Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 107: Lie Detecting & A Mt. Rushmore of Iconic Actresses

Episode Date: July 13, 2020

The people have demanded more Liar, Liar! On today’s show we have another round of everyone’s favorite segment. Before that, we open the show with some polarizing ‘Would You Rather’ questions!... Finally, as promised, we construct another Mt. Rushmore, but this time we are drafting iconic actresses! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the show: Become an Official Spitwad! Visit us on the Web Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Subscribe on YouTube Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/spitballers/posts See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. Oh, yeah. Is Sheboygan a city? Did you throw a city in there? Yo, there's no rule. You can't... No proper nouns allowed.
Starting point is 00:00:39 It's a city whose name basically sounds like a scat, Jason. Yeah, Sheboygan. Do you know where Sheboygan is, Jason? I spelled that wrong in the Google machine, that's for sure. Look, it's the sound that it makes when you... You guys remember Moon Shoes? Close, it's Michigan. Like when we were little, they would sell these Moon Shoes that had the springs on them.
Starting point is 00:01:01 How do you guys not know what Moon Shoes are? They sold those i mean i always dreamed of having shoes with springs so i could dunk this is a ridiculous situation that here i'm surrounded by buffoons but yeah they had they would sell moon shoes and you would bounce around at them now oh my gosh those things look awesome you would not bounce very high but that but sheboygan is in fact the sound that it would look this joke would have crushed oh i wasn't surrounded by idiots i didn't think that that made me an idiot i not knowing about these moon shoes al borland are were you familiar with moon shoes before this discussion yes i was thank you i feel like so
Starting point is 00:01:37 sheboygan is in wisconsin not michigan oh i see i knew that because i'm on google i'm waiting are they really different sheboygan is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan, according to the Sheboygan I looked up. Sheboygan is a city in and the county seat of Sheboygan County, Wisconsin. So there's two of them? There can never be enough Sheboygan. Is this a Springfield situation? Everyone's got a Sheboygan?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Well, maybe there's more than one. Sheboygan, California. You know, there's only one Sheboygan, Michigan on Wikipedia that I'm looking at. Who is the real? That's okay. Wait, so which one? The Wikipedia? I will try not to include cities in the back half of my scat.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I didn't know it would be so controversial. I didn't know it would lead into a weird moon shoes conversation. All right, maybe I won't. Maybe Mike is proven that it works okay uh welcome to the podcast there's good words out there sacramento is not bad you just need syllables the more syllables that you have in a city's name the better so uh give it a shot next week mike you're you're on so all cities what you're on for next week. Okay. All cities?
Starting point is 00:02:48 You're saying that's your whole scat? That's the battle plan. And the best part of it is at the time of this recording, I will remember this discussion five seconds before the scat starts. Yes, that's the best part. And then it will go, Phoenix, Dallas, Tallahassee. It'll be very good. It'll be great. We have a great show for you today.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Liar Liar coming back on today's show. One of our favorite segments. Would you rather? I'm officially declaring that I will lose today. Because every other time, I'm so positive I'm going to win. So no chance today. That's excellent. Because I declare that Jason will lose.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yeah, I do too. Pile on, Andy. Thank you. At SpitballersPod on Twitter, SpitballersPod.com. If you want to go become an official Spitwad supporter of the show, submit your ideas for drafts and your would-you-rather questions. We look to the Spitwads first for those insights to inform this highly sophisticated hour of podcasting.
Starting point is 00:03:49 What's like the captain of the ship is like, Hey, where do you guys want to go? Yeah, pretty much. And then the number one, the number one, we want to go to Sheboygan.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah. Like, all right, we'll take you to Sheboygan. We know where our first live stream is going to be. Our first live show will be in Sheboygan, but two of us will be in one Sheboygan, and one will be in the other Sheboygan.
Starting point is 00:04:08 It turns out there is a Sheboygan, like S-H-E-boygan, and there's a Sheboygan, C-H-E-boygan. One's in Michigan, one's in Wisconsin. Clearly, they probably fought at one point in time. Over vowels? Yeah, over the boygan, you know? Her boygan. The battle of boygan.
Starting point is 00:04:29 The battle of the boygans. All right, let's do some Would You Rather. Would You Rather. All right, this question comes in from Bruce. By the way, we have a great draft on today's show as well. Bruce! The second half of an earlier draft, so look forward to that. Do you guys hear the word Bruce and then just automatically fill in Almighty?
Starting point is 00:04:55 Almighty. Oh, really? Yes! You both do that? Yeah, I mean, look, I grew up on some Jim Carrey, and while it wasn't the best movie, it still was a movie. I thought you would go Bruce Wayne. When I hear Bruce, that's what I think.
Starting point is 00:05:09 No, I go right to Bruce Almighty. It's just like kids named Jake. Sorry, man. You're from State Farm. You're from State Farm. Oh, my gosh. Ridiculous. Well, this Bruce from State Farm says, would you rather own the physical copy of a video game or the digital download of a video game?
Starting point is 00:05:28 This seems like a very practical question. Bruce is trying to decide, I guess, what to do here. I wonder if it's generational, though, too. Yeah, generational. And I would like to pose this question as a different way because it's in the would you rather. We've got to be fair to Bruce. We'll answer that. Would you rather have this or that?
Starting point is 00:05:48 But this is life advice that I myself need at this time. So, I mean, who else? Bruce is here for you in a way. Well, I don't want to hear Bruce's advice. I want to hear the advice of you two guys. We consider ourselves did you call us a dad spurt no but that works too we're the dad spurts but i said experts we sit on three pillars a very very elevated and yeah very studious very all-knowing people by the way
Starting point is 00:06:20 i have not gotten my honorary doctorate for this show despite going over 100 episodes. It's ridiculous. Some school needs to reach out. Some school needs to reach out. We know where it's coming from. It's coming from Sheboygan. It's from Sheboygan. Sheboygan University. Sheboygan Community College.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Reach out to us, Sheboygan. Do they give out doctorates there? All right. Sorry, Mike. What is your dilemma in your situation? As I have been trapped in my home, I've been trying to improve this room. This is my office. If you check it out on the YouTube.
Starting point is 00:06:51 It does seem a little cleaner than it used to. And you'll notice it is a bit cleaner because I've been trying to make improvements, my man. And involved in those improvements in my closet is a video game collection that is very extensive. Those who collect video games may, in fact, be envious of what is happening in my closet. Can I ask you a quick question about your collection? Yes, you may. Is a video game collection considered illustrious by volume or by titles?
Starting point is 00:07:23 As in, you know what I mean? That's a good question. That's a good question. That's a good question. It is definitely a combination of both. You need to have the volume just to get a foot in the club. Just to make it a collection? Yeah. I mean, that's...
