Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 114: Dollar Sheets Club & The Best Disney Songs

Episode Date: August 31, 2020

Is This Real Life is back on the show today! Tune in to hear the guys discuss some of the wackiest headlines they could find. Before that, we muse about some polarizing Would You Rather questions. We ...close the show down with a much requested draft of the Best Disney Songs. Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the show: Become an Official Spitwad! Visit us on the Web Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Subscribe on YouTube Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/spitballers/posts See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, I know you expected the show to start already. It's going to start momentarily. There will be a spectacular scat that is coming your way. I thought DMX was here the way you came in. But listen, before the show starts, I just wanted to say, head over to spitballerspod.com, click the Become a Spitwad button. That's how you become a supporter of the show. That's how you get access to the show early.
Starting point is 00:00:21 That's how you check out the spit tank where you can submit questions, would-you-rather questions, great questions, whatever, draft ideas. We turn to the Spitwads first. Head over to SpitballersPod.com, click the Become a Spitwad button, and now we can start the show. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. What happens when three buffoons give life advice explore unrealistic situations and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve it's the spitballers podcast with andy mike and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I don't know. I see what you did. I get where you're going with it. But if that man came and sang to me, I'd be scared. That's the boogeyman. Sometimes you go to sing and you're like, oh, well, if I go up an octave, that's going to be way too high. Right. So I have to drop it down and then you end up sending in the boogeyman voice.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Almost sounded a little bit Adam Sandler, you know. It's a way of the dog. Oh, my goodness. Well, welcome into the Spitballers podcast once again. Would you rather? Is this real life? A Disney draft on the show today. Excited to be with you.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I'm sure this show will take us into some strange places, even stranger than that terrifying opening to the show. You can find us on Twitter at SpitballersPod. SpitballersPod.com is the website where you can learn how to become an official SpitWad supporter. Thank you, everybody out there subscribing, reviewing, listening. Hopefully, we are a wonderful
Starting point is 00:02:13 hour of distraction and entertainment and fun for your week. That's our only goal. We accomplish it sometimes, which is good enough for us. Aim low. Let's do some Would You Rather.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Would you rather? Carson from the website, would you rather be a knight in shining armor? Yeah, here we go. Or a ninja? All right. Now, this is the content I'm here for, man. This is a good question.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I agree. This is a great question. Do you want to be like a medieval knight of the round table or a ninja? You know what's interesting to me when I break this down, and I'm sure we all have different thoughts. A knight is, like, if you're a knight in shining armor, you are a noble. Lance a lot. You are noble.
Starting point is 00:03:16 You are thought well of. You are knighted by, like, the king and queen, right? So you are known to all as a hero, whereas a ninja is like secretive in all of its nature. You're unknown. Nobody even knows you're a ninja. If they do, you're a really bad ninja. You're a crappy ninja. You're Beverly Hills Ninja.
Starting point is 00:03:38 That's a deep cut. Yeah. Now, do knights get land? Is that part of knighthood i'm sure they awarded wait this is what land no we're worried about land well i'm just saying we're we're we're inspecting the you know the pros and cons of being both they do have flowing locks jason yeah you never see like a short haired no night no it's it's it's always curly it's always long does that mean i can't be a knight no i think you get the hair i think that's part of it see it's funny because
Starting point is 00:04:13 you say all of these things about the prestige the hair right um but when it when it comes down to it when you think about a knight versus a ninja, you're primarily thinking of battle. And I feel like I would rather be the one that can sneak up on someone. Get in and out. You don't know where I'm at. Let me just ask this. Let's ask this version of the question. Who's better at killing?
Starting point is 00:04:40 You know, you're in battle. You're a knight. You're a ninja. You're fighting. This is not a question. a you're a ninja you're fighting this is probably the night really i think it is the ninja why would the ninja be better at killing if you're a knight you have you have gone through an assortment of people you've destroyed them on the battlefield if you're a knight you're lumbering around in 90 pound armor and chain mail while the ninja is super fit, doing flips. You can't see them throwing smoke bombs.
Starting point is 00:05:15 You don't even know why you died. You just did. You might not die. They probably put you to sleep. A ninja probably just puts you in a little choke hold and you're just down. Yeah. Forever. Permanent sleep.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Those ninja stars aren't nap stars. They don't, you know, boink, take a little nap ski. It's funny because if a ninja and a knight fought in like a coliseum, the ninja loses. Because part of the ninja's ability. No. Yes, he does. How is the knight ever going to hit a ninja? The armored knight swings
Starting point is 00:05:46 the battle axe one time, or I mean the battle sword at one time. And the ninja in a coliseum, he doesn't have the night time. He doesn't have the ability to sneak around. You're looking at your enemy. You're telling me a knight can't take a ninja out? They don't need it. All I do, if I'm a ninja, and I'm wearing my
Starting point is 00:06:01 like the cloth robes of Which, by the way, is not as good as armor, but go on. Sure, but you know what it's good for? That I'm jogging around. I'm lightly perspiring while the knight is dragging around 80 to 100 pounds and is exhausted in about 45 seconds. I'm taking the knight, man. I want to be noble.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I wait for him to fall over, and I just gently put him to sleep. What night is this? Is this the Beverly Hills night that you're fighting? No, this is a great night. This is a warrior. A great night that gets super tired really fast and falls over dead from his own armor? I feel like if you put a fully armored with his great sword knight out there and then you put a ninja out there with nothing he's he's in boxer shorts no weapons the ninja's still gonna win
Starting point is 00:06:53 like they're never gonna catch him i'm gonna do extra calisthenics while the night is walking around because i want to actually get a workout on. The knight's in better shape than the ninja. No way. No way. No, no, no. Not better shape. He's stronger. Stronger? The knight can bench press more.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Oh, great. What do you think the knight does on the battlefield? Plus, the knight might get a horse. And that, I don't know if that's good or bad against the ninja. That's good. No, that's good. But it's probably good. A horse is good.
Starting point is 00:07:23 It'll make me, it will stop them from tiring out while trying to chase the ninja. I'm going 100% knight. I want to be known through the land as a noble knight. I get that. I get the fame part. Plus, I think I get to marry somebody in royalty. It's going to help. It's certainly going to help.
Starting point is 00:07:43 You know what I mean? You've got a coat of arms. You're a gentleman you're a knight you're you're going to made marion yeah i made marion marion i'm gonna marry made marion now that's a compelling argument here's the thing i feel like the question has changed because who would you rather be that's that's a really really good question the who would win in a fight, I just can't believe Andy's on the night side. We need to put both of those up there. I think a knight would win. Like, a good knight would beat a good ninja.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I'm saying the best knight in the world against the best ninja in the world. Just so I know. It goes knight, knight. I want to understand, because maybe I'm not seeing things clearly, since you both agree. What is the ninja actually, what is the death blow from the ninja that's going to get the knight? Other than you saying that the knight's going to get the knight? I just want to know. Other than you saying that the knight's going to eventually fall asleep from being tired. Because I assume he's not going to be in his boxer shorts with no weapons.
