Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 237: A Balding Constellation & A State Animal Battle Royale - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: April 24, 2023

On today’s show, Jason explains why unlimited free Starbucks would be a curse to him. We also talk about a big guy in the sky (who is losing his hair) and play some ‘Man of the People’ before he...ading back into the Colosseum for a battle royale of official state animals. Re-brand Mondays with some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. okay there were no words in that roar oh that was one continuous roar yeah let's go with that mike it's a flow it's a roar flow i mean it was abrasive. That'll take... Well, the claws were out. Yeah, I like that you did the monster hands for those watching along. He did.
Starting point is 00:00:52 He did put them out. You know, I didn't even know what I was doing. I was letting the inner animal come out. Yeah, well, I mean, you were trying to stick with our theme today. We were drafting... Well, we're back in the Battle Royale territory. It's been too long. It's been too long and we're drafting
Starting point is 00:01:09 the State Animal Battle Royale on today's show. That'll be our draft at the end of the episode. We have Man of the People back on the show today. I can't wait to have a dominating lead only to be defeated by one of you in the end. It's my favorite part.
Starting point is 00:01:25 And would you rather on the show today as well? Thank you for joining us. Appreciate everyone here, including Al Borman, who is in the building. That's so kind. Yeah. I appreciate you. Yeah. Who will be in the gladiator arena at the end of the show uh with all of the animals and we'll see what happens
Starting point is 00:01:46 kind of like the ringmaster so he's gonna come out into the coliseum take center stage yeah and while he's there we really we release our animals the animals and then we i think he'll be okay yeah these are wild push-ups he does and i imagine he'll just start singing Greatest Showman style. Yeah. This is the great... Someone help me! It's not a good show. It's terrible.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Add SpitballersPod on Twitter. Thank you for listening. If you want to be our best friend in the world, you can review the show on Apple Podcasts or over on Spotify. Click that follow button. Tell your friends about the show if you want to make their lives happier and we'll get it going.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Would you rather? Stevie from the website, would you rather have to roll your eyes every time somebody tells you something or have to sigh heavily every time you're asked the question? Man, this is brutal. I do think a lot of times those go together. A lot of times when you're doing the sigh, you're making the eye roll. But we got to separate these so we understand the nuance of just an eye roll or just a sigh the eye roll says your response was stupid the sigh says your question was stupid or a waste of my time or i'm it's a sign of impatience right
Starting point is 00:03:22 the sign is like the The sigh feels far. What do you want? What do you want? The sigh feels more aggressive to me. It feels like I am looking down upon you more. Like I've rolled my eyes at someone for something they've said when I found it silly. Or like, oh man, you're so gullible or whatever. It can be playful.
Starting point is 00:03:49 man you you're so gullible or whatever it can be playful the sigh is like it's always a downward upset you're an idiot i am so much smarter or better than you i don't think there is a which let me way to play it off just going let me ask you this mike Mike. Yes. You're in a situation where an eye roll or a sigh is the response you'd like to give somebody, which is more difficult for you to suppress. Just in real life? Yeah, in real life, because I'm trying to figure out if the difficulty in suppressing it
Starting point is 00:04:20 shows which is worse. Like you really want to give an eye roll, but you suppress it, or you really want to sigh. I think an eye roll is harder. To suppress? Yeah, it's just, it's a physical thing of you just naturally do it, where... Yeah, sigh, you can kind of exhale
Starting point is 00:04:38 quietly. Yes, you can, and you can kind of catch yourself doing it, and change it into something else. Like a... True, true. No, I just had to... Sorry, I was clearing my throat.
Starting point is 00:04:51 True. Great question. Great, great question. Where the eye roll, once the eye roll begins, it's done. It's been fully executed. You can't do like a... Oh, oh, there's something in my eye. Well, I mean, that's how you would have to play it off.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Right. What if there's something on the ceiling on the great question something on the ceiling you're looking at oh did you whoa did you see that up there was there there's bats now there is there's bats do you have a bat in your house there is nuance i really did i saw that it was up there there's there's nuance here because this is you have to roll your eyes every every time someone tells you something okay so they're just telling you any story they're telling you what happened your wife is sharing uh just some information dreams whatever you're rolling your eyes at it but the sigh heavily is only when you're asked a question so if your wife says less frequently if your wife says we're going to a birthday party on Saturday,
Starting point is 00:05:48 you roll your eyes. I would have to roll my eyes. If I pick the exhale, the sigh, I can choose not to do it, which I would still do it. I mean, to be fair, I would do it, but I couldn't choose. You would eye roll and sigh. Yes. If you sigh heavily every time you're asked a question,
Starting point is 00:06:05 but you keep yourself so busy that the sigh seems justifiable, is that an escape? You're running in place. You're always being interrupted no matter what. No, you're always out of breath. Yeah. Look, I think the eye roll is the one I don't want, so I'm going to go with the sigh.
