Spiritually Speaking with Jessica & Samantha - Taurus Takeover - Who's ready for Taurus season?

Episode Date: April 19, 2024

In this week's episode, Jess and Sam begin with their usual catch-up session, where Jess recounts her first scuba diving experience. Later on, they delve into all things Taurus Season, discussing... the traits of Taurus and how we can harness its grounding energy and strengths. Join them as they explore Taurus characteristics and share insights on how to utilise Taurus strengths effectively on the podcast.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Spiritually Speaking with me Sam and with me Jess. Thank you for tuning back in. Welcome back. Yes we are recording this on a weekend. We are. Which is weird. Saturday lunchtime. Yeah. Mixing it up. Yeah. I've not worked on a Saturday lunchtime for a while actually. I don't think I've ever really worked on a Saturday lunchtime. Yeah. New to us. We're just dedicated to the pod aren't we girl we are dedicated that's exactly what we are but it's mainly because my schedule got a bit busy I mean thank you for taking responsibility but I thought it was me oh I feel like it was me oh really oh no I thought it was me to be fair no I was just like I'm struggling to find time at the moment for everything um yeah it's hard just to fit everything yeah isn't it and like I'm not very flexible either
Starting point is 00:00:49 now like because obviously Andy's going back to work so I only have very limited times just when I've got child care or for when um the girls are napping that type of type of thing and then it has to be from from my house that yeah so yeah but we're making it work my girl we always tend to find the solution don't yeah we do whether it's in the car in the car in your bed yeah on the sofa so we make it work we're in my spare room at the moment and the dog is just like running around the bed he's loving life i'm gonna send him some reiki for him to chill out please do and teach me how to do it because there we go yeah stop chewing the wire oh my god yeah so babes how have you been good yeah good and andy's mum left this week which hit me harder than i expected it to i'll be honest yeah um it didn't sorry the dog is now chewing the wires of
Starting point is 00:01:39 the laptop um yeah it hit it definitely hit me a little bit harder than i expected um i loved having her here like really really loved it we had such a nice time together and she was so helpful with the girls um but i think it just when anyone leave right this is what i've come to figure out right so when i have the help it's amazing yeah and I need the help I want the help I accept the help as soon as they leave it's like fuck yeah what am I gonna do yeah it's like because I accept so much help when they're here and they want to do so much that is so lovely that then I almost get this feeling that I can't do it then without them when they leave yeah and it's frustrating because for the time before Andy was off for the three weeks and before
Starting point is 00:02:32 we had his family come over I was like oh I'm doing this I'm all right on my own and then um now all of a sudden I'm back to being like oh my god I don't think I can do this that's okay though yeah but you can do this yeah and it's nice to have the help and you enjoy it yeah and then i guess for you now it's more just finding this routine which is probably more what your routine will be yes yeah because the girls are getting that and he's back at work and more like full hours as well yeah so actually it's a good thing because then it's like okay here we go yeah we're gonna do this how my morning's gonna look yeah probably always a little bit different depending on what the girls need but yeah you can sort of go into that and then yeah like sort of
Starting point is 00:03:16 I think it's different here I guess when you have a baby we're at home you know your mum pops in yeah where the difference here is that people are staying with you yes so it's like really helpful 24 7 care when people stay with you oh my god yeah i never even thought of that yeah well it's more that your mum would pop in for a few hours or whoever yes you wouldn't feel like the massive feeling of them leaving yeah whereas here you really do because like she was doing like the last feed of the day with andy the first feed of the day with me so yeah yeah no yeah so then it's a lot more again on you and Andy yeah which is is good and also this is all connected to your Saturn story because it's all in your partnerships ah so it's all like partnerships and working with
Starting point is 00:03:57 people in different ways so yeah it's also like the sort of roles you and Andy are playing right now and how you're building that new way of being together. Yeah. So it's like... That's nice. Yeah, it's really nice. And then obviously when people come in to help, it's lovely. But sometimes actually it is really lovely,
Starting point is 00:04:16 but then it can add like a bit of... Not a spanner in the work because it's great to have the help, but it does put you out of the routine. Yeah, it changes the dynamic of everything yeah so it's a lot of adjustments actually yeah in the energy shifting into different roles and adjustments so yeah yeah so yeah yeah that's kind of all i've been up to really yeah just trying to get a bit of a routine and figuring out life and i got a we were laughing before because i had a message from the contractor who's working on our house um saying have you had a phone call the bath is being delivered
