Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 109: Bath Boys & The Perfect Summer BBQ

Episode Date: July 27, 2020

Summer is in full force and on today’s show, we draft the perfect summer BBQ items and find out who the boujee barbecuer of the group is. Before we bite into the draft, we tackle some great question...s about fighting Dwane Johnson, taking bubble baths, and the etiquette surrounding complimenting someone’s house that you are a guest in. Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the show: Become an Official Spitwad! Visit us on the Web Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Subscribe on YouTube Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/spitballers/posts See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the BBQ episode It's the BBQ Welcome in to It's the one letter scat I'll take it, Spitballers episode 109 Welcome in Andy, Mike and Jason with you
Starting point is 00:00:44 We do have a barbecue draft today jason is not wrong the scout was accurate and we have a couple of fun segments i'm excited to be back with everybody my kids are sitting in off off camera they're very excited about the episode so i don't know how they feel about barbecue i'm pretty sure i know how they feel but well we'll see who can draft a better barbecue splatter anti-barbecue like just like i'm not like it's not my favorite thing in the world but i'm not like i don't have a stance against barbecue well i think the only stance you could take is that barbecue sauce is just intense it's not the sauce for me do you have to have yeah oh yeah yeah i don't like barbecue sauce i could oh i could i could never eat barbecue sauce again in my life and i would miss nothing
Starting point is 00:01:35 well there goes all of our audience i think i'm actually the same way it's not super important to me i like it it. I ate it today, literally, ironically. But it's not a staple of my life. But I don't feel like barbecue sauce is what makes a barbecue. I feel like you just need to grill it. We're talking about flavor versus event.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Yeah, those are different. We can get into that later. You can follow us now on Twitter at Spitballers pod jason is at jason ffl mike is at ff hitman i'm at andy holloway and the website spitballerspod.com where you can find out how you can support the show become an official spitwad supporter and send in your questions for our various majestic segments oh very studious yeah they're incredible and we appreciate everybody who reviews the show,
Starting point is 00:02:27 supports us wherever you're listening. Let's do some Would You Rather. Would You Rather. Cedric from the website says, would you rather have to fight one huge muscular dude or two dudes that are about the same size and strength as you so just we have a we have a new spin on the the horse-sized duck question but this is this is very i mean i mean how big is this guy and how much smaller are these two huge muscular dude jason yeah that is in the
Starting point is 00:03:07 actual name okay but for j in jason's case just some guy who has like any form of muscles but the thing is is if i'm fighting two guys like me i'm fighting two big guys already so how much smaller are they i imagine that uh they're the same size as you yeah the size size so just imagine it just all scales up it ramps up jason no matter who you are you're the fighting two people that like look i know one thing i can handle fighting myself i will i can hold up against myself one of you would win for sure one of me would win for sure i don't know did you ever fight shadow link in in zelda two no i didn't that was like impossible no none of your deep references land with me for the 100th
Starting point is 00:03:51 consecutive time uh but no i i could beat myself up and maybe distract the other version of myself enough to then beat him up i won't beat up somebody that is bigger faster stronger more muscular i'm very confused by your arrogance that you could beat yourself up because that's it's a confusing arrogance it is because if it is you how all if it is an exact copy of you why are you so much better than the copy i think this knows he's easy to beat up i mean mean, wait, but it works both ways. Yes, it does. That's my point. That's what we're saying.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I'm saying maybe this, maybe me, me, not my copy, is having a good day. And my copy, I've been known to have bad days. My copies are having bad days. They maybe had a little too much ice cream. I know my reflexes are going to be slower with the ice cream levels at maximum. Now they have a back story of what they've got. They woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I want somebody twice as big as me.
Starting point is 00:04:50 My final answer. I picked two Andes. Is what I want. No. No, for me, it's obviously one big. Because what you said, Andy, is you said bigger, stronger, faster. But that doesn't happen. When you get bigger and stronger,
Starting point is 00:05:05 you don't get faster necessarily. You get slower. Think about, you know, the, the combine results for the NFL, the bigger and heavier you are, the slower you are. That makes physical scientific sense. When you fight a big guy, a huge, you know, a Goliath, I'm going to be faster than that guy i mean well i'm not because i've got extra weight but an average person should be faster than the super big lumbering guy but he's muscular too he will pop your head yeah he's he's the big strong guy how about fighting multiple people man because let me ask you this would you rather fight the rock or two of you legitimately oh okay that's a good example right that's a great example because that's definitely not the rock i mean that is a great example i'm picking in my head this big
Starting point is 00:05:59 slow guy maybe i can give him a a groin kick and just get out of dodge. I can't do that to two. Either way, you're groin kicking. Well, for sure. I'm going with that no matter what. Either way, it's my number one weapon. When I'm training and they're like, one, one, two. The one is a groin kick. The tape, his padded move.
