Spitballers Comedy Podcast - Spit Hits: An On-Air Injury & Creating A Concert - Comedy Podcast

Episode Date: July 22, 2021

Spit Hit for July 22, 2021: After a brutal on-air injury, Jason wonders if he will ever sit again. Then, Andy accidentally reveals the secret identity of Producer Borland. After some compelling ‘Wou...ld You Rather’ and ‘Great Questions’, we dive into a draft to create the best lineup for our first annual Spitballapalooza music festival. Subscribe and tell your friends about another funny episode of The Spitballers Comedy Podcast! Connect with the Spitballers Comedy Podcast: Become an Official Spitwad: SpitballersPod.com Follow us on Twitter: Twitter.com/SpitballersPod Follow us on IG: Instagram.com/SpitballersPod Subscribe on YouTube: YouTube.com/Spitballers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh man this this spit hits today it's a classic we had to bring this one back because i might or might not get injured on this episode oh this is the one while sitting and also also look maybe maybe you're new maybe you've been around for a long time but al borland you want to know who he really is you want to know his secret identity? Both of those things are on today's exceptional spit hits. Enjoy. What happens when three buffoons give life advice, explore unrealistic situations, and give random topics more thought than they probably deserve? It's the Spitballers Podcast with Andy, Mike, and Jason.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Came in with a tag at the end. You try to let yourself go a little bit, you know? You want to put yourself, you're alone in a phone booth. Yeah. No one can hear you. Just drop a little scat. Drop a little scat. As mama always used to say.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Did you drop a little scat today? Not yet. Need to have my coffee. As you say, over the next hour, we'll drop plenty. Welcome to the Spiv Allers podcast. Back again. Would you rather Situation Room and a very special draft on the show today? A draft-a-palooza. Fair.
Starting point is 00:01:44 That is fair. That is the tease we need. Thank you. Thank you. Andy, Mike, and Jason back again. Find us on Twitter at SpitballersPod. You can follow Mike at FFHitman. Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:57 You can follow Jason at JasonFFL. I'm at Andy Holloway. So follow us on Twitter and Instagram. The website, SpitballersPod.com. I will say this. We appreciate all the submissions, the ideas, the different segment topics and questions on life advice and draft ideas. We love them. Keep sending them. We will use them on the show. They are a lot of fun. So very excited to get going.
Starting point is 00:02:23 How do you find gentlemen doing today i'm a little full oh yeah you know sometimes people are like did you overeat you know i did i did at lunch today you know first time for everything right i just feel like my emotional state is pretty much the same as my hunger state. Full. Well, like, maybe I'm angry because I'm not full, right? Okay. So I don't think of myself as angry when you're like, what's wrong? How are you feeling?
Starting point is 00:02:57 Hungry would be my answer. Right now. You don't drop the hangry? Well, of course I do. I mean, don't be ridiculous. I get very hangry, but that's how I feel right now. I feel full. Actually, that's be ridiculous. I get very hangry, but that's how I feel right now. I feel full. Actually, that's not true. Full of life.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I feel too full. That's more appropriate. Well, I hope that translates to a very entertaining show. Mike, you doing well? Spectacular. All right, let's get going. Would you rather? All right. All right. Our first would you rather? All right.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Our first would you rather question of the episode, would you rather be a cartoon in real life or a real person in a cartoon? Interesting. So in one, I get to have everything around me be cartoony. Like I get to live in Toontown yeah so we have there's a reference point for this of who framed roger rabbit both of these things exist in that movie uh space jam as well oh touche space jam you get to see actually both of those happen because during that movie um bugs bunny comes back to the real world it's's true. To take Michael Jordan's shoes, I think, to get his shoes and his bag and brings them back in.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Because he didn't have his shoes. He couldn't play without his shoes. I can't even remember. Yeah, that's what happens. I think the last time I saw Space Jam was in the theater. I want to be a real person in the cartoon world. Do you want to know why? I do.
Starting point is 00:04:22 You want to be Detective Eddie. real person in the cartoon world. Do you want to know why? I do. You want to be Detective Eddie. Because I have three children and I have watched a lot of cartoons over the last ten years. And there's something spectacularly happy and normal
Starting point is 00:04:36 about cartoon universes where everybody's happy. I'm thinking of like, if I'm living in the world of Paw Patrol, it's just a happy little town. I would not be okay living in the world of Paw Patrol, it's just a happy little town. I would not be okay living in the world of Paw Patrol. Maybe not Paw Patrol. No, living in the world of Paw Patrol,
Starting point is 00:04:52 that's the matrix where they made everyone happy and it broke. It doesn't work. They had to remake it. Paw Patrol, oh, my goodness. I cannot handle Paw Patrol. Chase is on the case. You want to be in Caillou's World, Mike? Look, I never watched it.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I know that. Caillou's World is like an Apple commercial. It's just white. Congratulations. Just walking around in a white studio. I did watch, not Caillou. There's another one. I'll think of it.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I just think that cartoon worlds are so often just, it's pristine. It's perfect. The weather's fine every day. Rolling hills. Nothing goes wrong in these simple cartoon worlds. So you think of modern day cartoons, because to me, if I live in a cartoon world, I'm in Warner Brothers, old Disney movies where- Where you're getting hit with a hammer?
Starting point is 00:05:40 Yeah. You're getting anvils dropped on you. There's no thought given to the world of anatomy and laws of physics. Yeah, you're going to drive right into the mountain because someone moves the tunnel picture. As long as you don't look down, you can't fall down. Mine is much more the Winnie the Pooh's world. It's just fine. It's a little realistic.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Docile. Sometimes it's a windy day. Sometimes I've got too much honey. Big deal. There's no, like, I'm shocked that you would take the person in the cartoon world. For me, it's so clearly I would rather be the cartoon in the real world. Because if I am the cartoon, if I'm the cartoon, that means two amazing things for me. And these two reasons are the only reasons that i would
Starting point is 00:06:25 that i would never consider the other one i'm immortal you know you know there's no no no no there's i don't know i don't have the juice around here the dip i don't have the dip if someone comes around with an eraser you better be you better be afraid look you i can i'll be back to who run over yeah i can get run over yeah but you're living i could jump off of any height. You're two dimensional. There's 3D cartoons. No, there are not. Everybody you come to love, they just live and age and die and you're still around.
