holy fuck. I was like pretty invested in it in the beginning, but now it seems like people are real. There's not really much else to add to the story. Like we already know what happened. And Hank was crying under the staircase.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Yeah. I was like, dude, Hank, no. I know. He's just rocking back and forth. He's like Harry Potter.
Starting point is 00:11:35 He was like a cute crier though. Yeah, he is. There was just like too many people who were like, like I was sitting, I was just at my desk and Big Cat called Dana over
Starting point is 00:11:43 just like ask him a question about like work and everyone in the office like turned and they were like yeah what the fuck is going what the fuck is talking about it's like dude what do you think happened like what what is people's best case scenario here like someone gets murdered yeah also like uh men are so gossipy yeah i just like it i like watching it from afar, but I don't like when people get super invested in it and then it's like everyone's talking about it and then Dave's going to talk about it tomorrow. It's just a fallacy that women are the gossipier sex.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Dudes just have different things to gossip about. It's just all dudes. Yeah, but the estrogen among our boys is high. Our boys are rich with estrogen. My boys got double Ds. We got double Ds and we like to spill. Spill out the top of the cup and spill the tea, dude. We're fucking.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I like the initial phase where you don't really know everything that happened. What? Yeah. It was kind of a surprise. You're kind of waiting to hear about it. But then it gets to like, people are going to be talking about this still on like friday yeah friday a year from now yeah and like people are like dropping out of shows and stuff why i might have to drop out of this why i don't know it just seems like people are blowing things at it. Like, it's really not any of our business.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Okay. I see how you feel. But it's not how I feel. This is a lie. I've been texting Owen and KB and Nick and Greer about it for the last 24 hours straight. But also, in my defense, I was on the plane and I was very bored and I was reading every single thing. You're just digging your knees into this guy's back reading. I can tell where you are based on like your text
Starting point is 00:13:25 like oh he must not have good internet i think i text i think i text like 45 texts over the course of the flight and the only person who replies is greer and he just laughs at every single every single text no matter who it is he laughs at every single text like the laugh like he reacts to it it's a legend keeps me going i'm all right, let's fire up another one. The boys are laughing. Captive audience. You were getting off shower bits. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I had a shower bit. I forget what that was. What was the bit? Oh, nevermind. It was a little inappropriate. Not for this show. Yeah. It's NC-17 on this show.
Starting point is 00:14:00 No. It would make things worse for my life. Oh, so you're just, I mean. It was just a sick joke, bro. Smart would make things worse for my life. Oh, so you're just... It was just a sick joke, bro. Smart people make good decisions. And it was a bad joke. Yeah. And you're making a good decision too. The only person that laughed at it was Greer and then I said I think that was a lot funnier in my head when I was in the shower.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Oh, you were in the shower for it? Yeah. I can only imagine you were fantasizing. It really was just a joke, bro. Would you hate comedy? No, I just thought it was a little inappropriate. It really was just a joke, bro. What, do you hate comedy? No, I just thought it was a little inappropriate. It's like you are ruining this country. I think that joke that I didn't hear was a little bit inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:14:32 It really wasn't inappropriate at all. I think you should say it then. I'm not trying to be publicly making jokes about this fucking disaster that is going on within the office. Are you saying that it would invite bad karma for people to be able to joke about things in your life if the tide were ever to turn against you? Not even a little, what I was referring to. Yeah? No.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I made a joke about the Hank, Rhea, and Marty thing, and I don't feel like saying it. That's fucked up. Yeah. You know that those are people, too, right? You know those are our coworkers. People first. You're making jokes like I've never seen.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I know. Dude, you called Marty the F-slur. Fat. Gotta talk to him in terms he understands. Marty, unfortunately, you're fat now. Bad news for you, my brother. You've become fat. I think I have like a 104 fever right now.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Yeah, you're fucking, you have like a line of sweat on your top lip. I'm chugging along now. It'll be good. I'm gonna have to quarantine for now. Hopefully I don't miss that show. That would suck. What show?
Starting point is 00:15:30 The Barstool one. What is that? Should we break what that is on Son of a Boy Dad? No. I don't feel like dealing with that. I think we should. I mean, Rowan's hosting, so. It's up to you, bro.
Starting point is 00:15:41 You can take the heat for that. I'm hosting a show called I ain't taking no heat you are taking heat you are gonna be taking heat cause it's next week and we're gonna have to
Starting point is 00:15:51 record two episodes next week because of it we're recording a show not the same as Barstool vs. America or Surviving Barstool but in that vein
Starting point is 00:16:00 called The Most Dangerous Game Show The Most Dangerous Game Show did you come up with this or did they just ask you to host it i came up with it i kind of went over to their side and was like what do you think about this the most dangerous game show and had like a loose idea of it gave it to the dudes over there logan and rob they've really fleshed it out into um a beautiful show not a lot of people know a lot about it, but Sass
Starting point is 00:16:26 is going to be one of the contestants on the show among other people from Barstool. It's going to be sick. Yeah, it's going to be fucking sick. It's going to be so sick. It's going to be sick. I mean, you love... Ten Days in the Woods with... Actually, I can't say. Well, you don't know. You're acting like you know what it is. I was going to say a person.
Starting point is 00:16:42 What? I was going to say one of the people that's on it. Oh, yeah. And I do know. Oh, you know that, but you don't know if it's going I was going to say a person. What? I was going to say one of the people that's on it. Oh, yeah. And I do know. Oh, you know that, but you don't know if it's going to be 10 days in the woods. I already talked to Jeff D. Lowe. He spilled all the deets.
Starting point is 00:16:54 He doesn't know what it is either. He said that you're working with the top guys. Oh, we're working with the top guys in all of reality television. Yeah, that's what he said. They're shooting Naked and Afraid right now. Yeah. And this is actually just it, Naked and Afraid. Am I going to have to take my shirt off?
Starting point is 00:17:04 What if we're like stripped? No, genuinely, am I going to am i gonna take my shirt off we'll get you a wetsuit because if we do i'm gonna have to like start cutting now i just start cutting then yeah you should start cutting all right no carbs keto no you've been drinking a lot i have too much have you actually i gotta check myself you've been drinking ipAs too. You've been drinking barley wine. No, I haven't. You've been drinking the heaviest and weediest things. You've been on a strict gluten diet. I don't even know what's going on right now in my life.