Starting point is 00:07:36 Like, if you have two rare titles, you don't really say you have a collection. You don't have a collection, but you have two rare titles. But while I have a very voluminous collection, I also have some titles in there that are seemingly rare. I don't even know how those things happen in today's age where a video game somehow becomes rare. But as I'm going through them, and I'm very proud of this,
Starting point is 00:08:02 it's tied to who I am. It's my childhood. It's my childhood in boxes of this like it's tied to who I am it's my childhood you know it's my childhood in box nostalgic to you and I just looking at the game like oh man I can go back and I can put myself in very specific circumstances of like you know this friend was
Starting point is 00:08:20 at my house and we beat this game and it was it was two in the morning and we went out we we got Del Taco and we felt like that's how strong the memories are on here. But these things sit in my closet and I go I will never play these again. Because you know that reality
Starting point is 00:08:36 is there. Yes, I've hit the age where I know the reality is I will never play 99% of these games again. Even though with all the new systems now they're like oh we're backwards compatible i'm like like great i'm not playing the backwards games you're giving me so old i bring this to the council of like what do i do with this collection because for the regular person it's just a whole crap ton of video games
Starting point is 00:09:07 but that's not all it is for me it's is there a monetary value i'm sure there is could you unload those and make a pretty penny i'm sure i could make money not a pretty penny this isn't like i have a jordan rookie card and i was gonna say mint condition. I don't think that video games were ever sold in a way like sports cards where the rare ones are truly rare because they were both sought after and limited quantity. No video game company is designing a game and then being like, I'm going to let five people get their hands on this product. Those do exist, though.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Yeah, Super NES and NES games have tremendous original value. Yeah, but mostly if they are in a box. If you have a laminated box that's unopened of something, then it has value. It's multiple thousands of dollars. If it's just the cartridge, you're like, oh, here's two bucks. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Well, let me ask you this. Is it possible? We have our grandparents retired and they did their... I feel like my grandparents sat around and watched the news a lot and their retirement was whittled. Maybe... I don't know what else they did, to be honest with you. Rocked. Rocked a lot of rocking. Is there a chance that you might retire and play these one day? Because we always joke about like, you know, you kind of leave the world like you came into it. I think Seinfeld makes a joke about wearing diapers and
Starting point is 00:10:30 being taken care of. And is it possible that because of the simplicity of these old games, you'll return to the simplicity of those old games in your retirement? I will say it is definitely possible. The problem is they have added to the collector's items where they have those nintendo minis and super nintendo minis that have the best of the game all those games already and it's it's just it's right there like i have i have those but i also have the real game the answer to the question here is to bring it back to the beginning is so clearly and obviously digital to me like it's not even remotely close because here's the thing. Let's say in your old age,
Starting point is 00:11:09 you know, 20, 30 years from now, you do want to play it. That don't work. That disc is, it's not going to work. The system is not going to work.
Starting point is 00:11:15 The digital download is like, it's there. And you want to know what else you can do for nostalgia. If you're not after this for money, if you're like, man, I want to remember, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:11:22 scroll through your library. You still have the pictures of like, Oh yeah, that game. And that game. money if you're like man i want to remember i don't scroll through your library you still have the pictures of like oh yeah that game and that i think you remember that you're hanging up i see your office if you're on youtube you can see it uh i would take your favorite like 20 games and i'd frame them up if they're if you're not going to sell them and they bring you a feeling when you see them it's very interesting frame them, hang them on the wall, and then you see them and you're like, man, I remember that Del Taco diarrhea I had way back when I beat that game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:52 I lose games and then I cause games to no longer work at such a high degree that digital is like, oh, I can't lose it. Foolproof? I can't break it. You hold this for me. Exactly. No, I exactly digital for sure back to bruce i have reached the point of my life where i'm on i've the the position on either the couch or the bed i'm locked in like i actually have i have slight body impression on this couch. It knows this is where I need to be. If I have to get up to change a game because I need to put the physical copy in,
Starting point is 00:12:32 what are we in the 90s? That's going to be hard when you're in the 90s too. No, I go, boop, next game. Thank you very much. All right, Tim from the website, would you rather be able to tell your past self one thing or be able to ask your future self one thing or be able to ask your future self one question? That is very interesting. So what would you use the past self
Starting point is 00:12:54 knowledge for? That would be correcting a huge mistake. You could tell her, avoid this, do this. Obviously, I will head it off before you speak you could go tell your past self to invest in amazon right before i don't want to go the route i don't want to go the route of the money what i want to ask is this question okay imagine that you are the future self you're lit you're just right now we're recording. All of a sudden, there's you from 10 years ago. You weren't expecting it. And they come over and they start. Oh, what would you say?
Starting point is 00:13:30 Just hold it. They come over. They start talking to you. And like, oh, man. Hey, future Mike, please tell me something. But then I start thinking about the rules of time travel. of time travel if i change anything in this the old person the the the old version of me if i change anything of my past i disappear from the photograph back to the future style because think of all the butterfly effects that one simple change is like, don't go to the store on October 3rd.
Starting point is 00:14:09 You'll thank me later. And then all of a sudden I vanish and I'm gone because my reality doesn't exist anymore. Does that mean you have to – do you just go away or do you then go back and relive all those moments that are now? I don't think you go away. I thought that created an alternate timeline that you could still be living in this timeline, but then there would be an alternate timeline.
Starting point is 00:14:30 But then that wouldn't fix anything for me, so screw that guy. No, you're right. Yeah, that's a real good point, Mike. You can eat an old self. So it's got to be telling the future. And here's the thing about learning from the future is it's a twofer, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:43 You go back, you get to tell yourself something you get one thing right this question says one thing if i get to find out something one thing from the future self this is a two for one because you want to know what else i i find out how old do i look okay all right that's an old man so i can find out one i can ask a question but i also know i'm at least into my 70s. You know what I mean? Oh, I thought you were saying, you know, you need to go to the Botox and get the facelift. Yeah, I mean, it could be that.
Starting point is 00:15:12 You're learning a lot of things. There's a three for a four for one. You're like, oh, man, I didn't get on that diet plan. Jason, what happens if you go to the future in four years and you're greeted you're greeted with your tombstone well then i learned i guess that just answers asked that yes that's that's called the ultimate exercise and diet plan that is 100 if i go like four years into the future and i see the tombstone i'm like well i got all the information i needed. I am going for a jog. Honey, make a smoothie.
Starting point is 00:15:50 But until I do that, I will not be going for a jog. Right. Nothing short. Yeah, because I assume, you know, look. He has no assumption that he will die at some point. I'm going to live forever. Nothing short of time traveling to see me in 40 years. But I mean, you know, you gather more information than just the one you think finding out you're 38 years old yeah so you just said 40 years in the future you think
Starting point is 00:16:11 finding out that you die by your 88th birthday will motivate you to jog now no but if i get there and you know by the 78th birthday 78th birthday ith birthday. I'm still alive. Mathematics. All right. Okay. And I see that. I'm like, fantastic. I'm good to go. Same path. I'm going skydiving.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Keep on keeping on. Yeah. Well, I'm not surprised that we trickled into alternate realities here. String theory. Look into it. If you throw some of those away, is there one that you just prefer? Is there one that you just prefer? Is there one that you just say, like, you'd rather give yourself a lesson or you'd rather find out about the future, just in general?
