Spiritually Speaking with Jessica & Samantha - Rising Together: Embracing the Feminine Awakening

Episode Date: May 10, 2024

In this week's episode, Jess & Sam explore the deep-seated wounds experienced by women and the complexities of supporting each other through them. They delve into the intricate dynamics of fe...male relationships, discussing the challenges and transformative power that arises when women come together in solidarity.The conversation touches upon the concept of the "witch wound," symbolized by the asteroid Chiron, which was part of the recent solar eclipse in April. This cosmic event signals a shift in energy, marking the rise of the feminine divine. However, alongside this empowerment, there is an acknowledgment of the discomfort and turbulence that accompanies the transition away from generational trauma.Join Jess & Sam as they navigate these profound themes, offering insights and reflections on healing, sisterhood, and the collective journey towards embracing the fullness of feminine power and energy.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back to Spiritually Speaking with me Sam and with me Jess. Hello everyone, welcome back. We are back on Zoom again this week. We are. Busy schedules. It actually worked quite well last week. Busy schedules, your busy schedule. I don't have that much of a busy schedule right now. He's in Ikea babe, she had loads going on yeah yeah i've had a busy day um yeah i it worked really well last week on zoom there was a little bit a couple of glitches when i listened back to it but it's fine i think i think that was wi-fi so it's just one of those things you know what if there's a glitch it's okay yeah forgive us forgive us Because we're not getting paid at the end of the day. This is like our voluntary work.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Yeah, this is our voluntary work. I'm not spending any time trying to edit a glitch. No, absolutely not. It's all good, isn't it, girl? Yeah, absolutely. So how have you been? Obviously, you had your birthday weekend. Oh, yeah, I did, yes.
Starting point is 00:01:03 You know what? I actually feel like, I said to you this morning, I feel like I have a little bit of a pep in my step if that's the right way of saying it yeah um I feel a bit better like I obviously last week was intense and hard and the last few weeks of months have been intense but yeah I do feel like I'm starting to see come out the other side of it basically like I think I'm I think I'm still very in denial about any side of grief and I'm just not thinking about that but that's fine um but my head feels like it's starting to feel a bit clearer and because I'm now not worrying about that situation anymore that helps so I feel like I've got more space within my brain um and yeah I do just feel a little bit better like we're going
Starting point is 00:01:50 home in a couple of weeks um and that doesn't seem as overwhelming now as what it did before like before I was like I couldn't really speak about going home because it was like so overwhelming the idea of packing and the idea of like getting on a plane and stuff like that whereas now I'm just like man it'll work out be fine we'll make it work that's definitely the old Sam yes this is what I mean I feel like the old me is starting to creep back in and he actually said it to me the other night he was like I feel like you're starting to get back to yourself again and he's like you know not that you've not been and I was like I could bless him I could see where he's going he's like um yeah yeah he's like don't say the wrong thing um but yeah when he'd said it I thought I hadn't even noticed it myself but yeah I feel like I feel like I'm creeping back in
Starting point is 00:02:36 well that's amazing and just you know like this is the new evolved version of you isn't it yeah you know so it's bringing it all together but you're right I think with the flight like you're obviously going back because you've got your grandma's funeral and then you've got the wedding so like you're going back for a reason you've got purpose for this trip so you know you've got to go so you'll make it work which is I think the mentality of before the girls which is like it's fine we'll work through it we'll make it work we'll do it and you you will so it'll be good yeah yeah exactly now I feel very positive about it now and yeah I'm looking forward to it like for the first time I'm actually now looking forward to going back before I just found it like quite stressful the idea of thinking about it whereas now I'm like oh it'll be fun and I get to yeah people and everyone gets to meet the babies I was
Starting point is 00:03:24 gonna say everyone meeting them will be so lovely won't it now yeah it'll be fun and I get to yeah people and everyone gets to meet the babies I was gonna say everyone meeting them will be so lovely won't it now yeah it'll be so nice and even for like my parents to see them again because they'll be they're so much bigger than when they last saw them yeah god yeah yeah no it'll be good so yeah I had a good week enjoyed celebrating my birthday that was nice you ended up celebrating didn't you I did I went for dinner with my friends we went on a staycay which was lovely um and we got room service oh my god it's so funny so yeah well it was just really funny because the girls are in such a good routine and I dare mess with that routine yeah so I we put them to sleep in the bedroom where we were staying and we got room service and put an eight in the bathroom see i thought could you put them in the bathroom what were they in like no because
