Spiritually Speaking with Jessica & Samantha - Balancing Libra Energy

Episode Date: October 18, 2024

In this week’s episode of Spiritually Speaking, Jess and Sam catch up on life. Sam shares her half-term adventures, spending quality time with her family, while Jess reflects on the insights gained ...from her recent tantra course. The conversation flows into the astrology of the moment, with Jess diving deep into Libra season's energy—focusing on balance, relationships, and harmony. They also explore the transformative impact of the full moon in Aries, and how it pushes for breakthroughs and personal growth.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello and welcome back to spiritually speaking with me sam and with me jess hey welcome back hello everyone yes what day even is it today thursday oh wow so we're recording the day before this goes out this one is just flown by what's been going on tell me um so it's half term yeah so andy's off work and which has been lovely it's been nice have some time together we're gonna have a date day tomorrow what are you doing i'm gonna go and do a pool day oh where are you going yeah i'm not 100 sure yet but i think just somewhere on like west beach nice but yeah I'm really looking forward to that so that'll be nice just to have a day together um and then we went we took the girls to the aquarium yesterday at Dubai Mall oh it was one of them things where it was like we just
Starting point is 00:00:57 wanted to do something fun with them and we thought right we'll take them to see the fishes and they loved it they did like they were like proper like looking up looking around everything but then I think Blake got motion sickness because well you know what she's like right if anyone can describe Blake they describe her as looking surprised all the time so even like last night my friend came around with a little girl and she said and she was doing an impression of Blake and she was like this like her eyes were like open so wide eyebrows really high that is how Blake looks all the time right so anyway we're looking at all these fishies and everything and they like go over you you know like yeah so you go through this tunnel and then we came out and we needed to go to the next bit and you had to go through a little upper lift so we went up with this lift and then we were like oh they
Starting point is 00:01:48 need feeding so we'll just give them a little pouch before we go into the next bit we gave them a pouch oh my god jess blake the textile vomited twice oh no it just threw out of her mouth i've never seen anything like it they've never been sick before like actual sick like they've had they spit up but they've never been sick so it was the first time experiencing that and me and Andy literally just looked at each other in shock because we were just like oh my god what do we do like how do we deal with this and honestly there were so many things in that moment to be grateful for because I was with Andy,
Starting point is 00:02:28 there was no one around, every surface was washable and wipeable and he was absolutely fine. Like she was like laughing after it. So I was like, right, well, let's not overreact here then because everything is fine. Took us to the toilet,
Starting point is 00:02:43 got cleaned up and everything. Like we had everything that we needed to get changed and whatever so it's fine but um yeah that was an experience um so that was yesterday and then we had we had our first um we bought a barbecue for the garden have you oh yeah we bought a barbecue tried to use it last night it was a fail but it was fine so everything ended up being cooked in the house but then we still ate outside and we had some friends around and that was just really nice just to sit outside I feel like winter is on its way which is great yeah it's feeling a bit cooler back in Dubai yeah it is yeah like you can go for a walk now comfortably in the morning oh yeah it's so nice really really nice and then in the evenings it's definitely comfortable to
Starting point is 00:03:25 be sat outside it's not like dead sweaty or anything and it's only going to get better so i feel very happy about that um and then in so not this monday coming up for you when you're listening the monday after it's 28th of october i'm going to bal Bali what tell us more this sounds amazing I'm acting like I don't know that was the worst acting ever um so obviously Jess knows because Jess had to be consulted in the decision as to whether or not to go to Bali um as did my husband and my sister. So I'm going to Bali for four days on my own. Where was that? I know. On my own with L'Oreal.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Which is so cool. So cool. Like, it's literally one of them, like, pinch me moments. So, yeah, L'Oreal taking me to Bali for four days. Everything's been, oh, oh. It's going to be amazing. amazing i know i literally can't really believe it to be honest i didn't believe it until he bought the flights yeah so like i haven't really told many people because i genuinely didn't believe it because i was like i just can't
Starting point is 00:04:38 i don't know i just couldn't imagine it actually happening and then as soon as he sent through the flights i was like right okay this is actually happening and also you had your reels that I saw from L'Oreal with the mental health awareness day oh yeah yeah yeah like you know what I filmed that ages ago so I kind of not forgot about it but I don't know like I suppose I just put it to the back of my mind so I did this campaign with L'Oreal called Head Up. And if anyone hasn't seen it, and basically it's where they've got this new app, which is for hairdressers and hairstylists
Starting point is 00:05:13 who are struggling with their mental health. And they then have a bit of a community to go to. And they can have other people there who are dealing with the same things. And sorry, my nose is so blocked. I keep getting an itchy nose while you're talking. I can't stop itching it. Maybe I'm feeling it.
