Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 288: Jumping Sharks & Old Fashioned Things You Still Use - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: June 17, 2024

On this episode we find out about the rare jumping sharks of the Great Lakes, prove our smarts in What’s the Difference and then draft the most Old Fashioned Things we Still Use. Re-brand Mondays wi...th some comedy! Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on X: x.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike and Jason. then. That's not how you badingy. Yep, that's how I badingy. That's not how you badingy. You gotta understand, your Sheboygan was your badingy. I know, but I needed- And then you tacked it on.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I needed both. I came in too late. I came in too late with the Sheboygan. No, I felt like your Sheboygan was right on time. Mike wanted me to drop the Bedingi. I just want you to use it properly. I didn't give you the sword to wield so foolishly. Mike, what was your review of that thing?
Starting point is 00:00:56 Oh, that was terrible. There were volume changes. It started weak. It ended off time. And incredible work. 288 episodes, you still love the scat as much as. I just look forward to it more than anything. Well, you look forward to being over, I know that.
Starting point is 00:01:15 This is the greatest time. Now I have the number one pick in a draft and have the furthest time from scatting. Yeah, this moment, exactly. Now I am curious, this is show 288 of the Spitballers podcast. Welcome in one and all How soon are we like where is the next Al scat great question now? Do you know the number already 80 something? I feel like it's the right time to ask. I'll find out. I don't yeah
Starting point is 00:01:40 So go we passed it we'll go to the next one, Right. So no, we have a would you rather segment today. What's the difference on today's show? And we are drafting. What are we drafting? The old fashioned things that you still use. Yep. So this should be. I mean, you got the number one pick.
Starting point is 00:02:00 But this is kind of my wheelhouse. Yeah, I know. I had a hard time making this list. Oh, just thought of another one. I was sitting there. Oh, I thought of my 101. Yeah, yeah I did. Wow. What is happening? Our office. Just thought about my normal life. We sit next to each other and I'm sitting there going, man I only got three things for this list that are like old-fashioned things I use for a while and he was like oh I came up with a million so million. Yeah. Like math checks out. Yeah. No. Um, there you go. So we're drafting the most old fashioned things that we still use at spitballers pod
Starting point is 00:02:39 over on X. If you want to follow this show, uh, you can tell your friends about the podcast. We always appreciate that. We heard from some families this week that were fans of the show and we're thanking us for having a silly, fun, family-friendly podcast that people could listen to together and that is why we do this. So tell your friends and family about it and we will be very thankful. Anything to add, Mike? I was gonna say, you'd better, you start telling people or it's not gonna be safe. Oh, man. Wait, are you threatening the...
Starting point is 00:03:11 I think that's a threat. I am, I am. It's frightening. Oh my gosh. Not sure that's on brand, but we'll move on. Would you rather... Does that just mean there will be violence on the show, Mike? Is that what you meant?
Starting point is 00:03:27 I'm not saying what there will or won't be. But just be careful. It won't be safe. But it won't be safe. So do we have the number of when Al actually has to scat again? It's too far. He says it's 332. Episode 332?
Starting point is 00:03:41 Yeah. Every 83 episodes. That's a lot of episodes. How did you work this out? Yeah, that's a smoking deal You got a great agent does that mean we went 82 episodes and then we had the idea of making him do it That's on us. So that's our fault should have done it episode one and two and three four, you know I mean, there's oh like he's part of this team is you know, make him have the same He's part of this team. He is. You know, make him have the same cycle that we have.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I wonder if he would take 25% equity in spitballers in exchange for 25% of the scats. Papa Josh put his hand up. We don't need none of that. I'm out on that. All right, would you rather question from sheep go meep? That must be a username over on Patreon. Sheep go meep.
Starting point is 00:04:24 It's beep, beep, beep. Sheep go meep. Meep? It's beep beep beep. Uh would you? Sheep don't go beep beep. There's a sheep going beep beep song. Oh for real? Your kids never had that in the house? No.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I mean I'll see if I can find it. I've never heard that in my life. Yeah beep beep I'm a sheep. Okay. I'm gonna drop that banger into the chat, don't worry. Would you rather perceive all lights in the world as three times brighter than they are right now or three times dimmer than they are right now? Indian Eye are the best use case for this question because I cannot get things bright enough for me. Like I can't see well in low light. I can't see well in good light. But if it's exceptionally bright, now I can see.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Like backlit. Like I need it backlit and frontlit. Yes. I want everything glowing. I want, I mean, the sun. Why do you think that is poor eyes? Poor? I think it's my actual eyeballs. So yesterday in in the afternoon, I went home. I had to walk across our backyard to get something out of the garage. It's 107 108 degrees in Arizona peak of the day. I could barely open my eyes when walking. Now, I didn't have my sunglasses. I just had left them somewhere.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I had to walk. See, that's a mistake. But I'm trying to figure out if Jason was just comfortable because I couldn't even open them without the intensity of like... I have the same pain threshold as you do. It's just I need a ton of light to see clearly. If I don't have a lot of light, it's very taxing for me to do anything.
Starting point is 00:06:11 So let me ask you another question. In the summertime, I like to draw the blinds a little bit, make it feel cool inside. Do you draw the blinds? No, no. I want all the light on, and I don't even get all the light on in my office, monster. Do you have, like, have you considered
Starting point is 00:06:30 getting better glasses? Yeah, I get better glasses like every year. And every single year, they're like, oh yeah, we're gonna update your prescriptions, a little bit stronger. But you still feel like you can't see. And I'm like so excited, every time I go to get these, I'm like, I'm gonna, it's gonna fix everything, it's gonna be so great, and I look through them, I'm like you can't see. And I'm like so excited. Every time I go to get these, I'm like, I'm gonna, it's gonna fix everything. It's gonna be so great.
Starting point is 00:06:46 And I look through them, I'm like. Had you considered the glasses that come with the two flashlights on the side? Now we're talking. So whatever you look at anywhere, like I'll let those come into our office. If they were bright enough, I would do it. Those weak little, those are, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:01 I better be in a cave for that to work. You want two giant headlights on the side of your head I could yeah with that tech. Are you sure? Ellie I'm not sure but if they're if there's actually like some clip-on things that are like Supes bright that I can wear on my glasses. I will have 30,000 lumens each. Yes. That's what I'm talking about I'm talking about. Don't you dare look me in the face cuz I will blind you But when I do it, I will see you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Frightening. I couldn't have things three times dimmer. I would basically. Would that? What if it turned the sun down three times? Well, yeah, it would do that. I mean, that's part of it, right? But it's still like it doesn't affect photosynthesis
Starting point is 00:07:40 and stuff. It just turns the sun down so that you like. Because it's bright in Arizona Arizona and none of us, we would all like the sun turned down a notch or two, like a dial. Yeah, I mean, it certainly, well, it's too hot, that's for sure. Would it come with the heat change?
Starting point is 00:07:55 No, this is all just like, it's all perceived. Honestly, three times less heat from the sun, we're all real dead. Dead is true. You can't turn the sun down 3x. You probably can't turn it down 0.001 without us dying. It's where it needs to be. But it's perceive all light.
