Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 115: A Million Dollar Challenge & The Most Memorable Death Scenes

Episode Date: September 14, 2020

We're back!! On today's episode we talk about a pretty wide gamut of nonsense. From getting hit in the ankle with shopping carts, to being reborn as a domesticated animal. In the situation room, we tr...ead in some dangerous waters when a listener puts us in a real life 'Wife Swap' scenario. We put a nail in this episode's coffin with a draft of the most memorable death scenes. Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the show: Become an Official Spitwad! Visit us on the Web Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Subscribe on YouTube Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/spitballers/posts See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hold the phone. Hold the phone before the podcast starts. I want you to hold the phone in your hand. Just take your phone out if you're driving. Take both hands. Hold that phone tight. No, don't do that. Two hands on the wheel, please.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Two hands on the wheel, two hands on the phone. That's true. There's a four-hand situation. What are they, Goro? I need two on the wheel and two on the phone, and here's what you do. You want to help support the show, become part of this awesome community we are building. You go to SpitballersPod.com,
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Starting point is 00:00:45 Become a spitwad today. What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. Afraid I'm up, up, this is gonna hurt. Ow! Ow!
Starting point is 00:01:18 Yeah! Did you say, it's gonna hurt? Oh, it's gonna hurt. That's right. I'm so scared. This is a show about pain and freedom, my friends. Welcome to the Spitballers. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:01:34 It's gonna hurt. It's not bad. I'll take it. My standards have changed after 115 shows. They just keep moving down? Yes. Welcome in. It's an escalator on this show apologies to anybody who is careened off the road during that scat into a canal or something uh welcome into the spitballers podcast andy mike and jason back with you
Starting point is 00:02:02 great show today jason was doing some foreshadowing with his just tremendous scat and uh we have would you rather situation room when people hear why that was a foreshadow and then like backtrack to what the scat actually was I I'm gonna officially weigh in here I liked it I I liked it I was perfectly fine with it I'm not to officially weigh in here. I liked it. I liked it. I was perfectly fine with it. I'm not going to go as far as to say I liked it. Right. Okay. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:02:30 But I like that people will enjoy it the further they get into the show. I like that. Absolutely. This is deep. I have many layers to my scats. And if I can weigh in. Jason knew he was scatting 13 seconds before we hit record. My scats are like an onion
Starting point is 00:02:45 exactly they stink and they have layers they stink and they have layers I'm going to give it an A plus an onion is the right comparison they stink and they have layers I love it
Starting point is 00:02:59 spitballerspod.com click the become a spitwad button support the show and you'll get some perks over there on Patreon. You can find us on Twitter at Spitballerspod, Instagram.com slash Spitballerspod. And if you wanted to watch that scat in full high definition, that's YouTube.com slash Spitballers. Excited to be with everybody.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Let's do some Would You Rather. Would you rather? Excited to be with everybody. Let's do some Would You Rather. Would You Rather. Full transparency, right before the show, Jason realized it was his scat, and we were urging Al Borland along. Al, say hello. What's up, Speedwads? There you go. There it is.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And we said, hit record, hit record, start the show, start the show, because we didn't want Jason to be prepared. Yeah. And Al reassured us as he was getting things dialed in. He said, I don't think Jason's going to end up prepared if you give him an extra 30 seconds. To be fair, those 30 seconds are where I – Were they crucial?
Starting point is 00:03:57 They were crucial. It's where I found myself. This is what we told you, Al. Come on, man. As a man and as a musician. And so you can all thank owl for the delay in my wonderful sketch all right first would you rather question comes from mr king on patreon mr king yeah he's very important all right yes he is the king but he
Starting point is 00:04:19 prefers to go by mr king would you rather king Mr. King to you. That's right. I don't know if I could take Mr. King seriously. Instead of like your highness? Right. Mr. King, Mr. King, would you rather have... To be fair, in defense of Mr. King, he actually, his name is Adam, but we had another Adam in Rodin
Starting point is 00:04:42 for the Situation Room, so I used Mr. King. I took the liberty there. His name's Adam King. You took the liberty? You changed? Wow. Hey, if you got to change a name, Mr. King is a pretty good name.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Wait, did you come up with Mr. King all by yourself? No, his name was Adam King, but we had another Adam. I thought you just changed an Adam to Mr. King as your ultimate. That was the only thing you could think of. It was like, Mr. King seems right. I need a name. Yeah. Any name will do.
Starting point is 00:05:12 All right. Would you rather have someone follow you around randomly hitting you in the ankle with a shopping cart? Oh, no. Or have somebody who randomly comes and screams in your ear through the day. I will say that shopping cart ankle hit, that's a painful experience. Yes, definitely. It's brutal if you're walking. If you're standing still, someone runs into you with a shopping cart.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It's like, whatever. I mean, I don't want that to happen. Now, what's worse uh achilles or front shin if you're on it no way achilles is way worse oh we've got a discrepancy if you're and this is what i was in the middle of saying if if you are walking and you're in the process of having the heel roll up from the ground at the same time that that front bar comes over your heel and you get kind of, you know, what do they call it?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Like a flat tire? You know, when you do that to someone's shoe? Give me a break. Flat tire is more of a shoe coming off. We're talking about the bone. Metal on bone is worse than metal on. I think that Andy has never experienced an attack on his Achilles. I know he hasn't.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Maybe not. It is atrocious. Maybe I keep my Achilles safe. I don't know. You apparently. Maybe I'm not irresponsible with my Achilles. A wife or children that have far more respect or fear. I don't know what it is, but when they're out grocery shopping with you,
Starting point is 00:06:44 they must not walk too close behind they're out grocery shopping with you, they must not walk too close behind you with a grocery shop, with a shopping cart, because when I'm out... I'm always pushing the cart, bro. We're learning right now that Jason is not pushing the cart. I'm 50-50. I think both my wife and myself
Starting point is 00:06:59 prefer to push the cart. I'm 100-0. This is just a matter of like do do do the wives enjoy like i like pushing the car no that's not what it's about that's not what it's about it is in my home it's about the fact that if my wife pushes the cart she leaves it in the middle of the aisle she's in the way of people no she's got no card awareness honey i'm sorry but you don't know you got no court card awareness it's full obliviousness with that car she can pin four or five people in behind it no they won't know
Starting point is 00:07:31 they won't know traffic jam she won't notice she'll walk away from it when they're all i'll be right back there's some samples over there i'll be three rows down i love you honey i love you but seriously i'm taking that car from you. So the Achilles squish is pretty bad, huh? It is brutal. I would say if you looked up top 10 most painful things that have ever happened to people, I think shopping cart Achilles has to be top three. I mean, a shin injury, that's not fun. No.
Starting point is 00:08:03 It's not fun. A shin smack, that's trouble. You know, you forget to wear your shin guard at that old soccer game. You're not going to be happy. But I've been kicked in the shin, and it hurts. It hurts like bumping an elbow. It hurts like any bone that gets knocked on something hard. But when you're actually trying to utilize part of your body that then is both hit and stretched and said no.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I tell you one thing I did this week. I tried to get to my bed a little too quickly. Apparently, I don't know how this is possible. This sounds like a classic. And I smashed my thigh into the corner of the bed frame. And I want to explain something to you when it happened there was no physical sign that damage had happened other than the pain inside me over the course of down did you go down i went i went down hard and my my wife literally kind
Starting point is 00:08:58 of gasped and like the pain she go like oh she knew that i was in pain and over the past week the a bruise the size of a softball has formed from that damage over time like that that was running into the bed from running into my own bed frame you guys this is a serious problem in the moore household when what is wrong with you people i'm telling you here's what happened this is about this is about two years ago. What kind of bed frames do you have? All right. We have a little rabbit hole here, a little story time.