Starting point is 00:08:33 He'll have ninja stars that he can throw right at your neck. Right, but you've got armor on and a helmet. You've got armor on your neck? Yes. I didn't know that they wore neck. Yes, you do. No, they don't. A knight has armor on their neck.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yes, you do. No, they don't. A knight has armor on their neck. Yes, they do. No, they wear a coat of arms. They've got the chain mail on. I'm sending you a picture right now. They're covering their neck. The neck is protected. Yeah. You're not getting ninja starred in the neck.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Plus, the accuracy. Come on. A knight can't dodge a star being thrown at him? Correct. It's not about the stars. It's about the blade. They're going to have katana blades. They're going to
Starting point is 00:09:10 have very light swords that are extremely sharp. And will break when the knight parries them. They won't break. No, no, bro. You need to read up on those swords. You need to do some katana research. Yes, you do. You sound like a fool. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:09:28 So, wait. Are you choosing ninja or knight? No, I'm definitely going to be a knight. I want to proceed. Oh, my gosh. I knew what Jason was going to do from the beginning. If I get long, luscious locks, I get Maiden Marian. I got land.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I got title. I'm never going to battle. I'm a knight. I'm sending others to battle. Sir Jason? I was knighted for what I did in the past. I'm retired now. Look, I wish I could go to this battle.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I simply cannot make it today. Lots of knight stuff. Lots of knight stuff. Very important knight stuff. He's the only knight with a desk job. But in a Coliseum, the ninja would win. One-on-one battle, absolutely. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:10:07 We need to throw that up on the Twitter as well. Speed always beats strength. Speed wins. Speed kills, man. All right. Freddy from Twitter, would you rather be given a rabbit as a pet or as a meal? If it's a pet, you must keep it for its entire life. But you're provided with a cage and a bit of rabbit food to get you started.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Okay. That's very kind. This is not a fair question. If it's a meal, you must eat the entire thing, but it's been butchered and cooked to perfection and served with your favorite side. This question is ridiculous. I've always heard that rabbits do not make good pets.
Starting point is 00:10:44 I had a rabbit. Rabbits do? Well, Jason, you tell me the truth. I've always heard that rabbits do not make good pets. I had a rabbit. Rabbit stew? Well, Jason, you tell me the truth. Oh, I thought you just said you've eaten rabbits. No, I have not eaten rabbits. I had a rabbit. When were you stuck in the wilderness, dude? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 He wasn't. He had a rabbit. No, growing up. Then he didn't have a rabbit. Growing up, my first meal was a rabbit. No, we had a rabbit as a pet. We had pretty much, if there's an animal, we had it as a pet. I meal was a rabbit. No. We had a rabbit as a pet. We had pretty much, if there's an animal, we had it as a pet. I lived in a zoo.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Goat. The goat came after I was out of the house, but my mom did have goats. We did have pigs. Cow. No cow, I guess. We didn't live on a farm. We were in a normal, you know, zebra. Snake.
Starting point is 00:11:22 No snakes. No tarantulas or awful things. But we awful things but we had sounds like you did not have very many pets we had ferrets we had turtles we had rabbits what ferrets are stinky stinky stunky yeah they're not good you know the only thing that stinks worse than them why can't i think of the name i want to say i want to say chalula uh the hot sauce no it's a chinchilla thank you we had two of those different animals but they are they are terrible anyways i know that from super troopers yes so here's the thing when you say you've heard that rabbits don't make a good pet you have not heard the details of how horrific it is as a pet.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Okay. This thing will imagine that there is a cat. We all know that cats are awful and evil. But let's say you didn't declaw the cat, right? But now let's give the cat's hind legs the power of 20 cats. You pick this rabbit up and it just goes with his hind legs just beating you with sharp razors a rabbit is a nightmare it doesn't know you it doesn't like you rabbits have claws they're the ninjas of the pet world apparently yeah i mean i you know a rat i'm still it's like fingernails
Starting point is 00:12:41 they're not like claws they're not out there like a saber tooth tiger. But the power in the legs is unbelievable. I mean, that's why they can jump like they can't. It makes sense. You're getting kicked by a razor all the time. Yeah. They offer you very little by way of affection. They offer you no affection.
Starting point is 00:13:00 It's a rabbit. It wants nothing to do with you. Thank you, Mike. Well said. It's a rabbit. So I'm going to eat the heck out of this thing. It's like, where's the other rabbits? Why am I trapped here?
Starting point is 00:13:09 I think I'll eat it as well, because I know that people captured and ate rabbits, right? Yeah. Like, that's the thing. Rabbits do. It's going to taste gamey. It's not going to be great, but it's going to be better than having one as a pet. That's for sure. Okay, Mike.
Starting point is 00:13:24 If these are the two choices that i have to live with then then i have to have a rabbit as a pet because it's like look you don't feel like eating a rabbit today well the problem is i live in this mystical dreamland where i eat animals i love to eat animals i love to eat cows i love i love hamburgers i love chicken but but the second you face me with the moral dilemma of all right this is yours what are you gonna do are you gonna eat it are you gonna take care of it i'm like fine i'll take care of it and i'll eat beans and i'll eat cabbage so happy now so if someone brought to your door a cow and this cow was beautiful it was a beautiful cow and you were on the doorstep and you said sir um you have to you have i will take this cow and butcher it uh this is betsy the
Starting point is 00:14:14 cow and i will now it has a name it absolutely has a name and a history here's the pamphlet about where she grew up um and her brothers and sisters. Here's Betsy. I can go butcher this and give you the most wonderful meal of your life, or I could put her in your backyard and you now own a cow in your neighborhood. I got fresh milk every day. It is so funny. It's so hypocritical because outside of vegetarians and vegans, every single person here eats animals.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Well, i actually was going to say what makes it even different for me from that dilemma is genuinely the question is my family need to eat it like that would be the determining like i can go if you told me i got to go kill an animal in the wild because we're out in the wild and i need to eat i got no problem with that but if you brought like betsy the cow the neighborhood cow to the door and it's like, do you want a hamburger or do you want Betsy to live? I'd be like, I want Betsy to live. And plus Betsy gives me milk is like a little bit of a payment for not killing her. Yeah, right. That's true. That's true. No, it's a crazy world we live in. I would be taking all of my hamburger meat that I have in my fridge
Starting point is 00:15:23 and putting it in the freezer to make sure I don't run out when I get all this new meat. Oh, no. Betsy's dead. Look, I'm not saying that as a monster. It's just that I really, really like beef. I mean, it's. Oh, dude. No, I love it and and honestly one of the things i've heard and i we're not getting
Starting point is 00:15:48 into hunting arguments but of like people who say they go out and one with nature and they like they bow hunt they go this this isn't they're not they're not using assault rifles like they're going out there with a with a with a bow and they eat what they hunt like yes they're i've i've heard people talk about like you have a you have this much much deeper connection with your food you understand where that food came appreciation for it yeah you have a greater appreciation for it meanwhile i'm like i'm driving through wendy's i'm gonna give me a double cheeseburger because it's delicious. Try putting a bow over your shoulder when you do that.
