Spiritually Speaking with Jessica & Samantha - Exploring the Magic of Leo Season

Episode Date: August 9, 2024

In this week's episode, Jess and Samantha catch up on their exciting summer adventures, sharing stories and insights from their travels. As they bask in the warmth of Leo Season, they explore its... vibrant energy and discuss both the light and shadow aspects of this dynamic time, focusing on how it influences personal growth and creativity. They dive deep into the mystical Lions Gate portal, explaining its significance and sharing their own manifestations while offering guidance on how to harness its powerful energies for spiritual awakening and transformation. Tune in for an engaging discussion filled with astrology insights and practical advice for making the most of these astrological phenomena.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to Spiritsy Speaking with me Sam and with me Jess. Hello, hello, hello, hello. Welcome back. We are in full swing of bloody Mercury retrograde. We are my babes, we did have some technical issues didn't we? Yes, we have had technical issues which makes no sense either because um we've been absolutely fine this whole time and we've not done anything different and then all of a sudden it was like just not playing ball this morning um and there you go that is very nurturing retrograde it is
Starting point is 00:00:37 i had the same um yesterday i uploaded a video on Patreon and it just wouldn't load. Just no reason at all. Like, just ridiculous. And then also literally the day it went into retrograde, my flight got delayed. I saw that on Instagram. I know. So it's just like complete Mercury mayhem.
Starting point is 00:01:04 And I don't normally get the effects of it but I definitely have so far so thank you mercury I know I have to be fair as well a bit because like the salon fit out all of a sudden they've now turned around even though we've been doing work this whole time and then the building have now turned around and been like you can't do any work and it's like sorry what what do you mean we can't do any work we've already been doing work and now they're saying that the permit that I have isn't enough and that so obviously we've got two shops so in Dubai to do any work on your shop you need like a fit out permit so I have a fit out permit for my new shop but I now need a fit out permit for my old shop because we're doing bits to
Starting point is 00:01:46 the old shop as well. And now they're kicking off about that. And, but, but we've still been doing work in the new, in the old shop this whole time, but never faced any problems. And now they were like,
Starting point is 00:01:58 won't let us work. And it's like just constant back and forth with emails. It's like, man, come on with emails it's like man come on yeah it's annoying yeah so that sounds really annoying babes oh bless you yeah it's fine I'm not that stressed to be honest I'm not yeah I'm not like letting it stress me out but it's just a bit one of them things it's just more annoying than anything yeah it is and I think that's what happens over this time and I think like what I've seen with Mercury retrograde I always say the best way to describe it's not terrible like I think it gets made into this like real drama and there's so many other transits that are like much more
Starting point is 00:02:38 intense than this but the thing is because it's like a regular occurrence it happens sort of three times a year like I would say people are more familiar with it yeah but I always just say like it's just a little bit harder to get out the door like you know you forget your keys and then you're like yeah you can't find my keys it's sometimes just like that more like forgetful oh you're right babe sort of your dad sorry I just spilled water all over myself it's really cold it's mercury yeah it only goes down your sleeve oh it's horrible oh anyway I'm like all wrapped up here on this soon by the way I know this obviously it's not a visual content thank god
Starting point is 00:03:21 it's not visual because I've got no makeup on my hair it's shoved up on top of my head and I've got one of Andy's fleeces on um beautiful beautiful well you look beautiful with your new hair are we gonna tell people about that obviously you posted it on Instagram anyway um so after our pod record last week Jess went off and got a perm done and didn't tell me because why didn't you tell me because I was scared so funny yeah you were scared and it was really funny because she sent me it after she said it done so she sent me obviously like the videos and stuff and she was like look I didn't want to tell you but now I've had this done and I said well I'm glad you didn't tell me because I'd have told you not to do it even though I actually do really like it and I am really glad that you did it because you were starting to look a little bit like Monica
Starting point is 00:04:14 from Friends which you don't watch Friends so you don't know what I mean but everyone else who watches Friends will know what I mean. The frizz was getting uncontrollable it was getting big it was getting big there was a video that you'd posted like a day or so before and I thought fuck me what's going on there I thought I need to say something at some point soon I just forgot the thing is it was just getting bigger and I was just like oh my god like I need to sort this out and then basically I saw a girl on TikTok who had actually recommended the salon I went to um and she was like Australian and got like she looked really cool and like it was more of a blow dry look and I was like no I want like more of a curl because what was happening my hair goes a little bit wavy but not massively but I was finding it was like the wave was coming a bit
Starting point is 00:05:12 more so I was like fuck it but yeah I didn't tell you and then obviously Leah my hairdresser at the greenhouse I didn't tell either and I feel really bad I feel like I cheated on you both and I'm really sorry oh sure I feel like the results paid off no I'm really glad you did it I think it looks really good um but yeah would I have told you not to do it I wouldn't have told you not to do it I'd have just advised you all the precautions against getting a perm a perm's just very drying on your hair um and obviously getting a perm done in a country where you don't speak their language to some would be quite worrying honestly the amount of messages I got from like my Instagram stories but everyone's been on the journey and you know what the feedback has been positive and you know what I feel absolutely amazing like I feel like it's given me like this energy that I love
Starting point is 00:06:06 because I love when my hair is like quite big and curly and it's just so nice to wake up and just like a little scrunch. Ready to go. Love that. So, yeah. I need to maybe embrace, maybe when I get back to Dubai at some point, I'll embrace my natural hair a little bit more. I think so.
