Spiritually Speaking with Jessica & Samantha - Aries Energy, Lunar Eclipse Season & Mercury Retrograde
Episode Date: March 22, 2024Join Jess and Sam in this week's episode as they explore the intense energy surrounding the upcoming Lunar Eclipse, the onset of Aries season, and the imminent Mercury retrograde. Discover how to... make the most out of this powerful energy shift as Jess shares valuable insights on navigating through this time. From embracing your emotions to allowing space for healing, they discuss practical approaches amidst the cosmic chaos. Tune in for a blend of laughter, profound discussions, and everything in between.
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Hello and welcome back to Spiritually Speaking with me Sam and with me Jess.
Thank you for, why am I doing, I don't know how to start this, I can't, I'm not used to doing this.
Were you just like, what was you going to say?
I don't know, I was like thinking of like the exit and not the entrance.
Oh babes, well, should we just carry on?
Yeah. the entrance oh babes well should we just carry on yeah okay here we are it's a monday morning
we are back oh my god what is life thank you everyone yeah thanks good night yeah i'm done
that's what happens when you're a bit sleep deprived oh babes don't worry well how are you
i'm good i'm good how are you I'm good thank you yeah I know
I'm good I'm sat here now recording with River in my arms Blake to the right of me who has just set
herself off to sleep which is amazing what babe yeah and Ernie running around somewhere I don't
know where Ernie is right now I've just given him a treat to try and make sure he stays quiet
amazing he'll be fine so we're really professional basically we've got this we just keep it keep
it real yes keeping it very real definitely yeah oh that's good babes and we did the feed didn't
we we did we've just done a feed together so jess helped me out so we did a feed i pumped at the
same time because i'm expressing at the moment don't know how long i'll do that for but you're
doing really well yeah i've done it for longer than i thought i mean i never even expected to do it in the first place um but it's just kind of carried on and i'll be
honest when i look at so we do formula for like two feeds a day basically for the night ones yeah
and when i work out how much formula we go through from just two feeds a day it's ridiculous that is
crazy it's so expensive like if i then start doing it for every feed
yeah it'll be a lot but i mean that's not going to be a reason to then not stop sorry not stop
expressing if i um if i want to stop but yeah i'm just we'll see yeah just carrying on with it
i think when i start going out more yeah then i'll probably want to stop because yeah like i went oh
my god it's so funny so i went to my friend's barbecue at the weekend and um it was lovely
obviously took the girls and everything we put ernie in daycare so we didn't have the stress
of taking the dog and um i needed to pump while i was there like twice and she had friends that
came round who i'd never met before and it was just so awkward because i had my pump on under
my top that was just like yeah it just
makes it yeah and it's not that loud but like you can you look like you've got huge boobs because
it's like stuck to your chest and I was just like you know when it's one of them things like do you
mention it or do you not yeah like when you mention it does it make it more awkward and more obvious
yeah exactly and then they try and hug you and you're like can't
really hug you right now and oh it's just a bit awkward oh babes just embrace it you're doing
really well thank you um i enjoyed the feed this morning i can't do the burping as well
like that makes me a bit like yeah um yeah it's nice to be part of the little morning routine on
a monday yeah i literally said to you i was like do you want to come around a bit earlier do the
feeding times at half 10 but even when like you went away and I was holding the two bottles
I was like oh my god like this is your life yeah like that's a lot I know and you know what people
keep saying to me they're like um oh my god I don't know how you do it with two and I'm like
I don't have a choice yeah it's not like I chose to do it this way do you get what I mean like
and don't get me
wrong in some ways i probably did because i always wanted twins and you know yes careful you wish for
i love having twins but it's hard work like you're doing really well yeah but when people say like oh
my god i don't know how you do it i'm like you just have to well i guess it's that that just
survival mode kicks in doesn't it yes exactly and she has just spat up so i need to have a little moment
i can do it well that's all right i'll tell you a bit about my week um what's been going lots of
work which is great um i've been getting some new clients that are on coaching packages which is
really really nice um so that's new for me so we was talking about how i'm working with people on
a more like regular basis i think that's great because i was we was talking about how i'm working with people on a more like regular
basis i think that's great because i was basically i was saying to jess like before
she would have um obviously if she has a client yeah she would see a client for example on a
one-to-one basis and then she doesn't see them again for like a year yeah or if ever again
type thing it depends if they then come back for to see you again and um whereas on a coaching you
get to really see the progression in someone and i think that's such a lovely thing so nice and
without even necessarily realizing that it's something that you've kind of done for me
well yeah definitely like when before we started the podcast when we'd meet up that's basically