Starting point is 00:09:29 What kind of bed frames? Jagged bed frames, Mike. Jagged. The ones with the spikes sticking out. Wild wooden bed frames. We had, you know, we've been married for 15 years. We had the same, you know, bed furniture set that we had always had for 12, 13 years. And then a couple of years ago, we replaced.
Starting point is 00:09:51 That's a pattern. You had a long pattern of one bed. We had a pattern of what it's like to walk around our bed. And two years ago, we replaced our bedroom furniture. And we got this bed that has a really nice headboard. And at the base of the bed, at the foot of the bed, there's a little bit of an ornate. Is there a sleigh? Yeah, kind of.
Starting point is 00:10:18 It's not a sleigh bed, but it's kind of like a sleigh bed. An ornate footboard. And at the front just it sticks out a little bit like you know i would say four or five inches not much to the side but it's a hard edge it's it's you know it's a 90 degree angle edge of wood um why does it do that but well i mean if you saw it it's very normal i'll post a picture if you want to see this i'm very intrigued but here's what happened in our house we get this delivered i'm not here i'm at work i get home that afternoon that that evening and my wife tells me and shows me this massive bruise
Starting point is 00:10:54 she has on her leg and it wasn't from once and it wasn't from twice it was three times that she ran right into it because she's used to walking around the bed at a certain distance and that was you know you mean you walk the same thing a thousand times you a thousand and one all of a sudden it's different muscle memory i got you she massacred her leg i mean this bruise was brutal and i proceeded as you mock her good i i ripped, I mean, I just, I tormented her for the stupidity of three times running into that thing. It was unfathomable that you could constantly do that. It is. Fast forward a couple hours.
Starting point is 00:11:36 We're getting ready for bed. And I have never ran my leg into a bent post as hard in my life. And over the next two weeks, guys, I'm telling you, it was 30, 40 times that both of us, we could not walk around this thing. We tore our quads apart. And here's the craziest part. It was never an inch different. It wasn't a centimeter different. You were bruising the same spot over and over and over.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I felt like it was bleeding at one point. It was crazy. His leg just falls off. You just cut it down like a tree. It took at least a week before we, because we would, obviously we change. Obviously we would go, okay, I'm not, my leg's a little sore. I want to walk around. And so we'd walk around.
Starting point is 00:12:28 But you can walk around four or five or six times. But that seventh time, if you forget, if it's late at night, you're getting up to go to the restroom, you've got your path that you always take. And your leg falls off. It was awful. They don't make those bumpers for adults. Those corner bumpers they make for the kids for furniture? I to install those we had made and nothing in our 15 years of marriage made my wife happier than after getting mocked after getting mocked for running into it when i
Starting point is 00:12:56 did it she threw a party she was so happy and it hurt like the dickens oh that's spectacular yeah it hurts man i still have fear when i walk near my bed i'm a ptsd it's like bed 87 he puts rollerblade pads on before he goes to bed okay i don't remember the question anymore mr king is such an important one a shopping cart or somebody that randomly comes and screams in your ear through the day. I don't want to be afraid that much. I don't want to be scared. The guy screaming in my ear, I'll probably punch them. That's assault charges. I'm going to go with the shopping cart, I guess.
Starting point is 00:13:33 You have to take the shopping cart. I have been hit with a shopping cart. So I will take the screaming. Look, if it keeps being the front, because it's like, oh, wait, no, it's someone follow you. So it's definitely an Achilles. Oh, man. You're going to tear an Achilles one day. You're darn right you will.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Over and over. Oh, no. I guess you have to take the scream because of long-term ankle injuries. Okay. Whatever. Rosalind from the website. would you rather be reborn as a domesticated pet oh or as an animal in the wild and this has some that's this has some layers to it because it definitely does much like an onion much like a stanky old onion uh or or a scat from
Starting point is 00:14:21 jason um i my instinct was like wild animal instantly. Got to be a wild animal. Make me a wild animal. Right, you want to be free. Be free in the ocean. I can go wherever I want. Be a deer running through the woods, babbling brooks. That'd be fun.
Starting point is 00:14:37 But then you're really, you're part of the circle of life at that point. You're part of the food chain and not at the top. Probably not. And so, you know, as a domesticated pet, I could be living that. Look, I don't like cats, right? If you listen to the last, an episode
Starting point is 00:14:53 a while ago, what did we do? Cat salesman? Who knows when it was? I was allergic to the episode itself. You're a smart man. Yes, go on. Yes, but I wouldn't mind being one because that life seems just fine oh you don't have to care about anybody and you get cared for look here's yeah that's what i mean you know you like you actually care you like have anti-care you just you don't care about anybody but they
Starting point is 00:15:18 want your love so much they'll buy me things like those towers look fun. Please give me the food and the catnip. There are certain people that I know that love the outdoors. They love hiking and climbing and climbing rock walls and crazy things. And being an animal with those abilities outdoors could be appealing to me. The outdoors and we live in arizona is a nightmare at all times i am hot i am sweaty what i don't want to do is put on a fur coat and then be outside i know that my dogs don't like being outside what if you were like in alaska well then i'm freezing what that was the example you went with well what if it was terrible in a different way?
Starting point is 00:16:06 You couldn't go like San Diego? Here's the reality. I live a good life right now. I'm happy. He's a seabird in San Diego. If I was an animal. You're like a chipmunk. I mean, here's what my dogs do.
Starting point is 00:16:18 They get fed. They play. They swim. They get rubs and pets. Lots of poop. Far more than I. They poop wherever they want please i mean you know you you get you get trained it's like oh i should poop outside okay but i mean you have a pretty liberal poop choices yeah i think they have a great life literally the only advantage a wild
Starting point is 00:16:40 animal has is that they can run a further distance probably from a predator if you could make me a bald eagle i will go with that one because what's killing a bald eagle well yeah domesticated bald eagle is not fun i mean domesticated i'm saying the flip side of being if i'm a bald eagle i'm gonna choose outside no, there's no domesticated bald eagles. That's my point. Do we get to pick the animal? Do we get to pick whether we're any animal? No, I think that's what... It's a random draw?
