Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 188: Duck Conspiracies & Activities for the Perfect Day - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: March 28, 2022

Come on in! Everyone’s here! On today’s show we discuss dying of dysentery, eating cake while hiking, and bun dunking. We also weight the pros and cons of all the Encanto superpowers and learn all... about where ducks really come from. We round it out with a draft of activities for the perfect day! Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. A-scoo-doo-bow-wow, hey now, everyone's here! Yeah! All right Yeah Everyone's here Alright I loved it That was one of my favorites
Starting point is 00:00:35 Really Oh there was You didn't know where you were going Was there a bow wow in there There was After the skoodoo Mike You kept pushing through You just, you didn't know where you were going. Oh, no. Was there a bow wow in there? There was. And you just, you kept. After the skoo-doo, Mike. You kept pushing through.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Oh, that was tough. And it really felt like wheels that were working, but they were like octagon shaped. Yeah. It was a little bumpy, but you kept moving forward. Well, I was very surprised it was my turn right before the show started. Welcome into the Spitballers podcast. Excited to be with you. Everyone's here, man.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Everyone's here. That's true. You're here. We got Al. Al Borland is here. I'm here. The judge is here, I think. I'm here.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah. And Mike is here. Everyone. Everyone's here. Everyone's here. We've got Would You Rather. That's a great question and we are drafting activities for a perfect day sounds nice so i you know we we've been friends for a long
Starting point is 00:01:33 time we know each other pretty well i think some of our activities will be different from one another in terms of uh a perfect day but some will be the same and we'll be competing. Yeah. Maybe someday in the future we'll draft for each other. That would be funny. Yeah. But the opposite? Activities for a bad day? Oh, yeah. Send me hiking.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Oh, I was going to send you to a child's birthday party. Oh, just as bad. Child's birthday party. Oh, just as bad. Would you rather go hiking alone or to a... And it's not just an appearance. You pop in, you pop out. No, you're going to a full two-hour children's birthday party. You don't have to participate in the activities.
Starting point is 00:02:21 You can sit off to the side, but you've got to be there. Or you could go hiking by yourself. It's easy answer and it is if it is over birthday party if it's over 55 degrees it is the birthday party if it is under 55 degrees it is hiking one of them has cake that's not both of them can have cake my friend you You are limiting yourself on the hiking experience. If I'm out there hiking and this fellow walks by me with a full cake. I'm not. Just holding the plate with a cake. He's eating a cake while you're. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Passing on the left. Oh, no. I'm just saying. Have a slice of cake. Get up to the top of the mountain. Sit and enjoy the view. Enjoy your cake and then go back down. Have a up to the top of the mountain, sit, enjoy the view, enjoy your cake, and then go back down. Have a picnic at the top of the mountain.
Starting point is 00:03:07 If you had a cake with you when you're hiking, like a full cake, and you forced the people you passed to take a slice, because that's not convenient for them to take a slice of the cake. Spitwads, never accept a slice of cake from a stranger. That's a rule of thumb, no matter whether it's a hike or just you're out and about at the grocery store. Would you like a slice of my cake? No, thank you. It's delicious. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Please listen to me. Oh, my goodness. Let's kick this off. Would you rather? Would you rather? Austin from the website, would you rather be sucked into the Oregon Trail video game as a team or be sucked into Super Mario Brothers single player? So it's the five of us.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I'm a little confused. Why don't you explain it to me a little better? The Oregon Trail, those of the proper age, you know exactly what we're talking about. You say Oregon Trail and everyone is transported back to being a child playing this game in computer lab at school. Yeah, it was the one game you could play at school. If you have not played it, I mean, they keep remaking this game. That would be very strange if you at least haven't heard of it. But the game is a simulation game of you back in, what, the 1800s? And you're taking your family on the Oregon Trail.
Starting point is 00:04:32 You live on the East Coast. It's a tough trail. You heard all about life. Ain't no cake on that trail. Oh, there's definitely no cake. But there are bison that you can slaughter and then take 20 pounds and leave the rest of the thousands of pounds to rot away in the in the great plains uh but you are on the east coast you hear life is
Starting point is 00:04:51 fantastic on the west coast so you get uh on your or or you don't get on your organ you get get on the trail yeah no an organ like an organ. And then you head to Oregon. Like a piano. Yeah, big windpipe instruments. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay. So anyways, I didn't need that at all, any of what you just said. What I needed to understand was as a team or the single player part of this. What makes you're alone in the Super Mario world or you're with people
Starting point is 00:05:26 in the Oregon Trail? Because the Oregon Trail world is worse. No, it isn't. Have you ever died of dysentery in Super Mario Brothers? Have you ever had a fireball shot on you on the Oregon Trail? Have you ever shot a fireball I would counter you with? Let me say this. You fought fire with fire?
Starting point is 00:05:42 There are too many sheer drop-offs on my single player super mario world do you get multiple lives oh that's important that's a very important question in the game yeah i i would assume you all you get all the attributes of the game so like you can jump higher can eat multiple lives changes everything yeah i think you have to have multiple lives. Think about Wreck-It Ralph. Let's take Wreck-It Ralph rules. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Perfect. They're living in the video game world, and they die, and then they spawn back unless they leave the game. Can I restart the Oregon Trail? No. No, no, no. Oregon Trail is game over. You're done.
Starting point is 00:06:23 There's no extra lives. No, no, no, but Trail is... You're done. Game over. There's no extra lives. No, no, no. But you could restart at the beginning. You're going to play the game over and over. No, that would be a different play session.