Starting point is 00:05:30 That means you're going to have an argument, doesn't it? I thought it was a surprise. Oh, I hope it's a surprise. I also just get an itchy nose when I'm normally doing readings. It's like spirit itch my nose. It's very bizarre. Maybe they think I'm working. I hate that.
Starting point is 00:05:43 It's been like this for ages. But yeah, so they've got this um amazing campaign and community that they're building for hairdressers with mental health and they messaged me and asked me if I would be one of the I don't know faces of it um so I went and filmed a video and had to discuss about how I was feeling when I was doing my fertility treatment etc and like the journey to becoming a mum and I it's really weird because I've obviously spoken about it loads whether it be on social media or on this podcast speaking about it in a room with people that you don't know with a camera pointed at you is so different yeah it was all of a sudden I was like I didn't expect it to be difficult at all and then it just was and before I'd gone and kind of like written a script of what I wanted to say
Starting point is 00:06:31 and the first shot of the video I read the script and then the the one woman who I didn't know in the room um she said to me she was like you're reading a script she was like you're not describing to me how you feel and I was like right okay so I took away the script and then I just spoke and she was like this is amazing and like she's so good bless her like she was amazing at like gassing me up and making me feel good um but yeah so then I did that which was incredible I had such lovely feedback from it and it was just really lovely like even after I'd done it there was a lot of women who were working on the shoot that day and they like wanted to sit and chat to me afterwards because one of them was clearly going through it yeah and it was really nice to
Starting point is 00:07:15 be able to help and offer some advice and um yeah it was lovely it was really nice well done well it sounds like you've got a really nice relationship with l'oreal in the middle east yeah yeah yeah definitely really shows like you know how well you're doing with your work and your business so well done it's really cool thank you yeah i'm excited so i'll i'll let you all know how far he is um but yeah he's in the leaving the babies for four days i'll be missing how do you feel Halloween I was gonna oh that's all right though they don't know what's going on how do you feel about being away from the girls yeah that'd be a bit weird um if you were yeah like I feel I know um I feel like I I know I'm gonna miss them
Starting point is 00:07:59 so I feel sad that I'll miss them for four days and I just hope that they're all right during those four days like I know they that they're all right during those four days like I know they're going to be well looked after I don't worry about them being looked after not in the right way because I've got an amazing nanny I've got obviously my husband's incredible and he'll be in work so it'll be fine yeah I think it'll be fine like I'm not stressed about it I'm not worried about it I just hope that they're okay in terms of like I'd hate if one of them was sick or something like that you know yeah that's natural yeah no I feel I feel all right about it and obviously Bali's quite far away like it's a nine hour flight
Starting point is 00:08:35 Jesus I know and I'm going for like four days so it's a long way to go for four days but I'm planning on you know really making the most out of that flight and just chilling out well and also you've had such a mental time I think this is really good and I think this is the right way to serve babes so just enjoy it yeah yeah I feel like I need to really step back from my life at the moment like not really my home life but my work life to be able to look at everything a little bit clearer yeah I think you had a lot of away yeah yeah and I think that when you step away you're then able to reflect and make more decisions when you're in it you can't so yeah it's like a good plan the hotel as well I've got to tell you this the hotel I'm staying at in Bali offers um like Balinese healing oh babes so I think I'm adding
