Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 133: Grinch Sleepers Unite & The Most Overrated Actors/Actresses - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: January 18, 2021

We are back with another LIAR,LIAR! segment today! Is today the day? We also discuss bad tattoos, becoming a raindrop, and starring in a terrible movie. Then, Jason gets out some pent up aggression as... we draft overrated actors and actresses! Re-brand your Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad! Visit us on the Web Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Subscribe on YouTube

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, what's happening people before we kick off today's episode? Number one, I want to say, hey, thank you for being here. How's it going? You're beautiful. I imagine you look way better today than you usually do because you're about to listen to this podcast, but look, we need your support here at the Spitballers. Head over to spitballerspod.com and you can get all the information you need to help support this show, ways that you can get access to
Starting point is 00:00:25 these episodes early and a bunch of other things like joining the spit tank that's where we go for our priority selection for fun questions for this show so head over to spitballerspod.com what happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations,
Starting point is 00:00:53 and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. Scoot-a-bop-boop-be-bop-a-ding-a-lee-da-ow! Bib-a-dib-a-do-boop. Oh! Oh! Oh, stop the presses. There's an additional supplement. Oh, tremendous. Thank you. That was tremendous. Welcome into the Spitballers podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Excited to be back with you. Is that a bedingley do? It could have been. At this point, I don't know. I don't remember. It was long ago. Jason Moore, Mike Wright. I'm Andy Holloway.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Welcome into the Spitballers. We have a fabulous episode for you. Fresh off of an episode that featured a jason skydiving cannonball that uh was unforgettable as we come into the new year we have would you rather on today's show we have another chance another chance at liar liar today on the show this is the the one. Yep, I'm with Jason. This is it. This is the time. And I will tell all of the spitwads out there on behalf of Al Borland,
Starting point is 00:02:12 who I know he wants us to convey this. The new segment is still coming. That's right. But I guess it's much more conducive to the studio environment because there's a lot of slime and props and things of that nature. Is that right, Al? to the studio environment because there's a lot of slime and props and things of that nature.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Is that right, Al? Something like that. Something like that. We're holding it back and we're giving you a liar liar today until we get back into the studio. We are holding it back and I'll say the thing about the new segment is we have no idea what it is. So, Spitwads, honestly, we could all be getting
Starting point is 00:02:44 duped just like you that there actually is no new segment al borland is just gonna say oh it's coming guys it's coming up next week it's really good i have a big plan for it and then oh some look something just went slightly wrong we're gonna have to postpone we'll do it next week don't worry when we get into the studio we'll find out it's more conducive for the remote recording environment right oh man we blew it now that i think about it i for one am thrilled that we're not doing the new segment yet um not only uh because i you know i i assume borland did a terrible job with it. But more importantly, because it grants us this opportunity to have a liar liar. And I go to bed late at night having a hard time sleeping,
Starting point is 00:03:34 knowing that we are... Al, do you know how many liar liar segments we've had? 15? I don't know. I don't think it's been quite that many. Probably closer to 10. Feels like 15. We have never once had someone win the game.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Ever. And that seems just statistically impossible because it's multiple choice. And there's three of us. It's not just multiple choice. There's three of us. So it's game on today, Al. We also have a great draft for you at SpitballersPod on Twitter, Instagram.com slash Spitballers pod on twitter instagram.com
Starting point is 00:04:05 slash spitballers pod mike is laughing because jason is i was told what the draft was a slight time ago i assembled my list and like my list my list is not robust i like to go into every draft with at least 12 just in case there's craziness and you guys all take my picks like we've had we've done drafts where we've we've formed a very hive mind and we're all thinking the same and we're taking each other's picks and this draft my honestly i i had a bit of a difficult time coming over the list meanwhile jason's over there. I got five more. Hold on. I just added 10 more.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Dude, it took me nine to 12 seconds to have 16 people on my list. And I'm just saying, watch out, Meryl Streep, because we're coming. We're coming for you later. I haven't told anybody what the draft is. I figured we would keep it secret. Loyalists of the show know what it is now that Jason has invoked the name of Meryl Streep. Could be involved.
Starting point is 00:05:10 We are drafting, I'll just say, we're drafting overrated actors and actresses. Yeah, watch out! I thought you turned a corner with Pretty Little Liars. Is that the name of the show? We will find out. Alright, yeah, I'm not sure he'll bring her up first, at least.
Starting point is 00:05:27 All right, let's get into some Would You Rather. Would you rather? Brian from Twitter says, Would you rather have your child or your wife draw your next or your first tattoo. So your child or your wife gets to draw your next or your first tattoo. Gotcha. I mean, I'll let you two go first. This is the easiest answer I've ever had in the history.
Starting point is 00:06:00 There's no way I'm letting my child draw my tattoo. It's my wife. Well, then we have a difference of opinion. Oh, we sure do. She's actually a good artist, so I feel like she could take care of a nice tattoo for me. Could she? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:15 She's better than I am. And you're not a bad artist. I've seen you draw some. She understands basics of sketching and stuff and she teaches the kids that stuff so i feel like okay okay i mean maybe i would get like a perfect cube tattoo or something that would be the most that would be the most holloway tattoo just a perfect 100 symmetrical cube yeah i mean just so well done. Just such an excellent cube. And people, when they see it, they would say, is that really on human skin?
Starting point is 00:06:47 Or can I touch it? It's so clearly a cube. There you go. There you go. So you guys were both going to go with the kids, though. Oh, my wife is an excellent artist. She can draw and sketch things that blow my mind. But she is a vindictive, awful, evil maniac
Starting point is 00:07:04 who lives for my torture. We do, the two of us. I didn't factor that in. Oh, man. That's a good point. It would be the worst. We do a birthday week. I don't know if I've shared that on this show before or not.
Starting point is 00:07:18 But, you know, when it is the week leading up to my birthday, the week leading up to her birthday, this started when we were poor college kids that, know we didn't have anything to give so we just became basically the you know each other's uh servant and um sure when it's my birthday week and i get whatever i want i'm getting there's so much video game time and anything you want to eat anything i want to cook you anything when it's her birthday week time it's just what can i like her birthday week just happened right is is right in january right the very beginning it's freezing i barely survived but you know one of the first things she did is like hey go stand in the pool it's freezing you have to do torture stuff? Wait. I got to do whatever she says, and I do.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Hold on. Okay. So the concept of birthday week, I can get on board with the concept because it's I'm going to handle things for a week. I'll take care of the kids. I'll take care of all the meals. You have no responsibilities. Right. And you want to do the things that you find fun. I hate.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Great. I'm on board with that. Disabilities. Right. And you want to do the things that you find fun, I hate. Absolutely. I'm on board with that. But sending someone into the swimming pool just because you can. Hey, honey. Hey, honey. What is wrong with you? Get pneumonia for me, honey. What is happening?
Starting point is 00:08:38 So her original idea this year, and it changed because of the whole covid planet but um her original idea what she knew she was going to do for birthday week was make me get a tattoo that was genuinely what she was going to do what and yeah 100 and so look that's why that's why you've been working out you're trying to sculpt up the guns real quick i I got to make sure that these tattoos look good. But I know my kids love me and they are kind and caring. And while not as good an artist, I will get something that makes sense for me. I feel like, you know, I would end up with a beautiful, lovely poem to Princess Diane somewhere on my body because that would be nonsensical and practical and a great story. She loves a good story.