Starting point is 00:08:14 So I mean, if it's brighter, then I mean, I don't know. Three times? How are you not in sunglasses inside? You would be. Even you, Jay, at 3x. Look How are you not in sunglasses inside? You would be. Even you, Jay, at 3X. Look, some people wear their sunglasses inside. I mean, it's pretty cool. If you ever, power move.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You would never have to wear regular glasses. You'd always be in sunglasses. Did you ever have a I wear sunglasses inside face? No, and the reason why is because when I- Yes, you did. Did I, oh. Yes, you did. Wait, are these transition lenses? He had the transitions.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Oh. For a little while he had transitions. Those were so embarrassing. So he really did have sunglasses inside. Those were so embarrassing. I mean, I got them. Look, they seem like it makes sense. It seems practical, these transitions.
Starting point is 00:08:58 It does. It's a good marketing campaign. I'm inside, I go outside, I got my sunglasses on already. But the problem is you come inside and it never goes fully away. Hello, it doesn't ever go? Never, I'll wake up from a sleep in the middle of the night and I'll grab those things in there.
Starting point is 00:09:14 They got a little tint to them. It's like, no, I don't want tint on my glasses. You don't wanna constantly be wearing sunglasses. And honestly, when I wear sunglasses inside, like, you know, sometimes people forget to take their sunglasses off. Yeah, yeah. They come into play.
Starting point is 00:09:29 That's impossible for me. If I walk inside and I'm wearing sunglasses. Because it goes. It's blackout. It is blackout dark. Interesting. Yeah. So I know you, Andy.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I do prefer things slightly dimmer. My wife argues with me about it. Yeah, because you get like floaters or something. It's 100% because I got Lasik surgery about 15 years ago. And Lasik surgery sometimes are side effects for people. And for me, I don't think they did it right. I think they messed some stuff up. And so when there's more light in the room,
Starting point is 00:10:00 I see floaters in front of my eyes. And so I need- I think they did a great job. It's 15 years later and you're not wearing glasses right now. I need them so bad. I really... So where are you on the light scale, man? I prefer more lights.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I side with you. But I am... I also had LASIK, I don't know... So do you notice that too a little bit? I notice... I don't have floaters, but I know that outside is, I have sunglasses. Very glary. I have sunglasses on outside, or it's just way too bright.
Starting point is 00:10:32 OK. Did your night vision get worse with LASIK? Because mine did. No, my night vision. Driving around. My night vision. I'm blind on the roads. My night vision seems OK, but if you're
Starting point is 00:10:43 familiar with the movie Rain of Fire. Isn't that a Dragon movie? It is a Dragon movie. It's a great movie. Hey, time out. Shout out. Just for Rain of Fire. Freaking awesome movie.
Starting point is 00:10:54 It's out out, Rain of Fire. Rain of Fire. I was going to, I thought of it the other day. I'm like, I've got to get my kids to watch this movie. I've never seen that. You've got to watch. Everyone listening has to watch that movie. It's great. It's a dragon movie
Starting point is 00:11:06 Yeah, a movie McConaughey. Oh, it is Christian Bale's the main guy. It's the main dragon. No, okay He's the main guy. It's it's fantastic but point the point of bringing it up fashion movies to recommend in the middle of the show point of bringing it up is The way that they they realize okay, we can fight the dragons. There's a magic hour. And the magic hour is when the sun is going down. And for me, when it's dusk and the sun is going down, I can't see anything. So you're a dragon. Yes. If they were to attack you at that time, that is good. It's ridiculous, because my eyes are like, my eyes can't figure out what they're supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:11:46 So they're like, well, it's bright. You're like, no, no, my pupils need to go real small. No, they're real big. I'm like, I don't know what's going on. I can't see until it's finally dark and the streetlights are out, then I can see again. I like to believe that the author of Rain of Fire had that exact same experience.
Starting point is 00:12:02 It's like, dude, I know the hook at the end. I can't see well at dusk what could this be hmm a mythical creature can't see well they have to fight it yeah that sounds as ridiculous as the signs water stuff that you were talking about yeah yeah we just watched this weekend yeah still great Still a great movie. Love Signs. Awesome movie. Ridiculous ending. Watch Rain of Fire. It makes sense in the context.
Starting point is 00:12:31 So Mike, are you going dimmer or brighter? You're going dimmer? That's my final vote. I feel like you have to go dimmer, or you are the guy who's wearing sunglasses inside. Those are the, I mean, you can turn more lights on when it's dimmer to make it brighter, or you can put sunglasses on to block out the light and you don't want
Starting point is 00:12:48 to do that. Michael from Patreon would you rather have to always eat ice cream on a plate or always eat steak in a bowl? I like this. Now are you also swapping utensils? No I don't think you can. Steak with a spoon? You can't eat steak with a spoon. You still need a fork and knife. But the question is there's inconveniences to both. One is going to melt and be soupy on a plate, which is awful. But knifing something in a bowl. And I assume that this bowl has to be like. Yeah, it's an ice cream bowl, a cereal bowl. It's a good fit. I'm saying like this isn't a big old.
Starting point is 00:13:09 No. That's impossible. There's not enough flat surface to cut the steak easily. Exactly. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot of ice cream bowls. I have a lot an ice cream bowl cereal bowl. It's a good fit. I'm saying like this isn't a big old. No, that's impossible
Starting point is 00:13:26 There's not enough flat surface to cut the steak easily. Exactly. I have Yeah, hold it up hold it up. So I have these these Plate bowls that I really love like they're they're very nice. They're just shallow I was almost a hundred percent sure that you were going to say you have very custom-made steak plates That are only for steak. They're shaped like a steak. Mmm. They're imported. I'm gonna get on Google in that Yeah, sorry go on some steak plates I'm in but I've got like there I think they're almost like a salad bowl, but they're really like my plates and my bowls
Starting point is 00:14:02 You had a baby They're really like my plates and my bowls. You had a baby. Very wide. And so sometimes when you're plating dinner, those work nice for everything. You can put your mashed potatoes, your steak. It's big enough. Yeah, it's big enough.
Starting point is 00:14:13 And even when I accidentally put a steak in that and it's pretty shallow, it's impossible to cut. You're just, as soon as you put pressure down on the side, you're turning your meal over. Is it, does it like lean or does it start spinning? It leans. It just, you know, it's gonna, it's gonna It's always running away from you?
Starting point is 00:14:33 Would you change how you eat a steak? Would you just grab it? Yeah, I would fork in the middle and I would eat it like a Fred Flintstone. Like Fred Flintstone. Absolutely, which is the way I've seen my son eat a steak. Yeah, I could see, I mean, wait, what? He's not good at cutting. Yeah. We act like it's ridiculous, but I've, I've,
Starting point is 00:14:50 people have put stakes on burgers and then we just bite them. Like it's not like it's impossible to do. It's a good point. I'm still on. He's not good at cutting things. Now the other way that the ice cream I eat my, you guys know how I eat my ice cream. It ain't melting, brothers. It's not melting on me. And the plate is more convenient to lick. Than a bowl. That's a fair point, yeah. Like the bowl is all over your face.