Starting point is 00:04:52 did you tell him the 13th or the 14th and i said yeah the 13th i had no idea that today was the 13th you could have said to me it was the first of april and i would have believed no but i felt that because it's my dad's birthday in a few days and i was like oh my god normally i'm really organized sorry dad if you're listening i was definitely listening he's our number one fan with my mom as soon as it comes out but dad don't worry i have sorted out yeah your birthday card and also he wants a tracksuit which is very cute you know like snaddy does tracksuit my dad my dad does as well what is that about yeah why do they love it loves it my dad what colors does your dad wear um he's more like darker colors so more like a navy yeah same um yeah quite a lot
Starting point is 00:05:32 navy to be fair and he once went into nike yeah and someone came up to him and asked where something was he was wearing head to toe night but that's like my dad with eddie des he loves it yeah and like the trainers the cap yeah he's got khaki he's got black yeah he's got navy so i'm not sure what this new tracksuit is going to be oh but we will find out at some point and i will confirm so yeah bless him so dad happy tracksuit shopping also happy birthday yeah because it would have been his birthday by then um so yeah but i felt the same with all the dates so yeah i'll get you girl yeah april time it's weird it's a bit of a pull-to at the moment yes yeah it really is how about you i'm sure i've had a really good week i had the week off actually which was
Starting point is 00:06:15 nice um so i went to nikki beach on tuesday and i got really drunk love that like so much rose i didn't know that yeah yeah oh it was ladies day was ladies day but it was really funny because so started drinking probably at 11 o'clock um and went straight to rosé on an empty stomach error absolute error but i have no regrets good had a great day i was boozy got home by eight literally swallowed a pizza yeah because i was like i don't really remember it and then woke up if you don't remember it doesn't count yeah exactly woke up at midnight my flatmate also woke up at midnight oh did an insta shop of squash because we're so dehydrated and the hangover hit us it's like day drinking oh no at midnight at midnight like awake having a chat
Starting point is 00:07:06 in my room oh um yeah and i was like i have never felt so dehydrated in my life and when like we got these like electrolyte drinks and like down yeah yeah but i was just like what did you feel better when you woke up no i had a bad belly because the pizza as well it was just awful i think i probably had like four hours sleep. It's the sleep after drinking, isn't it? That you really struggle with. Yeah. And then I went to a beach club the next day but didn't drink and just chilled.
Starting point is 00:07:32 But it was hot. So I was like hot and hungover. Yeah. So it was just, you know, it was a lot, babes. Nice week though. Good week. And I went scuba diving. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I thought it was snorkelling. Oh, no. I scuba dived, girl. Oh, wow. I went for it. Have you done that before? No time wow i saw a shark no you didn't honest to god seriously swear in my life i'm glad you said that because now i'm never going there it's fine it's not like a great white white white it's not a great white it's a great white he's a great white no it was a reef shark um and it was like so i actually saw
Starting point is 00:08:15 the shark where so it was in forgera by the way not dubai don't panic yeah yeah um but i think that's really common there um so yeah he was he was great he was loving life um but i was partnered with this 13 year old girl she was lovely but when she saw the the shark oh she screamed and stuff that's not a good idea no it wasn't i was like babes you need to chill out yeah at this point there's two of us here yeah we're scuba diving take me down with you yeah her parents were no no we were snorkeling her parents were scuba diving so i was responsible for this girl that i'd only just met all the way around you were scuba diving the parents were snorkeling no the other way around yeah no no we were snorkeling oh you were snorkeling before we scuba yeah sorry so i felt even more vulnerable yeah because the shark saw
Starting point is 00:09:04 me floating yeah at the top of the ocean. So she starts screaming. She starts screaming. She starts like thrashing around. Yeah, she's going for it. Oh, for crying out loud. Have you not watched the films? So I'm like, calm down.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yeah. But I also don't know her. She may as well have just cut a finger at the same time and just let some blood out. So then she was finding it really funny um and kept making me jump and kept swimming up behind me but because i didn't know her i couldn't be like just stop it yeah i had to be like hello that's really funny it's not funny just fucking stop yeah i was like this random like teenage girl bless her it was her birthday that day