Starting point is 00:06:33 So let's keep it to one play session. Yeah. Three lives in Mario or one life in Oregon Trail. No, I mean, that changes everything. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:41 To? To what? To I'll play Super Mario World. I want to be in that world. Nothing is happy in the Oregon Trail world, even when I'm alive. When I'm alive, I probably want to be dead. That's a miserable existence. You're just in fields of dirt with broken axles,
Starting point is 00:06:59 and you've got to hunt for your food and avoid all bacteria. Whereas in Mario, you don't worry about bacteria. You're literally traveling through sewer pipes, and you're fine with it. But you do have to duck on every single pipe that you find. Yeah. Or your squats. Just in case you can travel through the pipe, but not every pipe you can go through. Oh, that must feel foolish when you're really there. Oh, yeah. And you're like, you've been down, and you don can travel through the pipe but not every pipe you can go through oh that must feel foolish when you're really there oh you're like you've been down and you don't go
Starting point is 00:07:28 down the pipe has anyone ever thought of that no that's super embarrassing poor mario all these goombas are are laughing at him yeah as he tries to go down yet another he tried to go down that pipe and it's really crazy because you feel like from the top of that pipe he could tell you know what i mean like he's up there he can he should be able to recognize this isn't a locked door situation this is why are you squatting you can't go down that pipe why maybe it's 2d when you're there oh right but and then you're also jumping just looking for invisible blocks that may or may not be there you it's mostly a game of looking stupid before you fall down now which just uh i didn't have the the question in front of me right the second i was
Starting point is 00:08:10 looking up dysentery um fair enough but don't look it up for too long which version of mario is this super mario bros so the oh the og oh the og that's more unforgiving this is the original nes one you also don't get to fly as a raccoon. Sure. That's unfortunate because that was really what was exciting me about Super Mario World. But I also know that I can beat this game no problem. Can you? Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Oh, I don't think so. When's the last time you went back? Super Mario, the OG is pretty challenging. When's the last time you went back? It has been so incredibly long, I have no idea. And I'm sure when I pick it up, I'll die on the first Goomba I see. But I feel like once I get the running and the jumping sensitivity down. The hard part is the final castle.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Actually remembering how you beat it. Did you do this recently? Not recently, but I introduced my kids to it, I don't know, like six years ago or something. And I'm just, you know, it took a little bit to get the rust off. But then I was cruising along being awesome dad at Super Mario. And I get to the last castle and I go, oh, crap. I forgot about that one. This thing is a maze.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And I don't remember. Did it come back? Did it ever come back? I eventually did beat it. Okay, so we're good. Is it a lonely life? Is Mario pretty lonely? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:31 I mean, because at least if you're heading out from Missouri to Oregon, you've got some people to be with you until they die. I say at the beginning, you have friends. Right. Is it better to have friends you know you're going to lose in just a couple months? Or never have friends at all. Or never have friends at all. And knowing that.
Starting point is 00:09:52 And you've got to be the one who decides. You get up to a river and you're like, how are we going through? And you say, well, we're going to fjord this thing. I know that Brooksie's not going to make it to the other side, but we're going to go through anyways. Step on his body. Still got to go. We'll tie you to the wagon and hope you get across.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah, I'm taking Super Mario. Yeah, I'm going to go with that. I don't want to live on the Oregon Trail. All right, Josh from Patreon. Would you rather receive a static shock every time you touch something metal or have ringing in your ears every time you're trying to focus have you guys experienced like ringing in your ears as an issue like not like a one second thing but like a tinnitus yeah like for a day no have you no no i i it sounds. I've had ringing in my ears for a moment,
Starting point is 00:10:49 and that is pretty crazy when you hear something that's not there. Every time Al says something, I kind of get that sensation. That you can't hear? No, just like a... Like the Charlie Brown teacher? It's not a ringing, but it's bad. Is it due to his nasally prepubescent voice? Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:10 It's me. Oh, boy. Hey, guys, mute your computers before we record. Guys, mute your computers. Those were all just impressions. That wasn't actual audio from him, but it's very similar. Yeah, it sounds the same. Unnecessary shot right at al uh being shocked that andy you've been experiencing this lately around here i don't know why well i'm i'm thrilled like when i see you get shocked i'm
Starting point is 00:11:37 so happy it's pretty funny i blew up a mouse a computer mouse is broke you were gone right i was not here for that i walked in i walked into the office last week i touched my mouse with my pointer finger it shocked the mouse and destroyed it wow the mouse is broken i had to buy a new mouse i mean i have something's going on around for the last two years around this studio i have shocked myself so many times on every my laptop keyboard has electrified me so many times the shoes i took my shoes off and the next two days i did not get shot makes no sense it doesn't make sense no i know because the your soles are rubber yeah and rubber is uh what is what's the proper terminology owl what's the proper terminology? Owl, what's the proper terminology? Grounded?
Starting point is 00:12:26 Non-conductive? Non-conductive. So if something is non-conductive, how is it building up static electricity? It's not. I mean, it's not. Then how are we getting shocked? No, I think that was just coincidence with the shoes thing.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Oh, it's a placebo. A placebo shock disruption? But something in the air in this studio is electric because now that you're gonna become superheroes oh because that you kind of already are because i'm the guy that can destroy electronics like do you have small portable electronics because i can destroy them right i mean that's not a touch it's not really a hero, but... More of a villain, really. Walking around killing everybody's mice. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I was going to use that. It's very not... The superheroes... Enjoy your trip to Best Buy. Yeah. The heroes don't even deal with me. They're like, there he is again. The static shocks would become very annoying
Starting point is 00:13:27 but i have to go with that one i'd rather have the static shocks than i would something inside my body yeah a hundred percent i mean it's like i hate hate hate being shocked but i can't even fathom if you've got ringing in your ears like i get shocked yikes so what that hurt and then you move on if you don't say yikes next time if you but this is every time you touch something metal so every time you go in your car you're getting i feel like i get shocked every other time i touch something metal i i have started around here literally i touch every piece of metal with my knuckle first like that's my habit now i go to get the bathroom door and i touch it with the back with my knuckle we install something that just
Starting point is 00:14:09 like a lightning rod in the in the office to like take all the electricity l can you walk around with like no i'm not sure if we can like a uh like if you held a piece of metal does that does that make it better or worse? Because you're not. Well, I'm saying. At all times? If you're holding it, you're not actually touching metal for the first time. But if it's not connected to the ground, that won't help, will it?
Starting point is 00:14:36 I don't know. How does the world work? How does electricity work? Al. You're going to have to find out. Walk around here with some metal in your hand I don't think that's the best solution No I feel like that could end up producing more electricity
Starting point is 00:14:50 Yeah I think what you got to do is Put a fork in the socket Isn't that the thing Yeah that's just how you end it Don't do that kids Don't take a piece of cake from a hiker Don't put a fork in a socket Neither of those are real
Starting point is 00:15:04 Good things to do uh i'm gonna go formally with the shock mike what's your final answer well the ringing in your ears is every time you're trying to focus also not often for you yeah exactly uh-huh okay hannah from patreon writes in would you rather encanto edition which of the Encanto superpowers would you rather have? Oh, good question. I am embarrassed enough to say I don't know. You haven't seen Encanto?