Starting point is 00:17:11 Part of what makes it great is because you could be a deer in the Pacific Northwest, and then that seems pretty solid. I'm sure there's natural predators up there but like overall that seems like pretty great or you could be like a gazelle in the savannah where you're like going down to the water hole means that our gator might pull me down and so there's pros and cons of like the domestic animal like so jason we have we have had to experience domesticated animal life very recently of being trapped in one place the only time you ever get to go out is because you get to go to the vet and that's it otherwise you're trapped in the home like that's
Starting point is 00:17:59 another layer of it and you're are you good with that if i up with this, if this was the only normal that I knew, I'd be fine with this. This life is fine. I miss what used to be. And so, yeah, no, I'm taking the- The man in the box doesn't know he's in the box. My dog loves his life. Both. I say my dog.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I have two dogs. Apparently, I love one. Oh, whoa, whoa. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It was Rocky. Rocky was the one I was talking about. Okay, there you go. Sugar's too stupid.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Don't let him hear this. Sugar can't listen to podcasts. She's dumb as a as a rock i love her but she's so dumb um rocky is is smart he he gets pampered he gets presents he gets rubs he gets love he gets fed as much as he wants or and the other dog doesn't no they all they both do but I just don't think about Sugar. She's too stupid. I'm a lover. She's a sweet, sweet, sweet, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb dog. Dumb a dog. Dumb, dumb, dumb a dog. Oh, no. You know, she takes after her father, which is me.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Okay. Okay. Okay. If it's a random draw in the wild, the likelihood that I'm eating within six months is high, and I don't want to be eaten. So I'll go domesticated. Someone loves me on purpose as a domesticated pet. They bought me.
Starting point is 00:19:11 They might take care of me for a long time. They buy me treats. You get air conditioning. Yeah. So the random draw, though, if you're a domesticated pet, the random draw is of you being a dog or a cat. The probability goes way up. Meanwhile, if you're a wild animal, the possibilities are endless, man. You could be an angler fish down in the ocean where people don't even see things.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I wish Al could assign us a wild animal at random. Not choose one for us, but like let us know what we would be. Is there a random animal generator anywhere? Can you take care of that for us, Al? I'm sure you have one of those laying around. Because here is the downside. Okay, you choose domestic. And he's
Starting point is 00:19:58 a crab. You choose the domesticated animal life and you're a bird. Alright, I got a generator here. Okay. So this is for our wild animal. All right. Give it to me.
Starting point is 00:20:10 All right. All right. Mike first. I'm wild. I'm wild. I'm in. I'm in. You, Mike, are a basilisk.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Oh, that's pretty good. What is that? It looks like a lizard of sorts. A basilisk is devastating when it comes to role-playing games. I was going to say, in Harry Potter, very venomous. But in real life, you'll be stepped on as a lizard.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Not by stone people. But stories will be written about him. Because basilisks are so fierce. Andy, you are a kangaroo. Oh, that's a good draw. I'm pretty happy oh that's a good draw I'm pretty happy that's a good draw
Starting point is 00:20:47 you can jump, you can dunk I can store things you can dunk on like a 20 foot hoop I like it and Jason you are an elephant oh yeah I demand a recount you want to know who's my predator?
Starting point is 00:21:05 Nobody. I'm just out there living my life. And I eat what I want, obviously. And this is a little bit of typecasting, but I'm down with it. We've seen the Jungle Book. You have to bow to the elephants for some reason. Unbelievable. I would pre-cut your tusks off and just leave them on the ground, though.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Just to stay safe. Oh. Just leave them. Hey, that's a real problem. I'm not. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Just out of curiosity. Al, do you have, are you an owl? Or did you do a random draw yourself? I'll do one more here. Okay. I just want to know what you would i got it i got a kitten all right which happens to be a domesticated animal so yeah but you're on the streets all right here we go uh skolger on patreon has a would you rather question for us let's go vikings would you rather never be able to watch professional sports ever again or never be able to watch your kids play sports ever again?
Starting point is 00:22:07 What is this question? Who let this through the process? This is an easy question. This is an easy question for me. I love my kids. I do. But my kids have a very short window of their... That's how you start every question.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Yes. I love my kids my when you're coming with bad news uh i love both my dogs i will watch professional sports i've i've been watching professional sports you know you're so good at it you're so good for at least 20 years and i hope to do it for another 50 years versus the you know what it? A 10-year window that your kids are playing? Sure, yeah. You know, go get them, champ. And not every kid plays sports.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I don't think I play. I played tennis for like a year, but that was the extent of my sport. It also doesn't say that your kids can't play sports. You just can't watch them. Right. Oh, yeah, they're going to play. You're just the bad dad that doesn't show up at the game because you're at the NFL game. You're at the actual...
Starting point is 00:23:10 Now, here's the loophole. You ready for my loophole? I don't think I'm ready for your loophole. I'm going to devastate my youngest, Isaac, because he loves sports, and Daddy ain't never showing up to his game, and here's what I'll tell him. I can show up to your game when you make it to professional sports.
Starting point is 00:23:28 So you need to be better if you want daddy to show up. And then that's motivation he needs to get all the way to the paid ranks. Daddy's getting a new house. That dad wound that you've just inflicted upon yourself. Yeah, how many professional sports stars had dad wounds? I am the reason he makes it to be a pro because I never showed up to his games. You're welcome, Isaac. I'm pretty impressed, man.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I will say that we're recording this episode in the midst of the pandemic. And the number one thing, like my wife said that kids had short school seasons and stuff like that i missed the heck out of watching my eight-year-old play sports that what that's what honestly has broken my heart through this whole thing is his season had just started but i like professional sports a lot too and this is a this is an easier question to us because we have an out we have an excuse yeah. Yeah, it's our job. Our professional job as the Fantasy Footballers podcast. We watch the NFL for a living.
Starting point is 00:24:33 And so, yeah, sorry. Do you want a house? Do you want food? Well, then I can't come to your game. That being said, I want a PSA here. We're all three very loving fathers and don't miss any of our children's games in real life. You're darn right we don't. We help them.
Starting point is 00:24:49 We coach them. I miss both regular and children's sports. No, I don't think Mike answered. I'm going to make Mike answer. Smart. Yeah. So I've been trying to break it down, and to me, because my daughter's not really into sports, but she does.
Starting point is 00:25:08 She loves dance. And I'm assuming that I'm missing dance things now. My son loves sport. My middle son loves sports. My youngest, we aren't sure yet. We aren't sure which route he's going to take. But if I could, I i i'm taking i'm taking my kids sports sorry guys i'm fully analytics baby let's go just reading box scores
Starting point is 00:25:34 the eye test is the lie test i'm not watching anymore every day we come into the office hey hey what happened what happened what happened in the game i need a play-by-play breakdown all right let's jump into the situation room the situation realm all right uh this first situation comes from a supporter on patreon whose name is jason used me as a puppet so there you go. It's one of my puppets. That's their name. That's their name, Mike. That's their name.
Starting point is 00:26:12 In a real life version of Wife Swap, the three of you must swap families and households for a month. How will that go? Who will survive the longest? Who will survive the longest? Who will be able to adapt? Who will get thrown out
Starting point is 00:26:26 oh man that's that is a that is a brutal situation this this question is a situation is is real um let me speak in generalities i think we fit in our families just about right. In our own families. In our families so perfectly. We really do. I think if you move one to the right, we're all messing up these families. If you move one to the wrong, we're all messing up these. One to the left, we're all messing up these families.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Or abandoning. We really have. You know our personalities on this show um you know we kind of fit together nicely as like a three-piece yin and yang um what's the third part of that jay yin yang and uh young i guess but i don't know we need a new vowel i'm just saying like i can visualize you know a three piece yin yang and yang i guess no like a like a piece yeah yes oh there you go it's already done one of these things exists it's called a piece symbol um yes okay so we we fit together like
Starting point is 00:27:38 that but our families are really reflections uh you know of of us as a whole so the ying and the yang and the young i am i am not organized my wife is not organized we are much more um you know you we're just we're we're a little bit more insane um is what i would say and so like the holloways are super organized super efficient and everything's you know it's it's a tight, tidy ship. I think if we swapped, I don't know if the family bursts first or if we do, but I think we would- I was going to say, it's like, who adapts, who gets thrown out? I was like, who survives?