what we do for each other wasn't it like we just go over our business and work and personal life
everything and it was so nice that then you
can see that progression yeah definitely and I think having a bit of a break from work over my
birthday was good it helped me reset sort of what I like what I enjoy and you know I just really set
an intention I was like I want to work with people on a more regular basis and that's exactly what's
happened over the last week with some new people that have signed up and my heart feels really full about it yeah it feels right yeah and I think it's like a really
nice part of like the way the business and my work is evolving yeah um so that's like been a real like
proud thing this week actually yeah we were saying as well weren't we how a lot of people think that
we're kind of conditioned to think that when you've chose your career path that that's
where it then just stays and that it can't evolve or you know develop into something else even or
go into something completely different um but it's nice when it does evolve and change definitely
yeah and I think that's one thing I've learned with my work I've always offered like my one-to-one
readings but the style that I've read in has always evolved and changed so yeah
it's just allowing that to happen so yeah um so that's me nothing too crazy other than that I had
a really lovely weekend um quite sociable like low-key sociable which is always nice daytime
sociable not nighttime sociable always which is fabulous yeah um and yeah it's good and it's a really exciting time coming up
and that's what we're going to talk about in this week's episode yes we actually have some structure
to this episode the structure's back yeah and i've been doing my homework ahead of this session
to give you all an insight into what's going to be going on over the next few weeks in the sky
i'm just laughing because you're going to be able to hear like squeaky no that's cute yeah she's all good oh bless her
and so yeah tell us what's been going okay so um this episode is coming out on friday
um which means what date will friday be um like the 23rd something like that so we will be in aries by the time this episode comes out
when does aries start the 21st 20th like it depends on the exact time but between the 20th
and the 21st yeah yeah so um we're uh moving out of that piscean energy which is very like
lovely in my opinion and we're moving i'm like at home so i'm like oh and we're now moving
into an energy that's very like aries focused um and i always say to people when we go into our
energy of the zodiac and the archetype that we're moving into we all have that in us so just because
i'm at home in pisces doesn't mean i you know i can still flourish in
aries yes you know and that's the same for everyone so just because we're talking about a
zodiac energy and it's not your sun sign they don't think that it's not relevant because you
utilize the energy that's around you so yeah that's good to know actually because i kind of
always just thought that my so i'm taur, but my only one would be Taurus.
Like you say, that you'd flourish it.
Yeah, so that's not the case.
So it's really powerful when you activate all the parts of your chart and all the zodiacs.
Is that River?
River the Diva.
Yes, River Diva.
I like that.
River Diva.
She is so funny.
She's getting all the cuddles.
She is.
I'm like, please go to sleep.
Oh, she will
she is she'll feel all the spiritual energies and all calm and it'll all be good i mean blake
clearly is because she's wow but even when i've read for people and especially when they're like
breastfeeding like their babies they're like oh my god my baby's never been this calm oh really
yeah it's funny you say that actually because um when i whenever i would listen back to a podcast
episode yeah they would just sleep that's what you should do yeah they're not sleeping yeah just put our
podcast i should make some like audios yeah just like i did that for my niece actually i made a
little meditation for her because she was feeling a little bit like emotional and a bit sensitive
so i just did like a meditation before bed that's so nice but she listened to it before school and
she said it made me really sleepy oh my's not when you listen to it um but yeah so the aries energy
so aries is fire oh okay i don't know why i wouldn't have thought that yeah yeah yeah so
it's fire and it's cardinal and what cardinal means is it's very leadership so you always get
that reputation with an aries that they tend to have like they're a leader they're a self-starter okay so it's quite it's a lovely energy um it's quite powerful I think
so this is a really nice energy that's coming up for us with Aries season and this is the new year
of the zodiac look at you it is babe so we are moving into the new year um which is the spring
equinox day as well right so that whole happens so this will happen
on wednesday so this is coming out on friday so when you're listening to this wednesday the 20th
of march was the spring equinox and the spring equinox is when aries starts yeah so that's the
energy that's arriving okay so you'll be looking back when you listen to
this we're looking ahead because we're a few days ahead um so spring equinox is the day and the night
are equal it's that at home night in the uk it's like the i think i don't know when the clock's
changes soon it is i think it might be this weekend okay yeah i'm pretty sure so then you know the the evenings
are lighter so it's like the feeling of hope arrives yeah which is what spring brings yeah
and spiritually and he's just a little butthuck um when you think of that spiritually that the
energy's arriving and it's like okay here we go and aries really wants to bring that sort of powerful here we go energy so with that