Starting point is 00:06:18 The kick to the groin. Watch him run and try to get him from the back. Yeah, no, when you say The Rock, there's no... I couldn't possibly beat The Rock. At least I know if I'm fighting two of me, they will tire quickly as well. You know your own weaknesses, so you can exploit them. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Mike, I... But they know your weaknesses too, because they are you. They were born today. They know nothing. Oh, my gosh. We're in a post-apocalyptic cloning movie now. They were created today. Mike, help us, Mike.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Since you put it as The Rock, then I have to hope. I'm fighting two of me, and I have to hope I get a good throat strike on one of them and it turns into one v one because i think in both of these situations i'm ending up in the hospital now al's making a strong point we're we've kind of run with this question but it does technically say two dudes that are of the same size and strength as yeah it was funnier when it was fighting yourself though it's it's you're fighting, so whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The mentality is they don't know my moves before I make the move
Starting point is 00:07:30 because I know the move that they're going to make because they know the move that I'm going to make. I don't have to deal with that problem. I'm not fighting the rock. I can beat up two regular dudes. I am sure I can beat up two regular dudes. Now, don't hear what I'm going to say. That's also a confidence that I don't have.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I am not saying that I will win 100% of the time. I'm not saying that I would always beat up two guys. I'm saying it's possible. I'm saying I can beat up two dudes that are about my size and strength if necessary. Here's how I know. Because I used to, in a former day, fight a little bit, and sometimes we would get the friends over, and we'd get the friends over and we'd get the boxing gloves out and we would do these fights and i can't believe how stupid we as people
Starting point is 00:08:12 are to go for like not a real fighter not as big strong like but if you do this absurd fake literally like you hold your left arm up to the sky and you shake your glove like, look here, and then you hit with your other hand. It gets them every time. It's so stupid and they look dumb, but I will use whatever tactic necessary to beat up two my similar size. Let's say you're fighting two people that are of similar size and strength as you. Are you winning because you are more skilled or are you winning because you will take a punch better than they will? It is set is certainly not the last one.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I am going to do one of two things. It's skill and it's willingness to fight dirty. Those are the two. You're willing to, you've always said, and I give you a lot of credit for this. Jason is one of your most virtuous qualities. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:02 You've always said you're willing to cheat to win, cheat to win. If necessary, when at all costs and uh i will do in a fight that's 1v2 the rules are like yeah you can't the rules of warfare are gone because you're already fighting two people those rules have been the contract has been shattered by those two people you have to cheap shot the first one out okay that's the groin kick the throat punch the eye gouge whatever it is and then it's a one-on-one fight where it's like okay now i'm willing to do gentlemen gentlemen rules once the first is out what are the odds that i could take the rock out with a stone in a sling oh are we talking like a slingshot you know, Bart Simpson slingshot or sling wash?
Starting point is 00:09:45 If you gave me 100,000 throws with a Daniel-like sling, I would maybe get one of them to go forward. That's how I feel that would. What do you do? You let go. Yeah, Daniel. What did I say? You said Daniel. David sling.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Oh, man. What do you let go of one side and then the rock comes out? Is that how that works? I don't know. I've seen them in in cartoons how many lions have you killed with them but i'm telling you i don't know how those work i don't know how you ever as you're swinging around this oh you'll hit yourself in the face yeah get one to you know fly out of the pouch you have to have the bart simpson style slingshot reina from patreon would you rather have subtitles in real life or be able to adjust volume in real life? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Why can't I have both? Oh, they'd be helpful. See, this is a great question because usually it's two bad things. Like, would you rather this bad thing? Yeah. No, I like this question. These are two things I want. I want both.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And you want to know, I got to speak to the subtitles here real quick, because as recently as like two years ago, I hated when subtitles were on. And I'm not talking subtitle movies, foreign films. I'm talking like when you're watching a movie, why would you ever want the words on there for multiple reasons? Because one, it gets in the way of what you can see on the screen. Two, sometimes you know what they're saying before they get to their line yeah i i i absolutely hated it and now i can't watch anything without it my man welcome welcome to team subtitle i think it's a
Starting point is 00:11:18 great place to be it started with like heavy english shows where it's like they've got an accent every single show we watch now starts with subtitles and the shows are better i miss nothing unless i'm watching the witcher do you accommodate the volume lower because of it oh no no i crank that's why i'm with mike here i want both i want to crank that volume you don't have to it gives the option that you can turn it down and not miss anything but how like how many times in a in the movie theater like you're in the ideal situation where you're watching like you've got a great sound system you got a huge screen so you can read lips and then you go wait what did he say that doesn't happen when the subtitles are on the bottom, my man.
Starting point is 00:12:05 It's great. Yeah, yeah, we watch way too much in subtitles now, too. This is just, the question may be positive versus positive, but it just made me realize how old we are. The volume adjustment would be very helpful, too, because for whatever reason, now she may blame my hearing, I may blame her volume, but there's a miscommunication that happens at times when I ask my, my wife will say something, I won't understand what she said. what she said i will then say what or what did you say she will then reply to me in the exact same manner with no changes made she's giving you a second chance to get text messages what what is the problem mike i said the problem you never mind i was saying you text back what
Starting point is 00:13:03 right yeah i couldn't hear you speak up no i don't understand she replies in the same volume and the exact same tone with no adjustments to make it clearer oh you could fix that then with this yeah i could turn yeah i could turn her up to the thing with the volume is there are there are two advantages here, right? You can turn volume down, and this can work for noisy environments or, let's say, relatives. You go to the school talent show where your kids are one of 43 acts. You want to know what I ain't hearing?
Starting point is 00:13:39 42 of them, because that volume is on mute. I don't need that violin trying to die in front of me that's that's a good point you can mute some very annoying situations i didn't even think of the situations where it's it's just too loud and this speaks to your point andy gosh we're old i yes i am that music's too loud i am i am an old man i have reached the point in my life where yes music can be too loud and it's frequently too loud when you're at a concert and like i can't enjoy so if i could turn it down just a little bit we are old we are so old no
Starting point is 00:14:18 young kids have ever said man life's just too loud around me no i know because that was me here's the first time i i realized that we've got the amc theaters out here and they have the dolby oh yeah theater yeah that theater costs twice as much it's a feature and that theater costs twice as much and is so much worse than any of their other theaters but it rumbles your butt cheeks that it does that it does but it also a double for a good rumbling. It destroys my ears. I would turn that down a little bit. My son, who's sitting here watching the show today, he cannot go to the Dolby.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Oh, my man. If he finds out we're going to a Dolby, it's like, I'd rather not go. It's too loud, right? I mean, Mr. AMC, if you're out there, fix your Dolby theaters. They are too loud. Someone decided that a feature was just making something too loud right i mean mr mc if you're out there fix your dolby theaters they are too someone decided that a feature was just making something too loud now hold on jason have you ever been at a movie theater and been the person who goes out oh to find someone to say uh excuse me it's too loud i need you to turn it down no. If it's too hot or too cold or if the movie is the wrong movie or it's- Wait, you complain about the wrong movie?