Starting point is 00:09:45 so i had birthday babes but we need to like ring in i was like right if we see a shark again we do not scream yeah we do not splash yeah we just surrender yeah surrender to the shark surrender to our future exactly so so we bonded and she actually said to me um she's i haven't got a big sister. And I feel like you've been my big sister for the day, which was really nice because I'm pleased she didn't say I was like a second mum. I was like, I'm still big sister energy. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Yeah. So that was good. But then we scuba dived, me and her, with Mahmood, lovely man. Mahmood, basically I was like codependent throughout the whole scuba diving experience is that the first time you've done it yeah so the like flopping off the boat backwards was like quite scary I yeah never even thought of that before sorry so you see when they've got all like the tank on and everything you obviously like very heavy then very heavy when you fly back so I was like having visions I'm gonna hit my head on the bar you know so oh yeah I didn't I actually did a very good job if anyone has my personal Instagram you
Starting point is 00:10:49 will see it and I didn't put it on my spiritual one maybe I will maybe I'll treat you all maybe I'll put it on spiritually speaking um but yeah I sort of flopped back in not back in just in yeah and um it was fine and then Mahmood he had me he held me oh it was lovely lovely to be held by a man oh and then i was okay with the breathing but it was a bit difficult first of all and i was like no you can do this you do breath work yeah yeah definitely but then you have to get in the zone but obviously my partner who's 13 yes love life oh i'm not loving life i'm trying to get myself calm do you think that's because she was young enough that she had no fear yeah where i'm like thinking yes you know what's gonna you know
Starting point is 00:11:36 what could happen again she's not i don't know her yes so it was just like she couldn't calm me down either no so i think she was actually quite a good distraction because i was like right come on you can do this yeah and also sometimes if a 13 year old can do it you're like I can she was like you okay and I was like kind of she's like I'm fine I'm all good and I was like well that's great for you hon yeah wrap it in yeah so um so anyway me and Mahmood bonded and I literally grabbed his arm the whole time. We actually went down only like 14 metres because it was obviously the like discovery dive, which was still pretty deep. I'd say that's quite deep.
Starting point is 00:12:15 And I didn't like it because, like the floor, because there was like the eels. Yeah, but they weren't electric eels. Okay. I don't, I won't even like. And I just didn't want to touch them, obviously. Yeah. I didn't want to touch anything. I was going to say, I wouldn't care if won't care if they're electric or not at one point I felt like I was just sinking closer to the eels and I was like because she kept coming off the young one he was like trying
Starting point is 00:12:36 to get her and I'm like come back to me in the mood these eels are around me and I was just like and I don't really like touching the sea floor and then there was like the coral and I felt like all my peripheral vision because of the goggles so I was really like I'm trusting you yeah focus on me yeah yeah um so yeah forget about her she's fine yeah um so yeah it was quite an experience but loved it. But it was quite murky under the water. I saw, obviously, fish, but I didn't see any sharks. Yeah. But it was really cool, quite triggering, pushed me out of my comfort zone. But after I was buzzing.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Yeah. And then that's when I saw the shark after that, when I just went and snorkelled with my mate. And, yeah, we saw turtles. We did snorkelling in the maldives oh that's amazing yeah it was it was it was amazing yeah but we i think andy had seen like a reef shark and he never told me because he was like absolutely not gonna tell her that yeah thank god i always have a fear not that i've been to the maldives but one day when i go you know like they have the slides some off some of the villas Imagine sliding and there's a shark there
Starting point is 00:13:46 and there's nothing really to catch it. There's just nothing like you're... Oh, because you're already on the slide. Because you're mid-slide. Okay, you know what I would do mid-slide? Arms and legs to the side. Hold on. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:58 Yeah, I get that. Starfish. Yeah, starfish and just get stuck. Yes. Yeah. And then shuffle off the slide so i think that's a good plan yeah but i feel as though i probably couldn't do that i'd probably be flopping right into the ocean and i'd have to just be like thinking i'm invincible and send
Starting point is 00:14:18 love to the shark and be like i did actually do that so in all honesty in the ocean i was like i really want to see a shark. So while I was underwater, I was like, if there's any sharks around, like in my energy. I was like, please come by, please don't bite me. And yeah, like I'm open to seeing you. And then one popped up. Yeah. So I was like, lovely.