Starting point is 00:28:18 Who survives? Nobody. It's going to be a catastrophe. I have no answer for this situation. This is, oh, man. This is the hardest situation room that's ever been asked. Because while Jason is right, the three of our personalities can form this triangle,
Starting point is 00:28:37 which is just a very strong structure. You swapped us. It would be trouble. It would be and i think i will say this whoever i think jason would survive the longest because you are the most kind of go with the flowy oh man yeah i can go with the flow i think i would survive the longest but postmates is everywhere right yes thank you doesn't matter what family and you can get postmates no matter what family you're in. You can get Postmates no matter what family you're in. I think whoever comes to my house would... Look, at least you'd be extremely well fed. And, you know, I think you'd enjoy yourselves.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I do. Look, Jason, you'd be up for a rude awakening because my children do not eat McDonald's. They don't. That's fine. I eat everything everything my man i mean like if you get rid of like my top five foods i've still got like 50 top ish foods to go to so that's i'm okay there so long as it's not like if there was a problem where it's like i can't have gluten i'm out you know what i mean like day one i'm done all right wow anything to add, Mike? No.
Starting point is 00:29:45 It's impossible. Yeah, it would be. I know both your wives. I very much respect both your wives, but no, it wouldn't. The switch of the three of us would be a catastrophe. I don't know if you guys have ever heard this metaphor, but it's kind of like changing the footboard of a bed. You know?
Starting point is 00:30:09 After 15 years, you're going to smack into that new footboard. You got the muscle memory. You're going to mess it all up. You will be destroyed. All right. We're moving on. Alex from the website. Here's his situation for us.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Your TV just died on you. A friend steps in with an extra TV that they graciously gift to you. You use that TV for a while until you are ready to upgrade. Can you now sell the gifted TV to offset the cost of your new TV? Great question. Real situation. Been there. You've been there?
Starting point is 00:30:53 I've been there, and I've had the person sell the thing I gave them before. Oh, so you've had it both ways. This is interesting. It's like the parents gave you a TV because that's a different deal. The parents give you something. It's because they are saying, we want this out of our house, and through the kindness of our heart, we're just going to give it to you. True, true.
Starting point is 00:31:15 So you have given someone an item, and they sold said item? I'm fairly confident Josh has done that a few times i mean yeah i mean we all knew who it was i mean we i'm pretty sure that's happened before look no i think the real answer my real answer for this and you guys can weigh in is that because i wanted to say like okay if you have it for six months then it's then it's fair game but i think it's's more of a, you got to have a little sense to it. It's a little bit of, have I used this in a real way for some period of time? If you give me something, here's the TV, and I don't use it, and I just sell it in six months, that's not good. That's not okay. That's not above board. I should be giving you that money. I can sell it. I should give you that money. But if I use it for some period of time, it's fair game to sell. It's mine.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I'll say where it is tough. I made the joke about the parents doing it, but I'm imagining me doing it. Okay. I give somebody my television. I'm doing that with a purpose. I'm doing that because now I go to the wife and say, look, these people,
Starting point is 00:32:27 they were up against it. They needed a TV. We have the ability to get a new TV and now we look, we, we got to do it. So almost the person who I have given the television to, they have, they have basically done me a favor by opening things
Starting point is 00:32:47 up that i get to upgrade my television yeah i i get that but you know i've been i've been on the other side like i was thinking about so i know my my answer my answer i i feel like it's pretty clear but i also know the feeling you know we've um we've given quite a few vehicles to my wife's family over time when when we're going to replace one because she's got nine siblings and as they all have grown up it's like you could give a car away a month and you still still need one yeah we need more months and more cars but like that's a big item where it's like a you know a kind gesture and i will say had they just turned around and sold it, it would have been like...
Starting point is 00:33:29 If you turn around and sell it. Yeah, like you got it. It's like you sold it. It's like, wait, what? So that lends credence to what Andy's argument is. If you use it for six months... A timeline, yeah. I'm going to use a real-life situation.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And I'm going to put Mike on the spot because it actually happened to him oh boom bam a long time ago when Mike was buying a new vehicle he sold his old vehicle I did and he sold it to my brother I did
Starting point is 00:33:57 and he sold it at a discount oh no he's going to learn oh no this is not good this is not good did This is not good. Did you sell it at a discount? And does that matter? I sold it to him for because- You gave him a deal.
Starting point is 00:34:11 It wasn't a giveaway, but you gave him a deal. I gave him a very good deal. How many months later would it have been appropriate for him to sell that vehicle, Mike? For a profit. Tell me he made a profit. I'm sure he made a profit i mean and listen my brother didn't turn around and sell it he didn't acquire it to sell it he drove it for some period of time but i'm actually asking how many months because if he drove he might have driven it for
Starting point is 00:34:35 honestly i think he probably had it for about a year is that enough okay yeah a year is enough time uh because because this is okay. I'm breaking news right here. I did not know about this. Okay, so I'm breaking this down. Your brother is a car guy. Yeah, he's probably bought and sold 50 cars in the last five years. This car definitely needed some fixing that I can't do.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I would have had to go to pay to do it. Your brother knows. He has the skills to do that. So to me, he fixed it. I'm sure. Yeah, he did. I mean, cosmetic damage, engine damage. So that actually doesn't bother me because he has used skills that he has
Starting point is 00:35:21 developed over the course of a lifetime. So then I'm okay with it no hard and fast rule no hard and fast rule he had it for a year he fixed it like that's he made forty thousand dollars on that car i would feel really really bad but in this in this example he turned around and sold it for 90 grand, Mike. In this example, though, you sold it. You didn't gift it. True, but he did kind of do a family discount.
Starting point is 00:35:53 I gave him a deal because he was Andy's brother. All right. So my view of this... This is a great question, by the way. I said I had a... Where I genuinely believe... This is true. Also, I'm going to I said I had a, you know, where I genuinely believe I, this is true. Also, I'm going to need your brother's address. He has some make good to dish out here.
Starting point is 00:36:12 He gets an invoice from Mike. If I gift something to someone else, they can turn around and do whatever they want with it. That should be the way that your mindset is when you give somebody something. And if I had given a vehicle, it's still going to feel bad. But it's still going to feel really bad. If I had gifted one of those vehicles and they turned around and sold it, I would have been upset, but I would have recognized that's their right to do. And you might not have given them something in the future. You probably wouldn't give them something else later on. I would have been upset, but I would have recognized that's their right to do. Otherwise, what I'm saying is I'm sure that would be the well, right?
