Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 187: Big Bristles & The Worst Food To Eat In The Car - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: March 21, 2022

On this episode, we discuss a pay-per-brush system for oral hygiene. We also debate the appeal of a being a viking vs. knight vs. samurai. And stick around as Mike has a bit of a surprise for Jason du...ring ‘Is This Real Life’. Lastly, we shut it down with a draft of the worst foods to eat in the car. Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:41 he's telling me all the time, you got to upgrade. You got to get the Helix Sleep mattress. So I have finally taken the jump, and I am very, very excited. And you can too. Just go to helixsleep.com slash ballers. You take the two-minute sleep quiz, and they'll match you to a customized mattress that will give you the best sleep of your life. They stand behind their product. They have a 10-year warranty.
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Starting point is 00:01:39 What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. Nice. Okay. Okay. Welcome into the spitballers. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Courtesy of Jason Moore. Bringing you in with a little vocal drumming. A little ditty I call the scat. Which drum were you? I was the... I was the... Low hat. I was the... I was the... Low hat. I was the top hat.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I was the... The high hat? The high hat. There it is. Oh, that's usually like a... Yeah. You were more of a blat-tat-tat, though. Right, which would be more of the...
Starting point is 00:02:39 Snare. Snare drum. Which would be more of the snare drum, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So, you know, snare and a high hat and a little kick drum. It should be more of the snare drum, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So, you know, snare and a hi-hat and a little kick drum down at one of those. Okay. I'm a music man.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I know. I know. Very nice. Episode 187. Uh-oh. You murdered that scat. Oh, I love it. We are drafting the worst foods to eat in the car i can't wait for this draft it's it's so ridiculous i like drafts that i can visualize
Starting point is 00:03:14 and each you got 12 picks today and i'm gonna visualize you eating them in the car and it's gonna be funny i will say this when i was i hope that this draft goes as well as how entertained I was thinking of the food. I'm telling you. Because making my list, I was like, I had a blast. And you could almost do this draft in reverse, or in the inverse of it. There are foods that are really good to eat in the car. Oh, absolutely. Churros.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Crunchwrap. Crunch? Oh, yeah. Taco Bell Crunchwrap that are good to eat in the car. Oh, absolutely. Churros. Crunchwrap. Crunch? Oh, yeah. Taco Bell Crunchwrap that are good to eat in the car. Well, I know it's delicious in the car, but really? Oh, it's made to eat on the move. It's all wrapped in. It comes in a bag where you don't have to take.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Oh, look. Just trust me on this one. Okay. Crunchwrap Supreme is a good mobile food. Yeah. Well, I mean, that's fine because Andy's car is covered in cinnamon sugar. Have you ever not got something because of how messy it will be in the car? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Okay. So we're drafting the worst items today. Really? Yeah, there's like, I don't want to eat like big Taco Supremes on the drive. Okay. I mean, you have the first pick, so. Yeah, we'll see. We'll get into it. We have Would You Rather and Is This Real Life on the drive. Okay. I mean, you have the first pick, so. Yeah, we'll see. We'll get into it.
Starting point is 00:04:26 We have Would You Rather and Is This Real Life on the show today. You can check us out, spitballerspod.com. Support the show. You can also tell your friends. Mike, you are smirking. I just, I'm. Are you thinking about the draft? No.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Look, is life real? We'll find out. Oh, so you like the story you're sharing with us. I just, you know. You cannot control your smile right now i can't wait that's gonna be fun but uh let's start here would you rather all right smalls from patreon would you rather have to pay $50 every time you brush your teeth or never brush your teeth again and receive $200,000 a year? If you choose the first option, how often do you think you would choose to pay up for a brushing?
Starting point is 00:05:15 I love this question because you would be doing some economic decision-making with your teeth. We got to set some ground rules here. Yeah. Mouth washes out. Gum? to set some ground rules here. Yeah. Mouth washes out. Gum? That's what I was going to say. What is the line?
Starting point is 00:05:30 What do you mean? Well, because the question here is like. You can't clean your teeth in any way, shape, or form. Well, but gum doesn't clean your teeth. Gum just gives you fresh breath. At least the one out of five dentists agrees. Gum doesn't matter. You don't have to bring up gum.
Starting point is 00:05:43 You can chew gum. You can not chew gum. Okay. So I can have fresh breath with nasty, rotting teeth. Correct. Okay. And pain from the cavities and plaque everywhere that isn't cleaned up by your trident and those sales pitches.
Starting point is 00:05:57 What if we found out you could, all you had to do was chew gum? Oh, and it's big dentists? all you had to do was chew gum. Oh, and it's big dentists? Yeah, what if big dentists, they had such a grip on your dental health that it turns out you really only have to. It's big bristles. Big bristles. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Courtesy of Al Borman with that one. What if it turned out? Because we've had the articles come out that big floss was. What, flossing is bad bad it's just it doesn't do what they say it does really i have not read such oh yes are you supposed to know whether anything does what it says it does anymore huh how are you supposed to figure this out is this i i i know this i i think i've said it on this show. Maybe it was somewhere else. I know for a fact that dentists have conferences with people that are trained to train dentists on how to get you into plans.
Starting point is 00:06:52 It's not like your teeth are writing letters to your body saying every six months on the dot, you must clean me. This has been designed for us, right? And maybe the answer is really every three months. Maybe the, probably not. Otherwise we'd be doing it. Maybe it's every nine months. Maybe it's every two years you get a cleaning.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Mike, I don't think you've ever been to a dentist. I was going to say, what if you're riding the lightning over here and you are a one time a day brusher, which, uh, I, you're a morning or you're a night. Yes. I'm a morning brusher. I do. I do not subscribe to big floss, but I do have one of those the fancy flossing, the water, the water pick, which you turn you turn me on to that.
Starting point is 00:07:35 It's like because after you after you do it, look, my teeth feel great. I mean, like my mouth feels very fresh in the morning after I hit. Yeah, I hit it with the other water and the morning after I hit it with the water and the brushing. But you've been riding dirty with the old dentist strips. I haven't been to a dentist in probably 20 years. So. And I'm sure, like, I feel it. I know there's cavities in here.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Don't get me wrong. I know they're there. There are two ways that you can. I thought you were. I really, really thought you were just fine that you can play it. I thought you were I really really thought you were just fine and you're doing okay and that dentistry's a racket. No for the most
Starting point is 00:08:12 part. It's a disaster. But definitely in the last few years like every once in a while a bite will come down and you're like oh yeah I lost tooth there. There's something going on there I should probably have checked out in like the next 20 or so years. So there are two ways to play it at this point for you, Mike. There is the
Starting point is 00:08:27 can I make it till death? Because that's one way. The other way is... I've seen dead skeletons. They got teeth. Right. They're doing just fine. Wonderful research. Not in the life department, but in the teeth department. The other way is you ride this out, but then you end up
Starting point is 00:08:43 in a dentist when you're 60 and they're doing so much work you're doing implants you're getting them all that's just dentures at that you know what i mean like right you're gonna ride it until you're like take my mouth out give me a new mouth you know how great my teeth will look then pretty perfect that's right i mean i can tell you like i know people that have had to have so much dental work, and it— Bad genetics. See, I said that, too. It could be.