Starting point is 00:04:13 i wanted a bath oh fair enough yeah so they're in the bathroom um the bathroom's massive oh okay yeah huge so we took the room service trolley thing in there got two chairs bottle of wine and sat in the bathroom and had um the dinner and then um then we had the balcony so it was fine but I wanted a bath afterwards so I wanted to put them in the bathroom yeah um but yeah it was just funny like I love it yeah I feel like being the third child I was always put in like the bathroom or like the walking wardrobe in a drawer yeah I probably was in a drawer I remember when we went to Florida we had like there was this small like storage room with no windows and I just had a black bed in there and I'm just like you know whatever that's the job I just feel like that's what happens when you're the third child
Starting point is 00:04:59 you know it explains a lot well that's why I just put him in the bathroom yeah it does explain a lot babes all my weird ways in the bathroom that's so funny yeah oh well I'm pleased you had a good birthday babes oh yeah I loved it I did I really enjoyed it and yeah it was nice to actually celebrate it like I say what really wasn't keen on celebrating it but I'm really glad that I did good um and yeah I do I feel a little bit lighter and a little bit clearer and good basically good that's amazing how about you I'm good I think I'm I don't know if I'm still drunk or if I'm like the hangover's like oh my god I can't work it out like I had got I got in at 1am last night wow that is not like you at all very unlike me oh I know so I feel like there's
Starting point is 00:05:48 this new um energy coming from you actually I know I know wow child I'm like who am I um what is it um 13 no dirty 30 yeah I think that's what you are that's it my girl so my friend Risa was like should we do a ladies' night? And I was like, yeah, like, let's do it. And then we did Bar de Port, which is a really good ladies' night. Oh, wow, yeah. Real vibe. We were there at seven and it got to like one o'clock and we was like, we need to leave.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Oh, my God. You were in the same place all that time. Yes, at the bar. But it got to the point. At six hours. I know. Wow. I know I know but also when I'm with Risa that I could probably talk for like 24 hours solidly about we were just that sort of friendship yeah that's so nice yeah so it was good but we just got so boozy the music
Starting point is 00:06:35 was great and oh I just had like a really good time but I woke up about I think 4 a.m. and I was I'm gonna be sick oh no I wasn't but you know you just have to deep breathe and I just was like oh um and I have probably got like the busiest day of the week this week and it reminds me of my London days this is what I used to be like I was like you know boozy on a Wednesday night work on a. Yeah, when I first moved here, I was like that. Yeah, I forgot what a hangover feels like. But it was really good. I got dressed up.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I got my hair done at the salon. So I went to Sam's salon, which was really nice. Leah cut my hair for me, gave me some waves. I wore a bit of colour. I wore my new Gucci wedges. I wore my new Louis Vuitton bag all from the bag man. Oh, I was about to say, I want to see these wedges. I wore my new Louis Vuitton bag all from the bag man. Oh, I was about to say, I want to see these wedges. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:31 So I really went to town and I had a great time. Oh, I love that for you. Thanks, babe. It was good. Yeah, it's nice to get dressed up. It is. And, you know, I'm not really, I don't get dressed up. I'm more of a linen babe.
Starting point is 00:07:44 But I was like, let's bring out some colour. And yeah, I do like it, don't we, girl? Yeah. So no, it was good. It was really good. And then I think, what else? Just life. It's all been good. Good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I'm glad. I'm glad that you're living life. Yeah. I think I needed it. I think I needed to let loose. And just, you know I think this there was a man maybe we didn't get churred up um but you kind of remember there's men when you go out sometimes yeah and he just came over and he's been like I think he was from Essex and we were just like and you know when you're like oh yeah that does happen when you go out like you forgot that you meet people yeah you're like oh god
Starting point is 00:08:25 there's all these people and it's like quite nice I feel like I really live in a bubble now so it was just nice to go out of it for six hours yeah oh god oh no so should we talk sorry yeah sorry I keep switching oh my god when I was just in my car a minute ago it was a spider oh babes and I have not seen a spider since I lived in since I've lived in Dubai because we just don't really have them so true yeah and it was like it was tiny but it was angry looking like it just oh god it gave me the heebie-jeebies and now I feel like I can still feel it like on me even though it wasn't on me do you know what I mean yeah I hate things like that so true I never see spiders see flies and mosquitoes I got oh my god I got bitten so much on the weekend I had like 20 bites on my cheek oh
Starting point is 00:09:18 little nibble was it just from the mosquito well yeah yeah so yeah sadly that's the only action it was getting um but um yeah i hear you go i hear you you're just smiling looking i know so should we talk about the topic today we're gonna go a bit deep aren't we we are shall i shall i explain a bit yes yes okay so um well well firstly a couple of things a few public announcements for the podcast loads of people messaged um loads of people but a few people messaged me about thailand and traveling so i just want to say thank you I feel like we're building a bit of community like I've got quite a few messages of like babes like don't worry and like send some recommendations and you've got quite a few miss you've got messages from like my my auntie and