Starting point is 00:16:29 It's funny. I say all this. I talk that big game about my meat freezer. But the truth is, if I had to do the work, right? If I had to be the one who's like, here's Betsy. You can have her or have burgers. And I had to do it impossible like i couldn't go i say this i couldn't go hunting i don't think that there's anything
Starting point is 00:16:51 wrong with hunting if you know for people that you know uh hunt use it yeah if you're eating it yes if yeah assuming you're not you know wasting this or just but um i couldn't i i know i couldn't do it i i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't do it either the like the scenes where they're always like you gotta the in movies they do it a lot you know they give them the chicken and the axe and they head out to the stump and you're like no what no this chicken lives forever my back is turned and then i will eat it. Why can't we just eat these animals after they die of old age? I don't think the meat is as good. Would you like this rotten hamburger?
Starting point is 00:17:33 It came from an 80-year-old cow. I think the meat's probably pretty good. As long as you catch it before it drops over. We need to start something new. By the way, this segment's gone completely sideways. As long as you catch it before it drops over. We need to start something new. By the way, this segment's gone completely sideways. I now feel like somehow every single person that's listening hates us for some reason or another. The question was, would you rather be given a rabbit as a pet or a meal?
Starting point is 00:17:58 Jason and I took a meal. Mike took a pet. Mike's been kicked in the face. And I'm cleaning up poop all the time. Oh, they poop so much. They just squirt little pellets everywhere nonstop. You know how it's like, oh, I have one healthy BM a day. Maybe two.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Not a rabbit. A rabbit has one healthy BM every 12 seconds. We could talk about rabbits for hours. But we'll take this next question from Tom. Tom from Instagram sends in this one. Would you rather have an AI implant that generates the best comebacks whenever somebody disrespects you or one that generates an appropriate, sincere compliment whenever you would like to brighten somebody's day? compliment whenever you would like to brighten somebody's day. So you're never,
Starting point is 00:18:49 you're never patronizing somebody with that compliment, which is so easy to do. You're saying just the right thing in the right moment to make them feel better. However, I here's, here's the thing. I know that, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:59 we look, we've done a thousand episodes between the footballers and the, and the spitballers. And we've had live shows. We the footballers and the spitballers, and we've had live shows. We've got hordes of fans, but I know that not all of us are everybody's cup of tea, right? There's plenty of listeners that have to say, like, oh, I can't stand Jason.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Yeah. But they don't say it to me. You know what I mean? No, no. Of course not. When am I going to have... I don't remember the last time someone just, well, outside of my wife, insulted me to my face. Your home life, I'm sure that...
Starting point is 00:19:28 If you had a back catalog of instantly going to the best snaps insult that you can get of... You've memorized every Yo Mama joke, and you just can unleash it at any moment. I mean, but it's in response to an insult. can unleash it at any moment. I mean, but it's in response to an insult. So this is literally the question is saying, would you like AI that will have you have
Starting point is 00:19:52 great comebacks for your wife? That's what the question is because she's insulting me left, right, and center as she should as I deserve. But that's like the only insult I think I would be giving back. Whereas complimenting people. I'd say disrespects you, not just insults you, but you've been disrespected. You've been in a public place where somebody's disrespected.
Starting point is 00:20:09 People know better, Andy. People know better than to disrespect me. That's the guy who owns the rabbit. And it's best comeback. So it may not be like a really overt attack. This might be the ultimate impassive aggressive just right in the fingernails getting them they don't even realize they've been insulted for for 10 seconds and then later after you've walked away they're like oh he got me yes can you change a person's mind if your
Starting point is 00:20:41 comeback is snappy enough? Can you change them? You can change mine, yes. So, yes, I know you can, but it depends on the person. Make them hate you more? No, no, no. I'm just saying, can good come out of this? If you have the best comebacks ever, are you actually earning respect or making some kind of –
Starting point is 00:20:58 From your peers, not from the person who – Oh, not from the person you got the comeback to. No, this is you need a full group around you to make sure that they hear your perfect insults. Can you imagine what our football show would be like? Firing perfect comebacks? Did you hear what I said? Did you hear what I said to him?
Starting point is 00:21:16 I might want to write that down. I'd like to believe I can generate an appropriate sincere compliment when I like to right now. I'd like to believe at this stage of my life I could do it appropriately. You got two people with you. You're up. Well, I have the compliment one of you? Is this genuine sincere compliment?
Starting point is 00:21:33 I'm all ears. Mike's all ears. Jason. Someone needs some AI. Well, you can't fabricate these things. I don't feel like either of you need it right now you said i hope that i can come up with a genuine compliment whenever i need it i put you on the spot and it's crickets it's true it's true because it doesn't it feels like i'm patronizing you right now
Starting point is 00:21:58 okay yeah no totally jason you're you're you might be the funniest person that i know oh that's sweet. Definitely way funnier than me. You're way funnier than Andy. I could have done right there. I just slyly insulted Andy. Wow, complimenting you. Now what's your comeback, Andy?
Starting point is 00:22:15 Come on. Which one do you want? Do you want this compliment or do you want the comeback? Neither. Neither. I'm choosing neither. I want the compliments. I want them because, you know, the truth is there's been times in my life where I...
Starting point is 00:22:28 Wait, you want to be complimented? That's not one of the three options. No, no, no. I want the AI that helps me give genuine compliments more often because here's what I think it really does. Half of, you know, adult life when you've learned lessons and you've grown as a person is just remembering them, remembering the good stuff, remembering what you should be doing. Or appreciating other people that maybe you take for granted. I feel like the AI is a reminder to pay someone a real compliment. Sure. reminder to pay someone a real compliment because I have had stretches in my life where I've thought I want to compliment people more but not not like like you said not not to just compliment for compliments sake and I'm and I'm totally just I should say a compliment to someone but like genuine
Starting point is 00:23:16 honest real compliments because it feels good to people and it's real if I really think something about someone you should say it it's good for their mental health it's good for our relationship so i'm going to take the ai compliment because i think i think that that would just it would enhance my life and the lives of those around me and i think we should all try to do this now a little bit more often let me i'm going to throw a wrench into this question you can have the perfect insult come back you can have the perfect compliment or you can have like a graphing calculator oh i'm taking the calculator i mean come on man i can do math like that
Starting point is 00:23:57 it's not even close by the way you wantign? You talk to this guy. I've been meaning to tell you something very important. You really do love meat more than anybody I know. Wow, thank you. That means a lot coming from you. You love meat better than everybody. The AI has let you down. Oh, that is a huge compliment to me. I love all kinds of cows, but I found out the Japanese cows aren't my favorite.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yes. Why you? All right. Liz from Patreon. Would you rather always have a rock in your shoe or crumbs in your bed? Oh, my goodness gracious. Oh, that is tough, but not... I think it's crumbs.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I can't have crumbs in my bed. You can live with a rock in your shoe? Well, the hard part is if you have crumbs in your bed, yes, falling asleep sucks, but they're not going to wake you up. Whereas having the rock in your shoe is forever. Well, I mean, we've all had the rock in your shoe where you don't take the shoe off to get it out, but you squirt it to the side of your toe. That's true.