Starting point is 00:06:24 The answer to this question is easiest to answer like a maze in reverse okay okay also pro tip if you're doing like a maze on paper start at the end it's super easy to complete that maze it's just one path um he's not wrong it's a little cheat code to life but which one feels worse to receive like if you're do you get more upset if someone exhales or do you get more upset if someone rolls their eye and as i say this out loud i know which one is worse i don't know to me it's the eye roll yeah it's they're both really bad they're both really bad awful like i'll i want to punch you in the face if i get that but an eye roll is like breathing
Starting point is 00:07:05 is part of what you're doing already so you're just kind of adding to your norm the eye roll is i'm going out of my way to show you physically what a dumb dumb you are and it really feels insensitive so i will yeah that's my final answer as well yeah sure uh rusty from patreon would you rather have a constellation of your face that is named after you fixed in the night sky every night okay so every night people look up they see your face or have a holiday celebrated in your honor on the closest friday to your birthday where everybody gets the day off work so the whole okay the whole country gets a day off of work because of your birthday approaching.
Starting point is 00:07:45 This is literally like, what do you got Friday off for? Oh yeah, that's Jason's birthday. What? Now the constellation. Is this the nonsense like the current constellation? No, no, no. The Greek constellations where they're like, hey, it's the
Starting point is 00:08:00 guy shooting the arrow. And you're like, no, it's not. That's Orion's belt. Which ones? You can kind of see one of them. That's the guy shooting the arrow, and you're like, no, it's not. That's Orion's belt. Which one? You can kind of see one of them. That's the buckle. I see so many belts in the sky. This is amazing. Clear and obvious.
Starting point is 00:08:13 You can't look up there and see a face. You look up there and see Mike's face. This is the Mike Wright constellation. That is a lot. That is a lot. That is a lot. You're thinking it's like too much pressure? Yeah. Look, we all...
Starting point is 00:08:30 You all want some respect and adoration around, you know, from peers and from people, but your face is... If it's like, you know, not a photographic quality, but you can tell that that's your face beaming down. Here's the thing is if that's a lot if it's up there in the sky everyone gets used to it right we only think one moon is normal because we've always had that moon there if there were 10 moons since you were born it it's 10 moons
Starting point is 00:08:59 but the but the moon often looks cool what i'm saying is that I don't think I want the one that like... Mike's beaming tonight. Oh, you're saying there are days when the constellation looks a little nicer? Yeah. Oh, man, the clouds are covering Mike's face again. It's a clear sky, and the stars are extra bright tonight. Hey, aren't you that guy from the sky? Big fan.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You may recognize me. You may recognize me from such things from the sky would be big fan would you you may recognize me you may recognize me from such things as the sky that's a really funny question would you be the most famous person on the planet because that's global right it doesn't matter in hemisphere hemisphere there's there's some constellations wait a minute there's constellations that i can't see. Yeah, you can't see the Southern Cross where we are. For real? Yeah. Ba-da-doo-doo-doo-doo. Breaking news. I cannot see constellations from the entire globe.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Some of them. I don't know if it's all of them, but the Southern Cross is a Southern Hemisphere only constellation. Wow. Wow. So here's the thing. Would you feel a pressure to not shave your beard yeah i mean you're well is it in the constellation or is it not or is the constellation adapt just whatever like however you look at the stars so it's like if i wore glasses that day
Starting point is 00:10:16 my constellation would have glasses that means over the last 20 years my constellation has grown it's gotten a little rounder pretty cool you see the way that these stars are expanding the night is a little more lit up than it used to be i can see everything um is there additional stars well the the stars on the very top have started to go away so i think we're gonna be You know, they're just dropping down. Going to the jowls. You got some shooting stars up there. Yeah, the hair just shoots off.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Every day. Bing, bing. The other one, I mean, the Friday off is great, but I do feel like, look, there's a lot of days people get off. Does that magic get lost too or is it just yes i mean is there going to be a whole set of greeting cards from from hallmark that people are handing out around jason's birthday i don't think so i don't think there's president's day cards okay you know we get the holiday off you don't think there's some like uh
Starting point is 00:11:22 i don't believe that hallmark happy president's day nope i don't think so that yeah that would be a weird card to get that would be super weird uh yeah there's not enough like rows on on the uh card aisle to have every so this is just an off but i mean there really isn't a benefit to having your face in the sky other than the amazing novelty so cool there's no actual benefit can you can you play that off to something like are could i'm going to make plenty of money if i'm so because i'm gonna have a bunch of books if i'm the face in the sky people will probably no are you gonna write this as like hold on he's going religious leader i was gonna say if i'm in the sky there's no way there aren't people that think i am oh you have followers for sure i have followers yeah yeah and not just on