kind of here we go ng it's an opportunity to kind of set the new year's resolutions I would say that
yeah you're like well hey yeah so there's kind of that January time really that same feeling of like
new year new me yeah that we hate but yeah yeah so this is kind of
more of the energy and you know like I've spoken about in previous episodes especially at the
beginning of the year I was like this is not the time yes like just hibernate and where now that
you know it is the time and it is more of a time to be you know those seeds have been have been planted and they're starting
to kind of receive the love now and the energy and the excitement yeah so it's like we've got
we're laughing because Ernie's just literally about to lick one of the baby's hair um so it's
just a really lovely time to just start getting the ideas into action because it always is action yeah I love that because I feel like I'm at a good time now where I would
like to start thinking like that like okay what can I now start focusing on or I feel like I'm
starting to gain brain space and even that brain space can be like I'm gonna try and bring in
morning walks yeah you know it doesn't have to be like i'm gonna take over the world and that's the issue sometimes with goal setting i'm like
everyone should chill the beep out yeah like the goal could be
yeah this is a family-friendly podcast
um but you know just chill out don't make big goals yeah make big goals if you want to but like
you know i think for you right now your goals is like finding your new normality yes for
others it could be that they're you know really wanting to like build more
financial abundance I'm definitely in like a bit of a financial head at the
moment which is very unlike me my feminine businesswoman is not there
usually but I'm now like no future me is going to benefit from this so that Aries is coming
in like okay like this is all lovely that you're all love and light babes but like also you know
you need to be a bit more strategic so Aries helps with that so that strategy in your life is really
key now obviously it won't just be the fact that the sun's in Aries which is what all this energy
is about it will also be about
lots of other things going on in the sky so this is going to be accompanied by mercury retrograde
yeah oh my god and that starts i think around the first of april i can't remember exactly
um so mercury retrograde is where mercury basically moves backwards in the sky.
That's probably the best way to describe it.
And what happens with that energy is it causes a bit of frustrations.
And I always feel the word resistance is relevant for Mercury or any retrograde.
There's like a resistance in the energy.
And we spoke about
this before yeah when like technology and things like that because mercury is connected to
communication and technology yeah i think that mercury's communication doesn't just have to be
technology i think it's like actual human interaction and that side of things as well
um because mercury retrograde for a long time before technology was here and impacted
people you know so yeah technology but i think there's lots of other things yeah that makes sense
yeah yeah so we have got that to contend with so it's like new year new me all this energy and then
smack in the face with mercury retrograde and plenty of resistance yeah yeah so it's a little
bit like oh i'm gonna like have an idea and then it might not
instantly be successful right but like Mercury's getting in the way so I need to persevere okay so
this isn't the time to be like oh this didn't work that's a sign I'd be like no just sort of
just surrender keep going it's that sort of feeling also to add to the mix the next full moon which
is in Aries season is uh an eclipse it's a lunar eclipse so that's really really intense
and then we will have the solar eclipse on the new moon and the new moon will be in Aries wow
so basically in summary the next four weeks is going to be really fucking intense really beeping intense
yeah and like it's an opportunity to like really go into like the realities of what you want
and the frustrations that are coming up you know it's this is deep yeah but like that's great
you know so i think that's really good i feel quite energized by it yeah i do
and it's nice just to be aware of it like you say like for the next four weeks you're feeling
something yeah right okay this is gonna be for a few weeks and then like you say think about what
it is you really want yeah and i think also with mercury retrograde like that adds like another
element to it but it could be quite inner so like even though we've got the Aries energy which is like quite you know direct and driven you're gonna have like times where you're gonna second guess
things you know the eclipse is gonna bring up the ex-boyfriend that you've not spoken to in a few
months or you know the the situation that you thought you'd got rid of and he's now back whether
it's work or you know you've your boss was doing your head in six months ago
and suddenly it's all been fine and then all of a sudden you're like they're a dick yeah and i want
to quit my job you know like it all kind of and then by that it's like yeah maybe i should quit
my job but like maybe don't quit it now yeah maybe now think about what you really want yeah so that's
sort of the energy i'm feeling is that sometimes it's like it's almost like you don't necessarily have
to take the action right now yeah but like being aware of what's going on and how you're feeling
it's like the sky is taking action yeah that's how i would describe it okay it's like they're
intervening and bringing action to show us the divine path that we're needing and then we can
use that to work out our game plan because we do have free will. You know, we can decide.
