Spiritually Speaking with Jessica & Samantha - Out of the Comfort Zone: Jess’s Tantra Journey

Episode Date: October 11, 2024

In this episode of Spiritually Speaking, Jess shares her powerful and life-changing experiences from her recent Tantra course. From pushing her limits to learning deep lessons about love, connection, ...and self-discovery, Jess opens up about how the course transformed her view of the masculine and feminine energies. She reflects on the wild moments that took her out of her comfort zone and how these experiences have shaped her personal and spiritual journey.Meanwhile, Sam discusses the exciting launch of 2.0 Greenhouse, sharing her insights and the steps she’s taken to bring her vision to life.Join us for an inspiring conversation about growth, love, and pushing boundaries.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello and welcome back to spiritually speaking with me sam and with me jess welcome back we're back together we are reunited babes you did a great job last week well done oh thank you i had some really nice messages to be fair which was good but it was really weird like doing it by yourself yeah well i feel like when when i did on my own, when you'd had the girls, I think it took me about six or seven takes. Oh, really? Honestly, I was really in my head. But now, obviously, with Patreon, I'm just on there all the time chatting about stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Yeah. I've got really used to it, but it is quite daunting. Yeah, it took me a couple of goes at the beginning. And I think, like, you know, like, if you post, like, an Instagram story and you're speaking or something, you like pause it or you'll delete bits. Or I don't know, you can edit it a bit more freely. With this, it's just as all the editing, by the way, guys. I was just like talking. And then at times I was like, oh, fuck, I want to change that all.
Starting point is 00:00:58 But I just had to go with it. No, it's good. Nice and wholesome, babe. So well done. Well done. It was a big week for you wasn't it oh shit i just dropped something it was sorry yeah it was huge week yeah talk us through it because big congratulations my babes you smashed it thank you yes so the salon did open as planned
Starting point is 00:01:18 on friday which was incredible friday evening and then saturday morning was open then for clients um so some people have been a little bit confused i don't know why but some people have been a little bit confused as to how because i think i'm calling it 2.0 people think it is like a whole second salon it is a whole second salon but it's connected to my original salon so that's how it works basically the reason why i keep saying 2.0 is because it literally is it's the exact same process as opening up a second salon in a different location but it's just next door and if anything it's a harder process because obviously I had to knock the wall down in between close the original salon while the work was being done etc so yeah um so yeah we opened on Friday it was incredible it was everything that I wanted it to be.
Starting point is 00:02:07 It was hilarious because right up until people were like walking through the door, the AC broke. So there was a guy on a ladder in there fixing the AC. I know we just had so many like, as things like that, as you'd expect, like the curtains were being put up like right up until the last minute of people arriving like it was chaotic but to be expected um and yeah it was lovely it was really really nice and everyone had said to me like oh take a minute and you know really take it in and you don't at all no it's hard like there's so many people there um sorry but um I then went back in yesterday morning so on Monday morning and I went in before anyone else got there and that's when I really like was like oh wow this space is massive it just looks beautiful yeah I really love it yeah like there's still things that are gonna
Starting point is 00:03:07 come with time and teething problems and things like that but it's fine it's just part of the journey um and yeah I absolutely love it um I'm excited to spend more time there I loved being there yesterday um and yeah no it was good I'm really happy really happy proud of you babes big achievement put a lot of hard work and dedication into it and it's just it must feel very rewarding to now have it open and I guess yeah it's sort of bringing it into real life now isn't it yeah I think the rewarding side will probably come with time like I think I haven't fully felt that yet but I think that will come when the business grows and when the you know the new staff that I've got are fully started etc but yeah I am very very happy that I
Starting point is 00:04:00 did it um very proud of myself um and it's so funny because so many people said to me like god I just keep thinking what is it that you're gonna do next because you you know you've been doing this you've been doing that and I was thinking I want to go on holiday like absolutely that is my next plan is to actually just take a step back not actually think what's next like I think we constantly have this thing that we're like oh what's next or what what what you're gonna do after that or yeah you know someone's had a baby, when are you going to have your next one? Or are you going to have another one? Like, it's constant.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And I think, no, I just want to actually sit with where I am for a bit and enjoy it and experience it and be in it, really. Yeah, good. Well done. I love that. See, that's one of the perks of being single. You don't get much pressure on, like, what's next more just like have you met someone but you can kind of be a bit more in the moment because there's less of that where I do think yeah when you're sort of baby's