Starting point is 00:15:30 The sound is off. He won't confront them. I will do nothing. You will do nothing. I will look around at the people around me like, who's going to step up here? Waiting for somebody to do something. That's right. You know, someone should really say something.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Not me. I am not talking to anyone ever. The whole movie doesn't work and everyone on their way out stops by customer service gets refund i'm walking straight out the door i the movie was not even getting the refund i'm not getting the refund i don't want to deal with that i can't deal with customer service man i can't go to target and take things back like my wife knows i am i'm i'm the the man of the house the man of the family I'm you know I I step up in leadership as so long as it's not customer service or spiders or spiders those two things I am at the back of
Starting point is 00:16:13 the line I ran away though because we talk about getting older but one of the things that 100% comes with getting older for a lot of older men is a willingness to have confrontation for no reason whatsoever. I mean, to achieve the pinnacle goal of life, which if you work hard and hard and hard, eventually you can reach the pinnacle of life, which is to be the president of a homeowners association and have all authority and power in all of the world to confront people on anything there's a reason to be a curmudgeon and yeah the curmudgeon old men is not you don't just say curmudgeon people it's always curmudgeon old people i was voted most likely to succeed and i will prove them that i i they're correct i am proud of my youth here because i am so anti-confrontation when it comes to things like that. I must be nine
Starting point is 00:17:06 years old. Blake from Twitter, would you rather be given a wallet with a $5 bill in it that automatically replenishes after 10 minutes of taking it out or a lump sum of $15,000? Now, when I first read this... I need some math. Hold on. Who's done the math? On how long it takes to get to $15,000? Yeah. Well, yeah, someone could do the math.
Starting point is 00:17:36 It's $30 an hour if you're pulling $5 out of 10 minutes. Yeah, but you got to sleep and stuff like that. And you're awake normally like 10 hours. Wait. How long are you awake? 12 hours? 12 hours yeah maybe 13 12 yeah i mean you sleep eight hours a night mike you probably up for 16 well wow the math checks out oh man hey i'm you're blowing my mind right now just give me the so i'm just gonna go with 10 hours because that's easy man yeah yeah 10 hours of you're gonna you're gonna miss some of these you're not gonna be on every last forever and that's the that's easy math. Yeah. Yeah. 10 hours of wallet time. And you're going to miss some of these.
Starting point is 00:18:05 You're not going to be on every 10 minutes. But it lasts forever. And that's the right solution. You get it forever. The lump sum of 15K, you will spend through and be done. The wallet, look, you might get bored.
Starting point is 00:18:14 You might get tired. You might not want to take it out every 10 minutes every day. That'd be a pretty boring job. But it will always be there forever if you needed it. Right? I like it.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I'm taking the five bucks every 10 minutes. Yeah, I am too. I don't know what Jason's doing. That sounds awesome. So that means if I'm taking, you know, I think you've got to go infinity here. Because even though I want to take the $15,000 so that I don't have to take $5 out every 10 minutes, at the same time, you're going to have... This is the classic question that you ask children, and it doesn't matter what the two options are.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Would you like one marshmallow or 100 tomorrow? It's always, I will take my marshmallow now. marshmallow or a hundred tomorrow it's always i will take my marshmallow now and we take 50 days of 10 hours a day to reach the 15 000 that's it yeah oh my goodness if you take the 15k you're a buffoon i plan to live 50 years so i will take like total 50 years old so i've got you know a little over a decade you still have enough time with your five dollars five plenty it's plenty of time give me the five dollars easy money yeah i guess that would be that would be a yearly salary if you kept it up consistently after the 50 days like this is your new job this is your new job you make 109 500 a year but you have to work 10 hours a day pulling money out of your wallet you don't have to know about my wallet that is tax-free that is 100 tax-free and you're not
Starting point is 00:19:48 working 10 hours a day here you're working maybe you maybe you could say five minutes a day any of you ever bought a car with fives oh oh my goodness because you have to that would be well you can go to the bank that i'm gonna take my five that's a strong point mike you can go to the bank. I would guess that I'm going to take my fives to the bank. That's a strong point, Mike. You can't go to the bank. You ever gone to a bank with fives? They'll know it's tax-free. You got to go fives. You probably have to go to the dealer with the fives. You're living in fives for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 00:20:14 If I could pay for things in briefcases full of fives, I would gladly do that. Yeah, he's got a good point. All right. That's pretty sweet. That one's pretty funny. Let's do some questions. Yeah, he's got a good point. All right. That's pretty sweet.
Starting point is 00:20:23 That one's pretty funny. Let's do some questions. That's a great question. This question comes in from Zelda. Oh, wow. Great name. On Twitter. The three of you are fathers of three kids.