Starting point is 00:15:18 You have to drip it down the side. I mean, you can clean a plate. You will not know that anything had been on that plate if you give me a plate you will not know that anything had been on that plate If you give me ice cream a plate of ice cream Have you had ice cream with this with a fork though? Yeah There's some small advantages to it if it's super hard ice cream 100% ice cream with a fork is absolutely fine It's there are advantages for sure
Starting point is 00:15:42 I'm taking the ice cream on a plate for the record I think we all are you can't have steak in a bowl Chris just I'm shocked how pro Jason is like no I get ice cream with a fork that's there's there's huge advantages endless possibilities when you have a fork when's the last time you've eaten ice cream with a fork it would have been like I had a like a pizookie or something it's very common for like an ice cream cake to be served with a fork I'm not yeah, but that's a cake. That's not ice cream. Well, it's ice cream with literally With inside of a pie but it's also extra cold
Starting point is 00:16:20 Correct, which is interesting. But anyways. Because otherwise it would just not work. It has to be very cold. Otherwise it would just melt. Yeah. Yeah. Chris from Patreon, would you rather break down on a big city interstate, so break down in a car, on an interstate, that's always been a, like,
Starting point is 00:16:39 thing I don't want to happen. Dude, the California, Arizona, our stretch on the 10, the thought of, there's certain parts that are, dude, if I broke down right now, it would be the end. The other option is to break down on a boat in the middle of Lake Michigan at sundown. What does breakdown in a boat mean? It just stops running?
Starting point is 00:17:00 Yeah, you mean the motor is no longer functional. So now I'm on a float, not a boat? And Lake Michigan is- It's like an ocean. Yeah, you mean the motor is no longer functional. So now I'm on a float, not a boat. And Lake Michigan is like an ocean. Yeah, Lake Michigan's big enough that you could be, if you're in the middle of it, you're not seeing land, are you? No, I don't think so. I don't think that's true.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Yeah. You think you are seeing land? We both agree. I don't think you see land. We said totally different things, and we agree. I said, I think that's true to you. And he said, no, I don't think you you can see land and it meant the same thing. Yes, we said the opposite same exact thing.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Okay. You cannot see land if you're in the middle of Lake Michigan, that is. And the sun is going down. Yeah, and so in the middle of Lake Michigan, I presume the average boat does not have a real great way to communicate. Yeah, you do.
Starting point is 00:17:46 You're talking about like the CB radio thing? Was that on the average boat? I don't think so. What kind of boat are we on here? Are we on like a kayak? You got a CB. Okay, I think I mean just like the rules of maritime. All boats must have CBs.
Starting point is 00:18:02 We're part of them. Explain to me where you're at in Lake Michigan real quick The middle exactly like when you call where are you gonna tell people? Oh? You would not be able to tell I'm on Please come get me That's true. That's a good point. Where are you the lake? Yeah, I can see stars Do you do you see any stars? Yeah, you're close That would be pretty terrifying is the weather choppy are we good or is the weather still it has to be
Starting point is 00:18:34 Oh that matters a lot to me I can sleep in the middle of a lake and wait for the Sun to come up and then do what? Okay, it's okay. The Sun is up. I see do what? Okay. Okay, the sun is up. I see. So clouds. If you get near the clouds, you're close. Fine. You're it's Lake Michigan. It's glass still, but the interstate it's between here in California and it's high noon in the summer. Yeah. Really busy. And I, I've broken and a hundred thousand broken down in that situation. I've had that happen to me. You made it out? Interstate to California and... I thought everyone would break down their dies. I figured it was your loss. With a pregnant wife. Oh no. No kids at the time. Pregnant with the first child and blew a tire, middle of nowhere. Okay, but you still had AC.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Technically would have had AC in the car, yeah. Got very lucky, there was no one anywhere, and managed to get to a tire shop that was down the road. Did you have a spare? Did you change it? No, somebody had to come and tow us. Ah, see that's the great thing about the interstate. That's the difference between. people can get to you. There's not random boats passing you on Lake Michigan going,
Starting point is 00:19:49 you need a tow? Right. And even if like, Can we put the sails up or something? I don't even know how you would even. One flare. Oh, I don't know when to use that, dude. Yeah, you're going to have to do a lot to make this even.
Starting point is 00:20:01 It's right when, where are you on the boat? Get ready. Do you see? Oh, I see it in the sky now. Yeah, we're like under that. Quick, go! We're directly under the fading light. Except not anymore, it kind of went in at an angle. But like look where you think it would have started. I always wondered that one flare gun. I did too! You better have a lot of them. Yeah. Yeah, you need, yeah one flare. I Don't know if that's gonna get there's nothing that could make them Lake Michigan
Starting point is 00:20:36 The winner here is there a more there could be a higher likelihood that you're in actual danger on The interstate having to get out of your car with people flying by you on the interstate Yeah, and if it's hot and you don't have water. Whereas on Lake Michigan, like, you're in a boat, you probably have some supplies. Like, even if you have to float out there for a while. But you know what's in Lake Michigan at night? Alligators? Jumping sharks. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:57 I mean, I would imagine so. Oh, there's no sharks in Lake Michigan. Oh my gosh, I thought you were saying Lake Michigan had sharks and I was blown away He's googling whether they're sharks what I know I'm not are there Where's sharks on your on your meter of you know, you got the spiders you got the Fobia the phobia creatures like I'm not I don't. The phobia. The phobia creatures, like sharks. I'm not, I don't have any phobia. Have you ever thought about it? But obviously if I was,
Starting point is 00:21:28 you're a great white shark, I'd be terrified. Like I'm not afraid of lions. That's not a phobia. That's what I mean. Yeah, I mean, but like when you've gone into the ocean, California, I'd never think about it. That's what I was asking.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeah, I don't, I don't. You never feel something brush your leg and go, was that a shark? Only if I'm in a lake. No. Yeah. I will say that if I were to be in the ocean, like out, you know, take a boat away.
Starting point is 00:21:54 A good ways. The second I hit the water out in deep water, I know I'm 30 seconds away from dying from a shark. I know it. There's nothing in my body that would allow me to get in that water unless there's a cage around me. Oh, like jump off for a quick swim? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah. Not happening. Have you been in a lake where you just have that feeling of not knowing what's underneath? Oh, yeah. I've had something. I've felt something in a lake before. That is not a fun experience, where it's like a fish or something. Yeah. Just like a little tickle on the foot just like oh something touch my leg
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yeah, even though you know there's not sharks in the lake you ran. I don't know that there's not piranha or barracudas oh Man so extra heels are you guys going interstate or Lake? Mike sounds pretty afraid of the interstate. Oh I just yeah people don't make it out very often. The lake would also be terrifying. I'm gonna I'll take the interstate because I think I can call some. Okay so update here on sharks in Lake Michigan. Okay okay give us the give us the break down. Okay this is what it says. It says, no shark reports have been officially quote and quote scientifically documented in Lake Michigan, but there have been fin sightings, as was the case in Frankfurt.
Starting point is 00:23:16 So you know, scientifically, no. There's a Loch Ness going on. I would love the Loch Ness monster story as a kid. Oh man, that was my favorite. I thought that was amazing. And I knew it was true. There was there was a book in my school library. It was all the the mythical and creatures so you know Bigfoot's in there, Loch Ness, all that type of stuff. I wore that thing out. Yeah, that was always really cool. I'm going for the
Starting point is 00:23:46 boat. Really? Yeah, I'm going for the boat. No, you're just trying to be crazy. Yeah. I'm going to get out of my car and walk to safety. You could be really far. But I can... Hundreds of miles. But I can take care of that. Not hundreds of... You're not hundreds of miles to the next exit. You could be... You could be 70 plus. 50, 60. Is that hundreds?