Starting point is 00:06:22 My sister said the same because she's got natural curls and she was like you've inspired me I just think I love curly hair um and maybe that's because I've not had like really curly hair I've always had big thick hair um I just think it's beautiful I love it when I see curls my hair's like dreadlock so naturally like it's like a zigzag um curl and you know what I find when I leave my hair naturally I don't get as long out of it so I could have to wash it again after like a few days whereas I could or even a day to be honest whereas um because otherwise it just mattes my hair mattes together and um whereas when I blow dry it I can get a good five days if not even a week really out of it geez yeah so like I can get much longer when I blow dry it I can get a good five days if not even a week really out of it
Starting point is 00:07:06 geez yeah so like I can get much longer when I actually just blow dry it but it is nice to have it natural and obviously not be putting as much heat on it is definitely good um so yeah who knows maybe maybe I'll also embrace the curls um once I did a perm right when I was no I didn't do a perm sorry I was it was when I was 14 to 16 and I was working in a salon and I was a Saturday girl and I used to work one day a week as well because I only went to school a few days a week and um yeah when you do a perm you have to neutralize it I don't know if you learned this on your perm experience the other day so you have to neutralize a perm which like takes away the perm solution like i say a perm can be really quite drying on the hair it's a very strong product did you notice the smell of it when you were getting it done yeah yeah oh it's disgusting the smell of it right
Starting point is 00:07:54 and it's literally like eggs isn't it yeah it just just yeah yeah so when you neutralize it you put the neutralizing solution on all over like all the um um I don't know what you'd call them like the things that you put in your hair like the roll the barrels the barrels you put all the neutralizing solution on and that like I suppose stops the perm solution from working so it's a very important part of the process anyway that was my job as a 15 year old um I picked up the perm solution and put perm solution on top of perm solution at the back wash. And any hairdressers listening who know what that means will be like, oh my God, I couldn't
Starting point is 00:08:33 have done it to a worse client because she was really not a very nice lady. And she'd made the hairdressers cry before because she was really not very nice. And anyway, the hairdresser came over, saw what I'd done and was like, oh my God, what have you done? And I was like, well, I just put this on. And she was really not very nice and anyway the hairdresser came over saw what I'd done and was like oh my god what have you done and I was like well I'll just put this on and she was like let me take over you know like at the back anyway um we obviously didn't tell the client we just try and figure it out um and she came back like a week or two later she said it was the best perm she'd ever had well there we go I was like well you know great it worked out but I always do think that because what made me laugh obviously they didn't speak any English I showed them the TikTok the fear I would have had going into that honestly like I just knew it was going to be fine and this
Starting point is 00:09:18 is where I do think like my psychic abilities do work yeah definitely mine my anxiety would have shouted and I'd been like get out now the door is open it's a sign leave I was I'm gonna walk out and feel really happy and I was like yes it's gonna be fine like you know it's all good and um I was just they did speak obviously to each other there was about a point it's like 10 people all around me doing my hair um and you know when you're like please just like it was more that I was I'd sat there for six hours six hours yeah no I don't know if it's because I've got a lot of hair I don't know no I still don't think it should have taken that long but I mean it doesn't matter it looks good so but um there was a point where basically every roller got plugged into this thing um and I generally yeah I've never seen a sorry I've never seen a perm be numbed like that before it was like an electric perm like I generally feel I'm fucked like if something goes wrong
Starting point is 00:10:23 with your electricity like there is no way they're gonna get these out of my curls and I'm gone and I'm gonna die and I'm gonna die in a salon in Vietnam having a perm like and I've not even told Sam I'm here I don't think anyone really knew I think I might have told one of my friends and like my sisters midway because I was like right fuck it um so yeah how funny that is hilarious do you have going off topic here do you have find my iphone on for anyone uh not what like for just round like you know like your mum might now want you on because you're traveling she might be like put your find my iphone on so i know like where you are so that i feel safe she feels like you're safe because of it no i just thought of that then i thought oh you should really put that
Starting point is 00:11:15 on while you're away no so what i do is i basically i'm really conscious to like communicate every day so they know i'm okay I feel like they've chilled out now though first of all they're a bit more like it felt like a big deal and then yeah I think it's just the same as me being in Dubai um but I always just reply on the family whatsapp every day to things and yeah that's good so then like avoid any worry um so yeah I've definitely just given your mom an idea by the way honestly I'm gonna be asking you for that sorry absolutely not I feel I love you mom but you do not need to know like every detail of every moment she knows enough as it is yeah she does she knows more than most most yeah and I think the more she knows the more she worries bless us so yeah yeah bless them
Starting point is 00:12:06 funny vibes anyway what's been going on what's been happening um so I went to Wales last weekend which was lovely went to Abbasock um a four four hour drive was supposed to be two yeah oh what what happened traffic river had a poo explosion then because the drive took so long we then had to stop over and feed them we went in my sister's car she was very um generous lent us her car but i was the only one insured on it so i was driving which then men again because it took so long we then obviously had to pull over feed them then Andy needed to get in the back to then like keep them entertained because they've been in the car for so long which was such hard work because we had so much stuff in this car we had two travel carts two prams all of our stuff um we had a sterilizer we had a mattress for the bloody travel car like it was intense um