Starting point is 00:09:28 up to that do it yeah yeah I think if I do it then I'll let you know what it was like yeah please do I've not had Balinese healing I've had a Balinese massage which is great but yeah well definitely one of them as well while I'm there that's bloody lutey girl i have one every day here in thailand it's ridiculous i love it i just love it i've just yeah and it's so cheap but i normally just get like the foot massage which is like the half the leg and foot and it's like reflexology and i love it and how long do they do it for like an hour wow an hour yeah but it's really good yeah but like it's really good like they really spend time on all your muscles and your legs and then they do like like obviously the reflexology part it's lovely and then they do like a little shoulder and head massage as well the last sort of five ten minutes which is great yeah costs about eight pound eight oh my god no
Starting point is 00:10:27 what are you doing every day it's not far for a paper of coffee in Dubai oh my god coffee like well I'm not drinking coffee but um my daily spending is just ridiculously cheap now like I just I can't you don't even want to know what mine is. Yeah, mine was a joke. In Dubai sometimes I'd be so desperate for a coffee, I would spend about £12 on getting one delivered. And then I would do that every day and I'm thinking, I've just spent nearly like over 60 quid a week on a shitload. My dad and I used to go to the salon, it's terrible for that. They'll often get them delivered every day.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And like I went through a little phase of doing it and then all of a sudden I was like this is ridiculous like what you were saying like you add it up and you're like this is absurd um and I actually I the other day was going to the salon and I actually stopped at a coffee shop got out the car I went in and got one and I was like this is so much more enjoyable yeah different like here in Chiang Mai so I'm staying in an area called Ninh Man and it's like the whole culture is based on coffee shops it's very cool like coffee shop it's all independence it's like oh I love that rows and rows of streets of independent coffee shops clothes shops and like amazing restaurants it's great and um I just pop to
Starting point is 00:11:47 different coffee shops and I've only found two that do decaf so obviously that's what I've been having I'll just go and have a mint tea or something like or just this coffee so so I'm still probably having caffeine with things like a mint tea. I'm sure there's caffeine in green tea and stuff. But do I miss coffee? No, I don't. So it was really hard to stop it. And this is like a big thing that I'm working for at the moment is like my desires. And this has kind of come up from my tantric experience
Starting point is 00:12:22 that like we find desires because that then fills that void of like the inner love that we should be giving to ourself. So like coffee, food, like I definitely eat to like fulfill something, not to fill my tummy, but to fulfill some emotion. Like, and I think a lot of people with food understand that um so I've been really reflecting on things that I desire and like why do I desire it and it's like it's a little bit deep I think that's so interesting because as you just said I'm just thinking like 100% like if I have a glass of wine for example it's not that I need the glass of wine it's because like yeah yeah like oh yeah there's something that's made you think that you want it oh I need a glass of wine I'm so stressed
Starting point is 00:13:10 last night I was sat in the garden so I was like I obviously need a beer because I'm sat in the garden yeah yeah so it's like you're giving yourself like fake love so yeah it tricks your body and that's basically what I've been learning and for me like I've really struggled with my body my whole life I've struggled with my eating habits it's been such a big probably the biggest thing that I've had to deal with and I've always been slightly overweight or definitely overweight and I think when I did lose weight it was in a really unhealthy way and it's just been something that I've not been able to really master um but when I was um studying at that course and then I've been obviously spending