Starting point is 00:24:09 No. Thank you. Alright. You can walk 70 miles in the middle of the desert? And I can walk 70 miles more. Alright, we are taking a break. We'll be back. Apologies to all.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Alright, it's time for us to inform the world. What's the difference between a party, All right, it's time for us to inform the world. What's the difference between a party celebration and a get together? Okay, okay. This seems a little straightforward. I have a first shot. I have a first entry into the consideration, which is level of preparation. I think that applies a little bit. I'm thinking about that with the get together.
Starting point is 00:25:09 The get together, maybe there's like a fruit plate or like a... But I think a get together doesn't have to... It's impromptu, isn't it? Yeah, there's no occasion. We're having a little get together tonight. It's not a birthday, it's not New Year's. It's not Labor Day It's not well, I'd rather go to we're having a little party We're having a little get-together on Memorial Day already or so we're having a party in my mouth
Starting point is 00:25:34 Of course you want to go to a party a celebration is it takes? Person like a celebration is for one person Okay, okay. You're on to something. You know what I mean? We're celebrating an achievement. You mean like a birthday party? Like a graduation. It's a birthday celebration. A graduation. Maybe it's called a party, but it's a celebration.
Starting point is 00:25:56 You celebrate anniversaries? That's two people. But that's the... You don't say we're on a celebration. Yeah. Okay, what is it when you have one of the gender reveal parties for a baby? That's a party. Oh, I just said party.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I don't know. We need to banish those things anyway, so. You're not a big fan. I can't stand them. Oh, God. They're so dumb. I don't understand why you're so against this. Yeah, wait.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I want to revisit this. I think they're fun. I don't know, because you don't want to see the guy try to hit the baseball that turns pink or blue. It's just such an obnoxious look at me thing that has now burned down forests. But everybody wants to know what somebody's having. Okay, you'll know when I ring you. You're worried about one guy burning down a forest ruins it for everybody? It was just one little tiny forest. Yes, actually that's how things change when you have a catastrophic event like that. We change the rules. Everybody should not go down for one guy burning down a little tiny forest. Yes, actually that's how things change when you have a catastrophic
Starting point is 00:26:46 event like that. We change the rules. Everybody should not go down for one guy burning down a forest. That's all I can say. Tell that to Washington D.C. So what? All campfires? No one can have a campfire? Yeah, no one can have a campfire anymore? You gotta control them. Well yeah, you gotta control your- I promise more than one guy's burned down a forest with a campfire. They tell you- Certainly more than baby reveal. They do tell you when and where you can have a campfire now. Hold on I want to know if there were no Earthly ramifications to gender reveal parties. Yeah, if if no
Starting point is 00:27:17 Catastrophic events ever happened in the history of them. Are you still against yes having a Get-together to be like we're having a boy or we're having a girl? I am opposed to. I want a piece of blue or pink cake. That's fine. Honestly, at the end, that's fine to me. It's the level of look at me theatrics that this has become. And it's like, why are we doing this?
Starting point is 00:27:42 It is so. You know why I'm doing this? Because I'm going to record it. That part, I get. You know how many likes I'm going to get on social media? It's like we why are we doing this? You know why I'm doing this cuz I'm gonna record it that part How many likes I'm gonna get on social media? Okay? Disgusting what band phones? Yeah, yeah, yeah, what if you've banned phones that people aren't even gonna do it. No, no, it will not do it What if they won't spend all the money in the time?
Starting point is 00:27:58 What if there was a big party that was that had that kind of accidental? I don't know We don't know reveal of whether we're having a boy or a girl, but we said we don't want anything on social media. Are you fine with it then? Because then it's just a fun party trick. What are you doing? How are you revealing?
Starting point is 00:28:16 I'm popping a balloon. And then the colored confetti. The balloon? Fine, I will allow the balloon. I want to know the rules. What will you not allow? I will not allow the. What about the baseball?
Starting point is 00:28:29 I will not allow. Can dad hit the baseball that explodes? That sounds fun. Can he swing the golf club and hit the golf ball that explodes? The exploding one? Maybe. It's small enough.
Starting point is 00:28:42 No fire. No fires. No WWF wrestlers coming out having a 15-minute match Okay, and it's like oh the blue speedos the winner. Okay, is that a thing? That sounds pretty funny There's countless things Mike's algo got stuck on some of these high production Gender reveal parties. It's just obnoxious. I think that's why he's upset is because he can't see anything other than those now.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah, no. On his social media. All he does is scroll gender reveal. He's like, come on. How do you reset your algo? That's a good question. Can you reset your algo? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:16 They don't let you do that. No. Get together, that can happen in 15 minutes. Yeah. Hey, you know what? We're doing a get together. I will say that there's a limit to people. A get together, you can't have 20 people at a get together. I will say that there's a limit to people. A get together, you can't have 20 people at a get together.
Starting point is 00:29:28 That's not a get together anymore. What does that become? It becomes a party. Like if you invite four or five people over for a get together and then they all bring someone and now there's 15 people there. What if there's no food served, no dessert, no drinks? You can party with nothing, I think.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I think you can, that's not true. No you can't. No you can't, okay. You can never get together with nothing. Can a get together convert to a party if someone brings food? Yes. Somebody goes, oh I'll pick up some food and we're gonna turn this into a party.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Now it's a party. Now it's a party, that's a phrase. There will be an announcement, you will know officially when your get together has elevated and it's now a party. I think a celebration and party might be the same thing. Well, no, because a celebration is only, I mean. It's only one or two or three people.
Starting point is 00:30:13 One, one. A celebration, like you don't have. What if the Little League team wins their World Series and you have, what do you have? A team party. That's not a celebration? Cause I'm celebrating that championship. Oh, you've been getting me. Jason's thinking about it? Because I'm celebrating that championship. Oh, you're gonna be.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Jason's thinking about it. Yeah, I mean, okay. A celebration is obviously you are... So there's an achievement involved? There's an achievement involved. And unfortunately, most of the time, it is the minority of people at a party. At a, if you just come to a party.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Okay, now I see how you, that makes sense. And if you just go to a party, everyone is the same, everyone's just there to have fun You know, it's a fourth of July party or whatever There's a class status if you're at a celebration exactly if you're at a celebration come to our 10th anniversary Celebration you're here for them if you're there for something really a birthday party is a celebration. So a wedding is a celebration wedding celebration Yeah, we helped a lot. What's the difference between a cabin, a cottage, and a shack?
Starting point is 00:31:09 Well, come on. The shack is the outlier there. Shack has no electricity, no running water. And a what? I don't think there can be. You say no roof? No rooms. Oh, no, it's a single room.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah, a shack. A studio. A shack is a studio cabin, basically. With no it's a single room. Yeah a shack. A studio. A shack is a studio cabin basically. With no running water. I feel like for it to be a shack there like you can kind of see out through the wall like the beams aren't fully aligned. I'm fine with that. Yeah. Because a cabin. It's run down. It's definitely not nicely made. Cabin's got to be wood. It's got to be. A cabin does absolutely have to be wood. There must be Lincoln Logs somewhere. In a cottage to me, that's roof and a little smoke coming out of it. Yeah, yeah. There has to be a chimney. Furnace, yeah. And then
Starting point is 00:31:55 there has to be. Chimney, chimney, chimney. And there has to be a... Wait, a water wheel? Yeah, the water wheel. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Are they really next to the cabins? Oh, 100%. Or the cottages? The cottages. Yeah, there's no cottages without that. Now can only old women live in cottages? No.
