Spitballers Comedy Podcast - 45: Punching a Whale and Game of Thrones Character Battle - Funny Podcast

Episode Date: April 29, 2019

With some serious cash on the line, what is the heaviest animal you think you could knock out with one punch? Are you entitled to a cut of the winnings if a friend uses your money to hit big on the lo...tto? The guys take a trip to the ‘Situation Room’ to explore these conundrums. We then dive into some great ‘Would You Rather’ questions before climaxing the show with a long awaited Game of Thrones Battle Royale draft! Don’t miss this funny episode of the Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the show: Visit us on the web Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Subscribe on YouTube Support the show: https://www.patreon.com/spitballers/posts See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Spitwads, do you enjoy this show and you want just a little bit more? I do. Oh, there you are. I love this show, yes. Oh, that's not annoying at all. Head over to SpitballersPod.com and find out how you can become an official supporter of this show and get access to the complete archive. Spitballerspod.com.
Starting point is 00:00:33 What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason. Let's get out, bub, bub, beep, bub, ba-d Skid-a-ba-bo-be-bop-a-doodly-doo! Woo-hoo-hoo! A-doodly-doo! It's cathartic.
Starting point is 00:00:55 It really is. It really is cathartic. Everybody should start their morning. Play the music. Scatch yourself out of bed. Wait a minute. That was shout therapy. That was not...
Starting point is 00:01:07 That transcended any kind of scatting. There was nothing musical about that. No, you're right. That was a primal caveman. Yeah. Something came out. But now people do... Look out for the T-Rex.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah. People do scat along with us, right? Like when they're starting the show and you're in your car or at the gym or wherever. I don't want anybody just listening to that. No. Participate. If you didn't, rewind. Start it over.
Starting point is 00:01:30 It's okay. Is there some sort of therapy where you go into a room and you just scream and yell? Yes. Because it just feels so off limits as an adult. No, no. They've definitely... I've heard people talk about it. You ever done that into a pillow?
Starting point is 00:01:44 Just shout into the void. Yeah void where they can't hear you. I was watching- Underwater? Can you do that underwater? Crashing with Pete Holmes. And there was an episode where as soon as the subway came, he just screams because no one can hear it over the subway because if you've ever heard a subway,
Starting point is 00:02:04 they are the loudest things of all time. Well, I feel great now. I feel great. Welcome into the Spitballers podcast. Good, because I don't. Yeah, Mike's a little under the weather, but he is here. Jason is present and accounted for. I am feeling better getting over the black lung while Mike is feeling worse.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Mine's different. Weaklings. Mine is different. Weaklings. Mine is different. Weak in different ways. Yeah, I mean, while I was sick, I still looked good, sounded good. You're not sounding the best here, Mike. You got to keep the beard short.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Otherwise, you get all that bacteria. That's what you guys need. It's all the bird's nests and the... What are you telling me? I'm supposed to wash my beard? Any extra crumbs this guy's missing out on? Oh, my goodness. Hey, hope you're watching on YouTube, youtube.com slash spitballers.
Starting point is 00:02:53 This will be the, I think, third episode that hits the YouTube. You got it. So, spitballers pod on Twitter. Send us your questions. Send us your situations. We've got a situation room on the show today. Send us your questions, send us your situations. We've got a situation room on the show today.
Starting point is 00:03:10 We also have a Would You Rather segment and a very, very special draft. Very timely. Yes. If you are into Game of Thrones, you will be very into this draft. If you are not, you will be less inclined to listen. But that's okay. It's going to be a battle. It's going to be fun.
Starting point is 00:03:25 It's going to be a battle. It's going to be fun. It's going to be a lot of fun. Unfortunately, it looks like our very narrow previous show draft, Jason, you're going to come out on top. It is hard. Oh, did he take the lead? He did take the lead. That would be two shows ago. I would say our previous draft was not close. I dominated.
Starting point is 00:03:41 It's just hard. I have to just move on and realize that winning isn't everything. We're here to entertain. We're here to inform. Honestly, I think that is a great idea that you two do that. Yeah. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Thank you so much for listening, subscribing on Apple Podcasts, wherever you're listening. We love your reviews. They support the show. They help us go farther as a people, the spit hosts. And yes, Jason, that look on your face means we are reading one. Review-a-saurus rags. This one comes in from Proud Father. Five stars.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I type this with a tear in my eye. Not from laughing like usual, but from my proud father moment. The other day, I walked into the kitchen to hear my 12-year-old listening to a podcast. I couldn't be any more proud to announce that I have a little junior spitwad living in my house. Keep it up, fellas. From a Foot Clan converted spitwad, thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And actually, this reviewer's name is DIY Dallas Dave. Who? So if you don't know. Dallas Dave. Yeah. He's the proud father. I like the idea of him having one single tear in his eye when he laughs. Yes, that is very common.
Starting point is 00:05:03 No, I love this. A Foot Clan converted means that this is a fellow fantasy footballer listener, our other podcast, The Fantasy Footballers. So thank you for making the trip over here to enjoy your Monday even more. And we've got a lot of great things coming for the spitwads out there. So just stay subscribed, stay tuned in. It's going to be fun. Let's jump uh a little sticky situation the situation realm all right this situation comes from kale on twitter oh kale says a man has arrived. I guess wherever you're at, he's arrived.
Starting point is 00:05:48 What we know is he does not work for PETA. No, he does not. Because he says he is offering to give you $10,000 per pound for any animal that you can knock out in one punch. This is ridiculous. So what animal are you punching? So the stakes, they're... So I don't get the money if I don't...