Starting point is 00:09:10 So, but there was an actual question about it. So, essentially— $50. You have to pay to brush your teeth or never brush your teeth, but you get $200,000. When I skip a brush, like a brushing. Right. Because I'm mostly a once-a-day person, too. When I skip a brush, like a brushing. Right. Because I'm mostly a once-a-day person, too. I do it at night.
Starting point is 00:09:28 And I know everyone says, oh, we all do it twice a day. We're gross. I get it. No, they don't. I do it once well at night. And if I fall asleep on the couch and I forgot, and I do that, I will notice. That's a danger of the night brush. The gums will...
Starting point is 00:09:48 Oh, you're right. You're right, it is. See, I don't sleep through my brushing. I probably do it twice a day. But the gums will notice, right? Right. And so I'm just thinking of that in the context of the $50 fee. That's a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:10:01 That's a lot of money. I can't leave... See, I'm more of a morning brusher. I cannot fathom leaving the house without brushing my teeth. That just is not possible. But if I do that every day, if I say, oh, I'm leaving and I have to brush my teeth and I don't do it at night, that's $18,250 a year to pay to brush my teeth in the morning every single day.
Starting point is 00:10:31 That is a lot. And it's more if you're the double brusher. If you wanted to pay for morning and night, obviously. Alternatively, I have $200,000 to cover my dental. How much is my dental expenses? $10,000 a year max? I don't know. You mean if you don't brush? Yeah. It's going to cover my dental expenses. How much is my dental expenses? $10,000 a year max? I don't know. You mean if you don't brush?
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yeah. It's going to be more than that. It's going to be more. Okay. $50,000 every year just on my mouth. I'm netting $150,000. If money's all that matters, sure, but you're a wreck. I mean, you've got teeth missing.
Starting point is 00:11:00 You've got work that needs to be done. I know you joke about dentures. You don't want denture life denture life is not a good life everyone knows it's like a toupee right and then so you can go pay for implants but but that's a lot of pain and you don't even like needles super buff jaw super because you're gonna be hitting that gum hard oh yeah i mean you're gonna have like i will have gum you'll be able to flex your jaw muscles. Do you think Pete Carroll, head coach of the Seattle Seahawks,
Starting point is 00:11:29 he does not brush his teeth? That's why he's always chewing gum? That's an interesting question. And at his age, he's got to have dentures by now. If people are chronic gum chewers, is it because they don't want to brush? I mean, I have never... This is opening my eyes. Al Borland said, I feel like nightbrushers are worried about their teeth health.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Morning brushers are worried about breath. And that might be true because I have. I can count on one hand how many times I've had gum because of the breath. Is that why people chew gum? Yeah. Yeah. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Just to have better breath? You've been that paranoid about your breath? I have not chew gum? Yeah. Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Just to have better breath? You've been that paranoid about your breath? I have not chewed a piece of gum for a reason other than my breath since Juicy Fruit in the eighth grade. Like, those are delicious. I used to chew gum first. That was a seven seconds of just... Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:19 So incredible. When someone says, would you like a piece of gum? They offer you a piece of gum. That means your breast stinks. You think... Oh, they think you're... No. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. When someone offers you a piece of gum. That means your breast stinks. Oh, they think you're. No. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:26 When someone offers you a piece of gum, that means your breast stinks. Yes, 100%. False. I'm just saying, like, if someone's, they're getting a piece of gum out for themselves. That's when they sometimes offer it. But that's the move. Right. That is the move.
Starting point is 00:12:38 That's the move. You don't pull out a packet of gum. Say, you want a piece of gum? Just because your friend has stinky breath, you have to inception. Oh, 100%. You have to get the idea is in their mind. Oh, of course I wanted a piece of gum because you're chewing it
Starting point is 00:12:53 and it looks delicious. Oh, you want one too? You want one too, bud? I had this out for me, but you want one? I ain't. No, you don't. Are you sure? Are you sure? Because I got it right here.
Starting point is 00:13:08 It's like in my hand already. I'm chewing it. This is nuts. It's like five sets of gum. It's so delicious. This gum's so good. Chomp, chomp, chomp. Chomp, chomp.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Here, just take one. Just take one anyways. If you don't brush at night, that means your breath really stinks in the morning. Correct. Because, I mean, it already, people who brush at night, their breath stinks in the morning. Correct. Because, I mean, already people who brush at night, their breath stinks in the morning.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Correct. So you're cooking up a... Right. You might have mold in your mouth in the morning. But you made the point. You brush at night, you wake up, you got nasty morning breath. But then I eat and I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:13:40 But at what point is nasty morning breath from brushing? You brush at night, you have nasty morning breath. Compare that against I didn't brush, so I have nasty morning breath. Like, what is the difference? It's unpleasant. It's terrible. I'm just thinking you probably, I don't want to smell it. I think what we're learning here is we should brush our teeth twice a day.
Starting point is 00:14:01 For $100 a day. Don't buy into big dentistry, man. Look, I expected a tooth to fall out while you said it. The actual question, there is a no-brainer answer here. I'm taking the $200,000, and I will pay for the dental bills. I'm not paying $20,000 to $40,000 a year to brush my teeth. I will receive $200,000. What's your price?
Starting point is 00:14:24 $10 a brush? Sure? $10 a brush? Sure. $10 a brush. Would you go every other day then? No. What's your price for every day and how much would you space the $50? Let's say you're locked into $50 times every brush. That's just it.
Starting point is 00:14:39 This has now become a situation room. You have to pay $50 times every time you brush. How often do you brush? I'm skipping weekends. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because you're just home. Yeah, I'm just home.
Starting point is 00:14:53 So you're $250 a week. Yeah. One brush a day. That's right. You got to pay an extra $10 for toothpaste. Oh, man. Big bristles are racking out there. Mike, do you have a An official answer
Starting point is 00:15:05 200,000 is a lot That's a lot of cash That's a lot of money They'll take the money Okay And then just deal with the ramifications And what was your selection Well to be fair
Starting point is 00:15:19 Other people have to deal with my ramifications What was your answer You will look bad To be clear No I will smell bad Other people have to deal with my ramifications. What was your answer? You will look bad, to be clear. No, I will smell bad. No, you will look bad, too. Maybe. You don't brush your teeth.
Starting point is 00:15:32 That's disgusting. 100% locked in whitening gum every day. Nah, that's a loophole. Yeah. We established the rules. You're going to be grossy McGross pants with plaque all over your teeth. Your gum. Oh, I'm covered in plaque right now.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Do you drink coffee every day? I do. Yeah. You don't brush your teeth. You know how yellow your teeth are going to be? You will have yellow teeth. You just drink your coffee through a straw. That's right.