Starting point is 00:04:55 business it's a lot it's kind of just yeah momentum is yeah and even before that it's like oh when you get married or when you do this're right. It probably does come with being in a relationship a lot of the time. But no, I am very happy. I feel like it has all gone to plan. I'm excited to just continue sharing it now. And you know what's really nice? It's now like when clients are in, I'm like telling them the stories of how things happened, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:19 like how I came to, I designed the pedicure chairs, for example, like some scraps. So I'm talking about how that happened and how I came to, I designed the pedicure chairs, for example, like from scratch. So talking about how that happened and how I saw certain materials and how things went to plan and how things didn't go to plan. And it's been really nice, like, being in there and chatting with the clients and meeting, like, old and new faces. And, yeah, no, it's good. I'm very very happy I think I need to learn now how to navigate this new
Starting point is 00:05:48 series of my life and yeah um so I've been speaking a little bit about this um anyway but I feel like because I've always done the hair and then I kind of slowly came away from doing the hair but because I was heavily pregnant and now because I'm not heavily pregnant I think I put this pressure on myself to obviously then be like right I need to be doing hair again um but I think now my job has just changed dramatically basically yeah and like we were like chatting Sam and I were on zoom for about two hours two and a half hours literally two hours yeah two and a half hours before this podcast recording just catching up and talking about life coaching each other through things but it's like that kind of like identity crisis that happens I think for women like post babies but like you've had it obviously with business as well and it's just a
Starting point is 00:06:43 lot to kind of I guess I yeah literally my whole life I feel like I've just had this huge identity crisis recently and it's not that I don't love who I'm becoming either you know like I do I'm really happy and I'm proud and I'm I'm like yes I'm loving this new version of myself but I think there's obviously part of me that feels sad about the one that I'm leaving behind yeah and that I didn't realize that I was changing into this different person yeah sorry my dad is driving me what do you want I'm letting him in and out yeah I think also like you kind of like I think you grow as a person and then you kind of hold on to that old version of you and and letting that old version go can be like the thing that slows us down and we have to just let it go
Starting point is 00:07:30 so then it makes room for the new you know yeah exactly exactly and I think it's things like even looking at your clothes all of a sudden you're like I don't even think I want to wear those clothes anymore yeah yeah totally I don't actually want maybe to wear my hair that way anymore or whatever it is it's just it's such a weird unsettling feeling um but yeah that's actually interesting that you said those things so so you're Taurus which makes sense so like Taurus is very much like aesthetic and like things being comfortable or things look it's ruled Venus, the way you look. So like that is actually quite a big thing for you, you know, sort of that change and like your style.
Starting point is 00:08:15 And in astrology, you do see how people's style changes through different transits and their solar return and things like that. You can see like when people start wearing more color or like they stop wearing black all the time like I used to I'm wearing black today but I used to always wear black and now I basically only wear white yeah but like it's like the journeys you go on so yeah like I think it's now like time to embrace it and not resist it yeah definitely definitely um and oh one thing that happened which I haven't actually really told anyone I've only told Andy um that happened which was so nice um was the when it was the salon's opening evening I've been at the salon through the day I went home and then I came back when I came back and I'd pulled up in
Starting point is 00:09:04 my car I went to just stop the music in my car because I was trying to do something I was like trying to turn it off and as I turned it off it rang my grandma oh gosh yeah yeah which I don't know even know how that happened because if you use carplay in a car and you're on it was on like a podcast or music or whatever and I was pressing pause there's no way of how that should have gone to ring yeah wow I have no idea how she was there with you yeah it just started ringing my grandpa and I was like I just looked at it and I was like oh and all of a sudden I was like cancel cancel like this is really weird but then all of a sudden I was like all right, cancel, cancel. Like, this is really weird. But then all of a sudden I was like, all right, I get it.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Like, I know that you hear it. It's nice. It's nice to get those little signs with technology. They like to do that. Give us those messages from spirit. Oh, well done, babes. I love that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Yeah. No, that was lovely. That was really nice. But yeah, that is my, what's been going on with me, really. We want to hear all about what's been going on with you. Well, we're going to delve deep and we'll make this more focused on Tantra this week because obviously that's where I've been. While Sam is growing businesses, I am having meditation orgasms, which I'll touch on.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Actually, I need to make a public announcement mum if dad is listening please pre-warn him on the topic I don't know if he would really want to listen to this he he might they'd be a bit weird yeah stop listening Gary yeah um yeah um so I was on a tantra kind of retreat slash course because it was a huge amount of learning and education throughout so it wasn't just like um meditating and and sort of wholesome it was also very deep and transformative so I made some actually, because I thought what I would do is kind of talk everyone through like what I got up to, because I think you'd probably
Starting point is 00:11:09 be quite interested in that. And I also thought I'd explain a bit about what I learned about Tantra, because I thought it was like a sex cult. Did you? Do you know much about it? I have literally no knowledge on it. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:11:22 The only thing that I think I've heard about is some I think I've watched maybe like a tv program where they talk about it or I don't know maybe it was mentioned in Married at First Sight at some point yeah um yeah so it's it has got a bit of a reputation as being something like sex culty um and I don't think that's fair I think there are people that probably make it a bit like that um but I just thought maybe everyone was shagging and you know that was kind of the vibe that wasn't what I was up for um but I knew that there was so much more to it than that and in Dubai there was like a kind of a few people I knew that did Tantra they didn't really resonate with me like I just hadn't felt pulled to it
