Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 128: Dirty Elbows & Our Favorite Emojis

Episode Date: December 14, 2020

On today’s show, we debate hot topics like spending a year on a submarine, stealing out of tip jars, and holding hands whilst crossing the street. We also continue to be public servants by answering... some of life’s greatest questions. We put a ribbon on this episode with a draft of our favorite and most used emojis! Subscribe and tell your friends about another hilarious episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the show: Become an Official Spitwad! Visit us on the Web Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Subscribe on YouTube Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/spitballers/posts See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, I know you expected the show to start already. It's going to start momentarily. There will be a spectacular scat that is coming your way. I thought DMX was here the way you came in. But listen, before the show starts, I just wanted to say, head over to spitballerspod.com, click the Become a Spitwad button. That's how you become a supporter of the show. That's how you get access to the show early.
Starting point is 00:00:21 That's how you check out the spit tank where you can submit questions, would-you-rather questions, great questions, whatever, draft ideas. We turn to the Spitwads first. Head over to SpitballersPod.com, click the Become a Spitwad button, and now we can start the show. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. What happens when three buffoons give life advice,
Starting point is 00:00:51 explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. I'm enjoying Mike's reaction because I don't know if it translates to the listener at home or if he just could tell on YouTube all you did you added a recline.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Right. I tried to do like a little bit of an effect. Like a sound effect, you know? Away from the mic, close to the mic. Away from the mic, close to the mic. How did it come through on the other end? Pretty great. I don't think it sold.
Starting point is 00:01:44 That's my guess. Mike, this is episode 128. You're trying new things. Hi, Jay. Right before the show, you're like, man, I don't have anything for the scat. And then you realize. That made it even funnier. You haven't had anything for the scat in a long time.
Starting point is 00:02:00 But here we are. Are we still saying that? I'll add some dynamics. Yeah. But not we are. Are we still saying that? I'll add some dynamics. Yeah. But not vocal dynamics. Physical distance from the microphone dynamics. Yeah, and I'm not going to burden Al Borland putting it in post. I'm going to do this effect myself.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Thank you. Welcome into the Spitballers, Andy, Mike, and Jason. Would you rather? That's a great question. And a spectacular draft on today's episode of the show. Badingi! I won't know until people respond to it. You know how you get the, like your stereo at home,
Starting point is 00:02:35 you can change the effects in ones like amphitheater effect. You know, you can scroll through and it's like sports or action. And that was the cathedral. I was trying to go cathedral. Cathedral start. That's usually what he does when he goes into a cathedral. He breaks out and starts scatting. See?
Starting point is 00:02:53 Cathedral. I'm there. At SpitballersPod on Twitter. Thank you for subscribing, reviewing the show on Apple Podcasts or wherever you're listening. We appreciate it. It means a lot to us. You can find the community
Starting point is 00:03:06 over at SpitballersPod.com. Click the Become a Spitwad button. Well, I mean, your life's set up for success at that point. Anything else going on? You guys doing well today? We're all in black. That's ominous.
Starting point is 00:03:22 It's a slimming. It's slimming. I mean, we're in. Well, it's a slimming. Yeah. I mean. It's slimming. And I mean, I woke up over the weekend. Sometimes I. Wake up? No, no, no. No, I eat a lot over the weekends. I've always.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Oh, Monday is black shirt day. Yeah, but like universally to me, Sunday has always been cheat day on the diet. Boom day. Yeah. Boom. A boom day, if you will. As I've gotten older, that's expanded to Saturday. As have you. Friday creeps in there as well.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Friday after work. Yes. I mean, that's part of the week. You wouldn't have a bad breakfast. That would be irresponsible. Yeah, it starts with the pizza movie night on Fridays, Yeah, it starts with the pizza movie night on Fridays, and then I spiral outwardly, as my pants know from there. And then I get a little bit bloated because not everything comes out in time for Monday. I'm not lying when I say this.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I've seen multiple people ask if Jason owns shirts other than black. And let me tell you right now i do not i just did like all of my laundry literally last night i did all of my laundry so the lights and darks is not a problem it is not a problem i mean maybe i got some khaki shorts and that let me tell you this if i'm looking for my khaki shorts in a pile of laundry, I can find them super easy. They're the only thing that is not black in there. I've got polos. I've got, you know, baller shirts. I've got, you know, I've got a variety of different solid black shirts.
Starting point is 00:04:59 All right. Let's get into the would you rathers. Would you rather. Before you do that, Andy, we have some text in our show doc here that is bolded. It is surrounded by asterisks. Yes. And it is in red. It is highlighted with red.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Oh, I thought it was red ignore. Red to ignore. Yes. Is red to ignore? Yeah, like stop signs. No, I thought it was red to ignore. Red to ignore. Yes. Is red to ignore? Yeah, like stop signs. No. I'm just trolling. I just left it out.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Well, then now you confuse me because maybe you were right. But it's too late. I've already brought it up. No, the big announcement here is that next week you have to stay tuned because we have a new segment debuting and we don't know what it is. Yes. The hosts of the show have no idea what's happening next week. No.
Starting point is 00:05:52 No. The inmates are running the asylum over here, and Al Borland and Judge D'Amati have something figured out. I don't want you guys to be prepared for this one. Okay. We don't prepare for anything. I was going to say, I've got bad news for you, buddy. Or great news. Let's put it this way. I clicked't prepare for anything. I was going to say, I've got bad news for you, buddy. Or great news.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Let's put it this way. I clicked the would you rather. I don't know what's coming. Here's our first question. Did you hear the opening scat? Well, that was, yeah, that was definitely not prepared. All right. Tom from Twitter says, would you rather spend a year in a submarine that never surfaces
Starting point is 00:06:24 or a year on a plane that never lands? I don't see how this is close. Oh, that is so interesting, though. No. What if? I mean, Mike, you're right. There's one very big difference. They're both tubes.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah. Keep going. What's the big difference? One of them's flying. Yeah. One of them's high. One of them's flying. Yeah. One of them's high. One of them's low. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:47 But when you look out of said window, what are you seeing? Clouds or fish? The sun. You are seeing actual daylight. Oh, and that's important. To human beings, generally speaking, it has been, yes. Yeah, but this is coming. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So you both default went to submarine no no no i'm sorry went to airplane yeah so you're like you like flying mike no okay no how about it for a year yeah but i look as much as i know i don't like flying i've never been in the depths of the ocean with just the only thing holding out the the the water from crushing me to death right is a thin bit of steel i've never experienced being in a submarine aside from i've been in the disneyland one you could be but we were not very deep if you had the windows closed and the submarine windows, as they say. Then close and open, just depending on when you want them open.
Starting point is 00:07:49 It's called a porthole. Yeah. I mean, you could just pretend you're anywhere in a submarine. What difference is it going to make to you? It's like saying, would you rather be- I don't think you can. Would you rather be in a room for a year, or would you rather be flying? You don't like flying.