Starting point is 00:15:58 That's right. No teeth. No teeth touching. No teeth touching with the coffee. What was your hit, sir? I don't care. Then take the money. All right teeth touching with the coffee. What was your hit, sir? I didn't. I don't care. Okay. Then take the money. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Jordan from the website. Would you rather have the Avengers defend you against the Justice League or the Justice League defend you against the Avengers? I mean. Okay. Dumb question. Super dope. Well, hold on.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Hold on. Name every member of the Justice League for me. Every member of the Justice League. You got Superman. You got Batman. You got Green Lantern. You got Aquaman. You got Wonder Woman.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And that's okay. That's the. To be clear, they're all super depressed. I think there are actually more in the official. That's the core. That's the core. Is Robin a part? No.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Get out of here, Robin. No, Robin would never be led in the official... That's the core. That's the core. Is Robin a part? No. Get out of here, Robin. No, Robin would never be let in the Justice League. This group's for the grown-ups here. Robin. Okay. Yeah, the Avengers. Okay, well, hold on. No, so then the Avengers, are we going
Starting point is 00:17:02 it's the movie Avengers, like the core group? Sure. So we got Thor it's the movie Avengers, like the core group? Sure. So we got Thor. We got Iron Man. We've got Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk. Captain America. Why are we telling people who the Avengers are? No, because we got to lay the- It's the biggest movie of all time.
Starting point is 00:17:18 If you don't know, this ain't an interesting question if you're just learning. People like to hear about the Avengers, number one. I just want to know because I want it completely laid out. Because first of all, now we have six on five. Right, six Avengers. Although two of them are just people. Okay, great. Because that's where I was going with my next question.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Wait, is that Hawkeye? Hawkeye and Black Widow. No, I got another question for you. Okay, okay. Because a good friend of ours in the football business, I saw him getting some clicks because he put out some bait on Twitter talking about what is and what is not a superhero. Is Batman actually a superhero?
Starting point is 00:18:01 Of course. Why? Because he fights crime. That's all it takes to be a superhero of course why because he fights crime and that's all it takes to be a crime to be a superhero in a suit that's all it takes to be a vigilante i think to be a superhero in the words of ariel he's got gadgets and gizmos aplenty and so that's all it just takes i went from respecting your answer to not so quickly. Perfection. But the point is here is like, okay, then Iron
Starting point is 00:18:30 Man is not a superhero. That would be the follow up. Is Iron Man actually a superhero? I stand by my reason. You fight crime, you fight for justice, and you wear a suit. That is all you have to be able to and you have to succeed at it. So you don't need
Starting point is 00:18:45 a superpower to be a superhero. No, you do not. I agree. Interesting. So your definition of superhero is you fight crime but just in a cool suit. Alter ego.
Starting point is 00:19:01 You do have to have an identity. So secret identity. Not secret. Just an identity that isn't yours. You do have to have an identity. So a secret identity. Not secret. Just an identity that isn't yours. Right. Aquaman is. Aquaman does not have. No, but they don't say Steve from the ocean. It's Aquaman. So he's got a separate identity.
Starting point is 00:19:16 So you have like a cool name. You have to have a name, a suit, and fight crime. A superhero name. Yeah, absolutely. The answer to the question is the Avengers. You want the Avengers defending you. Oh no, Bruce is here. You want the Avengers defending you. Oh, no. Bruce is here.
Starting point is 00:19:26 You want the Avengers defending you. Bruce, man. Bruce, man. Yeah, it doesn't have the same ring to it. You want the Avengers defending you because you're on the side of fun. You're on the side of good. You're on the side of joy. They've got the side of good. You're on the side of joy. They've got jokes.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Higher grossing films. Higher grossing films. Better cinematic universe. I hate that you teased this out and it was totally worth it. You might lose because Superman wins. You're going to die. But I want to be on the... You have Thor, though.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I want to die on the side that is right, then live on the side that is wrong. Thor can compete with Superman. No. Just on the basis of being from another planet. And wait a minute. I'm not even sure. They've got the Green Lantern, too, right?
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah. What does he do? Anything he wants. Someone explain to me the Green Lantern. It's a thing he wants. You wear the ring. The name's kind of lame. You wear the ring, and you are part of the lanterns, which I believe is an intergalactic policing type of a situation.
Starting point is 00:20:34 So people are into this. And your superpower as a lantern, or at least the green ones, because there are other colors of the lantern. The Green Lantern is whatever you imagine you can create with the power of the ring. So you're like, I would like a machine gun right now. Boom, you now have a machine gun. He's basically one of the superheroes with the hacks. Right. He can do whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:56 He can do anything. Like if you're a time travel, like there's superheroes that can just- I don't think he can time travel. Remember the show Heroes? There was a guy that could just always move time and you were like- Yeah, because that was his superpower. Green Lantern's superpower he can time travel. Remember the show Heroes? There was a guy that could just always move time, and you were like... Yeah, because that was his superpower. Green Lantern's superpower is not time travel. No, but I'm saying it's a cheat code.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Yeah, Andy's point is it's just a game breaker. If you can travel in time, you can just solve every problem. Which is why... So you have Superman, and you have the Flash, which I will die on that hill that the Flash is... Is the same thing as time travel? ...is more powerful than Superman. You will die on that hill? Yes, I will. thing as time travel is more powerful than superman you will die on the hill yes i will that's super speed no that's dumb super speed well superman has every that's why that's why it's dumb but he's not faster than the flash he doesn't need to be faster he can go back in time there there is is that the rotation of the earth theory that
Starting point is 00:21:41 i don't know that that's canon all right so this is the nerdiest the deepest we've ever gotten on any topic and i love it um i could do this for hours and i think we should come out with another podcast because this is great but for everyone not tuning in to the comic book glurs um my final answer is i will die with the Avengers I will too The Justice League would win a fight Yeah, of course And it hurts me to say that
Starting point is 00:22:12 Because the Avengers are way cooler Do you know how boring your life's going to be Living with those DC At least they'll be alive They'll just be narrating your life in slow motion Darkness Stop talking that way, Bruce. Stop talking like what?
Starting point is 00:22:27 I'm going to call you Bruce, man. Bruce, man. All right. Grizzly Adams from Twitter. Would you rather be a samurai, a knight, or a Viking? Ooh. So fundamentally, my first thought here is that one seems more heroic to me than the other. Yeah, the knight.
Starting point is 00:22:46 The knight. Really? Now, the samurai comes in number two. I think the samurai, that's pretty heroic. That's more noble. Well, no, not more noble. No, not more noble than a knight because samurais. Knights are noble.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Knights are heroes. Knights are defenders. Samurais are noble. Samurais are noble. Samurais are defenders. They're very similar. And a samurai, I believe, can actually fight where a knight can just be covered in gigantic armor. A knight would beat a samurai, I think. No, a samurai would win, for sure.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Listen, it's really going to depend on the individual there are knights that would lose to a samurai and there are knights that would beat a samurai the armor is could a viking win in this situation just due to ferocity and and it's alcohol consumption it is possible it is definitely possible though the vikings the vikings are the opposite of a knight no No armor, no honor. They are just going to Valhalla. They kind of took what they wanted, even though knights, I guess, kind of did that too.
Starting point is 00:23:52 They want to die. Vikings? Yeah. No, I think they want to live. I mean, they're okay with it. I think a knight and a samurai are as well. Yeah, no, I agree. You said a knight is as well?