Starting point is 00:06:54 But more important than my awesome cartoon immortality is the fact that I have the cartoon superpower of reaching behind me. I can grab anything I want from out my back. Oh, from right behind you? I thought you just meant you would be able to scratch your back, which is something you cannot do. No, that's also true. How do people get there? I'm a wide man.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I have back pockets. I've never been able to use them. So at any moment you need anything, you just pull it out of your invisible cartoon back pocket. I reach back there, and I've got a giant hammer, which is usually what you need. Wouldn't that be great? He makes that choice.
Starting point is 00:07:31 He becomes a cartoon in a real world. He thinks he can pull anything out, and every time he pulls a hammer out. That's all he can get. Hammer after hammer after hammer. What problem in this world cannot be solved by a hammer? With a giant cartoon hammer? With a giant cartoon hammer. If I had free reign with a giant cartoon hammer, I'd do some work.
Starting point is 00:07:47 That's for sure. Maybe it doesn't solve the problem that other people want the solution. Right. It solves my problems. Are you driving a little slow in front of me on the freeway? You're getting so many hammers thrown at your car. Yes. Which one are you going with, Mike?
Starting point is 00:08:02 We split over here. Got to be the tiebreaker yeah i mean this is really important to him well i'm i'm trying to give this some real thought mr back scratcher well because this could happen so definitely think this through before you say something you're gonna regret do you realize that you could make that statement about everything we say in this show? That is very fair. That's your comeback? I know you are, but what am I?
Starting point is 00:08:29 I stand by it. Proud of it. How dare you give real thought to this hypothetical question? I'm going to be the real person in the cartoon world. I think you would be unique. I think you would be unique. I agree. You'd probably be unique in the other situation too eh well because when you're the real when you're the real person i'm i'm basing all this off of roger rabbit rules he had cartoon powers once he entered the world of toontown
Starting point is 00:08:59 he could get flattened he could fall off of a building. So I still get all the powers. This is a fun question. But everyone else is the weird looking one. Yeah. Yeah. Not me. Everyone else is the normal. That's the normal.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Yeah, to them. You need to think a little harder, Jay. Yeah. Let me know if you need me to scratch your back, by the way. Tom says, would you rather drop everything that was ever thrown to you or everything you throw falls embarrassingly short? Tom is a monster. So lay this out for me, Borland.
Starting point is 00:09:35 What am I throwing on a regular basis where I am due for some humiliation here? Don't you coach youth sports? Not if I had this problem, I wouldn't. You throw things all the time. You toss your buddy the car keys. In our office, often we will throw a water bottle or a soda can. So in this scenario, if everything I throw falls embarrassingly short, all of a sudden, Jason is competition for me on the basketball court?
Starting point is 00:10:04 Well, I think that I'm now competition. This is fighting words. Mike's now competition? Yeah, I mean, Brooks will beat you. And that's saying something. How dare you? See, if you threw everything embarrassingly short, you would get out of some of that aforementioned work that Mike just described.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Hey, I need the keys. I need the water bottle. Andy, can you throw that? I would actually just start getting up, walking across the room. No, you would have to be the walker. I would still ask Andy for things, but he would have to walk them over to me. Yeah. You don't get out of it.
Starting point is 00:10:40 You're still doing favors. If I drop everything people throw to me, I'm going to be messy. People are going to throw things to me that I'm going to drop on my foot or hit me in the shirt or hit me. I mean, you can drop them in a myriad of ways. And you think that I'm not going to Andy Think Fast. You're darn right. And just throwing like – I'm throwing ice cream at you.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Yes. I mean, you want that. I do want – In general circumstances, you would throw ice cream at me. You are a great friend for throwing ice cream. Yeah, because I'm grabbing it out of the air with my amazing catch powers to put in my mouth. These scoops. Just grabbing them out of the ice.
Starting point is 00:11:14 That's what I saw. I saw scooped ice cream. You are throwing a Neanderthal. What are you doing? Are you throwing me pints? Yeah, but that's how you eat it by the carton. I'll pick it up and eat it. Thank you, Mike. I'm going to get you. Right, what's the problem with him having a pint of ice cream in front of him?
Starting point is 00:11:30 I dropped a little bit of ice cream that I get for free. It could create a mess. Very melty ice cream. I prefer you throwing me just handfuls of ice cream. This is a pride question here. This is which one means more to you. Because do you want to catch everything? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:11:49 Well, you don't get to catch everything. You just can't catch anything. You don't get the opposite here? No, you do not get the opposite power. Well, you catch at your current percentage rate, which is probably... So then I catch everything. You're probably a 90% catcher. I mean, that's really low.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I am a 98% catcher. I just don't see a world where I'm throwing and catching things all over the place where this is going to affect me either way. You should pay attention. I'm just withdrawing. I will. I will, Mike. I'm going to make a log. I'm going to write down everything I throw and catch for the next year. It'll be two pages long. I'm going
Starting point is 00:12:20 to choose to drop the things that people throw at me because I can make excuses for that you know what I mean I can say oh I didn't like yeah I can say I'm very full or act like I didn't see them throwing it you know what I mean it's like oh Andy can you can you throw me those keys or whatever and then I'm gonna look away and then oh you know oh that was rude Andy you always turn away when people throw you stuff and then then whatever. I will stop. But can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to be like.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Imagine in a snowball fight. Oh, someone asks you to throw you something. Yeah, hey, can you throw me whatever. It's like, who just drops right. I think about when people throw out the first pitch. Yeah. 50 cent out there throwing that first pitch. It just hits the dirt.
Starting point is 00:13:03 You get the honor. Game seven. Yes. Of the World Series, Jason Moore. We need you to come throw out the ceremonial first pitch. And you know what? I have to refuse. I'm going to throw that first pitch because I can no longer catch. Fair. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:13:19 All right. Would you rather take a cold shower every day? No. Or only be able to take a hot shower every other week. I mean. Define cold. You got to go ice. It's cold.
