Spiritually Speaking with Jessica & Samantha - Feeling the Feels in Pisces Season

Episode Date: February 16, 2024

In this week's podcast episode, Jess delves into the world of Pisces, unraveling the intuitive energy that accompanies this astrological season. Discover how to embrace your intuition and explore... the shadows within Pisces. Whether or not you're a Pisces, these insights will be valuable during this cycle, as we collectively channel the energy of the Piscean season.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to this week's episode of Spiritually Speaking and it's with me Jess today. I'm on my own but it's all good. Sam is doing really well. I saw her last week and the babies and Andy and they are flourishing. She's doing so well. I'm so proud of her. She's listening to her body and she's just having all that quality time with the babies and yeah honestly it was when I turned up it was a very calm house um with very happy babies so it was lovely to see and yeah it's just it was just really magical actually I felt really um just yeah it was a really lovely time to spend with them and see the babies and have a cuddle with them both and yeah it's just so magical what the human body can do and I'm just yeah very very
Starting point is 00:00:52 proud of Sam um yeah she's smashing it so babes if you're listening I think you will be you're amazing and I miss you and I can't wait for you to be back but you are just smashing motherhood and your little babies are very lucky to have a mummy like you so keep doing what you're doing my girl so yeah but anyway enough about that which is also very interesting but it'll be way more interesting when Sam's back and she can tell you about it all and we're going to talk all about Pisces season today so I say we the, the collective we, it's just me talking to you. But that's what this episode is about. So it's all about Pisces and that energy and what it means for you, because we'll all be affected by it, whether you're a Pisces or not.
Starting point is 00:01:41 You know, we all have our sun sign that everyone will be familiar with but we also will have different parts in our chart that will have different planets and different energies and you might not know that because you might not know what your chart is but you'll all be affected by Pisces season in some way so hopefully this episode will give you a bit of an insight to what might be coming up in the energies and the air over the next four weeks of Pisces so you can make the most of it because why wouldn't you? You know it's there for a reason, it's there to help us so we might as well utilise it. So Pisces season starts on February the 18th and it goes until March the 20th. So lovely, nice and simple. We all kind of
Starting point is 00:02:26 know how the zodiac calendar works but Pisces is the final zodiac in the astrological year. So we're coming to the end of the year in astrology and spirituality where you know we're starting to reflect, we're going into our emotional place and we're ready and we're preparing for Aries Aries is the go-getter Aries is the leader Aries wants to you know take over the world and Pisces is like okay before can we just like reflect and feel the feels and go into the emotions and then we're ready to go so that's kind of what's happening right now. So when we spoke about Capricorn season and planting the seeds, then we've spoke about Aquarius and using our voice. So there's a bit of theme that goes on and some structure to the energies. We're now in the Pisces energy. So we're now going into our intuitive place.
Starting point is 00:03:24 We've planted our seeds. Now the intuition starts to kick in. Is this the right thing? Should I be doing this? Does this work? Pisces comes in to clean it up. However, a Pisces in shadow can make things a little bit messy. So we have to just sort of, you know, be mindful of that. Now, you all know I'm a Pisces. It's basically my identity. But my Pisces sun is a big, big part of my chart. I have Saturn there. I have Venus there.
Starting point is 00:03:55 You know, there's quite a lot going on for me in my Pisces energy. So I am very comfortable in this place. However, this place might not always be very productive. So give me a meditation. I'll zone out for two hours. Lovely. But give me a to-do list and I'm going to have to really like, you know, put some discipline into that.
