Spiritually Speaking with Jessica & Samantha - Manifesting Dreams: Nomad Life and New Homes

Episode Date: June 7, 2024

Join Jess and Sam in this week's episode as they explore their polar opposite lives. Jess is living spontaneously as a nomad in Thailand, embracing the freedom and adventure of life on the move, ...while Sam navigates organised chaos in her new home, finding joy in stability and structure. Despite their differing situations, both have manifested their current realities perfectly. Jess shares her experiences of daily routines and challenges on the go, while Sam discusses the joys and trials of settling into a new space. Tune in to learn how they used manifestation their dream lives, offering inspiration for anyone, whether you crave a nomadic lifestyle or the comfort of a stable home.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to Spiritually Speaking with me Sam and with me Jess. We are back! You alright girl? Thailand! I know. I am in a box room. Living the dream. Yes, I know. Literally right, I wish. Well, you've just taken a selfie actually so we'll have to post that but basically if you look at jess's background it looks like one of them fake zoom backgrounds
Starting point is 00:00:30 like it really does it looks like palm trees i'm pretty sure i can see the beach is that the beach the sea's literally behind me oh my god literally it's on me doorstep and when you move your head you can see the blue sky when it's not focusing. It's very blue sky. Oh, my God. It looks stunning. It's so nice to see blue sky. Oh, I'm so happy.
Starting point is 00:00:53 You just said it's so nice to see blue sky. We have blue sky here every day, by the way. It's not the same. It's not the same. No. All right, okay. It's like Thailand's blue is different. It's just so blue.
Starting point is 00:01:02 It's so much better. No. Well, Dubai's blue is nice or it's just so blue it's so much better well dubai's blue is nice too it's just like a hazy shade of blue isn't it like yeah you know like winter in dubai sky yeah the sky where it's like blue blue white clouds and you're just like goodness gracious me this looks like a windows background you know on the old computers that's exactly what it looks like right now yeah yeah so no it's good babes it's good but your background's beautiful my background i've literally just got a white wall that's all right girl but you're in your new home it's been a big week i'm in my new house we have both had very big weeks we really have which is why we weren't recording last week by the way guys so we didn't apologize about that or my mom was like where's the podcast and i was like bye
Starting point is 00:01:49 yeah hon bit busy yes i've got quite a lot going on so samantha yeah yeah exactly no last week would have just been too much um so we're here this week and then we get a better bigger longer catch up anyway we actually haven't caught up with each other yet either because we wanted it to be fresh on the pod. So I think that's going to be fun. We were like, let's just start and record and catch up on the podcast live. Kind of uncensored, basically. Yes, basically. We don't know what's going to come out of each other's mouths.
Starting point is 00:02:24 So where do we start? I like where do we start so like first of all the flight home let's go there what's been going on but i want to know tell me give me the details okay yeah so yeah because i feel like there's that much to catch up on we could actually lose quite a lot of it um but the flight home pre-flight home i had anxiety like I was nervous about you know what I don't even you know what it wasn't necessarily just the flight that I was nervous about it was the fact that we timed it so we were moving out the day that I left for the UK was the day I left my apartment and I lived in that apartment for like three years so in the time of leading up to that flight I was packing up my house I was packing suitcases and my whole life
Starting point is 00:03:12 like it was just it was a lot yeah it was a lot in one go um and obviously you know in Dubai like we're very fortunate we've got people that we have we had movers come in and they did all like the big stuff but I still wanted to pack all my own like clothes and things like that and um yeah it was quite nerve-wracking just like making sure that I had everything and people put the fear of God into you people are like oh my god make sure you've got four spare changes of outfits and make sure that you've got 15 nappies and I was like oh I've got two children so I need 30 nappies you know what I mean um anyway it was absolutely fine um and they were literal angels both ways they didn't cry once honestly they were amazing um and I'm very aware that maybe not every flight is going to be like
Starting point is 00:04:02 that but you know what I'm going to put it out there every flight is going to be like that. But you know what? I'm going to put it out there. Every flight is going to be like that. I mentioned stuff. Yeah. And the night before, so I'd done the night feed at like 3 a.m. And then we were leaving for the airport at 5. So I just stayed up. And I actually went on to your Patreon and listened to one of your meditations. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:04:21 To really like calm myself before the flight and really just like you know i don't know like feel calm basically and um it definitely helped oh and one lesson that i have definitely learned is i have always been one of them people i don't like to get to the airport really early yeah do you get there really early i fucking love it i'm there yeah i knew it i for me i'm just like i'd like to just go straight through and just get on the plane and i don't like all the faffing about um and i'd we'd paid for this service where they come and take your suitcases the night before so they came and picked up the suitcases we didn't have to go and check in any bags or anything so i
Starting point is 00:05:01 was like to andy well we definitely don't need to be there really early and he was like it's our first time flying with kids and i was like right i'm not doing any longer than two hours so we did um two hours jess we literally just got on the plane like we got the room and then we had to get on the plane like it takes time when you're with kids when you're with kids you have to go in a shitty queue with all the other kids and you can't go in a normal queue which i didn't realize and there's just like loads of kids so you know like when you're flying through Dubai and you go through the queue with the Emirates ID yeah it's just like I couldn't do that one you can't do that yes I don't know whether or not because the babies but they just pushed us to another queue
