Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 184: Rumpology & The Best Fries - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: February 28, 2022

Can you spot the lies? Can the hosts defeat the Owl? Liar, Liar is back today! We also discuss survival skills, being puked on, and rodeo clowns. Then, be prepared to swing by a drive-thru on your way... home because we are drafting the best fries. Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. Oh no, here we go, oh no, let me go, no! Oh no! Oh no, here we go! Oh no, let me go! No! No!
Starting point is 00:00:29 Given the circumstances. Oh boy. I was... Yes! I was done dirty. You were as dirty as it's ever been. Welcome into the spitballers. That was...
Starting point is 00:00:43 That was... That was some black magic that y'all just put on me. How long have you known that you have the scat for today? It was about three seconds before. I mean, music was going. I think he hit the button and then announced it. The music was going and then it's Jason, you got the scat. I mean, 100%. I still think you're lying.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I was. That'll be the best part. Oh, man. That's the way to really get someone. I thought for sure it was Andy. Like, I knew it was Andy. I thought it was me, too. I thought, didn't I have the last one?
Starting point is 00:01:19 We do this show too much. We've got to slow down on these episodes. Oh, man, we've got to. I'm betting it. There's a chance I messed up. Oh, yes. Yes've got to... I'm betting that there's a chance I messed up. Oh, yes! Yes! Please! Please! Oh, welcome in to the show.
Starting point is 00:01:31 No, we're good. Okay. Would you rather... Hey, you can get him back. You want to know how? Because, by the way, that was not premeditated. That was just... We have the same internal goals and once he said it, I was like, I hit the button and here we are. But, you can get him back today. Because it's Liar Liar on the show. Oh, baby.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I didn't know that either. I am brand new here. I have no idea what's going on. Hi, I'm Jason. A little insight into how much prep these guys do on this show. Wait a minute. How dare you, sir? We've been working on these jokes about how fresh this is for a long time i have a
Starting point is 00:02:08 journal yeah that is just full of jokes zingers i did as it's your zinger book yes i did prepare for i rate them one to five you did prepare for the draft prepare for the draft as did i uh we have liar liar we're drafting the best fries which is a great draft and there are i think there are consensus picks but there are some very polarizing picks oh yeah there is literally one place whose fries are the worst like the worst and i see it at number one on some list it blows my mind because they're terrible yeah i know what that is and it's i love them and they're great they are great uh know what that is, and I love them. And they're great.
Starting point is 00:02:45 They are great. And so we also are doing Would You Rather on the show. I feel like a French fry test is a good starting point. Who are you? Who doesn't like? No, no, no. Foods, you know, I like this food. I like that food.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Who doesn't like French fries? Wow. I don't think I, I literally do not know a person that doesn't like French fries. You're definitely out there. There are certainly contrarians out there like, I don't like French fries. Not just a specific one from a specific restaurant. Yeah, just French fries. But just French fries.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I've never heard of that. It's a food so you know that there's someone exists that doesn't like French fries. That's probably true. And that's a problem. You've got to have a potato allergy or something. That's the only way you don't like a French fry. I want to know. Here's what I want to know is how everybody's got their favorites, right?
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yeah. And we're going to draft them later. And you'll be hoping we pick yours first. But how much of this is based on being like when you're a small kid the first fries you ever have or like what restaurants you've been introduced like okay how much is the you know kind of the result of conditioning fry conditioning from my parents fry from my parents yeah i mean to me i don't think it's that much i i don't have nostalgia when I eat fries. Oh, there's some, though. There's one.
Starting point is 00:04:06 There's one. There's one. There's some. And that one, they've kept it consistent. Which is why you have nostalgia. Where there's the other places who are reinventing their fry every two to three years. They're chasing. Yeah, they are. Chasing the dragon.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Chasing my 101, baby. And that's fine because it's a fine pick and we'll get there but this is exactly it's like coaching let's do the start the draft you fire your coach
Starting point is 00:04:31 after one year you gotta let him you gotta let him build yes some history alright we'll talk fries later potato skin on
Starting point is 00:04:38 potato skin off yeah I am so excited for this draft it's gonna be good thank you for reviewing the show. We appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Subscribing on Spotify, Apple Podcasts. Let's do some Would You Rather. Would you rather? All right, Kevin from the website. If you were lost in the woods, would you rather have a pocket knife, a magnifying glass, or an empty canteen? And an empty canteen. Oh, and an empty canteen. Oh, we get all three?
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yep. Oh, okay. Let me start this over. Okay. So you get a pocket knife, a magnifying glass, and an empty canteen, or one other person, but you have nothing but the clothes you're wearing. What is that? Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I may be revealing something about my lack of wilderness training. I guess you can maybe start a fire, but what other use am I doing? What am I doing with a magnifying glass in the middle of the woods? I'd love to watch you do something with it. Like, oh, look at these berries. Let me get a closer look. They definitely look poisonous. Do you not know the actual answer to that?
Starting point is 00:05:44 Wait, wait, wait. So, hold on. I definitely look poisonous. Do you not know the actual answer to that? Wait, wait, wait. So hold on. I want to join. Like reflecting? I mean, for starting a fire. That's it, right? I mentioned that. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:53 But even that is like when you're in the woods. I don't think I can do it. That's going to be really tough if you have a canopy. You're not getting much direct sunlight. Agreed. I mean, find a clearing, Mike. I will bet you I cannot start a fire with a magnifying glass. Oh, there's no way.
Starting point is 00:06:06 There's no chance. There's zero chance. For you and me. It would be so fun to watch you try. I feel like if I had a box of matches and a magnifying glass. Your 50-50 chance. I couldn't light the matches on fire. Like, I could not get that to a fire.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Did you ever do the ant murdering? I never did the ant murdering, no. I was a get that. Did you ever? Yes, you could. Did you ever do the ant murdering? I never did the ant murdering, no. I was a gentle, nice. Yes. I was a gentle, nice kid. I'm not a psychopath. Did you? No, not.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I mean, I smashed him with my boot. Well, yeah, I'm still human. But I never did the magnified glass. No, that does seem really indulging on the pain. You know who does that? People that don't like French fries. Yeah, that one guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Freddie, we're talking to you. So look at this. For a pocket knife, what am I doing with the pocket knife? What type of pocket? Is this a Swiss? Sure. Oh, that's very valuable. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Now I've got more tools. No, just the knife version. I mean, it's just a knife. Oh, do they make a good blade? I don't know. Damascus or steel are we talking? Empty canteen, I have to find some water, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Well, that means that when you find some water, you can actually do something with it. But you can use your magnifying glass to see if there's bacteria in the water. I'm going to actually be searching for the water with the magnifying glass. You know, Sherlock Holmes style. Where are you, water? Yeah, what's the size of this magnifying glass? Humongous. For sure.