Starting point is 00:12:14 instagram no no you like sleeping on your lawn i will be able to go up to people and tell them to do things and then when they say no i will point yeah and i'll say i'm watching about that and then they'll say let us carry you on our shoulders would your children respect you more would they think like you could just tell them i mean from the time they're a baby you just let them know i'm always watching from the sky a real Mufasa situation. Yeah. Yes. I mean, all of that fun aside. That's a benefit to me. It is a benefit, but it could also become a curse pretty quickly.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Having your birthday off for yourself. If this was you just get your birthday off every single year for your whole life and you don't have to work. That alone. No, it's the Friday. it's the closest friday oh wait it's the closest friday it doesn't happen to be on my birthday but it's your birthday's on friday that year yeah all right but my point is everyone in the world it isn't as cool it's definitely not as cool because i would what happens with your your birthdays on saturday or sunday then you you don't get nothing off well then it goes to monday oh okay yeah i mean we're still following yeah these benefits are overwhelming here but i i i'm gonna i'm gonna be a giver with this and i'm gonna take the holiday for everybody and i'll be the deity go ahead mike i give light yeah with my face i'm shocked i thought for sure based on this question and how these normally go i
Starting point is 00:13:46 thought these would be exact opposite i thought i'm taking the face of the sky and you guys are giving something nice to others jenny from patreon would you rather have unlimited free coffee wherever you go including the fancy lattes etc or unlimited free adult beverages wherever you go okay let me tell you something about coffee yeah it sucks now i like coffee i have coffee from time to time it's not that good it's really not interesting is that really kind of i'd say piss poor take uh that's fine i know it's very popular and let me take this a step further because coffee at home is one thing that's nice you get to wake up and it's usually just coffee it's not like a frappuccino latte americana yeah this this would have been a better uh scat by the way but
Starting point is 00:14:32 yeah thank you uh this the starbucks or or any chain coffee chain that you would now get for free is a nightmare to me i hate going to those coffee places, those coffee shops, having to order drinks I don't understand, and then I just, I don't like anything about it. Like, if you told me all my coffee is free, I feel like that is a curse,
Starting point is 00:14:58 a curse I don't want. Because you'll feel obligated to go get it? Yeah, and then other people will be asking me, like, hey, dude. Give me one. You got to pick up coffee every morning for the office. Okay, the only thing I agree with was the last part, which is I don't want to be the coffee boy for the office.
Starting point is 00:15:14 You think that doesn't apply to adult beverages? Oh, yeah. Oh, but I'll get that. Hey, the round's on me. Everybody, what's up? Round on this guy. I mean, one of those is way cooler. How come no one has never done that?
Starting point is 00:15:29 That shows up in movies. Like the people at the bar celebrating. Hey. When you're in there, the whole bar gets around. How come no one's doing that at Starbucks? Because Tom Cruise isn't at Starbucks. Getting off of his fighter jet, buying everyone around. I just saw an all-inclusive resort.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And one of the perks was that there are multiple Starbucks on the property, and you could just get free drinks the whole time. And, like, that would be awesome. Yeah. I mean, Starbucks is great. Too much of either one of these beverages is a problem. Yes. No doubt.
Starting point is 00:15:59 But I actually think too much of the coffee, like... That's a panic attack. That's a bigger problem. People don't really house tin coffees the way that they might have a problem and house the adult drinks. But the reason you don't is because your heart would explode. I mean, you're not getting a DUI on the Starbucks side. No, obviously, but that's because you can't just keep drinking coffee.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I mean, what's the max coffee you can have? Some people can have a lot. I cannot. I'm pretty sure that I think there were some people that did too many Red Bulls and their hearts might have ended. Yeah, I mean, it's one of those things where it's like- But that's a lot of coffee. It is.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Jay, have you ever had a mocha? I have, it's one of those things where it's like... But that's a lot of coffee. It is. So, Jay, have you ever had a mocha? I have. It's okay. It's good. I like... A chai tea latte is good. Those are okay. I mean, they're nice drinks.
Starting point is 00:16:56 And also, did you know you can order on an app? I have done that. And then you don't have... Because I'm with you that I am not a coffee professional. And still to this day, I don't even know what all of the coffee drinks are. So I've been in a coffee shop. And they're like, okay, what would you like? And you look up.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I'll have a cheese coffee. It's like I'm reading a completely different language. I'm like, ah, ah, mocha. i know what that is so i will get that if if we had a game show on this on this episode we do that was specifically what is blank and it was coffee drink i don't even know how to answer like if they said what is an americana i would go it's coffee i don't know sometimes i don't even know how to put words together in the coffee world to say what it is. There are lots of cocktails that have different mixes that you don't know off the top of your head necessarily. Sure.
Starting point is 00:17:55 You still order them and get them and you like them and drink them. What is an Americana? That's not just American coffee? I think an Americana is water and espresso. Gross. What? That's what I think it is. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I thought it was plain coffee. It's an espresso topped with hot water. Boom. Boom. Who won the game show today? I had no idea. Yeah. Would you like?