Starting point is 00:10:16 uncle I know your family are just so lovely I feel like your number one family adopted me yeah I think they have so messages of people obviously about my grandma and that they were listening to the podcast and they started crying and stuff like that um so yeah that's extremely um appreciated yeah I really appreciate that really like it was just felt bit like community didn't it yeah it did it really did so thank you um so that was just the public announcement I wanted to make to say thanks and like please feel free to message us again we really like yeah we love the words of affirmation we do we just want validation validate yes um but no so what we're going to talk about today is
Starting point is 00:10:59 we're going to focus on a bit of like the energy of being women, jealousy, envy, empowerment. But we're going to sort of look at what's been happening spiritually at the moment to sort of just see some shifts that I've noticed and see if other people are feeling it. And we're just going to go be a bit bold. You guys seem to like the nitty-gritty episodes where we speak about things um that you can really relate to and that people don't really speak about yeah so like you know what I wanted to talk about was I mentioned a few podcasts ago about the solar eclipse in Aries and we had Chiron there which was the wounded healer which is the witch wound so it's like the witch wound is such a feminine energy that I see and i'm not going to go into all the detail of it because i don't need to bore you with that but and it is fascinating but we're going more into the shift
Starting point is 00:11:54 that's been happening and i'm really seeing a difference with how women are like interacting at the moment and and like the women that are like showing support so especially spiritually this is more me on a spiritual level right now like we're quite isolated our spiritual lot sometimes because half of the population think we're woo woo and crazy probably more than that yeah so then like we've only kind of got like we've got our people there yeah and then when like you have each other and then you don't feel like you've got that connection or you've not got that support from your peers, as women, I think that's quite hard. And I think in general, whether it's spirituality, obviously your industries, like women,
Starting point is 00:12:37 it's like we're against each other sometimes. Yeah. In so many different ways. And I just feel like we should explore that because the witch wound that came up a few weeks ago, like I think there's an energy coming up where you can see that people are trying to support women, trying to help women, but also like a bit more jealousy can be sort of spiking or a bit more comparison. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, 100%. I feel like, I think you hit the nail on the head I think in any
Starting point is 00:13:06 industry that you're in and this could even not be work related it could be friendship related it could be um you know it could be mums even it could be like in any circle people will experience jealousy and they will either feel it themselves or they'll feel that someone else is feeling it towards them or like you say they don't feel that people are necessarily empowering them and maybe where we could really help one another people are then working against one another and it's just seems really silly um you get it a lot in hairdressing a lot honestly I can't even imagine because it's such a female dominated industry obviously there is many male hairdressers who are fantastic um but it is known for being quite a bitchy industry and um I've massively
Starting point is 00:13:53 been the receiver of things like that before like I can remember um laughing now even thinking back I remember leaving my first ever job in a salon and I was only 20 yeah I was 20 when I left and it was like it was as though it was breaking up a relationship like it was like we were a married couple and I was leaving her she was absolutely furious with me like she was like you will never earn more than a thousand pounds a month working for anyone else like who where are you going I need to know where you're going honestly it was it was quite um like damaging mentally for a while especially at that age yeah exactly um you're like when really now yeah oh god yeah oh yeah um and um when like for example like when I spoke about not that long ago um one of my hairdressers recently left I will tell her
Starting point is 00:14:57 clients where she's gone yeah do you know what I mean I'm like I don't need to be the person right behind her right now who's like I want you to be amazing you know I want to support you and I don't need to be that person for her but I can also be the person who's like I really want you to do well yeah and I if I can help you succeed in ways that have built you up to get to where you are then amazing and you know I want to support you and if you need me message me but I don't necessarily need to be there like still you don't need to take on the responsibility to like be that sort of big push in their life but yeah I think absolutely making that transition smoother because you know when you've been in that position like how difficult it can be and there's enough out there for everyone
Starting point is 00:15:46 like that's the way that it should always be seen especially coming from coming from any position to be honest but especially within hairdressing like there's enough clients out there for everyone there's enough business out there there it doesn't need to be so competitive. We should be able to support one another. But it always makes me think like, where does this come from? And it actually is this witch wound, okay? And it's not that we're all like these witches. It's not about that. It's just the concept of what that wound is.