Starting point is 00:08:05 You've got the fear of a crash flying for the whole year. for a year? Or would you rather be flying? Like, you don't like flying at any moment. Like, you got the fear of a crash flying for the whole year. The fear of death is equal. If either of your abodes is compromised, you're dead. Is there a lot of submarine crashes happening these days? Submarine is not a very popular transportation method. Yeah. Elon, Elon, can we get some electric submarines? Take a submarine trip to Europe.
Starting point is 00:08:32 That'd be cool. That would be maybe pretty cool. But the point here- I don't even like the one in Disneyland. It freaks me out. And I'm like six feet under the water. The point is the view. That is the real differentiator here.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And in reality, when you're down in the ocean, you're not seeing fish out your window. You're not seeing anything. You're so far away from light that you're just seeing dark. Well, the submarine could cruise in the nicer depths. I mean, let's even say there's some good lighting on the sub that kind of lights up. Have they upgraded those things? We've had big advances in technology in lights. Do the people in the Navy, do they got hue lights in those things yet?
Starting point is 00:09:15 Of course they do. I don't know, man. Do we still make submarines? I don't even know. What's the point? Well, the point is secrecy, so we don't know if we're still making submarines. Because all those old submarine movies, which they don't make submarine movies anymore. The Hunt for Red October?
Starting point is 00:09:31 Yeah, that's Sean Connery, right? And then you had, what was the one where Harrison Ford was supposed to be Russian? Oh, yeah. And he is not. He was so bad in that. Because he's Indiana Jones, and he's not Russian. I just feel like you don't have to go through thunderstorms underwater. That's true.
Starting point is 00:09:52 You have to go through those in the sky. That, okay. That's a fair point, except you fly over them. If you're lucky. So, oh, K-19, the Widowmaker. Yeah, that was the one. Oh, man. Not Harrison's finest moment.
Starting point is 00:10:07 But my point is, what I know about submarines is from submarine movies. Yeah. And the lighting, it's always terrible. And it's always red lights. It's like they're doing photography development down there. Is there a better Wi-Fi? That was the joke. That was the joke that got the producers.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Got us both, man. Is the Wi-Fi worse for submarines? Do submarines have Wi-Fi? I know it's tough on a plane. Yeah, but it's got to be better on a plane. I can get satellite up there. What are you getting in the ocean? Do they have internet down there?
Starting point is 00:10:40 Have they figured that out? Yeah. That's actually a legitimately great question. It's not fiber optic. Can they, like, conduct it through the water? I don't... I'm pretty sure submarines communicate with the outside world. Is this all Morse code?
Starting point is 00:10:54 Yeah, but you have... I mean, that's over, like, radio waves, right? CB. There is communication. They gotta have a CB down there. All the people in Atlantis, don't they have Wi-Fi? There is communication. Well, they've got way better than Wi-Fi in Atlantis, don't they have Wi-Fi? There is communication.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Well, they've got way better than Wi-Fi in Atlantis. All right, let me change this question because Andy needs to catch up here. Okay, here's a new would you rather. All right. Would you rather stay in your home for a year? Sure. And it's always nighttime outside or it's always daytime outside or not even it's daytime in the daytime uh you're okay so because you go through a normal i know what you're saying you go through a normal
Starting point is 00:11:35 day night cycle in a plane the depression you guys that's the most important thing to you is the normal day night cycle i think it's the big differentiator and i think i would be depressed if i never had don't you have a little bit more room in a submarine in the sense that you're going in and out of different rooms? Like, if you're in a plane, it's one big tube. You don't have, like, a change of scenery from, like, hey, here's the mechanical room, and here's the other mechanical room. I would imagine a submarine is bigger than a plane. Yeah. Is it?
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah. Yeah, I mean, yes. I can't imagine that our submarines you know carrying nuclear weapons oh nuclear weapons don't have to be that large well but i mean you still the the the vessel needs to be very large it's a war machine a ballistic missile submarine is 175 meters so it's 572 feet long. What's like a Boeing 747? Yeah, give me a good 747. That's a big one.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Boeing 747's length is only 250 feet. Oh, what a little baby plane. So it's longer. You pick up a little over two times the length. But it's all about width. Yeah, I mean, 75, the the beam height is that what it is 75 foot versus 19 yes the beam height yeah i mean this is look you're in a tube either way i'm going submarine i think it's mysterious there's a chance that there's would you rather be on the submarine or you know in the submarine or or on the space station.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Space station. Space station. That thing's really small. That's true. But you're zero G and you're in outer space, which is way cooler. Do we make submarines by just cutting the wings off of planes? Is that what we do? Yeah, and then seal it up. And then seal it up?
Starting point is 00:13:20 That's a submarine, right? Yeah, they're pressurized. I'm sure it would work way down deep. So you guys are both flying through the sky. Yes. Al, are you with them? I'll take the turbulence. I'll take the sub. Yeah. Now, it's unlimited sandwiches down there, right?
Starting point is 00:13:35 It's because Al and I are both more, you know, we're already depressed. So it don't matter if we're underneath the water. All right. Olive from Twitter. Would you rather reach in and take money from every tip jar you see or have to donate $100 to every tip jar you see? I mean, mine is, I know mine. I'm broke now because I'm donating $100 everywhere.
Starting point is 00:13:59 I couldn't handle the stress. I mean, the stress. You would stop eating out or you and you would stop going to places that have tip charts 100 or or i would only go when it's you know some big we're celebrating we just got a uh a promotion at work i'm gonna go and tip someone and it's on purpose because i i couldn't possibly take money out of a chip tip jar and handle that. I would just melt into the ground. Is there any way to play that off?
Starting point is 00:14:32 Can you think of any way to play off taking money out of a chip jar? Yeah, you'd have to lie. Like, I'm going to break this for you. Yeah, but what's a good lie? Is that what you're telling me? Oh, I put two in. I'm just taking one back. Oh, so you pretend you donated.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah, like, oh, I accidentally, you know, put put two in. I'm just taking one back. Oh, so you pretend you donated. Yeah, like, oh, I accidentally put a little bit. Well, now you're making money and getting away with it. What if you just say you have a really important phone call to make? You just say, on the pay phone? Yeah, you pretend that pay phone still exists. It's for the pay phone. Sir, you took a 20. Yeah, they're really expensive nowadays.
Starting point is 00:15:05 They take cash. Oh, you took a 20. Yeah, they're really expensive nowadays. They take cash. Oh, man, tape phones. Yeah, I mean, putting 100 in every time, that's... No, I mean, you're... That would be cost of doing business to go out to eat. I mean, you'd know that that's what you're going to have to do. But doesn't that suffice the tip, right? I mean, there's not a tip jar in places that also have, like, another tip option.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Is there, like, you could sign a receipt, and then on your way out, there's also a tip jar in places that also have like a another tip option is there is there like a you could sign a receipt and then on your way out there's also a tip jar maybe maybe the tip jar sitting there for the like pickup orders so i mean if you're in that place maybe the pickup order's got a tip jar over there i don't know yeah there's tip jars a lot i can tell you what i'm doing i'm calling restaurants and saying hey do you guys have a tip jar before I go? I mean. What is the soup du jour? Yes. Okay. Do you have a tip jar?