Starting point is 00:05:40 anyway it took a long time so because sometimes I think like the family queues are meant to be a shortcut but it's not always the case that's exactly what I thought I was like oh buzz and we've got the prams that we can go straight through anyway it didn't really work out and I bought new prams to fly with because um I thought I'm making this journey as easy as possible for myself and I'm so glad I did because we got like these yo-yos that literally fall down so small they go in the overhead locker so that was a lot easier and so yeah in all in a roundup the flights were perfect they were absolutely brilliant couldn't have been any better bless them what yeah it was really good yeah so it's given me a bit more hope now for the future yeah well I think he's getting that first one out the way isn't it obviously you had to do it quite quickly you probably wouldn't have done it as quickly but you had to see the funeral and the wedding so like it was you kind of you always knew that
Starting point is 00:06:34 was the deal um but yeah I would have been at the airport hours before like my friend took me to Sharjah airport and just to clarify there is nothing at charge your airport nothing you do not need to get there three hours in advance obviously I did and I had a lovely time just sat there in the coffee shop just voice noting and catching up on admin but I think this is something my parents have installed in me like they're never people that rush we're always like have just enough time like when I used to play netball we would leave so early but we'd be the first ones in the car park but I loved that because then I could like be really in the zone for everything so I feel like they've just installed this like leave with plenty of time and then you can be relaxed and I kind of live like that now yeah because I can get I say I can get stressed I would be fine but I just feel like it can be avoided and if it can be avoided
Starting point is 00:07:31 no I do agree with you I think I'm just like I I feel like I've planned out all my eventualities type thing so I know exactly how much time I need and then that's what I'll do I won't then I'll allow like an extra 20 minutes or so but not an hour but now I will now I will when I flew back from Manchester you best believe I was at that airport three hours before and you best believe I had a much better I had a much better journey for it much better I always drink at the airport I'm normally at the champagne bar at Stansted I think it's the Prosecco bar at Stansted but you know and obviously Dubai you can drink but Sharjah there was no alcohol but um I do enjoy just having a bit of booze at the airport like
Starting point is 00:08:17 you know having a little look around the shops go see the gate they're all good you know like I feel like it's a real experience you know yeah no it is we went to Sharjah airport once we went to Zanzibar and um we were all dead excited so six or four of us and we were like oh we're gonna get some drinks in the airport we've got and we were like oh there is no alcohol in Sharjah we should have known that though because it's a dry um it's it's dry Sharjah. I just feel like airports, there's like, the rules don't exist in airports. The rules don't exist. Well, there's lots of rules you want to follow at an airport. That's a very good point.
Starting point is 00:08:53 There's actually more rules in airports. So how was your week leading up to? To the big travels. So, yeah. I thought we were going to have to dip in and out of these catch-ups of both of ours rather than both do one at a time so for me it was crazy with clients um probably the hardest I've ever worked I was having about eight clients a day so um yeah I had two weeks basically like that which is incredible from making an impact,
Starting point is 00:09:26 business, everything, but I was fucking knackered. And I was really emotional because I think I was giving so much to like work and helping people that I think I just was a little bit over, like I just did a bit too much, but I knew the break was coming so it was okay um so I went to Zuma brunch on Saturday got really drunk did you yeah did you do the champagne package I did I did and it's so good so nice it's like Bollinger like what a vibe you know good food good champagne when I'm back, we'll do that because it's just so great. It's such a nice brunch. I don't really like
Starting point is 00:10:08 being in Zoom in the evenings. I find it a bit too much, but daytime, lovely. So yeah, just lots of socialising and not really a minute for myself, which is okay because I've now got lots of time for myself. It was a really good week. But I definitely felt more emotional. I was, I feel a bit sad to leave Dubai, but I want to leave Dubai. Like, I was really confused and conflicted. Do you think in some ways it was almost like, because you were finally doing what you had been wanting to do for so long but also you were
Starting point is 00:10:47 kind of like ending a little bit of a chapter by when you left I think so because I think like I've obviously got to a point now in my life where I'm doing this is always what I've wanted to do and I'm doing it now like and it's incredible like um I'm completely free I'm just I can be where I want I can spend time with who I want you know I'm literally living on the beach right now it's and working I've had clients this morning I'm doing this and I'm just like what the fuck it's really surreal like this is always like this is like everything I was working towards and it feels bloody great um and I think it is an end of a story in a way with Dubai because I felt so stuck in Dubai sometimes like I feel like the energy is quite heavy there I love Dubai I'll be back in
Starting point is 00:11:41 Dubai in October or November because I'm I've got the retreat in Sri Lanka so I need to come back at some point and I will but I was ready to go but with love for Dubai. I think when you come back you're going to be coming back differently yes like I think the way that you were here before it's going to be different now when you come back I think so I think you'll probably be a bit different as well like you're going to be a bit more of a different person I don't think that's I don't think that in a bad way at all no um but I feel like you needed to leave when you didn't leave I struggle in Dubai like my story of Dubai I was reflecting on it a lot sorry oh Ernie Ernie making an appearance is he in the game is he in that room with you yeah he's in that room if he was outside he'd be crying yeah oh bless him um so I think my Dubai story has had
Starting point is 00:12:32 has been gosh like it's been incredible but it's been tough like there's been a lot of resistance it's not you know I've had a few homes I know a lot of people felt like this in Dubai you know renting and stuff like yeah you know I just feel like it's been an uphill struggle for me and I've kept going and I'm so proud and I'm so pleased I didn't give up but it was it has been sort of it's never been easy really hasn't and you know when things aren't easy you kind of have to take the learnings and also have a moment to be like is this working like what are you fighting here you know and I think I was just ready to have a shift in the energy but it did make me think like charge your airport six hour flight to Phuket like you just need to escape every few months from Dubai I think I agree yeah so I was