Starting point is 00:16:17 And it goes back generationally, okay, as women, okay? So if we go back hundreds of years ago when women who were like midwives or healers like they would have been the ones that were like burnt at the stake you know like that kind of like and you would blame if you didn't want to get done so you would say oh well blah blah over the street she's a bit weird take her not me so what happened was there was this like generational energy and this would have happened not just a few hundred years ago this has been a constant in like the feminine power because you know it's about that divine feminine that intuition all that stuff that we have like we give birth we bleed every month like we ovulate like we are like insane like what we are and there's been this whole narrative that like we're not
Starting point is 00:17:04 and that like we need to squash it and like our powers have been squashed and that's been this whole narrative that like we're not and that like we need to squash it and like our powers have been squashed and that's what that that wound is so then it was as though the power of the woman was seen so what they did they the men of that that time was turned women against each other so you would blame each other so you would be like you know like I say that that crazy over the road taker she's a bit weird you know so then what's happened if that's generational that karmic story has continued and continued and continued and we're at this point now where like we just we're trying to work through it like women and men obviously but this is more about I would say this is more focused on
Starting point is 00:17:45 women I think with men yeah a little bit less um emotion in dynamics at times when it comes to like competitiveness like I feel like um two men in real estate are just there to get the job done yeah two women could take it possibly in a bit more of a different way I don't know that's just a yeah but anyway so that sort of stuff comes up and I think in like hairdressing you definitely get that where everyone is competitive and like it must have been really hard when you was like having to deal with that when you was how old 18 that was when I was so between 16 and 20 I really dealt with that and I can remember and oh god I feel
Starting point is 00:18:26 like I'm really slating this boss but I'm obviously saying who she is but um it's all right babes but she knows who she is now I'm only joking um but um I can remember um doing her clients when she wasn't there and she came back and she said um some of her clients wanted to stay with me and she said the only reason they want to stay with you is because they feel sorry for you oh my god yeah I can remember her saying that and I was like right thinking okay but now I can actually look back now and I can look at that situation and think wow wow, she was in a really bad place. Like she just wasn't in a healthy headspace. And that's why I was the person that she took it out on. And like, I don't actually have any like bad feelings or remorse or anything like that towards her.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I just want to do things differently. Yeah. Myself, you know. I think that's it when you see female leaders. Like I've had not many female bosses. I had mainly male bosses actually in my corporate then I finished off the last two years of female boss um and then when I was here like I had more female sort of where I was in the salon for a bit and like you do see like a different behavior
Starting point is 00:19:38 in women and it is like and I think it I've always struggled, to be honest, with female bosses. And I thought it was really sad because as a woman myself, I prefer to have a male boss. I think though, especially then maybe, I don't know, I could just be guessing here, but going with what it is that you do, women could be quite intimidated by that. And they might be threatened by it because they might think that you know you know more than they do I think so I do think there was an element of that and I think that like yeah I think people can be paranoid around me people don't like to feel like they're showing their cards do you know what I mean and I'm not like I can see them yeah exactly that's what I mean so say I'm putting on this front of like I'm fine everything's fine and you're looking at me like girl it's not okay like you are not okay whereas people then probably find
Starting point is 00:20:30 that hard with you because they're trying to put out this false pretense of how they are and they know that you aren't buying it yeah definitely I definitely would see through things and I definitely had that um and also like I feel like I can see people's motives as well when they make decisions and like this is why I wasn't made for corporate because all my motive is emotional yeah and obviously when you need to get a job done in a corporation like there's an element of emotion but really not much so like I would look at like my boss sometimes in that job and like she was brilliant she actually taught me a lot she was like you know it was really inspiring to some degree not all of it um but it was part of my learning there but um yeah it just I've completely lost my train of thought what was I saying
Starting point is 00:21:14 about your boss um being inspiring but how um other ones hadn't been uh you were saying about the emotional side that's it the emotional part so I feel like I've always looked at things and I'm like if I don't see like the core values of that person being like exactly like good values it really like I just I can't do with it yeah you can see people's motives yeah but I had a boss um that was like a boss's boss's boss who was a woman and she was not very nice she was not supportive of women she was like a lot older and she just used to be like I had it tough so you have it tough she was like I worked through the industry and I just remember thinking like what a load of bollocks like yeah why why
Starting point is 00:22:05 have we got to suffer like why can't you help us like why can't you give us the help that like you learn and that's basically like the way I look at which is connected to the story of Chiron which is this the whole witch wound is find the medicine and then share it so like don't gatekeep it like don't like work all that stuff out and then be like well it was hard for me it's going to be hard for you yeah you know yeah the boss I had after that one um who is still like one of my really really good friends now Charlotte she then taught me that she was like you know she she'd had it hard and then she then treated us so well that then she you know taught me to to be better basically yeah I think that's it and you look at your own experiences like obviously I don't have people that like I manage but