Starting point is 00:13:34 You got to go icy here because to me, I enjoy a cold shower. I know we've discussed. Yes. Yeah. He's got more of a hide. He's got more of a hide. Hide? He no longer has skin.
Starting point is 00:13:48 He has a scaly hide? I figure if you can absorb cold water. What all has a hide? A rhinoceros? He has a rhino, elephant, a boar. Can you think of any thin animals that have a hide? Or is this part of like... Turtles. Turtles have a hide? And turtles are thin animals that have a hide? Or is this part of like... Turtles.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Turtles have a hide? And turtles are thin? They have a shell. That doesn't apply on either level. They do not have a hide. They're thin this way. Like a pancake? Like a piece of paper.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Pancake turtle. Oh, man. Great. So I'm just, I mean, my point is, look, this is grounded in some reality. We've been in cold weather before where you have worn. You exposed the hide. You've exposed your hide. You withstood cold temperatures at a far greater rate than Mike and I could.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I run hot. That's what I'm saying. That is not an exaggeration. This morning. Because of your hide. This morning. I run hot. That's what I'm saying. That is not an exaggeration. This morning. Because of your hide. This morning. This is what happened.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I woke up at 6.30 a.m. I got to get in the shower before I head to the studio. I go. I shower. I don't take hot showers. I like warm showers. I'm the same. I do warm-ish.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I can't do it. I would say more cool than warm. My wife will boil herself alive in her shower. She comes out red as a fresh cooked lobster. As a tomato. As other red things. As a stop sign. I can't handle that. Fire engine.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Thank you. Let's keep them coming. A brick. No parking lane. An ambulance. stop sign i can't handle that as a fire engine thank you let's keep them coming a brick the no parking lane um so an ambulance ambulance is coming a lot of colors mike um so here's the thing i take this cool shower this warm shower i come out i'm getting dressed i put a shirt on i cannot stop sweating what did you do though what did you do that day i just told you i woke up and i was sweating i mean just i i had to put myself we have this like we need to schedule him an appointment we have this um uh air purifier that we all we can put
Starting point is 00:16:00 that thing on like go mode where it's just so clean. And I use this to cool down. This is my cool down machine. I go right in front of this thing. Why don't you buy a fan? I will only be cooled by the purest airs. This guy. I need a HEPA 6 fan, please.
Starting point is 00:16:19 This air is dirty. Yeah, look, I got clean air blowing in my face, and I can't cool down. I've done, and I thought to myself. So you're taking cold shower every day. I thought to myself, I have done nothing. I walked 20 feet. I took a shower in water. Yeah, you got something wrong with you, bro.
Starting point is 00:16:36 I'm still a little wet from the most people be freezing and I'm putting freezing cold air on me and I can't stop sweating. I definitely have health issues right now. You're taking the cold shower. I'm taking the cold shower. A hundred percent. This is tough because a hot shower when you are dirty is incredible.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Right. Yes. And what? I will be desperate for a shower in two days max. Yeah. I mean, and now I got to wait another, you either take cold showers or you stink.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Right. In Arizona, this is a problem. Well, you can just jump in the pool every day. If you take a cold shower, you can take... Or chlorine bath. I've been on trips before, places that don't have hot water. I've had to do the cold shower thing for multiple days in a row.
Starting point is 00:17:15 It stinks, but you just end up taking rocket ship fast showers. And I'm talking, when it's really cold, you're in, you're out, you scrub what you need, you get on out of there. Yeah. So I think I'll stay clean with the cold showers. And enjoying showers is out, but I never smell. I'm changing this to one a week, Andy. A hot shower once a week.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Oof. What would be the limit? What is the day? What is every four days? I think the limit is three days. I think I need a three. If I could take a hot shower every three days, unlimited time in there, because obviously it's just a shower, and I could get fully clean.
Starting point is 00:17:52 12 hours. Just fully clean. 12 hours of a good shower. Because I'm trying to put myself in the – this is not just neutral water. This is cold water. Yes. This is a cold shower. You are not – I mean, isn't there something – Borland, you're a scientist, right?
Starting point is 00:18:05 Isn't there something about just the pores on your skin and being able to clean yourself with hot water? You clean better. Yeah. That's why you wash things in hot water, right? Correct. Yeah, I think the steam or something opens up your pores. There's a sanitation element. I don't know if you get as clean in cold water.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Well, there are benefits to cold water as well. It just reflects off your hide. Like if you work out, yeah, all my pores. I don't have pores. You have scales. So the cold water is fine. I guess we're good. We're good here.
Starting point is 00:18:33 You got to take the cold water. It's just, you can't stink. I would say four days. Now, four days? I think I could do. You could go four days? I don't want to, nor do I, but I think at this question, that's the threshold where you'd go, man. You know what?
Starting point is 00:18:48 Freezing cold every day or every fourth. What about your wives? Because women don't smell as fast as men smell. Generally. That is a fact as far as I know. They don't sweat as much. They don't smell as much. I've got twins, a boy and a girl.
Starting point is 00:19:03 One's stinky? One's stinky. I mean i mean well do they get your high note does he know yeah we oh we've got the deodorant in the house now so they take care of i feel like you know and women like longer showers too probably right you said your wife likes a nice long hot shower nobody could take longer showers than me than you take the longest, but it's just cold? It's warm. It's just not scalding my skin off my body, despite the fact that some people out there believe
Starting point is 00:19:32 that I have a hide. I have very gentle skin. You're actually very thin skin. I am pretty thick skin, so I don't know. I'm learning a lot about myself. Alright, let's move on. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I'm learning a lot about myself. All right, let's move on. The Situation Room. All right, jumping into The Situation Room. I have not read any of these. Have you guys read anything? I have read it. Okay. I have not.
Starting point is 00:19:58 You have been arrested but given no explanation at all, and you are not allowed any phone calls, what would your family and friends assume you did? So they know I've been arrested. Is that right, Borland? Correct. They know I've been arrested. I don't ever get to talk to them.