Starting point is 00:13:08 so yeah and then when we got there when we got to um Wales we're meeting our friends that we kind of go away with really it's kind of become a thing now like each year we'll all go away and it's like Andy's school friends and then all their um like wives and partners and we've obviously because we've all been together for so long we've we've all been friends for so long as well which is really nice and everybody's now had kids so there were they all had one kid each and then we obviously have two so that was obviously intense it was lovely really really nice i really did have such a nice time um there was no need to go to wales i realized
Starting point is 00:13:45 coming back we may as well just been in manchester oh got a house rented it out in manchester why we drove four fucking hours to go to wales when we could have just gone to somewhere like an hour down the road type thing yeah like the house we stayed and everything was lovely the weather was all right it wasn't amazing um but like we didn't go out really we didn and everything was lovely the weather was all right wasn't amazing um but like we didn't go out really we didn't go out in the evening we went out through the day but I just think we could have gone somewhere so much closer and none of us actually came to that um conclusion beforehand but yeah it was lovely had a really really nice time um it's nice to do stuff like that because I was thinking about it and I was thinking oh like you
Starting point is 00:14:25 know do we need to buy some travel cuts in Dubai but then I was like what do we do like that in Dubai we go to a hotel yeah you know like there's not really anywhere that I can think of that we drive to other than like Abu Dhabi yeah I think there's something about a home doing like an Airbnb. Yeah. You kind of get a bit stuck in and get some good food in. Yeah, I love stuff like that. Yeah, same. And, yeah, it's just not really something that's done in Dubai, but I suppose that's what makes it fun and a bit different as well, doing it when we go home.
Starting point is 00:14:58 So, yeah, so that was lovely. Finally booked my flights home. Oh, nice. Well done. Yes. So we're going back on the, I think it's the 18th. It was supposed to be the 13th and went to book it. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:15:14 It's so expensive. Oh, no. For the four of us, £3,000. Fucking hell. How insane is that? Bear in mind the two kids you don't pay for oh my god yeah is that single flights that's return return back then that's where the return for next year I've been booking so I booked my flights home for Christmas and I booked is it Brunei Airlines? Don't know. Does that exist?
Starting point is 00:15:45 It's a scam. No, it does exist. And they're like 180 quid. No. But it's only from Heathrow and it's like three times a week. And the flight is like 3 a.m. But obviously for me on my own, easy. 3 a.m. rickety as fuck.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And you stop off at five countries now jk this is direct it's basically a train no it's actually really good i'm like my friend direct from dubai yeah but i think it's like the not very nice terminal like you're not getting the emirates sorry yeah yeah you're not getting the emirates experience i don't even think you're not getting the Emirates sorry yeah yeah you're not getting the Emirates experience I don't even think you're flying from Dubai you're not flying from Sharjah well I did fly from Sharjah to Thailand I feel like I'm on to something you know you are probably because I'm getting like a bit more savvy with looking at flights but yeah so basically it's like 3am gets me to Heathrow I think like 8am perfect yeah see I've just realized as you've
Starting point is 00:16:48 said that I didn't look at any airline yeah but so BA obviously fly and Virgin have started flying as well now and it's from London not from Manchester I forget that obviously yeah this is the thing with Manchester like it's an amazing airport and everything and we get three flights a day to Dubai but it's only with Emirates so like you can go with BA and you can stop in um London and then go on and it is cheaper but the experiences I have had doing that I will never do it again ever like I mean I'll just tell you a quick story because why the fuck not right I was traveling on my own and I the flight from Manchester to London was delayed which meant I missed the one in London to Dubai I then had to stay over for the night in the airport luckily they put me up in a hotel which was fine but I had none of my stuff because they kept my suitcase so I had no knickers I had no like
Starting point is 00:17:46 toothbrush I had nothing right so I had to like get stuff from the airport then the next morning I go to get on my flight and by this point I'm absolutely shattered like it's yeah just not fun whatsoever then the plane sits on the you're on the plane for like three hours before it even takes off oh I hate that at which point the girl sat next to me is like buzzing because she's going on her holidays and pulls out a liter of vodka and asked me if I want any and I was like no I'm all right thanks hon also did you not know the drinks are free like clearly she didn't yeah well no this is ba oh sorry um yeah and then she so she proceeds to drink a liter of vodka um then as we're taking off the plane gets struck by lightning oh golly yeah then she gets absolutely wasted right sat next to me um she's like oh oh do you want to
Starting point is 00:18:49 borrow my wi-fi and I was like no shut up and leave me alone like you're really annoying me and then um she gets so drunk that she has to get up every two minutes go to the toilet and then when we're landing and she can't get up to go to the toilet every two minutes goes to the toilet. And then when we're landing and she can't get up to go to the toilet every two minutes, she wets herself. Oh my God. Sounds like she had a great time. She did. Honestly, I was livid.