Starting point is 00:17:33 You've been eating exclusively shortening. I've been going out every single night just for no reason. I think it's good for him. I agree. He's trying to get out more, bro. Dude, I love that for you. I'm not going to do anything tonight though or, or tomorrow night, or the night after that. A little detox?
Starting point is 00:17:47 Oh, you'll be back out by Wednesday. Probably. No doubt in my mind. That's how it is. Well, the fellas are back in town now, so Lord knows what can happen. I know. You were getting a little lonely. I was.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Wait, you were going for his draft video. Yeah. Yeah, it was me and Duggs. I wish I could have filmed it. I know. Duggs filmed it instead. I love filming those. Yeah. I know, but Duggs. I wish I could have filmed it. I know. Duggs filmed it instead. I love filming those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:06 I know, but Duggs got to have his lines in the background. Oh, yeah. About how are you going to pay rent? That video was great, though. Thank you. That shit ripped. That shit fucking ripped. Yeah, it did.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Hopefully they sell some tickets. Oh, tickets. I got to do my promo. No, no. Do it at the end of the episode, bro. I'm going to do it right. Do it at the end of the episode, bro. I'm gonna do it right. Do it at the end of the episode. I'm just gonna do it real quick right now. Arlington, June 3rd, June 4th,
Starting point is 00:18:31 Brooklyn sometime around then as well. The tickets are in my Instagram bio or my Twitter bio. Either or. Peace. Game time. This episode is presented by Game Time. Well, it's not presented by Game Time Well it's not presented by Game Time
Starting point is 00:18:46 But it's sponsored by Game Time Game Time has our back You know how this show is We're a fucking Philly pod We got our Phillies gear on I'm an Arlington pod at the moment What? I'm an Arlington guy
Starting point is 00:18:58 What does that mean? I'm switching over Just so I can sell more tickets Where is it? Arlington, Virginia? Yeah So that means that you're An R-Words fan? Redskins? Or R-skins? I'm switching over just so I can sell more tickets. Where is it? Arlington, Virginia? Yeah. So that means that you're an R-Words fan? Redskins?
Starting point is 00:19:08 Oh, fuck. That's them? Yeah. I thought they changed their name. I thought they were the Washington football team now. They changed it to that, and then they changed it to the Commanders. That's worse. That's way worse.
Starting point is 00:19:18 That's significantly worse. The Chiefs? That's also worse. Chiefs, Braves, Indians. Wait, it's not the Indians anymore. What are they now? Guardians? Way worse. These people suck at naming shit. Not like me,
Starting point is 00:19:34 dude. I'm fucking incredible at naming shit, dude. Game time. We are going to the baseball games and the basketball games. And if we want tickets, we're going to get that shit from GameTime. GameTime is a new ticketing app that makes it easier than ever to score last minute deals on tickets to sports, concerts, shows, and guarantee the lowest price. Download the GameTime app and you can go to the account tab to create a login and redeem code BOYDAD for $20 off your first purchase. Terms apply.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Download GameTime. Last minute tickets. Lowest price. Guarante. Download GameTime. Last minute tickets. Lowest price guaranteed. Fuck yeah. Fuck yes. That was a great read. We only have two ads today? Yeah. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:20:16 But they have a lot of dollar signs next to them. Oh really? I'm not sure. That's sick dude. We're making so much money now yeah it's fucking incredible that they took one out of paper yeah you have and you've been rolling and you've been generous with oh yeah i'm giving it all away i saw you tip the security guard a hunji just for opening the door this morning here buy yourself something nice don't spend it all at once just shoved it down
Starting point is 00:20:41 he didn't even have a front pocket you just shoved it down the front of his shirt. You had to get rid of a pretty large lump sum though. Oh yeah, we got fucked big time. Well, not really. We didn't get fucked at all actually. Hadn't I not been paying rent? We got an email that we owed tens of thousands of dollars and Sass just hadn't paid since
Starting point is 00:21:00 February. What do you mean? You're a third of the rent? I think I was half. Wait, you paid half the rent that's three people? I don't understand. He just hadn't paid rent the past three or four months.
Starting point is 00:21:12 But why aren't you guys all paying rent together? We pay for a third. And you each give it to him or do you all put it together and then give it to the guy? We each give it to him. That's fucking weird
Starting point is 00:21:21 that you all do it individually. Wouldn't he just want you like a lump sum from the apartment? I don't think he cares. We've done that one of the months. That's fucking weird that you all do it individually. Wouldn't he just want you like a lump sum from the apartment? I don't think he cares. He just wants his money. He just wants his money and you're not gonna fucking give it to him?
Starting point is 00:21:30 I gave it to him. Why haven't you been paying? I was addicted to the cheddar. Bank account was just getting bigger and bigger every week. And then they all came crashing down at once.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Really what happened was the first month we just didn't pay and he just never said anything. And I was like, all right, well, maybe I can squeeze a couple more months out of him. He never stood. We're on month five. And he finally noticed that we haven't paid rent like ever. He was probably just trying to give you a little bit of wiggle room.
Starting point is 00:21:57 He didn't know you're just sitting on it. I mean, he didn't even like care. He was just like, can you guys figure this out like if like we should have gotten evicted you should have just said no we can't figure it out sorry buddy sorry hoss and just been squatters right i mean people i don't know if they still do but people hated landlords for a while oh yeah they still do people still do people were like not even just like he's just like sits there and just he's just collecting a fat ass check every week or every month yeah we were talking i was talking about this with my friends like yesterday like they're He just sits there and he's just collecting a fat ass check every week or every month.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Yeah. I was talking about this with my friends yesterday. They're probably just like on the first of the month, their phone must just be buzzing with just $5,000, $5,000, just collecting money. Yeah. And it's like, I can't imagine the apartment that we live in is like, he's probably making like double what he pays. Yeah. I also saw in some thread of twitter
Starting point is 00:22:46 people hating landlords you could like reverse search them and see all the buildings they own that's probably infuriating yeah our boys got like six or seven in downtown manhattan alone jesus christ but can't people haven't people been like banding together to like uh like sue their landlord or like buy the building away from their landlord or some shit like that? Or people are going on strikes against their landlord and tying them up in the town square and shit? I don't know. I knew during COVID you couldn't get evicted
Starting point is 00:23:12 in New York. Which is fucking sweet. Yeah. We, like, our landlord at our old apartment was a dick. And he would, like, he would bring beer over and shit like that. He always wanted to hang out no no not him not him fucking piece of shit that was the super this that wasn't the landlord the
Starting point is 00:23:29 landlord was this like old ass french dude who i saw once and he knocked on the door at 8 a.m and was screaming at me and saying that we were getting evicted and that his lawyer was going to contact us and then we got like an email the next day and he was like it was just like hey guys just make sure you don't have any boxes on the roof and that was it it was like yeah because you can't fucking evict someone for leaving a box on the roof is that what it was on our roof that we pay for it's like why the fuck were you up there to begin with dude yeah it was like 8 a.m and it was pouring outside and he's just up on our rooftop we're like doogs and evan like also you said he was in a full suit. Oh, yeah, I think it could have been a figment of your imagination.