Starting point is 00:06:09 If you don't knock it out in one punch... One punch! So if you choose a very low weight animal that you have a high probability of knocking out... You can take the money and run. Maybe you may... What's a two pound animal? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:22 That's okay. What's the deal here, bro? Why are we punching animals in the face? Look, you really need to ask the man that arrived and asked you to do this. This is very important to this man, to the tune of 10,000 pounds per pound, or 10,000, yeah, maybe it's a pound. It's one of those, like, do you take the money on a small, like, I don't think I could, like, look, spit wads, I i hate cats i hate them they're
Starting point is 00:06:46 the worst they're just garbage animals that hate you and want to destroy humanity totally totally true even i don't think i mean i could i know i could not punch a cat of course not i've got if i'm gonna take no yes little kitty cat i mean it's like, okay, this is a big fat cat. She's weighing 10 pounds. That's $100,000. I can't do it. I couldn't do it. So what animal can I challenge myself with that I think maybe.
Starting point is 00:07:16 What animal has a punchable face? Right. What animal? Plate face. Plate face. What, are you going to punch an orangutan? Oh, no way. I do not recommend
Starting point is 00:07:25 the orangutans they will win that fight no chance you're putting out plate face now now just so you get the the context here if you were to be able to punch out the heaviest animal in the world which is blue whale right whale yeah which is 200 tons you would walk away with a cool four billion dollars at 10 000 per pound it would be a $4 billion check. Now, not likely to happen. You know what I like about that thing? Does a whale have a face? Does a whale have a face?
Starting point is 00:07:57 Legitimately. Do any animals have faces if their eyes are on the opposite sides? If there's a football field between the eyes. Right. Is that a face?'s still it's still a face what i like about the blue whale is not only can i make four billion dollars yes you can make four billion i feel like i mean if i give everything i got i'm probably not gonna do it probably not i don't know. Maybe there's a soft spot, like there's a temple, and you can get a good knockout shot on the whale. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:29 The old temple whale punch. But I don't think the whale's going to do anything back. No, you're correct. I think he will just swim away as if nothing has happened. Because he won't know that you punched him. If you move it down to a grizzly. A grizzly. What?
Starting point is 00:08:44 What are you doing? This is a death wish. I know. If you move it down to a grizzly. What are you doing? This is a death wish. You go from making money to death. I'm trying to give people an idea of the money to pound ratio. A grizzly is 1,500 pounds. So you're talking about $15 million if you could punch a grizzly out with a good punch. You're going to punch him right in the teeth. Well, sure.
Starting point is 00:09:03 You're going to hurt your own hand with the punch. Okay,'re not going grizzly i've got i've got my animal i want a lot of dough i want the money okay so i'm sitting here thinking what's a super heavy animal a super bit with a smaller head yeah where i could maybe maybe give me an 1,800 pound. Do the math. What kind of reward am I looking here? Did you just say 1,800? 1,800 pounds. Well, the math is easy.
Starting point is 00:09:32 That's $18 million. Thank you. $10,000 per pound. Thank you. I appreciate that. $18 million if I can get this giraffe down, small head, go up to the feeding station. Oh, my gosh. I knew. I was going to ask you. You up to the feeding station. Oh, my gosh. I knew.
Starting point is 00:09:45 I was going to ask you. You're going to bait it. Oh, yeah. You've got to have the feet in one hand. Get the tongue out. This is so bad. No, you don't get a feeding station. You get a ladder.
Starting point is 00:09:54 What? Yes. Well, then it's my super ladder from the genie. That's fine. It's going to help. So they're 1,800 pounds? I think that's as big as they can. See, for me, I go, I think, like a turtle.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Oh, but that's the same thing with the grizzly. You're going to miss. You're going to punch them right in the shell. Why do you think we're just going to miss these heads, Mike? Are you punching with one eye closed? No, I'm watching you punch. You're going to miss. Now, see, here's my fear there.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Because you're going to throw a haymaker. When's the last time you threw a targeted haymaker? Let me ask you that question. Never at a turtle. Yet. Never at any animate object. Just anywhere. That's true.
Starting point is 00:10:36 We need to get a punching bag. I'm going to put an X on it, and we're going to slow-mo record you punching as hard as you can and seeing if you're within. Got to put blue chalk on his knuckles and see where that thing lands. You're telling me that the key here is not picking the big body little head so you can make the money. The key is picking big head. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:54 You need a gigantic head. What animal has the biggest face that I can hit? If it has a face, it has to be that blue whale. I still argue that blue whales do not have faces you're going for four billion yeah no i'm not going for four billion he won't know and then you're punching underwater you ever my kids have like underwater fights because it doesn't hurt you can't punch that's a great point bruce lee could you punch out an ostrich oh that's actually good they look just arrogant enough to punch. Yeah, they're jerks.
Starting point is 00:11:26 They are the rudest, meanest animal. Are they? Oh, yeah. With their big old eggs. They're so cocky. They are. They're the worst. They hate you.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I'd rather have a pet cat than a pet ostrich. Don't go that far. Don't go that far. That's ridiculous. What if you pick mean animals? What is an ostrich way? If you punch out mean animals, is that okay? I know from Jean-Claude Van Damme Gifts that you can punch out a snake.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I'll punch a snake right in the snozz. Yeah, just you hold it right by the head and you give it. That makes more sense because everybody wants to get rid of snakes. I punch a honey badger right in the mouth. Honey badger don't care. Honey badger don't care. Honey badger don't care. That man would be fine. Yeah, what are the animals that...
Starting point is 00:12:09 What's the poundage? Does a spider have a face? Oh, you would make no... They'd flick you a penny when you're done. If you told me one million dollars... To punch a spider?