Starting point is 00:07:32 This is a two-hander. It's actually your shelter. It's your shelter. A two-handed magnifying glass. A two-handed magnifying glass. You can use it as a weapon. Absolutely. You keep it on your back?
Starting point is 00:07:42 Mm-hmm. If it's cold out, you can warm yourself up. Mm-hmm. Start a it on your back? Mm-hmm. If it's cold out, you can warm yourself up. Mm-hmm. Start a fire on your back. What is the biggest magnifying glass? At what point does it become a different tool? It becomes a telescope at some point, right? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:07:56 There has to be a world record for biggest magnifying glass out there, right? And that would become dangerous. You need five people to operate this i've seen this this is like pinky in the brain stuff yes it is jason's on it yeah i'm on the case has anybody tried to put one in space a mag we did hubble did it a magnifying glass yeah like in orbit and it just burned something on earth yeah that would be like a mad scientist thing that's what i mean because if it's not a telescope and it's just a magnifying glass in outer space that's gonna hurt you're only doing destructive things at that point right probably i think that's what the death star was it was a
Starting point is 00:08:36 huge magnifying glass what'd you find jay well so when i'm looking for the magnifying glass it's talking about the world's largest lens i i don't like that it's not describing this specifically. It needs a handle. It has to have a handle for me to consider a magnifying glass. I will continue to search. I will take the person over the three tools. Just for company? What if it's Jason?
Starting point is 00:09:03 I think it's more valuable for building shelter for that's true hunting my bare hands I've been told that the number one thing like if you drop in the wilderness your loss or whatever you're gonna be stuck there number one is you you're supposed to build the shelter first is that correct that's what I that's what is in the back of my brain as well. So yes. Okay. This is 100% accurate. Yeah, I think you should. Survivalist Owl Borland. Is that the first thing you would do?
Starting point is 00:09:31 I think so, yeah. That's the first thing I would do because you don't want to get to nighttime with no shelter. Oh, the bears. And then once it's shelter time, then you figure water out the next day. I was just going to say, depending on what time of day, if I got time left, I may go find water and then build shelter that's right but that's right 3 p.m i'm building shelter okay all right let's do i feel like oh he's still searching i feel like people are more concerned with how well it is magnifying what you're looking at they're not rather than the size and they should be more concerned cart before the horse yeah we mean we could possibly make the biggest one a new industry for us huge two hand let me just search two
Starting point is 00:10:10 magnifying glass see if that's a thing you're gonna search two hand you let us know um that's my final answer i want the help in another pair of hands building a shelter um you you can become kind of in your own head out there. Sure. You know, a lot of people, you don't want to make all your big decisions when you're alone after you're low on food and low on water and stuff like that. You need some support.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah, but now you've got to feed twice as many people. Yeah, I was going to say, you've got to split the food, split the water. Yeah. That's only if they know about it, though. Yeah, you want to hide it from your so you're just gonna be with someone else to watch them die i found six berries no you just when you're out there you you set a policy we're building shelter together but food you're on your own yeah you find it you eat it no they find it i eat it i find that i eat it either i had a pocket
Starting point is 00:11:01 knife a magnifying glass and an empty canteen, I'm just going to die slower. Right. Okay. Or maybe faster, because I'm drinking whatever water I find. What's your answer, then? I'm still looking at the magnifying glass. Apparently, two-handed magnifying glasses are like boards that just you hold.
Starting point is 00:11:19 You're not doing good work. Wait, but that's not a magnifying glass. Yeah, it's stupid. If there's two handles, it can't be a magnifying glass. I agree with you. That's my hard, fast rule. I'm not. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Since we've established that this is a two-handed magnifying glass, I have to take the three objects. All you need to do to find a two-handed magnifying glass is find a regular magnifying glass for a giant. Oh, okay. Well, that's something I can do. Did you Google that? Let me. I'm on it. i'm on the case all right josh from patreon would you rather be a bull rider or the rodeo clown
Starting point is 00:11:50 oh that's a bull rider or the rodeo clown so the clown runs away from the bull no the clown create gets the attention of the bull right after the save after the rider falls yeah and says run at me mr bull and then jumps over and then they like jump in a barrel frequently at least in the cartoons but the but the rider often breaks their back on the fall yes and gets trampled and crushed the clowns while that is very dangerous i have to you have to wear clown makeup. You are a clown. You're not just a human being called the rodeo clown. You are actually a clown. By profession. Not to mention, bull riders
Starting point is 00:12:31 probably do better with the ladies than the clowns do. Oh, yeah. You're talking about a buckle buddy. As a profession, they probably more... Who's more esteemed, the rider or the clown? Never a clown. The answer. Who's more esteemed, the writer or the clown? Never a clown.
Starting point is 00:12:47 The answer to who's more esteemed is never. That's all I'm saying. Yeah. No, I mean, what are you paying these clowns? That's not much. You pay them in like carrots. Right. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:00 You've got to choose the bull rider here because they're both dangerous. But one gets glory yes and one gets laughed at and women i mean we've been watching the yellowstone andy and i and so the whole bull riding cowboy yeah uh fantasy for us we're we're living in the i'm this isn't even a question i want to be a bull rider have you ever been to a bull riding event um maybe if there was one at the county fair once does a mechanical bull count no because that's just a bar i have in fact opened a bull riding event with music by singing the national
Starting point is 00:13:41 anthem acapella no you did not oh not. Oh, yes. You did? Yes, I did. How'd it go? Oh, we crushed. Wait, with other people, not just you. Oh, I thought it was just you. No, not just me. I need the film.
Starting point is 00:13:53 This is when I was in the, there's probably not, if there is, it's like eight millimeter. Okay. But this was back in my days of when I was with the fair band and we did the circuit. Wow. But one of the things is like, okay, we got to go do the bull riding event. That's its whole own universe, man. It really is. We learned that on the Yellowstone.
Starting point is 00:14:15 It's its own universe. The people riding the bulls, the people attending this event, they are a different breed of human being than I am. And I'm not saying it's bad. No, they're called Texans. It's just such a different world. You're like, these are aliens. I am no longer with human beings.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And I'm sure they thought the same thing about us. It's just so bizarre. Jason, would you say us as Arizonans, not ranchers, not rodeo people, would you say that you've gained a greater respect for that culture and world through watching Yellowstone? That would be the largest. Do they do bull riding in that? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:57 They do? There's a huge amount. Bucking Broncos. There's a whole rodeo side of this story. But Bucking Broncos is very different than a bull rider. To answer Andy's question 100,000%, I have never had respect for cowboys. That's a genre that I have always disliked. And now it's like, I want to go buy me a cowboy hat.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Get some chaps. How long would it take you and I to move some cattle together? Oh, man. Probably three days. That's my guess. This is city slickers. They made this movie before, fellas. That's true.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So I searched bull rider, and one of the top results here on videos is bulls that have wrecked the most riders. So they're famous for destroying people. Yeah, I'm taking the clown. I'll take my shame. I don't know the statistics having no real knowledge of bull riding. I'm guessing that the clowns have fewer injuries than the actual bull riders. Oh, guys, I have found a gigantic magnifying glass. I mean, it is ginormous.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Can you buy it? I don't think it's for sale. Someone must have made this for a YouTube video. It is humongous. Two-handed? Two-person. I mean, you're going to need to get the stuff and the person when you're stranded because you can't carry this thing by yourself. Wow. trying to melt a gold bar oh okay i'll let you i'll let you know
Starting point is 00:16:31 uh you're watching youtube videos well it's pretty interesting what is happening um i'll fast forward don't worry all right we're going we're moving on stew from patreon would you rather vomit on your hero or have your hero vomit on you oh so let's just pretend your heroes i don't know michael jordan i'll say number one do you have a hero that's a great question no uh you don't have a hero jason i don don't think so. I don't think so. Because nobody's coming to mind as like, oh, who's your hero? Okay, easier for us. Do you have a sports hero?
