Spiritually Speaking with Jessica & Samantha - Are you ready for Mercury Retrograde?
Episode Date: March 29, 2024In this week's episode, Jess and Sam dive deep into the  phenomenon of Mercury retrograde, offering invaluable insights to help you navigate this period of energetic upheaval. From practical tip...s to spiritual guidance, they discuss how to prepare yourself holistically for the month ahead. Delving into the mind, body, and spirit aspects, they explore the behaviors and emotions that may surface during this time, providing tools to empower you through the shifts. Tune in for a transformative discussion that will leave you feeling equipped and empowered to embrace Mercury retrograde with grace and wisdom.
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Hello and welcome back to Spiritually Speaking with me Sam and with me Jess.
It is so nice to be back and thank you so much for joining us.
Yes, absolutely. It's a good one babes, isn't it?
And we were looking at our stats and we've had 2,500 downloads now.
I know, I can't believe it.
And I think this will be the three month anniversary.
Oh, it must be, yeah. Celebr month anniversary yeah celebration yeah wow that's
come around so fast we've done a lot in three months we really have you've given birth to two
babies yeah a lot yeah a lot has happened well go us I know yeah I'm really happy about that
I love doing the podcast I really do I do my friend said to me the other day she was like
hats off to you for still doing it now like in this time yeah I was like honestly it's just fun like I really really enjoy it and
it's a good bit of consistency yes and I think I actually needed a bit of discipline in my life
and this sort of started it yeah because we were recording this obviously on a Monday and it comes
out on a Friday so my Mondays are like podcast days yes although we are actually doing this on a tuesday
yesterday i was like i was like i need to get my nails done do you mind if we move the appointment
at the appointment if we move the um recording so now it works out well we're nice and flexible at
least but i am loving recording it it's so much fun you know what as well like it was something
that i always wanted to do for a really long time record a podcast but I never really knew what I would talk about who I would
do it with if I do I always thought if I did it on my own it'd be a bit lonely and a bit boring
and I think you could do something on your own though um like the sort of the patreon stuff
I think that's where you could maybe do yeah like you could do stuff on that manifesting
yeah because that is definitely your thing yeah and like business stuff yeah true so I think when my business hats back on
there will definitely be some of that but I think this is really fun to do together yeah this is
nice because it's like more chill and you guys love it we get lots of lovely messages thank you
so much yeah thank you for that I really do enjoy I am like quite shocked though that many
downloads yeah because I feel like it's a lot actually that's quite a lot it really is like
you know we could have easily had no one show up yeah and you know what I actually think that's
something to kind of for people who are thinking about doing something a bit different and a bit
out of the comfort zone or they're worried about maybe what people will think or you know anything that's different just bloody go for it just go for it yeah because we
could have felt like that and thought that and just never done it i also feel like i didn't even
allow this to fail in my head i agree you're the same yeah oh yeah and that tends to be the way
whenever i do something i'm like this ain't fucking failing yes no way we're gonna put
everything into it yeah yeah give it we have and you've done incredibly well because obviously you have had the
girls oh well thank you so like I feel like you put a lot more of the work in recently yeah but
needed to I suppose because of what yeah as if I'm gonna be like do that you know and also it's
actually not that difficult so you know teamwork teamwork makes
the dream work is that right or dream work I don't know you're not good at saying that you
said this last week teamwork makes the dream work yeah also last week's episode I was saying to Sam
I listened back to the first minute and had to turn it off because I sound like I smoked 20
fags a day with that I never noticed, go back and just listen to that first minute and hear me laugh.
Just to clarify,
I've never smoked.
I had asthma as a child
and clearly my lungs
are a little bit fucked.
Because honestly,
I was like that laugh.
I do laugh like that though.
It's just very...
Is it?
It's just like a bit crackly
and a bit wispy.
I think you've got
a lovely laugh.
Oh, thank you, babes.
There's a couple of laughs.