Starting point is 00:24:05 As what? The honor of, honoring death for all three, you think? I think so. Yeah, I think that that is the one thing they all have in common, other than propensity to kill. Like in their individualized group, like to die in the field of battle would be an honor. That is a noble death. Now this question is not who would win in a fight or what is better. This question is what would we rather be.
Starting point is 00:24:30 So, like, you could still be like, hey, I'm going to be a Viking. I'm a knight. Yeah, that makes sense. Are you a paladin? I want to be horseback. And I want to be, you know and I want to be a defender. The knight is the superhero of the Middle Ages. That's as close as you get.
Starting point is 00:24:52 In Europe? I mean, I feel like a samurai would be very similar over in Asia. Yeah, but what do they ride? I was going to ask, did samurais have horses? I believe they had dragons. From the movies I've seen. Especially the one with Matt Damon. What was he doing?
Starting point is 00:25:14 My go-to source for Asian history is Matt Damon. Sometimes it's Tom Cruise. Don't forget Tom Cruise. What are we doing? We got problems. But seriously, do they ride anything? Because that could change the equation. They ride the wind.
Starting point is 00:25:33 No, I don't think they do. I don't know. I honestly don't know. Do samurai ride horse? I feel like there's horses involved. Why are you not pluralizing them? You said do samurai ride horse. Why did you say that?
Starting point is 00:25:51 I don't know. I didn't even understand what you were criticizing me of until I said it in my head again. Do samurai ride horse. Wait, are samurai plural samurai? Samurais. I would put the S on. Okay, another question. What is the plural?
Starting point is 00:26:15 It might be the samurai. It could be. Ride horse. No, so I was right because I was talking about one. Do samurai. I don't know what's talking about one. Okay. Do samurai. I don't know what's going on. But it is the plural. The plural is samurai.
Starting point is 00:26:33 The samurai. Okay. We got somewhere. We've got one piece of information. I'm going to lock in knight. Horses were their special weapons, speaking of samurai. So they both have horses. I'm locking at a viking
Starting point is 00:26:45 there's a there's a lot are we going to be all three different there's a lot of boat riding when you're a viking that's a lot of rowing a lot of rowing yeah he should be high there's a lot of partying and doing you know look i viking things i've watched i just i just finished watching um kingdom like about a year ago vikings which was a great show and the lost kingdom which deals with vikings so like i'm more in that world right now and i don't want to have all the the rules of knighthood there are and they're samurai i believe oh and same same there incredible rules because you serve the emperor. Now, the Vikings, unfortunately, only have a square table. No round table. That is true.
Starting point is 00:27:28 They have not mastered carpentry quite the same. Mike, do you have one that is romanticized more for you here? They're all cool. Definitely. They're all cool. I think I would go with the samurai, though. If the Vikings were from How to Train a Dragon, that's the one I would go with. Oh, yeah, because I want to ride a dragon.
Starting point is 00:27:49 That's why you went samurai. One of these guys. Can a knight ride a dragon? Because it seems like only Viking and samurai have that option. Yeah, that's a great question. We have all chosen a different one, Al, so you need to weigh in. I'm going knight. Okay, Brooksy?
Starting point is 00:28:06 Going samurai. Okay. So we got one Viking to rule them all. You won't be alive long, but you'll have a great life. That's exactly right, 100%. No, I wasn't talking about this situation. Oh, no, I know. Just me. I won't be alive much longer, but my life is pretty fantastic. Do we have time
Starting point is 00:28:24 for one more of these we sure do okay darren from the website we'd rather be able to grow a full head of hair but not be able to grow any facial hair or be able to grow facial hair and be bald so i have a problem on my neck and what's whoa you on your neck well is it is it is mine it is my neck on the neck area is my neck and okay the mores look this is a problem the more men family thing yeah it really is we don't so ron has this problem ron has this problem i don't know if he knows it no i don't know uh he listens so you know hey pops, hey, pops. We got a problem. We got a problem in our family.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I kind of see it in, even in my young sons, it's not like, like I'm overweight, right? What? And so, thank you for your shock. So, I've got, you know, some extra neck. My jawline and the chin is not- They call that bonus neck. Yeah, I've got bonus neck. And the problem is even when I was thin-
Starting point is 00:29:37 You still had bonus neck? I still had bonus neck. Really? It's just not the most flattering area. So the beard helps a ton here right you know i've known you for a long time you didn't always have a beard no but i did always have i didn't always have a beard but i didn't have a really great jawline even when i was in great shape i had kind of that little jowl that i they call that ron's jowl right? Ron's jowl. So I have to shave my head here, have a nice beard.
Starting point is 00:30:07 And really, the truth is, that's what I'm going to be in a couple of years. So this question is just, would you like to do that now? And I would say, sure. I can't imagine. I mean, I think I'd be okay without the facial hair. And keep the head of hair upstairs. Because that's normal. Or more normal.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Wait, which is normal? To have a head of hair and then you just don't have facial hair. I feel like the... A lot of people don't have... A lot of men shave their face. Yeah, but I think as you get older... Not on accident, like on purpose. As you get older, it would be more common to have at least some facial hair while lacking a head of hair.
Starting point is 00:30:47 And obviously, you wouldn't be like cue ball bald. More common, but can you imagine how impressive it'll be when I'm 83 and I've got a thick head of hair? Yeah, it does say you get a full head of hair in exchange for not being able to grow facial hair. That would be really weird after a certain point, though, right? Because no one's going to believe it's real. Right. If I'm like 93 years old and I've got a John Stamos mane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Then you're wearing a wig. Right. And they'll pull on it. Yeah. They'll think you are. Yeah. So, I mean, I'm just already prepared for no hair up top. So. Okay. Mike, final answer for you. You've been bearded as long as I know you. Yeah, so, I mean, I'm just already prepared for no hair up top, so.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Okay, Mike, final answer for you. You've been bearded as long as I know you. I would keep the facial hair. If it really came down to it. You'd go bald? I got to make, yeah. How close have you been? Oh, I've been shaved head many times. You have been shaved head?
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah. So you know what shape is underneath there. Yeah, the head, the shape of my head is okay. It's all right? It's definitely passable. I can be a shaved head? Yeah. So you know what shape is underneath there. Yeah. The head, the shape of my head is okay. It's all right? It's definitely passable. I can be a shaved head guy. Face with no beard, not as much. I don't have a bonus neck.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Right. I have, but- But you don't have a strong- But I don't have- You don't feel like you've got the strong enough chin? The chin is very small. Okay. And then I'd have to look into the chin chin implants and is there a chin implant oh yeah
Starting point is 00:32:07 brother dude maybe i'll shave because i think that would help my bonus neck they also can d neck what wait for real they could do whatever you want man i didn't you can d neck it's only 50 50 how it works out okay but you can't begin the out. Okay, someone get me the name of this procedure. Because I'm sure it's not called D-Neck. If I can get the medical term, I will take a couple weeks off and I'll be back. It's actually a jalloscopy. A jalloscopy. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:39 All right, we are moving on. All right, we are moving on. Spitwads, did you know that browsing online using incognito mode doesn't actually protect your privacy? What? That's right, Mike. Without added security, you might as well, listen, you might as well be just giving all your private data to hackers, advertisers, your ISP, prying eyes.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Just hand it over, Mike. Hand it all over. Ah, crap. That's why we use IPVanish, their VPN, to make it easy to stay truly private and secure on the internet. You can safely browse the internet by trusting IPVanish to encrypt 100% of your data. Your private details, they're yours, Mike. Your passwords, yours.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Your communications, also yours. Browsing history, that's mine. Nope, just. Your passwords, yours. Your communications, also yours. Browsing history, that's mine. Nope, just kidding. It's yours. Trust IPVanish to protect you. And they've got an incredible offer, 70% off their yearly plan for our listeners with a 30-day money-back guarantee. That's like nine months for free.
