Spiritually Speaking with Jessica & Samantha - Understanding the New Moon and its Significance in Aquarius
Episode Date: February 9, 2024This week's episode delves deep into Jessica's intuitive insights on the transformative energy of the new moon in Aquarius. Discover how this event ignites opportunities for personal growth,... innovation, and community building. Plus, stay tuned for a heartwarming update from our girl Samantha, as she shares some very exciting news.
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Well hello you lovely lot, welcome to this week's episode of Spiritually Speaking and
guys it's just with me today because our girl Samantha has some very, very lovely news to
share and we are going to listen to a little voice note from her now to see what's been
going on in the world of Sammy. Hi everyone, I am so glad to be jumping on here by voice now and just saying that my
beautiful babies have arrived safely into the world. You can probably hear in my voice that
I am quieter than normal and it is because I have one of them on my chest fast asleep at the
moment um so if you didn't already know I have had two beautiful girls oh my god can you believe it
literally if you listen to this podcast back there is an episode where I say there is absolutely no way like that I'm having two girls
like I don't think I'm having two girls I was shook when they pulled out the first one I say
pulled out because it was c-section um Andy I think Andy told me yeah Andy told me that um
one of them was a girl and I was like oh my god we've got a girl like I was over
the moon so so so happy because I did really want at least one girl I won't lie um and um then on
the second one they didn't actually tell him what um we'd had they just showed him and then he told
me and you the lovely nurse has actually videoed it and um you can just hear me saying oh my god oh my god
no way like it was such a surreal incredible moment and honestly I'm just on cloud nine and
just absolutely in a full newborn love bubble with the two of them. So my two beautiful girls are called River Audrey Bailey.
Audrey is my grandma's name. So that's lovely. And River was 5'11 when she came out, which is
obviously an incredible weight for a twin. And the girls were also born at 35 weeks as well. So obviously that's insane, incredible, like just such an amazing achievement for them to be that way.
And then we have Blake Rue Bailey, who is on my chest at the moment. And she's our little dinky one. She was four pounds three or four4.01 I think and yeah they're both doing amazing we have been so lucky
throughout the whole process and the fact that they're just so healthy and we didn't have any
complications everything just went so so so smoothly and I honestly just couldn't have wished for a better um scenario through the whole thing um
it's been an incredible um experience and a huge adjustment obviously um and yeah I can't wait to
fill you all in properly I think we're going to do like a little um birth special where I tell
everything um because so many of you are so invested in the story oh my god I're going to do like a little birth special where I tell everything.
Because so many of you are so invested in the story.
Oh my God, I'm going to start coughing.
That's one thing that has happened through this is I have a terrible cough.
If you can hear like me wheezing in the voice.
And obviously I've had a C-section.
A cough and a C-section do not mix.
Anyone who has experienced that will know what I mean anyway I'm gonna go I'm gonna stop waffling on I'm gonna let you have
a great episode with Jess that you've got coming up and I will be back very soon
um for normal podcast um content and like I say hopefully we'll do a little birth special as well
we'll throw that in the mix at some point and if you've got any questions about the birth or anything like that or about
the girls in general please do feel free to ask away on our socials and then we can add them into
that episode and hope you are all doing great enjoy the episode sending lots of love okay so we are now ready for this episode which is all about the new moon
in Aquarius it's a lovely moon really really like this one and it's just a lovely energy because
we've been sort of feeling this Aquarian energy that's been going on for the last couple of weeks
and obviously in I think it was two episodes ago,
we spoke about Aquarius season.
And we also spoke about the fact that Pluto has moved over
and that's the planet of transformation and rebirth.
And it's there for a really long time.
And this is the first new moon in Aquarius
where it's sort of really going into this energy.
So it's exciting.
I'm excited. And it's actually happening today going into this energy. So it's exciting. I'm excited.
And it's actually happening today on Friday the 9th of Feb.
So it's very prominent as you listen to this podcast.
If you're listening to it a few days later or even a week later, that's okay.
It doesn't matter.
What I always think with this sort of information,
you'll listen to it when you're meant to listen to it.
So don't panic if you're listening to this a week later thinking, oh, no, I've missed it.
No, babes, it's fine.
You're meant to listen to it a week later.