Starting point is 00:14:40 But yeah, I think the slide situ, I could see you doing that. I think I would probably like break my leg and then bleed it'd just be a disaster i'm too clumsy i would have but apparently if you see a shark anyone just in case this happens to you because obviously i'm a real expert now from my one scuba dive experience you need to look them head on oh look there is no way in hell i would do that so sharks you have to look them head on stare at them and like basically punch their nose in all honesty and crocodiles if you see a crocodile you need to run in zigzags so do you know that no because they can't run in zigzags so they'll try and follow you and they won't be able to where if you run straight they're quite fast oh yeah so if you do like okay i've not been in either situation so i don't know if i would
Starting point is 00:15:29 respond in that way but that's so you can do the level of scared that i am of sharks is ridiculous but to the point where i'm even scared now also having this conversation my phone's listening and my algorithm is gonna to start fucking showing me shots it's okay no honestly i hate that i'm so scared no but even looking at them it made me scared yeah but like i think what i've said to myself sometimes when i'm in the sea i'm like this is my time it's my time oh well like it wouldn't be great yeah it wouldn't be ideal but i do love the sea it really wouldn't be ideal it really would no it would be awful yeah but like it is what it is what can you do true so yeah but not getting the sea is what you can do well yeah but i love it yeah i'm a real sea girl like i'll get in i have definitely put myself in situations to like
Starting point is 00:16:15 where like for example i went surfing in australia which you know that's pretty risky i won a surfing trip and i thought i'm gonna do it and just put myself out my comfort zone yeah i did do it and i was fucking terrified but um yeah so i've tried and did you see any sharks no thank god i will not be here to live the tell the tale i would have had a heart attack yeah no it is he was big i think it was a he i feel like he was a he um do you give off a masculine vibe he did give masculinity it could be just like a female who's more of a tomboy shark but yeah well that's good babes well done see i wouldn't surf because you look like a seal
Starting point is 00:16:58 from that if i was a shark looking up and saw a surfboard with arms and legs that would look like a creature wouldn't i wouldn't normally have but like say I won this competition like it was like a what random competition to it was in a pub oh yeah it was just like a I don't know what it was but it was like a something like a quiz or something in the pub and I won it and I thought well I'm obviously meant to do it yeah let's just push and I when I was in Australia I was only 19 I was trying to do like that girl probably that was trying to do everything that i was scared of yeah to like overcome it almost um definitely didn't overcome any fears yeah but did everything anyway nonetheless so that's good well well done thanks well there we go i did swim with sharks at the inantis but i didn't like being in the fish
Starting point is 00:17:40 tank yeah it's a bit of a different experience yeah it was really good but like it then made me feel a bit like when I was in the tank and like being humans were looking at me from the other side I was like oh this is actually really awful yeah really sad yeah like the little fish is fine I think you find that when you go on like a safari as well like you can't really go to a zoo afterwards when i went to tanzania yeah that happened to me and now i'm like same for us yeah as well oh did you yeah we went to we flew to zanzibar and then we went yeah we did the serengeti late manara yeah oh well i climbed kilimanjaro and then did it after you did so it was good but i had no clothes by that point i didn't have enough things so i was just in those like elephant trousers oh yeah
Starting point is 00:18:24 in all your pictures my sister messaged me like what's happened to you I was like I have no clothes yeah I've just climbed a mountain yeah like back off give me a break yeah yeah but no so it's quite brave doing the scuba diving for me because as I've got older I've got a little bit more fearful so it was good oh good anyway should we talk about today's topic and not sharks yes please change my algorithm if my phone's listening so we're going to talk about tourist season because we are fast approaching tourist season when does it begin like it begins the 20th 20th think let me double check i should know it's normally around that yes it is yeah 20th of april yeah 20th of may so you're a taurus i am indeed taurus son yes i am taurus through and through well how i've
Starting point is 00:19:14 i've always thought yeah i've been looking at your chart this morning oh really yeah because i was thinking as i was looking at all the taurus stuff i was like she's and she isn't you know yeah i always thought that i was like Taurus through and through but actually I think as I've got older I'm like maybe not you've activated some other parts of you I think yes yeah which was interesting so basically it's going to be 2.0 of Sam's therapy session I think every episode has turned into therapy session for me but honestly guys I need it right now so you know you're just gonna have to get on board it's all good it's all good so should we talk a bit about what Taurus is from my perspective then maybe you can add some input from like being a
Starting point is 00:19:49 Taurus yourself yes so a Taurus is an earth sign okay so it's the earthy energy it's the ball and it's fixed and what fixed means is stubborn no joking, I'm joking. It can be. It's just very like, you know, it's not as flexible, let's say. So it's okay. Not as adaptable. Yes. So that, you know, that's also a really good thing sometimes. So it's not a negative. So that earthy energy of Taurus kind of keeps you quite grounded.