Starting point is 00:32:11 No, you can have a family at a cottage, but a cottage doesn't have its own electricity unless it's powered by that water wheel. Yeah, that's what it's there for, man. I was not aware of this water wheel part of the cottage. It has to be. I feel like in a lot of my cottage, Lord, there wasn't always a water wheel. 100%. This is why people come to the show. They want to know. Does the water wheel convert a cabin into a cottage? No, no, no, no. For the people on the audio side. What is a water wheel? No, no, no. No, I couldn't think of the word and all I did was make a
Starting point is 00:32:38 circular motion with my hand. Yeah. And you guys knew it was a water wheel. Yeah, buddy. That tells you a cottage has a water wheel. Uh uh-huh I feel like a cottage is always just a water wheel is a machine for converting the energy of flowing or falling water into electricity for cottages that is no it does not say for God that is the actual definition of a water wheel of a water wheel. Oh my gosh. Yeah, and Al Borland is sharing some. See the thatched roof?
Starting point is 00:33:11 Yeah, and there's stone. He's sending a picture of a cottage. There has to be stone. Has to be stone. Because if it's all wood, that would just be a cabin. If you're sharing a picture of a cottage with us, isn't that undermining the very segment that we are completing? No, because we had already figured it out.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah, I mean, this is, I'm looking at a cottage this cottage has a waterwheel stone that's roof it's perfect this is a this is a hobbit would only live in a cottage not a cabin yeah hobbits don't need electricity well they're in the hill though yeah they're more yeah that's that's a different thing right cuz they're hobbit hole it's like a half that's what they call it what's like a cave with a hole? Yeah, because you're inside of a which do you want to live in more and I know shacks at the bottom I want I want television
Starting point is 00:33:53 Well, you heard it. That's not what a cabin is known for Jason. No, I you said your cabin is known for it Yeah, I've got a cab on fireplace that's Starlink I'm talking to the skies for my internet. I gotta get top speeds there. I got Netflix Why does a cabin let you do this and not a cottage dude? Cottage doesn't have electricity enough for that. Oh, no water wheel does not generate enough to power I like 80 water wheels trying to get us internet in his phone running. It lacks electricity, but magic Oh, there's certainly more magic in our cottage. There's a to get his internet and his phone running. It lacks electricity, but magic. Oh, there's certainly more magic in a cottage.
Starting point is 00:34:27 There's a chance, though, that the woman that lives in the cottage. Yeah, don't accept apples. Good people, which. If you live in a cottage, never accept apples. All right, settled. Thank you. Jeez, I want TV? I want fiber optic cable internet.
Starting point is 00:34:44 If you don't have high-speed internet and a television I'm not going to your cabin saying that right now that's not a that's not a nice relax I think we're looking for is hotel I'm not going to your hotel come on let's say resort what is the difference between old-fashioned Hotel. Between. Old fashioned things I still use. Hotel. Come on. Oh my goodness. What is the difference between ramifications, repercussions, and consequences? Whew, there's a lot to unpack there.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Repercussions and consequences. I feel like one's incidental. One is immediate. I feel like repercussions areal. One is immediate. I feel like repercussions are like, you're getting, it's, think about the, you gotta sometimes break down like the Latin here and it's, you know, it comes from percussion. So this is like the bounce back.
Starting point is 00:35:37 It's after the percussions. The amount, the immediate bounce back of your actions, just the second it happens, repercussions are back at you. It's like shooting a bullet and it goes off the wall and bounces back at you. That's a repercussion? That's a repercussion. That's not a ricochet.
Starting point is 00:35:55 You know, synonymous, but it's also a repercussion. Consequences can be down the line. There's still- There can be immediate consequences, can't there? There can be. That's why that phrase exists. But are all... Look, and consequences can be good or bad despite the word consequences.
Starting point is 00:36:14 It feels like it's only negative, but you can have good consequences. It's just... Can you? Yeah. Yeah, consequence is just what happens afterwards. Something of consequence. Something that is a con. So wait, I would never express like,
Starting point is 00:36:29 okay, if you study really hard for that test, one of the consequences of the test is an A plus. Right, but it would be accurate. It might be accurate, but not for this segment. Yeah, I think, I think. And then ramifications is in there. Now what's the Latin root of that? That ramifications is in there. What's the Dish that that's right the little like a ramekin. Yeah. Yeah, so the the Ramma ramekin applications
Starting point is 00:36:55 That allows you to store things like pudding like pudding sauces mousse Soup. Yeah, I mean usually you want something bigger than a than a ramekin I know what a ramekin is. You don't know what a ramekin is? It's a ramekinification. Ramekinification is. What are the ramekinifications of not knowing what it is? Well, that means that you're going to miss out on exceptional. Is that what you put soy sauce in? Yeah, exactly, like dips.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Oh, really? That is a ramekin? Yeah. What's the rule with that? I thought it was the circular dish that has all the, like, A ramekin is just any. The the... A ramekin is just any... The lines. A ramekin is just any little small dish.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Now I gotta look at what a ramekin is. Yeah. Anyways, the ramekinification of... Ramefications, I feel like, can be positive, whereas consequences... All these ramekins have ridges on the outside. They don't have to, though. I mean, that might be the most common... That might be the most common version of a ramekin. How do you spell the word? Ramekin.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Thanks, Mike. Yeah, they don't all have them. But that's the old time. Old fashioned ramekins always have those ridges on the outside. Oh, this would be good for like a pudding or they serve a. What? Did he say pudding? He said exactly pudding serve a... What? It said pudding. Did he say pudding?
Starting point is 00:38:06 He said exactly pudding. What is the... Now say sauce. Creme brulee. Creme brulee. Yeah, oh yeah, Creme brulee has to come in a ramekin. They always in a ramekin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Those are in really big ramekins. Yeah. Ramekins are usually smaller. I've had it in one of these. You've had it in a tiny ramekin? Yeah. Yeah, it was like a little one. So much ramekin talk.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I'm not sure. Here's the honest truth. I think all three of these mean the same thing. Yeah, it was like a little one. So much rama can talk. I'm not sure. Here's the honest truth. I think all three of these mean the same thing. Because they're all negative. Or at least consequences and repercussions feel like they're negative. Those are negative.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And then ramifications, you asked that beforehand. You don't say what are the ramifications after. You say, what are the ramifications of my decision? Yes, ramifications are thinking through a decision and what could happen afterwards. Consequences are what happen. You've said ramifications so many times it doesn't sound like a real word anymore in my head. Ramifications is projecting the future consequence.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Exactly. And repercussions are immediate after the percussing. After the bounce back of something that hit a wall. Al, should we keep talking about this or move on to our draft? We should probably draft. Ha ha ha. The Spitballers Draft.
Starting point is 00:39:19 All right. We are, boy, it's going to be hard to narrow down. We're drafting the old fashioned things that we are boy. It's gonna be hard to narrow down. We're drafting the old-fashioned things That we still use Okay, I got the 101 and I'm gonna play the game here because I think my 101 I don't think you guys are gonna take So I want to make sure I get the most things. I like mess around and find out That would be really disappointed.