Starting point is 00:19:17 And then I got back. Sorry, this was back when like Andy used to stay at home longer than me. And I used to go back because I had to for work and um I then got back I had a flat tire it was like 40 degrees in my apartment and my AC wouldn't cool down like wouldn't cool the apartment down oh it was horrendous sounds very um like Mercury retrograde maybe it was it was it probably was um yeah sorry what were you gonna ask me um I can't remember well I've completely digressed anyway but yeah I've had a lovely week how's your week been I love it my week's been good it's been really busy and I've been doing lots so I feel like I'll give the
Starting point is 00:19:59 highlights so I went to Vietnam um and loved it I'm now back in Chiang Mai um just for a week um because I've met someone and I wondered if we were going to talk about this and he's back in Chiang Mai and then we're gonna head off back to Vietnam again so logistically and eco-wise I've probably not travelled the best way, but you've got to follow your heart, haven't you? Yes, you have. So we can confirm that Venus has finally brought me the penis. Brought you the penis.
Starting point is 00:20:41 So nice. He's a good dick, but no, it's nice. It's just nice. It's good energy, chill vibes's nice it's just nice it's good energy chill vibes so that's that's what's going on everyone um but I was in Vietnam um on my own just to sort of explore a bit and I was really drawn to that understand about um like the war and everything that happened there so I went and did the Coochie tunnels which is really sad um it's like have you been to Vietnam no I've not so it's just really heavy and I think obviously like my psychic medium energy definitely a lot of that yeah um and you you go and sort of learn all about what happened in the war and obviously how the Vietnamese like
Starting point is 00:21:26 protected their land and obviously a lot of people died and oh it was just it's just awful like man like mankind and humanity we're so fucked up and like it's so it's so sad um and I went to Auschwitz quite a few years ago um and it's obviously got the same sort of energy it's just it's it's I think it's important to go I think it's important to see yeah I was just about to say that so we went to Auschwitz like a few just before we moved to Dubai and I have never felt such a like a zap of energy in my life like as in like a draining it was so upsetting yeah like don't get me wrong you obviously expect it to be like that but it just was like there was a I don't know it's so hard to explain they say no birds fly over it don't they yeah and I could
Starting point is 00:22:22 totally get that yeah like the energy there was it was weird like in Auschwitz like it was just it felt empty and on on like a medium level it felt like no soul was there and it felt the same with the Coochie Tunnels where like yeah it just felt so empty but like hollow and that's a horrible feeling it doesn't feel right um but I think it's important to go because it helps you understand that like when certain egos and leaders get carried away like what can happen um so yeah like it was just it was just really sad but really interesting um I was in obviously Ho Chi Minh for that, which is crazy. It's like chaos there.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Like to cross a road is like mental. Oh, really? But it was really cool. Like I really enjoyed like the vibe of the city. And it was like more like sort of kind of, I've not been to Bangkok, but people have said it's kind of got similar vibes, like sort of rooftops,ops bars like on the 50th floor you know really good sushi restaurant so like it was quite nice to have that kind of feel
Starting point is 00:23:33 but it was yeah a couple of days was enough um and then I I need to share this story because it's so embarrassing go on so this is before I went to Ho Chi Minh this was on the Friday so like I was like oh I was in Da Nang just sort of happy and I was going for a walk and like there was like this music that I could hear and it was like traditional sort of Vietnamese music and I was like oh my god this is beautiful and I was like walking past and I was like oh my god this must be like something they do on Friday afternoons you know like oh god where's this going I feel like I feel like I can see where this is going it's not someone's funeral is it well I'll tell you so basically they called me over and I was like okay yeah so I was like I'll join and I was like and the music had like a drum so it had like a rhythm so I was like
Starting point is 00:24:33 moving my body like moving my shoulders and they're all like sort of like acknowledging it and laughing they're like come and have a drink and I was like oh no I don't want to drink but no one could speak English right so I'm going what's the celebration is it like you know what what is it and the man kept saying like he put his hands together at the side of his face and was going sleeping and I was like and I was like do you mean like a siesta is that what you do in Vietnam oh no no no Jess no that's not what he means and then he showed me the picture of the coffin and it was a funeral I fucking knew it I knew it I was mortified because you're there just dancing away to the beat of the drum. But they were loving it. Well, to be fair, it's a celebration of life, which is nice.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Well, yeah. But literally as soon as I realized, I was like, I need to leave. Paid your respects and off you went. I was like, I am sorry. But they were like, no. They were like, it's good and they were like one of the ladies was like grabbing my legs and she was like you're so strong and it was I think they were all just really pissed and I was just like the plonker walking past that was like that is so funny yeah so that was um very funny but also very like you know when it's so funny and you're on your own
Starting point is 00:26:06 and you just don't know what to do like it was a real life so I just called my sister and I was like in tears of laughter and I did say to the spirit of the person at the funeral I said I'm so sorry like I'll help you pass over to heaven but I didn't mean I didn't mean to get involved I just lost a sense of the dead and was like there's my place here we go this is where I feel comfortable I was like yeah lovely and I thought you know what a nice way to have a funeral that's how I'd have mine with all the music and I was just thinking that actually yeah yeah be a good vibe so I always remember my mum saying that um my it's not my uncle but we called him uncle like one of her best friends um his funeral like everybody was to wear like bright
Starting point is 00:26:52 colors and stuff which is really nice yeah I think that's nice stuff like that um we talk about females quite a lot in this podcast in general I feel like there's been a few conversations about funerals as well I think it was me yeah I'm pretty sure it was me who took my first steps at his funeral my mom's best friend's funeral yeah oh my goodness yeah so I know crazy she said it was nice because it like lightened the mood obviously yeah a bit like me on the street yeah exactly exactly oh my god but no so that's that and then obviously went to Ho Chi Minh hoping that I'll never see these people again um and then yeah I'm back here now in Chiang Mai I really like it in Chiang Mai it feels like such a good energy to just get work done
Starting point is 00:27:45 to be productive it's nice it's good I feel like that's you there isn't it sounds like it just feels like I've found like a bit of a base for like grounding I think it's very green here like it's very accessible so like I do think with traveling that I'm loving exploring and I'm not obviously traveling fast but you are packing like once a week at least I'd say you're traveling fairly quickly yeah I'd say so like I'm sort of a week ish at most places um you know some people might spend three days there but I I think what the plan is now is to just sort of set up in Vietnam for a few weeks, maybe for most of August. I'd like to explore more there.