We can decide to stay and work for that shit boss or we can decide to leave.
It's up to you.
And if you don't, that's okay.
But it's probably going to come up at the next eclipse season or whatever.
So that's what I would say this time's for.
But that's how I feel intuitively.
That's not me, you know, going into the science of it all.
It's more what I feel is coming up um because
I'm feeling it in myself like I literally feel like I just want to go run a race and win like
there's something in me that I can see that in you I feel like you've like got so much energy yeah
yeah like it's great yeah it's just so sort of pumped and like it's really you know the Pisces time just gave me answers it's helped
me go in and explore my mind and you know I've really asked myself what do I want from life
yeah on all levels and I've actually sat with it and I've not made like major decisions other than
a small few tweaks but now I'm like ready to implement that you know and that's what this energy is right yeah
but obviously with the lunar eclipse um it is it's an interesting one it's in Libra this full moon
so Libra's lovely when is the Libra star sign that is um September into October yeah so it's
between Virgo and Scorpio right so libra's lovely like i'll tell
you a bit about libra energy libra's very balanced um it's you know very much about relationships
very like harmony yeah i always just say lovely libra yeah i find anyone i know who's a libra
tends to be very beautiful yeah i know that's like but any honestly they all have lovely faces
like my sister her and her husband are both Libras yeah
and they've both got beautiful faces and all their babies have such beautiful faces you know it's just
there's something about a Libra face I find um so there's that energy sometimes Libra struggle to
make decisions now like this is again like quite sort of stereotypical stuff yeah but there's an
element of a Libra that can be like should I do this should I do that
or like the typical question what do you want for dinner I don't know yeah well like in areas
will be like spag bol yeah or a Libra's like you know and they genuinely might not know yeah that's
very top level yeah if you go deeper into Libra you know there's some really you know they're
very welcoming they're very warm there's I always feel like a Libra energy
you feel safe with right there's a safety with Libra there's this there's like a coming home
feeling I find with Libras um so it's quite interesting so the full moon will then have that
energy now the full moon's on the 25th of March so this will be happening a few days after the podcast i think the 25th is monday so for
those listening on friday and the weekend you can prepare for this full moon and eclipse if you're
listening to this after monday that's okay there's nothing wrong with that you was meant to listen to
this after the full moon so please reflect on the time and the energies and the feelings that were
happening on monday the 25th of march
yeah um so that's what i would say for anyone listening um so this this eclipse energy is
powerful so a lunar eclipse heightens the full moon so the full moon's about letting go yeah
and eclipse is like letting go on steroids. Oh, okay. That's good.
So it's like, it's very powerful.
And it might bring up sort of the relationship stuff.
There'll be lots of other things happening in the sky. And there'll be lots of things happening in your chart that will add a different complex story to this full moon.
So this is all quite generic.
But I would say this full moon is about
yeah looking at things that aren't working yeah and like really being honest with yourself
and being a bit bold with it because a Libra can be a bit scared to do that sometimes
so it's like allowing you to look at everything and see you know what's good what's not good
um what else do I feel for this i think obviously i'm
focused on the relationship stuff it doesn't have to be that could be partnerships it can be
colleagues it's people yeah like the people around you how things are in that energy and
like what's holding you back yeah you know it's like the eclipse is here to show you
that like life can be good
and it can feel really heavy.
Like it might be a bit of a tough full moon.
You know, you might question a lot of stuff around you.
You might feel very frustrated.
You might feel a bit like the spirits and universe isn't on your side
because it's making things feel a bit difficult and confusing.