Starting point is 00:09:30 That's the thing. The good story, that's why I'm going with the, from the kids. My wife, she's a better artist than I am, but she's not like a photorealistic artist. I mean, I'm getting a stick figure. This is what's happening if my wife does it. But I'm also going to get a stick figure if my kid does it. And that's like, I mean, I guess I look at things a little bit differently because I'm heavily tattooed already.
Starting point is 00:09:56 But adding a tattoo or like, oh, my kid drew that when they were three. No, that's smart. It's like this very sentimental that i always have that with me i have that part of their life with me and if before they turned into monsters right yeah that was back when i liked them my kids exactly that the nice thing about if both of them are not going to draw something good one of them will seem like maybe like a bad tattoo artist, and the other one would just be a bad piece of art, but it's like, that's my kid. He or she drew that on me.
Starting point is 00:10:31 So in that regard, you're not having made a bad decision about a tattoo artist or something. And most importantly, look, your kid is always going to be your kid. Your wife? I don't know. Not if she's sending me into the pool in the middle of January. Here's a little birthday week. We're divorced.
Starting point is 00:10:53 All right. Let's go here. You guys are on a slippery slope over there, man. Yeah, man. We met in a comedy improv troupe. This is just who we are. Special, special couple space goat from patreon oh thank you space goat uh writes this would you rather question would you rather be a
Starting point is 00:11:12 raindrop or a tsunami what do you mean b1 like you are that no i get it i get it i'm with it like you you're a raindrop okay i mean mean, you're very inconsequential. There's billions and trillions of raindrops every single day. You're just kind of part of it. Or you're a tsunami. You stand out. You are remembered. Now, would you see the destruction?
Starting point is 00:11:42 You aren't remembered for being the best thing. People do not like tsunamis. Would you see the destruction as then a negative if you were to be? Because I look at that and I'm like, why would I want to be a raindrop? Is that a feature of a tsunami is the destruction? I get to go through and just wreck stuff. I'm going through a bit like, you're not a house anymore. I get to do what I want. It lasts longer longer a tsunami lasts longer than a raindrop yeah and how long does a raindrop fall
Starting point is 00:12:13 versus like you know a tsunami you're cruising the waves for a while i'm millions of raindrops right i am millions of no you're a raindrop no no no if i'm a tsunami oh i see like you know do you want to be one of a kajillion uh identical raindrops or do you want to you know wreck some stuff because that's what i mean like you're about to be terrible and terrible and like are you apologizing the whole the whole way i'm so sorry i cannot stop cannot stop. I was going too fast. I didn't mean to get this big. I'm going to be honest with you guys. And I could be wrong here, but I don't think a tsunami cares at all.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I don't think they ever apologize. I don't care. I don't care the fact that it's an ocean wave and it's an inanimate object. Right. And so, you know. There's no sentient being controlling the tsunami well so okay okay now let's say this you came to the right place we have personified a tsunami we now have uh the the control of the tsunami would you want to use your being a tsunami to stop yourself?
Starting point is 00:13:25 Would you do that? Would you choose to say, I am the tsunami. I'm going to guide myself out to the ocean. Like lay on your arms. No landfall to me. I'm just going to go out for an ocean swim. The answer is, of course you would because why if your choice is like it's just incredible destruction upon people who are not ready for it or nobody gets hurt which one would you choose i'm not worried about the people
Starting point is 00:13:54 i'm water i'm worried about like if i go over land i'm dead too right eventually this is my own destruction because you you recede back into the ocean and you're good to go. Oh, I'm good either way? Yeah. Oh, bring me that landfall. I will take out a ship. I want to at least take out one ship. Just send it flying. I don't need to hit land, but I want to-
Starting point is 00:14:15 You're not going to send it flying. You're just going to push it. Yeah. It depends on where the ship is. Maybe we could have a contest if we're all three choosing tsunami of who can get air under the ship. You know what I mean? Like, just can one of us launch the ship? That poor ship gets the three times?
Starting point is 00:14:31 Well, we could choose three different ships. That's fine. Let me refocus us for a moment. What is the benefit of being a raindrop? I think that's what we're having a hard time wrapping our head around. Like, sure, maybe you're acid rain. You could leave a little welt or something. But, i think it's the beauty why are we so destroyed we've played a lot of angry birds and what we've learned is it's fun to just not you just fall as
Starting point is 00:14:56 a raindrop and just go and then you just disappear i feel like a raindrop is a beautiful peaceful symbol of life-giving water you have what do you want to land on if you're a raindrop is a beautiful, peaceful symbol of life-giving water. What do you want to land on? If you're a raindrop, what do you want to land on? I want to land on a leaf that's thirsty. I want to find a beautiful green leaf that's saying, I need a drop of rain, and I'm coming for you. Wait, a green leaf?
Starting point is 00:15:17 Oh, yeah, a green leaf. Jason, just give it to the people who already have stuff. Well, look, if it's already dead, it can't absorb. It's not doing nothing. I don't want a wilted leaf i want to land right on top of a tsunami not my fault i just want to add a little extra to that tsunami look this this tsunami was like a 9.9 then i'd plop down and get a 10-0. That's right. I guess I'm going to go tsunami. It's a weird question, man, but that's what this show's about.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yeah, I'm definitely going tsunami. Sorry, land and people and structures. All right, Jin from Patreon. Would you rather have a supporting role in a terrible movie or a bit part in a block yes supporting role in a terrible movie or a bit part in a blockbuster so you're known more for your part in a terrible movie than you are a bit part in a block and what's a bit part would that be like you know like in uh in one of the crowd and brave heart back behind everybody yeah well i feel like to have a cameo you have to already be famous a bit part is
Starting point is 00:16:52 more of you know just a small role you might have a line you're the bartender that says one thing to the character as they walk in the bar and then that's it yeah here's your drink mr jones yeah there you go and then you vanish yeah you're just And then you vanish. Yeah, you're one of the henchmen holding the briefcase. As some bit partner in a major role, I would personally... Yes, you're darn right I am taking the bit role in the blockbuster. Of course you are. Of course you are. am taking the bit role in the blockbust of course you are of course you are what oh which hey hey you want to be well known for being in a piece of crap movie or do you want to be able to just tell
Starting point is 00:17:33 random people the story of how hey you remember that really famous movie i was in it that's 1000 what i would be doing it is it is so much better in every possible way we laugh at the beginning because I've been in some um we'll say awful awful movies um but there's there's no point to that there's no point half the time there's not pay um so you're not even getting financial reward the the movie is awful nobody sees it there's you're wasting more time to do it but isn't it a better springboard to have a significant part in a movie than it is to have a bit part in a blockbuster no not if the movie's bad no way nobody knows it they're not going to know that you were a big part they're not going to go research and watch the film and see how you did
Starting point is 00:18:21 they're going to go oh i know that movie was movie. Who's in that? He must be good. Okay. All right. I think I'm taking the supporting role. I just want. Really? Yeah, this is like saying, do you want to be like a backup quarterback on a good team or a starting quarterback on a bad team?