Starting point is 00:20:23 What you find with Taurus energy is like stuff is quite important so things and stuff fabrics and touch so you know your furniture I find most people's homes that are Taurus have lovely homes their decor and their furnishings are like really important okay and and it's like the little details that make it all like your sanctuary so your home is really a sanctuary for a taurus so it's really nice um you know it's very i don't know i just find taurus energy really lovely really secure really stable um and it's ruled by venus which is the planet of love oh so there's a very like venusian way about you oh venusian venusian so it's really lovely um but i always think of taurus energy as that kind of backbone
Starting point is 00:21:16 that you're a backbone you're a strength you know you have this part of you that's very um really reliable and strong yeah thanks how do you feel being a Taurus yeah I think I I definitely think I've always been very stubborn however I do think that from probably like 20-ish years old I've done a lot of the like self-help book I've read you know a zillion self-help books done a lot of work to not be stubborn yeah um and to try and come away from that yeah as much as I can but maybe that's stubborn instead of it being stubborn I think it's also like you're quite sure there's like there's a confidence of no i'm gonna do this yeah or no i'm not like so there's a little bit more um i guess maybe self-belief yeah in some way that maybe like a pisces wouldn't yeah you know yeah so it could be that yeah so it's like not shaming yourself for
Starting point is 00:22:20 the stubbornness but you know yeah they get tourists get a bad rep for being stubborn but there's a lot it's it's not a bad thing to know your worth and know your boundaries yeah i think it's just being open to being flexible when you need it yes which your pious moon will help you with that so you've probably got that's probably what you activate around that time that um okay i don't need to be stubborn yeah you know that sort of thing yeah that's what i would say to you yeah and not what about like material things and like financial stability that's quite tourist energy 100 yeah i like the i definitely like the finer things in life um i like things yeah i do like i like like i mean i'm less bothered about it right now I feel like I'm in a
Starting point is 00:23:06 different place in my life right now but definitely before I was always like right I'm gonna set myself a goal to make this much in a month and when I do I'm gonna buy this yeah that's gonna be my thing yeah and like a lot of my goals were always materialistic whereas it you know it would be like a car that I wanted to get or it would be a handbag that i wanted to get or a holiday that i wanted to go on like it was always like that it was less of a like oh i want to feel like this yeah so yeah i i get that yeah that we've probably activated a bit more of the feelings more recently yeah but yeah you've manifested a lot of stuff so like you've really like utilized your tourists yeah so anyone that's listening that's a Taurus like you're goal orientated usually by things yes and that's okay you don't need to
Starting point is 00:23:50 shame that yeah like that's part of what your energy is so if you are a Taurus or you have Taurus quite prominent in your chart that might be a way to motivate you to get you kind of going to sort of think about what you want so um that's okay yeah we had um we had a meeting with the contractor for the house and we were talking about um like the what we were doing to the house like with the kitchen and the bathroom and stuff and i came away from that and i felt like a fire had been lit in my stomach it felt like i was back yeah you know what i mean i was like oh my god yes i want to work so hard because i want to be able to do this and that's how i felt and yes it felt like me was just like coming back out of myself if that makes sense that's exactly
Starting point is 00:24:36 it yeah so that's where you play to your strengths taurus so your sun energy is like that fuel is that yeah it's bringing that through for you. So that's really good. Yeah. And then it's kind of being aware of that, that that's a motivator for you. Yeah. And keeping it in light, not shadow. Yes. So not being obsessive.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah. Over material things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But like embracing the fact that they motivate you. Yeah. And that's incredible. Where like other signs, the water signs will have more feelings connected to goals. So like, yeah. And signs will have more feelings connected to goals so like yeah and fire
Starting point is 00:25:06 could be more possibly doesn't always have to be more of the recognition of like the ambition it really varies but I think for tourists it's very earthy it's very grounded but also there's like a real stability there's perseverance there's patience with tourists so you know you kind of want to get it right yeah and sometimes it can take you a while so you'd rather take the time um and get it right than make mistakes i find as well so it can be a bit slow sometimes tourists yeah sometimes i feel like you're not slow but i was gonna say i feel like i go into things and then think later and then afterwards i'm like probably should have done that yeah which could be other parts of your chart that's playing up there because you've only
