Spiritually Speaking with Jessica & Samantha - Cancer: The nurturer of the zodiacs

Episode Date: July 5, 2024

Join Jess and Sam on this enlightening episode of Spiritually Speaking as they delve into the traits of Cancer, the nurturing sign of the zodiac. As we are in Cancer season, discover what makes this w...ater sign so unique, from its deep emotional connections and intuitive insights to its protective and loyal nature. Whether you're a Cancer yourself or just curious about this sign, tune in for a heartfelt discussion filled with astrological wisdom and practical insights.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to Spiritually Speaking with me Sam and with me Jess. Hey! Hello, hello, hello babes. Where are you now? You look like you're somewhere different. I'm in Crabby now which is really nice. Yeah. I've heard about Crabby, I've never been, but I have heard about it. It's quite like a popular one where people tend to go to, isn't it? Yeah, it's a really lovely vibe. Much prefer it to Phuket. I like Phuket, but this is like, it's just a little bit more... Is it more like island life?
Starting point is 00:00:37 No, it's not. It's actually mainland Krabi, I think. Oh, you can fly there. You can fly there. We drove there from Phuket because there's like a bridge but we was meant to get boat but i'll explain about that um so yeah it's just a really nice area the only thing is like i've struggled with the sea in thailand so what do you mean i was expecting well it's just dirt, like muddy. Oh.
Starting point is 00:01:05 So there are, I just haven't been to areas where there's like that really blue sea yet. So I haven't really like immersed myself in the sea and had a swim. I've been a bit scared. Yeah. Is it kind of where you can't see the floor? And it's muddy, the sand. So like you stand and your feet sink and there's crabs everywhere. And'm just like this is very overstimulating for my brain yeah that doesn't sound like my kind of fun either yeah but it's a nice sea to look at just not I wouldn't say
Starting point is 00:01:34 there's loads of people swimming it swimming in it and there's not like sunbeds on the beach because or like even people putting their tails down I know Thailand's not bougie like Dubai because the the tide really comes in and then it really goes out so yeah it's it's just yeah it's different kind of not what I'm used to but I like it yeah yeah good yeah how long are you there for so um I leave on Saturday back to Phuket to then get a flight to Chiang Mai. And I'm going to go to Chiang Mai for a week, which is exciting, which is further up, which is more jungles and waterfalls and temples and monasteries and monks, which is quite exciting. And are you enjoying Thailand?
Starting point is 00:02:23 I'm loving it.'s good it's good vibes so I um extended my visa so I've done I think I've been here a month now so I went to the embassy oh my god that's gone so fast I know I know so um so I went and extended that that I don't know if you saw my Instagram but I didn't have like appropriate clothing so I had to put my pajama bottoms on yeah I did that made me laugh because obviously that is a thing over here as well yeah like if you go into a government building you've got to be covered up of course like normally I'm pretty like aware of things like that luckily my suitcase was in the back of the car because it was basically meant to get a speedboat didn't book it in time so then the driver was like I'll just drive you
Starting point is 00:03:03 and he is lovely obviously he's been looking after me for the whole few weeks i've been there so i was like okay fine then he took me to the embassy um and he not embassy immigration office that's what they call it yeah and he sort of do out for me bless him he was talking to everyone because it was i just get bit overwhelmed in these situations i'm like i'm assigning my life away you know it's one of them situations where you're just like you don't want my life away? It's one of them situations where you just like, you don't want to do anything wrong. It's kind of like, you know, like a police car passes you and all of a sudden you're like, fuck, what have I done?
Starting point is 00:03:32 You know you've not done anything wrong, but you're like, panic. It's like that same thing, I think. Even like in Dubai, when I was sorting out my visa, I remember being really overwhelmed and I just burst into tears. And the guy, obviously he was like an Emirati, he was very sweet. He just was like, it's okay. And he like sorted everything out for me.
Starting point is 00:03:50 And I was like, thank you so much. It's just really overwhelming. I did cry, but I had my pajama bottoms on cause they were the first pair of trousers I could find. The other ones were like stuffed somewhere else. And I just had the giggles cause I was like, I look like a plonker. Like I look like a bit of a tramp, not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And yeah, but it was all good. Got it done really quickly. So I can stay another 30 days and then I'll head off to Vietnam after that. So yeah, always good. We've seen small snakes. There's lots of snakes. There was a cockroach in the bathroom today. And this is a clean hotel, but obviously it's Thailand, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:04:24 I did get it. I put it in a glass and I just put it outside fast as well so fair play that you got it I feel like he was at the end of his life uh he was on his back and his legs were wiggling and I was like oh don't be making me feel sick I'm actually a bit sick it was a big one I know you do get a bit so I just sort of let him outside and I thought, do you know what, you're going to be someone's dinner, like, you know, and he's a bit vulnerable. Yeah, I thought like one of the big lizards is going to be like, oh, that looks tasty.