Starting point is 00:12:20 To punch a tarantula. Right. One million. No joke. You would... Never happen you would never happen okay is that true that's 100 a million dollars if there's a rich person out there would you kick one for a million oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm crawling right now what if i don't know what if it's 10 million dollars and you have to give it a smooch. Oh! Oh my gosh, Mike.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I did not see you going there and that was not a fake reaction. The best part about that is you are not playing that up for the show at all. He's literally that scared of any spiders. He's so scared of them. I want to watch that back on YouTube. I want to see what a loser I am. That was... Can you punch a jellyfish? Does a jellyfish have a face? No. No. You have to have eyes to have a face.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Can we at least agree on that? Yeah, you're going right through. Look, I'm punching a sloth. No! They're so sweet! I could get him. My dog can get him. He can't move out of the way. I was thinking about the giraffe. I realized I've seen giraffes fight. Yeah, they use their heads as the whips I was thinking about the draft. Like, I realized I've seen drafts fight. Yeah, they use their heads as the whips.
Starting point is 00:13:28 We've talked about this. Yeah, they are a wrecking ball, like a construction wrecking ball with their head and neck. There's no chance I can put a draft out. If you were in a Coliseum with a draft, Jason versus draft for your life, could you get that draft? No. Wait, does he get weapons? Yeah, he gets a knife. No.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Like a pocket knife. If it was a spear, if it was a spear, then of course I would have a chance, but no, I'm losing. This is such a weird question. Okay, are we ready to move on to the next situation?
Starting point is 00:13:58 Picturing Jason Smooch and tarantulas. You lend your best friend 20 bucks. You later learn that he used it to buy a lotto ticket which he hit the jackpot with he's since been avoiding you at all costs but you've just ran into him at your local coffee shop what do you do right there right then what do you do in that moment here let me ask a question so i did not know that i was loaning money so they could throw it in the garbage. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Correct. That was what I was going to ask you is, did your friend come to you and go, because if he says, can I get 20 bucks? I want to play the lotto. And you're like, no. And you're like, sure. You don't get that money. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:35 No. Oh, absolutely. What? If somebody comes to me and says, hey, can I borrow it? But you're a dummy dumb. I'm short right now. Can I borrow 20 bucks? I'll pay you back next week.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I'm going to go play the lotto. That's an understood thing, that if you win, you're giving me money. And not just my $20. Did he pay you back? He didn't, right? No, he's going to pay. My friend's good for it. I know he's going to pay me back next week.
Starting point is 00:14:57 What if he just gives you the 20 bucks the next week? He's like, hey, thanks for loaning me that. I just won $100 million. Here's 20 bucks. It is understood that if you buy a lotto ticket with borrowed money, you are giving your friend a good payout. Yes. A good enough payout to clear your conscience.
Starting point is 00:15:14 What can you do, though? Can you do anything legally? If you're in that coffee shop and you go, dude, come on. No. Come on. I don't think there's any legal recourse here. There's no legal recourse. None whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:15:24 There's no contract. So how do you get that money? He's your friend. Yeah, that's what he's... Why is your friend? Why is your friend, Mike? And that's the thing. I think Andy's question is...
Starting point is 00:15:32 He's avoiding you. If somebody came and asked me that, I would take the $20 bill. I'd just put it right in the shredder for them. I'd say, here, you didn't get it. But if... Well, clearly, you'd be an idiot because this friend won the money. Yeah. Well, but I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:15:44 You can't win if you don't play, Jason. I didn't know. Oh, gosh. Let's go under the... Oh, don't do that. Would you guys be surprised to know I have never won the lottery? What? No one I know has won it.
Starting point is 00:15:54 No one I know has won it either. What are you... Dude, I've won like three times. He's just a crazy spender. But the thing is... So he's back with us. Once you win the lottery, you just go buy more lottery tickets with the money that you won because you're
Starting point is 00:16:07 for sure going to win. You punch that blue whale out, you won the lottery. That's true. Yeah, look, if I genuinely... Let's just put this... Mike did this to you. Mike borrowed $20 from you. I borrowed $20, used my money, and I didn't know what it was for, but I know for sure that he won the lottery.
Starting point is 00:16:23 How much did he win? He won $88 million. $88 million. I'm going to go to him and I'm going to say, look, Mike, I know you won. I'm not going to ask. Look, that was my money. I'm not going to ask for all of it. No, it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:16:40 I want one. One million dollars. Whoa, you're going to go saddle that quick? I am going to go for the lowest achievable large portion I can get where he can go, Okay, fine. Yeah, but then I'm going to tell you about my new tax bracket and all these tax implications. I didn't get a full 88. I'm barely getting by. So you took the one lump sum, 44.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Now it's tax. Now it's 22. I'm already broke. My money's already gone. Never mind this fine leather jacket and my Lambo. Those have nothing to do with it. Now it's $22. I'm already broke. My money's already gone. Never mind this fine leather jacket and my Lambo. Those have nothing to do with it. Now what do you do? I think you discovered a very healthy new industry, which is to
Starting point is 00:17:12 borrow money for lottery playing. Oh, you can't lose. I mean, they've already got the... I mean, in that situation... I believe they have them. They're called casinos. Okay. All right. Let's get into what you're at. We're just going to hold on to this for a little bit.'re called casinos. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Let's get into Would You Rather. We're just going to hold on to this for a little bit. Don't mind us. Yeah. Temper. We'll hold your money while you stand in this place for a while. Would You Rather. All right. Would you rather live in a home that is constantly dark or a home that is constantly bright?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Oh, my goodness. This is just the battle of my marriage. This is the battle of our office, Andy. This is the battle of our shuffleboard one-on-one games. So a little peek into the life here. At Spitballers Headquarters. At Spitballers HQ. My eyes, they're not the best.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Okay, you see me wearing the glasses. Weird looking, lopsided no they're no hold on but they're beautiful thank you mike i got the beautiful blues but they don't work so good so you know you you win some you lose some and so i feel like for me i need extreme brightness like i you it can't be too bright when i see my children and my wife reading a book in a moderately lit room that you know they're they're sitting in between the lamp and the book and there's like a shadow on it i can't even what are you deeply offended i can't understand how they can read because my eyes could never do that i need need it super bright. And Andy, on the other hand, is Dracula. My wife calls me a mushroom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Because we have this issue all the time. My wife has never, ever, if it were up to her, my wife would not have a blind in our house. There would be no blinds, ever. They've never been used. That sounds like trouble for other reasons. Privacy? Yeah. She don't give a care.