Starting point is 00:12:11 anyway I basically went on Google and was like retreats in Thailand like specifically Chiang Mai because I was like oh you know if it's close by and this one came up and I was like I need to go like it literally was such an intuitive decision no one had told me about this place like I just was drawn to it um very intuitive and um I didn't have a clue what I was gonna get into I did not know um so tantra is obviously about love and it's also about sex but they use the term eros which is like the more spiritual way of love making and that's what they call it love making um yeah and actually they use really lovely like language describe things, really spiritual language. But it is all lovemaking.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And to do Tantra, it has to be lovemaking. And instantly that made me feel like, okay. Yes, this isn't something that you could just do with a random partner. It's something that has to be involved. Yeah. And I think at one point when I was thinking about like exercises and stuff I'm like oh my god are they gonna make like us do things you know and obviously it was nothing like that um so and again that's just my my projections of what I've heard about it
Starting point is 00:13:39 so this place was absolutely incredible, very educational and really safe. We were fully dressed the whole time. You know, like there was no, you know, there was nothing naughty. It was like really quite emotional, actually. So Tantra, like a lot of it was about love that we learned and self-love. So like it was really fascinating for me to like really dive deep into like that self-love and how we store so much love in our body but we release it really quickly um and how we want to keep that like that energy that love and they call it the life force in the body um and how if we can
Starting point is 00:14:21 keep it in the body we can be so much more creative um so much more productive so much more happier and it just made a lot of sense to me um you know it was it was a lot about energy so that's kind of my little spiel obviously it's not not perfect but that's kind of what I took from it when I got there um this week completely pushed me out my comfort zone like really shit we have a lot sorry as well like if it pushed you out your comfort zone yeah like I'm asking if it was someone else if it was me yeah like I I was so pushed up my comfort and I love to push myself out my comfort zone um and they talk a lot about that in Tantra, like how you're constantly pushing and evolving. And they give you the zones.
Starting point is 00:15:09 So you're in your green zone when you feel safe. And you can feel stuck in your green zone. And then the yellow zone is maybe going to, you know, a Tantra course and learning and then the red zone would be like maybe living in a tantra place and being like and that could just be too much so you want to be in the yellow because if you go to the red you then go straight back and go to the green where you're stuck okay so like when you push yourself too far sometimes you're like I'll never do that again yeah where if you go to the yellow and it's softer it then becomes the green it becomes comfort you know yeah so for me like you know being more vulnerable was like a okay I'm in the yellow zone I'm being vulnerable
Starting point is 00:16:00 now being vulnerable is pretty easy like I wouldn't say it pushes me out my comfort zone but it was at one point you know that sort of thing yes yeah yeah yeah that's sort of like how we will kind of think about it so I'm constantly pushing myself at my comfort zone tantra okay yeah that's pushing me out my comfort zone talking about you know sex talking about orgasms talking about masculine feminine intimacy all the things that we're here to do that we all struggle to talk about you know and obviously when I think about my work most people come to me about love most people want to know about their relationships most people want to know when they're going to find love why they don't have love and yeah it's
Starting point is 00:16:43 the biggest thing so I thought I should really learn about it and also for me love is really complex for me and I think it is for everyone but I would say my story of like intimate love has had some real toxic patterns some people pleasing um so I wanted to do the work um for me um and and I definitely yeah definitely got that so I feel a bit emotional it's just really amazing really it was so life-changing it was the most um the most life-changing week I've ever had in my life by far wow even more than obviously than the yeah this resonated with me on so many levels um and how they talk about as humans like we're animals we we crave touch and we don't give it enough and like yeah you know I was talking to my sister yesterday on the phone because she was like what the fuck were you doing last week and I was like I'm like it's so hard to explain um but I was
Starting point is 00:17:52 saying you know when you think about babies and children you know they're hugged every day skin to skin you know all those things that you receive as well hopefully you would have received as a baby and as a child you know that unconditional love and then over time it stops it's not as you know it's not yeah you know you may be a bit more awkward in your skin as you're a teenager or you don't want your parents to hug you it doesn't I don't know but you know and then all that obviously does change it does we're not hugged and told we're loved and we don't get sniffed you know like when you sniff a baby's head and you know it's so beautiful all those things that animals do like we stop doing and then we disconnect and that connection