Starting point is 00:17:13 Charles Barkley, you know, growing up was like the man in the Phoenix, Arizona area. He didn't want to be a role model, Jason. Yeah, right. He declared he wasn't one. Right. But he can still be a hero. Heroes aren't always role models. So I would say him.
Starting point is 00:17:28 You got Larry Fitzgerald. Yeah. And then Michael Jordan. Yeah, Kurt Warner. I don't have a hero. That's the truth. I don't have a hero. Do either of you have a hero?
Starting point is 00:17:37 Someone that you would consider like, this is really my hero? Oh, boy. Now that you put it that way. Do you understand what I'm saying? What I'm saying is someone that you would say definitely my hero. Probably the closest
Starting point is 00:18:02 thing you really get is parents, some family members. They have melted the gold bar they have done it this magnifying glass is the one i want in the woods this so would you barf on this guy it's just my hero and i would much rather barf on him than have him barf on me so now we've gotten there i've found my hero and there's no way i want this man to barf on me okay give me your uh your favorite actor favorite actor uh go kevin gossner okay i'll go tom hanks okay and i'm gonna i'll go dicaprio for okay and it's like would you rather meet that person vomit upon no no I want to be vomited on. Okay. 100% easy.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Because if I vomit on them, what a nuisance I am. The fan's already a nuisance. Right. But what a horrible nuisance. And I owe them now. Like, I feel like I've got to make it up to them, which I can't do. Well, they won't need it. If he vomits on me.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Right. You think he's going to owe you something. He's going to owe me. I'm going to go to some premiere. I'm going to get something. he will definitely remember you yeah there's like oh that dude i puked on yeah i think he'd remember either way mike that's a fair point oh that's the dude that puked on me yeah look i'm not a i'm not a superstar actor i don't know how much they're being vomited on yeah how often does that happen it can't be all once a week probably well i don't know people do get nervous right you need a celebrity and
Starting point is 00:19:28 you're like oh man this is like tom hanks i i still think i still think thinking about like my favorite actor i don't believe they're gonna owe you anything i think they're gonna give you an apology i think they're gonna say oh man i, man, I am so sorry. That's embarrassing. And just pull out a big wad of cash. And then they will be ushered away. And at the end, I have a bad story to tell. I think it's a good story to tell. Like, oh, did I tell you about the time I met Tom Hanks? I puked in his face. I puked all over him.
Starting point is 00:19:59 He had to get a new shirt. Yeah, I guess both are great stories. And one of them is not me being vomited upon yeah that's really what it comes down so i'm if i had a hero i'd puke on what do you what do you do when you're puked on by a stranger what's the next move shower okay okay shower what if you i mean but what if you can't that's further down the line i mean you yes you're What's the next move? Shower. Okay. Okay. Shower. But what if you can't? That's further down the line. I mean, yes, you're eventually going to shower.
Starting point is 00:20:32 But if you're in a movie theater. Oh, you're out. I'm out. I'm out. You just leave. Yes, you have to leave. Stranger or just someone you know? Because that makes a big difference.
Starting point is 00:20:42 It really does. No. It does. And here's why. If it's someone that I, an acquaintance of mine, a friend, or even a friend of a friend, when that happens, my instinct will be to not shame them, to make sure they don't feel. They already feel bad enough. They already feel awful. But if it's a strange, if I'm in a movie theater and some rando pukes on me i'm
Starting point is 00:21:05 guessing i feel like i'm getting up to fight yeah how mad do you get at that that person probably feels terrible but i don't know them so i don't care about them i really do think i would you would try to fight somebody that puked on you it'd just be my natural reaction you would definitely win the fight because they're already keeled over but you've lost at the same time because now you're fighting with puke on you yeah i you know so i think the first thing that you do such a ridiculous i think the first thing you do is say it's okay try to make them feel better yes what does mike do i puke back fire with fire bro so you're on an what if you're on an elevator and it's a long... Oh, I put my... And you get puked on the bottom and you got to go up the elevator.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Nope. I will look like I am in the Blair Witch. I will just put my face in that corner. Oh, like it never happened? I will put my face in the corner and I will look at nobody until that doorbell chimes and I just run. Man. It's the smell that's the real problem.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yep. You hold your breath too. Oh, for sure. I was recently in a vehicle with someone who threw up a lot. Yeah, and it was- What? Do you want a name? No, no, I don't want a-
Starting point is 00:22:14 Was it a child or a grown-up? It was- Oh, it was a grown-up. It was not a grown-up. It was a child. Okay. It was your child. No, it was not my child.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Okay. I don't want to out someone for getting sick, and they felt sick, but I can just say the worst part is the smell. Was it your car? Yes. Yes. You have to get a detail? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:35 They were feeling a little bad, so I was taking them home, and they had a bag, and sure enough, it happened. I'm getting nauseous hearing you say that. Oh, do you realize how many people who have just listened to this segment are throwing up all around the country? We have created a real problem on today's episode. Would you rather from Kylie? I'm moving on.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Oh, this is a great question to transition to. This is a perfect follow-up. Would you rather eat potato chip flavored ice cream or ice cream flavored potato chips? All right, let me center myself i i think my answer is actually the ice cream flavored potato chip and the reason being is that sweet potato chips are good but salty ice cream is good. No, it's not. You've never had like a salted caramel? I wouldn't say that's salty. That's not salty ice cream.
Starting point is 00:23:27 No. It's got salt in it. I've never had a salty ice cream. Let's just go. Let's take this out of ice cream. Have you had a salted caramel? And you're like, oh, yeah. Salty.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Real salty. I'm really tasting the salt. I have definitely had salted caramels that I thought, this is pretty salty. But it is predominantly sweet. Yeah. Yes. And you can have, like, kettle corn would be the same taste to me as, like, an ice cream-flavored potato chip. I think you'd get the sweet-salt combo there.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Yeah, that really... A potato chip flavor with no crunch is going to be really strange. Oh, that'd be gross. Yeah, I don't think that works. Although, is that just mashed potatoes? But they're not salty like a potato chip. Are we just eating cold mashed potatoes? Is that what...