Starting point is 00:15:50 Man. Oh, we don't, but I'll put one out. Yeah. No. Oh, no. All right. So which one are you doing, Andy? Because this is extreme generosity.
Starting point is 00:16:01 This is just can I sneak the money out of this jar consistently enough? And the answer is no. With cameras, I'll be going, I'll be viral. The guy that steals from the tip jar all the time. I'm going to donate. I'm going to donate the $100. I'm going to make somebody's life happier. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:19 What about you, Mike? I mean, if it really came down to it, I would have to be the donate, and then I'm never going anywhere ever again. All right. Abby from Patreon. Would you rather be unable to cross any street without holding someone's hand or have to cross every street barefoot? Abby.
Starting point is 00:16:44 So you have to find somebody to hold their hand? Or here's the thing. Abby does not live in Arizona or someplace that has a temperature close to Arizona. Because in the summer, this would not just be an uncomfortable thing to run across the street barefoot. I assume that you guys have. I've done the dash. You've taken across the street barefoot. I assume that you guys have. I've done the dash. You've taken to the street barefoot before. And you're burning.
Starting point is 00:17:14 You're actually going to get second-degree burns on your feet if you have to do this in Arizona. Yeah, I mean, I remember. I'm sure you two have done this before as well. You guys have cooked an egg on the sidewalk in the peak summer in Arizona. You could just, I mean, it's literally like a frying pan. And that's the sidewalk. That's not the blacktop.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yeah. Oh, my gosh. The blacktop, the egg would just be scorched immediately. I mean, imagine. I'd rather run on the blacktop. Really? Than the concrete. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Why? Do tell. I love pain. Well, I mean, I think they both stink, but it's about surface area. When you're running on the concrete, 100% of that surface area that's on fire hits your foot. When you're running on the blacktop, there's a little bit of gap between some of the blacktop. Because of the jagged rocks? Because it's a little more rigid.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Interesting. I think I'd rather run on the blacktop. Those ridges are not smooth. Well, here's the thing. We had a mailbox at our house that was three houses down. It was like a four-pack, right? Mm-hmm. And the trick about walking on something hot is you think you're okay at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Right. Because your feet aren't used to it. So I would often be like, I want to get the mail. And I'd start the journey in a barefoot barefoot and uh i i really test test things out here and by the time you're at the mailbox you're pocketing because how do you get back and you're doing the thing where you're trying to walk oh half of your feet just on the outside edges of your feet and then you switch to the inside yes 100 i got stuck on a roof because i. Why are you on a roof with no shoes on?
Starting point is 00:18:47 Well, no, no. Not with no shoes on. I'm sorry. This is just. I crossed two stories. I got caught on a roof where the roof was so hot I couldn't get down because I needed my hands to get up on the roof. Oh. So then I'd need the hands to get down off the roof and I couldn't touch the tiles.
Starting point is 00:19:06 So I just sat on the roof for like 20 minutes. Did you wait for the sun to go down? I almost did, yes. Eventually I settled for the second degree burns. Man, I hate directional things where the second half is worse. Like if you've got a stationary bike, you're riding for 30 minutes, and when you're done, you're done. Right. But if you go on a real bike ride or a hike or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Oh, a real hike, yeah. And you think, I got this. I'm doing great. 30 minutes in, you're like, I feel absolutely fine. But you've got to do it all again. And as soon as you start feeling bad, you're starting the whole process over and you're vomiting at the end. I am 100% against hikes
Starting point is 00:19:46 that go to a point and then return on the same path I stand against them I protest them all hikes need to be circles let me know a circle or do we have a business opportunity here are we driving people back from the second half we shuttle people
Starting point is 00:20:02 to their cars or from their cars to the beginning point of the of the hike i am with you jason i've gone hiking with my wife she goes on this hike where i know every foot i step forward is another foot i'm gonna have to step back which makes me not want to take as many steps so do you go all the way to the top of the mountain or you just go halfway i go halfway i'm like i'm gonna take's going to take me forever to get back. Is there a chopper up there? They shuttling people down? I probably asked five times, wait, does this come out by the parking lot?
Starting point is 00:20:35 Oh, no, no. We have to turn around and go the same way? It's the same walk. Or what if the mountain, they installed a really big slide oh that'd be awesome now that i would or i uh what is the thing uh like a zip line zip line a zip line or a fireman's pole wow that's a long pole you're you're you're going into the mountain though and that's a problem i think at the end you're going to want to be on the outside of the mountain that one doesn't all right i'll take the zip line mike you can take the slide That's a problem. I think at the end, you're going to want to be on the outside of the mountain.
Starting point is 00:21:06 That one doesn't. All right. I'll take the zip line. Mike, you can take the slide. Yeah. Oh, that leaves me in the fireman's pole. Dang it. I'm stuck inside of a mountain now.
Starting point is 00:21:18 He just fireman pole right down a chute. Also, mountains are hollow. Is this correct? All mountains are hollow. Okay, good. I always thought that, but I wasn't sure. Now, hills aren't. Hills are solid. Your problem with the fireman's pole is not the drilling down inside the mountain.
Starting point is 00:21:31 We can't possibly tunnel out from the fireman's pole area, but getting down inside the mountain, that's not a problem. You've put a torturous thought in my mind, the idea of firemen's pulling down in infinite depth. Just forever? Just go for, I don't know like a thousand feet down and then and then what do you gotta climb up the pole you can't climb up that pole oh i'll find if i'm stuck down there i'm sure is that gonna try but yeah and you're gonna fail you could not climb up a thousand foot fireman pole i'll bet you five dollars i will take that bet someone is there a thousand foot fireman pole i'll bet you five dollars i will take that bet someone is there a thousand
Starting point is 00:22:07 foot fireman pole around down into the earth i mean a thousand feet's a little ways but what other option do i have i got to get out of there man death i wonder the highest you could get let's do it how high could we climb a fireman's pole what how high do you think you could get, Mike? Shoes on. No, not shoes on. I'm taking my shoes off at the bottom of that pole and climbing without them. You think you'll do better without shoes? Much better without shoes.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Okay. I was thinking the traction of the sole. No, no, no. The rubber would help me. You need the traction. Skin to pole. Skin on the pole if you're clamping down. What if I'm starting to sweat?
Starting point is 00:22:44 Well, that's going to be a real issue. Yeah. Okay. So shoes on, got it. Shoes on. You ain't getting two feet. I mean,
Starting point is 00:22:52 you're going to give that deal college try. And the worst part, the worst part about climbing a fireman's pole is when you fail, you just go down the pole in a really undignified way. Right. I mean, but at least you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Do you say we on as you fail i see both producers shaking their heads like how did this conversation get to here i don't know did we have a question would you go shoes on shoes off al shoes that's when i used to rope climb and i definitely want to choose on for that but the rope is different yeah shoes off probably for pole climbing. For pole climbing. Is that a popular thing? Is that an Olympic sport? What was the question again?