Starting point is 00:24:08 No, it wasn't because he weren't a top hat. Then he was with are you sure? Yeah, and then you were going through a tough time at the time. I don't know if maybe your mind was going different places. No, and then what else happened? What else did he do? Oh, well, he didn't let us resign. We didn't even get the option.
Starting point is 00:24:25 He was just tired of you guys gonna resign to that fucking shithole. What else did he do? Oh, well, he didn't let us resign. We didn't even get the option. Mm-hmm. He was just tired of you guys? We weren't going to resign to that fucking shithole. It's because you had a half-man, half-amphibian living in your bathroom. You had locked the door and filled it up with water. I hated that place. You ever see the shape of water? I haven't.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Bro, you've got to see it, dude. That shit's like Black Mirror. Yeah, it's just like Black Mirror. It's a French masterpiece, dude. You've got to watch it. What'd you do out and did you that's what that's what just happened to me we need more water when you were drinking water you were fine get him some pink whitney no no no no get him some salt stat no i don't want any of that what'd you do while you were out in denver i just hung out um fucking sick yeah i didn't really do much just like we're doing right now man yeah pretty much just like a listener is hanging out with us while they work out yeah grocery shop fuck yeah as they as they have us
Starting point is 00:25:14 on in the background what an honor it would be to be in the background of yeah someone should send us like a porno when you guys are fucking and then our podcast is playing in the background use that as promo any dudes out there any dudes out there who are fucking and then our podcast is playing in the background. Yeah. Use that as promo. Any dudes out there, any dudes out there who are fucking their bros, just fucking send it in. Any dudes out there with just a hot ass girl. We, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:33 we met somebody in Boston who had just had sex while listening to anus, but it was a girl. Yeah. That's a lie. Girls don't listen to anus. A bro. We got all the bitches On our podcast
Starting point is 00:25:48 90% women listen to this Girls listen to anus for sure I know that for a fact But who had she fucked Nick and KB No her husband I thought Nick and KB were running a train And they put it on themselves
Starting point is 00:26:04 Watching their own highlight tape like Leonardo DiCaprio or some shit. Like Derek Jeter. Yeah, no, she told the story like three or four times. It was a bit uncomfortable, but yeah, she said her firefighter husband came home and took her to bed while she was still listening to our podcast.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Jesus Christ. She couldn't hit pause? No. She was giggling? She keeled him out of her? What, uh... Oh, I was dog-sitting. Like, I had to, like, help dog-sit these dogs. It was awesome. For who?
Starting point is 00:26:31 They were fucking huge. My friend, well, he was doing it, but, like, they were all, like, doing... They were all busy. So I took them for walks and stuff. Did you get a cut? No. They weren't getting paid. It was, like, a friend.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Would you dog-sit for me if I ever had a dog? Yeah. If I could have dogs in my me if I ever had a dog? Yeah. If I could have dogs in my apartment. I don't know if we can. Assuming Bruce probably won't let us do that, especially after five months late on rent. Dude, I, yeah. What if it, is it going to fuck up your credit? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:26:58 What, you know what was a weird thing when people used to house sit? I still don't understand that. What the fuck is a house i don't know what to do you make sure like it doesn't explode yeah like just turn everything off yeah just unplug your fucking appliances and like don't turn on the i feel like that it'd be more dangerous to have a house sitter yeah just someone else that could explode your shit yeah or is it because of people are good are we're gonna pool hop is it pool hoppers we're gonna run in your backyard and go for a dip have you ever
Starting point is 00:27:25 hopped before i don't think i have neither have i i'm not really sound so fucking sick though me and my friends when we were in like middle school we also used to go out on things and be like yo we're gonna fucking pool hop tonight and then we'd like stand around like in the woods by the pool for like an hour trying to like convince ourselves to do it all dudes yeah oh yeah yeah i didn't talk to a woman until after college yeah but uh yeah all dudes just running together in their like underwear yeah sus yeah i'm struggling dude we'll fucking get it together dude i know how long have we been going are you serious it's like 10 minutes 28 fuck dude turn it on feel my body like warming up it doesn't matter you just have to
Starting point is 00:28:03 fight through you haven't even broken a sweat yet. You're a better color now than the beginning of the episode. I know. I think you're zooming right now, bro. I think you're actually are fucking- Pass me the salts. You're getting into a delirium stage. Daddy needs the salts now.
Starting point is 00:28:15 There it goes. All right. Stop making those noises. Oh, oh, oh. You didn't even smell it. It got in my eyes. What the fuck? All right, can you just a little?
Starting point is 00:28:32 I got it in my lungs and my eyes. None of it hit the nose. Those are going to be real strong, so be careful. All right, pass them back. I feel like it goes only up my left side. Dude, I think that my entire life, or like since mid-high school... Oh, fuck. You've done blow out of the same nostril?
Starting point is 00:28:55 No, I got punched in the face in a pickup football game. And since then, I think my fucking right nostril's been fucking shut. And I don't think I get enough oxygen to my brain. I think it's fucking with my balance. You never know what more oxygen you're going to do. You have to get like surgery for that. Is that why your left brain, you're creative? You're not getting oxygen?