Starting point is 00:18:37 I want to be the starter. I want a chance to play, man. Yeah, but I don't think it is. I don't want to just show up for a bit part. I think you're seeing the question wrong because it's more like saying, would you rather be a star quarterback for a high school or would you rather be a backup quarterback in the NFL? People know who Chase Daniel is no matter how bad he is.
Starting point is 00:18:56 This is not a Texas high school. Okay, so you're not in the NFL at the supporting role in the terrible movie. You're the star quarterback playing up in Delaware. See, I was seeing the terrible movie as this is still a triple-A, like hitting the theater type of title. People just hate it. It's just a movie everybody didn't like.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Okay, read that question. What does it say? How does it specify the movie? Would you rather have a supporting role in a terrible movie? Oh, okay. I think maybe we put myself and my terrible movies into play here. I thought this is like... Okay, so you're just talking about...
Starting point is 00:19:35 You thought it was like an underfunded... Like I'm a big role in The Postman. Yeah, exactly. A movie that people didn't like, but you're still a big role. It still hit the theaters. postman well i know i didn't but uh that's costner right yes that's cost i just remember it won a bunch of raspberry awards that year and i believe that is like the anti-oscars that's like the worst i got it i got it i got it for you would you rather be a supporting role in batman forever or you were a bit part in iron man
Starting point is 00:20:13 uh i think i'll go batman you'll take that because i that the pop culture tie-in suckers me in a little bit like i'm in a batman, and I have a big role in a Batman movie, and I don't care if everybody liked it. Yeah, you think George Clooney is really happy that he was in a Batman movie? Now, George Clooney, look, it was the springboard for his whole career, right? It was the weight that almost destroyed him. When he turned his resume in for his next film, he left that one off. You're done, right?
Starting point is 00:20:42 They go, weren't you in Batman Forever? And he goes, no, that was someone else. I't think so um no i you know my cousin george now that you put it that way i'm definitely taking the batman i want the larger role all right in a big enough movie even if it's terrible yeah you might have been projecting a little bit um dan from the website would you rather have to sprinkle a full tablespoon of salt or sugar over every meal? So a full tablespoon, every meal you eat, either a full tablespoon of salt or a full tablespoon of sugar. And I am visualizing and thinking about and almost tasting both of those scenarios. And that's tough.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Oh, man. I'm telling you guys, you have no... If you think this question is tough, you do not know how much sugar is added in every single thing you already eat. And I'm not going to lie to you. We add sugar to a lot of the home cooking we do around here. You put sugar on your steak? I haven't, but man, that's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:21:46 That actually sounds just fine. I would absolutely do that. That sounds great. You never had candy bacon around a steak? That's a treat. No, but I mean, like, you know, I make a spaghetti sauce that's to die for. Because it's sugar?
Starting point is 00:22:02 Yeah, I put a bunch of brown sugar in that in that thing and it's great it doesn't there's actually no sauce it's just brown sugar on it you ever had spaghetti with brown sugar it's fantastic um no but i'm putting sugar on everything because if it's sweet it goes if it's salty i still think it goes well that that's the thing is there i feel like salt can corrupt like putting a spoonful of salt on a piece of cake is going to ruin it. But putting a spoonful of sugar onto something salty, I don't think it always ruins it. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:22:31 It makes the medicine go down. That's that's how I see it. I mean, if I think that's right, if I had a bowl of honey nut Cheerios and I sprinkle salt on it. Yeah, it ruined. I don't think that's any good. But that steak example you gave, I legitimately think the next time I have steak i've got to try all right but a little bit of sugar like think through it is there anything that you think that sugar an extra or a full
Starting point is 00:22:55 tablespoon of sugar could actually ruin it um not soup not steak. Not popcorn. Not vegetables. I think vegetables would taste well, would go well with sugar. It needs to be something savory that gets the savory ruined. Yeah, cheese would not be great. Like sweet pizza? Sweet cheese. Sweet cheese just sounds good. Sweet cheese, I've never heard of it, but I love it. Sweet cheese are made of these.
Starting point is 00:23:25 No, I'm going sugar. I'm putting sugar on everything. I've already got a sweet tooth, though. Which one would you die from sooner? A ton of salt is bad, and a ton of sugar is bad. Sugar is way worse for you than salt. In quantity? In mass quantity?
Starting point is 00:23:38 Let me reframe a question. You have to eat a block of sugar or a block of salt every night. You're still going to die quicker with the sugar? Yeah, 100%. There are some benefits to salt. Water retention. Not that much. I mean, you literally are putting electrolytes.
Starting point is 00:23:54 You need salt so you can actually hydrate. Yeah, I was going to say, you're putting electrolytes in your water. Electrolytes is just a fancy word for salt. Yeah, it is. So, yeah, there's benefits to salt. You get, like, blood pressure issues, heart disease, stroke with salt. Yeah, but, I mean, you get all of that with sugar. You get extra fat with sugar.
Starting point is 00:24:12 You get diabetes with sugar. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you know that they, I know overseas they stopped classifying Subway bread as bread because it had too much sugar to qualify as being a bread. And that, as an American who has eaten plenty of bread, and it's just normal bread, I think y'all bread overseas must be terrible because Subway's bread's great. I mean, it's cake, but it's great. Now, also, people put, like, when cereals were just starting to catch hold in the early 1900s,
Starting point is 00:24:47 every kitchen table had a full sugar dispenser, and you just sprinkled tons of sugar over your cereal. And then we just started baking it in. The early 1900s? I mean, when I was a kid, which was a little after that, we were... You did that, too? Oh, 100%. You put it on the... The reason I thought of the cheerios
Starting point is 00:25:05 examples because i would always put sugar over my cheerios and the best bite was always always when you got that spoon scrape on the bottom and all the sugar that had fallen was like oh it's right there baby how how in the world do we make these food products where they're like, it's so good, it's delicious, you're going to love it. Oh, by the way, you should dump a crap ton of sugar on this because my product really, really sucks. How did those people become successful in business? Because as we've now laid out, sugar makes almost everything better.
Starting point is 00:25:44 It makes everything better it makes everything better if you get a churro put a little more sugar on it it's better it's like okay this was good but now i just improved it it doesn't matter what you get put more sugar on it it's upgraded now you technically al borland reminds me you if you don't have salt you'll die if you don't have sugar you're probably going to live longer you're probably going to live longer. You're probably going to live a lot longer. I mean, because you don't need it. It's not necessary for your body in any way, shape, or form. You could have zero sugar all the time
Starting point is 00:26:12 and you would be fine. You would be healthier, probably. And if you strip everything out of water and it's still, it's a liquid, but you've somehow removed all traces of salt and electrolytes, like that stuff just goes through your body.