Starting point is 00:23:30 The question was how high do you think you can get on this pole? Because I want to circle back to that. I don't think I could get to like eight feet. The question is can you rest without grabbing the pole? Can you find a way to rest by interlocking some amount of arms and legs? If you can rest, you can get higher. It's not a true rest, but there is a rest for your upper body because you can clamp on with the feet.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I see at least my kids do it. My kids climb the – on the trampoline, we now have safety nets on trampolines. Didn't have that when I was a kid. Not in the 90s, we didn't. But the poles go up, and my kids will climb those. And they do that. The way they get to the top is they take the soles of their feet and sandwich it on the pole and then push up.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Shoes on, huh? No. No way. No. Dang it. The shoes are not on. So just visualize this. You grab the pole, you put your feet on the pole. You push up.
Starting point is 00:24:29 And you push up. You can get up like that. Yes. I don't believe I could do that for a second time. I think once I'm locked on the pole and I'm off the ground, that's where I stay. It's there and down. Those are my only two locations. How high could I get? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I always believe more of myself than I'm able to do. That's true. The other one was crossing the street by holding someone's hand. Which we all take that. I think I could ask some... Yeah, we all take that. I could ask somebody. Can you hold my hand?
Starting point is 00:25:01 The problem is if you're trying to get across the street and there's no one around, then you're stuck on your side of the street that's when you take your shoes off yeah yeah all right i'm going for it all right let's uh let's move on that's a great question david from the website if a toy company made an action figure of each of you, what two accessories would come with? Ooh. Okay. Because sometimes, you remember getting the action figures as a kid,
Starting point is 00:25:34 and they'd come with a couple of cool accessories, some cooler than others. Mm-hmm. I mean, Mike's- You could take a grappling hook. Oh. See, I thought this was more like Mike would have a guitar that's true he'd have his axe and a grappling hook and a grappling hook of course because you know all that grappling i do jason would come with a different black he comes with the black shirt and it comes
Starting point is 00:25:56 with a second black shirt outfit a whole different outfit that's the same but but one has a collar right one's that one's so it's like this is my fancy shirt this is my fancy shirt or as is casual maybe two shirts maybe it comes with two other shirts you know dress up black oh my gosh yeah mike definitely comes with a guitar yeah but i have to think of a second accessory shoes man probably comes with shoes yeah probably some really wild shoes that seems to me if you know, Mike is, what do you call it? Sneakerhead. Sneakerhead.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I was going to call it a shoehead. That sounded dumb. Sneakerhead. He's a real shoehead. He's a gum shoe. That sounds like an insult that mobsters threw around. He's a shoehead, see? That sounds like Charles Barkley to me.
Starting point is 00:26:42 He's a shoehead. He's terrible. He's terrible. He is a shoe head. He's terrible. He's terrible. He's a shoe head over here. Knuckle head. Man. I don't know what comes with me. What comes with Andy's action figure?
Starting point is 00:26:55 Rocking chair? A rocking chair would make sense. We did buy you one for a birthday. Thank you very much, by the way. As a half gag gift and half we knew you'd love it. Yeah, it was a home run. Those are great gifts. When it very much, by the way. As a half gag gift and half we knew you'd love it. Yeah, it was a home run. Those are great gifts. When it's funny, for the gift giver.
Starting point is 00:27:10 And it was funny for Andy to get, and he's like, sweet. Rocking chair. It really did work out, and I still sit in it quite often. What else? Ice cream could come. Now, you've really backed down on your ice cream ways. I'm into the cookies now, yeah. Ice cream and cookies, those go well together.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yeah. It's quite the transition. I guess grappling hook. Yeah, for all the grappling you do. Yeah, I do a lot of grappling. Jay, you got to look into grappling. It's the best. Apparently.
Starting point is 00:27:39 I mean, I did some jujitsu, but it's a different type. Yeah, the grappling hook will help you in the whole fire pole situation. I'll bet if I did jujitsu style grappling with a grappling hook, I'd win more. We could give you like fight with the. Yeah. You have a weapon. Ping pong paddle. Isn't that still called grappling?
Starting point is 00:27:59 Like when you're when you're wrestling? Yes. Yeah. Yes. That's what I'm talking about. I want to switch yours to you have you come with you wear your normal shirt then you come with a polo black polo and then you come with a black gi for for all of you there you go jiu-jitsu all right it's just a little bit too
Starting point is 00:28:14 tight yes oh that was from uh that was from when i used to do jiu-jitsu i'll get into this someday none of the clothes fit on the accessory? Oh, no. The black shirts fit. I mean, it's probably a white gi that doesn't fit and black shirts that do fit. Okay. This show somehow gets back to this jokes. This jokes.
Starting point is 00:28:37 All right. Richie from Patreon. You're choosing a band name. The name must include a type of pasta. What are you going to call your band? Okay. So you got to a type of pasta. What are you going to call your band? Okay. So you got to go types of pasta. I'm going to need to look up types of pasta.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Pinne pasta. Okay. You got elbow. You got linguine, rigatoni. Oh, linguine. Now, what is the lasagna? Slippery linguine. What's the lasagna pasta?
Starting point is 00:29:01 I believe it's called lasagna. For real? I think it's called lasagna noodles real like i think it's called lasagna noodles right that is correct whoa i mean that just blew my mind why that's an ingredient in lasagna well the ingredient for lasagna is lasagna hey check this lasagna noodles yeah what do you what do you call the noodles in spaghetti? Whoa! Oh my goodness! It's spaghetti!
Starting point is 00:29:30 This is a band name, right? You've heard of Milli Vanilli. Yeah. So I'll be Silly Facilli. Oh! Yeah. Okay. I need to look up pasta. Or Willy Facilli.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I think I'm Willy Facilli. That's my name. Types of pasta. No, I can read some. Fettuccine? Ravioli? I'm sticking with elbow because name. Types of pasta. No, I can read some. Fettuccine, ravioli. I'm sticking with elbow because it doesn't sound like pasta. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:50 You know, I'm going to be. So what's the band name? Probably the Dirty Elbow. Okay. You know. The Dirty Elbow. All right. I think that band name would crush.
Starting point is 00:29:59 A suggestion from one of the producers. You've got Penny and the Jets. That's not bad. Makes sense. You've got... Oh. P-P-P-Penny and the Jets. That's not bad. Makes sense. More of a song title. Yeah, but I mean, let's... Beggars can't be choosers here. The Manicotti Potties.