There's a very loud, strong like ha ha ha yeah um it's like you're partial and then there's like the uh
where I'm really laughing I should be able to breathe and then it just kind of wet yourself
like 20 fags yeah um but anyway babes what's been going on give me the update what has been going on so i have had a week
on my own with the twins um i felt like i have actually i feel quite accomplished actually
it's been really nice like it's it felt like it was going to be really hard work and it not even
just hard work it felt like it was going to be impossible like surviving on my own with the two
of them it's been a really good time of year to do it because it's been ramadan so andy's been on
shorter days with work um but yeah i've been doing the feeds on my own and um like while he's at work
we still do the night feeds and everything together just obviously with the being two of
them it's just we're not gonna put that yet on just one person um but it's
been great i've really enjoyed it i've managed to get out every day for a walk that's really good
yeah got out in the car with them once on my own that's really good as well yeah um i feel like i
don't know that was with your mom yes yeah have you been in the car much or not really on my own
with them yeah um obviously now you said that was your first time but you and andy have obviously gone out in the car and only once maybe twice but i think it's only been once yeah
um which yeah it felt like a massive um achievement and right before i was about to leave i was like
oh maybe this isn't a good idea and then i was like no don't let the anxiety creep in just go
so that's been really nice i have definitely felt a massive sense of achievement and I suppose just kind of learning how to deal with each new phase that they go through when they
cry or when they're tired or I don't know just getting used to different things one thing that
someone said to me as well which is really stuck in my head because you can like massively put a
lot of pressure on yourself it's just to not compare yourself to people who have one baby so true but i was doing it you know i was seeing my friends
who were like what in my opinion like they're doing so well and i was like oh my god i want
to be able to do that and then someone said to me like don't compare yourself to people one baby
because you have to and i was like oh yeah and even if you had one like I think every baby's different and every mum's different so like you know I think comparison is never really
that good is comparison killed the cat is I've never heard that but that would make sense I don't
know if that is what he's called but it's not good anyway is it comparison like yeah it's not
it's just horrible when you go into that space it just yeah it's not ideal no good's
gonna come from it but i think most people with motherhood pregnancy all of that even like with
with your bump people can be like oh like they can comment on the size and then there's comparison
on that obviously i know you had two in there girl but you know um it's that kind of thing isn't it
that's something actually that i really need to like again not be
too hard on myself for but I really want to get back exercising now and like eating healthily
and everything but you know like even take away having kids and that side of life right now you
know when you start thinking that you want to lose a bit of weight you want to eat healthily you want
to go on that like trajectory it's really hard to get to that mindset to do it once you're in it
it's a lot easier and you get to the routine of it and like the going but I feel like I've been in that healthy
mindset for such a long time I've stepped a little bit back I've obviously had the babies I've not
wanted to cook not that I really cook anyway to be honest with you but like I've not wanted to be
that healthy person as much like I've been like yeah we'll healthy person as much. Like I've been like, yeah, we'll just get delivery.
We'll just, do you know what I mean?
And that's fine because of the stage of life that I'm in,
but I'm starting to get to the wanting to be a bit healthier,
but I'm just not used to then some of my clothes not fitting
or not feeling as nice in my clothes as what I did before
or, you know, things like that.
And I think I need to not be as
hard on myself because you know they're only like seven weeks old eight weeks when this comes out
um but i am ready to just feel a bit better again in myself i think also this time of year is
obviously like the spring equinox happened yeah so what happens now is like as i know we're in
dubai but this is kind of the energy collectively.
The winter, you eat loads to store the food, to keep you warm.
And then you start to hit this point and it's like picky bits.
Or you're a bit more inclined to have a salad.
Obviously I know it's still cold at home.
But you're sort of not wanting to store the food to be fat and keep you warm.
So there is something intuitive there as well, as well as the shift that's gone on in your body yes um but just convenience is key to be honest babes
and like you look beautiful like you look amazing so i think just kind of be kind to yourself yeah
but i think it's also okay that you're starting to feel a bit more ready for that that routine
yes and also your two the girls are eight weeks so you're sort of hitting
that last bit of your fourth trimester aren't you so you're yeah so you're sort of hitting that
that makes sense to be fair because i do feel a lot better yeah so you're sort of coming out of
that that three month well you're two months in but that three month window so yeah that's good
the energies and everything yeah i'm looking forward and you're breastfeeding so your body needs a lot yeah yeah which i am planning on stopping i think now i feel like for a while i
was like keeping up with it keeping up with it and i'm i'm expressing rather than like breastfeeding
in terms of like actual breastfeeding but um that in itself has been quite a lot not something that
i really ever thought i would even do but it just kind of happened and it's so funny because I've always been that person who said
to every friend every client anyone fed is best you feed that baby whatever way that you need to
feed that baby and I still believe that and I go between expressing breast milk and formula with
the girls um but actually giving it up expressing feels a bit
weird like I'm I feel a bit guilty yeah I imagine that's quite a normal feeling I think just go with
it and see yeah like what feels right for you I think I I mean I've I felt like that for a while
like and that's why I've carried on doing it and then literally just the other day they were both
screaming and like this has happened like
for like the last few days when we've just had like proper screaming with both of them and i'm
then having to pump at the same time and i can't really then look after them because i'm trying to