Starting point is 00:13:23 like this is just such a nice little way to live life but I'm not gonna lie so far I'm like oh god I could live here it's beautiful yeah but such a lovely way of life it's only been a few days yeah I think sometimes you do have to step out of Dubai like I love Dubai and I'm a huge advocate for it and I'm like you know come and live in I'm like that person who's like hey baby come to Dubai yeah yeah like you and I'm a huge advocate for it. And I'm like, you know, come and live in, I'm like that person who's like, hey baby, come to Dubai. Yeah. Yeah. And like, you know, I'm like a massive advocate for it.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I absolutely love it. But you do have to step out of it and you have to remember what is outside of it. And it's almost like this pristine looking place. And sometimes the people, oh wow. Like it can get quite intense yeah and I think especially like from a business perspective when you're dealing with you know clients that I don't know if you have this at all in your business hopefully you don't to be honest but um especially some of the ones that I have to deal with but yeah I um I I had this woman the other day and she was messaging
Starting point is 00:14:27 the salon on um Instagram and um she'd messaged like a few months ago like maybe six months ago asking for our prices we told her our prices she said we were too expensive she said other salons are half that price I said no worries go to other salons um and then she messaged again wanting to book him and then when she'd messaged again to book it and she just wasn't particularly nice she was quite rude quite dismissive I just didn't like her tone and I just thought I you know you can just sense that something is not gonna end well do you know what I mean like she was just not she just didn't seem like a nice person in my opinion and she obviously didn't know that it was me who was replying to her not that that should even matter anyway and in the end I actually sent her a voice no and asked her not to come to the
Starting point is 00:15:14 salon I said yeah I said I said I'm really sorry I don't like your tone um we are a happy positive um place and that's how i want it to stay for my staff um i'm gonna ask that you please don't we're not gonna i'm not gonna book you an appointment basically something along them lines oh she kicked off as you can imagine because that was in her nature to do that i'm gonna tell all my friends they can't come they shouldn't come to your salon no worries okay if your friends are like you then i don't want them to come like yeah it's as simple as that but don't get me wrong I know that I can sound a little bit like a dick here but I also need to protect my business and my staff and their well-being and their happiness because there are so many people like that here there are so entitled sometimes and yeah it can just get so intense and you do have to step out of it and
Starting point is 00:16:07 realize that actually the problems that seem like big problems here aren't big problems yeah and I think the that behavior like well done for having your boundaries you know that's something that like I can struggle with because yeah I do get people that can be quite rude um and I'm quite sensitive to stuff like that and I'm not very good at just saying no but what I do find to be quite honest with you is the people that are rude to me before this session are usually the ones that are struggling the most actually and that's not your job as a hair like salon to provide that space yeah um but like it can really get my back up if someone's reading a message because I'm like I'm just trying to do a job I'm just trying to help people yeah um but I yeah I had
Starting point is 00:16:55 a couple and like I did work with them and actually once I worked with them I broke through that barrier and there was a different sort of tone. But it is hard. Like, I do struggle with that because I'm not always, like, my service can be slow sometimes because when I'm working back-to-back with clients, I can't sit on my phone and reply to people. Of course, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:19 You don't have a receptionist doing it. Yeah, so people get frustrated with that. And I understand, but this is just how I work work and for me to give the best in my readings I fully focus my time on that and then my admin but yeah people get annoyed and I'm just like oh whatever but that's really good that you had that boundary like I can't give boundaries like that I'm like come come and see me I'll try and it comes it comes with time and it comes with experience like it's don't get me wrong it wasn't always like that and I also am very aware of that I know when a client sat in my chair if they're being so picky and so like something else it's because they've not got control over another area of their life and they're unhappy in other areas of their life
Starting point is 00:18:00 and they're taking out on me or on their hair or you know whatever and I'm very aware of that um but yeah I just yeah I think most of the time stuff like that yeah and that's the thing you've got people to protect and I think most of the time if someone is rude to me someone's unkind to me and that happens you know it does happen I'm always like I will get upset because I don't want to receive that but I always know that there's more to it and there's more stuff yeah so but it is hard but I think yeah just you gotta do what you gotta do girl yeah but yeah good for you to get out to Dubai anyway yeah it was good and I do agree but everyone uh well everyone I've spoke to like two people they're like oh you live in Dubai and then someone was like oh you're actually quite posh
Starting point is 00:18:45 and I really laughed because obviously everyone listening knows that I'm not posh and but I was like thank you so much yeah I really am I was like yes oh yes which is why we laugh you wait you wait um so no it's good so stepping away is nice so anyone that's feeling like that in Dubai because I do think especially when it gets hot you stepping away is nice so anyone that's feeling like that in Dubai because I do think especially when it gets hot you know think is there a way like you can just escape for a bit and have that little reset I think it's really important to do that when you can I know obviously things cost money and the same in the UK or wherever you're listening if you're feeling a bit out of sorts because the thing is places have energy so like the energy in Dubai is heavy
Starting point is 00:19:25 because it's like it's very materialistic and it's new and new things attract new souls and new souls have a lot more to learn because they've not been here as much so I think that's why healers and people like me are working in Dubai because there's a lot of work to be done. Yeah, so that's what's come up for me with Dubai. So don't worry for everyone listening, my job is definitely not done in Dubai because there is a lot to do there. A lot of work that needs to be done. There is.