Starting point is 00:30:15 The Manicotti Potties? Now, spell potties. Was that P-O-T-T-Y? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Like, that's after you eat a really big bowl. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Of Manicotti? You got the Manicotti Potty. Okay. That's your band. Yeah. What, that's after you eat a really big bowl. Oh, yeah. Of manicotti? You got the manicotti potty. Okay. That's your band. Yeah. What style music do you play? Death metal. Death metal.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Okay. All right. All right. Justin from Twitter, what's the craziest butterfly effect that has happened to you because of a small decision that you made? See, some of these great questions- Require great thought. That's pretty heavy. I mean,
Starting point is 00:30:49 this podcast is the result of a butterfly effect. I say it wasn't a small decision, but my butterfly effect to somehow getting here to talking about my new rock band, the Manicotti Potties. Yeah, I love that band, by the way.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Thank you. Dirty elbows opening for them. band by the way. Oh, thank you. Thank you. We're dirty elbows opening for him. Of course they are. Oh, manicotti body. No opening band. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:12 We are headliners. That's fair. Uh, I made a decision to go to college in my late twenties to learn how to make video games. And somehow that led me through the butterfly effect to hear talking about my new headlining band that's right that's crazy because that led to you going to a workshop thing that i was at and then we found each other and then we
Starting point is 00:31:38 hired you at that company and then whoa that's a good one mike i'll always remember mike when before we started the podcast after we worked, how you and your wife went and looked at houses very, very far away from where you live now. That's a good one. Really far from where you worked. And everything was lined up for you to get that house, except for the stupid housing company wouldn't like give in on the realtor. Yeah. So here's the thing. This is a good,
Starting point is 00:32:09 a good lesson for, for those at home for realtors. Well, yeah, real, I don't know. Home builders. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:32:16 So my wife and I were looking for houses. So we found a development that we, you know, like, Oh, we like them. Let's go in and look at the houses. Well, apparently showing up just to go in and look at the houses.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Well, apparently showing up just to look at the models, that is me making some type of contract with that company saying that I no longer can be represented by my realtor. But we had a piece of paper in the door that said, you have to have your realtor. Yeah, the best thing is I didn't sign anything. I didn't sign anything. I didn't sign anything. I wouldn't go look at anything with them. But they decided that because we were there without our realtor,
Starting point is 00:32:52 that the realtor can no longer get any type of commission on a sale. That is the biggest. And it led to us not buying anything from them. Which if you had bought, you couldn't have commuted from there all the way to our job. That's true. And we probably would not have started a podcast. Yeah. I mean, so I'll get to the butterfly effect.
Starting point is 00:33:14 But real quick, realtors, if you're out there, home builders, if you're out there, stop it with that. Seriously, stop it. It's so stupid. Andy and I used to be realtors and we can recognize how stupid that is just stop it that was a good three weeks of our lives uh my butterfly effect I think would be uh I was I I wanted to go to the University of California Los Angeles UCLA they had a good uh computer program and a good theater program. I wanted to go there.
Starting point is 00:33:46 And then I think for the Christmas before I was set to go off to college, my father gave us a Christmas gift of he lived in California. He was going to move back to Arizona where we were, which was like, oh, awesome. That's great. Hold on, hold on. Your dad's christmas gift was that he was gonna move he was gonna move close to home he was the gift and the nice the
Starting point is 00:34:13 i got you something special yeah me i feel like it wasn't my only gift he didn't not give other gifts like i'm gonna move how do i spin? Guess what I got you for Christmas, everybody. In general, that would have been a great thing. My moving costs. But guess what I couldn't afford? Out-of-state tuition to go to college in California. Okay. So because of that thing, I had to go to the University of Arizona.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Because of the worst Christmas present anyone's ever gotten. I met my wife, had the children I have, and none of that would have happened if I had gone to UCLA. But you would have been a star, Jason. Oh, well, I mean, still am. All right. Yeah. Caleb from the website,
Starting point is 00:34:55 what is the threshold for transitioning from I am learning to play the guitar to I am a guitar player? Mike, I think you need to speak to this. I mean, I know my answer, but I want to hear, I want to hear your guys' answer to this. Okay. First of all, I'm really excited for this because I want to know what the answer is. My son has been kind of trying to learn the guitar, but he doesn't really have a teacher. It's an iPad. That's fine. There's all different ways now i think you know how to play the guitar from learning when you can riff on your own like if you can if you can you know make a bunch of different chords and just play something anything not even a not even a real song just this makes sense musically these are chords that's when i say
Starting point is 00:35:44 you could play the guitar. That's my answer. Okay. Yeah, and I'm sitting here deciding whether or not I'm learning to play the guitar right now or whether I've been a guitar player for 20 years. I've been learning for 20 years. I mean, there are only two options here, right? I'm either a guitar player or I'm still learning to play guitar.
Starting point is 00:36:02 It certainly doesn't come down to reading music or anything like that. Because you don't need to be able to do that as a guitar player. I mean, Jason's answer is pretty good. I don't think Mike's going to define it as being able to just, like, pick up and play things you hear. That would be advanced. No, no, no, that's an advanced player. So I would say, and I doubt you would quantify it in some chord amount or something like that.
Starting point is 00:36:27 But that's what I would say. You know enough to where you can write songs. I hope Mike's answer is just time. It's like four days. That's when. What's your answer? I'm really curious. To me, the answer is just, can you play music with somebody else?
Starting point is 00:36:44 Oh, interesting. really curious to me the answer is just can you play music with somebody else oh interesting like could you go and you're like could you sit down with someone else and be part of music all right follow-up question you're a guitar player now to andy andy are you still learning to play the guitar or can you play the guitar i think i can play the guitar you can play the? I think I can play the guitar. You can play the guitar. I think I can play the guitar. I mean, this could be like someone just singing. Sounds like you two need to get together.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And I don't think that that's exactly, I don't play with amateurs. I, I, I would like, if I got together with Mike, I'd make sure that I kind of had my cord like unplugged on the side. Like,
Starting point is 00:37:23 I'd be like, are we all good? We good, Jeremy? We got the sound turned up. All right, let's side. I'd be like, are we all good? We good, Jeremy? We got the sound turned up? All right, let's go. I pull the cord out. Okay, that's a good answer, though.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I think that's right. And it says, you know, I am a guitar player. You're playing guitar with somebody. That makes sense. Going from I am a guitar player. It's interesting. You just shift the words around slightly, saying I'm a guitar player or I play the guitar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I feel like one is a profession. I'm defining myself. I am a guitar player. Yeah. No, I play the guitar. Right. I'm not a car driver, but I drive a car. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah. It's not your profession. Right. Because I'm a car driver. I mean, is that what NASCAR drivers, they would say? I'm a car driver. That's what Mario Andretti said. I'm a car driver.
Starting point is 00:38:15 All right, let's draft. The Spitballers Draft. All right. We are drafting. Oh, man. I think this one's fun. It's fantastic. And be prepared, fellas, to just reveal how old we are.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Really? Yeah. Because we're not going to be matching. The age range that listens to this show show it's very wide it's people older than us people way younger than us and i just the the young crowd yes different language yes yes i get what you're saying let's put it this way by the way we are drafting the best emojis okay but let's put it this way we use use emojis. They're emoji users. Oh, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Well said. Right? Yes. Okay, I've got the first pick in the emoji draft. And I started to think there are a lot of things. Is it the visual that you just like about it? Is it frequency, right? There's some that I use a lot more than others.
Starting point is 00:39:24 But I got the number one pick, and there's just one that I think sits there as the number one. There's a clear number one? There's a clear number one pick. Well, I'm going to be embarrassed now if Mike has a different clear number one because he's the second pick. To me, it's the poop emoji. It's the poop emoji. Yeah. It's the poop.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Come on. How is it not the number one pick? It's got to be. It was at the end of my list. What? It's the number one emoji, man. It drops out of the end of your list. Oh? It's the number one emoji, man. It drops out of the end of your list. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:48 We made two poop jokes in one second. It's kind of what we do around here. But the poop emoji is great because it's a playful poop. I mean, he's smiling. It's a great reply. Anything goes bad, you're telling somebody, hey, that sucks, but I'm still smiling with you. It's the poop emoji.