Starting point is 00:26:26 You don't absorb anything. Yeah. Okay. At least that's what the internet tells me. What I know is that those people who do the impossible, which is cut sugar out of their diet, just somehow they don't have any sugar, are so healthy.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I mean, it's just sugar is not a good thing for us, and it is such a shame how delicious it is. It's very delicious. All right, let's move on. Fellas, look, I know you remember this. I know you remember going to the mall as a little kid, and mom said, make sure you're home by 3 o'clock. I don't know when 3 o'clock is because I don't have a watch.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I have no way to tell time. You know what I would do? I would find some dude that looked really important, and how did I know he was important? Because he always had a super sweet watch on, and he would say, hey, kid, it's 3 o'clock. Go home. I'm really important.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Thanks for asking me what time. Look at my watch. And I said, sir, what did that's 3 o'clock. Go home. I'm really important. Thanks for asking me what time. Look at my watch. And I said, sir, what did that watch cost you? At least $3 million? And he said, yes, but not anymore. You don't have to pay $3 million for no stupid watch. You don't break the bank. You don't take out a second mortgage anymore because we are partnered with
Starting point is 00:27:39 Vincero Watches, and we could not be more excited. Finding a watch that's stylish, bold, and built to last, it used to cost way too much money. Vincero is handling that. All three of us, all three of us on the Spitballers podcast, we all have a watch from Vincero, and they are incredible. And check this out, Spitballers, 15% off your entire order, and they're going to cover all the shipping costs if you go to
Starting point is 00:28:05 vincerowatches.com slash spitballers. These things are mighty fine. These are conversation starting types of watches. They range everywhere from dress watches to sports watches. They got you covered for every look, every occasion, every price point, and they got other things too. Maybe you're not a watch person. They have styles for men and women that are they got the accessories like wallets bracelets extra straps sunglasses all made with the incredible quality that's why they have over 26,000 five-star reviews on their website go check it out do not overpay for a watch that looks cheap and disappoints exclusively for our listeners ventura is offering 15% off their already affordable watches. Go to Ventura watches.com slash spitballers.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Don't you dare pay full price at checkout. Go to the link, use the code spitballers. It will be auto applied at checkout. This is a buy. You won't regret. Liar, liar, pants on fire all right liar liar returns oh man it's the final episode before we can say that al is not undefeated oh that's right this is the final one and man here we are three rounds two truths one
Starting point is 00:29:30 lie and uh you guys prepared are you ready are you feeling sharp have you taken any supplements to improve your mental acuity i ate a block of salt you guys been reading your britannicas i feel completely unprepared for this and that's how i want it to be because i felt good going into block of salt. You guys been reading your Britannicas? I feel completely unprepared for this. And that's how I want it to be because I felt good going into past Liar Liars. So you don't feel bad. I feel like a
Starting point is 00:29:55 complete fool right now. And I'm going to nail it. I'm going to go three for three here. Oh, you're going to miss the first one. Here we go. Round one. The melody of the national anthem of yemen is palindromic it sounds the same whether you play it forward or reverse we're off we're off to a bad start there's no way my yemen way my yemen uh knowledge has decreased since my whole life um frank sinatra's publicist would audition and pay girls five dollars to
Starting point is 00:30:27 scream at his early performances to get the crowd excited i buy it that's a good businessman right there it's like oh yeah seem smart pay to get the crowd hyped heck yeah third fact jim carries the mask ace ventura and dumb and Dumber all came out in 1994. Jason Moore, you have to answer that question. I feel like Phone-A-Friend would call Jason on this one. And I would say that's the truth. You go ahead and answer that. There's two truths.
Starting point is 00:30:59 They were all 94? That's a truth. There's no way that, oh, it says the melody of the national anthem yeah okay i was i was thinking that this was like the song the whole song the whole song goes like this it goes yeah and then that also would not and then it works in the other way um oh man just wrote that if that's true that's impossible to do by accident okay so i've answered the jim carey mask ace of tour i i believe it's true i think they all came out in 1994 there was some issues with dumb and dumber being uh made it kind of got delayed um so i would go to you for is it is it realistic you would be a fool i don't know anything about palindromic music
Starting point is 00:31:43 well i'm just saying you make music no no but know anything about palindromic music. Well, I'm just saying you make music. No, no, no, but it's a palindromic anthem, Mike. This is really your wheelhouse. Okay, my gut reaction is that, yes, this would absolutely be possible, but you would have to be a theory master or you would have to have modern-day technology, and I can't imagine they're writing their national anthem in the year 2020 they're like we should get national anthem this is the time to do it okay it's possible i got my lie i got my lie i'm gonna lock it in it's frank sinatra
Starting point is 00:32:16 frank sinatra's publicist would audition and he didn't need this he didn't need this by the time you have a publicist those girls aren't screaming there i mean you're you know i can't imagine he had a publicist at his early performances and also what's five dollars with inflation you know you realize is it wasn't the the tail the tail allegedly isn't frank sinatra like tied in with the mob? Oh, yeah. Wasn't he a high-ranking mob official? Allegedly, he was definitely connected, allegedly, with the mob. I think that person can have a publicist on their very first gig. Sure.
Starting point is 00:32:56 So that's your locked-in lie. That's my locked-in lie. I think that's... It doesn't seem like a lie. It just seems like, oh, oh yeah that's a good business decision this is tough because i don't i mean the jim carrey one that's a lot to come out in one year it's question number one do we have to team up here i don't know but i will say this there is part of me that just as andy said you know walking through that ace of tour when i was like it seems
Starting point is 00:33:21 impossible if you both don't take it, and then I was so sure that it was true, and the whole gig's over. I'll do it. I'll lock in the Jim Carrey one. All right, I'll lock in. No, I'm locking in the Anthem. I think that one's the wrong one. That's right.
Starting point is 00:33:37 That's right, Al. For you. We're tag teaming this. All right. All right. Well, way to rip the Band-Aid off, Jason. You got that one wrong. Andy got that one right.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Tag nugget. The melody of the national anthem of Yemen. That was a complete lie. Hold on. Can we pause the recording? Can we pause the recording and go back and start over? Because I would love this knowledge to be... I can reverse it. See if it's can we pause the recording and go back and start over because I would love
Starting point is 00:34:05 this knowledge to be. So I'm the last one standing already. You're already it. All right. Well, you know what? You are too good at this. For future reference. I think this is like the second time we've purposely split our vote and I think it could backfire here because now two horses are out
Starting point is 00:34:21 of the race. Yeah. And I think I was the last horse that had a chance. Also, hold on. The Mask, Ace Ventura, and Dumb and Dumber came out in one calendar year. Jim Carrey owned the world. How
Starting point is 00:34:37 did that possibly happen? I thought that... I know he was... He had some notoriety from... He was on, I know he was, you know, he had some notoriety from on, he was on Living Color, and like, he was, you know, people knew who he was. But how do movie companies go all in on one actor when they don't even know if he will be successful in the box office? This is blowing my mind. Yeah, I mean, when you talk about talent, you know it's going to work. Round two.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Human saliva contains a natural painkiller called opiorphan that's six times more powerful than morphine. I'm smelling something, guys, and it stinks. That doesn't seem right. Does it smell like some pants on fire? Opiorphan? Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Fact number two, when a department director at Amazon was late to an important meeting because of car trouble, Jeff Bezos bought her two luxury vehicles and said, don't be late anymore so that bezos is the one that famously once he was still a billionaire was driving an old beater and did not care about a luxury vehicle if my memory serves yeah your memory sucks uh no but it is correct no i. No, I don't know. I don't know about that one.