Starting point is 00:29:13 No, but it goes up my left one and so shouldn't that connect to or maybe it does connect to my left. Does it cross over? Right brain's creative and so I'm left. Or so maybe it is going up left and crossing over to the right. I don't fucking know. Left brain is creative and so I'm left. Or so maybe it is going up left and crossing over to the right. I don't fucking know. Left brain is the gay side.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Ever since I got punched in the face I can't stop sucking dick. I don't know what it is. It's fucking weird. They say you're born that way but it usually has something to do with the nostrils. Dude, those things are ridiculously strong. And Owen, for someone who doesn't drink, you do like a thrill.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Yeah, like finding other stuff. Owen loves shoving shit up his nose. Yeah. Anything he gets on. He'll put any other shit in his body. Different shit in his body. I saw Owen grind up shrooms and try snorting them. That's sick.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Nah, I play. I play too much. That shit's not fucking funny, dude. No no i play i play too much this is not fucking funny dude no fucking shrooms are too much people get fucking killed off shrooms i know well they kill themselves usually shrooms are a hard-ass drugs you just check the clock as if more time had passed in the one minute since you asked how much time had passed dude like i i am everything hurts in my body should i get busy with to finish the show instead of you? Yeah, I would do amazing things for this podcast. Should we get the fucking boys to come in and say, I don't think they're in the city. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:30:35 They're in Hoboken. And also, I don't even think business here. I think it's just Whitney. Fucking love that guy. Fucking that fucking bird. Beauty, bro. Bird. What?
Starting point is 00:30:45 Oh, pigeon. Pigeon. Yeah. Fucking pigeon. Pigeon. They probably beauty, bro. Bird. What? Oh, pigeon. Pigeon, yeah? Fucking pigeon. They probably have such new sweet slang that we haven't even heard in a long time. I know. We need to get them on. Just to hear some slang, dude. Just give us a little fucking slang. I know.
Starting point is 00:30:54 That really was one of the funniest episodes. Oh, yeah. I re-listened to that recently and I was cracking up. Just to get some slang from the fellas. And I think they respect you. Maybe not anymore. Oh, yeah, they do. No, I think they did respect you respect you maybe not anymore oh yeah they do no i think they did
Starting point is 00:31:05 respect you but maybe not anymore they saw potential in you but there's nothing worse nothing worse calodro bro i've never wasted talent calodro i've been on grind mode like you've never even experienced yeah fucking dog sitting you've been fucking picking up bro yeah well what are you doing two day then, bro? How are you grinding two day? Yeah, exactly. Grind mode my ass. I've been doing a lot of stand up.
Starting point is 00:31:32 You said that. I gotta get sharp for these shows. Yeah? Yeah, I was happy to see that. That's cool. Yeah, I've been going up like a lot. It's because you weren't there though. I think that like he didn't have a hangout buddy at home.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah. Yeah, I texted the booker and I was like, any spots you can get me this week, I'll do them. Put me up there, Esty. But I've actually realized that I've double booked myself somewhere, so now I'm kind of fucked. Yeah, that is fucked. That shit is not right, dude. Would you cover him at one of the spots? Yeah, you should.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I'm going to be going too. Come on. To what? The thing you're double booked for. I'm going to be with you. It's for the show we just talked about. No, it's the show we just talked about. It's why you're double booked. No'm gonna be uh i'm gonna be with you i died for the show we just talked about no it's the show we just talked about is why you're double booked no no this is this week oh yeah oh you two two stand updates yeah you gotta be booking it you'll be running across town four things but they're overlap i'm not gonna make them damn what are you gonna do refund the people that bought tickets already no i don't think they promoted one of them so i'm just gonna cancel that fuck them for not promoting what are the two clubs
Starting point is 00:32:28 i'm doing the stand but i are this is like the stuff that i already scheduled a while ago and then uh jared asked me to do his show that day shout out jared dude there's a place on the uh on the block right here on uh whatever street that this our office is off of that has like a tie it's like a tiny ass like uh staircase that goes up to a stand-up club like right on the corner here i'll walk past it like 11 o'clock some days and it's like open and they have open mics or some shit like that like shows you know what you know what place i'm talking about um i don't but we've been we were at a restaurant the other day and i like went down to the bathroom and there was just a comedy club
Starting point is 00:33:02 downstairs and there was like posters of a bunch of comedians everywhere. Famous ones? Like New York. It's crazy how many people in this city do stand up and how many places there are to do stand up. It's the best place in the world to do stand up. Yeah. But like for the top couple spots, like, but also I feel like there's rooms where there's like two people in there. For open mics probably. Yeah. but i think most of the shows do well i mean i haven't really been to any i really only go to the stand in the cellar how long do most people typically do open mics for five minutes no no oh oh i have no idea probably until they can get booked at a show how long is that though for some people never yeah for me
Starting point is 00:33:42 five minutes five minutes that was all you ever did at open mics no i did open mics for a few months how'd you stay calm on stage getting really drunk you think that makes you calm yeah confident confident some liquid courage yeah you think you have a dependency problem yeah lock the door this is an intervention brother i definitely have a dependency problem with stand-up and drinking you need to you need to learn how to get up there without that because you still haven't even been yourself up there you've been drunk no i've done it before yeah yeah i bombed big time is that that time recently when you bombed really bad that time was a bomb like you've never. He had a bad one recently.
Starting point is 00:34:25 The manager came up to me and he's like, you want me to, cause I asked him to pull the clips from the last show that I did the day before. Cause like I, like I did well and I wanted to see it. And then I got off stage on that one. He goes, you want me to pull the clips from that one too? And I was like, no. I mean, dude, there were seven people in the, in the crowd. So how do you even know you bombed?
Starting point is 00:34:45 Because I bombed. I do think, though, is there a chance you're not bombing? You just think you're doing better when you're drunk because you're drunk? No, no. Because I watch it back. Yeah. Do you love yourself? No.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I don't at all, actually. So why do you watch it back? Because I want to see what I can do to improve. It's like watching tapes, bro. Studying your game tapes. You never watch your rap battles? A lot of them I don't, to be honest. Can't relate?
Starting point is 00:35:12 I would just do it once and it would just live in the world and I just would never watch it back. Wish I could relate. Because with rap battles, you can't get better at it. It's like you can't go back and say it again. All the shit is gone no matter what. So I watch back and be like, I have like let that breathe a little bit more and it just becomes me being super self-critical of myself with no way to improve which is a
Starting point is 00:35:33 exercise in futility yeah i usually like to listen back and see like what jokes like hit the hardest and like which ones like should scrap or not and just fucking looking at yourself killing up there you're fucking beating off well also like for clips like if i can get it if i can get any clips but i don't want to post any clips right now because i don't want to waste any of my material no crowd work then a little bit but i did i think i tried to do crowd work at that show on tuesday and it was like they just weren't giving me anything what did they have to give you they're just staying there they don't like they didn't have good jobs they didn't have jokable jobs pretty much what jobs are what job is perfect for crowd work you have some like you have five minutes if someone's a plumber or some shit like that that you could just jump into no
Starting point is 00:36:13 i usually just try and throw some stuff in like in the middle of my jokes plumber that's a shitty job people would like that would they fuck yeah dude i gotta do stand up i fucking gotta get i think you gotta stop hating on the arts. I'm not. I'm trying to learn about it. You're a hater. How am I a hater? You're hating. Nobody appreciates art more than I. Except me. You don't appreciate art. You appreciate your art. That's not true
Starting point is 00:36:35 at all. I literally just went... What's a painting? What's one painting? Name a painting. I don't fucking know. Exactly. I went and I saw Mark Norman in Denver with my boys. Did you? Yeah. You sprung for it? Because I'm a fan of supporting the arts. Yeah, because you hadn't paid your rent. No, this was actually after I paid my rent. And you still had some leftover?