Starting point is 00:04:55 So I was like, sorry, mate, but you can't stay in here. And we was laying in bed, so my friend Lisa's staying, and we just saw this thing like crawl on the wall and I didn't have my glasses on so I was like I don't know what the fuck that is but there is something in the room um and the Komodo dragons or whatever they're called they're massive they're like baby dinosaurs I get up it's all right I'm sorry they're like baby crocodiles right yeah but so someone I posted on Instagram like this is what I'm dealing with like joking and then I've got a client in Singapore who messaged me and she
Starting point is 00:05:32 was like don't worry like they're not dangerous they won't hurt you and I was like okay cool so I feel like I've been getting a bit closer to them there is a fucking massive one in the hotel like it is it's in the middle bit there's like this little pond he's massive and we saw him like out he got out the pond he was right by us and they do they do eat meat so they could eat us so she lied well unless she's talking about a different creature i'm like babes i've got to do it and he'll fucking eat me so like but i think they're more scared of us but I guess in a moment of panic so yeah so we've been dealing with a lot of that um but I'm getting more used to like the cockroach probably wouldn't have done that before yeah I would not have done that so
Starting point is 00:06:17 I'm building some resilience which is good so yeah good proud of you as it gets did a Thai cooking class that was great everyone was 20 and backpacking so I was like like felt old I actually felt old for the first time and that's not nice I know but like in a nice way because I was just like there was these two girls and they were like 20 they were from Canada and I was just obsessed with their skin like obviously like I didn't tell them that but I was just looking at them thinking you look 20 and I don't and do you know like when you just feel oh I see they were so beautiful and had lovely skin and I was like I remember when I used to be like that, and now. Completely take it for advantage.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Advantage, is that the right word? Take it for granted. That's it. Yeah, not advantage. Yeah, take it for granted, 100%. My sister always laughs. She messages me, like you and Sam, with your sayings when you get them wrong. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:07:20 It's just the way we are. It's just the way we are. You can rub off on me. I never thought I was that bad before oh I'm terrible that's it you just gotta say it with confidence and also do you know what I've been saying for like months my friend Lisa was like why do you say it like this I want to make a public announcement I always say Uranus don't I when I talk about the planet Uranus yeah Uranus isn't it well Uranus is how people say it some people say it I don't know
Starting point is 00:07:47 but my astrology teacher is Australian and she always says Uranus so I've learned how to say that planet name and then everyone in the class says it like that and I've had so many people say like why do you say it like that it's wrong so I'm trying first of all I was like no that's how I've learned and now I feel really self-conscious so I'm trying to say Uranus a bit more so hopefully I'll get better Uranus Uranus I think I don't know I've got no idea I just feel like the what the anus part makes it a little bit like you know yeah I know what you mean if you say your anus yeah your anus yeah so yeah I get what you mean so that's it girl how are you what's going on yeah I'm good I'm good I am busy as usual um
Starting point is 00:08:37 yeah yeah head in my hands no all is good all is good just very busy um travel home next week which is exciting and feels like it's come around far too quickly which I know that sounds a bit yeah has that far too quickly but it just has it's come around so fast and like in the grand scheme of things I kind of wish I was going home a little bit like just a few days even later just had a bit more time but it's all meant to be so all will be fine um and then i'm just like knee deep in babies teething and like nappy rash and stuff like that dealing with that i know bless them but they're fine they're good um I've been doing way more work now um which has been really good and so many people have said to me like oh how are you feeling you know going back to work like is it really hard I was like no like because I'm not I'm very fortunate
Starting point is 00:09:36 that I've worked hard to get myself in a position where it's not like oh Tuesday I go back to work and it's full time you know like I'm going back to work yeah but I'm going back for a few hours a day or at my leisure you know like whenever I choose so it's not been hard um in that sense um I have a very good support network to be away from the girls because you're not right it's not and I think that's the the perks of being a business owner or self-employed yeah definitely like you know that takes a lot of hard work to get to that point so 100% and it also means that you know you're working on the weekends and you're working on uh days that you might not have wanted to work on like there's pros and cons to it but yeah I'm definitely glad that in terms of when
Starting point is 00:10:21 it's come to having children that I've not had to be like all right I'll go back on Friday like I see hairdressers now who are pregnant and they're like oh I'm gonna be back at work for Christmas rush don't worry you can book your appointments and now and I'm thinking girl you have no idea how you're gonna feel at that time yeah yeah you know like I could have said that myself and then look at how I felt after I'd had the kills like imagine having what I remember you being that I'll be on the pod within a week it'll be fine yeah literally and I think I was I think it was only what two weeks after but you know like you don't know how you're gonna feel you don't know how your birth's gonna be you don't know how your baby's gonna be so to put that pressure on yourself is so intense and I know some people don't have the luxury of not having that pressure.