pump and then i'm just like so it's the inconvenience like this that's what i mean what
about would you start getting them i don't know was it too late for him to latch on the nip now
um i don't know but i just cannot be ar to latch on the nip now um i don't
know but i just cannot be arsed with that because i feel like for most people with breastfeeding it
gets easier yeah as it goes and then yeah obviously they're not yeah yeah no with no
breast milk expert but um yeah no it's more the fact that like as well when you're doing it you
have to make sure that you're eating and drinking yeah because your calories are like yeah to get enough milk and that in
itself is hard and you really basically like when my mum was here and staying with me sorry i feel
like i'm literally just chatting on here um when um when my i feel like i really need to cough oh
yeah cough thanks sorry we just had a little pause for that i've come now my coffin fits down so good
um yeah when my mum was here i feel like she was looking after me so she was like making sure i'd
had enough water you know like all those things and then all of a sudden now i've got to look
after myself as well and like andy's looking after me but you know we've also got two girls
look after and a dog um so yeah i feel like i'm just ready to um hang up my boots really with the expressing and just
take away that pressure that extra pressure that i just don't need yeah yeah i think that's
completely fair enough yeah i think so and just embrace and empower the decision yes that's a good
idea and then just make it yeah you're quite good at making decisions so when you're ready
yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah i think i'm happy to do that and also because
the more they're sleeping now yeah like through the night for example I then have to get up to
pump so it's like I feel like I forget about like well I just don't understand sometimes how much
goes into it yeah just even just milk constantly coming out your nips yeah yeah like it's just
quiet and like when does
it stop like a nice and silly so how do you express it this is from what one of my friends
has said to me and she was like just do one pump less a day right and then after like five to seven
days it'll just stop coming out basically so you just like yeah so today like i was due to feed
due to feed them like yeah they were they were having a feed
at 10 so i would have normally pumped at 10 right i didn't yeah um but it's so painful
when obviously you don't because of like your boobs is your nipples hurt or your boobs like
the boob like it's like sore oh really sore you got like shooting so flat oh yeah golly yeah
i don't have any sensation in my nipples really yeah so i had my boobs
reduced i'm rubbing my nipples as i'm saying yeah um and um even before that obviously i've got big
boobs i've gotten reduced before that i had no sensation in my boot in my nips which i feel like
by the sounds of it a lot of people have some great sensation there and it's like yeah i i'm
not one of those people who's like you're not a nipple person well i haven't ever been and when the
surgeon was like you'll lose sensation i was like babes yeah don't worry like you're playing with
them now and i don't even realize yeah yeah yeah so um but i don't know if i'll be able to breastfeed
because the where it was reduction they like cut the ducts so that's like the tubes that some people
have had the surgery and been able to breastfeed yeah um so yeah but i just find it like crazy that
we have nipples it is weird that we produce milk yeah there's there's a lot isn't there
yeah my body is crazy it is it's pretty cool but yes that's kind of really all that has been going
on with me to be honest got the baby's passports back which is great that's really good yeah we're traveling at the end of may going home
for a little bit so um we've got andy's brother's wedding which is really exciting and then because
we have two babies um we can't legally fly on our own with them what two of you one of us right yeah
so andy's gonna come
back earlier because he hasn't got the time off work to stay for long so i'm gonna stay for an
extra week and then my lovely friend is gonna fly back with me with the girls yeah so i'll be really
nice um very grateful that she's doing that with me and that'll be nice yeah so yeah we've got lots
lots of nice things to look forward to i'm a i'm a
yeah i was thinking about this the other day are you feeling like you might want to do something
with it now um i feel like i'd like to just go for a really nice dinner that sounds lovely yeah
with my friends yeah all of us like yeah the girls friends yeah no i happily just go for like a
really nice dinner yeah why don't you do an afternoon thing yeah that not be easier with the girls yeah yeah that's kind of what i mean yeah like a dinner like like a
late afternoon yeah yeah i'm not bothered about it to be honest i can't there's a little part of me
that kind of wishes that my 30th was just like last year or next year like you should just because
i feel like i'm not really in a phase where i want to be celebrating it but it's not because I'm not happy about 2030 I just have so many other things going on yeah that I feel like
are taking precedence you should just do you know what's really good well I think it looks good oh
no they don't have children now I was gonna say Basola do a good um Sunday brunch yeah at the
Westin you should just put Bresley 2.0 yeah and i might do yeah something like that
because i think we'll just do something nice like to mark the occasion more than anything and then
oh i think i'll do something bigger i feel like you should mark the occasion i'll definitely mark
the occasion yeah how you feel how did you feel leading up to your 30th about turning 30 because
i feel like there's quite i mean everybody's quite different aren't they about it I feel great oh I love I feel really
happy yeah I feel like now I'm 30 I feel like it sounds ridiculous but with my work I always felt
so insecure that I was in my 20s doing my work oh really because I feel like when people be oh how
old you I'd be like 28 yeah and now I just I'm like I'm 30 i used to see that the other way around i used to love saying
that to people yeah like when i'd got the salon for example i think i was 27 maybe i could have
been i don't even know um and saying to people like oh yeah i'm 27 and they'd be like what yeah
and i'd be so happy yeah i'd love yeah see i literally never wanted people to know my age it was like a real insecurity of me of of me of mine yeah um and yeah like I think I have a youngish face so I think I look why you
would think that though because as in like have that same thought process because I remember when
I was hairdressing and if I had a client in and I was like I started hairdressing at 14
but say then at 18 I was doing someone's hair.