Starting point is 00:20:40 That's true. Accurate. Do you have any great don't tell your mother about this stories oh for the public consumption of this podcast yes that our wives listen to um i am i i don't know if i have one story jumping out i'm definitely guilty of the occasional break the family rules to be loved in the moment situations right where it's like don't tell her i gave you the candy yeah i'm in charge of lunch one afternoon and she's out and i'm like we're just lunch is a dozen donuts it's close to that it's something like party time and i use the guise of like these special memories with dad
Starting point is 00:21:22 so i don't have to reinforce any rules i've definitely done that with food many times like and i will say it beforehand okay okay i will let you get mcdonald's is what you're asking for i'll let you get it if you don't tell your mother that's the rule this is you just leveraging that you get McDonald's. Two birds, one stone. That's right. And Mama Bear is none the wiser. I don't have a good one, man. Sure you don't.
Starting point is 00:21:56 No, no. Honestly, I don't. The closest I could think of is just, and it's not even a don't tell your mother it's like uh i will on on occasion all when my daughter's going to sleep i'll lay down and just be in the room you know and we end up we'll talk because this is when she likes to get into her deep philosophical oh yeah conversations like keep me awake when you when you haven't gone gone to bed and it's now 9 p.m this is the time to talk about the universe oh yeah like get into all what what does dad believe about there's no bedtime if there's existential questions exactly yeah they are full-on existential like well what about this
Starting point is 00:22:36 and so i mean but that's not like don't tell your mom about this this is just you're getting dad's dad dad is tired and now you are getting dad's unfiltered answers like about anything you want to ask you want to ask dad's politics ask him at 9 p.m because you're getting the full truth i think that this question if we ask it in another decade will be very differently answered because right now that's fair we've all got like 10-year-olds and under or 11, 12. But when they're 16, 17, 18 and something happens where it's like, oh, your mother's going to straight up kill you for what you did to the car, there might be a situation where I have to try to fix something and keep them alive. But right now, no, I don't think there's anything bigger than bigger than this is for you so that your mother does not have a stroke yes for right now it's like how can i get
Starting point is 00:23:31 away with eating what i want without it comes out of my wife knowing about it yeah sorry zelda no good stories not yet we'll we'll share them when you come along not with our wives the best place for a story that you don't want to tell just your wife about the best place for that is on a a podcast listen to by thousands of people kyborg from the website if you visit someone's house for the first time are you required to compliment the aesthetics of the house immediately what if their style is genuinely bad what if it's uh what is a safe piece of furniture appliance comment to make what is a no-no okay i have never oh my gosh someone's home never in my life been to someone's home for the first time and not complimented it so i think
Starting point is 00:24:19 oh this is so nice and i don't i don't like it a a lot i don't like it um yeah it's one of those like it's just a natural it's it's the same as saying like how are you you know yes oh good thing it's it's is this that your baby is so cute yes all babies have to be told that they're oh she's so cute he's so cute when you first see the baby because it's just something you say babies are cute and you're i love what you did with the place you you love what you live in your social contract this is a nice place yeah mike doesn't live in the place he doesn't live in these he's turning the mic oh there's a baby that's what he says you walk in and go oh there's a baby. Like, oh, hey. But Mike, think about it from the other side here, right?
Starting point is 00:25:08 Someone gets a new care, but maybe Mike is a caring, empathetic person. So I'm just saying someone gets a new home. They move. You go over for the first time. They've done the process of moving and decorating and yada, yada. And you come in and you just go about whatever. Oh, you're here to play some board games play some board games you leave and you never say one nice thing about the house right the other people i'm just letting you know you are the only person on planet earth who won't say something nice so this isn't just this means
Starting point is 00:25:42 what you're saying is that one of two things seems true to the other person. Either you hate the house and you just couldn't bring yourself to say something nice or you're just a jerk. I mean, wait, what? Now I'm a jerk because I won't give a fake compliment. I mean, that is the essence of life. Fake compliments. It keeps the order. You guys are blowing my mind. It keeps the order. Hold on. You guys are blowing my mind here.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It keeps the social order. The social order is based upon a fake compliment? Yes. I would have to say so here. I mean, this is the old story of the wife asking you how the dress looks on her. What do you say, Mike? It looks good. The truth. And it's my wife so it
Starting point is 00:26:26 always looks good gotcha uh but here's here's here's a pro tip here's a pro tip you walk into someone's house you've never been there for the first time check this out you walk in oh man look at that boom take that as you will that's perceived as a compliment when i say oh man, look at that. Boom. Take that as you will. That's perceived as a compliment. When I say, oh my goodness, look at that. Wow. Look at that ceiling fan. Look at that TV. Oh, what do you like about it, Mike?
Starting point is 00:26:55 Nothing. Well, see, if they follow up with what do you like about it. Oh, I am now. When you come over, whenever we move and you come over and you hit me with it. Let's role play it out. Let's role play it out. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Jason, look at that couch. Oh, you love it? Do you like it? Holy crap. Do you see that TV? What do you think about how it goes with the couch? Oh, man. Like, look at the walls.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Please leave my home. You are not welcome here. I just keep looking at stuff. Now, real quick, just so that I could get a clear picture of you. I want to know how many times you've done this with us. Are you able to like other people's things and give genuine compliments? Or are you, number two, the jerk? Oh, child, please.
Starting point is 00:27:41 You know me. If I compliment something, you know that I really, truly like it. Okay. Because he's made it through the filter. You've made it through the filter. Oh, my gosh. I know for one thing, he does not like lemon cookies. No fake compliments there.
Starting point is 00:28:01 No fake compliments, man. No, that's something that you don't. I wouldn't fake compliment that the reason why this compliment the reason why this question is so funny is because i've never realized it before but now thinking through it you when you walk into someone's house for the first time i do it absolutely and it's not i'm not in my head thinking i'm a liar what What a dump. Nice place. I've never done that. I just walk over and I find the good in someone's house because I feel like that's.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Right. Look at that couch. Oh, would you look at that? That's even better. That's even better. Whoa, would you look at that? And then they're like, what? The painting?