Starting point is 00:13:54 more time with the teachers we're really exploring desires and it's kind of been a bit of a light bulb for me of like how I approach food how I approach alcohol how I approach coffee and it's been quite incredible actually like how I've been doing more self-work and inner work and I'm not as hungry like I actually don't think my hunger was hunger I think it was just trying to feel something that I was lacking um so with coffee I've literally drunk coffee since the age of 16 and I um was well and truly addicted to coffee like I would have three cups of coffee a day see well firstly sorry I just want to add into that you look amazing and you've always looked amazing no you do you've always always you know you don't to me ever look
Starting point is 00:14:47 unhealthy overweight the things that you've just said about yourself so I don't want you to feel that way because I don't think anybody else would ever describe you as that um but I think that it's however you feel yourself and I think the yeah it's hard when like you say you feel like you depend on something and yeah coffee obviously must be a big one you know what hard when like you say you feel like you depend on something and yeah coffee obviously must be a big one you know what as well like you notice it a lot when when then when you're pregnant and you can't have things like that well I always feel like it's really weird that like I kind of do things like already and I thought well we've cut out coffee when when I do feel pregnant one day that won't be a hurdle
Starting point is 00:15:26 I've got to overcome so I kind of look at these things as like future me will be grateful which is quite nice and thank you for that yeah and I think for me I've I've just in general had such a such a hot negative way that I talk about myself and I still do like you know and I was doing yoga this morning and I was looking at myself in the mirror and I was like oh and I was like god like you're so programmed to just be horrible to yourself um and there are moments where I feel great you know and it's like definitely a journey that I think I'm finally ready to face without having any like extreme diets like this is more about what my like actually connecting to my body and understanding what my body wants and it doesn't want coffee so I've cut it out basically for the last three
Starting point is 00:16:18 weeks I think the first week I did have two coffees like midweek I had them felt guilty felt like I didn't need it and then made a decision to stop so it's you know been a drastic change and since then I've not had coffee I'm waking up more alert I feel like I could take on the day as soon as I wake up I feel so much more productive in myself with my work and how I'm showing up for my clients which is great um and it was a bit of a battle last I think maybe last week or the week before I couldn't stop thinking about coffee I was like I want it I need it I'm in this place where there's coffee shops everywhere so I have just been cold turkey found two places with decaf I've had mint tea like I say and whatever and I feel better for it so what I've now done is I've now got a system
Starting point is 00:17:15 that works okay because I stopped the caffeine I brought it back in didn't like it it then felt better to let go of it okay it didn't feel like this really hard thing. So I'm now exploring red meat as the next thing for me because not- You've had that for a while, haven't you? It just isn't good for my bowels. And I'm going to keep with white meat because I think as well what I've been learning,
Starting point is 00:17:41 I've learned a really good action plan from my studies recently. Now I've kind of got coffee under control. I can now tackle my next thing and it is literally red meat. So I implemented it back in yesterday and instantly my body was just like, no. So then that's reaffirmed to me that I'm now taking that out of my diet. And I'm going to see how long it takes because I love sausages like I know that's really random but like I really chicken sausages or turkey sausage this is it so like obviously in Chiang Mai it's a bit difficult to find these alternatives so I
Starting point is 00:18:18 just I'm going to be more on a fish diet which is fine um so now I am intentionally not having red meat and I've done it. Sam introduced me to Trello, which has changed my life. And I have a list now of my desires and I'm just sort of gradually working through them all. And like other ones is alcohol. I hardly drink now, but when I do, I don't feel great. So I think that's probably going to stop at some point. And then TikTok scrolling is a desire. I love to scroll on TikTok. When you say a desire then, sorry, you mean this is something that you do that maybe isn't great for you?