Starting point is 00:19:08 She does not care. As far as she's concerned, the whole world, nice people. No interest in- Has she been outside? Never, never. It doesn't need to. It's bright enough inside at our house. But the blinds, I'm not joking.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Most of the blinds in our house have never come down. Yeah't yeah i like it right wants it bright all the time i like natural light i'm fine with natural light but in arizona natural light is also the kind of light that blinds you it's also a cause of death it will glare on you it is so bright in arizona in the summertime is great and the darkness represents coolness to me. It is cool. A cool afternoon. Draw the blinds a little bit. Have a little bit of darkness in there. Well, what if it was not a matter of.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Just open up your heart. What if it was not a matter of skin cancer from the sun. But let's say you've got no windows. It's just always bright or always super dark. Fake lighting. You've got some nice LED bulbs. In that situation, the only downside to having it always be bright is sleep. That's it.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And I can get a sleep mask. No, you're right about that. Like, if the house is permanently dark or permanently bright, it's better to be bright. Oh, my gosh. This is like, I can't believe you're on that side. You can wear a sleep mask and then everything else is fine. You literally took light bulbs out of your office ceiling so that the lights could be on at half. For the balance.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I'm not a psychopath. I don't want to be walking around blind in my own house. What if it was dim? But I'm a melancholy man. I need the mood. Yeah, you need the darkness. I need the mood to kind of reflect my internal toil. Do you believe in a thing called love?
Starting point is 00:20:49 When Anna and I play shuffleboard, we play for the half of the lights in the room to be on or off. We play for the darkness. No, I play for the light. You play for the darkness. That's correct. Mike, which side are you? And let's go artificial light. Artificial light sucks, though.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Yeah, it does. Walmart? It's the worst. But if it's that or the darkness, I got to be able to see. Here's a good would you rather question. Would you rather Ghostbusters be real or Jurassic Park be real? How is this even a question? That's so funny, though. This is easy.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It is? Of course it's easy. What? What? The inference is if Ghostb It is? Of course it's easy. What? What? The inference is if Ghostbusters is real, there are ghosts everywhere. Yeah, that's the problem. That's a pretty big problem. And if Jurassic Park is real, there are dinosaurs everywhere.
Starting point is 00:21:34 There's dinosaurs at a park. Oh, yeah, you've never seen the movies? They're everywhere. No, they're stuck on the island. San Diego ain't doing... Are you kidding me? They do get off the island. Yeah, they get off the island right quick.
Starting point is 00:21:45 In fact, I believe the last Jurassic World, they are roaming the hills of Nevada. They are on the way to the city. Yeah, that's fair. All right, so let's put it this way. At least in the Ghostbusters one, there are heroes to save you from them. I was going to say, you know who to call. Chris Pratt ain't going to save me. Who are you going to call?
Starting point is 00:22:03 Chris Pratt. How dare you? Chris Pratt would absolutely save you. He would save me. Yeah, he'll save you. Because he's my best friend. Let's put it this way. You're in the park when things go wrong, or you're in the mansion when the ghosts are out.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Hold on. This is worst case scenario both worlds. There's dinosaurs or there's ghosts. Because Ghostbusters, a lot of them are causing a ruckus. We're not talking about Slimer. You're always covered in slime. No, it's not just Slimer. Like the other ghosts, they're just rambunctious.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And also, why is it that this is what ghosts do? Why do ghosts... They're all wild and crazy. I'm stuck. I'm stuck somewhere between life and the afterlife. I'm on earth i have some metaphysical form where i can alter and do things my entire existence now is to just try and scare people and like throw plates at them like why is i think why is that what ghosts do the same reason because they're free they're because this is what we want to do construct for me we want to do that our whole life.
Starting point is 00:23:06 No rules. I'm done with this play. I throw it. They're like, what are you going to do? Last episode, we had three hours that you could be invisible, and I said I might use that to just pants Jason for most of it. See? So they're free.
Starting point is 00:23:19 They can mess with you. You're just entertaining yourself at that point. That was going to be a dumb question. I feel like I would still rather have the dinosaurs. I was going to ask if all ghosts were naked, but they're not. No. No, they have clothes. But how do they have clothes? Because everyone knows that when you turn into a ghost, you
Starting point is 00:23:37 have whatever you had on when you died. Really? Well, there's that reason. That's ghost rules. Should I be thinking about that while I put on my clothes every day? Yes, every day. Yeah, you should. Right. You might be wearing those clothes forever. Forever.
Starting point is 00:23:49 You're like, I got to get rid of this hideous shirt. What if I'm a ghost in this shirt? Yeah, that'd be embarrassing. I feel like there's a chance I die. There's a chance I live in both situations. And so I would rather have the one where I get to see a dinosaur that's awesome and cool. Look, I don't want to get eaten on a toilet T-Rex style, but if I got to take the chance, if I see a ghost, like if I see this big poltergeisty monster ghost with crazy lights coming out of the eyes flying at me,
Starting point is 00:24:19 there's no redeeming quality. There's nothing like, whoa, cool. It would be pretty cool. Versus a T-Rex? You know your demise, the method of the demise in the dinosaur situation. He's going to rip you apart. I feel like in the ghost world, what does he do? They can do what they want with you.