Starting point is 00:04:19 So there can be a lack of discipline with Pisces. You know, it's a little bit of an escape. We like to just, you know it's a little bit of an escape we like to just you know be in another world basically so you might have to bring a bit of discipline and routine over this time because you might sort of drift away but to be honest I think there's nothing wrong with that it's a lovely way to live and that's basically how I live um but that's being self-employed I think that was an issue for me in my employed life. A Pisces doesn't really like to be limited and told what to do. We're just, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:51 we know what's right because of our intuition and we know when things are wrong. So it can be, yeah, funny place sometimes. So, so we go to the water energy, Pisces is the fish, it's also mutable and mutable is basically flexible. You know, Pisces mould to their environment. Again, can be good, can be bad. Pisces tend to adapt quite well, but they could suppress their needs. So you find, so like me, for example, employed, you know, I'm employed, doing my corporate job and, you know, I'm employed, doing my corporate job
Starting point is 00:05:25 and, you know, I can make it work. I can wear the corporate clothes. I can like show up in a meeting. Like I can be that because my Pisces will mould to my corporate environment, but it's not the right place for me, but Pisces will mould to it. So I could, I did that for 10 years that, you know, and I knew it wasn't right, but I moulded, and I kind of showed up in a way that suited that environment. Now, as I've worked on those parts of myself, I'm really comfortable with who I am now, so I don't feel like I mould as much. I still do sometimes.
Starting point is 00:06:08 I can mould to the energy of a conversation things like that but I'm more secure in who I am and that takes a lot of work for Pisces because we don't really know who we are and I'm still working a lot out like by no means have I mastered it and I imagine it won't be until the day I die that I've mastered it but you know we are constantly like investigating the inner it's a very exploratory place it's all very floaty when you think about Pisces there's not um you know when I talk about Capricorn it's it's like structure detail routine and I'm like yeah like it's so tangible like love it Pisces I'm just like oh it's so floaty it's so like washy and yeah like even my hand, my hand that hasn't got the microphone is moving around lots right now so it's like as if the Pisces is just yeah dancing through my hand and so it's a different sort of energy and we'll and you know we'll all feel it right now in some
Starting point is 00:07:00 way so it's it's a time to meditate I would say over Pisces season and it's a time to really go into intuition like our intuition is our biggest power like honestly like why don't we use it enough it drives me bonkers because our gut tells us everything but we ignore it and we just yeah completely disregard it and that infuriates me because it's such a powerful tool and Pisces is the babe for that Pisces is going to really sharpen those tools and really get your intuition sort of in a more powerful way now a lot of people say to me that they struggle with intuition and anxiety and those two voices in your head. And I understand that I definitely had a battle with intuition and anxiety. Basically, anxiety shouts, intuition,
Starting point is 00:07:51 can't get my words out. Anxiety shouts, intuition whispers. So the shouting voice in your head is just, yeah, is that silly voice that likes to cause you problems. Your intuitive voice is just yeah is that that silly voice that likes to cause you problems your intuitive voice is just calm it will just be like that doesn't feel right you know it'll be a whisper a small voice and that's how I've really established that so when my head is shouting um and it's been really chaotic and it happens I honestly the voices in my head are going crazy half the time. The one that's shouting is not my mate. I have to just go and meditate and suppress that voice because it's not useful.
Starting point is 00:08:36 It'd be like if you was in a room of people and everyone was shouting, it's just not useful. So that voice isn't either. So for those of you that are trying to sort of identify the difference, that's a little bit of a starting point to focus on. OK, start to hear the different voices and sort of see the one that's a little bit more intrusive. Basically, it's hard, takes practice and it's taken me a long time. So don't think that this is an easy overnight thing. But with discipline, you can definitely do it and it can taken me a long time so don't you know think that this is an easy overnight thing but with discipline you can definitely do it and it can be simple stuff like I will um do it