Starting point is 00:25:07 You're doing the move where you just jam your toe into the ground over and over and over. You're just squirting that rock to the side. I feel like the solution- The crumbs in your bed are so gross. I can't stand crumbs in my bed. When I get up, it's not often, but I'll come to bed and I'll get there. I haven't had them in my bed when when when i get up and you know it's not it's not often but i'll come to bed and i'll get there it's my children okay oh it's the children it's always if i get to my okay i don't because we don't i don't eat in my bed you know other than like father's day
Starting point is 00:25:39 mike's giving the wink other than like father's day breakfast in bed that's one thing but every now and then my kids will use my master bedroom to watch tv they let them bring no no i don't let them we're not allowed to have food upstairs that's a house rule and yet it still happens and when they do they just bring up the i mean they're choosing nature valley you know what I mean, they're choosing Nature Valley. You know what I mean? Like, they're getting the crummiest granola bar that is possible. And what they're doing is they're just rubbing it together to make fire on my bed. And then it is, this was like three nights ago. I came to bed and I was like, what happened in my bed? Because that's, I'm taking the rock.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I'm taking the rock of the shoe i can't have crumbs in bed andy i'll i'll pose the question to you is it weird that i imagine jason standing in uh just inside the door of his master bedroom seeing that his children have food and he is just what are you doing with food upstairs? Probably. There's no food upstairs, chomp, chomp, chomp. Honestly, when he said that there's a rule other than Father's Day, I thought he was going to say other than Oreo sleeve Friday, which is like.
Starting point is 00:26:59 It's a rule for the dogs. No dog food allowed upstairs. It's really, truly a rule for the children i don't it's more of a recommendation than a rule it's uh it's a rule that i don't necessarily follow but the kids are supposed to and they don't follow why is it so hard to clean up crumbs out of a bed too because if you try to just push them off the bed you never get them all what you don't know is when you just push them off the bed you never get them all if you push them off get them all what you don't know is when you're pushing crumbs off your bed you are actually
Starting point is 00:27:30 somehow you are multiplying yeah there's more crumbs now oh and you're dealing with the you're dealing with the catapult situation right you're dealing with the catapult situation where you you you swipe it off off the, but some of them launch. You know what I mean? They catch the sheet or they catch the bed and they launch to the other side of the bed. They can launch backwards too. I mean, that's what I'm saying. And now it's everywhere.
Starting point is 00:27:54 It's impossible to clear that off. I'm glad we analyzed that. Take your sheets off, light them on fire. Good point. They're never clean ever again. No, that's the key. Take all the corners off, wrap it all up, throw it in the trash. That's how you get rid of it.
Starting point is 00:28:08 And there might still be some crumbs underneath. I'd like to thank today's sponsor, Dollar Sheets Club. You can get them every day, disposable sheets. Al Borland, can you spin that up real quick? They have a thread count of 25. That's right. They're barely hanging on. Tired of crumbs in your bed don't worry you'll feel like it when they're completely clean we only use four-year-old men's underwear backs to build these sheets out here we go Is this real life?
Starting point is 00:28:46 All right. It's time for Is This Real Life? Each of us sharing a story from, yes, real life with one another. We've never heard these stories from each other. Or have we? But it's important to know it's out there. And so I'll begin. Gentlemen, I will read you this headline. It was from June 29th.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Okay. That's pretty recent. Yeah. Jogger caught pooing on the street. All right. I'm in. I'm in. And forced to carry it with bare hands.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yes, yes. So what this story, this story is kind of incredible because, Oh, yes. Look, we've all been in, Jason's shared this before. We've been in desperate situations. Sometimes you could be caught unawares.
Starting point is 00:29:46 And, well, this jogger tucked, this is all on video, and he tucked himself back behind a dumpster to take a little pooski on the ground. Now, the problem was, well, somebody was watching him through a camera and caught him. Why are they watching? Well, they're just looking on their security camera. They're like, what's this guy doing behind the dumpster? Why are they watching?
Starting point is 00:30:18 Oh, my God, he's taking a poop. I mean, you've got motion alerts. They noticed he's taking a poop. They open the door on him they publicly shame him point at him and make him pick his own poo up and put it in the dumpster with his bare hands if i have to go team jogger i am on team jogger right now no yes no you're not on the jogger's side i am 100 on the jogger's side. I am 100% on the jogger's side. What?
Starting point is 00:30:46 How is, look, not everyone has been in the situation where you are mere seconds away from joining the Poopy Pants Club. Yeah. Now, two-thirds of this podcast remain out of the Poopy Pants Club. Just leave it at that. Yes, we do. Two-thirds of us do. out of the Poopy Pants Club. Just leave it at that. Yes, we do. Two-thirds of us do. Yes, yes. Continue, Mike.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Two-thirds of us do. Two-thirds of us do. I agree. I have been, I'm talking like seconds away from a real dire situation of, I'm at a hotel, A real dire situation of I'm at a hotel and I've got to go. I'm waiting at a bathroom and this line is not working. One of the toilets is out of order. I panic.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I try and go back to my room. The elevator, they are not coming down for me. Eventually, I got to get in that stairwell because I am running at full speed. Oh, so you could go stairwell poop. And I had very vivid visions, very vivid of me just hitting a corner of that stairwell and just like, this is happening. I cannot stop this from happening. Now, the happy part of the story is I made it. By the grace of God, I made it by the grace of God. I made it into my room and my bathroom, but I was ready.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I was mentally prepared. You had mentally gone through the. And so my point is I have been there. I have been where this jogger has been. Meanwhile, some jerk is watching on a camera like, what's going on behind my dumpster can i can i finish the story bathroom let me give you one final story and then i'll just one final point that i didn't yeah you can you can respond what i didn't get to finish telling you that just got my attention they didn't actually let him put the poop
Starting point is 00:32:45 in the dumpster next to where he had gone. They forced him to take it home with him. Yeah, get bodied, pooper. That's how mad they were. So they made him, he tried to use the dumpster and they said, you can't use our dumpster. Because let's be honest, I wouldn't really want human waste in my dumpster.