Starting point is 00:16:51 I believe outside of going back and doing the whole betting thing, which is overplayed, I think learning from the future would be cooler. I am more curious. I don't look at my past past and think to myself, Oh man, I should not have married my wife. You know what I mean? Like I got to go back and give the warning.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I love my wife. I'm happy with my family and where I'm at. So I don't like have some inherent, I need to go back and fix this one major mistake. In which case I am far more attracted towards the future to see. I'm just so curious where things go and how things look and you know how fat am i and things like that so uh i'm i'm definitely on the future side and i'm with jason i'm going to the future because i what i believe of possible time travel is if i go back either i vanish or nothing has changed for me. So it does me no good.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I've just changed the reality for some other version of myself. All right. Let's go through these ones really quickly. What's your answer, Andy? I think I'm with you guys. I think I don't have any... I'm blessed to not have any kind of monumental regret that I need to edit undo. There are certainly things that all of us have that we were like, man, I wish that I had known 10 years ago. You know,
Starting point is 00:18:10 I think about like family members that have passed since then. And I'm like, I wish I had taken more advantage of time with them or things like that. All of us could just go to 2021 and be like, we good. Are we good? Okay. That will make things a lot better for me.
Starting point is 00:18:24 It's where you go and you try to ask your future self something, and there's nobody. You go to 2022, there's nothing. I knew it. I knew it. There's nobody there to ask. All right, real quick. Taters McGee.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Here's the game. Pick two. One is gone forever. Okay. All right. Cheeses meets breads. Delicious. Pick two. One is gone forever. Cheese is gone. I love cheese. I love meat. I love bread Cheeses, meats, breads. Delicious. Pick two.
Starting point is 00:18:45 One is gone forever. Cheese is gone. I love cheese. I love meat. I love bread. Oh, wait. Oh, it's... Okay, I was reading this question very wrong.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I was reading two of the three entire categories. So we're going... So cheese, meat, breads. I got to get rid of one? It's possible you interpreted the question the right way. I don't know. I was going quick list here so cheese's meats and breads i would keep cheese i would keep meat i guess and i'd go i'd have to let bread go man i would be so i had five slices of cheese for lunch today so that that answers that question, like just five slices of cheese?
Starting point is 00:19:25 No, not just five. No, not just, but listen. Listen, I've been telling my wife how much I love white American cheese. If you go to your local grocer, white American cheese. I love it so much that I wanted to see if I wouldn't love it after eating
Starting point is 00:19:39 so many slices in a row. And I didn't love it as much after the fifth slice. Oh, all right. Yeah, it's understandable. So it did wear out a little bit, but through three to four slices, it was perfect. Mike? I will get rid of... You've been Mr. Keto in the past.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Yeah, I've survived in a world for multiple years without bread, so I will get rid of bread. Movies, music, books. Oh, great. See you later,
Starting point is 00:20:08 books. Oh, no. I mean, look, if there's no music, there's no score in my movies and movies is really the thing I need the most. So, uh,
Starting point is 00:20:19 yeah. As if books, as if books haven't played any part in your movie, in movies being created. Look, I will miss the Harry Potter series, but I'm sure there's a lot of original screenplays. I'll ditch the movies. I don't watch enough movies.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I'll go music and books. I watch movies all the time. And how do you ditch music, Mike? It's you. You're a music man. I don't know how I ditch music. Where I'm stuck is just what have i done to the world if i read your responsibility here yeah i feel it man heavy
Starting point is 00:20:53 as the head like if movies have turned into the only way that we can learn about history we will be dumb are in trouble we are in trouble because we've been doing that i thought this was just for ourself oh it's just broke oh jason if it's just for ourself you have lifted a burden up off of me because then the books can hit the bridge i would not take books away from history all right appetizers main courses, and desserts. I think I've got to ditch main courses here. I love appetizers and desserts. They're the best. What?
Starting point is 00:21:31 Oh, goodness. You guys were back with me in the Broken Bowl days, right? We'd go to lunch, and I would rather get 12 items that I ate a couple bites of each than like my favorite thing that i consume in its entirety so a meal of appetizers like if i go to the cheesecake factory half like i'm usually getting like three appetizers no meal but it's it's fun sometimes it's fun to eat breakfast for dinner sometimes right you're stuck in appetizer-ville, man. Yeah. I mean, Jason's not stuck there, though,
Starting point is 00:22:09 because I've been around this man for so many years. He likes a plurality of options to eat, so he's not stuck. He will just eat quantities that make it a main course for his belly. That's right. Well, I'm talking about your options. I have to... The one that i can live without is desserts
Starting point is 00:22:28 yeah i can't lose desserts bro i i get it i can't i honest i i i i recognize appetizers for me i recognize this about my life that i i feel like a a lone man i'm i'm tom hanks on this island of of i'm fine without desserts i like them but i would much rather load up on the appetizers and the main course and then just be too full for dessert all right never fair enough fair enough let's move on liar liar pants on fire all right we've already determined that jason will fail spectacularly on today's show we are playing another game of liar liar there are two truths there is one lie we are going mike and i are going to defeat i don't care about you guys defeating me. I care about Al. No, we're going to defeat Al.
Starting point is 00:23:27 You're not. You're going to fail. I just spotted note number two in round one. I haven't seen them yet. Good luck reading through that. All right, here we go. Oh, my goodness. Don't read it.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Just read it like you're reading for the first time. This is a speech you haven't seen for the first time. This is a speech you've seen for the first time. I'm going to read three facts. One of them is not a fact. We have to determine it, defeat Al Borland. Number one, flowers broadcast a variable static electricity signal that tells a bee whether the flower has already been emptied by its co-worker. Look, the verbiage is kind of gross, but okay.
Starting point is 00:24:05 All right, number two, a slot's nipples are in their armpits. Oh, mercy. If you thought regular breastfeeding was awkward in public, maybe. I don't know. This one would be worse. The smell. Yeah, the smell. Do you deodorize?
Starting point is 00:24:27 Do you need a lot of deodorant in that situation? If I had to breastfeed a child with a nipple from my armpit, not good. The child would refuse all sustenance. All right, third one. Algebra was named after the creator and father of algebra, Muhammad Algebra. Algebra. Come on.
Starting point is 00:24:51 That's got to be. Come on. So when you're reading this. Muhammad Algebra? Come on. Every time I say it, it seems stupid. I believe the sloths one because animals are, there's so many of them i mean at least one of
Starting point is 00:25:06 them gotta have a nipple and also sloths are so weird like they're one of the weirdest creations you're really into them right my daughter loves look they're very very cute they're very cute. But here's the question. How have sloths survived natural predators in the wild? I don't think anything thinks it's a thing. You know what I mean? Like, it moves so slow. They're just like, I'm looking for an animal. That's not an animal. That's part of a tree.