Starting point is 00:11:07 But yeah, it's been nice to go back and be doing and just activating that side of my brain again, to be honest. With that, I feel like exercise has completely fell off the bandwagon, which is fine. It's going to come back. I'm really hoping when I get back to the UK, I can exercise. I'll be able to go out on nice walks because it's just come back I'm really hoping when I get back to the UK I can exercise I'll be able to go
Starting point is 00:11:25 out on nice walks because it's just so hot here yeah yeah like to yourself with that yeah no I know I do need to but exercise just makes me feel good yeah I think you'll be doing your morning walks and yeah definitely and you've got like your mum and dad around so you'll be sort of yeah and like yeah andy's mom bless her she is just so sweet and like so when we go home we will stay with my mom and dad because they just have more space yeah and we've got a room there for the girls so it obviously means that then his mom and dad aren't with the girls like every day so we want to make sure that we're making as much effort as possible for them to see them and we're very lucky that they live really close to one another so that's fantastic um and she was on uh face time to us the other day and she was like right a day a week i want
Starting point is 00:12:14 the girls you two go do whatever you want to do and i was like you don't have to tell me i'm already planning what i can do on those days that will be really nice especially yeah definitely grandparents in the uk like they're not getting as much time with the girls that's lovely for them and it's lovely that yeah that she wants to do that she wants to yeah yeah she's an amazing grandma so yeah 100% that's good so yeah I'm really looking forward to that as well um so that would be nice so yeah lots of good stuff going on just i'm looking at my dog right now and he's like blissfully sleeping i feel so sad about leaving him for a month probably and he'll be all right he'll be fine he's going to be with joy and she absolutely loves him and he loves
Starting point is 00:12:57 her so yeah yeah oh that's good oh good in our world. All going on, but all good. And then I guess we'll get all the updates when you're in the UK. Yeah, you will indeed. Oh, yeah. This time next week, I'll be there. You'll be in the UK. I'll be in Chiang Mai. We'll just be living on. Oh, and I've booked to go to Centre Parcs when we go home.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Oh, I love Centre Parcs. I haven't been as an adult. I only ever went when I was like two. So I don't know what it's like at all. But we're going for like four nights, I think, with one of my friends and her husband and baby. So that'll be really cute. And we're also going to Wales as well for a few days.
Starting point is 00:13:36 So a couple of UK trips planned, which will be really nice. We've done a few Cinderparks at holidays as a family, as adults. And obviously we've got my sister's kids. It's just so good like is it yeah yeah obviously the girls are little so like they won't be obviously doing anything but like yeah it's just nice to be in nature I'll have a bike ride like give me a bike I'm living my best life um and the log flumes the outdoor water rapid you might have to like oh the babies with the boys and then you and your mate go and run the water.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Yeah, but I've heard aren't they like vicious? Oh, babes, you've just got to go for it. You've just got to dive headfirst and that's the fun of it. Right, okay. You know? Okay. Yeah, it'll be good. You'll have a good time.