Starting point is 00:36:51 No, I got the tickets for free. Oh, really? But I still went because I wanted to support the arts. Did you hit up Mark? You didn't support it if you got it for free. That's not supporting. Yes, it is. I went and I laughed my ass off.
Starting point is 00:37:02 If you're a fucking... And I bought four beers. You would buy your... Cowboys. Yeah, and that goes to the club no it doesn't he gets a slice of the of the bar sales club's happy that he's happy do you get a slice of the bar sales at your at your gigs no exactly no wait norman is he does not fucking norman did you chop it up after the show i fucking love that guy no i don't really know him really i've spoke to him like a few times, but we don't really know each other that well. He just doesn't know you yet? Oh, he knows.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Oh, he knows. Not fucking yet. You've got to make him know. You've got to put this whole fucking city on notice. It was a theater show. That you went to? Yeah. Was it funny?
Starting point is 00:37:41 Yeah, it was all, he crushed. What were some of your laughs like? I don't know. i don't remember but i remember i i got like insecure because i'm like i've seen this guy like 500 times my friends don't know who he is and i'm like hopefully they have fun i was like what if we get there and they're just like this sucks that is a shame feeling they end up loving it though when some you put on like a podcast or something for someone like a youtube video and you're like wait no here it comes here it comes here because it's actually the hilarious part there's the funny thing wait wait wait yeah showing people youtube videos is tough yeah or if they just ask you to change the podcast what are some like bricks you've had happen when showing people stuff probably usually
Starting point is 00:38:18 my parents sometimes when i'm home i'm like i'm just like showing them all my favorite youtube videos and they're just like i don't't get it. Why would you do that? Cause I get bored. Why would you want, I mean, I guess you just want to connect with your parents. I showed my dad Shane Gillis a special and he liked that. Did he? Yeah. And then like he said something about like eating pussy.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I always had like my, he was like me and my dad are so straight. We eat pussy together. And all we do is talk about eating, eating box or something like that. And my mom was like, all right, all right, enough. She does this all the time. I have little sisters. But it's like if she just didn't say anything, they wouldn't even notice. They're not paying attention.
Starting point is 00:38:55 But then when my mom storms in and she's like, okay, okay, off. It's like, well, now everyone's like, oh, what did he say? It's also like they're on TikTok. They're fucking watching porn 24 hours a day on TikTok. Your mom made you turn off the Shangula special at home? Yeah. Really? Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:11 You should tell him. I will. My dad liked it. We got like 10 minutes in. Then he had to do that joke about eating box. Fucked it up for everyone. Wait till your mother goes to bed. We'll finish up.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Yeah. Just you and me, hair. Actually Actually I think he did finish the whole thing Really? Yeah he liked it He had to watch it with earbuds in? Probably Yeah He had to sneakily watch it
Starting point is 00:39:35 On the toilet What are you watching down there? Nothing Your dad changed the channel real fast Like he's watching porn himself It'd be worse if he was actually watching people eat box Yeah probably Or it'd be better if he was actually watching people eat box yeah or better if he was actually watching someone eat box is it hot in here no perfectly perfectly normal temperature change i'm going through changes right now you think you're going through menopause i might be dude if you start menopausing i'll start menopause and
Starting point is 00:39:58 that's how empathetic i am why don't you just take your shirt off this is actually perfect for you because what if you get sick and then like lose a couple pounds from the sickness that would be so sick that's when you look the most shredded but then i lose like i lose muscle not fat i need to lose fat what's going on just got a text from erica what'd you say uh to give her a call oh is that bad no fuck dude Rowan's getting fired do you want to give her a call take a pause no she said just when you have to huh
Starting point is 00:40:36 what does it say does it say anything else no promise yeah oh no you didn't that was a fake promise my heart is pounding through my chest right now dude i'm worried for you she said something about me i'll just let me i'll just
Starting point is 00:40:52 let's just finish the show did we do both you're fucking with me no we haven't done the second ad we have to do this call matt you actually this is the perfect segue because you need this calm shit i don't actually think it's about me she would just call me if she had a problem with me no it's not a problem i don't think with you it's a problem like about me did you fuck rand dude i feel like i'm gonna throw up everywhere it's time for a break this technically is an ad break but our partners at Calm want you to focus on yourself for a moment. Alright, I'm gonna take over. Because I actually use Calm, like, all the time. Wait, no, they're in the middle. They're doing something.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Actually, what are you... Don't even fucking play with me. What's your longest streak? I do it every day. What's your longest streak? 23. Yikes, mine's 60. I got the app right on my phone. Pull yours up, pussy. Take a deep breath. No, that's Wim Hall. I know the app right on my phone. Pull yours up, pussy. Take a deep breath. No, that's Wim Hof.
Starting point is 00:41:49 I know, that's Wim Hof. Exactly, bro. You're listening to some... No, I have only done Wim Hof once. I do these all the time. I actually just downloaded it because I ran out of my ad event. I downloaded
Starting point is 00:41:57 common flight anxiety. Long, deep breaths. But this ad read is designed so people can go ahead and go along with us. So take a deep breath and let it out. Relax wherever you're holding your tension.
Starting point is 00:42:12 It's important to tune in and re-center and Calm can help. We're partnering with Calm. Ding! The number one mental wellness app to give you tools. That's what they do at the end. Ding! They got the most calming-ass voice. Wiggle your fingers and open your eyes.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Everything you're feeling right now is just that, a feeling. I like when they do quotes at the end of them. Yeah, it's always like fucking, the body Safa once said. Yeah, yeah. I love that. Sid Harthas sat under a tree and said. Strong, like the base of a tree. They've got Jerome Flynn
Starting point is 00:42:47 as one of the voices. Harry Styles is on there. Matthew McConaughey. They have LeBron shit on there. That was one of the things that got me into it. When I got into it from the beginning he talks about performance I can hear about performance from Ronnie. Go to sleep.