Starting point is 00:33:37 So go to IPVanish.com slash Ballers and use the promotional code Ballers and claim your 70% savings. That's IPVANISHV-A-N-I-S-H dot com slash BALLERS. Is this real life? All right. I will share my story with you first. Please do. We are each reflecting on the modern times mike's smile i
Starting point is 00:34:09 want that to kind of be the punctuation mark of this segment i want to find that out but my story is just kind of ridiculous it happened out here in arizona and here's the headline. New York City man rescued twice in two days on Arizona hikes. Oh, no. What? A New York City man needed to be rescued twice on consecutive days while hiking in a northern Arizona mountain range. Those big city fellas. And now he's urging other people to pay more attention to the
Starting point is 00:34:45 weather this winter oh my after the second time after the second time wait this winter he got stuck in the winter in arizona the thought process to me of being helicoptered off a mountain rescued by actual you know professionals only to return to said mountain next day. I got this. To do it again. You got to conquer it. To then need to call 911 again. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:35:13 How bad was he feeling the decision on day two? Did he bring a disguise? He's got the Groucho Marx glasses. I'm a totally different hiker. He's just grabbing the mud and rubbing it on his face to hide. Oh, man. Or he's just taking a rock and bashing his leg. I mean.
Starting point is 00:35:33 He's like, no, this is totally a broken leg this time. Now, from what I understand on this story, if I want to try to paint it in the right picture for him, I think what he did is he went out the next day and started earlier than the day before when he got stranded okay but he just miscalculated again wow which i think they charge you for those rescues i believe so fool me once yeah i think that's an expensive hike so um uh now one of the people that helped him they did say i really respect phil's perseverance
Starting point is 00:36:03 i hope he's able to make it to the top someday well maybe he did on day three right we didn't yeah so we didn't hear if he called again unfortunately he did expire on day three all right um though that's my real life story my article um is perfect for today's episode episode episode 187. Oh, no. Yeah, this is an article in Comeuppance. Rooster with knife kills owner during band cockfight. This is... What? Cockfighting is illegal. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Because that's awful to make these roosters fight each other to the death. But in these underground rings, they still do it. With knives? Apparently, they've taken it to the next level, and they have given roosters knives. Do they go wing or foot? I have to believe it would be wing. No, like it's easier to tape it onto the foot? Because the roosters
Starting point is 00:37:05 fight with their feet and their talons. Do they really? Yes. Really? They don't peck each other? Getting slapped with a feather is not going to do very much. Okay, so looking at the article, it was indeed tied to the leg. Yes. I thought it would be the wing. There's so many
Starting point is 00:37:21 layers here. I thought it would be the wing because they're flapping and slashing but but apparently i am wrong so they but then he killed the owner he killed the owner i mean yeah it was it's pretty pretty sad um was the owner thinking this can't be happening at the very end i have to believe that this man did not want to have that rooster kill him um but yeah uh unfortunately uh got a groin slash oh so it cut an artery gotcha so uh moral of the story is if you're gonna have a rooster fight, don't give it a knife because they become far more dangerous. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Oh, man. Well, that's ridiculous. R.I.P. Yeah. I have the turkey neck. Right. Maybe that's where they should attach the knife. What is that?
Starting point is 00:38:20 The giblet. Is that what we came up with? Not at all. No? No. We had discovered that at one point and I had forgotten. It was a funny word. Pretty sure it's...
Starting point is 00:38:30 All right. So my article, Andy, I'm sure you've been hit with this one quite a few times on the Twitter sphere as well. It's a snood, isn't it? Oh, is that what it was? I'm seeing the waddle. There's a waddle and a snood. They're near each other. I'm seeing the waddle. There's a waddle and a snood. They're near each other.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I'm not sure which is which. So anyways, on Twitter, people have been tagging me in this article, making sure that I was aware of what's going on. And I saw that you were also tagged because the East Coast of the United States of America, there's a problem. There is. There is a problem. You feel better about living in Arizona now? A little bit because there is a, I believe it is a problem you ever want you feel better about living in arizona now i a little bit because there is a i believe it is jiro a jiro problem because
Starting point is 00:39:11 they're not a churro problem no it's definitely not sure i'll probably but they're large and eye-catching bright yellow blue and red about the size of a human adult's palm and there's millions of them right and i'm talking about the East Coast could soon be invaded by parachuting spiders. I didn't know the parachuting part. Yes, because they can, in fact, they form parachutes from their webs. They could travel up to 50 to 100 miles away with the wind. And they just land on you. Well, they could land.
Starting point is 00:39:47 No, they say they're not harmful. If you guys knew what is happening to my body right now, if you could feel what I am feeling. I will tell you, Mike, the other day Jason told me that for the first time in years, he actually had a nightmare. Oh, no. Where he woke up and couldn't get back to sleep because he was so afraid. Was it about the spiders?
Starting point is 00:40:09 And it was about spiders. It was just thousands of tarantulas climbing out of these holes everywhere, and I could not get back to sleep. Well, you should be comforted. These are parachutes. Yeah, they parachute, and they do have a 77% higher heart rate, which means that when they're exposed to like low temperatures they're not as likely to die so if you're hoping they're immortal if you're hoping
Starting point is 00:40:33 that the cold is going to uh take them out but i'm feeling weird but i'm not you jason but the scientists have said that they are they're. Yes, they are. Yes, they are. You stupid scientists. You don't know how spiders work. They've said that they're... These are the ones that actually can't bite you because their jaws are too small. No, that's legit. Oh, is it?
Starting point is 00:40:58 They legit have too small of fangs. That doesn't matter. They're palm-sized! They're palm-sized spiders! Do you know a much more dangerous situation in America is heart conditions. Heart attacks kill
Starting point is 00:41:16 so many people, and these spiders are going to just wreck the East Coast. I pray they stay away. Well, just listen to Nancy Hinkle, who who says it's wonderful this is exciting spiders are our friends because they'll be what do you think of nancy oh nancy's gonna get it look the spiders are coming for nancy right now they are going to send a message i mean that's one of those things you just don't say out loud because you know that that you're gonna you're
Starting point is 00:41:44 gonna get yours, Nancy. You would have a problem with my wife because she has prohibited certain killing of spiders due to her affections for them. Is it because they take out the other bugs? They're just doing what they do, Mike. They're just part of nature. They just live and they're just trying to do their jobs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I mean, when I smash one, I'm doing my part of nature as well. Protecting your children. Yeah. From evil. If I had a magic lamp with a team. Who needs eight legs? Come on. I genuinely think I would spend one of my wishes on removing all spiders from the face of the earth.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Oh, man. You'd have so many flies. I don't care what it would do to the ecosystem or the circle of life or the environment whatever repercussions happen i am happy to have them if spiders are gone if you had to the the local wizard comes along and says for the rest of your life you have to have an animal in your backyard and you had to choose between 10 tarantulas or 10 tigers. 10 tigers without a doubt. Without a doubt. There's not even a close.