Starting point is 00:36:06 The third one is the word feisty comes from a Middle English word that implied small farting lap dog. What? That's fantastic. It's terrible because if that one's the lie, then the other two are true. That means the saliva one's true. I mean, the Bezos one seems so reasonable compared to the other two. It seems like it could be true, but I don't know, Bezos, but the stories aren't the most glowing.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I believe that the feisty one has to be true small farting lap dog i i could see that i mean people had dogs back then and they probably farted and it was getting a little feisty yeah it at least makes a little sense the human saliva natural painkiller six times we're not spitting all over each other i mean oh no he went down spit all over him wouldn't wouldn't like we not need morphine if our saliva already is numbing us from not if it's just a very small it could be a small amount that they haven't concentrated to create something of opiorphine well maybe i mispronounced it pretty terribly i don't know it sounds like someone's like man what do you call opioids and morphine?
Starting point is 00:37:28 Yeah, it does. Yeah, it does. Opiorphan. All right. I'm going to lock that one in as my lie. I'm not going to waver here. I'm going to lock in the saliva one as a lie. I'm locking in the Bezos one.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Oh, then we're going three different directions. He didn't buy two luxury vehicles. That one makes too much sense. I tried to fall victim to that trap with frank sinatra i'm going feisty coming from a middle english word that implied small farting lapdog is a lie all right well it is up to you guys if you want to keep going or not oh no nobody can win uh uh mike got that one right i'm sorry you're darn right i did jeff bezos fact was made up. So there is something called... Are we pronouncing
Starting point is 00:38:07 that correct, Al Borland, or do you not know? I believe it is opiorphine. Yes, and it's an endogenous chemical compound with a pain killing effect greater than morphine. Opiorphine. Well, you know what? What? Here we are again. Round three.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Now it's just about beating one another, right? Andy, can you imagine right now going into the third question being Jason Moore on the brink of a shutout for Liar Liar when he declared to the universe that he was going to sweep all three? Never going to have to get one correct. I have never gone 0 for 3. Has anybody ever gone 0 for 3? I think you could be the first, Jay.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I will not. This one I will nail. Mike and I competing for first place here. Well, Al won first. We're competing for second. Round three. Fact number one. The iconic Schwarzenegger line, I'll be back from Terminator, was actually improvised.
Starting point is 00:39:00 The script called for him to stare intimidatingly at the officer, but Arnold said it felt awkward, and so he filled the space. Okay. The king of the one-liners. Number two, the anus is the first part of the human body that forms in the womb. What? Okay. Gotta get rid of that waste. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Look, if there's stuff coming in, there's waste coming out. Okay. Gotta get rid of that waste. All right. Look, if there's stuff coming in, there's waste coming out. Okay. Third fact, Einstein's brain was stolen after his death and was not found for 23 years? Wait a minute. Wouldn't, after 23 years, you not be able to find a brain? How long does it take for a brain to decompose? Well, if you put it in, like... It's not, like, loosely grabbed.
Starting point is 00:39:44 If it was in ice or something,'s not give me that brain running around like it's a soccer ball that's fair no that's fair i just thought i put it on the shelf it disappeared yeah that's what's left um i think the schwarzenegger line makes too much sense to me i think the einstein line makes sense i'm gonna say the anus one is the made up is made up all right so my competition is already locked in i didn't want to tip my hand but i'm i've got that spider sense tingling that i've heard that einstein fact before yeah i i i don't know that that's true but it that seems too insane for owl to make up just just insane it's so you're gonna do what are you gonna do specific i'm gonna i'm gonna go with mr ofer i'm gonna go with oh you could go
Starting point is 00:40:34 you could go for three here this is not how we thought it would play out uh can i phone a friend owl borland oh um oh goodness all right i'm gonna go with the schwarzenegger line i'll be back it's too benign i'll fall for the same trap i did with frank all right man it's up to you mike so the anus is the first part of the body i mean i i love a good i love a good butthole joke but it just seems like it makes so much sense that's gotta be the lie hear me out because oh no owl is so incredibly i know how much time he puts into these which is clear because he always wins but because it's in the third question he's worried okay if someone's you know two in a row you think that he wouldn't he wouldn't make it up specifically with that
Starting point is 00:41:31 body part but that's the trick we are diving deep here to crack the code the problem is you gotta lock in i know i know look i'm thinking taking through it. The problem is if I go with that one, then Andy and I tie. Do I believe that? If you don't and I'm right, you lose. Fine. I lock in the anus lock. I'm just giving you the facts. That is the best lie.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Well, if I'm right and you guys are wrong now, then we all tie for first place. No one cares about you. That's true. All right, Al. It's a tie, then we all tie for first place. No one cares about you. That's true. All right, Al. It's a tie, fellas. Oh, in your faces. The Schwarzenegger line was made up. Never, ever going to happen to go 0-3.
Starting point is 00:42:14 The line wasn't made up, but the fact was, huh? Correct. Right, the line was not. All right. We've all seen it. And to shed some light on the Einstein brain thing, the pathologist that was doing the autopsy actually stole his brain, chopped it up into hundreds of pieces, and preserved it for his own self-study.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Wow. There you go. All right. It's a Robin Hood situation. Owl wins this one. I'm just happy to tie for first place with one correct answer. I feel humbled and beat up by Owlboy. All right.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Let's draft. Oh, spit wads. Come on. It's a new year. It's a new you, and there are great ways to get your goals. And one of my ways this year is HelloFresh. I've used HelloFresh forever, where you're getting pre-measured ingredients, mouth-watering seasonal recipes
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Starting point is 00:43:56 slash Spitballers10. You will not be disappointed. The Spitballers draft what that means we all start out as little anuses right that is what it means dude told you man there's stuff going in it's got to get out that's the rule but wouldn't we have to start it's just going yeah as you say nothing's going in if you start as an anus. I guess that's a fair point. All right. We are drafting, as I said at the top of the show, what we believe are the most overrated actors and actresses. Now, I will tell you, I have the first pick,
Starting point is 00:44:47 and this is a tough topic because there are tiers of actors and actresses, and there is something to be said about being in a lot of feature films or being quote-unquote A-list and then being overrated versus being B-list and overrated, whereas the A-lister might still be a little bit better than the B-lister, but the proportion of overratedness is too high so and there are people who are overrated as in they are their the skill of their acting is overrated and yet we still like them and we still like their movies true yeah and there have been people put in really really good scripts and movies that aren't the best actors and actresses that have benefited from that.