And maybe it's about reflecting on that new moon and looking at today, Friday the 9th, and seeing how you felt.
Or it could be that you're listening to it now and you're like, oh, right, amazing.
I really need this energy and I'm going to utilize it so remember there's no right or wrong
in this absolutely not um so yeah feel the feels and be comfortable with that so we all know what
a full moon is you know it's very visible in the sky a full moon is big and bright it's illuminated
by the sun you know we visit it's visible you know you sort of see it a few days before and you think oh it
must be a full moon soon you know kids notice it they're like oh the moon you know it's something
that's spoken about quite often I find when we approach a full moon but no one talks about the
new moon really because it's invisible so we don't know it's
happening unless we're aware of the moon cycles so the new moon is is different because you can't
see it firstly but also it's the start of the moon cycle so this is something I feel which is more
intuitive when you sort of tap into the new moon cycles because
it's a different energy to the full moon the full moon's about letting go where the new moon's about
sort of this new new cycle new energy and new intentions it's very powerful this a new moon
but I think we miss it because we don't see it and we're not really educated on the moon you know and it's crazy that we're not because aren't we made of like something like 70% water and when I
think about that and I think about the tides and the moon affecting the tides you know it goes in
and out because of the moon it's definitely doing something to us if we're made of that much water
and I always say that to clients when they question
anything about my work which is absolutely fine to do that you know I'm up for the challenge
just a few things I sort of tend to explain is well the moon affects the tide so what do you
think it's doing to us and another thing is we use the sun for a very very long time without
knowing how it works so we can use things like energy, very long time without knowing how it works.
So we can use things like energy, but we just don't know how it works.
And that's OK.
It's an element of trust and surrendering to the fact that everything is energy and
just going in and going intuitively with it.
So, yeah, a little bit of food for thought there on the energies around us.
But I imagine if you're listening, then you're kind of into the moon or intrigued by the moon or intrigued by spirituality.
So I don't think I need to do as much convincing there.
But anyway, right.
So obviously this new moon is all about setting intentions.
It's very much about new beginnings and what we do
is we look at that energy and then we obviously look at the zodiac so like I say we're a bit more
familiar with Aquarius now you know that humanitarian that collective that community
like that sort of feeling is is part of this intention setting and we are almost sort of
getting to springtime you know it's not far away so the seeds that we've been planting
you know this is this is a time to really sort of be a bit more bold in sort of intention setting
you know January was discipline just getting structure routine you know it's that very sort of Saturn energy around us now it's like right let's let's look
at this on a bigger perspective let's look at what's going on around me let's look at my community
and what I mean by community you might be like Jess babes I ain't got a community yes you have
could be a family it could be a friend it could be your colleagues it could be your pets like really you know it could be spirit guides like you know we've all we've
all got it in some capacity it could be neighbors like some people might just really love their
neighbors you know and good for you um but what what I would say is you know we're really wanting
to make big changes in the world right now
it's it's a funny old place and a lot is going on and it's you know an opportunity to find that inner
um inner voice I think speaking up finding your voice and finding a way with your community to
speak up to share your voice like me for example I have
literally been thinking about a podcast forever everyone says to me oh my god you should do a
podcast oh my god you should write a book oh my god you should do this and I'm like oh it's just
you know it's not in me and I can feel the shift happening with this Aquarian energy especially
with Pluto there going bab, you ain't got a
choice now, you've got to get your voice out there. And you know what, just work it out,
you know, work it out as you go. I'm not a perfectionist, luckily, that does help.
I'm kind of happy to be a bit rough and ready and vulnerable. But I definitely feel this like,
basically like, fuck it, just get on with it. And so if you're feeling that bloody great because that
means that there's sort of a shift happening if you're not also that's great there's something
else going on for you and we'll explore that don't worry but it's definitely an opportunity to
kind of go into I don't know just this place of of transformation I think and being a bit bold with it and not being
frightened um if you've got some ideas brewing you know whether it's business or it's personal
you know it's a time to really get get that written down get start sort of tapping into that
like for me I'm going to talk a bit about me because obviously I know what's going on in my
head so do you know what I'm just going to share what's going on for me to some degree to help maybe you
relate um but right now community is very much sort of from a business perspective for me it's
not so much my friends and family like love them dearly uh but I feel like I need to be making more of an impact with my community on a spiritual sort of level.