Starting point is 00:33:04 No, no, no. Number one. They made him carry it home. It's a dumpster because okay let's be honest i wouldn't really want human waste in my dumpster but no no no number one they made him carry it home it's a dumpster you need to get over your life like there's worse things than that in that dumpster right now number two if you are the jogger and you have just gone through the humiliation of yeah you had to pull up behind a dumpster and someone is being just a jerk to you how do you not launch that turd oh yeah right into their faces here's why i don't believe this i feel like it might happen here's why i don't believe the story mike you've been in that situation where yes you it's moments moments away it's about to blow yeah i've i've been in that situation i've been in worse situations two-thirds of us are not in the booby pants two-thirds of us have not been in a situation exactly right i agree with
Starting point is 00:33:53 us two-thirds of us um have not here's what i know though when you're out and you are in that diatribe straight you are oh no this can't this oh no oh no i don't think that's something you can pick up i just i think in the end you know it's like there's why don't you pick up that water you just spilled on the ground you can't do it it's impossible so when they say he had to pick it up i think look this guy could have made it longer if this is a pick up a bull offense. So I'm not on team jogger side. Someone should come out and go, oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry for what just happened to you
Starting point is 00:34:34 and my wall. That's what should have happened. But that's what I mean. That's why I'm on the team. I'm on team jogger of like this. This person really needs compassion. And Jason saying that's true he wouldn't have such a solid consistency exactly right we we just taught what no i like i disagree
Starting point is 00:34:52 because you don't know think look think things could be things could need a bowl things oh golly there's consistency differences all right okay my point is that this person is was up against it then they're behind a dumpster like show this human some compassion jason just talked about he wants an ai chip to remind him to compliment people like like this person is in need they're they're trowel and dropping dumpskis. I'm not sure every public pooper is in need. Yeah, I think some people just are like... What?
Starting point is 00:35:30 Oh, no. Sometimes it's a... This could have been a poo of convenience, Mike. No, it is not. My toilet's broken at home. He's a dumpster. Nobody will mind. That's what happened.
Starting point is 00:35:41 All right, I'll go next. He was probably on drugs. All right, Jason. Okay uh let's hear it here's my pepto help the man all right okay here we go also maybe don't go out for that morning jog if your tum tum is feeling a little upset um here's the article uh mountain okay mountain goats addicted to human urine to be evacuated or shot at Olympic National Park.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Hold on. That's way too many layers. Hold on. That's the headline. The headline. You're not summarizing anything. You are reading the headline. Let me read the headline again of a published article.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Yep. Mountain goats addicted to human urine to be evacuated or shot at Olympic National Park. So what does it mean to evacuate a mountain goat? So according to the article, what it means to evacuate is they want to relocate these mountain you're an addicted mountain goats you're an addicted mountain goats they want to relocate them to their more natural habitat because according to this article these were not uh native goats to this olympic national park, even though they were brought in the 1920s. These goats were brought.
Starting point is 00:37:09 I feel like at this point is now their native land, but that wasn't their homeland. They were brought there. And here's the problem. Where they're from is they have a bunch of natural salt licks. So these goats lick salt licks they lick salt blocks and uh no they don't have any here but you want to know what's salty human sweat and apparently human urine from this article i did not know yeah i would have chosen a different article if i knew
Starting point is 00:37:42 we were heading this direction for all three of them yeah so well we still have hope in mike uh yeah so here's so they are needing to take there are 750 goats here and they're wanting to remove about 75 of them because they have been causing problems major problems with people and they are telling people to stop peeing uh on their trails on their hikes because it is attracting these now vicious mountain goats they're vicious now are you on team hiker now mike you're already with public pooing you might as well go public peeing i am on team hiker here because public peeing is different public peeing is different. Public peeing is totally different. Yeah, public peeing is convenience. It's, oh, sweet. Well, on a hike, it's necessary.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Yeah, and also... Wait, hold on, hold on. So on a hike, peeing is necessary, but on a run, when you're going to crap your pants, that's not a necessity? That's just, like, convenient? Yes, because you pee many many many times through the day you don't know no i can i can illustrate this very clearly mike when you reach your moment
Starting point is 00:38:50 of destination or of desperation on a hike what options do you have and when you reach your moment of desperation on a jog what options do you have i believe in the hike you only have the option of the great outdoors if you're pooping on somebody else's property instead of finding your way to a starbucks you got a problem exactly you need to poop right now i can you're telling me that any person who publicly poops has already earned your respect as needing to publicly poop no matter what no this is not a blanket statement you don't get out of jail free for just pooping wherever you want to poop but if you're on i don't know man the big
Starting point is 00:39:31 difference here the big difference is what happens two hours later i'm morally conflicted in the video that is what i learned mike is a jogger i'm surprised the thing i learned today was that mike has gone jogging. I did not know that. But two hours later, I stroll up to the spot where the jogger was or the hiker was. I don't know that the hiker was there outside of the goat licking the ground. There's nothing to tell. But if I stroll up a couple hours later from where the jogger was, I'm like, oh, no. That looks human.
Starting point is 00:40:02 You know what I mean? That's a problem. All right, Mike. What you got? All right. I will give everyone a reprieve from the bathroom humor. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:40:10 And mine is- Man poops and pees in public and also at home. At the same time. Honestly, mine is more of just like, this is fascinating. This is interesting stuff. I'll start it off with the question jason yes you have to go in you have to get brain surgery oh no at the hospital makes sense i've thought that for a long time but or are you hoping that you are put under?
Starting point is 00:40:48 I am not hoping in this situation. There is no hope. I am put under or I am not going in. There's no chance that I'm awake for any kind of surgery. They gave me the option with wisdom teeth and I said, no, this isn't bad. This isn't one of the wake up during the whatever light during the incision or something
Starting point is 00:41:10 this is not that where you can't move and you're not numb and you're getting surgery no this is like cool stuff this is so people getting brain surgery and this article in particular is about it's in Italy and it says a woman prepares 90 stuffed olives while undergoing
Starting point is 00:41:27 brain surgery to remove a tumor because and and there's many other people who just like perform i've heard about this they have they perform tasks so in like in particular like someone was a violin player and they're going in for brain surgery and of course you're freaked out do you want people working on your brain and you're worried i'm not going to have my like one one false clip and all of a sudden my violin skills are now gone and what this doctor is doing is they map out the brain they see what parts of it are lighting up when when someone is it was doing a particular task and then they keep them awake and while they're doing the brain surgery they perform that activity so they they they feel the olives they they're playing the
Starting point is 00:42:19 violin they're playing the trumpet because it keeps those parts of the brain activated and they're monitoring it to make sure that they don't make a mistake, whether removing a tumor or something. Her skill, instead of the violin, is preparing stuffed olives. She's great. This woman wanted to prepare olives. How many did she accomplish in that? 90.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I don't have a frame of reference if that's really good. I don't either. I don't know the record. How long does it take to stuff an olive? You tell me. I don't have a frame of reference if that's really good. I don't either. I don't know the record. How long does it take to stuff an olive? You tell me. I don't know. I can tell you how long it takes to eat a stuffed olive. I could definitely blow her out of the water in that time period. The funny part of this article is when we find out that this lady
Starting point is 00:42:58 really sucks at stuffing olive. That's a two. Very slow. One stuffed olive per two minutes, I think is how that breaks two minutes of stuff and all i gotta think you just pop some stuff these are probably really good they better be good look here's my worry it's in italy i gotta imagine this this lady knows what she's doing here's my worry is that i feel like the last thing that i would want to do while someone is operating on my brain is that. That's where it's insane.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Is like, I don't want to move a millimeter. And if I'm playing the violin, like, well, you know, how are you doing that with that movement in your head? Hold on, Jason. Hold on. No, that is in fact a thing you cannot do while you're playing the violin. It has to rest under your chin and you can't move your head. You can't move. Jason's
Starting point is 00:43:48 playing a fiddle. That's what Jason's playing. I've seen violinists who go nuts in that chair. They're not shaking their head though. If you watch them, it's all on the shoulders. Yeah, but the head moves and that's still the problem. The head moves with the shoulders. I don't know if you know
Starting point is 00:44:04 this, but it's very difficult to move your shoulders from one location to another location while keeping your head at the previous location. This is wild to me. People are getting brain surgery. Their scalps are open.