Starting point is 00:19:00 Yeah, so there's a desire. Like desire can not always be a good thing. So, you know, when you desire someone in love, it might not be the right love for desire can not always be a good thing so you know when you desire someone in love it might not be the right love for you it could be a toxic love so like desire is like there's something that your body's trying to tell you but what you do is you then put it to something else so like I actually desire a really you know healthy energetic spiritual body and I want to fill my body with that so I want to show up really well for my clients well I need to have coffee so I'm alert because that's what will you know that's the desire you know right that's not right you know so actually I can do other things with
Starting point is 00:19:39 my body and with my energy that I've got so yeah so yeah so like TikTok is something I do to like kind of just let time go by um so yeah and then I'm just sort of as I'm noticing certain desires I don't really desire chocolate sometimes I like crisps but not often um so yeah I'm just just reflecting on my desires it's quite cool yeah I think it is good yeah it's interesting I feel like I've not got any real addictions I was trying to think about it as you were saying it because I've given up coffee many times but just not not uh consciously I'll just go off it a bit and then I'll just not have it for like a little bit and then I'll have it again and then maybe sometimes I'll have one a day then sometimes I might might have two. Like I kind of, for me, it's not the caffeine.
Starting point is 00:20:27 It's the comfort of a warm drink. And it's the, it fills me up. That's what I'd say it is. But yeah, it's interesting that you say that. I also think where I've given up milk, I've had to not milk. It makes it very easy to then, easier easier anyway to be able to give up anything else yeah and I think that's it like I wouldn't say I've really given up many things in my adult
Starting point is 00:20:52 life if I want it I have it um yeah but but your desires can be everyday habits that you're you're not even aware of so what you're doing is you're opening your awareness to things that you're doing that aren't good for you that are harming you that you're not even aware of you know so that that's what it's about so maybe it's rushing and you're always rushing or maybe you're like this isn't good for me every time I rush I feel my blood pressure get higher I feel my heart get faster but I still rush every day that to me is like something I would change you know like, like that sort of stuff. And how do I do that? So what you do is you just sort of start to observe your day and then start looking at things. And for me, desires is my thing, but for you, it could be habits. You don't
Starting point is 00:21:36 know. So you just sort of them. Yeah. It's interesting. So anyway, that's, that's what I'm focusing on. Um, but I was back at the tantra place on the weekend getting all crazy doing a cacao ceremony again I think they doused my cacao with something deeper because I was a wild woman on Sunday night I'm telling you they're putting stuff in your drink there I just think I'm high on life there's going to be a documentary come out about it one day honestly I I think there are places that are corrupt and I really don't think this place is income high on life there's going to be a documentary come out about it one day honestly I I think there are places that are corrupt and I really don't think this place is I think what it shows you is when an energy is I don't know there's just something really like I'm sure I
Starting point is 00:22:17 don't know it's just it's it's just great but yeah maybe who knows but I actually find in the spiritual community there are a lot of places that are very commercial and corrupt um that I don't really connect myself with or align with but this is like the first place where I'm like this is fucking incredible um and I feel so yeah so good um but yeah so we were all dancing around the fire we were doing this thing called curtain singing or curtain singing where it's basically like mantras and stuff and and we were channeling like goddesses of the cacao it was really cool like it was a bit crazy my mum messaged me like oh my god you're such a hippie now and then she was like I hope I didn't offend you I was like no it's good um but yeah I basically was loving life I took I didn't offend you. I was like, no, it's good. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:23:08 But yeah, I basically was loving life. I took my bra off because I just wanted my boobs to be free. I wasn't like boobies out. It was, you know, I had a flowy t-shirt. I was about to say, did you have a top on or? I think I could have taken my top off, to be honest. I was ready to get naked, but I was, you know, more conscious of, you know, everyone else probably didn't need that. But no, it was great. And it made me laugh because the teacher came up to me he's like this israeli guy and