So that is a big, big priority.
And I'd actually say pressure on me right now that I'm feeling to get more information out there for more people to access this information because it really feels like a need right now um so with this Aquarius energy it's helping me look at
things in a different angle so I work really one-to-one with people um and I feel as though
I thrive in a one-to-one environment however I'm not able to sort of share it with bigger communities so I work very deeply and honestly like we go into it
all on a one-to-one and I love that because I'm nosy like I'm intrigued by people honestly so
I love exploring the life and energy of someone um but also I want to make a difference on a bigger scale now like I want to
be able to give give back in a way that's more accessible that's not one-to-one and to me that
is such an Aquarian energy because it's honestly I'll be really honest it's never crossed my mind
before so many people have mentioned it and I'm just like I can't be arsed and that's the honest
truth like not drawn to it it's not my cup of tea but all of a sudden something has changed and it's good to
change and it's good to sort of go into that so if recently you've been feeling something and you're
like I just really want to make a change I feel like I want to approach this differently like
that's good because Aquarius is going yeah
babes I feel it and let's make it happen Pluto's there too going all right here we go let's make
this happen and the sun's there so this is like really really powerful so you're not going crazy
if at the moment you're looking at sort of your usual approach and going do you know what I think
I want to do things differently I'm thinking on a bigger perspective I think I'm wanting to make
quite big shifts like brilliant that is exactly the energy I'm feeling now remember we're all
different humans we all have different energies we all have different astrology charts we're all
working differently with what's going on up there okay um so if you're not
resonating with this don't think that there's something wrong with you that's absolutely not
the case just really go in to your energy and really reflect on how you're feeling right now
that internal voice in your head what is it saying to you you know is it giving you a hard time is it feeling
really yeah are you feeling absolutely amazing and just flourishing and living your best life
because if you are that is wicked and you know what write some things down as to why that's the
case because you're you're using something in the energies to help you there okay so this is this is what it's about and it's
lovely it's really good and it's really powerful um but like going back to sort of the transformation
um I have felt really stagnant so if anyone has been feeling quite stagnant as though things aren't
there's resistance in the air you know I feel as though I'm being taught patience right now this resistance that's
arriving is you know there's a little bit little bit going on up there where I want to make something
happen and I've got all this energy but it's not necessarily taking off as much as I would like
so whether you're sort of dating and you're like oh just nothing's happening I kind of get that energy if you're in your relationship and it's feeling quite uh just normal and just sort of a bit sort
of repetitive like that's also okay there's definitely something at the moment that's
preparing us for a bigger shift I feel so this resistance or like lack of action that's been sort of tinkering around is starting to sort of slowly move away.
So just take a bit of comfort in that.
Remember, I sit and talk to people all the time with my work.
And sometimes I feel like I just absorb all this data of like how people are feeling.
This is quite a thing that's coming up with everyone right now
and this is what makes me sad about the fact that we don't always talk to each other about how we
feel because actually if we all spoke a bit more we'd realize that we're not on our own and I know
everyone bangs on about it but honestly like there's such collective energy that we're all
absorbing that we're just so unaware of so me sort of sharing what I'm feeling will hopefully give you a little bit
of an insight into this this big big moon energy um anyway right so what could you do with this
new moon so this is about this is intention setting so intentions are really powerful over
this time um so I would definitely take half an hour to sit with this and
reflect write down what you're wanting to achieve over this cycle so you know it could be that you
just want to carry on feeling great brilliant set that intention it could be that you're wanting to
make some changes business personal write them down this isn't an affirmation where you say,
I am successful. No, this is, okay, hi guys, whoever, whoever the divine is for you, or it
could just be the moon. Talk to the moon. Hey moon, I'm wanting to get my voice out there with
my spirituality. I want to have it on a different type of platform can you help me moon
with the confidence to do this could you help me moon with some productivity and can you help me
moon to make this flow in a direction that I want okay so what you're doing is asking the moon for
help in your intention okay that's how I work I work with my spirit guides
like that um I don't really write things like I am a successful business owner like great if you do
that but for me it doesn't really connect I much prefer to help me guys I'm on my way I'm listening
you know let's move forward so I really like to ask for their help and I honestly think
the energies around us really want to help
us it's like the law of attraction you know if you speak positive things then the positive
happens also when you ask for help help arrives every time I've asked for a teacher a teacher
arrives you know it's that sort of stuff so maybe ask the moon for a bit of help are you feeling
really stagnant and as though you're not able to achieve anything? Be like, moon babes, help me out.