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yes. Whatever they say. Hearing good things about couches. Whoa, would you look at that? And then they're like, what, the painting? Yes. Whatever they say. Hearing good things about couches. Ellen. It was the same couch as my last house. Ellen from Patreon. What are some of your regular routines or something you enjoy from time to time that is stigmatized as feminine or unmanly all right all regular routines something you enjoy from time to time i've got one uh tons of bubble baths
Starting point is 00:29:16 give me that bath if you get in a bath and you ain't putting bubbles or some bath bomb or some salt like if you what are you doing in the bath then um also i love but i mean the three of us we are bath boys is that a fair name for the bath boys yeah because the bath is fantastic i love that somehow somehow along the line like unmanly became synonymous with like not enjoying and not taking care of yourself like it's it's so weird that happened it's funny because it's marketing it's what the marketing does because all these products jason just talked about bath bombs zero percent of bath bombs are marketed to men. Right. But if my wife buys a lavender bath bomb and it's sitting there, I'm putting it in my bath.
Starting point is 00:30:10 You don't want to smell good? Here's another one along the lines of this that I am fully guilty of. Guilty as charged. And I want to be. Being wrong here is wrong. I don't want to be wrong. Let's get it. I don't want to be rude. Let's get it. The female marketed, and I'm talking super sweet strawberry and cream,
Starting point is 00:30:28 whatever type of scented body wash that comes in the clear bottles. Oh, all right. Okay. Oh, you want it to smell the fruitier, the better. So this is a new revelation for me, because I usually get the like men dove whatever body wash or Axe. I just want anything with a pump. I just like you just smell like gasoline.
Starting point is 00:30:50 So long as it's got a pump on it, that's what I buy. But I ran out. And so I took some of my wife's body wash. This was like three months ago. Yes. And now it smells so good all through the day. I'm like, dude, I smell great. I love this.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And so now if I'm going to choice, I'm going to Jason. Exactly. The sweeter, the better. If I'm in a shower or a bath and there is an option between a manly marketed body wash or the bark or the just the sweetest sugariest body wash it and the rest of the day is fantastic yeah we we have a my my wife has we have a pineapple mango in the shower you think i don't use that why would i want to smell men all day like that's you know what i mean like jason realized he could smell like he likes how his wife smells and he realized he could smell the same smell this way too so that's certainly on my list and
Starting point is 00:31:50 i will say i haven't i i think i've actually only had one or two and i needed to get back but uh i you can't go out right now but uh pedicures manicures oh you've mentioned that before fellas let me do it let me let me let me break it down for you pedicure is code for foot massage that's what that's what it is do you like a foot massage yeah but you're wrong mike but you're wrong and here's why oh here okay explain where that's a foot tickle though no no i love foot massages i'll go to reflexology places where it's where you get like a 60 minute foot massage and that's that's my jam um but when it comes to the pedicure the difference is the toenails and i apparently oh well yeah they're gonna do your toenails i can't have my i can't i
Starting point is 00:32:45 can't deal with it and neither can my boys it's like all right i haven't even told them how bad i am at getting my toenails clipped or clipping them like even yourself you can't clip even my nails i do i do clip my own toenails but it's like wow it's a it's a murderous event that's a weird thing it's super weird because my boys have it exactly like i do and i'm always like you know i'm telling them you've oh come on because you're walking around saying this is terrifying no that's what i'm saying i've never told them that i'm terrible as well they are naturally the exact same way i am so i and what's crazy is i have no empathy for them at all none it's like because i want to break them of that whatever is in me but i think it might be this genetic
Starting point is 00:33:29 you know my this is like 23 and me needs to go and find the the dna part toenail clipping that says like you can't get your toenails clipped easily um so that's a look into my life aside from that yes they will clip your toenails and take care of that but they give you a foot rub if you get a manicure they give you a hand massage and your nails look great like we fellas fellas we have been missing out on a lot of stuff for a long time because it's not it's not manly oh the salon life is women women out there you've been life bro yes spot life is my jam it's i mean you and me mike we've always been on the spa life outside of outside of a pedicure i am all in on spa life and women you're
Starting point is 00:34:13 missing out on cutting down trees so there you go uh dalton from patreon at what point does a pond become a lake? Oh my goodness. Now I, I'm so tempted to Google the definition of a pond. This is an easy answer for me. This is a super easy answer for me. Okay. It's when you can't see all of it at once from every part of it. All of it.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Every shore, every, oh, oh, that's a good definition. If, if, if I,
Starting point is 00:34:41 if there's a piece of the shore that I can't see, it's a lake. If from all sides of it, I can see everything. It's a piece of the shore that i can't see it's a lake if from all sides of it i can see everything it's a pond that's if you google that has to be the real hold on hold on if you go to a golf course jason and you're playing a course and you hit the ball into the what do you hit it into a pond or do you hit it into a lake no that's a pond i've never seen a uh a water feature on a golf course that I can't see, unless it's like a river.
Starting point is 00:35:07 You just hit it into the pond. Yeah. What do they call it? That is a pond. They call it a lake at a golf course. That's my point. No, they don't. Yes, they absolutely do.
Starting point is 00:35:15 They call it a water hazard. Yes, that's what I know of. They do do that. All right, here's the definition of a pond. All right. A small body of water formed naturally or by a hollowing or embanking but it's either formed naturally or you could just dig one usually listen listen listen pond definition is a body of water usually smaller than a lake
Starting point is 00:35:39 well because i looked up the lake definition a large body of water surrounded by land. Like what? It's not in an aquarium? What bodies of water are not going to be surrounded by land eventually? I am now just picturing Jason. His occupation is, like his whole job is just, he determines if something is a pond or a lake. Oh, yeah, they call them out there.