Starting point is 00:22:57 I think about how I treat people and it's always back to how you interact with people yeah just be kind and supportive and and I think what I've seen is like I don't know there's just kind of a bit of a shame culture right now people are calling people out a lot yeah especially with like work that's connected to like healing or helping people and I'm just like why is there like this them and us within our community it's really sad like it really yeah that is really sad yeah because I'm like we're just about working it out a group of us anyway yeah that was coming up for me quite a lot but I think as women like you know as people listen to this they've all probably had an experience of like a woman who's not supported them and like I guess put them down and it can
Starting point is 00:23:42 be a man as well but I think it's more about us as women how do we bring women together like a nice little bit like yeah how do we support each other without it being bitchy and because like I've got um a friendship group um out here which is my astrology group and it's the most empowering group of women I've ever met oh I've never heard anyone speak badly of someone in the group. Like we're really understanding. There's no judgment. Like it is probably the most empowering space I've ever been in, in a friendship group.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Like I love my school girls, but like you're growing up, like this is a group that like just, you're all on the same wavelength as well. So that's probably why. Yeah. I got part of that to do with it. But like all the growth that's happened between us, like honestly, like so many of us have gone through these transitions and it's like all the growth that's happened between us like honestly
Starting point is 00:24:25 like so many of us have gone through these transitions and it's like we've all been holding each other and I've never seen such rapid growth in all individuals or as a group in this way so then you feel like maybe because you've all got that and you're all that way for one another that that's helped each other grow quicker yeah yeah and then I think where we're like so so like that boss that wouldn't help me because she had a tough time that meant that my growth was slower and then that means that like the delay for that each generation is slower or yeah and it doesn't need to be yeah like so I just feel like why are we like holding information keeping things like
Starting point is 00:25:01 like no this is mine this is private you can't have this when I'm like yeah well no but if it's like like with um my patreon stuff like there's a couple of the girls at home that like I love like they do similar work to me and I was like make it happen like we've all got our own clients we're all going to be talking about the same stuff but we've all got different clients like yeah make it happen and like they have and I'm so happy they both have um and it's that kind of thing where like share like if you like learn something and you find the medicine like share it yeah definitely because it makes things easier do you know what I mean yeah I guess you've done that with building your salon with your like girls that work with you you know like you've had to
Starting point is 00:25:41 go through that like frustrations those sorts of bosses and then use that to build like your style of leadership I guess yeah definitely and like it continues to evolve all the time because you know either new things come up or new situations or new people and you've got to learn how to manage different people and things like that but it's a really beautiful thing to get to do on a daily basis is just support women definitely and make them feel happy and let them work in a place where they feel so comfortable and yeah happy every day and you just have a laugh yeah yeah it's great I've worked in places before where I like have been I've had so much fun but then the work has never been that great like I knew I was never going to become like an amazing
Starting point is 00:26:29 hairdresser there but I loved working there like we had such a laugh and then I've worked somewhere where I was like oh I'm going to become a really good hairdresser but I didn't really feel the vibe with the people and it's nice to now put all of that together and actually have both yeah definitely and bring those people together in that way yeah definitely yeah I think that and I think as women like a lot of us have insecurities as well like I notice it with my clients like you know you see the light in so many women you see their strengths and their skills but they don't see it themselves and I feel like our job as women is to like highlight that to like our fellow people you know yeah and I'm always very
Starting point is 00:27:06 conscious to like give a little pep talk when needed but I do think you know when you see the good in someone they might not see that in themselves yes it's nice to tell them yeah that blind spot that they have is actually that maybe their biggest strength and I think that's little things that we can do to help but like I know this topic is spoken about like you know here there and everywhere but it's just so prominent with what's just happened with this solar eclipse it's like it's really activated it and it's like made like I'm seeing like I've I don't necessarily say I'd feel uncomfortable I feel quite empowered by it but I feel resistance like people are holding back
Starting point is 00:27:46 they're not sure how they can like everything's like very hidden and private still like yeah be too vulnerable and exposed yeah I get what you mean I do get what you mean yeah and I think a lot of people like they look at other people maybe within their industry or say someone that they would look up to and rather than like supporting them maybe or just asking a question or you know be supporting them like you say they then maybe look at them and think or like they might have some resistance like what you're saying yeah and I think that when that comes up like I have it like I went for a phase this is like sort of early days in the pod. I feel like everyone was muted on my Instagram because I just can't be asked to look at all this bullshit.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Yeah, I feel like I still actually have a lot of pages muted just because I actually don't follow loads of people on both my private and business page because I scroll. So I'd rather just not have content available so easily but um yeah I definitely just I think you get triggered and you feel uncomfortable like I would see someone doing something and I'd be like I wanted to do that yeah I used to be like that when I first moved to Dubai I had that because I was desperate to become busy and become like the best at my job and I really wanted like to just work work work and I would see other people who were here who were doing like amazing and you know fully booked all the time and I was desperate to be like that and yeah um I definitely would have felt some like I don't know envy or jealousy towards it I think yeah like