Starting point is 00:24:38 They throw silverware at you. They shake your mirrors. They can't actually do anything. They can't? No. Well, then that's the better world. Yes, that's what I've been trying to say. Wait, so from the get-go, you were on Team Ghostbusters?
Starting point is 00:24:49 Why are they being fought by the Ghostbusters, then, if they can't hurt anything? Because they're annoying. They keep ruining my dishes. They do. They go to the fancy hotel because the ghosts are ruining the party. So in that world, there's no China. There's no fine China left. No, no, it's all smashed to pieces.
Starting point is 00:25:05 It's all paper plate world. Oh, paper plates. What is the ghost going to do? That is the solution for all ghost problems. Paperware. Plastic. Don't you live that life already? You spilled my spoons. Yeah, I do. Don't you guys, like, how often do you bring out regular plates versus
Starting point is 00:25:21 paperware? Let me ask you this. How often do I have a very important dinner party? Because that's the answer. You go through a lot of trees. Yes. I want to be better.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Costco makes it too easy. It's not my fault. It's Costco's fault. Shame on you, Costco. We have recycle bins. You put the paper in the recycle bin, you're doing fine. You're doing fine. I 100% recycle. And I would like to believe that the paper plates I buy are made of recycled product. Not sure, but I believe it.
Starting point is 00:25:54 That's what's important. Thank you. Would you rather always have to wear shoes, even in the shower, even while you sleep, or never be able to wear shoes again? Question. you sleep or never be able to wear shoes again you know question wet feet are the only thing stopping me here from saying shoes all the time quest oh because you take a shower and you've got soggy yeah i mean you got you're either spinning like 30 minutes afterwards like blow drying your feet off so to get the mold from not growing oh yeah, that's a problem. Are flip-flops shoes? Are flip-flop shoes?
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yes. Darn. That would have been a really easy out because I would be fine wearing flip-flops for the rest of... Like, if I had to pick one and I could choose... Yeah, you could wear flip-flops. Yeah, but I could take them on and off. No.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Because they're not shoes. They are shoes. How about we change it so you always have to wear boots or you never wear hiking boots or you never wear shoes again? Because I just wanted you to look more awkward in all of your moments of vulnerability. Do I get to change my socks? Magically, yes. Because otherwise, your feet are going to fall off
Starting point is 00:27:05 If you have boots and you shower Yeah we're looking at the awkwardness of it You're getting foot rot Here's one thing I know is gone Skinny jeans Skinny jeans they don't exist in this world If you ever put them on You wear them for the rest of your life
Starting point is 00:27:19 Or you cut them off Are there any pants that go on from the top MC Hammer It's a go on from the top? MC Hammer. You're telling me that. Pants that go on from the top? No. There are no pants that go on from the top. How would that work?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Yeah, it's a kilt. Crotch zipper. You would have to have some snap at the crotch. Yeah. Like you put one leg on at a time. I'm Googling this. Bling. No, it's the return of JNCO pants, guys.
Starting point is 00:27:44 You've been waiting for that for years why don't you explain to the the younger generation i thought i've talked about this well the jinkos but jinko jeans how much material uh four jeans four jeans in one at minimum that was that's where that's where the base level was if you google jinko jeans you will see the just great stuff the worst looking nonsense a lot of similarities between them and the redwood forest let's put it that way very very large trunks if you couldn't but if i get a pair of shoes you couldn't wear shoes that's rough in arizona oh that's the problem oh i just keep thinking about sharp stuff, but you're right. Hot rose.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I'm fine with the sharp stuff. Not that I enjoy it, but I would be okay. I accept this thorn. I accept this thorn. I wouldn't be going hiking, but the nice thing is I don't go hiking. So this isn't a change for me. We were just talking about this at a family event,
Starting point is 00:28:47 how kids, their feet are so resilient. They just go jimmying across sharp rocks where I could not take a step on them. They just go sprinting on them. As a kid, I remember in Arizona going to get the mail. Now, the mailbox is four houses down. Middle of summer, I would do the sprint, grab the mail sprint
Starting point is 00:29:05 back resilient feet just don't stand on the hot ground too long is it weight is it because there's not as much weight because if i were to do that in the middle of summer i would get three steps before my foot has melted into the ground go to the hospital oh for sure that's like that's not even a joke if i were to go down the street and come back in Arizona with 250 pounds pushing down on this foot, that's melted. Did you guys do the move? So Arizona pools are everywhere, but then the basketball goes out, and it's in the rocks, and you're like, ah, crap.
Starting point is 00:29:38 So then you spend five minutes. You've got to splash all of the rocks, and even that isn't enough. It still burns. Burning hot feet. Now, in Arizona, you wouldn't be able to go outside very much. You'd be swimming with boots on, though. You'd look really weird walking around. Probably not allowed into a lot of restaurants.
Starting point is 00:29:56 No shoes, no service? That reminds me of what is the policy of your household? Shoes on, shoes off. Somehow my house became a shoes off house. Which is... Against my will. Look, let me just say, this is ridiculous. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the entirety of the house, the guess would be there is
Starting point is 00:30:18 no carpet? It's all tile. Why are we taking our shoes off? I don't know. Why do I have to have my feet out? I don't know. Well, you should be wearing socks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I wear flip flops. You know this. Your feet are always open. My wife is convinced that the greatest threat to all of mankind from a health perspective exists on the bottoms of your feet. Whereas I tend to believe that since you walk everywhere, you're just kind of rubbing it all off and nothing's sticking. So it's really-
Starting point is 00:30:47 It is sticking. It's not a dirty thing. It's a hygiene thing. It's a hygiene thing. What did you think? It was like making it dirty? I just thought it was like, oh, my tile grout is going to be- No.