Starting point is 00:18:37 disappears and then we get sad and then the love is less even though we might have a lot of love, it becomes less. Yeah? I've never thought about that before. Yeah, does that resonate? Yeah, definitely. Because I think about the girls now and, like, I can't stop kissing them. I literally kiss them constantly. Like, on their neck, on their cheeks, like, on their arms and the rolls.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And, you know, I'm constantly just like oh so much like I just want to squeeze it yeah I never really thought of that actually ending and not being a thing yeah and obviously if you didn't receive that love as a child you know maybe your parent wasn't able to whatever then like you never had it or never fully had it you know like there's so many like all of our upbringings you know and whatever so there's so much to that and then what they describe is that feeling of love when you meet someone so you meet someone and you're in the honeymoon period and it's all amazing and it's just like oh my god this is the best thing ever and you feel complete
Starting point is 00:19:42 yeah yeah well what they teach you in tantra is you can find that yourself a person doesn't need to bring it and then when you find really nice then you can find love that can grow so again that really resonated for me you know a lot of my my work is very solo I live life very solo I'm an independent businesswoman I don't have you know employees I work with clients it's obviously a dynamic when you're working with clients so like I can feel I guess I wouldn't say lonely but I can be alone a lot so then like when they were talking about love and I was thinking about when people come into my life how that feels something and then I'm like oh this was what I was missing and how you've then got to build that in yourself and
Starting point is 00:20:31 they taught us a lot about how to build that in yourself and I think that's why it was so life-changing for me um so that's kind of yeah the the kind of overall umbrella of it all um they taught us a lot in lectures so we had like sort of two to three lectures a day um but the stuff I want to share with everyone is like the exercises we had to do because they were mental how many people were on the retreat there were I think around 13 12 13 maybe 12, 13 maybe. Oh, wow, quite a lot then. A mixture of men and women, very split. It was really fascinating for me because I'm so used to female dominant spaces. I loved having men there.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I wouldn't know one guy who would go on something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think a lot of men should go on it. So one of the things that men got taught, and I think all the women here will be like, amen sister. In Tantra, the woman is very divine. And we had a session obviously all about sex and the men and women were split for that. And foreplay should be at least 30 minutes. 30? Yeah yeah no way I was like 100 because for me it takes this is why I can't have my dad listening sorry I just feel like
Starting point is 00:21:54 even my mom I think you should just turn off now oh it's all right mom's all right she's like but um it's like it takes me time to to like relax yeah absolutely yeah you know get get all the things going um and sometimes I thought there was something wrong with me for that and and and I think a lot of women probably will feel that so I'm just going to be really open because I think I'm still in my tantra energy so like hopefully this helps people but it does take time to to you know build up and in tantra it's really sacred that the woman receives that and I think that's incredible um yeah and we can't just turn on sometimes we can but often it's yeah it's not it's not a switch that you just click on and obviously when you
Starting point is 00:22:47 think about the energetic things so like you know when you've been working all day you're you know on the go you know really busy the last thing you want to do is then be like okay here we go that there is a process maybe you need to slow down and you know people say that you know meditate and I used to think what a load of bollocks I'm not meditating before having slow down and you know people say that you know meditate and I used to think what a load of bollocks I'm not meditating before having a shag you know like that sort of thing you know where now I'm like oh my goodness like why would I not meditate like that is a form of foreplay yeah like literally like because once I started to meditate and like they they were teaching us a lot of the opening your heart chakra opening your sacral chakra which is obviously connected to
Starting point is 00:23:32 so they call your like vagina your yoni so like your yoni and things like that okay and it made a lot of sense like why did we not get taught that in sex education why did we get taught that sex is bad and you get pregnant education wasn't about pleasure it was about it was about getting pregnant and that well yeah and obviously for women like pleasure like for me I've really struggled to like sort of understand pleasure in sex to be quite honest with you like I feel like I've had a journey of having to really understand my body. And that's one of the reasons why I went on the course, because like sometimes pleasure's there and sometimes it's not, you know.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And I think that a lot of women feel the same and we don't talk about it. And for me, you know, being able to like understand that in Tantra, that sort of time for foreplay I was like yeah like that makes sense there's nothing wrong with me you know like that kind of thing um so if there are any men listening hopefully not my dad um 20-30 minutes on your woman okay at least um but it was really funny because they split the group up for this so it was like the men were in one space and the women were in another and all the women are like yes this is amazing like like you know and you're building that bond but the men were really excited about it as well because then they got taught what they could do
Starting point is 00:25:05 right and I feel like men should be taught that yeah so it was really cool and you know it was a very intense day this day um and that yeah it was it was unbelievable and what they did was so they wanted us to learn so much about the masculine and feminine and to do that they that's where they split us up so that we could really feel the feminine they could really feel the masculine and then it could all come together um so we had a whole day of like this kind of anticipation of the women being together and learning and we were like giggling and then they were like go and put on your best dress like do your hair however you want but like we want you