Starting point is 00:23:29 he's very wise and has lots of knowledge and he was like jessica wow you look alive it's like congratulations like you know thank you i was like i feel like i've activated something in me so So that was quite sweet. So yeah, so it's good. It's been fun. It's been a good week. I'm feeling really connected spiritually, probably more than I ever have. And then I'm thinking about all my plans because I'm back.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Well, I'm detouring back to Dubai, Sri Lanka, and then going home for Christmas. I'm just sort of working out life with all those things. And then my plan is to set up in Chiang Mai for the new year again, which is great. So I'm just sort of putting a bit of intention into future me right now, which is really nice. Yeah. Oh, that's great. I'm really glad that you're doing all that.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Thanks, babes. So should we talk about the topic other than me getting the tips out and stuff you know you know so we're finally doing Libra season Libras I'm so sorry that you had to wait for a while but you know it's okay because Libras are people pleasers and they will just wait patiently and quietly um so um we're going to talk a bit about Libra because it's so beautiful it's one of my favorites uh because I'm a Libra rising I like that part of me um Sam do you know much about Libra you know what I was literally just thinking I don't know any Libras that's okay any so I feel like I'm such a terrible friend right now if somebody then turns around and says to me
Starting point is 00:25:05 that they are but no I honestly don't well anyone's birthday that's been in the last sort of yeah that's what I mean that's why I was thinking no yeah and I've got my friend's son's birthday's this weekend so maybe he is just on the cusp yeah yeah yeah my sister's a Libra her husband's a Libra, her husband's a Libra, my ex-boyfriend was a Libra. So there's a few around me. And in my natal chart, I am a Libra rising. And that part of your chart is your first house, which is yourself. And it's kind of the journey you're going on on a soul level. So Libra is really important to me.
Starting point is 00:25:46 So it's really nice to share the Libra ways. So Libra is really important to me. So it's really nice to share the Libra ways. So Libra is an air sign and it's very much about balance and harmony. So anyone here that's a Libra, you are lovely. You love balance. You love harmony. You probably don't want to cause too many issues with other people because then there's no balance and no harmony and that will make you very sad. There is a reputation for Libras to not make decisions. They're very indecisive, which comes back to the whole thing of balance and harmony. So there's kind of this battle for Libras for world peace in every element of their life. Sometimes we can suppress our needs for others. So that's very Libra. Okay. So, so how that shows up for me with my rising is I would go and do something I didn't want to do because I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:26:40 want to upset the person, you know, I'd think, Oh, I better go. Oh, I'm such a people pleaser. Like I realized that was my Libra rising. So yeah, and the other day, I went out and I didn't want to go. And I looked in the mirror. And I literally said, you are in shadow Libra rising, because you should just not go. And you're gonna go. Yeah. And that you're not stepping into your power so that's what can happen sometimes with Libras that alongside with the Pisces as well I imagine yes yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's like it's very lovely my chart like it's Pisces Libra and then Scorpio brings the dip you know I love my chart but Libra is probably where I have to do some work on um so Libra is a cardinal of the air signs and cardinal the leader so there is something about you know sort of some some leadership energy I feel with Libra so as much as they can't make decisions
Starting point is 00:27:45 like you probably can um there's something I find where they can bring people together so there's something about Libra that can hold space and bring people together that I really like now remember for those listening you will all probably be listening thinking about Libra sons but obviously Libra will play out in everyone's chart and if you know your chart have a look at where Libra is and see how that shows up in your life so I used to struggle with um like disagreements and arguments I felt like I couldn't really do them very well and I used to just sort of suppress it and then explode and I find for Libras at time that can happen so there might be arguments there might be disruption but it's like been so suppressed they didn't want to bring it up they didn't want to bring it up
Starting point is 00:28:37 and like I say my ex was a Libra and like our arguments were like oh my god it was like a volcano because we'd both try and be fine oh okay and then all of a sudden it'd be like you fucking idiot you know yeah so you find that sometimes okay but Libra's love connection Libra energy loves partnerships I also think it's quite a romantic energy and the reason I think it's quite romantic is because Libra is ruled by Venus. So there's a very Venusian way, Libra. Oh, that's nice. Really nice, really nice.