Starting point is 00:14:20 You'll have a good time. Yeah. A sports bar. Yes, we've got lots to look forward to. Oh, a spa. They have a spa. They definitely have a spa. I said a sports bar, but they do have a good time yes we've got lots to look forward to oh spa they have a spa they definitely have a spa i said a spa but they did you i just said spa i'm like yeah no they do their spas are meant to be really good which one are you going to
Starting point is 00:14:37 uh andy said this to me and i went it's a forest and he went they're all forests yeah they're all for life so there's one i'm not i'm gonna say sherwood forest show yeah yeah that would make sense i think yeah um i could be wrong but i think i think that's your way i don't know we always go to elverden oh love it love it love it love it so what are we chatting about today well my babes we are talking all about the zodiac of cancer because we are in cancer season right now we are indeed you are well acquainted with cancer because andy is cancer yes he is you live with one last week week. Yes. He could be our case study. He is our, yeah, he's our case study. Yeah, we've been together for a very long time. So I feel like I know cancers very well in that sense. Yeah, he's definitely very cancer.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Whenever I've spent time with him, I'm like, I can see it. Oh, really? Yeah, definitely. That's funny because I actually don't know much about cancers, but I just obviously know a lot about him. Yeah. Yeah. it yeah that's funny because I actually don't know much about cancers but I just obviously know a lot about him yeah yeah well what we'll do is I've made another little power PowerPoint that I'll post on Instagram because it helps me have a bit of structure talking about these things so I'll post this on Instagram everyone so you can see it after um so babes cancer is a water sign did you know that it was water no i didn't yeah so like pisces
Starting point is 00:16:08 pisces water yeah so pisces scorpio and cancer are the water signs ah yes so um and out of the water signs cancer is the cardinal sign and what cardinal means is like it's more of like the initiator and leader so yeah so Pisces is very emotional and then can be unproductive Scorpio's emotional and then a bit vengeful Cancer's emotional and like let's do this sort of thing so you find that they yeah so and you have the same for the air the fire the earth that there's like each one has like a different type so yeah so we're in the cardinal energy so it's a it's a bit of a stronger energy I would say for the water signs and obviously a cancer is the crab so it's got the shell yeah which I think makes sense like there's a a shield of protection so they're soft inside but there is a shell and yeah that shell was
Starting point is 00:17:13 very prominent yeah do you feel that with Andy oh god yeah 100% yeah like anyone anyone who knows him any of his mates anyone literally other than me would say that he's absolutely not emotional that you know he's completely like that whereas I know he's more emotional than I am yeah he just physically isn't emotional yeah yeah so that makes sense that with cancerians there's this kind of there's a real soft softy bit yeah yeah not always but usually yeah yeah and there's this kind of, there's a real soft, softy there. Yeah. Usually. Not always, but usually. Yeah. And there's, not everyone's going to be exposed to that. Where when you meet a Pisces, it's obvious.
Starting point is 00:17:52 When you meet a Scorpio, you're like, oh yeah, you're a water sign. It's not always easy to tell with the Cancerians, okay. Yeah. So, yeah, absolutely. I agree with Andy. Obviously, Andy works in a school. He works with children. So, he has got empathy like you know he's got understanding which is also the case so um so there's there's quite a fresh energy I find with cancer and you know they kind of have this
Starting point is 00:18:19 energy to kind of start new things you find this leader so they're happy to kind of go and take things on like there is sort of motivation there um but it comes with nurture but also not like bound well yeah it is boundaries it's sort of like it's quite clear what they want to do and what they don't want to do you know you're laughing like yeah so yeah yeah so there's kind of I find like less flexibility with a cancerian yeah yeah so there's emotion is empathy but there's boundaries and you're made quite clear of them within no time and you feel them so much that you're a bit like, I can't wiggle. And I think I might need to wiggle, you know? Yeah. So you do see that.
Starting point is 00:19:08 So like my little niece, Maisie, she's cancer and obviously she's 11, I think. 11? Yeah. So she's still like showing like she's like developing into her like more light energy of this. And I see it with her. Like she's sensitive, but she's also like whatever I'm not gonna get down in it so I love that about her because she's sort of she'll see it she's aware of it she'll feel it but it's not gonna like like ruin a day yeah yeah so
Starting point is 00:19:40 do you see that with Andy sometimes 100% yeah yeah so there's a little bit more resilience like there's a bit more emotional resilience so they're a good person to be around because they get it yeah but they're not really here for the bullshit yeah he just gets on with things there's not a sob story there's not like a victim too often yeah you know so then there's less empathy of victims around them as well so if someone's got something wrong with them they're like come on we've all got stuff going on you know yeah which is really funny because that's obviously how I am as well like I'm not very like sympathetic and empathetic whereas he can be very much the same similar to be like oh come on just get on with it like you
Starting point is 00:20:21 know we've all got stuff going on and the two of us together like that like we're gonna have to obviously um loosen that slightly with our children yeah yeah definitely because that could be something where they're like just please give me something about this and you're like get on come on exactly yeah but yeah so there is a broken thought what are you crying about yeah come on um so also you find like they can really retreat cancerians with the shell so when you visualize you know that crab the minute they're in danger they go into their shell and that's it yeah so they hide and they're on their own and they hermit and they'll just stay there and then when they're ready they'll come back out again. And it is on their terms, you know. So there's kind of that sort of feeling that you see with cancerians. So they do like to retreat for protection.