Yeah. But by doing that, it's clearing up the shit basically to open up the new path yeah so like don't in room yeah like you know i'm not really here for victim mentality like it's not
my vibe you know it's okay go there but like get answers there yeah so feel sorry for yourself but
yeah do the work and look at yourself as well you know like what could you take responsibility so I think in this time for me I'm like feel be a victim on the full moon like I was
a victim in the last full moon I sat there and cried and felt frustrated but by doing that I was
then able to get answers so with anyone whether they're a client or a friend family it doesn't a stranger doesn't matter if someone's
feeling an emotion right i don't go like oh it's okay i'm like feel it yeah so what i would say to
everyone with this full moon is feel the emotion that is coming up yeah and allow it to come all
the way up and out and out yeah and then look at that and see where that's come from
and what i remember where's that come from if you're frustrated and it's to do with your
partnership then you need to look at that you know it's not i'm not saying break up with them
but maybe it's some open communication yeah maybe it's not the best time in mercury retrograde but
maybe it's like looking at how yeah how you develop or yeah how you could communicate better
yeah exactly so you sort of
go into like this frustration has built up I found it quite a lot when I get frustrated
because I'm trying to keep everyone happy so there's a part of me that's trying to like keep
everyone happy and then all of a sudden I'm like shit like I'm tired you're not looking after
yourself yeah so I have to take risk. Oh, no one thinks of me.
Oh, poor me.
I do everything for everyone else.
I don't get a tax for the store.
That narrative is just like, you know, easily there instead of,
hang on a minute, God, I've given so much to everyone.
And like, why?
Where does that come from?
Is it because I want everyone to tell me they're amazing?
Like, oh, Jess, you're so amazing.
Thank you so much, Jess. Yeah, probably in the past it would have been that validation
so it's like exploring that and that's like normal you find it like you know with the older
generations especially the women you know they just did everything for everyone yeah and like
you see now like often they're like I did everything yeah and like you know no one appreciates
me there's kind of a typical I'm not saying every woman's like that but like a hierarchy yeah yeah so it's that so
i'd just say to kind of explore what's coming up maybe where it's coming from and just acknowledging
it and feeling it yeah do you know what way do you find is best to do that like so for me I'm quite like a journalist yeah I like write it down yeah would you do that would you like
just sit with your thoughts or bit both yeah I don't think like I usually with a
lunar eclipse you're gonna feel it mm-hmm building up to it and after it
yeah so I would just not fight the feelings. So that would be my first bit of advice.
Allow those feelings, good or bad, to arrive.
And have a bath and think about it.
I wish I could have a bath.
I haven't got a bath.
Oh, babes.
And it makes me really sad.
You have a bath soon.
I'm going to have a bath very soon, yes.
Have a shower.
I get what you mean.
Just have a nice, relaxed... Yeah, if you don't have a bath, and you So have a shower. I get what you mean. Just have like a nice relax.
Yeah, if you don't have a bath and you've got like a bowl, like a sink bowl,
in all seriousness, get some hot water, some Himalayan salt, some essential oils,
whatever feels right and just put your feet in the water, your soles of your feet.
I'll use my baby bath.
There we go.
There we go.
So do that.
So have a little moment.
So what you're doing like your
soles of your feet are incredibly sensitive they talk to us all the time yeah and when we're feeling
emotions that's where like that's the part of the body that right i need to just caveat this slightly
right last week i had had the worst night's sleep of my entire life which you all do know because
if you listen to last week's i did say like i got two hours and it was yeah it was bad i was not in a good place mentally afterwards anyway jess said
to me she said this about the feet she was like all your energy is in your feet yeah yeah and
she's like yeah she showed me how to like with the girl's feet how to like pressure points on
their feet and things like that i did that for the rest of that day and
then that night and we had i don't know if it correlated but it felt like it did we had such
a good night's sleep after it they slept so well and i was like i've texted you the next morning
like oh my god this is amazing so yeah there you go it's true though like the souls that's why
people have reflexology yeah you know it's those sorts of things but you can do it intuitively so like just put your feet
in the water and then like you know put like pressure your foot and give your foot a bit of a
massage do it yourself and see what comes up and where there's a bit of pain yeah and then see what
comes up from that but yeah i would definitely urge everyone to have a foot bath
yeah so everyone's gonna be or a proper bath whatever suits you your hands are the same you
know your hands are sensitive so you can also do pressure points on your hands as well um but you
know I think that would be like a but I I think for this one I'm anticipating a lot of emotion
coming through okay um for a lot of us and when
that's the case it's just like letting it purge out yeah and you know and this is letting go this
isn't like goal setting this is like allowing the energies to just yeah kind of come through
um and just be kind to them yeah do you know what i mean yeah it's probably gonna be quite a heavy
time possibly for some people full moons are always intense like my inbox really makes me giggle
over the full moon because everyone messages me that's why I've started doing videos on the moon
cycle so if you're not following me on Instagram what are you doing with your life yeah but I've
started doing like three four part videos on the new moon and the full moon so give me a follow to have a
look at that stuff because it gives you a bit of an insight and i'll be doing this for the eclipse
on monday into what's going on in the energies because loads of people message me like jess
what's going on what do i need to do why am i feeling this and what happens is you all feel
so lonely in your emotions yeah and you're absolutely not on your own yeah like you're
really not yeah you're all feeling it and you're all talking on your own yeah like you're really not yeah you're all
feeling it and you're all talking to me about it and i understand but i wish you all knew that each
other were all feeling it yes because you wouldn't feel so shit and like a failure yeah that's what
happens like the self-sabotage comes in yeah we all feel like shit yeah and then we just kind of
get on with it again yeah instead of dealing with it. So allowing yourself to feel it but kind of looking after your body
and sort of feeling this new charged energy that's ready to arrive.