Starting point is 00:25:51 to come to the hall at this time um for the evening exercise so we were all like oh my god so anyway we had this massive ceremony now this is the middle of the week by the way so we've been building up to this you know like you know it was a bit of a journey um and it was fucking mental I felt like I was on ecstasy like I literally felt I popped a pill and went into like what so we were channeling the feminine energy which is the Shakti energy okay that's what we were channeling the feminine energy, which is the Shakti energy, okay? That's what we were getting taught about. So they did this whole ceremony where we was opening up and channeling this energy.
Starting point is 00:26:32 We did this forgiveness exercise and the men are the other side of the hall. They walk in, they come in, and they go down on their knees and they're like sort of surrender to the woman. It felt like I'd gone back to like a past life where I was like a Greek goddess yeah like it just was like all the women are like standing beautiful we did this thing anyway the men had to stand with their eyes closed and they weren't allowed to open their eyes and we basically had half an hour to do kind of not what we wanted obviously with with respect but we could go up and touch them we could dance like
Starting point is 00:27:14 and we could just be free and it was symbolizing like the freedom of the feminine you know and did you feel like you could well I suppose if you say like you felt like you bloody popped a pill then you probably did but did you feel like you could relax in that situation so it and actually do the tasks that they were saying to do I was really nervous so when they told me yeah doing I was like this feels like really I was really nervous um yeah and I was also up for it because obviously this is the whole pushing you out the comfort zone you know I was like let's let's do you wouldn't be there if you weren't willing to give it a go and everyone is there trying to work through the same or their own battles connected to this so you know that's what's incredible about when you do these things so yeah I felt like a bit of a twat um
Starting point is 00:28:06 I felt really self-conscious um and I surrendered and was like I'm in this hole and I think I might have a breakthrough by experiencing this and I'm just gonna go for it I don't know these people I've met them in this retreat but like they're strangers and now I've built this bond they're not gonna see them again yeah I'm actually seeing a lot of them tonight for dinner but I feel like now we're all just we've all become like lovers for each other um so I um I fully surrendered and I fully embraced it and it was the most magical thing ever honestly like oh it's so wild all this stuff like you just don't even think I don't know when you're going about your day-to-day life like
Starting point is 00:28:52 I don't one didn't know stuff like that existed two didn't even know that then retreats for that kind of stuff existed and like do you know what I mean but also like I was just laughing thinking I'm up to all this crazy stuff and people are just getting on with their normal day. That's what I mean. I'm just going to work, checking on bloody contractors that are doing the job properly. And you're there bloody touching a man's face while he's got his eyes closed and surrendering to women.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Honestly, it's bonkers. Like, but it felt so good. And, like, so, like, so like first of all like so if anyone knows me well like I I can I can perform like give me a stage yeah give me a scenario I'll act it out like you know I could kind of get into things if I want to um so I kind of channeled that. And first of all, I was a little bit awkward and I was just sort of stroking shoulders and stuff. And then I was like, I need to like loosen up. And everyone else was the same. And I thought there's no rules. And this is where free will comes in. I've got free will to do what I absolutely want right now. And I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:30:03 So literally, I just like going crazy I was running around the room I was spinning I literally was like a fairy on acid like that's the only way I could probably describe it and then all the women were like coming up to me because they were a bit like it I felt like I kind of took the lead and was like yeah I can imagine that you then made them feel comfortable to just be whatever and we went wild we were like wild women and we were just running around dancing cartwheels it was hilarious honestly like and then one of the women just started stamping her feet and clapping and then we all were doing the same and do you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:30:54 when we're talking about cartwheels are we talking about people properly cartwheel your cartwheel it'd just be like a yeah like a leg in the air and then a bit of a fall over but because the men's eyes were closed we were just like fuck it like I'm not performing for a man I'm just like being free but then what happened was we would then go back to the men and we were all so excited and hyper and their eyes are closed and we're like touching them like quicker and I was giving them all like massages on their shoulders I don't know what come over me like I was like I turned into like this euphoric sexual goddess massaging all the men like and like it was just it was just mad but like
Starting point is 00:31:40 I couldn't believe like then they made us sit down and just sit with the energy. So it's been like this crazy 30 minutes and I was like, oh, my God, this is what it feels like when you've had a really good night and you're sort of like buzzing from it, you know. Yeah. And it was fascinating that you could build that energy through something like that. And like when I say about free will, you you know like why can't I run around and do cartwheels and be crazy like okay