Starting point is 00:15:31 I'm pretty sure this question does not require anyone to have seen it. No, I've heard it in the background. But you should be ashamed. I've had it played around me, so the music is familiar, but the plot is not. Superhuman strength. You can grow and create flowers.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Anyone who eats or cooking gets healed. Shapeshift into different people. These are all parts of the movie? They are. Shapeshift into different people. Superhuman hearing. The ability to talk and understand animals. Mood affects the weather.
Starting point is 00:16:04 See images of the future but they are typically ominous not that one which i i don't agree with that one you don't agree that they're typically ominous yeah well no it's just you're just you're seeing the future which by nature is ominous yeah it can be i'm just saying bruno is getting a bad rap here. And we're perpetuating that problem on this podcast. I still think that I can't get with the ability to talk to and understand animals one because it seems cool. But again, you're going back to the fact that these won't be good discussions. These would not be good. Like if they were super hyper intelligent, wellspeaking animals that'd be fun i have but
Starting point is 00:16:46 maybe they are because you can actually understand their language yeah but they're not because i have a dog and i know they're not yeah i've got a dog that i've been trying to teach this dog door to i mean it's unbelievable i i i brought these dogs inside through the dog door and and it's you know it's in a room and the room's door is open and they can't figure out that they're inside the house they cannot i i walk around the house and they leave the dog they cannot figure i'm like you can go inside they know how to use the dog door this isn't like oh they haven't figured that out they walk in and out of the dog door but have no idea that they can use it while they're in the house or that they can get into the rest of the house from the bedroom.
Starting point is 00:17:31 I'm like, you're in the house. Too bad you can't tell them. No. If I could tell them, you know what they would say? They'd say, what's a house? Yes, they would. I've had multiple dogs. I've never had a problem teaching them how to use a dog door. Well what sounds like they got the dog door yeah the dog door is not the problem
Starting point is 00:17:49 the problem is where they are superhuman strength strength is great um healing people with your cooking i'm just gonna go with that one then you have to cook you're gonna cook all the time don't care i am too empathetic when other people are feeling pain it bothers me too much if i could just give them like a and my cooking you know if i could make some mac and cheese real quick and he what's the extent of this because this isn't like fully explained in the movie it seems like it's anything like is it if i if i pop a hot dog in the microwave for 30 seconds that's heal am i healing people you're, brother. And the great thing is... Does it wear off quicker?
Starting point is 00:18:26 Andy took this. Yeah. So now we're good. So we got an additional superpower, which is we're always going to be healthy. Oh. Well, I didn't say I had empathy for either of you. Superhumans...
Starting point is 00:18:40 I'm not creating and growing flowers. Get out of here. I can buy them at the florist. I'm good. I don't need to be able to magic some flowers. What about the hearing thing? Superhuman hearing. I feel like that's a superpower, and that's a super curse at the exact same time.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Oh, it is a curse. You're hearing a lot of things that you don't want to hear. Yeah, you're going to hear the other side. You know, you think you're worried about rumors and people talking about you behind your back. But the truth is, the real problem is you're going to hear everyone's duty, everyone's poop at all times. You're going to be like, I've got to leave the house. I'm going to the bathroom again. No, superhuman hearing is out.
Starting point is 00:19:32 That's a long toilet mood affecting the weather now let's talk about that because that's a problem too that's a problem for other people well that's not a problem for me but then the weather affects your mood like i feel like once it starts raining because i'm sad. Oh, it's going to rain harder and harder. I'm never going to get out of my depression. Ooh. So now I just live in Seattle. I mean, the strength is, is that just straight up? Yeah, it's just. You're just stronger. It is.
Starting point is 00:19:57 It's superhuman strength. Yeah. That's useful. It's useful. Oh, very. But I'm taking shape-shifting. Yes. I think that's the best one of it.
Starting point is 00:20:04 If I can shape-shift into yes i think that's the best if i can shape shift into other people you can do anything yeah i mean that that is that is an undervalued superhero trait because yeah i mean you get access to whatever you want whatever you want you want to be the president of the united states mystique is very powerful yes But it does feel like all that you're doing with it is deceiving people. Right. To get what you want. Yeah, yeah. That's all you got to do.
Starting point is 00:20:30 But not an Encanto. Okay, what is this person in Encanto? So off the top of my head. It's all used for good? Yes. Really? Imagine this. Imagine you have the superpower to turn into any person you want.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Right. this imagine you have the superpower to turn into any person you want right and what this feller does is he turns into uh a a mother is holding a crying baby and he shapeshifts into the mother to take the baby oh my goodness so he can soothe the baby so that mom actually gets a break imagine the selflessness of that human could i shapeshift just into a slightly in shape version of myself? Oh, of course. Yeah. Wait. You don't have to work out.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Wait. What are the. I mean, here's the deal. What are the rules? Well, I guess you technically there a version of you that's in shape doesn't exist that you can turn into. Why would you can't look? We've all got our good features.
Starting point is 00:21:24 We've all got our bad features. None of us are sitting here looking like Brad Pitt in his prime. So just look like Brad Pitt in his prime. But that's an adjustment for your children, isn't it? I don't care. This is your daddy now. Hey, kids, look at how handsome your daddy is. I'm definitely taking that.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Oh, you need to reach the top shelf i'm the kimmy matumbo i'm i'm up there i can grab anything this is so practical so uh i am definitely taking shape-shifting oh my gosh okay yeah i i like that one and i'll just the other ones are not that great. You don't want the flower one? No. I disagree on the talking and understanding animals. I think that if you could actually speak their language,
Starting point is 00:22:12 you'd find out that there's a lot of really intelligent animals out there. Well, I feel like that's one that would be very interesting for a little while. But then after that period of... I'd be worried that it wasn't valuable anymore i don't know the animal kingdom is entirely on your side maybe just because you can talk to someone doesn't mean they're on your side yeah but you can be like hey ants if you don't do what i say i'm gonna step on you okay that's fair you can become the ants dictator king. The insect king? Yes. Just walk around with this spray, and you're literally telling these poor things, I'm going to murder you if you don't do my bidding.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Genius, Andy. Yes, yes. How much worse would you feel? Like, if you could talk to these animals, we'll include insects in there. I have a family. Would you get rid of your pest control now? No. You'd have to.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Oh, yeah, because you can just tell them to get out. You could threaten them. Oh, I guess the threats could, but I'm just saying, now there's more emotion to killing insects. Would you possibly like spiders? Because you could actually... Shut up.