Starting point is 00:09:12 the traffic lights so I will like play games oh the traffic light will be green when I get there that that's my intuition and it will be or I will um just I just little things like that I'm trying to think what else I do uh the taxi and traffic like I'll be like there's no traffic today and it's not that I'm doing it as a manifestation I'm just feeling it or I'll be like oh there is traffic today oh the train's delayed whatever it is like I will just sort of like hear the voice and then see the result and then I'm like okay cool so I start to get familiar with that voice um and then I can start using it for bigger life decisions but that's a starting point so I would urge you to explore that voice in little ways just little things you know you know we have it all the time but we we don't realize it's there it's very
Starting point is 00:10:01 powerful and that's what Pisces is here to do and um yeah just love the Pisces energy I'm just it's my best friend um and I literally mean that I could just be on my own in my head and be very happy I do love I love company I really do but not all the time I do like my own space and you find that with Pisces energy you need to just hide away sometimes when you're dealing with your emotions um you know a lot of the time for Pisces they need to sit with it for a while they need to hold their own space without interference and then they can come back and show up again so anyone that knows a Pisces will probably or is a Pisces themselves, will resonate with the high deal a little bit to deal with your emotions. Even if like you've had an argument with like your other half or whatever, you know, you might not want to tell your friend straight away. Not because he's a dick and whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:58 It's not that. You just tried to deal with your emotions and then you might want to share it. It's that sort of stuff. Or you might not want to share it it's that sort of stuff um or you might not want to share it as well you find Pisces just sort of you know kind of happy to deal with it yourself because you have got the tools available um so you know there's lovely things about Pisces but we also can get some things really wrong as a Pisces um I honestly feel like the energy that we have you know we're kind of not made for the material world we're not made for this world of things and stuff it's kind of a bit irrelevant and rules and structure like you know Pisces we're not really there for that you know Pisces don't
Starting point is 00:11:39 always vote uh when it comes to big things with the the political side because it's like why are we all doing this why are we all why is this being made up why are you in charge you know Pisces ask those questions um I remember when I worked in insurance and I said in my appraisal like why are we all here it's invisible like insurance you know when you pay like five thousand dollars for this policy like all you're getting is a promise and that it might not ever be needed and we're all here and we're all in these buildings and yeah and I could my brain was going crazy and my boss was like yeah I think it's probably time you left insurance if you feel like that babes and I was like yeah I think it is but you know it's that kind of Pisces
Starting point is 00:12:25 goes there Pisces is is willing to question things and you know authority you know I wouldn't say I take well to authority like I don't really like to aggravate it but I just don't really see the need for it I feel like most people in authority are plonkers um and you know it's that kind of like why are you making those rules why is that you know why it just feels weird you know so Pisces can be a bit like that so you may feel that energy over this time um but the the issue with with a Pisces is boundaries so Pisces struggles with boundaries so you may struggle with your boundaries over this time or you may have to assert some stronger boundaries and it might feel a bit uncomfortable. I have had to really work on boundaries and it's something that has not been easy for me. And to
Starting point is 00:13:17 be quite honest, I feel like I've had, I've learned in quite a hard way with boundaries. And this is a very Pisces thing so with Pisces basically they suppress themselves and they don't speak up and they smile and they mold and they're the people please are and they're just like going along and then all of a sudden a Pisces will be like fuck this and they have like an outburst and then they set their boundary and it causes loads of drama like definitely been there done that it's not ideal okay so what a Pisces has to work on is when that voice is really wanting to speak it needs to share it sooner and Pisces are you know we're good communicators we have us you know
Starting point is 00:13:58 we speak in a soft way usually there's like a softness to the our communication let's get it in then let's let's raise that boundary sooner rather than later because it can cause problems um yeah it's definitely caused me problems where i've not spoken up so boundaries can be a bit of a bit of a bit of a pickle but that's all right we're all here to learn we're all here to grow we're all here to work things out and you don't have to be a Pisces to resonate with this stuff but you will have Pisces every single one of you listening will have an element of Pisces in you this isn't just like sun Pisces you all have something so there will be a part of you that will resonate for this um so that shadow can be a bit bit tricky can be a little bit yeah yeah, can cause you problems.