Starting point is 00:20:15 They have to now guess what crime I've committed. Wow. Securities fraud. Okay. Totally. I can see that. I can totally see that that looking for an angle insider trading or something i'm definitely going white collar here i hope they assume white collar they better right i feel like i feel like mine might be some sort of criminal speeding accidental
Starting point is 00:20:43 well yeah i mean i don't know do you i've i've uh i've done the criminal speeding they do not actually arrest you for that depends on where you are my man sure um no i i fear that they would think like public indecency no just like just like he was probably too hot tried to make a break across this place. Got caught. I tried to make a break for it. You know, took his garbage can out and shouldn't have done that. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:21:14 The boxer garbage can. Oh, I've done it. Yeah. Yeah, I've done it. It depends on what shape I'm in. You want the neighbors to see. I'm taking them out. It's legit.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I've been doing my glutes. If I had one of those upper bodies where it's like I got the six-pack abs, the pecs, I would never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever think for a moment about whether or not I should throw a shirt on before I head out. Well, it's mean to your neighbors if you wore the shirt. Exactly. You're not. This is not for me. This has nothing to do with. Exactly. You're not. This is not for me.
Starting point is 00:21:45 This has nothing to do with my ego. That's right. This is for them. Feast your eyes. But it's rude for my neighbors. Sir, the garbage came yesterday. The garbage was yesterday. Why do you take your trash out every morning, sir?
Starting point is 00:22:00 Because I no longer get a paper. That's right. That's right. That's right. I miss getting papers. Except for... You got a... Wait. Did you have a paper subscription at one point?
Starting point is 00:22:11 Of course you did. We all grew up with them. That's true. I'm asking, did you ever have a paper subscription? As an adult. For a small period of time. Oh my goodness. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Well, I'm 35. We're all older than you. I moved out when i was 19 you're telling me 15 years ago you didn't want the paper yes that's what i'm telling you learn to read we can read online this is the internet exists you were aol keywording back then um when i moved out chat rooming back yeah tell you that much yeah i was i was busy at college i wasn't like let me get my morning paper well some of us grew up before others it was grew up when they were eight years old yeah well very well all right so what would they assume you did mike this is interesting i mean it's kind
Starting point is 00:22:56 of a question for us too yeah so i'll go with uh with with parents. The parents would have thought, because I'm a tech guy, they're going to think that Mike pulled off some elaborate computer hack that I don't actually have. Mr. Robot over there. I don't have the ability to do any of that stuff. But back when they couldn't use tech, and I actually could, it was pure magician wizard powers. Once people are above a certain age, if you work in tech, you have
Starting point is 00:23:26 all of the possible technological abilities of every person in that age. I watch 24. Give me the satellite photos. That's exactly right. People come to me all the time. I work in a pod... I do podcasts. As far as they're concerned, I am an advanced videographer. It's all the same.
Starting point is 00:23:42 If it's technology, if they saw it in a radio shack in the last 30 years, I know how to do it. Our old company, we were a gaming company and primarily on Facebook early on. Facebook gaming, that was a long time ago. I'm pretty confident
Starting point is 00:23:57 that some of my extended family members thought I helped invent Facebook. It's like, no, I just make games on Facebook. They haven't hit you up for money yet? Oh, that was a long time. Give me some of that Facebook money. I got the paper before that job.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I'll tell you that. You got the paper? That's blowing my mind. You can still get a paper. That can't blow your mind. Borland, Borland, when's the last time you got a paper? Did you get one as an adult? When I lived with my parents.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Dang it. Yeah. Dang it. You guys don't like reading the paper? No. Did you bathrobe were you out there in the road i would if i could you guys bought me a rocking chair for my birthday and it was appropriate for you to read your paper that you still get and we know you get that wait wait how many how many subscriptions did you have at one time just one oh uh just the local paper. Honest to goodness. No joke.
Starting point is 00:24:45 What do you think? I got the New York Times coming in, the Wall Street Journal. We need to remember for next year. For his birthday. For his birthday, we get him a subscription to the Arizona Republic. Oh, that's just the worst. That's the worst because that's a little reminder of my old age. Every morning, delivered to my house.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Do you know what that would be for me? I would like it. I know you would like it. The rocking chair was kind of a joke, but I also, why it worked was because it was like, it's a joke, but he's going to like this. I sat in it this morning. He's going to love it. If we got him a paper, he would love it.
Starting point is 00:25:17 If you guys got me a paper, that would literally be the rudest, meanest thing that you could do. Because you have to go out front every morning. And you want to know what would happen? You walk to the trash can. One month later, there'd be 30 papers in my driveway. People would think that you were on vacation trying to rob you. Yeah, and then I'd be standing on the inside of the door. Ha ha!
Starting point is 00:25:38 You thought I read the paper. I can't read. All right. Let's go with this one, this situation room. I guess this is trending on Reddit right now. Is that correct, Jeremy? That's correct. Whoa, who's Jeremy?
Starting point is 00:25:53 Who's that guy? Edit, undo. You can fill a pool. De-hance. You can fill a pool with anything you want. However, you must jump onto it from 30 feet up in the air. If you survive, you keep whatever it's filled with. What would you fill the pool up with?
Starting point is 00:26:14 Now, I think this is important to quickly state 30 feet is a lot of feet. Yes. How high is one story? I would say 12 feet, maybe. 10 to 12. 10 to 12 feet. So this is not a... Let's put it this way.
Starting point is 00:26:27 If you jump 30 feet on a concrete, what happens, Al Borland? Explosion? Chris Blatt. Yeah. Do you survive a 30-foot jump? No, you don't survive a 30-foot jump. I'm speaking to Albert. I would guess not, but it is honestly not my area of expertise.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I think you can survive. I think you could break a lot of bones and survive. Well, I mean, you can survive. Yeah, your legs would be broken. People have survived an airplane. Have you ever jumped off a roof, like a 10 to 12 foot roof? Back in the day when my bones were younger. It doesn't feel good, though.