Starting point is 00:19:59 There's always a lot of work, but it's a heavy energy there because people are chasing money. It's very goal orientated. It's very competitive on lifestyle and everything so there is a heavy energy where here obviously I don't know the culture of the expats and like people traveling but it's different already there's like a yeah it's just a bit easier in the energy so So, yeah. So that's that. So let's think, let's talk about your UK trip. Yeah. Yeah, it was good. It was very intense, obviously. Like, so it was lovely for everybody to meet the girls.
Starting point is 00:20:41 That was really really really nice um not everyone got to meet the girls because I got the most horrendous sickness bug oh my god so I can't even really I think it was like the middle of the week yeah it was so basically Andy flew home we had sorry I feel like there's so much to bloody say in this week of being at home I'll start with the funeral so we got home we had the funeral which was obviously very upsetting but also very beautiful yeah and I suppose made me realize a bit more what was going on and come to terms with it um I still think it's very much I'm realizing that for me I just like to put things away and not really think about if that makes sense um or talk about it but um yeah it it was very confronting shall we say and going to my grandma's
Starting point is 00:21:41 funeral so that was sad um and especially like just seeing my dad upset and stuff that was yeah that was hard um but I'm glad that that's done and then no I didn't get the giggles but when we were in the funeral car I feel like me and my sister just couldn't stop talking and like we hadn't really seen each other that much yet at that point but like we couldn't stop talking and she couldn't stop talking I was thinking we need to stop talking at some point because like this is just a bit do you know what I mean like people will see the funeral car and they're like them two are having a lovely time yeah they're having a right catch up in the back there um so yeah oh yeah I get that when you haven't seen each other yeah literally I think we were just trying
Starting point is 00:22:26 to fill an awkward silence as well like they don't put music on in them cars it could have been in a funeral car in that sense yeah yeah so the funeral was a success anyway like it went well um she had a beautiful send-off um yeah it was it was good um as good as it could have been and then the wedding was on the saturday the wedding was great but it was a bit intense for me especially at the beginning like just trying to navigate feeding two babies trying to see people and he's off having to go and do best man stuff and it was that was quite a bit i did find that quite stressful to be fair um and then oh my god this is so funny I don't think I've told you this oh my god I was dying so obviously before the wedding
Starting point is 00:23:11 I was trying to find a really nice dress because you know I've not been out for a very long time anyway one of my friends was like oh I've got this lovely dress that she wore to my wedding she's like why don't you wear that great yeah i'll wear that save me money as well so i could send back the other dress i'd bought and um beautiful dress but it was like it was short which was fine because it wasn't too short for like going in and out of the prom type thing but it was wasn't a long dress and it was a bit like flowy the skirt on it um it was the windiest fucking day oh we ever had oh yeah yeah oh babes yes bum cheeks galore oh yeah yeah like the whole the whole moon yeah was out the whole bum yeah well that's nice sometimes they need a little treat you know do they no absolutely not and i'd only faked hand i think up to the cheeks i don't think i'd fake down my
Starting point is 00:24:06 cheeks i don't think so anyway i'd only fake damage cheeks i only fake time what you can see yeah exactly yeah um anyway so i'm there trying to push two separate prams as well because we didn't take the double pram home and i hadn't connected the two prams together yet and hold my dress down at the front and the back it was so stressful oh my god I was just getting myself like stressed I was like not enjoying it because of that at the beginning and um oh my god it was so funny so then Andy's auntie his whole family just the nicest people in the world but um his auntie's irish and she's proper irish and she's so lovely she came in and she was like i'm not even gonna pretend i can try and do her accent you went i was about to and then i was like no i'm not gonna do it justin
Starting point is 00:24:55 um not like the australian one um and um anyway she was like give me these two babies and um her and andy's cousin took the two took both the girls fed them changed them did everything they were like it's more important that you're in the ceremony and i oh they were just angels like you know you just think thank god for you right now so they then helped the help the with the girls i went into the ceremony as i'm going into the ceremony my dress just goes yeah Andy's mum sees the whole the whole whole whole arse cheeks and um she was laughing I was laughing so at least it was fun and like it was funny and like thank god the rest of the wedding party weren't there