Starting point is 00:21:14 And might not necessarily talk about how they're feeling. Yeah, so they just go on their own, sit in their shell, go in their bedroom. You know, so if you've got children that are cancerians or a partner or friends you do find that that they can sort of shut off and sort of just take some time away I find Scorpio's the same as well I know Scorpio doesn't go into the shell but Scorpio's have that hard exterior similar to where Pisces is the fish there's no hiding just got a life so what you see is what you get yeah heart on your sleeve where with a cancerian you might take it personally because they retreat and it's not personal they just need to go in protect themselves they might
Starting point is 00:21:59 feel a bit threatened they might feel a bit vulnerable so I'm just going to go in and I just need to work this out it's not about you it's actually about me and then can you give me the space to let it be about me because I need that and then let me come back and I'll be ready you know yeah yeah yeah sort of thing um but when they come back out they're like right let's go I've had my time. Let's do this. So that's the cardinal, the leader. Okay, so it's really nice. So when you see this on Instagram, you'll laugh. I was trying to find cute pictures of crabs. They're not that cute. No, you can't really get a cute picture of a crab. But I feel like I've done quite a good job. So when you look at my Instagram,
Starting point is 00:22:41 I hope you appreciate my little crab pictures that I found they are a bit more wholesome um so you know they're very intuitive cancers you know the water signs are all very intuitive so there's a strong gut instinct and inner guidance okay so you know there is a good sort of feeling there but because they have got the shell they might sometimes be a bit like oh like there's a bit of fear maybe they're not as impulsive because their shell's always there to protect them so like any sort of element of like dipping your toe into the water they might come back you know yeah I find that so it's that sort of energy and very natural caregivers it's the parental sign okay so it's like so Andy being a teacher he's a father like it's very he's very in his element as a cancerian yeah I can say that for sure yeah caregiving and support and
Starting point is 00:23:36 comfort and very loyal you find very loyal yeah he's very loyal um so you know if you are dating a cancer then like you've got a loyal person there they're dedicated to the relationship you know they're they're not obviously they'll have lots of other parts of their chart which could dictate other things but what you do find with that cancer and energy is they're like like I'm loyal like Like, I care. We're blood. We love each other. You know, like there's a real kind of family sort of element there, which I like. Very compassionate, very dedicated, you know. I think there's some lovely traits about cancer, like,
Starting point is 00:24:18 because they're like empathy and get the job done. Yeah, like win-win. Yeah. So I think, you it's it's that and actually the people I know that are cancerians so like my friend Risa is and you know she's always had like leadership but really cares about the people so there's like I think about it like they do care about like that injustice in the world or in their community there's definitely like a soft side to them isn't it yeah yeah yeah that's all right girl but
Starting point is 00:24:52 yes yeah there is a soft side to them yeah there's there's a bigger understanding um so they can get the job done because they know it's the right thing for a lot of people is that sort of thing I'd say so when I think about yeah the cancerians I know they're good people you know not many of them are assholes I did date one from the salon she's the cancer as well yeah yeah yeah I dated a cancerian he was a bit mood swingy oh okay so the shell like I don't think he listens I don't think he would I feel like I'd be weird if he did if you are sorry yeah um but there is like a sensitivity that can be a bit like you're taking that really personally, chill out, and there's mood swings. And then you're a bit like, then the bloody shell's there, and you're like, oh, for God's sake, like, get out the shell. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:51 That wasn't necessary. Yeah, and he doesn't have mood swings at all, but I think he could take things personally. Yeah, yeah. Whereas I wouldn't. I'm just not really that bothered about stuff like that. Whereas I do think he would take something a bit more personally. I think he would get over it it quite quickly to be fair but I definitely think he would remember it yeah you do find that that there's kind of a bit of a kind of yeah yeah there's
Starting point is 00:26:17 different especially when we were younger because like I just used to love like a bit of a fight like you know like a like a drama yeah I used to just love like a like a shouting match or whatever and like he's just not bothered about stuff like that and then I'd get over it in like two seconds and then he wouldn't and I'd be like oh for fuck's sake that wasn't worth it you know yeah yeah we don't fall out like we don't argue we're one of them couples that people probably think are a bit weird because we don't fall out we don't argue we don't argue, we're one of them couples that people probably think are a bit weird because we don't fall out, we don't argue, we don't really ever have like crosswords or anything like that. Yeah, I don't know, like we just don't.