Starting point is 00:45:25 That's true. Jason is so excited for that. He is. I mean, look, I'm ready to body these people. Look, they're fine. They're successful. Everyone on this list is having a fine profession as an actor or actress, and they're going to have their critics and i'm one of them so let's get after it all right my first pick and there were many names that came to mind that i
Starting point is 00:45:51 thought about but i genuinely think at this point the most overrated actor that i'm going to go with is johnny depp oh that was my number one was he yes he was my number one. Was he? Yes, he was my number one. You guys suck. Johnny Depp is awesome. Johnny Depp is the prototypical same character, different costume, same makeup, same acting. I'm not saying I don't enjoy Jack Sparrow in the first movie or Edward Scissorhands. I think it started out good good but now he's just mailing it in he's just doing the same thing oh willy wonka is the same character as everybody
Starting point is 00:46:32 else is the same he does the same thing because all he does is make pirates movies so he has to be the same character that's not his fault uh he was the worst i meanka imaginable I was going to say Willy Wonka does not have to be like you know a psychopathic pirate yes no I totally agree and that's not to say I haven't enjoyed a Johnny Depp movie before I enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean
Starting point is 00:46:58 but I think he's so overrated because people especially when that movie came out they were like look at his choices oh my gosh he's so bold and it's like no he just he does that every movie he's ever been in and even if it doesn't require it in the script yeah and i would say that people have started to catch on and probably aren't giving him the credit anymore that he used to have because he's played the same character in the last
Starting point is 00:47:25 18 movies but I think he belongs at the top of the list because he's I think he's wore out as welcome to so all right that's fine I'm sorry Mike I know it's okay that's I'm sure we'll have lots of people like that that will disagree with all right I'm going to take somebody
Starting point is 00:47:42 and like I said just because they're overrated doesn't mean I do not like this person. I just think that this guy somehow just makes he's in every movie imaginable. He had critical because he hit critical acclaim back in 1987 when he was in Raising Arizona. People like, oh, this psychopath, it works out. And you're like, no, that's just him. That's all he can do. And I'm talking about my man.
Starting point is 00:48:11 I'm talking about Nicolas Cage, the most overrated actor in the history of movies. But I think he knows. I think he's in on it. He's in on the grift. He knows he's overrated, and he just shows up, and he cashes those checks and makes those movies.
Starting point is 00:48:27 He is the quintessential most loved horribly overrated actor of all time. I mean I can watch a Nick Cage movie one right after the other right after the other right after the other. Sign me up. I love Nick Cage in a movie but the dude can't act see the thing is the thing about nick cage i actually removed nick cage from my list only because i didn't believe anybody thought he could act being in movies does not mean people have rated you as a good actor so i get it though i mean he certainly had a run there for quite a while. Gone in 60 seconds.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Are you talking about the 1995 Academy Award winner for best actor in Leaving Las Vegas, Nick Cage? Is that the one who won it over Mel Gibson and Braveheart, Nick Cage? Which is ridiculous. Hold on. Is that true? Yes, it's true. That's a fact, Jack. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Actually, it's not true because he couldn't win it over someone who wasn't even nominated okay that's what i meant was he actually not was mel gibson nominated for no he he won it for uh the golden best actor for golden globe yeah nominated ridiculous yeah um all right it's i'm i'm up you're i i love that i love that pick mike because you know you said this at the beginning of the show, which is like, just because someone's overrated does not mean we don't like them. And Nick Cage is poster boy, because I just love him. But oh, man, what a bad actor.
Starting point is 00:49:55 All right. So I've got my pick of two here. And well, I said it early. I've said it before. But Meryl Streep will not be my pick oh yeah uh yeah big little lies i've watched a couple more things that she's been in and okay all right sometimes sometimes she's just dynamic and unbelievable and i will say this. I love it, McGrowth. Get out of my musicals, Meryl Streep.
Starting point is 00:50:28 No longer go on my musicals and stay further away from comedy. But goodness gracious, you give a good dramatic role to Meryl Streep. She's got your heart in her hand. So no, I apologize for my previous takes on Mrs. Streep. apologize for my previous takes on on uh mrs streep i'm going to go with a very similar level of actor i mean you're talking about meryl oh meryl streep and i remember growing up it was like the the best of the best is meryl streep and on the male side is robert de niro robert de niro is not a good actor at all. Dude.
Starting point is 00:51:06 He's speaking my language right now. Yeah, he's on my list too, dude. He sucks. He's just a mumbly, gargley mess. And if you're in a- Right place, right time. 100%. Got a couple good roles that were easy to do.
Starting point is 00:51:21 I mean, Goodfellas, he was good in Goodfellas, right? Because it's a specific narrow- I don't know, never seen it. Oh, you haven't mean goodfellas was he was good in goodfellas right because it's a specific narrow seen it and oh you haven't seen goodfellas wow and then he had this like decade run of coming out in nothing but comedies oh no stay away meet the parents comedies are not easy comedies are not you there are people who can do comedies who can't act, people who can act who can't do comedies. And then there's Robert De Niro, who I think is overrated and shouldn't be in either. Yeah, I think you're going to get some hate on that one because I think there are the mob purists with Heat and Casino and Goodfellas.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Look, part of being overrated means that people love them. That's true. That's true. Taxi driver. I'm saying Robert De Niro is overrated, not because he is as bad an actor as Nick Cage. He can act circles around Nick Cage, but because people think he is just this un-
Starting point is 00:52:19 Like a demigod, yeah. A generational talent of acting. He's not. Okay, now on the other side, I just said now i take comedy serious right i grew up doing comedy we've got this comedy podcast it's important to me so i'm going to take here a comedic i don't even want to say actor because it's ridiculous it's not he's too bad to be called an actor and this isn't one i like this is what i hate i can't stand it and i don't know why they keep casting him in darn near everything but john cena is the worst now you might say wait a minute
Starting point is 00:52:54 nobody thinks he's a good actor he's still overrated with however low your opinion is of him that's too high john cena is bodied by me right here. Stop having him host award shows. Stop having him make funny movies where he's got no comedic timing. Don't go SNL. He's a great wrestler. And I know that others have made that transition. But stop it with John Cena.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Oh, man. Stick to bodybuilding. Alright, that's my two. Alright Mike, you're back up. Well I'm glad I have not chosen someone that I'm afraid to come up against in the street. I would very much
Starting point is 00:53:38 tell John Cena what a phenomenal actor he is and shake his very large hand. Probably bow if we were face to face all right i have i'm between two names here and i have no idea with andy's list if either of these guys would actually be on the list so i don't know how to play this that's interesting. So I will take... I'm just going to go with my heart here, and I'm going to take an actor who, honestly, I think is the...
Starting point is 00:54:13 This is bad, Johnny. If you thought Johnny... You didn't like Johnny Depp? This is the guy who thinks that he is Johnny Depp, and he's trying to become him. Okay. I know where you're going. And he's like...
Starting point is 00:54:24 He thinks he's Daniel Day-Lewis. Daniel Day-Lewis transforms into the role. This person. I think I know who you're going. He's on my list. They transform into the role, except they do not. I'm taking Jared Leto. Yes!
Starting point is 00:54:37 Because that dude is not. Try hard. Yes. He is a try hard. I get it, man. We all want to be certain things we you want to be respected as that incredible classical actor you want to be the rock star in his everything he does just to me i'm like this is self-indulgent and i am not having any of this right now one of my biggest pet peeves in all of humanity and the world
Starting point is 00:55:08 is art house movies these these these artsy indie movies that are given so much love and credence because they're bad because like oh there was no ending that's the point like no just i love no ending but my point is that's what jared leto is to acting it's like oh he's so out there he's made like just so like you don't understand it's like oh i love that he's on your guys's list uh that makes sense all right so you went you have nick cage jared leto my first uh pick, as I have two back-to-back, I have Johnny Depp already. I'm going to go with, I think, somebody that kind of fits the prototypical
Starting point is 00:55:55 overrated actor department, and it's Ben Affleck. Always on my list! He's too monotone and just kind of been carried along by others. By Good Will Hunting. By Good Will Hunting. And the town. The town's really good.