Starting point is 00:32:12 maybe not touch men that haven't asked for it but like we live in such limitation where we just have to be like informed yeah and I didn't have to be and obviously I do like to rebel so it was really fun and then one of the men when they were like sharing they were like I knew Jess was instigating because I could just hear her laughing and they were like you did not stop laughing the whole time but I didn't even realize and then they were like and we knew it was Jess because someone was just running around just kind of tapping our shoulders but it was more of a slap and they were like we just kept getting like mocked and then like everyone else started doing it and it was just yeah it was crazy but it was amazing and what it was showing us was the masculine the feminine and how bringing
Starting point is 00:33:08 letting the masculine surrender and just be still and let the feminine be free and like the alchemy that that brings so yeah it was it was mental um but like probably the funniest thing I've ever done oh wow like I want to do it again like I wish I could go and do that every week oh no way yeah maybe suggest that to them well I have signed up to their course that's every week but like yeah so I'm now going to be deep in the tantra journey um but I don't think it's that like those exercise well there will be exercises every week so I'll update you guys who knows it probably will be more crazy and then basically so that was that first night was awkward I had to tell a group of strangers I loved them I had to tell them I
Starting point is 00:33:57 forgave them and I had to say thank you um and there is like a lot of work with I'm sorry I love you thank you it's there is an energy work with that um that I do know about but having to stare a stranger in the eye that I've just met oh I couldn't think of anything worse I've got the giggles so everyone was from like a different nationality other than one guy who was English and he was my age and he was there with his wife and I kind of was working my way around and I took my glasses off so I was a bit blurry so I couldn't fully see because it was so awkward and when I got to him yeah but when I got to him I just felt like I was back at school in drama with a boy in my class. And he had to tell me he loved me.
Starting point is 00:34:47 And I had to tell him I loved him. And I just couldn't keep it together. So there was a lot of awkward moments. But also, once you tell someone you love them, you know, it changes. The barrier's down. Yeah. So quite quickly, the barrier's down yeah so quite quickly the barrier was down and then we had a night where we got to dance for like an hour with our eyes closed and they just kept changing like the music to like this sort of energetic tantra music um again it was so fun. I did open my eyes every now and then and would see some crazy dance moves. But, you know, it was really, really cool.
Starting point is 00:35:32 And then, so I'll share a bit about my orgasm experience in the meditation. So in Tantra, orgasms aren't like our orgasms that we know, which is like the real peak and then like, oh, gosh. And then they're talking about in Tantra when you have an orgasm, I'm sure everyone listening will understand that like once you've had it, you're a bit like, oh, I'm really sensitive. Like, don't just give me, you know. And in Tantra, the orgasm doesn't do that. So what it does is you can keep going and going and going. And they have sex for like five
Starting point is 00:36:06 hours what I know I think you know I think if you don't actually in my diary like well yeah but obviously for a lot of these people their life is dedicated to it you know and it's actually very very inspiring to see how dedicated they are to like this practice because yeah five hours but I think a lot of that would be like meditation maybe you would do some dance and then you would sort of do like you know and you're building up all this all this energy in your body because that's what they're saying is the life force and then by building that up you can be more creative like i feel like this is what i was just about to say yeah i was just about to say what is the reason behind it like what is the benefit yeah rather than just like your average like having sex or whatever like what is the comparison
Starting point is 00:37:02 in terms of them doing like this five hour yeah thing so yeah is they say that it makes you like you just said a bit more creative so when you have sex with a man and they plant their seed in you you are potentially making a baby and that's like the life force energy that happens and that's such a sacred thing that in tantra should only be used for that because it involves so much energy to make life and we are just doing it nilly willy yeah with whoever or whatever you know so it's very sacred because when you release that energy you are tired you know sometimes you're like I just need to shag to that release the energy I'm about tired you know yeah or whatever you want to do um and actually it's about no how do I use that energy and like build it up in the body and you still feel a release but it's a very different type of release to like a normal
Starting point is 00:38:00 classical orgasm so I'm talking like I know loads I don't I I'm just but you'll know a lot more than most of us who are listening yeah and I also feel like I hope that a lot of you like I I felt like while I was there I was doing it for like every single listener and client and every woman I know because I feel like so many of us would love to go and do it but it can feel really scary so I hope that like me going and then being able to share yeah whether it's you go and do the retreat or you just sort of take something from the podcast doesn't really matter but yeah um so so that life force energy is so sacred and and if you can keep that in your body then it can become power so for men like in tantra like they don't ejaculate
Starting point is 00:38:56 okay so it's like they keep that in the body so the way way then the buildup is, it's like this constant gradual buildup so that they can keep the energy in the body and then you can use it to be more spiritual and have more power in yourself, have more love. So you're releasing it all the time. So if you're masturbating two times a day, you're constantly releasing that life force, whether you're a man or a woman.