Starting point is 00:25:37 um and then yeah the rest of the wedding was great had a really really good time but just had to spend a fair bit inside couldn't go outside because the wind and yeah the rest of the wedding was great had a really really good time but just had to spend a fair bit inside couldn't go outside because the wind yeah and yeah the girls were great that was good the rest of the time yeah because even just oh and then we're doing sorry like the restrictions in a sense of like structure of timings like it's very yeah I think that's probably not being that was what was difficult because you know my girls are on such a routine but they're then in a new routine because we're in a different country so I'm trying to figure out when do I feed them when do I not feed them when do they sleep when are they not sleep have they had too much sleep today have they not had enough like oh it's just a lot my mom and dad picked them up
Starting point is 00:26:18 anyway and then me and Andy got the evening to ourselves which was lovely yeah that was really nice um and we've even put the girls in their own room now omg love that well done yeah so when I went home my mum and dad had set up a room for them and I just thought I'm just gonna put them in there like and just see how we get on and then it's worked really well and then now I've come back I've done the same thing that's incredible and they're sleeping well you're sleeping well sleep really well yeah yeah that's really good it's working which is great um thanks so that's good and then sorry I'm just so intrigued when you start like seeing each other's babies was it emotional it was lovely um it wasn't emotional because I'm just not you're like well I know I kind of wish it was like I wish I would have been I'm just not like that weight behind I suppose it was just like so
Starting point is 00:27:15 good yeah it was just and it was actually quite funny because she came in and was like oh my god the babies and was looking at the babies and she had nia in her arms well in the car seat and she like forgot for a minute that she had a baby and i was like yeah yeah i want to see yours as well oh um so that was cute yeah it's probably quite overwhelming the fact that there was like three babies between you to me yeah yeah definitely yeah yeah it probably would have been more emotional if there was one which is weird um who do i go to yeah but the three of them together were so cute and she's doing amazing she's doing so well and we went for quite a few walks together which was lovely yeah it was really nice and like just having that time together and we've got so much in common now obviously as well
Starting point is 00:28:04 um which maybe we haven't in the past I've never really thought about that before we have it's things in common but not as much as what we have now yeah um so that was lovely to really like chat and you know be like oh have you tried this have you done this and like I don't know it was just nice it was good so yeah it was lovely seeing her and seeing her baby and the girls together um and then yeah then i got this terrible sickness bug so oh by after the wedding i'm sick oh it was the whole nine yards yeah so um i was thinking that i'm not gonna lie andy flew home on I was thinking that, I'm not going to lie. Andy flew home on the Sunday after the wedding
Starting point is 00:28:48 and moved us house on the Monday. He landed at 7am, got to our flat and the movers were there at our flat. Oh God. Yeah, he then moved us house. That night, he then started with a sickness bug and he was like to me,'m throwing up and I was like again I'm you know learning to be more sympathetic you're like no I was sympathetic but I was just a
Starting point is 00:29:12 bit like oh he has a bit of a weak stomach sometimes probably just eating something or just be the stress yeah get on with it get back to work yeah and then I woke up at like 1am and I was like oh my god I feel so sick but i was like it's probably just because he's told me he's been sick that i'm now thinking that i feel sick and then all of a sudden i am vomiting and i haven't been sick jess i could could have been as long as 10 years jeez i am i'm not a sick person not physically no i can't be sick like i'm just never ever sick and yeah literally never couldn't i genuinely couldn't tell you when i was last sick um and all of a sudden i'm like projectile vomiting and i was like what the fuck is happening to me um
Starting point is 00:30:01 and then the other end like by the next day anyway I had to spend the whole day in bed um my mom and dad had to just look after the girls and you know when you're that ill you don't do anything you just lie in bed like I didn't watch anything didn't barely went on my phone like just literally lay there like yeah so that wasn't good and then everyone around me started getting sick so it was like one in one out so after 24 hours I felt loads better and then um my mum went down with it so then me and my dad started looking after the girls and then about two days later then my dad started feeling well but that was kind of as I was leaving um so yeah it was just that was a shame a real shame I was very lucky that the girls didn't get anything um but yeah to have had a sickness bug
Starting point is 00:30:51 is not the one so I didn't get to see half as many people as I would have liked to yeah but then you're gonna go back can't you I'm going back in I can only assume it's like five weeks now so like you've now five So like you've now. I think it's five weeks today. You've got the lay of the land, like the buggies, the airport, like the spare room at mum and dad's. Yeah. You've done the test run, obviously.