Starting point is 00:28:30 So, yeah. Yeah. With a friend or? Yeah. Yeah. With him. Yeah. So we're actually going to be flying together,
Starting point is 00:28:39 which I feel like is going to be interesting because then you start to see airport traits, you know? Oh, yeah. I know oh yeah I know person is he at an airport is he late is he early is he stressed is he calm yeah is he holding the passports or are you holding your own passport well so we've got both of us are flying from Chiang Mai but I'm going an hour earlier because I've got my suitcase and the transfer's too small like the window so like I'll meet him in Bangkok airport and then we fly to Vietnam right so I'll get the experience then I'll see my my instincts are he's calm because he's a very calm and relaxed person yeah he might be a psycho I doubt it no he's not get that find my iPhone on when I went on my first date with him
Starting point is 00:29:31 my friend Risa was like right just give me his number just in case so it was like but no he's he's nice and kind I don't know if you'll listen to this he knows there's a podcast but if he does then who knows yeah so um but yeah no he's a good egg so we're gonna head that way together and just yeah go with the flow lovely I know he's really nice nice energy so I'm happy for you very happy for you yeah well I'll keep you all up to date um but for now should we get on to yes let's let's do this oh chairs just fall away from me there we go oh sorry this new setup um yes leo season sorry um so do you know much about leo no the only thing i know is that it's a lion and i know a lot of people who are leos my dad's leo i was gonna say that i saw it was your dad's birthday the other day yeah yeah yeah oh
Starting point is 00:30:33 your dad's a nice leo i'm not saying that there's bad leos but leo there's there's different energies sam's nodding so you make me laugh sometimes no you do like silent facial expressions yeah it's just there's some people that I know that are leos and there's others and they could be worlds apart put it that way yeah definitely and let's do the usual caveat that I like to do to just protect my reputation spiritually and that we have so many parts to our chart okay so if someone is a sun in leo that is not their full identity okay we have so many elements to it however when you have the sun in leo there will be some leo traits that will be quite clear okay and then you have your moon which could make you different
Starting point is 00:31:26 your rising all those different bits okay so this is just sort of a general consensus absolutely the light and the shade yes exactly exactly so but I know a few that show a lot of shade that's all I'm saying well maybe you could do some of the shade because I know a few that show a lot of shade. That's all I'm saying. Well, maybe you could do some of the shade because I know some in shade and it really gets on my tits. Yeah. So Leo, the lion, okay. I'm just going to cough. Sorry, one moment.
Starting point is 00:31:57 No, it's all right. Go on. Just need to clear my throat before I get into all this. So Leo is a fire sign okay so there's you know when we think about the different types I think it's quite obvious it's fire it's quite strong you know it's very sort of loud I find Leo like it doesn't need to hide you know um so there's that sort of energy okay um there tends to be like an energy of like a passion for life with leos you know there's that sort of element of you know they're present uh they can have the ability to inspire sometimes
Starting point is 00:32:34 trigger um and lead people they're good leaders okay yeah um so that's kind of the energy we get there. Now, when we go into the zodiacs, so they're split by, you know, the elements, the fire, water, air, earth. Then there's another part, which is the modality, okay? So then all the fire signs have different sort of types of fire. Yeah, so then it starts. So like Sagittarius is fire, it's free spirited you know Aries is spy spider Aries is fire I don't say spider it makes me start going Aries is fire but it's cardinal and cardinal is like you know a leader energy as well um and there's a lot of structure
Starting point is 00:33:27 and then we have leo which is fixed okay so like there is an element of stubbornness when it comes to a fixed archetype okay so would you agree that the leo 100 yeah yeah yeah even in the even in the people that I love the most who are leos I would 100% the stubbornness yeah yeah my dad is so fixed in his ways and he might listen to this my mom listens to it all the time so he might listen to it through her but he's can be so stubborn and so just like this is the way I do things and this is the only way I'll do things absolutely yeah 100 so you do find um with leo's that they kind of have it's my way or the highway and sometimes you know partnerships where you're with a leo you might not always feel the priority because so say like I don't know you were looking I don't know to go on holiday the Leo could be like no we're going to Africa and the other person could be like I