Starting point is 00:26:56 But maybe if we did, that's probably why we don't because it would linger for a while. Yeah, and yeah, I think it can linger sometimes. There's a bit of a strop that can happen, but this is more the challenges and shadow of a cancerian. And we all have this part of us in our chart. Now, a lot of people will be listening and, you know, obviously we're really focusing on the sun sign, but there's so many other parts of your chart.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Like there'll be lots of people that will have a moon in cancer or their rising sign or venus mars and then they'll behave with some of these traits in different ways so like when you understand your chart more so this is quite stereotypical stuff it's the same when we do the other zodiacs but like you can definitely resonate with you know the energies and the reason that someone has chose to be born in cancer season is because they're like I want to have empathy but I want to get the job done like I want to help people I care but I don't want to be crying every five minutes but yeah I guess I'm going to have to take things personally sometimes because I have got feelings
Starting point is 00:27:59 and to have feelings means you've got to feel so you know so there's a choice I believe when you come down to earth and decide what trait you're gonna be you know so and obviously these people are the younger ones of the school year as well you know the cancers and Leo's are always the last to be driving and having to use fake IDs and nights out yeah can be clingy is Andy clingy I'd say he's probably, oh I don't know, I was going to say I think he's more clingy than me but I bet he would say the opposite. So yeah I'd say he probably can be a little bit, a little bit needy at times. Yeah and your choice is like, if you've got a person's moon so your moon works well with
Starting point is 00:28:47 his son yeah yeah he'll maybe like he'll be like you've literally not texted me all day or something like that like are you alive yeah yeah because i'm like i've been busy yeah it's that sort of thing where they there's nurture like they care that they tell you that like my little Maisie my niece last night I get a message like I love you and it's just so goddamn cute because I'm like I love you babe so she's not frightened to tell me she loves me yeah little move she's my little mate so like you know and and I love that so there is that they're not afraid to tell you that they love you and they care. So there's, you know. I also feel like, I don't know, you probably feel like this with Andy, but like in a crisis, Cancerians are good.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I think he's amazing in a crisis. He is literally like not to be sat here like just gushing over him, but he really is like a rock for me. Like he is like, he's amazing in a crisis. He's so level-headed yeah he's so calm and collected and even though he's probably not inside and he says that afterwards he's like i was freaking the fuck out like inside but he doesn't ever show that he's very like this is what we're gonna do we're gonna do this this and this and he's just that calm person in a storm which is amazing
Starting point is 00:30:06 um yeah no he's he's great bless him he is he's really good oh and when you describe that like you can visualize that crab so like inside is soft and it's like the outside is hard like you can visualize that when you tell that story of Andy you're like yeah I can really see why it's that crab energy like it's really fascinating like like Scorpio you feel the sting you know yeah so everyone has when you start to really visualize like this is me going a bit more woo-woo now but if you visualize an emotion I feel like you can visualize the crap and get that yeah in coming from it and yeah I think so yeah yeah no he is he's like I say he's very very calm very cool very collected but he has got that softness to him but yeah I would say that I'm the only person that sees that yeah yeah and
Starting point is 00:31:01 maybe like the kids in the class will see that at times. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm sure they will. Like, yeah, I don't see that because I'm not there. But yeah, I think the kids in the class will definitely see it. And obviously the girls see it as well. And the dog and like in our home, it's kind of like in our bubble in our home. That's where it is. And then, yeah, anyone on the outer of that doesn't really see that.
Starting point is 00:31:23 And I'd say that actually works for both of us yeah that's the case um but no I think it's a lovely trait to have yeah it's lovely it's great and the boundaries are good makes life a lot easier for a water sign when they have boundaries you know lots of us have to learn that where they kind of just have it you know if they don't do something they're like no I don't want it oh my god tell me about it that sometimes can be a bit frustrating you know when like I'd say like oh we're gonna go here for dinner or something like with these people or these people want to do and he's just like I don't want to do that yeah and I'm just like mm-hmm yeah yeah and you feel it it's not like maybe someone else would say oh I'm not really sure but okay it's like a no yeah and you're like oh there's like it's like the wall comes up straight away
Starting point is 00:32:12 yeah yeah so and you're like for fuck's sake I can't make him do something that he doesn't want to do but at the same vein I'm a bit like we need to do this or you know and he's just like nope yeah that boundary steps in yeah so there's less like of that that flexibility that comes with with other traits of zodiac so it's less flexible it's it's very sure of what's right and what's wrong that moral injustice or your own values it's quite clear and it's quite clear early on you know so I imagine when he was a kid he probably would like things and it was obvious when he didn't where you know others can you know be a bit more like I think when I was a kid I'd get a present I'd be like I love it thank you and I wouldn't and mum would be like bloody hell she's like you're really good at
Starting point is 00:33:05 that and I don't have any feelings you know like I remember like my nan bought me this tracksuit you remember the pineapple tracksuits and I was probably oh no I do yeah pineapple dance studios yeah yeah it was like pink velour but I was probably like 14 at the time so like maybe when I was like eight I'd have been like hell yeah yeah I love you so much thank you so much and I was like mum I can never wear that like no one can see me in that she's off you know like you should have just told your nan I was like I can't but like a cancer would be like oh I don't like it like even Maisie again so Maisie's birthday's obviously coming up and I was like right Maisie I've chose some outfits for you because I always buy them clothes because they love it so I sent her print screens and she's good she's like yeah no no I