Starting point is 00:31:16 You got the shits. It's all right. Yeah. And I still survived. Exactly. So you did really well. And you always knew it was going to be a trip that was going to be quite like in and out intense and then when you go back you can have a bit more of a little
Starting point is 00:31:32 routine yeah walks with your sister seeing friends like you'll feel i hope so you will the weather was so shit was it i only managed a couple of walks oh that's the weather was so bad um so i'm really hoping that the summer weather's better but it's going to be better than here anyway yeah we can't walk outside in dubai at the moment can you really no and that's such a shame like not being able to like take the girls out and stuff anywhere near what we would have used to it is yeah it's a shame to be fair what's the weather like there it's lovely it's like 30 degrees it's hot i got burnt yesterday like it's a different it's a different sky and it's a different sun to dubai like you know like i don't really get burnt in
Starting point is 00:32:19 dubai it's hard to get a tan in dubai i think it's weird isn't it yeah I think it is like you say because of that like dusty layer hazy like yeah it's not like a clear so like yesterday I was just like chilling at the pool for a bit and then I had like full-on tan lines I was like wellza um but like reminds me of when you go on holiday in Europe that sort of sun in like peak summer Europe yes beautiful sunsets like orange sky oh it's just lovely so the weather is nice it's sweaty so like you do need to escape the aircon yeah but the day i got here it was like really overcast and it was lovely there was like a real breeze like oh it was that is like perfect for me um so yeah it's good it's nice I'm happy so what's it like where you're
Starting point is 00:33:09 staying it's lovely so it's um for like digital nomads so that it's got a co-working space so that's what I'm sitting in now so I'm in a little meeting room um which is like on the beach um so I've got like a little hut it's so gorgeous it's just like a little bed desk bathroom it's perfect for me um and then it's got like a nice terrace so I can sit out on that um and then like the pools on the beach it's just it's very like green very bohemian vibes very chill um everyone's on mopeds and wearing are you gonna get a moped well I have been on one in the last couple of days my mum doesn't know that so she's just gonna find out now um it was really fun I want to get one I told my sister she's like please be careful and I'm
Starting point is 00:34:01 obviously I'm not gonna go wild but like there's a yoga studio that I've seen that's like a 10 minute drive so I was like quite handy to just be able to pop out and stuff but so I didn't drive the moped I was on the back of the moped so Emily is out here um my friend from Dubai so I went and met her and her other half picked me up from the hotel on his moped it's like the second time i've met him so the poor guy i'm not hugging him on the back of the mind oh yeah of course you don't have to hold on to the person literally i did say to him i'm very sorry for like my tits were squished against his back but it was more out of fear than like me touching him up and then i got like a they quit
Starting point is 00:34:40 like a grab or whatever a bolt i don't know it's on's on curry like a bit like kareem in dubai but a moped version and yeah this lovely little time man came and picked me up and I was just I just felt like I was gonna squish him with my thighs when I sat on the moped that is so funny um but no it was good and it is it's a really nice way to get around it's not busy here like obviously it's low season people don't drive fast it's like oh that's all right then it's weird have you been to phuket yes a long time ago and to be fair it was more of like a family holiday so i didn't really like venture out that much yeah so like people have mopeds with like a cage next to it on wheels oh yeah like the kids in it like it's just yeah so random but I love it so yeah um but also like driving here looks pretty simple because they they're the same as the UK like the side of the roads oh okay so so
Starting point is 00:35:39 so I don't know but it it's just nice it's just very chill very relaxed so yeah I have sorry mom sorry dad I've been on a moped but I did wear a helmet so it's all good do you supply your own helmet when you get one that's like a taxi no but I had one from my friend so I use that right okay yeah that's I do think like because tomorrow I'm going to go to yoga then I'd need to get a helmet so I don't know I'll work it out or I'll just get a taxi so cheap yeah I would actually that isn't cheap so cheap like I can't get over it like everyone told me it's cheap but it's like a whole other level so no like I can't spend my money basically it's just so cheap like meals oh my god I like I keep looking at my revolut just to see like oh my god it's like £1.97 for like no honestly um it's just like so cheap um so easy
Starting point is 00:36:36 like the taxi like that moped man it cost me a pound yeah wow so it's just it's yeah it's crazy so it's um yeah it's a good life so far so far so good see why people like it here so um I haven't really made any friends yet one I've made one friend it's okay one's all you need for now this morning yeah he's nice his name's Ben and he's in the co-working space so um we got lunch together we ordered a pad thai cost us one pound 97 that was cute so that was nice um and then he actually introduced me to a guy who um is like setting up a business that's all like um healers and psychics and stuff so that was yeah meant to be so we had a good chat so I'm going to meet him tomorrow I'm going to read his astrology chart and he's going to read my astrology chart but the Chinese astrology