They'd be like, oh, how old are you?
Like they didn't trust me to do their hair because I was only 18.
Well, I think this is my thing.
And this is probably just like me telling stories to myself.
But obviously on my business WhatsApp, you can see me kind of in the picture.
But I think when people turn up and meet me I think they're like oh hi yeah
like this could be my I think this is my own shit and it is and um I'd be like I am I am good at
what I do I promise I wouldn't say that obviously but I'd be thinking that um and I felt like young
in body young in so old but I remember when I first met you and that was what made me like really drawn to you.
Because when I met you, it was so, you were so like young, fresh, like you were so energetic, so chatty, so like just bright.
Like your energy, everything was just bright.
And like I've had, you know, readings with people in the past and it couldn't have been further from that well you you do get there is a reputation of
spiritual people that we're all kind of crazy and scary and messy and this and that yeah and
it's all a bit odd so yeah I definitely think my brand which is obviously me is it's very different
yeah and I love that I think that's great like that for me like I say was what I love yeah I
think that's what a lot that's the feedback I get often so it's definitely an insecurity however
now I'm 30 yes it's as though that insecurity has definitely yeah I think also I mean my Saturn's
return so Sam so for anyone that doesn't know what that is basically Saturn has worked its way all
the way around to where it was when we were born and it takes about
30 years to do that so obviously that's why it's happening for us now and Saturn is all about like
transitioning into adulthood in astrology so over my birthday that was really intense yeah so it was
a really you know and you're going through it and quite intense level right now on the degree so yeah I think I feel good I feel
as though I'm ready to show up a bit more maybe all this work that I was doing in my 20s I now
feel like I've got the toolkit to be a bit more bolder and braver yeah yeah definitely yeah so
I'm really loving it obviously it's just a number I don't really yeah I'm not massively focused on time and numbers and it's all a bit made up but um yeah I
feel good I feel happy yeah it doesn't phase me to be honest I'll be very honest it hasn't even
crossed my mind that I'm turning 30 like I say I think I've just been in a bit of a whirlwind
yeah I yeah definitely doesn't phase me I guess we've both achieved a lot as well I think that
helps I do think that helps I was I was about
to say that yeah I do think we're high achievers keynotes yeah and it does it kind of depends on
where you are within your life as to how content and happy you feel I think whether or not it then
bothers you yeah because I remember when I was I moved here I think I was 27 when I moved here
and when I moved out here I wasn't probably in
the best situation for me and I remember thinking fucking hell by the time you're 30 you better have
your shit together yeah like it was really hard on myself yeah and I was like you you should be
working for yourself and you know when you're I just remember feeling like I was really failing
at that point in my life it's really sad yeah yeah and then
I felt the pressure of 30 that it was approaching I didn't feel like I was where I wanted to be
yeah and now I've turned 30 I'm actually not where I wanted to be but I'm in a better place or
what I mean by that is kind of the path I thought I was going to it's a different path yeah and
that's been lovely but yeah so
I feel great I had a really nice time obviously I felt really loved and that's always great yeah
um and I allowed to be like I felt like I received the love yeah I'm normally a little bit I've
always been a birthday babe no I do love a celebration but I feel as though I allowed
people to just like show their love and appreciate me.
And I know that sounds really random.
But I feel like I'm like, oh, I don't want to inconvenience people.
But I was like, do you know what?
Sod it.
So, yeah.
That's how it should be.
I'm happy.
I feel good.
I feel excited.
I'm sure my ovaries will freak me out at some point.
But I'm not there right now.
Oh, I won't worry about that anyway. Yeah I think I know what you mean I think the the
motherhood stuff creeped up a bit in me uh like I suddenly felt really broody and I was like oh
shit is that because more than I am gonna have kids in my 30s and then I was like oh that's
actually freaking me out the thought of having to like focus on another human. Yeah.
Let alone two.
So I don't know.
It's that new chapter.
So yeah, that's what I'd say to be on his babes.
Nothing too crazy.
I think I like 30-year-old me.
I like that.
She's a babe.
I wonder what 30-year-old me will do.
I think 30-year-old you is going to absolutely smash it.