Starting point is 00:29:23 resentment there and yeah I think what jealousy is like I want that envy's like I don't know, envy or jealousy towards it? I think, yeah, like resentment to that. And yeah, I think what jealousy is like, I want that. Envy is like, I don't want you to have that. So yeah, okay, so jealousy then. I was definitely just a case of like, oh my God, I really want that. But then I'd use that to fuel me. Well, I think that's what you've got to do with this energy
Starting point is 00:29:39 because I think that's what's coming up right now for us always. There is resistance amongst us all. There is like a trigger. Like even I was talking about my astrology girls, like, you know, we're all growing, but that means there's triggers and things are showing up. And like this is uncomfortable. Like it's a bit sticky.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Like you might be feeling that in your friendships or with like people in your work environment in that more feminine way. And it's like, I'm uncomfortable and I don't like it or this is bothering me and I don't like or I don't like that or I want to do this but they've done it so I can't you know there's a little bit of that happening yeah and it's like no like you can do it I'm not being funny if you want to go buy bread you go Asda's you go Sainsbury's you go to any shop to buy bread you know like you can have competition yes exactly exactly i said this actually recently to someone who
Starting point is 00:30:31 was messaging me asking me advice about um a business that they wanted to start and they were like but you know it's so like saturated there's so many of them already out there and i was like so what yeah how many hair salons there are yeah I still open the hair salon like you have to do what what it is that you want to do and if you have enough passion behind it you have the drive you have the determination you will make it successful and there's no reason why you can't also help other people along the way I also think like as like this wound which is the more feminine wound right now is like it feels really uncomfortable to like show up and be like proud and bold.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Like I feel like for me right now, that's really icky. Like for anyone that follows me on Instagram, I'm like, I feel like I'm putting myself out there more. And like every time there's a little bit of resistance of like, oh, you knobbed, honestly. Like what a horrible voice. It takes time to get over that like I would say I've got a lot better with that more in the last like year or so but like not that long ago
Starting point is 00:31:33 um I had a business coach and she's amazing absolutely fantastic um and she'd said to me I'd had a month in the salon where we'd like hit this goal and it was like um a money goal basically of what we'd made in a day or a month I can't remember which one it was and she was like oh my god you need to post that on your Instagram how you got from like this to this and I was like I can't do it like I just physically couldn't do it because that to me just felt so icky being like oh I made this much money in a day or yeah I made this much in a month like it just for me that just didn't sit well it felt like it was just off who I am this didn't didn't yeah just felt a bit but did you end up talking about it like did you share
Starting point is 00:32:19 no I never shared the figure I would say like we've had our best yeah yeah I think that's great yeah but I would never but I didn't share the figure but she was saying to me like share like how much money you've been able to generate which but I don't know why that is that I felt so icky but I think it is because you may be worrying about what other people think or well yeah yeah a case of if I'd seen that on someone else would I think that I don't know well I think when you talk about value of money as women it's so uncomfortable like I think about the times um like with work and interviews like you know they would offer me a salary and I'd be like yep that's great thank you and actually I'd be like that's I wanted more
Starting point is 00:33:02 or I would be like I don't want to inconvenience you so like if it's like this amount to this amount I'll take the lowest amount like please don't let me inconvenience you like you know there's that real like where you know when you think about normally like men they're like no like I'll have the top amount and obviously there is the gender pay gap which is obviously how I love a kettle of fish but you know it's that kind of you know just being a bit uncomfortable to like with money and saying like you know I think it was um a podcast that Francesca Amber did and it was like a money one she spoke about the exact amount of money she had in her bank account and literally I was listening and I was like I'm uncomfortable like I feel like my toes
Starting point is 00:33:45 curled you know like that just like oh but actually I was like well good on you it's so brave yeah and actually if more of us spoke about it you know so I think it's this thing and that's maybe the throat which is definitely closed for so many of us women, we don't speak our truth in so many ways because of the good girl mentality, like be a good girl, be quiet, don't ask for more, just be humble, be kind, be shy, but not too shy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like, you know, be sweet, but also a bit sexy, like this is like the Barbie thing, isn't it? Like, it's that kind of thing, like, where we're like oh I don't know what to be so then when someone is a bit bold so like you know your business coach Poppy like she's she's so bold like so inspiring the way she is she's like fuck the system I'm
Starting point is 00:34:35 gonna just like go for it yeah you know she's great but then you're and like I remember having a conversation with her I was like you really triggered me babes and she's like good and I'm like yeah I know like and we had a really, like, empowering conversation together about it because I was like, oh, it really pushed me to, like, think about that. And I think that's what I would say the key message is right now with this transit is you're going to be triggered. You're going to feel uncomfortable and you're going to feel like, oh, my God, what do I do?