Starting point is 00:56:14 You know what? The town is really good. It sounds really good. Look, every once in a while, you can get an accidental performance that fits. Sometimes you're cast properly. Yeah, he cast himself there you go delivering monotone lines he wrote all the lines so there you go um so i think ben affleck is uh is pretty darn overrated he's a terrible batman um just to throw on the top of the list i don't
Starting point is 00:56:40 think i just i gotta say this for for for my boy ben i don't think batman was his fault if you look at that stupid dc script he was given every single line was like was intentionally pouty with no depth i now don't get me wrong which he excels at i mean yes he does i mean he does uh but like i think he had a run of movies like did you guys ever see jersey girl that was no no he was good in that he was in g-league are you a real big fan of g-league g-league with uh jennifer lopez or whatever yeah no no she that was that was the movie that ruined his career for a while yeah that was the movie that um see he's been he's been carried along by goodwill hunting and then he was carried along by being with Jennifer Lopez.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Yeah, I mean, I get it. He is probably overrated, but he's another one of those where it's like, I don't mind watching. I like watching Ben Affleck. Sometimes you're not a great actor. You've just got good charisma, and that's enough. That's enough. Man, I've got one name on this list that I might as well save till my last pick because there's just no chance
Starting point is 00:57:46 that you both don't love this guy. So I guess... Oh, I know. If you take him, I'm writing it down. Oh, I'll... Disrespectful. A plague on your house. And I had De Niro on my list.
Starting point is 00:58:03 So I won't go there. Man, I'm having a hard time deciding where to go here because i know i'm gonna save this other guy you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna say it's perfect it's a perfect combo with ben affleck you're both gonna hate it too and i like i like a lot of his movies but i do not think he's a very good actor in and of itself's himself I think Matt Damon sucks too you just got the Boston boys I really do like compared to Ben Affleck he's great so he always teams up with Ben Affleck but independently Matt Damon was it
Starting point is 00:58:37 was it Martian and like these movies that he's supposed to carry where he isn't Jason Bourne fighting and the action carries the movie like he's a good action actor but i don't think he's a good actor actor including going back to like goodwill hunting was just fine so i think i'm gonna put the boston boys together i'm sorry i get it i get it he's yeah he's fine i get it my the hard part is for Affleck was on my list. Matt Damon is not on my list. But I know we're rating their acting ability, but outside of being an actor, those two are just so delightful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Oh, absolutely. They don't take anything too serious. Matt Damon is an incredible humanitarian. But I can get it that the acting is not what you hope it would be. Just a little overrated. That's all. All right, all right. Mike. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I've got my name. I think I'm going to make some people upset here. I'm going to go with, I'm going to take an actress, and I just don't get it because she is, she is, this is a list Supreme tier superstar. I know exactly where you're going is Julia Roberts. I knew it.
Starting point is 00:59:54 I knew it. I don't get it. She is the same person in every single movie. And I, I, the, that character is not for me i don't get it i i can see that and actually i think her situation was similar to the jason merrill street one in a way in the fact that
Starting point is 01:00:19 a lot of am i missing something did i miss a movie where it was like aaron brockovich she was incredible aaron brockovich she was great in but a lot of her movies aren't movies that we necessarily watched a lot of right like i never even i can tell you right now i never saw pretty women like pretty woman pretty woman fantastic so i imagine that is it fantastic yeah it's is it fantastic because of her yeah it wouldn't have been the same without Julia Wright. Yeah, so I think that some of her movies are in the area where maybe I haven't seen them all. Maybe she just doesn't know the genre. Tinkerbell? Tinkerbell, Mike?
Starting point is 01:00:57 In Hook? Oh, I forgot she was in Hook. So that makes sense, though. Yeah, yeah. Big smile big smile big big smile i'm giving the men the business i gotta give julia roberts the business okay yeah all right jason you got your final two picks i've specifically saved my save one for last jason so don't come in here and surprise me all right i'm gonna i'm gonna start here um i've got two guys on my list i'm gonna go uh with a girl who is so bad at acting.
Starting point is 01:01:49 I don't blame her. It is not her fault. She was cast as a child and you don't know how they're going to develop as an actress. But then she had a run of taking over major motion pictures, including a wonderful remake i
Starting point is 01:02:07 was excited to see when she got to play bell and beauty the beast but emma watson is look i loved harry potter grew up like oh i was a big emma watson fan but now as she's developed into a woman and she's in these roles it's like stop and just get her out she's just plain vanilla on the screen and the only thing she could do is move her eyebrows around a ton and no thank you sorry all right you were right mike he was gonna get serious about some of these oh man all right so i've got to go with another one yeah yeah you were so excited who's next Jason and then he realizes oh being mean to people's not so fun oh i mean yeah it's just a matter of i gotta i gotta i gotta except for John Cena you had no problem that's true except in person um poor Emma Watson i mean i can't I said I don't blame her it's not her fault um
Starting point is 01:03:08 all right let's see here uh I couldn't go that name I would be I would be murdered by Mike follow your heart follow my heart okay all right you got me you got me I'm gonna follow my heart and maybe this is my own disappointment um from a a you know a a long-standing uh love of the series but I'm gonna pair the the same way that you paired the Boston Boys Daniel Radcliffe's not getting out of here untouched Daniel Radcliffe is not getting he's he's gone into theater and doing these roles in London where he's... He picked two Harry Potter actors. Yes, because they become famous from getting this childhood role. A lot of these... What other Daniel Radcliffe movies
Starting point is 01:03:52 have you seen? I have seen Harry Potter. Well, I've seen seven or eight of those, so that's enough. Did you see the one where he was the dead guy? Oh, yeah. I know what you're talking about. I remember I never saw it. I saw the trailer enough did you see the one where he was the the dead guy where he was oh yeah with the i know what you're talking about i remember i never saw it i saw the trailer um but so what have you seen
Starting point is 01:04:12 when you're bad enough they're putting them on your list how many julia roberts movies have you seen more or fewer or more than eight probably more julia roberts is in a lot of movies no way but i'm i'm putting them together those two tag team um you know and i think that there was a lot it's not fair when these childhood actors get cast like i i doubt anybody is taking like drew barrymore you know i thought you were actually i thought you were gonna go drew bar Barrymore. Right. But you're Neil Watson. Right. Because it's like you're cast and then you become famous. And then you're cast because you're famous, not because you're a good actor.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Recognizable. Yeah, exactly. All right. Mike, you are up. All right. I've got my last one here. I don't know how much people actually love this man but i know that he is a he is a star right oh swiss army man was the name of that daniel radcliffe movie uh i uh will not pull
Starting point is 01:05:13 the punches here i do not like this guy because his characters to me are simply being a pompous anus and i will take benedict cumberbatch dude i was between him and daniel radcliffe i regret what does he always play a pompous anus he comes in with he comes in with his british accent i get it you sound smarter than i do so be smarter than me and don't just be a jerk about it he played so he is that, which as Doctor Strange is just like, okay, he's fine. He's fine as Doctor Strange. But you have that. You have Sherlock.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I don't like you as Sherlock. And then you come in and you make the Grinch. The Grinch, yes. You remade the Grinch. The Grinch in the theater. I take my kids to every movie possible because when you are a parent, a movie theater experience means I get two hours where I can just take a break. I can veg out.