Starting point is 00:25:39 That's already dead. They think it's already dead. Exactly. Well, they would probably eat a dead animal. That's true. To be fair. So a sloth might have nipples. Yeah. dead they think it's already dead exactly well they would probably eat a dead animal that's true to be fair um so when you first started reading yeah when you first started reading when you flowers broadcast a variable static electricity signal i knew it was the lie i knew it was because a variable static electricity that's trying too hard um but goodness gracious, the algebra at the end is so bad.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It's so bad. You know what? Or is it so good? Or is it so good? Oh, no. I was just tempted to Google it because I wanted to know the answer. I forgot the game for a second. I was like, I need to Google that.
Starting point is 00:26:17 That seems like a lie. This is tough, Mike, because if we all go with the one that's jumping out at us and we're wrong, this game is over. I mean, we've already lost that. Well, not necessarily because if we all go with the one that's jumping out at us and we're wrong, this game is over. I mean, we've already lost. Well, not necessarily, because there's two more. If we go two and one against. Yeah, it'd be better than normal.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I'm going with my gut. I'm going with the variable static electricity is just too verbose. He's trying too hard. I already said I was going to lose. I think he's got me hook, line, and sinker here. Andy, walk me through your three and then i will comment well what what my where i'm thinking yeah just i think the slots nipples are in the armpits for sure so i'm deciding between the other two okay and i i just cannot accept that the father
Starting point is 00:26:57 of algebra is muhammad al-jabra so i'm gonna call that one the lie. My thought is that I thought the first one was a lie too. I don't think a bee gets told that it's emptied by a coworker. I mean, what kind of language is this? So I'm going to say the algebra one though is the lie. I just can't live with that. Yeah, it's got to be the algebra. Are you changing? I believe that that's a lie.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Those of you at home, spitwads, I hope you're playing along to see if you can beat Al. Jason, what are you doing? I have to change because it's not the math one. It's not algebra. We're not locked in. It's not algebra. It's clearly not algebra. Al-gebra.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Mike, what are you doing? Here's my not algebra. Algebra. Mike, what are you doing? Here's my thought process. I actually feel pretty good that the flowers one is true. The world of insects and animals is very bizarre. They work through chemical scents. I imagine that they work through variable electricity. Variable electricity. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:01 And the algebra one is just like, it's got to. All right, make your comment. Okay, sloths, nipples in their armpits. It seems so dumb. That's it. I'm locking in sloths. Oh, all right. Al?
Starting point is 00:28:20 Andy and Jason are correct on this one. Yes. Okay. What a pivot. All right. That's just good for the Okay. What a pivot. All right. That's just good for the world. It just seems like the weirdest. His name is actually Muhammad Al-Khazaremi.
Starting point is 00:28:33 But everything else is true? Yeah. All right. See, that makes so much more sense. Because if his name was Al-Jabra, I don't think you would name it like Algebra. algebra i don't think you would name it like algebra that felt very much like a a joke from like space balls like a that's a mel brooks joke there you go i felt like that one might be a layup that's why it's from the round one yeah and but here here's all making excuses now no no no setting us up for failure is you have done so well in the past that I was scared from the layup.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I thought you would be LeBron James, like, just letting me coast up for a nice layup, and then you sneak up behind me and just block-a-mole. Yeah, yeah. Block-a-mole. That's a good word. Yeah, I like block-a-mole. That is a good word. That is not bad.
Starting point is 00:29:23 All right, round two. You guys ready? Ready. In 2018, approximately 8% of college applicants for architecture courses in the U.S. used submissions of what they had built in Minecraft as part of their portfolio. Okay, I think that's low. Low percentage. I think that's true.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Okay, I think that's low. Low percentage. I think that's true. According to Section 182 of the Alabama State Constitution, idiots are not allowed to vote. I mean... I think that's true as well. That can't be... Wouldn't that be unconstitutional? Not if they defined an idiot as something else long ago.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Oh, man. That's my thought. Okay. they defined an idiot as something else long ago oh that's my thought okay and number three a pizza that has a radius of a radius z and a height a has volume of pi times z yeah pi times z times z times a no way wait so you're going are we just going to be asked math questions and see if we can figure out the math? Curse you! A pizza that has a radius Z and a height A has a volume of pi times Z times Z times A. So it spells out pizza.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah, so that's... But that would mean it has what? Two radius? Two radii? That's a volume. Which makes sense, I that's uh wait two radius is one diameter right yeah but but it would be z plus z to equal one diameter not times right you're going radius times right i can't get into the pizza we get the jason holna that was a bone that was a bone joke thank you everybody good night
Starting point is 00:31:07 yeah it was a huge hit there mike a skeletal system that was a skill walk off because of a radius um all right uh the the minecraft one is absolutely true right i think so unless it's higher unless like mike said it's like 25 we've agreed that Al Borland does not do that. I was just making the joke that I think that's real because the things you can do in Minecraft are so insane. So, all right. We got a pick. I mean, Alabama doesn't let idiots vote. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Okay. That's unconstitutional. I mean, I cannot believe that at this point in time, Alabama, if it has something that... Alabama, man. I mean, I would like to believe. It's not so much that I can't believe, but I would like to believe. In Alabama? Is there a Sheboygan?
Starting point is 00:32:00 Of course they do, Andy. Okay. Of course they do. I'm locking in the pizza one is the lie. I think the pizza one is absolutely true. I'm not worried about that one at all. It's the Alabama idiots not allowed to vote in the Constitution. There's no way that that can be true.
Starting point is 00:32:17 So it's Mike's chance here. So I will say, unfortunately, it seems like there's not a Sheboygan, Alabama. However, there is an Alabama Avenue in Sheboygan. Good enough. And so facto. Yeah. All right. What are we doing now?
Starting point is 00:32:32 You got to choose. Well, we aren't doing anything. We've locked in our votes. I was looking up Sheboygan stats. Where are you guys locked in? I am locked in on the pizza one being a lie, the radius, the pizza math equation. And Jason's locking in Alabama as unconstitutional and a lie the radius the pizza math equation and jason's locking in alabama uh as unconstitutional and a lie that's correct that idiots can't vote i feel like i am revealing thoughts of alabama by
Starting point is 00:32:55 not voting for that right i mean we should all be voting for that one thing i won't be voting for that one i mean i'm in on the pizza one with Andy. All right, Al. Lock it in. Back-to-back math-wise, Al? You're all wrong on this one. No! What?
Starting point is 00:33:14 No way! He got a new... That's with Minecraft, man. Alabama Constitution reads that all idiots and insane persons and those uh yeah andy was right etc etc so yeah i think it's just old verbiage on and the pizza one was true too pi times z times z times a yeah the formula for volume is something like pi times radius squared yeah times height or oh radius squared so there's the z times z and so you just build it out yeah so then nerd joke give me the real stat on the Minecraft thing.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Is that actually used at all? I don't think so. The, I got that from sometimes I, uh, I searched Reddit for like the son of a gun, uh, the ask Reddit forum.