Starting point is 00:36:02 The surveyors call them out there. And people bring him out. Like, Jason Moore is coming. We got to make sure that this thing looks great. And him standing at the edge. It's. Covering his brow with his hands, blocking out the sun. Can I see the other side?
Starting point is 00:36:17 It's a pond. It's not just the other side. I'm so sorry to tell you this. Because you can see the other side of most lakes. This is a pond. Yeah. I've got bad news for you, but I can see the entirety of the shoreline. You got a little grease over here, a couple of hundos. We are out.
Starting point is 00:36:28 We've got a lake. I'm looking up the difference between a lake and a pond, and some people are saying it has to do with the depth. If it goes deep enough where the sunlight does not get. Except, then what if it's just like
Starting point is 00:36:44 really small circumference? That's called a well. This thing's 80 feet deep. I've always thought of a pond as stagnant. That's actually in my head. I think a pond is something that is stagnating and will go away because there's not enough of it. It's just like
Starting point is 00:37:03 a pond is kind of gross and a lake is kind of like better than a pond i i believe that the world from this point on will adopt my new definition of what makes can you see all sides of the lake what is this swimming pool, Jason? Is that a pond? Oh, I call those pools, Andy. A man-made water feature surrounded by concrete and plaster. You call that a pool? Neat. I call that a pool. Yeah, I mean, a pool, the difference between a pool and a pond is just cement. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Right? Yes. It's not land. It's not earth. It's settled. All right. Let's draft the spitballers draft oh man all right we are drafting the perfect summer barbecue
Starting point is 00:37:57 oh it's nice outside you got to get outside some fresh air maybe you're going swimming if you're in the southwest or somewhere where it's warm maybe you're just throwing the football around maybe you're all alone but uh what is the perfect summer barbecue foods on a plate a meat two sides and a beverage that is what we are drafting and jason has the first pick man this is really really tough because excellent uh i don't like having the first pick here and i'm trying to think strategically there's so many there's there's so many side dishes out there yeah there are where i feel like okay i could pivot a million different directions there's really only two meats that I really want at my, you know, but there's deeper things I think I'll do all right in the polls.
Starting point is 00:38:52 And then for a beverage, oh man, this is- I really enjoy this commentary. Trying to make the best first pick. You're pulling up to the barbecue, you're grabbing your paper plate, and what's the first thing you're putting on it, Jay? That's what you got to answer. I think you're trying to distract me there by putting it on the plate because that's saying you don't want me to take a drink.
Starting point is 00:39:14 But I think at a barbecue, I'm going to take a beer. I'm going to take the category because playing this game out, you know, you got some sodas or, I don't know, water's good. But I feel like when you're having a big barbecue event, that's in there. Hey, Mike. Mike, what am I going to take? Mike, what am I going to take?
Starting point is 00:39:38 Look, this is – Burgers. Taking the burgers. Oh, man. How did you – You got mentally outworked just now in front of everybody. Yeah, I did. What did you just do?
Starting point is 00:39:51 What an idiot. Well, here's why. Let me explain why. I've got the burgers. Here's why. Because burgers are the clear first thing. But I don't like burgers as much as other meat and i know mike you take burgers over everything yes i was taking burgers if i didn't take a 1000 yes i know so i just i guess
Starting point is 00:40:14 i i couldn't with i couldn't do that to my other meat and take burgers over even though it's the clear best best you always have a reason to i mean look i mean that look, we do what we do for reasons. That's a good point. All right. We've got Jason with the beer. I've got the burgers, and Mike's got the... So this is a situation. I feel like I have to take the meat that I want
Starting point is 00:40:43 because Jason will not let it come back. I don't even know if it's the one that Jason's going to take the meat that I want because Jason will not let it come back. And actually, I don't even know if it's the one that Jason's going to take, but I'm just going to do it anyways because this is a barbecue, so I will take barbecue ribs. Okay. Okay. You got to get the ribs when it's a real BBQ and not just the podrizona where we grill and
Starting point is 00:41:07 we're like we're having a barbecue and it's just when we grill hot dogs and in as we hamburger and burgers right you're the number one pick yeah that's grilling that's grilling but yes you said that the number one pick right should be burgers right i would take burgers because i want burgers over everything yeah it's grilling though sadly i've been to i've been to zero dot zero barbecues that had barbecue ribs on the grill i have been because they aren't barbecues they're somewhere real out there and this definition i made at the beginning of the show at the beginning of the show i said barbecue is not just because it's got barbecue sauce it's a it's grilling we're going out to a cookout yeah that's what this really is but i thought we were drafting the best barbecue meal uh ribs is a great pick it was one of the four meats that i had written down as potentials this is great news it means i get my meat that i wanted first with my last pick that that is that is very
Starting point is 00:42:05 excellent my guess to pick again and man there's one particular beverage that i want to grab i don't know if andy will take it or not so i'm going to gamble i'm going to gamble on that and I'm going to look to me honestly you aren't at a barbecue unless you got baked beans that's a good pick if you don't have ribs and beans honestly you're at a grill out you're not at a barbecue
Starting point is 00:42:38 so I will take ribs and baked beans that's very good I can tell you that beans had a very low percentage chance of coming back to you all right all right i got one of them yeah beans are on my list too and and it's all about that iconic what's in your head when you think about going to a barbecue beans beans beans are in beans are in my head for sure. Yeah. All right. So coming back to me, I got to decide whether I want to go beverage or I want to go with a side. Now, it makes no sense to go with the beverage because Jason already took one.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I was very curious why you were even thinking about it. Well, I can't pick another meat. So I got to go with the side. Jason will make a couple of picks and then maybe I come back with my beverage since Mike doesn't have his yet. I'm going to go with potato salad. It's so good. I was torn between the beans and the potato salad because I love potato salad.