Starting point is 00:39:46 But I don't think that this one. Andy said he has 17 things on his list. My list is such that I really hope you guys take different things. I love when we come into one of these drafts, and I'm in that state where I'm like, dude, don't take things from my list. I can't afford for you.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Like there's nothing left. Yeah, I'm gonna go with something that is old fashioned, but always in fashion, because it's actually the best version. It's a vinyl record player. We have them at our cabin, and my son plays them all the time. With the water wheel?
Starting point is 00:40:21 With the, no, that would be a cottage. I'm sorry. I got Starling at the cabin. Your son does what? He plays them all the time? Yeah, he would be a cottage. I'm sorry. I got Starling at the cabin. Your son does what? He plays them all the time? Yeah, he's got a vinyl record player in his room that he plays all the time. Vinyl record players are old fashioned, but awesome.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Do you Bluetooth your records? Ooh, please say no. No at the house. Yes at the cabin. And I understand it takes the analog out and all that. But it looks really nice. You seem like the kind of guy who Bluetooths at the vinyl. Yeah it takes the analog and all that but it's like but it looks really seem like the kind of guy who Bluetooth is the vinyl. Yeah it's true. It's true.
Starting point is 00:40:52 That is so insulting. I hope people understand how bad that is. If you Bluetooth your vinyl it's like saying I want someone to see the vinyl players sitting on the counter But I really don't care about the vinyl. I just wanted to look nice on the counter I think it's got both. It's a Sonos and I think it's got I think yeah Oh, it's got both. Okay. All right, how many speakers do you have hooked up to? Yeah, vinyl records was very tippy top of the figure I figured that would not come back Yeah, it was my original. It was going to be my 101.
Starting point is 00:41:28 But I did think of some more things right before the show. So I would be remiss if I didn't select a rocking chair with the first pick. Yeah, first pick. So the rocking chair will be my first selection of. We've literally purchased you a rocking chair. You bought me one as a present, and it wasn't a gag. I was like, I said thank you. And then rocked in it. All the time. Yeah, it broke. Rocking
Starting point is 00:41:51 chair's on my list. Okay, so Mike, you are up. Old fashioned things that you still use. So this gets used on the reg in my household and it is a good old fashioned apple slicer. An apple slicer? Like the peeler core slicer? No, no, like the metal thing that you push down on the top and it cuts your apples into slices. Oh, that's not normal. I thought that's what you just buy on the Target. Yeah, I didn't know that was old fashioned. Is that old fashioned? To me it's old, well looking at my thing is like this was, this was Smithed in the 1800s. Okay, so you have an old apple slicer. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I gotcha, interesting. When I look at it, it's one piece of metal. Okay, oh, you don't have the rubber handle that's kitchen made? No, no, no, no, I told you, this thing was used by the lost Dutchman. All right, we'll accept it. And then I use, I still to this day,
Starting point is 00:42:47 when I need some hot water, I use a teapot. Oh, yeah, because you could obviously do that way easier. You could just put it in, you could pop it in the microwave. Now, teapot on the stove? Yes. Okay, that's old fashioned. Where else would you put a teapot? Oh, there's electric kettles that you just.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Oh no, mine's super convenient. Mine's on the burner. Super convenient. Yeah, but new fashion. Yeah. That's not old fashion. Old fashion is. I'm on the burner.
Starting point is 00:43:10 No, with the whistle? Oh, yeah. Oh, that's old fashion. That's great. That's so you know it's ready. That's a great pick. That is a really. The water is very old fashion.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Yes. In that way. That's what I do. It doesn't have all the microwave chemicals. Nice. All the science in there. That was a train. Much better.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yeah, that was a train pot. Great pick. Much better than the apple slicer. Which, I mean, I use that too. You have an apple slicer? Yeah. Yeah, I've got one of those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:38 I mean. I don't know how you slice an apple without it. With a knife. Oh, OK. When I look at this thing, maybe it's not super old fashioned, but I think it is. Yours is like rusty. Yes, I wanna see a picture of Mike's at some point, and I wanna be blown away where it's like rust all over.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Just imagine that if you one wrong move of your finger, you're off for a tetanus shot. I also hope it's like 10 pounds. It's just, you know, it's made of iron. You know, just. Tell me whether this is an OK pick. I have plenty to pivot to if it's not. But I feel like a real answer in this draft is books.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Oh, that's totally not because you don't use an e-reader. It's because people read on their phone or on a Kindle or on an electronic iPad. I'm talking about paper books. Yeah, it's on my list. OK, all right, so then that is my selection. And it goes and pairs very well with a rocking chair. Hmm. And honestly, Mike, if you want to bring me some tea
Starting point is 00:44:35 while I'm sitting in the rocking chair in the book. I can do it, piping hot. I would be. And clean. With a nice vinyl record player behind you. Oh, yeah. Bluetooth and some great music. Slicing apples. All right, great music. Slice and apples.
Starting point is 00:44:46 All right, Jason, you got two more picks. Oh man, I got two here. Your books throws me for a loop because I was... Because I had two picks. I'm going, I wanted to draft a cookbook. Because I, but you got books, so I feel like that's a little too... Overlap.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah, too much overlap. But I do use an actual cookbook, as opposed to just... You don't just go to a website? Sometimes I'll use an internet recipe, but I love having the actual cookbook where it's like you just have the pages open and it says everything on... But you can't increase your font size to 40. I know, that sucks. You can't do that. But the cookbook is like, here's how you make this thing. You go look it up in the internet, it's like,
Starting point is 00:45:27 it was a warm day on a January 3rd. Oh, I know. And me and my family had just discovered that Uncle John had caught pneumonia. Scroll, scroll, scroll. Add, add, add. Is that part of the recipe? Oh, bro.
Starting point is 00:45:39 It's out of control. You're like, where is the recipe? They want a recipe and a story? They want a blog. Yeah. These are like. Really? So true. They're like, where is the recipe? They want a recipe in a story? They want a blog. Yeah. These are like really so true. They're failed writers. And so they've like got to, they have to Trojan horse their blogs into a recipe. These are like the nice describing like fashion pieces in a magazine. And you can't find- Anyways, it's three cups of sugar. You can't find like the actual ingredient list. No, you cannot. You think you're done with the website.
Starting point is 00:46:05 You're already scrolling past the content. You're scrolling through endless ads. And then after all that, it's like, here's the ingredients. Oh my god. I'm so glad you know about this, because often. I've been infuriated by it. And then because of the ads that they run, because of the ads that they run, sometimes you'll come back to your phone and refresh and then I'm on the top of the screen again.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I can't find these ingredients. So yeah, cookbook is nice. That's not what I drafted because you took books. Okay, gotcha. Just called the tangent. I am going to take... This is something I'm ashamed to say that we use. I'm not proud of this one. I don't like that we use it. I just can't get the misses to today's technology. We use a wall calendar. Oh, that is so, that's old fashioned. It's old fashioned where it's like.