Starting point is 00:24:20 Is that what salty ice cream is? A potato chip flavored ice cream is just freezing mashed potatoes? That's awful. Yeah. I mean, that's probably a good comp. That's exactly what it would be. No, you've got to take the- It's exactly not, but I get what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:24:34 No, think about it. Think about it. If you're telling me that this ice cream is going to taste like a potato chip. Yeah. If you took mashed potatoes and flavored them a little bit more like a potato chip and then you freeze them, that's pretty much exactly what it is. Yeah, if they were really buttery and then you freeze them so it's like creamy. Yeah. Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Gross. Yeah, that's nasty. Yeah, I will take the chips. So you're going ice cream flavored potato chip? Yeah, I can always... Which flavor would you get with? Which flavor would I get with? Well, I'd get with...
Starting point is 00:25:04 Go with. Go with. Go with. Oh, okay. All right. Well, that changes my answer. I don't think it's vanilla. No, I think I'd want something a little bit... Cinnamon.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Really? I don't know. I've never heard of cinnamon ice cream. I think I would go with something like a Snickers. Okay. The candy bar? You've never had Snickers ice cream? Yeah, i get what you're saying i want something we need to move on we are falling apart we really are what flavor would you get with though
Starting point is 00:25:32 what you could get with this are you still looking at are you gigantic yeah can we get an update on the gold bar uh the update is uh he has cleaned the vomit off of himself all right we are moving on spit wads with how much we rely on our devices it's easy to forget about the hardware that we're born with and i'm talking about your ears and just like your fingerprints no two ears are exactly the same and that's why unless you've paid thousands of dollars for high-end custom fit equipment, your earbuds, they can be causing you discomfort, physical pain. I know that I struggle with earbuds all the time, like just falling out.
Starting point is 00:26:13 They're not comfortable at all. And that's where UE Fits comes into the picture. I'm talking about the ultimate ear fits. I was very skeptical. I'm like, what? This thing that I get at home, this is going to mold to my ear? Yeah, we'll see about that. But I pop the UE fits right in my ear.
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Starting point is 00:27:29 Liar, liar, pants on fire. I am looking forward to this liar, liar, but at the same time, as our losses stack up, the weight of these just gets heavier and heavier. Today's a great day. And if I know anything about Al, on a scale of 1 to 100, Brooksy, how would you rate the competitiveness of Al Borland? 100.
Starting point is 00:27:52 100 out of 100. And so when you have a streak that has now grown to the teens, I believe, which he's nodding at, how competitive do you think he is and how much does he want to still win? It's the only thing he cares about. It's the only thing he cares about. It's the only thing he cares about.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Literally, Brooks and I were setting up the studio today, and I said, I hate liar, liar days because... The risk? The risk, yeah. This is going to be such a good day. This is like back when Mike was unverified on Twitter, and it was just such a fun joke for everybody but Mike. And then once it's over, you lose the joke forever.
Starting point is 00:28:24 You're about to lose your joke yeah loser uh doubt it all right if you have never heard this segment before it's two truths and a lie three rounds al is a tremendous liar it's in his soul or good at finding lies and uh he is trying to get us yet again how many do you have a streak number for us, Al? Do I dare ask it? I don't know. I think this will be 15. Oh, gosh. Look, I don't know, but it's 22 to be exact. All right. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Round one. You ready? We have to do it. I just read it. All right. Round one. Goodness. Two truths, one lie. We got to identify it. Okay. Number one. A monkey habitat in England uses a Marvin Gaye impersonator to stand in their enclosure and sing Let's Get It On in an effort to encourage more mating. And it works.
Starting point is 00:29:17 That's not true. So that's the first possible truth. I could see it being true. I could see it. Just put on the album number two but they appreciate a live performance live music oh it's a impersonator yes all right number two george washington's personal bedpan was recently purchased in a private auction by christopher jackson the actor who originally played was in Hamilton, a musical on Broadway.
Starting point is 00:29:46 That's not true. Come on. You guys are hammies. You got to know who. I can. Oh, I know. No, I know that's the right actor. Is it?
Starting point is 00:29:52 But the question is, like, is this because he saw some Washington thing come up on auction and then just decided he needed a piece of history? A piece of history? The bedpan? the third possible lie sylvester stallone's mother was a rumpologist oh no which is a fortune teller who examines crevices dimples warts moles and folds of a person's buttocks in the same way other fortune tellers read the palm of their hand this is what kind of nonsense two of these are not true that's like oh you know what throw out sly there's really a a rumpologist probably if there's a person that doesn't like fries there's a rumpologist they got
Starting point is 00:30:42 what seven billion people in the world they examine the crevice dimples warts moles it all made sense until you said of a person's buttocks what else would a rumpologist look at oh man it's a rump um all i want to do is just so we've got the mar Marvin Gaye monkey habitat situation, the George Washington bedpan situation, and the Stallone one. I mean, the fact that one of these is an invented lie by Al is shockingly, it's just complex. These are complex lies.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Hey, yo, mom. Check out my butt. Hey, yo, mom. What's my butt saying today? I'm going to lock in the monkey thing. I do not think they would hire an impersonator. I just can't imagine that that would
Starting point is 00:31:42 and it works. That would not work. I will lock in the rumpologist one. I am not going to, I just have to believe that that is the lie here. I can see the, I think the Hamilton one is true. I think the Marvin Gaye one, they do wild things with monkeys. I'm locking in Sylvester Stallone. The script is completely flipped.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Like today, while you're setting up the set, Al, you were nervous. You're upset. Now I'm freaking out. Because like, let's say Mike doesn't go with the George Washington bedpan, which you go with whatever. And it is that.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Then you've win already. I will leave. The show is over. Go back to YouTube videos. Oh, man. Oh, Mike, you got to lock one in. I feel leave. The show is over. Go back to YouTube videos. Oh, man. All right, Mike. You got to lock one in. I feel like...
Starting point is 00:32:28 What is a... Come on. With a rumpologist? There's no... I'm going the rumpologist. All right. Final answer is two. Oh, goodness.
Starting point is 00:32:39 I'm so scared. Two rumps and a monkey. No. No. No. No. No. Nobody's right? Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Right away? Sorry, guys. What? These are not true things. I refused. I hate. Hey, Al. What if he's been lying?
Starting point is 00:32:57 I hate you. Oh, that's a good one. He just keeps the streak going by straight lying to us. So he did not buy the bedpan. Did he buy something else? No. It was all made up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:09 So a rumpologist is real, and it's Sylvester Stallone's mom. No wonder he was so poor growing up. That's a good point. We should have thought about it. Not a huge market for that. I remember he had no money. Yeah. Should have been a palm reader.