Starting point is 00:29:14 So Libra for me also brings a lot of intellect, communication. It's quite social. My dad is also Libra-izing. And me and my dad are very similar in how we get to know people quite quickly. People feel quite safe in our energy. Like if I go down the town with my dad, he will know the post lady's name. He knows everyone, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And they're all like, oh, hello, Carrie. And his job, all the ladies love him he drives a mini bus he takes the oldies to the hospital they love him you know because they meet that libra rising which is just like social it's people it's lovely and and and that's something i'm so proud of that i have from my dad yeah um but we both have libra rising so it makes sense so for people that are Libras you probably sense that people like you I would say and you know it I'm like I want to meet more Libras well maybe I'm trying to think let's have a look at your chart what you've got in Libra um you might not have much oh I've just had a message from my dad actually as I'm speaking saying morning beautiful
Starting point is 00:30:22 he's probably checking that I'm alive because I've not spoke to him for a dad I'm alive he's so sweet he's so cute I love him right let's have a look at your chart Sam see where Libra is sorry everyone while I just quickly search my phone for Sam's chart okay so you have your second house Libra um but it is empty but that's okay so when a part of your chart's empty we then look at the ruler which is Venus which is in Gemini so yeah like there's not as much for you with Libra that would connect you to Libras as much um so you know you think about your rise in Sinus Virgo so it's very analytical it's very structured it's very processed oh yeah 100% that makes sense we're like Libra's could be the salesman Libra's the one that's the gift of the gab you know it's that sort of energy I feel it
Starting point is 00:31:17 they sound like they've got a great energy it sounds like such a nice star sign I think it's lovely sign sun sign well done Samantha I wasn't going to correct you but yes wanted to but wasn't going to um so Libra is great and Libra I love you um and I think for anyone that is a Libra like it's your superpower how much harmony you bring um but it is your shadow how much you please for others and it's a reminder to really put yourself first and to really step into your power with your boundaries are really important and it's quite hard at times and and with the indecisiveness that's okay um you know there's also something you can work on to get better at that you know
Starting point is 00:32:03 sometimes libras go oh i can't make a decision i'm a libra no you can work on to get better at that. You know, sometimes Libras go, oh, I can't make a decision. I'm a Libra. No, you can make a decision. You've just got to step into that. And yeah, you're a people pleaser. Like I say, the other day when I was looking in the mirror, I was really like calling myself out on my shit. You know, you have to do that because it's the right thing to do.
Starting point is 00:32:23 So that's about Libra. But what I want you to do as well is I also wanted to touch on the full moon that's happening today which is Thursday the 17th you'll be listening to this after but you will be feeling the energy and this full moon is in Aries which is opposite Libra so you Libras will be feeling this a lot um but everyone will because it's a full moon and everyone has different charts and different stories but there is a really powerful shift in this moon it's a super moon as well I think actually um have you been feeling the last couple of days have you felt a bit agitated or irritated because Aries can bring up a lot yeah always you're like yeah yeah yeah I've been slightly agitated today like I've been very zen for the last few days but I dreamt that I was a witch in a past life last
Starting point is 00:33:15 night I had all this crazy stuff coming up in my dreams and I woke up panicking and I've been slightly agitated this morning I've had to get out I've had to move around I sat in one coffee shop then there was a massive thunderstorm there was lightning it was kind of made sense for the full moon and I need to go somewhere else it's there's kind of this this feeling of agitation in the air okay I struggle I feel like that in a sense I feel like I've got loads I want to do yeah but I just can't quite yeah yeah that would get everything done yeah yeah so that makes sense to just write a list obviously I know you're good at that um and what I would say to everyone right now is
Starting point is 00:33:57 don't act impulsively to this energy because you could act out you could be quite rash you could sort of put put things out that you didn't mean because you're in that impulsive energy so when we think about the full moon it's the light and the shadow of the moon okay so we see the moon with that light at the front the sun reflects on it and the whole other side is in the shade it's the shadow so we get both parts so sometimes those more shadow parts of the zodiac appears and which is impulse um but also i think this is an opportunity for people to really step into their power i'm feeling very motivated at the moment i have done really since the last moon in aries which was the eclipse do you remember that in april the girls you were well you were in the blur of postnatal right I was gonna say I think I was we were I remember doing
Starting point is 00:34:51 it at your flat and it was like the eclipse episode on Aries and I was like this is like everyone who's spiritual and a healer like this is your chance to make a change and move forward and and there was this real passion that I had and I feel like that activated me showing up in business differently which has obviously been happening in the last six months so this full moon carries that message which is like let's fucking go let's make a difference and and the reason that's there is an asteroid called chiron which is the witch wound the wounded healer is with this full moon which i thought was interesting that i then had a dream last night about being a witch and yeah me shit i also had some past life experience on sat sunday at the cacao where i thought i was a witch in a past life. Well, I was definitely, but anyway, for another day.