Starting point is 00:36:48 We give them something else later on that could affect that. But if I'm the receiver, if I were to get that gift, because that's the way the question is asked, right? My TV goes out. I get this TV. I use it a little while later. I have the ability to upgrade my TV. What do I do with that tv i probably i'm just being
Starting point is 00:37:09 completely honest here i probably wouldn't even think about asking the original if they want it back i just i would just that's my tv i'd probably just sell it and get a new one and now with this question being asked maybe I would be wiser. I hope we've changed some lives here. Yeah I think we have. I mean you gotta think these situations through. We've changed my life with this question. I know someone who owes
Starting point is 00:37:38 me $30,000 Right. I mean the real question is when you received the gift, did you or did you not say no takesies, backsies? That's the real issue. That's the legal precedent. The contract clause, yes.
Starting point is 00:37:54 If I said no takesies, backsies. And that holds up in 48, the state. That's right. Your Honor, I submit my evidence. No takesies, backsies. I find in favor. No taxis. Taxis. I find in favor of the plaintiff. All right. Adam from Patreon.
Starting point is 00:38:10 This is the Adam that forced the other Adam to be named Mr. King. Oh, man. This guy's no king. But thank you for your support on Patreon. Yes. Adam Clown. Yes, the jester. A man approaches you three and offers $1 million.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Oh, okay. And a Tesla Roadster. Don't end it there. To the person who can keep their hands on the car the longest. You must stay standing. You must not speak a word. Who wins and how long do they last? This was...
Starting point is 00:38:43 Oh, my goodness uh the youtuber mr beast does a lot of stuff like this where it's put your hand on the box of money or whatever last man standing wins i have always wondered this because there are like survivor challenges too where they're how long can you last on the top of a pole or in the elements? I know two-thirds of this answer confidently, which is it's going to be a two-man race. It will be 100% between Andy and Mike because it says you must stay standing. I'm out. There's no chance.
Starting point is 00:39:26 One million dollars at Tesla Roadster. When we get to our eight, when we get to our eight, I mean, I know there's no way that I am going to be willing to just stay standing as long as you two. Let's say we all want something the same. It's exactly what I don't know if you are into a roadster or if you like a million dollars you know maybe you don't but if we all want the thing the same and we're all going after it the same if standing is part of it i will lose compared to you two and now if it wasn't if it was just a matter of will and not physical body
Starting point is 00:39:59 i will win but uh not if it's not if standing involved. I feel like I have a very competitive will. Look, this is not just standing. You got to start thinking long term. You got to start thinking about hunger. You got to start thinking about pooing and peeing. I'll go right in my pants. You would be the leader in that clubhouse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Now, let me ask you this. Maybe that's my out. Let's say I poop my pants right there maybe we leave maybe we leave because of the jokes on you i can't smell anything anyways that's true you jokes on you man who pooped in his own pants yeah you can smell it i can't i think it would be very competitive if you were in this situation. And we're all, I mean, we talk about Tesla all the time. Mike's had his eyeballs on that Roadster. If somebody offered him a chance to win a Roadster, not pay for it,
Starting point is 00:40:55 and then a million dollars on the side, which you probably need for the taxes on the Roadster, that would be, I wonder how long. Let me ask Al. Let me put Al on the spot since he put us on the spot with the switching wife swap family question oh goody al who wins and you don't get to say you have to pick somebody who actually wins that battle of will you know all three of us you've known us for a while who do you think wins man it's it is that two-man race and i think i gotta go with mike man he's stubborn as a mule i i think i would go mike as well because i think once it got down to the
Starting point is 00:41:36 when both of you are wanting out but both of you are wanting it and i know how much mike has wanted a roadster and andy knows how much mike has wanted a roadster and andy knows how much mike has wanted roadster at some point when you're near the very end i think andy could in his mind justify the grace of the incredible gift that he is now and i would accept it to allow him to take his hand off and say i'm i'm not doing this because i'm tired. This isn't for me. This is for you, Mike. Remember this. And the other part of this is not only do you have to stay standing, but you can't speak a word. And I feel like that's living Mike's best life right there. Mike would love to never speak.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I was going to say a word to say, Mike, I'll let you win. The Roadsters split the million with me, and I'm good. I'm out. I have seen the, you know, how long can you stay in the million with me, and I'm good. I'm out. I have seen the... I could go weeks without talking. How long can you stay in the hot tub full of ramen? I've seen one of the Mr. Beast videos of that. If that was the contest, ain't nobody ever beating me. I mean, if we're in an air-conditioned, controlled environment where we're sitting, sorry, fellas.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I can stay here fellas and how long until how long until that tub is just you in a tub there's no ramen I mean ramen is delicious chlorine ramen oh my god and after 48 hours it ain't just chlorine in that ramen
Starting point is 00:42:59 how long do you think we could last like how many hours the car situation i think we could last situation i think we could go the full full 24 i could go 24 hours you wouldn't be able to go 24 because you'd start falling asleep no i could go 24 stay awake 24 hours my issue is i wouldn't want to i would probably be like trying to hand signal you to like make a deal with me i think it like our like you 500 me 500 you roadster i think it quit after a
Starting point is 00:43:35 second jason's gone i'm bartering 50 50 with you oh now here's an interesting thing here's the way this should be done now okay because i was just just thinking, okay, you have to have your hand on the steering wheel of the Roadster, but you got to be standing outside or whatever. Well, obviously, all three of us can't do that. It's probably too difficult to reach the roadster. Okay, but now let's say we did it one at a time, and we have no idea how long the others last. have no idea how long the others last that's the way these videos should be being done because now i'm going against myself and my own mind of what they can do the best about that would be the person that ends up staying there for an extra 10 hours longer than they needed to yeah i mean because everybody quit and you didn't know they quit i wonder if that would make people stay longer
Starting point is 00:44:24 that's a blind challenge. Yeah. That'd be amazing. Let's do one of these videos. I'll be in to do it. Let's get a mountain. Our YouTube is not big enough for all these shots. Totally unrelated, but what kind of car do you have?
Starting point is 00:44:40 A Honda Element. Oh, how long would you stand for a Honda Element? Thank you, Al, for volunteering. That's golden YouTube content. How long do you stand for? Nobody shows up to the competition. I think the Spitwads can pool together and have a million-dollar prize pool.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Come on, Spitwads. Let's do this. We'll be in a bowl full of ramen. All right, let's true. Come on, Spidwats. Let's do this. We'll be in a bowl full of ramen. All right, let's draft. The Spitballers Draft. All right, we are drafting the most memorable death scenes from TV and movies. I knew that this was our draft uh before we began just barely before i did not know it said tv until just now which does change one of my answers
Starting point is 00:45:35 interesting okay so i'm actually very excited to have the second pick because i know what jason's number one pick is because he knows it would be my pick at number two so jason kicks it off the most memorable death scenes from tv movies now memorable can mean a few things yes it certainly can and uh ladies and gentlemen at which i will speak directly to my children right here spoilers uh i would turn this off if like you're worried at all about spoilers because i know that there's one in particular for my kids that they don't know about and i'm and that's all i will say so my children turn the podcast off also some of these movies are you don't get to watch for a while yeah well those don't matter but movies that they're gonna watch sure okay so jason you are
Starting point is 00:46:26 numero uno all right well look i i like a draft where i get the first spot and there's a clear 101 um and and that being said because it's tv movie i think there's maybe a clear 102 here as well so andy i'm sure you're happy but But my scat talked about freedom, talked about the pain that was coming. I forgot about the scat. It's going to hurt. Freedom! It's going to hurt real bad. William Wallace has...