Starting point is 00:46:53 You write on it? Oh yeah, oh yeah, you wanna see what's going on? Oh yeah, it's hanging behind. And you flip the months. You flip the months, and you gotta look for. Do you keep it? I love it. No, we don't keep them
Starting point is 00:47:05 It's just literally for function, but it's terrible because let's say we're not at the house and you want to know when something is Why don't you put it in the Calendar in your phone. It's walking by the calendar taking a picture on the phone every morning Every morning take a snap. That's great. That's a great.. It's not great for you, but it's great that you picked it. Alright, man, I actually have quite a lot of things here. I'm going to go with this one because similar to the vinyl record player, it's not the newest technology, but it's the best. It literally has the best
Starting point is 00:47:44 sound. This is an old technology It's not the newest technology, but it's the best it literally has the best sound This is an old technology that has been just completely usurped You can barely even buy them anymore, but it's the only One that works. I'm talking about under the tongue thermometers You try to scan my forehead and I can get 22 different temperatures every time. I'm like, oh, I've got a fever. No, I don't. Okay, I'm 97. I'm dead.
Starting point is 00:48:10 I've got 94 degrees. I have purchased 700 thermometers in my last five years. And every time I open that package- All on Instagram. It's just like, no, I'll just go to CVS. I literally went once and I bought like four thermometers at once because I was so sick of nothing working. They all tell different temperatures.
Starting point is 00:48:30 The only one I trust. The two minutes under the tongue. Put it under your tongue and then it beeps. Oh, it beeps. Yeah, yeah. Also not the glass or mercury. It's not the mercury. Oh!
Starting point is 00:48:39 Not quite that old-fashioned. That's what I grew up with. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I remember. And it was like you set the timer for three minutes and you put it under your tongue, it's glass, and you wait for the mercury. And they're like, it's always accurate.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Yeah, it's always accurate. And you're, at least for me, I got the thermometer in my mouth and they're like, okay, breathe through your nose, and you're like, I'm here because I'm sick. Oh, do they breathe that? I can't breathe through my nose, like if you breathe through your mouth it's gonna ruin the reading. You're like, so hold my breath three minutes? What are you asking me to do? Can I put the thermometer through my nose. If you breathe through your mouth, it's going to ruin the reading. I'm not sure. So hold my breath three minutes?
Starting point is 00:49:06 What are you asking me to do? Can I put the thermometer in my nose so I can breathe through my mouth? All right, sir. End of her. All right, that's a funny pick. I like it. I'm trying to decide if I want to go with a package deal here.
Starting point is 00:49:23 I've got the rocking chair. I've got the book. Just make a whole scene. I feel like I'm going to with a package deal here. I've got the rocking chair, I've got the book. Just make a whole scene. I feel like I'm gonna make a scene probably inside a cottage. And so why not combine this with an old fashioned thing that I still use? It's a quilt.
Starting point is 00:49:34 All right. It's a quilt. Very old fashioned. A knit quilt, sure man. Ooh. Yeah, give me a quilt. I feel like those don't feel as nice. No they don't, we've upgraded the technology. Why do you still use a quilt. I feel like those don't feel as nice. No, they don't. We've upgraded the technology.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Why do you still use a quilt? It's there. OK. You use a quilt because you have a quilt. To be clear, the reason you have a quilt is somebody made it for you. That's true. Oh. And if they made a quilt for you, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:59 And you use it forever because it's the quilt someone made for you. Well, hopefully their love keeps you warm. It's not an Amazon. Because the quilt's not doing it. You know it's not some Amazon like $4. You're not buying quilts on Amazon. No. No. You're getting them made for you. Quilts only matter when they're made for you. That's all I'm saying. Okay that's fair. And so the love keeps you warm not all the holes in the quilt. That's where you get this handmade quilt that you love, and you hang it, and then you get a fur blankie, and then you're like, this is what I'm wearing.
Starting point is 00:50:29 There are some blankets that are too hot, though, man. I would agree with that. Some of this technology that comes out, they're really, if you fall asleep under it, you're done. Dude, everything's too hot. T-shirts, you know. Underpants. Underpants, everything is always too hot. I've never met a-shirts, you know. Underpants. Underpants.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Everything is always too hot. I've never met a blanket that's cold enough. We just went up to, hopefully you're OK that I show this. We were up at the cabin. And Jason made us a wonderful dinner. Thank you. It's very 75 degrees outside. He's cheffing it up.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And we were wearing only the It wasn't you know as much more appropriate dinner than that but he gets done And again 75 outside very nice. There's a hot it's hot to make dinner, right? And when you cook sure and we get outside and we look and Jason has He looks like normal Jason except for one specific thing. Yep. Both his ears are redder than anything I've ever seen in my life. Basically purple.
Starting point is 00:51:32 It's basically purple ears. And we looked it up, and it's a product of like, overheating at high altitude. Yeah, I was at high altitude, and I was super hot. And it was actually comforting to read that, because otherwise you had something going on. Yeah, I mean, I don't know why I get super hot and it was actually comforting to read that because otherwise you had something going on Yeah, I mean, I don't know why I get so hot Why I you know, it's like a lot of people go all I run hot and every time I hear like, oh I run high
Starting point is 00:51:53 I go no, you don't I sprint hot. You don't know what that means. The inside of me is You know my like I a fever for me is 202. That's when I know I've actually gone up. All right, my two picks. Okay. How old-fashioned is old-fashioned is the question. Older than an apple slicer. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Are you getting into the target right now? Well, you're getting a record player at Target. I won't take it then, but I was gonna say, because I use a wired mouse. That feels... No, I... Is that allowable? I think it is. How old is it? It's got two buttons. That's good enough. Old-fashioned. Two buttons only and plugged in. Wow. Oh, yeah. Guys. Did you have to get an adapter to plug it in? Probably.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Then it's old fashioned. Probably, because look, I just. I use a wired mouse too, but like a gaming mouse and stuff. A wireless mouse is just so much problems. Like it breaks all the time, disconnects, got to recharge it. So am I allowed to take that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:06 All right. Great. I'm going to take that one. Please make it wired two button mouse for my sake, because that is an entertaining thought. It's a laser. It's not an actual mouse ball. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:53:17 I forgot about that. And the next. Oh, that's right. There used to be a little ball under the mouse that you moved around. And a little dust would get in there And you'd have to like take the ball out and blow it out All right, and then the last one I don't use it all the time
Starting point is 00:53:31 But I have had to use it a few times because look I'm a I'm a sneaker guy Sometimes you get him under a little bit too tight You got to put the old you got to put the shoe stretcher in there, man Yeah, there's a shoe stretcher? There is a shoe stretcher, and it looks like it came straight from Geppetto's warehouse. Yeah, I know. This thing looks like a doll's foot, and then you're cranking.
Starting point is 00:53:55 You have these two different cranks. It makes them longer? It can make them wider? Or even taller and everything? Yeah, you can make it a little bit longer. I kind of feel like I need one of these. Brother, you've got a couple pairs of shoes that are a little too tight You got a toe box. That's too tight. I guess I got something
Starting point is 00:54:09 He's got an old-fashioned solution for you I have a hat stretcher that also looks like Gepetto sold it to me It's just like a piece of metal and that stretcher. Yeah, it's got two curved pieces of wood Mike needs that yeah You guys have solutions for each other. This is a no-fitted hat dome. It's a, there's a bolt in there. But I'm running out of tots. And you twist it and it just, and you leave it in there.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I literally think that the shoe stretcher that you're talking about, Mike, I'm not making a joke when I say it seems like that was invented when you couldn't just go buy whatever size you want. Who made shoes? What was the name of the cobbler? Cobbler, that's it. Yeah, you'd go to your local cobbler.