Starting point is 00:18:19 I mean, well, this drink is pretty bad. You're going to need to pour some water on it. And the espresso is really concentrated. Es concentrated espresso is just a tiny little caffeine shot instead of having it it's a tiny shot of concentrated coffee and then that makes it more of a cup an Americano makes it a cup versus mixing milk into it
Starting point is 00:18:38 so an Americano is like a mixed drink where just the espresso is like a shot yeah yes and here's what i'll say al makes a good point he sent it through on the slack here most people in their day-to-day life they're having maybe a couple coffees they're not necessarily drinking every single day right and so from a practicality of free like look al you from time to time you offer the studio here you'll be swinging through starbucks right and you get your uh drink and you get drinks for everybody else yep now once in the morning
Starting point is 00:19:12 one in the afternoon you just get free coffee every day are you using that yeah every day yeah i would use it that'd be a caloric problem both of these would be a caloric problem. Both of these would be a caloric problem. But the way that I look at it is one of these is not that great. That's coffee. And also, that's like five bucks a drink or something like that. True. You go to a dinner
Starting point is 00:19:35 and you want to order like a little cocktail off their menu. That's 15 bucks. Yeah. That's a three to one. Yeah. But let's just... You said there was a side effect to the coffee.
Starting point is 00:19:45 You'd go there and you'd feel the pressure and people would want you to get it. Is it going to be good for your health? The word unlimited in front of that. When you go to that restaurant and you see unlimited, that's not going to be good for you. No, no. I mean, both of these are going to be very bad for my health. I'm going to go coffee. Mike, final answer.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I mean, I'm an adult, right? Yeah. Rounds on us. Should we move on to Man of the People or do one more here, Al? Let's move on. All right, let's do it. Man of the people. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Another spectacular man of the people. Got to prepare my area. No, don't even worry about it. Just wait for the last round. That's what I'm preparing for. Three points goes to the person that buzzes in first, two to the second, one point. Not who buzzes in first. Oh, I'm sorry. Three points to whoever gets the top.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Number one answer. Al, you can go ahead and explain the game. Why don't you just tell me how to play the game? If you guess the number one answer, you get three points. The number two answer is worth two points. Any other answer on the board is worth one point. And then the final round is worth double points. We're doing seven rounds.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Sounds good. Be ready for that seventh round. The first round. Oh, we're going? We are going. Hands on table. Hands on table. Name something that the sign outside a hotel might tell you.
Starting point is 00:21:18 No smoking. That is the number four answer. I got my points. Read it again. Name something that the sign outside of... Did Andy buzz in? Yes, he did. Okay, I'll stop.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Valet. That is not on the board. What? Yeah. Okay, read it to me again. I know the number one answer now. Name something the sign outside a hotel might tell you. No vacancy.
Starting point is 00:21:47 That is the number one answer. Yeah. What? Let's all laugh at Mike's funny answer. I didn't laugh. Wow. I clearly did not understand this question. Vacancy.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Wait, lobby. The nightly rate. The hotel's name. No smoking. This is motel town, man. That's where I was so hesitant. If you said motel, I would have gotten all those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I'm thinking there's a big valet hotel, man. For sure. We're going to the Four Seasons over here. I got the number one answer, so I don't see what the problem is. Okay. All right. But I do agree. That's where I was frozen.
Starting point is 00:22:23 If you told me a motel sign, I'm going, it's like cable TVs here. Was that one of them? It was. It was the number five. Yeah. There you go. I'll talk to our production staff about the verbiage. I can't see hotels.
Starting point is 00:22:35 We've got cable. Dude, I remember passing them. They'd say HBO. If they had HBO. Yeah, a motel. Yeah, a motel. Yeah, exactly. You're not pulling up to the Venetian.
Starting point is 00:22:43 And they're like, no vacancy. The sign out front, no vacancy. I think that question sucked. All right, go on. I thought it was great. All right. Round two. Name something a kid might get in trouble for writing on.
Starting point is 00:22:58 The wall. That is the number one answer. That's the number one answer. Yeah, baby. Keep an eye on those buttons. I'll reset them. I'm going to go with furniture. We got to go to the judges.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Yeah, that's not on the board. Okay. Oh, thanks. I will buzz in last. I'm going to say. You need to waver your buzzer, sir. Oh, thank you. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:20 The body. That is the number four answer. All right. The body. Let's hear which one answer. All right. The body? Let's hear which one you disqualified for me, Al. I'm going desk. Yes. The number two answer was your school desk.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah. Then clothes. How does furniture not count for that? That one's tough. Yeah. School desk makes it. If your peers want to overrule you or if Judge Giamatti has a strong preference. I'll go to the judge.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yeah. The judge can make the call on that. It counts. right i got one point guys you got two no that's the number two that's the number two answer you're tied with jason don't thank me thank brooks thank you brooks all right yeah yeah round three a school desk versus furniture that's furniture feels like your home. Yeah. I stand by my denial. The ruling's been made. The Supreme Court overruled. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Round three. Name something people do while riding a roller coaster. I am in first. Scream. That is the number one answer. Yeah. Oh. Andy got in first. What what was your hand on the table it was fair fair game he got there first they raised their arms that is the number two answer yep how many answers are there five two mike's out what so you scream uh vomit that is the number
Starting point is 00:24:42 three that's where i was going for three if i missed it for sure what were the other two i'm curious laugh and close their eyes okay yeah yeah i guess that makes sense well done yeah you scream or you put your hands up or like do nothing all right through three rounds we got andy with four jason with five, Mike with seven. Okay. Alright, we're doing alright. We're going on to round four. Other than academics, why might a teen choose a certain college? Sports.