Starting point is 00:33:50 wouldn't wear that like and I really value that where I would be yeah I do oh it's lovely thank you so much I'm really grateful and just like you know so things like that so but um another really important thing I wanted to talk about with with cancer is it's ruled by the moon. So that means that cancerians are really affected by the full moon, the new moons, like it's an eclipse season. You know, the moon is their ruling planet. So it's very powerful. It's very strong so when there's shifts with the moon cancerians will feel it a lot and they're very connected to it because it's the ruling that's interesting yeah it is isn't it
Starting point is 00:34:34 yeah yeah i'd have to keep an eye out now for that see if he starts howling on the full moon bless him he's gonna be like this whole episode is just about Andy we'll just get a picture of Andy on the little Instagram post but yeah so the moon is like a big thing and what we have got coming up so we're recording this on Wednesday on Friday when this comes out we're actually it will be a new moon and a new moon is when the sun and the moon are together and the sun is over in cancer and the moon is with it and that's what happens so then that becomes a new moon in cancer so that's what's happening so new moons are about intention setting new beginnings and it's in the area of cancer and it is that midpoint of the year
Starting point is 00:35:26 so it's very it's a really lovely energy it's very wholesome um but just to give like a little bit of an insight into what's going on in the energies right now I'm going slightly away from cancer but just I think people will value this with this new moon like the energy's a little bit um like I don't know if slow is the right word because we have got some retrogrades happening but it's I'm sleepy heavy heavy drowsy in my head like it's a little bit like sounds ridiculous like walking's hard but you know when you go and have to do a really simple task and you're like oh yeah it's a little bit like sounds ridiculous like walking's hard but you know when you go and have to do a really simple task and you're like oh yeah it's a little bit like that right now um and it is that midpoint and I don't want to get too technical because I don't want to lose people as I'm sort
Starting point is 00:36:17 of talking about this but if I kind of explain the emotions coming up right now you know it's it's quite reflective it's a time where we're kind of reviewing the past six months so there's this energy coming up so obviously cancer is ruled by the moon we're going to have this new moon in cancer like it's at home this energy is like and the moon is all about ritual and reflection and it's like and when we go to the cancerian traits nurture empathy boundaries you know that sensitivity you know that protection like how do I protect myself from you know getting hurt or what have I done where I've not protected myself like those sorts of energies can come up. So it's quite a powerful time.
Starting point is 00:37:11 And this new moon is kind of got, we had a full moon in Capricorn happen two weeks ago and we have another full moon in Capricorn happening. And basically what this is, is like it's a shift. You don't normally have like full moons back to back in the same zodiac so it's like I feel like there's a shift in the energy it's like sort of flipping over it's the only way I can describe it it's really hard to make sense of yeah I know that sounds really cool actually yeah so there's like a shift happening and the shift is is good it feels more of a rhythm that suits us so what's happening if you imagine yourself doing a roly-poly and you get stuck halfway that's kind of where we're at right now
Starting point is 00:37:53 and you're like just rolling back or do I go forward and we're gonna go forward and it's gonna be okay but you're stuck your belly's in the way your neck's a bit uncomfortable and it's just like oh shit and it's okay so that is probably the best way I could describe what's happening with the moon your mid-rolly-poly but it's all good so just kind of embrace that energy and that discomfort because there's discomfort when you're mid-rolly-poly and you're stuck you're kind of like you know when you think about which way you're going yeah your body feels stretched it feels it feels you know it's in different positions your arm shouldn't be where it is that's what's happening in your mind right now everything's a little bit all over the place and you think do I go back or do I go forward and what they're saying is it's fine we can go back but we're just going to review so this is what's happened with
Starting point is 00:38:54 the retrogrades with a couple of the planets is it's like right let's go and check in how have you been doing with this how have you been doing with that is Is this working for you? Is it not? And it's like, okay, cool. Right, let's go forward now. And that will sort of happen. So what we'll do is we'll do an episode in a couple of weeks' time where I'll sort of explain a bit more what's happening because over the summer we have got Planets in Retrograde, which was, I don't know, we didn't speak about it last year
Starting point is 00:39:22 because the podcast didn't exist then. But it slows down time we're all going to be a bit in our but we're not on our own we're all here together and we're not crazy we're aligned and in tune we just gotta get through the road work through it yeah definitely yeah no that's good that's the best way I can describe it hopefully that kind of makes sense if it doesn't I'm sure it will it definitely resonates with me it's just a funny time sticky like very sticky very sticky very confusing Neptune's gone into retrograde let me tell you all about this because this is really cool so the planet Neptune is a really slow planet okay so like in our lifetime like Neptune won't work its way through all the zodiacs because it's so slow so it spends like you know Neptune's been in Pisces since 2011 and it's still there Jesus and you think the sun is there for 30 days goes to the next like so slow so slow
Starting point is 00:40:28 and it's at the final degree of pisces okay so when you think of um when i say the final degree if you visualize like pisces it goes like zero to 29 and then it moves into the next one it's on 29 right okay and then it goes and it's like sitting there in retrograde and it's and retrograde when it's stationed retrograde it's slowing down it's moving backwards it's not but it looks like it is so the energy gets kind of like pulled and at the moment that's just bringing this like haziness this confusion Neptune's very spiritual so you might be having some weird dreams it could just be a lot going on right now and it's just a little bit like my brain is like
Starting point is 00:41:13 floating like there's just a lot of sort of mushy floaty energy and it's a bit boggy and that sort of stuff. So where's Neptune going to next? Going to Aries. Of course. Yes, okay. So Aries is the star of the zodiac wheel. So this is a big deal, babes, in astrology that this is happening because it's taken all this time, I think over 160 years, to finally get to the final degree of Pisces.