Starting point is 00:34:34 actually really wanted to go Tenerife and it's like no it's South Africa and you just clearly that is my parents yeah yeah so you can sort of so their mindset so there's a real like strength and and it can be frustrating but it's just sort of the way that that that it's the very empowered zodiac it's the one um that isn't frightened to be themselves yeah oh yeah like it's not like say for example my dad really wants to go somewhere it's not like he's like this is where we're going and this is it and I'm not going to plan anything he will plan it to a city that holiday type thing but he he's so passionate that it's like that's where he wants to go you know he's got no interest in going to like Europe you know what I mean yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:35:20 completely whereas I'm sure my mum would be very happy to go to Europe for a weekend but she's also happy to go where they're going but you know would she enjoy going to Europe for the weekend sure I'm sure she would and I think that's it so you think about like you know sort of Gemini Pisces Sagittarius they're quite free-spirited go with the flow you know they like to sort of to see where the wind takes them Leo's not gonna see where the wind takes them Leo's got a plan absolutely not there's a whole plan there's a lot of goals and there's a lot of that energy so yeah that makes sense but it's also a lot of stability I find with Leo so like I'm sure growing up with your dad you probably felt really secure and he was really stable 100% yeah definitely yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:36:06 you find that saying that my dad's aries and I always feel like that of my dad like bless him he also has an element of stubbornness um and he does listen sorry dad um but like you know there is such security with with these signs I find that you can really feel safe in their energy like there's such secure decision makers as well in this sort of light um that they can bring and there's passion there so your dad might be a passionate lover you know what is so disgusting and mum if you listen to this and yes I, I have worked this out. You know whenever, when you were a kid, and like someone would say, oh, go back from your birthday nine months, and what was it? It's my dad's birthday.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Oh, there we go. Love it. Disgusting. There we go. Yeah, well, he's definitely a passionate lover, I'd say. There you were. So it's ruled by the sun, Leo, okay? R ruled by the sun leo okay so it's very vibrant you know the sun is there all the time we rely on the sun it gives us daylight
Starting point is 00:37:17 so leo is like you know it's ruled by it so it's very you know prominent dominant all those things you know and I think that's where you say about being a leader as well like that's the same kind of vibe with that definitely yeah and it's like you know it's it's also then embracing that light you know so what you do find that confidence that you can see in a Leo you know it can come across in two ways um it can be really quietly confident um so like it's very secure just it's not not show off just knows they're they're a good person a kind person knows they're good their strengths knows their weaknesses doesn't sort of that is yeah so what you're gonna say yeah sorry i was just gonna say that is so the people who I like know and love their leos that is exactly what
Starting point is 00:38:09 they're like like they don't shout about it they just kind of they know who they are they know the values they know yeah absolutely and yeah that's yeah that's what I would say I don't know loads of leos like my friend's husband's a leo and he's exactly that like it's a very sort of calm but very secure energy it's lovely yeah and then you can have like the other side that you can experience which is sometimes that more uh in your face yeah like a bit more overly confident, you know. A bit abrupt. Yeah. So sometimes you can find that because that fire comes through
Starting point is 00:38:50 and it's a bit more impulsive, I think you could probably say with Leo. Yeah. There's an impulse to sort of strive and, you know, and it can be impulsive and not always measured if it's in a bit of shadow. So that can trigger people okay um so that's some of the energy there so if we go into like the strengths so obviously we said like confident and self-assured I think that's what we were describing before like yeah that that self-assured energy and I think you've got that line of self-assured and self-consumed. And I think it's like, you know.
Starting point is 00:39:26 You can get blurred. Yeah, definitely. You know, like we say, just like your dad, they're passionate. They have, so I'm looking at my list. Like, you know, they can be quite creative. Like, is your dad creative? Maybe. I don't really know, actually.
Starting point is 00:39:44 To a certain extent. I wouldn't say he's like overly creative, but I'd say he could be. So I sometimes see creative as like a problem solver and a fixer. Oh, he's 100% that. Yeah. Yeah. So I see that a lot in Leo where their creativity is not necessarily like drawing and painting. It's, I can see a problem or a problem comes to them they can just fix it yeah you know and they they're very like solution orientated that's what I see quite a lot and it's a really nice trait so oh he's definitely that even just now we needed him to fix this so we could get on to yeah yeah no fuss just gets it done you know like and it's like so it's lovely um and then you've got like the loyal and protective parts of a Leo.
Starting point is 00:40:27 So, you know, that is the lion. So there's that kind of fiercely loyal, you know, fiercely protective. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, you know, it's lovely, you know. So like, for example, with your mum, like having a husband in Leo in light, you know, she will feel that loyalty and protection you know and it's yeah it's lovely that that can come through and you
Starting point is 00:40:51 will as his daughters so like you know when you're around a leo in light i think it's one of the best things ever yeah you know it can be really lovely so so for those people that are a Leo or are with a Leo or their children are a Leo or someone in their family, someone you know, you might start to be like, yeah, I can resonate with this. I can resonate with that. You know, and everyone's different. We're all different. So, you know, it's definitely interesting when you start to see the energies that come through. So that the impulsiveness is definitely something I've seen with Leo, which I can get a bit frustrated with. And sort of that like element of attention seeking can come through as well.