Starting point is 00:33:27 And yeah, there's video of the impersonator in the monkey enclosure singing. That one makes sense to me. They don't speak English. The monkey, it says, and it works. The language of love is not English, my man. They found that the monkeys all showed more like mashing of the teeth and stuff like that. That was what they do in mating season. You know what?
Starting point is 00:33:49 This is like the one, and I'm calling you out on it. Back in the day, there was the dogs face north or south to poop or east or west. I don't remember what it was. Yeah, but that one's true. It is not. I have watched my dog poop in every direction since then. You're a liar. Who's the loser in that situation?
Starting point is 00:34:09 Okay, that's fair. All right, I guess we keep going, huh? I guess so. You can compete amongst yourselves. All right, here we go. I like that Brooks has shared just what a quick Google search looks like if you just type rumpologist, and the number one result is rumpology near me.
Starting point is 00:34:27 So people be looking for rumpologists. People are weird. They get very near you. Yeah. I mean. Now I just want to know what my butt says. I know what mine says. It says we're losers again.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Round two. In the original 1940s children's story, Pinocchio kills Jiminy Cricket with a hammer in a fit of rage. All right, I'm locking that in as true. Yeah, in the 40s. In the 40s, it definitely happened. All the old fairy tales and Disney stories are horrifying when you read the source content.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Okay. Number two, the hammer and sickle symbol on the Soviet flag adopted during the Russian Revolution was tattooed on the left shoulder of every enlisted soldier who wished to be considered for rank advancement. So it's like a little Yellowstone brand. Little brand. And the third one, the TV show Home Improvement was originally called Hammer Time, a play on MC Hammer's famous catchphrase. I can see that.
Starting point is 00:35:30 His famous catchphrase was Stop Hammer Time. Not just Hammer Time. I think the source material would come through the shortened version here. I'm going with that one, Hammer Time. Do you think that one's the lie? No thinking. All right, I'll go. Do you think that one's the lie? No thinking. All right. I'll go.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I think the Russian one's a lie. I don't think Pinocchio kills Jiminy Cricket. I know what you're saying, and they're all horrible, but that Pinocchio kills Jiminy Cricket? Oh, for sure. All right. Here we go. Andy, you take the lead here.
Starting point is 00:36:00 All right. The hammer and sickle was the lie. Okay. So the Russian one was the lie. That means Jiminy Cricket's dead, and Hammer Time was the lie. Okay. So the rational one was the lie. That means Jiminy Cricket's dead and Hammer Time was the name of the show? Correct. And they pivoted from it
Starting point is 00:36:12 as quickly as a pilot, I believe, is when they made the pivot. We're going to call it Hammer Time. Wow. Glad they didn't chase that forever. Oh my gosh. Alright, so I'm in the lead. I'm awesome. What are the kids into these days?
Starting point is 00:36:28 So stupid. Round three. The Guinness World Record for most M&Ms stacked on top of each other is six. True. I know that. That's a fact. Number two. Rhinorrhea is a technical term for a runny nose.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Oh, my gosh. I think that's true. If you see the word. No, rhinocitis, isn't it? If you see the word written. No, I didn't know. Itis is swollen. It's diarrhea.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Of the nose? Of the nose. Yeah, so rhea. Wait, did you just Google it? No, I'm just saying that's how you spell diarrhea, looking at this word. And the rhino, I mean, we know that's the nose. Rhinorrhea. It's like rhin rhinus so was the dia the anus that's a good point i mean like scientifically you gotta break down the word dire like a diaphragm a date i don't know my diaphragm is leaking
Starting point is 00:37:19 keep going just saying like like when you break down these words scientifically they Keep going. Just saying. Like, when you break down these words scientifically, they stand for something. From the inception of the periodic table of elements in 1869 through 1901, the table included M-E meteorite. Nice. So there was a period of time in which there was an M-E meteorite. People were real stupid back then. Man. Well, the M&M's one's 100% fact.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yes. We just saw that video. Yeah. Did you know that? Did you know we had seen that? No. If I knew you had seen that, I wouldn't have put it in there. Someone just put it in our company's leg. Someone just sent it to...
Starting point is 00:37:59 Oh, no. There was a tweet. There was a tweet, and they said that we could actually break this record potentially. I'm sure we could. I don't know, man. It was a tweet, and they said that we could actually break this record potentially. I'm sure we could. I don't know, man. I was watching. That was some athleticism to stack that M&M's. I think that the rhinorrhea one is a lie.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I think I get where you're going, and I think it's a deft lie. It's very smart of you, but I don't think a runny nose. I think that's rhinocytus. I'm going to go with rhinorrhea as well. I'm going the meteor. Okay. I'm going the meteor. You're smart.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Now if I'm right, I can't win. Exactly. I'm playing the game. Wait, no, I'm pivoting. Nope, it's too late. You locked it in. You locked it in. Mike and I are going periodic table.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Periodic table. Final answer. Jason, I'm sorry. You locked it in. And Andy and Mike tied for the win today. Boom. Rhinorrhea is the runny nose yeah rhinocytosis Mike's right anything in itis is inflammation
Starting point is 00:38:52 I have appendicitis so what makes the nose run and not an itis a rhea a rhea is runny so a runny butt yeah a runny butt so why isn't it buttorrhea well because it's not your butt that's runny like a right so a runny butt yeah a runny butt so why isn't it buttery buttery well because it's not your butt that's anorea yeah yeah that makes more sense diarrhea well i gotta break this
Starting point is 00:39:13 down no you don't no yeah google image search that one um it's like when you're crying you have op i area no no um that was that was one of the worst liar liars ever because we just got Op I area. No, no. That was, that was one of the worst liar lies ever because we just got the air. It came out of the sales too quickly. This, but I hope you at home, I hope our listeners beat him.
Starting point is 00:39:37 I hope somebody got it right. They, they all claim they do. And they're like, well, I got it right. Yeah. When the lights are on, it's a different story.
Starting point is 00:39:44 And I know that like the playing the analytics of the game, it's not wise for us to all separate on the first question. Yeah. But if you have conviction. But rumpologist, man. Come on. I can't believe that. So rumpologist.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Daya just means through. That's all it means. Oh, okay. So it's a flow through. So wait, why isn't it diarrhea of the nose? Right. It should be. So you think that there's a rumpologist out there that has rhinorrhea at the same time?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Certainly. Oh, crap. And diarrhea. Oh, now you're getting into it. You're saying a lot. All right. Do we want to draft now? Let's go.
Starting point is 00:40:30 The Spitballers Draft. We are drafting the best French fries in the world. That's it. The best fries. We are drafting four rounds, I assume, of the best fries. Yes, sir. And this one is easy. I was a little bit sad because I feel like there is a 101 here.