Starting point is 00:25:14 That is the number one answer. To party! That is the number four answer. Nice. That's a good one though. Come on kids, get it together. Nice. That's a good one. Come on, kids. Get it together. I'm going to go their friends attempt. That is the number three answer. Also worth one point.
Starting point is 00:25:32 The number two answer you guys missed is location. Oh, yeah. And then the number five answer was cost. Who's put location above a good party? Come on, people. Moving across the country. This school is in a terrible spot. But but man, do they know how to party. I am here to party.
Starting point is 00:25:51 One of the guys here gets free unlimited drinks. It's a weird thing. Somebody just gave it to him. One of the other guys' face is in the sky. I'm going here. All right, we're moving on to round five. We got name something that you can get
Starting point is 00:26:07 in extra large. You hadn't reset these buzzers. Name something that you can get in extra large. A soda. That is the number four answer. What? What is happening? Number
Starting point is 00:26:24 four? A shirt. Wait, where? It might never four answer what what is happening number four all right uh a shirt wait where and mine never went orange they well they must have because i hit i think jason hit it simultaneously with me resetting and jason you got the number one answer what did he say a shirt yeah yeah that's a good answer i mean that's like the first thing the pants technically the number one answer was clothes so i will let you go let me go again yeah i have no other answers three two come on one all right a seat french french fries that is the number two answer pizza is the number three answer and eggs are the number five answer what i don't think jason had yeah like when you go get a
Starting point is 00:27:06 carton of eggs they say extra large i know but i don't i would have never thought does anyone think of that when like when you're shopping for eggs five people of the hundred we surveyed did did you nice i like we're doing some really good survey work when you guys are in not at all picking up eggs i just i go i mean i do the I do the range. I do the free range. Yeah, the free range. I don't ever look at how many sizes of eggs are there. That's a great question. I have no idea. I only buy caged and angry.
Starting point is 00:27:33 They're so cheap. Horribly mistreated chickens. Depressed. They have the best eggs. All right, on to the next round. Oh, me and Jason are tied now? Yes, through five rounds we got andy with seven jason with nine mike with nine andy you are starting this one from behind so maybe
Starting point is 00:27:51 you have a chance at actually winning in the final i i i take uh some umbrage with this extra large thing for eggs because i am seeing now the eggs are now sold in four different sizes small medium large and very large this does not say extra i've never seen i've definitely seen extra large eggs i don't think i've seen very large well oh my sir this shirt does not fit do you have a very large oh man i like it i'd'd like the number one, very large. All right, we're going on to round six. This is the last round of normal point scoring. Then we will have our final round.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Round six question is, name a job in which you'd stand in one place all day. I will go with the toll booth guy. That is the number four answer. Toll booth Willie. A cashier. That is the number one answer. Oh, that sucks. Let's go, baby.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Oh, boo. A bank teller. That is the number two answer. Okay. All right. Impressive. We're back. Impressive.
Starting point is 00:29:00 All right. So going into the final round. Commanding lead. We got Andy with eight. Jason with 11. Mike with a one-point lead with 12. Oh, crap. Reminder that this round is worth double. Name a big expense that some adults plan for years in advance.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Oh, I got it first. A house. That's the number four answer. That wasn't what I wanted to say at first. A vacation. Yeah, that's what I wanted to say. That's the number four answer. Dang, that wasn't what I wanted to say at first. A vacation. Yeah, that's what I wanted to say. That's the number one, isn't it? That's the number five answer.
Starting point is 00:29:31 No! What a loser! A car? It's going to be college. That is not on the board. It's going to be college. I win! It's going to be college.
Starting point is 00:29:42 It is child's education. No, I almost went college. Child's wedding. Ret's wedding retirement buying a house family vacation lost mike oh jason won with 13 andy i'm sorry mike with 12 and andy with 10 i just had to get on the board oh you had to do i was just putting it in yeah and i went you took a full back swing on the butt. Mike's revelation that he lost was so entertaining. Oh man. Oh I almost went college. All right. Congratulations Jason. You are this week's man of the people. I love this game. How's it not house. I know. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:30:23 That speaks to our economic situation in this country uh what was number one though the child's education yeah i i do think that people probably save for child's education more for more years than they're saving for a house yeah that makes sense on to the draft we go jason the man of the people. The Spitballers Draft. Well, the Coliseum was getting a little dusty, and we cleaned it up. Time for another Battle Royale.