Starting point is 00:26:54 No. When I was growing up, we had friends of our family that they had a diving pool, and they replaced their diving board with, they built a high dive, and it was probably 10 feet tall. Wow. You knew someone with a high dive? Yeah. Oh, they lived in Fountain Hills. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:27:14 That was fancy. I hope they had a real deep – It was. I mean, it was deep enough. There was no injuries that I know of. But let me tell you something. Except for poor Johnny Johnny this is when I was right but we don't talk we don't talk about him anymore um I was not a fearful kid uh you know
Starting point is 00:27:35 I'm not afraid of roller coaster not afraid of heights not jumping off that thing was scary I mean it was like climbing up there like, oh, my God. And this is into a regular pool of water and from 10 feet, 30 feet. If you just made it water, it would be painful. If it was 30 feet, water is going to be rough. Water is going to be rough. You could go feathers, but then you get a pool full of feathers is what you receive. If you go feathers, is it even holding you?
Starting point is 00:28:05 No, you're dead. You're going through. Yeah dead you're going through yeah you're going through but whatever pillows okay if you give me a big pool my wife pillows if they were decorative pillows my wife would be so happy this would be so interesting because if you were in this situation this is the this is like modern day walking the plank right but you're picking what's down below Do you get greedy or do you just want to live? Do you want to fill it with pillows? And then, oh, great. Like you said, your wife. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Ladies, what genetic disorder do you have where you need 37 pillows on the bed? Well, it's not just the bed. I can't take it. It's my couch. Yes. Yes. Are they competing with each other? They're very decorative.
Starting point is 00:28:50 These pillows. Is just a fantasy league these pillows generally cost 60 plus dollars they're super uncomfortable and they're on they're not oh there's like little pillies on them and they're all made to know they're all scratchy yeah we we just got animal hide all over them we've been replacing some furniture in our house and we're going through this and i was talking to my wife i'm like good luck i oh it is i mean this is really um uh apparently a husband's versus wives uh a battle right now on the on the on the extra pillows because look i'm gonna let you into some deep dark secret okay we don't make our bed okay Okay? We don't. We haven't. You know when we make our bed? When someone who's never seen our house comes over and we've got to give them a tour and we fake like we make our bed. We don't make our bed.
Starting point is 00:29:34 So maybe once this last year. Twice. Let's say three times. But she bought pillows for the bed you don't make? So that's my point. We don't make the bed, but we've got these pillows that we have to have on the floor now. They're not even there
Starting point is 00:29:49 for the three times a year that we get up in the bed. And we don't even need them to prop us up because we've got the bed that lifts us up. Why do we open these pillows? This has got to be one of the most profound, true differences between men and women is this pillow debate.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Because if you're a man out there and you've got more than 10 pillows on your bed by your own choosing. Let us know. Please, please let me know. Because it's shocking. Like, I have to take them off of the bed so that I can fit on my bed every day. And hey. And I have gone to war on the real ugly ones, the ones that freak me out. I've hid them.
Starting point is 00:30:29 You want to know how to change it. All the pillow manufacturers out there, I should say the pillow designers, because these are decorative pillows that we're talking about. Just make them cozy. Make them comfortable. Yes. Because then they're practical. It would change everything.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I would be okay with it. I like pillows. I just said when you filled a pool of pillows, I'm like, I like pillows. I hate decorative pillows. Make decorative pillows comfortable, and you got me. They feel nice on the hide. 30 feet up is going to be hard for me, even with pillows, to get the guests to make that jump. But at least I know they're pillows.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah. I guess you try to land on your back on pillows. Is that the goal there on the jump? Your back? Yeah, no, you would want to land on your back. Yeah. It's like, yes, it would be like doing a stunt jump where you land on the airbag below. They land on their backs.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Oh, oh, oh. I jumped off. Yes. I jumped off a roof once onto. Onto my back. Onto a trampoline. Oh, i've done that and i thought i thought no big deal i pulled a few muscles in the back because i landed on my foot on my feet and it like it was you tried to go to one foot you gotta go did you go back or do you go feet
Starting point is 00:31:41 off the roof yeah back i would do the day, I would do whatever. Okay. So what are some ideas here? We need to get to the most advantageous. Because obviously, if you fill it with $100 bills. You're dead. Really? Yeah. Think of reams of paper.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Think of reams of paper. That is as hard as the cement. But you don't necessarily die. And I'm talking loose bills, bro. You're sinking into loose bills. You're not going... But to actually fill that thing with loose bills, there would be so many of them.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I think when you hit, it would come back. But I'm willing to break my legs for a certain amount of money. So you are? Let's negotiate. Now listen, an Olympic-sized swimming pool has a volume of 152 million cubic inches. You can fill that pool with 2 billion bills, and it will approximately fill it up. That's $110 billion. Okay, I'm filling the pool with money.
Starting point is 00:32:42 My legs are broken. That is fine. I will buy new legs. That's what I'm saying. Your goal there is this is going to hurt, and then I'm okay. See, my first thought was, like, I want something that I can land in. Crush them up. Crush all the bills up into, like, little balls.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Now you're taking away my money. Yeah, I need a one i only get 20 billion dollars um so i think what hold on what did you just do if you're not watching the youtube version of the show jason just jumped out of his chair like he got stung by a scorpion or electrocuted then he tried to just move on like nothing happened. You don't get away with that. My legs were crossed. Like, my feet were crossed under the table. And I was moving them. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And my knee felt like it was going out. It just popped up. It gets old. You're sitting. I need this money from the pool so I can replace my knees. Your knee went out while sitting. Your knee. I just looked at my knee. Oh, man. Your knee. I just located my knee.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Oh, man, what were you doing? Sitting. I was sitting down, and I moved my leg. I tried to turn slightly to the left. I was trying to sit in a chair. My knee went out. Reconstructive surgery on the way. How'd you tear your ACL, sir? Doctor, will I be able to sit again?