Starting point is 00:43:04 So pretty much to sum this up, uh, calm is a, is a meditation, guided meditation or not even guided meditation, but I like the guided meditations. Um, it's great. They have like an amazing selection of choices for how you're feeling, what you're trying to get through guilt. Some, some people here could use that. And, uh, you can go to slash boy dad you'll get a special offer of 40 wow that can't be god damn 40 40 off a premium prescription subscription wait i paid full price for my shit me too and new content is added every
Starting point is 00:43:42 week calm is ready to help you stress less sleep more and live a happier healthier life honestly it is uh it is one of my favorite apps on my phone yeah just because like say i'm going i'm about to hop on a flight or some shit like that on the ride to the airport you hit one say i'm feeling overwhelmed i'll just sit down in a chair for 10 minutes and this shit gets you right like it is a palpable difference in your day scans and i like the guided breathing yeah the breathing is my favorite ones massively helpful yeah you know we're just trying And this shit gets you right. Like, it is a palpable difference in your day. I like the body scans. And I like the guided breathing. Yeah. Guided breathing is my favorite ones. Massively helpful.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Yeah. And, you know, we're just trying to work towards nirvana, bro. We're just trying to be present in the moment. Exactly. We're trying to achieve that enlightenment, that next level shit. Yeah. Ding. Call them. Add over.
Starting point is 00:44:22 That was the end of the ad. It was the ding. Like, the fifth ding. No, not the other ones yeah that shit was just the beginning alright guys well uh no I don't think so brother no no no I don't fucking think so little sass watch
Starting point is 00:44:33 bio on instagram no I don't think so maybe we're gonna fucking talk about some more pressing shit for a little bit or some some shit like that okay clear did I just fall oh speaking of clear fuck clear dude why clear doesn't work if every single person at the airport has it the clear line was longer than the actual security line i'm sitting there and i'm like halfway through i've been there for 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:45:00 and i'm like well i mean i should have just gone in the normal security line what am i paying fucking 200 a year for damn you're officially a bougie asshole no i'm not i got clear like a week ago you've had it for like years but i would never complain about like there's too many people in the vip i thought it was for vips only why would i pay for clear when the regular security line is faster then Then just take the regular line. Don't tell me what to do. Take whichever line is faster. It's not like you have to be in the fucking easy pass lane. If there's a traffic jam in it, just go through whichever one's faster.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Dude, you have no idea how close I was to missing my flight. I got there the minute they closed the door. I was the last person on. You slid under the door like a real dude. There was a person behind me and they were like, oh my God, dude, it's so early. It was five in the morning. And this lady gets on and she's like, oh my God, dude, it's so early. It was five in the morning. And this lady gets on and she's like, because Denver airport, you got to take a fucking like train once you get through security to go to your gate. And she's like running up and she's like crying and shit.
Starting point is 00:45:55 It's like, get it together. Yeah. It's five in the morning. When people cry at the airport, it's fucking tough. It's like, what do you think is going to happen? Like, there's like a thousand flights from Denver to New York every day. I was in England for a rap battle one time, though, and I missed my flight back. And I like didn't, I did, I like was like broke.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I like. Well, that's, I mean, England. Yeah. I was like trapped. I was, I was very close to crying at the airport. I was just like at the desk being like, what did I do? Well, that sucks. What the fuck can I do?
Starting point is 00:46:23 But also like you're cooler than this lady was this lady sucked you don't know that dude but I only felt better too because it's like when you look over during turbulence and someone's more scared than you there was someone else at the counter at the same time and a woman who had actually missed her shit and was like crying her eyes out
Starting point is 00:46:38 exactly I was like we're gonna be okay guys the estrogen was high amongst amongst these folks you think crying is linked to high estrogen no dudes have estrogen crying as a release is it you always are talking about estrogen fucking perv dudes have estrogen i know dude because every time i'm eating edamame you're like it's high in estrogen. Yeah. And I looked it up. You can't afford to have any more, dude. I looked it up and it's not. You can't afford to have any more. Same with IPAs.
Starting point is 00:47:09 I don't drink IPAs ever. Yeah, you do. You like to have like a double hazy IPA. That sounds awful. You love to have like a golden monkey fucking 16%. And then Quest Bars got recalled. People were growing clits. Yeah, I don't eat Quest Bars anymore.
Starting point is 00:47:25 I can't eat those protein bars. They're growing a clit off the tip of their dick. I struggle with protein bars now. I ate enough for a lifetime. Yeah, I think I'm off protein shakes. Chewing on cardboard. Yeah, this shit is terrible. Your shits were disgusting.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I could use one of those right now. Was she dropping some stinkers off? Yeah. I was eating only protein. That's what it's going to be like this week. Just a warning. Especially if there's even a thought that i might be taking my i'm not taking my shirt off dude we'll get you a wet tell them to get someone else protein poop smell like baby
Starting point is 00:47:51 poop i didn't sign up to be taking my shirt off in front of viewers we'll get you in a burka brother we'll get you we'll get you in some full garb covering up i don't take my shirt off like in the mirror i don't even want to see that i'm not taking my shirt off like in the mirror. I don't even want to see that. I'm not taking my shirt off in front of like a hundred thousand people who are going to watch this. You get dressed in the dark. Yeah. You brush your teeth facing the wall. That's called gymnophobia. Somebody who's afraid.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I was looking, I always wanted to do a video on, uh, on gymnophobia. People who aren't, who won't take any of their clothes off. This shit is fascinating. Yeah. People actually, people actually aren't who won't take any of their clothes off this shit is fascinating people actually people actually don't like to be naked yeah never nudes yeah yeah it's fascinating i don't like to be naked you don't now do you have gymno phobia but if i was jacked i would if i was jacked i'd be walking around with a fucking speedo on all day there's dudes who uh go for runs uh with their shirts off like they're jacked but they'll be like a little premature bouncing yeah it's like dude fucking read the room bro
Starting point is 00:48:51 yeah you're not jacked enough to do that they tuck their t-shirt into the shorts so the shorts pull down a little bit and show their v too oh yeah that's just fire get your tits out of here titty with your jogging titties get the fuck out what would it look like if you jog right now maybe a lot of bounce yeah yeah let's just say there's a lot of harry right now in a lot of bad places hips stomach titties yeah people don't really talk about how like the back hips that's where it really gets i think that that's where a plumber's crack is formed oh yeah and your back hip area you get to a certain like weight and all of a sudden the crack it moves up yeah like my crack my crack is in the middle of my spine right now because your butt your butt
Starting point is 00:49:34 cheek extended yeah and it also pulls at your pants at an angle that would like pull them down when you bend over and it exposes the ass crack yeah i used to think that uh like plumber's crack was just like how could you ever let that happen? That's just by being fat. It's just like you've gotten to a point of fatness that your pants can't withstand.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yeah. You'd have to wear like a full body like jumpsuit. Yeah. Underwear style. I know a dude who the way he combated that
Starting point is 00:49:59 was he got a tattoo of a fucking thong. Wait, didn't you do some tweet about a plumber or like an electrician or something and you got in like a bunch of trouble? I didn't get in some tweet about a plumber? Or like an electrician or something? And you got in like a bunch of trouble.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I didn't get in a bunch of trouble, but they were just like. You deleted it, right? Well, the people who, it got like, yeah, it did insane numbies in like 10 minutes. What was it? What was the tweet? It was just a guy doing plumbing work with like. His whole ass was out, right? The full curve of his ass. It wasn't like the top of it.