Starting point is 00:23:22 No. Or maybe you find out that ants really are just big-time jerks oh and you're like hey hey ants this is my house look you have an entire world you could be out there they're like no screw this guy we'd like your sugar please and then i'd say eat this Shh. There's more of us. Stupid. Yeah, very stupid. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Spitwads, let me tell you about Ultimate Ears Fits. We rely on our devices each and every day. It's easy to forget, though, about the hardware we're born with. Jason, I'm talking about your ears. I have them. two you got two ears and you know what your ears are not like my ears no because mine are beautiful you have beautiful ears and they're very different they're like fingerprints no two are exactly alike and so that's why ultimate ears has created the world's most comfortable earbuds premium sound and my favorite part, for your beautiful ears, Jason, it's all-day comfort.
Starting point is 00:24:29 You get a guaranteed perfect fit. It takes 60 seconds. It's ridiculous. Look, I've got these. You get them in the mail, and then it's like some kind of magic technology because they call it light form technology, and they mold to the unique contours
Starting point is 00:24:46 of your beautiful ears you put them in you connect to the app you watch the purple leds form the earbuds to your unique ear shape it's built on industry leading expertise it's trusted by pro musicians everywhere you've got to check it out. Use the promo code BALLERS at ue.com slash fits to get your pair of UE fits. That's ue.com slash fits, promo code BALLERS. That's a great question. Trevor from the website writes in with a great question. Trevor from the website writes in with a great question. Who could eat a hot dog and bun, then run a 100-yard dash in a quicker combined time?
Starting point is 00:25:33 Joey Chestnut or Usain Bolt? Oh, okay. At first I thought this was like a who can eat and run and the digestion's okay, but this is talking about the time it takes you to eat a hot dog. And bun. And the bun. And the time it takes you to run a 100-yard dash.
Starting point is 00:25:51 So I am curious, can we find out what Joey Chestnut... I'm working on some math right now. You're saying Bolt's under 10 seconds for the 100-yard dash, right? Okay, so the Joey Chestnut, at least the, whatever, top of Google, this may not be correct, but we have 76 hot dogs. So in 10 minutes, he ate 76 hot dogs. So that's 12 seconds. Every 12 seconds?
Starting point is 00:26:20 Every 12 seconds, he's eating a hot dog. 12 seconds, that's a lot. I mean, the whole 100-yard dash for Usain Bolt is under 10. Well, no, no, no. It's 9.58. But you're comparing that to, like, how long would it take you to eat a whole hot dog? If I had to eat one hot dog, it would take me more than 12 seconds. Would it take you more than 30 seconds?
Starting point is 00:26:42 And that's just his average. I was going to say, I bet if he's just doing one hot dog, he can do it faster than 12 seconds. Yeah, I think he wins the race. I think Joey Chestnut wins the race. I think that goes down to like 7 to 8 seconds because he's willing... I mean, it's going to take me
Starting point is 00:26:58 20 to 30 seconds to eat a hot dog. He's willing to do the bun dunk, which I don't know that... I'd bun dunk. You'd go? You'd soak the bun in the water? I've got no problem with the bun dunk which i don't know that i'd bun dunk you'd really you'd go you'd go you'd soak the bun in the water no problem with the bun dunk oh it sounds like one of the worst things oh i do i do soggy bread you know i do the soggy bread yeah that's disgusting i dip peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the milk all the time oh it's delicious disgusting but that's like that's got the peanut butter and
Starting point is 00:27:26 the jelly that's not just no peanut butter sandwiches in the milk okay but there's still more ingredients it's still moist bread it's not just a bun into water though you're doesn't bother doesn't bother dog there's a dog in the bun no no no for the hot dog no you separate them oh for real is that what i do am i right about that i thought that the technique was you do i think he separates i think you go dog or a bun into the water yeah down it and then you house the hot dog and he looks like a seal for part of it right you throw the head back yeah it's i don't know it's not pretty watching this man work he wins the race though 76 hot dogs oh you're right you're right mike it's it's you dunk and then dog oh my goodness oh this is not this is not children do not watch do not watch joey chestnut eating 71
Starting point is 00:28:16 hot dogs is the gap between joey chestnut and usain bolt running 100 100 yards greater than the gap between usain bolt and joey chestnut eating a hot dog and i imagine 100 yards greater than the gap between Usain Bolt and Joey Chestnut eating a hot dog. And I imagine... 100 yards. Yes. To continue that. Sorry. 100 yards for like average dad.
Starting point is 00:28:34 It's probably double this time. So 20 seconds. So the average man jogs at a speed of 8.3 miles per hour or 100 meters in 27 seconds. That's jogging. So you're saying, let's say he could do it in 22 seconds. 20 seconds. Yeah, Joey Chestnut's beating Usain Bolt. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Is he really? Yeah, I don't... Unless Usain Bolt can eat a hot dog better than I think. I just watched Joey Chestnut eat a hot dog better than i think i just watched joey chestnut eat a hot dog that is inhuman daniel from patreon would jason be willing to eat a whole sweet potato every day for the rest of his life to get rid of spiders oh yes would i a whole yeah absolutely absolutely i would this is the sacrifice for humanity so i was gonna say spiders because of steps you've taken in your life as a as a man they don't really impact you significantly
Starting point is 00:29:32 on a day-to-day basis correct and except for the fear so you really would be getting rid of them for others i would no no not at all this would be purely selfish um just to know that they're not out there? But yeah, I mean, I'm still afraid of, like, for instance, we talked about going on a hike if it was under 55 degrees. I'm afraid to go on a hike. Interesting. Not because of running into snakes that could kill me, but because of finding a tarantula
Starting point is 00:30:00 out in the mountains that would kill me via heart attack. How many? But would be harmless otherwise. Correct. Now, like how many times on an average year do you do a hike of some kind? On average? Yeah. How many of the last few years?