Starting point is 00:39:24 So if you're keeping it in and you're storing it and you're building it and you're bringing it up to your crown chakra you can be more creative and I felt that that obviously I was I didn't have coffee pretty much the whole time I did sneak out and go to a coffee shop which was like a 20 minute walk because I was like I need caffeine um but I realized that coffee was like a thing to fuel me and actually I've got it I've got it already and I need to just be using it myself so I haven't actually been drinking coffee intentionally for the last like four days you know oh wow since the retreat so so yeah um but anyway so the meditation basically I was doing a love meditation and we've done loads of yoga before this so they
Starting point is 00:40:13 really build you up heart chakra yoga like loads of stuff loads of relaxation like you can't just turn it on you it's like a day of constant work energetically to get you to this point. This was at the end of the day. Basically, I did this love meditation that they guide you on and it's really intense and you think about people that you love and then it went crazy and it turned into this ball of energy and then basically I had an orgasm. In a room with other people?
Starting point is 00:40:47 Yeah, but it wasn't like a explosive one. Right. And I've had this once before and this was before I was psychic. Well, I've always been psychic before I started doing readings and I was on a workshop on Zoom just at the start of COVID and they were doing yoga and I was on a workshop on zoom and just the start of covid and they were doing yoga and I wasn't enjoying it so I just muted myself turn my camera off no and I just went on my all fours and just rocked forward and back because that's what I felt like I needed to do for whatever reason and as I was rocking the energy built up and then I had like
Starting point is 00:41:22 yeah like this sort of orgasmic thing. And it was even more intense. My legs were shaking. You know, like after you've had sex and your legs are shaking, you're like, oh, it was like that. I was crying like uncontrollably. This is absolutely the most bonkers thing I think I've ever heard. I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:41:43 I was sobbing. I then couldn't like eat or anything so I went to dinner I sat at the table just burst into tears I literally just walked to the pool fully dressed honestly I was like a fucking mad woman and I just literally got in the pool it was night and all the stars were clear and I just floated in the pool for like half an hour it was like it was it wasn't stopping like literally it was like it was like I was still having an orgasm I can't even how long is this now I feel like this went on for about three hours Jesus yeah like it was just like so I was in the pool I'm floating I'm thinking and I was just like I felt like I was in space I felt like I'd taken psychedelics maybe yeah this is what I put something
Starting point is 00:42:31 in our face I'm not gonna lie that's where I was going I was thinking we did all joke and say that you don't know about yeah there's that Nicole Kidman series where they go to the retreat and she doses drugs yeah yeah no I honestly feel like no I probably had the most extreme experience that day because others didn't so I think huh did others have experiences like that I would say that others did obviously I can't say on their behalf I wouldn't know but a few people were like god you really got a lot from that and I was like I really did um even like towards it like the teacher had to take me aside and he had to sit with me and he was like you know you did a really good job and I was just like oh my god and like after it that we did this exercise and he like hugged us and
Starting point is 00:43:23 like whispered in our ear and it was like really lovely and I was like I can't believe I'm letting this man whisper in my ear like all these things that I would have been like what are you doing all of a sudden I was just like yeah I'm loved I am loved you can whisper you can tell me you love me I literally like I feel like I changed that day I think the way I described it was I felt like a snake that lost some skin and I something changed for the better um and I thought I should share it with you all because I hope that everyone can have this experience at some point in their life. I think, you know what, good for you, firstly, for doing something that you really obviously wanted to do, but that was out of your comfort zone and not something that's very traditional, I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:44:21 But yeah, I think good for you. And I think someone people listening everyone listening will definitely take something from it um whether or not they'll be inclined to do the same thing um and but I think yeah I think everybody will definitely be able to resonate with it to some extent um but I just think good for you like actually talking to us about it and being vulnerable because yeah that's probably my worst nightmare, I'm not going to lie. I think it would be for a lot of people, and I think that's the problem