Starting point is 00:41:41 So there's quite that, not for everyone but there's sort of this uh some leos I know and I think oh god it's a lot you know yeah that's what I'm thinking yeah yeah I thought that when you sort of said yeah so you find that so it's sort of it's a real I think it might be hard to be a leo you know maybe because I think in society if you're overconfident especially in British culture it's like oh come on no be a bit more distant so I think you know because there's a bit of boldness there and a bit of courage like also with it with that time of um birthday you're the baby of the year yeah you are yeah you're the August aren't you yeah so are yeah you're the august aren't you
Starting point is 00:42:25 yeah so you might be like overcompensating almost as well because you're the baby of the year but then you're really confident and you're like you know don't treat me as a baby type thing and also the baby element of it like in like a you know from a school calendar perspective like leo isn't the baby in astrology like it's only because of like the societal stuff so it's a bit like so it's kind of the that midpoint the summer like you know yeah so yeah my little um god daughter she's a leo and like i can see her leo like she's she's really like secure like she's only i think 10 maybe yeah she's turning 10 i think tomorrow um and she is really funny but like in a very like she's really
Starting point is 00:43:14 quick really like quite chilled and laid back but like she's just got this really like she's really cool like i always laugh there's something very cool about her so it's that sort of thing you know so it's really lovely I know she's like and sometimes she gives me advice and I'm like oh my god like you're oh she says things to me and I'm like oh you've so you know more about life than I do she's a little old soul I know so yeah so then we think about Leo okay so we've sort of gone into the character's sort of types and the energy that comes in but how can we utilize leo because we'll all be feeling this right now so you know a good example would be if you follow my instagram i've put some videos up of
Starting point is 00:43:59 my face again i've been talking to the camera you know like i felt a bit Leo like yeah okay yeah I'm gonna talk yeah like I'm gonna talk about this you know I feel really Leo today now today we're recording this on the 8th of August which is the Lionsgate portal um and the episode will come out on the 9th but like I'm feeling really empowered right now um like there's something coming up for me of like you know keep going be bold be brave put things out there try something new you know there's sort of that because I think Leo has that it's not scared to take a risk yeah yeah I agree I think that's nice yeah and with this Lionsgate portal that you know it's it's this activation it's it's a really powerful day for manifestation and the fact that it happens in Leo really is like be bold so anyone
Starting point is 00:44:54 that's listening today um you know I have shared content on Patreon about this so go over there and have a look if you're a member um because I've given some journal prompts to really help but it is like what do you want and like Leo knows what it wants you know so like instead of it being the Pisces way which feels into it it's more in the masculine Leo which is like do you know what I want to be earning this money I want to be like doing this of my business I want to do this on a professional and personal level and like you kind of make it like a bit of a like a business development plan for your life that's what I feel yeah so it's sort of using that energy to like be more Leo right now so what I would say to people if they're feeling quite
Starting point is 00:45:45 empowered not everyone will and I'll touch on that as well why that's the case um and sort of wanting to manifest and feeling like there's this sort of endings happening making room for these new beginnings then you know you can really really channel this energy and really push it forward and you know write it down like I definitely would get pen to channel this energy and really push it forward and, you know, write it down. Like I definitely would get pen to paper with this and really sort of write what you want. But it's a lovely energy. And it's, I would say, one of the best days of the year to manifest.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Ooh, we're going to be manifesting. Yeah, I'm going all witchy this afternoon. I've got like everything ready to just go for it and we're excited I know like you want to share one of your manifestations with us yeah so like I think for me like I'm definitely feeling like I'm leveling up with my self-confidence with my spiritual work um and you know I really want my business to grow okay so like and I want to be able to offer like services in different ways you know more regular work for people so at the moment I'm sort of manifesting a year from now like what would that business model look like and it will change um but you know a lot of it will be online and that's brilliant for me you
Starting point is 00:47:11 know and and how do I share my voice more so I'm definitely sort of looking at that stuff and I am putting monetary value to these manifestations now because Leo is a bit more like fuck it like I'm gonna put money to this um so I am and I don't normally do that so this is probably the only time I go into that like money energy um I'm also sort of putting out there about where I want to live so I don't know where I want to live obviously I'm traveling at the moment you know I'm sort of coming to terms with the fact that like Dubai might be just a place that I come and visit to do my work and sort of you know be a bit more of a nomad and I would like a little bit more clarity of that not yet I'm enjoying the freedom but sort of six months from now I would so I'm putting some intentions
Starting point is 00:48:01 in for that and obviously like personal stuff, relationships, you know, like I want to grow in that side of life. And I want to be, you know, sort of doing things like not out of habit. So like, you know, feeling like I think when it comes to relationships, we react really impulsively to things and it's sort of trauma based even if you've been with someone for a long time so I feel as though like I'm really putting some manifestations connected to like self-development on like one-to-one dynamics for me yeah because I feel like there's definitely stuff I have to work through there so yeah sounds good there's quite a lot but now's the time to just put them
Starting point is 00:48:46 into tunnels and absolutely and also like another thing that I would say is be accountable um so like you know don't just write it down and hope for the best write it down and check in in a month's time you know so one thing I do so I have a book that's just on intentions and goals and it's not in any other notebook so this is where I can look and I write the month and I write my goals and I look back each page like once a month and just review the goals I've set yeah simple like don't over complicate it so yeah so that's what I'm doing what about you have you got any plans to manifest anything always always girl always anything you want to share so I feel like right now my focus is when it comes to work are definitely I always have a figure always like I'm always someone who I'm like I
Starting point is 00:49:48 want the salon to take this in a month and then I love that because then when it happens I'm like right done check that off and then you know like I love working towards a target so I definitely have a new target um I would love to we've got quite a few new staff members starting coming up and I would love to attract even more um and for that to just work really like seamlessly and have just like an amazing even bigger team than what we already have of just yeah you know I really like diverse team as well I feel like I'm looking for such different people um that do different things and that have a different personality and just bring something different to the team um so yeah I'm really excited about that um in terms of personally
Starting point is 00:50:41 I would say um definitely get back into my fitness I'm really looking forward to that when I get back to Dubai um I'm not in any way like um you know before I was like oh I really need to get back into my fitness like I was really like about it yeah I don't feel like that now like I've loved the summer of just not really doing anything other than just walking and just having a really nice time but I am really now looking forward to getting back into really healthy eating exercising and me and Andy want to do that together so that's really nice as well um and just like more of a regular pattern I'd like to get back into more of a regular pattern of that um and then I want to go to the Maldives at Christmas I meant sister just fucking make that happen and I will I know I'll make it happen and then I want to go to Maldives at Christmas. Amen, sister.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Just fucking make that happen. And I will. I know I'll make it happen, 100%. Yeah, you will. I said it at the beginning of the year when I was pregnant, and Andy was like, you've got another thing coming, and I was like, bitch, please, just you watch. We be going Maldives, honey.