Starting point is 00:37:30 so that's cool so um oh that sounds great yeah get myself out there a bit to just kind of it's just nice because I can have my tarot cards with me I can be more free here with that stuff and it's really nice ah yeah rather than in Dubai yeah yeah yeah so it's nice I feel like it's been a really just yeah like there's lots of there's like girls all just sitting doing tarot in the evening and I'm like oh so nice I'm like do you want to be my friend oh that's nice yeah but I've been sort of setting myself little challenges. So that's kind of been the main way to like kind of like push myself out of my comfort zone because I can be a bit of a hermit when I want to be. So like yesterday I was like, okay, make sure you like go out for lunch,
Starting point is 00:38:18 walk down the street and just go into a random restaurant. So I did that. One of the other things was to go on a moped did that um today i was like just try and talk to someone have a chat and i ended up doing that and we went for a walk and had some lunch i was like amazing um so it sounds like really simple things but you're kind of like it's a weird experience when you're traveling on your own when i moved to dubai like obviously i knew like a couple of people and then I was in a workplace so I had colleagues like instantly yeah don't have that and you had a bit of a routine as well because you had a workplace
Starting point is 00:38:54 yeah so like you know your colleagues become your friends when you first move here I feel like it's not common that happens so this is different because yeah like I'm fully on my own but everyone else is the same like yeah and it's nice and everyone's like what's your business and I know like tell them and they're like that's really cool and everyone seems to be quite like AI and like app developers and I'm like all right maybe I'll have an app you know spiritual who knows yeah yeah um so really cool really nice energy um so far it's only obviously been a few days but so far so good oh good yeah I love that for you I'm so happy for you yeah I felt quite emotional when I landed because it was so green and so
Starting point is 00:39:39 beautiful I was like oh this place is like beautiful you know you're just like oh it's just so nice to see that greenery and that beautiful water so yeah it's just a nice energy I think it suits me for right now at this phase of life with no attachments and no commitments like makes sense that you know there was I think when I think about the last six months it's like there's been a lot of loose ends tied up in like my love life and just work's got to a point where it's pretty much all online like it was like spirit we're going right let's just get everything tidy and sorted so she can just go like this is what she's been working towards and it just really feels like that so and then I um was working yesterday literally I put it on my Instagram and I was like I actually can't believe that this is like the reality because I saw this beach this vision I've seen for so long of me
Starting point is 00:40:38 doing this but I just didn't know how it was going to happen I didn't know where it was going to be and I didn't know how I was going to get there yeah I just didn't and I was like I'm fucking doing it like it's actually a reality like I have manifested this but really like surrendered with the manifestation like I've just allowed myself to be like what am I doing where am I going and it's worked you know like I haven't forced it it's not like I was like in June I must travel like I wanted to go at the start of the year but like I was like it's not right time's not right then I was like do I stay in Dubai for the summer and I was just really like leaning into everything and I think that's what's kind of got me to this point so I think it's been really nice for me to see manifesting in a more fluid way in a less intense and structured
Starting point is 00:41:28 way yeah I think that's great and that is one of the main things with manifesting is like you aren't in control of how then it happens you just have to know that it's going to happen yeah and I think that was it I knew it was going to happen I just didn't know how yeah so yeah but it's quite easy to get worried about the how and the way even like with finances and things like I was just like I'm just going to book somewhere for two weeks and I'm just going to work it out but one thing I know is there's no doubt like that's yeah I think that's because it's also right but like there's no doubt like it's like and business is incredible even here people are booking in like in Dubai UK like doing zooms I've got more coaching clients in the last like week that have signed up like I'm just like the energy's right something yeah has and it's really lovely because I think at times when it's wrong you're
Starting point is 00:42:22 fighting against a tide that like you don't need to fight against so so yeah so that's the energy right now but like obviously it's early days but so far so good but you've manifested something because you're living in it now I am indeed yes I am in my house which is crazy yeah so weird saying that yeah it was um oh thank you i can't wait to come and see it um it's quite weird really like it's obviously i just i landed and came to the house and the house already had all my stuff in it like because obviously for a week andy had been unpacking it enjoy like unpacking it cleaning it everything so it's quite strange like I still don't know where stuff is like I don't really know
Starting point is 00:43:11 where most my clothes are like I'm a bit lost still and I kind of came back my friend Faber um flew back with me because I couldn't fly it on my own with the twins so she's come back with me and then she's here now for a week on holiday. And I just would love for her to stay forever. She's been absolutely amazing. Like, you know, when you just think, like we've been friends since we were kids, but she's so helpful in your everyday life.