Starting point is 00:44:21 They're hanging out. I'd rather have something to do. I'd rather have something to do i'd rather have something to do if i'm gonna be kept awake for my brain surgery you might as well give me something to do would you guys want bionic eyes yes 100 yes what are you kidding me what kind of stupid question is this slightly uh unrelated related to so i was walking upstairs uh last night and i got this got this meat cure rub. I'm making some homemade beef jerky.
Starting point is 00:44:48 And I need to read the back of this label. Super tiny, tiny print. And so I'm like, it's so much easier to take a picture of it on my phone. And then I can zoom in and I can read everything super easy. And I'm like, man, I just can't wait. Like 20 years from now, they got to be able to make my eyes where I can just, I can zoom in. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:45:07 Because I could do it on the phone. I've had to deal with this with Jason for years. This man clearly does not have the right prescription for his glasses. He has told me every time I build a website, he needs to zoom it 37 times bigger than everybody else. But my mental question, my philosophical question is is like okay would i replace but are you really seeing like my eyes work with bionic would i replace would i go through a procedure this is the brain surgery just reminded me of it would i go through a procedure
Starting point is 00:45:37 to get an artificial but enhanced yes body part yes and one at a time if it yeah i mean you know if i'm not the the trial patient and like this is a very like i got lasik so i mean i pretty much did that but that's that's still your eye right i know but i'm saying like i i trusted a doctor to slice part of my eye open and then shoot a laser beam into it, and I could see better. My question for you, Jason, are you familiar with... This will only work if you know the movies. Do you guys know Pitch Black? Are you familiar with the Pitch Black movies?
Starting point is 00:46:16 Vin Diesel, right? Yeah. Yeah. I have seen Pitch Black. That's how familiar I am. I probably saw it the year it came out, which was, I don't know, 1980. All right. Okay. So in that movie, there are prisoners, and they're stuck in the dark.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And so some of them choose to get what they call a shine job, where it's a procedure that now you can see in the dark, but daylight is insanely bright, so you have to wear really dark shades. That's why he's got cool goggles. Or really cool goggles. Like if you could make the choice of you can see in the dark, but the expenses during the day, you have to wear goggles. Would you do that? No.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Why would I want to do that? I sleep in the dark. Because you can see in the dark, man. But I'm asleep. Like I need to be able to see in the daytime because that's when I'm alive and doing things. All right. All right. I'm just saying there's a trade-off, so it's a much harder question for me.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Hmm. Well, I, yeah. Seeing in the dark would be pretty cool, man. Yeah, it would be pretty cool for a parlor trick for a little while. I think I want bionic things. I can turn lights on. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Let's draft. The Spitballers Draft. All right. We are drafting the best Disney songs. Mike is first up. Four rounds. Disney songs. Mike is first up. Four rounds. Disney songs. Lots to choose from.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Probably lots of opinions. Yes. I have no idea what you're going to pick. I already told you what I was going to pick. The boogeyman showed up, and the boogeyman told you what he was going to take. Yep. I will take the circle of life because that is
Starting point is 00:48:11 when it comes to Disney movies, just the best opening of any Disney movie is the Lion King. When that song comes on, your feels explode the animation you're like this is incredible what is happening it you can go back to being a child seeing it animated or now
Starting point is 00:48:36 they remade it and it's computer animated except it like my kids are like how did they train the animals to do this because that's how freaking real it looks. It's insane. And that song is the perfect accompaniment to that whole entire sequence. Give me Circle of Life. Look, the Circle of Life is great. Nobody here is going to say, ah, it's a stupid song. It's Circle of Life.
Starting point is 00:49:01 But I'm just not sure that's the best song in that movie. You know what I mean? Oh, oh, oh, please.'s the best song in that movie. You know what I mean? Oh, there's another song in that movie. No, there is not. Oh, absolutely. It has fine songs, but that is the song. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Well, we'll see. We're already in the thick of it. Look, I'm just saying that other song that is superior from the same movie might be drafted still. Please take it. Okay. All right. I'm going to go with a song that is the clear. This is tough because it's the most iconic.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Is it favorite? Is it best? I'm taking my favorites. That's kind of how I feel like we're probably going to end up. Essentially, when you say the best, that always is just our favorite, because best is opinion anyways. So whether this is best or whether this is our favorite, this is according to Jason, my best list.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yeah, but you can be totally wrong about all your opinions. One day. Well, apparently, he's already said that the Circle of Life is not the best song in Lion King, so he's already wrong. To be fair, I said it might not be. It could be. It's tied. But my song that I'm going to pick is the clear capstone of this movie.
Starting point is 00:50:13 It was a national hit. It was such a good song that it annoyed everybody to where everybody hated the song. But now we've all come back around because we have let it go. We have let it go from Frozen. Interesting. i wasn't sure if you would go new school it's a little newer you know this isn't as classic but frozen's let it go there's not a man woman or child alive that doesn't know that certified undisputed banger let it go is so so freaking good, man. It's an excellent song. Yeah. So that to me, I wanted that one.
Starting point is 00:50:49 I was happy that I'm able to walk away from this trap. I thought it could go 101. I thought it could go 101. I thought it would, especially with Mike. It feels a little bit like recency. I mean, it's obviously new, but that doesn't mean it's not good. It's already got a sequel. It's already got a sequel.
Starting point is 00:51:01 It's back. You know what's crazy is we forget how long ago Frozen 1 was now. and the crazy part is two years ago but it does the sequel have better music i know we will find out i have never seen it out of here hold on hold on hold on hold on man hold on ever seen the sequel hold on is it good we have been trapped in homes. And Disney released Frozen 2 on Disney+, which I know. Oh, did it? Here's the thing. I know that you're a dad of three kids, which guess what?
Starting point is 00:51:36 That means you have Disney+. Right. And you think they must not have a girl, but they do. You haven't watched Frozen 2? No. Oh, my goodness. my kids watch too much youtube they don't have the disney movies going all the time goodness uh i guess i'll i'll try to try to watch that for you to stop the podcast uh i'm gonna go watch it i'm actually going to double up on the movie that was my favorite disney growing up, bar none. I think it has two certifiably great songs that are worthy of this spot.
Starting point is 00:52:13 I'm going to give the surprise first round pick to Friend Like Me from Aladdin, which I have always thought was incredible. It's good. No, no, it's good. It's good. It's not the best song from that movie, but you said you're doubling up. And then I am taking Whole was incredible. It's good. No, no, it's good. It's not the best song from that movie. And then I am taking Whole New World.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, that's a banner. That's an absolute banner song. I needed a banner song. Friend Like Me is Jason. Jason thought it was coming back to him. Those are my two.