Starting point is 00:25:48 really got your sun and you've got mercury there which is the planet of communication so you speak very taurus yeah and you communicate in that way so your goals all those things the way you communicate you really feel it so yeah that makes sense yeah quite blunt yes there is that yeah so there's kind of this like we're all good like we're just this is how we're doing it this is how it is so yeah so it's quite interesting but you're hard working I'd say um and I know that about you so if someone said to me describe Sam I'd be like she's a very hard worker she's very strategic um she knows what she wants which I would say that's very much you like you've got a vision you'll make it happen and you'll get the right people to deliver on it
Starting point is 00:26:31 so there's a real kind of it's really I feel like it's such like a worthy and like so much self-worth and self-love do you know what I mean yeah because it's not like oh i'm not sure maybe you decide yeah yeah like oh no i'm not sure like i'll do whatever yeah like tourist is like now i've got vision and this is what i like yeah so that's a big trait of yours that i really am inspired by so there's there's a lot there coming up for you but also everyone we were going to be in tourist season so that means that we can all be a bit like sam and sort of embrace this energy and those sorts of energies come up there's obviously lots of other things happening in the sky but let's start with this energy because we're all sort of working it out so that tourist season that tourist energy maybe it's a time of a bit of patience and building things
Starting point is 00:27:23 and focusing on what you want that's maybe more material or more goal-focused and allowing that to come through. Yeah. So, like, you're going to be moving into your home around that time. Yeah. So you're in a very, like, tourist time right now. Yeah. And that's really nice.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Yeah. You're looking at textures, you're looking at different things and different fabrics and stuff. Yeah. So it's very, very good. Do you feel like at times you can different fabrics and stuff it's very very good do you feel like at times you can be resistant to change though good point yes and no so I love change yeah because I'm the one who's like let's move to Dubai or let's buy a house or let's move
Starting point is 00:28:01 apartments let's do this let's do that so I think I'm very susceptible to change but then I think only when I have decided I was just gonna say when it's gonna be yeah exactly so if I came up with a suggestion for something you've been pretty good whenever I suggest things but I think what you find sometimes if your head hasn't had that in the plan it's a bit like whoa whoa whoa whoa hang on a minute yeah where's this come from yeah or why are we doing it that way like and that actually I would say is something that I've really got better with with age and like I say with doing self-help work and things like that that's where I have really been able to grow and get a bit better with because yeah I would be so
Starting point is 00:28:42 and again a bit stubborn and just like tunnel visioned yeah that well no we said we were going to do this on this day at this time yeah and then I can't see past that yeah exactly so it's that sort of thing so sometimes you find so if anyone's like dating a Taurus or they're in a relationship with a Taurus or their child's a Taurus then it's like really having to plant that seed and getting them yeah to work it out yeah you know really having to help them feel like there's a bit of power and empowerment for them which is a bit annoying sometimes let's be honest yeah no offense babes but i'm not married to you so it's all good yeah but like but like you know if you're having to sort of work with that energy
Starting point is 00:29:23 you know you're gonna have to be quite conscious in your communication to get the results you need. Slightly manipulative, but we've got to do what we've got to do to get the results, you know. But there's kind of that. So you kind of, I would say children, if you're trying to help them, you know, like my little niece is a Taurus son and she's so lovely and she's so sensitive and it's like you've got to you've got to see her little
Starting point is 00:29:45 vision and then kind of get on board with that to help her get answers yeah where like maybe like my niece who's a cancer she's a bit like oh cool yeah thanks auntie bit bit that's a good idea you know like it's you've got to kind of you can suggest different things with my niece that's cancer but the tourists i've got really get in there yeah we'll get in her brain yeah you know so that's what i'd say then i think on a relationship side well you know i haven't actually ever dated a tourist i guess you haven't have you either really no so i can't give too much experience there but i think it's like what restaurant do you think would be good nando's or wagamama let them think they've got a choice yeah and then they're like
Starting point is 00:30:25 nando's you're like cool but like make sure it's the two you like yes you know yeah so give some suggestions but let them feel like they've got the choice easier said than done but you know give it a go yeah um but yeah i think those things sort of come up it's just very earthy so i also would say from like a rituals base mother earth spending time over the month of may end of april into may springtime like nature like you know going out into like the ground so like the grass being barefoot in the grass in the garden being around the sand barefoot like letting the soles of your feet yeah on the earth yeah it's really important and we'll all feel pretty grounded over this time we might feel a little bit less creative or like less sort of intuitive