Starting point is 00:46:54 Yeah, all right. Pretty good. The whole movie leads up to the iconic, inspirational martyrdom of William Wallace. That's my favorite movie of all time, Braveheart. So I will take that as the 101 death in movies and TVs. Okay. So you've got William Wallace and Braveheart, which is a very memorable moving death scene from your favorite movie. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Now the TV thing brought one into the equation and i'm afraid that if i let it go mike's gonna take it i maybe so i think i have no idea what you're talking about oh now you're saying that and it makes me want to let it or is he saying it okay most memorable death scene in movies or tv goodness i am 102 he is really struggling it's because of the tv brought in that one into my mind but i'm gonna let it okay i'm gonna let it go through i think I think all right all right I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:48:07 I'm gonna lead it off with this because memorable uh iconic probably could save it to the end but I'm gonna actually give it its due in the first round
Starting point is 00:48:16 which is Al Pacino in Scarface uh at the end of that movie is one of the most ridiculous that scenes ever uh if you remember Al Pacino is standing on a balcony At the end of that movie is one of the most ridiculous scenes ever.
Starting point is 00:48:32 If you remember, Al Pacino is standing on a balcony being pumped full of lead after coming out. So I'm going to go with that movie scene. I've never seen Scarface. Have you both seen Scarface? Yes, I have seen Scarface. It's been a while now, but that scene is memorable. And Al Borland wants the world to know he's seen it. Al know borland has seen scarface and he's only seen four movies he's seen four movies and that's why i'm shocked right now and the other three were laying before times so he's seen three land before times and he's seen scarface and that's it take it easy with the draft man oh all right. He's giving it. Look, it's not on my list, but I know what you did.
Starting point is 00:49:06 We all remember it. Yes, we do. All right. Yeah. Sadly. Okay. So now I have my own dilemma because there are two, which I think Andy was referring to. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Now, the question is, do I just take them both? Because honestly, I'm so dumb. I don't think I've ever been shocked more than both of these. Look, it's happening. It's happening. Oh, no, no, no, no. It's happening. So I'm going to open it up with my first pick. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Spoiler alert. If you ever watch Game of Thrones. This is a spoiler. So I let it go, and you're taking it. Yeah, because of course it was on my list, you dummy. I'm so stupid. All right. Because I'm taking them both. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:49:52 I'm taking them both. No. All right. First, we'll go in chronological order. Like I said, Game of Thrones, if you're worried about spoilers and you want to watch it, turn the podcast off. Number one, Ned Stark. Ned Stark getting killed at the end of the first season
Starting point is 00:50:05 was one of the most shocking things I had ever seen. I knew nothing about Game of Thrones except, and I jumped in right before season two. I knew nothing about it except for there's like, it's medieval, there's some magic. And so I bought the first season. Who's on the cover Ned Stark
Starting point is 00:50:27 and we get to the end of the first season the scene is happening and I'm like oh man what who's gonna rescue Mr. Stark here and nobody does and you go what television show am I watching
Starting point is 00:50:44 right now it was the first show that I think... It's a sit-up in your seat. And that's... Yes. It was the first TV show where I... Well, I'm dumb because you picked it immediately, and that's the one I thought would make it back to me. When I said there was a 102, that was the 102.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Yeah, okay. And maybe this is not the 103 for you guys, but I got to follow my heart here of shocking. I know, I know. The Red Wedding. That's where I will go with it. Oh, Jason has a different one. But for me, I'm selecting Jon Snow's death in Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Oh, my goodness. What? Oh, my goodness. What is happening? That's not nearly. We're just drafting Game of Thrones scenes? We're about to because am I on the clock? This draft is going to suck if it's just all Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 00:51:33 You know it's TV now. I feel like I'm chasing Game of Thrones. Oh, my goodness. Anyway, so to elaborate a little bit more, the Red Wedding, I have never been more shocked by a scene in television than i was by ned stark except then it was when it was followed up later in the series by the red wedding i did not see it coming i did not see everything that was going to be involved in that scene and i literally gasped when it all started to take place john Jon Snow's was like, whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Yeah. So enjoy that pick. I'm not going to make you stick to that pick, Andy. You can change if you want. Okay, I will change then. Yeah. I will go with the Armageddon scene. Harry from Armageddon. Bruce Willis.
Starting point is 00:52:19 All right, there we go. Now we're back on track. When he is talking to his daughter. It's not the Game of Thrones podcast anymore. No, it's not. No, it's not. All we're back on track. When he is talking to his daughter. It's not the Game of Thrones podcast anymore. No, it's not. No, it's not. All my picks were movies too. And then I was like, I should have just gone with Eddard.
Starting point is 00:52:30 So no, Bruce Willis, The End of Armageddon, very famous, melodramatic, but fun death scene. It's fantastic. You have the whole build up to it where Ben Affleck thinks he's going to be the one. Yes. And then Bruce Willis just dismantles his breathing apparatus, shoves him back in. Saves the one. Yes. And then Bruce Willis is like, just like dismantles his breathing apparatus, shoves his life for his daughter. Oh man. It's,
Starting point is 00:52:51 it's, it's an incredible scene. It's, it is one. It's memorable. Very, very memorable. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:57 And much, much better for the draft. Yeah. All right. All right. Here's, here's the thing. When you said you were taking two game of Thrones,
Starting point is 00:53:04 I was worried because I wanted the second best death at game of All right, Jason. All right, here's the thing. When you said you were taking two Game of Thrones, I was worried because I wanted the second best death at Game of Thrones. Then Andy went in with another Game of Thrones, which wasn't even the second best. What I've learned today is that 100% Game of Thrones has all the best deaths. Because Game of Thrones changed the rules of television. It did, and it's everybody's fair game. Everybodyones changed the rules of television and it it's
Starting point is 00:53:25 everybody's fair game everybody can die at any time and it was awesome because it made the intensity of every episode and scene you know you watch tv and it's like oh this person's in a really bad situation like that's what i say who's gonna come who's gonna come save him i fully expect it to happen and then by the way by the, before you pick your pick, Jason, Sean Bean has now come out and said he is rejecting roles that include him dying. No, that's all he's good at. Because that's all he's ever done in movies.
Starting point is 00:54:01 So go on, Jason. Look, when you're really good at something, why? I am not going. I'm not playing basketball anymore. I'm too good at it. It's so weird, though, because he didn't get to enjoy the next six, seven years of Game of Thrones publicity and fun because he was dead.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Yeah, it's probably that one... That bitterness. That one bitterness of he's like, this show's never going to work. Fine, I'll take this role. I'll take the early out. All right. Go ahead, Jay. So I's never going to work. Fine. I'll take this role. I'll take the early out. All right. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:54:28 So I am not going to draft this because this is not going to turn into a Game of Thrones draft. Yes, thankfully. But I am going to say what I wanted to draft prior to already Game of Thrones, which is the second best death in Game of Thrones. The shocking, literal eye-opening death of Prince Olmen. Oh, my goodness. Go ahead, Jay. Yeah, that would be the one that I would take. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:55 All right. But, you know, look, if a lot of people out there haven't watched it, and, you know, so I'm going to go with more. I mean, this is talking about the most memorable death scenes, the most iconic. Like, what are the biggest, most memorable ones? So I'm going to go with more. I mean, this is talking about the most memorable, the most iconic. Like, what are the biggest, most memorable ones? I'm going to go old school here. I'm going to go Andy Holloway.