Starting point is 00:34:14 Will I ever be able to sit? Oh, goodness. This show is over. Will I be able to sit? With a lot of rehab and reconstructive surgery, you can record a podcast once again. Oh, my goodness. Now I'm sweaty. I did try.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Oh, yeah. I'm 112 degrees over here. Oh, my goodness. I was thinking about... Jell-O? No, close. Spaghetti-Os with meatballs. You need that much?
Starting point is 00:34:51 Well, because Are you going to eat your way out of it? No, but I get to keep it. Oh my gosh, try swimming through that. Yeah, you're going to submerge and you're never going to eat you're suffocating in spaghetti-Os. Hey, every man dies.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Not every man truly lives. If I go out, you put that on my tombstone. SpaghettiOs. Cause of death? Strangulation by SpaghettiOs. His life wasn't worth a living. He couldn't sit anyway. Got taken out by Chef Boyardee.
Starting point is 00:35:24 All I know is that Scrooge McDuck. He's dead. Scrooge McDuck. There's the family guy gif of him jumping into the room full of coins. Breaks every bone in his body. Oh, my goodness. You got any ideas, Mike? Are we moving on to their draft?
Starting point is 00:35:39 Well, once I heard the amount of dollars. It's quickly. Pain was no object. I'm going for it. Can I real quick just share how good SpaghettiOs and meatballs are? Like legit SpaghettiOs and meatballs. PSA? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Have we talked about this? Have I brought up the way I used to eat them? Oh, I don't want to know. Back in the day. Did you put each SpaghettiO on a part of the fork? No. Cold? Did you eat it cold? No, I did not. to know. Back in the day. Did you put each SpaghettiO on a part of the fork? No. Cold? Did you eat it cold?
Starting point is 00:36:06 No, I did not. Cold SpaghettiOs are fantastic. No, I ate it warm, but I would put cottage cheese on the SpaghettiOs. Go away. It's funny because I think Jason would be 100% content in life with cold SpaghettiOs and Hostess apple pies. L-I-V-I-N. Living.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I've decided I want the pool filled up half with dollar bills and half with jello, and I will break through that jello dollar bill thing. It breaks the rules, right? Yeah. Okay. We're moving on. I'd love to hear what the spitwads out there come up with. The Spitballers Draft. Got any AC in this building? spit wads out there come up with the spit ballers draft oh my goodness he threw out his knee sitting i sat out my knee
Starting point is 00:36:55 um this idea for a draft came in from jumanji44 on Instagram. He says, you need to put together the first ever Spitballapalooza Festival. Each of you must draft your best four band to line up for the music festival. So we're doing Spitballapalooza, and there are some rules. We just mean musical artists, right? Is that fair? Yeah, you can do an artist if you want so uh the rule that we have put in here is that it is a pre y2k spitball of palooza so you must choose artists who are making music before the year 2000 they could have gone into the aughts and beyond but they at least had to be making music in before y2K. So no Taylor Swift getting the ticket sales high.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Right, no panda bear for you, sir. Oh, this won't be a panda bear. Look, there is, you know, I have my- And you have the first pick. Unfortunately, I have the first pick. I have my wheelhouses, which usually revolve around food. And I have my, what are you- Are you undefeated?
Starting point is 00:38:03 What's the opposite? What's the opposite of a wheelhouse? Of a wheelhouse. What is a wheelhouse? A square house, in fact, is thefeated? What's the opposite of a wheelhouse? Of a wheelhouse. What is a wheelhouse? A square house, in fact, is the opposite. Honestly, no. What is a wheelhouse? Why do people say?
Starting point is 00:38:10 The captain's wheelhouse? I imagine that's like where it's his domain. That's their domain. The captain's wheelhouse? Like a captain has the wheelhouse, right? The captain has a quarters. Which quarter would be more square. If you're the captain of a ship, you go up to the wheelhouse to turn the wheel.
Starting point is 00:38:25 A part of a boat or ship serving as a shelter for the person at the wheel. Well, well, well. I feel correct. You are? How you feel? On my boats, we didn't have a wheelhouse. Just a wheel. You're more of a pirate ship guy.
Starting point is 00:38:42 That's right. So whatever the opposite of a wheelhouse is, a place you're very uncomfortable, that is your... Sorry for the distractions here. I'm just really going down with this. Like on a cruise liner? Yeah, there's a wheelhouse. Do they...
Starting point is 00:38:56 We're still doing the big wheel? Like we're still doing this giant... They did the giant wheel in Wally and a robot had to drive it. I mean, I feel like we've got the technology to advance beyond the huge. I don't think there's a big wheel up there anymore. It's more of a, there's computers. No, there's still got to be the giant wheel. I want to know.
Starting point is 00:39:14 There's got to be. Do cruise liners have a giant? I feel like captains would insist on it. That's what I'm saying. If you took the wheel. Sorry, that doesn't do anything. Yes, it does. We're not going to have any more boats because people who want to be a captain would plummet.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Exactly. It's not as. As soon as the. You think those things on a plane do anything? Yeah, they're just sitting there. All right, Jason, you got the first pick. This is the opposite of a wheelhouse for you. This is not your comfort zone.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Yeah. Musical bands. Yeah. your comfort zone yeah musical bands yeah i mean i i have you know very small segments of uh you know music that i was really into for a little while but i'm not like you know the classics i don't know them so i'm gonna take one of my favorite bands that i think were fantastic absolutely loved them i assume this is pre-y2k i guess i didn't think about that you guys we can we can vote you can we'll vet we'll vet vet and vote but this is the only one i can imagine that maybe someone else would take because my other wheelhouse it's coming i'm putting on an r&b
Starting point is 00:40:18 just take the guys you want to take but weezer is a jerk oh see you would have taken weezer yeah that's what i'm talking about i mean weezer's fantastic You're a jerk. Oh, see? You would have taken Weezer? That's what I'm talking about. I mean, Weezer's fantastic. They kick off the show with energy. All their music is great. Yes, they were totally eligible for that. Absolutely. So you've got Weezer with your number one overall pick.