Starting point is 00:42:49 That's not even in consideration. One tarantula or 10 tigers. 10 tigers. 10 tigers for sure. I like that he has. You could hunt the one tarantula. Oh, no, I couldn't. Oh, I promise that cannot happen.
Starting point is 00:43:03 I could never. You could put on your night gear. I would die on my way to it. I think he has a bigger phobia of tarantulas than spiders. Yes, yes, yes. From zero to spiders, he goes the double amount from spiders to tarantulas. I like that we're talking about magical things that could come in. It's like, hey, you get a wish.
Starting point is 00:43:20 And instead of, oh, I wish I weren't afraid of spiders and tarantulas. It's kill them all. No, I would like to remove them from the earth. I believe I've been given this fear for a reason. And it is to take them out. I will follow my heart. Mike, thank you. And I will be a hero to me and my kind of arachnophobics.
Starting point is 00:43:42 That story has been out there. And it is shocking. And I would not be looking forward to it. The webs are very big. I was shocked at the scale of everything. This is not going to happen for real, right? I know that. I've seen the article headlines. They say Florida is really where they're starting.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Are you going there soon? When is this supposed to happen, genuinely? Does it say in the article? This is educational. They crossed the Atlantic in the sky. Where did they come from? Where did these monsters- Japan.
Starting point is 00:44:11 They are native from Japan. They arrived in the United States around 2013, likely riding on a shipping container. A cruise shipping container. And it takes a while for the foreign animal to start replicating or spawning and all that stuff and eventually take over. They needed enough human hosts to begin replicating. Oh my gosh. I am done, man. I am absolutely done.
Starting point is 00:44:36 That is the worst, most horrific article. And the fact that it's real life is. I may or may not have just made sure that brooks knew operating the cameras don't put the don't just do my own shot when i'm reading my article if you thought kovic was fun wait for these spiders all right it's time to draft spit wads listen to the new audibleudible original, Summer in Argyle, created and written by Nate Odenkirk and his father, Emmy Award winner Bob Odenkirk. Just pop in those earbuds and visit the town of Argyle, Ohio.
Starting point is 00:45:15 It's a place that celebrates the spirit of close enough and enjoys both an annual hot dog eating contest and an annual murder. What? Hear about Argyle's darkest secret, the mysterious death of a magnificent bowler who never bowled and instead warmed the bench the way Argyle folk love. Explore the town's hot spots like the DMV that's also a fancy restaurant in the world's largest lost and found or get stitched up by the local surgeon who's also a magician.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Soon you'll be in stitches from performances by a cast that includes comedy greats like David Cross, Tim Robinson, Paul F. Tompkins, and more. This is one hot dog murder comedy with everything on it. Visit audible.com slash summer in Argyle and listen now. Hashtag summer in Argyle. And listen now. Hashtag Summer in Argyle. The Spitballers draft. We are drafting the worst food. Did you just say that? Yeah, I mean, I'm feeling them everywhere. My body is crawling in spiders right now. You just scratched his leg.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Just like, okay, those spiders. The worst foods to eat in the car, which I think will be very funny. Jason, you have the first pick. There are some foods that, look, it might not be conducive to highway driving. Might not be conducive for the old commute. Let me say this. My first pick, the highway is going to be where I want it. Okay, because you want to because i do not want stop and go traffic while trying to eat my hot soup oh man that was
Starting point is 00:46:51 my number one of course it is because unlike most things that could make a mess either of your hands or your shirt this could scald you this is not only difficult to eat not only two-handed not only could stain and make a mess but also could be very very dangerous you could you imagine like you get in a fender bender okay that's that sucks and you've got to deal with all that now you got a bowl of hot soup on your crotch just scalding away you know people like put soup in a thermos. It's still risky. Yeah, I mean, eventually you've got to open it to eat it, right? I mean, you have the little click button. I'm going to just drink my soup.
Starting point is 00:47:32 It's not... Wait, you're just going to drink... How do you eat your soup, James? With a spoon. There's some mass to the soup. It's not broth. He didn't say hot broth. You only drink your soup. It's a liquid, so you are technically drinking
Starting point is 00:47:45 it no but you but do you use a spoon sometimes sometimes i just go right out the bowl yeah maybe at the very end the chicken and the noodles and all that's the vegetables in it or whatever else is in your i'm talking more about tomato but yeah if you watch me at lunch i'll be drinking out of the bowl i i want to see if you ever use a spoon. I want to see him say, oh, Drats, when all of the meat and contents of the soup are at the bottom. He's like, there's no broth left. All right. I will go with what I think would be a ridiculous food to try to pull off in a vehicle, which is fondue. I'm going with fondue.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Because fondue, by necessity, you have to dip. You need a heating source of some kind? You need to heat cheese or chocolate to a hot level. Is there any other fondues? Well, yeah. There's a broth where you cook meat in it. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Yeah. Which you would just drink straight out. That's called a fondue? That is still fondue, yeah. When you're just boiling something? That is. If you use a fondue part. Yeah, which you would just drink straight out. That's called a fondue? That is still fondue, yeah. When you're just boiling something? That is. If you use a fondue pot. Yeah, if you've got a fondue pot and you've got a stick in there, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:52 But I'm thinking hot cheese, hot chocolate. You are going. I mean, every single one's a dip. You've got to carry it across the car. And then if you spill, you are also getting scalded. That's a good pick. The drips are going to be a real problem. The drips are real.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Because it's not like most things that you think are going to drip on you while you're eating in a car. They drip from where you're eating. You don't have to reach. But on this, that's a real problem. I like that. That wasn't even on my list. All right. Yeah, it was not on my list as well.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Mike, you've got a couple of delicious picks I do and this first one is it's known to be messy I mean like they if you go to a place for this they will often give you like a bib dang that was my next one and I will take barbecue ribs yeah yeah that was my
Starting point is 00:49:40 102 as well because come on the second you touch ribs there is sauce not only where you grabbed it. You can go thumb, index finger. It doesn't matter. Your whole entire hand is now covered in barbecue sauce. And for rib noobs out there, there's no point in trying to be careful with ribs. The better thing to do is just embrace it.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yes. Now, so some ground rules here. You got a 20-minute drive. You got to finish what you're you're eating here okay so you got to get through it all ribs is an outstanding choice i'm right up there at the top so i'm going with the super messy barbecue ribs now this one uh this one i'm oh andy's cackling i just thought of another one okay so this one to me like of course there are ways you could like oh well we could have it pre-prepared but no i'm talking about it's fresh and you would need a tool just to get into this food and imagining someone driving down the freeway
Starting point is 00:50:38 cracking open lobster was just so funny to me imagining seeing someone riding shotgun. Absolutely. They got the cracker. Yeah. They got to have their lobster. Just smashing a claw open. Dipping it in butter. That was on my short list, Mike.