Starting point is 00:30:20 Per year. You can do whatever you want. Quarter. Quarter? Quarter of a hike. Oh, a quarter you want. A quarter. Quarter? Quarter of a... Oh, a quarter of one. So 0.25? So one per four years?
Starting point is 00:30:29 One... Well, yes. One per leap year. That's how I look at it. I think one per leap year is about... How many hikes have you gone on in your almost 40 years? Ten? Ten?
Starting point is 00:30:41 And then how many in the last... Math checks out. All right. We had a spider thing in our house this morning. Oh, awful. Don't tell me about it. My son reacted just... It was in the tub.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Oh, it was in the tub. But it was a... It was the itsy bitsy. It was bigging. It was a bigging. Oh. It was a daddy long leg. Did you send him back down the...
Starting point is 00:31:01 Oh, don't get bit. Very poisonous. Did you send him back down the water spout don't get bit. Very poisonous. Did you send him back down the water spout? Nope. Oh, this is a smush. This is the fastest smush. He freaked out. See, he was in the middle of a number twosie.
Starting point is 00:31:14 In the tub? No. Teach your boy some manners. He was on the adjacent toilet and was mid-business and then saw it and felt very helpless. But the spider's in the tub. The spider's in the tub. My son is on the toilet. The spider cannot get out of the tub.
Starting point is 00:31:34 No, no. Wait, a spider can't get out of a tub? No. Yes, it can. Well, how'd it get in the tub? The spout. A spider can jump in, but they're not climbing out the porcelain. Oh, spiders can do anything.
Starting point is 00:31:45 No. They do have wings. Anyways, yeah, it was a quick squish, but he did not recover for a while. I don't blame him. It's a brave boy. Actually, I brought it in. Here it is. Did Daddy Longlegs get you?
Starting point is 00:31:59 I mean, not quite the same. Like, when he said it was a big one, I started freaking out. He said it was Daddy Longlegs. I'm out. He said it was a daddy longlegs. I'm like, okay, that's better. It's really the... They walk awkwardly. The furrier, hairier versions. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:15 So you guys think for sure that the spider can climb out of the slippery porcelain? I do. I do not. Okay. I would Google it, but I cannot Google something with that word. Are you willing to put this to the test? Yeah, spiders don't bother me. But when you put a spider
Starting point is 00:32:31 in a Tupperware, it can't climb out. No. Same type of a thing. The tub's got a little bit of... There's a better grade on that, isn't there? A little bit more friendly grade? Spiders hang out on walls. That's fair. Fair point.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Walls aren't made of porcelain. Walls have texture. Porcelain's probably easier to climb than a plastic cup. I don't know. I think it's about the same. Is there water on it already? No. No water. Dry porcelain? Yeah. Someone should be able to Google this and find out, just not me.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Alright, we'll move on. That's fine. Jason, you're willing to save this and find out, just not me. All right. We'll move on. That's fine. Jason, you're willing to save the world or yourself with a sweet potato, which you now love. I will hide that thing. I will hide sweet potatoes in something more delicious. That'll be your strategy. No, you have to eat it plain.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I mean. Just a sweet potato by itself. My quick Google says most tubs and sinks are coated with porcelain, which spiders can't grab with their legs. They also have a difficult time climbing smooth glass. So if you catch a spider and you need to keep it someplace, toss it on in the tub. Because they're climbing up with very fine hairs, right?
Starting point is 00:33:40 I can see that. So the hair has nothing to grab onto. So if it's a perfectly clean tub. I need to build a glass house. Just don't throw stones. Yo, you beat me to it. This isn't your podcast. Ryan from Twitter.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Yes, it is. If every minute one person in the world turned into a duck, how long would it take for the world to take notice? Oh. turned into a duck how long would it take for the world to take notice oh what every minute one person in the world turns into a duck every minute one person turns and it's at random so 60 people an hour but turn into ducks at random in the world and there's what seven eight billion people yeah it's not spreading geographically like a virus this would just be one random person i mean that's a long time let me let me do the math per year here though okay so you've got what 60 people per hour times 24 hours in a day times 365 days in a year that's about 525,000 people
Starting point is 00:34:42 are turning into a ducks per into a duck per year. Well, obviously, it's before that. It's going to be before that. It is before that? Oh, if half a million people turned into a duck, I think people would take notice. But it happens progressively. Hold on a second here. If you take that and you're looking at the population of the world, right?
Starting point is 00:35:02 Yeah, which is what? About eight? Seven billion people. Let's just call it seven. the population of the world right yeah which is what about seven billion people let's just call it seven that's only point zero zero zero zero zero seven one percent of the people on earth because here i don't think i did that math right no i don't think you did either here's the thing i might have put trillion in there not billion is part of the equation you do it. Is you're going to have areas of the world where a camera is not readily available. Right?
Starting point is 00:35:29 Because I feel like documentation of this is going to be crucial. And then getting that documentation onto the internet. That's fair. So that other people can be exposed to it. And it's going to take many of these things before people actually believe the video was real. People are going to think their friends and family are missing before they believe that the duck population has increased. Yeah, that's true. Also, your math was right.
Starting point is 00:35:55 This is 0.007%. A half a million people is very unnoticeable. But you're right. You're going to have some people. It'll be a missing person alert. 100%. You're going to have some people that are saying, I watched my friend turn into a duck.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Yes. And ain't no one believing them. It's going in the, do they have those magazines anymore? Like the National Inquirer. Yeah, they're still around. I was just thinking of duck magazines. I was like, what you're talking about the tabloids oh yeah it'll be in there first do they still have those yeah they do oh 100 that sells
Starting point is 00:36:30 but are they is it just celebrity stuff now or is it still bat boy stuff i think you get it all if there's a dollar to be made mike so maybe it takes more than a half a million people no i think i think by then you got it. You know that they're ducks, though. Yeah. Well, and now you have all these places where, yes, my uncle disappeared, but also I have this one duck who will not go away. I'm not giving him bread, but he keeps showing up. He's coming to my birthday party.