Starting point is 00:52:39 I'm doubling it up on Aladdin. I don't know if that'll hurt me in the polls. I did. I wanted a Whole New World. That was the one that... If I could walk out of here with Let It Go and a whole new world... You also said dang it when I drafted Friend Like Me. So you doubled up on your disappointment there.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Well, I didn't care about Friend Like Me. I mean, it's a good song, but I knew that meant you were taking a whole new world because you said you were going to double up on the same movie. I was like, what movie is he going to say? And as soon as it was Aladdin, I knew I was dead. Yep. You got it. So I'm taking friend like me in a whole new world all right well goodness and also aladdin is great aladdin is oh it's very it's very good and then and the new one like and with robin williams having passed the new one too with robin williams having passed it means
Starting point is 00:53:21 there's something even more you know that happens where it's like sure yeah even more of a memory now was aladdin all of our favorites like growing up not necessarily my our all-time favorite now but like when we were growing up and someone would say what's the best aladdin or what's the best aladdin tell me why it's a lead no but it's almost like what's your favorite disney animated movie i don't know maybe it's because the lead is a boy, and a lot of the Disney movies, the lead's a girl, and we were young boys. But I feel like everybody that I knew,
Starting point is 00:53:50 Aladdin was all of our favorites. Great video game on Super NES for Aladdin. It was good. Great television show. Great show. You got to be careful, man. You got to be careful launching that SNES versus Sega Genesis Aladdin debate. It's heated.
Starting point is 00:54:02 It's heated. And the Lion King game on those consoles was way too hard. It was very difficult. So I liked Aladdin. Aladdin was hard too, but yeah, I think I liked Aladdin a lot. I actually liked Mulan a lot growing up. Oh, Mulan. I thought that was a great movie. There might be a song
Starting point is 00:54:17 for Mulan on my list. I don't know. I have still never seen it, but I'm excited to see the one that's coming out soon. What is wrong with you people that has to be worse than me not seeing the sequel to frozen right no way because here's why mulan's a classic disney film mulan's a classic disney film when it came out i didn't have a daughter and it just didn't when i was the age i saw it in the theater that's fine but you understand how i had a daughter at a 10 you understand how i didn't see it in the theater
Starting point is 00:54:46 the years when it came out when disney movies came out it didn't matter the plot i was seeing them all all right that stopped with frozen 2 apparently yes boom man once i had kids i i kept all that disney stuff away from them all right you're back on the clock, Jay. Goodness, this really sucks. I was all prepared for one pick and one pick alone. That is bad preparing, considering you draft against two other people. Yeah, I agree. I agree. All right. Well, if I'm on the clock and I got to go, then I am going to...
Starting point is 00:55:21 I'm going to draft Let It Go again. I am going to draft... there might be a better one all right my man's tilting he's got one pick in the book he's afraid of getting like like missing out on one more than he is about getting well i'm between two and it's from the same movie jason and look can i qualm your fears? This is very unprecedented for our drafts. I will qualm your fears. I'm not taking the pick you think. If you have two, your second
Starting point is 00:55:54 pick is 100% safe. I am not worried about that. I'm just worried about which one I prefer. But I'm going to take the stature of the second round pick from the Spitballers draft. Yes. I'm going to take the stature of the second round pick from the Spitballers draft. Yes. I'm going to do it for their sake.
Starting point is 00:56:09 I'm taking Under the Sea. It's great. No, it's very good. Because I got to get The Little Mermaid in there. That was so good. There's a couple great songs in that one, but that's the ensemble. That's the big show number. And everybody knows it.
Starting point is 00:56:26 You decided all of those things just now, too, when you finally decided on that pick. I get it. I get that it's a big number. I don't think that's the best song from the film. Right. That was my struggle. I hope you redeem yourself.
Starting point is 00:56:40 There are three good songs from that film. There are many. I mean, like three that I thought of. Well, we'll see what happens. Alright, so you took Under the Sea. Yes. Excellent. I can take
Starting point is 00:56:55 the song that should have been taken, 101, in this draft, but I had to play the game a little bit because Circle of Life was at risk. I knew it was... It wasn't coming back, probably. Yeah, exactly. So now I'm on the corner,
Starting point is 00:57:10 which means the greatest Disney movie of all time with the greatest Disney soundtrack of all time. I will take both of those hits. I will take Eye to Eye from a goofy movie. I apologize, from a goofy movie. I apologize. From a goofy movie. And I will follow that up with Stand Out, also from a goofy movie, because that soundtrack is the soundtrack of my life. It is now the soundtrack of my children's lives,
Starting point is 00:57:36 and everyone who meets the magic of a goofy movie and Tevin Campbell and Powerline, they understand it is the tops. Yes. So my wife and I were talking. No one was going to steal Goofy Movie from you, man. I know. That's why he didn't take it at the beginning, because he knew we weren't, you know. I've still, Mike is aware, I've never seen Goofy Movie.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Neither have I. Okay, so we've never seen it. It doesn't mean anything to us. It's a stupid pick. However, we knew how much you love a goofy movie, Mike, and my wife and I were talking beforehand. Had I remembered the conversation we were talking about, I was going to take Powerline, which is eye to eye, right?
Starting point is 00:58:16 That's the... I don't even know. It's actually both of them. You nincompoop. How dare you? I just wanted to take... Powerline sings them, right? Powerline is the artist.
Starting point is 00:58:24 I'm the artist. I'm the artist. I'm drafting. If he had done that, Mike, you know how mad you would have been? He drafted and he doesn't even know. I would have been furious. I wasn't sure how Tom Petty you guys were feeling about trying to just steal my picks as has often been done on this show, but it doesn't matter because I got it both. Booyah. All right. Well, it's up to't matter because I got it both. Booyah.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Well, it's up to me, and I got to think Andy is after me. He's on the turn. I'm after you, alright. Guys, it doesn't matter to me what happens. It doesn't matter what the polls say. I do not care. The Goofy Movie supporters will come out, and I know I won. You won in your
Starting point is 00:59:04 heart. Yeah. No, I don't care if I'm at 10%. Sure. I won. 10% of great is better than 90% of not great. Exactly. You want mediocre or you want great? Andy loves classics. Andy loves
Starting point is 00:59:20 the iconic well known great songs, even from yesteryear. And so I'm going to take a song that I think comes from a great movie, although I do prefer the original, and I'm going to take a song sang by the great Angela Lansbury, Be Our Guest.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Oh, okay. Beauty and the Beast. Wait. That's a good pick. Hold on. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Oh, okay. Beauty and the Beast. That's a good pick. Hold on. No, no, no. Jason, who is the main singer of Be Our Guest? Mrs. Potts?