Oh, thanks. I think you've got loads of things to come I think with all your business stuff that's
gonna be huge and I feel for you because at the moment it's like you've got ideas but it's like
you just have to be patient because everything's out of your control right now yeah and I'm not a
patient person no babes I definitely think this is using a new muscle for you that I'm really proud of you for.
Because you are surrendering and trusting.
I actually am.
You're doing amazing.
Yeah, I am really like listening to that and just not.
I keep looking away and not taking my phone with me.
That's all right.
Don't worry, girl.
But yeah, no, you are right.
I am definitely just sitting in this moment and knowing that that time will come
but i'm just yeah and it won't be long no exactly and then you'll be like oh like you know that time
went so quick yeah yeah yeah exactly how nice was that time yeah you always look back on rose tinted
glasses don't you absolutely babes what have you been up to you've asked me that already
i've just been chatting on for god knows how long so i think i think i answered
that but i haven't i um signed up to a crossfit gym for ramadan crossfit yeah i actually can do
crossfit wow um so i i could not think of anything but the only reason I'm doing it is mainly because the energy is going
on in April went to say October then um are a bit mental and we're going to talk about that
um obviously we had the eclipse the other day um and we're coming into the next one which is a solar
eclipse we've got Mercury retrograde we've got it all and I was like right if I want to keep myself
mentally sane yeah I need to just move my body so I was like I if I want to keep myself mentally sane yeah I need to just
move my body so I was like I'll just go to the gym and then it was the gym opposite my building
which is CrossFit and I was like okay cool so I had two personal training sessions
so I had the first one and he was like like do you train and asking those questions and I was
like I didn't want to be like yeah I train all the time yeah I don't so I was like I'm really unfair I was like I do know how to lift weights as I have
done CrossFit before but it was like six years ago okay um I was like but I have still got like
I'm I haven't lost it and I do work out but very inconsistently uh which is something I'd like to
work on actually in my 30s and um so anyway we had a really good
session and he was like I'm really impressed like well done thanks babes um I had my second session
and we was doing like some of the bigger lifts and he was also really impressed I do you know
what I flourish with feedback oh like yeah I get what you mean that's funny like I was just like
every time he was like good job i was like
thank you so much can i have a gold star yeah it was honestly i was just like just keep telling me
i'm doing a good job then we had to basically do like the handstand on the wall oh i could do it
nearly oh i would hate to do that i was i said to him i'm actually quite nervous because i get
i have a fear of hurting myself yeah you said that before yeah so and it's something i'm trying
to work through i don't know what happened in a past life.
Something must have happened to my body.
I think I'm a bit the same, actually.
That's why I want to do that.
So, anyway, so it was good.
So that's been good.
And then I launched a new part of my business.
Which is really exciting.
Thank you.
I'm so proud of you.
Oh, thank you, babe.
No, honestly, you've done so well.
You've put so much effort into it.
It has, yeah.
And it really shows. Oh, thank you. honestly you've done so well you put so much effort it has yeah and it really shows
oh thank you i really am excited so i'm going to share with you guys what this is about so it's
called um a platform called patreon i think that's how people pronounce it i want to say
patreon but patreon oh patreon patreon is it french sure it's just for the upper class yeah um so i would not be welcome um no so
no so it's basically an online platform i haven't built that yeah where people have
memberships basically so then you can access more regular content from the person that you're
following yeah so like francesca amber has one yeah who triggered me
because she was doing so well and i was like i could be doing that yeah so i finally got my
ass in gear and made it happen yeah and i'm absolutely buzzing so if anyone wants to join
my patreon yeah it is i don't know the link i'll tell you at the end but i'll put it on it should
i look now should i do it now while it's the energy but also it's um it's in the bio it's
on jess's bio on her instagram because that's how i found it yeah while it's the energy but also it's um it's in the bio it's on jess's bio on
instagram because that's how i found it yeah absolutely right so you can easily just find it
there so it is where is it if you go on your instagram bio it's on there yeah okay but what
what i'm doing on there is i'm having like um sorry i sounded very common then. I'm having. I'm having. I'm having.
He's having it.
He's stuffed us.
Okay, so guys, the link is professional now.
Okay, guys.
Telephone for fitness.
So it's Patreon.
So that's P-A-T-R-E-O-N.
N for November.
Yeah, yeah.