Starting point is 00:30:55 I had a friend- It's more hygiene. I had a friend growing up and they wore shoes. This was the only shoes off house hold that I- Like right when you walk in the door. Yeah. Shoes off. And I loathed those
Starting point is 00:31:06 parents. They were the worst people in the entire world for making... Did they also have the plastic covers on their couches? No. No, they had a nice home, but you had to take your shoes off. And I vowed I would never have a shoes off policy. You got a problem? Oh, shoes are definitely off in my house. You take
Starting point is 00:31:22 your shoes off. Oh, really? Little kid Mike hates himself. Yes. Yeah. I grew up. He gets your house filthy, man. I am a shoes on. That's fine. But that makes sense, right?
Starting point is 00:31:34 Now, do you leave your shoes on on purpose, or is it more comfortable for you to take them off when you get home? No. I mean, I take my shoes off when I get home, kick them off, throw them somewhere. That's fine. You take more than your shoes off, don't you? I'm usually in my underpants. Almost always.
Starting point is 00:31:47 If you ring the doorbell at my house, wait six minutes before walking. I'm surprised you don't wear tearaways. I will open the door, but I had to find You should put on those tearaways from the basketball game so when you walk in, you can just boom. That's great. That's good advice
Starting point is 00:32:07 Someday your kids will have their own podcast Like the spitballers And they'll talk About Papa Underpants And the horror of their childhood My father Walter White You guys ready to draft? Oh mercy
Starting point is 00:32:22 I guess so The Spitballers Draft You guys ready to draft? Oh, mercy. I guess so. The Spitballers Draft. All right, we're doing something fun. We're doing something new. We are going to be giving away swag packs, Spitballers swag packs. If we end up picking your draft idea,
Starting point is 00:32:42 now you can give us your draft idea. My favorite place to read them is the comments on YouTube. So if you go below, you leave the comments, that's a great place to put your draft ideas. You can also send them through. It's my favorite place. It's my favorite place. You can also send them through at SpitballersPod on
Starting point is 00:33:00 Twitter. You can send them on Instagram. The font, the spacing. Oh, everything. It's incredible. The reading. Beautiful in the comments section. Casey Wasserman was the winner this week. Is this a he or she there,
Starting point is 00:33:16 Al? Don't know. I don't know. Casey, he, she, here's the idea. A Game of Thrones Battle battle royale so we've had a lot of different ideas people wanting us to draft game of thrones characters for different uh purposes maybe just draft your favorites but we're going to do a game of thrones Battle Royale draft. Casey, congratulations. You get a swag pack. Al Borland will see to that personally.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Al, please take care of Casey for us. Okay? I will. Comes with wood shavings and paper towels. From Al Borland? From Al Borland. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Because he's also the brony man. I don't know if you know that. Yeah. The red flannel gives you all sorts of purposes. This is a really bad spot to be in the three pick. I mean, it's... Is it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yes. There are two very clear picks. Yeah. So, I'm just interested to know which one you take. Yeah. I am going to go... Andy has the first pick. I have the first pick in this draft.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I'm going to go with uh daenerys okay stormborn of house targaryen first of her name the unburnt excellent i was the queen of the andals and the first men i was really that you did not do that because the breaker of chains i know for sure the mother of dragons if you had not taken the dragons, Mike clearly would have taken the dragons, right? Yeah. There's no doubt. I thought Andy could mess up that pick. I don't think you will.
Starting point is 00:34:53 So I'm really curious where you're going number two here. Yes. Daenerys and her dragons are my pick. And again, this is a battle royale. So Borland, will you lay out kind of the situation? Because sometimes I get confused about how much we're allowed to include in this. Is he even here?
Starting point is 00:35:09 Yeah, he's here. So are you in a Coliseum? Are we doing this again? Is King Triton a real bad pick? Sure. There's no water. We'll go with that. But if you draft somebody that's like, you know, best in the water, is it, I mean i i like our coliseum rule
Starting point is 00:35:28 okay i like being in a coliseum all right i got daenerys then okay i can already hear the music as the dragons fly in so uh my first pick i accrue your your team as I kill them. So I'll take the Night King. Yeah. Let me. I don't know what else you would possibly do. Of course. Let me just ask this. Let me ask this.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Andy, if you didn't take Daenerys, who would you have taken? I might have overlooked the Night King a little bit. I knew it. I knew he would have. I might have overlooked the Night King. I was so hoping that you would go with just a real good warrior character. Because there's great ones. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:36:09 We're going to take a lot of them this draft. But I knew you wouldn't go Night King. So if you took a different character, you still would have gone Daenerys. You would have grabbed your dragons. And I would have had the Night King. I'm so angry. Because that means I've got to. So what are your two bad picks? I'm so angry because that means I've got to. What are your two bad picks?
Starting point is 00:36:27 I'm surprised. I thought for sure that wouldn't even be an issue. Yeah. See, I knew. I did not think Andy would take the Night King. I mean, I respect the pick. I don't think it's a guarantee. You have to take the Night King number two.
Starting point is 00:36:40 The guy who killed the dragon, no problem? The guy who every other person that falls in the draft just says hey you're on my team now you're yeah well pretty powerful also if the night king falls in your draft your entire team is gone other than the other three people we draft yeah well no the night king okay i get it yeah you're right uh look i really wanted the night king and that stinks that is a good pick mike and you're stupid you're fat you're ugly and you're right. Look, I really wanted the Night King, and that stinks. That is a good pick, Mike, and you're stupid, you're fat, you're ugly, and you're sick with a nasal congestion. That is true.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I cannot argue any of those. You took some shots there. Daenerys is gone. The Night King is gone. But never fear, Jason, you can still take Joffrey. There's just no one left of that tier. Like dragons, magical, everything. That's why there's four rounds.