Starting point is 00:37:04 He's spelling things out with the crackers. Just jumps on a seat, sitting there. Wow. Yeah, okay. I do think it's probably- It's before that for me. It's probably before that. A couple hundred thousand ducks, and you got an issue.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I think six months is where you're going to have it start to take hold, but people still reject that truth. People will reject it. No, I know. I know that. I know that. But I think it will be between the – So I'm saying eight months.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I'm opening this can. You want to hear this? Let's go. Let's open this can up. Let's say this is the state of the world from here on out. All right. Okay? And we all become aware 500,000
Starting point is 00:37:46 people have become ducks and now we're all aware that every minute somebody on earth becomes a duck for the rest of our natural lives yeah how much will you fear becoming a duck i think you'll feel fear a lot when you first learn and then after about 10 days you're gonna forget about it because there's nothing you can do there's no cure for that i know of to stop you from turning into your in any given minute you have to be the one person on earth that becomes a duck and if you knew that like like to say you drop dead every minute one person on earth drops dead every minute you're probably not thinking well i'm going to be the one of the eight billion in this minute how big are people's circle of how big are the ducks no no no i think they're regular size okay look if they're human-sized, the world is going to notice a lot faster than if they're regular-sized.
Starting point is 00:38:45 It's about 10 minutes. Yeah. But your circle of people that- Everyone will know someone who turned into a duck? How big? Really, is it like 40 people? Yeah, 40, 50 people. So what are the odds in a year-
Starting point is 00:39:03 Oh, very low. That you know anyone who actually turned into a duck? Very low. You'll be hearing about the one guy in the city that turned into a duck. They're like, oh, we finally had one in Phoenix. We had a duck man. So hold on. So how long would it take for the entire global population to turn into a duck?
Starting point is 00:39:28 I mean, that's $8 billion divided by... And you've got to account for inflation of people. It's how many minutes. It's easy. It's $8 billion times... Because there's still more people being made. $8 billion is a good number because it's a little less than that right now, right? So I think that's good.
Starting point is 00:39:49 So you'd go eight billion divided by. Well, everyone's a minute. It's eight billion minutes. Okay. It's eight billion minutes. It's one a minute. Okay. I'm not crazy here, right?
Starting point is 00:39:59 No, it's eight billion minutes. I was imagining. So then do eight billion. If the rent song was 8 billion. So 8 billion divided by 60. Yeah, that's how many hours. Divided by 24. Yeah, divided by 24.
Starting point is 00:40:16 So it would take 5 million days. Days. Yeah, I was going to say it would be a long time. It would take 15,000 years to turn this globe that's the kind of math that would make me not fear becoming a duck exactly i mean you've got a better chance of just dying in a car accident than being the one that turns into a duck yep for reference the current death rate in the world is about 120 people a minute. Oh. Dude, I'm beating this duck thing. Also, I mean, the worst thing that happens is you're now a duck.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Wait a minute. That's not the worst. Now that we've done this math, how do we know that this isn't already happening? Oh, no. I mean, how would we possibly know? None of us know somebody that died today and 120 people die every minute. Yeah, exactly. How do we know that this question isn't coming from someone?
Starting point is 00:41:10 Is this where ducks come from? This is where ducks come from. Oh, my goodness. People are turning into ducks at a rate that does not matter. Do you forget that you were a person then? Absolutely. You got a duck brain. They're very small. They're very small.
Starting point is 00:41:26 They're very small. Oh, my gosh. We have established animals are stupid. This is where quacks come from, right? Yes. Oh, my gosh. Well, let's move on to the draft. The Spitballers draft well that was the highest level oh yeah stupidest conversation that this
Starting point is 00:41:50 show has ever had it was very it was helpful to me it gave you a new perspective on life yeah i mean 120 people are dropping dead every minute just get out there and live man yeah duck or not everyone's here i mean it would take 15 000 years but that's for the world to die if everyone died once a minute that's crazy and if no more humans were yeah right in existence so that 15 000 years i mean with the birth rates it would it would never happen yeah you would never you need more people turning into ducks never completely duck no all right you would never go full duck. Yeah. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:27 So I have the first pick. We're drafting activities for a perfect day. Now, this one is kind of like, I don't feel like I'm privileged to have the number one pick in this draft at all because there are a million subjective ideas of what a perfect day is. I will say this. There was one thing. I know what it is.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I'm okay. I know what it is. I'm okay. And you'll get it. Okay. Because I'm not drafting things for Jason's perfect day. I don't want your perfect day. So well now I got a couple ideas for you. But I'm actually going to go with
Starting point is 00:43:00 I'm going to go with go to the beach. Okay. I'm going to put that at the top of my list. I think it's the most likely one to get stolen by my two cohorts here. Sure. So I'm going to the beach. I do have chillax on the beach on my list. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:17 So, Mike, it is up to you. Let's have a perfect day. Go to the beach is it should be at the top of everyone's list for a perfect day. Go to the beach is, it should be at the top of everyone's list for a perfect day. You should really live by a beach based on this. Say if it's not, that means you've never been to the beach. You should check it out. Look into it.
Starting point is 00:43:35 All right. So I will start my day. Oh, what will Jason take? Cause that the difficult part about, I'm going to write the two things. think Jason will put on his list now. The difficult part of this draft is I know I have a lot of things that don't match Jason, but I'm sure I have a couple that match what he wants.
Starting point is 00:43:54 But, okay, I can't get wrapped up in that, and I am going to have a part of my day devoted to... I don't even know the right verbiage for it, but just really not participating in the day because I am going to take a nap. Oh, that's my number one. That's the 101. It's funny that you're perfect. See, I would actually argue against the nap for a perfect day. Oh, no way.
Starting point is 00:44:19 I've got nods from Al because you are not conscious. Correct. No, no, no. I'm in a better place. No day is perfect without a nap. If I'm going to say, what's my perfect day? You got four picks. I'm going to be busy.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I'm going to do all this good stuff. And one of them is to not be there. That is correct. And the best one is to not be there. I hope you guys add having surgery with anesthesia on your list of perfect day activities. Because after you go to the beach, I know we're playing the perfect day. Yeah, it's one day. You go to the beach, you are exhausted.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Oh, the sun takes it out of you, Mike. You need a nap. That sounds good. I'll argue against it with one more principle here, which is let's say you know that tomorrow is the day you turn into a duck. Then I'm not taking a nap, but this is the perfect day. Okay, so it's not the same as your last day on Earth. I can tell you the perfect day
Starting point is 00:45:13 does not include knowing I'm dying tomorrow. That's not part of my perfect day. Changes the equation. All right, so last day, perfect day, two different things. Jason, you got two picks. Yeah, last day on Earth, I'm not taking a nap. I'll just start early.