Starting point is 00:40:06 So it's the 101 to me. And it's very – I mean, a lot of emojis are face-based, hand-based. There's not a lot of – I mean, this is the only poop emoji there is. There can be only one. There's only one. So I feel real proud right now. Yeah, that's the clear number one. Everything else is –
Starting point is 00:40:22 I guess that's true. If you ask yourself, is there a plushie of this? Because our emojis that we're going to draft aren't. But there are plushies of the poop emoji. It's very famous. Super popular. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I will go. See, I was. This is so fun. I was. In my heart of hearts I thought maybe the poop emoji might slip through might slip through the cracks
Starting point is 00:40:48 might drop down to you yeah well done but it did not work out that way and now you just and now everything's
Starting point is 00:40:59 second yes that's the problem what's the best second pick I don't know number two it would have been perfect for number two it would have been perfect for you yes it would have been great all right i'm gonna go my favorite emoji after the
Starting point is 00:41:13 poop is it's simple it has many purposes it is just a it's a fantastic response to many things don't take it don't take it you're gonna take what i want i i am taking the eye that's what i wanted that was my number two it just the the big eyes is an incredible response to almost everything it's someone sends you a positive message giving the big eye oh hello it's it's a like this terrible thing happened big eyes breaking news oh yeah big eyes oh yeah the big eyes. Oh, hello. It's like this terrible thing happened. Big eyes. Breaking news. Oh, yeah. Big eyes.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Oh, yeah. The big eyes are fantastic. Yeah. What a great pick. So what I'm finding when I look at my list of emojis is you can go two directions here. You can either go like visual and meaning or you can go. Emotion connotated type of. Well, that's what I'm saying on the visual side, or you can go... Emotion connotated type of... Well, that's what I'm saying on the visual side, or you can go practical and useful.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Right, yep. But the eyes can be both. They serve a purpose, and they're emotional. I don't know if we want to answer right now, but when you guys... To prepare for this, I went and I looked at my most used emojis. And there's like six. You can do that? Wait, how do you do that?
Starting point is 00:42:28 Is it just what shows up automatically? Yeah, what shows up on your most used. And there's like six. You only use six of them. There's hundreds of them. I use six of them. Yeah, I mean, I know what I use the most for sure. It's super boring, but but i mean i would go with
Starting point is 00:42:47 that as your first oh man i really wanted yeah i know i know which one you're saying the one you use the most and it's just all right i'm gonna take ah it's so it's so boring what's your boring pick oh man hold on i'm to write it down just in case. All right. The most boring one is a thumbs up, which is, yes, what Mike wrote. I mean, you use it. It's a checkmark. It's a positive.
Starting point is 00:43:18 It's saying good job. It's saying okay. It's saying I got it. It's just very practical, and I use it nonstop. I use it in text messages. I use it in text messages. I use it in our company Slack all the time. So at least I've got the practical one out of the way here.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Now I need more of the... I give that one the thumbs down, but go on. Yeah. You could corner the market on thumbs. I could. I could take them both. You could go thumbs up, thumbs down, buddy. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Just wait till the next turn. Finger up, finger down. All right. The point. The point. Yeah. The pointer finger. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I got you. Man. All right. Okay. All right. I got it. Okay. I got it.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I'm going to go. Oh, I don't got it. I. I got it. I'm going to go. Oh, I don't got it. I don't got it. I'm back and forth. Is there a tilt emoji you could play? There is a little bit of a tilt. Man, when you got the poop in the eyes, life is good. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:44:17 You guys, your pics are so good. All right. I'm going to take one that I know is always always it's always a hot emoji all right because it's fire oh yeah great pick take that's a great pick taking the fire emoji it can uh can say a lot and whenever you use it you always know it's a great situation yeah unless like you are using it very literally like honey there's a fire emoji in our house. Right. I probably should not be texting at that moment.
Starting point is 00:44:51 If you text that to 911, they'll send the fire department. Don't do that. Don't do that. You thought I was serious? I don't know, man. You both were like, oh, nice to know. I thought we were learning something. I won't have to make an inconvenient call.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Well, I know how much the young people don't like to use phone calls. Let me be very clear. Do not text 911 a fire emoji. Unless your house is on fire. Of course, if you need the fire. Right. And always second. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:20 All right. So, Jason. I saved it with the fire. I should have gone fire and then thumbs up. That was my third favorite. Should have gone fire, thumbs up. Right. It's all right. All right. All right. All right. I saved it with the fire. You did. I should have gone fire and then thumbs up. That was my third favorite. Should have gone fire, thumbs up. Right. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:45:27 All right. Fire was probably, it was number three or four for me. The emoji that I use the most, this is the one I use, eyes I do use a lot. I'm going to go with the raised hands. Oh, yeah. You use that a lot. I love that emoji. The two hands up. with the raised hands. Oh, yeah. You use that a lot. I love that emoji. The two hands up.
Starting point is 00:45:47 It's like a thank you. Yeah, it can be a thank you, a celebration. You got the hands up like, hallelujah. The only thing that I ever see with that is field goal. That's every time you post that, I just say, okay, field goal. So all these stats where I'm celebrating stuff, you think
Starting point is 00:46:03 I'm sending you a field goal? Yeah, you got a solid three points. No, I knew it was. That's like paper football field goal. So all these stats where I'm celebrating stuff, you think I'm sending you a field goal? Yeah, you got a solid three points. No, I knew it was. That's like paper football field goal. Yes. The thumbs are not connected. I'm not saying I misinterpreted. I'm not saying I misinterpreted it to be a field goal,
Starting point is 00:46:16 but I'm saying whenever I see it, I just think of a field goal. Hallelujah. Okay. It's good. All right. You guys guys it was tough because those are good picks and um i had to endure four of them before coming back to my my poop which i really i mean the poop stands alone yeah you're still leave it there probably still out ahead uh i'm gonna go with the flex the flex emotion okay Because that's like saying you know that's like saying good job but
Starting point is 00:46:45 like it's like a pat on the back. To me. A good job to me. Yeah. But I mean like if I send you the flex it's because you did
Starting point is 00:46:52 something good a lot of the times. Right. And I'm saying way to go. You're flexing on it. You're flexing. Flex on those fools.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Yeah. Or you could say what you did and then throw a flex on the end of it. Yes. All right. So I'm going to go. I've got poop flex so far.
Starting point is 00:47:06 That's fine. Let me just say a little bit more arrogant than the raised hands. Yeah. For sure. It's about yourself. When do you use the raised hands about yourself? You can't. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah. Because raised hands, my raised hands are for you. The only way you can do raised hands is if you go hashtag blessed raised hands. I guess you could do that. Let me just say this because I, you know hashtag blessed, raised hands. I guess you could do that. Let me just say this because we are cutting edge here at the Fantasy Footballers, at the Spitballers. We've been in the tech industry now for a long time, and we use Slack and emojis all the time.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Look, the future is animated emojis. Yes. All of these. Look, you've got a flex. Andy, the flex is so oldjis. Yes. All of these, you know, look, you've got a flex, Andy. The flex is so old busted. I need that flex flexing. I need to see that bicep raising. I need to see the poop dropping in.