That's good. r-e-o-n and for november yeah yeah forward slash jessica marie holistic but i will put it on my instagram
um and i'll also put it on the spiritually speaking one yeah um but basically what it is
people is i am sharing like more information on the full and new moons a bit like how i talk on the podcast yeah but
with video content um more takeaway so i'm spending more time because the membership's
seven dollars so six pound if in the uk 25 dirham if you're in dubai for the month it's basically
if you're in dubai it's the coffee yeah and i feel like at home it's basically a coffee now
maybe like a muffin yeah if you know what sacrifice
that coffee and muffin on a monday morning yeah for a whole month yeah of me yes which would be
amazing yeah i love it i signed up straight away and i loved like i mean i'm just jumping ahead
here i'll talk about what you're doing on there but um the horoscope side of it yes so i'm doing
personalized horoscopes which i'm buzzing about so I love writing and I love writing about spiritual stuff obviously because it's my passion and so what I do is I look at all the zodiacs and I do
a tarot spread for each one and then I personalise the reading for each zodiac so it's really nice
because you're actually getting a horoscope written by me and you get that every week
and if you know your sun moon and rising then you can look at all
three yeah um if you don't know your sun moon and rising i will be adding an offering soon i don't
know how much i feel like people do things like three dollars and five dollars and you just tell
people like their sun moon and rising yeah so i need to work all that out so that's like going to
be on there um but what was on there um this week was we had the full moon in libra which was
a lunar eclipse so like we're just like working our way through it together as a community so i
did the videos that went on instagram so i did two of them and then i have additional ones on patreon
that go more into like the nitty gritty what can you do like what journal prompts can you do so it's really useful yeah and then like this morning i posted on the community about you know what can you do
to cleanse the home after like a big eclipse energy so you're getting like a bit of a daily
checking with me through some form of content but also by posting that a lot of people were like oh
my god i didn't sleep well and i'm like that's okay like i didn't sleep well so it's really nice because it's sort
of it's a community sort of based yeah platform i think it's brilliant and i know you'll do so
well with it and so many people will really benefit from it and just really enjoy it as well
yeah thanks babes i think it will be do you know what I feel really excited and I'm do you know what I never really ask for much you never really you know what it is that
you don't do you don't really you don't self-sell I don't self-sell because it's very uncomfortable
yeah but I'm gonna self-sell right now and do you know what um I'm here for it but if you feel like
a tiny bit drawn to it give it a go and if you feel really drawn to it definitely give it a go
and the worst thing that you do is sign up and do do it and then cancel because you can at any point
um but what I like in all honesty when people work for me on a one-to-one basis it's incredible
but obviously that comes at a bit more of a cost yeah so what I'm trying to do now is have a space
where everyone can access me.
And it's in a different way.
It's in a more regular way.
And I want to share my voice more because I truly do believe that we're all capable of living a good life.
And I really mean that.
And I think so many of us struggle.
And when we open up that more spiritual side of ourselves it really is life-changing yeah and
this space can just give you that that start and that insight I think that's so yeah and I think
that's something that I've that is why I'm doing this um because we should all have access to
things and it's hard when you're you're paying for a service and it's you know I'm not saying
I'm expensive but not everyone can afford to have one-on-one services with people all the time
and I get it and do you know what when I've been in tough times you know that's not been something
I can have where if I had this community then that would be ideal definitely so that's what
is going on and I'm really proud it's been something that I've been wanting to do for a while
and just haven't had the courage.
So yeah, so go and take a look, guys.
And I've also launched my life coaching a bit more as well.
Oh, good.
So working a bit more, like I'm pushing,
working with people on a more regular basis,
not just doing like readings.
Yeah, we spoke about that a little bit last week.
Yeah, oh, did we? Yeah, just a little readings yeah we spoke about that a little bit last week yeah
oh did we yeah just a little bit because i said about how um obviously a lot of times you see
someone once yes and then you never get that follow-up yeah so to get to do it on a more
regular basis is fantastic yeah it can really help people well i've got a nice set of regular
clients i'm working with and it's great so yeah anyway that's enough self-selling i'm uncomfortable now swallow me up so what's
so um right what's going on then in the sky oh babes there's a hell of a lot going on really
yeah and it's gonna be an intense few weeks yeah um but that's okay we've got this so what's been
going on so basically the last episode we spoke about the fact that we went into the lunar eclipse in Libra.
Yes, and Aries start, wasn't it?
Yes, Aries season. So we're in this like energy, like the energy's shifting, the energy's moving because an eclipse brings transformation.
It's like a full moon on steroids.
So it's just like boom bitches i'm here
let's go yeah uh but it's also like i'm gonna unsettle you i'm gonna make you feel a bit
confused i'm gonna bring in your ex i'm gonna bring in um like people that are gonna annoy you
even though you love them um but also it brings up like maybe trauma or emotions that you've
suppressed so it's very um intense and you're going to feel like you're on your own and actually you're not.
It's okay.
Everyone around you will be feared in this because I've had a lot of friends reach out to me in the last week about this energy, not knowing what's going on.
And everyone's unsettled.
Everyone's unclear.