Starting point is 00:33:54 And somebody was asking on there if they should use their Minecraft creations, uh, as part of their portfolio. So, Oh, that is a good, that's you got us this time,
Starting point is 00:34:03 but here's the deal. Here's the deal. You, we say you, you got us, but we're basically one and one here. That's how I feel. So this round three is going to make it... Sure, sure. In the game of one versus three, it's tied.
Starting point is 00:34:15 That's right. Thank you, Mike. Last round. A lot of math around here. Hopefully some of you at home are defeating out here. Round three, number one. Oh, good. More Betty White.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Betty White is older than the lie detector machine and Band-Aids. So that's number one. Despite being orange, green, yellow, blue, red and purple, all Froot Loops are identically flavored. Mike, I know
Starting point is 00:34:41 you eat a lot of Froot Loops. You should know the answer. I'm going to trust you on that. Fruit Loops just smells really good. All right, number three. Until 1937, it was illegal for men to be shirtless on American beaches. That sounds about right. That sounds absolutely right. That was tank life.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Yeah, I still feel like it, you know, when I take my shirt off on a beach, I feel like I'm doing something illegal. It's illegal? Yes, I am breaking the law. Maybe not's illegal? Yes, I am breaking the law. Maybe not all men are, but I am breaking the law. Citizens arrest! I mean, I've certainly embraced the short, short trunk life, and it's very liberating for fellas out there.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Look, we lived the long trunk life. Yeah, that was a long time we did that. Get rid of it, man. Short trunk life is absolutely the long trunk life. Yeah, that was a long time we did that. Get rid of it, man. Short trunk life is absolutely the way to be. Skies out, thighs out, get with it. Having said that, I think it would be pretty sweet if I had one of those, the old school muscle man tank swimsuit that's a full pants. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:42 That thing would be legit. If you saw a guy strolling down the beach in one of those, you'd go, now that's a full pants yeah like that thing will be legit if you saw a guy strolling down the beach in one of those you go now that that's a man that's a man right there i'm sure you can find it you don't need the laws to go back to 1937 i believe that the lie here is the fruit loop one i don't want to believe that every these are fruit loops it's supposed to be a plurality of fruits that I am eating. I don't want to just be eating generic fruit flavor for all things. I will not accept that. I am locking in that fruit loops are not all identically flavored.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Excellent. Jason, this is where I tell you that I'm 100% sure that that one is true. Dang it. Oh, see, I knew. Oh, you've locked it in. You said locked in. A hundred percent hundred percent look i know how much i'll dip that to 90 something percent okay i'll stick with it i'll stick with it because i think it was probably illegal to be shirtless on american beaches in 1937 yeah and uh betty white i mean
Starting point is 00:36:39 we give her so much respect on this show very old but very old, but how old are Band-Aids? So here's the thing. I was going to say Betty White is the lie because there's all those things that, you know, when you talk about the age of people that are really surprising, you know, and I think we expect Betty White to be older than those things, and the lie would be surprising if, like, the lie detector machine was created 150 years ago. Yeah, there could be a version of it.
Starting point is 00:37:07 I would go that way. However, I know how much Fruit Loops, when Carl's Jr. came out with Fruit Loop Donuts, you were in line. And I'm going to be honest with you. I remember tasting different flavors in those Fruit Loop Donuts. I do. Oh, crap. But. I did go very hard to be sure.
Starting point is 00:37:27 That was the donuts. You did go with 100%. I said I was going to trust you here. So I'm going to trust Mike. Are you sticking with it? He's having doubts. I can see it. He's having a little bit of doubt.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Is it 90% now? Is it just 90? No, no. I told you it was 95%. Here's what I know. 95%. Here's what I know. I know for sure that one of the fruit flavored cereals is they're all exactly the same flavor. I know without a doubt that that is true.
Starting point is 00:37:54 But you don't know if it's tricks. Like, is it trick? Yeah. Is it tricks? Is it fruity pebbles? But I'm sticking with 90. We're going to drop it to 90%. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:05 I know for sure that the yellow was lemon on that donut. I am so positive. But you're talking about donuts. You're not talking about the cereal. Yeah. So what are you guys going to go with? Betty White is older than the lie detector. Locked in for me.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Wait a minute. Oh, you're saying that. Oh, okay. You're saying that's the lie, that Betty White is not older than the lie detector or Band-Aids. Oh, I thought what you were 100 sure on was that the was that the fruit loops on was a lie no i'm i'm with you i think betty white older than lie detector no the lie detector is going to shock us how old it is and i'm locking in that one all right let us know all right you guys all went one and two today so mike Mike and Jason got that one right. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah. Which means we collectively beat you. No, no, no, no. Wait, no. Oh, wait. We all got one. Jason got two of them right. Jason moved at the last second to algebra.
Starting point is 00:39:00 I was algebra and Betty White for the win. Oh, you're right. My reverse psychology this episode has paid off. Those were tough again, Al. Well done. You are so good at these. Yeah, we hate you. It is by far my favorite thing we do because I learn so much.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah, the turtles? Unbelievable. Yeah, and the sloth's armpit thing. That's big time. All right, let's do some. That's big time. That's big time. time all right let's do some that's big time that's big time let's do some drafting the spitballers draft all righty we're doing a mount rushmore of iconic actresses we did a mount rushmore of iconic actors i believe three or four episodes ago
Starting point is 00:39:44 we had thought about putting them all together decided to separate them because there's so many actors and actresses to choose from. And you only get to put four up on Mount Rushmore. So we separated them. I have the first pick, and I can tell you I am tilting. Look, and here's the thing. And here's the thing. When you say something is a Mount Rushmore, it generally carries a certain weight of like you're saying these are historical, the greatest of all time.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Iconic, memorable. But the way that we are treating this is it's our personal Mount Rushmore. At least that's the way I'm... With the same qualifiers, though, right? It's not just... We're still saying iconic and memorable, but it's in our minds what it is. This is what we did with the actors.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I'm just telling people of, like, there will be modern-day actresses on here. We're not just going, well, this lady, she's been a leading lady since the 1940s. Barbara Stanwyck was one of my favorites no that this is this is our rushmore these are our favorite actresses and now again to be clear this is only actresses born in or around sheboygan michigan or wisconsin of course so barbara stanwick unfortunately no uh so so the thing is is i didn't live during the time of the presidents on mount rushmore right historically i'm able to look at what they
Starting point is 00:41:14 did or accomplished and understand why they are up there sure so for my first pick while i may not be a consumer of every one of the 21 Academy Award nominations of this iconic actress. That's a lot. In fact, very few of them. Get it out of the way. Four wins, 21 nominations. I'm going to select what I think is the bona fide 101 in this category. Again, recognition. Sure. meryl streep meryl streep 21 nominations oh and uh i didn't know if either of you would take her i knew jason wouldn't you knew i wouldn't because jason wouldn't a problem with meryl streep i don't wanna
Starting point is 00:42:00 like what are you what do you like top Top five. Top five. Just real quick. Top five Meryl Streep movies. Yes. Thank you, Mike. I'll tell you. It's not into the woods. I was going to go through the nominations and ask you if you've seen any of them. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:42:14 That's a great. That's why I gave the preface. The deer hunter. I understand that Meryl Streep is regarded as one of the best actresses of all time. But me watching Meryl Streep is regarded as one of the best actresses of all time, but me watching Meryl Streep movies is... This is why I said the whole giant thing about me not living during the president's era. No, it's good. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:42:34 It's a 21 Academy Award nominations. That's not even like all the others. I know she dominates. I get it. Let me just ask you real quick. I'm going to go through them real fast. If you've seen it, I want you to say something because that'll make it easier, right? Excellent. There's 21 of them. The deer hunter.