Starting point is 00:50:21 And this was at your house. No, it wasn't my house. It was over, a friend of mine was sent to it by another friend. And so that person who originally sent it like kind of rescinded their permission for it to be on the internet. So I was like, fuck it, I'll take it down.
Starting point is 00:50:35 But it was like over multiple days and like, the pants must have been around the base of his nutsack. Like there was no way. Like his full penis must have been out if you looked at the at the front of it i mean that dude had to have been doing that on purpose you don't just not notice if your entire ass is like he was presenting like he was like trying to woo the house yeah because there was someone else in the room is out taking a picture yeah like there's no way that that shit can be comfortable maybe it's just a little
Starting point is 00:51:00 cleavage ladies can show cleavage fellas can't show a little cheek that's little cleavage. Ladies can show cleavage. Fellas can't show a little cheek. That's not cleavage. That was the whole titties route. Yeah. Dude, I was looking at a portrait from the French Revolution of like the depiction of the French Revolution. And like the old French portraits of it is just like all the soldiers out in a field and a woman holding the French flag just like with her titties out. Like that was their representation of the French Revolution. That's crazy. Yeah, so it was fucking sick like we won the revolution oh fucking mary had her titties out french people are like the horniest people alive yeah they really are they have wild european sex and this dude uh on the spurs named tony parker yeah yeah he was a french dude and he just like
Starting point is 00:51:39 banged one of his teammates wives and he was just like, what? I thought you could do that. I thought it was fine. Marty should have done that. He's like, what? I'm French. Marty comes out as French. with a French accent. What? This is accepted in my culture.
Starting point is 00:51:53 A beret. A fucking striped shirt and a beret. I didn't know. I did not know. I was eating a baguette like a carrot stick leaned up like fucking
Starting point is 00:52:01 Bugs Bunny. What's the problem? Let's say fair. Business is business. And my business is pleasure. That's funny. That's good. That's good.
Starting point is 00:52:16 That's good. That's good. Where are we at? 52. Fuck. Push yourself. You need six. Dude, I just like.
Starting point is 00:52:23 We need a hard six. I like had one of those things where it was like my eyes closed themselves and it was just burning. Really? Like a fire inside my eyeballs. Why? Because of the smelling salts? Because I'm so tired.
Starting point is 00:52:34 You need to get... Bro, you just wink at me, bro? I did. What are you trying to tell me, bro? You know. The fuck, bro? I don't know. What do you guys think of the new Harlow and Kendrick?
Starting point is 00:52:46 I didn't listen to either, but I'm hearing a lot of bad things about the Harlow. It's not bad at all. I don't think it's bad at all. You thought it was bad, Tyler? No. Why? I didn't like how people were comparing him to Mac Miller. People are just switching up so fast.
Starting point is 00:53:00 He's just getting famous fast. Like, super, super famous fast. Mac Miller didn't get famous that fast. Huh? Mac Miller didn't get famous that fast. I? Mac Miller didn't get famous that fast. I'm saying Jack Harlow is. So everyone's comparing him to Mac Miller. As far as what?
Starting point is 00:53:10 Just being a white rapper, I guess. He's like a likable white dude. But there's just a growing counter consensus where people are like, fuck this guy. This guy fucking sucks, dude. He's so overrated. Yeah, people like people until they're successful and then just don't. Yeah, gatekeeping. Yeah. People who like originally liked them and they're like oh now this shit fucking sucks which you know you i i i mean yeah i feel bad for him because he's obviously like on twitter
Starting point is 00:53:35 and like then we'll see a tweet with like 160 000 yeah that's what i was surprised by i was i looked up jack harlow because i want to see what people were saying about the album because i saw like a tweet someone being like everyone like this album good, everyone's hating on it. So I looked it up and they were like, 300,000 likes. Dude, if someone said something about me and it got 300,000 likes, I would never go on my phone again. Yeah, like the size of Toledo has just come to a consensus on you. That they hate you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:02 And there's like multiple of them. Half of New York decided they don't like you oh not quite yeah like that's like a 127th check my math tyler 127th i didn't mean new york city i meant like a different new york uh like utica yeah all right uh i didn't listen to the kendrick though but I thought the Jack Harlow was fucking I thought the Jack Harlow was good Kendrick's a spitter
Starting point is 00:54:28 he spits yeah dude bars for days respect the fucking K-Dot bro BFDs bro BFDs who's your favorite rappers little Sasquatch
Starting point is 00:54:37 who's your top five all time dead or alive okay Mac Miller Earl Sweatshirt Drake how about a silly one throwing a goofy one you liked that dude that came on to the yak freddie gibbs max o'crea yeah but i don't like him that much who else well when he was here that day you made
Starting point is 00:55:02 it seem like he was your favorite person ever. So I assumed. Oh, I do like Maxo Cream. Black hood, three in the morning. Okay. Jump in nacho crib like I'm buying Jordans. Money good. Yes, brother. Front door, back car,
Starting point is 00:55:20 two doors, no garage. I don't know how it goes. I got roaches in my ass. Yeah, I love that song. With the Gucci print material. He's awesome. His cadence is sick.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Yeah. I think he raps in iambic pentameter. I think he's like Shakespeare. The way that he uses... Yeah, he's good. His stressed and non-stressed syllables. He's truly a savant. And who's your last two, then?