Starting point is 00:44:51 with the world right now is that that is actually a really natural thing. Like, to just run around and dance and be free is such a natural thing for us to do as humans, you know, to have that free will, to be able to just sit with energy and let it work through the body and let it that and obviously I'm very open you know it I'm psychic I channel all day every day if I open up and they say channel something I can channel it and I can bring into that so it was that obviously wasn't difficult for me where for others it would be but you know I've been on this journey for you know most of my 20s more intensely in the last five years you know only now was I ready for this experience and like I'm not drawn to psychedelics
Starting point is 00:45:39 like I'm not drawn to ayahuasca like those things don't really call to me because I find that they're quite quick um and I think people go and do them and have nothing against them I know I might do them at some point but right now for me I and yeah like it changed my life 100% because I feel like I really felt my worth and I felt myself like I know that sounds but like I think I think I am a fairy on acid to be honest in this human life I am I think I am a fairy on acid, to be honest, in this human life. I am. I think I am a bit weird and I think I am a bit crazy and I think I am very free and I felt like I could just be it and it felt really good. Good. Yeah, good.
Starting point is 00:46:35 But, you know, and I think that it was just really, yeah, really amazing and I learned so much and now I've been bringing those practices into my day. I've been dancing. I've been doing my love meditations. I've been doing lots of yoga, which is something that has been a bit of a challenge for me. And I feel like my intention was to connect my mind to my body.
Starting point is 00:47:07 And I certainly did that. And I didn't know that was achievable. So, yeah, madness. Sorry, my dog in the background. And he can feel all the energy jumping around in the background. I'm so driving me mad today. It's because he's been in this room with me for like three hours um so yeah will you share on your patreon maybe some of like the um all the meditations yes so i'm going to be doing a bit of a tantra theme on patreon now
Starting point is 00:47:34 just for a while while i'm learning and i just feel like it resonates so much with astrology because there's so much connection to the archetypes all these things so patreon lot you're going to be getting a good old bit of loving of tantra and if you want a bit of tantra loving come over to patreon um and i am deeply studying this now like i am immersed in this and i want to share more of this and learn more of this because it's incredible wow what are you here to do literally we're here to learn we're here to grow we're here to have sex like honest to god we're animals like we've built all this shit around us all these buildings and all this stuff
Starting point is 00:48:16 but like we our purpose as humans is to reproduce we are here to just continue humanity. And that is our job. And it turned into a really mundane thing. Yeah. And Tantra's like, babes, we got to get free. Strip it back. Basically, go back to the bare bones of it, which is what our ancestors would have done. Imagine what it would have been like a thousand years ago. Like, you would be having sex
Starting point is 00:48:45 for five hours what else would you do true what else would you do imagine how lovely that would be to just live life making love all day honest to god think about it that would be unbelievable and now we've built this world where we go to work we get up and we earn money and then we have to think about the weekly shop and when Sunday comes we think about the Monday and I'm tired I need coffee and oh my god I was like shit like yeah like why did we choose to come back in this world I don't know so then you could teach people about that. Yeah, I feel like, give it five years, I'll probably be naked in an ashram, shaking my tits. Dancing free.
Starting point is 00:49:34 I'll be like, namaste. Oh, my God. Who knows, Samantha. But what I do know is it was bloody great. And if you are interested interested just send me a message I'll send you the details um and you don't need to do it as intense as I did but I that was the right thing for me so yeah well I think good for you for sharing and I'm sure everybody has loved listening to it as well well I hope so well thanks everyone and to be honest I'm gonna try and be even more
Starting point is 00:50:07 vulnerable because it feels right and I feel like last week I did that and I want to continue that now because it feels good yeah good good for you I like that thank you well thank you so much for listening to this week's episode of spiritually speaking and if you want to catch us on instagram we are at spiritually speaking underscore podcast i am at hair by samantha green and she is at jessica marie underscore holistic please do all the good stuff like rate subscribe tell a friend let us know how you enjoyed the episode and we will see you next week absolutely and feel the feels my loves and enjoy your orgasms this week and think of me no i'm joking see ya

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