Starting point is 00:55:10 I take a classic of all classics. I'm pretty sure this was the first movie ever made. I like how I'm taking the bath here while Jason's making the pick. Well, yeah, it's kind of, you know, we got to stick to our brand. This is like the third time somebody's gone Andy Holloway when Andy hasn't. But this is, like, when I think about iconic, most memorable, like, it just came to mind right away because it's mocked. It's made fun of.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Oh, I know what it is. It's the Wicked Witch of the West. Oh, no. The Wicked Witch of the West has this whole death scene, which is, I'm melting. No, no, no, no. That's great. Oh, my goodness. Jason, I thought you were going Citizen Kane.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Oh, get out of here with that garbage movie. That movie sucks. That movie is the freaking worst, and it's the number one movie of all time. You want to talk about overrated things, it's Citizen Kane. Was it an incredible feat that like three people put this together absolutely does that make the movie hold up over time no no piece of trash all right i'm in okay i'm in so wicked witch iconic yes the toes curl up right the toes no no no i mean no that was is is the wicked witch of the east thank you wicked witch of the west
Starting point is 00:56:22 is the one that melts when she gets thank you for thank you for the uh delineation yeah if you have questions please direct them towards me all right now since i went old you know i'm gonna go something new something old something new i'm gonna take the the the span of time and it will all be mine and this one even goes towards the future i'm going and this again i know mike already said this, but this is a heavy spoiler of a somewhat recent movie. Oh, so I'll give you three seconds, two seconds, one second. It is Avengers Endgame when Iron Man. It's not even on my list. It's because it's too recent.
Starting point is 00:57:05 It's so recent that you don't think about it. That's so good. At the end of the entirety of this incredible saga of 30 movies, you have the guy that started the whole thing with Iron Man 1, the leader of the Avengers, the sacrifice, the finality of Iron Man, Tony Stark. He is gone. Mike is unhappy. So, yes, I will take William Wallace, the Wicked Witch, and Iron Man Avengers
Starting point is 00:57:33 Endgame as my third pick. And Mike's not recovered. I have Al Pacino, Scarface, Bruce Willis, and Armageddon. And I'm actually coming back with Mike. You okay? That's poll winning i guess we can stop the draft as as uh far as the poll goes but let's let's have the rest of the show just for posterity's sake yes um a memorable scene can be how important it is it can also be the manner in which it takes place based on the uh generation the movie is in i'm actually going to
Starting point is 00:58:08 go with hold on hold on what's the movie raiders of the lost ark when you described it like that i knew it i'm taking the nazi whose face melted off that's it's it's fascinating to me because raiders of the lost ark because that is just in your brain forever it absolutely is and i mean on my list was actually the other one because i think that the uh i'm sorry i'm stealing your limelight here because because like i thought about this a lot before the draft of the raiders of the lost raiders versus last crusade sure and it's like last crusade man it's it's the wrong cop the guy comes he's like he chose poorly yeah that that but raiders is definitely way up there raiders is definitely there yeah when he started
Starting point is 00:58:51 talking about you know sometimes it's important sometimes it's just memorable i literally wrote down melting guy because i added it i added it to my list because i mean there's not many more drop you know if you just think about drawbacks or let's just say gifts online of right uh of these moments um that one's up there and you have to imagine when it was made filmed like that was like some people worked pretty hard on that like oh yeah on that to send that moment uh to your screen. I've watched special behind-the-scenes stuff on it. It was really, really intense. All right, so I feel good about that pick. Yeah, yeah, I like it.
Starting point is 00:59:34 All right, now this is the one that I was referring to at the beginning of the draft. My children, please stop listening to the podcast immediately. I had not read the draft. My children, please stop listening to the podcast immediately. I had not read the books, so I didn't know what was about to happen. I have followed along because in these movies, I just watched the movies. They were coming out like one a year, one every other year. Oh, this is a good pick. I don't know it. It's a better pick if you could pick the book.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Yeah, well, that's fine. Maybe. Did you guys know that Dumbledore freaking dies in the movies? Oh, gosh. Holy crap. How was he not on my list? This is my Iron Man. He wasn't on my list.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Of course. I had 0.0 inclination that this was about to happen in the movies. That's amazing movies and what that moment was like what what have they done which means which means that all three of your picks so far we said most memorable they all fit the bill as being the identical memorable for you which is shocking sit up from your seat yeah. Let me tell a little story. Please do. I love Harry Potter.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I've read it a few times, but I started reading it when there were only three books out. So I got to participate in the book releases when you'd go and line up. What movie was it? Or book, whatever. Books.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Sure. So the prisoner of ass. The books are so much better. Yes better yes they are but i totally get it the moment in the books like every person that read that in that book it was like me when i saw the movie bawling just instant bawling the the prisoner of azkaban was out when i started reading it and then um i stood in line you know the that was part of the experience, right? Like the midnight 500-person line to get the next book. I love that, man. I love the midnight release.
Starting point is 01:01:29 And so there's these huge lines that go. It was really cool. I was happy to be a part of it. It was pretty much the only thing I was really a part of like that as far as the anticipation. Only books he's ever read. Yeah. I mean, that's it. yeah i mean that's it um and so when the when that book came out and there was this super long line uh of of people waiting there was this youtube video of uh a minivan
Starting point is 01:01:56 that would go to these lines and i don't know how they i don't know if they spoiled early and they would literally yell out the window, Dumbledore dies! And then they'd peel out with all the smoke in their minivan like that Southwest commercial. Why? And they just kept doing that. Now, hopefully, in fairness, if somebody did that,
Starting point is 01:02:17 I would not, I would assume it's a joke, but at least but then it sucks because it's in your mind the whole time. That's a great pick, Mike. And I'm sad it wasn't on my list. I've got really terrible news for you. Oh, no. I've got really terrible news. News that will break your heart.
Starting point is 01:02:35 No. Oh, no. I know what's coming. No. My 11-year-old is sitting in on the show. What about the warnings? Need I say more? Where's the fathering?
Starting point is 01:02:48 Come on. Come on. You're telling me I just did that? I can't. No, that has to be on END at this point. I choose not to believe this. I was told you guys were big fans. I got a text on my screen from him across the room with the word,
Starting point is 01:03:01 No. It's just a joke. I take no responsibility for what is that i was i was under the impression that you guys were like massive fans you've been to harry potter i'll be honest the reason i didn't bring it up is i thought that he had seen all the movies have you not seen all the movies oh this i apologize he has not seen them all. We ruined his life. There you go. I am so sorry. Mike, you get to pick one more. There's still a really big moment. The death of my son's innocence can be your fourth pick. I will say this.