Starting point is 00:40:52 And I thought I was not the 101 because it was Andy's cat in my mind. But at least I... Did you say surprise? No, I did not. Oh, surprise. I'm giving you a Conor McGregor surprise. Ah. Ah, yes.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Okay. But to no one's surprise, I'm going to take McDonald's. Yeah. I mean, McDonald's fries, they're perfection. They are. They're the reason you go to McDonald's. Yeah. I mean, they're always exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Because the other food is pretty much garbage they're perfect they're golden they're long they're crispy they're uh they're everything you want to fry they salt it just the right amount it's perfect yes i haven't had them in a long time because i don't i don't eat at mcdonald's and so i guess i haven't but i've i've been tempted to go by for like a fry and a McFlurry combo. Like maybe I should do that today. I think you should. I've had to hit them up recently.
Starting point is 00:41:50 The family likes the Filet-O-Fish. I'm fine with it. I like the McNuggets, but the fries are just. They're great. They are so. They got to be hot. They're so. But they're also good cold.
Starting point is 00:42:01 They are great at all times. Ten years from now, still great. How much real potato is in that thing? I don't care. So I saw something about the potato they use that they require a specific potato. And I mean, everything is completely perfected in the line of getting it to be the same everywhere on planet Earth. And this is the only fry that I think comes with nostalgia.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Agreed. Now, I have to play the game here because Mike has two picks after me. So I have my actual 101, but I think it can get back to me. But the other one, what is Mike like in a good fry interesting this is very difficult i'm going to go with what i think is all right i'm just going to go with this one five guys fries yeah they suck um oh they're so those are the ones that you're talking about yeah so soggy the five guys fries are the best fries on earth they They make them with peanut oil. They're fresh. They're so delicious. Would you have taken them if I didn't? They would have
Starting point is 00:43:09 depending on what your pick was, they would have been in strong contention, but they're not my they wouldn't be the first one. The Five Guys fries I just, I look forward to them and look, here's a little lesson for everybody out there, pinching pennies in your fancy restaurants. Five Guys knows how to do it they give you order a fry they give you a cup full of fries and then they just throw
Starting point is 00:43:31 some more fries in the bag they do because they believe in happiness that's the only thing that's good about they have tricked people by giving them an abundance of fries into believing how cool is it when you order fries from them that they throw a bunch of extra fries in the bag and i get that that part is cool and i really like their cajun flavor that part's good but their fry is delicious soggy soggy fries have no business in this land i don't want this to be the end of the show but if you if you keep talking it will be i will they're incredible mike you have two picks now. All right. Well, then I know.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And I might have played it wrong if you would have not taken Five Guys Fries. I'll just say, like, I don't know where you would have gone. It's a whole parallel universe, and I have no idea where I would have ended up. But I'm going to do right by them. So number one with my first pick, I will take the Jack in the Box Curly Fry. Curly Fry, ladies and gentlemen because look there are imitators out there and they do a good job even today they're also delicious it's interesting but that's the number one curly particular the jack in the box curly fry just hits so different than all the other things.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Jason knows what I'm talking about. Speaking of Rhea. Oh, yeah. There's consequences. I mean, that's to all of these. Don't act like there's any of these that aren't giving you a little Rhea. There's a little more with the curly category. A different kind of oil gets used.
Starting point is 00:44:59 On the spices. It's WD-40. It comes out curly. If you don't like... It comes out curly. If you don't like... If you don't like Jack in the Box curly fries, I don't like you. So we're being very polarizing. All right. And then for my second pick...
Starting point is 00:45:19 Please don't take it. I honestly have no idea what you're thinking about taking uh but i like the five guys fries i like i like more potato oh he's gonna take it i know exactly what andy wants and you're on the path let's go well it could be two things okay all right let's see but i'm just gonna take the one that i want and i'm gonna take the chick-fil-A waffle fry. I know. Okay. Then I know where you're going to go and you are 100% correct. Your pick is also delicious. But if I can't.
Starting point is 00:45:51 That's a great pick. The waffle fries are amazing. If I can't get curly fries from Jack in the Box or the imitators, give me a waffle fry. I don't know what about the little holes in between of the cut it just makes maybe there's more surface area i don't know there's got to be a scientific or mathematical equation dipping they are fantastic for dipping yeah they're awesome i mean they're they're they're just delicious fries are so good french fries are great this draft is making me hungry uh chick-fil-a fries will be my second pick all right my pick is pick is the Red Robin fries. Yeah. Yeah. That's where I thought Mike was going.
Starting point is 00:46:26 The Red Robin fries are technically my favorite, just above the Five Guys. And if you don't know, they are a steak fry. Yes. It's a steak fry. They're bottomless. They're crispy, but yet potatoey. And they dip well in ranch. They are so good. but i thought that one might
Starting point is 00:46:46 slip through i hate steak fries i prefer you've been known as a shoestringer i i'm a shoestring guy over steak fries regular is fine by me i do not like steak fries and i love red robin steak fries if you're gonna do steak fries just them. Just do exactly what they're doing because you're right. It's so crispy on the outside. Also, their ranch is great. Dip it in ranch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Oh, brother. I got good steak. I'm getting hot and bothered over here, fellas. All right. You are up with... You got two picks. You got two picks. Oh, I got two?
Starting point is 00:47:19 Goodness. All right. Okay. Let's go. Pick number one. It's exactly what we just talked about. It's the shoestring fries. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:47:30 And so I am going. I know neither one of you are shoestring guys. Not on any list I have. That's fine. But I am going with a chain that I wasn't even sure if they were national. They are pretty much national. They're not everywhere. But I looked at the.
Starting point is 00:47:41 I look. Yeah, I'm going Freddy's. Yeah. Freddy's frozen custard. Their fries are so good. I honestly can't stand their fries. Crispy. My wife completely agrees with you, Jason.
Starting point is 00:47:52 They're so hard to eat, man. They're so hard to eat. I can't get enough substance. I want to lick my fingers or I want to eat the fries. Yo, crazy. What you do, let me just teach. Let me just teach for a second. You grab three or four fries together.
Starting point is 00:48:05 But it's impossible. Oh, it's super easy. No, it's not. Maybe with a magnifying glass. Let's get some in here. I'll show you how easy it is. And the nice thing is when you dip those four or five fries together, you're getting more surface area of the crunch and more surface area of the sauce.
Starting point is 00:48:21 It is outstanding. That's all there is, though. It's all crunch. That's what I want. There's no substance. There's no potato in there. I think the shoestringers do prefer crunch. That's the big thing for them.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Yes, and that's why I like Red Robin's steak fries because there's still a crunch to it. There's a crisp. I think Freddy's peels the potatoes and then they just sell them to Red Robin. Ooh. All right. They just cook the potato skin.