Starting point is 00:50:59 It's on my list. Both of those picks would have been my next picks up for sure. I feel like I could go like six or seven rounds here. I have so much. So I think with this pick, it's in the same vein as the barbecue ribs pick. It's just not made to be eaten in the car. Right. It's messy to begin with.
Starting point is 00:51:19 You're going to make mistakes. Spaghetti and meatballs. Yeah. I'm going spaghetti and meatballs. There, I'm going to. Spaghetti and meatballs. There's no way you are one-handing spaghetti and meatballs. Which is really what this test is. Can you do the one-hand eating of spaghetti and meatballs? You can try to twist the fork, but you've got to get a meatball in there and some sauce.
Starting point is 00:51:40 I think I could one-hand it. You do? But I don't think I could one-hand it. From the lap? Yeah, from the lap. I think I could one hand it, twirl and eat, but I still think that the odds of me leaving that car without spaghetti sauce on my body is 1%. 1% chance of me escaping without marinara. All right. So that is my pick. Jason, you are back. The key to this draft is picturing someone driving a car, trying to eat some cheese fondue.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Or a full rack of ribs. All right, okay, so I am up, and this one is also funny to me because of the experience. This probably should not be eaten in a car. Okay. And I'm going to go with a- Don't tell me how to live. I'm going to go with a flambe.
Starting point is 00:52:36 So if you're not- What's a flambe? If you're not familiar with flambe- There's fire involved, right? It's on fire. It's basically a glazed steak that is lit on fire so you're driving down the car just right in the car right i mean you can't you can't get away from this fire there's a steering wheel here could you could you light the flambe with the the old school cigarette
Starting point is 00:53:00 lighter would that work uh i think it would i think yeah absolutely if you can light a cigarette you can light a you can light you can light a steak if you can light a cigarette you can light a steak what what is done to the flambe to make it so flammable i think it's an alcohol-based glaze so you just it's gasoline it's gasoline oh delicious um but that one cracked me up just the idea of sure that's outstanding just having an open flame in the car um and i am up again what do i have i've got hot soup i've got flambe um oh do i want to go funny picture do i want to go oh there's so many ways i could go here but i'm just gonna go with something i love no oh this is tough this is tough you are twisted i am i have i have so many options here and they're all good but i feel like whatever i'm gonna take isn't gonna be my best one
Starting point is 00:53:59 gotta really think through this um okay of how funny it would be. Right. Thank you. The mess. This one is so... I'm really struggling. Really, really struggling. I'm going to go with...
Starting point is 00:54:20 All right. I want it. This isn't the best thing... Oh, man. What is happening? I'm having a real... um all right i want it this isn't this isn't the best thing oh man are you like simultaneously drafting and hungry and one trying to pick which one you want uh yeah what what's more delicious here is what I'm going to do. Okay. And that pick is going to be... I have gone back and forth through five things I'm going with.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Yeah. Tostadas. We waited all that time for tostadas. I told you I was going to make the wrong one. I have like four better options. I have at least four better options on my list. Isn't the Tostada very similar to your Crunchwrap? No, but that's the, it's 100%.
Starting point is 00:55:13 It's uncovered. The Crunchwrap is covered. Can't you just fold it over? No, a Tostada is a hard, crunchy shell. Okay. So this is like, like think about how hard it is genuinely. I said I won't eat like a Supreme Taco on the drive because it's going to barf out the back. But at least there it's half wrapped.
Starting point is 00:55:31 It's covered. A tostada that is... Is a tostada a flat taco? It's an open-faced, flat, hard, crunchy shell that you then pile up a bunch of meat, cheese, sour cream, and everything on this shell. You can't, if you eat a tostada, which is delicious, if you eat a tostada. Pro tostada. I am very pro tostada.
Starting point is 00:55:52 It is a flat taco. It is a flat, hard-shelled, open-faced taco. And if you eat one at a restaurant, look at your plate. Look at your plate when you are done. And you now have a taco salad on your plate. And so that is going to be all over you. And that was a terrible pitch.
Starting point is 00:56:11 All right. I will go with... Are you done with yours? He has one more. I went flambé. He's done with his round. Sorry, I wasn't trying to trick you. We're sure about that. Al, I have a history. You're on the clock.
Starting point is 00:56:26 All right. I'm going to go with the sloppy joe. It's on my list. It's in the name. I know. It's right there. It's already a problem when you're not driving, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:36 It's not made for driving. I made them extra sloppy. Yeah. I mean, how many bites of a sloppy joe do you get before you get the first plop? Two. You can get two. You can get two. You can get two? I can make it to two.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I've made it to two because I'm... That's probably a bad Sloppy Joe. You're 100% right. Yeah. A really well-prepared Sloppy Joe will never make it to two. So that's... I mean, you got a problem. Yes, Sloppy...
Starting point is 00:56:59 That's way better than a tostada. Yeah, I mean, you could have saved tostada for your fourth pick. Because Sloppy Joe sauce, that has some kind of red food coloring dye in it that if that touches anything, you're not getting that color. I'm not sure I know what's in a Sloppy Joe. Is that hamburger? Yes. I believe so.
Starting point is 00:57:17 And then a seasoned sauce of some kind. With red food coloring. With red food coloring. Red number five. All right, Mike, you are back up. You have to make your final two picks. Okay, I know one for sure. So now I'm struggling a little bit here with the second one.
Starting point is 00:57:35 But then also I'll tell you, the number one pick, or not the number one overall, but the first pick I'm going to take, I'm going to take a chili cheese dog. Oh, okay. All right. A good one. Yeah, a good one. Look, I'm going to take a chili cheese dog. Okay. All right. A good one. Yeah, a good one.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Look, number one. Like a foot long? Delicious. A chili cheese dog is great. It's also a young man's game. Because this is a twofer. So if you're on a road trip, number one, your car is going to be a disaster. You're going to be messy.
Starting point is 00:58:04 And number two is number two. 100% where I was going. I'm not sure if people will correlate that. If you're on a road trip and you're eating a chili dog, you're stopping on the side of the road. I hope you have one of those little kid portable toilets. Yeah, because this is going to be a blowout. We're not talking about your tire.