I am really procrastinating a lot right now and I really want to unlock why I'm procrastinating.
Don't say I am no longer a procrastinator or whatever.
But ask, why don't we just work out why you're procrastinating?
Is it because you don't like the task?
Is it because you don't feel good enough?
We can work that out. Then we can let that go in the full moon in a couple of weeks you know this is what it's about it's not a joke it's not about cheating and going I am this I am that
like it's just for me I think you're sitting in a place of denial when we do that because it's like
oh I'm just going to ask for it and not do anything about it. Fine. Okay. But maybe tap into the, I am needing help with this. Help me understand this.
Help me understand why I'm feeling insecure about this. Help me understand why I feel stagnant in
my relationship. Help me understand if that's healthy. Ask for help. Ask for that. It's just,
it's available to us we just have to ask okay
um so that's definitely the energy that's coming through when we've spoke about Aquarius before
we've also spoke about the fact that it's very intelligent it's very much about communication
and I definitely think this is a time to communicate so same to the message I said
at the beginning about that voice coming out.
It's communication for me.
It feels really important that we work through this communication that's happening and explore that.
And what I mean by communication is, you know, in everyday life, I'm noticing people don't like to speak up and they'd rather people please.
And I've been there.
I get it and sometimes I
still do it um but really kind of opening that throat chakra and exploring why it's blocked
because I think it is for a lot of us especially the females um we all know why that is because of
you know not being able to speak up in many many generations before us and now we're trying to work it out it's hard it's uncomfortable
um so just really exploring communication whether that's with your partner with your friends with
your community and how you do that and that's really a theme that I would love for you to
explore over this new moon okay every new moon has a theme this theme is very much about this the next new moon will be
very different so as much as it's quite tailored to specific things like that's great however if
you don't feel drawn to this stuff and something else is popping into your head please go into that
and and see what comes up because like I say many times there's no right
or wrong with this um what I want for everyone is to be able to access their intuition in a deeper
level so that they can see what this new moon's bringing I'm sharing what I'm feeling intuitively
and that hopefully will resonate for many of you um but do do go into your inner inner self and see
what comes up um what else do I want to say about this moon I think they're the main things I'm
having a lovely time chatting away and hopefully this has been insightful it feels very weird
talking to myself but also quite lovely at the same time um but really get that ritual and
write those things down that's all you need to do doesn't need to be anything too crazy um
it's just a time to reflect that's what's powerful about the moons it gives you sort of every two
weeks an opportunity to sit and reflect to set intentions and to let go of things and once you
get into that habit and that routine honestly it is life changing. And you can start working with your cycles with the moon as well.
My period is always on the full moon, which I really like because I feel like the full moon
is about letting go and that really resonates with being on your bleed. The new moon for me
is more about ovulation. Some people have a different perspective on this, but for me is more about ovulation some people have a different perspective on this but
for me I feel as though it's that more fertile energy like making things happen and I love that
so you know it's a really good time to tap into that action and more fertile energy in whatever
way that is of new beginnings so yeah I think that's me I think that's everything um and I am very very
excited for this new moon and I hope that you enjoy it happy new moon my loves this has been
a nice episode to just sort of explain a bit more about that now um normally Sam does this bit what
have I got to say? Right.
So thank you so much for listening to Spiritually Speaking.
Our Instagrams are, so mine is at JessicaMarie underscore holistic.
Sam's is at Hair by Samantha Green.
And our podcast one is at SpirituallySpeaking underscore podcast.
Please, guys, make sure to subscribe and like share with friends honestly the support you've been shown has been amazing and continue to do
that because it just helps us get this out there and for me all I want is for us all to access
that inner part of us that we have avoided and left for so long and that's not what
life's about we're meant to be tapping into that intuition and we can really live a life of of good
as as well as bad but embracing the bad in a different way okay so please share because I
think lots of people will benefit from this and yeah lots of love keep it
real feel the feels and hopefully um in the next few weeks we'll have our girl back lots of love