Starting point is 00:54:51 No apple anywhere to be found. How did that end up? I make shoes, you are the cobbler. Oh, and that's why they're cobble stones? Is because are the shoes the cobble? The shoes must be the cobbler. Well then where's apple Cobbler coming from? They used the shoes to smush the apple.
Starting point is 00:55:07 To smash the fruit. They might have. No. I think there's a chance. I'm looking this up. Which one? I'm on the Apple Cobbler. Trades that this is Wikipedia, trades that engage in shoe
Starting point is 00:55:22 making have included the cord wainers and cobblers trades. The term cobbler was originally used pejoratively to indicate that someone did not know their craft. Oh, man. Oh, that man doesn't make shoes. He makes little cobblers. And then in the 18th century, it was a term for those who repaired shoes.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Trying to have them cobbled together. But did not know enough to make them. Oh, OK. You could repair it. You couldn't make them. Gotcha. The origin of the name Cobbler for Apple Cobbler is from 1859 and may be related to the archaic word
Starting point is 00:55:53 cobellar, meaning wooden bowl. Oh, okay. So wood is a part. Wooden shoes, wooden bowls? Yep. Okay, we're onto something. All right, I don't use wooden shoes anymore. That's not my pick.
Starting point is 00:56:06 I have a final selection. Wait a minute. Or the term may be due to the topping having the visual appearance of cobbled stone pathway. They have no idea. It's one or the other. It could, like, let me throw out some guesses. That's what the internet is us. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:24 This seems like it's sourced, and you click on it. Someone's guess. I made that up. All right. My final pick, rocking chair books, quilt. This one, I'm going to go a little different direction. I also have 15 more left, so it's hard to narrow it down. I can't wait to talk about our leftovers.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Yeah, me too, man. I'm going gonna go with glass soda bottles like glass so I don't know the best way to write that out you can figure it out but like having soda in a glass bottle is old-fashioned. We call that extra classic in our house. Yeah. Extra classic. I wrote classic Coke bottles or whatever. If you want a Coca-Cola extra classic that means it comes in a glass bottle and you guys buy those sometimes Rarely, you know that's I mean tastes better. They do taste better, but diabetes, you know, yeah tastes worse
Starting point is 00:57:17 Jason one final pick for you. Well speaking of taste and the most old-fashioned thing I still use is an old-fashioned Wait, whatever and the most old fashioned thing I still use is an old fashioned baby. Wait. Whatever. Am I allowed to do it. I knew he was going to do it. I knew he'd do it. When I saw the most old fashioned draft, I'm like, yeah, that's it. But he's got it. It's fine. Okay. That's fine. He's dumb. I do not care. But when it was named, was it a drink that had been passed down from generations and they're like, well, this is an old fashioned drink, or did someone just say they made it and then they immediately called it old fashioned? I think it was how Grand Papsies used to make his cocktail, and this is an old fashioned recipe.
Starting point is 00:58:01 And then it just became that recipe is like it's an old-fashioned. I mean I think an old-fashioned is the right pick because it says it's an evolution of a whiskey cocktail which was simply whiskey sugar bitters and water and was served as early as 1800. That is old. Wow. That is a really actually good pick. That is old because I was expecting you'd be like, I had a dive bar in 1984. Someone created an old fashioned. From what I'm seeing, an old fashioned was originally 1806, they made it, and back then they called it a bittered sling. They called it a modern.
Starting point is 00:58:36 A bittered sling? A bittered sling, and then they swapped it to old fashioned, present time. Yeah, in 1880, they just called it a drink. Would you like a drink? And then later, they had to say, I would like an old-fashioned. I want what they drank back then. Oh, old-fashioned.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Yes. No, I thought that'd be your number one pick. It would have been, but I knew that would have come back. You tried to slip it in late. That's what I was saying. That would have been my 101, but I knew I could get it at the end of the draft. All right, so we're talking about that list of extras. Yep. How much time does he have? I thought you might take straight razor shave.
Starting point is 00:59:16 I don't use that. You could have, because I'm an electric razor. But when you go to a barber, don't they straight razor? Yeah, that's true. They use a straight razor. Razor has touched my face since I was 16. Wow. You had an accident? Yeah. I almost died. There was an accident.
Starting point is 00:59:32 I said, this is dumb. Why are people using these? I'm blitzing these so I can get out of the way. Homemade ice cream maker. Oh, yeah, yeah. Handwritten letters. Cast iron cookware. I use it.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Trains. You don't use trains. I use it. Trains. You don't use trains. I know I don't use, not really, but I'd like to. Glasses. Yeah. I think glasses are a little bit old fashioned. They're old, I mean, I have them. Classic cars, analog watches, Polaroid camera, anti-furniture.
Starting point is 01:00:03 And sitting around the campfire. I heard anti-furniture, and sitting around the campfire. I heard anti-furniture. My aunties' furniture, use it all the time. I have Facebook. Oh my god. Feels like a real old fashioned thing that people still use. That's a great thing. A checkbook.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Oh, yeah. But you don't use it, do you? From time to time, I have to. These stupid companies that, oh my gosh, it's really up where the cabin is. It's all about the 3% fee. Some companies don't want that 3% fee. It's like, I don't want to write you a check
Starting point is 01:00:33 and then find a postage stamp. Oh, that would have been a good one. You have to mail it in. I got a medical bill the other day. And like, you know, you're going through your junk mail. It's all junk mail. And then there was like, I owed $25 to, I don't even remember some some
Starting point is 01:00:46 Blood draw or something and it was like usually there's like go pay it here This the only way to pay it is to write a check and put it in a mail And I don't have stamps. I don't own gotta go buy check go buy stamps It's absurd and then or you could use you could use a visa Here's how they've got a little box on that where you can write your Visa number in and mail them your visa number. Yeah, that's how they used to do it unbelievable puzzles Alright, and a shoehorn. Yeah. Yeah, I use every day. That's I had wooden spoons Postcards and I use postcards, and I...
Starting point is 01:01:25 You use postcards? No. No, it's just that's why I didn't take it. Post-it notes. I thought Andy might go with some post-it notes. I feel like those aren't old-fashioned at all. Some things never go out of fashion. Post-it notes have got to be selling in big numbers these days.
Starting point is 01:01:40 But it doesn't mean they're not old-fashioned. Okay, that's fair. I mean, that's... But I think post-It notes are really... They got the spiral, they got the cutting edge still coming out. That is just... You don't use Post-It notes? I do.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Oh, okay. You just thought they're old-fashioned. Yeah. Again, at Target though. Down the street. What, Post-It notes? Yeah, with the apple slicer. Sure.
Starting point is 01:02:01 And books. With everything on our list. And vinyl record player. All right, fair enough. And glass coke bottle. All right, fair play. And glass, coke, bottle. All right, unfair criticism. Moving on. What did we learn today? I learned that there are not jumping sharks in Lake Michigan, which for a moment in time, I thought maybe there were. Well, Jason taught me the Greek or the Latin origins of the word repercussions that I trust implicitly.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Don't forget about ramification. Yes, yes. And no one knows why they're called apple cobbler. No. No one knows. But you can take your best guess. That'll do it for today, Spitballers. Thank you to everybody listening.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Catch you next time. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out spitballerspod.com.

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