Starting point is 00:31:11 not intuitive that's unfair but i think taurus keeps us very solid yeah and i think it's less of the feels i think a little bit isn't it yeah and more of just kind of feeling quite like grounded and and obviously we're coming from this fast-paced Aries energy with the solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde and Mercury comes out of retrograde stations direct on the 23rd of April so we're gonna have a little bit of it of Sun in Taurus while Mercury's there and and then we sort of like bam okay recovery time we've just had all these eclipses and it's brought up all this energy and there's all this awakening happening mercury's been in retrograde communication has been crazy oh my goodness oh my goodness mars and saturn are together there's all this stuff
Starting point is 00:31:56 going on it's like it's probably all different language to some of you but basically it's just chaos up there yeah that's basically what is going on in my brain right yes and that's okay because it is and there's all these things happening so having this like sun in taurus can help us it's like the roots of the trees yeah go into the earth and that's what's happening with our feet those roots coming out and getting us really solid because we've had all this stuff we've had pisces giving us intuition and it's been activating all these ideas aries is like boom boom boom erratic off we go let's go let's go yeah and then taurus is like okay babes should we just like have a moment should we just work out the strategy should we work out how we're going to do this in a practical way yeah let's plan it through let's make a list yes fucking
Starting point is 00:32:42 love a list oh babes don't we all label maker list love it all stationery oh yes love my stationery i actually nearly bought a new little diary today and i was like i don't need it yeah we've got so many notebooks i've got so many yeah we got nice ones the other day we did they're really nice i'm gonna be more creative in that notebook because it's plain paper yeah same i thought that yeah i feel like that's gonna be more like my ideas one so yeah but anyway so that's kind of the energy that's coming up so it's a really nice energy um but obviously you know you'll you'll be feeling that but with the chaos in your head babes like what's going on there what isn't oh babes yeah it's a lot but now it's good it's just that
Starting point is 00:33:21 everything is just a lot at the moment that's. I guess you've got a lot of moving parts. So you're probably feeling a little bit out of control. Yes. Because you're settling the girls into this routine. You've had visitors. You're moving house. You've just got a lot going on, haven't you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:38 So it's about keeping yourself grounded over this time. Yeah. And I would say, so on on my patreon I've been doing some polls a little bit data to see what's going on with everyone how's everyone feeling what's going on and there's this energy of like I'm really excited but I'm also really exhausted really excited but I'm really self-critical or I'm not excited I'm just overwhelmed and I can't work out where I'm going but it doesn't really feel like there's
Starting point is 00:34:05 anyone who's like I've really got this yeah it feels to me that there's so much uncertainty yeah and chaos kind of connects with that because we feel out of control yeah and for you feeling out of control it's like so unfamiliar it's become quite familiar for you recently but it's definitely a new muscle so I think just be kind to yourself with that i feel the same you know what's really weird it's just real like it's literally it's like a penny's just dropped i was just thinking about the last time that i felt like this and it was when i was 21 and you know when you said about the 7 7 14 21 yeah yeah yes the saturn would have been doing you'd have been having a little square in your chart then yeah yes that's strange yet very strange so you would have been going through yeah that's it so this is what Sam's also trying to help you be the fact that you can't control everything yeah and that you need
Starting point is 00:34:55 to surrender to that because it's like he's trying to help you work that out yeah it's hard though isn't it yeah it's not easy and I think like you say I think when I'm very lucky that you know I this isn't a um often thing like it's not a regular thing um but yeah there's just a lot going on that I just can't control and it's just one of those things but I'm so pleased that you know you're in your sentence return yeah thank god because I think for a lot of people when they think back to around 29 to 30 or 28 to 31 depending on when Saturn returned for you there was probably a lot of upheaval happening in your life or a lot of inner questioning and not knowing where you want to be or if you're in the right relationship or the right job and all
Starting point is 00:35:43 that stuff and I think once you have that awareness, you're a bit like, okay, cool. And like for you, because your moon is in Pisces, you've got Saturn and Mars, I think, basically sitting on your moon at the moment. I'm pretty sure when I looked at your chart this morning, it's like that's a lot. Yeah. Like your soul chose this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:02 And your soul chose motherhood at this time as well. So it's like it's leveling you up yeah so it's just that kind of intensity and i've got it on my son so obviously everyone knows i'm a pisces it's basically my identity on this podcast um but for me it's really activating i've got venus there so like relationships so like having a pisces and venus basically means i think every man is a good man right to my own detriment yeah you know like I'm like oh they're a good guy yeah no Jess they did this I'm like oh I know yeah so like I've really had to work on that yeah Saturn is coming along to meet my Venus soon