Starting point is 01:03:32 There's still some excitement. There is still, you know, you're listening. There is still incredible excitement. Oh, yeah. Don't spoil anything else about it then. Yes. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:41 I feel so terrible right now. Okay. Well, moving on with the draft what's your next horrific pick mike all right what books are you going to be reading soon son you ever have you read where the red he already read that one we can go with that if you need it oh that oh that's actually not a bad pick that thing destroyed me uh no i'm i'm down to two picks uh one they're they're both both very memorable one of them is more devastating i'm gonna go with it i'm pretty sure that you guys don't know of this one but it's i gotta pay homage to the person we were we were tweeted this idea and they said immediately someone said immediately the 101 is this pick because look futurama the
Starting point is 01:04:33 episode with seymour the dog is i told you you guys don't know this so you don't your hearts are not breaking into a thousand pieces like they would if you knew this episode. It is absolutely one of the top three saddest things on television if you are invested in the series. So I'm taking this pick. I knew it would be safe until my last pick. But Futurama, when Fry's dog passes away, it's the I have to stop talking about it or I'm going to start crying
Starting point is 01:05:07 I can see it in your face you're having trouble reliving this moment. You mentioning that as that special I've never seen almost any of that show so I have no connection there and it shocks me that a show called Futurama could have a moment like that so that is interesting to me
Starting point is 01:05:23 that's like saying that scene from Simpsons. And I'm like, what scene from Simpsons? It is not fair that a cartoon, that's like a funny cartoon, they sneak in and then they punch you right in the heart over a thousand times. I then, that defines my final pick, which will be very similar to yours
Starting point is 01:05:42 in the fact that if you didn't experience the series, you will not enjoy it. You will not relate to it. This is the only death scene. You talk about the shock of the red wedding, Ned Stark. Right, right,
Starting point is 01:05:53 right. Those are big moments. I remember watching this show, um, spoiler alert for those currently going through the series, Dexter. I was watching Dexter season three and, uh and I'm laying on the couch watching this show and when the surprise death
Starting point is 01:06:09 of Dexter's girlfriend Rita happens in season three, I went from a horizontal position to a gaping mouth sitting up, bawling my eyes out. Fascinating. Shocking death scene. So if you've seen Dexter, I've seen that and- you understand it's a very
Starting point is 01:06:27 wild it was as insane as any of these oh man so i got the last pick and i'm surprised we've all gone we've all gone sad yeah i came in a little uh a little unprepared uh right before the show and i and i have a list of like i'm trying to decide between these great options um so i'll start with one i have i have such a list too um man there's so many good ones so uh one of them that i'm not taking uh was hitler from inglorious b when they redo the timeline and just destroy him which if you haven't seen is great but andy got the melting guy we don't need to i really like it the movie because we know that kids go to glorious b yeah um i'm going to i'm not going to take this because we had this in our saddest draft but i think it was on the saddest draft the the the the um was this macaulay colkin in My Girl? I believe that was taken.
Starting point is 01:07:25 With the bees? That was sad. Jason, you have a theme going. Keep the bees coming. So I am down to three, and this is interesting. Because I thought, Mike, when you said you saw this on Twitter and it was the 101, you were going to take this. I'm not going to take
Starting point is 01:07:42 this, but it's totally on your brand. Hans Gruber falling from the building the the building 100 i was down between i was down between futurama and hans gruber yes so now i am down to two and i'm going cartoon or oh i thought i thought he picked that i thought he picked that one no no i'm saying i'm i'm i'm i'm telling a story leading where i'm going all right all right um i think this is too old i've already got the wicked witch so my last not taking i am not taking bambi's mother that is a classic but you are trying to get some partial credit by mentioning these yes no i mean we always say the things at the end of the show that we don't walk through
Starting point is 01:08:19 five options but i am going to land with and this is weird because it wasn't necessarily the death scene that was memorable but this is one of the biggest moments which would make it a bad pick with well this would this was one of the most memorable deaths in all of cinema when it came out it changed the way movies had hooks at the end but bruce willis oh in the sixth sense oh but but his his death scene is not even in the movie well no he's trying to claim the whole movie he's trying to claim the whole movie six cents i mean basically i am because the death scene is in the beginning but you don't find out until the end and it's that hook of like, oh my gosh, he's dead. Can I ask Al, have you seen Sixth Sense?
Starting point is 01:09:07 I have. Does that count as a death scene? The movie, Sixth Sense? I mean, I'll allow it, but I wouldn't draft it. Oh, it's great. It's a great pick. Good job, Jason. Are we finally down to your pick now, Jason? Yes, that's my pick. We're done. Oh, you're taking it? The draft is over.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Yes, that's what I took. That is what I took. All right. I think the shocking omission is the Titanic scene. That was not mentioned by any of us. Yes, Jack is on my list. Because it's stupid. There was plenty of room.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Climb aboard. You could both live. That is a problem. I almost had Sean Bean from Fellowship. Because I love when a death scene happens with a character that's got a mixed he was Boromir in that movie, and he gives himself up at the end so that everybody survives. That's, and he dies in every movie.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Self-sacrifice. On my list, I had T2. Oh, yeah. Is that the we all remember the thumbs up? And then the shocking ones I have. Not as big of a movie, but Sam Jackson in Deep Blue Sea. That's like it's out of it's absolutely out of nowhere on that same vein.
Starting point is 01:10:17 The bus, the bus girl. I don't even know her name from Final Destination. If you saw Final Destination of the Feeders, you know exactly what I'm talking about. And then the last one, The Departed is spoiler from The Destination. If you saw Final Destination in the theaters, you know exactly what I'm talking about. And then the last one, The Departed, spoiler from The Departed, but Leonardo DiCaprio at the very end of the movie, man. You do not see that coming.
Starting point is 01:10:34 We drafted a spoiler draft. That's what we did. Top spoilers. It's not the best lives in movies and TV. You know who made it through the movie psycho psycho's a good one for sure and they're sure like the hans gruber death uh by the way
Starting point is 01:10:53 he hasn't what's alan rickman right yes that's hans gruber he has the death a great death in robin hood that i was remembering oh as the sheriff? As the sheriff of Nottingham. So that one was in consideration. We had the Jurassic Park lawyer that popped into my head. Oh, my goodness. That's such a good one. That one was on my list. Yeah. So there are quite...
Starting point is 01:11:15 Oh, but like the Hans Gruber one is the Batman original with Michael Keaton. Do you remember when Joker gets thrown off the top of the building? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you've got that laughter at the bottom. Yeah. All right. Let's figure out what else we learned today. What did we learn today?
Starting point is 01:11:34 Oh, I know what I learned today. I learned I will be forever apologizing to Andy's son. Cause I'm a terrible person. The best part is he took apparently he took his headphones off for this section and he put them back on because he thought we were done talking. Oh, how funny.
Starting point is 01:11:54 I learned that our wives are perfect for us. Yeah. And we should stay how we are. And I learned that I would be a kangaroo in the wild and I'm just fine with it. I'm feeling pretty good.
Starting point is 01:12:09 I'm pretty envious. Yeah, that is it for the Spitballers podcast. Thank you for tuning in, supporting, subscribing, reviewing, and adoring the show. We appreciate you and we'll be back next week. Indeed. We'll see you next time. Stay safe.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out spitballerspod.com. Oh, that was a lot of fun. Hilarious. What a show. Thank you for listening in. And if you want to learn more about how you can support the show and get some special Spitballers goodies, head over to spitballerspod.com and click the Become a Spitwad button.

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