Starting point is 00:55:47 I don't know. I'm going through a big Tee Grizzly phase right now. Fucking love Tee Grizzly. He is so good. Fuck yeah. I can do this shit with no effort. I love how he talks about fucking other people's girlfriends in every single song. Yeah, but you don't like it when it happens in real life, huh?
Starting point is 00:56:07 No. He's the most of the rap community. He's like, she with me, her pussy gets so wetter. So wetter. So wetter. Dude, grammatically, that shit doesn't even make sense. I do literally every single one of his songs. He's talking about fucking someone else's girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Yeah. Future. But I like him future would be up there probably now I don't listen to any of futures new stuff I liked like purple rain and yeah let me see future future
Starting point is 00:56:42 future albums I like coding crazy is like my favorite rap song ever you're the top 0.01 future listeners purple rain oh that song for a nut that fucking that future gonna young thug song that just came out before a nut that shit was fucking incredible monster is is a good-ass album. Nicki Minaj? No. Does Nicki Minaj have an album called Monster? It's a whole play.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Whoa. Don't want to get copyrighted. Fuck yeah, dude. Yo, we got to do some coding, just us boys. Coding crazy. We need to get coding crazy with the boys. I was prescribed coding my first week of college i'd whooping cough god damn oh yeah i fell asleep in the middle of an icebreaker and what you and you got pneumonia from it uh no i was like high on lean so i fell asleep
Starting point is 00:57:39 damn that you shouldn't have you shouldn't have gone to class. No. With whooping cough. You just gave everybody else whooping cough? It was like the first week. Did you actually whoop? I was whooping. You actually whooped while you were coughing? Mm-hmm. What did it sound like? Like just a gross cough?
Starting point is 00:57:56 Yeah, I can't even do it. I got to figure out what my other favorite rappers are. Yes, dude. This is good. I used to only listen to rap. Now I really don't. I mean, I've been listening to a lot of Benny the Butcher. Dude, I like hearing you talk about rap.
Starting point is 00:58:10 You've proven to have pretty good taste in rap. Your top five would be impossible, right? 50 Cent's definitely in my top five. Yeah. Fucking love. You want to give us somebody we don't know that we should? Yeah. This dude, Eddie I.
Starting point is 00:58:24 He's fucking sick. All all right we'll check him out we'll do a little review he's fucking dope as fuck maybe flocka got a main bitch got a mistress couple girlfriends i'm so hood rich keep my dick hard and keep me smoking i mean that's like one of the best songs ever here you do rap makes me fucking happy dude dude on the trip we realized it's like a hack like pat and joey if they do like a straight voice, we just die laughing.
Starting point is 00:59:05 And you doing a black voice is the same. It's not a black voice. It's an impersonate. I'm personating a rapper. Yeah. You're, I'm just not a black. I'm just appropriating a rap culture.
Starting point is 00:59:16 I used to be super into recognize you're a guest in the fucking culture, bro. You know, Gucci man and walk a flock are cousins. Shut up, dude. Yeah. You already knew that.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Are you freaking serious? You already knew that. I don't even think I did know that they're blood cousins for real yeah they're not just cuz no they're actually cousins oh really yeah isn't that crazy what the heck dude i didn't i didn't realize that we should give like a rap fact every show dude i forgot that you're such a rap fan i'm really not anymore you just like dylan now you just like singer songwriters from the 60s yeah like i listen to a lot of music. Yeah, you abandoned the culture.
Starting point is 00:59:48 You just fucking came in as a guest, fucking used it up, and then abandoned it. I know. To go to stand-up shows for free. I know. What art do you pay for, my bro? I bought a Bob Dylan painting for $250. From what corporation? A guy on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Really? Local. An original? It was from a different country, actually, I believe. Probably mass-produced? Nope. I can feel the paint on Instagram. Really? Local. An original? It was from a different country, actually, I believe. Probably mass produced? Nope. I can feel the paint on it. It's a one of one.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Is it definitely one of one? Yeah. Do you have a verification of it? You can buy the printed version. I got the real version because I bought it from him directly. He said you can get it for 50 bucks if you get it from this website or you can buy it from me directly for like 250. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 01:00:23 I said, fuck it. I'm going to go 250. Damn. So you could have got the exact same thing for a fifth of the cost and you decided to pay more? I wanted a real painting. I didn't want to fucking print. If I wanted to print,
Starting point is 01:00:32 I would go to the printer and I'd print out a picture of Bob Dylan. Now, was it the size of a painting or was it the size of a print? It's the size of a painting. It's like 16 by 16. Is it? Small.
Starting point is 01:00:43 But it's cute. Cute. Yeah, cute. It's cute. Cute. All right, we got to end this because I'm like dying i think you did really good every time that we pushed you to do more you gave more which shows me that you have more in your tank at all times and you can always push yourself to do more oh my god i'm not going to be in the office for another week i don't care
Starting point is 01:01:02 i'm dying that's fine, just come in next Monday. No, I'll be here. I'm kidding. Never would miss a day. Not when the drama is just spicy. I know. This shit is so juicy. I was going to go home
Starting point is 01:01:14 and I got in the taxi and he was like, take me to HQ. Take you to HQ. Straight to HQ. My way. I got front row tickets to the best show in town.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Get your popcorn ready. Just bring the cabbie in. All right, let's get the best show in town. Get your popcorn ready. Just bring the cabbie in. All right, let's get the fuck out of here. All right. We'll see you guys next week. Make sure you guys like, comment,
Starting point is 01:01:32 subscribe, follow me on Twitter. Buy tickets to whatever Sass is hawking. Buy my tickets. I got a hell of tickets. Buy our merch. Oh,
Starting point is 01:01:38 our merch is coming out on Father's Day, by the way. Hopefully we can get out We're going to try and push for that. Get your real size in this merch. Yes.
Starting point is 01:01:46 I know size up in the old. Yeah. I wear a lot for this. Get the size you actually wear. I got an X out and it was too big.
Starting point is 01:01:53 You want to get this shit dry cleaned like this shit. Yeah. You don't want to throw this shit through a washer dryer. You want to you want to
Starting point is 01:02:00 rub this with a brush like you just got a fresh pair of Air Forces or some shit. All right. See you guys next week. All right.

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