Starting point is 00:31:07 We are going to go with the state animals. The state animals Battle Royale, assembling a team of four of the state animals to fight one another, of course, to the death. We have made a determination before this draft. It's important that Al hears this. There are some states that have the same state animal we are not allowing those to be duplicate drafted which is pretty embarrassing for whichever state really long second the second state yeah so or the fifth
Starting point is 00:31:36 like what the united states very into the white-tailed deer yes they everyone wants to lay claim when they all hit their buzzers. They all said white tailed deer and they just gave it to everybody, which really as a state animal, this is on whoever determines those. You shouldn't allow duplicates. You should have made them pick a different animal. A hundred percent. It's like going to get a copyright and they're like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:32:00 That is a, that, that, that's already trademarked. Yeah. So Jason, you have the first pick in this draft, unfortunately. It was who I was as a scatter. I'm starting with the claws out, and I'm taking the grizzly bear. Unfortunate. I see. The apex predator, and there are several great animals.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Now, which state? I am going with Montana because California's grizzly bear is extinct. I thought I could get you on that one. Yeah. The California grizzly bear no longer exists. That's a shame. Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I wonder how different it was. The California one? Was it just like the surfboard? It was much bougier. Yeah. Look at it. Sunglasses, bleach tips. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:50 No. Look, I think that the- A lot of people don't. The California grizzly bear is not tech. I use the word extinct. They just moved. They just- Oh, they-
Starting point is 00:32:59 Yeah. They were like, the taxes were too high. They're now the, what, like the Florida grizzly bear? They're like, I can't take this traffic anymore. No state tax. Roar. All right. So that was, in my opinion, a worthy, the best one-on-one.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Interesting. I'm going to go with another animal that has the most size, massive, powerful. Oh, come on. Has weapons. I'm taking the moose yeah i'm taking the moose because look i i know i did a little research before the draft i know that the grizzly bear look that's a formidable adversary for the moose but they the grizzlies they like to go for the moose calves and because it's a big fight with the big moose so i need something big enough to kind of be my stalwart here yeah according to is that was that going to be your pick mike no oh okay no it wasn't i mean it should be the number two but that that would
Starting point is 00:33:56 have been a backup pick yeah it's a great pick but according to chat gpt um in a hypothetical encounter if the grizzly bear is determined and the moose doesn't manage to scare off the attack, the grizzly bear would likely have the advantage due to its predatory nature, experience of fighting, and formidable arsenal of claws and teeth. Well, not the California one. Oh, right. That one's Clause and Jaws is a powerful argument.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Clause and Jaws. Let's announce the state, too. Oh, I'm sorry'm sorry yes so there are multiple moose options but i will go with the more wilderness moose of alaska as opposed to oh that's a rugged moose a rugged moose and maine has a moose as well but yeah but they're like really into lobsters yeah yeah that's true how is lobster not maine's like yeah you know what i mean like like animal that should be their animal yeah no that's their crust How is lobster not Maine's, like... Yeah. You know what I mean? Like animal? That should be their animal.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Yeah. No, that's their crustacean. Each state has their own crustacean. Probably. Now, we're in the Coliseum. Yeah. Is there water anywhere in this Coliseum? You bet there ain't.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Oh, there ain't? Oh. Oh, I've been given the... I have fallen on the sword a couple times for the lack of water in the Coliseum. Right, but you picked before asking the question, and I am asking the question before I make the pick. How many Coliseums historically have been water Coliseums?
Starting point is 00:35:17 The Coliseum had water in it at times. Look, there's no way I'm voting for the Coliseum. How many different – I mean, I guess there's the Coliseum, like the ancient no way I'm voting for the Coliseum. How many different? I mean, I guess there's the Coliseum, like the ancient one. And then there's a mermaid or something. You'd yes. King Triton. Well, we've had water battle royale.
Starting point is 00:35:37 We had in the Coliseum. Oh, they're not in the Coliseum. They're in open water. Where are you on this one, Jason? Look, I'm not the judge. We have a judge in the house. So that's that's it's all Look, I'm not the judge. We have a judge in the house, so that's... I appeal to the Supreme Court. Brooks is saying no.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I guess Brooks deferred. All right, I would say yes. In this case... So you would say yes, he would say no. So what's the official answer? I don't think Brooks said no. I think he deferred. Well, judges can't defer.