Starting point is 00:14:47 You sort of find that with Pisces, they can fall out with people and it's because they've not been able to speak up soon or if they've spoken up, they're just worrying about everyone else. You find that everyone, everyone else is more important than themselves. And I definitely have had to work through that because I would put everyone before me and expect that everyone would do put everyone before me and expect that everyone would do that back to me and that's just not the case and why would it be the case you know um so there's definitely a lot of learnings for Pisces because it's all about world peace and
Starting point is 00:15:16 unfortunately we're not really there yet are we so it's a bit of a bit of a you know between a rock and a hard place I guess um so yeah really just quite a spiritual babe a very intuitive babe a lot of my spiritual friends in the UK are Pisces and I attract a lot of Pisces uh in general not necessarily in a romantic way but like the women around me are all Pisces um yeah there are sort of teachers are in yeah everyone oh my goodness I've not thought about this everyone that's been a teacher to me in some way has been a Pisces love that all these wise women yeah yeah there's two in my life in Dubai right now and there's a couple in the UK oh my goodness love that so you know it's what you attract and obviously all the spiritual babes yeah there's two in my life in Dubai right now and there's a couple in the UK oh my goodness love that so you know it's what you attract and obviously all the spiritual babes I'm not making a club of the Pisces being the most spiritual like you know I'm not here for that but there's
Starting point is 00:16:15 obviously something flowing for me right now that's bringing me the Pisces and that's great and maybe where they're more evolved as a Pisces they've all taught me quite a lot I think they've they've sort of shown me how to set boundaries and those sorts of things, which is great. Okay, so I want to talk now about what you can do, how you can utilise this Pisces energy. It's less about my boundaries and personal situations. It's now about you and what you can utilize with what's in the air. So intuition is really powerful right now. It's a really, you know, I'd make a real conscious effort to tap into that intuition through meditation. And when I say meditation,
Starting point is 00:16:58 like it doesn't have to be anything crazy. It could be five minutes, you know, it could be with your cup of tea in the morning, sitting down and just having a reflective five minutes you know it could be with your cup of tea in the morning sitting down and just having a reflective five minutes that is a form of meditation it could be going into a deep meditation with your eyes closed focusing on breath but I would really urge you to explore like that more meditation space because Pisces is it's ruled by Neptune which is a planet of disillusion and fantasy and just this beautiful place meditation takes you there so there'll be like a more Neptunian flow around us right now so we'll we might find meditating I say easier meditating isn't easy but you might feel drawn to it and like you may be able to prioritize that so please do if you can also I think this is an opportunity to really look at where you're lacking boundaries in your life as this Pisces
Starting point is 00:17:52 energy comes up things will start to piss you off to be quite honest you'll be thinking that's annoying me I need to speak up or I'm getting frustrated with this I need to speak up so there's there will be an opportunity to set some boundaries and I really urge you to look at all relationships and dynamics in your life and explore where those boundaries are and what you need to do and we can do another whole episode on boundaries because it's not been funny we it's a topic that's spoken about a lot um and it's something that I personally have really struggled with and had to really develop that skill. Sam definitely has really good boundaries. She really inspires me of her boundaries.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And that's really natural for her, but it just wasn't for me. And so I think really over this time, really evaluating relationships and friendships and all those things. And how much are you giving? You know, are you giving too much? You know, are you giving too much? You know, are you not giving enough? Or I don't know, but just look at that. Okay. So what else would I say with this Pisces energy? You know, it's a time to reflect as well over the last 12 months. So we planted the seeds and all those intentions are there. And it's now an opportunity to really
Starting point is 00:19:06 kind of look back at the last 12 months and really think do you know what I've achieved a lot whether it's inner stuff external stuff but really take some time to sit with with the energies that have been going on over the last 12 months on the astrological calendar and go yeah do you know what I felt a bit of all of that and I've grown from it do you know what I didn't do very good at that and maybe that's boundaries maybe that's organization whatever and I'm going to really prioritize that as we come into the next astrological year and you know in Aries we can set those intentions a bit more and we'll talk about that when we get to that time but it's it's very um really reflective so really please make time again with
Starting point is 00:19:48 your cup of tea in the morning implement it into your day so it doesn't feel like this huge task um or your glass of wine at the end of the day whatever it is and just take that time to reflect and be kind to yourself because yeah we're uh we're all just trying to work this out. So with that, I am going to love you and leave you. But what I will say is thank you so much for listening as always. I really, you know, enjoy this. And I'm really missing Sam. And hopefully these episodes on my own have, you know, filled a need in some way for you all. And, yeah, so please make sure to subscribe like and share this with
Starting point is 00:20:27 any of your Pisces people you know that I'm sure they'll value this um please make sure to follow us on Instagram which is at spiritually speaking underscore podcast Sam's Instagram is at hair by Samantha Green and mine is atamarie underscore holistic and with that guys i'm going to love you and leave you but thank you so much for listening and thank you for your support as always remember to feel the feels tap into that intuition and embrace the inner pisces that you all have lots of love bye

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