Starting point is 00:48:42 No, they don't have any potato in them. It's all just... That's what I mean. You know, you guys don't like potato chips? Are you going to say there's no potato in potato chips? But those are chips. Those aren't fries. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:48:54 They're the same thing. They're not the same thing. They're chips, but you get what I'm saying. They're thin and they're still made of potatoes. I think you just made our point. Eh, shut up. All right. And they're still made of potatoes. I think you just made our point.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Eh, shut up. All right. So, now the last one, or my next one here that I'm going with, I have to have these. And these are polarizing. I totally understand how people hate these. I get it. Oh, no. Not everybody's going to like these fries.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Oh, no. But I do love them. Interesting. My own family doesn't. Like, my son hates these. And he's so stupid for this um in and out in and out fries i love them too they're so good now there's a short it's the opposite of mcdonald's you gotta eat these things fresh out the fryer you got about you got a 60
Starting point is 00:49:40 second countdown window i am heartbroken but i I love In-N-Out's fries. Shout out to Animal Style. You guys are crazy. I thought I was going to be able to. You like them too? No. Only Animal Style. No, I mean.
Starting point is 00:49:58 That's the only redeeming quality of In-N-Out fries is you can say, Hey, I would like you to cover these in grilled onions, cheese, and Thousand Island. Some people love them. Some people hate them. I love them, Jason. I didn. Some people love them. Some people hate them. I love them. Jason, I didn't know you loved them. It makes me really sad. 100% sunflower oil.
Starting point is 00:50:13 It is the healthiest of all the fries, which does not matter. The healthiest? It can't be more healthy than the Five Guys fries. Yeah. Those have actual potato in them. Disgusting. I am tilting. I thought that was a layup for my third pick, so I will go with the better curly fry.
Starting point is 00:50:35 I will go with Arby's curly fry. Oh, man. That's the imitator. Dude. I feel like it's the other way around. That's the imitator. I have to agree with Andy here. I think, and you heard me talk up Jack in the Box fries. The curly fries are great, but I think Arby's is the OG. That's the imitator. I have to agree with Andy here. I think, and you heard me talk up Jack of the Box fries. The curly fries are great, but I think Arby's is the OG.
Starting point is 00:50:48 That's the OG. And Jack of the Box is imitating. They're both doing a great job. Whoever's imitating the other. And here's what's upsetting. The source material was really. I was waiting for that to be, whichever one was drafted first, I was going to grab the other one with my fourth pick because I thought that
Starting point is 00:51:03 the other two of you would be cowards. Not a coward. And would say, oh, someone already drafted is too similar. I'm going to grab the other one with my fourth pick because I thought that the other two of you would be cowards. Not a coward. And would say, oh, someone already drafted. It's too similar. I'm going to let that go. I would have drafted. You would have had both. I would have had all the curly fries, baby.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Oh, my gosh. So good. Yeah. But I am speaking with my picks. I would have taken a second. On the nostalgic world, McDonald's is one. I think the Arby's curly fries. Really?
Starting point is 00:51:26 I see nods back there. I think it's the second most nostalgic because it's known for one place when I was growing up. And I can just think, you know, you want curly fries, you go to Arby's. But Arby's was also like the fast food restaurant I visited the least. Well, that's a shame for you. Yeah, that is. But not for your digestive system. So that's up there for you, Al?
Starting point is 00:51:47 On the nostalgia scale, yeah. And it's probably a 103 for me. I'm so hungry, guys. This draft has been bad. We are fools not to have fries here. Mike? All right. You could put me into full don't know what I'm picking mode.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Yeah, I mean, I have some left, and we're just picking at the scraps at this point. A fry. Boy, hasn't Burger King tried so hard? Oh, they're not even on my list. No, I know. They're not on mine either. That's why I brought it up. They try so hard, and they can't get one.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Because they keep reinventing their fry. I know. What is a Burger King fry fry i don't know at this weren't they the ones that eventually had to go to chicken they're like i can't we can't make a real fry let's go chicken they made chicken fries but in the year 2022 i have i don't know which burger king fry is happening right now neither because i will i will not go to your establishment here's what i know know. Here's what I know. Make a decision. What is the fry? Whichever fry they have right now, it's going to be delicious. It'll be okay.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Well, it's a French fry. Yeah, but there's better fries. I agree. It's on my list, but it's like the last one. It really took the turn for me of like I actually stopped going to Burger King because they were so hyped about this new fry. It was like Mr. Potato Head. So this must have been the Toy Story era. Mr. Potato Head was a mascot for them of selling their new fry.
Starting point is 00:53:16 That's awful. I stopped going. That's really bad. The mascot for eating potatoes is the Mr potato i'm just telling you what i remember man this was the missus all right continue on i did not know that they were so like cutthroat over there burking but but i stopped going and they've reinvented their fry about 52 times since that point. And you never forgave them.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Oh, no. I never forget when a fast food place changes their fries. Wendy's. Put you on blast, even though the new ones are all right. The old ones are better. This is an underrated fry. This place, like, it definitely has its champions. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:54:05 But at least to me, this one just always flies under the radar. And yet, this place always delivers with all aspects of their food, especially their ketchup. I don't know what this place does that is – I've never heard about a place before. They just do something special with the ketchup? I don't know if we're in line, but what a burger. Yep.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Oh, they do. See? They do something with the regular ketchup, and they have a spicy ketchup. They're fancy ketchup. I don't know what is different about theirs. It does have a different taste. It is the best of the fast food ketchup. I'm not saying I'm drafting their ketchup, but that's part of the Whataburger.
Starting point is 00:54:43 People say that about McDonald's Coke. Yes. Yeah, that it's completely different than everywhere else. McDonald's has delicious Coke, but part of the Whataburger French fry experience is, like, do you want ketchup? Like, don't ask stupid questions. Yeah, I'm at Whataburger. Of course I want ketchup. Like, how many dozen ketchups do I want?
Starting point is 00:54:59 Wow. Oh. But I never end up there, and it's a delightful ketchup. We got to do best fast food burgers at some point. Well, we probably should. I'm going to go with a little under the radar pick as well to close out. Okay. Look, they're just great crinkle cut fries.
Starting point is 00:55:19 That's Del Taco. Del Taco's crinkle cut fries. I'm going to go back to my final turn, though. Wait, you didn't do both picks? I was about to jump in, man, but I didn't know if you were playing the game or what. I'm stealing. Please. I don't have a choice.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Yeah, the rules are written for you, Mike. You have the floor. Del taco fries. Oh, what a great pick, Mike. Those are so good. Those crinkle cut fries. Absolutely. Pay attention, dummy.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Oh, I hope that was Andy's end of his list. He has nothing. You just. You can check the tape. I started peeking into the camera. I'm looking into the audience. They know what's about to happen. Oh, yes. You talk so dang long about the Whataburger ketchup. into the camera i'm looking into the audience they know what's about to happen oh yes he talks
Starting point is 00:56:05 so dang long about the water burger ketchup i thought you'd made about pics oh man all right del taco good pick mike um i probably would not have taken them but rules are rules i'll take did you just snort? Yes, I did. And that was on accident. As opposed to an on-purpose snort. Yeah, exactly. Nobody's ever snorted on purpose. Yeah, probably true.