Starting point is 00:59:57 Angela Lansbury. Be our guest. Be our guest. I mean, it's all of them. No, no, no, no no i mean i liked what you were doing there it sounded like you almost had like a french accent like there's a french character luminaire lumiere is the one who sings the song man angela lansbury is extraordinarily involved in that song you go listen to it again owl borland i don't know it's lumiere oh my gosh go go listen
Starting point is 01:00:27 to the song she does have a verse of that song but yes that's lumiere's song she has a whole verse i didn't know what you were talking about when you said angela lansbury because i pictured the little french candlestick singing the song because that's who sings the song! Who plays, what, who does Angela Lansbury play in the movie? She's Mrs. Potts! Oh. She is not the main vocal! Those two sing that song! Those two sing that song. Mike will shame, if necessary, in these type of drafts. Alright, Mike, let me ask you a question.
Starting point is 01:00:56 I am upside down right now. Let me ask you a question, then. Mike? Yes, please. Great song or not great song? Great song. Alright, next. Absolutely great song. Andy absolutely great up to you great song i said that from from your pick that was that was great i am now in a position where mike you don't know what you've done with your picks because you've put me in a position where i have these banner songs that are on my list but then i have the song that I just love.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Look, and I know what it is. I know what it is for you over there. Take some Tarzan, man. Yeah, baby, it is Tarzan. Because the Tarzan soundtrack is so good. How do I pick which song? I can't decide between two worlds, and you'll be in my heart. You'll be in my heart.
Starting point is 01:01:42 It has to be you'll be in my heart. I'm taking two worlds. I'm taking two worlds. Yes, yes, you did it. You did it. You went against the my heart. It has to be you'll be in my heart. I'm taking two worlds. Yes. Yes. You did it. You did it. You went against the consensus. I'm going against the grain, baby.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Because that's the big song. The big song is you'll be in my heart. It's great. It's fantastic. But two worlds. That's a better song. Oh, my goodness. That song is awesome.
Starting point is 01:02:00 That song is so good. I'm dead. And you want to know what? Because of that, because I've now got a theme going. I'm so happy and so proud right now. I've got a theme going. I have a whole new world. Oh, you're doubling up again?
Starting point is 01:02:12 I have a whole new world. I have two worlds. And now I'm going to go with... Another world song? I was going to. I was going to go with Part of Your World from Little Mermaid, but I'm not going to actually. I'm going to go Hakuna Matata. I'm going Hakuna Matata from Lion King.
Starting point is 01:02:30 That could be the best song, even though the 101 was... Be Prepared is a great song too. Yeah, and yet I am going to make it to where every team has a Lion King song, and I will take the best one because I just can't wait to be king.
Starting point is 01:02:50 That was my pick. Cool, man. My son and daughter were both. Mike has no mercy for you in this draft. He has eviscerated you. He has melted you. You are the man pooping behind his dumpster. Yeah, but it ain't solid, and I ain't picking it up.
Starting point is 01:03:08 This is your treat forever, Mike. Enjoy it back behind your dumpster, and then congratulate me, the jogger. I got to get it right now. I know I'm not winning the draft. I'm not winning in the polls because I'm all in on a goofy movie. But that is... I mean, the people... I'm going to tell you right now.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Disney is too close to people's heart and there are too many songs left off these lists we are going to get where was this yes i mean mike still got another pick right i do oh wait am i done yes let it go under the sea be our guest and I just can't wait to be king. That four-pack is great. Yes, it is. But yet you, Mike made me feel like you did not draft well. And then I have friend like me, a whole new world, two worlds in Hakuna Matata. Mike has circle of life, eye to eye, and stand out, and one pick left.
Starting point is 01:04:00 I could log out, and I could be very happy with my draft. If you pick the pick that I think you should, Mike, I'll be so proud of you. Oh, well, let's find out. I mean, like, I'm not, I don't, you guys know who I am. I am not a man who is pressured by classic. By consensus. By consensus doesn't bother me.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Having to have a classic does not bother me. I was serious. I think Part of Your World, that's the best Little Mermaid song to me. Yeah. But look, there's been a newer Disney movie, and they went with a heavy hitter when it came to being the composer to come in and write these songs because this dude was this dude was coming off of the success of of hamilton that's right and what look the best song from moana and i never thought it would feature this guy
Starting point is 01:04:56 but apparently the rock is absolutely incredible because you're welcome. What's the final song that I will be taking because I like I can't hear that song enough. What can I say song on? I'm not sick of it. I'm working so except you're welcome. Proud of you Mike because what did I write to Jason five seconds ago? Oh, did you really started
Starting point is 01:05:19 talking? Go look at your time stamp five minutes ago. I said if Mike shiny or you're welcome, which are both great. Shiny, also very, very good. But You're Welcome, you can listen to it over and over and over. Okay. And there are obviously loads of... So many.
Starting point is 01:05:35 I can't believe... I mean, Bear Necessities, I love so much. I was just going to say, I can't believe Bear Necessities didn't go to Andy or Super Califragilisticexpialidocious went to Andy. You got a friend in me no I just think those are Andy picks oh yeah yeah look all the Angela Ansberry
Starting point is 01:05:51 hits kiss the girl that was the one if I didn't take two worlds I was going to take kiss the girl okay okay that's pretty good does this draft show that the best overall soundtrack of all time was The Lion King? Is that what we've determined?
Starting point is 01:06:09 Three Lion King songs drafted? Yeah, what is the majority here? You got two goofy movie songs drafted? Two Aladdin. I'll say it's a goofy movie, but coming off of that island, like Lion King still had had at least be prepared. Uh, can you feel the love tonight?
Starting point is 01:06:29 Like there's multiple songs from the Lion King Lion King that could still be drafted. Yeah. Okay. I've got happy about it. I have to share this with the listeners before we close out. Um, Al,
Starting point is 01:06:42 Al Borland in our Slack channel has posted the entirety of the lyrics to be our guest in full and he has chosen to say to bold the lyrics by angela lansbury this is pots which is let's just say i'm not a lot of this post is bold i see well i see bold i do see some wait wait let me say she's our guest that was angela lansbury okay you you have totally somehow mixed up your your wires have crossed of beauty and the beast like the title song tale as old as time that's angela lansbury yes yes that is 100 crossed up but i don't blame myself at all oh okay all right all right sure what did we learn today i learned angela lansbury is the lead vocal from BR cast, despite having 10% of the lights.
Starting point is 01:07:49 I learned that, uh, two things. One, that may be the most unsophisticated or precise Disney song draft in the history of the world. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:07:59 also that Mike hates the song. I just can't wait to be king. That song is great. He bodied you. this song. I just can't wait to be king. That song is great. He bodied you. That song is great. He ripped you off. I just can't wait to be king. Of the songs we didn't draft, like...
Starting point is 01:08:18 It is a lot of great songs. I learned that Mike was super close to making it one third of us not in the Boopy Pants Club. I hope that in the future we can change the ratio. I'll join the club. I'll join your club.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I will tell you the truth. It could not have been picked up. I told you. Thank you for joining, everybody. Goodbye. Oh, man. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out spitballerspod.com.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Just practicing. Oh, that's smart. Just practicing for next episode yeah because this one's already over it's finished but sometimes you got to prepare to scat for the intro and hey if you enjoyed this episode please head please head over to spitballerspod.com learn ways that you can support this show and learn ways that we can support you support us

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