Starting point is 00:47:54 I need to see all of these emojis are so much better when they're animated. So stay tuned for the future. I will ask this because all three of us, those last emojis, the fire and then the raised hands and the flex. Let's say Al Borland, I'm going to just quiz you on this. Let's say you texted us each individually that you just got a raise at your job. Okay. This is hypothetical. It will never happen.
Starting point is 00:48:20 You got a raise and then you get these three replies back. What do they say to you? You get the flex from me. You get the raise hands from Mike. You get the fire from Jason. Which one do you like most? Probably the raised hands. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Okay. Because they all kind of say something a little bit different, don't they? Yeah. The flex says, congrats on your hard work. That's right. The fire says, man, that's hot. Yeah. And the other one's just straight up congratulations.
Starting point is 00:48:49 I'll send you the poop emoji if you ever get a raise. I'll tell you that right now. All right. I am going to, this one's tougher. I'm going to finally work a, we haven't gotten into any of the face emojis. Really? And we're two rounds in, and I've got to wait four picks, so I don't want the bottom of the litter with the face emojis. There are And we're two rounds in and I've got to wait four picks so I don't want the bottom of the litter with the face emojis.
Starting point is 00:49:08 There are a lot of them. And I don't know if this is the right or the wrong, but I'm going rolling eyes. I'm going to go the rolling eyes face emoji. That's where it's the eyes up? Straight up. Eyes straight up. You just told me that your boss is making you work the weekend
Starting point is 00:49:23 and I'm throwing you the eyes up emoji i've never used it no i've never used it once really what a bad pick i mean yeah this is great i've never used it i feel like it's more like looking up like look at that comment above look it's the rolling eyes no i know it's the rolling eyes look at that comment above he's not lying because very frequently like my first instinct when I see that is oh what's the comment above exactly come on what a
Starting point is 00:49:54 bad face every time I see your thumbs up I'm like oh man he smashed his thumb with a hammer dork alright Mike you're up trying to clown on the thumbs up you can't clown the thumbs up it's't clown the thumbs up it's too boring yeah whatever rolling eyes is a classic and it says hey that's stupid what you just experienced all right now there are many faces that have um joy there are many different smiles oh yeah uh there are many different smiles. Oh, yeah. There are many different laughing faces.
Starting point is 00:50:29 And my research tells me that this is, in fact, the raffle face. So rolling on the floor laughing. This is the face where it is tilted to the side, huge smile. The tears are coming out because this face is laughing so incredibly hard. So I am drafting the raffle face. That's my favorite reaction to a joke. It was 100% my next pick. Oh, excellent.
Starting point is 00:50:53 And I was so excited. I assumed it was going to be Andy's when he started taking the face. Inexplicably, he went rolling ice. I've never used it. I just can't believe he did that but um i it gave me hope that i would get the the rolling on the floor laughing out loud because here's the here's the truth on my quick emojis my response emojis you know the ones that you say you use the most i have the normal um just you know laughing face with the tears coming out,
Starting point is 00:51:25 not sideways crooked, and I hate that. I use it because it's just quicker to use, but it shows like I think this is funny, but I don't have the time to go get the good one. The sideways crooked is the one you're talking about? The sideways crooked is the best of all of the laughing faces. Which one did you take? That's the one I took.
Starting point is 00:51:40 That's the sideways crooked. All right, I got you. All right. You got to know. You got to be hip. Well, let's run it through the real filter of whether it's a good pick or not. Have you used it before, Jason? All the time.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Oh, okay. It's probably my second most used behind the aforementioned. The thumbs up. Thumbs up. Yeah. I give that a thumbs up, Andy. All right. So I have have two now he's a vegetarian yeah i have two uh yeah you got two great picks coming up yes i do all right um go smiley face
Starting point is 00:52:16 i'm gonna go yes i'm gonna go uh boring smiley face here's i've got I've got my two picks lined up. You've got the good face. You have the best of all the happy joy. This was so funny, which is what we thrive on. I can't grab a different variation of laughter. Or an inferior one. 100%. So I'm going to go the other way. And for my face, I'm going with the explicit anger face the one where you've got the
Starting point is 00:52:47 angry the yeah the angry face with the little you know censored out censored out across the middle there's a squigglies exactly i've got the thumbs up i've got the celebration the fire the that was awesome but you're very profane but but when i'm oh this is you got me good, or I'm so angry. Bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep. Bleep, bleep, bleep. I mean, look, I would go so far as to say that that emoji is fire, which is awesome, and it's another great emoji, which I also have. So with my last one, I'm going the other direction.
Starting point is 00:53:20 I've gotten a little bit upset here. Okay. But sometimes we just want to give some love. Right. And so I'm taking the red heart. He's going for picks here. He's going for votes. The red heart's for votes.
Starting point is 00:53:35 It's on my most used reactions. Oh, I have no doubt. It's very vanilla. Go on. Oh, yeah. You're talking down the red heart. Whoever's listening right now, go look at your whoever's listening right now go look at your texts go look at your messages and see the last time that you used red heart because
Starting point is 00:53:51 the red heart's great it's like buying somebody a birthday card but you know you don't sign it you just let the message inside say the message you don't really put a lot of effort into it you just take the default heart i don't have enough time but i still care about you and this this was great and so yeah I love you. Good point. That's right. Yeah. And I still made a red heart.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Look, I don't want to be arguing with your picks, but you put me into a very defensive position. No, you did. You took the rolling eyes. I didn't make you take that. I mean, clearly. The rolling eyes is a great emoji. Mike, it's your turn.
Starting point is 00:54:23 All right. Now, here is where I don't know if this translates to everyone. I don't know if this is just the Twitter echo chamber that I am in in texting with my friends as well. It's a little bit overkill here to have the eyes and this one, but I got to take it because I'm being true to myself. I'm taking my favorite emojis. I will take the skull.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Absolutely. I will take the skull response because someone says something to me, I am dead. I just send you three quick skull emojis and you know exactly how I feel about what you just said to me. I'll be honest, when I drop a nice joke,
Starting point is 00:55:05 which I'm prone to do, and if I get one to three skulls from Mike, I feel good about myself. I feel like that joke just... And most of the time, they're at Al Borling's expense, right? So it's like, you just killed Al.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Yes. Is this the skull and crossbones or just the skull? I'm a skull man. I don't need the crossbones. I just like the skull. Skull and crossbones is poison. Yeah. Skull is.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Or pirates. Yeah, exactly. Skull gets the message across without a little. You don't need accessories, right? Right. You buy the skull. You get the two crossbones with it. You throw those out.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Yeah. Minimalist at heart. Okay. Well, now I'm self-conscious about all of my emoji pics. Thanks to Jason. So I've got to close this thing down. There are several that I'm going between. Because you go into a little bit of a trend, right?