Starting point is 00:45:29 I've always wanted to die in my sleep. All right. Two picks. I've written them both down already. Well, a nap was definitely one of them. That was not what you... No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:38 I'm going to start with a massage. Okay, because that's what you wrote down first. Massage is on my list. It's the number one on my list here for jason and i and it's okay you know swedish uh hot stones uh bamboo whatever you know i'll look what's a bamboo massage they take like a bamboo i don't need to know and they roll like really shoots in the end it's great into you yes oh no oh no all right you ever seen them make a pizza i go with the dough they thin it out yeah they're thinning me out all right it's an italian massage not not a swedish
Starting point is 00:46:20 all right so i wanted'm on a nap. I got a massage. That's great. I'm going to go with something that I tend to, I love doing this and I never get to do this because I got too many responsibilities. I'm a dad. You know, we've got a business. We've just, we've got busy lives and I feel a little too selfish when I do this. So when it is my birthday week and I get to do whatever I want for, you know, seven days,
Starting point is 00:46:51 I always find one of these and I binge it. Oh, wow. And I am going to take binging a video game. I love just like I just don't get to do it as often. And my perfect day, I'm going to have a couple hours just in a video game. That's a good time for me. All right. Can't wait to see what the second thing you wrote down was.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Yeah, we'll see. Mike, it's back to you. Jason, Massage Video Games, you have taken a nap. I'm on the beach. Well, I haven't taken the nap yet. The placement of the nap in the day is the afternoon. And I will probably take the nap. Have you ever taken a nap on the beach?
Starting point is 00:47:31 Oh, yeah. That's great. Oh, yeah. Unfortunately, he does not have permission to do that in this draft. That's true. He has to do it on the boardwalk. I will allow you to sleep on the boardwalk. That's called a homeless person.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Yes. But I want to get out there uh enjoy nature enjoy some time with my friends and and i'll take the nap after this because the sun takes it out of you when you're doing this but i'm gonna i'm gonna go golfing oh okay that's part of your perfect day it is and how many times has that been part of your perfect day in the last 10 years uh Not nearly enough. Interesting. Because of what Jason's talking about.
Starting point is 00:48:09 That's a hike with a purpose. To go do, right. You get some exercise. You get to drive around a golf course. I guess the cart takes that. It's really sweet. But a full 18 holes of golf, that's like, at least for me, I'm not good. It's a few hours.
Starting point is 00:48:24 It's half the day. It's like three to four hours. Oh,'m not good. It's a few hours. It's half the day. It's like three to four hours. Which is half of my day. When you account for nap time. Have you ever Tokyo drifted in a golf cart on a golf course? I have not. Oh, dude, you got to try it. Grass is very forgiving.
Starting point is 00:48:38 You ever rolled a golf cart before? I have not rolled one, but I am shocked that I haven't. Really, I haven't gone golfing that many times, but when I do, it's half golfing, half go-karting. Yes, that's what the thing about golf is. It's not just hitting the ball. There are so many factors that are delightful. All right, my next pick after Mike took golfing,
Starting point is 00:48:59 which is a good pick. I hadn't thought about that. That would be fun. Social? Competitive? Yep. You get to exercise? It covers a lot of things I hadn't thought about that. That would be fun. Social. Competitive. Yep. You get to exercise. Covers a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:49:08 You see nature. Yep. I should golf more. I'm going to go eat ice cream. Eating ice cream. Simple. It may seem like a very routine part of somebody's day, and it's a routine part of mine. No perfect day is absent of a smorgasbord of ice cream um bringing
Starting point is 00:49:27 bringing the nap to maybe a more important level in my day there you go so i i'm going to the beach i'm bringing some ice cream and i'm eating it quick on the beach uh and then i've got to do something else here on my perfect day so um i'm just gonna be a sentimental fella oh and um i'm gonna cuddle my kids oh that's nice i did very few things in my life give me more like in the moment happiness because you're not thinking about nothing else you're just giving your kid a hug. As a dad. I'm thinking about when this is over. Get out of here, kid. I love that.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I could cuddle with the little kids. Okay. Okay. I like it. I like it. All right, Mike. Back to you. So I've got golf.
Starting point is 00:50:20 I'm going to take a nap. So things were a little bit out of order here i wasn't sure if if andy would take this one or not and even though it is part of my perfect day it's very often how i start the day anyways because you got to get it off right but coffee on the porch my man oh yeah coffee on the back porch porch. The light of a sunrise, which as I've become an old man and actually can tell a difference in the light. I love how you're changing, Mike. I've always been the old man, but you have just really embraced these parts of your life. But sunrise light where it's extra golden, it hits differently.
Starting point is 00:51:03 You do not sound like you used to sound. The birds are out there. They're just tweeting away. The air is crisp. It's not hot yet. Hey, let me tell you something. Oh, it's great. I got a rocking chair with your name on it, buddy.
Starting point is 00:51:15 I got a rocking chair with your name on it. All right, so I love it. I love it. Coffee on the porch. All right. Are you alone? Of course I'm it. I love it. Coffee on the porch. All right. Are you alone? Of course I'm alone. You know what?
Starting point is 00:51:27 There are not two rocking chairs on this porch. Oh, man. I talked about how I can hear the birds. I am implying there is no one talking to me. Oh, yes. I love it. It's me time. Oh.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Perfect day is me time. All right, Jason. You're playing video games. You've got a massage. Okay, I've got the massage. I went out of order of my own list. I saw the binge of video game, and I was like, hmm. Somebody might take it.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yeah, it may not have been the best. So I'm going to go with the order of my list, which I'm realizing now, like classic Jason. You wrote down massage. I think this is probably the second thing you wrote down. I don't know. But ain't no perfect day complete without a fancy steak dinner. To me, I want to go to a
Starting point is 00:52:09 nice restaurant like get wine. Was that it? I just went with massage and then food. Yes, exactly. 100%. Fancy food. Beautiful food. Wonderful. Super nice Wagyu
Starting point is 00:52:24 Manhattan Flake. I couldn't decide between eating ice cream or a nice meal. Thank you for leaving us. And I didn't want to go back to back on food. So that's a great pick. And you have your final one. Oh, I'm up. Well, well, well.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I'm not going to take this one. Who are you talking to? Talking to you guys. Be Cold is on my list that sounds nice be cold be cold have you ever been cold i it's been a while um last january i was in new york uh you're cold for a minute yeah so uh one more okay Okay, this is a cheat code. Uh-oh. Classic Jason. Exactly, classic Jason.