Starting point is 00:58:23 We're talking about your booty. Yes. All right, so that be a blowout. We're not talking about your tire. We're talking about your booty. Alright, so that's a good one. Chili cheese dog. I'm between two picks, but I'm going to go with the one that is I think the funnier visual of imagining someone driving down the freeway because we're talking about
Starting point is 00:58:39 imagine trying to one hand something. Yeah, you're eating this the whole drive. You have to eat it the whole drive. You cannot possibly one hand something yeah you're eating this the whole drive you have to eat it the whole drive you cannot possibly one hand this I'm taking a good old fashioned corn on the cob oh that's what I wanted that was going to be my last pick that was the one I wanted to take three times and I didn't because it was so
Starting point is 00:58:57 simple but 100% you can't eat a corn on the cob with one hand and if it's fresh out of the pot, it's boiling hot. Trying to get some butter on it? Who has the actual, like, the tongs, the corn holders, whatever they're called. Did you guys ever have, like, fun ones growing up? Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Oh, yeah. What did you eat? Mine were corn. Mine were corn, too. All right. You had corn holders going in there? Yeah, it was very, you know, the corn was attacking the corn. We had the Mickey and Minnie growing up in the Disney house, of course.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Did you have enough for everybody, or did somebody have to fight for the good ones? Nope. Nope. Everyone had enough. We were the house of four. The visual that made me laugh so much when I put that on my list was the idea of someone trying to eat it one-handed. Because there's only one way you can eat a corn on the cob one-handed. You've got to just grip the whole buttery corn on the cob.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Right. And what would that look like, Jason? Nice try, Mike. All right. That's a great pick. Is it back to me? It is. All right. Well, I'm going to go a little left field here. All right. That's a great pick. Is it back to me? It is. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Well, I'm going to go a little left field here. Dang it. That was my last pick? And look, you've got to eat this in the car. You've got to find a way to eat it. And for some reason, I'm trying to picture somebody figuring out how to eat a whole pineapple. I don't think eating a whole pineapple is going to be very easy because it's already sharp,
Starting point is 01:00:27 so you've got an object in the car like a pin cushion. Then you need a knife, right? You've got to have a big old butcher knife to slice open this pineapple while you're driving. That's not legal. So I will go with the whole pineapple to finish it out. I believe it's been talked about probably on this podcast, but we're on 187 so who knows uh but the the pineapple slicer i don't know if that's the official name
Starting point is 01:00:52 of it do you have one of those yes oh let me amazon this they're awesome and so all you have to do is you essentially you cut off the top of the pineapple and then the tool is like a tube and with uh okay two sharp edges and you just screw it in. So it makes the little circles. Yeah, it cores it. Those are very inexpensive. You screw it in, and then you pull out, and then you have just fresh pineapple that's right there for you to eat. It takes preparing a pineapple from an arduous task to very simple.
Starting point is 01:01:26 And what's your affiliate code on these? FFITMAN, Amazon.com. Wow. These are very... I don't have one of these, and I need one. You do need one. Oh, you've got one, Al? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Sounds like you're the only one that does not have one. Not a sponsor. Jason? But a life-changing... You've got a pineapple corer? I've had one in the past. I don't have one now, but I need to because I can. Did yours break?
Starting point is 01:01:48 Yeah. Mine broke. I had a cheap one that broke, too. Now, do I get the one with the upgraded reinforced thicker blade? Yes. Yeah. Did you listen to what we just said? They break.
Starting point is 01:01:57 We had the cheap plastic ones that broke because I wasn't sure if it was going to be all that great. But if you like pineapple, a life-changing tool. Would it have helped in the car? I mean, you're- Still a challenge? There's just pineapple juices everywhere. I want somebody trying to get that pineapple open without a knife in the car.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Oh. Just banging it on the dash? Biting into it straight into the- Impossible. Yeah. Okay. All right. Well, you don't have to startada left to pick i don't i
Starting point is 01:02:27 don't man i i messed that one up i should never i've got four better options here um all right i am uh i am well prepared now i am going to take a curved tostada this is yes exactly soft shell tostada most of these things have been either messy or difficult to deal with this is maybe neither i think you could easily eat this one-handed with a fork there's a different problem and when i get yeah it's the smell okay i don't think i want a sea bass in my in my car having a nice stinky that's very nice fish just get into that car the next time and you're not shaking that smell for a lot of drives no there's maybe ever worse than when you get into a car this this happened to me this last week. I go to take my kids to school in the morning.
Starting point is 01:03:28 We go and we get in the car and it was like, whoa. Seabass? No. Darn it, I ate seabass in the car. No, but just you get in the car and you're like, what is that smell? Did dad brush? And it was just so gross. And then, you know, there's some garbage on the floor
Starting point is 01:03:45 you know you think it might be and and so you take that out and you clear it and it's like man I hope that there was a towel in there too maybe you know the from like the gym and I'm like how bad do I stink so I take that stuff out and then I go and I you know later I come to work I get back in the car it's just awful and then when get home, we figured out what it was. There was a to-go food from a restaurant that had been... Oh, you forgot it in the car. It went under a seat. And so there was a hole just... But there's nothing
Starting point is 01:04:14 worse than a car that just reeks. You feel like throwing up the whole time. That's a very good redemption pick from the Tostada. Yeah, I wanted to... I thought you were going to try to trap us and go like some alcohol and get yourself a DUI. Oh, yeah, that's something you don't, but that's not really eating. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Yeah, I wanted to go cereal because I think that would be bad, but it's so similar to my hot soup. Right. Yeah, I had some other final, I had s'mores. I didn't think that that would be very easy. I thought like a well-done steak would be a problem oh yeah that'd be funny to watch I was between corn on the cob and buffalo wings for my yeah yeah that's a good one I have on my list fajitas they come out all uh and you gotta make them right they don't just come pre-made. They burn a hole in your leather. Yeah, that would be a bad one.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Nature-made granola bars. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Those are not something you want to eat in a bed or a car. The best part of those is that they're already split for multiple people. Yes. All the time. Yeah, pre-cut. Yeah, because you've never opened one that's just full.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Did you have any others, Al or Brooksy? My simplest pick was just Cheetos. Yeah, that you've never opened one that's just full. Did you have any others, Al or Brooksie? My simplest pick was just Cheetos. Yeah, that's not easy. Because you don't eat Cheetos in the car. Powdered donuts. Delicious. A lot of messy food lists had ice cream, but I would have no issue. Oh, an ice cream cone?
Starting point is 01:05:38 I could figure that out. I don't know. That's a skill-based challenge. Al, did you have anything that we forgot? I was just going to go with Cheetos. Yeah. Brooksy? Nothing.
Starting point is 01:05:50 You guys got them. All right. What did we learn today? Well, I'll start here while you guys think about it. We obviously learned a lot like we do on every episode. Yeah, we did. But I think what I learned most today is that and and maybe this is news to you but i think you want to status for dinner tonight jason
Starting point is 01:06:10 guilty as charged um what i learned today is that home prices are about to go up in arizona as the entire east coast moves west to evade the spiders taking over the continent. And I believe we cracked the case that big bristles is just, they're just stealing your money. Big bristles. Yeah, don't go to the dentist. Watch out. Yeah, and I've got one of those pineapple quarters coming, so. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Looking forward to that. Enjoy. That'll do it for today's show. Thank you for tuning in. That's Bitballers Pod on Twitter. Tell your friends about the show. Goodbye. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Joe, thank you for tuning in at SpitballersPod on Twitter. Tell your friends about the show. Goodbye. Bye-bye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out SpitballersPod.com.

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