Starting point is 00:56:38 So I get the... Now I don't know where to go. Because I got to pick, but I'm picking the one I literally put behind this one. I'll go Raising Cane's Crinkle Cut. Okay. I'll take the other Crinkle Cut Fries. What's ironic is I'm... Was it my pick even?
Starting point is 00:56:56 I don't know if it was my pick. No, you were good. I'm guessing... The second time this happened. I'm guessing that if you would let him go, the Raising Cane's would have been in front of Del Taco for Mike originally. Yes, it would have. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:07 You might have lucked out here. The thing about crinkle cut fries is- There is one more crinkle you could pick and do a complete fourth round crinkle. Oh, yeah. Fourth round crinkle. I am not a fan of crinkle cut fries. They are the worst of all of the fries. Listen, you got real serious for a moment.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I am not. Because here's the thing about crinkle cut fries. Only one person, only one business. There's only one business that produces them, clearly. Oh, and it's just broad? Because they're all exactly the same. They do seem the same, yeah. If you have a crinkle cut fry, I know what it is.
Starting point is 00:57:42 It was from a frozen bag of Araida. There's one more. I'm just saying. And I will not take it. I will rise above. What shoestring did you find? Jason, I already went ahead and put your final pick in the doc for you. Oh, you did?
Starting point is 00:58:00 Yeah. I got it handled for you. Let's see what that is. Oh, he did. Oh, gross. He's got, he put, this is what he wrote. Garbage trash fries is what he wrote. Doo-doo cock-a-doo-doo fries, which is sweet potato fries.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Those literally are made for the garbage can. I cannot stand that mushy nonsense. That's your healthy fry. Not my healthy fry, Mike. If you are honestly trying to find a French fry, you're like, this just is not as bad for me. It's the sweet potato fry. Now, they taste terrible.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I like them. I wish. The texture is also terrible. I wish so much that I liked them. I can see if you hate any type of soft or fry and you mix that with a flavor you don't like. That's got to be hell on earth. People are always like, no, this one's really crispy. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:58:57 It's a sweet potato. You wouldn't know. Every time I give you a good sweet potato fry, you throw it across the room. It's true. He's like, I'll try this one. And then he throws it right at the trash can true he's like i'll try this one and then he throws it right at the trash can it's a good gag even at restaurants um all right well only at restaurants we don't really do that at home a lot you you made some sweet potatoes all
Starting point is 00:59:17 right here we go my last pick i'm going on unconventional unconventional yeah sonic tots Unconventional. Unconventional? Yeah. Sonic Tots. Okay. I wasn't sure if that was going to be allowed because that's a- No, that's not allowed. That's a tater tot. I was trying to sneak it in there with the fork. No way do you get a little tot at the end. They're so good, though.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Can I just at least give them a shout out? Yes, you can get on a soapbox for tots, bro. Tater tots might be better than french fries. Ooh, that's a hot take. They travel better. If you're a door dasher or a Postmates person, they travel better than french fries. That's a hot take. You know me by now.
Starting point is 00:59:53 I'm a crispy fry guy. And it's basically just more surface area to crisp up. And I love me some tots. That means you must love some McDonald's hash browns. Oh, it's so good. Because of the surface area. Because it's a tater tot. It's just flat.
Starting point is 01:00:10 It's just whiter. All right. Well, then I'm running low. You want the last sprinkle? I do really actually like Wendy's new fries. They are good. I think they are actually outstanding. So you're picking them.
Starting point is 01:00:23 But I am not picking them. I'm going a little unconventional. Cheeseburger! Loaded baked potato. Big Mac. I'm going with the Taco Bell nacho fries. Okay, which I have still to this day. Are those potatoes?
Starting point is 01:00:39 Never have. But they are fries, right? They're fries. They are seasoned with like a chili powder type of... But they're actual right? They're fries. They are seasoned with like a chili powder type of. But they're actual potatoes? They're actual potatoes. Oh, I've never had them. Actual fries. I thought they might have been just like.
Starting point is 01:00:52 They're usually like limited time. Made from Doritos or something. I mean, they taste like it. They are delicious. But no, they are from, they are real potatoes. Well, maybe I got to give them a go. I would recommend it. So yeah, that completes my list.
Starting point is 01:01:06 But it wasn't your pick. It was my pick. No? No? Culver's makes another crinkle cut. Yeah. It tastes just like the Raising Cane's and just like the Del Taco one. I like the Del Taco fries.
Starting point is 01:01:20 I do like them. And they come in a cup, which to me, I like them coming in a cup. That is another good thing about the Five Guys. Cups are better because the worst part of McDonald's fries is that their fries don't always stand up. Like the container. Just make a container that stands. There's no chance, none, that I'm not driving through some place, maybe more than one place for fries on the way home. I am 100% planning a drive-thru.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Today's episode is brought to you by Big Fry. Wow, those are- By diarrhea. Al and Judge, did you guys have any other fries we left out that are your favorites? Sweet potato fries. I genuinely really like sweet potato fries. I'm glad I asked. Red Robin actually has a good sweet potato fries. Yeah, I genuinely really like sweet potato fries. I'm glad I asked. Red Robin actually has a good sweet potato fry.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Oh, imagine getting a sweet potato fry at a place with the best fries on earth. But they're bottomless. I get a basket of each, then I go to town. Do they let you rotate on one tab? You can go back and forth? I order two orders. One regular and one...
Starting point is 01:02:23 But then I can keep refilling both. That's a good move. That's a bad move because you're filling your belly with garbage when you could be filling it with the good stuff. Get out of here. All right, here we go. What did we learn today? I learned that Al Borland is not my friend.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Because of Liar Liar, I used to think of him as a really- What a disappointing performance by us. I am really upset because it wasn't even a thing. If I'm not mistaken, the last time we did this, it was a first round loss as well. Make the hard ones at the end. Do a better job. I can't believe we failed again. There's three of us.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Oh, man. This is impossible. Rump-ologist. Yeah. That's what you learned? I've got two words for you. Rump-ologist. Yeah. It talks about the Liar Liar,. That's what you learned? I've got two words for you. Rumpologist. Yeah. It talks
Starting point is 01:03:07 about the liar liar and that's what I learned. A rumpologist is a real thing. And I learned Jason doesn't really care for crinkle cup fries. Alright? No I don't. No he doesn't. Alright that'll do it for today's Spitballers podcast. Join the spit.com if you want to support the show. Send us in
Starting point is 01:03:23 your draft ideas, segment ideas. Make fun of us. Anything you want to do join the spit.com. If you want to support the show, send us in your draft ideas, segment ideas, make fun of us. Anything you want to do. Join the spit.com. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the spit ballers podcast to see what other nonsense the guys are up to. Check out spit ballerspod.com.

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