Starting point is 00:53:11 So I've had a great day. I've taken a nap. You have not taken a nap. Oh, that's right. I didn't get a nap. Thank you. You might have fallen asleep on the massage table. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:53:22 I got a massage. It is not saying she didn't. But Jason's there not oh he's waking you up right when you start drifting in the massage a nice dinner and and uh i've binged my video game everything's great you're really tired oh i am super exhausted but you know what's gonna make that okay you know what's gonna give me a bunch of energy winning the power. That's my perfect day, baby. Give me a big old win. I mean, you're telling me that's not the perfect cap to a perfect day.
Starting point is 00:53:54 These two guys are just, their heads are in their hands because they're like, what a. That's a real fart face, babe. It's a real Jason Capper. A real exclamation. That's my perfect day. Oh my gosh. You have found the Haven't had my perfect day yet,
Starting point is 00:54:14 but it's coming. It's in line with my pic, which is go to the moon. Oh, Mike. You have your final pic. Alright, so my final pick. Learning to fly. I feel like when Jason preps for drafts,
Starting point is 00:54:33 he thinks of all the real answers, and then he thinks to himself, how can I outwit this one draft with one question? You're not wrong. My whole list, I've got like 15 things on it, and then at the very end I was like, oh, dude, we can can win the powerball i'm just giving you buy a powerball ticket what that's not a perfect day that's that's like that's an awful day that is a complete awful day oh my gosh you're letting him keep it uh whatever man sure whatever winning we gotta move the show mike you uh you get to close it out all right my lap i'm really torn between two things here uh you but andy already has the
Starting point is 00:55:16 sentimental pick so i'm just gonna stay with selfish mike i will go with the anticipated movie the end oh so you're going to a movie you're looking forward to. The movie that you've, for months, I'm not just saying a movie. Like the Star Wars hype or something. Yes. The new Avengers movie is coming out, and I've been waiting literally over a year for this movie,
Starting point is 00:55:38 and I finally get to go see it. A big deal movie. Yes. Absolutely. Those are awesome. Okay. Yeah, going are awesome. Okay. Yeah. That's why I thought you were going to pick with your last one before you went with winning
Starting point is 00:55:49 the Powerball. I also, for the record, I wrote three words down. Three words for you. The first one was massage. The second one was food. And the third one was cruise. Oh, that's on my list. I just figured a cruise might make its way.
Starting point is 00:56:10 My final pick, guys, you know i like ice cream yeah but you've already got it and doubling down no frozen yogurt i'm at the beach i said the cuddle with the kids but if you know me you know i'm a competitive fella so beating my friends at a sport is my final part of a perfect day. That's a good one. It might be pickleball, basketball, foosball, ping pong. It could be golf, but I want to beat. It's important to me that I beat my friends. It's not a perfect day if you're losing. No.
Starting point is 00:56:38 No way. I need to be able to talk trash at the end of this thing. Understandable. Or not talk trash because they're so defeated inside. That is a great pick. So that's my final pick here on a perfect day. Not bad. No Powerball, no learning to fly,
Starting point is 00:56:52 no finding a magic carpet under my bed. But that's it. So, Mike, you have a nap, some golf, after you had a sunrise coffee on the porch, and then you cap the night off. Oh, so let me put your day in order. You have the coffee. You play some golf.
Starting point is 00:57:09 That's right. Then you come home, take a nap. Then you go to the movie. Oh, man. That's a great day. That's a good day. That's a great day. You're not super wealthy.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Let me try to put your day in order. Okay, put mine in order. I'm guessing that you are starting the day off winning the lottery. I know you said it was the end of the day. Hey, sure. But I think you're kicking it off. Let's go. So you win the lottery when you wake up.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Hooray. I might as well go get a massage. Oh, it's going to be an expensive massage. And then you go play some video games and go out to your dinner. Oh, that sounds great. And I've got the beach, the ice cream, cuddle with the kids to finish the day, and then that's after I beat my friends at a sport. I'm going to be real rough on you guys, whoop you up.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Yep, that's fair. Cuddle with your kids, tell them what a winner you are. That's right. All right, that is it. Do you have your perfect day, Al? Yeah, there's some overlap, but I would wake up on a cruise ship. I would go snor a cruise ship. Okay. I would go snorkeling with my family.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I would get a massage, tuck my kid in, and hit the casino. Oh, so like the opposite of winning Powerball. So basically what I just did all week, baby. But hitting the casino is the opposite of winning the Powerball. Yeah, I'm going to donate money. It's going to be fun. All right. That was a pretty good draft. That's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Did you have any extra ones you were looking to pick? I threw kayaking on there. I like that quite a bit. Really? Yeah. What? Too much work. It's the nature thing.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Did you know this? Kayaking? No. I mean, I've only done it a handful of times, but it was in beautiful places, and it was great. I didn't realize it was that high up for you. That's cool. I've got sleep in and breakfast in bed left over,
Starting point is 00:58:50 but your nap kind of took that away. Yeah, and my only leftover, which I was torn between the two picks, is the going to your kids either performance or sports. Yeah, but similar to Andy's where they've got to win. Oh, that's a good one. Like when they do something great, so awesome to be there. All right. What did we learn today? I learned that all ducks were once human beings on this earth.
Starting point is 00:59:15 And we've never noticed. We've never noticed and we never will. I learned, I think definitively, I mean, this is episode 188, but that Jason will try to hack a draft if he can. And I think we've confirmed spiders cannot climb out of the tub. I think you proved your point there. You're a very smart man. I'm a spiderologist.
Starting point is 00:59:36 That's what they call them. I no longer like you. That is it for the Spitballers podcast. Tell your friends about the show. Leave us a review. We appreciate you. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. Tell your friends about the show. Leave us a review. We appreciate you. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out SpitballersPod.com.

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