Starting point is 00:36:38 to give me a bit of a reality check with rose tinted glasses you know yeah so like it's funny how it comes up in different ways because it's like okay yeah like maybe I need to like be a bit more mindful of the boundaries there you know I've got a lot of love to give but just sometimes in the past I've given it to the wrong men you know yeah so it's like all different ways to explore that but my brain's chaotic I feel like I've got ADHD at the moment yeah I haven't I don't think I have and I'm probably shouldn't use that term in that way of like because people obviously have it but I feel like I cannot stop my brain from like functioning in some way like I wake up and I just need to use it for like I'm constantly having to like burn energy and I'm
Starting point is 00:37:24 really struggling to just sit and be yeah it's really weird it's weird for you that is so weird that's very normal for me because I can really enjoy like meditation and downtime we've spoke before on this podcast I couldn't tell you what episode it was and we've spoken about like napping yeah and you saying like oh yeah I love a nap and stuff like that yeah and um i can't remember the last time i had a nap well exactly and whereas i'm like oh no i can't my brain doesn't switch off yeah and you obviously were saying like oh no i love to do that and now yeah roles are reversing a little bit what has happened we have kind of swapped a
Starting point is 00:38:00 bit yeah it's weird isn't it at least we swapped and we're not like we still balance each other out don't yes yeah we definitely um but i think um for me the chaos is kind of i've got lots of things i want to do i'm like is time running out no chill out make a plan get a bit strategic and just move forward so i think for me right now it's like yeah that's a great idea but like let's just write it down and then let's see which one's the priorities yeah so I have got like that structure but yeah downtime has become less of a thing yeah um and it's something I'm quite mindful of but like I said to you like I'm in a bit of demand with work at the moment which is great and I always have this thing in my brain where I'm like oh I need to see everyone in the next four days and I'm like no I can't do that like it's a stop you need
Starting point is 00:38:51 to spread it out you need to find time for this and so you are getting better actually with your boundaries I think I think that's been a really good thing yeah and I think that is the Saturn Venus stuff going on and Saturn on my son as well it's like helping me understand that like people are okay with boundaries like it's all right yeah um i think it's because i've always had a bit more time i've been able to be more flexible so yeah that's it really girl chaos in the brain it's all right gotta ride it out yeah and embrace taurus and then yeah i think meditation is quite good over taurus season um and like real grounding and routine meditation I think we'll we'll do some of that girl yeah get our energies um and I always think tiger's eyes a really nice crystal um that's very like grounding
Starting point is 00:39:37 I actually buried like tiger's eye in my parents garden wow so that's something people can do if you're feeling quite erratic and a little bit um like you're not rooted get a crystal that yeah oh my god we need to bury it in my garden before the garden's done yeah we'll do that because it's all sand yeah yeah we'll get some selenite as well oh yeah and i buried it had a little ceremony and i was like i actually buried it next to my dead cat yeah because i should look after it yeah in her energies um and um was like yep here we go i'm gonna put my roots into the earth of even though my parents will move one day yeah that's like yeah i grew up so yeah you could do that as well give that a go i might suggest that actually i think i'm gonna put some rituals on my Patreon because I enjoy the more spiritual rituals.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah. Little things like that actually do a lot for me. Yeah. Over this time. So, yeah, I might put some bits on there actually in the next week. So come over if you want to get some rituals. Definitely. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Oh, well. Nice. Yeah, I've had a lovely app. Yeah, that was lovely. So thank you for listening as always. It was nice to have a bit of Taurus time. Taurus time indeed. Do you want to do the outro? You're always so good at it.
Starting point is 00:40:51 You're just so good. Well, thank you so much for listening to this week's episode of Spiritually Speaking for another mini therapy session for me. And all about the Taurus season that is is quickly upon us yes um if you would like to be an absolute babe then like rate subscribe share it with a friend tell people about us we would really really appreciate it share it on your story and all that jazz if you want to catch us on instagram we are at spiritually speaking underscore podcast i am at hair by samantha green and i am at jessica
Starting point is 00:41:27 marie underscore holistic and my patreon is patreon.com forward slash jessica marie holistic so yeah thanks for joining thank you so much we'll see you next week bye bye

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