Starting point is 00:43:39 She's absolutely amazing. She actually has a business called the Lifestyle Manager. And that's exactly what she does as a job so she helps like families and does like organizing for them does like personal shopping does she'll look after child care like my sister needs that hayley if you're listening the lifestyle manager yeah literally yeah honestly she is amazing like what i would give to have her here every day jesus christ she's not doing that online how could how could she like do this obviously the babysitting's hard because it's physical but like she probably could to a certain extent it's probably part of it that
Starting point is 00:44:17 she could do online but she's been amazing like we've just tackled a room at a time oh and she's even like a handyman she can put stuff together and like i can't do that i'm just that is not in my way and you know what's been really interesting actually spending time with her i said to her yesterday so we were leaving the house and i'm fucking running around like you know headless chicken trying to get everything sorted and trying to do too many things at once and not doing anything fully and then she just like glides gets the kids in the car when I get in the car both of our drinks already in the car the bags in the boot and I just said to her I went hey but I said I've got a question for you it's
Starting point is 00:44:56 a bit weird I said is your head calm and she was like yeah and I went you can tell like she just she has this calmness about her that I just don't have and it's been so lovely to be around someone like that and really just observe and kind of think like okay I'd love to be a bit more like that yeah good inspiration she just yeah she gets everything done it's been amazing but yeah so came back from home to the house with i feel like we need to sell her services to all the like listeners honestly i will be doing go between houses and just be like yeah i feel like you could do with that for a month and then like yeah well she does do that actually she's just doing monthly packages but i'm actually trying to well i'm trying to get her to move to Dubai because yeah not even for my well actually yeah for my own selfish reasons but for
Starting point is 00:45:51 hers like I feel like she would do so well over here yeah um but anyway story for another day I suppose but um so the lifestyle manager is that has she got an Instagram yes yeah yeah it's literally called that there we go um um and yeah i'm trying to get it now to make sure that i've actually said that yeah get it right because i feel like there's people listening that a lot yeah it is the lifestyle manager underscore brilliant yeah she is amazing um but it's actually been quite nice as well because as much as she's helping me so much i've actually gone into my business mind again and i'm now helping her in a business perspective and like she's doing a photo shoot today while i'm in here that i've organized for her for like content for
Starting point is 00:46:36 her page and stuff like that but anyway she's been amazing don't want to leave and the house is starting to be more of a home which is lovely that's so good I saw on your so in your Instagram story TV unit it looks a vibe yeah it's such a vibe you get that done by the carpenter yeah yeah yeah yeah so I had the TV unit done and it's so funny because Andy would keep sending me pictures when he was back at home I've like oh this is done and I'd like no it's not this needs this this needs this and he'd be like for fuck's sake poor guy um and then now I've come back and I'm like it's perfect you're like because of me yeah exactly and I was like right when we do the next two bathrooms and he's like absolutely not
Starting point is 00:47:20 I'm not being here if you're doing that um lovely i saw the bath reveal i'm obsessed yeah i haven't can you believe i actually have a good nice exam i know i just haven't had time like every day has been so manic since i've been back and i just have not had time and i and i don't want to be like to faber on an evening, like, see you later. I'm going to have a bath. She wouldn't even mind. But like, do you know what I mean? I feel like you want it to be like a really special moment. I do.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I want it to be like when I can fully enjoy it and relax and not think like, oh, I've been in here a bit longer. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. No, I get that. This weekend, Sunday, I will have a bath. Oh, Sunday bath. That's what it's about yes definitely um so yes the house is going really well um and this sunday i am actually
Starting point is 00:48:13 working omg i know i really apologize if you're one of my clients listening to this and you're like bitch you didn't tell me i'm not actually doing a client um one of my receptionists is on holiday so I am doing half a day on reception and then I know and then I'm doing a friend's hair in the afternoon um to just like test the water of being back and so yeah let's see what that's like and then I'll start figuring out when I'm gonna go back what that's gonna look like it's obviously to be very different to how it was before um but yeah well done you're ready for a bit of that aren't you yes I think so I do think so I think having the house and that side of things has definitely helped that process yeah well done I think so I think it's um it's organic when it
Starting point is 00:49:07 felt right for you and that's happened hasn't it yeah definitely it's not been forced which is good and then you can work out like a bit everyone's like I want my hair done by Sam but like how um you can then work it out with clients because obviously you wouldn't work full-time I imagine absolutely no fucking way thanks the part-time life is what we're made for i originally have a full-time brain that works do you know what i mean like this brain doesn't stop so i don't need to then physically also work that much yeah no i need more anyway we'll keep doing my meditations and hopefully your brain will like slow down. Yeah, fingers crossed. Fingers crossed.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Oh, girl. Well, that's really good. Oh, well, I've loved our catch up. I know. There's so much going on. It's like, where do we start? But yeah, I think it's been a big time, busy times. Obviously, that's why we missed that last episode.
Starting point is 00:50:00 And yeah, I'm excited to update you all on the travels as it goes as I make new friends I can't wait yeah I can't wait to keep hearing how are you how are you getting out yeah so far so good um but I think for me I'm just like just get a little bit of a routine I'm excited to try out this yoga because it's like looks really beautiful I've been messaging her because I'm a bit nervous she's like babes so good and she's like she didn't say babes but listen you know just yeah that was a vibe you got yeah um so I'm looking forward to that um and yeah who knows what's ahead it's exciting isn't that lovely a bit scary but a bit exciting you know exciting really excited all right babes well should we do the usual yes thank you so much
Starting point is 00:50:46 for listening to this week's pod um and please do all the fun stuff that we always ask you to do like rate subscribe tell a friend and follow us on instagram at spiritually speaking underscore podcast i am at hair by samantha green and i'm at jessica marie underscore holistic and if you want to come over to patreon for the meditations and all the updates on the moon then it is patreon.com jessica marie holistic so with that guys keep it real feel the feels love you all and thank you so much for listening bye

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