Starting point is 00:35:49 So this energy is about finding the wounds. So like lean into the discomfort. You may feel that right now. You may feel frustrated. You may feel like you need to push yourself out your comfort zone. That might feel really scary. that might feel really hard you might feel like you just want to stay where you are and be settled and the spirit and the universe are saying no change is here the last few months have been crazy energetically we have been building foundations for this change
Starting point is 00:36:22 so step into your power every single one of you that are listening step into your power be bold be courageous and allow yourself to go into the discomfort because it will feel easier over time don't be frightened to make that bold move don't be frightened to make that big decision because this full moon is saying, I know it's scary, but please get on with it. So yeah, that's my speech. Yeah, no, I really like that. And I feel like a lot of people will be able to resonate with that as well. I think even for you right now in your life, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:58 you're making big changes with your business, you know, the way that you're showing up as a business owner, as a boss, all those things a wife everything like you know there's so much that we get exhausted by and we get tired and we have to reflect and go okay what do I need to change what's not working yeah you know yeah yeah yeah and I urge everyone listening what's not working how can you change it only you can change it and what I always say to my clients is yeah this is happening to you but it's also happening for you so this is here to help you even when it's uncomfortable and even when it's hard
Starting point is 00:37:41 and yeah have a pity party go for it but only sit there for so long because you'll get stuck gonna help you no so yeah very powerful energies right now um and then we move into a slightly different scorpionic taurus energy next which is also where i'm at home spicy yeah Spicy and safe at the same time. So it's great. So take what you want from that. Also, just quickly, while I'm talking about the full moon, I'm actually doing a workshop on Sunday,
Starting point is 00:38:15 which some people might be interested in because of all this witchy stuff coming up. I'm doing like a past life meditation workshop where we'll delve into the past life of your witch wounds which we all have um it's going to be really cool um and you know the purpose of this is to see those wounds kind of go into in the meditation and see how they're playing out in this life which is really great amazing when's that on sunday 12 p.m uk 3 p.m dubai yeah send me a message for patreon members you pay 16 pound because you get your discount and then for people that just want to join is 20 pound um and it's all on my instagram so you can have a look um but it's going to be great it's going to be a really good workshop it's very connected to my beliefs more so than anything yeah i think i think a lot of people can
Starting point is 00:39:12 gain a lot from that i think so and you don't need to be like a mass meditator to join in you'll get something from it even if you absolutely just drawn to it. So yeah, anyhow, I'm going to stop talking now, Sam. No, I've loved it. I've loved it. Well, thank you so much for listening to everything
Starting point is 00:39:31 about Libra season and Libras, we hope you've had a lovely birthday. Yeah, happy birthday to the Libras. Scorpios,
Starting point is 00:39:39 you're next. Yeah, and we will see you next week. Thank you so much for listening please do all the amazing things that keep us going like rate subscribe tell a friend if you want to get us on instagram we are at spiritually speaking underscore podcast i am at hair by samantha green and she is at jessica marie underscore holistic absolutely babes well thank you everyone thank you the
Starting point is 00:40:03 lovely libras lots of love keep it real and feel the feels bye bye

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