Starting point is 00:40:36 And I'm just so happy that I actually... Because nothing else I take today will have the remotest chance of being... I didn't even want to bring it up. I was going to say there's one band that you can take that's on my list. Wow. That's look, if this one's easy for me because I believe that they would be the greatest headliner of all time. If you take like my first two pictures,
Starting point is 00:40:53 it's going to be really the greatest headliner of all time. It will make Brooks entirely happy. I love them. They changed music and the Beatles are the Beatles are coming to spitball or Palooza for me. I believe it's Beatles. I believe you're wrong. I'm taking the Beatles and I thank Jason for drafting
Starting point is 00:41:10 first. Oh, I mean, come on. Overrated. Well, there you go. There you go. There's a lot of people who think that. I don't actually think that. I just don't hear apathy. The Beatles are absolutely spectacular. The Beatles are good.
Starting point is 00:41:25 You ever been to the Beatles love show, the Cirque show? I have not. I imagine it's great because Cirque shows are great. Yeah, and the Beatles music. Is fine. I got you, Brooks. All right. Well, I'm going to kick it off here with, at least in the 90s, they were one of the biggest bands.
Starting point is 00:41:41 They are one of the biggest and best bands of all time. They make everyone in junior high learn how to play the guitar i will take metallica totally get it they're on my short list for sure i was a big metallica fan for a few years and you learned how to play the guitar in those years i actually did yes because that's what happens when you're in seventh grade if you pick up a guitar yeah now you need to learn how to play Metallica. I was going to combo that with a, with Weezer there just because I'd be playing the draft. I knew that Jason would eventually figure out he should drive Weezer, but I love what he figured it out too soon.
Starting point is 00:42:16 So now I got to play the draft of who is, you got a little, who could possibly get taken from me? So I will go with another very large band. They were the ones that pretty much, well, them and one other band, but they revolutionized pop punk for us growing up in the 90s. Blink-182, they have two of the best albums, along with Weezer. Weezer's Blue Album and then Pinkerton are, in my opinion, the two best back-to-back albums ever produced by a band. In that list, though, you've got to talk about Blink-182's Dude Ranch and Enema of the State.
Starting point is 00:42:57 I saw them live. They were amazing. They are not who they were, obviously, with Tom leaving the band. But Metallica and blink 182 i'm very happy with my start all right all right you got blink 182 i wasn't really into them there were one that i just somehow missed the boat on i get it i didn't like punk music when it came out like blink 182 was 182 was they were they were they were mainstream and since i wasn't in punk yeah they were punk to the, to us alternative grunge listeners.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Yeah, alternative grunge, the 90s. Oh, come on. Oh, yeah. And so I didn't really like them, but I didn't like punk because I feel like nobody could sing it. And who's your pick, Jay? Nice try, Andy. I am not on the clock. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:43:43 This draft feels like I'm playing poker with an amateur because I don't know what in the world Jason will do. I don't know what bands he knows. He doesn't know what he will do. I don't know what he will take. I know my next two picks already because there's no chance you guys take them. Oh, now that makes me rethink my pick entirely. But I'll just go with who I believe deserves to be honored
Starting point is 00:44:05 in the second spot of the Spitballapalooza. I've got the Beatles with number one. And number two, I'm just thinking of rolling up to this show, and I've got to see them live. And it's Queen. Okay. I've got to see Queen. Queen.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Jason was not going to select Queen. Freddie Mercury. Dude could sing. Oh, what a band. Hit after hit after hit after hit gotta go with queen here's something and i'll be the champion i think it's i think it's because of the movie or something but my son is like totally into queen right now he's like i would imagine it's because of the movie right yeah right yeah he's like otherwise he would know have no idea who queen
Starting point is 00:44:43 right well and i was like, what? Unless you guys play a lot of Queen in the Moore household. It's not on our vinyl record player is still at the Holloways. I do have a vinyl player. You're darn right I do. This is really, really, really easy for me. I grew up, basically, I had the little 90s alternative grunge love. And aside from that, sandwiched on both sides and at that same time, was all hip hop, all rap, all.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was what I loved. And look, if we're going and we could take Beatles. We could take whoever you want. We could take whoever we want. I'm bringing Pac and Biggie. Okay. Enemies on the same stage back from the dead.
Starting point is 00:45:29 So you're going back to back, Tupac and Biggie? Tupac and Biggie, West Coast, East Coast. Let's get it on with Weezer. That's very strong. Very, very strong. Well, there you go. I did not listen to them, but I understand the impact. That's very strong.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Well, my worry was, and you scared me for a second when you listen to them, but I understand the impact. That's very strong. Well, my worry was, and you scared me for a second when you already knew them. You talked about 90s. You talked about grunge, alternative. You talked about rock. I was worried you'd take Nirvana, but I'll go ahead and take them right now. I'll take Nirvana, iconic, game changer. They are the next band on my list, and I figured they'll probably get picked,
Starting point is 00:46:04 but I couldn't. This is the truth. This is the least pander bear draft of my life. No, otherwise you would have taken them probably. Because I strategically knew I had to take Nirvana if I want them, but I couldn't get myself to pick either Tupac or Biggie first. They had to come at the turn out of respect for each other. So then they could be back to back. Who was the 2-0? It was Biggie Park.
Starting point is 00:46:28 So Biggie was 2-0-3? No, it was too big. There was no order. You do not put Tupac and Biggie in an order. No, you have written down Tupac, then Notorious B.I.G. I wrote down nothing. Al Borland...
Starting point is 00:46:43 You have to make an official order because when you put him in the list, they're in the order. Don't worry. You won't alienate like one side of the country. You're up, Mike. So, yeah, I've got the Beatles Queen in the Nirvana. Nineteen ninety one was a good year. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:59 So there are there's a couple bands. Oh, man, I'll be done. Yeah. You got you got this yeah because i got the back to back uh right now you're sitting with metallica and blink 182 right yep i'm loving i'm loving this so far and i will go with a band they they burned extremely bright it was unfortunately too short as happens a lot of times with these bands but i will take wait what's your face saying to me over here?