Starting point is 01:06:13 I don't fall asleep at movies. At the Grinch, that was the first time in my third, I don't know how old I was at the time, 35 or 36. That was the first time in the history of my life that I ever went, I'm going to sleep. I am not going to watch this movie because it sucks. I'm out. And I went to sleep, and it was great.
Starting point is 01:06:34 I've slept in one movie in the theater, and it was The Grinch by Benedict Cumberbatch. My man, yes. Grinch sleepers unite. I mean, yeah, I'm right there with you and what's craziest about this it's like he is uh funny he was not funny no he's not funny but he's like seen as this heart throb i don't look like i can look at a guy i've heard i can look at a guy and be like that's a that's a handsome man i don't he's he's not classically handsome't get it there. I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 01:07:07 He's a unique guy. All right, Andy. This is your time. Don't you dare. Don't you dare do it. Oh, he's going to do it. You don't know? I'm going to say a name that
Starting point is 01:07:18 I'm going to preface it by saying this. When I think of a A-list superior actor, it's because i associate them with good films okay okay not every film all right not every film that's ever been released oh man so when your association comes down to every film that's ever been made, I don't think you're the best actor on earth. And therefore, my final pick is Samuel L. Jackson.
Starting point is 01:07:56 No, you did not. Samuel L. Jackson. I think he is overrated. I will give you a moment to retract your statement, sir. Not that he hasn't made good films. There are many films in which he is good. But he has been in everything. Look, I get it.
Starting point is 01:08:14 There were two fears I had. And at some point he started playing the same person in every movie. No, that is fine, Andy. Because I think he's good at playing that one person. I've only seen him try to act once. And it was to be Samuel L. Jackson. A time to kill. He is fabulous.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Oh, man. Star Wars when he's trying to be one of these. He was so bad at Star Wars. That's one of the movies that pops out to me as well. That movie wasn't. I mean, so the movies. Source material, man. Where he's really, really had to stretch himself himself I don't think he's been that good
Starting point is 01:08:46 now that being said he can you know he's compelling but I just think he's overrated so by our definition the name that you said you were going to pick that you thought Mike and I would hate and you were going to take last I thought you were going to say Will Ferrell because I know you don't love his movies
Starting point is 01:09:02 the same as we do but I would have revolted and then at the end when you said he's in everything and he's overrated I thought you were going my man Brad Pitt you know what there's been some bad Brad Pitt movies though I will say that impossible no what was the one where he played Achilles oh I love Troy I watch it at least every year Troy sucks he. Troy was awesome. He sucks in that movie. It was not just, whoever was in charge of that movie, they did not rein anything in. They're like, what kind of accent should I use for this? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Just make one up. That is 100% right. You don't need to sound like anybody else who grew up in the country of origin where you are from. Do you want me to change accents mid-speech? Yes, that's fine. No problem. Don't care. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:09:44 It was such a fun movie. I mean, look, it is not a masterpiece. Do you want me to change accents mid-speech? Yes, that's fine. No problem. Don't care. Whatever. It was such a fun movie. I mean, look, it is not a masterpiece. It's bad, and I love it. I will watch that. I literally watch that movie almost every year just because it's on somewhere. Are you kidding me? Oh, I love it. It's great.
Starting point is 01:09:56 That's crazy. Nobody's ever actually said that. You're the first. Yeah. I love BP. I will say there are... Here's some other names I'm going to bring up and get your quick reaction to. Will Smith is no longer the box office draw he used to be.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Yeah, he's got the charisma, but not a great actor. And what are your takes? Because some people believe this. What do you think of Leo? Do you think Leo's worthy of all of the... Because he could get the Jared Leto try hard thing too. Phenomenal. Leo is a national treasure and is one of the greatest
Starting point is 01:10:28 actors of our generation. I completely agree with you, Mike. Don't even think about anything else. He is as good as it gets. On my list, I had... Let's see. I had Sandra Bullock overrated as an actress. Of course. Ashton Kutcher, but he's not really... And Shia LaBeouf.
Starting point is 01:10:44 I feel like they're the same it's a good one yeah uh dude here's the name i get it shia labeouf is not in the news for being a good dude uh we're just talking about his acting ability i think he's fabulous oh i think he's very good john krasinski drawn to the screen. John Krasinski. That's tough, though. He's not been in enough. He's not acting. He's just being. But the name that belongs on this list, because he's overrated. He's not a good actor at all.
Starting point is 01:11:16 He's very Nicolas Cage. But I would never, ever, ever, ever bring him up because he's so phenomenal. You better not say. It's Keanu Reeves. Oh, okay. Yeah, he phenomenal is Keanu Reeves. Oh, okay. Yeah, he definitely. Keanu Reeves is not a good actor. He's not a good actor.
Starting point is 01:11:30 But I mean, dude, he's Keanu. But he's a great, he's so likable that he supersedes all of it. A hundred percent. He's got the charisma and the likability where I will watch infinity. Those two, Nick Cage and Keanu Reeves, need to get together and make a cinematic masterpiece that I can watch on the monthly schedule. Kristen Stewart came. Oh, she's on my list too? She's
Starting point is 01:11:51 terrible. You got any extras to throw in, Mike? I had Kevin Bacon on my list. What about John Travolta? I don't know if he overrated anymore. Travolta was on my list. I know, that's the problem.
Starting point is 01:12:05 But we had guys at the point where it was like... No one's casting him. Battlefield Earth. Battlefield Earth. Right place, right time for Grease and what? Saturday Night Fever? Mm-hmm. He was the right guy for those movies.
Starting point is 01:12:16 What about Michael? You're not a big Michael fan. I haven't thought about that movie in 20 years. What was that other one? It starts with a P. Powder? No. That's not Travolta.
Starting point is 01:12:31 It came out at the same time. I'll try to remember it while we close this thing down. How about that? What did we learn today? What did we learn today other than oh phenomenon that's the movie where he spins the glasses yeah he's swordfish yeah he's not in a lot anymore is he no no he he took a forced break from acting broken arrow is him and uh ke? No, no, that's it's Christian Slater. Christian Slater.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Wait, so you're telling me Christian Slater and Kevin Bacon are different people? That's what I learned today. I learned that Kevin Bacon and Christian Slater are different people. All right. I learned today that Jason really has grown and turned over a new leaf by not including his villainous Meryl Streep in this draft today. And I have learned that apparently there's really nothing you could put extra sugar on and it won't taste better.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Oh, my goodness. That is perfect. All right. That'll do it for today's episode of the Spitballers Podcast. Thank you for subscribing and reviewing. And if you haven't, please do. Until next time, for Al Borland, Jason Moore, Mike Wright, Andy Holloway, farewell. Goodbye.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out SpitballersPod.com. Hey, the show's over. Just wanted to say thank you. No! Thank you for listening. We appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:14:23 And if you want to learn more about how you can support the podcast, head to spitballerspod.com, click the Become a Spitwad button, and that's when the magic will happen.

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