Starting point is 00:35:01 How do I deal with this? But, like, it's a time to learn and to like break through that conditioning that good girl mentality like that suppressed mentality like so many women are suppressed um it's a big thing that I see um that we're trying to fit into a mold that's not for us yeah you know and it's breaking free of that and obviously Instagram doesn't help does it no it's like the mummy bloggers and all that vibe it's just a lot of pressure isn't it definitely yeah 100% yeah yeah it's just like you know getting the right picture or all that stuff it's just this constant pressure and I think as women we feel it so much
Starting point is 00:35:45 like to be the best and like to be the best like mum the best at our job like all these things and I'm just like why do we have to be the best at everything yeah we definitely don't why do we have to do everything like I also think you can't be the best at everything at the same time no there's always something that dips yeah yeah there's something that dips and that's fine and yeah it's just taking time to notice which one is dipping and then okay I'll come back to that one next month and then let something else dip a little bit while I go to that one and yeah I think that nothing is ever going to be everything 100% at all times and that's absolutely fine and I think if like I know we're starting to get more vulnerable now like that's what I love about
Starting point is 00:36:29 TikTok is so real people like so honest on there they're like a fucking hell like my kids a dick you know she wants to go yeah you know like I'm like oh I love that it's not like oh my little sweetness you know it's just so real and I love it um but I do think like that more vulnerable way of life like and being more open hopefully we're sort of sharing that with everyone that listens you know having that more vulnerability amongst each other and like being kind and like I was saying with that group of friends I've got where we like hold each other through the growth yeah it's like we know this is uncomfortable so like let's not add any more spice let's just hold it let's work through it you know because it's hard like yeah we're so emotionally like embodied in the way that we do our decisions
Starting point is 00:37:17 and life and the nurturer and the carer that the role takes in a woman yes a lot it's a lot so it is indeed it's good to have a good group of people around you and I think that you know whatever industry you are in like look at the other people that are in your industry and think about supporting them yeah I think so and also looking at the people that aren't supporting you and seeing maybe some of their projections that are coming out so like that boss who was like I had it tough and she used to be like get me a coffee like she's a proper light wow oh so old school yeah so old school like and I just remember thinking that you're so like I have no inspiration to be like you yeah you know and like she was obviously quite a few levels up. But, you know, I did have a boss who I was really inspired by, actually.
Starting point is 00:38:06 And she was around that time. And she used to always say, like, I was her first mentor. So she definitely, like, mentored me a lot. But she would always ask me for feedback on her. Oh, that's nice. And it was really nice to feel heard. And she really valued my insight. And obviously now she knew what
Starting point is 00:38:26 I'm doing she doesn't know she felt that makes sense why I used to know everything or be like I feel like this person's feeling this you need to check in on that and yeah but like I really felt inspired by her approach as a leader and um I just I felt like I was heard I felt like she listened to me you kind't yeah I think as well like when you experience that you then want to pay that forward like you then want to do it for other people and that's how I felt like after having a really good experience and also having bad experiences and then like I don't want to do that for my staff you know or like I do want to carry that on for my staff yeah that type of thing um yeah yeah hopefully that can be something that we can start to pay forward for the people
Starting point is 00:39:12 I think so and it's breaking that karmic pattern like everything that we do every behavior is a pattern and it is so karmic going back to those days of like the healers and the midwives that were like you know put in prison like we have those wounds and they're still there so it's just so like intense like that part of us and we're trying to break it and I think this is why that transit happened because it's so rare for that asteroid to be there you know bringing this really real big feminine power like there's a change in in the rise of the Like there's a change in the rise of the feminine. There's a change in the way that women are and it's uncomfortable, you know, and it's exciting, but it's uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:39:55 And it's, yeah, it's quite interesting to observe and watch. And I think for everyone listening, like I'm sure there's situations you're in um where you felt this in the past or maybe you're the person projecting out right now and you're like oh like this this girl's annoying me or like oh that that girl in the office or whatever it is or that girl on Instagram every time I see a story she just pisses me off like who does she think she is? Sit with that. Like, and just explore. Yeah, why are you feeling that way? Yeah, because a couple of the pages that I muted, like, yeah, some of them I just, I'm not interested.