Definitely journal but I think with journaling,
what I would say is if you're feeling an emotion,
this would be my suggestion, say you're feeling just like really sad.
Like just write sad at the top of your journal right
and just be like i am sad today right and then be like and i am sad because and then just see
what comes through okay or it could be like i feel fucking amazing because i have done this xyz
you know whatever the emotion is good bad or it could just be i feel nothing yeah
and i feel nothing because yeah and see what intuitively comes out in that energy so i would
just ask everyone to tap into that more than like goal setting like fine burn people in the
not actual people but like you need to burn anyone in the fire like all my circles we're always
burning men in the fire which cracks me up because i love men yeah but like a lot of them get burnt in the fire when it's my
circles because there's always a bit of heartbreak going on yeah but you know it could be that so you
know if you feel like you need to say something more physical you know write their name down
send them love please don't send them anger because the anger comes back to you yeah um
feel anger just don't send it to them yes and then just burn
it you know or I also do another thing if I need to let go of anyone so I get a bit of rope
tie it up in a circle with a knot and then I burn that and then that releases the cord of the souls
I have to do it quite a lot for some people because they just keep coming back oh okay
and I'm like I'm going to get a bigger rope yeah you are yeah but it's that kind of thing so you
can do things like that over this moon but it's definitely like an eclipse energy um yeah so
that's sort of the energy that's coming up um but obviously for you like there's energy but there's
also like a lot going on hormonally
and emotionally so like you know you're gonna have that access to it but it might feel a bit
like groggy to get all of it yeah I can imagine yeah yeah so I think that's what I'd say for this
one um I've spoke loads yeah no I've enjoyed I feel like you're just having that cuddle with
babes and just like yeah I've enjoyed listening the babies are fast asleep bless them that's good and the dog which
is great but yeah yeah you're just yeah I've enjoyed I've enjoyed I've been thinking about
it as well obviously myself as well like everything that you've said and yeah I think for me obviously
at the moment it's still a very emotions very high yeah because I am six weeks in yeah um and they're more like they're definitely
a lot better than what they were emotions um but it can just it just can go from top to bottom
very quickly like you can literally feel so low and then you can feel great and then it can go
back to low and the smallest things can set you off and i think when you're someone who's not used
to feeling like that that can be a lot to take yes such a like new like motherhood in general but also
that sort of varied emotion yeah you're pretty stable emotionally yeah so this is like a really
familiar and unfamiliar yes yes yeah definitely which I imagine for many people in motherhood
that's the case yeah I imagine and I guess it helps you with empathy for others maybe more
with their emotions massively yeah 100% like everybody now who's had kids I'm like wow I
kind of get it now yeah yeah yeah definitely or even people that feel anxious and things like
that yeah understanding isn't it
yeah yeah yeah i yeah i completely agree couldn't have said it better myself so with the aries energy
out of interest obviously i know you've got like some big priorities with small people and things
like that yeah um but what do you feel in your energy for this time this new year of astrology
and aries so i feel like i feel like like i said to you
before like i feel like i've got a little bit of my brain is starting to free up a little bit like
i'm almost starting to feel like i can see outside again does that make sense no i can see that in
you the bubble that i'm in type thing um and there's so much that I feel like I've got a list in my head of things that
I want to do whether it's to do with work the salon and my mentoring my family in terms of
travel or the house like there's so many things I feel like I'm like ready to do but at the same
time I'm just like no it's not quite we're not quite there yet like just enjoy this bubble and just
yeah sit with it a bit longer I think so like if I was tapping into your energy which I'm doing so
I hope that's okay it's fine by me I would say that Aries energy would be to like just focus on