Starting point is 00:37:30 I mean, you get to take back-to-back picks to make up for it. Obviously, I got to go Jon Snow here for my first pick. One of the best warriors. I can get brought back maybe. No, no, you got a combo draft then. If you want resurrection powers, you need to take the person who can do the resurrecting. We'll see. So, look, he's on my team.
Starting point is 00:37:50 That's your final? He's on my team. John, welcome to my team. Now, we can draft. Glad to have you. He died and did not become a part of the Night King army. Yeah. So, John Snow, he's on there.
Starting point is 00:38:04 And, look, I was going to wait. I was going to wait for this pick to come back to me for my last round. part of the night king army yeah uh so john snow he's on there and look i was gonna wait i was going to wait for this pick to come back to me for my last round and i'm fairly confident that it would have happened that it would have got back to me that you guys would have overlooked this character you got a little bit of a wait hold on but because i've got yeah you write it down mike what you think i'm taking um okay and uh because i absolutely am outmatched here from a power standpoint um i are you looking for his name i am looking for you frantically looking for it yes because uh it's the name i have written down on my on my tab it is you know the I do. I'm not going to tell you what it is, though. It's Mag Martondo Weg. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I have no idea who that is. I do not know who that is either. Because that's not the name he's referred to in the show. If he was very rarely referred to as Mag the Mighty, but we know him as the Giant. I'm taking. Are you taking one of the Giants? I'm taking the Mag the Mighty, the Giant. That's what I wrote down,'re taking one of the Giants? I'm taking the... Yeah, Mag the Mighty. The Giant that fought alongside...
Starting point is 00:39:07 That's what I wrote down, but that's not the name I have for him. Hmm. Well... Do you have one-one? Yes. Yeah, I have one-one. Yeah, one-one. Well, I'm taking...
Starting point is 00:39:14 You've got a Giant. I'm taking a Giant. All right. You're just taking a generic Giant because all the best picks are gone. Got it. Mike, you're back on the clock. Yeah, being in the middle here without the bookend picks makes things a little bit tougher.
Starting point is 00:39:30 We're still in the range where there are plenty of picks to go around. Like a little bit of magic left. Some great warriors. See, I think that this draft has to lean on being a warrior. And it's hard because, look, I'll just say, we all know the characters of Game of Thrones. If you take Tyrion in a draft like this, you drafted a dwarf and you threw him in the middle of a coliseum.
Starting point is 00:39:59 He doesn't get to use his mind to assemble a secret flanking army. Yeah. Because he's just a dwarf. Cersei's vicious, but the giant's going to step on her. Right, right. So this is a battle royale. So you've got to think differently. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:13 It's something I should have said after your picks. And what's interesting is I'm going through in my head, okay, well, this person, it's like I'm doing algebra over here. This person beats this person, it's like, I'm doing algebra over here. This person beats this person, so that means C, she has to be able to beat A for sure, even though it's fighting. You know you can't just make that leap. Oh, goodness. All right, I'm going to get some girth on my team.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I'm going to take the mountain. It was in strong consideration for me uh with this next pick the mountain obviously a big boy oh yes big problem well that'll make uh i've got to go to now and i don't even know which version i want yeah what the post-dead version or the uh they're neither of them are very good looking i don't know i don't know about that sorry but the the pre-frankenstein mountain if i could go ahead and swap bodies with that not good looking guy sign me you know as funny as that after just admit he's like the world's strongest man he uh just admitted just not that it's a surprise but just steroid use fill his life is filled with it what yeah that guy yeah
Starting point is 00:41:23 all right my combo is uh'm going to actually go. I'm going to do a couple of interesting things here. I'm going to counter your mountain with the hound. Okay. I'm going to take the hound because he's been nothing but a ruthless, Coliseum-style warrior for the duration of the show. And then I'm going to bring in another pure warrior with a caveat of defending his love. I'm bringing in Khal Drogo.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Yeah, he was between Drogo and the Mountain. I'm taking Khal Drogo. Not only is he a warrior that stands alone, but he will defend Daenerys to his demise. So I'm taking the Hound. I tried like crazy. And I'm taking Khal Drogo. To get this draft pushed back a couple weeks
Starting point is 00:42:05 because there's just no chance I can win from this spot. Those are such good picks. Oh, thank you. Thank you. So I've got Daenerys, the Hound, and Cal Drogo. I'm getting ugly and fat and stupid. Yes. So we're moving back to Mike.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Here's something that's funny. Who's your team so far? The Night King and the Mountain. Okay, you are evil. You are one evil guy. Here's something that's interesting. So we're recording this before the current previous episode comes out. So I wonder how our view of these characters will change by the time this episode is released.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Like, oh, man, my dude just died. All right, Mike, you have got... This is the hardest pick of the draft. You got to go back to the well. You got to figure out what you want. Is it a dead character? Is it an alive character? Is it another bad, evil character?
Starting point is 00:42:59 You seem to be assembling... This is what I'm doing. You're taking your on, probably. I'm doing it. The most hated team. Doing the algebra of this person beat the hound. This person then beat that person. It's like, so are they actually?
Starting point is 00:43:16 No, you can't use UFC math here. It doesn't work. This is skill. This is talent. Yeah, and the problem is that you're fighting multiple teams at once. It's not like you just get a focus on one. All right. And you can't take...