Starting point is 00:43:32 It's so good. They're sharing a spot on the table. I mean, they're both sitting right next to each other. They got to share a spoon. They probably do. If you eat the beans and the potato salad at the exact same time, then you aren't doing it right. I was going to say, you share that spoon. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:43:45 No harm done. No harm done. It's back and forth we go. No problem. So I've got a burger and potato salad, and Jason's back on the clock. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:53 So look, I already know I'm getting what I could have taken with my first pick with my last pick. That's fantastic. So my strategy has played out great. I got the beverage of choice, so my strategy has played out great I got the beverage of choice and I pretty much am getting two of my favorite
Starting point is 00:44:08 side dishes of choice here I get two picks am I correct that is correct the first is going to be a baked potato you're at a cookout you bake these potatoes my wife makes unbelievable baked potatoes on the grill it's one of our favorite dishes
Starting point is 00:44:24 it's basically like nothing says barbecue like beer and a baked potato unbelievable baked potatoes on the grill. It's one of our favorite dishes. It's basically like you get- Nothing says barbecue like beer and a baked potato. That's right. That's right. A nice cookout. I'm telling you, this is great. Well, let the Morris do it up a little more. We need a bougie barbecue, baby.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Here's what I'm going to say. I'm going to say at the end of this, if you look at these meals that we have prepared between the three of us, and you say, which one is the best maybe barbecue foods, you might pick someone else's. But then we say, okay, now go to one of these houses and enjoy your meal. Where do you want to go? They're all coming to the Moore's house. My baked potatoes
Starting point is 00:45:05 are great you know what else is great what grilled corn on the cob that is a great barbecue you know you get your vegetables but you don't have to get any of the nutrition that's what i'm looking for sure uh corn on the cob is a is an all the, none of the vitamins. Barbecue food. No question. Good pick, Jason. Good pick. Thanks. I'm going to... I don't think it's the beverage Mike was alluding to that he wanted to get, but I'm taking what I picture in my head the second I think of going to a barbecue,
Starting point is 00:45:36 which is soda. I'm going to take soda. So, burger, potato salad, and soda. Which is fine. It's all yours, Mike. I'm curious what your beverage choice. We're coming. It's all yours, Mike. I'm curious what your beverage choice. We're coming up aces over here, everybody. I get to finish off my draft, so I've started with the ribs. I got the beans.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Yeah, that's great. I will take the other side. I would have taken potato salad 100%. I'm not going to lie and disparage the deliciousness that is potato salad. I will take the runner up. I will take coleslaw. Coleslaw with baked beans is also a tremendous combination. Coleslaw is a fabulous choice.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Coleslaw is great. Underrated. Coleslaw, here's why it's underrated. Because a lot of people hate coleslaw, and the reason they hate coleslaw is because some coleslaw is so stupid and awful and bad. It can be bad. It's got such a wide range of outcomes. Wide range of outcomes, yes. A good coleslaw is so stupid and awful and bad. It can be bad. It's got such a wide range of outcomes.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Wide range of outcomes, yes. A good coleslaw is unbelievably good, and there are some that's like, I'm eating just giant shreds of cabbage with no sweetness, and get that out of my life. Well, it's a complimentary dish. I want it on my, like, I eat it with.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Put that on a pulled pork sandwich. Oh, now we're talking. I like it with. You put that on a pulled pork sandwich? Now we're talking. I like it. All right. I got my beverage of choice. I gambled and I will take lemonade. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Lemonade, baby. It's the summer. It's hot. I want some lemonade. I had, now that we've all drafted them, my four beverages were soda, beer, lemonade, and then Kool-Aid. No water. Water would have been on my... I would have gone beer or water. But is that boring?
Starting point is 00:47:12 That is terrible. Yeah, that's a terrible pick. We live in Arizona, and sometimes when you're outside, we need water or we're going to die. We do. That is true. I mean, I guess lemonade is basically like water with some lemon and sugar. I got a pick now. I got to pick another side.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And I'm excited. Oh, crap. I like it. I can't take two things. I have a burger, potato salad, soda. No, you have one more pick. That means you cannot take two things. Well, tell us what it is because I can't pick a side.