Starting point is 00:41:46 This is like New Year's Eve on steroids for Neptune in Pisces. It's like when it was the millennium and everyone thought all the computers were going to shut down. Yeah, and it's like, what the fuck is going to happen? And it's now in retrograde. So it's like it was almost going to Aries, then it stopped. And then it's gone further and it's moving back. And we're all like, oh, my goodness. And then next year, it's going to move into Aries.
Starting point is 00:42:12 And all the astrologers are going to be like, oh, my goodness, what is going to happen? So it's an intense energy in Aries. It'll be interesting to see what happens. So, yeah, anyway, I get really excited when I talk about this stuff no it's good I like it it's just really cool so um yeah so it's a very exciting there's a lot happening next year where planets are moving into the next one and they've been there for a long time so it's very cool so if you feel like you're on the verge of a breakthrough you probably are and if you feel like you're on the verge of a massive shift in your
Starting point is 00:42:45 life you probably are and I would say that the energy right now is lots of endings for lots of new beginnings so detach from what was and embrace what will be and you will be fine the end everything you've just said I feel like you're saying directly to me and I feel like everyone who's listening will also agree like as in they'll feel it that you're saying it to them but I'm literally laughing just looking at you saying it like yes I hear you yeah but I feel it for myself I'm like god I'm so like attached'm like, God, I'm so attached to all these past stories. I'm so attached to Dubai and I love Dubai. And I'm like, I have the whole world available to me, but I'm like, oh, Dubai.
Starting point is 00:43:32 And then I'm like, what do I do? And it's like, just attach and surrender. Stop trying to control. Stop trying to plan. Like, okay, that old version of me would have wanted this, but there's a new version of me now. Yeah, be susceptible to change. And I think for a lot of people with all these shifts that happened,
Starting point is 00:43:51 like we had lunar eclipse, solar eclipse, it was all just bonkers in April if it was really fast. I feel like loads of us have grown at like rapid pace in the last six months. And I'm sure lots of people that are listening have like think to six months ago and they're like fucking hell like I spoke up about this I've done that I've changed this like you've become a mum like you've renovated your villa like so much like I've changed my business drastically in six months yeah completely you know I'm living nomad life now which is always what I've wanted like everyone will be feeling this and if you're not and you're like Jess babes I'm sitting here feeling
Starting point is 00:44:31 like I've not grown and I'm feeling flat and I'm feeling low that's okay it's okay but you're needing to let go of something so when we hold on to the past it means that we can't move into the future so you're holding too tight onto what was and you're holding on to the past it means that we can't move into the future so you're holding too tight onto what was and you're holding on to that with fear and when we do that it doesn't allow us to bring in the new so if you are feeling like there hasn't been growth it's okay it's okay the retrograde is happening now to go back and make the changes to do the changes over the summer yeah plant the seeds you know yeah love that love it I feel like the energy's thrown I've got a whole day of back-to-back clients my poor clients are going to get all this very excitable energy of all this stuff going on now
Starting point is 00:45:17 they will love it oh yeah it's a busy one they love it feel good girl oh well thank you so much again for listening to this week's episode please do all your good stuff like rate subscribe tell a friend follow us on instagram we are at spiritually speaking underscore podcast i am at hair by samantha green and she is at jess marie underscore holistic did you get that i love that you're like a bit of a mc dj we'll do our own rhythm we won't need an intro song well babes that was beautiful and thank you everyone for listening and yeah we've all got this and if you haven't don't worry we'll be okay we're always okay just about exactly oh all right lots of love feel the feels bye

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