Starting point is 00:43:31 And you know what? The most recent episode is actually swaying this pick because we're in the Coliseum. We got hand-to-hand combat going on, but I need someone who not only are they elite at hand-to-hand combat, they can use a bow. They can throw knives if they need to. So I'm taking Arya. I am taking Arya Stark, who is apparently quite the marksman.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Yeah, she's a very powerful character. She was my next pick. Yeah. You stupid idiot. Could she do some stuff with the faces in there? Yeah, probably. Oh, hey, guys. It's me, John Snow.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Don't mind me. That's how John Snow talks. He puts his arms up real high. Hello, everybody. It's me. Jonathan Snow. Nice to meet you. I work for Geico.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I should just throw my draft at this point i just have no chance oh my goodness i mean i i realized there's there's one pick i am so tilting i've only got one i know one of my picks okay one one pick that's there's one pick that i think is sneaky, is super devious and super sneaky. Really? Yes. Interesting. Well, I wish I got it. I don't.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Here we go. I'm going to take with one of my first two picks. I know I'm taking Oberyn because he is the viper. He destroyed the mountain. I mean, he got cocky. Jason, I believe you say a win is a win. Sure. No, no, no. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:45:08 I'm going to coach him up here. Not get too cocky. You know my point. He did destroy the mountain in single hand combat until he got cocky and just, you know, the rest is a disgusting history. But now,
Starting point is 00:45:22 it's like, okay, there's old warriors.'s uh there's so many possible picks but they're all to make that will not make the difference that won't make the difference that's the problem oh that's why i feel like you got to go with this pick well then tell me let's talk about this pick mike just give me a hint. Like the first name. What's the first name of the character? It starts with one of the letters in our alphabet. Does this character not have a name?
Starting point is 00:45:56 I already drafted her. But there's another one. Oh. No, look. Oh, my gosh. Heavy breathing. I'm going to take a two-handed Jamie Lannister. I'm going to take, I mean, you know, he's the best warrior in the world.
Starting point is 00:46:13 And I like my team. Like, I know they're all going down in the fight. Don't get me wrong. I don't like my team as the victors. But I actually like my whole team. I love, Oberyn was maybe my favorite character of the entire series. So what's your whole team? Oberyn, Jamie? Jon Snow, Jamie Lannister,
Starting point is 00:46:32 Oberyn, and who was my second pick? Mag the Mighty. Yeah, Mag the Mighty. I've got the giant. So I like my team. There's nothing wrong with that team. There's nothing to be ashamed of. I'm calling them over for a timeout right before the Coliseum battle. Here's my goal.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Go in there and just take as many down from both parties as you can before we're out. That's my goal. Cause havoc. Have fun out there. Die noble. Do your worst. Yeah. Before the dragons get you, do your best.
Starting point is 00:47:03 There you go. Mike, you get your final pick. I have like four or five names written down for my last pick, and I don't know which one to go with, but I think I know who you're going with. I'm so torn on this pick because this pick makes absolutely no sense for your team. Yeah. Okay. Is this the one you wanted Jason to take?
Starting point is 00:47:20 Yeah. Well, you got to take it. What's your team so far? So far, I have the Night King, the Mountain, and Ary and aria stark all right take your final pick oh gosh because denarius gets her dragons right correct uh-huh oh man it's so it's so right like i feel like this is one of those like am i overthinking it yes for the uh for the for the votes most, you make a bad fourth pick. Keep that in mind. That is shockingly true.
Starting point is 00:47:50 You normally submarine yourself here. But I want to know what this pick is. Go for it. All right. Whatever. I'm going to do it anyways. Yes. I'm taking Brian.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Yeah. That's dumb. Also. No. Also, no. I get it. Because I just drafted a dragon. Oh, because you can warg into the dragon. Yes, you think you can warg into one of mine? You're 100% you can warg into the dragon.
Starting point is 00:48:15 So I can kill your dragon. He hasn't warged into one yet. No, not yet. Real quick. He hasn't needed to. Can he control them or can you just see what they see? No, he takes over. I'm pretty sure that you just selected like a whole flock of ravens to attack everybody on the field.
Starting point is 00:48:29 No, I took the dragon. You also are handicapped. Yeah, no, that's the problem with him. Now, while you can't move or get away from us, as soon as you're gone, the dragons are no longer warring, right? Yes. Okay, that'll be quick. Okay, so you went with... I'm so mad at you, Mike, even though I encouraged that pick,
Starting point is 00:48:46 because if one of you two win, which clearly you will, I want it to be you, because Andy and I are closer in the overall list. All right, I am surprised that you did not take one of your favorite characters, Tormund. The Tormund Giantsbane, the big red-headed. I do love him. My eyes have always been blue.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Is the big one here? I am closing out my team with a powerhouse. I've got the balls to make this pick. Grey Worm! Grey Worm is the pick. Very nice. Another loyal Daenerys friend of Daenerys. And so I will finish up Daenerys,
Starting point is 00:49:26 the Hound, Khal Drogo, and Grey Worm, the Noble Fighter. I can't believe that Bran of Tarth is on the waivers. That's where I was going to go. I was just going to take her. Because it was the same thing. So is Ned. I mean, Ned is on the waivers as well. Yeah, Ned's going to be headless
Starting point is 00:49:41 real soon. I thought about, can you take some Starks and get their wolves in there too? Because they've got the wolves with them. Oh, yeah. Well, if they've got their wolf, does Jon Snow still have his wolf? The answer is yes. He's on my team. Cool.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Does Arya still have her wolf? Yeah, I'm really glad I brought this up. All right, did you guys? It's not dead, but she doesn't have it. Did you guys learn anything on today's episode of the show? I learned that blue whales don't have a face. Oh, gosh. But $4 billion worth of punch-outs.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I don't think we learned anything because I learned that blue whales do have a face. So, which is it? We need a ruling from Al Borland. Mr. Borland, do whales have a face? Yeah, whales absolutely have a face. Okay. I learned nothing at all. The best thing to learn is nothing.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Thank you for tuning in, subscribing, listening, supporting the podcast. Weigh in on the draft in the comments below. See you next time. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out SpitballersPod.com. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. If you want to hear more, if you want access to the full archive, ad-free,
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