Starting point is 00:42:47 No. Kramer versus Kramer. No. No. The French lieutenant's woman. No. No. Sophie's choice. No. Did you see that? No, but I know of it very much. Silkwood. No. Out of Africa. No. No. I've seen that. All right. Ironwood. No. No. Or iron or iron weed sorry no i haven't seen that one either don't even say no just interrupt me if you've seen it a cry in the dark postcards from the edge the bridges of madison county one true thing music of the heart adaptation i saw that the devil wears prada doubt julia julian julia the iron lady into the woods august yes i've Doubt, Julia, Julie and Julia, The Iron Lady, Into the Woods, August. Yes, I've seen Into the Woods.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And she was horrific in that. Oh, come on, boo. No, no, no. Go watch. And anyone out there. She is great. No, no, no. She is great.
Starting point is 00:43:38 She's been on the street for his whole life. Here's the thing. I have always said she... I am so... I think she is so overrated because she is rated number one by any and all lists. And I think that doesn't match. But to be fair, I haven't seen all those movies.
Starting point is 00:43:53 The movies I have seen, if you go watch something like Into the Woods, it's a musical where she's in it, she's the witch. You come back to me and tell me that, man, she knocked that one out of the park. You can't do it with a straight face. She's terrible in that movie. It's like,
Starting point is 00:44:07 I love Russell Crowe, but if you were judging Russell Crowe based on lame as Rob, you would go, he's not very good. 100% the same. Cause it's a musical. It's like, this is not the wheelhouse,
Starting point is 00:44:18 but here's the thing. That's not the only musical she's done. And she's been bad at all. He tried his hardest to collapse that whole movie. He tried so hard. But, but in fairness, Andy, what was the show we just watched, that HBO show? You're so close to it. Which one?
Starting point is 00:44:34 Little Fires? Pretty Little Liars. Yeah, Little Fires everywhere. Little Liars. Yeah. She was unbelievable in that. No, that's the Amazon movie. She was unbelievable in that.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Oh, okay. So, I mean, she can act. I just have never seen her do it. Anyway, Meryl Streep's my number one pick. She's going to end my Mount Rushmore. She was going to get picked at one point or the other. I just didn't want to have a disingenuous pick of Meryl Streep on my list. But I do.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Hey, that's fine. It's not that I don't understand how amazing she is. Her movies are just before my time. Just before my time. Yeah. And to a different- Al is trying to tell us about it.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Big Little Lies was the HBO show. Little Fires Everywhere is the Amazon show. But Meryl Streep's on Big Little Lies. Yes, and Pretty Little Liars is- Why is everything something- That's a teenage girl show. How about this? Come up with an original title so you don't sound like everybody else's show.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Ridiculous. Keeping watching the night. I don't know the reference, and I'm sad. Keeping watching the night. What is this from? I was just doing my Russell Crowe impression. Two, four, six, oh, one. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Let's not let Russell Crowe ruin this like he almost ruined that movie. That's a great point. So now the game begins. Yeah, I would say so. I have hopes of some actresses making it back to me, but we'll see where you guys lie. So, oh, man. Now I'm tilted because I felt like I wasn't going to have
Starting point is 00:46:04 every single pick available to me. So I will start. So you get your one-on-one here. I do. If Streep wasn't your one-on-one. Really struggling with the old one-on-one? Look, I am. I mean, I guess I was just doing the old double
Starting point is 00:46:25 check, but I know who the 101, my favorite actress is because I think she is fantastic, always gives a great performance. I mean, look, the beginning was a little bit rough. Let's be fair, but I'm going with Natalie Portman.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Oh, no! Dang it! Ding, ding, ding i have i was so good i knocked down jason's mel rushmore wow but like but garden state v for v for vendetta annihilation these are so up and down that's my problem with natalie portman she? No, no, no. It was down because the Star Wars prequels, they're not the best. But she did nothing wrong in those. Garden State's a great movie. Did you just say Natalie Portman did nothing
Starting point is 00:47:13 wrong in those? 100%. You just blame the writer. I have a note. This is a complete sidebar. It's awful. This is a complete sidebar, and I apologize for derailing this, for highlighting these amazing actresses. Dang it. I wanted Natalie Portman.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I want to talk Star Wars, right? People want to crap on the new trilogy, the new Skywalker saga. I have been watching. We watched those with my children, and now I said, okay, well, we need to go back to the beginning. And we're watching all the prequels. If you are crapping on the new three Star Wars, please go watch the prequels. Please, pretty, pretty, please go watch the first three.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yeah, you too, Jason. And then come back and we will have a conversation. She stinks. Because holy crap, there is not much redemption in those three movies. conversation because she stinks. Holy crap. There is not much redemption in those three movies. Jason, you got two picks. We want to keep this thing going. Mike with Natalie Portman.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I don't mind the pick. I'm surprised in the first round. I think she is fabulous. Black Swan, outstanding, best performance she's had, I think. She's phenomenal. She would have been my number one pick. Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Surprised that it's a first rounder. She would have been two-thirds of our first round pick. Shocking. And two-thirds of our first overall pick. So, yeah, she was number one on my list. Just for the record, Jason would have selected Natalie Portman over Meryl Streep. I just want that on the record. As would I.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I would also like that on the record i would take uh natalie portman over meryl streep that's correct um okay gosh i feel like oh hmm okay so i see how it's easy to tilt when you get on the clock especially with two picks man i'm going a little bit yeah i'm going a little bit i know here i'm not gonna say anything okay going a little bit modern here. I'm not going to say anything. Okay. Going a little bit modern here. More common. But I like versatility.
Starting point is 00:49:15 I like someone who can be funny and someone who can be serious, who can play roles that are both like, oh, it takes acting chops. Because everyone thinks when you think of great actors, you think of someone who has really great acting chops, a laeryl Streep when you watch drama you drama exactly when you watch a movie where someone is more regular more charismatic more just you know a chill funny movie you don't give them any credit dude that yes being of like a being being a regular believable person on film is impressive. While engaging, while charismatic. And so this person, I think, can do both. And I'm a big Jennifer Lawrence fan, so I'm actually taking Jennifer Lawrence here.
Starting point is 00:49:57 It's a great pick. Jennifer J. Law is amazing. All right. Oh, man. And her rise has been like,y get and get andy out of here i don't know because because betty white is next on andy's list followed by like i don't i don't even know the old actresses but her her ascension from hunger games through american hustle x-, Silver Linings playbook.