Starting point is 00:36:02 No recruits. There we go. Animals are allowed. I'm. So that animals are allowed. I'm sorry, water animals are allowed. I'll tell you right now, there ain't going to be no water in there. You can pick a water animal. But in my head, it's suffocating. You're going to be flopping.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Well, thankfully, most of these water animals breathe oxygen. All right, yeah. No, it does breathe oxygen, and it eats animals off of the land. So will take from the state of washington i will take the orca whale because shamu don't take no crap from nobody they are known as the killer way yes they do have that nickname and all we have to do is run well yeah but if you eventually have to come fight me right nope no no i don't i just have to sit down and watch that's what i have to do i just have to not go by your mouth interesting unfortunately i made a large list of animals and then deleted all water animals from the list oh i see that's why you voted for no water because of all the other drafts
Starting point is 00:37:00 go on mike so in the end jason it will come down to which one of our animals can go the longest without eating yes so i will take the killer whale uh and then i will take the tank of land i will take oh the bison from wyoming which really i never know if a bison and a buffalo are like the same thing or if they're just slightly different but i do know that they are the bison's a great pick they are extremely dangerous and it's going to take a whole lot of uh attack power to bring down my bison you needed a tank yes and a land animal well yeah i'm dominating both now i i'm gonna go with the flor Panther. Okay. Which I didn't know was a real thing until you put this list. I completely agree.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I've always assumed they weren't really from Florida, and that was just a catchy hockey nickname. Yes. There's a team called the Panthers, and they're from Florida, and it was always, well, where did they move from? It's like the Los Angeles Lakers. Not only is it a thing, it's the official state animal. Yeah. yeah so i need the speed the stealth of a panther it's good to go with my moose we need to rebrand some what we should draft the animals new state animals yes new state
Starting point is 00:38:17 animals because i feel what would we all go with with florida we are a crocodile absolutely or gator is a gator or a crocodile one of the two it doesn't do the same thing yeah both alligator crocodile that's what that's their state animal i agree the more generic picks make more sense but somebody who who's in charge of this yeah that's a great question just someone sometimes the official stuff i just want to know who makes the call. Are you just in the right place? You just happen to be the mayor at the time that your state needs a governor? Does that come across your desk like, okay, I'm signing some checks,
Starting point is 00:38:54 and sir, what animal do you like? And Big Panther comes through, and they're like, sir, I know you probably want to go with the alligator, but have you ever considered the panther? It's a weird one. Jason, two picks for you. Okay. Jeez Louise.
Starting point is 00:39:11 This is getting interesting. We're about to jump from great predators to animals. Medium animals. To maybe cute animals. Well, while you think about it, I'm going to remind people. Mike has the orca whale and the bison. I have the moose and the Florida panther. And Jason, you have a grizzly bear who needs a friend.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I'm going to get him a friend from Minnesota. I am going with the eastern timber wolf. Yes. That can, you know, it's like. Or as I wrote, the Easter Timberwolf. The Easter, yes. Which is much more pastel than the other wolves. And it's got big ears.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Big old ears. The wolf has big ears, big front teeth. Cadbury cremates. And it lays eggs. Bok, bok, bok, bok, bok. It's me. So I will take the Timberwolf. It's a predator. It's got some fighting experience. It's got the teeth. It's not as big, you take the Timberwolf. It's a predator. It's got some fighting experience. It's got the teeth.
Starting point is 00:40:05 It's not as big. Nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to be proud of. How big is a Timberwolf? About 60 pounds. Six inches. Are they larger than...
Starting point is 00:40:16 Let's see. They're not giant. They're not? No, they're like 60 pounds. Oh. It's like a dog. It's big. It's a big dog.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Okay. No, they're like 60 pounds. Oh. It's like a dog. It's big. It's a big dog. Okay. But since we're going size and I feel like my grizzly can hibernate, but your orca has blubber.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Yes. And that's going to take a long time to die. Or eat. But sperm whales are gigantic and you will never let that thing die he could live forever on land you can't do anything sperm whale is one of the animals connecticut really connecticut has a sperm whale i don't know why they have a sperm whale as a state of connecticut yeah what are of Connecticut. What are you doing up there? So, you know, according to my list, I believe Connecticut's state animal is the sperm whale,
Starting point is 00:41:11 which is gigantic. I looked up, like, who would win in a fight, and it said one orca could not harm a sperm whale. They're just too big. Do you know how the jaws can open wide enough? It's like daddy long legs. You know, they can't bite you. You know how the John's can't open wide enough? It's like daddy long legs. They can't bite you.
Starting point is 00:41:27 You know how insulting it is to these water animals to have a state claim them? Like Connecticut's up there going, he's like the sperm whale of the ocean. He swims in the whole ocean, and Connecticut's like, you're mine. Yeah, that is. You're mine. But you're a state. You're land. No, you're mine.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yeah. How much of the ocean is in your state? Very little. Very, very little. We touch it. We ship some in. One edge of our state kind of goes into the water. Do you try other sperm whales?
Starting point is 00:41:55 Hang on. No, we don't. That's an insult to bog turtles everywhere. I genuinely believe. Thank you, Mike. I'm looking up Connecticut animals. Yeah. believe thank you mike i'm looking up connecticut animals yeah i i genuinely believe that the the bay there probably does not have a single sperm whale anywhere near it i don't think it
Starting point is 00:42:12 did but then the giant sperm whale destroyed it yeah they did okay you got sperm whale i'm gonna go with the smaller version of a claw and jaw attack i'm going with the black bear, which has been claimed by Louisiana, West Virginia, New Mexico. They've all got the black bear. Which one are you going with? Oh, I have to choose between those three? What were the three I said? West Virginia. Louisiana.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Mountain mama. No, I'm going West Virginia. Oh, okay. Some mountain bear? Mountain mama bears. The Louisiana one can handle spice, though. Yes. Very Cajun.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Yeah. Honestly, I think you took the wrong one. The Alabama also has the American black bear, which I think is the largest. Hmm. Uh-oh. But he locked it in. Mistakes were made. I get them all.