Starting point is 00:47:48 So what two sides are you thinking about? My two sides? Look, I'm going to take watermelon. Okay. All right. I'm taking watermelon because it's an iconic barbecue. That's what I picture in my mind having a barbecue. But the other one was ice cream.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I mean, obviously, ice cream was going to be. Oh, really? It wasn't even the one I was thinking of. No, I mean, I have a bunch of other ones written down, too, that I was thinking about. Grilled pineapple. Oh, so good. Yeah, but watermelon to me is like, that's a barbecue.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Okay, go ahead, Jay. Then I'll bring up my. Well, I just need to make a quick PSA here for everyone. We've got a very large audience um and no doubt there are people that are listening who are i know where you're going instacart shoppers or any kind of uh whatever program is in your area where uh you know people are doing grocery shopping online and having it delivered to their door a lot more if you are one of the people that are out there um who are picking out the the the
Starting point is 00:48:45 product first of all thank you thank you for uh your work out there uh doing the grocery shopping second it's not gonna end well a seeded watermelon to my door when we cut into this thing and there are black seeds you should be fired there's no one on planet earth why do they have those in the grocery store anymore do you know what i you know what we just got the other day a seeded a seeded watermelon why not on purpose we've gotten it twice delivered yeah it's awful it's filled with black stores sell those we cut it and it's like well this is ruined we've got to throw it away do they taste no not at all i don't think of that like it's like well this is ruined we've got to throw it away do they taste no not at all i don't think of that like it's like oranges hey mike let me ask you a question do
Starting point is 00:49:30 you like mac and cheese or mac and cheese with rocks in it you gotta pick one that's a good would you rather taste the same i don't like science we solved it we figured it out yeah thank you scientists yes yeah cancer still cancer still an issue but we did have a fruit with those we got the fruit with no seeds figured out it um all right so now that's who's making it happen yeah so i'm gonna assume that yours is seedless watermelon andy because if it's seeded watermelon i ain't coming over yeah yeah i mean um okay so you don't get to spit you don't do the yeah i'm happy to not get to do that we get jason's sunflower seeds we get jason's meat choice now look i if i'm if i'm grilling there's nothing
Starting point is 00:50:11 better than steak i want steak i want a filet mignon that's what i'm gonna be putting on every single time what barbecue are you going to i'm going to the best barbecue of all time that is not a steak grilled corn, this is the best. Jason, have you ever showed up in the backyard of somebody else's house and they threw a filet on for you? No, but people have come over. BYOF?
Starting point is 00:50:35 I have not, but people have come over to my house where I do do that. 100%. Multiple times. What is happening? Many times. In fact fact this week i have had people come over where i grill up filet mignons really nice one uh this is three of four picks where mike and i were just kind of like wow i'm on look here here let me just say this i'm on ranker's list of best foods on a barbecue the number one on ranker is steak. So y'all can eat it ahead of beef burgers,
Starting point is 00:51:06 which is second. I am. My mind is blown. I thought for sure you were going brisket or pulled pork. My four were nobody took hot dogs, which is just hot dogs. Hot dogs are a grilling. Honestly,
Starting point is 00:51:21 that's what I want. The most perfection pick and then pork ribs burgers. That was the other ones that I want the most. Like iconic perfection pick. And then pork ribs burgers. That was the other ones that I had written down. So the side that I thought you were going to take was cornbread. Because cornbread is just a delight. Hot dogs are on the waiver wire. Is that what's happened? Hot dogs are in my belly.
Starting point is 00:51:38 And we'll get the tweets. We'll get the tweets from the people. I'm drafting off the waiver wire. And I'm going to beat all your teams. I would have loved to have been able to draft hot dogs with burgers, but I can only take one meat. Al, you're listening in here. Which barbecue is the one that you think wins this?
Starting point is 00:52:02 I'm going to have to go with Andy, I think. He's got the picks that come to my mind when i think of a backyard barbecue i'm just seeing if he always picks mike for everything and now he's really dissuaded now if you're going over to eat at one of these houses which one are you choosing i'll see you there buddy uh that's that's gonna be jason's but you're darn right it is but you just drafted off the nicest steakhouse menu in town yeah are you jason how did you not draft like wine because you have the fanciest meal this is this is what i make at all my barbecues baked potatoes baked potatoes
Starting point is 00:52:40 backyard bar some nice steak corn on the cob a Oh, my gosh. A brewski. Oh, that's a barbecue. Oh, that's great. The only thing that makes yours a barbecue is your brewski. That is. It's the glue that makes the fancy work at the barbecue. Oh, my gosh. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Well, we learned something on the show. Yeah, we did. What did we learn today? Jason doesn't know what a barbecue is. Jason's only been to fine dining restaurants. That's what I've learned. I learned that I think I would lose in a fight to The Rock. That was a revelation.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Look, it's eye-opening. When you really think about me versus The Rock, who's going to win, and you put your your personal bias away and you realize you would be stomped into the ground it's tough yeah it's a hard moment your computer simulation of yourself versus the rock like 5 000 times do you ever win do i have weapons uh nope then i think there could be one time where that's the moment that he unfortunately has a heart attack or something just but like as i'm circling 5 000 times maybe he just tears an acl or some crazy thing so i'm gonna give myself one all right that does it
Starting point is 00:54:00 spit wads thanks for tuning in, supporting the show, listening in. Send us your questions. Find us on Twitter at SpitballersPod. Give us your would-you-rathers and whatever else you want to hear. We need draft ideas, too. We'll see you next time. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast.
Starting point is 00:54:22 To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out spitballerspod.com. Is this microphone off? Is the show over? Is it done? Yeah. Is this off? Hello? No, we're done.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Oh, gosh. I'm so tired. Al, you stopped recording, right? Hello? Okay. Thank you. Thank goodness. God. Oh, gosh. I'm so tired. Al, you stopped recording, right? Hello. Okay. Thank you. Thank goodness. God.
Starting point is 00:54:47 That episode sucked. Oh, gosh. I don't want to do this anymore. Honestly. No, I'm ready to walk away from you two. Whoever is... How do we get rid of all the spit wads? Well, that's the only thing I still want to be part of.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Okay. How do you do that? The only way I'm staying on this show is if people go to spitballerspod.com and they're like, I want to be a spitwad. And they click become a spitwad, then maybe I'll stay on the show. That's it. That's the only way? So this is the final episode. I don't know how we're going to get that information to people, but maybe next episode we can talk.
Starting point is 00:55:21 We could record it. But I thought it was the last one. Well, sure. That's what I'm saying. If people don't go right now, then this show's over. I'm just glad it's talk. We could record it. But I thought it was the last one. Well, sure. That's what I'm saying. If people don't go right now, then this show's over. I'm just glad it's done. All right, good. I'm out of here.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Goodbye.

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