like the small parts for you yeah when you said that before you said about just going for the
walk yeah that was spot on because like so today is the second time that i've gone for a walk on my own with the babies
and the dog which might not sound like a big deal but it really is yeah to get all of us out the
house and it's not even just getting out the house it's getting out the house and not feeling
stressed about it absolutely yeah yeah that's yeah that's the main thing because
if one of them's crying or something that might set you off and make you feel stressed and think
like oh my god should i be taking them out should i not or or what if like it's too cold what if
it's too hot what if this what if that and yeah just getting out the house has been a huge
accomplishment yeah it's nice and i think that's good and I think
that's what I would say would be your Aries sort of intentions is you know bringing you know small
impacts and actually like giving yourself a bit of credit for them yeah because maybe old you your
goals would have been yeah huge yeah we're actually that is huge what you're going to do yeah and it's then going to evolve and
change as life goes on and yeah but that like getting a coffee like yeah even taking your walk
to the point where you sit in the coffee shop yes yeah and do that you know yeah it's those sorts of
things yeah on the first walk that I did I thought to myself I was like oh do I stop and get a coffee
and then I was like no girl you're gonna walk before you can run like I was like I'm not at
that point yet but I was like I will be soon you will be and i'll do it with you
as well yeah so it could be that like you do it with someone and then you're like right yeah
because i know obviously with the girls that you know you're gonna have moments where they're
feeling you know hungry or whatever yeah but you know just have that nice hot coffee
and just enjoy it yeah you, those things are so sacred.
Yeah, they are.
And I've loved doing that.
I've done it loads with other people.
But just on your own, I think it is a huge accomplishment.
Yeah, it is.
And nice to have that time on your own.
Well done, folks.
Tomorrow we're getting out in the car for the first time on our own.
That's really good.
So that will be an achievement in itself as well.
That will be.
It's amazing.
Yeah, we'll get there.
You're doing really well
thank you and i think this aries energy is going to really help you and then it goes into taurus
which is where you're at home with your son there yeah so like this is you know it's a nice time
also i'd say to you um we just had lots of pisces energy with neptune in the sun so this would the
girls would really so any children will be so much like they access this
energy way easier than us because it's not taboo for them they're just little souls that can feel
everything um so we had um so this is the weekend that's just gone so with the podcast this has just
happened um Neptune was with the sun in the sky. Lots of dreams.
So if anyone's been dreaming lots,
my mum's had some intense dreams,
my nan has, I have.
Yeah, so it's quite a dream.
Lots of dreams happen.
So the girls are probably dreaming a lot right now or sort of, yeah.
Yeah, bless them.
So like there's that kind of energy
just to add in because it's really beautiful.
Oh, I love that.
Yeah. Oh, well, thank you. Don't worry. The insightfulness on that. Yeah. like there's that kind of energy just to add in because it's really beautiful oh i love that yeah
oh well thank you um the insightfulness yeah i've enjoyed it yeah i enjoyed that so i just
feel like i couldn't stop talking but i just felt all this information just came out yeah no i really
enjoyed it honestly that's good amazing well do you want to do the outro okay do you want to say
thank you yeah now yeah now i know what to do and well thank you so much for listening we really really appreciate it as always
and um if you want to get us on instagram we are at spiritually speaking underscore podcast
i am at hair by samantha green and i'm at jessica marie underscore holistic not hair by jess i feel
like i want to say it every time i don't know why
maybe i'm destined to be a hairdresser maybe you are yeah but yeah thanks so much for listening
everyone and you know any questions about this moon just send me a little message i will try
and get back to you um and yeah lots of love lots of love just keep it real feel the feels
definitely over this time it's going to be an intense shift so we'll be talking about this a lot over the next few weeks yeah and we'll speak
to you next week absolutely bye bye