Starting point is 00:42:56 It's a whole team. All right. So I'm up. You're up, Mike. Final two picks. Okay. So looking through my list here, we are dwindling. You could go with, let me give you some ideas while you're thinking.
Starting point is 00:43:11 The gray squirrel of Kentucky. Ooh, that's cute. As is the ringtail from our home state of Arizona. That's right. The eastern goldfinch from Iowa, an option. Yeah, but what if I told you that my whale friend, or my whale needs a friend, because now we have to team up against the giant whale, so I will take the state animal of Massachusetts, the right whale.
Starting point is 00:43:37 What is a right whale? Like a Mike Wright? No. Actually, I had to look it up because I thought, what a stupid name for an animal. And according to Google, at least the top result, it was called the right whale because it was, quote, the right whale to hunt. That's true. That's actually just. And then it nearly went extinct and they banned hunting in 1935.
Starting point is 00:44:00 So good work, Massachusetts. They named it the right whale because it was the right whale to hunt wow which whale should we get one the wrong one or the right one Mike you have another pick oh yes and while you're thinking about your last pick I will once again protest
Starting point is 00:44:18 that I can't picture a bear fighting a whale at all and I contend that Al is stupid. My bear will walk up behind the orca and just start slashing it. Yeah. You can't. What?
Starting point is 00:44:30 How are you going to walk up behind the whale? This is why we shouldn't have water in coliseums. Tell that to the Greeks. So the last one, I, look, maybe I need to protect my water area. I will seal it off with some trees because I will take the beaver from New York, and he will create a damn situation, and he will protect us, Jason. We're at the beaver level, huh?
Starting point is 00:44:59 And he will ride upon the orca's back. I like it. That's teamwork, Mike. Teamwork makes the dream work. I will close out my draft with the Texas longhorn. Delicious. We will have much sustenance from you. Huge horns.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I don't think they do anything with the horns. Oh, you bet they do. They stick them right up your... It's not a bull. Yeah, I mean, longhorn's got the horns. Oh, you bet they do. They stick them right up your... It's not a bull. Yeah, I mean, longhorns got long horns. Well, I mean, it's a bull, but it's not like... It's huge and they're sharp, Mike. It'll be just fine.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Come at me with your beaver. The beaver will gnaw your horns right off. Good luck. Alright, I'm up. Yep. Still got the raccoon on the board if you want it. Good luck. All right. I'm up. Yep. All right. So I'm looking.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Still got the raccoon on the board if you want it. Eastern gold. Tennessee had all those choices and they went raccoon. Yeah. There's wait. Beaver was New York. Yeah. New York State.
Starting point is 00:45:59 What are these states doing? Well, upper New York is a lot of wilderness. You can't just think a lot of beavers up there. Yeah. But I mean, they got to they mean, they got to claim one from the city. This should be pigeon. What, a pigeon? This should be rat. That should be their state animals, the rat.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I don't think New York's going to like that on their slogan. All right. Home of the rat. New York City. The biggest rats this state of the Mississippi. There's City. The biggest rats out of the Mississippi. There's really one animal left here that is. No, there's not. Yeah, no, there is.
Starting point is 00:46:31 There's a very good animal left. Has weapons. Has enormous size. He ain't no moose, but he ain't far behind it. I am taking the Rocky Mountain elk from Utah. Of course. Big old antlers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:46 I mean, the moose looks down and says, one day you will not be as big as me. One day you will be dead as I stand over your body. Grizzly bear, timber wolf, sperm whale, and Rocky Mountain elk for Jason. I have the moose, the panther, the black bear, and the Texas longhorn. Mike with the orca whale, bison, right whale, and beaver to round out our animal battle royale. It's going to be a stalemate. It's going to be something. Not much action.
Starting point is 00:47:13 The white-tailed deer left alone as the Nebraska, New Hampshire, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, South Carolina option. There's also a lot of horses. Sorry, Virginia as well. Horses, Idaho, Maryland, New Jersey, North Dakota, Vermont. They're all horses. There's a lot of horses. And I would have taken a horse if I had something to ride it.
Starting point is 00:47:39 You should have got the beaver. The beaver could have ridden the horse. That was the secret of your pick. Don't worry, Missouri has the Missouri muleule that sounds great that sounds delicious that's part of your unlimited drinks exactly i'll take a missouri mule what did we learn today i genuinely learned that there are constellations that can't be seen from certain parts of the planet i i i assumed you can't always see them but but that over the course of time, you'll see all the constellations.
Starting point is 00:48:06 But wrong-o. I learned that people are not saving up for years for a car. I learned that a desk, according to Al, is not furniture. That'll do it for today, Spitballers. Thanks for joining us and supporting the show. We'll be back with another episode. Someday. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Goodbye. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out Spitballerspod.com.

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