Starting point is 00:50:27 She has just taken off like a rocket ship. 2015 and 2016, she was the highest paid actress in the world, and it's not for no reason. You know what I mean? Did you guys see Winter's Bone? Winter's Bone is probably one of her best. I have not. Neither of you have seen it, clearly. I can put it on the list.
Starting point is 00:50:44 But I have not seen every movie by every actor or actress in the world i've seen almost none from meryl streep um all right jason you got another pick all right i'm gonna go with this one because i think this will surprise you i don't even know if this one will be on your list because i do feel like on a mount rushmore you need people that aren't just modern day so i'm gonna switch it up a little bit go a little bit more when we were growing up the the Jennifer Lawrence of the time the biggest actress when we were growing up so I'm not going all the way back to like Breakfast and Tiffany time this is making me uncomfortable because I'm pretty sure you're taking my pick now well that that would make me very happy but I'm going with julia roberts yeah that's that's as i mean she's she
Starting point is 00:51:25 was just when she was on top she was the number one she was a powerhouse and that was kind of while we were growing up i think she belongs on a mount rushmore and she stepped away for a while she's come back and she she can do it all too she can be erin brockovich outstanding endearing and charming she can you know cry with the best of them. Yeah, I'm sad. That was the one I would hope. I almost took her 101, actually, on the Mount Rushmore. You should have because Meryl Streep would have been there with your last pick. Mike, I'm so happy that you're on my team here because I feel like we are a team of
Starting point is 00:51:58 two against the world, but I'm so happy it's not a team of one. It's not that she's bad. It's just that I'm only taking modern day actresses that I grew up with that I'm so happy it's not a team of one it's it's not that she's bad it's just that I'm I'm only taking modern-day actresses that I grew up with that I'm watching that I've been watching now for for a bit and I played the game perfectly I knew Jason would not take her
Starting point is 00:52:15 so I will I will add I got Natalie Portman with my first pick I got Sandra Bullock locked in with my second pick she is fantastic. Jason, she is fantastic. Well, we're going to agree to disagree on that one, but okie dokie.
Starting point is 00:52:32 No, man. Since she burst on the screen with speed, Ocean's 8, she dominates. Gravity is incredible. And the only reason that gravity is good is because of Sandra Bullock. Gravity is the most
Starting point is 00:52:48 compelling argument that you have for Sandra Bullock. That movie was outstanding and she carried it. Thank you. Thank you for agreeing with me. It's weird that we're in this world of Netflix movies now because... That's true.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I did like her in Bird Box. Because Netflix, it feels like... Well, that's not a cinematic. That's not a blockbuster, but when you look at the actual numbers, like Bird Box is one of the most watched movies in history because of how it was distributed. And it's also very good.
Starting point is 00:53:20 I enjoyed Bird Box a lot because of Sandra Bullock. Very happy with my first two picks. All right. I get to pick twice then, huh? Yes, you do. This is tough. Here comes Audrey Hepburn.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Well, see, I feel like I'm guilty of taking the draft too seriously. That's what I feel like I'm guilty of in this situation. You do you, man. I think that brings a great pick. Because I am placing such a value on the historical and the nominations and those things. And you guys are, like, picking your favorite actresses. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Yeah, well, I mean, that's what I'm saying. So that's why I said I'm guilty of taking, you know, like if we did an iconic athletes one and then you guys you know i just took them all from phoenix or something that's how i feel like we're well but here's what i'll say here's what's very interesting about both actors and actresses you can like jason and i just went through the imdb of kurt russell kurt russell a-list actor literally 100 movies on his imdb credits as an like incredibly well known this is kurt russell we're talking about go through his imdb look at his movies and count on one hand how many like yes really iconic movies that kurt russell who was a superstar superstar how
Starting point is 00:54:47 many movies of those is he involved in like being involved in four to five known iconic masterpiece whatever you want to tell the words like it's that's very, very difficult for someone who makes movies to do. All right. So I'm going to go with, I got two picks here. There's only one that I hope you don't take. The first pick I'm going to take is Kate Winslet. That's a great pick. I think Kate Winslet is absolutely incredible in everything that she's in,
Starting point is 00:55:27 commands the screen, thinks she belongs on the Mount Rushmore. Yes. I don't have a problem with that one. She's going to be really mad that Meryl Streep's on the same mountain. No, she will be quite happy with it. They're both Academy Award winners. You guys are brutal. All right.
Starting point is 00:55:46 My third pick is going to be Jennifer Connelly. Oh, my man. I love Jennifer Connelly. She's outstanding. I knew it. Well, let me ask you this. If I had not picked Sandra Bullock, do you pick Sandra Bullock? No.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Dang it. No, I do not. Then I misplayed the game. I knew. Yeah. I felt in my heart that. Did you want Connelly to come back? You thought about it? No, I thought whoever I don't take is not coming back.
Starting point is 00:56:07 So Jennifer Connelly was on my list because, dude, her in Requiem for a Dream is, that's a movie you really only have to watch one time. My favorite Jennifer Connelly movie, if you want to add to that list when I told you the other Jennifer Lawrence movie, is House of Sand and Fog. If you haven't seen house of sand and fog uh unbelievable movie it was uh 2003 i thought you were gonna say the rocketeer no it's the rocket she was in that yeah she was in that she was in uh what uh beautiful mind yeah uh but you should you should watch
Starting point is 00:56:43 house of sand and fog it was unbelievable man that's oh yeah but i got in early i got in early jennifer connelly yeah i was uh that i have never seen labyrinth i'm sorry america i saw it for the first time maybe like three or four years ago it's great does it hold up andy it's i mean david bowie jennifer connelly yeah it holds up it holds up for what it is i mean you're gonna watch it to watch it, and there's going to be a lot of like... Am I going to be really scared? No. No.
Starting point is 00:57:08 No, you'll be like, you'll laugh. Yes, you'll laugh. You'll have fun. I think you'll enjoy it. I think your kids will like it. Put it on the list. I'll fire it up. It's fine for kids, I think, right?
Starting point is 00:57:17 Yeah. Yeah. I'm trying to remember. When they wake up from nightmares, I'll call you at 2 in the morning. Yeah, so feel very happy with those two picks. Okay, so what's your team right now? Meryl Streep. M kate winslet jennifer connelly okay all right it's really hard to narrow this list down i've got like 50 that i feel like they're all in the same tier the combination of the list plus the game of the draft right now has me yeah clearly i could have waited for meryl streep very yeah we've made
Starting point is 00:57:46 that abundantly clear all right mike you're up all right oh man i'm so tilted right now i have because i have no idea i have zero idea where where Jason is going to go. You and me both, brother. All right. Okay, then I'm just going to go the route of... I'm not going to play the game because I don't know where Jason's going to go. So I'm going to take who I believe should be there. I will take Cate Bl will take Kate Blanchett, who is Chet.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Yes. Is it Blanchett? I honestly, that that's a, that's a tough one. Uh, but she is absolutely incredible. The aviator,
Starting point is 00:58:38 she helped carry that movie. Uh, maybe even a little bit more. I mean, and then, you know, low trope life aquatic. She can do like Jason was saying, maybe even a little bit more. I mean, and then, you know, Lotro, Life Aquatic. She can do, like Jason was saying,
Starting point is 00:58:47 she can do everything from dramatic to actually being hilarious. And, of course, she can be super BA in Thor when she came in and was just wrecking house. Mjolnir, goodbye. Yeah. Thanks to, you said her fictional Thor name better than her real name but that's a good pick it was a good pick and
Starting point is 00:59:10 man I got two now can I interest either of you in allowing me to have 20 because I've got a list here of a lot of people and I feel like it's impossible to build a team of just four that really represents me and the legacy.