Starting point is 00:51:39 So, yeah, I'd love to go, not for Christmas Day, just for, like, the bit before Christmas. I'd really like to do that. And you know what what I would have never have done that in the past because I'd have been like I'm not going out of work at that time of year and you know and no like I can do that that's why I've worked the way that I have and yeah that is what I plan to do so yeah that's kind of where my goals are going and just to have two healthy happy babies as always absolutely I love that and I think that those things like what I would say to do is like just do a page for each obviously Maldives is probably quite simple but like the health one and like the fitness and how
Starting point is 00:52:17 to sort of channel that energy so like routine is going to be really important things like that and then with like the diversity of like your your team members and how that will look and how that will feel and like the benefits that brings to the greenhouse like really sort of channeling that and yeah that's good that's sort of how I would do it so what I would say to everyone listening you're obviously listening to this a day after the Lionsgate portal but that's okay okay. So, you know, manifesting, we just did it there. We just put it out there to the universe. And I've definitely urged people to have like conversations about their manifestations, not just writing them down, actually like going into that space in a safe space, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:02 where you're able to just you know let those thoughts come out so you know I would do that and the moon is in Libra and Libra is all about balance harmony and partnerships so it's sort of like if you are in a relationship or you know you're a family unit and there's some goals connected to you guys as a family then have those conversations at the dinner table you know make it a wholesome experience get the dinner out you know have a good chat have some good brainstorming because it's definitely that energy right now and also we've got Venus playing a part in the Mercury retrograde which is also like balanced love harmony so there is something quite like lovely about this
Starting point is 00:53:46 and if you're not with someone and you're on your own then you find your community so if there's some friends that you can voice note maybe have a glass of wine and like talk about your goals like do it in that way so like me and my friend Lisa we're always voice noting you know so like me and her will like bounce off ideas with each other. So I think, you know, really make sure you activate that over this time and get those words out to the universe and really use positive language. Okay. So, you know, not, oh, I would really like to do this, but I don't know if I'm good enough. Oh, like that's not Leo. Leo is like, I'm good enough. I could do it i can go yeah i was just about to say yeah you know like i'm saying like no i will be going at christmas yeah and you best believe right now
Starting point is 00:54:31 my bank account does not reflect going to the maldives at christmas but you best believe i will be going like i will make that shit happen and so yeah you have to be confident with what it is that you want to do because if you don't believe it isn't going to happen yeah and I think you definitely channel that manifestation I'm not this isn't my remit I'm more feel the feels of my manifesting I'll cry over my journal and that's how I manifest you are like I'm like buzzing I'm like walking fast on a treadmill manifesting like that's more like my type of manifesting um but yeah no I think enjoy it and just have fun with it absolutely play with it you never know what's going to come up as to what you um what it is
Starting point is 00:55:17 that you want to do and yeah you might you might decide that actually when you start journaling you're like oh actually I feel like I want this and I didn't realize I wanted that yeah definitely and I always say to people like when it comes to like trusting the universe and spirit just like a child trusts father Christmas to come and bring his presents it's the same you have to trust that the spirits in the universe will bring this for you yeah now I also have a mindset with manifesting that like we can manifest and that it disrupts like our path but that they'll give us what we're meant to have and like you know so and also a lot of the time I think when we manifest we're having intuitive downloads of what's ahead of us so like it's like a download to like the future and then you just activate it that's what I think
Starting point is 00:56:10 manifesting is they're just showing you this is what you can have do you want it and you go yeah and then it activates that tunnel yeah do you know what I mean so I love it yeah I completely agree love it love it love it oh well that was a lovely episode it really was thoroughly enjoyed it um and yeah thank you so much for listening and please do all the amazing things to keep us um you know give us that self-validation um and like rate subscribe tell a friend if you want to catch us on instagram we are at spirit speaking underscore podcast i am at hair by samantha green and she is jessica marie underscore holistic bone love it well with that everyone lots of love and fill the fields bye

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