Everyone's very emotional. Yeah. A lot of people are very sensitive okay and a lot of people are saying things they probably shouldn't
say in the heat of the moment yeah yeah so it's that sort of energy and that sort of feeling coming
up so that was the lunar energy um we're about so a week from when this this episode comes out we'll be approaching
the solar eclipse which will be in aries and that solar eclipse is happening in the sky
right where an asteroid called chiron is oh and that asteroid is the wounded healer okay so it's
like the witch wound god there is a lot going on oh no babes so that
solar eclipse is going to be a bit intense as well so then you think and we'll delve into that
in the next episode i'm not going to spend time too much time on that but what that means is the
time in between these eclipses is bringing up a load of stuff like old wounds or old wounds limiting beliefs old beliefs conditioning yeah setbacks
or opportunities to find your worth okay so let's flip it yeah so the positive yeah and I would say
that a lot of us especially women suppress our needs. We don't speak our truth, or we can, but it can sometimes not always be well received.
There's an opportunity right now to really find that worth within
and to really explore what that is and what you want.
So this is showing up for a lot of people, especially if you're Aries or Libra, Sun, Moon, Rising.
You'll be feeling this quite a lot right now. if you're um aries or libra sun moon rising like
you'll be feeling this quite a lot right now it will be really strong on on your energy um
and it's kind of it's just it's uncomfortable like but it's good this isn't here to like make you
feel like you're a failure but it might make you change direction it might shift what the plan
what you thought your plan was yes so that's the energy i'm feeling right now and it's really cool
it's really nice it's really it's really supportive but it's really uncomfortable
now when you do the work spiritually like these these things come and you know they're okay
if you're not like as spiritually aware like you could feel like utter shit right now and not know why yeah and you could feel depressed you could
feel really anxious like i'm still gonna have anxious days in this i know i am i'm gonna have
really sad days or like just because i do this work i yeah doesn't mean i don't feel it i just
allow it to come in and then i don't shame it. Where like if you're feeling.
Yawn babes you need to let it out.
Silent yawn.
Don't deprive yourself of that.
I want to yawn now.
There'll be people listening and they'll start yawning.
So what was I saying?
I don't know.
You completely just lost my trailer thought now.
Because you just
said that about the audience I can't remember I don't know and you you're just staring at me
because I my brain is just gone like because you've said that to me it's just completely wiped everything and I was listening well basically let's just
stop a sec we've remembered our whole process now so if you're feeling um any emotions that are
more on the negative side of your mental health so feeling quite depressed very anxious um of course like you need to
acknowledge that and you might need a bit more support so if you're someone that is in therapy
or has a therapist every now and then i would maybe like get some sessions booked in for this
time yeah to work for anything that's coming up or if you work with a healer or anyone spiritual
yeah definitely and if you don't then maybe look at doing that yeah i would
say so because i i anticipate that this will be quite an intense emotion for a lot of people and
very internalized and that's great but you do need your people definitely i feel like yeah it's i
mean a whole other topic type thing but if you are someone who suffers with anything along those lines like
do seek help like as and where you can because i don't know like i kind of think sometimes like
we pay for say a brunch at the weekend which might be like 500 dirham yeah but then we don't
we wouldn't think to spend that on like a therapy session yeah if you're someone who really could
benefit from that and i mean i think we could all benefit from it no matter what but it's not a bad thing obviously way more than others
and it's kind of seen as oh it's too expensive I can't do that but then you have to remember like
how much value you're going to get from that definitely and I think that right now we could
get a lot of answers in this energy and sometimes answers come from talking to someone who knows how to manage. Yeah.
Those feelings.
So I'm noticing that with a lot of my clients that are coming to me.
They're like, oh my God, like my work was fine.
But now it's like back to how it was.
And my boss is doing this.
And my boyfriend's annoying me.
And I'm like, right, okay.
Let's not like dump your boyfriend and quit your job.
Or the wrong girl.
You might do that because it's all
too much let's just see what's coming up actually is it that in both your work and your relationship
you're suppressing your needs yeah so maybe your boyfriend plays golf every day not every day every
day he doesn't he's retired yeah but you know he's playing golf and you actually just want to spend time with him on saturday
and he's not bothered by spending time with you and you've also not asked him so you've suppressed
that need and your boss is a micromanager and you just need to have a community like a chat with
them to say like and once you've had that conversation you might feel better but it's
probably not the best time to have the conversation right now yeah so it might
be more working it through with your therapist how am i going to approach this with my boss how
am i going to approach this with my boyfriend and how long do we expect for this to go on for did
you say it's four weeks but we've also got mercury retrograde jays jays jays so um first of april
mercury in aries is going into a beautiful retrograde.
Goes backwards.
It does, babes.
For three weeks.
Three weeks?
Oh, Jesus.
So we all know, we all hear about Mercury retrograde.
Mercury lemonade.
So Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect, and when it's not moving in a forward direction,
it brings complications in communication, in intellect,
and in technology and all those things.
So it adds a bit of flavour.
So this isn't a time, I would say, to be like having that chat with your boss.
Because you're probably going to cry.
Having that big conversation.
Or have a row.
You know?
Like I remember having a chat once with my boss and it was Mercury Retrograde and I basically
got really personal.
Oh, did you?
It was really unproductive.
You know?
Like I maybe should have just waited a couple of weeks because those things happen. I basically basically was like you're a micromanager and it's doing my head in and she
was like right but why do you think I'm like managers like I don't care yeah like just you
need to get off my back and it was just it just became like a very childish conversation
this was quite a few years ago but you know I wish then I knew what I knew now yeah um so if anyone's feeling
like that with with colleagues because you know what you're with them all day you're using
technology I imagine so like there will be some frustrations yeah um what else will be happening
with this mercury retrograde I think really it's just I would just hide hide yeah I'll just stay
home for a few weeks no I wouldn't um i would just take it easy and
just focus on your routine to be quite honest so like that's why i joined the crossfit gym
um because i want a bit of routine right now because it's going to be a little bit out of
sorts and also remember we're the main character of our own life but also everyone else is going
to be feeling this energy so someone might say something to you and it's really insensitive or really rude
or really snappy or like you're communicating with friends and you're like oh my god i think
they've got the ump and they really haven't yeah but you're reading it that they have like it's
just a really sort of yeah be aware of other people around you as well yeah and just take it
easy um so yeah but obviously'm going to sell myself again.
Go on.
On Patreon, I'll be talking about this all the time.
Because it's all going on.
So, you know, if you want to look on that stuff, then, yeah, join it.
Because it will give you an insight.
Because there is so much going on over this next four weeks.
Yeah, that's really good.
I'm so excited for this energy.
Because it's like getting rid of all the crap
yeah it's a nice bit of a switch up like it's it's shifting all the energy it's moving things around
it's clearing up space for the new things that we're ready for yeah and that'll be really nice
timing for you yeah definitely you know like sort of you're just sort of you can stay a little bit
in hibernation mode right now i can yeah and you'll probably be quite comfortable with that yeah I am to be fair and then once all these these are done you'll be ready to
take on the world I think so I do my girl I really do um so that's kind of what's going on
um if if I was to say what should you do other than hibernate and hermit um i'd just take it easy bring in routine bring
in structure journal write things down and do you know what don't talk to people that love a bitch
yeah don't let people stir you up because that is not useful in this time because you know what
if you're gonna have a chat with someone and it all gets really dark they're like yeah they're
an ass yeah you will then call your ex and tell them
they're an ass it's never a good thing that anyway well it's not especially not yeah yeah so just
keep the right people around you um try and detach slightly so you can observe your own
sort of behaviors like look at how you're reacting how you're responding to things
but also when you do respond in a way that's not like your usual, that's okay.
It's all right.
We're human.
We're all working it out.
We're all here.
Where's my voice gone?
I'll be fine.
But yeah, so that's what I would say.
And do you know what?
I think that's it.
I think I'm going to stop talking soon.
Okay. Is that okay? Yeah. I feel like I've spoke quite a lot i've enjoyed it have you yeah of course that's good
yeah i think it's been a great episode yeah i've really enjoyed this one yeah i have we're gonna
do a photo shoot soon aren't we we are gonna do one soon i don't know when actually we need to
get that time we do but um pre-summer but yeah yeah we are gonna do one soon let's do that and
then we can actually
have a bit more creative content on our instagram yes it's not looking that great is it no but
neither of us really have the brain space for it we just like let you know it's on there and we
just have the same stuff but eventually we will get good at that yeah i don't know maybe video
content who knows yeah video content would be good we need to work
out how to do that if there's anyone that wants to help us yeah help us yeah help please help
because we actually do a think ourself which i'm sure you can tell we are yeah
no i thought they had like a whole agency yeah i thought it was sponsored that podcast so yeah we are just basic but we're blossoming in the basic energy aren't we we are indeed with
2500 of you yeah not individually because yeah like put downloads
oh babes i'm gonna stop talking should we say goodbye
thank you so much for listening again to this week of
spiritually speaking um and yeah please do all the stuff that we ask you to do every single week
like rate subscribe tell a friend yes and if you want to get us on instagram i am at hair by
samantha green and i am at jessicamarie holisticistic underscore holistic am i underscore yeah i am sorry yeah and if you want
we are spiritually speaking underscore podcast as well yeah thank you so much we will see you
next week yes and don't forget to get on jess's patreon yes please guys and just feel the feels
be kind to yourself over this time be kind to others yes please be kind to others um yeah love you lots bye