Starting point is 00:59:33 It is just tough. So here's one that I know. I know this one's in because it's a throwback. It's an old timey actress, you could say. But at the same time, modern day, I absolutely love. Here comes Judi Dench. Look, she should be on the list. She's on the list.
Starting point is 00:59:52 But no, that's a young woman, Mike. Judi Dench is a young woman. I'm going with Maggie Smith because I love, love, love Maggie Smith. You're talking about. Googling googling maggie no she's from you know why it's harry potter she's professor mcgonigal in harry potter uh television wise yeah okay sneaking the television lore of downton abbey in there for you i mean acting is acting you know these aren't movie actresses these are actresses she's been on she's been in theater she's been in tv she is did think of her, for sure.
Starting point is 01:00:26 I mean, I just love... I've never seen her in any role ever where I didn't think she was just perfect for the role. She's 85. She's a cool 85. Yeah. I'm a bizarrely large Maggie Smith fan. I just think she's awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Hey, man, lean into it. Yeah, no, I yeah no you do you so now my list is julia roberts jennifer lawrence and maggie smith i've got the age so i feel like i'm going i'm gonna i'm gonna go with someone younger more modern here now that i you know to to kind of juxtapose uh with maggie smith there are so many good ones here i'm gonna surprise myself oh no i'm not oh goodness oh this is what is happening right this is a back and forth fair i want so many to be my last pick all right i am going to go with emily blunt you know all right i did it.
Starting point is 01:01:26 That's what you hope. You hope for the nose screams. She's great. She can be in action movies. She can be a drama. She can be a comedy. She, unlike Meryl Streep, can be in a musical and sing. Meryl Streep's been in musicals, but go on. No.
Starting point is 01:01:37 You didn't hear the whole sentence I said. You said and sing. Yeah. So, yeah, I'm going to take Emily Blunt. I think she belongs there but my deepest respect to about 500 other names on my list mike's not happy uh but he does get to pick now not that i will select emily blunt unavailable come on you have a list of 10,000 and that's where you go? She's fantastic.
Starting point is 01:02:10 I know that's why I wanted to put her on my Mount Rushmore. Well, good news. You can't. So your team is done, Jay. Why don't you read it while Mike thinks about his last pick? I have Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lawrence, Maggie Smith, and Emily Blunt. A great Mount Rushmore. I expect to win both genders of the Mount Rushmore drafts now.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Did you win the first one? I dominated. Mike, your team so far is Natalie Portman, Sandra Bullock, Kate Blanchett, and then you have one final pick. I believe you mean Blanchette. Blanchette, yes. Sometimes you get over eager alright
Starting point is 01:02:47 oh my goodness this is terrible I'm happy because I have two that I really want and you can't take both I had one that I really want that's interesting though that you guys both owned in on because she's awesome dude have you seen Edge of Tomorrow? Edge of Tomorrow is like That I really want. It's interesting, though, that you guys both owned Indon. That's great.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Because she's awesome. Dude, have you seen Edge of Tomorrow? Edge of Tomorrow is like the first movie that comes to mind with her, which I think is not for most people. No. Although Mary Poppins. Edge of Tomorrow is for everybody. Whoever named that movie.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Well, it was renamed. What did they rename it to? I don't remember if edge of tomorrow was the final name but it came out as like tomorrow no never dies or something i repeat live die repeat and then it was renamed okay whoever named both of those things should be removed from your position because that movie is awesome that movie is awesome. That movie is awesome. But the name and the marketing were so bad. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I will... Final pick, Mike. I can give you... Would you like to... No, I have it narrowed down. I'm going to go with... I'm taking Charlotte... Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Charlize Theron. There you go. That was one of the two that I was considering with my final pick. Yeah, because she is also freaking awesome in Mad Max. I mean, like, low-key, she's just the voice,
Starting point is 01:04:18 but in Kubo and the two-string, she's super awesome as well. Yeah, she's also won the Best Actress. She is absolutely fantastic. All right. That's a good pick. You made my pick for me because you eliminated one of my two, which means Nicole Kidman
Starting point is 01:04:34 is my final pick. All right. A lot of things. She can sing as well. And Moulin Rouge, great movie. So I will finish it out. She ages better than most humans on the planet
Starting point is 01:04:47 yeah so which is funny because currently 28 years old well Meryl Streep and Nicole Kidman both in Big Little Lies if her and Brad Pitt had a child they would never age it would be Benjamin Button
Starting point is 01:05:03 alright so Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet, Jennifer Connelly, Nicole Kidman. My final four of the Mount Rushmore of iconic actresses. Did you guys have any since we're done? Helen Mirren. Helen Mirren was on my list. Reese Witherspoon. Judy Dench was on my list. I think she's been great.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I like Emma Stone, Keira Knightley, Halle Berry, Kristen Bell, Anna Kendricks. I didn't have the heart to do grace kelly to match up with my uh jimmy stewart i was gonna do that just to mirror them amy adams but uh and skojo shout out to skojo who is just she's now just black widow but i mean we at least saw with marriage story you're like oh like, oh, yeah. No, Scarlett Johansson's great. She can act. All right. We're done. What did we learn today?
Starting point is 01:05:51 All right. What did we learn today? We learned that... I learned that sloths' nipples are in their armpits, and that's a really important life lesson. I was going to say, I learned that I would probably never beat Al in that game. I also learned that Mike had a very large potentially valuable video game collection in his closet. Had?
Starting point is 01:06:09 How many of them are open? Let me learn one more fact. How many of those are unopened? Unopened? Do you have a few? I would put unopened at like 5 No, not 5, wait 2. Like 2%. There's definitely some games that are in there
Starting point is 01:06:25 that the intentions were strong, and it just never happened. All right. Did you learn anything today, Mike? Man, I learned that when you have a chance to draft Emily Blunt, you just have to take it. Or you pay the price. Take care.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye, everybody. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out SpitballersPod.com. Just practicing. Oh, that's smart. Just practicing for next episode. Yeah. Because this one's already over. It's finished.
Starting point is 01:07:18 But sometimes you got to prepare to scat for the intro. And hey, if you enjoyed this episode, please head over to spitballerspod.com. Learn ways that you can support this show and learn ways that we can support you. Support us supporting you. It's symbiotic. It's a beautiful cycle. Spitballerspod.com.

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