Starting point is 00:40:33 So I unfollowed. But there was like a couple that I just wasn't ready to be in their level of energy. Like it showed me what I wanted, but I just didn't know how to get there. Yeah. Like I didn't want that constant salt on the wound when I saw their work because it just bothered me because I was like I want that
Starting point is 00:40:50 and I'm not doing that and I wasn't ready to face it so I do think like you know it's both sides there will be an element that you're triggered and also there'll be an element that you're triggering others you know so it's just kind of giving a lot of love sending a lot of love remember that we all go at our own pace yeah exactly you're so right not everybody's on the same timeline no they're not and I think like it is just riding the waves of that isn't it my girl it's hard I think working with women more now like I also feel like I used to listen to podcasts always by men now I really just love listening to women like the shift has happened for me with women more now like I I also feel like I used to listen to podcasts always by men now I really just love listening to women like the shift has happened for me with women uh like if I went to a
Starting point is 00:41:31 doctor I'd only want a man like no I want a woman a woman understands me like a woman can can like feel my emotions to understand like you know so I always was so conditioned to like absorb information from men um and I'm still allowing myself to absorb information from men. But the difference now is I really want to learn from women. Like some of my biggest teachers are women. And I'm so happy about that, where they never were before. Always men. No way.
Starting point is 00:42:02 I think mine have always been women. I guess your industry is probably for that reason but like die over ceo podcast like I used to listen to like Jay Shetty all the time like I was listening to all these men about self-development and I was like like they're great they're brilliant podcasts but there's also really yeah like why have I got to listen to a man to like know that that's valid information? I generally think I was conditioned that a man has more knowledge. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah. Yeah. That's quite crazy, really, when you think about it. Well, I think we've all been conditioned in that way. Yeah. So it's unfamiliar. We're actually, like, there's a few female sort sort of spiritual ladies female ladies um and they're so inspiring and I love listening to them like I think they're fascinating and I love that I love
Starting point is 00:42:54 listening to that now yeah you know oh well that's good I'm glad yeah so it's all it's all just big but I think really it's just about sort of reflecting on the feminine right now because it is the rise of the feminine. So this is a time to reflect on the triggers and the projections of what other women are bringing to you, what you're projecting to them, and not shaming it, and just being aware and looking at your behaviours and really looking at what you want. So if someone makes you jealous, that's okay. It's your inspiration, you know.
Starting point is 00:43:27 And if you're feeling envious, then you've got some shadow work there. And if that envy is really strong, then like, yeah, you really need to work through that. And it might be that you need help with that. You might need to work with somebody like a therapist or whoever to work through that shadow. And it's okay. We all have shadow.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Like it's a big thing right now well it's always there but it's very big right now in particular yeah and the main thing like you said at the beginning it's just like being kind about everything be kind to yourself but then also being kind to others even if you are like you say feeling that way yeah envy or whatever but just remembering to just be kind to everyone around you and support people like my god a lot a lot of good comes from it a lot yeah it does i always say like this is very love and light and a lot of people in the spiritual world are like oh spirituality isn't about love and light it's all about darkness and growth and i'm like yeah yeah yeah it is i get it but honestly the concept is
Starting point is 00:44:23 love and light like if you give love and you give like, like love is like limitless. Like we have like unlimited amounts of love to give. So why would we not give it? And that's the honest to God truth. And the person who's the biggest douchebag on in your life right now needs most of that love. I'm not saying like go and give them the love and be like put up with their shit I'm not saying that but send them love yeah send them that and send them the love that you know they need because they've got some stuff going on it's a good way to look at it yeah it is my babes isn't it it's So, I think, I think that's it. Do you?
Starting point is 00:45:06 Yeah, I'd say so. I feel like we've got everything there together. Yeah. I hope you enjoyed it. Good. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Thank you again for listening to this week of Spiritually Speaking. And, if you want to catch us on Instagram, I am at Hair by Samantha Green.
Starting point is 00:45:23 We are at Spiritually Speaking underscore podcast. And Jess is Jessica to catch us on instagram i am at hair by samantha green we are at spiritually speaking underscore podcast and jess's jessica marie underscore holistic and for anyone that wants to join oh sorry i was gonna say i'm really sorry to interrupt you we need a round of applause for you getting through that with your hangover honestly i've had a few moments where my brain stopped working so i'm sorry if like no you're alright I think you did really well oh thank you your brain stops working
Starting point is 00:45:47 sometimes when you're not hungover so yeah yeah it's true I just feel like it was like it just froze a few times like you know
Starting point is 00:45:54 when like the computer freezes that's what happened to my brain a few times well at least you didn't pretend it was a computer yeah I could couldn't I
Starting point is 00:46:01 little glitch but also for anyone that wants to join my Patreon community for $7 a month, that is patreon.com forward slash Jessica Marie Holistic. And there's lots of guided meditations and there's some audio for the full new moon. And we're doing a 28 day ritual at the moment for the new moon, which is really fun, really getting into our affirmations.
Starting point is 00:46:25 So yeah, if you really fun, really getting into our affirmations. So yeah, if you fancy it, come and join. Amazing. Thank you so much. No worries, girl. Well,
Starting point is 00:46:32 lots of love and feel the feels everyone and have a magical week. Bye.

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