Starting point is 00:55:58 Sometimes they're emojis you've used forever, like the okay hand, right? Or the thumbs up. Those are forever emojis. Yep. There's others that you kind of get into a forever, like the okay hand, right? Or the thumbs up. Those are forever emojis. Yep. There's others that you kind of get into a habit, and you're like, like this month I'm really into the rocker horns. I'm going to use that a lot. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:56:16 I'll throw up the horns. Some trendy. Or the one eyebrow, or maybe throw on some kisses somebody's way. Right. A little smooches. I know what you should draft. Not necessarily for this. I don't think you're going to draft it but i think you and i at least we use it all the time i mean we really do use it a lot every single day and i think it'll be the i
Starting point is 00:56:36 think it'll be the waiver wire pickup of our group i uh i'm actually going to go with and i don't even know what the name of the face is but i'm going to go with, and I don't even know what the name of the face is, but I'm going to go with the 100% straight-lined neutral meh face. Okay? So you've got the 100% neutral face. It's not a smile. It's not a frown. You're drafting the superstar from the Emoji movie because he is the meh face.
Starting point is 00:57:01 He's the meh face. So I don't know if that's technically meh or neutral, but you heard something and your reaction is so dull to what you heard that you're throwing out. Are you talking where the mouth is just a straight line? Straight across. It is the unamused face. Unamused. Thank you, Jason.
Starting point is 00:57:18 And that can be pretty insulting. You know, you get the unamused face back. That's, you know, and you throw out a joke. This one says the unamused face back uh that's you know and you throw out a joke this one says the unamused face has a little bit of a no that's not it's a frown this is the neutral look up neutral emoji this is when this is when the family we gotta have the proper name yeah i will say this alborlin put it into the into our show doc perfectly and instantly. Expressionless face? Oh, wait, wait, wait. No.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Neutral. No, neutral face. It's neutral face. It is the neutral face, yeah. It's completely. Eyes open, just straight mouth. Sometimes you need to react in a minimal fashion to something. And Jason is correct. The neutral face can cut deep.
Starting point is 00:57:59 The neutral face can cut deep. It's also an appropriate reaction if you hear something like someone's complaining and you drop the neutral face, cause you're in shock that that happened again, you know? Oh, he didn't call me back after he said he was going to,
Starting point is 00:58:15 I hate that guy. Right. Right. All right. So that's what I'm going to go. There are a bunch of other ones. Yeah. Here's the one that I think you and I,
Starting point is 00:58:24 one of us should have, wait, are we doing five rounds or four? Because I'm seeing him say that five rounds. Al Borland is asking if we want to go five. Okay, I'm going upside down smiley face. Oh, well, we've launched into another round. Hey, I guess we're going five.
Starting point is 00:58:38 We've launched into another round. I'm going to go upside down smiley face. I mean, Mike, when you take the rolling ice, you need a little bit more ammunition in your tank. I like the upside down. I do like the upside down face. Alright, Mike, you are back
Starting point is 00:58:56 on the clock. See here, I thought I was wrapped. I know. I did too. And now I'm back. Now I'm tilting again. Well, I only get one more pick which of my favorites do I actually take here oh man I am torn between I've got to narrow down to two here one is one's pretty basic along the lines of a thumbs up one now i we got to keep it spicy here so i'm gonna go with a face it's similar to the neutral face that this there's so many different meanings for this face
Starting point is 00:59:36 and and yet it can be it can cut deep yeah like there's i'm gonna take the thinking face that's what i just wrote down that's what i just wrote down yeah the thinking face is good because someone writes a comment then you just hit them with the thinking what do you mean it's like vague booking yes like yeah no the thinking faces the thinking i'm surprised jason likes that one because it's so nuanced yeah it was it's got depth and it's right no i'm just saying like i'm surprised you can appreciate that heart man oh yeah no i can i can totally appreciate all good emojis and so great job thumbs up on that mike yeah um you get to close it down don't screw it up it's your final pick it's kind of the yeah it's the end it's the caboose to your train of
Starting point is 01:00:23 greatness so i guess i feel kind of backed into taking what i said was going to be the waiver wire pick because i talked about it we use it a lot it makes sense yeah no that's what i'm saying so i'm going to take that um and i'm taking that over the the other one i would take is the winky face with the tongue out like the the silly face i like that but i'm gonna take the shrug the shrug is something that the shrug what's the shrug yeah like the person shrug oh what oh the whelp face yeah it's not a face well faces is not in like an actual official oh that's the one you said we use a lot we use it all the time now is that not an emoji that's
Starting point is 01:01:03 not a face take a look at the take a look at the dot it an emoji? It's not a face. Take a look at the dot. It's not a face. It's the shrugging man. But is that an official emoji? That's an official emoji. Oh, shrug, yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the shrug.
Starting point is 01:01:14 That's actually a great pick. I thought you were going with the Welp face, the ASCII Welp face. Oh, no, no, no. That's great as well. If there's anything that is my favorite, it is the ASCII wealth, man. If we want three people listening to the show, we can do an ASCII draft. But we got Al Borland's giving the Waver Wire team his favorite undrafted. He likes the fist.
Starting point is 01:01:37 You do use the fist a lot. Yeah, I do. I like the fist pump. When I was torn between one that's more basic, it was the fist. You've got the- Although I go raised fist. I don't go knuckle pound. I go fist up.
Starting point is 01:01:49 And then you've got the party, sure. You've got the prayer, the hands together. Yeah, the hands together. And then you've got the surprise. That was on my short list, the surprise eyes, which I think is considered flushed. I think that's the flushed emoji. Flushed or embarrassed.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Clapping. I love our animated clapping, the non-animated. A wave. Yeah. A piece. Peace sign? Yeah. No, definitely.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Peace sign is way up there for me. I joked about it earlier. As boring as it gets, but the point up, I do that all the time to just echo what someone is saying. I like that one. Got to save time. Yeah. I use the rolling eyes just echo what someone is saying. I like that one. You've got to save time. I use the rolling eyes to echo what people are saying.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Look at this comment up above me. Alright, that is it. What did we learn today? I know what I learned. I learned that lasagna is its ingredient is lasagna. That's...
Starting point is 01:02:46 I learned that submarines are significantly larger than Boeing 747s. Yes, and I learned that this Friday, the dirty elbows will be opening for the manicotti potties. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. I wish Willie Facilli was able to show up.
Starting point is 01:03:03 I feel like you could get a good scat out of the Manicotti Potty name. Well, stay tuned next week. Maybe that and a brand new segment. That's right. We'll see you then. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to,
Starting point is 01:03:20 check out SpitballersPod.com. Just practicing. Oh, that's smart. Just practicing for next episode. Yeah. Because this one's already over. It's finished. But sometimes you got to prepare to scat for the intro. And hey, if you enjoyed this episode, please
Starting point is 01:03:47 head over to spitballerspod.com. Learn ways that you can support this show and learn ways that we can support you. Support us supporting you. It's symbiotic. It's a beautiful cycle. Spitballerspod.com.

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