Starting point is 00:47:25 He's worried. Are you trying to figure out who it is? I'm trying to figure out what happened in this draft. What? Borland, we all good? Yeah, as far as I know. What's up? Oh, you went back-to-back picks on your first time.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Oh, man, I thought you only took one. Draft order, I'm very sensitive to that at this point in time. I really thought you only took one last time, so go on. You got your final two picks. Yeah, so they burned bright. I will take Sublime. Oh, man. I was really into Sublime. They are 40 ounces. My goodness. Yeah. That album is absolutely
Starting point is 00:47:58 incredible. Okay. So that makes So I'm seeing your whole adolescence right here. Yes. You can tell which group of kids I was hanging out with. Were you a big Metallica fan? Yes. Okay. Monster Metallica fan.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I just wasn't sure. Blink-182, Sublime, I wasn't sure how into Metallica you were. I got very into Metallica for a little sliver there as well. Went and saw them live at America West Arena. They were awesome. At the finale, they literally lit a man on fire who then... Murder?
Starting point is 00:48:30 No, it was like lit a man on fire who then had to go from the top of the America West Arena on a rope ladder down on fire. Hold on, how was this safe? It was not safe. This is why Cirque du Soleil is so exciting.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Did you look up later, was this actually part of the show? I think I did, because I thought, well, that man died. I was like, dude. And I didn't find any news about it, so that could mean anything. All right. Man, taking the last pick is extremely difficult. I guess I will give the other people a shout-out at the end. I'm going to finish it up.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Oh, my goodness. This is incredibly hard. I'm going to finish it up with the Beastie Boys. Okay. So I'll add a little bit of... So you're a huge Beastie Boys fan? Yeah. Were you a Rage Against the Machine fan?
Starting point is 00:49:20 They are on my list. I wonder. They're on the list. The puzzle pieces are all coming together and i can see the i can see the tapestry mike well you are your adolescence yeah and i was in jinko bands that is true that helped killing it so i've got uh what's your four your four pack you can metallica yeah uh blink 182 sublime beastie boys now see at the end of this even before we do the vote i want to see who are two producers, which show they want to go to.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Sure. I'm just curious. Well, I know which show. I guess Brooks is probably dead set. But this is the hardest pick because when you pick your fourth band, you're eliminating so many others. Man, look, it's very close between two of them, which is the Foo Fighters was a thought. But I'm actually going to go with U2.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I know people don't all love U2, especially later U2. But the quantity of great songs and hits in those earlier albums where the streets have no name, I loved U2. I thought they were absolutely great. One, you know, that's what I'm going with. I no name. I loved U2. I thought they were absolutely great. One, you know, that's what I'm going with. I'm going to go with U2. You got some big time bands there. Huge. Yeah, Sunday Bloody Sunday.
Starting point is 00:50:33 All right. So I'm up. I got the last pick here. I've got just, I love. Oh, please be Sting. Weezer, Tupac, and Biggie. Michael Bolton. Oh, you should have gone Bolton and kenny g back to
Starting point is 00:50:47 back wow um so look uh my i'll just read off the the the names that i've got here these are from the heart bands that i love i've got two of the greatest hip-hop gangster rappers of all time. I'm good there. I want two of the alternative grunge music that I listened to in that time. You realize you made a mistake? No, I'm thinking about what
Starting point is 00:51:18 Jason is taking. There's a whole bunch here. Here's one that you realize is for camera. One of the bands that I love so much, I'm not going to pick them, but I got to give them a shout out. No doubt. I know that sounds weird, but I love No Doubt.
Starting point is 00:51:34 That doesn't sound weird. I equally love Bush. No Doubt was too cool for me. Bush was great. Rage Against the Machine, loved Rage. Just Rage, not the band. Yes. The video game Rage game i'm really between two
Starting point is 00:51:46 here truly those are all just shout outs it's between smashing pumpkins who i absolutely 100 loved everything they put out and tool who made one of the best albums of all time in onoma and i think i've got to go with who pairs best with my spitballers Palooza right like you're putting a show together that's why I went you two over Foo Fighters it fit my billing and look Maynard James
Starting point is 00:52:16 he's going to rock the heck out of this show I'm taking Tool I'm going Tool and Weezer on the outsides of Biggie and Tupac look very interesting you're gonna love the show you might die but you will die yeah the uh the rest of my list was tool rage against machine then I had the offspring oh man I was massively into the offspring and I guess I am a complete pander bear because my, my favorite band,
Starting point is 00:52:45 no effects was not on those lists because they will not get it done in the polls. Yeah. Well, I mean, it's a shout out. No, a little bit of a balance.
Starting point is 00:52:53 So, um, Jason has Weezer, Tupac, notorious BIG and tool. I've got the Beatles, queen Nirvana and you too. Obviously a little more old school than you channel two gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:53:03 but not surprised. Metallica, Blink-182, Sublime, and the Beastie Boys for Mike. What show are you two producers going to? Brooks is going with Al Borland's coming to my show. Yeah, I was just going to say, Mike and I
Starting point is 00:53:20 actually hung out a lot in this era and have very similar tastes and I'm going to see. None of you are invited. You could wear one pair of JNCO pants combined. Oh, yeah. Our entire group did wear it. Yeah, we all wore JNCOs. Just one pair.
Starting point is 00:53:34 You could all fit in. You could all get in. Who's got the pants? Who's got the pants? Who's bringing the pants? Come tonight. Well, like the person, whoever did the picking up, you brought the pants. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Climb in. What did you learn today, Andy? What did I learn on today's show? Hmm. But you can't decide between Tupac and Biggie. That's what I decided. Okay. That's what I learned.
Starting point is 00:53:55 I learned that Jason doesn't have skin. He has more of a hide. And I learned I can bust my knee while sitting. That was a good moment. We'll get you some medical attention soon. I really tried to move on. The GoFundMe page is going up soon for his knee reconstruction surgery. Thank you for tuning in to the show.
Starting point is 00:54:15 We'll see you next time. Goodbye. Thanks for listening to the Spitballers Podcast. To see what other nonsense the guys are up to, check out spitballerspod.com.

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